"Y-Yeah of course!" It took him a moment to find his voice, his words coming out in their usual feminine squeak, "That was, um, intense."

"Sorry about that," Valya gave him an apologetic look, "Kala likes it really rough and we get pretty into it. Don't worry about her though, she's fine. We have a safeword if things get too rough. She'll wake up in a bit. But yeah, sorry. I should've taken it a little easier since you've never seen us in, uh, actionlike that. It's just so hard to resist - especially with you watching me!"

She winked at him and chuckled again.

"It's, it's okay, I figured as much. I liked watching you two a lot, it's just, um, I, it's uh..."

What was it?

Todd knew what he was trying to say, but his brain wouldn't let him get the words out. What he wanted to tell the amazing paragon of sexual dominance before him, one who's cock was still hard as steel and sticking from her crotch like a third leg, her balls resting on the ground, bathing in their own slimy brew, was that he wanted to be next! He wanted to get fucked like that, penetrated and filled thoroughly by the she-bull, left in the same state as Kala was. It was something he desired more than anything else in his life, more than having a girlfriend, an active social life, more than whatever. Watching Valya fuck her girlfriend to within an inch of her life and then some was the most arousing, incredible thing he'd ever seen! And here was one major reason why: he had been imagining himselfin Kala's place the entire time.

It was all he thought of the entire time he had sat in the chair and jerked off. It was all he thought of since yesterday, since he first laid eyes on her shorts-covered cock. It was all he thought of since he first entered the apartment and walked into the bedroom. Sure, he'd wanted to fuck Kala too, but he let that opportunity pass him up, the reason being Valya. There was something incredibly wrongabout him doing it with her around, like he would have been lying to himself the entire time, living a falsehood of his own creation; it would have been a lie because he knew with a shadow of a doubt that he would have been wishing for something different, to be receiving and not giving! His ass had constantly throbbed the entire time he ogled and gawked at the displays of sexual superiority, announcing, screaming at him its desire and needs that mirrored his own.

But how could he tell her that? How could he let Valya know that, after everything, after his embarrassing, borderline tearful outburst from earlier, that he was ready now? Could he even handle it? The idea of clamming up again and not being able to do something he'd always wanted to was a concept he couldn't bear to think about! How could he ever face anyone again if that happened? The thought alone caused him to start trembling, his features twisting into sadness and anxiety, torn between his lifelong fears and deepest desires, self-sabotage overtaking him. His hands slid off his cock and onto the arms of the chair, his eyes closing as he took a ragged, shuddering breath.

What should he do!?

"What is it Todd?" Valya asked, concerned once more for his well-being, "Is something the matter?"

"N-No, it's just..." his eyes still weren't open, unable to look at her in the face, "I just, I don't, I want..."

From nowhere, a surge of adrenaline pumped through him, like he was being pushed in the right direction by an invisible force.

"I want to be next!"

He yelled this sentence out, his eyes shooting open, his whole body tensing like he'd taken the first step off a cliff.

"You want to be next? Like you want to fuck Kala now? That's totally fine but it might be a bit before she's in any state to-"

"No! No, I, I wantyoutofuckme." his mumbled the last part as quickly as he could, the words jumbling together as they hit the air - but Valya seemed to understand them perfectly. She studied him, her eyes tracing over every feature on his body, mostly focusing on his wide hips and pillowy thighs. His cock was still completely erect and leaking precum - as was hers - letting her know he was aroused and had been the entire time. Considering his request thoughtfully, a part of her afraid she might overwhelm and possibly hurt the young man, she took her time deciding; it was what he came over for after all, she realized, and maybe he was just a natural bottom and thats why he didn't fuck Kala! It was all making sense. Valya still had to make sure though.

"Are you sure Todd? I don't want you to think you're obligated to or anything!"

"Please!" He wheezed out, doing his best to maintain the sudden source of strength that he'd discovered, his eyes shining with need, "I-I want to."

"Okay cutie," she smiled at him and scooted over, patting the space on the bed next to her, "why don't you come over here then?"

Nodding at her, Todd stood up, taking his time as he regained use of his legs, using the chair for balance. Realizing he still had Kala's thongs plastered to his member, he quickly shucked it off before moving towards the waiting wonder of a woman. Carefully, he stepped through the sea of semen, trying not to slip and make a fool of himself, and walked towards Valya; he watched her as he did, taking in her breath-stealing body, her hand casually stroking her cock which continued to throw up after thoughts of cum, adding to the mess he was attempting to slog through. Approaching the massively muscular seductress, he slid around her and took his place on the end of the bed, not able to give himself space due to the hulking size of her giant thighs, a puddle of cum forming around his fat ass.

"First things first Todd," she put a hand on his shoulder to make sure he was looking at her, "we're gonna have a safeword. It's the same one that Kala and I use - 'raven', okay? If anything happens that makes you want to stop, if it hurts, gets uncomfortable, anything, you need to use it, because the last thing I want to do is make this a bad experience. Understand?"

Todd nodded at her again.

"Raven, I got it. I-I'll use it if it gets too, too much for me."

Valya brushed his beautiful purple locks out of his forget-me-not eyes.

"Good boy. There's no shame in using it. Kala and I have been together for a few years, and she still has to say it on occasion. It happens and there's nothing to worry about if it does. I won't be angry or disappointed, okay?"

"O-Okay. I understand. I hope I, I don't have too."

"Me either handsome, I've wanted to do this since I first saw you on the dating app!"

She grabbed his chin in her hand.

"Now, it's time I got to do something Kala already had the pleasure of doing!"

Before Todd could question what she meant, she showed him.

Towering over him even when sitting, she bowed her head and shoulders to kiss him, her much bigger, plush lips overtaking his immediately. Not as surprised this time around, Todd returned the kiss happily, a longing moan escaping his mouth as soon as they made contact. Valya didn't wait and wasn't as patient as Kala was, slipping her tongue into the young man's mouth almost immediately; it was fucking huge! Todd had seen it a couple times before, but he wasn't prepared for just how long or fat it was! It felt like a dick had been shoved between his lips, the extensive, pink organ batting at the entrance to his throat, leaving little room for much else. Attempting to replicate the act, Todd quickly found that he could barely move his own tongue around hers, much less into her maw!

During their makeout, Valya dominating the lip-locking like she seemed to with everything else, her hand slipped from his chin straight to his cock, her fist closing around more than half of it at once. Groaning into her mouth, Todd opened a single eye and watched her stroke his member and her own at the same time, her up and down journeys much shorter when it came to his rod. Acting on instinct, fueled by his natural submissiveness, Todd started to suck on Valya's tongue, treating it like the appendage it felt like, drawing a moan from her. It paused their kissing, the figure-shadowing woman allowing him to blow her tongue, her eyes, lidded over in lust, half-open to watch Todd's oral ministrations. Splashing reached their ears as her cock suddenly increased its cum production.

She eventually pulled back after what felt like a blissful eternity of mutual pleasing, a bridge of spit connecting their faces.

"How did you know I liked to have my tongue sucked on, cutie? Kala does it for me all the time and I love it."

Todd blushed.

"I-I just did what felt n-natural."

"Mmmm you really are amazing Todd." She purred at him, tightening her grip on his cock, "Would you like to move on, or do you want to keep kissing? I'm fine with either!"

"We can, can move on," he breathed heavily in anticipation, his cock pulsing against her rough fingers, "what do you want me to do?"

"Why don't you get onto the bed, however you want. I need to prepare for you first before everything else."

Todd's eyes went wide as he registered the meaning behind her words.

"Okay, um, let me just..." he turned around and then paused, seeing that there was a giantobstruction blocking him from continuing, "Um Valya? There really isn't any, um, there's no room."

"Whoops! Forgot about Kala." Valya laughed and got to her feet, "Let me just fix that real quick!"

Waltzing around to one of the sides of the bed, Valya leaned over her girlfriend. Scooping handfuls of cum off her face, she bent down and kissed her, giving Kala much needed affection - even if she wasn't conscious for it. Smiling at her, she slid her arms under her legs and back, lifting her up like she weighed nothing, despite the extra, liquid mass that had been ejected into her. Like she had done this a thousand times before, Valya carried her passed-out partner to the chair Todd had been sitting in, her perpetually gushing cunt leaving a slimy trail behind them, and sat her up in the chair, Kala's bloated form barely fitting into it. Putting a massive hand on the progeny-painted woman's stomach, Valya pressed down on it, helping her deflate faster. Once she was satisfied with her lover's state, she clapped her hands and returned to Todd.

"There, that's better!" She motioned towards the now person-less, but still cum-covered bed, "Now there's more than enough room for you."

Todd looked at her incredulously. He guessed the semen on the bed didn't count when it came to space, but the more he thought about it the more he realized he didn't mind having it all over his body - it was a bit too late to complain about that anyway! He also couldn't help but be amazed by her casual, leisurely exhibitions of strength, Todd doubting that even Damien could have carried Kala like that. It was incredible that such an awesome specimen, one that exemplified the height of everything humanity was capable of - virility, beauty, strength - existed and was currently giving himher carnal attention! Feeling emboldened by this concept, Todd turned around and clambered onto the middle of the bed on his hands and knees, his ass wiggling in the air, a position that for some reason felt all too natural for him.

Now it was Valya's turn to be amazed! Shaking back and forth like he was trying to entice her to pounce right then and there was Todd's humongous backside, not a part of his rear from his thighs to hips not exceedingly plump. His hips look so God damn grabbable she had to actively fight the temptation not to do just that, their curvature sculpted around his waist perfectly. Each thigh was wide and fat enough to threaten the integrity of any pair of pants he decided to wear, Valya surprised he could even fit in the jeans he wore to the apartment! Of course her eyes were drawn mostly to his ass, each sphere rounded out with just enough firmness to make them pleasant to slap and handle, but with enough jiggle that they shook wildly with the slightest movement. The young man's pale skin only added to his allure, his alabaster complexion giving him a virginal, untouched aura.

What she had said before was true: He put Kala's figure to shame!

Doing her best to control herself Valya approached her prey slowly, coming to a stop at the edge of the bed, her cock resting heavily across the white goop covering it. She watched as Todd's impressive member and drooping, cum-filled apples wagged between his cushiony legs like a tail, still amazed that such a small person could possess something so big. Extending her arms she pawed at his ass, giving a grunt of satisfaction as his soft butt flesh molded into her fingers; Todd gave a small yelp as she did, but didn't make any effort to move away from her like he was giving Valya a silent confirmation to keep going. Relishing the feeling of such a pliable pile of ass in her hands, Valya peeled them apart, revealing the tasty, winking treat at their center.

"Remember Todd," she paused again before diving towards her snack, "if it gets to be too much, say so!"

"I'll be okay I think," he panted lustfully, his cock pulsing and shooting precum onto the bed, "g-go ahead."

Humming to herself happily at his response, she dipped her head between his rotund cheeks, the sides warming her ears, and let her massive tongue flop out of her mouth; taking another moment to coax her salivary glands, she forced spit to run down her pink muscle until it was dripping and shining. Then she flicked it at Todd's asshole. Valya could feel a shiver run up his spine, a squeal piercing the silence of the room, his starfish closing tightly in front of her. Encouraged by this reaction, she began to make slow licks across the tiny opening like she was wetting a stamp, her wide tongue covering it and the skin around its wrinkled shape. Holding him steady by his thick mounds, she lapped at the place she'd be fucking before too long - if everything went well!

Over and over again she slurped at his rear entrance, coating it with as much saliva as she could, Todd continuing to wiggle and groan from her oral ministrations. While she soaked his backdoor she massaged his fat cheeks gently, squeezing and pulling at his soft flesh like it was puttie; once she felt he was ready, she prodded his asshole gently with the tip of her tongue, doing her best to get it to open up for her. It took awhile for him to unclench, but slowly but surely it did, giving way for her mouth to muscle to enter him. Valya didn't tongue-fuck him immediately, choosing instead to slither it into him little by little.

Sliding her tongue through his depths, she wiggled it back and forth, getting a feel for his insides. He was so tight! It definitely felt like nothing bigger than a finger had been back there. Like a homing missile locked on to a target, she went straight for the place he knew he'd enjoy having played with the most, aiming directly at his pleasure button. She toyed with his prostate, finding it without any trouble, having had plenty of experience in this kind of thing with willing men before; as soon as she did, Todd's bulbous balls bounced against her chin and he grunted, a lovely, visible sign he was enjoying her efforts. Valya continued to tongue-punch his backdoor, and while she did one of her massive hands roamed towards the center of his cheeks.

Oh God, Valya's tongue felt good! Todd thought he might cum as soon as it entered him, the pink muscle much larger than anything he had put back there before. She was working him so well it was shocking, like she somehow inherently knew what to do to him specifically to make him squirm. Unable to help himself, Todd moaned and panted loudly, trying to hold back his orgasmic impulses to the best of his abilities - something she wasn't making easy, especially one he felt a finger push at his ass. Once again his body went rigid, his breath catching in his throat, the realization that this was going to lead to the main event sooner or later hitting him.

Trying to calm himself, Todd resisted the urge to use the safeword and stop Valya, anxiety taking hold of him once again. But he couldn't ruin this moment! Instead, he did his damndest to focus on the pleasure her huge digit brought him, fighting back his negative emotions, and that seemed to work well enough. Allowing himself to moan and give into the ecstasy, Todd closed his eyes and squished the cum surrounding him into his fingers, rocking his hips back and forth. If he could just force every bad thought that normally occupied his brain out, this would be the best day of his life!

He really did want this after all!

Feeling confident he was enjoying her combined ministrations, Valya snuck in another finger, using the pair of thick digits to stretch and widen his small hole like a gynecologist with a speculum. Keeping her tongue firmly inserted into his ass, Valya repeated her previous movements, fingering him and licking his insides at the same time, wanting him to be as prepared as he possibly could be for her monstrous member; she really didn't want to hurt him, knowing full well what she was capable of with the size of her endowment! Luckily she was used to doing this kind of thing and displaying a saintly-amount of patience, Kala and her stream of different partners keeping her well-practiced- though Lord knows Kala didn't need any extra stretching anymore after how long they'd been together!

Before long she had slipped in a third finger, and was now actively rotating them around inside of Todd's ass, her tongue following the circular motion. Pacing herself, Valya waited to insert more, trying to bring him to an orgasm first, knowing he had another in him - the young man's testicles seemed almost as bottomless as her own! This idea was aided by the fact that she could feel just how damn hard he still was after all this time, his balls vibrating against her neck, his cock bouncing every so often against the top slopes of her breasts. She would definitely enjoy him covering her tits in one of his loads!

Todd's breathing turned into hyperventilating once that fourth fat finger was crammed into his rear. He knew this was all needed but it was still such a foreign, strange feeling to have such a large intrusion into his asshole - one that felt amazing. His cock was constantly throbbing, spilling its pre onto anything below it, adding to the muck covering the bed; it would give a particularly strong pulse whenever he felt it graze against Valya's soft titmeat, having never experienced such a silky touch like that on his member before. Brain flashing between images, he was now imaging himself titfucking Kala while Valya fucked him, a fantasy strong enough to bring him to the edge of climax.

And then he did!

Without warning - though he should have been expecting it - Valya's whole fist entered him. The moment it did, it felt like she knocked her knuckles against his prostate like she was announcing her presence, rapping the rough bones directly on his most pleasurable spot. This was enough for Todd, and he howled and arched his back in response, his entire body flexing. Appendage slamming against his stomach, it flew back down between his legs as he started to cum, stream after stream of his pearly virility flinging from his glans. Todd wasn't sure exactly where his cum was landing, the warm wetness hitting his own legs and feet on occasion, the rest lost to him. Valya stopped moving as he climaxed, letting him ride it out for as long as he needed.

Moving her face away from his face-masking, bubbly behind, Valya watched the cute, feminine male cum. After a few large shots, she did what she had been thinking of previously and stuck out of her chest, letting some of his slimy refuse land on her tits; other blasts went wider and hit himself or the bed, but a few managed to cover her cock as well. This warm, wet stimulation forced moans from her own mouth, her behemoth flexing and bouncing in the bubbling goo around it, sending helpings of the beige seed to splash onto Todd's body while it sprayed out its own belches of leftover cum from her first orgasm. Only after his creamy expulsions ended did Valya move again, sliding her fist from his gaped asshole.

She definitely had to fuck him now!

"God that was so hot baby," she complimented, smacking one of his cheeks and caressing his back, "I love seeing such a cute boy with such a big dick cum like that!"

It took a minute for Todd to gather himself and respond.

"T-Thank you. I didn't, um, expect to cum so easily."

"Mmm well I liked it and look," Valya sat up and motioned to her chest, "you drenched me!"

Todd turned his head, his eyes going as wide as they could as he admired her semen-stained mounds.

"Sorry about that..." he muttered, hanging his head in shame, "I didn't mean to."

"Todd it's okay! I liked it, I promise! If I didn't want to get hit, I would have just moved out of the way."

She chuckled.

"So, do you want to keep going cutie?"

For some reason, the question caught Todd unprepared. The answer should have been obvious, but he struggled to get it out nonetheless. His words caught in his throat as he tried to speak, a hoarse croak coming out instead, like his body was physically stopping him from confirming. He wanted it, he did! But there was still that nagging within his being giving him pause, telling him he didn't deserve it or couldn't handle it, that he would chicken out like he always did, like he always had. Todd's body started to shake as he fought with himself, more pitiful utterances leaking from his lips. What the fuck was wrong with him!?

"Todd?" Valya's voice was soft and maternal, "Are you okay? We can stop, it's no problem."

The moment of truth!

"No! I mean, I mean yes. I'm o-okay," he stuttered out between clenched teeth, his fists balled, "I'm okay. R-really."

He took a deep breath.

"Please, keep going. I'm okay."

"Alright, just remember the safeword - you can use it at any time."

"I-I know Valya, I, um, trust you."


Stretching her arms first, Valya stood up straight at the end of the bed. Placing a hand on either side of one of Todd's incredibly grabbable, rounded hips, she pulled him towards her, sliding him across the bed until his feet were hanging off the side; large quantities of cum toppled onto the floor as she moved him, piling on her feet. Removing her hands, she scooped up the semen on the bed and slathered her cock with it, lifting it and holding it into the air above him, a long shadow darkening his kneeling body. Taking another handful of the slimy, gooey substance, she poured it onto his ass, using her large fingers to rub it around his still-gaped rim, pushing some inside of it making her last preparations. Todd moaned as the warm lubrication entered him.

Adjusting her stance like she was about to saddle up on a horse for a ride, Valya spread her legs and lowered her cock, trying to find the best position to fuck Todd in. Due to his short stature, she had to bend her knees and take several steps back just to get the angle of her glans right - the bed elevating him only just helping in this matter - moving his body around as she did. It took a few attempts, but eventually the massively muscular woman managed to squeeze her giant cockhead between Todd's enormous cheeks in a way that had her tip kissing his backdoor. Snaking an arm out, she was barely able to take a hold of his ass, her hips pulled all the way back to make the angle work. Wrapping her fingers under the fleshy bell at the end of her member, she kept it from waving or moving as she prepared to penetrate.

It was time!

"Okay Todd, I'm gonna start!" She announced, trying to keep her excitement in check and breathing steady, "It's going to be a bit painful even when I go slow, just to let you know. I'm not trying to hurt you, it's just going to happen.

"I understand. I... I'm ready."

"I'd kiss you if I could cutie, but alright. Here we go!"

Sucking in a breath, Todd tried his best to relax his body and focus on the pleasure he was about to receive instead of the discomfort he was fighting. His purple locks fell around his downturned face, his eyes studying the swirling cum beneath him as a distraction, watching the pearlescent nut milk ripple and move. Todd was acutely aware of every inch of his form, able to feel every droplet of semen dotting his body, Valya's calloused fingers rubbing into his backside, and her boisterous bitch breaker putting pressure on his hole; his ears picked up the sounds of Valya's corpulent, oversized cum factories gurgling as they whipped up another batch of ball broth, reminding him of what would be in store for him in the near future.

The pressure continued to grow with each passing second, the stud doing her best to heedfully fit her massive glans into Todd without forcing it in. His cheeks were pressed outward by the enormous intruder, his legs going with them, splitting more and more as his backdoor was peeled open. Todd could feel his hole begin to open, the rim widening and expanding to make room for something not made to enter it; at the same time, the tip of the tip of Valya's titanic tower was nudging its way inside, keeping the once-tight exit from closing up. Through his ass, Todd could make out every ridge and wrinkle on her head-sized crown, practically able to read every bump and dip in its skin like it was Braille.

Valya was doing the absolute most to make sure she didn't just fuck Todd as hard as she could right then and there, and it was fucking difficult. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to take him as she pleased, to ram him with her carnal bludgeon until she could see her cock through his stomach. But she resisted. Constant deep breaths and the relaxation of her muscles helped, but more than anything knowing that Kala would be pissed beyond belief at her aided in her efforts - the woman could be terrifying when she was angry! So Valya slowly trudged forward, adding centimeter after centimeter of her mighty cockhead, keeping the rest of herself as motionless as she was capable of.

Suddenly Todd cried out.

Whole body trembling and twitching, his feet kicking against the bed, his fingers attempting to grip the slippery, semen-stained sheets, he inhaled a sharp, ragged mouthful of air. She was in! Even though it took several minutes at least, it felt like only a millisecond for her cockhead to pop into him fully. Todd wasn't sure he'd ever felt so stretched in his life, and he could only imagine that this was what it was like to give birth! There was pain of course, a lot of it, but at the same time the young man was introduced to a pleasure he'd never known before. Being filled. Being stimulated from the inside. Being fucked by someone. It was an incredible mixture of emotions and sensations, one that sent his head spinning and eyes watering.

"Are, are you doing okay Todd?" Valya questioned, her words coming out strained like she'd been running on a treadmill for hours, "My, uh, cockhead is all the way in now. If it's too much please say so."

"I'm, I'm, I-" he struggled to find the sentence to convey his feelings, "I love it! Don't stop Valya, I can handle it!"

"Okay baby. I knew you were special!"

Not risking an attempt at pulling out, Valya pushed forward. It wasn't a rough push, a forceful, or hard one, but the effect was still the same: Todd cried out once more, wiggling his hips and throwing his head back as he did. Valya watched his dyed strands of hair fly into the air, the temptation to reach over and grab a fistful as strong as it had ever been - she didn't, even if she wanted to more than anything at the moment. Rather, she took her hand off her cock and joined it with her other on Todd's backside, using the leverage gained to sink more of her colossal fuckmeat into his punished hole, her startling thick shaft grinding against his inner walls. She just had to wait a bit longer.

Once she had a solid amount of cock plugging up his rear entrance did she finally allow herself to remove some and thrust back in for the first time. Her cockhead pulled at the rim of his asshole, stretching it white in its strained tautness, the ridge of her reddened mushroom visible through it, before she slid it back in, pushing the same amount of tubular, vascular fuckmeat in as before; when she didn't hear the safeword or recieve any kind of resistance, she repeated the process. At a steady pace Valya fucked the first handful of inches and her giant glans into Todd, making sure that she angled herself so that at the very least her massive member would scrape against his prostate - if not directly slam into it.

Rocking back and forth under the statuesque Goddess's powerful, rhythmic thrusts, Todd held on for dear life. She wasn't even fucking him hard, her speed and strength of pumps nowhere near what she used on Kala, but it still felt like his whole body was being turned inside out. Whenever she pulled back, Todd swore his organs would follow her cock out, only her glans stuffing his hole keeping him intact - but that was only secondary to what he was really concentrating on. Todd's body felt like it was on fire, like every nerve was being sparked at the same time, each one blasting pleasure-filled neurons directly at his cock, which was so erect and full of blood it felt like it might explode with the rest of him! His entire body was weak from the untold amounts of euphoria coursing through him, Valya's hands doing the lion share of keeping him aloft.

Every thrust reignited his lust anew. It was like there wasn't a single inch of existence that wasn'taroused, a pat on the head enough to make him orgasm until he was dry at this point. It was more of a mystery that he hadn't cum again yet, his cock-pinned balls - Valya's massive shaft keeping them pressed against his own member - swollen with more seed than they ever had been in his life; it was like just being around the hyper-hung bull was enough to send his libido into overdrive, like he could cum and stay erect as long as she was near! His moans were constant and unending already, his eyes squinched shut in pleasure, his puffy lips folded into his mouth whenever he wasn't exclaiming his passion for being fucked!

Those same moans were giving Valya a difficult time. Combined with his sexy, thin-yet-pear-shaped body squirming and flopping in front of her, put her on edge. Almost like she was trying not to cum, Valya did her best to think of other, less-erotic things as she repeated her pipe pistoning, allowing herself to submerge more of her progeny-plastered pole with every other thrust. The added sounds of her cock squelching through Todd's insides, a mixture of the cum she'd used to grease his exit and the precum her cock was once again gushed creating a lurid raucous she had to suffer through. Her ankle-tapping, sperm-stuffed spheres rumbled at her in their shared agony, pleading with her to do more.

But she persisted in a lack of carnal persistence!

Never wavering, Valya fuck Todd steadily. She was definitely not holding back as much at this point, now over a quarter of her monstrous member sliding in and out of the feminine man's backdoor with each thrust, emboldened by his constant quivers and moans. Not quite fucking him powerfully or with much intensity, she also wasn't going easy on him at the same time; it was still leisurely by her standards, but Valya would take this over having to wait after each new inch was pushed into him to continue any day! It was just enough to keep her cock content, the mythical serpent jutting from her crotch spitting its venom happily, filling up Todd with a minor taste of what would be flooding into him eventually.

"You're doing great baby," Valya panted, trying not to say what was actually on her mind, "I'm so impressed!"

"Ooooh fuck Valya!"

That feeling of liquid warmth bathing his insides was the final nail in the coffin for Todd's resistance. The perpetual pleasure pushing at his psyche sapped him his strength, his upper-half falling into the sea of semen with a loud splash, his hips rising higher into the air, presenting himself for deeper penetration. In the same moment his cock pulsed, another orgasm forced from his loins, moresplashing and splattering filling the room, a further weakening of his body occurring. His entire being shook as he howled and moaned, vibrating on Valya's monstrous trouser snake, lost in yet another uncountable climax. Drool ran down his chin and his eyes rolled into the back of his skull as his brain was battered by this new form of erotic experience he would quickly find to be addictive.

Valya stopped and watched again, her own breathing growing in its raggedness. Craning her neck, she focused on Todd's progeny-pipe piping its load onto the bed, watching as the artery-coated, pale member launched viscous goo over and over again, his reddened balls bouncing like they were trying to escape the sack containing them. Heart beating in her chest like a drum, her vision turned red like a bull facing a matador, but it wasn't from anger - it was from arousal. Feeling the last vestiges of her self-imposed resistance fade, her whole body tensed, her muscles ballooning to their previous unnatural mass, her grip tightening, her cock hardening inside of Todd's canal.

She couldn't hold back anymore!

"God, you're such a fucking slut Todd!" The Amazoness yelled, slapping his ass hard, sending his fat cheeks wobbling to and fro, "A little butt slut for my giant fucking cock!"

Todd could only offer a weak moan in response.

"So I'm gonna fuck you like one!"

A growl emanating from her throat, Valya pulled back until her cock exited Todd's asshole, the shining, cum-glistened glans hovering the air above his rotund backside, revealing his incredibly gaped depths, and then shoved it back in! Todd's body lurched once more, instinctively trying to escape the oversized invader, but her strong grip kept him in place. Unlike with her previous thrusts, Valya didn't hold back this time, letting her behemoth fly through his insides until it met some form of natural resistance, more of her mighty shaft than ever crammed into his backdoor; she nearly decided to flip him over just to see how far it was distending his skin, but the view of his constantly shaking and jouncing ass stopped her. Grunting, she slithered her serpent back and did the same thing again, thundering her lightning rod through his intestines.

In a matter of seconds, Valya had picked up an insane amount of speed, sending feet of cock into Todd with every piston of her hips. There was no more waiting, no more restricting herself, no more carefulness that she knew she didn't need anymore, Todd's pleasure undeniable as he tightened and gripped her cock like he never wanted to let it go - she was going to fuck him the way she wanted! His whole body slid across the bed as she pounded him fiercely, his face sinking into the muck, his purple hair stained with the seed surrounding him. Valya's huge tits flopped against her stomach as she pumped with enormous amounts of strength, bouncing off her hardened abs and nearly striking her in the face with each bounce. She wasn't going to stop until she came!

Todd was in heaven! There was nothing that could have prepared him for this kind of raw, passionate coupling, and he was happy about that! He couldn't have asked for a better first time, the soreness and pain he felt from being rammed into like a breeding mare only a drop in the ocean of euphoria that consumed his being. Semen poured into his agape mouth as his face was used like a mop to clean up the virile mess, specks of it covering his countenance. Arms loose at his sides, they sunk into the swamp of pearly goop, completely engulfed up to his biceps, his own spraying member adding to its depth. He was glad that Valya was so strong: he'd be completely laid out flat on the bed if not!

During her unrelenting, sexual thumping, Todd sensed something new occurring in his torso. It almost felt like his stomach was gurgling, like he might throw up, but his previous witnessing of the pair's fucking led him to understand it was something else. Barely able to lift a shaking arm out of the cum pasting it to the once-black sheets, he slowly moved it to his raised stomach and raked at it with weak fingers; just as his blissed-out mind had expected, there was something there that hadn't been there only moments before. Tracing the bulge, he followed it with his thin digits from his bellybutton up to his chest, painting a mental picture of what it looked like by outlining it with touch over and over again.

It was Valya's cock.

He knew before he ever laid a finger on it what it was, but that didn't stop his astonishment at actually feeling it for himself. Todd could make out every massive, overfilled vein, every ridge and bump, every centimeter of the she-stud's terrible shaft, and it was all through his skin. It seemed like his stomach had doubled in size from her cock alone, his midsection ballooned by the amount of fuckmeat packed into it, Valya's constant gouts of burning hot precum adding to his expanding mass. His hand followed the throbbing invader every time she slipped it back out of him, practically chasingit like he was going to try and hold it in place, only to meet the gigantic protuberance once it came rocketing back into him.

Unable to rip her eyes away from it, Valya surveyed the point of gaping the entire time she ravaged the young man's body. The way her bitch breaker pressed the rim of Todd's asshole out again his wobbling mounds was a delectable sight, almost enough to make her want to stick her tongue in again - almost. But that wouldn't make her cum! No, it was the raking of the arteries that laced her member against his inner walls, the way his intestines hugged her shaft and glans like a condom, the warmth of her own semen bathing her ridiculous endowment that was going to bring her to another climax! Valya wasn't sure she'd ever felt such extreme tightness from anyone before, the stranglehold his once-small starfish had on her ramrod like a fist squeezing the life - or cum - out of it.

"You're such a good cocksleeve Todd, I might just keep you!" Valya bellowed at him, planting more strikes against his rear, "No one else but me should ever get to fuck you!"

Having moved closer to the bed as she closed in on burying half of her obelisk of sexual torment into the feminine man's ass, Valya's balls once again began to beat onto the frame that was already shaking from her powerful battering. The bloated, virile cream-packed globes that mirrored their owner's own massive breasts in size slammed into it over and over again, knocking it off its legs, threatening the foundation of the apartment, like the whole thing might come crashing down into the bedroom below with every bounce. It struck the wall behind it with enough force to leave cracks and caved-in dents - of which there were already numerous - causing bits of plaster to fall onto the copulating pair; if Valya and Kala weren't already expecting it, it would've have caused worry that they wouldn't be getting their deposit back! Those same churning wrecking balls groaned and roared from the strain of containing so much freshly-brewed sperm, each one as taut as the tanned, wrinkled sack holding them, the veins across them flared with blood.

With another forceful thrust, Todd's torso suddenly lifted off the bed, erect and pointed forward, his arms limply sagging at his sides. Pausing her ravenous rampage, Valya adjusted her view and looked over at the young man's body; her eyes went wide at what she saw. Sticking out beyond the cute boy's cum-stained, vacant-expression face was the clear outline of her cock! Todd's countenance rested atop of it like it was a stone slab and he was being offered as a sacrifice to the Gods, his limbs basically hugging the unreal distension in his body. He was essentially speared all the way through, the hugely hung bull's titanic shaft embedded so deeply into his depths that it would have come out the other side if it could. Valya's breath caught in her throat and her visage contorted into something frightening.

Awareness of his surroundings and everything else that wasn't pleasure having dwindled, Todd only just realized that he was being moved - and not in the same way he'd been jostled constantly from the intense fucking. The cock inside of him retreated - though wasn't entirely removed - and the bed began to sag away from him as he was pushed towards the head of it. Then, a massive amount of weight lowered itself onto his back. Managing to turn his head, he looked back, and through his blearly, semen-masked vision, watched as Valya clambered on top of him, completely enveloping his slender frame in her hulking, sculpted brawn, her massive breasts pancaking around his spine. Hips forced down so that he was flattened across the furniture, Todd found himself splayed out and weighed down by the person conquering his existence.

"Get ready Todd," Valya growled into his ear, her red locks curtaining his face, "because now I'm really gonna fuck you."

"F-Fuck me...?" Todd questioned weakly, barely registering what she was saying before a smile touched his lips, "Fuck me as hard as you want. Please!"

Taking it as a challenge instead of a request, Valya raised a massive mitt and grabbed hold of Todd's head, her fingers sinking into his soft, dyed-hair, and pulled it up off of the bed. At the same time she raised her giantess figure like she was doing a one-handed push up, her hips drawn back as far as they could go, and then pounced on Todd. The entire bed folded in the middle as her body crashed into Todd's tiny form, her cock barreling through him until it appeared at the same place as before - on the other side of his head. He squealed and tried to buck under her, flopping like a fish out of water as he was fucked harder than he had been, his cock throbbing flat against the sheets. Cum flew up around them like Valya had just cannonballed into a pool, covering them completely in the frothy nut-essence.

And then she did it again.

"Is this what you wanted Todd? To be fucked like a little whore? To be my fucking cocksleeve?"

He gurgled.

"Yes Valya! I'm all yours!"

"And don't you fucking forget it!"

Continuing to fuck him in the same way, Valya used every ounce of strength she possessed to slam against him repeatedly, never faltering, never pausing to take a breath or relax. She was so inhumanly large she was able to pull her hips back until her cock was nearly unsheathed from his punished hole, before she banged it back in, rearranging every part of his insides into the shape of her cock, molding him in her member's image, altering his body permanently. With each thrust her balls came crashing down against Todd's legs, beating them hard enough to leave bruises, the sagging monstrosities able to cover them utterly with their engorged size. The bed rattled harder than before, now actually at its breaking point, the frame groaning under the intense pounding the same as Todd was.




Valya's rhythm was steady but resolute in its power, the earth-shattering pounding inescapable. The bulge her cock made against Todd's skin took the same path every time, shooting from his stomach to past his face, making him more humongous dick than person, the pillar of fuckmeat touching and mashing every pleasurable spot within him. His own dick was in a strange state, one he hadn't experienced before, in which it was almost always spraying cum, some of the creamy strands shooting onto the Goddess's bulbous balls when the right moment struck, his reservoirs of seed emptying themselves all over the bed. These ropes of sperm were joined by the gushes of Valya's cum spraying from his asshole - but these went much farther. Like before, they exploded across the room, covering everything behind them in an arc like the blood splatter from a gunshot wound.

It didn't look like it was going to stop, Valya giving no indication she was close to cumming or tiring. A part of Todd wanted him to tap out, use the safeword and take a break, the logical center of his brain knowing he'd had enough sexual punishment - but he didn't listen to it; Todd was going to ride this out for as long as he could, knowing that the pleasure it brought him was insurmountable, that this chance might never come again. Besides, his orgasms were unending to this point, and who was he to deny his lover her own? A stupid, half-grin twisted his lips as he thought about what her own finale meant, craving, relishing in the idea that he would be blown up with cum and turned into a seed depository. A moan escaped his lips just at the thought of it, the pulses shooting through his cock strengthening.

Not questioning this fierce lust that had overtaken her, Valya was ready to pound Todd into something unrecognizable if she wasn't made to stop! He knew the rules, and so did she. It would be hard to halt her sexual rampage at this point, but she knew she could if she needed, as difficult as it would be to tear herself from this amazing hole and cutie it was attached too. Until then, however, she was going to fuck this little slut to her heart's content, making sure he never forgot what it felt like to be ravaged by her!

Keeping up her punishing, powerful pace, Valya fucked the hell out of Todd. Her cock would have punched his chin on every thrust if she wasn't keeping his head up, the bulge of her meaty glans touching the pillows with his flesh instead - his whole body was lifted off the bed by her deforming dick, only his limbs flat against it, the insane amounts of progeny she was filling him with aiding in his enlargement. Squelches filled the room as her semen-slathered shaft pounded in and out of his red, brutalized hole, cum entering and exiting him at the same rate, the gooey secretions ruining and staining everything around the pair. She was essentially just as covered as he was, her bulging muscles glistening in her own juices.

"I can't wait to fill you up slut," Valya moaned at his face, sticking out her thick tongue to lick his cheek clean, "gonna shoot so much fucking cum into you!"

Only a moan responded to her promise, Todd too captured by ecstasy and constant climaxes to form real words. This only emboldened Valya further and she picked up speed as she rocketed her meat missile into his asshole harder. Her breathing grew heavier and more ragged the more she shoved her elephantine trunk into the young man, the skin across her massive member taut, pulled tightly around her battering ram and the arteries coating it. There was a cracking sound as she railed Todd with exceeding vigor, the bed caving in at its center even more - though neither of the coupling pair paid it much attention. Both were too consumed by the entangling of their bodies and their uncompromising libidos that raised the temperature of the room by several degrees.

Bashing herself against the young man, Valya's only wish in this moment was that her cock was smaller for the simple fact that it would allow her abs to touch Todd's fat ass with each thrust - but that would never happen. Even while forcing as much of her monstrous member into him that his body could contain, there was still nearly half of it left cold in the open air, numerous inches of thick shaft only wetted because of all the cum shooting back onto it. That didn't stop her - it never had - and the hulking woman pounded viciously regardless of the fact, more than content to watch her awesome appendage deform his skin, savoring in the sight of Todd's face contorted by elation, no sign of the timid, anxious person he was in past left.

She wanted to fuck him until the sun rose again but knew her body had something else in mind. Valya was quickly reaching the point of no return, her constant, unending thrusting catching up to her. Her cock, as it always did, engorged and throbbed with renewed intensity, flexing with enough strength to lift Todd completely off the bed before slamming him back down onto it. Her ever-growing balls started their tightening, unable to actually rise towards her crotch due to their incredible heft, gurgling louder than they had been instead. Losing her rhythm, Valya's up and down motions took a turn for the wild, the single arm steadying her shaking as her own pleasure overtook her - it would only be a matter of moments before she hit her apex!

"Here it comes slut, take my fucking load!"

Her words seemed to knock some life into Todd, who looked up at her again in awe, excited to finallyexperience the last thing he'd been fantasizing about. Wanting to help her along, he tensed his body and wiggled his hips, trying to stimulate her member as much as he could, doing his part to make sure her orgasm was as amazing as he expected it to be. His minor efforts seemed to work, Valya groaning and throwing her head back while giving one last bed-rocking thrust into him, burying as much of her girthy flesh hammer into him as he could. Todd could feel it pulse with enough force to shake his whole body, and then he was blasted.

He gasped as the first boiling stream of molten hot girl-goo unloaded into him. The protuberance of her glans in front of his face was instantly hidden, a large basketball-sized bubble taking its place that continued to grow with each passing second. In mere moments, Todd's chest-skin was inflated to the point he could have used it as a pillow - something he might just end up doing once all was said and done! Once it sagged down and touched the bed, only a thin wall of flesh separating Valya's different helpings of baby batter from each other, the frothy liquid inside of him began to flood the rest of his body, sinking deeper into his depths. Weakly, Todd reached out and wrapped his arms around his newly-blown up growth, cradling it, feeling the sperm inside swirl and move around as the bull's beam of ball juice continued unabated.

Moaning loudly, Valya's entire, enormous form jerked against Todd's body. Her cock made small thrusts into him, only a few inches exiting and reentering each time, trying to push out the cum engorging it as fast it could. The pearlescent lava she fired into him warmed her shaft and red crown, adding to her pleasure, making her orgasm even stronger. Taking her hand off of Todd's head, she sent it straight at his midsection, a groan emanating in her throat as she felt his stomach expand around her fingers. Palming his enlarged torso, she bucked against him harder, causing the mass of sperm-swollen flesh to jiggle and ripple between her digits, her pulsating balls vibrating with renewed vigor.

If Todd thought that he had felt filled before, the cum bathing of his organs was on an entirely different level. Every section of his intestines were jam-packed with the dense paste and it seemed like new room for more cum was being made every second; his entire being was rising off the bed, pushing against Valya's cushioning breasts, his limbs following suit. Though he hadn't stopped cumming for a good while now - at least that's what it felt like - his cock throbbed harder than it had been, copying Valya. While practically unnoticeable with the amount of seed already covering the bed and the event occurring at the same time, his member flung more and more ropes of seed across the room, the strands flying out and hitting the floor behind them.

He'd never cum so hard in his life!

The momentary pauses between the Valya's progeny-filled blasts were essentially non-existent, one cascade taking over after another in rapid succession, an unending flood of virility pumping into the young man. Despite the amount of cum spilling from his mostly-plugged and gaped asshole, Todd continued to bloat ridiculously with the milky fluid, his arms and legs being pushed out away from his body and spread by his beyond pregnant looking abdomen. Like Kala before him, he had reached the appearance of being more cum than person, and his expansion wasn't over - not by a long shot! Barely holding onto consciousness and the balloon of ball batter in front of him, Todd could do little else but moan and take what he had asked for so passionately.

It didn't take long until Todd's once-tiny body started to reach its limits, the stretching of his belly becoming painful. From out of the corner of his eye he could see his flesh that was spanning across the bed turn pink then red, his and Valya's bodies nearly completely lifted from the sheets; his skin was becoming taut, literally running out of room for the stud's potent, constant swimmer-filled offerings. Managing to open his mouth to try and protest or say anything, his speech was blocked by something truly unexpected. Exploding from his plush lips was a forceful stream of cum that rocketed out towards the headboard, splattering it with the off-white goop, Todd turned into a literal sieve for Valya's sexual syrup.

She was cumming straight through him!

This new addition to the insemination wasn't lost on Valya, who immediately watched in shock as her cock managed to shoot from both ends of her lover's body. For a moment, she wasn't thinking of the horrid implication of what was happening to Todd, her arousal increasing instead as she witnessed her divine virility firsthand, her orgasm strengthening at the impossible sight. The blast of cum hurling from Todd's lips didn't stop, his body turned into a fountain for her progeny - no matter how much cum jettisoned from his mouth or backdoor, his body didn't deflate in the slightest, the newly-created rotundness steady in its size. After some time Valya realized that she might be overloading the young man, and started the arduous process of pulling out while still cumming so intensely.

"I'm not done yet baby," Valya panted as she shifted herself off of the bed, "I still need to cover you first!"

Unsheathing her cock from Todd's tight scabbard, buckets of cum following her retreat, Valya hopped back onto the floor; Todd was dragged back with her, the ridge of her fleshy helmet catching on the abused rim of his hole. Grabbing his fat cheeks, she shoved him off, sending his incredibly progeny-packed form sliding across the semen-streaked bed like he was sledding. Her cockhead popped free, a stream of cum flying out and arcing through the air, hitting the half-destroyed wall in front of the pair. Wrangling it like a snake handler, Valya used her incredible brawn to push it down back towards Todd and to send her next immense salvo of swimmers directly at his upturned ass.

Like a mortar shell full of white paint, the gooey propulsion detonated upon making contact with the young man's backside. It splashed wildly, most of it landing on Todd's back and the bulging sides of his inflated cum gut, but strands and huge orange-sized droplets flew every which way, covering the contents of the room including Valya. Unperturbed by her self-drenching, Valya stroked herself rapidly, shaking her cock side to side and up and down, hosing down the feminine male's body with her bottomless population-increasers. Streams, ropes, cannonballs worth of cum layered him over and over again, panting him head to toe, giving him the same treatment as Kala received. Valya stood in place menacingly, grunting and roaring as she decimated everything in front of her in her virile storm.

Todd wasn't the only thing hit by the ferocious unloading of baby batter. The bed of course was re-swamped with cum, the ocean-level of semen rising high enough to spill over the edge like an overfilled bathtub. There wasn't an inch of wall that wasn't dyed by the pearly seed, every framed poster and picture rendered unrecognizable by the dual-sexed woman's furious volleys. So much cum covered the floor that articles of everyone's shed clothing were washed away, other random objects like pieces of makeup and baskets colliding together as they were overtaken by the swift currents of nut nectar. Even Kala - who was still mostly passed out - was hit, the cum that had been drying across her swollen form wetted once more by the constant splash back!

"More more more!" Valya muttered like she was in a trance, fucking her hands with her bitch-breaking rod like it would make her cum harder, "Get fucking covered!"

Todd was unable to respond for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost was that he physicallycouldn't, his head nearly fully submerged in the thick glue sloshing around him, only have enough control of his body to keep himself afloat - vast quantities of cum still spilled into his mouth, which he drank happily. Because that was where all of his strained efforts were directed too, he didn't have enough strength left to even begin to form words, barely able to utter the moans of euphoria he wanted too. Last but not least, his throat was still clogged from the semen that had shot all the way through him, the soupy sludge blocking his airways, something that wasn't helped by his constant slurping of the ball brew flooding his every orifice.

But none of that mattered.

He had entered another plane of pleasure, one he didn't know existed before today. Todd finally felt satiated, his cock actually withering between his legs, his drained testicles having nothing left to give. Laying there in complete bliss, he happily got drenched head to toe and back again, not a single thought in his brain. Eyelids fluttering, he did his best to stay awake through Valya's climax, hoping at the prospect for more in the future; he didn't know if she had meant what she'd said before, but Todd could think of nothing better than being a plaything for the lovely ladies that had invited him over. For once he had found people that had accepted him, that desired him, that wantedto be with him, and he could have cried right then and there because of it.

Still grunting luridly, Valya's self-stroking started to slow, her balls emptying - at least for the moment. The shots of colossal cock ambrosia lost their forcefulness, just unloading far enough to hit Todd's legs and the end of the bed. Cum dripped down around her, soaking into her red hair and running in long rivulets down her musculature, not an inch of her enormous bulky stature dry. The height of semen flooding the room had risen past her ankles, the doorway - the only exit - entirely blocked up by her sexual refuse. Once her orgasm died down to what she considered a dribble, the amount leaking from her distended piss slit still enough to fill a bucket in less than a minutes time, did she release her hold on her monstrous member and stretch her arms towards the ceiling, her fingers raking across the film of progeny.

Gingerly, she moved back to the bed and sat on the end of it once more, placing a hand on Todd's back.

"I don't know if you can hear me cutie, but you were incredible!" She complimented, putting a bit of pressure on his body to help him void his bowels, a torrent of cum spilling from his distended asshole, "I hope it was good for you too, because I'd love to do that again sometime."