Without a word, Kala followed her significant other's command, literally dropping to her knees in rapt obedience. As soon as her legs thudded against the carpeted floor, she reached out swiftly, not wasting a second, and like she had in the first video, took Valya's enormous, flaccid genitalia into her hands. Instead of going straight for her balls this time, Kala heaved her partner's Herculean serpent up, her biceps - large masses of muscles themselves - flexing as she lifted the incredible amount of weight. Not bothering to unfold the doubled-over mass, she began to plant kisses along the face-wide, ginormously girthy appendage, leaving sparkling lip-marks across its tough, venous surface. Valya crossed her arms under her titanic tits and watched silently.

Treating her lover's gigantic bitch breaker like she had Todd's neck and body, Kala proceeded to sucking and lick the thick flesh - though she refrained from using her teeth. Every inch, every section, every segment of her girlfriend's cock was quickly drenched in the busty and bottom-heavy woman's saliva, rivulets running the incredible member and dripping onto the floor; Valya's cock was practically glistening in spit after only a few minutes, even the underside of it thoroughly coated. Sliding her tongue from the tip down to the base, Kala traced the distended urethra, feeling it throb against her mouth and face until she reached Valya's prodigious progeny producers. Slinging Valya's cock over her shoulder like a backpack, she buried her head into the gurgling orbs.

Todd sat and watched, stroking himself once more, feeling more comfortable as an onlooker.

Being able to witness them do what they had before in person was even more erotic than seeing it on video. It was so visceral it sent Todd's mind spinning. He could hear, see, smell everything that was happening in real time, the musk that wafted off Valya's package so potent it was intoxicating, invaded his sinuses and throat, so strong he felt like he could taste her junk at all times. The sloppy sounds of Kala going to work on the stud's balls was like lurid music in his ears, nothing he'd ever heard before sounding quite as enchanting. On top of all of that, seeing it so closely with no screen or device to look through was on an entirely different level, everything in a high-definition he'd never experienced before; the young man could make out every bead of sweat forming on Kala's voluptuous body, more droplets appearing the harder she worked to please her partner.

Trying to pace himself, Todd made sure his double-fisted pumping of his cock was slow, fighting the urge to jerk himself into a stupor. He needed to savor this show the best he could in case he never got a chance to again. It was hard for him to pick a place to focus his attention on, every part of his vision filled by unfiltered eroticism. There was Kala's huge, thong-swallowing ass, which she had begun to shake and twerk again for everyone's pleasure. There was Valya's giant tits and insane musculature, both sets of alluring attributes moving enticingly with every breath she took. There was, of course, the oral worship going on as well, Valya's cock looking so humongous it was unreal, the bestial piece of meat snaking lower and lower down Kala back with each passing moment, while the chocolate-hued girl's head was completely encompassed by the gravid sperm factories. He did his best to look everywhere at once!

"Alright Kala, time for you to suck my fuckin' cock!" Valya growled, grabbing her cock and holding it out straight while she palmed her girlfriend's head.

Kala's ball-sweat and saliva soaked face peeled back from the Valya's swollen spheres.

"Of course baby, whatever you want!"

Shuffling back on her knees, Kala moved as far back as she needed to until Valya's giant glans hovered in front of her nose - several feet away by Todd's estimates. Encircling her hands below the protruding, flared ridge of the scarlet helmet, she held it steady as opened her mouth and moved towards it; to Todd what she was about to do looked impossible, like she was attempting to swallow a full melon whole. There was a distinct click that he could hear coming from her face, and then her jaw extended even further down towards her chest. Watching in amazement, finding it hard to believe that Kala had actually unhinged her jaw to blow her girlfriend, Todd witnessed the reality of it as she took the entirety of the glans carefully into her gaping maw.

Even with her body altered in such an unnatural way it still looked like a struggle to take the enormous intruder between her lips; her glittering cock-pillows were spread as far as they could be, the upper of the pair covering her nose. Despite this uncomfortable looking state she was in, Kala still dutifully bobbed her head up and down Valya's cockhead and several inches of shaft that she could. For her part, Valya held her partner's head still, not forcing it down any more of her impossible length, but not letting Kala free of what she'd taken already either. Saliva ran down her chin in huge streams, pouring onto her own chest, the amount increasing the harder she sucked - Valya shaft wasn't spared either, the rivulets of spit washing away her previous efforts. The hyper-hung bull finally moaned, showing that her girlfriend's abilities were bearing fruit.

As she took more of the colossal, frightening spear into her mouth, Todd could see the clear sign that it had entered her throat. Her once svelte neck bulged obscenely, the defined outline of the Valya's glans visible through it. Every time it throbbed or pulsed the area between Kala's head and shoulders expanded like someone was inflating a balloon in her gullet; this didn't stop her however, and she continued to push her head further along Valya's preposterous pole. It seemed like it took no time at all before the distention of the she-stud's giant cockhead disappeared, replaced by the contours of her vein-ribbed shaft. Once she hit that point, Kala made more of a concerted effort to bob her head harder.

Todd couldn't tell if his eyes were playing tricks on him or not, but it definitely seemed like Valya's cock was getting bigger. While he knew that she had been flaccid this whole time, he had trouble imagining how fucking huge she'd get when she got hard. Did it stay the same size and just stiffen up? Did it lengthen like a normal person's cock? If so, by just how much did it grow? Each thought was as mind-boggling as the last, and Todd leaned forward as if he might miss it if he wasn't paying enough attention, ready to capture every scene with his brain as best as he could so that he could replay them from memory whenever he needed to!

Grabbing a handful of Kala's snow-white hair, Valya used them as reins to maneuver her head. Pulling her back until just the tip of her tip was still inserted in her mouth, and then slammed the busty woman's face down. Over half of her enormous cock rocketed into Kala's body all at once, burying over a ruler's worth of impossibly thick meat through her lips, throat, and stomach. Todd could see Kala do her best to look up, her eyes watering and red, but never making an attempt to stop her lover. Valya only smirked in reply. Sliding her countenance back again, she repeated the process over and over again, face fucking her girlfriend without using more than a single arm to do so.

Sometime during this intense oral pounding, Todd noticed that the liquid bubbling and exploding from around Kala's cock-stretched lips had become thicker and murkier. It didn't take him more than a moment to realize that it was the muscular woman's precum mixing in with the busty girl's saliva, and that it was practically overtaking it in its outpouring. More and more of the slimy substance expelled from Kala's mouth, gouts of it spraying in thick jets onto the floor and her own body. While following one of these milky excretions with his eyes, Todd saw that the gorgeous woman's stomach, once covered in hardened muscle, had begun to soften and round out, a pudge forming under her bouncing breasts.

It was cum!

Valya had managed to shoot so much pre into Kala's body that it was inflating her! She filled her girlfriend's bowels with so much of her creamy offering and had plugged her so thoroughly at the same time it was changing her figure - and that wasn't even counting the amount of seed staining everything around them. Amazed once again at the absurd-yet-erotic sights in front of him, Todd couldn't help but jerk himself harder as he watched the two go at it, Valya treating the woman she cared about like nothing more than a disposable fleshlight; if he didn't know any better, he might've been concerned for the Kala, but he figured that they did this kind of thing all the time. Kala's lack of resistance - not that it would have done her much good - helped alleviate his worry.

After a few more forceful shoves Valya pushed Kala off of her monstrous member. The dark-skinned girl went sprawling backward, barely catching herself with her hands. Immediately she hacked and coughed up lungfuls of precum, the splotchy dregs landing on her chest and soaking into her bra. Reaching up, she set her jaw back into place, wincing as she did, her fingers covered by the semen still expelling from her throat. Inhaling as much badly needed oxygen as she could, she looked up at Valya, using the back of her hand to wipe at her mouth as she did. Both hers and Todd's eyes went wide.

Using both hands, Valya stroked her cock as she stared down at her partner. It had grown by a lot, that much was obvious. At least as many inches as Todd possessed had been added onto its already-insane length, the bell-end cresting Valya's head as she held it up parallel with her body - but there was still something off about it. The statuesque bull's cock still had some give to it, the bottom half of it not in her grasps wobbling back and forth like a pool noodle. Belches of precum spilled from the tip at an alarming rate, bucket-loads of the gooey liquid sloshing down her shaft and onto the floor, creating a puddle around her huge feet. She was a towering, intimidating mound of muscle and bulk with a terrifying monster to match!

"Come on Kala, don't keep me waiting." Her words dripped with power, "You still have work to do."

Scrambling onto her hands and knees, Kala crawled towards the imposing woman without an ounce of hesitation, going straight for her elephantine low-hangers. Her limbs squelched through the swamp of semen forming across the carpet, her body quickly becoming slicked with the pearlescent substance. During her approach, Todd shifted his focus to the cum-filled woman's target, stunned as he realized that they had grown as well! The basketball-sized orbs had expanded, undoubtedly from all the cum brewing within them, and now looked almost as wide as his own torso each. They hung down to Valya's knees, stretching the sack struggling to contain them taut, an audible gurgling crying out from inside of them - this confirmed Todd's previous suspicions. Valya was so potent he could hear her making more sperm in real time!

Ducking under them, Kala lifted her head and started sucking at the loose skin of her lover's ball bag. Her hands cradled a single of the ginormous globes, both not coming close to fully encompassing it, groping it like she would a breast or fat ass. Valya fisted her cock even harder, holding it out straight once more, letting her precum gush onto the floor, her member so insanely long that it stretched out farther than Kala's feet. Lurid sucking sounds filled the room, Kala putting in just as much work into pleasing her girlfriend's cum factories as she had her dick, kissing and slurping on the bulging, bulbous balls lewdly. Todd's attention to the whole affair was enthralled, unable to pull his gaze off the show being put on for his enjoyment.

"Good girl."

Uttering this compliment to her significant other, Valya closed her eyes and started to moan. Her hands' movements sped up along her shaft, making the long journey from base to head, a trip that was taking longer and longer the more time passed. Todd was now able to watch her erection take form in real time, her cock growing before his eyes - his eyes which were as wide open as they could be. Almost like she couldn't handle it, Valya began to flex and strain her muscles like her arousal was proportional to her inhuman bulk. Her biceps ballooned like she had a pair of barrels instead of arms, her forearms matching her upper-arms previous bulk at the same time. Valya's breasts seemed to also grow, and Todd quickly realized it was because she had a pair of massive pecs underneath pushing out the fatty mounds as they expanded. Each thigh engorged with so much striated power, that Todd wondered if she'd be able to fit through the bedroom door when she was done!

In addition to her insanely-enlarging mass, the she-stud's precum production had amped up as well. Orgasm-worthy billows of the potent progeny expelled from her cock, some shooting out so far they almost hit Todd's feet - not that he would mind if they landed on him! A proverbial lake of the gooey substance was forming across the carpet, the corners of it sliding under the bed and running towards the door, the amount increasing with each passing second; so much of it ran down Valya's incredible shaft that Kala was quickly drenched from the runoff, her alabaster hair matted to her back, her jiggling ass coated in the natural baby oil. And it didn't stop, more and more sperm dotting everything in the vicinity, her piss slit winking with each virile expulsion like the eye of a mighty beast.

The pair continued like this for long enough that Todd began to lose track of time. Kala, on her hands and knees, slathering Valya's ever-engorging-balls with her spit, the outstanding orbs stretching out farther than her shoulders. Valya, stroking her bestial cock, spitting out slimy semen like it was her job, moaning as her meat lengthened and fattened between her fingers. One worshiper, and one idol to worship at, both as erotically beautiful as each other, both putting on the most sexually exhilarating display the young man had ever seen. Completely lost in their combined pleasure, one from receiving, the other from giving, Todd not far behind in his own euphoria, which would quickly hit its apex and soon as the scene changed.

"I'm ready Kala." Valya spoke simply, though each syllable in her speech carried enormous amounts of power, "You can stop now."

It took a minute for the young woman to register her girlfriend's words, and she moved away from the incredible set of genitalia to understand the meaning of what she'd been told.

"O-Oh God, Valya," she panted, looking up to see what Valya was speaking of, "I-I never get used to see- ughhhh!"

Todd's reaction was the same.

His cock exploded, ropes and ribbons of cum flying from his engorged, pink tip and landing on the carpet in front of him. Shot after shot flew from his tip, piling his semen in extensive layers atop Valya's incredible secretions swamping the floor, the gooey substances combining into a virile, mixed muck. Todd's whole body convulsed as he came, his head shaking side to side, his feet kicking out wildly like he was slipping on ice and trying to stabilize himself. Dick lurching, it recoiled with each blast like a cartoon gun going off, spilling its contents in these strangers' room, his balls bounding up and down on the upholstery. Splash after splash of nut-cream beamed from his fleshy bludgeon for nearly a minute until it died down to a steady leak that covered his pillowy thighs and flat, hairless groin.

Kala's reaction was much the same. Cumming in her own way, her back arched, a half-scream escaping her lips as her eyes rolled into the back of her eyes; her hips wiggled for a moment, her legs spreading out as far as they could before her whole body went stiff. There was a wet sound that swiftly turned into a splattering that joined in Todd's emissions-created cacophony. From between Kala's thighs a stream of her feminine ejaculate sprayed onto the floor below her, the pressure so high that it penetrated her thong, soaking the material as it turned into a sieve for her sexual expulsion. The mostly-clear liquid burst from her pulsating pussy for almost as long as Todd's milky excretion ejected from his painfully-erect cock, sending ripples across the semen that covered the carpet.

"Looks like someone likes what they see," Valya purred, her eyes on Todd, "that was a lot of fucking cum!"

What she'd been referring to was her own completely hard cock.

Sticking from her groin like a cannon on a battleship, Valya's cock cut an intimidating, awe-inspiring sight - inspiring enough to cause two simultaneous climaxes. Even through Todd's hazy, ecstasy-clouded vision he could see that it had grown so much it looked more than half the length of the towering woman's own lofty height, easily a few feet long if not more. It was longer than his wingspan for sure, expansive enough that Kala and him could have sat on it with their bulbous backsides and still had room to move! The giantess's cock looked like it belonged on some kind of animal like an elephant, her endowment massive enough to put the most well-hung stallion to shame. She had more cock than anyone could ever hope to take!

Valya's massive member had gained giant amounts of girth as well. Todd had compared it to his own leg before, mentally noting that it came short of being bigger than one of thick thighs, but that was no longer the case; if anything it was just as wide now! Combining his own, Kala's, and Valya's hands may have not been enough to completely cover the incredible breadth of her member, Kala's unhinged jaw out of the question as well. The scarlet-hued head was more massive than the rest of the engorged, waist-wide shaft as if that was possible, fatter than one of the stud's girlfriend's pornstar-sized tits. On top of her bulging glans, her piss slit was no longer coin-slot comparable, equivalent now to a car's cup holder or the opening in a glove - Todd's fist could have fit inside it without issue!

The changes didn't stop there, either. Jagged was perhaps the most fitting word to describe how Valya's cock appeared now, the veins so pumped full of blood that they stuck out inches from the tough skin, so defined in their prominence you could practically see the life-giving fluid race through them in real time. Every overinflated artery ridged and ribbed her monster, so long and girthy that it was like she had extra cocks glued to hers - extra cocks that would eclipse even the most endowed porn performer's to shame. Valya's urethra had followed suit as well, a muscular arm worth of extra girth added to the underside of her massive member, the cum tunnel wide enough that Todd could have fucked it and it would have felt loose around his own oversized dick.

Lastly, Valya's balls hadn't been spared from this excessive growth either. Now it was like a pair of pumpkins were hanging between the statuesque woman's legs, practically bumping into her shinswith each gurgle-filled undulation they made. There was barely enough stupendous, sagging sack to contain them, every section of available space within completely and utterly filled by the violently huge globes. Todd swore he could see the sperm moving around in them, bumps and distensions appearing along their surface as they endlessly churned up the potent swimmers. The musk emanating from their corpulence was strong enough it almost looked like steam had filled the room, borderline-visible tendrils of virile scent creeping onto everything around her.

Todd thought he might cum again just from studying the otherworldly package!

"And I know you liked it, my little slut," Valya had her neck craned to look at her partner from around her view-blocking shaft, "did you cum too??

"O-Of course baby. I always do!"

"Oh I know, you horny little whore!"

Valya laughed and turned to Todd.

"So what do you think cutie? Want us to keep going?"

"P-please, you both are so, so hot!" Todd exclaimed with uncharacteristic enthusiasm, "I, I, I can keep going too."

Both of the ladies look towards his groin where his huge appendage still stuck straight up from.

"Mmm Todd I hope you decide to join us soon," Kala licked her lips, "I want to give that big thing a try!"

"Now, now, don't rush him. He can join us whenever he feels ready."

"I know I was just sa-"

"I know what you were saying Kala," Valya adjusted her position so she could look straight down at the dark-skinned beauty unimpeded, "and now you can stop talking and listen to me."

Kala stared back up with large puppy-dog eyes, wearing an apologetic expression.

"Sorry baby. I'll do whatever you tell me."

"That you will! Now," Valya turned and gave Todd a quick, devilish smile before turning back to Kala, "why don't you get undressed and onto the bed - you're the only one here still wearing anything!"

Glancing down at her body, Kala seemed surprised that what the giantess had said was true. Ambling to her feet, legs still weak from her orgasmic eruption, she turned around and paced towards the bed, careful not to slip in the reservoir of refuse below her, and sat down on the edge of it. Gaze flashing between Todd and her significant other, she reached up and began to unclasp her bra, her fingers gliding off the latches and clasps that were saturated in seed until she finally got a good grasp on them. Sliding her supportive garment off, Kala lifted her huge breasts in her arms as the brassiere fell to the floor, her limbs resting over her pudgy cum-gut, holding them up towards her chin. Bending her head, she sucked in one nipple, running her long tongue around her brown areola, licking up the excess sperm sticking to it, before she did the same to the other, alternating who she was peering at with each breast.

Satisfied that her display was sexy enough, Kala sensually rolled over, taking her time as she clambered onto the bed, her ass pushed out into the air as far as it could go. Knees akimbo, she shook her hips back and forth, sending her fat cheeks bouncing in a circle, putting on a stripper-worthy show for the ogling eyes watching. Lifting her torso up, she flexed each massive, head-smothering mound independently, her hands going to the strings of the thong cutting into her waist. Rotating her waist, she looked over her shoulder, her bottom lip folded into her mouth in a seductive bite, her fingers pulling her underwear down; it slowly slid from her ass, the cheek-eaten back of it coming into view as it peeled from her thighs. Once the lacey garment was by her ankles, she blew a kiss towards Todd, and then kicked the thong at him, flinging it with her foot across the room.

"That's for you handsome," she declared as it landed against one of his thighs, "use it how you want."

"T-Thank you Kala..." he muttered in amazement, staring down at the pussy-juice soaked article of clothing.

"How is this baby?"

Her words were addressed to Valya now.

"That's better."

Those two words were all she said - all she needed to say for Todd and Kala to know that she was ready to move on. Mighty mast waving and spraying copious amounts of seed in front of her, the extremely endowed bull stepped towards her girlfriend, her feet splashing heavily through the gunk covering the carpet, droplets spraying onto her muscular calves from the force of her stomps. Positioning herself right behind her girlfriend she brought both hands down powerfully, slapping each of Kala's plump cheeks at the same time, the noise like a couple of gunshots had gone off; Todd was sure it wasn't her full strength, Valya easily possessing enough musculature to break bones with the slightest bit of effort. Kala squealed from the painful impact, falling forward onto her hands, a squirt of pussy juice running down her legs onto the bed.

Handling the woman's ass like a stress ball, Valya squeezed them hard and pulled them apart, showing off Kala's small, winking asshole and pussy; her asshole was as tiny and delicate as Todd expected, but his eyes bulged once more at the sight of her cunt. It was like she had two, ripe, glistening melon slices sticking from between her thighs, so engorged from arousal the lips looked like they could suck a cock on their own, several inches of dick needed just to penetrate them. Kala's clit poked out like a little penis itself, completely unhooded and hovering in the air under the succulent mounds. Todd's mind instantly started to imagine how they would feel around his cock, and he took the thong off his thigh and wrapped it around his member, creating a pale imitation of what he was dreaming of.

Having given Kala's genitalia enough time to breathe and be shown off, Valya thrust herself at her partner, her cock sliding in between her spread cheeks and across her back. It looked like Kala was a mermaid attached to a pirate ship's bow, an erotic figurehead heralding what was to come. The gorgeous woman's back visibly sagged from the weight of her girlfriend's awesome appendage, her head dipping under the pressure; there was actually more cock that extended past Kala's head, a multitude of inches not touching any part of the voluptuous girl's ass or torso. Valya's giant glans burped up more precum as she pressed it against her lover, creating an entirely new puddle of the murky gunk at the top of the bed, turning the black sheets white. She sawed her mountainous member back and forth along Kala's form.

"Is this what you want slut? A taste of my fucking cock?"

Kala moaned at the lurid questions.

"Y-Yes baby! Please, please fuck me! Please!"

"Hmmm I don't know," Valya turned back towards Todd, her red hair swishing across her hilly lats, "do you want me to fuck her, cutie?"

Todd was completely caught off guard by the question, having been pumping his member with the lacy, precum-covered thong.

"I-I do!" He managed to squeak, eyes tracing over every inch of her mind-breaking cock, "If, if that's okay..."

"It's more than okay!"

Valya turned back to Kala.

"You heard him whore, you're gonna get your wish! Say thank you."

"Thank you Todd," Kala yelled out, not looking up from the bed, "thank you so much!"

"Good girl. Now it's time to turn you inside out!"

Grabbing onto Kala's hips, her giant mitts nearly meeting around the woman's waist, Kala flipped her over; Kala was completely lifted off the bed, her entire figure spinning in the air like an anime character being kicked hard, landing on her back with a soft thud. Before she had a chance to gather her bearings, her ankles were suddenly in the she-stud's hands and she was raised by her feet towards the ceiling. In her next swift motion Valya leapt into the air, her feet planting on the bed, jostling the piece of furniture with her hardened weight, the end of it she was now standing on sagging towards the floor, the top of it bouncing up before crashing down hard onto the carpet. Leaning over Kala, Valya angled her hips downward until her cock was pressed right into her partner's soaked mounds, long enough that it squished the woman's ass into the bedding.

Taking a hand off of one of Kala's ankles - who didn't dare lower it - Valya placed it on her spitting serpent and ran her fingers down its incredible length. Mouthfuls of precum were coaxed from her gaping slit as she repeated this motion, soaking onto and into Kala's cunt, drenching it utterly and completely in her virile, pearly essence. The leg-lifted woman shuddered and came just from the feeling of her partner's powerful progeny flowing over her sex, a stream of her own sexual liquids spraying onto the humongous glans pushing against her. Valya kept doing this for several minutes, not quite fucking her girlfriend yet, but teasing her, readying her for the intense fucking that was on the horizon; when she decided that they were primed to go, she turned towards Todd one last time.

"Hope you enjoy the show baby!"

Todd didn't even have a chance to reply before the Amazoness refocused on her primary objective. Taking hold of Kala's other ankle once again, she stretched her lover's legs out as far as she could, making more room for her massive cock - more room it was certainly going to need! Kala offered no resistance, her hands gripping the sheets around her, her eyes focused on the point of contact at her crotch. Shaking her hips and adjusting her stance - her corpulent cum containers bouncing around wildly under her - Valya slowly began to bend her knees, using gravity and her immense strength to accomplish the initial penetration. Just able to view it from around the incredible amounts of muscle and genital mass, Todd watched as Kala's sperm-stained pussy lips spread around the girthy invader, opening slowly like the petals of a flower being touched by the Sun.

Nestling her engorged helmet half-way into her partner's cunt, Kala's lower lips stretched so much they were already white from the strain, Valya suddenly stopped and grunted. All of the numerous chiseled, perfectly formed cords of muscle flexed across her being at once like her simple, guttural utterance was enough to awaken them. There wasn't a single part of her bulk that didn't balloon outward, forming mountains and valleys across her magnificent figure, many of the physical forms of brawn Todd didn't know existed before that moment. Now with her body pumped up like she'd been working out for twenty-four hours straight without pause, Valya was apparently actually ready to fuck, and with another grunt, shoved her cock into Kala's unprepared cunt.

Several inches and the head-sized helmet sunk in without pause.

"Oh fucking fuck Valya!" Kala howled, head thrown back, eyes shot up, "You're too fucking big!"

"No you're just fuck too fucking tight, but that'll change soon!"

Not needing or caring for permission to keep going, Valya tore through her girlfriend's depths with reckless abandon. There was no waiting, no warming up, no preparation beyond the initial cum-coating of Kala's cunt - Valya dug in and didn't stop! Her knees bent lower as she continued to piledrive her cock into the bleached-white-haired woman's now-gaped cunt, her bulbous, brewing balls brushing against the bed. Over half a foot of enormous, fleshy rod was buried into Kala's pussy without pause, ruining the woman for anyone else who tried to conquer her; Todd couldn't believe she had looked so tight in the first place! After a few more inches were added to her depths, Valya suddenly stopped her forward momentum.

"Feel that slut? Know where I am?"

"Wait, hold on baby, I need a minute before yo-"


Pulling back her hips, Valya rocketed them downward at lightning speed, another scream erupting from Kala's mouth. More cock than ever disappeared between her once-beautiful mounds, their prominence contorted and stretched into something more unnatural and horrifying. Todd could see the veins across the muscular woman's bumpy shaft push and rake against the nearly torn lower-lips as Valya began to really thrust, flinging her devastating dick in and out of the woman now that she had firmly claimed her stake in her body; there were more inches of cock slamming than Todd had in his entire length, additional expanses of girlmeat added with each thrust. A splashing raucous returned to the room, jets of precum spraying from around Kala taut lips onto the ocean of semen behind them.

Todd couldn't see a whole lot from his position from across the room, but that didn't stop him from doing his own fucking, pumping his hips into his hands, Kala's underwear tangled around his member; what he could see was hot enough anyway! Kala's body rocking back and forth across the bed, the sheets rippling under her like water in a pond, her ass jiggling with each powerful thrust. Valya's obese orbs swinging between her legs and slamming into the front of the bed frame whenever she dipped her legs low enough. And, of course, the brutal copulation itself, the hung stud's cum-greased cock destroying her girlfriend's cunt with each punishing piston. The only thing occasionally blocking his view was the excessive seed spraying out and covering everything in its path.

It was so tantalizing he had no doubt he'd cum at least once before Valya did!

Putting her impressive physique to use, Valya fucked her girlfriend at an unrelenting pace, skipping any warm up in her quest for satisfaction. She was practically performing a series of squats to plow into Kala, her upper-body upright the entire time, using nothing but her massive, multiple-watermelon-crushing legs to power her savage coring. Screams and yelps filled the entire apartment, and Todd began to fear a neighbor might call the cops because of them! From around the awesomely endowed woman's door-brushing torso, Todd could see watery droplets splash off of her figure and mist the air, giving him all the knowledge he needed to know that Kala had been cumming her brains out regularly the entire time. It didn't long before the bed started to crash into the wall, testing the structural integrity of the whole building!

The insane mockery of love-making continued unabated for God knows how long. Valya never changed her position, never altered her stance, never stopped to breath for even a second - she simply grunted and fucked like a machine, her movements automatic and calculated. Kala looked much more animated, her whole body moving except for her legs - the limbs kept still by Valya's tight grip - her head thrashing, wisps of white hair flying to and fro, her hands beating against the mattress. Everything about the coupling in front of him was better than anything he had gotten off to in his life, Todd's only wish at the moment being that he could see the action better!

Soon enough, his wish was granted.

Without any indication she was planning on doing differently, Valya hopped off the bed, still furiously fucking into Kala the entire time. Not missing a beat, she hauled her partner into the air, the top of the dark-skinned woman's head almost banging into the ceiling. Like a gymnast performing an acrobatic routine, Valya let go of Kala's ankles and caught her by her waist, twisting around as she did. In a way that nearly appeared practiced, the busty girl's arms flew out and wrapped themselves around Valya's neck, her head drooping towards her huge, jiggling chest. Sliding her hands down to her girlfriend's ass, Valya cupped the meaty cheeks in her massive mitts and immediately began fucking her again, bouncing her up and down on her cock.

Now Todd could witness everything and more. While given a better angle in general, there were many aspects of the erotic production that didn't change in his new view. He could still see every inch of Valya's out-of-this-world musculature, her undulating, titanic tesicles and her yardstick-shaming cock that was currently rocketing in and out of Kala's puffy pussy; none of that changed, but what did sent Todd into his own outstanding orgasm. His cock throbbed violently, cum spewing from the tip, his new helping of seed joining in with the gallons littering the floor. Crying out, his hips bucking, his face scrunched up in cute concentration, he humped his hand and Kala's thong like a pocket pussy, forcing out as much of his semen as fast as he could, strand after milky strand flying out in long arcs. This climax went unnoticed by the entangled pair, but it didn't matter - a plane could have crashed into the apartment and he wouldn't have stopped!

Breathing heavily, he brushed a wisp of purple hair out of his large eyes as he refocused on what had caused him to cum so hard, already stroking himself rapidly once more.

Initially, it was that there was nothing hindering his ability to watch every bit of Kala's voluptuousness shake, her ass flying up and down in the Amazoness's hands, her tits slapping over and over again into the top slopes of Valya's even more massive pair, their chest pillows smushing together in a combined concoction of softness. Then, it was the sight of the chocolate-toned woman's pussy convulsing and tightening around the ramming rod, Todd able to see every sprinkle and spritz of cunt juice oiling Valya's washboard abs and preposterous package. Kala's body being treated like a toy in the hands of her lover was also just as alluring, but there was something else that made Todd cum so hard, something he never thought he'd get to see in real life.

Kala's previously protruding progeny-packed stomach was now distended by something different. Bulging her midsection so far it was nearly pressing into herself was Valya's cunt-wrecking skyscraper, stretching her girlfriend's smooth skin from above her groin all the way to her bouncing breasts. Even from several feet away Todd could make out the clear outline of the fat fuckstick through Kala's torso, every veins and ridge that laced its mighty form obvious even from a distance. It pulled out the white-haired woman's flesh so much that it was almost turned sheer, every embedded inch visible through her dark complexion. Todd could trace the path it took through her body every time the extremely endowed giantess thrust her hips, the swell of her head-sized glans the most evident out of all the features of her massive member.

Fixated on the obscene protuberance, Todd's eyes followed it closely as it rampaged through Kala's insides. Valya repeatedly lifted her girlfriend up until her stretched lower lips clung to nothing but the vast crown, and then dropped her back down, only catching her once the bulge had raced up to her enticing chest. Over and over again she did this without pause, reforming Kala's sexual orgasm into the shape of her colossal cock, pushing everything else out of the way to make room for her mass of unending meat. Every time it reached Kala's tits it split the brown mounds so that they were pushed towards her ribs, her hard nipples practically at her armpits; on occasion Valya would fuck her cock even deeper, the bump of her cockhead punching the woman in her chin.

Gouts of precum continued to rain down from their combined sexes, filling the room more and more in the pearlescent paste. Valya was practically ankle deep in her own gooey secretions, the constant jetting of Kala's feminine nectar adding to the ridiculous amount; Todd helped this as well with his previous orgasms and his own squirting ball juice. The creamy liquid sprayed out from Kala's splayed cunt in quarts, Valya's cum factories seemingly bottomless in their production, the giant globes audibly churning up more seed with each passing moment. By the time the pair was finished, the entire apartment would be flooded!

"I'm gonna go deeper slut!" Valya bellowed between her own moans, "Get ready!"

Unable to respond, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth when she wasn't yelping in orgasmic exclamations, Kala could do nothing but take whatever her lover gave her. True to her word, Valya began to thrust her hips, meeting her downward-drops of the overfucked woman - though there was still an impossible amount of girthy shaft stopping their crotches from colliding. Todd's eyes opened in wonder as he watched the outline of the she-stud's cock push higher through Kala's body. At first it just looked like she was titfucking her girlfriend through her own skin, the swell of Valya's mushroom-shaped tip sitting above her breasts, but then it quickly became an act even more absurd.

In a matter of seconds and all the pumps that Valya managed during that time, her cockhead crestedKala's countenance. Tenting her smooth skin upwards, she now had more of her pillar of virility inserted in Kala than she had torso to take it, the monster making more room to bury itself in. It speared her from crotch to Valya's chin and there was still a magnitude more cock woefully unsheathed. Todd couldn't believe it, the sexual act performed in front of him almost terrifying in its extremeness, so ridiculous and scary that it nearly made him lose his hard on; but it didn't, his fist still flying up and down his throbbing member. This, however, seemed to be the limit of punishment that Valya knew her partner could take, and her stupendous, fleshy staff never went higher than that point.

In this pose and with the insane amount of cock she was throwing at Kala, Valya's bulbous balls finally joined the lurid fray. While she thrashed her cock in and out of her personal fucktoy her enormous testicles jostled around recklessly, nearly slapping her own ass before swinging like a pendulum and spanking Kala on hers. Though her sperm-stuffed sphere's were bashing into her own fingers, Valya seemed unfazed, her lover's ass taking the brunt of the beating. Despite her natural skin tone being dark in color, Todd could still see that the bottom-heavy woman's ass was turning red from the consistent smacking, pink and purple splotches dotting her fat mounds. This only appeared to increase Kala's arousal, her shrieks rising in volume as her rear was thumped over and over again.

Then, Valya decided to change their position again.

Turning around, she dropped Kala and herself onto the bed, smothering the smaller individual under her all-encompassing, muscular form, her bulky body blanketing the perpetually-cumming woman's being. Sliding her hands up to Kala's ankles once more, she pushed them to her face, framing her blissed-out, gorgeous features with her feet, leaning over her and using her powerful mass to keep the limbs pinned. Walking on her knees, she adjusted her stance over her impossibly speared girlfriend until they were in a contorted version of a mating press, Kala's appendages pretzeled to make room for the dual-sexed woman's door-wide body. The moment this was accomplished Valya resumed her furious fucking, thrust her hips towards the bed like she was fucking it and not the person on it.

"Take my fucking cock whore! Gonna fill you up and get you pregnant!"

Bellowing this threat straight at Kala's skin-distended, blocked face, Valya somehow increased the pace of her ravenous rampage. The entire bed bounced as she pounded her girlfriend, the legs lifting off of the floor and slamming back onto it hard; if they weren't made of thick steel, Todd knew they would have broken long ago. Valya's incredible, vascular cum containers once again began to smash into the front of the bed, so long they stuck out from her backside like the clubbed tail of an Ankylosaurus beating the frame of the furniture like it owed them money - but like before, she was unfazed by the forceful impacts on what should have been a sensitive part of her, showing that the intensity of her brawn was present in her genitalia as well.

To Todd it looked like the massively muscular woman was doing a perverse form of pushups, her entire figure rising and falling with each punishing pound, Kala barely visible from under her. He could see the dark-skinned woman's fingers rake at Valya's sweaty, densely corded back, her nails not strong enough to do much more than leave red lines across her tanned skin; her ass was justvisible as well, perpetually soaked and recoated by the combined sexual fluids flying from their leaking sexes. A murky swamp of carnal liquid had formed around the pair, the pool of off-white secretions splashing back onto them with each thrust from the awesomely hung bull's like they were in a wave pool, their bodies glistening with perspiration and natural lubrication.

Only a few minutes after Valya had switched their positions - at least that's how long it seemed to Todd, time slowing to snail's pace in his heightened, aroused state - there was a visible change in her demeanor. Her moans increased in tempo and volume, the guttural utterances nearly overtaking Kala's rapturous screams and howls. Her fucking became more wild and faster, losing the robotic rhythm she was once possessed, hilting herself as much as she could over and over again. Her body grew again until she nearly looked more muscle than person, mountains of unreal, bodybuilder-worthy brawn appearing across every inch of her skin, the bed noticeably sagging like it would split in half from the increased, rigid weight added to it. This wasn't all that changed about her, either.

The other thing Todd noticed first was her balls. They grew a bit more, now as big as Valya's own breasts, but more noticeably they had become even more noisy. That same gurgling that had been emanating from their core had grown loud enough it practically matched the Goddess's own moans in audibility, sounding more akin to a starving person's stomach when faced with a buffet they couldn't eat at. Todd could also see that her cock had expanded as well, the section of shaft cleaving Kala's cunt fattening like it was being pumped full of air, the veins criss-crossing it engorging with dangerous amounts of blood; while he couldn't tell if it had lengthened or not, he guessed as much that it had, his fantasies running rampant as he figured out exactly what was happening to the she-stud.

She was about to cum!

"Gonna fucking cum, gonna fill you up Kala!" Valya panted like she knew what Todd was thinking and was confirming it for him, "Gonna fucking blow you up with my sperm!"

Giving a few more powerful, room-shaking thrusts into her girlfriend - who still couldn't respond in her constant-climax-caused coma - Valya did just as she had said. Crying out one last time, she buried herself as far as she could into Kala, charging in as much of her colossal cock as she could before going completely still; the only thing Todd could see during this sudden change in state was the the hugely hung bull's urethra bloating, the tubular protuberance swelling with what Todd could only guess was countless gallons of seed racing through its length. Then, a wet, gushing sound filled the immediate vicinity, loud enough to even reach the young, masturbating man's ears.

Glorp after glorp instantly filled the room, the wet, sloshing dissonance reverberating rapidly from the bed. Todd knew without seeing that Valya was filling Kala's pussy - no, her womb - with unholy amounts of seed, every inch of her insides undoubtedly touched by the milky, thick substance - and soon this would be readily visible to his baby blues. In a matter of seconds Todd could see it for himself, the expansion of Kala's abdomen occurring so quickly that it was no longer hidden by Valya's enormous bulk. From around her own tangled limbs and Valya's massive biceps her stomach appeared, rising towards the ceiling as gouts of pure, virile sperm launched in unending streams into her.

Todd had seen cumflation before, but nothing that came even close to this!

Forget pregnancy, Kala looked like she had swallowed a kiddie pool's worth of the pale liquid! Valya's potent progeny bubbled and slopped under her skin, causing her stomach to wobble back and forth as it squished between their bodies, the sides of it pushing out from their ribs, the top poking out above Kala's face and next to the stud's own. At the same time, additional beer-mug-topping amounts sprayed from around her ponderous-pole-pierced cunt, the pressure of the blasts so high that it struck the wall behind them, huge specks and dollops of cum landing on Todd's legs. Her torso swelled with so much seed that it started to sag onto the bed, the gorgeous girl's once-fit form altered into something more obscene. Valya still didn't stop there, roaring and bucking her hips as she gushed her load over and over again into her girlfriend's depths.

Once it looked like Kala might actually explode from the sheer volume of cum being pumped into her did Valya start pulling out. Lifting herself off of her lover's bloated mass, she pushed herself up onto her knees and began shimmying backwards off the bed. Her orgasm didn't stop the entire time, Todd still gifted with the ability to observe Kala's swelling shape, and his vision of the unfolding events becoming more complete as the Amazoness slid backwards onto the floor, her feet landing on the carpet with a huge splash. Taking a couple more steps back, she unsheathed her ridiculous rod fully, instantly grabbing it in her massive mitts and stroking it furiously, her cum cannon aimed directly at her girlfriend.

"I'm not done yet whore!" Valya roared, her head thrown back, "Not even fuckin' close!"

Now Todd could witness the fullest extent of the Valya's virile onslaught for himself; for just a moment he was given an unobstructed view of Kala's altered body before Valya's syrupy salvo's modified the woman once more. Her limbs were splayed out limply, stretched across the bed, halfway submerged in the slimy refuse already soaking it. Cunt completely gaped, Kala's lower lips split enough that Todd could have stuck his head between them with ease, a waterfall of pure white semen poured out of it and onto her slime-slathered bulbous behind, adding to the immense amounts surrounding her. Countenance hidden behind her incredibly inflated midsection which rose several feet towards the ceiling, pushing out past her ribs and covering the top of her arms and legs, Todd could perfectly picture her blissful, passed-out features in his mind. It was a ridiculous sight, one that caused him to launch into yet another orgasm.

At the same time that a new blast of slimy semen shot from Valya's huge howitzer, his own impressive cock fired its own gooey offering. His first elongated strand of pearly potency landed on the carpet, hers - which eclipsed his in every way possible - landed on Kala. Todd did his best to watch her cover her significant other as he helped cover the floor, hunched over in pleasure as he jerked himself; this was made more difficult by his brain going wild, his fantasies going to the same place they had since he'd first found out about the pair's existence. Just the idea that the images he was mentally seeing could come true forced him to cum ever harder, gooey expulsion after expulsion exploding from his beaten-red member.

Having no such issues herself, Valya moaned as she engulfed Kala in her seed. The woman's orgasm didn't come out in ropes, strands, or pathetic droplets that would be more befitting of a regular individual - they came out in arm-wide, room-stretching streams that lasted longer than anyone else in this reality's entire orgasm. Her initial, cunt-free volley arced over Kala's unconscious form, hitting the pillows behind her, covering her from head to toe and ending in front of the bed; this single salvo didn't stop there either, continuing unabated like someone had released the floodgates and couldn't close them. What would have taken hundreds of others to do, Valya accomplished with not even a complete, single cascade, Kala painted head to toe in the white frosting.

Not even remotely finished, Valya made sure to drench every single part of her girlfriend's body, not leaving a single inch of her brown skin undyed. Shaking her massive, nearly person length cock back and forth, the she-stud let her seed spray in huge waves, shooting some so far they missed the bed entirely; her prodigious eruption hit the window next the bed, the nightstands, the walls, fucking everything in its path! The majority was still aimed at Kala, flaying her over and over again in steaming hot sperm, layering her figure and visage until she was entirely unrecognizable, a sexually-secreted igloo taking her spot in the bed. Only the occasional twitch or gurgled moan let Todd know she was still alive!

Valya blasted her thick paste back into Kala's cunt, replugging her brutalized hole, momentarily blocking the cascade from ruining the bedding and carpet further. Every time one of her powerful progeny pumps hit the cumflated woman's stomach, it wobbled to and fro, denting inward for a moment from the force of the impact before launching the cum back across the room like a catapult. Some of it even hit Todd, and he was struck, both literally and figuratively, but how fucking hot the towering woman's seed was, like someone had thrown a fresh cup of tea onto his body. His own orgasm had finished by now - though his cock was still hard as it had ever been - his thong-aided stroking having not stopped for a moment, his eyes still glued to the hottest pornography he'd ever seen in his life.

Still going without an indication she was slowing down, Valya had painted most of the room by this point, even the ceiling covered in her dense swimmers. Cum rained down onto herself and Kala, a literal virile typhoon storming through the apartment. Her own feet as well as Todd's were covered by the copious ball jelly flooding the bedroom, the sea of semen rising high enough to cover their ankles. With each shot and stream and explosion of potent wigglers, Valya's balls shook violently between her legs, slamming back and forth against her knees, having elevated slightly during her climax. Hands still a blur across her venous, intimidating fuckstick, the stupendous shaft along with her meaty fingers completely drenched as well by her muck, she didn't break her stance, fully revved up to put on the best show that she could.

Todd wasn't sure how long it took for her to finish, already close to hitting another apex himself by the time her orgasm slowly began to peter out; even as her climax started to die down, the volume of ejaculate she produced was still mind-boggling. Ropes taller than Todd's height and nearly as wide as his waist still fired from her distended piss slit, each one shooting with enough vigor to land on Kala's passed-out form, adding to the peaks and hills already coating her being, over a foot of nothing but pure sperm piled atop her bloated belly; the bed was as disguised as she was, nothing but white slime visible in the middle of the room, the sperm drowning the floor adding to its altered appearance - there was practically nothing around it that wasn't in the same, liquid-destroyed state.

Eventually, Valya seemed to finish with her climax. Her hand paused its cock-length gliding and she wiped it across her heaving chest, slathering her fat mounds in leftover orgasmic refuse; once her paw was cleaned enough, she used the back of it to dry her sweat-drenched forehead, peeling her red, sperm-matted locks from her face. Putting both hands on her hips, Valya took a deep breath and sighed, a smile appearing on her lips. She looked like a sexual Goddess, sheening brightly in her natural oils and lubrication, shaming every and anyone who stood next to her in beauty, strength and unbridled allure. With a groan she moved her whole for the first time in minutes, her foot sucking out of the semen swamp as she trudged towards the bed. Sitting on the end of it, the furniture once more sagging under her weight, she patted Kala's distended stomach before turning towards Todd, grinning even wider as she observed him.

"Damn that was good!" She chuckled, scratching her naturally flexed shelf of abs, "What do you think Todd? Did you enjoy it too?"

Todd stared at her like she had grown a second head.