It was time.

Before Todd knew it, the hour of his ascension had arrived, a message pinging in his app's inbox from Kala, letting him know to come over whenever he wanted. He had been pacing rapidly back and forth through his room until his beckoning arrived, ruffling through his clothes and obsessing over himself in the mirror. Even though he knew the couple thought he was attractive and had chosen him out of what had to have been numerous others, he still wanted to make a good first impression. His hair was combed out and untangled, the purple strands falling straight across his skull and forehead, covering the top of his eyes; his best clothes had been picked out as well, casual but nice-looking, a pair of somewhat loose jeans and a black button-up his choice in dress. Todd and even chewed half a dozen pieces of gum just to be sure that no part of him was unappealing.

The ride he had paid for seemed like it took an eternity to get to his apartment, and the drive over was just as nail-biting in its duration. Todd checked his phone over and over again, a part of him waiting for the message saying it was all a joke and that he was stupid and weak after letting them know he was on his way - but that never came. He was dropped off at an apartment complex not unlike his own, and he made his way through a few buildings until he found the address given to him. Sneakers kicking at the door mat in anticipation, he studied the number on the door, reading it over and over again to make sure it was the right one. Trying not to shake from nervousness he lifted a fist and knocked, the thud of his knuckles on the wood echoing down the hall. Biting his lip, his hands fiddled together as he waited to be greeted.

The door opened almost immediately.

"Todd! I'm glad you actually came!"

It was Kala that welcomed him excitedly, looking even more beautiful than she had in all the pictures and videos he'd been gifted. She'd obviously put a lot of effort into her appearance, wanting to look her best for the sexually-charged rendezvous. Her full lips sparkled with a shining gloss, a light touch of make-up enhancing her sharp cheekbones and adding smoky color to her eyes, all of her visible skin smooth and vibrant. A pink shirt covered her torso, the short-sleeves showing off her strong biceps, her head-sized breasts stretching it towards Todd, testing the integrity of the garment; a pair of hip-hugger jeans completed the ensemble, accentuating her other curves, her white-painted toes bare against the carpet. Todd suddenly felt very self-conscious about his own looks.

"H-Hey Kala," he returned, mustering a smile, "and yeah, I am too."

"Well come on in!"

Nodding at her, he stepped into the abode, Kala moving out of the way and shutting the door behind him. The entry led directly into an hallway with a small kitchen at the end of it, the walls hardly decorated, the contents of the cooking space appearing just as plain. Before he was led into the rest of the apartment, Kala pulled him in for a hug, her chin resting against his forehead, the top of her breasts squishing into his chin. Returning the hug somewhat awkwardly, Todd tried not to focus on how amazing the soft mounds felt against him, doing his best to keep his libido in check for now. They stood together like that for a few seconds before Kala pulled back, smiling, Todd's breathing heavy and his face red. She put a hand on his shoulder.

"Valya is really excited to meet you!" She beamed at him, "This kind of thing doesn't always go the way we want, but you already know about us which means everything is gonna be great!"

"I-I happy you picked me..." Todd admitted shyly, looking away from the beautiful woman, "I don't really get out a lot, and most women don't give me the time of day."

"Awww but you're such a sweetheart!" She complimented, her tone of voice genuine, "And you're much cuter than a lot of the guys we bring around. Your hair is so pretty!"

"T-thanks. I did it myself!"

"Me too!" Kala laughed and put her arm around his shoulder, "Now come on, let me show you around."

Leading him down the hall and into the kitchen, Kala stopped to offer him a drink, which he graciously declined - he wasn't going to take any chances when it came to making a fool of himself, spilling water on his shirt something that would absolutely happen on this important day. They passed the living room, which showed more of the couple's personality, flowers decorating the coffee table, several colorful paintings hung above the couch, and a paused music video lighting up the TV. The place wasn't very big, and after passing a bathroom, they were already at the bedroom. Todd didn't have a chance to steel himself once more before the door was thrown open and he was rushed inside.

Kala's bedroom was familiar to him, looking just like it did from the videos and pictures he'd watched over and over again - minus all the precum spilled everywhere. Todd could see the closet Valya had stood in front of before, showing off her incredible height along with the large mirror attached to its door that Kala had taken her profile-picture selfies in. Against one picture-dotted wall was a large vanity, numerous bulbs shining brightly around it, a large armchair resting in the opposite corner. The carpeted floor appeared surprisingly clean, free of trash and sexual blemishes, and the room was a large one, larger than he'd expected; the couple's bed sat in the center of it and the sheets had been changed, a midnight-black set replacing the semen stained ones from before. But what really caught his attention was-

"Valya! Look who it is!"

The giantess hopped to her feet immediately, having been lounging on the bed before they entered. She looked even taller in person! Todd was short for a man or woman, while Kala was average in height, but Valya made them both look like children. Towering over both of them by over a foot - if not more - Todd wasn't sure if he'd be able to reach her breasts without standing on his tiptoes - breasts which looked more enormous as well. They also blocked the view of her face as the small male looked up at her, the loose tank top that covered them thrust out so far that the straps only justclung to her huge traps, the rest of them leaving several inches of space between her skin and the thin material. Her simpler, more casual way of dress compared to Kala leaving little to the imagination.

If Valya had looked strong before, she was even more intimidating in person. Todd could see every corded fiber of muscle that stretched across her flesh in high definition, her skin pulled so taught across her immeasurable bulk that it appeared ready to rupture at any moment from the strain. Each bare bicep could have fit his head inside of their ridiculous mass, bulging and swollen against her sides. Her top was lifted off of her stomach by her body-wide tits, the article of clothing clinging around them like a flimsy bra, revealing her abs; she didn't have six-pack, she had eight of the magnificent shelves sticking out from her abdomen like steps on a staircase, the rock-crushing protuberances naturally flexed at all times. The beginning of her hips could be seen below them, a pair of striated tubes of strength leading towards her groin.

A pair of baggy sweatpants hung off her waist - at least as baggy as they could be considering her body's preposterous width. The girth of her tree trunk thighs still stretched the gray fabric, showing off every hill and ridge that made up the muscular oil drums. They got a little looser around her face-sized calves, her giant feet bare like Kala's were; but it was around her groin that the bottoms were pulled the tightest. It seemed like no matter what the towering woman wore she couldn't hide her extreme endowment. That same pipe-shaped distension he'd seen in the first picture of her was present, not as coiled in on itself as before, running down the inside of her thigh to her knee - to her knee, at least - instead. Not as visible as when she was wearing shorts, the slightest outline of her titanic testicles could still be seen distorting the crotch of her pants.

His ogling was cut off by Valya closing the distance between them with one step and pulling him in for a hug like Kala had.

"Hi Todd!" her voice naturally boomed, vibrating her torso which Todd was currently mashed into. Her words came out in a deep, husky tone, feminine but still matching her physicality - at least as far as Todd could tell. His face was completely hidden under her breasts, the immensely heavy orbs almost causing his knees to buckle from the weight, and her encompassing body dulled any sounds that tried to reach his ears. Valya's arms felt like they might break his spine from the force of their grip, crushing him against her stone-tough abs like waves against the shore; all things considered, there were worse ways to go! As he started to run out of his air, his own limbs which weren't able to meet across the imposing Goddess's back weakening, she finally let go of him.

"I-I" Todd huffed and puffed for several seconds, trying to inflate his lungs with oxygen, "it's nice to meet you Valya!"

"Whoops, sorry about that!" She apologized, scratching the back of her head, "I didn't mean to squeeze you so tight."

"Valya always forgets how strong she is," Kala moved to stand next to her girlfriend, the size difference between the two almost comical, "kinda like a bull in a China shop!"

Valya shot her an annoyed look.

"Mmm you're my bull baby..." the dark-skinned beauty purred, stroking her hand down her girlfriend's abs until her hand rested on the lump in her pants, "in more ways than one!"

Leaning down, having to practically hunch over completely, Valya wrapped one of her huge mitts around Kala's head, tangling her fingers in her bleached-white hair, and kissed her. The fit girl returned it eagerly, her own hands sliding across more of the she-stud's muscles and playing with her fiery locks. Todd watched the two get lost in each other, simultaneously jealous and aroused; there was no point in trying to hold back how horny he was, just being around the couple enough to send electric shocks through his body. He bit his lip - his face naturally forming into a cute pout - and stared, eyes wide, resisting the urge to touch himself. It was nearly a minute before they detached, Kala looking over to him.

"Valya, you almost made me forget about our guest!" she admonished her girlfriend, taking a step closer to Todd, "And we couldn't have that!"

"Hey, you're the one who distracted me!" Valya joked, crossing her arms, "Now Todd probably thinks I'm rude!"

"It's, um, okay," Todd admitted, his eyes darting between the pair of erotic figures before him, "I-I like watching you two."

He blushed at this confession, looking away.

"Mmm well you get to do more than watch today cutie. Isn't that right baby?"

Valya nodded at her girlfriend.

"Yep! We're gonna have a lot of fun!"

Todd was too flustered to respond properly, a stream of mumbled gibberish exiting his lips.

"Awww I forgot you said you were shy." Kala apologized and reached out for the young man's hand, "Why don't you just follow my lead and we'll make sure you have a good time?"

Managing to mumble out a quiet 'sure' Todd let his hand be taken in Kala's and he was led towards the bed, Valya watching them closely. Kala sat at the end of it, giving Todd space to do the same, and, following suit, he plopped down next to her; next to her while still leaving at least a leg's worth of space between them. Giggling, the gorgeous woman closed the distance with a quick scoot of her pert behind, placing one hand on Todd's thigh as she did, her other reaching around to hold his shoulder. Unable to look her in the eye, he stared at his crotch, eyes wide, face on fire, until a pair of strong fingers lifted his chin up and turned his head.

A second later he was having his first kiss!

Though he knew that normal people closed their eyes when they kissed, Todd's were shot open in surprise. He didn't even kiss back at first, too shocked to do anything but watch as Kala's plump, moist lips mushed against his. Even with his stalled reaction, the locking of lips felt amazing, Kala's like plush pillows against his, soft and gentle. Realizing he may have been giving off the wrong impression, Todd did what felt natural, having no experience with intimacy of any sort, and did his best to mimic the busty girl's movements. Closing his eyes, he pressed his face harder into hers, giving himself fully to her oral ministrations.

As the pair made out, Todd could feel Kala explore his body with her other hand. Moving it off of his leg, she pulled the hem of his shirt up, and started to grope at his skinny stomach and thin chest. Her touch was gentle but purposeful, massaging her fingers into his skin. She didn't do anything wild or sudden, her survey of his form slow, testing the waters by playing with his nipples on occasion. During this handling, she opened her mouth to slip her tongue into Todd's mouth, swirling it around, drawing a moan from his throat as he returned the favor. Eventually they decoupled, both of them needing a breath of fresh hair.

"What do you think Todd? Having fun yet?"

Panting, Todd looked around the room before he responded. Kala was looking into his eyes, hers lidded over with lust, her large nipples hard through her shirt. Turning his head, he stared at Valya, who was still standing several feet away from the bed. One of her hands fondled her crotch casually, brushing her giant, meaty shaft back and forth while her other played with one of her massive tits; she was watching them intensely, eyes locked on the pair, darting back and forth in a way that showed she was admiring them equally. Looking down, Todd realized he was completely hard now, his cock bulging the denim of his jeans and snaking across his legs. The sight of his own arousal made him clam up, his hands jolting to cover up his shame.

"What's wrong cutie?" It was Valya's sexy voice addressing him this time, "Are we moving too fast for you?"

"N-No, it's just, it's just um..." Todd trailed off, not sure what to say.

Kala noticed where the young, embarrassed man was looking and what he was doing.

"Oh, did I do that baby?" She put her hand over Todd's on his groin, causing him to jump, "it's nothing to be ashamed of! It's really hot, actually."

Todd smiled shyly and looked away.

"Why don't you let me see?"

Gulping, Todd nodded and moved his fingers from his jeans, placing them on the bed and automatically grabbing the black sheets for support like he might faint from all the eyes on him. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes waiting for the thing he had feared the most since last night: being mocked. He knew he didn't compare to Valya in any regard, much less with what he was packing between his legs. This was the reason they really invited men over, to shame them and laugh them out of the apartment, using their reaction as fuel for their depraved sexual activities. Todd could practically hear it coming, his mind racing through every single potential jeer and insult that could be thrown at him. Tears started to form around his sockets as Kala began to speak.

"Wow Todd, is all that for me?"

Opening one eye, he glanced over at the dark-skinned, model-esque woman, who was in the process of running her long tongue across her lips.

"I-It is. I couldn't uh, couldn't help it..."

"That's so sexy," she purred at him, reaching out towards his groin, "do you mind if I touch it?"

Todd nodded again, not taking his one opened eye off of her.

With several quick, practiced movements, Kala had his belt unbuckled and zipper down, not waiting another second. Grabbing the waist of his pants and boxers, she started to yank them down urgently, fueled by the arousal plastered all over her body; Todd lifted his fat ass, helping her as she struggled to get the tight jeans over his feminine hips and butt. He winced as his clothing crested his genitals, a part of him still not convinced this wasn't some kind of cruel ploy. Once they managed to slide off his thick thighs, the rest of the journey the garments made was a smooth one, falling in a bunch at his ankles. The room went silent.

"Holy shit Todd! You're fucking huge!"

A long whistle by Valya followed.

"That's really impressive cutie, I don't think we've ever had a guy over that was that big."

"T-Thank y-"

Todd's words were cut off by a loud moan flying from his lips, his bare, wide hips bucking into the air - the cause of this sudden euphoria being Kala wrapping her hand around his cock! While her hand was bigger than his own, her fingers still didn't meet around his girthy meat, pale cockflesh bulging from between her digits as she began to pump her hand up and down its length. Before Todd could even get a bearing on what was going on, she had cupped his throbbing softballs, juggling the vast orbs. Head thrown back and his exclamations increasing in tempo, Todd was unable to even watchhis first handjob as it occurred, ecstasy paralyzing his body.

"God, I can't even get my fingers around it!" Kala exclaimed breathily, moving her head towards his lap, "Women would be throwing themselves at you if they knew what you were packin'."

"Well maybe this will give him a bit more confidence Kala," Valya added, one of her hands slipping under her loose tank top, "and if not, I wouldn't mind inviting him over again!"

"That's for fuckin' sure!"

Joining the conversation about him was out of the question for the young man, too enraptured by the compliments and touching he had never received before. Kala had stopped caressing his bulbous balls and was now double-fisting his cock, twisting her hands back and forth as she stroked his member. Todd bit his lip again as a gout of precum erupted from his cock, splattering on his shirt and soaking his dick and Kala's fingers; she 'oohed' and 'aahed' at the amount, her face only inches away the show, her hot breath tickling his engorged rod. Like a burst dam, his seed began to flow heavily after the first shot, leaking constantly and occasionally spraying back onto himself.

"Kala, why don't you help get him out of those clothes - they're getting a bit messy!"

"Mmm good point babe, we should get naked too. Don't want Todd feeling out of place!"

Pausing her ministrations of his member, she reached out and grabbed his shirt, and helped pull it over his head, Todd's body automatically going along with the flow, his cock beating against his stomach. Tossing the stained shirt to the floor, Kala slipped off the bed between Todd's legs and helped him remove his shoes, socks, and mostly-off bottoms, obediently doing as her girlfriend told her too. Finally coming back to reality now that he was in nothing but his birthday suit, it was Todd'sturn to watch as the lovely ladies undressed; the blush on his face became more fierce, his features fire-hydrant red as he observed Kala and Valya's ogling him, the pair standing next to each other, the same hungry expression plastered across their respective countenances.

A hard slap on the ass from Valya let her smaller partner it was her turn, the meaty sound echoing through the room. Smiling seductively at Todd, the dark-skinned beauty quickly removed her own shirt, revealing that she had on white, lacy bra on underneath, one that lifted and held her tits snugly, contrasting attractively against her hazel complexion; Todd could see her nipples were so hard that they managed to tent the material on the front the supportive garment, two little bullets sticking from the massive mounds of fat. Staring the young man in his eyes, Kala traced a finger over the top slopes of her chest, making a circular motion over and over again.

Todd shot another helping of pre out onto the floor in front of him.

Taking that as all the approval she needed to continue, Kala turned around and stuck her ass out. The rounded, protruding cheeks pressed the denim of her pants outward, the thick fabric sucked between her huge ass. Shaking her hips, she displayed the fact that she could very easily twerk those fat pillows even when restrained, bouncing them up and down obscenely; Todd's eyes followed them, mesmerized, his own hands stroking his big dick now. With as much deftness as she had to his jeans, Kala slid off her own, showing that the thong clinging to her wide backside matched her bra. Continuing to shake and wiggle her ass, she let her guest see the glorious, chocolate mounds in all their glory, the pliable flesh jiggling like Jell-O.

"God damn I never get tired of watching her do that!" Valya slapped her partner's ass again, forcing the wobbling cheeks into a frenzy, "What do you think Todd?"

"T-They're amazing," he gulped, trying not to cum right then and there, "really a-amazing."

"Fuck yeah they are! Guess it's my turn."

At the announcement of her girlfriend's own incoming strip show, Kala bolted upright and took a step back for a better view. Winking at her, Valya grabbed the bottom of her tank top and lifted it up, showing Todd something he hadn't seen before: her two, tanned, colossal breasts. They looked even more ridiculous now that they were uncovered, like the thin top had been somehow concealing their true size. Both of the insanely huge, fatty globes eclipsed a watermelon in size, topped by thumb-thick-and-long pink nipples like giant pacifiers that were begging to be sucked. Despite their absurd heft and mass, they didn't sag much, only just covering the top set of incredible abs she possessed, bulging out from the sides of her striated serratus. Todd could have used one for a pillow and been happy for the rest of his life!

Sliding the white garment over her head, shaking her flowing fiery locks as she did, Valya moved onto the main event, the part of the giant woman both Todd and Kala were dying to see. Grabbing the waistband of her stretched sweatpants, Valya paused, looked from Kala to Todd, and then smiled mischievously. Grip intensifying, her knuckles turning white, the muscles on her arms ballooning like they were going to explode, the arteries and veins lacing them throbbing violently, Valya shreddedher pants apart in an instant like they were made of tissue paper. The pair of onlookers both gasped at the same time at the display of incredible strength and the group of objects that were now bared for them to gawk at.

"Jesus Christ baby," Kala panted, her hand sliding under her thong, "you gotta do that more often. Holy shit..."

"Then you're gonna have to start buying me pants in bulk!" Valya laughed, "I just wanted to put on a show for Todd here."

Grinning at the young man, who was goggling at her open-mouthed, she reached down and hefted the part of her body he was focused on. Like before, Todd saw that she couldn't wrap her ownmassive, thick fingers around her girthy monstrosity, which had been bouncing against her knees, the humongous head actually hanging a couple inches lower. Lifting the darkened, awesome appendage, she held it out straight in front of her, the top half of it sagging towards the floor, unable to stay straight due to its own massive weight; there had to be twenty pounds of meat attached to her crotch! Obviously flaccid - or at least mostly - it waved like a flag in the wind, pulsing even in its soft state. Valya gave it one long stroke from the base to the tip.

Like every single other aspect of the Goddess, her cock appeared to be even more fantastical than when it was captured in videos and pictures. It was practically as long as one of Todd's legs, and if he didn't have such thick, girlish thighs, it would be just as wide. There were veins that webbed the tough, tanned flesh that were bigger than his entire cock, and Todd could see that her urethra was even more pronounced, proportionally bigger than any other dick he'd ever seen. He wasn't sure he could fit her glans in his mouth, the deep red crown easily bigger than his fist. Below her extreme endowment, her corpulent, gravid globes shook, nothing else but themselves moving them, the head-comparable cum factories emanating a low gurgle as they did.

Todd had to stop stroking himself just to not cum right then and there.

"What do you think Todd? I know you saw it in the videos, but it can be different seeing it in person."

For once Valya sounded a bit shy as she spoke, waiting for the approval she needed to move further.

"I, wo-wow, well, I, h-how, big..." Todd blubbered like he was learning to speak, unable to find the words to describes how fucking sexy he thought she was, "its, yes, I..."

"Mmm I think he likes it baby." Kala confirmed what he was thinking, moving over to glide her own fingers across her partner's cock, "I know I do!"

"I know you do dork," Valya rolled her eyes but swatted at her girlfriend's fat ass again, "but we gotta make sure this cutie over here does too!"

"Well..." Kala watched as a foot-long rope of precum shot from Todd's cock and splashed against his chin, "I think you have your answer right there!"

"Perfect." Valya bent down and kissed Kala passionately for a few seconds, "Now why don't you show him some love? Can't have him feeling left out."

"Of course!"

Waltzing towards the petrified-in-place young man and putting an exaggerated sway in her hips, Kala licked her lips again as she approached him. Standing between his outstretched legs, she leaned forward, brushing her huge, lingerie-clad tits against his face, her hands resting on his shoulders. Letting his visage be smothered by her chest pillows, Kala swiveled her ass back and forth, rocking her body against his. Pulling back and allowing him a breath, the voluptuous woman slowly began to crouch until her face was in front of his, using this new angle to kiss him once more. Taking his hands in hers, Kala lifted them to her waist, giving him permission to touch and explore her body, something he did gladly.

God her skin was so smooth! Even though he still felt nervous and hesitant, Todd ran his hands up and down Kala's sides, the experience of feeling up another person like this like nothing else in this world. A new conflict arose in him as they kissed, one he never expected to face in his life: should he grab her ass or tits first!? Both parts of the woman were equally as enticing, and Todd found himself struggling to choose; but, like she was making up his mind for him, Kala pressed herself harder into him, pancaking her tits against his thin chest, giving him an obvious, easier option. Happily, he went ahead and slid both hands over her bubbly behind, squeezing the fat cheeks in his small hands. Kala moaned into his mouth.

Mauling her stupendously-sized ass like it might be the only opportunity to do so he would ever be granted, Todd did everything with her shelf-like backside he'd always wanted to. He smacked it, jiggled it up and down between his fingers, and of course, groped the meaty mounds, the soft flesh sinking into his palm; at the same time he couldn't stop himself from thrusting at Kala's hard stomach, grinding her abs against his cock, his precum spraying against her bra. She moaned louder and louder into his mouth, clearly enjoying his touch and expulsions, the visible signs of arousal he was showing increasing her own pleasure. Todd could hear a light plapping noise occur away from them, giving him a hint that Valya was appreciating the show the pair put on.

Disengaging from the kiss, Kala stared into Todd's eyes, both of them panting laboriously; then, without prompting, she attacked his neck. A feminine squeak escaped his lips as her lips sucked in a section of his flesh, biting and licking it, any caution about not overwhelming the young man she possessed completely gone. Moaning louder, he continued to manhandle her ass for as long as he could, her oral ministrations moving lower and lower down his body. Chest, nipples, navel - none of it was spared from her saliva-filled onslaught, her hands reaching towards his cock at the same time as her journey south. Once again she stroked him rapidly, her hands flying up and down his slimy member, her breasts cushioning his churning testicles.

Now that she completely hunched over, Todd could no longer grope her ridiculous rear, choosing instead to keep his hands running along her back, stroking her bleached hair. Kneeling in front of him, Kala gave him a sultry look as she jerked him off, allowing droplets of precum to wet her visage, making absolutely sure he could see how much she wanted his cock. Dipping her face forward, she extended her long tongue and lapped at his leaking glans, showing the pink muscle's surprising amount of flexibility off, practically wrapping it around his engorged, lower head. Todd shuddered, his hands going to the bedding again to grip and twist it. Having gotten the reaction she desired, she dove down and inhaled his cockhead.

Lips spread over the fat glans, she bobbed her head up and down, still sliding her fingers across his lengthy appendage. It filled her mouth completely, her cheeks bulging just from the width of the pink crown. Noisily, she put her all into blowing him, slurping and drooling on his massive member, her hair curtaining her countenance in a sheet of white, strands brushing against Todd's thick thighs. Her throat worked swiftly to swallow his constant streams of precum, sinking deep enough that the gooey liquid spurted straight into her gullet. Her own moans reverberated his shaft, vibrating it, adding another layer of pleasure for him to bask in.

That was until Todd suddenly felt a pang of panic.

Out of nowhere the feeling that he was doing something he shouldn't have been hit him. Being touched, sucked, worshiped by such a beautiful girl, while the most hung, hottest woman he'd ever laid eyes on watched the whole thing was all of a sudden not what he wanted to be happening. He was overwhelmed. It was too much. It didn't feel right. A certain ansty sensation overtook him, his eyes shooting open, his hands bolting towards Kala's shoulders, his legs straining. Without thinking about his actions he applied pressure to Kala until she got the message and pulled off his cock, sitting back on her heels and giving him a confused expression. Looking back at her sadly, he realized he wasn't ready - he just couldn't do this right now!

Todd wasn't sure what had caused this unpleasant sensation to surge inside of him. He didn't feel it when they kissed, or he was groping her, or even when she had been stroking him - something about her mouth touching his member set him off. His brain reeled, trying to comprehend why his deepest fantasy was making him so uncomfortable; as he thought about it, certain images flashing before his eyes. The man in the porno being fucked. The video of Kala covered by Valya's cock and precum. Valya herself. It was becoming clear that he wanted something like this, but also different, and the fact that it wasn't exactly to his apparent taste, shot him full of anxiety-fueled adrenaline.

"I'm sorry!" Todd cried out, standing up and clasping his hands together, "I'm sorry I just, I just- I can't, I-"

"Hey hey it's okay," Valya was instantly next to him, her arm wrapped around his waist in a half-hug, "don't worry, you're fine."

"Did I do something wrong?" Kala stared at him, eyes wide, a hurt look contorting her face, "Did I use my teeth? Did I-"

"I think we just went too fast for him, Kala," Valya interrupted, Todd immediately nodding in agreement, "I think this cutie just got a bit overwhelmed."

She stroked his hair.

"It's okay Todd, it happens. We should have went slower."

Kala got to her feet and mimicked her partner's actions.

"I'm sorry baby, I should've asked first. Let's stop right now and chill for a bit. No need to rush anything.'

"That's right, we can go at whatever pace you want Todd."

Todd swallowed.

"I-I'm f-fine," he managed to stutter unconvincingly, both of the ladies looking at him with concern, "I just, I..."

He looked down, not finding it in himself to look the comforting pair in their faces.

"...is it okay if I just watch? I-I mean you two. If that's o-okay."

Kala gave him an inquisitive gaze, but Valya smiled, and rubbed his hair a bit harder.

"Of course that's okay Todd, it's perfectly fine," she did her best to assuage his trepidation and nervousness, "you can go sit in the chair over there if you want. Get as comfortable as you need!"

"Can we do anything else for you cutie?" Kala joined in the assurance, "Anything at all?"

"N-No, I think I'll be okay."

"Okay, we'll start as soon as you're ready!"

Nodding at the pair, Todd left their combined holds, his heart thumping in his chest like a bass drum, and walked towards the armchair in the corner of the room; as his backside faced the watching couple, they couldn't help but ogle a part of him they hadn't noticed before. Todd's huge ass, would-never-be baby bearing hips, and thick thighs all jiggled simultaneously as he moved, heaps of soft flesh shaking every which way with every step. They leer at him like a pair of lechers, forgetting for a moment they were supposed to calm down, until he sat down - though that just gave them an equally amazing view of his legs barely squishing into the seat, his oversized genitals cradled between them. He blushed as they realized they'd been sizing him up like a piece of juicy meat.

"God damn Todd, you're pretty fucking thicc if you don't mind me saying!" Valya complimented, her eyes still roaming over his body, "Maybe even more than Kala is!"

Kala nodded in agreement.

"Seriously. I don't think I've ever seen a guy as... blessed as you are."

An embarrassed smile touched Todd's lips.

"Y-You guys really like it? Most, um, most people don't or they, they make fun of me for it."

"Fuck them!" Valya snarled, putting her hands on her hips and flexing her muscles like she was trying to intimidate an imaginary foe, "They don't know what they're talking about! You're fucking hot and handsome and hung!"

"Yeah, don't listen to the haters Todd. I know plenty of people who would kill to spend a night with a guy like you."

She paused, considering her words.

"Us included!"

"T-Thank you. You guys are really, um, sweet."

Valya winked at him again.

"So, Todd, being our guest of honor, what would you like to see us do? Any requests?"

"No that's, um, that's okay. Whatever, whatever you two do I'll, um, like. I just want to watch."

"Works for me!" Valya half-yelled, turning towards Kala, her demeanor instantly changing, "Get on your knees, slut. Now."