Honour Thy Mother - Chapter 9 by JamesRussel

Alex yawned and stretched, ignoring for a moment the shrill beeping that had torn him from his perverse dreams. Mental images lingered in his mind, a petite blonde girly figure with her arms tied behind her back writhing in pleasure on his bed, pinned under a voluptuous redheaded woman who was pushing her face-first into the mattress while pounding her hips into the prone moaning mess beneath her. The thought made his butt clench down on his plug and left his penis rock hard, creating a barely visible tent in the covers.

His room was still dark aside from the faint light coming in through the door, indicating that Jenna was already up. He idly wondered where she got the energy, considering that she had quite clearly been still awake when he had gone to bed. Finally wanting to get rid of the annoying noise, he grabbed his phone and shut off the alarm. As expected, he had new messages.

"Still haven't blocked me? Ur so pathetic," the text from Sandra read. Where his other exes had simply dumped him and cut off all contact once his mom had seduced them and made them feel things he never could, Sandra had shown a spiteful side. She continued to taunt him with photos and short videos while reminding him of his inferiority at every opportunity she got.

This time, she had sent a photo of her pussy, stretched out and filled to the brim with pure white. Alex felt his mouth water at the sight of the fresh thick cream leaking out of her ruined cunt, recalling its delicious rich saltiness. There was another photo, one she clearly hadn't taken herself as it showed her from the hips up, laying on her back, her arms sprawled out on either side of her head. The expression on her face seemed vacant but it was hard to make out with her face half-hidden behind her messed up black hair and her entire body from her head down to her navel covered in a thick layer of white. It looked like the result of a gangbang involving at least a dozen particularly virile men but Alex knew perfectly well that it was just one load from the humongous still-hard cock laying on her belly.

Alex figured that Jenna had known that this photo would find its way to him when she took it. She had to at least suspect Sandra would taunt him with it and she herself seemed to quite enjoy rubbing her superiority in his face. Just three days ago, he had come home late from swimming practice as usual and, as was expected at that point, heard the sounds of rough, hot sex the moment he opened the front door but unlike all the other times, they hadn't come from Jenna's bedroom.

Though he had realised it immediately, he hadn't quite believed what was happening until he had followed the slapping and moaning to his room, quietly pushed open the door and froze when he saw Jenna kneeling on his bed facing him. She returned his stare without skipping a beat, her eyes drilling into his while her fiery hair and luscious breasts swung in time with the thrusts of her hips into the tanned blonde splayed out on her back in front of her.

With one hand mauling her own tits, the other resting on the bulge in her belly and her legs hooked behind Jenna, the girl hadn't even noticed him walking in. The savage pounding the dominant woman kneeling between her legs unleashed on her left its mark on the blonde's mind as much as the redhead's massive cock ruined her hole.

"Yes, fuck my ass. Harder," the girl burst out. Jenna leant forward and clasped a hand over the presumptuous girl's mouth to hold her in place and remind her that she was in no position to make demands, but granted her wish all the same. Jenna's eyes never left Alex's as she hammered her hips down into the girl even more intensely, filling Alex's room with muffled delighted squeals.

Hearing her voice confirmed that it was his second girlfriend Janine whom Jenna was pounding into his bed as if she was trying to leave a permanent impression. For a while, he just stood there as if held in place by Jenna's gaze and watched the intense rutting right in front of him, shocked, humiliated, and unbearably aroused.

Heavy impassioned breaths came from Jenna's lips that spread into a smirk when spasms rocked Janine's body and she howled in orgasm while Jenna kept fucking her without ever slowing down or breaking eye contact with Alex.

Knowing better than to disturb them, he eventually just turned around quietly and snuck off to the bathroom. His attempt to calm himself down with a shower failed miserably because he couldn't stop picturing his mother's giant cock ravaging his ex in a way he wouldn't have dreamt of even asking about, especially because of his plug constantly reminding him that she would be doing the same to him eventually.

After hearing a set of heavy footsteps move through the house, still accompanied by moans and grunts, he had dared come out and crawled into his still-warm bed. Surrounded by the scent of mixed juices soaking his bed and the continued sounds of carnal conquest echoing from upstairs, he eventually drifted into lurid dreams.

Initially, he'd had to learn to recognise his ex-girlfriends' voices as the way his mother made them scream and squeal sounded nothing like the occasional heavy breaths and soft moans he'd gotten out of them but he'd had plenty of opportunities to learn over the weeks.

Last night, he'd had to listen to Sandra almost demand more of his mother's cock for hours on end, interrupted by periods of muffled choking when Jenna found a better use for the insolent girl's mouth. In truth, there had been nothing stopping him from putting on headphones while he waited for midnight to roll around so preorders for the upcoming collector's edition box set of his favourite director's movies would open up, but he had been just too turned on by the sounds and the images they conjured in his mind.

Having gone four weeks without an orgasm, he had been dimly aware that he was only making things worse for himself but he just couldn't stop listening and fantasising while grinding his plugged butt back and forth on his chair. Worst of all, it would be four days before he would at least get to feel the momentary sense of satisfaction he got whenever his mother made him get on his knees and service her. He didn't know if he'd manage to wait that long, maybe he'd have to ask her for a special Sunday breakfast to let him take the edge off, or maybe he could try to get himself punished.

At least, his self-torture hadn't been in vain as he had managed to get his order in within the few minutes before they were sold out. Finally, he had flopped into bed, still hearing rhythmic knocking, moaning and occasional screams from upstairs.

Alex swiped Sandra's messages off the screen and brought up his email to look at the order confirmation again. His heart skipped a beat when he also saw another mail with 'cancelled' in its subject line along with an automated mail from his credit card company. He got to his feet and frantically checked his account balance, utterly confused when he saw he had maxed out his credit card. Looking through his transactions, he noticed that his allowance hadn't come in for this month yet. With a pathetic whine of frustration at having lost his pre-order, he made his way to the kitchen to complain to his mother.

He found her leaning against the counter, seemingly having embraced casual Friday as her usual office jacket was absent, her lustrous red hair was flowing freely around her shoulders and her blouse even had the top two buttons undone. It offered a tempting hint of cleavage to anyone who dared let their eyes wander too low and linger too long, a trap Alex immediately fell into. He stood and stared at her chest while she put down her cup and walked towards him.

She grabbed his butt with both hands and pulled him against herself for a slow, sensual kiss that tasted of coffee and freshly brushed teeth. It left him weak at the knees, his frustrations completely forgotten for a fleeting moment. "Morning, honey," Jenna smiled at Alex after she broke the kiss. Looking up at her while he got his thoughts back in order, Alex noticed that, very unusually, she even wore some light make-up that emphasized her plush lips and stormy grey eyes. "You look like something is bothering you," Jenna said, furrowing her brow.

"I uh, yes, I," Alex stammered, still struggling to form a coherent sentence, stuck as he was between her breasts pressing into his chest and her hands groping his butt with her sweet scent all around him. Jenna's lips curled into an amused smile.

"Come on, out with it," she said encouragingly.

"Uh, I just noticed that my allowance for this month hasn't come in yet," Alex said hesitantly. Even

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you, didn't I?" Jenna replied, laughing at Alex's confused expression. "You see, you've been such a good boy lately," she said, letting go of his butt to take a small step back. Smiling, she brought a hand up to trace a heart on his shirt with her finger and continued, "I figured you earned a reward, so I wanted to raise your allowance but I couldn't decide how much. I kept thinking about it and in the end, setting an arbitrary limit just felt silly."

"So I don't get anything?" Alex asked, baffled.

"Oh you can get anything you want, just tell me and I'll buy it for you," she beamed at him. "You may have to actually do some chores though," she added with a wink.

"But how am I supposed to pay off my card? And what about my," Alex protested but Jenna cut him off.

"I could help you find a job if you want," she offered. "Or I could take care of that if you ask nicely," she added with a smirk and a glint in her eyes that sent a shiver down Alex's spine at the thought of what she'd want in exchange. "Anyway, I need to get going. Don't be late for your classes," she concluded before placing another quick peck on his lips and walking past him.

Still processing the situation she had just dropped him into, Alex didn't react until Jenna was almost at the door. "Wait," he finally burst out, "I want to ask for something."

"I'm listening," Jenna answered, sounding quite intrigued.

"You said I've been a good boy," Alex began, pausing to scrape together what courage he could muster, "and earned a reward." He turned around to look at her but then looked down, swallowed and asked, "Can I cum?" As if a dam had broken, words came flooding out of him as he started begging, "Please let me cum, it's been almost a month. I can't take another day of this, I'm so horny all the time and I can't stop thinking about-"

Jenna hushed him with a finger on his lips. Alex looked at her face and went beet red as he realized what he had been about to say. "Oh my poor baby," Jenna empathised. "I'd love to spend some quality time with you but I'm afraid I'm busy tonight," she explained ruefully. Alex barely had time to whine in protest before she added, "But if you really can't wait another day, I'll allow you to play with yourself today."

Alex breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her, burying his face in her cleavage. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you," he babbled.

"But only after college, don't forget that some things will always be more important," she lectured him. Alex hummed his acknowledgement. The frustration of not being allowed to clear his head before classes paled next to the prospect of getting to do it at all. "And remember to keep your hands where they belong, " she reminded him.

Taken aback, Alex looked up into her eyes. "You mean?" he asked, incredulously.

"I told you what happens to naughty boys, didn't I?" Jenna teased.

Thinking back to the cages Jenna had shown him two weeks ago, Alex nodded hastily. "But then how am I supposed to, you know, do it?" Alex asked hesitantly.

"I'm sure you can make it work," Jenna smirked and reached behind him to give his butt a quick squeeze. "Speaking of, isn't there something you want to show me?" She grinned.

On cue, Alex took a step back and turned around. His heart started pounding with excitement as he bent over and pushed down his boxers, exposing his plugged butt. Just when he had begun to get used to exposing himself to her like this every day to show her that he really was wearing his plug to prepare his hole for her, Jenna had shaken things up with his new plug. It was not just another step up in size, as was to be expected, but it was also transparent, leaving him to try and imagine the view his mother had as he presented himself to her with his hole spread by three fingers' worth of transparent plastic.

"Good," Jenna commended, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "Just a couple more weeks and you'll be ready," she promised. Alex felt the tantalizingly light touch of her fingertips dancing on his cheeks. "Then you won't have to worry about being pent up ever again," she added with a chuckle. Alex heard clothes rustle behind him and yelped when Jenna pulled him backwards by the hip until he felt her warm skin against his. He made out a pair of large lumps pressing against his cheeks and a warm weight on his spine. "Here's some inspiration for later," Jenna whispered before she let go of him, fixed her clothes and walked out.

Jenna exhaled deeply, finally done with her monthly revision of The 45's books to make sure that she got her due and its less than entirely official earnings didn't leave a paper trail, especially not one that led to her. It should have been a quick routine affair that left her the rest of the evening to unwind, but today she hadn't been able to focus.

Her thoughts kept drifting back to a meeting that was still irritating her hours later. The lack of professionalism displayed by her outfit would have been downright insulting for anyone with half a functioning brain. Being a male, however, Victor Bailey had been far too busy staring at her cleavage to think about whether her attire reflected her position or the importance of the occasion.

Neither had he paid any attention to her presentation regarding the results of the adjustments to his portfolio she had personally made. It had been plain to see that he was mentally undressing her and barely even listening.

Meanwhile, she'd had to conceal her disdain for this drooling bloated troglodyte and pretend to respect him as a valued client. It had taken all of her self-control to keep up this pretence when he looked to be just about ready to liquidate his company if she so much as made an ambiguous mention of her appreciation.

While annoying, his behaviour usually wouldn't have enraged her as she had long-since learned not to expect better than this from males. It was a small detail that had her seething. The ring on his finger and the apparent hollowness of the promise it symbolized while he shamelessly ogled her had reminded her of her ex-husband.

The constant wet warmth on her cock didn't make her work any easier, doing as much to distract her as it did to soothe her anger. Matters weren't helped by a new revenue stream that had brought in quite a nice sum which needed to be creatively accounted for.

"I don't remember giving you permission to start selling merchandise," Jenna concluded once she was satisfied with her work. She slowly pushed back the heavy leather armchair she was sitting in. The sound of its feet scraping against the floor drowned out the slurping that came from the lips of the tanned brunette kneeling motionless under the desk, being pulled out of her blissed-out state as Astarte pulled her divine cock out of her throat.

Kate needed a moment to recover her wits rather than her breath. "Please forgive me, my Goddess. At first, I only wanted it for myself," she confessed, staring longingly at the spit-shined meaty pillar pulsing between her Goddess's leather-clad legs, the decorative ring at its base and the leash running through a loop on it, "I just feel so empty when you're not here." Jenna's eyes fell on the imitation of her cock lying on Kate's desk. The traces of moisture clinging to it from recent use lent credence to her words. "But then I thought of all the people I have to turn down because they aren't worthy of your time, and all the money I was leaving on the table with nothing else to offer them," Kate continued. "And I've had a flood of requests coming in recently," she added, beaming with pride at having inducted new acolytes to Astarte.

"Well done," Jenna commended, deciding not to punish her devoted servant for a surprising show of initiative and business sense. "But how did you come up with the shape?" she wondered.

"I did it from memory," Kate admitted.

"That's actually impressive," Jenna burst out laughing. With a quick motion, she grabbed Kate's leash and yanked on it, pulling Kate forward by her collar until her face was rubbing against her cock. "Or it would be if you hadn't gotten it wrong, you stupid whore," Jenna snapped.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, my Goddess. Please punish me for failing you," Kate babbled frantically.

"Oh, I will. And I'll make sure you won't get it wrong again," Jenna announced as she shoved Kate to the floor and got up. She grabbed her mask from Kate's desk, put it on and walked out of the office, keeping Kate's leash short enough to force her to crawl beside her awkwardly on all fours.

The familiar wall of sound greeted her as she emerged into the 45's VIP area. The constant murmur of conversations died down faster than usual as eyes followed her and mouths gaped at the sight of not just the hermaphroditic sex Goddess everyone had been hoping to see but also the club's owner who was wearing nothing but a leash and collar. Only the clicking of Astarte's heeled boots was heard over the bass-heavy music filling the club. Astarte considered dragging Kate to the edge of the balcony, throwing her against the railing and fucking her in plain sight of everyone on the main dance floor below, but she figured it would be too much of a reward in Kate's mind.

Instead, she headed toward her throne and sat down on the cushioned marble, facing her audience. She saw the hunger in Kate's eyes as she spread her legs wide, leant back and slowly pulled on the leash. Her other hand reached out to grab a fistful of Kate's hair and firmly guide the submissive's head down to her sack. Dropping the leash, Astarte undid the buckles on her boots to wrap the straps around Kate's throat, holding her head in place. Kate mewled weakly in protest and strained her eyes to look at the cock she was so desperate for.

"Get a good look at every detail," Astarte said, amused by Kate's impotent struggle. After another few pathetic mewls, Kate gave up and settled for the next best thing. She sucked on Astarte's sack until she managed to get her lips around one of the huge orbs inside it.

Astarte allowed a smirk to creep onto her lips. Her audience was getting quite a show with Kate's upturned rear giving them a perfect view of her pussy, which Astarte knew had to be dripping wet, and the letters tattooed above her ass spelling out 'Owned by Astarte'. She reached out a hand and a waitress hurried over to place a glass of wine in it.

As she swirled her drink, Astarte let her eyes roam over the crowd watching her and played with the thought of allowing one of them to keep her cock warm. Every couch and booth in the VIP section was completely filled, which explained the expansion she had seen as a budget item in the 45's books. Astarte made a mental note to have Kate ensure the blaring music would no longer bleed into her personal playground, to be replaced with something more appropriate. There really were quite a few new faces there, some she even knew personally. One male in particular caught her eye.

She distinctly remembered the arrogance he had displayed and the way he had taunted her during their first encounter, a stark contrast to the way eyes widened in shock when they tore themselves from her cock and met her gaze. He froze like a deer in headlights when he seemed to realize that he had caught her attention. She beckoned him over with a finger, taking great satisfaction from seeing him carefully get up and approach her, his awkward movements a telltale sign that he was still recovering from their most recent encounter.

"Suck," she commanded curtly as the male climbed over Kate. Kate whined in protest as she had to watch the erstwhile blasphemer grab Astarte's shaft and force his mouth down on her shaft without any skill.

Skill would come with time, Astarte thought, but he had grasped that, for all his obvious sense of self-entitlement, he was to serve her whims, not the other way around. It was another sign that even males could learn if given the right incentives, just like she had seen with Alex. He was coming along beautifully. Far from the failure she had misjudged him as, he was quickly turning into a role model for all males, recognizing her superiority and treating every inch of her with the respect she deserved.

He probably was ready for the final step, mentally if not physically, but it wouldn't hurt to toy with him a little more. She wished she could see him right now. It had been a gamble to let him play with himself, but she was sure the reminder she had left for him would keep him on the right track.

Alex hurried out of the lecture hall, annoyed with himself for not having walked out when the professor overran. He hadn't listened to a single word anyway so it had been pointless for him to stay, or even attend at all. He couldn't think about anything but getting home and giving himself the relief he desperately needed. As he walked down the crowded hallway with the longest strides his plug permitted, he pulled out his phone to look up the bus schedule in hopes that it would be late so he wouldn't be stuck waiting for the next one. Rounding a corner, he walked into what felt like a solid wall.

"Hey! Watch where you're going you fucking," Alex heard the wall shout. Shaking his head, Alex looked up and saw coach Nilsen turn her head to glare over her shoulder at whoever had bumped into her. "Alex!" She exclaimed when she saw him, all traces of anger gone from her voice.

"Sorry Coach," Alex apologised hastily.

"Oh please, I told you you can call me Nicole," she corrected him as she turned around.

"Right. Sorry, Nicole," Alex apologised again.

"That's better," she commended while her eyes scanned the blond boy head to toe, paying special attention to his skin-tight jeans. "Funny we'd bump into each other," she said, "I was just thinking of you." Right in front of Alex's face, her arm shot out towards the wall as she leant against it, blocking his way.

"Oh, uh," Alex stammered before chuckling awkwardly. He looked up at the woman towering over him by about a foot. Seeing the way she grinned and openly ogled him, he quickly looked away and stared at the floor, even more embarrassed than he already had been. "Why?" he asked timidly. Just like his mom had told him, he really was getting a lot more and very different looks ever since his makeover, especially from Nicole. He couldn't help but be flattered by the clear interest she showed in him.

"I'm worried about you, you know? I see a lot of potential in you but you haven't been improving at all lately. You move like you have a stick up your ass and when you're in the water, there might as well be nothing below your waistline," she bluntly recapped his lacklustre performance over the past couple weeks. "It makes me look bad as a trainer," she added with an accusatory note in her voice.

"Sorry," was once again all that Alex managed to utter as he wished he could sink into the floor.

"Don't worry, I still have some tricks up my sleeve," Nicole assured him. "I've actually been feeling pretty stiff lately, myself," she admitted, shifting her stance and rolling her free shoulder for emphasis.

Bringing a foot forward, she turned and leant in, Alex instinctively yielding ground as she trapped him between herself and the wall. "And I have the pool booked all afternoon tomorrow. I think you should come, too. We could really help each other," she urged him. With no idea how to handle her forwardness, Alex froze, awash with equal parts anxiety and excitement. "You won't believe what just a couple hours of one on one extra training can do. There are some things I only show those with that certain something and I think that's just what's needed to push past whatever blockade you have. It won't even hurt, at least not a lot," she grinned.

Alex's heart was pounding in his ears. Her sheer intimidating physical presence and the way she talked to him loud enough for the small crowd of onlookers to hear was incredibly thrilling, even arousing. Overwhelmed by the situation and the conflicting feelings inside him, Alex yelped, "Maybe next weekend." He ducked under Nicole's arm and fled the scene as fast as he could.

He wasn't fast enough to escape the slap across his butt that Nicole gave him as a parting gift. "See you next Tuesday," she shouted after him as he hurried out of the building. He had his shoulders pulled up to his ears in an attempt to hide his bright red flushed face as he almost felt the eyes following him, and especially Nicole's eyes on his stinging butt.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief when the front door fell shut behind him. Finally, he had his long-awaited alone time. On the bus, it had suddenly struck him that Jenna hadn't said that he was only allowed to play with himself once. Despite pangs of guilt he felt as he skirted her rules, he had spent the bus ride excitedly thinking about how he would use this opportunity to the fullest and get himself off again and again. His lust-crazed mind had even planned out how he would go through his various sources for 'inspiration'. The small matter of how he would do it with his penis still off-limits had gone happily ignored.

Alex's jacket hit the floor in the hallway as he slipped out of his shoes, tossed his backpack into a corner and hurried to his room, unwilling to wait the precious seconds it would have taken to hang it on the wardrobe. Already fumbling with his zipper while he rushed to his room, Alex came to a sudden stop when he saw the large black box standing on his desk with a small note stuck to it.

Approaching his desk, Alex pulled off the note. "Have fun," it simply read in Jenna's handwriting accompanied by a lipstick mark. Unlike the fact that she had to have gone through his closet to dig up the box, which was hardly even worth thinking about anymore, having his mother encourage him to masturbate still felt excitingly naughty even after what had happened between them over the past few weeks, especially knowing what she had stuck the note to.

Sticking the note to his screen, Alex brought his PC out of standby mode, pushed his tight jeans down and dropped into his chair. A shudder ran through him as his plug pressed into him insistently with most of his weight landing on it. After a slutty moan and a quick adjustment to his posture, he fired up his browser. He breathed a sigh of relief when he logged into OnlyFans and found that his subscriptions had still gone through.

With access to new material from his favourite models secured, Alex could finally get started. His heart raced with anticipation as he looked down to the small wet spot at the tip of his tented boxers. He pushed his underwear down, just the sensation of the fabric gliding over his neglected penis enough to draw another moan out of him. With his hand hovering above his crotch, fingers curling and uncurling in indecision, he stared at his painfully hard penis.

There was a staggering contrast between it and the majestic monster between his mother's legs that he had recently spent so much time staring at, thinking about and dreaming of. Where her colossal cock commanded his full attention and dominated his senses, his twitching barely finger-length appendage seemed to be pathetically begging him to touch it. The temptation to give in and do what his mother had specifically forbidden was irresistible. He could only imagine how good it would feel for the few seconds he would last before his long-awaited orgasm. Still, it felt wrong for him to betray her like that, not to mention what would happen if she so much as suspected he'd gone against her rules.

For just a moment, Alex imagined his penis encased in plastic and a shiver ran down his spine. Plain to see but out of reach, it would be a constant, physical reminder that it, and by extension his pleasure, was insignificant and that every part of him was completely under her control. To Alex's shame, the thought wasn't completely repulsive.

For some part of him, it felt like removing a distraction so he could devote his full attention to something much more important. Alex couldn't believe that this idea actually turned him on, so much so that he watched another bead of clear liquid bubble from his twitching tip.

It was impossible for him to decide if it was worth the risk. What if Jenna was testing him, fully expecting him to fail so she could lock him up? What if she was going to do it anyway and this was the last chance to touch himself he'd ever get? He just couldn't wait any longer. Slowly, his hand moved to his crotch.

With a frustrated whine, he reached past his penis, taking care not to accidentally graze it and set himself off. He leant back and spread his legs to give himself easier access as his hand descended towards his plugged hole. Just the tiny movement he caused when he gripped the t-shaped handle at the base of the transparent plastic toy was enough to send a small surge of pleasure up his spine. His free hand returned to his mouse to start scrolling through his OnlyFans subscriptions.

Designed to keep the toy safely in place for hours inside aspiring anal addicts, the handle stuck between his cheeks didn't make it any easier for him to masturbate with it. Still, simply twisting it back and forth as much as he could while intermittently pressing it into himself felt good enough for his whole lower body to involuntarily seize up. As his sensitive ring clamped down tightly on the artificial intruder, his penis jumped in sympathetic excitement, flinging a clear drop of liquid arousal toward his face. It landed dangerously close to his open mouth as a needy moan slipped from his lips.

The minutes he spent awkwardly playing with his plug felt good, but he didn't seem to get any closer to an orgasm as he browsed through photo sets and clips. There was just too much of a disconnect between what the stripping and masturbating cosplayers on his screen were silently or vocally begging him to do and what he was doing to cause the pleasurable sensations rolling through him. The only solution he could think of was looking for more hardcore inspiration.

One click later he was looking at a selection of videos on his usual site filtered by his old favourite tags. He chose the next best one and immediately skipped past the first few minutes as he couldn't care less about the name of the petite blonde on his screen or whatever contrived scenario led to what he really wanted to see, right to the moment when she dropped to her knees in front of a suit struggling to contain the muscled build of a man whose face was just out of frame. He never missed this moment, in fact he had sometimes masturbated watching nothing but rapid-fire clips of girls being shock and amazed by their co-star's cock. Just the fantasy of getting this reaction from a girl had been enough for him to get off, even without seeing any actual sex.

This time, however, as the girl on his screen gawked at the cock in front of her, Alex's head wasn't filled with the usual fantasy and the fleeting sense of power it brought. Without the fantasy occupying his mind, he noticed how exaggerated the girl's reaction was. The whole scene became even less impressive when he was struck by the thought that, as big as the cock on his screen looked compared to his, it was in turn equally dwarfed by the cock he had become intimately familiar with over the past weeks.

As the girl brought her face right up to the cock that, thanks to a well-chosen camera angle, seemed to cover it from chin to forehead, Alex wondered how he had looked when he first laid eyes on his mother's cock. It felt unreal that that evening was only some weeks ago. He almost wanted to chide his past self for his initial reluctance.

At least he didn't have to skip any further to get to the juicy bits as the petite blonde immediately started licking along her faceless co-star's cock before wrapping her lips around its tip. The ensuing blowjob was awkward and as Alex watched her gag and struggle to fit even half of the cock into her mouth, he was again reminded of the rough start to his new life. The seemingly inexperienced girl on the screen was obviously out of her depth trying to handle that cock and there wasn't a shadow of a doubt in Alex's mind that without his mother's firm guiding hand he would've been no better off.

The memories of that evening that changed everything did more to help him reach his long-awaited climax than what was happening on screen. He did note that she kept talking about how much she loves cock. While her lines were as stilted and lacking in passion as her oral ministrations, he couldn't help but wonder if he should take the time for some verbal expressions of his growing desire for every part of his mother's body the next time he'd end up on his knees before her. Judging from how he'd seen her react to his ex-girlfriends begging for more, she'd probably appreciate it. With the blowjob doing nothing for him as he continued to play with his plug, he skipped ahead another couple minutes.

He landed on a close-up shot of the girl's pussy being pounded with rapid thrusts before a jarring cut to an athletic carrying position that emphasized the ripped man's physical size and strength. He used to love this kind of scene but now, he couldn't reconcile the fantasy of manhandling and roughly fucking a girl with using a buttplug to give himself relief after begging for permission. It didn't help that, having now seen what it really looks like when a girl is overwhelmed with pleasure, he noticed more and more how obviously fake the moans coming from his headphones were. He was downright embarrassed that, if it hadn't been for him spying on his mother with his exes, he would've still mistaken the sudden bout of loud moans for a real orgasm.

Groaning in frustration, he clicked on to another video. The POV shot of an Asian teen looking up at the camera adoringly as she jerked her co-star's dick and slapped it on her subtly enhanced tits before sucking it would normally have had him on the edge in seconds but again, it just didn't feel right. He couldn't imagine himself as a stereotypical alpha guy with a girl submissively fawning over his cock when he looked down and was struck by the contrast to the view on the screen. Even without being touched, his penis was leaking an amount of pre like he had never seen while his hand pushed, pulled and twisted his plug without him even thinking about it.

Not sure he could have stopped his hand if he wanted to, he pulled up his shirt with his other hand, which sadly confirmed that joining a swim team hadn't magically given him a swimmer's body. Far from the shredded abs on screen, he only spotted faint outlines on his pale skin, little more defined than what he saw on Jenna's midriff when she was about to orgasm. Pulling his shirt up further only reinforced the contrast. Instead of a broad, muscled chest that told of countless hours of hard physical work, his chest was flat and looked almost girlish, especially his erect pink nipples. The most striking difference, however, was the bright red heart emblazoned a few inches above his navel.

He shivered as he ran his fingers over his tattoo. Having this permanent mark on him was something he still hadn't gotten used to, especially because he was absolutely certain that his mother hadn't chosen the motif simply as an expression of familial affection. He felt that she had marked him as hers, and he couldn't help feeling flattered because of it. Alex's hand drifted from his tattoo to one of his nipples, circling it with a finger as he continued to slowly toy with his plug.

He returned his attention to his screen where the action had escalated to doggy style sex, with the camera looking down the guy's body to his hands on the girl's hips as he pounded into her pussy. Once again he was reminded of how he used to dream of talking his girlfriend into trying that position, at least lasting as long as the several minutes that the video was already running, or making them react as strongly as the moaning girl on his screen. This time, however, he could only think about how he would never experience something like that, and the sense of finality only added to the dissonance between what he was looking at and how he was trying to get himself off.

Hoping that it would be better with another position, he skipped ahead. Now watching the girl ride what he was supposed to imagine was his cock, he still couldn't help being somewhat unimpressed. From the exaggerated moans to the stilted dirty talk and the occasional awkward moment when the girl rose too far and had to reinsert the cock, it all not only didn't mesh with how he was stimulating himself but just seemed lesser than what he had seen his mom do with his exes.

With a groan of frustration, he skipped right to the grand finale but again, he was disappointed. He just couldn't imagine himself as the guy jerking himself off onto the girl's face, hair and outstretched tongue while his own penis went untouched, jumping and twitching while he played with his nipple and plug. It didn't help that where he would have once been proud if he could produce something approaching the load laying across the girl's beaming face in several white streaks, now he could only think about how it paled in comparison to the veritable flood of hot, thick, virile seed his mother could drown or drench him in.

It kept playing out the same as he clicked through video after video of blowjobs, rough sex and even threesomes, it all failed to help him escape his plateau of pleasure and kept reminding him that the closest he could hope to get to dominating girls like that was watching his mother do it much better. Anal scenes, in particular, were strange as his physical sensations lined up with the girls rather than the guy he was used to projecting himself onto.

Driven out of his comfort zone by desperation, Alex had to find something that fit his current mood. He typed 'dominant woman' into the search bar and was floored by the number of results. Having long-since run out of patience for a plot, he went for a video promisingly titled 'Femdom compilation PMV' and was not disappointed.

Without any time wasted on introductions, he was thrown right into the middle of a scene that had a tiny redhead holding a much larger guy's head and mashing his face into her pussy while berating him for his poor performance. While the physical act on screen didn't mesh with how he was trying to get himself off any more than the previous videos, there was something about her body language that had him hooked immediately. It made up for her small physical size to give her a larger than life screen presence and vaguely echoed the paralyzing aura of effortless dominance he felt from his mother.

He didn't have long to admire the scene before a sudden cut to the next. A curvy mature woman appeared on the screen, still half-dressed as she straddled a man of surprisingly average build, his shoulders trapped under her knees and his head buried under her hips. Alex instantly recognised the actress. Just minutes prior, he had seen her beg for more as she took a hard anal fucking.

It struck him how much sexier she looked grinding her hips back and forth, almost seeming to dance to the electronic music in the background as she sat astride the guy who was obviously under her complete control. She laughed at the muffled groans coming from between her thighs as she slapped the guy's respectably sized dick around. Alex wondered if the poor guy even heard any of the ridicule she directed at him with his face buried between her cheeks.

Another quick transition later, he saw a heavily muscled guy standing tied to an X-shaped cross by his hands and feet, completely at the mercy of the busty blonde standing in front of him in sexy latex boots and gloves. She made him beg her to touch him, thank her for slapping him and admit that he was unworthy of her before she finally touched a single shiny finger to his dick that jumped and quivered in desperate need, not unlike Alex's penis.

Alex almost forgot to keep his plug moving as he watched, blown away by her complete control over her physically imposing plaything. She could read him like a book, running a single fingertip up and down the underside of his dick while she mocked his helplessness until she suddenly stopped, leaving him just on the edge of orgasm. She laughed and started playing with herself as she watched him groan and thrust his hips into the air uselessly.

The video cut again and it took Alex a moment to recognize the shiny pink object on his screen as a man, covered in latex head to toe except for his penis and tied to a table. A black woman was riding him hard, seemingly taking more pleasure from the sight of the mummified creature between her plush thighs than from his dick, which looked to be little bigger than Alex's. The woman slammed her hips down onto the pink gimp in time with the music. In between her bursts of gleeful laughter, Alex could barely make out muffled moans.

He watched clip after clip of men completely at the mercy of women who had restrained, cowed or sometimes just physically overwhelmed them and now used their position as they saw fit. Even in the few instances where one allowed her prey to penetrate her, it was definitely on her terms. It resonated with how he was feeling a lot more than his old favourites, and it definitely helped that he was awed by the sheer sexuality oozing off these women, often enhanced by racy lingerie or shiny leather.

The video cut back to the muscled guy on the St Andrews cross, groaning and begging after who knows how many more minutes of torturous pleasure at the teasing hands of his sadistic captor.

"Say it," she commanded, still running a single finger up and down his shaft. "Say it," she repeated impatiently and let go of his dick.

"I'm your slave," the man sobbed in defeat before he cried out when she delivered a sudden slap to his balls.

She laughed as the shock finally sent him over the edge and he thrashed in his binds. She caught the white streaks shooting from his tip with her gloved hand and wiped them on his face before the video ended.

Alex was floored by what had played out on screen over the past minutes, and especially by the last clip. The thought of having his orgasm turned into a moment of utter submission felt completely twisted but somehow right. A recommended video with 'ruined orgasms' in its title was too intriguing to ignore.

Alex was a bit disappointed at first as he watched clips of girls and women running teasing fingers, tongues and lips over a twitching dick. Some clips showed the whole scene, others were from the debatably lucky guy's POV. Some girls had teasing, almost loving expressions on their faces, others showed disdain or sadistic glee.

All of them took their teasing to another level with constant dirty talk, either wanting to know how good their ministrations felt and talking about how much fun they themselves were having or humiliating their fortunate victims and making them beg for the orgasm they were so skillfully kept on the edge of.

The disappointment didn't last long. Even without the promised ruined orgasms, Alex was fascinated by the control these women exercised and by the simple fact that they were unquestionably dominant while ostensibly giving pleasure and receiving none. There was something about seeing much more masculine men than himself just as desperate and helpless in the face of a woman who had complete control over them that gave Alex a sense of spiteful gratification. Try as he might though, Alex couldn't bring himself any closer to his long-awaited orgasm either.

Unlike him, the men on screen were eventually pushed over the edge by something as simple as a single well-timed squeeze, a flick of a finger or even just blowing across the tip before the women let go and watched in amusement as seed dribbled out of their groaning playthings. Alex's penis jumped quite similarly as he continued to play with his plug, but he just couldn't get there. He wanted more and so, expecting more of the same, he clicked the next video that promised touchless orgasms.

His eyes went wide when he instead saw a man on all fours, a woman kneeling beside him with one gloved hand on his back holding him in place while her other hand was behind him, working a finger in and out of his ass. Between the man's legs, Alex saw his dick jump with the woman's every move, flinging fluids everywhere. Instantly reminded of how amazing his mother's fingers had felt inside him, Alex finally decided to get rid of his plug, hoping his fingers could replicate what he saw.

A shiver ran up Alex's spine and drove a moan from his lips as he gripped his plug firmly and slowly pulled it out. The plastic slowly stretching his hole wider felt amazing and watching the clear object emerging was surreal every time. When his sensitive ring crested the widest part, he let out a rueful grunt as the sensations diminished until the toy slipped free.

With masculine groans and dirty-talking women still filling his ears, Alex stared at the sight between his legs. Simply knowing that his penis, as erect as it had ever been, was clearly smaller than the object that had been inside him turned him on even further, even before he thought about the deliciously perverted purpose this toy served, or that it was still too small to prepare him for what was to come. For the moment, however, he had no more use for it so he simply dropped it.

Having only removed his plug when it was absolutely necessary over the past weeks, the cold emptiness Alex now felt was not a cherished moment of normalcy but something uncomfortable that he was eager to address. Alex's fingers quickly found his sensitive ring, feeling around it for a moment as Alex realized that he had to actively clench his butt to get it to close.

His hole was loose enough to let him slip a finger in with barely any resistance. Unfortunately, the spark of pleasure he felt as he pushed his finger deeper into his loosened hole was a pale echo of the thunderstorm his mother's fingers had sent crashing throughout his whole body.

Still, everything finally felt right as he returned his attention to his screen and imagined himself in the place of the men being brought to what looked to be incredibly intense drawn-out orgasms just like the one he had experienced at his mother's hands. Even with everything falling into place, one finger just didn't give him the stimulation he needed so he was quick to mimic what he saw and added another.

No longer having to clench down on his finger for his hole to feel tight, Alex was awash in pleasure, moaning as he pumped his fingers in and out of his sensitive hole. His penis quivered as he brought himself closer to his long-awaited relief. He marvelled at the strange sensation of feeling around himself for that magic spot that his mother had used to plunge him into a mind-bending orgasm. To his chagrin, he couldn't find it even as he watched the women on screen attack that spot to drive men crazy with ease while he was agonizingly close to orgasm.

He gasped and froze when a shocking sight appeared on the screen. Rather than her fingers, a latex-clad woman was impaling a man's ass with a dildo attached to a harness on her hips. Hot and cold waves washed over Alex as he watched her start thrusting into him, fucking him doggy style roughly if somewhat awkwardly in a fascinating role reversal. Alex was so absorbed that he yelled out in protest when the video suddenly cut back to fingering. He needed more.

Time became a blur as Alex clicked through videos, amazed by how much of this kind of porn there was. His vocabulary expanded rapidly as he watched femboys being pegged to sissygasms. He noticed that many of them had cages like what his mother had shown him, thin fluids flowing out of the slit at the end as their sissy clits swung in time with the rough pounding they got from their mistresses. Somehow, it seemed fitting for them to be locked and Alex shuddered at the thought of what that could mean for him.

Hoping to compensate finesse with intensity, he eventually squeezed a third finger into his hungry hole but still, he could only get himself agonizingly close as his quivering penis leaked beads of clear pre. He moaned and whined in desperation as he continued to watch. Even more than the happily orgasming boys and men, he was fascinated by how much the women appeared to enjoy it. They seemed to take great pleasure in their role, even without getting any stimulation from their artificial cocks that usually put their partners' natural counterparts to shame.

Halfway through a video of 'Girls fucking guys', Alex was completely caught off guard to see a young guy in what looked like bridal lingerie impaled by a cock that was clearly not artificial. There was something decidedly different about the way the woman he was riding was pounding into him from below, somehow it seemed more natural and authentic. What her cock lacked in size compared to some of the strap-ons he had seen, she more than made up for in the way she aggressively fucked him, wanting to maximize her own pleasure.

The fantasy of being fucked by a woman with a big cock pulled him further down the rabbit hole as he desperately fingered himself while he discovered videos about men submitting to girlcock. Between women with much more realistically sized endowments than what he craved, uncannily animated 3D models and even manipulated photos awkwardly jammed into videos, Alex suddenly saw something that shocked him even more than all the discoveries he had already made.

His heart skipped a beat as he stared at the unmistakable shape on his screen. Even with her face out of frame, Alex instantly recognized his mother's naked body. While his stunned mind was still trying to comprehend how he could be looking at a video of her, apparently reclining on her bed no less, she had grabbed a ruler, held it up to her magnificent cock to show that the scale only covered about two-thirds of her length, and discarded it. Alex swallowed as she grabbed her cock, demonstrating its massive girth with her inability to even come close to closing her fingers around it, and started pumping it.

"No!" Alex cried out when the video suddenly cut to yet another female character from a game with a cock added to her model humping the camera. He had quickly come to love this kind of animation over the course of mere minutes that he even knew they existed but now he had suddenly lost all interest and started frantically scrolling through recommended videos with one specific thing in mind.

One video briefly caught his eye, promising 'Non-stop futa domination' with a runtime stretching into the hours. After a quick glance at the thumbnail, however, he disregarded it as the tall athletic woman he saw there pounding some unlucky guy into the ground was not what he was looking for. He found it in a video titled 'Astarte PMV'.

It started somewhat awkwardly with the same clip he had just seen, which gave way to more clips that simply showed off his mother's gorgeous figure, with the emphasis on her most impressive attribute. Most of them were out of focus or horribly framed, as if they had been filmed with a phone propped up on the other side of the room, with others that she had taken with the phone in hand actually being a step up in quality. Most puzzlingly, while in most clips she was in her bedroom or what Alex assumed to be hotel rooms, some showed her in a large antique-looking room wearing a shiny black leather outfit.

One clip showed her in this room and outfit, confidently strutting towards a naked man in a pillory before, lined up with a bass drop in the background music, there was a hard cut to a sideways view of his mother pulling a brunette's hair as she brutally pounded her from behind. Seeing the way the toned Asian was stretched out by the huge cock inside her as she screamed in ecstasy, Alex also wanted more inside him. Trying to fit a finger into his hole, he bent down to pick up his plug when his eyes fell on the huge black box still sitting on his desk.

Alex wanted to get at the contents of the box so badly that he stopped masturbating to grab at it with both hands. He hastily opened the box and reached inside, ignoring the text blurb on the inside of the lid as he gripped the artificial cockhead. He had to pull surprisingly hard to pull the heavy piece of silicone from the box, which even further underlined the toy's size and heightened his anticipation.

His eyes were glued to the off-white phallus emerging from the black box inch by inch. Even the sudden shift in the voices coming through his headphones and the rough facefucking it implied failed to attract his attention. When the lower end of the dildo came into view, Alex grabbed it with the hand that had been holding the box.

For a few moments, he simply marvelled at the toy's intimidating size and heft, in awe of even this pale imitation of his mother's beautiful cock. Between his hands on its tip and base, there was plenty of room for another set of hands. There was simply no way he could hope to get it into his winking hole dry. He briefly considered running to the bathroom to get lube but quickly thought better of it.

As he shifted his hand from the phoney phallus's head to its shaft and brought it closer, he picked up on more and more details that underlined how much of an imperfect replica it was. The toy had a satisfying weight to it but the cool silicone felt nothing like the warm pulsing meat it stood in for. The glans was missing its silky texture and slight sponginess and the shaft lacked the rigidity of the original, even sagging slightly as he tilted it to bring the tip to his mouth.

More importantly than the haptic imperfections, his mother's intoxicating scent was sorely missing from the fake cock as he guided it to his parted lips. Turned on as he was, he was nevertheless perfectly willing to treat it as if it really was what it so poorly stood in for. He began licking all over its glans as soon as it touched his waiting tongue, covering it in saliva to make up for the absence of deliciously salty pre.

With the sound of someone choking on his mom's cock in his ears, Alex relaxed his jaw and pushed the thick dildo past his greedy lips. As if out of habit, his tongue never went idle as the veiny shaft slipped over his palm and into his mouth. Glancing at the screen, he shuddered when he saw his mother hold a kneeling man's head in place so she could fuck his face like a cheap whore. The sight spurred him on further to feed more imitation cockmeat into his hungry mouth.

Tingling with anticipation, he greedily pushed deeper until the still-cool silicone hit the back of his mouth and finally slipped into his welcoming throat. With a muffled moan, he let his eyes drift closed as he savoured the delightful stretching sensation creeping down his throat inch by inch, even if it wasn't quite as intense as it should have been.

He got another unwelcome reminder that the cock invading his throat wasn't real when it bottomed out disappointingly soon. Having to hold the toy by the base robbed him of precious inches to swallow, and feeling his own hands on his lips was a woefully inadequate replacement for Jenna's heavy balls on his chin. At least the toy had started to warm up inside him.

Focussing on Jenna's moans in his ears and the huge object down his throat, he sank into the fantasy of really having her inside him, even if it failed to reach inside him as deep as it should and the satisfying pulsing of her heartbeat deep inside him was missing. The thought of simply lubing up the dildo long forgotten, he pulled it out halfway and started thrusting it in and out.

Memories of the low-angle view of his mother he got with his face buried in her crotch flashed through his mind as he basked in the strangely pleasurable sensation of the warm veiny shaft slipping up and down his throat. Lost in the fantasy, he sucked on the toy as if there was a hot salty cream filling for him to extract by sheer force.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that others would judge because of his desires for his mother, and for how much it was her cock specifically that he lusted after, but the thrill of the forbidden only turned him on even more.

Fucking his face more and more enthusiastically with the dildo held between his hands, he wished he could feel the pain in his scalp as he imagined his mother grabbing his hair to take control and jerk his head up and down her cock. Even more than the physical sensations, he craved the deep satisfaction that came from knowing that every flick of his tongue, every muffled moan, every light-headed moment of near suffocation served to heighten her pleasure rather than merely seeking his own.

Startled, Alex suddenly noticed that the moans and music had stopped. Blinking his eyes open, he stopped mid-thrust to slowly pull the fake cock all the way out. He watched it emerge from his lips, followed by heavy strings of saliva. He stared at the thoroughly lubricated toy full of anticipation as he remembered why he had shoved it down his throat in the first place. But first, he'd need some more inspiration.

Alex briefly set the forearm-sized dildo down on his desk to type what he assumed to be Jenna's pseudonym into the site's search bar. His eyes widened in shock and excitement at the dozens of results, from short clips to longer videos and compilations. Almost half an hour of supposedly the best of Astarte seemed perfect.

There was no slow start to this one. Alex had just enough time to pick up the dildo during a title card showing that this video was part of a series before a hard cut to a man little older than Alex on all fours facing the camera while an unmistakable redheaded woman brutally pounded into him from behind. Just a few seconds later, he was gone, replaced by a beautiful curvy woman leaning against a wall for support as Jenna fucked all the strength out of her. Staring at the screen, Alex brought his new favourite toy towards his uncomfortably empty hole.

The strange feeling of warm wet silicone between his cheeks got him to tear his eyes off the screen. The sight he found between his legs was surreal. Logically, he knew that his penis was real and the dildo a fake but that was hard to reconcile with the fact that his tiny desperately twitching length looked like a miniaturized toy version of the massive shaft pointing at his waiting hole. The contrast became even crasser when he remembered that the artificial cock in his hands didn't even quite match the original it was based on in length nor girth.

The intimidating size of the fat head stuck between his cheeks made him doubtful if he would be able to take it but even more eager to try. A gasp escaped from his lips when the dildo touched his sensitive ring, the very tip already having slipped past it into his gaping hole. He stopped for a moment, shuddering as the thought sank in that he was about to shove a dildo up his ass, one based on his mother's cock no less, and the only thing on his lust-crazed mind was the wish that it was the real thing.

"Take it, you little slut," Jenna's impassioned voice rang out amid the endless stream of moaning. Eager to comply, Alex gripped the slippery shaft tightly and pulled it into his waiting hole. His voice joined the chorus of moans as his sensitive ring was spread by the rubbery tip sliding into him millimetre by millimetre. The wider his hole spread. the more intense the pleasure shooting up his spine became and the louder and higher-pitched his moans grew.

He watched as the dildo slowly sunk further into him, stretching him wider than ever before. Pain mixed into the pleasure radiating from his butt when the dildo started stretching him wider than ever before. At first, it even enhanced the pleasure, yet as he continued impaling himself with the huge toy, the pain intensified. Desperately wanting to prove that he was ready for the real thing, Alex ignored the pain as best he could and pushed on. With a whine born equally of pain and frustration, he eventually had to give up when the stretching of his poor sphincter became too much.

He hadn't even managed to take the artificial cock's glans, but even just the handful of thick inches inside him created a strange but gratifying feeling of fullness that almost offset his painfully stretched sphincter. Another moan flew from his lips when he pushed the toy back out an inch, shuddering with pleasure as the silicone slipped past his sensitive ring.

Alex confined himself to taking the dildo as deep as he could before the mix of pain and pleasure became too one-sided before pushing it back out an inch and doing it again. Already, the constantly changing sensation of being stretched and filled felt better than masturbating the old way ever had, even if he still couldn't hit that magic spot that his mother had used to blow his mind. Settling into a rhythm, Alex's eyes returned to the screen.

He saw Jenna piledriving her monstrously large cock into a man's ass, holding his ankles up and apart while his head and shoulders laid on the ground. With every bone-crushing thrust, the man's dick flopped uselessly as the outline of Jenna's cock in his abdomen grew and receded.

Alex couldn't help but admire the way his mother manhandled and dominated the physically larger man. Even more fascinating was the way her cocksleeve's body was forced to accommodate her obviously far bigger cock. It was far from the first time he had seen a belly bulge with the shape of his mother's cock but somehow, seeing it on a guy was different.

Alex barely had time to fully process what he saw before the cut to the next scene, then the next and the next. Each clip that flashed across the screen was just a few seconds long. Without noticing, Alex took the dildo ever so slightly deeper with every slow thrust as he watched dozens of shots of his mother brutally pounding her cock into both men and women. There were even couples, either one after the other moaning as Jenna fucked them against a wall or into the ground, or with their ring-adorned fingers interlacing around her massive cock.

With his mind a haze of lust, strange pleasure and forbidden desires, the figures on the receiving end of his mom's less than gentle affections blended together as he only focused on her and wished he could take their places to be fucked to mind-shattering orgasms.

A small part of his mind marvelled at the sheer number of videos there had to be of his mother for all these short clips to exist. Surprisingly, some of the faces twisted with ecstasy on his screen he even recognized from local news. His eyes widened in shock when he suddenly saw one of his ex-girlfriends, in a clip he remembered seeing on his mom's phone no less.

"Fuck me," words slipped past Alex's lips. He paused for a moment when he realized the words hadn't come from his headphones. "Fuck me, mom," he repeated for nobody but himself to hear. Vocalizing his formerly unthinkable desire turned him on even further. "I want your cock inside me," he confessed, pushing the dildo more insistently into his hungry hole. "I'll be a good boy," he promised, "please fuck me."

The clips started coming faster and faster, cutting each time Jenna rammed her cock into a pussy, ass or mouth until one clip instead showed her pulling all the way out of a visibly dazed black man's mouth. Alex heard the familiar sound of his mother groaning with relief a moment before he watched a long streak of pure white erupt from her tip, landing on the guy's face. Alex swallowed unwittingly as he watched her dump her unbelievably copious load, wishing he could get just a small taste of the thick hot seed she was painting the guy's face and upper torso with.

Watching his mother's abundant jizz expand bellies, paint bodies and overflow from mouths drove Alex to skewer his tender hole with his dildo all the more forcefully. His breath caught in his throat for a fraction of a second when there was an abrupt change in the stretching of his tender ring. He realized he had managed to shove the dildo's head through his tight ring just before his body rocked with orgasm, Alex girly squeal a stark contrast to Jenna's grunts and primal roars in his ears.

Waves of warmth and mind-bending pleasure exploded from Alex's butt and spread throughout his spasming body. His glazed eyes watched but hardly processed the continuing series of one woman bukkake videos flashing across his screen. His hole clamped down on the welcome invader again and again as his orgasm dragged on far longer than any other he had ever given himself. Amid the sea of sensations overwhelming his brain, the streak of his own watery ejaculate hitting his face went completely unnoticed.

Eventually, even this intense orgasm ended. Alex panted, his whole body feeling warm, weak and light. Aftershocks ran through him every time his twitching hole grasped the silicone shaft still stuck inside him. It took him a small while to gather his senses again and when he did, he noticed that the desperate need for relief was thankfully gone but unlike all the previous times he had masturbated, he didn't suddenly want to move on to the next thing. He wanted more. Though his arms felt like rubber, he gripped his favourite toy tightly again. It was time to check out the rest of this series, and thankfully he didn't even need to wait for his penis to grow hard again before he could continue.