Syringes and Serenades part 2 by kukiwi

"You're healing very well, darling," she comments while wrapping the bandages around his feet once more.

It's not completely necessary but it does give him some support considering how weak they are. Still, the vulnerability it makes him feel is far worse than sitting naked in front of her.

If anything, he does cover himself by placing his hands on his lap. Charmilla finds it rather cute. Still kneeling before him, she leans forward. Her hand drags up the back of his leg while her lips press against his knee.

"You're so beautiful, darling."

She doesn't expect a reply. He seems a bit tired. Then again, she does have him up shortly after the sun has come up. Not that she can help it. She's kept the clinic closed or operating on short hours for too long.

Work has to resume at some point. If she's going to continue her plan to whisk them away to a better life, she has to make some more money. At least, until her associate has some jobs lined up for her.

Charmilla stands after kissing his other knee. She drags a hand through the bangs he keeps swept to the right. "I'll be right back with food for you, love."

Up and out of the room, Charmilla leaves the door ajar. There's nowhere he can wander off to while she's here. Her only fear is that he'll hurt himself trying to explore.

Outside the room, the third floor doesn't have much to it. There's a small cot against the wall to the left. The empty space is cut into by the open stairs taking her to the second floor. This level is the exact footage as the first.

It has to be to house another, albeit smaller, bathroom, a living area, and a kitchen. It's rather homey despite having done little to spruce it up. The only thing that seems to give any personality to any of the rooms is a plush toy of a white rabbit sitting off in the corner of the living room.

It's a petite thing atop a round table— just for it. Otherwise, it looks like any typical living arrangement with a couch, a slender coffee table, and a television across the room from them both.

Charmilla, however, heads straight to the kitchen. She makes her something first. That way she can eat while she fixes his. From a locked, wooden box on the end of the counter, she retrieves medicine for him.

While she works, she can't help but come to the realization she needs a little help. Not much and not for long. It's only until Zye calms down and gets better. There's one nurse in particular that works here part-time she knows she could hire.

She sighs and adds another pill to the paper cup.

Sedation will have to do for now. The nurse can check on him, feed him lunch, and by the time he's coming around she'll be off work. It'll work out perfectly. They'll be able to relax, have dinner, and enjoy some couple time before bed.

Humming happily to herself, Charmilla sets everything on a wooden tray and carries it back upstairs. She returns to the room and places the tray on the round table across from the bed. Plucking the robe off the chair, she takes it to Zye. She drapes it over his shoulders and stands him up.

She guides him to one of the chairs that sit there. If anything, they're comfy to sink into. He tries to relax as best he can. It helps that the eggs and toast smell divine.

Or he's starving.

The glass of orange juice is what he sips on first as Charmilla leaves the room once more. It gives him the smallest bout of peace. For a second he can pretend that he had a night out with someone and woke up to breakfast.

He can delude himself into thinking that nothing is wrong and the ache inside isn't there. Every time he dares to let his mind wander in that direction he wants to cry.

Never before has he felt so trapped and helpless.

Finished eating, he looks at the small glass of water she has on the side. Next to it is the paper cup with several pills at the bottom. They don't look like anything special. Nonetheless, he knows they're no good.

His chance to get rid of them vanishes as Charmilla reenters the room. A smile stretches across her countenance. Draped over one arm is a pair of pants and a shirt. Stopping next to him, she taps a finger on the cup.

"Make sure you take all of them and drink plenty of water."

Zye is too afraid to say a word. His nature tells him to scream, fight, and run. His brain warns him that's a suicide route. He doesn't know how far she'd go— what she's capable of.

It's far easier to take the pills and gulp down the water until there's nothing left on the tray. This pleases Charmilla. Still, she can't afford to take chances. She sets the clothes on his lap.

"What's this?"

"You don't want them?"

He's quick to shake his head. The only problem is the second he does, she's grabbing his chin. Gentle yet forceful. He doesn't dare turn away from her.

"Open your mouth."

It feels strange to obey her. Worse yet when two of her fingers slip between his lips. He's forced to hold his mouth wide open for her. All so she can make sure he's taken the medicine properly.

That's the intention at the start.

Charmilla can't help looking into those pretty eyes that stare up at her. He's breathing hard through his nose as she begins to drag her fingers over his tongue. She rubs and traps it between her fingers, enjoying how he remains calm for her.

She doesn't stop until drool is dripping down his chin. "Oh my. You shouldn't tease me, Zye."

Zye isn't sure what she means.

Her fingers leave him only to be replaced by her lips smashing against his. His gasp is muffled against her kiss and the tongue that dives into his mouth. Charmilla smiles as she retreats for a fraction of a second. Only to kiss him again and again.

The sheer intensity is enough to leave him lightheaded. Not to mention the slight drowsy feeling that's settling in. Zye whimpers into the liplock with hands weakly reaching up to push her away.

Abiding by this want, Charmilla finishes with a kiss to his forehead. "Don't you worry. I'll have a different job soon. Then we can spend even more time together. Now let's get dressed."

He looks at the robe she's wearing and realizes she really does take care of him first. Everything she does is "for" him. There's a twisted thought in the depths of his mind to give in.

Is it really so bad?

She wouldn't drug him and lock him away if he'd just relent.

Zye stands at her urging and lets her take the robe from his shoulders. What he's given isn't much better; a pair of boxers and a pale yellow t-shirt.

The most unnerving part is how good it feels to have strong arms wrap around him as he feels the world tilt. She holds onto him while guiding him to the bed. Charmilla tugs the blanket back and assists him in getting comfortable. Once he's propped up ever-so-slightly on some pillows, she tucks him in.

"Alright. Now be good for the nurse that comes in at lunch, okay? I'll be back soon."

His lips part and yet no words come out. Only a sound.

Charmilla kisses his cheek and pats his chest. "It'll be fine. You liked it, yes? I'll make sure to get some out for you for lunch."

Watching her stride over to the closet is agonizing. Almost as much as having to watch her get dressed. He's seen every inch of her body already and is quick to glance away. The ceiling is far more interesting.

Before long she's shutting the door as she leaves. The very thing he knows is locked. Even if it's not, he knows the next one will be. As if he could even get out of bed.

All he can do is lie there, drifting in and out of sleep for God knows how long. The silence is gut-wrenching and anxiety-inducing. Every time he stutters awake he can't help the fear that surges up from his toes until it's wrapped tightly around his heart.

Zye stares up at the white ceiling the next time he wakes. He can hear a distant noise and it encourages him to try. If it's her then he can pretend he's asleep. Maybe, just maybe, she'd actually leave him alone.

Charmilla is the one that enters the room, chattering away to the one behind her. "Now, I can't stay long. Just be sure he eats as much as you can get him to. He can walk to the bathroom, but he'll need assistance."

"Yes, Doctor."

"He's not adjusted to the medicine he's on, so please be gentle. He can hear you but he might not say much."

"That's alright."

Charmilla strides over to the side of the bed. Much like any other time, the brush of her fingertips along the side of his face is soft. If it were anyone else, he'd want to lean into it. Not that he can move away from it aside from lulling his head to the other side of the pillow.

"I'll leave you two, to it. Be good for Samuel, won't you, Zye?"

She leans over him, kissing his forehead one last time, and leaves the two of them alone in the room. Zye is quick to look toward this new person as they move a little closer.

This Samuel seems a bit worn out. Zye can only assume it's been a busy day considering she's been closed. His hair is tied back and the scrubs leave everything to Zye's imagination. Then again, the only thing that he sees and focuses on are the dark eyes staring back at him.

They're gentle— sincere— kind.

He's not like Charmilla. He probably doesn't even realize what that woman has done and is doing. She's surely drawn up an entirely fabricated story to suit her needs and keep this man from asking questions.

Zye makes a few noises, never quite words or syllables, to get Samuel's attention.

"Oh! Right, bathroom first and I'll go get your lunch. She said she'd heat it up on her way out. I hope you don't mind that I'm helping."

He can only make it as easy on Samuel as he physically can. It's hard to push himself to sit up when his body trembles from the exertion. The blanket is folded back for him and he tries to move his legs.


Zye can't wait for them to get there. He looks up into those eyes. A gaze he could get lost in. It's different from everyone he's met since moving here.

He wishes he could have met this man under different circumstances. He would have loved to have had a friend.

"It's okay, one leg at a time."

The touch is gentle and never lingers like Charmilla's. Neither do his eyes. He's polite and respectful while helping Zye stand. Even aiding him to the bathroom, the arm around his waist and the hand on his chest is pleasant.

Actual help— not whatever she's been doing.

The entire time he's whispering soft praises, encouraging Zye to keep going. There's a brief moment once they're in the bathroom when he glances away. Not wanting to look as Zye pushes the band of the boxers down. Zye hangs onto the counter and sits down, waiting for him to step out.

"Are you sure? I mean, I won't look if you still need help."

Zye shakes his head.

"Then I'll go get your lunch and be right back."

Quickly taking care of himself, Zye finds he's a lot more lucid than he thought he'd be. Enough to attempt standing, at least. Only to come to the cold realization that he shouldn't. Plopping back down, he waits.

The door is nudged open a bit farther as Samuel returns. "Ready?"

A small nod.

Samuel is diligent and efficient if nothing else. Zye appreciates it. The less time with his underwear around his ankles the better. Not that it helps. He's still flustered and bright red by the time Samuel is handing him a towel to dry his hands on after washing them.

The trip back to the bed goes a little smoother. Zye makes sure to take careful steps that don't angle or tilt his feet too much. The less pressure he puts on this man the better considering their height difference.

That and he doesn't want to get him in trouble with Charmilla. He can't stand the thought of her anger being directed at someone else.

In the bed once more, Samuel grabs the first aid kit off the table. He left it next to a tray with Zye's lunch on it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Samuel begins the work of changing the gauze wrapped around Zye's feet and up his ankles.

Zye attempts to garner his attention throughout the process. Wiggling toes or small noises— it only has Samuel glancing up as he talks and then returning to his job.

"They look like they're healing well. It shouldn't be much longer. Dr. Charm is amazing at what she does. I'm sure she spared nothing to do so for her boyfriend."

Zye wants to choke as the word leaves Samuel's lips. The worst part is he can't even deny it.

"I hope you get better and I'll do my best to help out until then."

The kit is sitting on the floor with the old bandages atop them. Samuel disinfects his has with a sanitizer from the kit before retrieving the tray. This he sets on his lap once he's back on the edge of the bed. The glass of water he places on the bedside table.

Thus begins the slow and steady method of food, water, breathe. All the while, Samuel chats about the weather for the day or what's been happening in the city in this area. It's nothing substantial.

Yet it means the world to Zye.

It's why when Samuel takes the tray away with the dirty dishes, Zye tries to reach out for him. Fingers twitch against the blanket before he manages to lift his hand. It gets Samuel's attention when he glances back, halfway to the door.

"Oh, right." He hurries back to the kit and grabs the old bandages while scooting the kit under the bed as she told him to. "I'll see you tomorrow, good night, Zye."

Up until the door shuts, Zye is trying to get out of bed. He has the blanket pushed away only to be too late. One leg drops over the edge of the bed as he worries his bottom lip between his teeth.

It's too much work to pull it back up. He flings the blanket down to drape over it and flops onto the bed. Closing his eyes, he bites back the tears and the sob that catches in his throat.

He wants to go home. Even if home had nothing for him.


Closing up for the night, Charmilla sits in the examination room filling out the last patient's file. She glances up at the small tap on the door. "Oh, Samuel. Thank you for your hard work today."

She swivels in her chair.

"Perhaps I should change you to full-time. Oh but don't worry. I know you just came back. I wouldn't dare push you into that. It's grueling work to be on your feet that long."

"Thank you. I wouldn't mind. And about the patient upstairs, will I be—"

"Every day if you wouldn't mind. I think of all my nurses, he'll respond to you best. He's a sweet, kind soul that needs a gentle touch, after all."

"That's…thank you."

"Come now, don't be modest. You're good at your job and you have a lovely bedside manner. I'm sorry he's not much one for conversation lately. My darling is having a rough time."

"No, no that's okay. I don't mind. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, then."

"Please be safe on your way home, Samuel. I don't know what I'd do without you."

The slight flush across his cheeks enamors her. She simply can't look away from the way he glances to the side. Anything to not make a fool of himself in front of her. Not that she'd ever think he could.

Charmilla waits for him to leave. She listens intently to the sound of footsteps echoing down the hall. In the distance, the door shuts. She withdraws her phone from her pocket and swipes across the screen. A few taps later and she's activated the security system.

Stretching her arms above her head, she sighs when something pops and fills her with relief. It's been a long day and she can't wait to have dinner and spend time with her beloved. Back upstairs, she locks the second-floor door before ambling into the kitchen.

She kicks her shoes off and begins to pull out something for them to eat. Thankfully she had time to run up and put it in the oven earlier. For him, she'd do anything to make sure he's eating well.

Retrieving the large tray out of the oven, she sets it on the stove. A wide spread of sliced pork, potatoes, carrots, and broccoli. Pleased with herself, she leaves it there to cool and heads upstairs. As she gets closer to the door she can hear it.

A muted thud.

Charmilla throws the door open to see Zye on his knees a few feet in front of the bathroom. He's wincing and trying to move to get himself standing once more.

"Dear me, I told you to be careful. Your feet aren't fully recovered. You don't want to make it worse do you?"

"N…no. I…"

She reaches down for him, grabbing onto his arm even as he visibly tries to flinch away from the touch. A furtive glance from the corner of his eye tells him that she's upset that he does. Not wishing to incur her wrath, he lowers his head as she helps him up.


"Don't be, it's alright. I should have come and checked on you first."

Charmilla heaves him up and ushers him into the bathroom. There she helps tug his underwear down and leaves him on the toilet. A pat on his head is all he gets before she's hurrying back to the kitchen to make their plates.

It takes her two trips to bring the plates and glasses to the room on separate trays. To top it off, she gathers up a slender vase with a single rose in it to set between their meals.

Satisfied, she returns to the bathroom to see him tugging the material up his thighs. She can see that he's struggling. If only because the last vestiges of the sedative is wearing off. That and standing without putting too much pressure on certain areas of his feet is difficult.

"Hold on, love. I'm coming."

Zye doesn't want it. His instinct is to shoo her hands away. He hates that she dotes on him. He doesn't mean to fall back away from her and collapse onto the toilet. A sharp hiss leaves him as his back slams against the back of the toilet.

"I told you something would happen. Now come on, let's get you up."

"I…I can do it on my own."

"Sweetie, if you could, you already would have. Stop putting on a brave face for me. You can be as needy as you'd like with me."

He lets her have her way. Not that he has much of a choice with the strong grip on his arms that hoist him up. She gets his clothing situated and helps him back out into the bedroom. Over to the table, he sits down with her across from him.

It smells absolutely divine. It looks even better than it smells. He shifts in his seat as he picks up the fork, stabbing it into a piece of meat she's cut up for him.

"What about my phone, someone could call."

It's a bald-faced lie in most respects. There's only one person that would get in touch with him. Except last he heard, this dear friend of his was neck deep in getting together with a popular band. They had agreed they wouldn't be able to talk much.

Terrible timing.

Charmilla takes it in stride. She smiles sweetly and begins to cut her own meat. "Zye, it's okay. All you need now is me. I'm giving you all the attention when no one else would. Can't you see that? I'm trying to help you."

Zye takes a bite, enjoying how the meat melts against his tongue. He wants to savor it. He would be able to if her words weren't souring his senses.

"I'll give you whatever you need. You already have a place to live, food, water, and love. If there's anything you need, all you have to do is ask."

"I…want to go outside."

"You know you're not well yet. Besides, this city is rife with terrible people. I've been looking at a house that's further out, closer to nature. I think you'll love it."

He continues to eat, munching through everything except for the carrots. Those he pushes to the side of his plate. If anything, he's happy there's no cup of pills. Out of water, he slowly looks up from his plate.


"What is it, dear?"

"Could I get some more water?"

"Of course!" She stands up from her seat and takes his glass. The quick downstairs brings her back up to see that he's eaten almost everything. "Zye, you should eat everything. It's good for you."

"I…I'm not that hungry."

"Vegetables are healthy. I made sure to cook them a bit longer so they're softer."

She takes her fork, stabs through one of the cut pieces of carrot, and holds it up to his mouth. Zye draws his lips into a thin line. The last thing he wants is that. Lifting his hand, he tries to urge her wrist away.

"I just don't like them."

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them."

"I'd rather eat something else. Please, Charm, I really don't like them."

A hum hits his ears as she sets the fork on his plate. "Alright. That's fine. We all have things we don't like to eat. How about we get ready for bed instead?"

Zye sits there, confused and trying to figure out if there's a hidden meaning to that. He doesn't want to do it again. But if he says no and she wants to, would she drug him? The fear of it happening like that again is enough to have him dragging his palms over his thighs.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"I, uh, I just like the flower."

"Goodness, you're too adorable. Come now, to the bed. We don't want to push you too hard. That's enough for today."

Allowing her to hold his arms as he stands is easy. Climbing onto the bed is a bit harder. Her hands drag over his thighs as he scoots over, far away from her. Settling onto the middle of the bed, Zye is quick to tug the cover over his body.

Except he dares to glance back.

He wishes he hadn't.

The clothes are steadily stripped off and left on the floor. Before the bed, she stands in all her naked glory. Zye can't help but stare and he hates himself for it. She's gorgeous in all rights. From the large breasts seated over a smooth stomach with hints of muscle to the long, girthy cock nestled between thick thighs.

"Wh…what are you doing?"

"Goodness, you're being far too cute tonight. It's my job as your lover to satisfy you, don't you agree?"

"We don't have to. Sometimes cuddling is fine. I know you have to be tired from work. I mean…I don't really have that big of a sex drive."

Charmilla gets on the bed, watching as he tries not to roll toward the dip she creates. "It's alright, honey. I look forward to this the most. Besides, I know how much you enjoy making love."


The blanket is tugged out of the way as she moves closer. "Let's just say I made sure the old boyfriend of yours will stop calling. He sure does know how to run his mouth."

Zye stares up at her as she crawls closer. He immediately rolls over even though it does nothing. She lies down beside him nonetheless and spoons up against him. The feeling of cock up against his ass is more intimidating than he cares to admit.

Then again, her hands are awfully good at distracting him.

One slips over his waist and up his shirt. She brushes her fingers over a nipple that's quickly getting hard. Zye doesn't know what to do. His body wants to lean into the touch and the way she massages his chest. His mind wants him to run away— which he can't.

Trying to appease her might be the best way. It's the easiest solution to avoid that terrifying grip. He knows she'll force him and make it seem like she's not. That it's all his fault she has to stop being gentle. His fault that she has to act this way.

"Are you feeling shy?"

"N-no, just a little out of it."

Charmilla kisses his shoulder and then up to his neck. The small expanse of skin is all she needs. It drives her crazy with how she wants to have it flush dark red from her attention. All the while her hand is slipping from his chest down his stomach. Fingers lift the waistband and dart below it.

"Wait! N-no you don't have to—nngh!"

Her fingers are wrapping around his semi-hard cock. The fact that he was enjoying her body up against him is irritating enough. Worse so is the way his dick gets rock hard from how she grips and strokes him.

"Shhh, it's alright, honey. Just enjoy it, I know it's not enough yet."

Zye doesn't know what she means.

Doesn't care.

All he can think about is how the underwear rubs the tip of his cock each time she jostles him. A leg between his legs grinds up against his balls. Her fingers caress his glands and how he swells in her hand. The pad of her pointer finger rubs against the leaking tip, forcing more out of the slit.

He reaches down for her hand only to manage her wrist. His fingers weakly grasp at her. He wants to tell her that he's about to cum— to stop. Except he wants it. God, he wants it because it feels so good.

And it does as he ruins the inside of his underwear.

The release has him moaning loud and becoming pliant against her. Charmilla continues to suck on the side of his neck until she's sure it'll leave a hickey. She kisses the mark once she's done.

"Such a good boy."

Charmilla is pulling away as he comes down from the high. Something he hates. The second his senses are coming back to him, he feels disgusting and filthy. He hates that he wanted it— hates that it felt amazing— and hates that she's the one that drove him to do it.

He doesn't realize she's lying back down until he feels her push the boxers down until they're around his thighs and then further. Zye tries to turn back to her only for her to accept him. His face nestles against her breasts, smothering him, as she draws him close.

"I…I can't…Charm."

The way he pleads with her name on his tongue has her squeezing him even closer. She guides him to draw a leg up over hers. All while her own is shifting between his so that her cock rests below his.

A cap pops off the lube and it has Zye flinching.

He tries to push away from her too late.

Charmilla pushes a finger into him, poking his insides as she tries to stretch him enough to fit a second. "Don't you worry. I'll do all the work tonight then."

Zye gasps when a second finger slips into him. It has him moaning into her breast. The soft, pillowy chest dares to have him relax. It feels so good, even the way she stretches him. He flicks his gaze up to hers and the way she smiles down at him.

"Oh my, if you'd like go ahead. My nipples aren't nearly as sensitive as yours, though."

He doesn't get much of a choice. No matter how much he would like it, he despises how she nudges her chest against his face again. All until he does as she wants. Rather, does as she thinks he wants.

The nipple he latches his lips around is as hard as the cock pressing up against him. It's not that he slacks on lathering it with attention or doesn't want to please her, which he doesn't, but the fingers in him are persistent.

Especially when a third and fourth push into him. He can't help his hands reaching up to cling onto her breasts for dear life as she pries him open. He whimpers against her boob as those fingers curl up into his insides.

He's already close to cumming again when she pulls her fingers out. The emptiness they leave behind has Zye struggling to pull away from her breasts. The saliva he's left on it smears across his cheek as she clutches him close.

One hand each on his ass cheeks, she spreads them while pushing her cock up into his slick hole. He grits his teeth and pinches his eyes shut, trying so hard not to focus on the burn. Even stretched and lubed, she's still a monster to try and take in.

She finally settles once she's sheathed inside of him. "Oh…this isn't very comfortable for you is it? Hm…I'd be able to make you feel better if I moved."

He doesn't like that she stays partially in him as they roll over. She stops when she's kneeling over one of his legs while pushing the other away. All so she can scoot closer until she's back inside of him completely.

Her hands grab at that one leg, holding onto it as she begins to roll and plunge her hips toward him. His breath catches in his throat as she grinds up against his prostate. Zye groans as he tries to clutch at the sheet, anything to get away from the overwhelming pleasure.

Zye can't fathom it. It's as if she's studied his body inside and out. With ease, she's able to catapult him over the edge and into another orgasm. His breath catches in his throat, burning it as he struggles to exhale.

Charmilla isn't stopping. Despite the streak of cum over the sheet, she only stalls. She's quick to pull out and roll him onto his back. It has her grateful he's so flexible. Aided by the fact that she moves and stretches him plenty when he's out of it.

She allows his legs to drape over her arms. Using them to her advantage, she kneels before him. Charmilla clutches onto his legs and plunges into his ass. Smashing against his prostate each time has her sweet lover clinging onto the sheet.

His own cock can't handle the pleasure. It leaks cum across his stomach. The furthest droplets land on his chest as he hits a climax once more. She doesn't need to see it, she can feel the way he suctions down around her with renewed vigor.

"So tight! Mm, almost there, honey."

She caresses his legs as she bends them back towards his chest. His own moan upon her doing so drowns out her grunts. He dares to open his eyes only to stare up into the pink gaze that threatens to swallow him whole.

Knees nearly to his chest, she continues until his ass is up off the bed. Just enough to pound into him with a fury he's never known. The thrusts are near violent and yet drive him full of pleasure to the point where light sparkles across his vision.

"Oh God, you feel so good!"

The trill of her voice barely reaches him. He doesn't even feel the cum that she pours into his body. The orgasm couples with his weary body to where his eyes roll back. Despite his passing out, Charmilla doesn't stop.

She continues to drive her hips down until every drop has been poured inside of him. Only then does she sit back on her legs with her cock still wedged inside of him. His legs fall limp to either side with her fingers stroking along his thighs.

He wouldn't mind if she kept going.

He'd want her to be just as satisfied and would feel bad because he couldn't last as long. Of course, she knows the sedative is keeping him from fully enjoying their night together.

It's only for a little while longer.

Meanwhile, she slides her hands up to his slender hips and drives herself deeper into his ass.
