MY ONE AND ONLY By DamienDeath20

Maria never believed in magic, or luck, or destiny, or any of that crap that fairy tales were made of. Life was tough, it always had been and she always thought it would be. But now, as she glanced down at the man laying dazed beside her. Her cum slowly spilling from his loopy smile and oozing from his freshly used ass, she was beginning to think otherwise.

After all, she did get extremely lucky meeting him. Someone who really cared, and didn't want her just for her body. But even more so, when he found out that her body harbored a twitching pack of thirteen inches she was blessed with down south.

It seemed like it was only yesterday when she first set her eyes upon his handsome face.

The first time she met Jason...

One Month Earlier

"Yeees! Work it honey!" For the ten thousandth time, the cameras flashed in her face. Today's photoshoot was at Starlight beach and Maria felt just about ready to drop dead out of exhaustion and annoyance. Her cameraman Bobby was very overly enthusiastic about his job, and at times his energy helped to enrich the experience, but in her aggravated state, it only made her more irritable. "These are the money shots, I can feel it in my bones!" He said clicking away at the button on his large camera.

What was suppose to be a three day shoot, quickly devolved into one long single day session just crammed together because of a scheduling error on her agents part. They needed to get bright morning shots of Maria on the beach followed by evening shots for dramatic sunset silhouettes and so on. She had been holding poses all day, stuck in her high heels which was killing her feet. "High heels on the beach? Really? Who thought of this?" She angrily thought arching her back again in this doggy style position they had her in.

She was surrounded by other workers who constantly came up and adjusted her, along with the big umbrella lamps to keep the correct lighting. Nothing she wasn't already use to, but she was quickly growing sick of them over these last few hours.

Once more one of Bobby's cronies quickly scampered up to her to press down on the small of her back, arching it further, uncomfortably so, then skittered away back off to the side. "Ugh..." She audibly groaned but quickly forced herself to retain the small smile that magazines loved to plaster all over their models.

"Yes! Yes! Baby mmm!" Bobby squealed again, looping around to get an ample shot of her glorious rear.

Maria finally couldn't hold her tongue anymore, "Bobby, when are we gonna be done here?" She turned her head over her shoulder to look at him, much to his noticeable dissatisfaction.

The squirrely little man rolled his eyes obnoxiously, "We'll be done when we're done babe, now go back to posing! These extra night time pics are gonna blow their minds with-"

"Extra?" Maria cut him off.

"Umm, yes extra!" He spoke as if he was surprised that she sounded surprised. "We're still here and we're on a roll so we're throwing in some extra hours to get extra pics and give you extra moolah honey." Again he rounded her and gestured up with his hand, "Roll over this time, onto your side like earlier, lift your leg up high, show off that flexible skill you got."

Although Bobby was amazing at his job, Maria felt the unquenchable desire to knock him out sometimes. You could never give him too much time to work otherwise he would get carried away and do things like this.

Maria wanted to be done, she was hungry, tired, her back was sore, her feet were sore, but above all else.

Her cock was sore.

Having a career, as a semi-nude model was a bit of a difficult task when you consider the over foot long length of cock meat tucked between her thick thighs. But when you've been doing this for as long as she has, you learn a number of clever ways about how to hide the womanhood and the pair of bulbous twins that accompanied it. Hiding it for this long though, stuffed way back and nestled between her rap song worthy butt cheeks, made it ache really bad.

But again with a groan, she complied her photographers commands and rolled over to kick her left leg high up in the air while laying propped up on her elbow. "I don't get paid enough for this..." She mumbled as Bobby began cheering and snapping away again.

This went on long enough for Maria to contemplate quitting her job, but she had a good thing going with it. And as a busty Latina with a pear shaped body and unstoppable ass, it was either this, or sleep with the sleaziest agent she could find to earn her a spot next to Nicky Minaj in the sequel to the Anaconda music video.

And she would rather die.

So she toiled on through the struggles until Bobby finally seemed to be spent and called it quits for the night. Enough shots had been taken today to fill about three portfolios and then some. It felt like the entire crew let out a breath of relief upon giving the okay to go home, but no one was nearly as relieved as Maria.

"Uuuuhhh..." She stood and stretched her arms high up over her head then bent over forward trying to ease the tension on her back. Nearly allowing her cock to spring up and out but thankfully the black bikini swimsuit held it in its place. "This fucking day uggh..." She received several shoulder pats and acknowledgments from the crew who figured she had it worse then them. And while they weren't unappreciated, Maria really didn't feel like taking the time to speak with everyone about it. She was exhausted, her belly was empty, there was sand in aaaaaaallll the wrong places, and her balls needed to be drained.

Since todays hours started very early, Maria didn't get her daily fap in either. Contributing even more to her frustration, so she hurried to her reserved folding chair that had, 'Maria Rojo.' Stage last name of course, and hurriedly collected her purse and belongings. "Gonna get the fuck out of here, go home, watch some porn, get some food, and forget this day ever happened." However in her haste to grab her things, the strap of her purse snagged on the edge of her chair and tipped over, spilling nearly all it's contents out onto the sandy floor below. Her wallet, makeup, car keys, and other supplies sprawled out everywhere and with the sun nearly fully set, it was going to be hard finding them all. Maria's shoulders fell, "Uggghh...why?" Sadly she then knelt down to begin regathering her stuff. Everyone else appeared to be busy packing up so she didn't bother asking for help, " the worst...fucking day...eve-"

"Here, let me help you Miss." A tender voice came from above Maria drawing her attention up towards it.

Amber eyes sparkling against the starlight met her own along with a define jawline, styled up black hair and a tan face. A shy smile greeting her as the roughly six foot man got down beside her to help with scavenging her dropped things.

Maria's heart fluttered each time those eyes looked into her own brown ones. And she stammered trying to speak as he got down to her level. "O-oh, that's ok I just uh, I just lost some things I can get them it's no problem."

The man shook his head, "I don't mind Miss, I figured you had a hard enough day today already." He already was reaching down to scoop up the contents of her purse that had spilled further away.

"Oh you, you work on set?" She asked, trying to keep her eyes down on the sand and not sailing all over him.

He nodded, "Yeah I um, actually just started today. I mainly just help out with the lighting and such so I was kind of in the background, so it's okay if you didn't notice me."

She hadn't, but boy she wished that she did. He was lean, and his grey shirt hugged his thin torso, not too skinny and not too muscly for her tastes. No he seemed to reach a perfect medium that made her check him out from head to toe. "Damn how did I miss this? Hubba Hubba." She thought losing some of her discreetness. "Well, it's nice to meet you mister..." She dragged out the R sound hoping to goad his name out of him while she reached for her phone in the sand.

It just so happened that he too reached for her phone at the same moment, and like a cheesy romantic comedy movie, the pairs hands touched.

Their fingers flinched at the contact, but didn't pull away. They just lingered there in the moment, until their gaze once again met each other's. Maria let out a slightly nervous giggle as those dark orbs just speared themselves right into her soul.

"Jason, Miss Rojo. My name's Jason." He answered still not moving his hand away and offering a shiny white smile.

Jason had applied for this job the moment that he saw the advertisement online. Everyone knew about the absolutely gorgeous Latina model Maria Rojo. Known widely around the erotic modeling industry for her long black hair, curvaceous plump figure, and her amazing ass that had to have been a gift from the Gods! Two bodacious cheeks that you could bury your face in and suffocate with a smile on your face. She wasn't exactly humble in the chest area either, a matching pair of beautiful tits proudly adorned her chest, but she was primarily known for her wide hips, curvy figure, and boner inducing booty that would make the Kardashians jealous.

Miss Maria had been the subject of Jason's fantasies from the moment he discovered her a long time ago. He developed the biggest crush on the model and longed more than anything in the world for the chance to meet her. So when the ad for a job in the modeling business working for Miss Rojo's photo shoots came up, Jason went out of his way to put all of his cards on the table and get the job.

Hell, he dressed in a full tuxedo garb for the job interview to showcase his professionalism.

With a stroke of luck, he managed to land the position, and when he got the call he nearly screamed like an excited schoolgirl thinking about the opportunity at hand. A chance to meet his crush, and maybe actually make a move! He had been single for a while, and through just a little cyber stalking on her social media, he knew she was single as well.

A guy could dream couldn't he?

But when the day came along that a scheduling error accelerated the time he had to prepare for his first day on the job. That caused a bit of anxiety on his part, he couldn't screw this up. This was his shot, most likely his only one, so he needed to pull it off.

His nerves were rattled while he set up the equipment early in the morning today, every other second glancing over his shoulder and waiting for the model to arrive on site. His hands were trembling, "I got this...deep can do this...just approach her when she gets a second and..." He blew the air out between his lips, "Dear Lord help me do this."

However when Miss Maria Rojo herself finally parked her car in the lot and stepped out onto the beach. All of Jason's worries and anxieties melted away in favor of staring in awe at the woman of his dreams.

She arrived in uniform, the tight fitting black bikini which left oh so little to the imagination. Only just barely covering the big breasts that Jason's mouth watered at the sight of. And only a thin strip of fabric concealed her lady parts on her lower body. Just seeing her in the flesh like this, makeup done up, hair gorgeous and slightly wavy, black high heels on her feet. His dick went rigid in record time at the sight of her.

And what followed in the next few hours was like a dream come true. Jason got to watch as Maria Rojo went through a variety of poses and positions in sexy provocative attire. Occasionally leaving to change out swimsuits or touch up her makeup with the provided workers. His heart pounded in unison with his throbbing cock, this was the best day of his life.

Only he could tell that as the hours went on, even though he could happily watch his dream girl pose for pictures all day, it was stretching on for a long time. And she voiced her frustration every now and again from being pushed to work like this. Some of his crew were able to spot it too but the head photographer seemed to be completely oblivious and wrapped up in the moment to care. And this made Jason nervous again, he wanted to get a chance to talk to her at some point. He needed to, he was too infatuated not to at least give it a try. But if she was aggravated and pissed off at her photographer, then she might brush him off from being in a bad mood or something.

He could wait for another opportunity, maybe on a less cluttered work day. But when that moment came along, that he was passing by putting some of the light stands away. And he heard the purse spill out followed by her groan, it was like some unseen force told him that this was his chance.

Swallow your fear and chase your dream. So he approached, heart racing, palms sweaty, and light headed. But he approached, and started their conversation.

The only problem Maria had with this interaction however was that his cock was not the only one that was hardening.

She casually lifted her hand away from his while pulling her phone up and out of the sand, while she used the other to try and brush a black lock of hair over her ear. "It's nice to meet you Jason. I'm Maria." She said.

Jason smile grew wider, "I know."

Maria blinked, "Oh duh." She mentally face palmed. "Of course." The two of them shared a short but sweet laugh. "Sorry, it's been a long day I guess."

"I could tell, but you were amazing out there." He said, feeling confidence swelling up in him. This was going great so far! She was even more beautiful up close, "How you hold up despite Bobby's bickering is a feat on it's own." At this point most of her dropped items had been replaced back into her purse, but the pair seemed to be taking their time slowly rising back up to their feet.

She waved her hand trying to dismiss the compliment, "Oh it was nothing. Bobby's always been a little annoying, but it's part of the job description I guess." Speaking of her annoyances though, Maria noticed that ever since she started talking with this cute stranger, her aches and pains seemed to suddenly just disappear from her body. All she could focus on was this odd butterfly sensation in her belly.

While they were standing, Jason was a few inches taller than her despite the high heels. "Well, tolerating Bobby and your skill at modeling is just out of this world. I hope you don't mind me being a little forward but, wow I couldn't stop staring at you, you were so beautiful. And still are of course!" He quickly added.

She rolled her eyes feeling a tiny heat rushing to her face, "Ohhh stop. So you're a fan of my work?" Her fingers began to idly twirl a stray strand of her hair.

Jason nodded, "Yeah, long time fan Miss Rojo, and it's a true privilege to be servicing your beauty!" He spoke putting on a stern professional tone.

Again she laughed and he shared it as well, something about his chuckling seemed to stir up something within her that just made her want to jump this mans bones. Maybe it was his straight pearly whites that peaked out every time he did, or his chest moving under that concealing shirt with his breaths. She couldn't place it but she found this boy attractive, veerry attractive. She took a moment to picture him without it on, she was barely wearing anything after all so he was getting a nice view. It was only fair if she eye fucked him a bit. Followed by her picturing him without those black jeans on, what his ass would look like swallowing her...

And as it did before, her cock once again threatened to break free of its tucked away containment. She actually flinched this time, having to lock her thighs together tightly to stop her rod from bursting out and bulging in her swimsuit.

Jason didn't have to worry as much, he of course had nothing to hide and his throbbing manhood remained settled in the front of his pants, eagerly wanting to come out and greet the sexy Latina in front of him.

It was almost like they just naturally shared a sexual attraction between the two of them, and their loins could just sense it. The sheer desire to pounce on one another, tear away the clothes and mate.

Only at the thought of that, Maria started to get nervous. He probably was thinking that there was a nice tight pussy between her legs, and not a great club of a cock. The second he saw what she was lugging around he would probably scream and run the other direction. Like many others before him did.

Thankfully before this thought managed to sour Maria's mood anymore than it already had, she heard him speak again, "Hey, listen...I know we just met but. You're really pretty, and I'll be honest, I applied for this job because I've had a little bit of a crush on you from your work."

"Oh?" Maria said, "So does that mean you're only into me because I'm half naked a lot?" She teased him.

"No, no, no!" He smiled, "Actually the complete opposite, it's kind of hard to explain but...I just feel like I know you." Jason told her, his voice deepening and taking on a more serious manner. "And if I don't know you than I'd like to. I've wanted to meet you for a long time and, I feel like you're a good person, someone that I'd like to spend a lot of time with. So..." He paused, "With the risk of again being too forward...would you maybe like to go on a date with me sometime? I know we just met, and this is crazy..."

"But here's my number so call me maybe?" Maria interjected softening his more serious statements, earning another heart melting chuckle from him. "Actually..." She thought about it for a second. He was a good looking guy, and she knew there was a chance it wouldn't work out. Because everything could be great until the day they end up in bed together and 'pop' goes her boner. But then again, maybe not? Maybe this beautiful stranger was the one and only. Maybe they had a chance. And with that in mind, after another quiet pause between them, she decided to take the chance. "Okay, I'd love to."

She can still remember how bright his face lit up the moment she nodded and said that. It was the definition of a picture-perfect moment in her mind.

And what came after in the following weeks was the best time of their lives. They exchanged numbers and went out on a bunch of dates ranging from the typical dinner, to movies, to just simple breakfast, coffee, or hangouts. But even simple dates turned out to be more than enough to spark the strongest feelings of butterflies and bashfulness within the dating couple.

They passed the 'getting to know each other' phase pretty much in its entirety on their first date. It was just so easy to talk to one another, Maria was able to open up about her job with Miracle Modeling, about how it was tough on her a lot but it was what she was good at so she kept at it.

Jason told her about himself, going into more detail about how he only took the job because he wanted to get to know her more. Further flattering the busty model, but also strengthening the already established connection they made.

It baffled Maria so much to think that she could have only known a person just for a few hours, but somehow just feel so close to them. Like they were made to be around you, like it was meant to be.

They had their first kiss on the second date, when Jason brought Maria back home after a night at the cinema. And the sparks...oh wow the sparks. Fireworks went off in their chests and it was like they both were floating. Nothing compared to the feelings the boy felt when her lips touched his. He'd kissed several girls in the past, but all those lips paled in comparison to his crush's full pink pouty ones.

Maria also was no stranger to kissing, but the way he allowed her to part his mouth open and gently dance with her tongue as it poked around inside sent electric volts through her.

It was slow, and it was long. And it felt like love.

Was that what it was? Love at first sight? She had heard all the stories, watched all the Disney movies and seen all the celebrity bullshit. Never once in her life did Maria actually consider that she could fall so fast and so hard for somebody, because this was the real world.

But as his tongue gently wrestled hers, their mouths clicking and smacking, kissing over and over for an endless amount of time. It almost didn't feel real. As if at least just for this moment, life was a fantasy.

And she was falling in love.

Jason knew that his idea of actually being with his crush was beyond farfetched. He was astounded that he had gotten as far as to even talk to her. So the moment she said yes to a date with him already felt surreal.

She made his mind race, her subtle flirts, and gentle touches always set him on edge. Her cute bashfulness whenever he complimented her or touched her hair. How she seemed to get coy when he flirted back. She was perfect, too good to be true. But it was. His dream woman was everything he had wanted and more.

He couldn't have gotten luckier.

The first kiss sealed it in his heart and soul. He walked her to the front steps of her home, holding her hand along the way. Coming back from a long night at the showcase, not wanting to say goodbye for the night he just went for it. Not wanting the night to end, he stopped her in the only way he could think of.

Cutting her off as she went to say goodnight to him, her lips were there and he captured them in his own. Longing to taste her sweet kiss, finally answering the age long question of what it feels like to kiss the crush of your fantasies. Feeling her arms wrap around his neck and pull him in closer allowing him to do the same around her waist.

It was unlike any other relationship he'd ever had before, it felt incredible, like it was meant to be.

It felt like he was falling in love.

After the first kiss milestone had been crossed, the flirtation between the two grew more and more sexually charged. And it didn't take long for the comments and the texts to quickly escalate to full on teenager level perverted.

Only these two were adults, and actually intended on following through with their claims.

The one month anniversary came, and Jason planned a big night on the town for Maria. However they only made it about halfway through the date before they realized they couldn't keep their hands off each other for a minute longer. And the pair now came crashing through the front door of Maria's house. Completely tangled up in each other's arms. Lips smashing, hands clutching desperately while their bodies tumbled through the doorway.

Maria pushed Jason back up against the door slamming it shut as her grabby hands pawed at the chest she had been wanting to see bare since the day she met him.

Jason was pretty surprised with how aggressive she was getting. Up until now she had been a little bashful when it came to his flirts and gestures. But now that they were getting down to the nitty gritty, it seemed like the animal within her was waking up. Her fingers found their way into the sleeves of his jacket and pushed it off of his shoulders, dropping it to the floor. At the same time, her teeth bit down on Jason's lower lip, tugging it and earning a light grunt from him.

You'd think based on her career, he would've guessed that she was a very sexual person. But since she seemed so submissive outside the bedroom, he didn't think she would be so forceful inside it.

Not that he was complaining of course.

Between hot, heavy breaths, Maria whispered to him, "I want you..." She kissed him again, "I want you now..." She kicked off her high heeled shoes at the front door and pulled him further inside.

Jason smiled against her, "You've had me for a while now." They giggled a bit in the midst of their make out session as they stumbled and tumbled through her home. Occasionally knocking something off of a shelf or bumping into walls, but simply too wrapped up in the arms of each other to spare even a passing glance at whatever they might have broken. Jason was far too preoccupied to even bother looking around and getting a look at her home's interior. All he could focus on was getting more of his girlfriend all over him.

Maria blindly lead them to her bedroom, barreling through the doorway as she ripped his shirt up and off of his body. Relocating her kisses down to his chest, his skin warm to the touch as his body heated with anticipation.

Eventually she felt their legs touch the side of her bed and she crawled onto it, pulling him along with her. It was a Queen size mattress so there was plenty of room for them to continue rolling around for a while. Her fingers soon found their way down to the waist of his jeans and quickly undid the latch on his belt, pulling it loose through each of the loops and setting it down off to the side of the bed.

Jason also finally managed to get his own grabbing hands under the hem of Maria's black blouse and tugged it up requesting removal. Eagerly she lifted her arms to assist with discarding the covering garment and then followed up by reaching around her back to unclasp her bra. This was anything but slow and sensual like their first kiss, this was pure primal desire. Maria hadn't wanted to see someone naked this bad in so long. To run her hands along his delicious torso and dip down into his pants. To feel his hands gripping her...

"Oh shit..." Her eyes went wide in the middle of one of their kisses as the realization finally hit her.

The black lace bra just came off, and was tossed away. Jason immediately sank down to finally get a mouthful of her glorious tits while his hand palmed the other one. Her chest was hefty, and her hardened dark pink nipples were just begging for attention.

But despite this moment being everything she wanted, a horrible sense of dread filled Maria's heart. Jason didn't know what she was, this entire time they had been dating, not once did she mention that she wasn't like any other normal girl. The raging hard on straining against it's tucked away position in her jeans was like a ticking time bomb. She hadn't jerked off yet today since they spent the entire morning and afternoon together, so her balls were already boiling. And besides, fapping was starting to not be enough anymore.

The sheer want, and need for satisfaction grew stronger every time she saw Jason. There were several close calls when he had touched her thigh a few dates ago when it almost burst out.

She wanted him, but probably not in the same way he wanted her. She wanted him on the end of her dick, she wanted that ass she'd ogled several times over to be bouncing up and down on her meat. She wanted those kissable lips to suck the cum out of her stick and swallow her baby juice.

He didn't know.

But as his free hand began to slide slowly down the side of her ribs and onto her hips, hesitantly dancing along her waist, she panicked.

It was now or in five seconds when he touches her concealed diamond hard staff. "W-wait, Jason..."

Instantly Jason stopped, pulling his mouth free from sucking on her pert bosom. He looked up into his lover's eyes, "What's wrong? Am I going too fast?"

She shook her head, "No, it's not that. I want to keep going. Fuck I reeeally want to keep going papi but..." Her eyes had to look away from his, "I...I have to tell you something. Something that very few people in the world know, and I'm terrified that you're gonna run away when you find out and I really don't want you to which is why I haven't told you until now."

Jason tilted his head and adjusted his position so he wasn't leaning over her reclined back body, also allowing her to sit up. "It's okay baby, I'm not gonna run away, you can tell me anything. What is it?" He reached up to brush a strand of hair away from her face.

Maria felt like she was shaking, this state of worry and arousal was new to her and her heart was hammering. "Please...please promise you won't be mad at me?"

He cupped her cheek, "Of course I promise." His eyes always felt honest, God she was falling so hard for him. And she didn't want to lose him, so he had to know the truth. "Go ahead, tell me." He was barely able to finish the sentence as she blurted it out.

"I have a cock."

And the longest pause of the night ensued after she spoke those four words. She was pretty sure she heard a wolf howl to the moon in those few silent moments.

Jason blinked three times before finally saying, "I'm sorry what?"

Maria's shoulders fell, already preparing her heart for an impending rejection. "I'm sorry Jason I...I have a cock. Between my legs, here..." She reached out and took his hand, best way she could think of to explain without him thinking it was a joke. So she removed his hand from her face and lowered it to her legs, spreading them apart a bit so her girl cock could gain just a bit of freedom. Enough to press up against the inside of her pants and swell against the fabric.

Guiding his wrist, she planted his palm flat against it. He nearly flinched at the intense heat that seemed to be radiating off this odd bulge that appeared out of nowhere in her crotch. "What the?" He quietly said as she applied pressure to his hand, allowing him to feel the tube like shape of it.

"There...there is a pussy down there! But it's...just under my cock, and two big balls." She tried to sound confident, but she couldn't help the tiniest quiver in her voice from escaping while she talked. "I was born with it, and it's a part of who I am. I know I should've told you this sooner but I didn't want to risk you running away, but regardless, yes. I have a cock." She was actually a bit surprised that he didn't immediately wrench his hand away as her exes had done before him. "So, there's my skeleton in the closet. If you don't want me anymore then we should end this right now."

She looked away again, already feeling her eyes get a little glassy at the thought of losing him.

But what felt like forever passed by and Jason didn't say anything. Instead he just sat there, hand still nestled between her legs feeling the covered pulsating appendage that he hadn't known about until now.

So many emotions came out with her words despite her best efforts to conceal them. He could feel years of hurt, and sadness as she revealed her biggest secret. And what a BIG secret it was.

"How the Hell did she even hide this thing?" He thought curiously, allowing his palm to slide up and down what felt like the base of it. He'd seen her in so many swim suits, and revealing outfits and yet, not the faintest hint of a bulge was ever noticed by him or anyone else apparently. She must've perfected the art of concealing a lethal weapon.

It shocked her to feel him rub it a little, and gave her the smallest glimmer of hope when he didn't immediately declare the relationship over and book it out of there. Instead, he glanced between her face and her package and gave it just a little squeeze. Almost as if asking for permission to touch it more.

"Mm..." Maria cooed drawing his gaze back up to hers. "What are you doing papi?" She asked biting her lower lip. His hand felt so good, but was still such a tease through the jean material.

Jason could tell she had most likely gone through her fair share of heartbreaks because of this rod tucked away down there. But what he knew in his heart and mind was that he was never after Maria solely for her body anyway. Of course he was physically attracted to her, but it was never the driving force that compelled him to want to meet her. He wasn't falling for her breasts, or her ass, or her figure, or any of that.

He was falling for her.

He was in love with her.

Quickly he leaned forward and snatched a quick peck on the lips from her and gave the best warm smile he could muster. "I'll try anything once for you baby." He said and more hope than ever before swelled up within Maria. "I just wish you would've told me sooner, that way I could've researched on how to be a good cock sucker."

Maria's eyes went wide. "Wh-what?" Jason knelt up again and lightly pushed on Maria's front to coax her into lying down on her back. "What do you mean Jason?"

Her question went unanswered though as he lowered his head to plant a few butterfly kisses down along her front, revisiting her breasts for an extra second before dipping lower. Licking and nibbling on her soft tummy, then sinking to the button on her jeans. "No more hiding things from now on. Okay?" He asked, to which Maria nodded rapidly. Heart racing faster than it ever had before. "Now...let's see this big girl of yours." His fingers tugged apart the button, then slowly pulled the zipper down. Following soon after was her pants entirely, he tugged them down her shapely legs pulling her body along with them a bit. She squealed as he moved her further down, removing the pants and standing up off the bed throwing them off behind him. Her lower body now hanging off the edge of the bed where he stood.

Now only in her lacy black underwear and with her thighs parted wide, the bulge he had been introduced to was much more noticeable now. "Well, you're gonna show me yours, so I might as well show you mine." He then maneuvered his hands to remove his own pants as well.

She watched him with rapt attention, her breasts rising and falling with the heavy intake and expelling of oxygen.

He pushed his trousers down along with his boxers showing off his lean muscled legs, and allowing his own seven-inch manhood to spring up, finally being within reach of his fantasy woman.

Maria's eyes darted to it, it was less than half the size of her own but she didn't care. She thought it was beautiful. What she really wanted to see though, his ass, was still just out of sight behind him. Regardless though she still offered him a playful catcalling whistle. "Sexy papi."

Jason snickered, "Okay, you ready to show me?" She nodded, straightening out her legs so when he reached forward it would be easier for him to take the panties off. He took hold of the waistband of them and slowly pulled the thin material down...


Thirteen inches of rock solid girl meat flung up and out of it's confining prison, missing her boyfriends face by less than an inch with what most certainly would've been a knock out smack. Now it was Jason's turn for his eyes to go wide, "Whoa..." Her cock basically reached the sky it was so large, and the huge ball sack underneath it held what looked like two full lemons inside a smooth flesh colored package.

His jaw dropped almost instinctively, the veiny rod twitched and jumped excitedly now that it was finally free and already a shiny drop of precum was already spilling out from her bulbous mushroom shaped tip , and leaking down the underside.

"Holy're...big..." He said slowly, suddenly losing some of his own nerve. He was expecting something of maybe similar size to his own equipment. But she was easily over twice as big.

"Is that...bad?" Maria asked, suddenly worried again.

Quickly though, Jason blinked out of his surprised haze and shook his head. "No, no it's not at" He looked over her entire body now. Naked laying back, legs up with her feet propped against the edge of the bed. Big dangling sack dropped down low and attached to this massive breeding staff. Just underneath it, he could see the glistening pink lips of her pussy as well. " look..." He felt his prick jump in rhythm with her own, he was now nervous, but his was clearly also excited. "You look...really sexy..." Maria blushed and turned to look away. "Can I touch it?"

That made her look back, "Yes! Yes you can!" She sat up on her elbows, suddenly very excited and eager to watch.

Jason wanted to laugh at her sudden giddy demeanor, but decided to instead just go for it. She gave him the green light and like he said earlier, he'd try anything at least once.

So with a curious hand, he reached out and took her flesh into his grasp. Instantly earning a noise of approval from his lover. Her cock was thicker than he anticipated, maybe having the same girth as his arm, possibly more. He couldn't close his fingers all the way around it, so he added a second hand to cover the half the single one couldn't. Then began to squeeze.

"I didn't think that I'd be giving my first handjob tonight." Jason thought comically, he figured that since he was handling a cock, it would most likely enjoy the same things he did. So he applied steady pressure to the shaft, and gripped it tightly while rubbing it up and down. It was a little off considering how much bigger she was than his own, but not too difficult for him to get use to.

"Uuuuhhnnn..." Maria moaned, "Oh have no idea how long I've been waiting for this..." Her head tilted back as the sweet slow sensations from Jason's massaging coursed up her body. "Go faster...please, I can't wait any more..." She begged, the desire for release surging within her. It felt like a roaring fire was in her pelvis, and he was just barely drip feeding it the smallest droplets of kerosene with his methodical motions. But she wanted more fuel, she wanted the entire tank dumped on her flame so she could just explode all over him.

He smiled at her sultry begging voice and jerked her a bit faster, her tip bouncing about only a few inches from his face. More clear fluid started to leak from it and stream down her hard shaft, dripping onto his fingers and making them all sticky. The scent of musk coming from both her balls and her cock was flooding every single one of his senses and sending them into overdrive. He chewed on his own lower lip and more aggressively began to work her dick. Wringing the iron dick in his grasp, twisting and tugging harder feeling his own arousal seeming to spark up with the thought of pleasuring her.

There was a moment when he felt his tongue drag along his lips while he watched more of the precum spill out from her head. "I wonder..." It smelt amazing, so Jason had the thought cross his mind of whether or not it would taste amazing too. He looked up at Maria, whose head was lolled back in pleasure. "I did tell her I'd try anything once for her..." He smirked.

Suddenly Maria felt a warm dampness cover her cock in a tight, heavenly embrace that caused her to gasp. She looked back down at her lover to see that he had taken the plunge down onto her dick and her tip was nestled inside his mouth. "Mmf..." He mumbled vibrating the inner muscles of her loins.

"Ho...holy shit..." Maria breathed shakily. His lips formed a gentle suction on her rigid meat while he began to suck on her. "Oooouuu paapiii..." Again Maria moaned, this was a dream come true. Her boyfriend was sucking her cock, his head began to bob up and down slowly. She felt his tongue massage the underside of her dick, he couldn't get very far down, only about a fourth of the way or so before her cock met resistance in his throat. But he made expert use of his hands to help make up for what he couldn't take.

She lifted her hands up, one to pinch at her nipple and the other to weave her fingers through Jason's dark hair.

"It's so thick..." The boy below thought while he nursed on her dick. It pulsed on his taste buds as he removed it from his mouth, but kept the tip on his tongue to lick all over it. "And salty but...sweet too." His wet appendage swirled over the tip a few times before he slurped it back into his mouth. Allowing his drool to flow freely, slathering up her stick. "Her precum tastes so nice, and there's so much of it!" He actually had to swallow a few times to gulp down the sheer amounts of her excitement that was pumping out of her. It filled his mouth on several occasions and occasionally leaked out mixed in with his spit. But feeling her hand interlocked into his hair only encouraged him to keep going, so he picked up speed and did his best to try and relax his throat, letting her go a little deeper.

"Ugh...ohh fuck yes baby..." She nearly growled as he did this, her high pitched weaker sounding tone from before was seeming to fade away as a newer, more intense and guttural voice came from within her chest. "Uuurrggg...yeeeesss." Her second hand came down to clasp onto the back of his head just as he tried to go a little deeper, shoving him forward an extra unplanned few inches.

"Grlggl!" Jason choked on it for a moment as her tip suddenly breeched into his gullet. Sending about half of her length into his tight throat. "Gggkkck!" He openly gagged on it, feeling his eyes starting to water.

But Maria moaned again, louder and her grip tightened. He did his best to blink through the building up tears to see the happiest smile on her face. "Yes baby! Oh...oh I love you...fuck yes!" Jason felt his heart skip a beat, "Oh! Yes! I'm gonna cum! Ooohhooh!" Her toes curled on the edge of the bed and her grip pulled Jason in closer, again stuffing a few more inches into his straining neck. He felt the passageway into his esophagus expand and bulge out as her cock forced it to make room in the small tunnel.

"She loves me?"

"FUCK YES AAAHH!" Maria felt her balls pulsing, and her much needed load building up in the base of her dick. Finally achieving release into something that was not her hand. She held Jason's head in place as her cock head swelled up, feeling the invigorating rush of her muscles tightening and his throat spasming while he gagged on her dick. Her thick gloopy cum burst out of her tip, splattering all about his neck, painting it white. On reflex Jason began swallowing, he didn't really have a chance to taste it. It was already in his throat so all he could do was help it on it's way down. So he gulped. "Ooooooohhhhhhh fuuuuuuckk..." Maria's eyes nearly rolled back feeling wave after wave of intense electricity charging her every nerve.

She pumped shot after shot out and into his gullet, her jets of jizz were so forceful Jason was able to see her balls flexing with each spurt.

After about a solid minute of her climax, he felt her pulling hands suddenly push him forward by his forehead. Lifting him up off of her dick, "Gaah!" He immediately coughed as a few more shots of her seed sprayed into his mouth as she pulled it out, hitting his tongue and splashing out onto his face when it was free. Her cum was thick, thicker than syrup, and had a strong bitter taste to it that he found strangely hot. About as hot as the heat that seemed to waft off of it as it dripped onto his cheek. "Guh...fuck baby..." He said with a smile, taking in a few deep breaths of needed air. "Next time, maybe give me a second to breathe." He ended with a slight chuckle, but the look on Maria's face that he saw when he looked up was anything but laugh worthy. There was fire in her eyes, he swore her teeth looked like they were razor sharp from this angle, and she looked down on him like a cornered animal ready for the taking. ""

"Oh we're not taking a breath yet've still got work to do..." She said reaching to grab her cock in her own hand and drawing his attention back to it.

She was still hard, and stiffly pointing straight at him.

"Wha...but you just?" Jason started, but Maria silenced him by tilting his chin up, then using her fingers to scoop up some of her cum off his face.

"Get up here now..."

In a flurry of movement, she grabbed hold of Jason's neck and yanked him up onto the bed with her. Pulling him forcefully on top of her body so that he would be straddling her hips. This surge of strength seemed to cum out of nowhere from her. It was like her horny cock was fueling her, making her more aggressive and stronger. And it wanted more. Much, much more.

She practically held Jason aloft by the throat, keeping each of his legs on either side of her while her other hand used the two fingers coated in the cum she wiped off of his face to rub his asshole with it. Effectively giving him some lube for the vigorous sex they were going to have.

Jason felt this and jumped, "Whoa! Wait, wait, wait, baby, baby! I'm uhh, I'm not sure...I uhhh..." He stammered and stuttered, trying to make an excuse to slow down her suddenly very fast advancement. But his words fell on deaf ears apparently. Her dark eyes just bore up into his own frantic ones with a look of desire, like nothing was going to stop her. Her mouth held a sort of lopsided smile, like a child who was excited about getting what they wanted in a toy store.

Up until she shushed him at least, "Sshhhh...relax papi..." She then reached behind him after applying all the cum she had on her fingers to his puckered entrance, to grab her stiff girl cock. "It'll feel good...I promise..." She spoke hushed, calm, determined.

It was almost scary, but in a good way if Jason could explain it. How she was taking charge of him, he kind of he liked it.

That's when he felt her huge tip begin to press up against his sphincter. He gasped, "Uhh babybabybaby! Waitwaitwaitwait! I've never, I mean I'm not sure I..."

His world went white. There was suddenly a sharp burning sensation that ripped through his very being. He wanted to scream, but his voice left his body. There was a slapping sound and a pressure in his stomach. His ears were ringing and the only thing he could see had the end of the white tunnel, was the smirk of contentment on Maria's face.

"Aaaaahhhh papi..." Her voice came through.

His butt was now resting on her thighs, with her balls pressed flush up against his cheeks. His own hard prick laying against Maria's tummy as she planted him fully down onto her lap like a cowgirl. Jason slowly overlooked their position, trailing his gaze over her voluptuous chest, then down to where their bodies were connected.

In the center of his abdomen, there was a large bulge pressing out from inside him. Like the outline of Maria's massive she cock had caused his belly to stretch out with how deep she was.

"" Jason groaned weakly, sensation beginning to come back to him. His guts felt like they had been rearranged and his ass was on fire. Essentially a baseball bat had just been shoved up his rectum and was now shifting about stirring his insides.

Maria again chewed her lower lip, hands running along Jason's legs. "You feel amazing papi...I love your ass.'s better than I ever imagined." His tight constricting tunnel had a death grip on her invading cock. As tight as a lover's embrace should be. "I'm gonna fuck you now hold on tight."

Jason was having a difficult time thinking straight, but he managed to decipher what she said. "W..wai-UGGNN!" He squealed as Maria gave a sharp thrust up into his body, followed by two more, than five more, then Jason lost count.

He weighed about one hundred and sixty pounds, but Maria was bouncing him up and down on her pelvis like nothing. She quickly picked up a rodeo like speed and made him ride her like the cowgirl he was. Her testicles slapped his ass cheeks with the momentum she picked up, eventually propping her legs up underneath him to give her better leverage for her upward thrusts. "Ahh, aaghh, yes, yes papi...oooouuuuu ride mami's cock, uuuugghhhh..." She encouraged him.

However it was unclear how many of her words were actually getting through to Jason. His mind was quickly degrading into a thin pudding with the rough anal pounding she was giving him. No words came out of his mouth, just a lolled tongue and a dazed look on his face. Along with numerous grunts and groans of pain and somewhere along the line, a gut wrenching pleasure.

The bed creaked from their shifting weight and Jason's body bounced like a rag doll from the aggressive butt fucking. "Ohhh fuuck...this strange..." It felt like it should be hurting more, she was so rough and not giving him any time to adjust to her size. But for some reason, knowing that she was feeling pleasure, that his ass was making her feel good, somehow in return, made him feel good too.

He had always wanted to bring her to the throes of ecstasy, so even though it wasn't how he originally pictured that he would be doing. It still felt right, it still felt good.

Maybe that's why is cock was oozing a torrent of precum from her pounding.

"FUCK yeahh...take it slut..." There was a quick swat to Jason's rear snapping him out of his haze.

"Ahh! Huuh?" He moaned again, now becoming more conscious of their coitus. Maria grinned up at him, reaching up to grab his shoulders and pull him down chest to chest level. She smashed their lips together and swung her arms around his back to both hold him close to her and to deliver a few more good spanks to his yummy bottom. "Mmm! MMM!" Jason yelped into her mouth with each whack. It was new, but still somehow exciting. Everything she was doing to him, why did he like it so much?

Was it because he knew he loved her? And she told him a second ago that she loved him? Maybe that's why he anted it, maybe that's why he wanted her to unleash her lust into him. Maybe that's why he started bucking his hips, gyrating them downward to help her thrust her cock deeper inside.

"Oooohhh fuck that's it papi." Maria growled again breaking off their kiss and looking up at the ceiling behind him, "Uuuuugggh ride that cock...fuck!" Jason braced his hands on the pillows beside her head and did as she commanded. Shoving his lower body down onto hers, starting to really get a feeling for that thick veiny cock splitting him in half. He too leaned his head back and closed his eyes, trying to focus only on her dick, trying to feel every shape and curve that it made inside him. But before he could memorize it, suddenly Maria cried out, "FUCK YES, I'm cumming...ooooohhhhh..." And that same pulsing sensation began to fill his bowels this time, her tip inflating as it shot its piping hot seed into his boy womb.

Jason had never felt anything like it, the feeling of being impregnated. Billions and billions of sperm were entering his body, and he greedily wanted them all. The feeling of her balls jumping against his booty made him clench up his cheeks trying to milk out every drop he could get. He just felt like it was his job to.

To take every drop of her seed and allow her to breed him.

Maria shot up, sitting straight up and again mashing their mouths together in a hungry kiss and hugged him tightly to her body. "Mmmmm...oh papi..." She said between quiet clicking of their lips.

Jason smiled weakly into the smooches and gingerly wiggled his butt. He could feel a gooey substance attempting to leak out of his stretched out hole, but her cock kept it plugged and sealed tightly inside. Most of the pain from the initial penetration was gone, and just a dull ache was left now. "That was...intense baby..." Jason said, he was coated in sweat and his spiked hair had several strands stuck to his forehead. Maria as well was covered in a layer of perspiration, but she wasn't done with him yet.

"It's about to get even better..." She whispered, nipping at his lip again.

There was suddenly something leather wrapping around Jason's wrists and pulling his arms tight together behind his back. "Huh?" He looked back to see that Maria had snatched up his belt and quickly fashioned some bondage to tie his arms up. "Baby?"

Maria lifted up Jason off of her pole, which he noted hadn't gone even the slightest bit soft. A burst of thick runny jizz squirted out of his ass, while she moved him up over the side of the bed. Setting him down onto his knees beside it. It almost knocked the wind out of him to have her cock yanked free so quickly. "Wha...what are you doing?"

She stood up now high above him and laid her dirty cock over his face, it was so big it reached beyond his hair. Its smell was even stronger now, and it was slimy with a mix of her cum and his ass juice.

"Open up papi..." She said taking it into her hands and guiding it towards his mouth again.

"What? Wai-aaammmm!" She muffled his protest by plunging her dick back into his lovely cavern. Jason struggled with his bound hands but he was exhausted, and had little strength to undo the quick knot she set.

"Mmmm...." Maria cooed as she dipped her hips low to sink her cock in deeper, and deeper into his gullet. A gurgle came from Jason's mouth as her musky flavor slid along his tongue, breeching the gates to his gullet and then reaching further down. His legs kicked feebly under him as he watched practically cross eyed, her long girl cock feeding him it's length until his nose touched her belly, and her balls rested on his chin. "Good hold still...I have a to take care of before we go on..."

Something about the way she said that made Jason nervous again, this whole experience was crazy enough as is. But it was about to get even crazier.

There was a blooming heat that flooded into his throat, a warm almost fleshy feeling. Like he was drinking a hot liquid, but it didn't start in his mouth, it started already half way down his neck. So he swallowed, naturally of course. Not understanding at first, until he heard his girlfriend speak again. "Drink up Papi..." Followed by the sweetest giggle that he'd fallen in love with.

He knew then what she was doing to him. She was using him as a toilet, and pissing down his throat.

"Mmmglllfm!" He tried to speak, only earning another more evil sounding laugh from Maria who was clearly enjoying herself. Jason had no idea what he had gotten himself into. But despite it, despite the fact that this night had gone from his pre-imagined night of passionate lovemaking, to a night of hardcore anal sex followed by chugging his girlfriends piss out f her giant cock.

He was still horny. And...her dominance...her extreme sexual appetite and dirty fetish. He thought it was sexy.

He gulped again.

There were plenty of fish in the sea, but everybody knew that there's someone who's the specific one for you.

He gulped again.

It was nice. It was sexy. He liked it, he loved it. He loved her. He didn't want anyone else but her. He wanted her to be the one. The one and only one for him.

He closed his eyes and happily gulped again.

"FFFFFUUUUUGGHHHHAA!" Jason ended up screaming out in wild bliss as Maria railed him from behind. His hands were still tied and she now knelt behind his bent over form. "FUUUCK MEEEE YYYESSSSSGGH!" His smaller cock had pulsed and jumped as it spewed forth the largest, most intense load he had ever experienced in his life.

"Gooooood papii..." Maria rubbed his back, shoving her hips hard against his bouncing booty. "Are you ready for mami's next load?" She asked giving his reddened behind another slap.

Jason nodded, mind going into full butt slut mode. "YES! PLEEEAASE CUM IN MEEEE!" He cried out.

She grabbed the leather belt and pressed down on it, forcing him face down and ass up allowing her to pound him harder. "Ffffuck yessss..." She said through gritted teeth as her next orgasm boiled up her cock pipe, "Uuuuggghhhh!" She groaned and released her load into his belly again. His eyes rolling back as he felt the next batch of her babies blow into his stomach. Heating it and distending his overfilled tummy.

Their orgasms took them into bliss together, she emptied herself into her lover and he took every drop of her seed with a full heart. It was perfect.

"Maybe fairy tales are real." Maria thought resting her arms behind her head and looking over at the barely conscious boy toy at her side.

Two puddles of her love batter leaked out of him on both ends, and even though he was out of it, she still thought he looked adorable.

It was the best sex she had ever had. And her heart fluttered at the thought that maybe they had a future together. Maybe he was the one, maybe they could one day get married, do some more baby making and see where life ended up taking them.

If they had made it this far and were still lying beside each other, anything was possible.

Of course nothing was certain, but with a smile on her lips Maria looked to the future with a renewed hope in her eyes.