Todd hasn't seen Valya or Kala since he had the night of his life with them - that is until he gets a call from the couple asking to meet-up again! A commission and a sequel to Fapper's Fantasy Fulfilled

Tags: hyper sizes and cum ridiculousness/inflation, futa on female, futa on male/femboy,

Tags are for the story as a whole.

Comments and feedback are always appreciated!


"Yo Todd! Over here!"

From behind his recently re-dyed purple bangs, Todd looked over to where he'd heard his voice being called, his light blue eyes widening in excitement. There was Damien, leaning against the side of the booth waiting for him, cool and well-put together as always - if Damien had one trait that Todd envied the most, it was his sense of style. Even in just a black Polo and a pair of fitted jeans he looked good, his overpriced sneakers completing his image; while Todd was dressed in almost the same outfit, he didn't quite exude the same casual confidence his close friend did.

Thin arms at his sides, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his tight jeans, he trudged towards Damien, who had once again beaten him to the restaurant and grabbed them a booth, his wide, girlish hips swinging back and forth of their own accord; they were meeting at Good Burger as they had some weeks before, the establishment having been their choice spot for hanging out for as long as Todd could remember. Todd maneuvered through the other patrons, servers, and tables until he reached his well-dressed friend, his worn shoes scraping across the tiled floor.

Like he was oft to do, Damien pulled Todd into a hug, towering over the smaller male. Todd gladly returned the affectionate gesture, his face mashing into his friend's muscled, Polo-clad chest, his own simple black shirt ruffling. Damien pulled back with a smile, showing off his perfectly straight, white teeth that practically shone under the lights of the restaurant, perfectly framed by his trimmed, black beard. Grinning himself, Todd slid into the seat of the booth, Damien taking his place across from him, glasses of ice-filled water and unopened, glossy menus already sitting on the wooden table between them.

"Alright man, I gotta say," Damien started before Todd could say anything to him, "that new Gundam show you put me onto? That shit is some heat!"

"Oh yeah? You've been watching it?"

"Hell yeah! I'm so hyped for the second half of the season. I can't believe I've never given Mecha a chance before."

"Ha! I told you man!" Todd shot back, taking a sip from his water, "There's a lot of good Gundam series out there. I can give you more recs if you want."

"That would be awesome. Are you sure I don't need to watch any of the others first though? I feel like I'm missing some things at times."

Todd waved a hand in the air dismissively.

"Nah. The thing with Gundam is they repeat a lot of like, tropes or whatever in all the different shows. So some stuff is just kinda for like, the hardcore fans who have seen every episode of every series and know it all by heart."

"Oh cool. Yeah I'll definitely be asking for what show to watch next, then!" Damien picked up his menu and began to leaf through it, Todd doing the same, "So how have you been, man? We've barely talked since the last time we were here."

From behind his menu Todd allowed himself a big smile. The truth was that he'd been doing amazing, maybe better than he ever had in his life! Ever since his meeting with Valya and Kala Todd had been walking on clouds, his cheerful mood persisting even when he was working. That day had gone better than he could have ever dreamed, and he still couldn't believe it had happened to him of all people! Hanging out with two of the hottest women he'd ever met, getting to watch them in action before getting the courage to join in, all the orgasms... It was constantly on his mind, and Todd often found himself thinking of his own experiences for once when he was masturbating alone in his room!

Even after he'd woken up from losing his virginity to Valya - the three of them having slept through the entire night - he discovered a different form of happiness, another kind he hadn't felt before. Intimacy. Closeness. Care. The care from others, to be more specific. When his eyes had finally opened that morning they were greeted by the sight of Valya snoozing peacefully next to him, one of her humongous, muscled arms wrapped around his back and holding him closely, Kala on her other side in the same position. Todd had felt at peace, and cuddled up to the hyper-hung giant of a woman, not wanting the moment to end.

And when it had ended? When it had ended, Todd was shown the same kindness as when he'd arrived. After everyone had gotten cleaned up and dressed - Todd having to somewhat embarrassingly borrow some of Kala's clothing, which fit him better than he'd expected - Valya had made them all a big breakfast, and they ate and talked. The girls didn't treat him like a one-night stand and kick him out immediately or anything of the sort - it was quite the opposite. They treated him like a friend, one that they genuinely liked.

Leaving their apartment had been one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do.

"Oh you know, I've actually been really good!" Todd finally replied, something that was mostly the truth, "Been in a real good mood lately."

Before Damien could reply, their waitress - hot as everyone that seemed to work there was - showed up to take their order, nodding as she scribbled their meals down on her notepad. Damien had spoken to her first, and afterwards he watched Todd as he did the same, one of his dark eyebrows raising as his normally-awkward friend actually looked the server in her eyes when talking to her; this was out of the ordinary for Todd, Damien knowing him well enough that the lack of stuttering in his speech caught him by complete surprise. Todd usually had trouble talking to even the most averageof women, let alone one as beautiful as the one next to them was. Something had definitelyhappened!

Once the waitress made herself scarce, Damien couldn't help himself and inquired about Todd's out-of-the-blue confidence.

"Alright, somethings going on. Spill." Damien leaned over the table, his brown eyes leering at his feminine friend, "What happened? Did you take my advice and sign up for one of those apps? Did young Todd finally get some!?"

"W-What do you mean?" Todd sputtered, nearly choking on the gulp of water he'd been in the middle of taking, "I'm, er, I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Man come on! You barely stuttered when you talked to our waitress and she was a smokeshow! I know you better than that, Todd, you can't fool me."


Pausing, Todd once more found himself lost in thought. He didn't exactly feel comfortable telling Damien about what had occurred with Valya and Kala, despite their closeness; something about revealing his secret just didn't sit well with him. After his hook-up with the two women he had wantedto share everything with his friend, but there was something else holding him back, something that had been on his mind since that day. The one aspect of his successful use of a dating app that made the young, feminine man anxious nearly every time he had a moment alone with his thoughts - at least when those moments weren't occupied by his libido!

He'd barely spoken to them since. During the following days both Valya and Kala had checked up on him, both independently and together, making sure he was feeling okay about everything that happened; Valya especially was worried that she had gone too hard on him, considering it was his first time and everything. Todd reassured her that he'd had a great time, and that besides some soreness and trouble sitting down for a bit after, he was perfectly fine - the problem was that that was the only time they'd had any communication since then.

Due to his naturally timid, cautious nature, Todd couldn't bring himself to text them again. He'd heard too many stories about men overstaying their welcome or getting attached when it was supposed to be a one-time tryst, and he didn't want to fall into those categories even if that was how he'd been feeling; he really liked both of them! Todd thought about them all the time, and wanted to hangout with them even as just friends, but given what they'd told him beforehand, he'd just assumed that the hook-up was par for the course for them and was a one-and-done type of deal.

This is why he'd never sent Damien that 'thank you' text he had planned to!

" -I've just been having a good week," Todd stumbled through his excuse, wishing he still had his menu to hide behind, "that's um, that's all."

"Suuure." Damien teased, wiggling his eyebrows at Todd, "I'll get you to tell me, man. I can see it in your eyes. You met someone!"

Two people, actually.

"I wish. All I got were bots and people trying to get me to watch them cam and shit."

"Oh yeah those are the worst! Hate when I match up with a hot chick and she turns out to be fake or the pics are stolen. Kills my mood like that!"

Damien snapped his fingers for emphasis.

"Y-Yeah it really sucks..."

"You know what we should do? Damien's face lit up and he leaned over the table, "We should go clubbing together! There's a couple popular ones around here that I hang out at sometimes. Plenty of hot girls there, and you know they're all real!"

"Clubbing?" Todd looked at his friend like he'd just grown a second head, "Really?"

"Yeah, me and you! We have some drinks, hit up the dance floor, talk to some girls - it would be awesome!"

"The dance floor!? Damien, I don't know if you've ever seen me try to dance, but it is not pretty."

"Man, then you don't have to dance, plenty of people don't. Lots of people just hang out in the booths and at the bar. Come on, it would be fun!"

There was a break in their conversation as their waitress came to drop off their orders, matching plates piled high with fries and enormous burgers placed in front of them. After asking for some condiments, they dug in, the topic dropped for the time being. Damien continued to stare pointedly at Todd as they ate, waiting for him to reply - waiting to try and encourage his friend again; he also, obviously, still wanted to get the truth out of Todd, and a plan was forming in his brain on how to do so. Todd just had to quit stuffing his face and respond first!

"I don't know, Damien," Todd spoke through a mouthful of food, covering his pouty lips with one of his pale hands, "clubbing just really isn't me. You know that."

"You don't know if you don't try!" Damien grinned back, eyes narrowing, "Besides, you talked to a girl recently, that I know. You must've made the first move, so you can do it again! It's not that much harder in real life. You'll see."

"Actually it was Kala who texted me fi-"

Todd froze, his eyes going wide, his face somehow paling even more at his accidental admittance.

"Yes! I fucking knew it!" Damien cheered, slamming his hands down on the table, the cutlery and dishes rattling atop of it, "Kala? That's a pretty sexy name. I want to hear all about her, man!"

"O-Oh, um..." Todd averted his gaze, a noticeable blush coloring his cheeks, "well, uh..."

"Yeah? Come on Todd, you can't hide it anymore!"

"...she was nice. That's all. We talked but, uh... but nothing came from it. We just messaged back and forth on the app for a bit and that was it. I-I didn't meet her or anything!"

"That's it?" Damien questioned incredulously, trying to figure out if his friend was hiding something from him still, "You just talked? And that's why you're in such a good mood?"

"I-I guess?" Todd's words coming out in a more bashful manner, his confidence failing him, "It was, um, just nice to talk to a girl for once, even if things didn't go anywhere..."

Damien took a second to chew through another bite of his burger.

"I'm not convinced."

"Damien, I'm telling you, nothing happe-"

A ringing blared out from Todd's pocket.

Caught off-guard by hearing a sound his phone never made, Todd automatically reached into his jeans, his hand trembling; his first thoughts were of his job, and that an emergency must've come up that he would be responsible for fixing, the only thing he figured it could be. But as he fished the device out from his tight pants, the name that appeared across its screen, one that had just been said aloud, flashed before his eyes. Kala. It was her number - there was no mistaking that. However, whyshe was calling him was a complete mystery, the two having never spoken over the phone before.

He glanced up at Damien who was staring back at him expectedly, a kind of knowing look in his eyes; without realizing it, Todd had silently mouthed Kala's name upon reading it, and Damien had understood the wordless utterance immediately. Damien nodded at Todd rapidly, motioning with his hands for his friend to pick up the phone. Todd turned his head from his companion to the vibrating, chirping device clutched tightly in his fingers. Raising it up to his ear, he answered the call, his voice shaky and unsure as he spoke into it.


"Is it Kala?" Damien whispered from the other side of the booth, his expression formed into one of elation like he was the one being called by a woman, "It is, isn't it?"

Todd ignored him and he waited for a reply.

"Hey Todd!" A deeper voice that wasn't Kala but was still incredibly recognizable nonetheless answered back, "It's Valya! I- We just wanted to check up on you since we haven't heard from you in awhile!"

Todd swore he could hear what sounded like squelching and cries of passion on Valya's end of the call, nearly loud enough to drown out her words.

"O-Oh hey," Todd mumbled, the scarlet hue on his visage deepening, trying to keep the contents of the phone call hidden from Damien, "I'm doing alright. Um, how are you?"

"Is that Todd!?" He heard a voice moan out in the background, unmistakably Kala's this time, "Tell him I - oh fuck you're so fucking big - I said hi!"

"I'm doing good!" It was Valya again, "Sorry for the noise, we're having a bit of fun right now! But we wanted to check up on you. You never texted us again or anything!"

"Y-Yeah I can hear that. Um, sorry. I didn't really know ho-"

Todd nearly recoiled as Kala let out a screech that practically shook his phone.

"Hey, t-this is kind of a bad time, I'm actually at a, uh, a restaurant right now with a friend. Is i-it okay if we just text?"

"Oh shit, sorry Todd!" Valya apologized between grunts, her voice strained, "Yeah, I'll text you. Sorry again, cutie!"

There was a click as Valya hung up - but Todd didn't immediately lower his phone. His eyes were unfocused, barely hidden behind his royally-shaded locks, his baby-blues staring into the distance. Lip quivering with arousal, his head dropped to peer down at his lap, unsurprised at what he found; that short snippet of the kind of wanton, unrestrained sex he'd gotten to be a part of was enough to kick his libido into full gear. Bulging against his jeans and running down one of his legs more than halfway to his knee was the outline of his cock, completely hard and already leaking, a dark stain formed where his glans met the rough denim. This was not good!

He could see out of the corner of his eye that Damien was still studying him, casually chewing on a mouthful of golden-brown fries, his head slightly cocked. Had he heard the sexual ruckus that had blared through the speakers? Could he make out any of the conversation? Was he going to ask Todd questions that he didn't want to answer? Todd wasn't sure, but he didn't like the fact that any of those possibilities could be a reality. His member throbbed against his leg once more, fighting Todd's wishes that it would calm down now that he wasn't unwillingly hearing the hot action he knew was currently taking place.

Todd's one saving grace, the single thing that made this situation less mortifying, was that Kala and Valya had called to specifically check up on him; and from the way they sounded through the grunts and moans and screams, it really did seem like they actually missed him! Heart fluttering at the realization that his affections weren't as one-sided as he thought they'd been, Todd couldn't help but smile, a crooked, goofy grin plastering across his countenance, having never expected to hear from them again in a million years. They really might want to see him again!

A ding from Todd's phone woke him from his reverie.

As the screen lit up against the side of his head, Todd slowly dragged his phone away from his face towards his lap, paranoid that any wandering pair of eyes might sneak a glance at the message's contents. He gave an awkward smile at Damien before his vision fixated on the notification he'd received, seeing that it was from Kala - meaning it was actually most likely from Valya. Sliding his quivering thumb across the device and going straight to the text, Todd's eyes dilated in surprise as seeing it was two messages instead of one, the first a simple sentence saying 'We miss you!' with a bunch of kissing-emojis, while the second was clearly a video that Valya had taken for his enjoyment.

Fighting his urge to play it as soon he realized what contents it contained, the thumbnail incredibly lurid even in its blurry, partially-obscured state, Todd hesitated. Instinctively, one of Todd's fingers wrapped around the underside of his phone to reach its other side and lower the volume, the tip of his digit holding down the button until it couldn't decrease anymore. His thumb hovered above the center of the screen centimeters from touching down on the video, his cock giving another needy jump in his jeans like it was trying to tear out of its fabric prison and free itself, his bloated balls rumbling between his thighs. A light cough from Damien made Todd remember that he wasn't alone.

Jolting back up so that he was sitting straight, his shoulders tensed and hunched up to his neck, Todd gave Damien a shocked look. In a flash he grabbed his glass of water and started to down it in long, loud gulps, while simultaneously stuffing his phone back into his pants; he gave a gasp of relief once he was finished, nearly slamming the cup back down on the table in his frenzy. Damien stared at him in abject perplexion, unsure of what to make of his friend's sudden change in behavior. Clearing his throat, Todd tried to force a smile in Damien's direction, unaware that his face was beet-red and dripping with sweat.

"G-Gotta use the bathroom," Todd scooted out of the booth, keeping his hands in front of his crotch, "I-I'll be right back!"

"Sure man, uh, have fun."

Half-limping in an attempt to hide his erection, Todd rushed to the restrooms as swiftly as possible, ignoring any strange looks cast his way. Bursting into the surprisingly clean lavatory, he hurried to the row of stalls, his eyes darting side-to-side to see if anyone else was around. Shoving his way into one of the cramped stalls, Todd began stripping off his pants and pulling out his phone as he went, plopping down onto the cold porcelain with his jeans around his ankles; his cock was pushing out of the leg of his green boxers, leaking a steady stream of cloudy precum down his calf. It took Todd another several seconds of struggling to wrench his erect member through the fly of his underwear, the massive girth of his pale shaft stretching the hole to its limit.

Already stroking himself fervently, his hand gliding up and down his ruler-shaming shaft due to the natural, viscous lubrication coating its length, he held up his phone to his face, reopening the messages from Valya; Todd's heart gave another powerful throb as he read the text under the video saying that they missed him. He missed them too, more than he could express with words! Deciding to reply after he was finished with his private-time in a not-so-private place, he pressed on the video and opened it, the image of Valya and Kala in the midst of passionate coitus filling the rectangular-screen, causing his cock to buck against his palm. There would be time for emotional-fulfillment later, right now he needed to get off!

Todd felt like he could cum right then and there from how hot the couple looked in the still-picture!

It was obvious that Valya was taking the video, one of her long, beefy arms extended out over her and Kala, a big smile painted on her thin lips, her untamed mane of fiery, bright-red hair cascading down her bulky shoulders, her emerald-green eyes staring right at the camera. She was naked of course, showing off every bulging tendon and ligament of her tanned brawn, her massive, head-eclipsing tits sitting above the layered set of marble slabs she called abs. Valya's other hand was holding onto one of Kala's thick thighs, the coupling fucking atop what Todd recognized as the couch in their living room.

In contrast to her partner, Kala appeared as though she didn't even know a video was being taken! Bleached locks scattered around her head which was thrown back in a perfectly captured moment of ecstasy, her long tongue hanging out from her plump lips, her brown eyes rolled back in their sockets and her dark, mocha-complexion already splattered with dregs of semen. Her huge breasts were a blur of color, obviously having been in the middle of rocking back and forth from Valya's thrusts, her chocolate-tinted nipples pointed in opposite directions. Like her partner Kala was also completely nude.

The main star of the show was, as always, what was connecting the two women. Valya's cock! There it was, sitting between Valya's tree-trunk thighs, sticking out of her crotch, gigantic and intimidating - not that it could ever be any other way! Darker than her bronzed skin tone and covered in the same kind of enormous veins that seemingly laced every portion of Valya's incredible musculature, it jutted out into Kala's groin, splitting her puffy, swollen-with-arousal pussy, cleaving it in twain so that her lower lips were practically spread to her thighs. Kala's juices ran down Valya's awesome length, making it sheen with her lust.

Even then, Vayla only had - by Todd's estimates - only a little more than half of her cock stuffed into her girlfriend's greedy cunt, the pair separated by a couple feet of space or so. Below the red-furred, ginormous, girthy root of the she-stud's member, Todd spied her balls, as fat and corpulent as he remembered them being; in Valya's kneeled position they splayed out across two different cushions under her, rivaling her own bust in size and nearly spilling off the edge of the couch. Her sack was pulled taut across the cum-churning spheres, looking almost like a fleshy, wrinkled blanket and draping across the expanse of the furniture her tremendous testicles didn't cover. She was so enormous between the legs that she made Todd look small!

Without an ounce of hesitation, Todd played the video, turning the volume up on his phone once more.

Immediately the sound of passionate love-making echoed through the bathroom, Todd letting out his own loud moan. Fist flying up and down his cock, fingers half-wrapped around his thick shaft, he absorbed the contents of the video with laser-like focus, feeling the same emotions he did the firsttime they'd ever sent him one of their homemade sex tapes. Lust unbridled. Intense passion. Craving. At that moment Todd wanted nothing more in this world than to be with them, sharing in the sexual act, making them and himself reach orgasm after orgasm. To not be so alone.

The video started with Valya smiling at her phone as she brutally plowed into Kala, the sound of the couch creaking under them audible. While Valya wasn't saying much of anything, Kala was practically howling herself hoarse, announcing the intense pleasure she was experiencing and how fucking good her girlfriend was as a lover; despite the distance created by Vayla's extensive reach, Todd could still make out the shape of her monster distending Kala fit figure, the bulge of her cock barreling through the other woman's torso, splitting her tits down the center. Kala's stomach was already noticeably bloated with countless quarts of cum.

Angle changing, it zoomed on Kala, roaming over her sweat-and-semen saturated body. Her hands ripped desperately at the cushions around her, her strong biceps flexing as she did her best to hold on for dear life. Like Todd had seen in the preview her neck was arched, forcing her head to be pushed backwards into the couch, her pure, white locks half-covering her face; the sight of her lips reminded Todd of how they felt against his, how soft and perfect they were to kiss. Drool ran out of the corner of Kala's mouth, adding to all the other bodily fluids coating her countenance.

The picture flipped around so it was solely focused on Valya.

"Hey Todd!" She greeted him, her tone not matching the strenuous, furious activity she was currently engaged in, "Just wanted to send you this little video to say that Kala and I miss you, and we'd love it if you came over again! Sometime soon would be great! We always talk about how wonderful our night was with you. Hope you can make time to see us!"

Uttering a needy mewl, Todd responded aloud to the hyper-hung woman's request, a desperate 'please' escaping his lips. His breathing intensified as he watched the carnal scenes playing out in the video, the capture once more taking on a kind of birds-eye view, showing off everything that was happening; Valya never lost her rapid rate of rutting, her hips jerking back and forth against Kala with calculated ease. More moans and screams emanated from Todd's phone and filled the bathroom, his own schlick-filled masturbation barely audible over the lurid sounds. It finally came to an end right as it looked like Valya was reaching orgasm, pausing right as her massive member gave a powerful throb within Kala.

Without thinking about it, Todd restarted the video, playing it from its beginning once more. He studied every detail of the coupling lovers that he could, stopping it to focus on one aspect or another of their intense coitus; the way Valya's muscles naturally bulged with every movement she made, the cross-eyed orgasm-faces Kala made that never seem to depart from her features, the massive cock jutting from the she-stud's groin. There was just so much to take in! It was like each time he picked a different spot to pause on, he found something new to ogle and lust after.

His hand blurred across his cock and he restarted the homemade porno again and again, utterly enthralled by what played out across his phone's screen. Precum spurted from his engorged, pink glans, shooting onto the tiled floor in front of him, several of the ropes hitting the door across from him; even more spilled across his fingers, soaking his fist in his own secretions. Todd moaned in sync with Kala, imagining it was himself being fucked by the Amazoness woman instead of the busty, white-haired girl, picturing himself in her place.

The part of the video that Todd replayed the most was the section in which Valya spoke to him, memorizing its timestamp so he could scroll back to it over and over again. Her words filled his mind, ricocheting around his brain, repeated infinitely in his ears even when he wasn't watching the part where she addressed him; she'd said everything he'd dreamed of hearing, everything he'd hope to learn. They missed him. They enjoyed their time with him. They wanted to see him! Half the reason he kept coming back to that few-second long portion was just to make sure he wasn't imagining it!

This was how Todd remained, alone on the toilet, furiously masturbating, until he could feel his orgasm approach.

Todd fidgeted on the toilet, his legs kicking against the tiled floor, his body rocking back and forth - he was so close! Huge, swollen cock practically spraying its pre across his chest, it bucked against his torso again and again, thwacking loudly, his apple-sized balls tightening in their sack, readying him for climax; and, right as Todd felt himself right on the verge of the point of no return, he suddenly stood up, hit by the realization he wasn't in a place where he could just cum wherever he pleased.

Turning around, Todd aimed his swollen member at the toilet in front of him, not finding it within himself to kick up the seat first. Hunching over, he held his phone up as close to his eyes as he could while still being able to see the video playing on it in full, once more dragging the marker on the time-bar back to its beginning, his finger shaking and slipping against the screen. He panted, his entire face blushed as he jerked himself off as fast and roughly as he could, his hand forming a death grip around his shaft; already his pre was gushing onto the front of the porcelain throne, a puddle forming around its base.

Throwing his head back and thrusting out his hips, Todd's body was pushed over the edge. His huge cock jerked upward, taking his fist with it, and fired off its first dense rope of cum over the toilet, the lengthy ribbon clinging to the wall it landed on. Attempting to push his oversized member downward, he did his best to aim it at the bowl, and the splashing of his semen hitting the water let him know his aim was correct - or at least was mostly correct. For every impact of dense fluid blasting into the purer fluid that he heard, there were just as many noiseless shots at the same time.

But Todd didn't care! At that moment, he was completely consumed by his fantasies and the sensation of unloading after being teased during his lunch with Damien, moaning freely as he continued to masturbate his gushing member. Seconds passed by as he launched his pearly juices, at least hoping they were on target. His knees wobbled against each other and his arm bounced from his fervent jerking, nearly dropping his phone in the process of relishing in his accomplished peak. If only he could be doing this with Valya and Kala!

After what felt like an hour, his orgasm finally reached its completion.

Slowly opening his eyes, his body wavering unsteadily, Todd looked down to observe the mess he'd made - and what a mess it was! The bowl of the toilet was packed with his cum, the previously-translucent liquid muddied by his white ball brew, giving the appearance that some teenager had poured glue into it as some kind of misguided prank; the area above it was equally as drenched, streamers of his sperm clinging to every inch of the porcelain's rounded form. From his lack of lifting the seat, it was also layered in his seed, strings of his heavy jelly hanging off of its curvature both in and out like he'd attempted to repaint the whole thing.

The rest of it was just as blanketed by his ball brew. Behind the bowl the tank had numerous strands resting across it and on top of it, Todd's aim not as good as he'd thought it was; this was most evident by the state of the wall the toilet sat against. There were cords of cum cascading directly above the toilet and next to it, Todd having hosed down the entire area around the seat. Hell, even the floor was plastered in his load, a mix of his actual semen and his pre dotting the tile and leading back to his stained shoes. He'd really done a number on the stall!

Wearily, Todd set his phone on the toilet paper holder, giving himself a chance to gather his bearings before he attempted to clean up the lurid evidence he'd left all over the place. Breathing shaky, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, grimacing when his sticky, cum-laced fingers smeared its contents on his face - he should probably unsully his hands first before doing anything else! As Todd reached for the roll and prayed there would be enough sheets to soak up his sticky slime, he suddenly jerked his head to the side, an unwanted sound filling the air, one that consisted of the bathroom door creaking open, followed by loud footsteps, indicating he was no longer alone.

Shit, someone else was here!