ELIZA By Pixxyl

I couldn't believe my eyes. There she was, after a whole decade apart. Had it really been that long since I've seen her? I can remember saying goodbye when she moved away. We were thirteen and sobbing uncontrollably as our parents pried us apart from our desperate embrace. Eliza and I were inseparable, or so we thought.

Now standing no more than ten feet away was this stunning woman. She stood out among the regulars at the farmers' market. I couldn't help but stare at her big, green eyes and the cute scar that dipped into the top of her left eyebrow. It had to be Eliza. Her silky smooth, dark brown hair shined in the sun. It contrasted against her pale, freckled skin.

In true Eliza fashion, she was wearing a dress. I don't think I've ever seen her in any other kind of clothing, come to think of it. The bright yellow sundress hugged her torso a bit too well, showing off what puberty had blessed her with. She had some of the largest breasts I've seen, each a little bigger than her head. They were so full looking and barely sagged at all, amazingly. Her hips were just as impressive, giving her an extreme hourglass shape. I couldn't help but wonder what she looked like from behind. I was so hypnotized by her effortlessly sexy saunter that before I knew it she was about to pass me.

I blurted, "Eliza, is that you?"

Her eyes darted to mine in surprise,"Huh, sorry do I know yo...wait, Chris?!"

I nodded with a nervous grin. "Man, even her voice got sexy," I thought to myself.

Eliza's face lit up. "Chris!" She jumped at me and the impact almost made me drop my bag of produce. She was surprisingly dense. Her face nuzzled into my broad chest as she hugged me as hard as she could. I could feel her heavy tits squeeze against me as I hugged her back. My nose was delighted by her sweet, pleasant scent. She felt so warm, so inviting.

"I thought I'd never see you again," she sobbed into my t-shirt.

"I know, I did too. I had no way of contacting you after you left. I wouldn't have recognized you if it weren't for that scar of yours," I replied.

She looked up at me with a mischievous smile, her mascara bleeding a bit, beautiful green eyes teary, "You know that it was your fault I fell face first into that creek, right? You big oaf."

We laughed as we regained our composure, reliving that day in our heads, eventually letting go of each other. I couldn't get over how beautiful she had become. She had one of those undeniably attractive faces that radiated a certain magnetism. A cute, slender nose, plump lips, framed by a sharp jaw. It felt like looking at a piece of art.

I noticed her staring back at me and I felt my face flush. "She's your childhood best friend, stop getting aroused!" I told myself as I broke eye contact.

Eliza giggled, "You really grew up, huh?" She gestured upward with her delicate hand. "I'm glad you're still taller than me."

I looked back to see her sheepish expression, a hint of red in her cheeks. Eliza wasn't a short girl by any means, standing at six feet tall. We were both picked on for being the tall, awkward kids at school, which gave us something to bond over.

"Yeah, it seems like we both did some growing," I said teasingly.

This time she turned red and looked away, crossing her arms over her creamy cleavage. Her huge boobs mushed around her forearms. "Still as annoying as ever," she muttered, trying to hide her smile behind pouted lips.

I laughed, "Can't argue with you there. Let's grab some food and catch up! There's so much we need to talk about. You're not busy, are you?" I asked with anticipation.

Drying her eyes she responded, "Nope, I was just checking the market out. I'm glad you said food, because I'm starving. There's a great pizza place down the street, let's go there."

"Perfect. I've been dying for good pizza since I moved here. Show me the way, Liza" I said cheerfully.

She grinned, her perfect white teeth glowing. She still had cute dimples when she smiled. It felt like we were back home again, spending our summer vacations together in New York. "Nobody calls me that anymore, you dork," giving me a playful slap on my shoulder, her tits jiggling as her palm made contact. "Let's go."

As she turned to direct me, I couldn't help but stare at her body. Perfect breasts that seemed to defy gravity, extending nine inches or so away from her torso. A taught, slender stomach clearly visible through her dress. You could tell she had great core strength, I mean she had to, given her assets. Hips that flared to the sides, stretching the fabric of the dress.

For a second, I thought I noticed something swing around between her legs as she moved, but I quickly forgot about that when I caught a glimpse of her ass. Somehow, it put her tits to shame. The top of each massive cheek was clearly visible through the dress. The globes were twice the size of her breasts. They seemed like they had a muscular core that kept them firm and round. As she walked, her hips swayed causing each cheek to rise and fall in sync, sending shock waves through the clapping pair. I could not peel my eyes away. My dick was so hard it felt like it was going to burst. I pulled my t-shirt down to cover my erection as I reluctantly caught up to her.

We chatted as we walked to the restaurant, talking about our lives over the past ten years. Eliza had been sent to live in California with her grandfather. Her parents divorced and neither one of them wanted to have custody of her for reasons she wouldn't discuss. I never understood why she had to leave so suddenly when we were kids. Her grandpa recently passed away, leaving her everything he had. She never has to work and lives in a nice house, apparently.

I told her about finishing high school and college in New York, about getting a tech job that could be done remotely, so that I could live anywhere, and about recently moving to San Diego. I divulged that I hoped to run into her some day and that she was the only true friend I've ever had.

She grabbed my hand, "I feel the same way. I never really had a chance to make friends after leaving, being home schooled and all. Now I don't really have anyone, since grandpa passed..."

"Well, I'm here now," I said, trying to cheer her up as I gently squeezed her hand.

She cracked a smile, "Yeah, I never thought that would happen, but here we are."

We finally reached the pizzeria and picked out a table. I pulled a chair out, offering her a seat.

"Aw thanks, Chris," Eliza said as she reached her arm down to her dress, making sure to tuck it under her tremendous rear as she sat.The chair was too small for her butt, so her cheeks overflowed the seat. Eliza blushed, seemingly embarrassed by her curves.

I took the seat across from her and commented, "I'm surprised you haven't found a boyfriend."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Eliza asked, flustered.

"Well, you know...I mean...how can I say this..." I stumbled over my words, not sure if I wanted to go there. "You're really stunning. I've always thought you were cute, but now you're something special."

Eliza looked down at the table, her body language stiff. "That's for sure," she muttered under her breath. She seemed distressed.

"What's wrong? I didn't mean to offend you, on the contrary," I said, trying to salvage the conversation.

Eliza took a deep breath, her boobs lifted off the table then rested back on, spreading out like water balloons, "The way I am causes more trouble than anything. I don't fit into a lot of clothes, not even this chair," she poked her overflowing ass, causing it to wobble. "See?"

I certainly did. I don't think she had a clue how much she turned me on.

"I can't even wear pants because of my butt, don't even get me started about my co-" she quickly covered her mouth.

Her what? I was confused, but more concerned with how she felt, "I can imagine how difficult that is. You look good in dresses anyway, though. I remember you only wearing them growing up."

She looked even more distraught now, "You remember that, huh...I never really had a choice about what I wore. My parents insisted that I dress like that."

I could tell this was a touchy subject. Suddenly we were interrupted, "Welcome to Pietro's, my name is Ray. I'll be your waiter today. Can I start you two off with something to drink?"

The tension seemed to melt as we both shifted our attention to Ray.

"I'll have a glass of Moscato," Eliza said hurriedly, happy to change gears.

"Great, and for you, sir?"

"Make that a bottle. Also, we'll order a margarita pizza," I replied. I noticed Ray glancing at Eliza's bountiful cleavage. I couldn't blame him, how could you not stare? "She must get that kind of attention all of the time," I thought to myself.

"Ok, I'll be right back with your wine," Ray said as he tucked his notepad into his shirt and left.

Eliza seemed back to her normal, smiling self as she said, "You remembered my favorite pizza! I knew you would."

"It's hard not to, you used to get it almost every week at Joe's back home," I chuckled.

We spent the rest of the meal reminiscing about the old times, getting a little buzzed on the wine and enjoying the food. Everything felt right when I was with Eliza, like it used to, except even better now that we were adults. I knew that we were meant to be together and fate seemed to agree.

"Umm, Chris? Do you want to see my place? I need to talk to you about something there," Eliza looked up at me with her big, beautiful eyes, a bit of uncertainty in her voice. She was fidgeting in her seat, giving motion to her tits.

"Sure, I'd love to. You can talk to me about anything," I said and reached out to grab her hand. "I'll always be there for you, no matter what." I had a feeling it had to do with what bothered her earlier.

I could feel her relax as I assured her. She gave me a cute smile and said, "I'll hold you to that. My house is only a few blocks away,so let's walk. We can get your car later."

We made our way out of the restaurant, hand in hand. I could feel the eyes of the other diners on us as we left. "Is this what she goes through? No wonder she gets embarrassed," I thought to myself.

We reached our destination; a stone covered, two story house in an upper class neighborhood. "Wow, this is really nice, Eliza. You're lucky," I said in amazement.

"Grandpa did well for himself," she said as she opened the front door. "After you."

The house was as lovely on the inside as it was outside. It had the same scent Eliza did, but there were a few more potent sweet notes to it. I took a seat on the large, comfy looking couch in the living room and patted the cushion next to me, "Come here, let's talk."

Eliza walked over, hips swaying, and took a seat. I felt the couch yield to her 'personal cushions' as she did.

"So, I never really explained why my parents divorced and sent me off to live here," she said, twirling her shoulder length hair. "To be honest, this isn't easy to talk about, so bare with me." She stared down to her lap covered by the billowing sundress that looked so nice on her. "You called me special earlier, and that has more truth to it than you know, Chris. My 'specialness' is why my parents split, why I was home schooled, why I have always worn dresses, why it's hard for me to open up and make friends, let alone find a boyfriend."

I didn't really know where she was going with this. When I called her special earlier, I was referring to her natural beauty and insane curves. How could that cause so many issues? I placed my hand on her knee to remind her that I was there for her.

Her eyes opened a bit wider as she mustered the courage to continue, "So, yeah, I don't know how to explain, or if I even should. This was a bad idea..." She bit her plump lip and looked at me.

I looked deep into her eyes as I ran my other hand through her hair, tucking it behind her cute ear, and gripped the back of her neck lovingly, "You can trust me. I'd do anything for you, Eliza."

The sexual tension between us had been rising since we hugged in the market, and after a few drinks I couldn't hold my feelings back anymore. I pulled her in close and our lips met. Eliza's initial gasp transformed into a moan as we shared a passionate first kiss. Her feminine fingers found their way to the back of my head and ran through my shaggy hair. Her lips felt amazing and she tasted as sweet as she smelled. We made out for what felt like hours, but was only a minute in reality.

When I came to my senses I noticed my left hand had drifted further up her leg and had bumped into something. It felt so warm, like it was radiating heat. It pulsed as I placed my hand over its incredible thickness.

Eliza pulled away suddenly. She looked like she was on the verge of tears. I didn't know what to do. I pulled my hand away, trying to decipher what had just happened. What I saw shocked me. Through the dress I could see the outline of what looked like an arm growing from Eliza's crotch. It was about the same size as my forearm and getting bigger. It was almost to her knee.

Confused, I said, "Eliza, what is that?"

She began to cry and moved her hands to cover the massive protrusion. I reached out to comfort her, but she stopped me, "It's what makes me special. I've had it since birth." She began to stand up, pushing the appendage down as she did. "It never was that much of a problem, but when I turned twelve it kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger," she sobbed, gripping her dress. She looked at me with desperation, tears running down her face. "Please don't leave. I can't lose you again..."

Seeing her like that tore my heart in half and moved me to confidently tell her, "Never. I love you, Eliza. All of you."

I took her hands and quickly lifted them, along with her dress. I came face to face with what had to be the largest penis and testicles on the planet. Her massive cock drooped down to her knees, semi erect and thicker than her arm. It must have been over two feet long. The head was peeking through her thick foreskin, then the pronounced ridge of her fist sized glans popped through as she hardened and her foreskin retracted. It looked incredibly smooth, almost feminine despite its sheer size. She wore a large condom that was full of clear, viscous pre. It drooped from the large volume it already held. Her balls were a bit smaller than her gigantic tits, still making them the size of bowling balls. They looked so full and juicy in the taught, hairless sack that barely contained them.

"Wow..." is all that I could say. I wasn't disgusted at all, in fact I was incredibly turned on. Something deep inside me was telling me to worship her monstrous organ. I placed my relatively large hand on her almost fully erect member, which dwarfed my hand in comparison. It was unbelievably thick. My hand only encircled about half of it.

Eliza shook as I groped her cock, obviously enjoying the sensation, but with a hint of fear. She was biting her lip as she stared down at me,"Please, mmm," a moan escaped her. "Please don't hate me."

At this point I knew she wouldn't believe my words. There was clearly a barrier there that she constructed to protect herself from getting hurt. Again, my inner voice guided me, encouraging me to show her how much I loved her, cock and all.

I began to stroke her thick, hot rod of cock meat, enamored by its weight. It must have weighed at least twenty pounds. Eliza groaned,putting her hands on the back of my head as more and more pre filled her condom. I knew what I had to do. My mission was to get her to fill it with how ever much cum her balls could pump out. A switch went off inside me and I became crazed.

I pumped the end of her cock, spreading her pre all over the latex covered shaft and giant glans. I eyed it with lust, imagining trying to fit the head into my mouth almost brought me to orgasm. I rubbed my face all over the thick, spongy pole, tongue licking the entire two foot length. With my other hand, I grabbed Eliza's meaty ass, my fingers getting lost in the pliable cheeks.

"MMM yesss," Eliza uttered between short breaths, her moans becoming more frequent.

I gave her heavy, fat ass a shake and heard a shlick sound as the cheeks clapped together. I noticed clear liquid running down her sculpted thighs. Curious, I lifted her massive sack up and found a soaking wet pussy. "No way," I thought.

My fingers explored her juicy lips as she threw her head back at my touch. She seemed to have a clit and a normal vaginal canal, albeit a bit tight. I struggled to fit two of my meaty fingers into her dripping snatch. I dropped her sack back down, her balls falling heavily. They seemed so full. I started to lick and suck her scrotum as I resumed jacking her massive cock and fingering her pussy. The smell of her sack was intoxicating, filling my nose with that sweet aroma I smelled earlier. I picked up my pace with renewed vigor.

Eliza was having trouble standing, her legs shook as she clung to my hair for dear life. This was clearly working for her, which only fueled my desire. "This is too much, Chris! Mmm ohhh."

I knew she was close, and so was I. My seven inch, meaty cock throbbed against my jeans. My head was racing with thoughts of her enormous member. How much bigger it was than mine. How much I wanted to feel it all over my body. I needed her cum.

With a sudden jerk, Eliza screamed "YES, HERE IT COMES!"

I felt her nuts retract as her rock hard dick swelled even larger. The first blast of her thick cum filled the now too tight condom. I stroked her cock as I came in my pants. Her first shot of cum was twenty times larger than my entire load. The solid stream of white girl spunk deformed the condom with each shot, filling it faster than I thought possible. Her orgasm stretched on for several minutes, filling the condom to its breaking point. The vast amount of cum could fill a bathtub. Finally, it was over.

I carefully pulled the condom off her softening cock until it came free, then tied the impossibly strained rubber. I knelt next to the human sized orb of creamy jizz and licked her dick clean. The taste was indescribable. Sweet, salty, so thick. It was truly addictive as I sucked hard on her pliable cockhead.

"You shouldn't...eat it," Eliza warned as she came back to reality, her lingering orgasm causing her tits and ass to jiggle uncontrollably.

I didn't hear what she said. I was too busy sucking her dry, enjoying the size of her cock filling my mouth. Eliza suddenly fell backward, landing on her prodigious rear, dick coming free from my needy mouth with a wet pop. She sat upright, balls dwarfing her sizable thighs, thick cock drooping over them. "You shouldn't eat my cum, unless you want to end up like me," she said, pointing to her over sized genitals.


My eyes slowly relaxed as I came down from the Eliza induced high that I had just experienced. "Wait, what did you say," I asked after gulping down the last of her syrupy semen.

Eliza sighed, "My cum. It's dangerous. I didn't expect you to do that, Chris, but it's too late now. Good thing it wasn't very much."

I glanced over to the ludicrous balloon of cum next to me, its heat warming my skin. I was still lost in a fog and hadn't really processed what had happened. Eliza, my best friend, the girl I love, just ejaculated a literal tub-full of cum...from her gigantic cock? Was this actually happening? I had a lot of new and confusing feelings that needed exploring, but that could wait.

"What do you mean? Am I in danger? Eliza, please, explain all of...you," I inquired, my eyes drifting to her deliciously thick girl cock, its well rounded head now lying dormant in the enveloping foreskin, atop her skull sized sperm tanks.

"No, you should be ok, I think," Eliza replied with a hint of hesitation, sweat beading on her exhausted looking face. "No one else has ingested it, so I can't be sure. If my hunch is correct you should feel a tingling sensation in your...you know."

As if she had willed it, my crotch started to feel strange. It felt like I was getting an erection, but much more pleasurable. I reached for my dick and felt it swelling, but not hardening. It crept further down my pant leg until it reached the obvious cum stain on my jeans, making it the same size as my recent erection, yet still soft. My balls had the same sensation and seemed to take up noticeably more space than before.

"No way. This can't be happening," I said in disbelief. My mind told me no, but my body's senses were overwhelmingly real. My manhood had just grown. Eliza had a cock, and a huge one at that. The lingering taste of her sweet seed coated my tongue; a pleasant reminder of our first sexual experience. Our eyes met, both of us having witnessed my growth spurt.

"It still works," Eliza muttered, a glint of desire in her eye. She shook her head, "I'm so sorry, Chris. I never meant for this to happen. I guess I owe you a full explanation." She pulled her dress over her exposed parts and stood back up. Her deep cleavage swung in my face; sweaty orbs capped by stiff nipples which poked through her top. We took our seats on the couch as she retold her bizarre story.

I did what I was told. I learned to hide them, only wore dresses, skipped gym class, avoided swimming, and so on. It was difficult, but I got used to it. Everything was fine, until I hit puberty," she clenched her fists, bracing for what came next. "My condition grew out of control and caused tension between my parents. That's when they started arguing about me and what to do. So much so that they ended up divorcing over it. Shortly after, I had to pack everything and say goodbye to you. You have no idea how badly I wanted to tell you everything, hoping I could stay with you and not have to move out here."

"I'm sorry, Eliza. I wish knew. I would have done everything I could have to help you," I said while rubbing her back.

"It's my fault, not yours. Thanks, Chris," she replied with a soft smile. "It was for the best, anyway. My grandfather ended up being the person I needed in my life. You see, he made his money as the head of a biomedical research company. He looked at my condition objectively and put together a small team of his best scientists to help me. They ran a lot of tests on me, some of which I'd rather not talk about. Through their efforts, they figured out that my semen is highly reactive with certain tissues. It apparently has hypertrophic affects on different areas of the body, depending on how it's absorbed."

I tried my best to follow along, nodding as Eliza explained the details of her strange biology.

"It's not just genitals, I can make other things change, too. Like my stomach, for example. Once my cock grew to two feet long, I learned to give myself blow jobs. The result was a lot of cum being swallowed, which expanded my stomach beyond what should be possible," she said as she gestured toward the beanbag chair sized condom.

"That fits inside you?! That's crazy," I exclaimed. The thought of her inflating with cum, her own massive cock stretching her mouth, triggered a part of me I didn't know existed. I don't think I've conceived of anything so erotic in my life.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've done that. I've been abstaining from my semen for a few years now, ever since I went through addiction therapy. I was afraid of getting any bigger, so I asked for help. Life is already difficult with this size of a monster between my legs," Eliza admitted. "That's why I use the condoms that the scientists developed for me. They can handle virtually any volume of liquid and are resistant to puncturing or any other form of destruction. I wear them all day to stay clean and keep the temptation to ingest it to a minimum."

I had so many questions, so many thoughts, that I didn't know where to begin. I felt like I had just been briefed on classified information that the government tried to hide or something, except it was about my lifelong friend, my new goddess of fertility.

"So, the change that I just felt, is it permanent?"

Eliza took a moment to answer, furrowing her brow in thought, "I just remembered the scientists discussing the results of tests that they performed on cells that weren't mine. They mentioned that the introduction of my sperm caused the cell count to rise in line with what was observed in my own cells. The difference was that the hypertrophy reverted within a day, unlike me."

My heart sank a bit. I wouldn't mind having a bigger dick forever, but I guess temporarily is fine. I felt an erection building at the thought.

"I'm relieved that you won't have to share my burden after all," Eliza commented.

"I don't think what you have is a burden, honestly. From what you've told me, it sounds like you've been trained to hate and fear your gift. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't feel any differently about you, Eliza. You're still the same, wonderful person whom I fell in love with. I still don't understand everything, even my own thoughts, but I know that I want to be with you for as long as I can," I confessed.

"Chris...you have no idea how much that means to me," she said while collapsing into my arms.

We just sat there holding each other, enjoying the moment. She felt so close to me, more so than ever before. I lifted her chin to mine and we kissed, this time with more passion. Eliza shifted her weight onto me, her hefty breasts pressing into my chest, her thigh straddling mine. I could feel her engorging flesh tube creeping down my leg. I instinctively began rubbing my enhanced cock on hers. Mine was still less than a third her size. I felt so turned on.

Eliza pushed herself up off of me, panting like she was in heat, "I need a condom. I'm going to get us soaked otherwise."

I thought back to the pre filled one that I first saw on her and reluctantly agreed. She grabbed me by the hand and led me upstairs, making sure that we stepped around the cum sack on the floor. Her ass rippled through her clothes as we ascended. We quickly entered her spacious bedroom and sat on her king sized bed. Eliza fumbled with a drawer underneath as I took in my new surroundings. I noticed two full condoms, like the one downstairs, sitting at the edge of the bed. "She must have to drain her balls frequently," I noted.

"Finally," she said in frustration, ripping the wrapper open with her teeth. With a practiced expertise, she peeled her dress over her head in one fluid motion. Her fat meat log was fully erect, bouncing as she removed her clothing. Pre collected at her slit and ran down the underside of her cock, pooling in the reservoir created by her scrotum. I wanted nothing more than to lick the whole damn thing, slapping my face with her fuck bat. With some effort, Eliza managed to slide it on and a bubble of clear liquid started ballooning immediately at the tip.

"Take your clothes off," she demanded.

I wasted no time stripping and got a good look at my enlarged dick. It looked like an inch or two longer and relatively thicker. I could barely wrap my hand around it now.

Eliza eyed my tool, "I've been dreaming about this for a long time. I want you inside me, Chris." She pinned me down, like a lioness claiming her meal. This was the first time seeing her bare tits up close. They were flawless. Pale, lightly freckled teardrops with thick, pink nipples perfect to suck on. They wrapped around her giant cock, which made them look normal.

"I'm so wet for you," she whispered as she positioned my dick to her hot entrance. She slowly descended onto me, "Oh my god, Chris, you feel so good. I've never had anything this big before."

"Oh fuck, you're so tight. I don't know how long I can last, you feel amazing," I moaned.

Eliza rode me, bouncing her super sized ass up and down. Her cock bounced as she did, thumping me in the chest, its sheer weight knocking the wind out of me. The expanding condom started to spill over onto my neck, then my chin, and then my face as I struggled to breath under her warm pre. I didn't care, in fact I was getting off more because of it. I wanted to be buried underneath her jizz, to feel her cock grow bigger and bigger as it lied on top of me.

"Mmmmm this is better, ohhh, than I imagined," she moaned between harder and harder slams, her ass adding extra gravity to her poundings. Each round cheek smothered my nuts as they came crashing down. I reached around as far as I could, barely grabbing her right one. It was so soft, yet firm at the same time. My left hand massaged her huge testicles, which covered my pelvis. I was in heaven.

I squeezed her balls as her pussy began to spasm around my girth, sending me over the edge. I came harder than I ever have, filling her up with my seed.

"Fuck me, yesss fuck me. Take all of my cum," Eliza shouted, throwing her head back as she erupted. The first blast felt like a tidal wave of hot lava spilling onto my head. Each shot of thick jizz bloated the condom, filling it in a matter of seconds. I almost passed out, between the giant glob of cum suffocating me and the ecstasy of finishing inside of her tight pussy. Her thirty inch long, two liter bottle thick cock sent rope after creamy rope cascading into the latex prison smothering my torso.

Finally, Eliza had finished draining her balls, her thick python of a girl dick resting on the quivering orb that she produced. Only then did she notice me slapping her fat ass signaling for air.

"Chris! Hold on," she yelped. It took her a few seconds to roll the heavy ball of cream off of me until I got a breath of fresh air.

"Feed me... please," I begged between deep breaths. "I want to feel your warm cum inside me. I want to taste every thick ounce. Make me your slut. Please."

Eliza bit her lip in response, awakening a part of herself she had tried to repress for too long. "I have a better idea," she schemed. "Help me move your treat to the tub, my little cum slut."

I obeyed my new master, her word my instruction. We rolled the barrel's worth of Eliza's cock milk to her huge bathroom, where an equally large tub resided. It had a large drain in the middle which she then plugged with a stopper.

"Get in," she commanded.

I crawled in, greedily awaiting my dessert. I could smell my prize and it was driving me mad.

"Pull it over as I push, ready? Pull," she grunted, as we muscled it on top of me. The familiar weight of it, they way the warm goo sloshed around made me instantly hard again.

"Tell me what you want, I want to hear it," said Eliza. A crazed desire lit up her eyes.

"I want, no...I need your cum. I'm going to gulp down every bit of it until my cock is as big as yours," I pleaded.

"Good boy. There's just one problem with that..." She stepped into the tub, squeezing her giant ass into the remaining space. She tweaked her nipples, her tits overflowing her petite hands. Suddenly, she untied the condom, sending a wave of jizz through the tub, covering us to our shoulders in sticky, thick cream.

I shoveled handful after handful of Eliza's dick sauce down my throat. It tasted incredible. I had to deliberately swallow each load, because it was so thick. I rubbed it all over my face as I ejaculated into her sperm bath.

When I opened my cum covered eyes, I saw Eliza using her semi erect cock to scoop up heaping globs of jizz into her mouth. She devoured her fist sized glans covered in her own semen, sucking it all off only to return to the tub for more.

She stared at me, licking her lips, and said, "You'll never be as big as me."


My cum-obstructed view of Eliza was as ludicrous as it was tantalizing. Her already gargantuan two and a half foot cock pulsed rhythmically, lengthening and fattening in waves, causing her fingers to spread further and further apart around its new size. Previously volleyball sized testes encroached the remainder of her thick thighs, gaining a few inches in diameter. A symphony of moans, heavy breaths, and sticky gulps filled the bathroom as we lapped up the last of our bathtub buffet.

Insanely pleasurable sensations coursed through my groin as my growing cock and balls waded through the remaining thick seed coating the tub. I must have gained at least six inches in length and a couple in girth by now, with tangerine sized nuts to match. If it continued like this, I'd soon have a forearm for a penis. Scraping the girl-cum covering my face into my tired mouth, I shifted onto all fours and began licking Eliza's body clean, starting with her smooth, chunky calves. Muffled moans came from her as I licked up her curvy body; her coconut sized glans filling her mouth.

I noticed my cock start to drag on the bottom of the tub as I worked my way to her heavy balls, each glazed orb larger than my head. Their sheer size and roundness demanded my lips to explore every inch. Working in long strokes, my tongue squeegeed off delicious layers of cum from the organs that made it, leaving streaks of clean, hairless sack in my wake. The taste of her spunk didn't get old at all, in fact, it just kept getting better. Its simply addictive taste, the way it coated my throat and filled my belly with warmth, not to mention the euphoric growth it caused, kept me in a sex-crazed state. I needed release. I needed to shove my new womb-wrecker somewhere.

Eliza was busy reacquainting herself with her special seed as I hefted her heavy sack up, sliding my big cock underneath. Her expanding tits were jiggling nonstop from the orgasmic convulsions that she experienced, probably from the pleasure of growing past three feet of thigh-thick dick. I could hear her cum-soaked, fat ass cheeks suctioning to the tub as her body undulated. * shloooorrrrp shloooorrrrp shloooorrrrp *

I slid my eighteen inch cock underneath her scrotum, toward her pussy, until I met resistance. With a bit of effort, I plunged the first half into her, only to be stopped by another blockade. Simultaneously, Eliza spit out her massive head as she exhaled in pleasure, causing her torso long dick to crash into my bare chest. *SPLAT* The slimy monster rubbed along my face as I yielded to its formidable weight, shifting my upper body backwards. The giant cock pulsed against my skin.

"Ahhhh you're soooo deep, I can feel you all the way inside me," Eliza exclaimed.

"I'm only halfway there this time, thanks to your gift," I replied while licking between her foreskin and the thick ridge of her engorged glans, which felt as wide as my tongue.

Soon, I felt her cervix begin to loosen and my whole eighteen inch long, nine inch thick member slid in. I hugged her body pillow of a cock as my hips slammed into her huge balls.

"OH GOD YES! I can feel my insides making room for you," She screamed, eyes rolling to the back of her head. "FUCK ME!"

I didn't need to be told. I couldn't control myself as I slid all the way out to the tip, only to crash back in, my hips and her testicles clapping together as I invaded her womb. Above the slight pudge of her cum-filled belly, my cock distended her stomach, its distinct shape visible through her ivory skin.

"Yes, yes, yes , YES, FUCK ME HARDER! Your big, fat dick is filling me up so good," Eliza chanted with her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

I could only moan as I attempted to stuff her truly massive cock down my throat while I pounded her. My jaw opened wide enough, and, soon, my throat seemed to give way to her twenty inch girth. "It must be the effect of her cum," I remembered.

"Chris, what are you doing to me? This is tooooo gooood," Eliza moaned as she rubbed my cock through her abdomen.* shlack shlack shlack * The sound of our jizz soaked bodies slamming into each other, coupled with the sound that her gushing pussy made as it engulfed my impressive size, fueled my strokes. I was obsessed with pumping her full of my hot load, so much so that I had forgotten that I was the one hooked up to the true cum cannon.

Eliza arched her back, her enlarged tits wobbling from the sudden jerk, as she started to erupt. I could feel her cum travel up her cock in massive globs as my throat stretched even further to take it all in. Each shot of thick jizz inflated my stomach in visible spurts. My eyes looked down to see my belly gush with each liter sized shot of cum, wobbling further and further around her massive meat monument. * GLOOORRRPP slosh GLOOORRRPP slosh* I sloshed and gurgled as more and more hot, sticky semen was pumped into me, surpassing the amount Eliza had put into each previous condom. Her balls really had grown and it showed. My jiggling stomach wrapped all the way around her massive girth, essentially turning me into a giant fleshlight for her dick.

Then it hit me; a familiar tingling feeling in my crotch. I hilted my cock as it lurched forward, distending Eliza even further as I started to grow. My throbbing erection grew with each heart beat.

Twenty inches. "Ah it's moving! I can feel it getting bigger," Eliza snapped as she came back around from her earth shattering orgasm.

Twenty two inches. "It's getting thicker...ooooo yeahhh," she quivered around my expanding girth.

Twenty five inches. "It's stretching me so far! I can almost lick it," she referenced the massive protrusion under her skin.

With a final swell, my cock leapt to thirty inches of two-liter-bottle-thick man meat, sealing up her pussy as I came hard. An explosive shot of cum traveled from my melon sized balls, ballooning my cocksleeve named Eliza. Her enlarged womb flooded with my thick cum, sending wave after wave of sloshing sperm around the outline of my giant cock. Its shape was lost underneath her expanding belly, which now looked close to mine in size. Our stomachs touched; the jiggling masses engulfing Eliza's rock hard flesh pole, which I was still impaled on.

"Yessss, fill me with as much as you can. Turn me into your personal cum dump. I don't want to be able to move," she begged.

Our gurgling, cum-filled bodies started to over flow the tub as the last of my load filled her. We squished together, not an inch of space left between us, and passed out in bliss.

When we awoke, our bellies had deflated greatly and our cocks had softened. Clearly some time had gone by, but neither of us knew how long we were out for.

"Did...did that really happen? I feel so...big," I patted my pregnant looking stomach and wobbled my flaccid log of cock meat between my knees.

"Yeah...it did..." Eliza replied in an almost panicked tone. She wrapped her hands around her larger dick, not even encircling it while soft. Her face lost color when the realization of her growth set in. "I can't believe I let it control me again," she said, hefting her breasts which had grown a few bra sizes bigger. They reached halfway down her torso now, but kept their perfect shape.

When she tried to stand up, her wider hips and fuller ass had suctioned her to the tub. The sticky cum coating them certainly didn't help, either. "Ugh, really? Like I needed a bigger ass," she sighed in disgust. "Can you help me?"

I tried not to show how much her new form turned me on, but my swelling dick betrayed me. Eliza noticed as I stood up offering her a hand. She rolled her eyes.

*Shhhliiick-POP* Her massive ass peeled away from the tub as I yoinked her up, the semen seal breaking. You could even see her jiggling cheeks from the front, they were so big now. I knew where I wanted to try sticking my dick next. Eliza's concerned face, however, quickly grounded me in reality.

"Are you ok? I know a lot just happened. I mean, a LOT," I asked her, trying to lighten the mood like I usually do.

"You know exactly what to say to annoy me, don't you," she remarked, clearly not amused by my crappy sense of humor.

"I'm sorry. Let's have a real talk about it. About you. About us. I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand...it's just that, you know...your cum does something to people. I don't just mean giving them giant wieners or turning them into cum balloons. I'm talking about the way it drove me mad," I said.

"That's what I meant when I said I became addicted. It's not just the taste, it's the mindset it gets you in. The pleasure it brings you. The satisfaction of growing," Eliza replied.

"After experiencing it first hand I understand now. It's not easy to let that go. Everything we just did together felt better than anything I've ever done, by a long shot. No wonder why you asked for help. I'm proud of you, really," I told her.

"It wasn't easy, that's for sure. I had to wean myself off of my cum over time. I would trick my system into thinking that I was giving it what it wanted. This would normally be embarrassing, but after what we just did..."she looked at me with a newfound level of comfort. "I used to suck my own penis every night, except instead of drinking my semen, I would just fill a condom that I had already swallowed. I got the sensation of feeling full that I craved, but I could just pull it out when I felt satiated."

"That's hot," I silently admitted to myself, nodding in support of her confession.

"Now, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle eating it again. Especially that much," she looked to me for a reaction.

I took a minute to sort my feelings. "I know that you probably don't want to hear this, but it's how I truly feel. You are amazing. Your body is amazing. Instead of trying to deny who you are, why don't you embrace it and let the people in your life love and support all of you?"

Her face seemed torn, like she had just received the best news of her life, while simultaneously feeling sick to her stomach.

I think the thought of letting go to her inevitable desires terrified her. Who would be there for her if she were to become an even bigger freak? How would she realistically live? I used every ounce of empathy that I had in me to navigate these new and complex emotions that I was being exposed to, and I came to a simple conclusion.

"Eliza, I pledge my life, my being, to you. I don't want to live in a world without you and I don't want to live in a world with a partial you, either. I want to be your everything, and I only ask that you be my everything in return. I love all of you, truly," I said confidently, grabbing her sticky hands and taking a knee in our mess. My genitals made it difficult, because they took up most of the space between my legs, but I knelt there, staring at her gorgeous jizz glazed self.

An array of emotions swept across her face, eventually settling on a happy acceptance. Her eyes teared and a big smile of relief washed over her. "Ok. I can do that... you big oaf. I love you, too. I always have. We'll figure life out together, big or...bigger," she stared at our ridiculous dicks. We both couldn't help but laugh at our new reality.