Honour Thy Mother - Chapter 8 by JamesRussel

"Dude, stop daydreaming already," Alex heard Jim over Discord while his screen showed a replay of his character being gunned down without reacting at all.

"Get your head out of Nilsen's ass and into the game," Jim added as Alex shifted around on his chair uncomfortably. While coach Nilsen had nothing to do with his lack of focus, Alex was not about to tell his friend that it was the buttplug he had been wearing every day for two weeks that had distracted him.

"You're the one who can't shut up about her. Want me to make the introductions?" Alex deflected.

"Yeah right, because I'm desperate enough to-" Jim replied sarcastically.

"Actually see a girl naked for once? Yes, you are," Alex cut him off.

"Fuck you," Jim shot back.

As Alex watched his respawn timer tick down, he heard his mother's muffled voice.

"Hold on," he said before muting his microphone and taking off his headset. He spun his chair around to face the door, flinching as he inadvertently made the plug move inside him ever so slightly. His eyes landed on Jenna's breasts pressed against her arm as she casually leant against the door frame, gym bag in hand. He caught himself staring, blinked and raised his eyes to hers. He felt his face heat up with a mix of arousal and embarrassment even before he saw the knowing smirk on her lips.

"Hey sweetie, I thought of something for us to do tomorrow. We'll probably be busy all day so you should get plenty of sleep tonight. I don't want to drag around a grumpy little boy," she explained.

"Tomorrow? But I wanted to…" Alex stammered.

"Oh, you're going to tell me you actually have plans for the weekend?" Jenna asked incredulously.

"Well, I mean not really but I was going to go over my notes from today's lecture," Alex said. Although what he said was true, he still felt like he was lying to her because he left out that said notes were almost non-existent, and not just for today's lecture either. Over the past two weeks, his notes had rapidly declined as he found himself increasingly unable to focus on the lectures.

"And then I wanted to just relax all day, actually try some games I got on sale, catch up on some shows," Alex added meekly, annoyed because he already knew that, just like always, he wouldn't talk his mother out of whatever she had planned.

"So, no plans then?" Jenna recapped, to which Alex replied with a non-committal grunt. "Look, you can put off reviewing your notes by one day just this once," she assured him.

"I promise it's gonna be a lot more interesting than sitting here," she promised. After a brief moment of silence, she added, "And we'll still have time to relax afterwards." With a suggestive smirk, she pushed out her chest and squeezed her breasts tighter with her arm. "And I just might decide you've earned a special reward for doing me this favour. That doesn't sound that bad, does it?" she added casually.

"Fine," Alex finally conceded. The plug pressing into him made him acutely aware that the last time he'd earned a special reward, it had not at all been what he had thought it would be, which made him a bit anxious about what she had in mind, but he was more excited at the prospect as, though he wouldn't want to admit it, the surprise was much better than the reward he had expected.

"Great!" Jenna chirped, stepped towards Alex and bent over to place a quick kiss on Alex's lips. "Don't stay up too late," she reminded him as she turned to leave and closed the door behind her.

As Jenna left, Alex returned his attention to the game but he kept thinking about what Jenna might have planned for him. After the surprises she had sprung on him recently, he was all but certain that she had something sexual in mind. Even more distracted than he already had been, Alex couldn't focus on the game at all and it showed. Over and over again, he missed opportunities or reacted too slowly when he imagined how his mother would keep him busy all day, his ideas inspired equally by the things she had already done with him and by the plug constantly pressing into his butt.

His constant misplays annoyed and frustrated both Jim and himself to the point that not even an hour later, Jim quit with a simple, "Fuck this. Talk to you later."

With a heavy sigh, Alex shut down his PC and unceremoniously flopped down on his bed. Not that he was particularly tired, but he was simply done with the day. The faint scents coming from his pillow did nothing to help him get a grip on his thoughts. Even though he had changed the sheets, he could still pick up the scent of sex that had pervaded his room yesterday when he had come home to rhythmic moaning and wet slapping sounds coming from his mother's bedroom. Sneaking up the stairs, he had found that she hadn't even bothered to close the door, giving him a clear sideways view of Maria's naked body trapped between the wall and Jenna's own. His first girlfriend's legs were wrapped around his mother's hips and her fingers were weakly clawing at her back while the larger woman made her sing a new note every time she pounded her massive cock into her to the root. When Alex had snuck off with his morbid curiosity satisfied, he found his bed messed up and soaked with mixed juices.

Although his mother using his bed was new, her fucking his ex-girlfriends, and being increasingly blatant about it, was only part of what made Thursdays along with Tuesdays the craziest part of his new life. Not only would Jenna demand that he pull down his boxers and bend over to show her that he really was wearing his plug like she had done every morning since she first put it in, knowing he attended swimming practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays she would use it as a pretence to make sure he got plenty of protein before his workout, ignoring his feeble half-hearted protests until he was once again on his knees, his lips sliding up and down her veiny shaft as he milked said protein out of her fist-sized balls. He barely put up more than token resistance to her depraved demands, not only because he found being used, degraded and made to submit to her irresistibly hot, nor because he grew to appreciate the physical sensations, her smell, her taste, her grunts, groans and throaty moans, her throbbing cock stretching his throat, a little more every time she made him do it. Most of all, it was because of the strange satisfaction he felt from seeing just how much pleasure he gave her, especially the telltale signs of her impending orgasm.

Seeing her bite her juicy lip, her knuckles go white as she gripped her armrests tightly, the way she slightly thrust out her chest while her cock throbbed in his mouth just before she stiffened and he pulled off her cock as her self-control cracked for just a moment and a flood of her thick potent seed burst forth from her tip, its heavy scent filling Alex's nose with every panting breath he took as he watched her dump her unbelievably copious load into a milk bottle, the second-hand satisfaction he had felt in these moments was the closest he had gotten to his own release over the course of two weeks of non-stop stimulation and teasing. Of course, this feeling of satisfaction was short-lived, soon after he would be uncontrollably horny again when he tasted what he had worked so hard to get, first as part of his breakfast and then pure as Jenna wouldn't let him leave without his pre-workout shake. Rather than leaving it until the evening though, he would down it all before he even made it to college, not because he loved the taste so much, though that was closer to the truth than it had been some weeks ago, but because being in public made him paranoid enough thanks to his new accessory even without carrying around a thermos full of cum.

With every step, he could feel the plug move inside him ever so slightly. The way it constantly stimulated his tight, sensitive opening was distracting and had required some practice to adopt an almost normal looking new gait. Much more than the physical stimulation, the simple knowledge that he was out in public with such a dirty secret and the constant thrill that the fear of being found out provided were unbearably hot. It was most intense at the swim club. The first time, he had simply wanted to quit. That morning, Jenna had specifically reminded him to not remove the plug and just the thought of having nothing but his Speedos to hide his secret, never mind trying to swim with his plug, made him want to just quit but imagining the disappointment on his mother's face when he would inevitably have to tell her gave him pause. Even regardless of if, or how, she might choose to punish him for going back on his word, quitting when she so obviously wanted him to keep going and had already rewarded him just felt wrong. And so, even more paranoid about any of the other guys seeing him naked while changing than he had been previously, he had snuck off and spent another few minutes contorting in an attempt to get a good look at his butt before eventually returning to his locker to grab his phone and snap a pic of his butt.

The tricks to control his breathing that coach Nilsen had taught him proved immensely useful as, even having assured himself that there really was no hint of his plug to be seen, he couldn't help feeling exposed and vulnerable, which would otherwise have left him panting with arousal before he even made it to the pool. Although other newbies had shown up, Nilsen was still paying a lot of attention to him and stretching under her watchful eyes certainly didn't help calm his nerves, and neither did his suddenly atrocious form thanks to his plug making it a near impossibility to properly use his legs when swimming. And afterwards, leaving the locker room thoroughly exhausted after his heart had been pounding non-stop for hours, he knew exactly what he would come home to.

His mother obviously agreed with the old saying that variety was the spice of life as every time he had come home from swimming practice, she had had another one of his ex-girlfriends over. First, she had left her bedroom door wide open, the next time there had been a trail of clothes leading up the stairs and then, finally, she had left his bed a soaked mess, clear evidence that the intense fucking he heard from her bedroom hadn't started there. Of course, finding his mother fucking his ex didn't surprise Alex at that point, in fact, it had been all he could think of while sucking her cock that morning. What did surprise him was the outline of his mother's cock and balls in her tightly strained yoga pants greeting him when he returned from a study group last Saturday. She had installed a chin-up bar in the door frame leading to the living room, putting her crotch too close to Alex's eye level for him to not freeze and stare at it while she finished her set.

Alex's eyes stayed on the obscene bulge running most of the way down the side of Jenna's thigh as she dropped to her feet, only leaving it when Jenna's full breasts bounced free as she pulled off her sweat-soaked sports bra. He barely saw the smirk on her lips as she bent over, looking straight at him, and pushed her yoga pants off her luscious legs, his eyes locking back on to her massive cock the moment it came free. For a few seconds, she simply stood there, letting Alex stare at her naked hourglass figure as her heavy breasts rose and fell in time with her heavy breathing after what had to have been a fairly intense workout judging by the sweat covering her flawless pale skin. Smirking at Alex's stunned form, she wordlessly walked past him toward the bathroom, bidding him follow with a crooked finger over her shoulder.

The thin pretence of washing each other had quickly dissolved into mutual groping and making out and soon Alex found himself pinned against the wall, Jenna's tongue continuing to dance with his while her soft breasts and hard cock pressed against his front. Breaking the kiss, she pushed him down to his knees. In reality, she had slowly pushed her cock all the way into his unresisting mouth, rested her elbows against the wall and started pounding her hips into his lips, fucking his face while Alex feasted his eyes on his low angle view of her breasts and the passionate expression on her face until she dumped the huge load she had worked up directly into his stomach, leaving him panting and running a hand over his well-stuffed belly.

In the dream Alex now slipped into as he lay in bed, she instead kept pushing him lower, replacing the hand on his shoulder with a foot to force him all the way down, his butt slipping forward on the wet floor of the shower until he was lying on his back. Jenna then turned around and straddled his face, lowering herself until her ass blocked most of his vision and her sack rested on his lips. With her heavy scent flooding his nose, Alex unthinkingly opened his mouth to start licking her smooth sack and suck on the fist-sized orbs inside it. His eagerness drew a surprised coo from Jenna.

"You're a quick learner, aren't you?" he heard her giggle.

The sound of clattering dishes woke Alex from his vivid dream. So vivid that, smacking his lips and licking his teeth after a drawn-out yawn, he thought for a moment that her taste still lingered on his tongue. He was still weirded out and ashamed because of these dreams he kept having but at the same time, there was no denying that the raging erection creating a small tent in his boxers was not just morning wood. Stretching as he walked through his open door, he followed the sounds to the kitchen where Jenna was just getting done setting the table for breakfast. Hearing him walk in, she turned around and brushed a streak of her loose fiery hair behind her ear.

"Good morning honey," she smiled at him. She walked toward him and pulled him in for a hug and a quick kiss. "Sleep well?" she asked, holding him close.

"I guess," Alex said, blushing slightly from the feeling of her soft body pressing against his. Her morning robe hanging loosely off her body left a good portion of her breasts bare and at this point, Alex knew well enough that it wasn't her leg that he felt brushing against the inside of his thigh.

"Great, it's gonna be an exciting day," she grinned and placed another quick kiss on his lips. She moved her hands down to give his butt a squeeze. She let go with one hand and turned around to bring him to the table.

"What are we even doing?" Alex asked, somewhat annoyed that she still hadn't told him.

"You'll see in just a couple hours, where's the fun in telling you now?" Jenna dismissed his question as she slid into her chair and grabbed a slice of toast.

Alex gave a frustrated grunt and sat down opposite her, slowly and carefully so as to not put his weight on his plug. It was a bit strange that Jenna insisted he drink some herbal tea rather than coffee but Alex didn't see a point in wasting energy protesting something so minor. As they ate breakfast, Alex asked a couple more times where they would go or what they would do but Jenna stayed adamant. Swallowing his last mouthful of scrambled eggs, Alex got up and announced, "Guess I'll go get ready."

"Aren't you forgetting something?", Jenna asked casually as Alex walked past her.

Alex stopped and sighed. "I'm wearing it," he promised quietly.

"Never heard of 'Show, don't tell'? Just what do they teach in film school?" Jenna teased.

Robotically, Alex pushed down his boxers and bent over, presenting his bare butt to Jenna. The blood rushing to his head while he waited for his mother to finish her daily inspection had little to do with his posture. He heard her chair creak softly and shortly after, he felt her hands on his cheeks. His heart began beating faster. This wasn't normal. "Mom?" he asked hesitantly when he felt her pull his cheeks apart. "What are you doing?" he asked, audibly disconcerted, as he felt one of her hands grip the base of his plug. When Jenna started pulling on it, Alex panicked. He involuntarily clamped down on it and tried to straighten up but Jenna quickly shifted her other hand to the small of his back and held him in place, pushing him lower as she put her weight on him to hold him in place with more and more force. Alex had a horrible idea as to what she was planning as she forcefully pulled the plug out of his clenched hole.

"I think it's time," Jenna announced when she finally pulled the plug free, her calm voice in stark contrast to the panic gripping Alex's mind.

"No, wait," Alex burst out, interrupting her. "Don't. Please, stop," he pleaded frantically, feeling tears welling up in his eyes. Suddenly, Jenna removed her hand from his back and instead pulled him up and against her into a hug.

"Shhh, it's okay," she hushed him, holding him close in spite of attempts to break out of her embrace. "I didn't mean to scare you," she said calmly, continuing to hush and hold him until Alex began to calm down.

"I thought you were going to," he began, his voice still choked up.

"Oh my poor baby," Jenna empathised and squeezed him tighter. "I would never do that to you, you hear me?" she assured him.

"Yes," Alex sighed and relaxed into her embrace a bit.

Jenna rested her chin on Alex's shoulder. "We'll wait until you're ready," she promised softly into his ear. "And begging for it," she added in a whisper that sent a shiver down Alex's spine. "As I was saying," she began as she let go of him with one hand, letting the other slide from his belly over his back and toward his hip as she walked around him to face him. "I think it's time for an upgrade," she said, holding his plug up with a playful smile on her face. "Because I don't want to wait forever," she concluded with a contagious spark of lust in her eyes. Alex's eyes followed the metal object held between two of her fingers as she brought it down between them to hold it right against his still-erect penis. He blushed when he saw that the object that had been inside him all this time was almost as long as his penis, and at its widest point was actually even a bit thicker. His blush deepened when he saw his penis twitch at the realization.

"I did say we'd start small," Jenna said with a chuckle. "Aww don't be embarrassed, size only matters if you're going to fuck anyone with it," she added cheerfully. She removed her hand from his hip and reached into the pocket on her morning robe. The first thing that struck Alex about the object she pulled out was its bright pink colour. It was another plug and, as Alex realized when Jenna brought his old plug up to it, its colour was definitely not the only difference. His eyes went wide as they darted back and forth between the two toys.

The pink one looked to be half again as thick as his old one, and longer too. Jenna unceremoniously discarded the smaller toy and pulled her robe aside so she could make a show of holding the new plug against her cock. Though Alex was at this point quite familiar with the monstrous size of his mother's cock, it was still striking to see that even soft as it was, it was still thicker than the plug, to say nothing about the difference in length. Jenna let her robe fall back into place and reached into her other pocket to retrieve a sachet of clear liquid. "I left more in the bathroom, under the sink. You'll probably need it for the next couple days," Jenna explained calmly while she tore open the sachet and poured its contents on the plug. With that done, she looked at Alex meaningfully and twirled a finger in the air.

Alex slowly turned around and, pushed along by the hand Jenna returned to the small of his back, bent over and presented his butt to her. He didn't have long to think about how quickly he had gotten used to the now absent sensation of something spreading his sphincter before he felt something press into it. Though obviously made of another material, the toy itself didn't feel much different aside from its temperature but the lube certainly made it feel different. That, and the difference in size which was far more noticeable now that his mother was slowly pushing it into him, stretching his sensitive ring wider and wider. The way she slowly twisted it back and forth as she pushed it inside him made him shudder. He couldn't believe how good it felt to have his entrance forced open wider and wider, even though the way it stretched him out eventually became painful. He was grunting with exertion, pain and pleasure when the thickest part slipped inside him and the toy slid home the rest of the way much easier. Alex panted as he recovered from the experience and adjusted to the larger insertion. "There we go. Now go get yourself ready, I want to head out in half an hour," Jenna said, sending him off with a quick slap across his cheek.

Jenna was waiting in her car by the time Alex had gotten dressed. "Mom, did you draw on me?" he asked as he got in the car. While getting dressed, he had spotted a heart, somewhat misshapen with a very rounded tip and flat arches, drawn on his belly, just a bit below his ribs. He'd tried to wash it off but to no effect.

"Maybe," Jenna said coyly, tapping away at the centre console.

"Why?" Alex asked, which Jenna brushed off with a shrug. "How am I supposed to get it off?" he asked, irritated.

"Look, I'll help you wash it off when we're back home," Jenna promised.

"Why not now?" Alex pressed.

"You'll see," Jenna smirked as she started the engine.

Alex groaned with frustration. "Will you at least tell me where we're going?" He asked.

"The mall," Jenna replied.

"What? But the nav says over two hours," Alex said, confused. It should've been maybe an hour's drive even in the worst of traffic.

"Yeah, going to the same places and seeing the same faces gets boring, I thought we'd go somewhere new. They actually have some shops there I want to check out," Jenna laid out as she pulled out of the driveway.

Alex sighed when it dawned on him that Jenna had simply wanted to take him shopping. The drive was uneventful and quiet, only interrupted by the occasional groan that slipped out of Alex's lips every so often when he shifted his weight around trying to sit relatively comfortably with the new plug. Whenever it happened, he noticed a halfheartedly suppressed smirk on Jenna's face.

Though he was still frustrated by her secrecy by the time they arrived at the mall, the view as his mother walked around the car towards him blew him away. Her outfit was nothing special, a simple grey tailored felt coat over the wide pants she had bought during their last shopping trip and a white turtleneck peeking out behind her collar, with her purse dangling from her shoulder. Still, with her wavy naturally red hair falling over her shoulders as she walked towards and her black suede heeled boots clicking on the asphalt of the parking lot, Alex couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was with her curves still quite distinct in spite of her unassuming outfit.

"Come on then," Jenna said cheerfully as she wrapped an arm around him, pulled him against herself with her hand on his hips and headed to the entrance. She pulled him along into the nearest boutique and started checking out various clothes with Alex loosely following her, though only a few caught her eye enough for her to bother to pull them off the racks or shelves to have a closer look and hold them against herself, and all of those were put back shortly after. That was until she got to the jeans shelf where she pulled out one after the other. Alex was surprised, not just because of the sudden increase in her interest but also because he had never seen her wear slim, almost skin-tight jeans like she was pulling off the shelves now, and although he barely knew his own size they seemed a bit small for her. That was cleared up when she held one against him. "Uh, isn't this the women's section?" Alex asked hesitantly.

"Is there a men's section?" Jenna asked, eyeing up the pair of Jeans she was holding against Alex's hips before throwing it over her other arm together with a few others. "Anyway, I just have to see you in these," she added, grabbing another pair.

"But Mom, I don't," Alex protested but Jenna quickly brought a finger to his lips to silence him and leant in close to him.

"Look, honey, there probably isn't anyone here who knows us but we may get some strange looks if you keep calling me that. Got it?" she whispered, both her voice and eyes conveying a sense of urgency. Seeing Alex respond with a slow nod, she smiled and shuffled him off to the changing booths.

Alex stood in the booth, staring at the pile of jeans Jenna had shoved in there along with him as the thought that she wanted him to wear women's clothes sank in.

"Come on, plenty of guys your age wear skinny jeans, is this really so different. Trust me, they'll look great on you," Jenna said through the curtain. Alex still hesitated. "It's just a label, they won't sand your skin off. Just pick one and give it a try, if you really don't like it we'll drop it there," she suggested.

"Fine," Alex said with a sigh. He looked through the pile and was relieved to see that there really wasn't anything that gave them away as feminine apparel at first glance. He picked one out and dropped it on top of the others before he slowly dropped his pants and stepped out of them, very aware of his every movement thanks to his new accessory. Having shied away from tight pants just as much as his mother, if for the opposite reason, the way the new jeans hug his legs as he pulled them up felt strange but not directly uncomfortable. It was a bit weirder as he got them up to his butt with a bit of effort and buttoned them. He felt and, looking at himself closely in the booth's mirror, saw that the pants were almost slack around his hips, obviously designed with wider hips in mind, but really hugged his butt. He didn't know if he should be relieved or embarrassed that there hardly was a visible bulge in front.

"Are you done?" Jenna asked as Alex was turning this way and that in front of the mirror to get a better look at himself.

"I think so," Alex replied, absentmindedly wondering why there even were pockets on these things when he couldn't even get his fingers into them.

"Oh my god!" he heard Jenna exclaim. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Jenna had pulled aside the curtain enough to poke her face in. The next moment she had slipped into the now quite cramped booth with him. "They're perfect," she said enthusiastically. Though the thought that the jeans he was wearing were designed for women made him uncomfortable, he couldn't help being flattered by the way Jenna fawned over him and aroused by the way she looked at him, especially his butt, and how her hands gripped his hips to turn him this way and that. By the time Jenna slipped back out of the booth all but imploring him to try on another pair, Alex was surprisingly willing to go along. He put on another one, then another and eventually worked through the whole pile with Jenna slipping into the booth to gush about how good they looked on him while ogling his butt and running her hands over his legs and hips. At the end of it all, Alex was feeling more attractive than ever before and Jenna bought them all.

Walking out of the store leaning into his mother's side, it felt strange and a bit unreal to Alex that the bag full of ostensibly women's clothes contained probably his new favourite jeans. Without giving him much time to think about that, Jenna dragged him along to the next store, a lingerie boutique. She picked out a bunch of bras, some more practical and others definitely intended only for the bedroom. Every time she picked one up, Alex immediately pictured how her big soft breasts would look in it and with some of the more risque ones, the mental image made him swallow involuntarily. A tiny voice in the back of his mind was still shocked that he was positively salivating over his mother but after the events of the past weeks, this was hardly even noteworthy anymore. She also picked up a bunch of hosiery but no panties, even though there were plenty that caught her eye. She kept mentioning to Alex how cute she thought some of them were and wondering aloud how they would fit him, ignoring his quiet protests and pleas to at least lower her voice as Alex noticed several other shoppers looking at them. Alex breathed a sigh of relief when she eventually shrugged and moved on to checkout.

With Alex now carrying both bags, she dragged him into the next clothes store and directly to the changing booths where she took the bag of lingerie off him and told him to wait while she slipped into a booth. Alex stood around awkwardly playing around with his phone for a few minutes until Jenna said, "Alex, honey, could you come in here? I need your opinion on something." Knowing what Jenna had taken into the booth, Alex didn't need to be told twice. After a quick look around, he carefully pulled the curtain aside just enough that he could slip through. Poking his head in first, his jaw dropped to the floor immediately at the sight of Jenna checking herself in a mirror and adjusting her hair while wearing only a blood-red lace half cup bra with matching garter and stockings. The sideways view of her luscious breasts was mouthwatering, especially supported and framed as they were, but the stockings cutting lightly into her soft thighs were no less striking, nor was her cock hanging down in front of her. Spotting him out of the corner of her eye, she grinned and turned to face him.

"Worth every cent," she said, looking at his stunned face. He only managed to recover his senses after she pushed him back out. When she came back fully dressed, she pushed the bag of lingerie into Alex's hand wrapped her arm back around him and walked out of the store with a quick detour to buy an overpriced pair of sunglasses as if by means of apology. On the way out, she mentioned feeling a bit peckish.

"I still don't get it," Alex admitted as they sat in the food court.

"Hm?" Jenna responded, raising an eyebrow to communicate her curiosity as she chewed on a mouthful of burger.

After washing his hotdog down with a sip of milkshake, Alex continued, "Did you really have to drag me all the way out here to go clothes shopping? Again?"

"Oh no," Jenna shook her head, putting her burger down, "No, we're just killing time before your appointment."

"My appointment?" Alex repeated confused.

"Was this really necessary?" Alex complained as they came out of the salon.

"What, you're going to tell me you didn't need a haircut?" Jenna asked mockingly.

"Well maybe," Alex conceded, trying to adjust his hair so it wouldn't block his peripheral vision, "I look like the bastard child of an emo and some tween pop star. Also, blond? This really isn't me," he grumbled.

"Calm down honey," Jenna said, turning around to face him and take his hands in hers. "I know it's different from what you're used to but that stylist really knew what he was doing," she offered but Alex obviously wasn't convinced. "Let me guess, you were too busy bristling at a little bit of change to notice how those girls looked at you, hm? This really brings out your pretty side. You're so cute, I could just eat you up," she grinned.

"Awesome, I'm pretty and cute. Just what a guy wants to hear," Alex said sarcastically. "Especially with fucking makeup on his face," he added.

Jenna gave his hands an affectionate squeeze. "It's just a bit of foundation, that's really not as uncommon as you think. Besides if you ever end up in front of the camera rather than behind it, you'll have to put up with it anyway," she tried to placate him. Alex looked away and made a noncommittal grunt, unwilling to admit that there was some truth to what she said. "Now, if you were wearing lipstick and eyeliner, that would be girly. Might not look that bad on you though," she added with a wink.

Alex let out a heavy sigh. "Can we go home now? I want to get this stuff out of my face and all this walking is getting, um, uncomfortable," he said, sounding quite exhausted. He hoped beyond hope that Jenna wouldn't guess that it wasn't his feet that were getting a bit sore. "And all that sitting didn't help matters," he muttered.

"Now? But we're just getting to what we came here for," Jenna said, pointing a thumb over her shoulder. Alex looked behind her at a shop with most of its glass front taken up by photos of intricate tattoos, some small but detailed judging by the size of the earlobes or navels also caught in the shot while others covered a whole arm. "InKredible" was spelt out in ornate script above its door.

"You're getting a tattoo?" Alex asked, baffled. Even after what he learned about his mother in the past weeks, he never would've taken her for the type. "Why did you want me here for that?" he asked with a furrowed brow, "Want me to help pick one?"

"Nope," Jenna replied and smirked at him meaningfully. It took a moment for the penny to drop.

"What? No way," Alex said defensively when it eventually clicked. "Why would I?" he asked, puzzled.

Jenna suddenly grabbed his butt with both hands and pulled him in tight. "Because I want you," she said, pausing just long enough for Alex's heart to flutter at the sheer desire and possessiveness he saw as he looked up into her eyes, "To do this for me. Reason enough?"

"Yes," Alex breathed, still overwhelmed by her closeness.

"Good boy," she purred, placing a quick peck on his lips. "You know, you can do wonderful things with your mouth but leave the talking to me for now, hm?" she instructed before she let go of his butt to instead grab his hand and turned to go. Alex was still a bit dazed as he stumbled after her into the tattoo shop.

"Hi, I'm Karen," Jenna said as she walked in, affecting an aggressively cheerful voice. "I called a couple of days ago, remember?" she continued, dragging Alex in after her. He wrinkled his nose at the scent of disinfectant.

"Ah yes, the birthday present," the bleached blonde woman sitting by a desk in the corner replied far less enthusiastically as she turned her chair to face them. She wore her passion for her craft on her sleeves, among other places, with the swirl of patterns and colours covering most of her arms and shoulders proudly displayed by her halter top, as were her toned midriff and big, rather obviously fake, tits.

"That's right. And here he is," Jenna confirmed, pulling Alex forward and hugging him from behind. "My little Max," she added, kissing Alex's hair, "Who thought of the best present a mother could get."

"Right," the woman said, mustering them. "Sorry but I have to ask this. Do you really want to do this, Max? It's a really cute gesture and all but are you sure you won't regret this?" she pressed him.

Alex was still somewhat overwhelmed by the whole situation. He had agreed to get a tattoo in the heat of the moment but now he was getting cold feet. He had never even thought about getting one and he didn't even know what it would look like, though that heart his mother had drawn on him probably had something to do with it. With the way she had looked at him, it was clear that she would be extremely disappointed if he backed out now and that somehow just didn't feel right, even if there hadn't been the inevitable punishment to worry about. An awkward silence filled the store for a moment as Alex stood there trying to make up his mind. Then he felt Jenna squeeze him a bit tighter, pressing her chest into his neck. Slowly, he nodded.

The tattooist cast a questioning look at Alex, then Jenna and back to Alex. Eventually, she decided that talking people out of bad ideas wasn't going to pay her bills and shrugged. "At least he didn't come in here with this week's lay, swear to god if I have to put up with that one more time," she muttered to herself. "I'll need that in black and white," she said, holding up a form.

"Oh silly me, I forgot to mention," Jenna interjected. "He's not quite eighteen yet," she lied, letting go of Alex and walking over to the desk. "Of course he has my consent," she giggled, "I'll just sign for him."

"Of course," the inked bombshell replied in a subtly sarcastic tone, "You said you've decided on the design already?"

"Well mostly, we've decided the spot and the outline but we're not quite sure on the ribbon and colours yet," Jenna said as she fished a pen out of her purse and filled out the form.

"Got a sketch?" the tattoo artist asked, holding out a hand.

"Well yes but it's already on him," Jenna giggled.

The tattoo artist sighed and pointed to another corner of the shop Alex couldn't quite see into from where he stood in the entrance, the view blocked by flash racks full of designs and photos of finished tattoos. "Have a seat and take off your shirt or wherever it is Max, I'll be right with you," she said while she looked over the filled out form and pulled some tracing paper and a marker. Walking to the corner she had indicated, Alex saw what had to be the actual workspace.

"Great, more sitting," he muttered as he sat in the large leather chair with adjustable headrest, armrests and leg rests. Now fairly certain that the heart shape on his upper belly was the tattoo he'd be getting, he took off his shirt, actually a bit relieved that at least it wouldn't be something perverted or humiliating.

"Why do people keep doing this?" the tattoo artist wondered as she came over to Alex with the marker and tracing paper in hand. "Irina by the way, seeing how we're about to get up close and personal," she mentioned casually as she leant over him and traced the heart on his chest with a sure, steady hand. "Oh nice, I won't even need to shave you," she perked up when she noticed his hairless skin, "Some guys get really weird about that," she added. "Alright, time to fill in the details. Might want to come along, it's your skin," she said as she turned around and walked back over to the desk.

Seeing her skin-tight jeans strain against her ass, Alex actually felt a bit of envy well up at how much better she filled out her jeans compared to how his but looked in his new ones. Shaking that thought, Alex got up, still topless, and joined the two women at the desk where Jenna immediately pulled him into a hug again. As Irina made some small adjustments to the outline, suggested various shades of red and added a ribbon over the heart with "Mom" written on it and turned the sketch into a finished stencil, it was really Jenna who made the decisions with Alex's input limited to nodding along.

"Trust me, I know this is going to sting," Irina said as Alex sat back in the chair while she got gloves, some tissues, rubbing alcohol and soap from her workstation, pointing at her shoulder to underline her statement, "but just keep breathing, it'll be okay. Slow, steady breaths. Not too deep, not too quick." She put a hand on the spot Jenna had marked. "Give it a dry run," she instructed and Alex complied, taking a few controlled, not too deep breaths. "Good," Irina commended. She removed the marker from his skin with rubbing alcohol, cleaned and prepared his skin and applied the stencil. "Take a few to steady your nerves while this dries, I'm sure mommy would be happy to hold your hand," she said as she turned around to unpack needles and inks.

"Absolutely," Jenna chimed in and pulled up a small stool to Alex's side to take Alex's hand.

A few minutes later, Irina confirmed that the stencil had dried and applied a coat of vaseline over it. "Last chance to back out," she reminded him as she grabbed her needle.

"I'm ready," Alex said, though his voice betrayed his nervousness.

Jenna leant over Alex, cupped his cheek with her other hand and kissed his forehead. "Thank you, sweetie," she said lovingly.

"Speaking of," Irina threw in, "No talking while I'm working. It's really distracting and distraction and needles don't mix." With the buzzing needle an inch from Alex's skin, she shot one more look at Alex, who nodded his consent before his eyes returned to his mother's and he returned the smile on her lips.

After just a moment, his smile turned into a scrunched up, pained expression when the needle entered his skin. He felt Jenna soothingly stroke his hair and opened his eyes again. Though the stinging pain drove tears to his eyes, just seeing the way his mother's face beamed with happiness and even pride almost made up for it. Alex squeezed Jenna's hand tightly and lost himself in her eyes as the sharp stinging pain slowly turned into a dull roar. The buzzing needle drowned out Alex's barely controlled breathing and for a while, it was the only sound filling the studio until Irina began humming to herself while she worked. Every so often, Jenna would carefully dab at the corner of Alex's eye with a tissue to catch a tear before it could damage his makeup.

"Outline's done," Irina said as she sat up and turned around to prepare for filling in the colour. Looking down at his belly, Alex could hardly believe that the black outline on his reddened skin was real. A small pained whine slipped past his lips as he seized the opportunity for a deep breath. "We can take a break here," Irina commented, "but you've been doing really well, especially for a first-timer, and it's still going to hurt anyway. Honestly, it's probably better to see it through." She turned back around with her needle in hand. "Your choice, though. Need a breather?" she asked.

"I'm fine, keep going," Alex said, the fact that he was struggling to handle the pain and didn't want to prolong it evident in his shaky voice. His determination earned him another kiss on his forehead from Jenna.

Without another word, Irina got back to work and Alex drowned himself in his mother's loving eyes to try and distract himself from the pain. Though his skin was quite sore and sensitive by now, the pain in his chest wasn't getting any worse. However, his new plug pressing into him as he sat on it was beginning to go from being uncomfortable to painful. His breathing was becoming ragged and he couldn't suppress the occasional whimper. He found some solace in the way Jenna beamed down at him as she stroked his hair. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen her so proud of him.

Then the buzzing stopped. "There we go," Irina said as she put the needle away. While she cut off a large strip from a roll of bandage, Alex looked at the bright red heart that now decorated his skin, in the same spot and rounded shape as he had seen that morning. He winced when Irina cleaned the sore area once again. "Gotta say, Max, you're a joy to work on. You just try to relax for now, I'll sort out the rest with your mom," Irina said as she peeled the backing off the bandage and applied it to his tattoo, leaving his reddened upper belly covered by shiny transparent plastic.

The experience had taken a lot out of Alex. Exhausted, he leant against Jenna's side to support his shaky legs as they walked out of the tattoo studio. A few steps after they exited, she stepped in front of him and turned to face him, holding him by his hips. "I'm so proud of you," she beamed at him, happiness and excitement on her face clear as day. "You won't regret this," she promised. "I'll see to that," she added with a glint in her eye before she pulled him against her side again and walked toward the exit, her arm around his hip hugging him tight enough that she was almost carrying him. The procedure seemed to have given her as much energy as it had sapped from Alex. On their way out, something caught her eye. "Oh, that gives me an idea," she said excitedly.

"Hm?" Alex grunted tiredly while Jenna pulled her new sunglasses from her purse and put them on. "Mom, I want to go home," he complained weakly as she turned and pulled him along. Some mannequins in shiny seeming plastic clothes and outrageous lingerie were on display in the storefront of the shop she was headed toward and the view inside was blocked. Alex's eyes darted around the shop once they entered and saw fleshlights, dildos, collars, whips, chains and other things that Alex didn't recognize but had to assume by context were somehow related to sex. Besides themselves and the clerk, he only saw another couple at the counter. He stared at some of the more confusing objects while Jenna took him directly to a shelf full of dildos of various shapes, colours and sizes.

Alex stared wide-eyed at the wide variety of phallic shapes on the shelf in front of him but Jenna was unimpressed and let go of him to look over the adjacent shelves.

"Can I help you find something?" a feminine voice startled Alex.

"Yes, actually," Jenna replied as Alex turned around and saw the clerk looking at him, smiling politely. "We experimented with some back door play recently," Jenna intimidated. With an audible smack, she took firm hold of Alex's butt for emphasis. "And he absolutely loved it," she grinned. Alex had his eyes lowered, wishing he could sink into the floor to escape this embarrassment. Though his makeup mostly concealed the blush on his face, his bright red ears could be glimpsed behind his hair. "He just couldn't get enough, hasn't left the house without a plug ever since, and he's already wearing the biggest one I have," Jenna explained casually while Alex stood there staring at the floor. He had his hands folded in front of his crotch in what he hoped wasn't a particularly conspicuous attempt to hide the erection he had gotten while being humiliated like this. "So now I'm looking for some new 'underwear' for him, and a nice big toy so we can find out just how insatiable he is," she concluded.

Obviously intrigued, the clerk looked at Alex with hungry eyes. "You mean you have him plugged right now?" she asked hesitantly.

"Mhm," Jenna confirmed, the two women treating him as little more than a conversation piece.

The clerk cast a quick look around the shop. "Shit, I shouldn't," she muttered. "Look, I know this is horribly unprofessional but," she began, rubbing her hands nervously. "Can I see it? I live for slutty little femboys like him," she burst out. Shocked, Alex's head snapped back up to look at her.

"Sure," Jenna agreed. She turned her head to look at Alex. Even with her sunglasses obscuring a large part of her face, Alex could see she was quite amused by the idea. "Come on," she began.

"Mom?!" Alex burst out loudly, interrupting her. Jenna froze. A moment later, so did Alex when he realized his mistake. After a moment that felt like an eternity, Alex heard the clerk laughing.

"Oh man, this mommy and daddy shit is getting so common that I'm starting to wonder if it's me who's weird for making my bitches call me Mistress," she said.

All too happy to play along, Jenna chuckled and shrugged at the clerk before returning her attention to Alex.

"Show the nice lady," she said with an intimidating angry note in her voice as she gripped him by the hips and forcefully turned him around. Not wanting to anger her further, Alex didn't resist. With his back turned towards the clerk, he fumbled with his zipper and button, trying to wrap his mind around what was about to happen. Having run out of what little patience she had for him at that moment, Jenna simply grabbed his pants and yanked them down along with his boxers. Alex barely had time to let out a surprised yelp before Jenna forcefully pushed his upper body down until he was bent over as low as his remarkable flexibility allowed, reflexively bringing his hands to the floor to try and recover his balance while Jenna pushed his feet apart with her boot so his crotch was just as exposed as his plugged rear.

"Nice," the clerk said appreciatively. "Small wonder he's a catcher," she snickered.

"Oh, but you haven't even seen it yet," Jenna replied as she brought one hand to the base of his plug. The blood rushing to Alex's face had nothing to do with his bent-over posture. Being exposed in front of a complete stranger was humiliating enough to bring tears to his eyes. The way his pounding heart made the sore skin on his upper belly throb painfully didn't help. Worst of all it turned him on so much that his erection was twitching, which was of course also plain to see behind his small testicles. "Please," was all he managed to utter before his voice caught in his throat when Jenna Jenna gripped the plug and pulled. Alex clamped down on it but Jenna just kept pulling, dragging his skin outwards as she overpowered his resistance. When his hole began to give, the mix of exertion, pain and pleasure he felt as the warm plastic slipped out of him wrung a strained grunt from his throat.

The clerk wolf-whistled once Jenna had pulled all but the tip of the pink plastic toy out of Alex. "That's not exactly small already," she commented.

"And he wants something even bigger," Jenna replied and pushed the plug back into Alex in one swift motion that made him moan while a clear bead appeared at the tip of his twitching penis. The clerk acknowledged the high pitch of his voice with a derisive snort. "Much bigger," Jenna added.

After a brief pause as Alex quivered on the brink of orgasm, the bead of liquid at the tip of his penis was flung loose when Jenna delivered a swift resounding slap to each of his cheeks. "Never interrupt me like that again," she said menacingly. Looking between his legs, Alex could see the clerk chew her lip, obviously aroused by the impromptu show.

"Yeah, I know just the thing for you," she claimed. "We should still have one in the back, I'll go check and wait for you at the counter," she said as she turned to leave.

Overwhelmed and trying to fight back tears after what had just happened, Alex jerked and let out a small whimper when he felt Jenna's touch again but didn't resist as she carefully fixed his clothes and pulled him into a hug, resting her chin on his head and humming while he sobbed into her sweater.

"I didn't want to hurt you but I had to because you did something really silly," She explained slowly. "I did it because I love you, understand?" She added.

Somehow, just hearing her say those three words helped Alex calm down. "I love you too," he answered weakly, keeping his face buried in her bosom.

Jenna placed a finger under his chin and slowly lifted Alex's head up to face her so she could kiss his lips gently and lovingly. Alex melted into the kiss and when she eventually broke it, the pain from earlier was all but forgotten. "Now let's buy you some new toys," she beamed down at him. With Alex clinging tightly to her, Jenna quickly picked out two more plugs that she estimated to be about the right size and took them to the counter. Approaching the counter, Alex could see how excited the clerk was to present what she had picked out for them, presumably the large box standing on the counter. In stark contrast to most of the packages he had seen on the shelves, it wasn't covered in garish colours, pictures or bold writing to attract attention, nor did it have any cut-outs to show off its content. Instead, it was a simple matte black cardboard box whose only remarkable features were its size and the silver imprint near the bottom spelling out "YOUR GODDESS" in angular, serifed letters.

"Here she is," the clerk announced, patting the box with a confident smile on her face.

"The size queen's wet dream," she recited as she pulled the box toward her. "Well, aside from the real thing but good luck with that," she added as she opened the top and pulled out some packaging. She reached inside and when her hand came back into view, she was holding the tip of easily the most massive dildo Alex had ever seen, in person or in porn. "Gotta admit, I haven't used it myself but I hear great things from some of our regulars," she continued while she slowly pulled a huge off-white shaft, thicker than her wrist and covered in fake veins, out of the box. Alex stared, slack-jawed, as more and more fake cockmeat poured from the box. "You could go bigger if you're fine with double-sided ones or more adventurous shapes but, well, even those aren't necessarily bigger and this one comes highly recommended. I suppose it's ultimately the fantasy that sells it," she concluded, pulling the bottom end of the larger than life toy out of the box just when Alex was starting to wonder if it would end at all. She grabbed the lower end with her other hand and stood the silicone shaft on the counter.

"What the fuck," Alex mouthed silently, staring in disbelief at the artificial phallus in front of him, unnaturally huge but oddly familiar. Rounding out her demonstration, the clerk put her forearm and fist next to it, not quite matching its length.

"I think he likes it," she said with a cocksure smirk.

"Oh he loves it," Jenna responded, grinning from ear to ear.

"Look, I don't know about your budget but this has to happen," the clerk said, eyeing Alex up lustfully. "For a cute little thing like him I might be able to look the other way on the price," she offered, pointing at the hefty price tag on the open top of the box.

"Don't even think about it," Jenna responded. She dropped the pair of plugs on the counter and taking out her wallet. "You get what you pay for," she said as Alex watched her count out a shocking amount. "And he'll get it all," she promised, handing over the bills with a smirk.

Soon after, Jenna walked out of the mall with three large bags hanging off one arm and Alex, completely exhausted after a much more eventful day than he had expected, off the other. Alex fell asleep just a few minutes into the drive home holding the bag with his new toys Jenna had dropped into his lap. She woke him up once they arrived and he was still half asleep by the time she had walked him into the house, dropped off the bags and taken him to the bathroom to help him clean the battered makeup off his face. He only really came to once Jenna led him upstairs by the hand and once he was in his mother's bedroom and she began stripping right in front of him, he was fully awake.

Once she was fully naked, she laid down on her bed. "Nobody's slept in my bed with clothes on in years," she said seductively and looked at him meaningfully. Alex immediately got out of his clothes and crawled on the bed after her. Smiling knowingly at his eagerness, Jenna reached out to pull him towards her. Alex shuddered in anticipation, though he wasn't certain of what, but then Jenna brought up her other arm and turned him around before she pulled him against herself, snuggling against his back. Alex's heart pounded as he felt her naked skin on his. "Sweet dreams," Jenna whispered into his ear before she kissed his neck and pulled the covers over them. Alex was disappointed as the realization that nothing was going to happen set in but alongside it, his exhaustion returned and he quickly fell asleep in Jenna's soft embrace, surrounded by her warmth and scent.

Alex slowly woke up to the sound of birds chirping. The first thing he noticed was a strange pressure between his thighs, then a dull pain in his chest and something soft pressing into his back as he slowly came to his senses. Blinking open his eyes, he was confused for a moment when he saw his mother's bedroom instead of his. Pulling the covers away, he looked down at his chest and the memories from the previous day came back when he saw the shiny clear plastic covering a bright red heart on his upper belly. His eyes drifted lower to his mother's arm draped around him and went wide when he looked at his crotch. For a moment, he thought his penis had miraculously grown overnight before he realized that the huge cock sticking out in front of him was his mother's. The direct comparison afforded by his perspective was ludicrous, just the part of her erection that wasn't stuck between his thighs completely dwarfing his morning wood.

Taken off guard by Jenna's cock being so close to his butt, Alex hastily disentangled from her sleeping embrace. He flinched at the way his careless burst of movement made his plug move inside him and turned around to kneel on the bed besides Jenna, looking at her. Although he hadn't paid any attention to not waking her up, she looked to be still fast asleep as she rolled over on her back.

Taking in her sleeping form in the morning sun, Alex felt as if he had trespassed into a goddess's sanctuary and caught her bathing. There was something fascinating about seeing her so vulnerable. From the peaceful expression on her sleeping face, his gaze slowly wandered lower. Spread over the pillow and half her face, her hair seemed to glow as it caught the morning sun. Forced to make some small concessions to gravity, her firm heavy mounds rose and fell in time with her slow breathing. His eyes roamed over her smooth belly down to her motherly hips where they were inevitably drawn to the huge cock rising from her crotch like a towering monument to itself. Beyond it, he saw a full-length mirror on the wall that reflected a kneeling tattooed boy with awe written across his face framed by blonde hair as he stared at a cock that, thanks to perspective, seemed almost bigger than him. It took him a moment to recognize his own reflection after yesterday's make-over. He focused on the reflection of his new tattoo. The first comparison that sprang forth from some dark corner of his mind was a mark of ownership branded onto a slave. A shiver ran down his spine as the shamefully arousing thought sank in.

His eyes snapped back to the object his reflection was supposedly enslaved to, his mother's colossal cock. Without meaning to, he leant closer as he stared at it, taking in every vein running along its shaft up to her juicy-looking glans and it suddenly dawned on him why that dildo had seemed familiar yesterday. The colour was off, especially the glans, the veins were less pronounced and some of the smaller ones missing completely plus of course it didn't have the enormous pair of balls currently resting between his mother's soft thighs but it was undoubtedly an imitation of the monstrous cock right in front of him. He snorted sardonically, remembering how he had mistaken her cock for a dildo in the first photos he had seen of it. But why was there a seemingly mass-produced replica of it?

His thoughts returned to more immediate concerns as his face came close enough to pick up her musky scent. Somehow, just her scent turned him on. It was as if he could smell her virility, her power. Her superiority. With her cock becoming more and more imposing the closer he got to it, a curious suspicion popped into his mind. He brought an arm up and put his elbow next to the root of Jenna's massive shaft. He gasped when he saw his fingertips barely reached her tip, confirming that it really was even bigger than the replica as he compared it to the mental image of the clerk's arm next to the dildo. With a mix of fear and excitement filling him, he clamped down on his uncomfortably large plug as he thought of why he was wearing it.

"Morning, honey," Jenna's voice broke him out of his cock-induced trance. Feeling caught, he snapped his head to the side to look at her face. With a groan, she pushed out her chest and stretched her arms up above herself before folding them behind her head. "See anything you like?" she asked, her innocent tone in stark contrast to the knowing smirk on her face. Alex averted his eyes and leant back again, sitting on his heels with his hands covering his crotch to hide his diminutive erection. "You look great like this. I'm so proud of you for going through with it," she said warmly.

"Thanks," Alex responded shyly.

"You know, I always felt that Sunday isn't really Sunday without breakfast in bed," Jenna mused. She raised a leg and patted the mattress between her thighs with her foot. "Don't you agree?" she added suggestively.

Hesitant at first, Alex crawled over to lay down between her legs, propping his upper body up on his elbows to not put weight on his sore skin. His eyes locked with Jenna's, descended along her naked body and ran up and down the length of her cock before her scent drew his nose closer and closer to its source. Lowering his face to her sack, his lips parted to let his tongue snake out. He couldn't suppress a satisfied breathy moan when he tasted her skin. Salivating at her scent and taste, his eyes were glued to the confident, satisfied expression on Jenna's face while his tongue ran over her smooth skin along the base of her cock. He left a trail of saliva along her skin as he licked it clean, working his way over her sack down towards the heavy orbs pulling its skin taut with their size and weight. Her heavenly scent flooding his nose with every heavy breath and her taste filling his mouth gave Alex a sense of servile satisfaction as he tried in vain to suck one of her churning balls into his mouth, half-lidded eyes unfocused as they stared at the soft mounds on his mother's chest that obscured her face.

"That's it, baby. No need to rush, we have all the time in the world," Jenna moaned.

Alex reluctantly pulled his lips away from her skin with a wet slurp. "But I'm hungry," he protested before encouraging her other orb to prepare a filling meal for him with an open-mouthed kiss. As if on cue, his stomach growled to underline that he really was feeling hungry and in his current state, he was perfectly happy with a liquid breakfast.

"I can't let my precious baby boy go hungry, can I?" Jenna laughed. "Go on then, get your fill," she purred.

Alex wasted no time in kissing and licking his way back up over her sack, straining his eyes to look up at the meaty monolith looming over him. Spotting a line of liquid running down its underside, Alex pressed his tongue flat against Jenna's urethra and licked along it in one long stroke as he pushed himself up to raise his head towards her tip. Halfway up, he flicked his tongue to catch the bead of her natural lubricant. While he paused for a moment and closed his eyes to savour its salty taste, Jenna quickly brought a hand down to grip her cock and press it against Alex's face. Alex simply opened his eyes again and held still and allowed her to rub her cock back and forth across his face, leaving her scent and pre behind. Smirking at the needy whine that escaped Alex's throat, Jenna pulled her cock back and lightly slapped it against Alex's cheeks before returning her hand to its position behind her head.

"If you want your breakfast, you'll have to work for it, she teased.

Aroused beyond all rational thought and pretence of self-respect, Alex was willing and eager to put in the work. He knew it wouldn't give him the release he had been denied for two weeks of daily teasing but he didn't care. He needed to taste her pre pumping into his mouth, feel her monstrous throbbing cock stretch his throat, hear her sweet moans and feast his eyes on the clear signs of pleasure that his submission gave to the woman who had captured his heart like nobody else ever could. He inhaled her heady scent deeply as he raised his head above her crown and brought his open mouth down on it, sticking his tongue out so he wouldn't have to wait the extra fraction of a second it took him to wrap his lips around her glans before he could start licking her salty pre off its smooth warm skin.

He kept his eyes on Jenna's face so he could watch the spark of lust in her eyes grow into a roaring flame as he relaxed his jaw and let her immense girth stretch his lips while his tongue danced over her skin ceaselessly. Thanks to the practice he had gotten over the past weeks, the entirety of her meaty glans vanished between his lips with relative ease. He paused to run the tip of his tongue along the rim of her glans and swallow the mix of pre and saliva pooling in his mouth. More of it leaked from the corner of his lips, providing lubrication to help him greedily impale his face on her fat shaft further, relishing the sensation of every pulsing vein slipping through his lips and over his tongue.

He swallowed around her tip pressing against the back of his mouth to try to coax it into his throat. The pleasurable purr escaping from Jenna's throat when he finally succeeded after a few attempts was almost as gratifying as the feeling of her tip sliding into his, but Alex wasn't satisfied with just the tip. He let out a muffled moan as Jenna's silky spongy glans stretched his sensitive throat, followed immediately by her hard shaft wreathed by pulsing veins slipping ever further into him. Alex's heart was racing with arousal and anticipation as he brought his face lower and lower, barely managing to keep eye contact with Jenna past her breasts. He made no attempt to hide the sense of satisfaction that washed over him once he had forced the last few inches of his mother's impossibly huge cock past his lips.

Though his lungs were starting to protest, he wanted to stay like that a little longer, grinding his nose into her pubic bone and his chin into her spit-soaked sack while he revelled in the liquid heat of her pre pumping out of her tip deep inside him. When he did pull up for breath, he sucked on her veiny shaft hard enough to feel it on the inside of his hollowed cheeks.

"You really are hungry, aren't you?" Jenna commented.

"Mhm," Alex hummed around more than a mouthful of cock. After refilling his lungs with fresh pheromone-laden air, he dove back down and began fucking his face with her cock, trying to find a rhythm that kept as much of her cock buried deep in his throat as possible, let him feel the pleasure he got from feeling it sliding in and out of his sensitive throat as much as possible and also let him get the air he needed for the slutty moans he didn't even try to suppress. He could see on his mother's face that she quite enjoyed watching him.

"Just look at you," she said, surprising Alex with the pride in her voice. She moaned pleasurably when Alex once again buried his face in her crotch and looked up at her with lust-hazed eyes as he swallowed around her length. "It's only been just about a month and you're already the second-best cocksucker I've ever had," she praised his progress.

Her backhanded compliment hurt Alex in a way he hadn't expected. On his next upstroke, he pulled all the way off with a wet pop and swallowed the mixed fluids in his mouth. "Second best?" he asked, sounding every bit as hurt as he was.

"Mhm," Jenna confirmed.

"Who's better?" Alex asked in between running his tongue all over her crown to lick up the copious amounts of pre flowing from her tip.

"Do you actually want to know or did you want to hear that you're the best?" Jenna inquired with a devilish grin.

Alex's choice to return his lips to her cock rather than answer her question told Jenna everything she wanted to know. Spurred on to redouble his efforts to please her, Alex used what little room her girthy shaft left in his mouth to run his tongue over it while he resumed his sloppy blowjob. Trying to eke out every bit of pleasure for her and himself, Alex twisted his head back and forth while bouncing it up and down on her cock. Wet slurps, pleasurable moans and Alex's muffled needy whines filled the room as he devoted himself to bringing Jenna to the orgasm that his pathetically twitching tiny penis was denied. Every so often, he would gag when he got overzealous but he didn't let such trivialities interrupt his dutiful service. Shifting his elbows forward, he brought up his hand to cradle one of her oversized balls in each. His hands immediately began fondling and groping the heavy orbs as soon as they touched his palms, kicking her already hyperactive cum factories into overdrive.

Alex could tell from how Jenna's moans became more frequent and impassioned that lavishing attention on her cock and balls equally had the desired effect, bringing him closer to his liquid meal every time his lips touched the patch of mixed fluids at the base of her cock or his fingers gently squeezed her sack. Soon Jenna was chewing her lower lip as her balls pulsed in Alex's hands, her cock became rock hard and the veins on it sent shivers down Alex's spine as they throbbed in his throat. Reading the signs of Jenna's impending orgasm, Alex decided that if a bellyful of her thick cream was going to be his breakfast, he wanted to get a taste of it. Taking it to the root one more time, Alex massaged the titanic length buried deep in his throat by swallowing around it repeatedly while he stared up at his mother, his eyes begging her for her seed.

When he saw Jenna throw her head back, faint outlines of her clenched abs appeared on her smooth belly and her balls lurched out of his fingers, he quickly pulled his head up, her tip emerging from his throat just in time for Jenna to fire the first cheek-bulging load of thick, potent, salty cum into Alex's mouth with a primal grunt. Not wanting to waste his hard-earned meal but with no hope of swallowing his mother's seed faster than she was pumping it into him, Alex pushed himself back down on her cock to let her dump her hot load directly into his stomach. Displaced cum leaked from his lips as her shaft filled his mouth and once his nose flattened against her pubic bone, Jenna brought down a hand to hold his head in place while she dumped a deluge of sperm into him.

With every pulse of cum running up her cock, she flexed her thighs and thrust her hips up against his face. With every burst of heavy liquid heat she unleashed deep inside him, a shiver ran down Alex's back. His sphincter clenched down on his plug and his penis flung tiny droplets of pre onto the bed sheet as it jumped in time with Jenna's magnificent orgasm. Alex was awash in a sense of fulfilment and elation after having made this woman that was perfect in so many ways, and even better in a distinct few, orgasm harder than he had ever before, even as the stretching of his freshly tattooed skin made him painfully aware that the incredible amount of cum she was unloading inside him left his belly slightly bloated.

Eventually, even Jenna's hyperproductive balls were drained and she sank back into the pillows with a satisfied sigh. Her cock reemerged from Alex's lips clean and shiny with saliva as he pulled off, moaning when he sucked the last bit of her intensely salty cream from her slit before he brought his face to her base to lick the spilt cum from her crotch while she watched. Jenna patted his head contently. "Such a good boy," she purred. She closed her eyes and shifted a bit to settle into a more comfortable position. "I'll have bacon and eggs, sunny side up," she dismissed him with a yawn.