Syringes and Serenades part 1 by kukiwi

A new city means no connections. All Zye has are the ones his boss and coworkers introduce him to. One such connection happens to be a nearby clinic that most of their staff goes to should an accident happen.

In hard labor, there's always something that can go wrong.

He's been here countless times with others, ushering them in and then hurrying to return to work. Never before has he had an actual appointment. There's been no need to considering he's usually so careful.

Getting hurt means he's out of work until it heals. That's something that he can't afford in the slightest. Not with new bills, old hospital debts, and everyday expenses.

He's struggling every day as much as he is right now, hobbling into the clinic and up to the counter. The young woman behind it smiles at him. She looks far too young even with the surgical mask over half her face.

"How can I help you? Do you have an appointment?"

"I don't. I, uh, sliced my leg at work and—"

The girl stands and scans him up and then down. The amount of blood soaking down his pant leg. She doesn't realize he's gotten a couple of thin towels wrapped around it to staunch the bleeding.

If anything it looks worse than it is. Not that he minds when she sits back down and makes a quick call back to the doctor. The phone clicks back into the holder as she points down the hall.

"Go ahead to the exam room, she'll see you right away."

Ambling past the two sitting in the waiting room, he tries not to wince when it stings. The door opens before he can so much as knock to see if it's the right one. Before him is the same woman he's seen countless times.

She's stunning in the long white coat, black button-up, and skirt, and then all the way down to a pair of sandals. The strap hooks behind each ankle and bites into the pantyhose under them.

"Dear me, that doesn't look very good."

"It's just…not that bad. I just have a hard time putting pressure on my leg at the moment."

Ushering him in, her veil of long, black hair is suddenly swept back into a scrunchy. The ponytail bobs as she sits down in the rolling chair while gesturing to the cot.

"Would you mind taking off your pants and sitting down? I can get you a robe if you'd like."

"It's fine."

Zye is quick to set the towels aside. Prying the jeans away isn't particularly easy. Once they're at his feet and kicked off over his shoes, Zye sits on the edge of the cot.

The woman, Charmilla as her name tag says, tugs on a pair of gloves. As she does, Zye shifts uncomfortably where he sits.

"I thought it was healing and then it opened up on the job today."

He has to avert his eyes when she begins to examine it. Looking at it isn't so bad. But having a doctor so close has him unnerved. If anything, she seems to notice and glances up at him.

"Are you alright?"

"I, uh, spent a lot of time in the hospital as a teen. Didn't like it."

"Well, I promise I won't poke or prod you too much." The warm smile she gives remains even as she swivels around to gather a few things; swabs, gauze, and antiseptic. "It's a good thing you came in."

Zye sways ever-so-slightly. It's enough that he holds onto the edge of the cot, steadying himself. He thinks it's because it's impossibly hot out and yet terribly cold in here. Maybe he's just discombobulated.

Charmilla hums to herself as she turns back around, beginning to work on him while she talks. It's the least she can do to keep him distracted.

"You should have come here when it happened. It's beginning to swell but it should be fine. I'll be able to fix you right up before it gets any worse."


"No need, that's my job. Helping people like yourself is a reward in itself."

"Is this, uh, gonna need to be paid upfront or I can do it in installments?"

Charmilla sits up once she's finished making sure the moist dressing around the wound won't slip or cut off circulation. She runs an extra strip of gauze around his thigh before stripping her gloves off.

"Don't worry, you can pay when you're able to. I don't hold a strict policy. Unless you come in wearing a nicer shirt than that, then I might."

Flustered at that, Zye glances away from her pink eyes. They dare to stare right through him. It's bad enough he's worn a pair of ratty jeans and a t-shirt with too many stains.

"I can also prescribe you something if you're feeling any pain or discomfort."

"No that's alright." Zye slips off the end and stands up straight. It still feels off to put any pressure on that leg. Regardless, he flashes her a smile. "Thank you, for taking care of it."

All the while he's trying to tell himself it's fine. He just has to make it home. The feeling crawling up his spine urges him to sit back down. His brain denies it.

"You're looking flushed, are you feeling alright? Why don't you take a moment and I'll get you some water."

"I need to get back," he starts while grabbing his pants off the bed.

Holding them up, it's the last thing he sees before the world begins to tilt. The darkness that swallows him doesn't feel like it keeps him for very long. If anything, it leaves him disoriented and his head aching by the time he's opening his eyes once more.

The first thing he realizes is he's on his back. A sheet is tucked over him as he lies on a bed. One of many now that he glances from left to right, a feat in its own right, and notes that he's in a different room. Not that there's anyone else in here.

From the doorway approaches Charmilla. She pulls over a chair and sits, a clipboard on her lap. Despite how hard she must work, Zye doesn't see a single trace of exhaustion in her body language or on her face.

"I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling?"


Charmilla smiles at him and leans back in the chair. "As you shouldn't. Your fever is spiking and I'd like to keep you overnight to make sure you don't have a concussion."

"N-no," he starts while trying to push himself up, "I need to go to work tomorrow."

She leans forward at that. Her hand covers his, urging him in one simple motion to lie back down. The comfort that one notion gives has him obeying for now. Although, mostly because his head feels like it's full of thunder each time he moves it.

"You're in no shape. I can call Soren about it myself and let him know. Is there anyone you'd like me to inform of your stay?"

"No…it's fine."

"Surely there's someone that can come check on you or even take you home tomorrow."

"I just moved here, so no."

He lifts a hand to drag over his face. Everything is so hot and yet shivers race up and down his spine.

"Your family? Even if it's out of the area I don't mind."

"I said I have no one."

The bite in his words has her patting his hand. It doesn't phase her whatsoever. The way she takes it in stride has a well of guilt opening in his chest, he shouldn't have snapped at her and he knows it.

"Alright then, I'll keep you here for observation. If you don't have anyone at home I'd rather make sure you won't reopen that or pass out from the fever."

"I can't pay you right now."

"Don't worry about a thing." Charmilla stands and shifts the chair to the side without it scratching across the tile. She presses the back of her hand to his forehead. "Mm, I'll send a nurse in shortly. We can work out the payment later. Your health is more important."

She turns to leave only to stop. "And if you need anything, I'll be right upstairs throughout the night."


The following morning before she opens the clinic, she goes to see the only patient that's staying overnight. To which she's glad. It means she can devote all of her time to that one in particular and make sure he's healing properly.

Charmilla steps inside the room. She flips the light on at the sight of him rolled onto his uninjured side with his phone in hand. Striding toward the bed, she watches as he rolls onto his back.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?"

"Okay. But, uh, can I ask where my clothes went?"

"The nurse and I thought you'd be more comfortable in a gown versus a pair of pants soaked with blood. Was it too cold? I can get you another blanket."

Zye wiggles in the bed, pushing himself to sit up properly despite how terrible he still feels. Except it doesn't work and he huffs at himself.

Laying back down, he turns his eyes away from her. The phone remains clutched in his hand, fingers clicking the screen off after glancing at it one last time.

"No, it was fine. I just didn't expect it. You could have woken me up."

"Sleep is a way for your body to heal. As a doctor, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Now, let me change your bandage before the day starts, hm?"

Zye sets the phone aside and begins to pull the cover back. He doesn't mind that he's only in underwear once the robe is pushed up away from his thighs. She's a doctor, it's different.

Or so he tells himself.

Charmilla pulls the chair over and grabs a small box that was under the bed. She made sure the nurse left it last night for in the morning. It only takes her a moment to get the old wraps off.

He watches her fingers dance around the skin that isn't raised or near the cut. The slight touch tickles and he has to hold himself back from saying a word.

"It's improved already. If you're feeling better by lunch, I'll permit you to leave. However, if you're still disoriented from the fever I'm going to insist on another night stay."

"I really can't—"

"We can figure it all out later."

Zye chuckles to distract himself from the way her hands work the gauze back around his leg. He keeps it lifted enough to make her work easier. "I could always do odd jobs around here for you if you want. I doubt offering dinner would help lessen the payment."

"Hmm, that's not a bad offer. I don't get out much anymore."

He doesn't let it throw him off. "I've heard this place a couple blocks over is good then."

"That sounds lovely. Although, you need to get better first." Charmilla finishes reapplying the medicine and bandage and smiles at him. She straightens up and begins putting everything away. "Is Soren the only one you work for?"

"Nah, I have a couple other side gigs I'll do when they need me."

"Surely he pays well enough? Or should I tell him to give you a raise?"

Zye sputters at that, "N-no that's alright, I don't need it. I just…have some lingering debt and I didn't really get here with much, to begin with."

Charmilla slides the case back under the bed before sitting down. She watches as long fingers unfurl the blanket to cover back up while also pushing the robe down. It's hard to return her gaze to his. Harder still when she wishes she could reach out for his hand full of calloused fingers and bitten-down nails.

She's seen him around plenty. He's usually accompanying someone else from the job that's gotten hurt. Her eyes always find him and she can't deny she's been drawn to him. Until now, she hasn't figured out why.

"Still, construction is a hard job to work. I'd offer you a position here, but I can't pay as much as they will."

"I…appreciate it. I wish I could take you up on the offer," he replies with a light chuckle.

Charmilla watches as he keeps glancing down at his phone and then back at her. At that, she stands. She leans over him and brings her lips to his forehead.

To say he's stunned is an understatement.

He doesn't know how to react. Therefore he doesn't. He remains shell-shocked.

Pulling away, she can't help but smile at the blush on his face. It's certainly not from the fever. That's mostly gone down. He should be on the mend. Although, perhaps she can convince him to stay one more night.

To her, he's just so pretty and fragile. The mask he puts on to get through the day is nothing to her. She can see right through it with how he glances at his phone once more.

No one comes. No one calls. No one is here to check up on him and be there.

"I think you should be fine to leave today if you'd like. I can get a nurse to come process you out during lunch then."

"That'd be great thanks."

Zye watches her leave with a smile. He knows it's more than likely because of her job, but the kindness is something he wants to bask in. Working where he does and the people he's around don't give him that good feeling in his stomach.

Not the way she does. Even with it, he feels like there's something different about her. In what way he doesn't know.

Over the next few hours, he tries to figure it out by watching her. Charmilla makes passes into the room now and then when a patient is brought in. They're mostly elders or those that just need to lie down.

She gives each person as much attention as they need. Every question and concern is answered with a calm patience that shines with care.

Zye still finds it hard to believe there's anyone that's just that kind. Perhaps aside from the friend he left behind in the city. But he didn't have a choice, friendship doesn't pay off medical bills and family debt.

Every time she comes in, she always stops by his bed on the way out. A question of how he's doing, does he need anything, or is alright always delays her leaving.

The smile she gives before each parting is enrapturing. He can't help but stare into the pink eyes that seem to gaze right through him.

It's not much different when she comes in at lunch. He pushes the blanket aside and sits up, feeling much better than he had. Charmilla comes to sit on the chair once more.

"Is something wrong?"

She shakes her nod, "Oh, no. Not at all. The nurses are busy so I figured I'd take care of you."

"Ah…thank you."

He's used to needles and yet seeing the one she has on a tray has his gut twisting. "What's that for?"

"A free shot. It's just nutrients to help give you a kick to get going. Of course, it's up to you to take care of yourself and this cut."

"R-right, thanks. You really don't have to go that far."

Charmilla pats the bed. "Let me change it one more time, give you this, and you'll be on your way home."

Zye obeys and lifts his leg. The robe slides down. He bunches it up over his lap and waits. Once again, he has to glance away from the way her fingers work.

He knows she's being gentle. As any good healthcare professional would. Hell, anyone that cares in general.

Yet, there are the lingering fingertips around the cut that always gets him. The bandages are disposed of. She doesn't grab the new ones right away. Charmilla cups her hand against his thigh with long fingers daring to slip beneath the robe's edge.

Zye can't resist the flinch away from her touch. When she retreats to get the fresh gauze, he clears his throat. "S-sorry, your hand was cold."

She smiles so sweetly at him. "It's alright. Better than those that want to display themselves for no reason."

"People…really do that?"

"They do. But it's alright, I ignore it."

"I guess it makes sense to some degree."

"Why's that?" she asks while clipping the bandage closed.

He hates that he let it slip out. Now he has to commit and think of something. Not that he's lying. "You're very beautiful. I'm sure most people think so with you tending to them."

Charmilla smiles while rising to her feet. "Dear me, you're far too sweet. Thank you."

Silence sits between them while she retrieves the syringe and pushes up the sleeve of the robe. Zye doesn't mind shots, doesn't like them, but can handle them. He watches as it pokes into his deltoid and the liquid drained out of it and into him.

Once she sets it aside, Charmilla places a pink band-aid over the puncture mark. "Well, I'd have to say you'd give me a run for my money if I had you working the front desk."

At that comment, he goes bright red. It certainly doesn't help that she drags her hand down his arm before turning away. Only to retrieve his clothes that she sets down on the bed.

"The nurse told you where the bathroom was, yes?" He nods and she continues. "You can get changed there. If you have any problems, do call. I wouldn't mind coming to you instead."

"I couldn't—"

"Patients that are tight on money get special treatment from me. I don't mind house calls. I live up on the upper floors of the clinic, so I'm always here with the phones running."

"I…thanks. I appreciate that."

Charmilla turns to leave only to stop. She smiles at him over his shoulder. "And I'll hold you to that dinner."

Zye watches her leave with a strange feeling settling in his gut. He chalks it up to nerves. No one has been this kind to him since he's been here. Perhaps he will come back to offer her dinner.

A friend would be nice to have right about now.

It doesn't take him long to get changed and hurry on out. Although, not without getting his bill and giving his information lest he doesn't pay. The trek home is as uneventful as he imagines it would be.

The heat of the day is uncomfortable yet not unbearable. He makes it home in record time considering he can't call for a taxi. The twenty-minute walk home doesn't seem so bad considering the breakfast and rest he's had.

Still, his leg does begin to ache by the time he's climbed to the second floor of the apartment. Zye juggles his keys and slips inside, letting the door thud shut behind himself.

The cool air hits him like a freight truck in the best way. The first thing he does he amble into his room and collapse on the bed. He drags his phone up and begins to flip through it.

Work has to be called— all of them.

He doesn't want to do it and instead lets the device thunk onto the bedside table. Sleep shouldn't be the first thing his body aches for. Then again, being in his own bed does have him relaxing.

It's not like he'll have any jobs to go to today anyway. Or anyone to go see. If anything he'll have to see what he has in the fridge to eat.

Thinking about it all is exhausting. Something he'll leave for himself to do later as sleep tugs at him. It nips at his heels until he's pulling his pillow close.


The air is cold blowing on him and yet he wakes up with a start. Sweat has his clothes sticking to him like a second skin. His throat is dry and his palms glide over the sheet as he tries to sit up.

He feels like shit.

"Fuck," he groans while holding a hand to his head.

The first priority is standing up. He ambles to the kitchen and slumps against the counter. Zye flicks the water on and tilts his head, sipping at the cool liquid.

It helps.

The only problem is he has no medicine. He's had no opportunity to stock up nor has he thought about it. He knows there's a place down on the corner. He'll just have to suffer and go get something.

Still dressed in his dirty work clothes from the other day, Zye scoops up his keys, wallet, and phone.

It's not his best idea. The fog of not feeling well helps with that. Nonetheless, he makes it there and into the store. Zye doesn't have a lot of cash on him thus he picks up a couple of things that might help.

Paid, while ignoring the look the young woman gives him, and out the door, Zye doesn't expect his phone to ring. On top of it, the number is unknown. Zye fumbles it while trying to put it away. In the end, he accepts the call.

The voice that comes through is familiar.

"Hello? Mr. Rigel?"

Zye swallows hard and lifts the phone up to his ear. He shuffles off to the side of the building. "Yes?"

"Ah, hello. This is Charmilla. I wanted to check in and make sure you were doing alright."


"You don't sound very well."

Zye tries to even his breathing. The longer he stands, the worse it seems to get. "N-no I'm fine. I just woke up."

"Well, if anything feels off do let me know or come by. We don't want your wound taking a turn."

"Right. I, uh, I'll talk to you later."

He hangs up the phone before she can reply. It's better that way…right? Except the world feels hotter than it did a minute ago. Staring down at the bag, he wonders if he should take a chance.

Is it because of the cut? It shouldn't be. Or was he really just not feeling better yet?


She's not very far. If he's careful and walks quickly, he'll be there faster than when he left. Although…part of him begs his brain to list. His gut feeling says to lay home and sleep it off. He can always go back in the morning.

It's not often he doesn't listen to himself.

Turning to the crosswalk, he waits for the light and passes to the other side. Each step gradually becomes heavier than the last. His sight is beginning to blur or double depending on how hard he pinches them shut.

His leg is burning and he wonders if he reopened it. It shouldn't have, right?

There's nothing wet dripping down his leg at least. Only the fast thud of his heart in his chest and ears. Fingers tremble in an effort to grasp at the bag's handle more tightly.

Until he gets to the door to the clinic. The bag hits the ground as he brings his phone out. He can't lift it, he can only dial and hope she comes down.

One call goes unanswered. Zye has to reach out, grasping for the side of the wall.

The second picks up. He can hear her on the other end asking for him. He hangs it up.

The third precedes a noise at the door.

The door opens and she can't help but smile.

He looks like death warmed over.

His skin is pale and sweaty with a face flushed with red. She can see the way he's hunched ever-so-slightly as if he's not sure he can stay standing. The hand on the door frame is a weak grip and surely the only thing keeping him from falling over.

"Come now, let's get you back to bed. If you were this bad off you should have called the hospital."

Zye buries his face into the crook of his arm as he coughs. He wants to tell her he can't— it's too expensive.

"You…you said…to call you."

"Oh, my dear. Alright, come with me."

Charmilla reaches out for him, ushering him inside with a gentle touch to his elbow. The door shuts and she's at his side. One arm is around his waist while the other pats his arm.

"Don't worry at all, I'll take care of you."

He leans into her movements. The steady pace is soothing. The dimmed lights in the hallway are comfortable despite the dark streaks of shadows that they create. The grip on his body is delicate yet secure as he's led to the left and up a set of stairs.

That's where things slow. It takes her some effort to help him up the stairs. Strong and just as tall, she's able to urge him forward until they're on the landing of the third floor and down another short hallway. She spares a hand to open the door at the end and takes him inside.

Light flickers to life and the white walls are seemingly even brighter. His sneakers squeak over the hardwood floors as they move further in. They don't stop until she has him before a large, four-post bed draped in deep purple sheets.

From the canopy of the bed are sheer black draperies which are pulled back. At the side they stop at, they're tied to the post to allow her access to the bed. Namely, to help him sit down on the edge.

"This isn't the exam room," he says slowly.

"No, it's not. But if you're in there, I have to charge you. Here, you're my guest." She flicks on the lamp resting atop the bedside table. "I'll be back. Don't go anywhere."

He sways a bit as he watches her leave.

Charmilla is quick to hurry down the stairs. Her high heels click and clack across the tile and then back up to the third floor. She's never been more grateful than to live above her work. It makes this so much easier.

Except she knows she'll have to lock the elevator. And the second floor door now.

She steps back into the room and shuts the door.


Glancing back, she has a thought she knows she'll have to take care of later. She wasn't ready, there are too many preparations to make. Calls to make and things to do.

But first, she glides back over to where Zye has slumped onto the bed. He's breathing heavily and his brows are pinched together in pain.

The medicine and glass of water she sets on the table before moving to the bathroom. A damp washcloth is her goal that she lets rest on the edge of the bed when she returns.

She doesn't care that it begins to wet the sheet.

All Charmilla can think about is sitting down and lifting his head. Pushing the capsule between his lips, she grabs the water glass next. A quick sip and she's bent over him. She presses her mouth to his and forces the water down.

A few droplets dribble out the corner of his mouth. Something that she swipes her thumb across as she sits back up. She thinks for a moment, waiting to see if he responds to her touching and urging him further onto the bed.

He doesn't stir from the fever-induced exhaustion.

Charmilla stands, smiling down at him. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

The tennis shoes are the first to go. In fact, those ratty things will end up in the garbage. The shirt is next. Except she decides to take an easier route and digs her hands into the material. Ripping it is far too simple.

From hem to collar it tears, making it all the easier to get his arms out of. The jeans are a bit harder to peel down his long legs. She's sure to grab the waistband of his underwear as well.

The second all of the clothing hits the floor at her feet, she's scooping up the washcloth to get started.

It's important to wipe up the sweat and she takes her job as both doctor and nurse very seriously. Not an inch of skin is left untouched. She starts with his face and brushes back the hair that's sticking to his forehead. She musses them about until the longer strands cover the shorter ones on the sides.

Evenly parted for a change.

"I should hurry. It'd be bad if you got cold."

Down over his chest and arms is next. She's careful to examine every inch before going further. Aside from being down with what can only be the flu, he's healthy enough.

Maybe he hasn't had enough sleep or good food, but enough.

She'll fix that.

Her fingertips brush over his thigh and the scar it'll leave. A true shame to have ruined such beautiful skin.

For such a poor little soul to be left alone in this world, she can't have that. She'll make sure to take good care of this one.

In every way.

A finger drags down the expanse of his thigh before tossing the rag aside. It's all so she can scoot off the bed and gather herself. As much as she doesn't want to leave him waiting, she has to strip out of her work clothes.

Not that it's very difficult. The black skirt and button-down shirt are the easiest to get out of. The stockings take a moment to roll down her long legs. Once she's set it all to the side on the floor, she grabs the lube from the single drawer to the table.

Back on the bed, she settles between the legs she spreads for herself. Charmilla would prefer he be awake for this. She knows he'd enjoy it. She's also well aware that it'll be some time before he can if she doesn't figure out his body's sensitive spots.

His breathing hitches as she pushes a lubed finger inside of him. Charmilla watches closely as he continues to slumber despite how she wiggles inside of him. She situates herself a bit more comfortably on his side in case he wakes up.

All the while she's bending over him and pushing a second slick finger to join the first. Her clean hand brushes over his shoulder, pushing him down as he tries to roll over away from her.

That won't do.

Heavy breasts press against his chest as she leans over him. Her tongue flicks over his lips before capturing them. A brief kiss that has her wanting to indulge again.

Instead, she pushes a third finger into him to where he's tight around them. Slowly, she works her slicked fingers in and out. Each time he makes a noise, she pecks his lips.

"Shh, it'll be alright."

Charmilla hums to herself as she loosens him until he can take a fourth. Her fingers curl and poke at his insides until his dick is standing straight. The sight has her kissing his cheek.

"I knew you'd like it. But I don't think I can wait."

Fingers slip out of him so that she can move back between his legs. There, with legs spread, the large bulge in the front of her panties is evident. So is the wet spot on the white material. As well as the way the tip of her thick cock peaks out the top.

Tugging all of her penis out, she slathers it with plenty of lube. She's hot and has been wanting to do this to him since he came in. If the compatibility is there then she knows this is meant to be.

Charmilla begins to sheath herself into him. The tip is the hardest part to get in. She worries about rushing and hurting him. She'd rather avoid causing pain unless necessary.

She wonders if he likes it. Her brain runs wild with wanting to figure out preferences.

Holding onto his hips, Charmilla pushes the next inch into him. She revels in the warmth and the way he sucks down around her. All she needs is for him to like it, too, and she'll know this is perfect.

It has to be.

She's halfway in when she doubles over him. Her chest smooshes against his as she begins to kiss his neck.

The kisses turn into little sucks by the time she's all the way inside of him. Seated there in his warmth, she sighs against his neck. The slope of skin invites her to drag a tongue over sweaty skin.

"Oh, darling…" she whispers to him. "I'm going to move."

Charmilla doesn't pull out too far before she's shoving herself back into him. The slow yet forceful motion couples with how her body rubs against his. It does more than she could ever hope.

He cums on her stomach, body unable to resist the pleasure while he's passed out beneath her. Giggling into the kiss she presses to his neck, she begins to thrust faster.

"I'm so glad you do."

Her hands slide down his body as she sits back up. She wants to see him, wants to etch the sight of him into her mind and wait to see if anything is wrong.

Of course, there's not.

Barely a groan breaks from his lips as she bites her fingers into his hips. She rolls her hips up against his pelvis again and again— unable to relinquish the sensation of his body. Charmilla tilts her head back as she reaches her edge.

"Haaa…!" She sighs heavily as she ceases moving.

Docked against him, she knows this isn't enough. Filling him with her cum doesn't mean her arousal is going down any time soon. Allowing the adrenaline to slowly calm down, Charmilla runs her hands along his thighs.

One goes further up over his cock and to the mess he's made. "Goodness…I'll have to clean you up more now. But it's alright, I don't mind."

She slowly pulls out of him and uses the rag to wipe off. Charmilla tucks her cock back into her panties as best she can despite how aroused she still is. She could go all night. If only he wasn't sick.

Standing from the bed, she retrieves a thick and heavy blanket. She drapes it over him and stops when she makes sure to cover his feet.

The very things that will help take him away from her if he doesn't understand. Just like the other. No, she's convinced Zye will accept her help. And if he doesn't, well, perhaps taking precautions to make sure he can't run away is a good idea.

Charmilla slips beneath the cover and rolls him onto his side. Spooning up against him, she slips her cock back into him. She'll enjoy him for just a bit longer and then get started. She has all the time in the world while he catches up on his rest.


Waking up seems harder than it should. He can feel the groggy feeling that refuses to go away before his eyes are fully open. He lifts a palm to try and wipe at the sleep gathering at the corners.

Every movement feels heavy and lethargic. Zye groans as he tries to take in just where he is. He remembers passing out from being sick. Usually, he feels better after sleeping it off, but not this time. This time it's worse.


It takes some effort to roll over. After all, he woke up and the first thought was that he needs to pee. Getting up is his main priority as he weakly shoves the blanket off. He doesn't notice at first that his clothes are different. Gone are the ratty ones he had worn here. Replacing them is a pair of black pajama shorts and a matching t-shirt.

Sitting up, Zye tries not to fall back down. Everything wants to tilt and sway like he's a boat on the ocean. Not that it'll deter him. He has to get up. For why, he realizes is pointless.

The bed around him is warm.

He looks down and is mortified. He's never wet himself like this let alone in someone else's bed. Panic surges through him as he thinks of what he can do. Surely he can clean this up, right?

The door opens and all of the horror of being found out like this goes straight to his head. It doesn't help that Charmilla smiles so sweetly when she shuts the door before heading to the bed. The dark gray plaid pants only make her seem taller. The thick heels on her slip-ons even more so.

"How are you feeling, dear?"

Charmilla rolls the sleeves of her white button-up shirt to her elbows as she gets closer. Just before she does, Zye is yanking the blanket back over his lap.

"I…I don't know. I just…I didn't…I didn't mean to, I swear."

The embarrassment compounds inside of him. The fact that he has to tug the blanket away to show her, not tell her, only makes it worse. He feels pathetic— she's trying to help him and he's made himself look weak. As if he couldn't hold it.

Not that he could even tell he was doing it, to begin with.

"Oh, my sweet man. That's alright. There's nothing to be ashamed about. Come now, let's get you cleaned up while I change the sheets, hm?"

"Yea…Yeah…thank you."

Zye takes a moment to swing his legs over the lip of the bed. Feet against the floor, he tries to stand only to let out a cry.

It hurts.

The white-hot pain ricochets up his legs and straight to his brain. A warning sign not to do that again. He'd fall if it wasn't for Charmilla standing in front of him. Her arms wrap around him and keep him upright while his face plants itself against her hefty bosom.

Another thing to be embarrassed about.

He can't focus on it— tries not to focus on it.

"W-why can't I walk?"

"Ah, I almost forgot. Your achilles tendons ruptured. It'll take time for them to fully heal. And I'd rather you not be in pain, so I'll take care of everything until they're good as new."

Zye is confused. Ruptured? How? He can't just stay here.

"Come, come, lean on me and try to keep your feet flat, it'll hurt less."

Regardless, he does as she says. She saddles up beside him and takes on almost all of his weight. Together they make for the connected bathroom. The slick, hardwood floors are cool beneath his bare feet. The white tile they transition to is even colder.

Charmilla flicks the light on before urging him over to the toilet. Letting him sit down there, she begins the work of turning the water on in the bathtub. It sounds like thunder in his ears. Her smile as she straightens back up is too sweet.

"I…I walked here…"

"I believe that's when it happened. You were so sick you probably didn't even notice the pain. While you were recovering from the fever, I operated on them. They'll heal as long as you don't overdo it."

Her fingers reach out to caress the side of his face. They brush down his jaw, to his chin, and end on his shoulders. She's happy when he lifts his arm when she begins to strip the shirt off of him. She drops the shirt into the clothes bin beside the door.

That's when he realizes this bathroom is rather large. Enough for the two of them comfortably along with the dual tub and shower attachment.

It's all white.

White floors. White walls. White plush rug beneath his wounded feet.

"I don't…remember anything. What…what day is it?"

"I would think you wouldn't. It's been two days."

Two days. Two entire days that he's been out of it and left her to take care of him.

Guilt surges through him only to be replaced by fear and embarrassment. Her fingers idle along the waistband of his shorts. His hands are trying o push hers away.

"My dear, I've changed you plenty. It's alright, it's nothing I haven't seen."

"That's not the point. I—"

"You don't even have your bearings yet. Let me help you."

Swallowing past a chunk of his pride, Zye moves his hands to the side. He takes hers and she helps him stand. Once he does, she shimmies the damp material off his hips. It has her glad she didn't give him any underwear. It makes this so much easier.

Zye leans on her arms as he steps over the lip of the tub. The warm water rushing over his feet feels so good that he sighs. The longer he's standing, the better it seems. As long as he's not having to walk it feels fine.

Charmilla keeps one hand on his shoulder as she grabs the shower attachment. She flicks the dial on the spout and waits for the water to come out of the shower head instead.

"Is it too hot, Zye?"

"N-no. It's fine. I can—"

"Shh, it's alright."

Once she's rinsed him off, he begins to wobble ever-so-slightly.

"Sit down, dear."

He listens and braces his hands on the tub's side. Sitting on the warm bottom, he's glad she switches the shower part off. It allows the rush of water to swish beneath him instead of over him. Zye keeps his legs drawn up to his chest, trying to keep some dignity.

At least, until Charmilla returns with a wet, soapy rag.

"I really can do it myself."

A wet hand clasps against his shoulder as she kneels on the outside of the tub. "I said it's alright. I've already given you sponge baths for the last couple of days."

The fierce grip has him relenting. If anything, he doesn't have the energy to fight her. He's already tired from the short trip to the bathroom and standing for a short time. She leans over the side, beginning to lather the rag over his back.

"I…thank you."

"That's very sweet, but you don't have to."

"N-no. I'm imposing on you. I'll leave as soon as I can and pay you back."

The rag drops onto his lap.

Her soap-covered hand taps at his cheek, forcing him to turn his face to look at her. "Don't. Take your time. You deserve to be taken care of and allowed to heal. You don't have to worry about any of that."

Zye swallows hard and slowly nods. It's all he can do.

Especially when that hand is reaching down for the rag. He pinches an eye shut when she drags it over his penis. She's unexpectedly thorough with how she gets beneath, around his balls, and over his thighs.

He knows why it happens.

It's a natural reaction, sure, but not in this situation. It has him weakly reaching for her wrist. "W-wait, I— stop, it's fine."

"Come now, this is perfectly normal."

The rag is gone, draped over his thigh, as she wraps her fingers around his hardened dick. He flinches and grabs onto the tub, trying in vain with his other hand to push hers away.

"N-no, really. It'll go away, just give me a second."

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's perfectly normal and healthy. You're a young man."

An arm comes around his shoulders and pulls him closer to the tub's edge— closer to her. A wet hand drags up into his hair and forces him to lean his head on her breasts. She combs her fingers through the short tresses, happy she washed them yesterday, as she tends to him.

Zye can't fathom what's happening. It's too surreal to have his doctor jerking him off. Her strong, slender fingers keep a forceful yet sensual grip. One that has him wanting to buck into if he doesn't keep his wits about him.

He doesn't want this. It's humiliating— it's all humiliating and he just wants to be better already. The sooner he is, the sooner this codependency can end.

Her thumb presses hard against the pre-cum leaking out of his cock. She loves watching the way his breathing hitches and his fingers twitch against the slick tub. The only thing she wishes is that he had something a little cuter.

A nice cock isn't quite what she cares for.

Although, it does the job of helping her see the way he bites at his bottom lip and closes his eyes. He's trying not to watch the way her hand drags up and down his shaft. Charmilla does. Her eyes devour the sight of him cumming. The white streaks across the tub's floor between his thighs.

She can't help herself.

She doesn't want to let go

Part of her wants him to get hard again so she can keep going.


His objection to her groping is cut off by a small sneeze. He can't turn away. He's forced to smother it against the warm breasts his face is still pressed against. Any other time he'd revel in how pillowy soft they are.

At the moment, he wants to get as far from them as possible.

Something Charmilla grants him.

She grabs for the shower head once more and begins to rinse him off. As well as her own hands. She's quick to turn it all off and lend her arms to him. Together, he's able to stand and come out of the shower.

Charmilla wraps a towel around him and shuts the lid to the toilet. There, she places him while handing Zye an additional towel. She pats his head before beginning to leave.

"I'll be back to help you finish drying off. I need to change the sheet before I get you back in."

Zye would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit high off of that climax. It felt so good and it's been so long. For a few breaths, he simply sits here. He's trying to take it all in and really understand what's going on.

Doing so has him missing his opportunity to do things himself.

Charmilla is back far faster than he expects. Upon her return, she brings two paper cups. One she hands to him, while the other she fills with water from the sink.

"Medicine and pain killers. To help you heal and finish fighting off that viral infection you had."

Zye scoops them out of the cup and accepts the other she gave him. Three pills down, he gives her the empty cup back. He doesn't question it— he'd rather not be in agony while trying to heal. And if a doctor says it's okay and is monitoring him then there's no harm.

Charmilla takes the towel she gave him and begins to dry him off. Up his legs, she pats them dry and makes sure to spend too much time between them. A glance up at him and she can see the blush on his face.

He's trying not to get hard again from how she makes sure he's completely dry down there. She's disappointed he's able to resist and instead prioritizes getting him back in bed. She doesn't want him catching another cold, after all.

Across his stomach and up his chest, she makes sure to grope ever-so-slightly. Lastly, Charmilla makes sure his hair is dry from where water may have gotten on it. Once all of that is done, she grabs the shirt off the edge of the long counter.

Zye lifts his arms and lets her tug it down. It'll only go down just past his waist. He glances around, trying to find other clothing. "It's, uh, just a shirt."

"Alright, stand up. Let's get you to bed."

"Charmilla, I—"

"I told you to call me Charm, Zye."

"Ri…right. Charm, is there anything I can wear for, um, underwear?"

"Oh, you won't need that. As long as you walk flat-footed you'll be able to make it to the bathroom."

"I…I appreciate this, but how long will I be here? I need to get home. I have bills and work."

"Sweet boy. I couldn't get you down those stairs unless you crawled. The elevator is out and it was already a hassle to carry you up two flights. Now, stand up."

"But Charm—Ah!"

Charmilla grabs at his chin. Well-manicured nails bite into his skin. She draws his face up, forcing their gaze to meet.

"I told you I'd take care of everything. You don't have to worry about anything anymore."

The chilly demeanor has Zye freezing up like a deer in headlights. He swallows hard when she finally lets him go.

"Oh dear, I almost forgot."

Charmilla kneels back down and begins to take the wrappings off of his feet. Into one of the cabinets beneath the dual sinks, she produces another roll. She's quick about getting them wrapped back up and the remainder of the roll put away.

Standing, she's glad to see that Zye is ready to accept her help. He allows her to assist him back to the bed. Not that he has much of a choice. He can feel the groggy feeling coming back, the very one he had managed to begin to shake off.

Medicine, it has to be that.

It's a feat to get in against the silk white sheets. She has him tucked in and propped up on a couple of pillows before turning to leave. "I'll be back. Let me get you some food."

Zye isn't sure how much time passes. He has zero sense of time considering there's no clock in sight. Glancing about the room, he notices it's surely her personal room if the huge bed is anything to go by. Across from the bed is a dresser next to a door that must lead to a small closet.

From the bed, he looks to his left and it's the bathroom. To the right is a small table with two very comfy-looking chairs around it. All in all, the room tells him nothing about Charmilla. It's full of long cream-colored walls with nothing on them.

The only thing he can reach from where he's at is the bedside table next to him. Even that seems far away if he has to dare try to lift his arm.

He's about to doze off when the door opens and Charmilla returns with a small tray. On it is a glass of juice with a straw and a bowl of steaming soup. She sets it on the bedside table before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I thought you worked?"

She smiles sweetly and grabs the bowl. Dipping the spoon into it, she lifts it and blows the steam off. "I've already closed the clinic for the night."


"Come on, say ah for me."

Zye's so out of it he can't help but follow her commands. They're whispered to him and they're sweet like honey. He can't stop his lips from parting and allowing her to feed him.

It's a slow process that only has him growing more embarrassed and out of it. He feels like he could pass out at any moment. Evident by the fact that when she gives him another sip of juice, he doesn't swallow fast enough.

It dribbles down his chin to where she catches it. Her thumb wipes it away quickly. Setting everything back on the tray, she stands up and begins to tuck him back into bed. The pillows come out from behind him and he wiggles down, getting comfortable.

She finds it rather adorable how he snuggles up under the blanket as he passes out. It's right on time as well. Just as he should with what she's given him.

The last thing he needs is to get too worked up. She doesn't want to rile him up to where he hurts himself, after all.

Charmilla sighs and begins to undress. Naked, she pulls the sheet back with a dramatic flair. She reaches into the top drawer of the table next. From it, she retrieves a rather basic anal plug and a bottle of lube.

Onto the bed, she settles between his legs. Her hands drag over his legs and up his thighs. She revels in the smooth skin. It suits him so well that he shaves, something she's kept up for him. It makes it all the easier for her to bend down and drag a tongue over his thigh.

It's addicting and she has a hard time stopping. The trail of kisses and sucks goes up to his stomach. Her tongue dips down around his belly button while her hands clutch his thighs. She massages them and slowly moves them up.

Except her hands hit up against his cock and balls.

She huffs and sits up. Gathering the lube, she coats two of her fingers and dips them between his legs. Charmilla isn't the least bit surprised when his hole eagerly swallows them. From how she's been fucking him the last two days, it should.

Her mind wanders.

All she wanted to do was put him on her lap in the bathroom and fuck him until he was full of her. Then there would have been a real reason to wash him. Not something so trivial as urine. No, she wants to stuff him to the brim with her essence.

Except he'll only get an upset stomach if she does.

For now.

Charmilla pushes a third finger inside and curls them up against his prostate. His body wiggles and thrives against the bed when she does. A soft moan breaks from his lips as she continues to prod at it.

She knows what to do and how to make him feel good. If only she wasn't so tired. The hours were long today and she knows she'll have plenty of time in the morning. She's opening later and that means he's all hers for breakfast.

Pulling her fingers out, she stares down at his erect cock. She lets out a huff and bends over. Her lips cover the tip, holding him there between her lips. The tip of her tongue teases the slit. All the while, four fingers shove back into his ass.

Charmilla grinds them into his body with a relentless desire to have him cum. It only takes a few tries to have him cumming into her mouth. It's far easier to swallow it down than clean it up. Her fingers, she wipes across his inner thigh.

A thought passes her mind. A good one at that.

She grabs the bottle of lube and rolls him onto his side. There she guides him to curl his legs up closer to the fetal position. All so she can push the tip of it into his already slick ass. Once it's in position, Charmilla squeezes until she can feel it emptying out of the bottle.

Zye grunts and begins to roll away from her— the sign it's going in as it should. He ends up on his stomach and for that she's grateful. She's able to pull the bottle away with a wet pop. Inspecting it, she knows a good amount went in.

That should keep him lubricated through the night.

Charmilla grabs the anal plug, the final piece to the puzzle, and pushes it into his ass. All the way until the small end is only visible if she pulls his cheeks apart.

She can't help it.

One last time tonight, she bends over. Lips kiss against the curve of one ass cheek. A tongue drags over the skin that smells like her soap. Teeth lightly bite in enough to have a mark left long after she sits back up.

Charmilla sits there, panting lightly, and hating that she's hard.

The morning. She can last till then and once she does, he'll be nice and wet and ready for her.


The next morning isn't much different for Zye at first. The lethargy seizes through him like slow-drying cement. He can't shake it off very fast at all. It leaves him with a heavy mental feeling and a groan to wake up.

Except he's incredibly warm.

And there are arms wrapped around his waist, holding him tight.

It's confusing because it feels good. He wants to snuggle in further to the breasts his head rests upon. At least, until the nipple brushes against his cheek.


Zye tries to pull away only for her to tighten her grip.

"What's wrong, hun?"

"I—you're in bed!"

"It is my bed."

"I, I can pay the fee. I'll go downstairs. It's fine."

"I won't have that. You're safer up here with me."

Her grip tightens and he pinches an eye shut as she smooshes him to her breasts further. All the while, he's trying to pry himself from her arms. Anything to hide his embarrassment and the blush across his cheeks.

Zye looks up at her. There she can see the fear and confusion in his eyes. It has her hold loosening enough for him to roll away from her.

It's not fast enough.

On his back, he's suddenly trapped beneath her as she follows after him. Her breasts lean against his chest as she pats his cheek. "Where are you going, dear?"

"I…Nngh, what is…"

"I had to make sure you'd be ready for me. I know it's probably not comfortable to sleep with inside of you."

Charmilla sits up on his thighs. The blanket falls away and he's granted a view of her in all of her naked glory. The large, soft breasts to wide hips before ending in thick thighs. Between the thighs is what has Zye's attention.

A cock larger than he's ever seen. Six or maybe seven inches. Maybe more? He doesn't know. All he does know is it's a hefty weight against his own.

"Please calm down, Zye. You've always been so sweet about taking it."

"We? I did what? When?"

"Oh, dear…I always forget that you probably wouldn't remember. You were rather out of it."

"No, I don't. Why…why did you…"

"Let me help you. It's all I want— to take care of everything and anything you could ever need."

Charmilla bends down, placing her full weight against him, as she captures his lips. It's dominating and oppressive. She doesn't dare pull away until she can have more. Her hand slips between them, squeezing at his chest until he gasps.

The only opening she needs to slip her tongue into his mouth and enjoy every second. It's not the same when he's not conscious. This has her aroused and enjoying the way he tries to push her tongue out. It wiggles and writhes against her overbearing tongue that licks and caresses every spot she can reach.

His chest is beginning to burn. Trying to breathe through his nose is distracted from how she tries to shove her tongue down his throat. Zye moans and grunts against her mouth. He manages to draw his hands up, attempting to push at her shoulders.

Finally, she retreats and watches as he sucks in a much-needed breath. She smiles at the saliva dripping down his chin. Dipping her head down, she licks it up and brushes her lips to his once more. "You must be feeling better, but please behave."

"Me? I—g-get off me!"

Charmilla sighs and reaches over. He winces as she shifts atop him while trying to pluck something from the top drawer in the bedside table. She withdraws it after a second and slips the pill into her mouth. Zye watches with confusion etched across his countenance.

Until she's pressing her lips against his. One hand grabs at his chin, applying enough pressure to force his mouth to open. He's too weak and slow to stop her— to do anything other than squirm as the pill slips into his mouth instead.

She continues to kiss him while dragging her hand to his throat. There she rubs to urge him to swallow. Not that she'll stop until he has. Even as she retreats from the kiss, she clamps her hand over his mouth in case he still has it in his mouth.

"Shh, it'll be alright. Swallow for me, please?"

Widening eyes tell her he's struggling. Worse yet when she pushes her hand up further to block off the air through his nose. The adrenaline that demands he fight back has him slinging an arm up to shove her hand away.

He doesn't get a chance. Her free hand catches his wrist and holds it down against the bed. Not being able to breathe has him unable to resist swallowing. Try as he might to keep it from sliding down his throat, it does just that.

"See, was that so hard?"

Taking her hand off his mouth, she's quick to latch a padded cuff around the wrist she holds. His head lulls to the side. He traces the chain that comes off of it and up to the bedpost it's locked to. The other wrist fairs no better.

Arms held away and restrained, he stares up at her. "What are you doing, Charmilla?"

"Call me Charm. And…I don't want you to hurt yourself by struggling."

"I wouldn't if you'd let me go."

"Honey," she begins while stroking his cheek. "I'm trying to help you. Don't you see that?"

"No. I don't."

She brushes a finger beneath his bottom lip, holding his face in her hand. "Who else would take care of you? Even your boss turned a blind eye when I told him you'd be out for another week. He fired you, dear."

"You…No…You got me fired? What is wrong—Wait…You gave me a shot before I left that day. And I got sick right after…"

Fearful eyes turn up to her glittering pink gaze. She pats his cheek and begins to sit up. All she has to do is wait patiently. He'll calm down— they'll have a good time before she has to work.


"I've only done things to help you. No matter what, I've been there, have I not?"

Zye's not sure what to say to that. In many respects, she's not lying. She was nothing but sweet and kind. She bent over backward to make sure he was taken care of. Still, she's stepped over the line.

That was her job. She should do those things. Not these.

Tugging at his restraints, his attempt to sit up is foiled as they restrict him back to the bed. "What did you do to me?!"

"I don't want anything in return, my darling, just to love and take care of you. Won't you let me?"

He wants to answer and deny every word that tumbles from her perfect smile and beautiful lips. But he can't. It's hot and he doesn't know why. He squirms beneath her as the arousal hits him.

It wasn't a sedative she gave him, it was an aphrodisiac.

His brows furrow as he pinches his eyes shut. He tries everything he can to ignore it— to think of anything else that would kill the heat. Regardless, the fire licks through his veins until he can't stand it.

Charmilla is simply sitting there. The only thing that touches his body is how she sits on his thighs. The tipping point is her own rock-hard cock that leans up against his. Each time he tries to shimmy away or out from under her, they rub together.

A whine echoes in the hollow of his throat.

"Oh honey, if you would calm down I could take the cuffs off."

Tears gather at the corners of his eyes as he opens them. Even his mouth feels like it's on fire. He doesn't know what to do. Not when it feels like his brain is melting out his ears and every inch of his skin has an itch to it.

"N-no, take them off now. Please? I can't take it!"

"Not until I'm sure you won't hurt yourself. Look at what happened at work. You got a nasty cut and it even left a scar."

Charmilla leans back down and caresses his face. A gentle kiss to his lips has his body arching up to meet hers, anything to rub against. This time he doesn't have the strength of anything to keep his mouth closed.

Her tongue is allowed inside to lick every corner of his mouth. Even pulling away, he chases after her and the electrifying touch she gives. Charmilla chuckles and grabs the wry tongue between her thumb and forefinger.

"You liked that, hm?"

Gliding her fingers over it, she pushes them into his mouth. He can't help but drool around the way she rubs her fingers against his tongue.

"It's a good thing I took care of you last night."

She takes her fingers out of his mouth and drags them down over his shirt. Pushing the material up, she brushes her fingers over the rock-hard peaks. She rubs around his nipples without touching them further.

Since the first touch, she abandons his nipples to instead lie on her side next to him. He could sigh at the weight off his body if he wasn't moaning the second her lips kiss the sensitive skin beside his nipple. She continues to circle it with her lips and tongue.

All the while her fingers are wrapping around his shaft. In unbearably slow motions. The grip isn't very tight either. It leaves him nothing but wanting and trying to shift his hips. The very hips that seem to have a mind of their own. They buck up against her hand in a desperate attempt to get some relief.

"St…op…!" he moans out as she holds him at the base.

Fingers tickle down over his balls, squeezing them ever-so-slightly and making him writhe. He's having a hard time keeping himself from making noise. Worse yet when her lips finally close around his nipple.

It's as if an inferno is blazing throughout his body. He yanks at the restraints as he squirms, pushing his chest closer to her. Closer to the way she suckles on it until the hard nub is left with a coat of saliva over it.

Her fingers creep down below to where he's pushing the plug out without realizing it. She grasps at the base and begins to work it back in. And then out. And then back in.

Zye can't handle it. Especially not when she's touching the other with nails lightly grazing over it. A subtle touch until she begins to suck harder. Her fingers mimic the move by pinching at his other nipple until he feels as though she'll rip it off.

A wet pop signals her retreat.

The hot cum dripping down his cock and splattering over his stomach doesn't stop her. He might be done, but she's not. She smiles sweetly at him while shifting on the bed.

"I wouldn't do this for just anyone, my love."

She's not lying. Men have never quite been her cup of tea. There are a few that might have caught her eye. Yet this vulgar tool she settles between her breasts is what she doesn't care for.

She'd rather be the one on top. She wants to bestow upon them the greatest pleasure.

Until she can, she'll let him enjoy every ounce of his cock until he can't anymore.

Zye stares down at her and the way her cleavage swallows up his dick. Peaking up from it is the leaking tip. The only sign that she has it there.

Hands on her breasts, she dips her head down to flick her tongue through the leftover cum. The sight alone has Zye moaning for her. She can hear the pleas for her to stop beneath his breath. Something she takes away by beginning to jostle her breasts against him.

It's soft— incredibly so.

Her breasts rub against the cock covered in his own cum. Bouncing her breasts along the throbbing shaft, she doesn't dare listen to his cries. Well, other than how beautiful they are to her ears.

The pill she gave him works a little too well.

He's cumming as she suffocates his cock between her breasts. The only sign that he has is how he becomes limp once more against the bed. That and the spurt of cum that appears between her cleavage. It dribbles down the curve of her boob as she sits up.

Sweaty and panting, Zye gasps for air. He watches as his cum sticks between her breasts and how her cock twitches for release. He knows what's coming before she's reaching between his legs. Tugging the plug out, she tosses it to the side.

Charmilla is more than happy to see a bit of lube leak out of him. It spurs her to grab the bottle she put away last night. Squeezing a bit more onto her fingers, his eyes widen.


"It's alright, just relax and enjoy yourself. I can take care of everything. Besides, I have to make sure we don't rip you. You're quite rowdy once we get going."

"I…I don't…stop."

"Shhh, calm down. Focus on how you feel."

Gel dripping from her fingers, she presses them against his loosened hole. Two slide in with ease. Tempting it, she pushes a third into join. Rocking them in and out of his body has him staying hard as a rock.

Although, most of that is the drug she gave him.

"See? Feels good, hm?"

The fourth finger stretches him further. She's so close to fisting him that he can't fathom how much more she needs to be able to fit inside. He knows there's no way she'll give up. Not when she's apparently done it plenty already.

Zye tries to wiggle away from her even while his hips lift off the bed. Her poking against his prostate has him tipping over the edge before he can think of doing anything. His heels dig against the bed as he thrashes his head against the pillow.

"C-Charm, ple…please…stop!"

The breathy moan at the end isn't very convincing. Not that it matters to her either way. She's too invested in burying her fingers into him as deep as she can get without putting her thumb in. He's loose and wet, sucking down around her fingers so greedily.

She can't wait for another second.

Charmilla pulls her hand out and wipes it across his leg. More lube is gushed out onto her cock. Lathering it up and aiming at his hole, she smiles down at him. "Remember to breathe, sweetie."

"N-no, wait!"

The grind. The burn. The subtle stretch of his softened insides. It all has him teetering over the edge, cumming the second that she's seated all inside of him. His arms lie limp against the bed as his body trembles.

The orgasm tears through him like lightning through the sky. It renders him quiet save for the moans that drip from his lips. Breathing is all he can focus on aside from the hefty weight wedged inside of him.

"I'm glad you're feeling good."

A finger glides up the side of his cock and then back down it. Over his abdomen, her palm slides until it rests over the slight bulge. She applies the lightest of pressure to it and keeps their pelvises together.

"Can you feel me? I'll give you everything. Anything."

Zye can't even think of answering. Panting, he tries in vain to keep the moans shoved down. They trill out of him with no regard for his wants. As if they're pushed out of him by the cock shoving itself in and out of his body.

It's not enough for her. Everything about him feels so good, but she needs more.

Gripping his thighs, she maneuvers his legs up. She pushes against the back of his thighs as she thrusts into him, slowly getting faster— slowly getting deeper. The slight angle change has her slamming and grinding against his prostate each and every time.

It's as if her thick cock is obliterating it, grinding it into putty, as she conforms his ass to her shape. The slap of skin isn't nearly as loud as his cries. The music that fuels her to go faster even after his insides suck down around her.

Cum drips onto his stomach and his eyes almost roll back. Keeping his sanity is harder than ever. Keeping from moaning for more even harder.

Charmilla bends further over him until his ass is up off the bed and his knees close to his chest. Sweat drips down the curve of his jaw as he panics. Her thrusts grow relentless and he knows she won't stop.

Still, he has to try. He has to stop as a particular feeling begins to surge up inside of him. He has to go.

"W-wait! Please…Charm, please? It…it feels different, stop!"

"Sweet darling, it's fine. Let it all out for me."

"N-no, no! You don't— stop, please!"

She can't— won't— doesn't.

Charmilla is too close.

Another thrust into his sweet hole has her cumming hard. She docks against him and enjoys filling him up to the brim. Almost as much as she loves watching him lose it below her. Tears spill from his eyes as he not only cums, but pisses all over himself.

It's enough to keep her hard as a stone inside of him.

"Oh…honey…you're far too sexy. I don't think anyone else should ever be allowed to look at you."

His body is still burning. His stomach aches from the cum she's given him. For a second, he wants to believe she's a benevolent woman when she lets his hips touch the bed again.

Zye should know better.

It doesn't matter that he's a mess.

They're both still hard and she's not pulling out until they're satisfied. The only difference is that she lies over him. The pressure of her body against his only accents the way her cock tunnels into him with no reprieve.

She caresses his damp body while kissing him. Over and over her lips meet his each time she has to part for air. He can't do anything but let her have her way, tongue toying with his for what feels like forever.

Far too sensitive, he's not surprised when one particular rock of her hips has him cumming once more. Except this time nothing comes out.

Stars and lights spot his vision as the moan he gives her is muffled against her lips. She pecks his mouth one last time before sitting up.

He doesn't even realize she's already cummed inside of him again. Where it all goes he can't fathom. All he knows is he's full and he wants her out. He wants to lie here and pretend he doesn't exist anymore.

Zye can barely move his arms after she begins to unlock his cuffs. The chains jingle as they hit the bedpost. It takes her a moment to tug out of him and scoot off the side of the bed.

"Alright dear, let's get cleaned up."

She yanks at the sheets and then pulls him into a sitting position. Every joint feels like jelly that'll turn to water. He doesn't have a choice, he has to cling onto her for dear life as she takes him to the bathroom. All the while, he can't stop her cum from dripping down his thighs.

"Can you stand, my love?"


He doesn't know if he can.

But he's too afraid to say no.

She turns the water on and helps him into the tub once more. The shirt is tugged over his head while cold water rushes around his feet. It takes a moment for it to steadily gain heat, warming his toes before they get too cold.

Charmilla steps in behind him and tugs at the curtain, keeping it closed so that she doesn't make a mess. She guides him beneath the water that begins to spew from the overhead attachment.

He can feel her breath on his ear.

"Hands on the wall if you feel like you're falling. Of course, I'll catch you. Don't worry."

Zye doesn't dare say a word. He feels…numb. His body is still riding off the residuals of whatever she gave him. The nerves tingle and his skin itches each time the rag drags over it.

Charmilla is thorough with how she washes him. From top to bottom, including his hair. He blinks and wipes the water out of his face only to be pulled back against her. She combs her hands through his hair, loving that the tangles vanish almost instantly.

He deserves so much and she plans to give it all to him.

She gently rubs a second rag over his face. The light smell of citrus is what hits his nose first. It's a comforting, if not sharp, scent that overwhelms him. She's quick to massage the soap onto his cheeks and around his jaw before washing him back off.

"You're being so good, you might get a reward for that. Now bend over so I can clean you out."

He pinches his eyes shut as he does as he's told. Thighs quiver as her fingers delve into his ass. She revels in how soft and warm it is. As well as being able to fit four fingers in to help get as much of her cum out as possible.

Except the more she delves her fingers into his quivering body, the more aroused she's getting all over again. Charmilla licks her lips and stops. Reaching around him, she changes the water output back to the faucet.

The sound is thunderous and sudden. He watches as she moves her foot between his, pushing the stopper down so that the water can't escape. She rubs at his shoulders. "We're going to soak for just a moment, alright? I know you're tired."

He's tired, yes, but he'd rather get out. Regardless, he doesn't fight against the grip on his body. He lets her ease him down. She sits behind him with the water up to her waist. "Turn that off would you, dear?"

Zye turns the knob from where he squats down. He expects to sit between her legs, not on her lap. And surely not guided down to where her cock slides into him with no problem whatsoever. The gasp molds into a moan as her arms wind around his waist.

"Nngh! P-please, not again."

Charmilla kisses his shoulder, "Relax, honey."

He whimpers at the feeling of her hands sliding down to his thighs. She spreads them and grips at the soft thighs. Her tongue glides up the side of his neck as she begins to thrust up into him.

"T-too much, ple…please…"

The water sloshes around them as she moves. He hiccups as he tries to breathe, tries not to focus on the way her cock plunders through him. He tries infinitely harder to ignore how unbelievably good it feels.

He's always enjoyed sex.

But this is something different.

It's extreme, unrelenting, and overwhelming to the point where he's drooling without realizing it. Leaning forward to try and get away from her, she takes the hint and decides to tease him. She kisses his nape and lifts him to his knees.

Her cock brushes between his thighs as she does the same but only to unstop the tub. The water begins to go down immediately. As it does, Charmilla is out of the tub and grabbing for the shower head. She takes a second to rinse him off one last time before slipping into a robe.

Tying her hair back, the shorter strands around her shoulders are left out and dip forward with each movement. Zye watches the purple highlights that seem to shift each time she moves. It's almost hypnotic.

Almost as distracting as the raging hard-on that she still has poking against the robe. He's confused as she grabs the towels and sets them on the vanity.

She smiles down at his expression. "You asked me to stop, did you not?"

It throws him for a loop. The last thing he expects her to do is ever listen to what he wants. He understands why she does this as she steps back up to the tub. Turning on his knees, he's more than ready to get out and off of them.

Until the head of her cock is on his lips.

"If you want it so bad, open wide."

He doesn't get a choice in the matter. It pushes past his lips and the last thing he dares to think about is biting her. Not when he can barely lift his arms as it is. If anything, he's glad that she's already close.

Even if he doesn't care for the fact that it was just inside of him. All he can do is close his eyes and let her use his mouth as a tool to get off. He's grateful she doesn't go down his throat. Her thick cock spreads his lips wide enough as it is.

Her hands curl into his hair to hold him steady. Anything to keep him still so that all of her cum goes down his throat. She doesn't pull away until she's sure he's swallowed it as well. Once she does, she caresses the side of his face and kisses the crown of his head.

"You did so well this morning, darling. I feel like I can make it through my day now."

Charmilla begins to help him out of the tub. A towel is wrapped around his shoulders and he's sat on the toilet. She takes her time to dry his hair, comb it out, and then again with a blow dryer. She keeps the heat from his face with gentle touches and the comb never snagging on a tangle or knot.

Zye lets her do whatever she wishes. He sits there as she then dries him off all the way down to his toes. Once she's done, she cups his chin and dips down. A kiss pecks against his lips.

"I'll be right back. Let me get the sheet changed."

He wishes she would do anything— something— so that he could get away. Not that he's sure he'd be able to manage. There are a couple of windows in the room he could try. If not, hobbling down the stairs is the only option.

Of course, he's sure there's no way he'd get out. It'd have to be perfect.

By the time she returns, he's shivering. She sighs softly and pushes the towel away. "Oh dear, come now. Let's get you warm."

If she wants to do everything, he gives it to her. She practically carries all of his weight to the bed. There, she helps him in and has him cuffed once more. She glides a hand down his chest.

"I'm sorry, honey. It's just until you calm down. I've given you enough slack to sleep comfortably however you like."

He rolls over away from her. Naked, he curls up into the fetal position as she drapes a sheet over him. Atop that is a plush blanket she pulls up to his chin. A kiss on his cheek and she begins to get ready for work.

Except he catches the mumble.

"Perhaps I need someone to watch him while I work for now…"

Zye doesn't care to watch her. She's dressed and out the door without a peep from him. If anything, he wants to sleep. To be momentarily whisked away from whateverthis is.

He's exhausted, humiliated, and wants to cry more than anything.

Yet nothing comes. He simply lies there. If he's lucky he'll stay awake and fall asleep when she gets back. Then she can fuck him while he's asleep and he doesn't have to remember it.
