Realizing that the euphoria-induced screams from Kala and the concentrated grunts from Valya were still blaring out of his phone's speakers, Todd hurried to close the video, his hands fumbling with the device; with one set of fingers utterly drenched in his own fluid arousal, it wasn't proving to be an easy task! By the time he managed to silence the inappropriate sounds, Todd could hear the expected noise of the other man in the restroom using the urinal, the momentary silence replaced by the splashing of his golden stream. Todd sure damn hoped he hadn't heard anything!

Luckily for Todd his cock had already started to wilt, his unexpected panic at being found out immediately killing his libido. Reaching for the roll of toilet paper next to him, Todd did his best to clean his hands and his body before doing anything else, off-white streaks of his sperm-laced juices coating his legs and shirt; as soon as he felt he looked somewhat presentable, he tucked his dick back into his boxers and pulled up his jeans, just in case the other person in the bathroom tried to check up on him. After throwing the desecrated, bunched wad into the toilet, Todd couldn't help but let out a sigh as he viewed the mess he'd have to mop up next.

It took almost the entire roll to clean his cum from the stall. Todd flushed the toilet constantly, not wanting to accidentally clog it with the sodden toilet paper; he had to wonder what the other person in the bathroom thought of the multiple flushes, a thought that only brought him further mortification. The process went on for what felt like forever, more cum seemingly appearing the moment it was wiped up, Todd's own stupendous virility an annoyance - something that wasn't new to the young man. His loads were always a bitch to handle, and they almost weren't worth the trouble. Almost.

Once he felt like he - and the stall - was clean enough, he paused and looked at his phone again, recalling Vayla's words. She wanted to see him again, inviting him to come over soon... but could that soon be now!? Swallowing his shyness, Todd forced himself to do what he'd been wanting, what he'd resisted the urge to for the past couple of weeks, and picked up his phone, his fingers hovering over the virtual keyboard. Closing his eyes, he tapped out a message to Valya through Kala's number as rapidly as possible, cringing as he hit 'send' on the text, his eyes only opening once he'd known there was no turning back.

"Can I come over today?"

Well, he'd done it! Pocketing his phone once more, Todd flushed the toilet one last time, hoping that it wouldn't draw more suspicion to what he'd been up to. Exiting the stall, he made his way to the sinks, awkwardly finding himself standing next to the man who'd walked in at the same time he was consuming pornography in public; they washed their hands in tense silence, neither saying a thing to each other, this all but confirming to Todd that is salacious activities had been discovered. The stranger left first, having been nearly finished in the restroom already, Todd taking as long as possible to clean off the scent sticking to his body, practically lathering his skinny arms up his shoulders. Once the coast was clear Todd slowly walked towards the door.

Another buzz from his pocket stopped him dead in his tracks, his hand resting on the knob of the bathroom door. Pulling out his phone as quickly as he could, Todd read over the short text that - presumably - Valya had already replied with, her words encouraging and eager; she'd told him that he could even come over now if he'd wanted! And that was all he needed to see! There was noticeable pep in his step as he marched back towards the booth and Damien, his full, pink lips once more curled into a smile. Damien raised an eyebrow at his friend as he finally returned.

"Damn man, you okay?" Damien joked, leaning back in the booth, his plate empty in front of him "I thought you'd fallen in or something - I was about to go looking for you!"

"O-Oh, um no, I'm good," Todd replied, not returning to his seat, standing next to the booth instead, "but uh, something came up and I kinda have to go. Sorry, Damien."

"Yeah? And what exactly 'came up' if you don't mind me asking?"

"You know, just... something."

Todd blushed and looked down at his feet.

"Oh shit, something like with Kala!?" Damien was grinning back at him, nodding his head in approval, "Shit man don't let me keep you waiting! Go on, we can just hang out again soon, no worries!"

"S-Sorry about this, let me send you some money for the mea-"

"Nah I got it, Todd. It's on me! Now go have some fun - but this time I better hear all about it!"

"T-Thanks, uh," Todd stammered and shifted uncomfortably where he stood, "I'll catch you later man!"

"Don't be too hard on her!" Damien practically yelled as Todd turned to leave, making the young man hunch his shoulders and lower his head in embarrassment. Rushing towards the entrance to the restaurant, Todd barely acknowledged the hostess wishing him a good day, hurriedly pushing past a large family as he stepped into the open air. He was greeted by the bright rays of the Sun which caused him to squint and shield his sensitive eyes, already looking for a shady place to collect himself at; once he'd found one he pulled out his phone, ordered a ride-share, and sent another text to Kala's phone to let Valya know he was on his way.

The entire drive over to the couple's apartment consisted of Todd staring out of the backseat window wistfully, wondering what was in store for him when he arrived. Was it going to be another threesome? Would they still be interested in having sex with him after they'd seemingly already been at it for what looked to have been hours already? Did Kala even know he was coming over? If he was being completely honest with himself, Todd would have just been happy hanging out with the two of them - though he doubted that was going to be the case. Why else would Valya send him those videos if she didn't have something more intimate planned for him?

Standing in front of their apartment, Todd did his best to steel himself, constantly repeating in his mind that he'd been invited over and that he wasn't unwelcome in their home. Taking several deep breaths first, Todd lifted a shaking fist up to the door and knocked, hoping it was loud enough to drown out whatever they were currently engaged in - though he couldn't hear anything going on from the other side of the wooden barrier. The sound of heavy, thudding footsteps reached his ears after several, long moments of silence, and there were no guesses as to who they belonged to!

The door was suddenly wrenched open with such force that Todd nearly tripped backwards in surprise.

"Todd! You made it!" Valya's voice boomed at him, her enormous figure taking up virtually the entirety of the entrance's frame, "I'm so happy to see you again!"

"Hey V-Vayla, I'm so happy to... be... here...?"

Todd's words trailed off as he balked at the statuesque woman who had chosen to answer the door completely naked. Not wearing a single stitch of clothing, Valya looked like she just stepped out of a Norse-mythology themed porno where she was playing an absurd parody of a Valkyrie - which would've been fitting given her physique! Eyes roaming up and down her expansive form, Todd's jaw dropped at her utterly brazen appearance, unable to pick one aspect of her body to ogle for more than a second at a time; he'd seen her naked before, of course, but this was something else!

She loomed over him, his face coming up to only about her breast level if that; Todd had to basically crane his neck as far back as he could just to look her in her eyes! Those same piercing, bright green irises peered down at him excitedly, half-lidded from the lust she'd been in the throes of the entire day. Her countenance was surprisingly free of the sexual mess Todd had expected to see smeared onto it, her tanned complexion glistening with a healthy layer of sweat exclusively. Flaming locks pulled back into a messy ponytail, nothing was hidden from Todd as he gazed upon her magnificent figure.

Her gigantic, cum-stained breasts heaved repeatedly from excitement, her bullet-sized, pink nipples hard as diamonds, Valya's valley of cleavage splattered with a coating of her own creation. Below her incredible bust the she-stud's hardened eight-pack of abs were still sheened with Kala's feminine secretions, flexing with each breath she took, the bricks of muscle protruding from her stomach - protruding like all of her supernatural brawn did! Relatively clean arms extended across the doorway, the striated, physical indicators of power rolled across her tanned complexion, bulging biceps and every other anatomical description Todd could think of led up to her equally-as-mountainous traps.

Groin flat, fat-free, and covered in a smattering of moistened red pubic hair, led to multiple other massive qualities the gigantic woman possessed. Her juices-mucked thighs were easily wider than Todd's own waist, and they were perhaps the most muscular area on Valya's body; dips, ridges, and hills lined the barrel-like tops of her legs, Todd probably able to stick a finger into one of the gaps between her corded bulk and have it swallowed up to his middle knuckle. Calves wider than his face and feet that looked like they rivaled a professional basketball player's, there was virtually not a single part of Valya that wasn't monumental, 'big' not even coming close to describing her awe-inspiring physique.

But Todd found him mostly mesmerized by a different muscle Valya possessed.

Slapping down the length of Valya's thighs to below her knees was her cock. Drenched with a mixture of her own dense, pure-white semen and Kala's hot juices, it hung heavily towards the ground, dripping remnants of sexual refuse onto the floor; from what Todd could see, there was a path of puddled-droplets that had trailed behind her, along with leftover cum leaking from her piss slit. Todd was actually shocked to see that she was flaccid - or at least mostly so - having fully expected her to answer the door at her utterly gigantic full size once he saw that she was naked.

But even in its flaccid state Valya's member was nothing short of awesome. Fatter than Todd could ever hope to fully encircle with both hands, it was at least twice as long and thick as his own oversized dick, actually appearing as though it was some sort of mutated third leg drooping from Valya's crotch. Pronounced veins marbled its darkened hue, visibly pulsing though it was soft, the red-and-blue tubes snaking along the entirety of her insane length until it reached her angry, scarlet glans that almost matched the shade of the hair on her head, the flared crown wider than the rest of her girthy shaft.

And behind it sagged Valya's sack, which contained balls that currently appeared larger than her humongous bust, having grown bigger than when Todd had seen them in the video she'd sent him earlier; this was not something that surprise the feminine young man, knowing very well already that Valya's testicles only swelled with each orgasm she experienced. They hung just as low as her cock did, bouncing around between her the top of her calves, her wiry-haired scrotum trembling from the movement of her cum factories. The same gurgling that Todd had heard during their time together announced their constant, limitless churning of gallons and gallons of fresh seed.

Instantly, Todd's own cock hardened in his jeans, extending back down towards his knee. His breathing intensified as he ogled Valya's glorious figure, his complexion growing a bright pink for like the hundredth time that day. Vision completely riveted on Valya's ginormous junk, Todd couldn't find it in himself to move or say anything more, entering the same kind of fugue state as he had during his first encounter with the couple; he had no idea how much time had passed as he stood there staring at her, frozen in place by his own arousal.

Valya, however, was still in control of her mental faculties.

"Please, come in, Todd!" She swept one of her giant arms across the entry, welcoming her guest in, stepping aside to make room for him, "While I don't mind showing off for a cutie like you, I don't want to hear another complaint from one of our neighbors!"

"T-Thank you, um sorry," Todd squeaked, scurrying into the apartment, Valya slamming the door behind him, "sorry, y-you just caught me off guard."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry! I should have thrown something on! I just didn't expect you to get here so quickly. I thought you said you were at lunch?"

"I-I was, but..." Todd gulped, struggling to decide how honest he was going to be, "we were, uh, basically finished anyway. So it was fine!"

"Good, good!" Valya began to lead him into her home, her feet squelching against the sticky, fluid-mucked floor, "I'm glad I didn't interrupt your plans or anything."

"No, y-you're good!"

Upon walking out of the entrance into the main area of the apartment, Todd was greeted by a sight he should have expected, but instead caught him by complete surprise once more. The living room was a Goddamn mess from Valya and Kala's previous coitus, the one he'd seen an undoubtedly fragment of in the video. Every inch of the floor from the kitchen to the sliding glass door on the other end of the living room was flooded with Valya's cum, nearly an inch-high, and, as Todd quickly discovered through his sneakers, still very warm. He was hit by the overwhelming musk of the sex as well, his slender nose wrinkling from the potent miasma.

Through the mass of ball brew coating every surface imaginable, Todd could just make out Kala still laying across the white-washed couch, her figure scarcely visible under the heavy plastering she'd been on the receiving end of multiple times more than likely. Her stomach was massively inflated, weighing down her form, sticking out so high he wondered if her arms could reach the top of it, and obviously much wider than she could ever hope to hug fully; one side of her cum-gut even hung over the edge of the couch, the other flattening a ruined cushion. Kala's pleasant, mocha-complexion was no longer present across her fit, curvaceous frame, masked under unquantifiable amounts of seed.

He could hear her moan and pant under the encompassment of sexual fluids, indicating she was at least somewhat still conscious. Valya paused her leading of Todd when her partner came into view, stopping to ogle her like she was basking in the sight of how she'd left her; Todd was certainly doing just that, the memories of having watched it happen in real time racing through his brain. Another, gushing raucous reached Todd's ears, and he was able to make out the waterfalling of cum coming from between Kala's legs, her utterly gaped cunt draining the dense slime bloating her womb and flooding the floor further. Just how long had they been fucking for!?

Not knowing what else to do, Todd did the polite thing and greeted his other host.

"H-Hey Kala, it's nice to see you again."

She gurgled a reply back, one that at least sounded something like his name.

"Come on, Todd, let's go to the bedroom," Valya placed one of her gigantic mitts on Todd's back, "Kala needs her rest."

"Oh yeah, um, sure."

Valya began walking him down the familiar path to the ladies' bedroom.

"Did you like the video I sent you?" Valya questioned, opening the door to her and Kala's room and ushering him inside, "We were talking about you before we got started, so I thought you might enjoy another peek at what we were doing!"

"I-It was great!" Todd stuttered, stepping into the bedroom, "You guys are so hot. I really appreciated it."

"You're too sweet! I'm happy to hear you liked it!"

Valya took a seat on the large bed her and Kala shared, patting the spot next to her, coaxing Todd to do the same. Looking around the room, astonished at how spotless it was, Todd did just that; they must have owned some miraculous cleaning products to get all the cum out of the carpet... and the walls... and the ceiling at that! Smiling at him, Valya waited for her guest to relax and get comfortable, looking down at Todd as he studied their sleeping - and fucking - space, knowing she needed to be patient with the young man. Just because they had slept together once, didn't mean he wasn't still a shy little cutie!

Todd's heart began to race as he mentally relived what had happened to him in that exact spot previously. Making out with Kala and then freaking out. Watching the couple together. Jerking off before having his first time with Valya. It was all enough to cause his cock to strain harder against his jeans, and Todd fought his instinctive urge to cover himself up; though considering Valya had already seen him completely naked already, it didn't make sense to be so shy! Still, he couldn't help but feel nervous and a bit uncomfortable, his timidness having not dissipated as much as he'd hoped it would.

Finding himself staring at Valya once more, Todd was at least happy to see that she seemed happy to have him over again, which helped quell his unwelcome anxiety. She looked so sexy, even while simply sitting there next to him and not doing much else, Valya radiating sex appeal just by existing. Her cock nearly reached the carpeted floor in her current position, her massive log of fuckmeat hanging over the edge of the bed, her glans parallel with her ankles; Todd gulped from the remembrance of how good it felt inside of him. Was he going to get to experience that divinesensation again?

Valya rubbed his back, sensing his internal conflict.

"I'm really glad you came over, Todd. Like I said before, Kala and I really missed you.

"I-I'm glad I did too." Todd looked towards his feet, embarrassed by admitting something that shouldn't have been embarrassing to admit, "I missed you guys too. Thank you."

"Of course!" Valya wrapped her arm around Todd's shoulder and pulled him to her muscled side, his head mashing into one of her enormous breasts, "But, if you don't mind, I have a question for you."

"Oh? Um yeah, ask whatever you want, Valya."

"Kala and I both noticed that you never texted us back, is all. We were worried that you didn't have a good time and didn't want to see us again, but, well, you're here now. And it doesn't seem like you don't not want to be here..."

Vayla sighed.

"So I guess my question is: you want to be here, right? I want to make absolutely sure that you aren't feeling.... pressured, or anything like that."

Todd's head shot up, his visage turning a ghastly white as he turned to stare back at Valya. Shit, this is the one thing he didn't want to talk about! Body already trembling, his fingers twisting together atop his lap, Todd tried to work up the nerve to say something to his host. Did he tell her the truth and explain his persistent fears and doubts? Could he lie to one the two people who had shown him more care and affection than any woman had in his life? Why was this so fucking hard for him to do? Valya's expression deepened into one of concern, and she placed her hand on the back of Todd's head, petting his dyed locks gently.

"Shit, Todd, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. We just thought we'd done something wrong!"

They thought they did something wrong!?

"N-No... you guys were amazing," Todd mumbled before pushing himself away from Valya's sweaty torso, realizing her breast was smothering his words, "it's not that. I just thought..."

"Thought what? That we didn't want to see you again?"

It was like she'd read his mind!

"Y-Yeah, I guess. It's just that..."

He hesitated, though he tried his best to meet Valya's gaze.

"...you guys said you do this kind of thing all the time." Todd began to explain, his voice quivering, "When we first talked over the dating app and at breakfast the next morning after, um, after I stayed over. I just figured it was like... like a one-time thing. You and Kala didn't mention anyone else you'd hooked up with before me, so I put two-and-two together, and-"

" - that we weren't gonna text you to see us again." Vayla nodded her head, finishing his sentence, understanding clear on her face, "Makes sense."

"A-And I didn't want to bother you guys or make you think I was like, a clingy loser or anything. I was afraid of what you and Kala would think of me if I kept texting you all the time, so I was trying to move on, happy that I- we, uh, that it happened at all."

"Ugh I'm so stupid!" Valya scolded herself, smacking her hand loudly against her forehead, Todd's eyes bugging out in confusion, "I should have figured as much. I'm sorry Todd, this is my fault."

"W-What do you mean?"

"You're not wrong about our threesomes usually being one-and-done meetups, but it's not usually because we want it to end up like that. Sure, sometimes the guys turn out to be weirdos and things don't go well, but usually we end up being too much for the people we bring over, and they ghost us. We thought it was the same with you, but Kala kept bringing you up and I decided to reach out and..."

She gave him a weary smile.

"...and here you are! I guess we were wrong about you, Todd, and I'm glad we were."

"That... that makes sense," Todd admitted happily, though his body still shook with his unrelenting nerves, "I didn't think of it that way. I'm sorry!"

"You have nothing to apologize for - your reasoning makes total sense. We should have been more clear in our intentions the morning after. But I think we were still both really nervous!"

Valya chuckled, while Todd gawked at her in amazement.

"Y-You were nervous?" He asked, perplexed by the thought of two of the most confident people he'd ever met ever hesitating at doing anything, "Sorry, that's just really hard to believe!"

"Hey, we're still just a couple of regular girls, you know?" She grinned at him, though she raised an arm and flexed her glistening, boulder-like bicep as if to counter her own point, "And yeah, I mean... I told you about our previous experiences, so you can see why we'd be nervous. It's not easy being ghosted over and over again."

"I-I get that, I do."


Valya suddenly twisted around fully to face Todd, crossing one of her massive legs over its opposite's mountainous thigh.

"Now that we've cleared that up, Kala and I both wanted to know if you were interested in making this a more regular thing? Coming over to see us, to have some fun. And it'll be me and Kala next time, I promise - we just didn't know if you were gonna come over so we started a bit early."

Todd sat up straight, eyes shining at the towering woman.

"Really? We can do that? Y-You guys really want to see me more?"

"Of course! Like I said, there's a reason we wanted to see you again and it's because we both like you Todd. We had a great time that night and you were fun to hang out with after. Kala was thrilled when I told her you were coming over!"

Todd finally managed his own smile.

"Then, um, my answer is 'yes' of course," His shyness shone through once more, his words coming out in a half-whisper, "I'd really like to see you two more, and I feel the same about you too. I-I really enjoyed being with you and Kala."

"Perfect, that's just what I was hoping to hear you say!"

Without any warning, Valya hunched over and took Todd's pointed-chin in one of her gigantic, calloused fingers and held his head up. Putting her face to his, she kissed him, her thin lips pushing against his plumper pair, her other hand sliding around his skull to cup his cheek. In response, Todd reached up and grabbed onto Valya's forearm, his tiny fingers not even coming close to encompassing its tough brawn; this wasn't to try and shove her away or anything of the sort. No, Todd was holding Valya tightly like he never wanted her to stop kissing him.

She didn't stop, though she also didn't make any movements to bring the kiss further. Valya didn't slide her thick tongue into his mouth or grope him, she simply continued on in the same manner; Todd didn't mind at all, more than happy to let the statuesque woman take the reins. Besides, it wasn't like the kiss wasn't good, and Todd could feel every ounce of Valya's mirth at how their conversation went on her lips. He did wish that Kala was there, not only because he liked her too, but because he almost felt like he was doing something wrong by being with her girlfriend when she wasn't there to witness it.

After several long moments, Valya pulled back, keeping her face level with Todd's.

"That was really nice, your lips are so soft," she complimented him, using a thumb to stroke his smooth skin under one of his eyes, "but, and as much as I'd love to continue, I wanted to talk some more first. Is that okay?"

Todd slowly peeled his eyes open and nodded.

"That's fine, Valya. But, um, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well," Valya started, slowly moving back into her original position, "if we're gonna keep seeing each other like this - if all three of us do - I want to get to know you a bit more first. I don't really know much about you, Todd."

"Oh! Yeah that sounds good. I'd, erm, I'd like to get to know you both better too."

He stuttered and blushed.

"Though I guess Kala isn't here to join us."

"Ha! True. But no worries, there will be plenty more chances in the future for you two to talk."

"Good t-to know."

"So, cutie, tell me about yourself!"

Todd couldn't help but chuckle and roll his eyes.

"Come on, you can't just say that!" He shook his head, his mood lightening for the first time since he'd arrived at the apartment, "I don't know where to start!"

"Hmmm, fair." Valya thought to herself for a moment, "How about... Oh! What do you do for a living? I think I remember you telling Kala you lived alone, so I'm sure you have a job."

"Job? Uh, nothing interesting. I just work IT for a big company. Remotely. You know, coding and and behind the scenes stuff, making sure all the software functions and nothing crashes. Stuff like that."

"No way!" Valya suddenly exclaimed in her naturally booming voice, nearly knocking Todd off of the bed with her excited exclamation, "That's basically what I do! Though I don't get to work from home anymore - they took that 'privilege' away from us. But yeah I'm also in IT in a way, but I also handle some Cyber Security stuff as well. I can't believe we have the same career!"

"Y-Yeah, me either..."

Todd struggled to imagine what Valya would look like in proper work attire, sitting in a tiny-for-her office chair and bent over an undersized desk and monitor.

"You look surprised."

Shaking his head of the comical - and kind of hot - imagery out of his brain, Todd stuttered as he tried to reply.

"N-No! I'm not." He shrank a bit as Valya raised an eyebrow at him, "O-Okay maybe a little. It's just not what I expected!"

"Oh? And what did you expect?"

"I don't know, something like working construction or like a, um, personal trainer. Something more physical."

Todd blushed and looked away from the giantess of a woman once more.

"S-Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed..."

"Don't worry Todd, I'm not offended!" Valya put one of her face-sized hands on his shoulder, "Everyone assumes that I work a job like that. It's okay, really."

"I feel bad though," he admitted, trying to muster the courage to face her again, "I shouldn't have been so shocked. I guess you just didn't strike me as an 'office worker' type of person."

"And like I said, I don't think anyone would blame you for thinking that - I certainly don't. And now you know the truth. I have a degree in CompSci and everything, I just keep it tucked away so it doesn't get, ahem, ruined by accident."

"You have a degree? That's really awesome."

"Yeah, cost me a pretty penny though!" She joked, before realizing there was something else behind what Todd had said, "Wait - do you not have one?"

"Oh, um no, I don't." Todd felt embarrassed to say it aloud, for some reason, "My parents couldn't really afford to send me to college, so I just taught myself coding stuff with some free online courses. I passed a test and an interview and I've been working for the same company ever since."

"Damn, now that's impressive, cutie! You must be really smart! It's not exactly an easy industry to break into these days."

"Yeah, I guess, but I'm nothing special, really."

"Don't give me that!" She half-growled, causing Todd to jolt to attention like he was being scolded in class, "I think you're smart and cool and handsome, and so does Kala. Don't sell yourself short!"

"Thanks, I-I'll try not to..." Todd tried to hide his discomfort by switching the subject, "Um, speaking of Kala, what does she do for work?"

Now it was Valya's turn to express surprise.

"Kala? Um, she's actually in between jobs right now. Yeah, so she isn't working, but she is looking! I'm just supporting us until then."

"Wow, you're really awesome, Valya, that's so sweet of you to do that for her."

"That's what being in a relationship is about!" She joked, her posture easing, "So, what do you like to do when you're..."

The conversation continued.

They talked and talked, learning more about each other. Sharing interests and experiences they'd had, Valya interjecting with information about Kala since she was still recovering; Todd found they had more in common than he'd expected, like an appreciation for certain shows and anime. Valya even told him she played the occasional video game! Todd felt more and more at ease, almost like he was just talking to Damien instead of the person who'd given him the best night of his life - but this led him to getting conversely distracted by the presence of the beauty he was chatting with at the same time.

Having not much else to look at while they conversed, Todd couldn't help but continue to admire Valya's insane physique, his beautiful eyes making - what he hoped were - sneaky glances at her form. With the layer of differently sourced moisture coating her figure, Vayla's dwarfing-figure stood out in a way Todd had never seen it do before; it was like every single one of the countless muscles his host possessed were extra pronounced because of it, like a bodybuilder oiled up for a competition. He couldn't help but feel jealous how much effort she put into her body.

It was clear that Valya took perfect care of herself. The only fat obvious on her body was on her enormous breasts and ass - though when it came to the latter it was still hard and firm like the rest of her was. Biceps bigger than his head, abs that could make any gym-goer jealous, legs like pillars of steel; Valya was the full package and more, and that wasn't even mentioning her other package! Having not grown since he'd arrived, her flaccid cock was still monstrous by no stretch of the word, looking as enticing as any of her other hardened qualities. The sight of it alone was enough to make Todd's mouth moisten!

She was just so gorgeous!

"Todd?" She suddenly asked, cocking her head at him, "Are you still with me?"

"W-What? I'm sorry, I- did you ask me something?"

"I did, but forget it. Is something the matter?"

"The matter?" Shit, he'd been caught! "N-No, I was just, um, looking at... you."

"Yeah? What about me?"

"J-Just how um, big you are - a-and I don't just mean down there. You're so strong and muscular and everything, I guess I was just admiring how good you look..."

Todd bit his lower lip, and cast his eyes away from her.

"Awww thank you, Todd!" Valya grinned and flexed her arms again, doing a series of partial-poses for her guest, "It's nice to know my hard work is appreciated!"

"Of course..."

"Alright, obviously something else is on your mind! What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Really! I guess I'm just kind of jealous? I don't know. I've never been strong or fit or anything of the sort. You and Kala both are in really good shape."

"I understand, but I think you're handsome just the way you are." She praised him once more, returning a hand to his back, "But I understand wanting to, er, improve yourself."

Todd didn't respond to her compliments, still staring at his feet.

"You know, if you want, you can come to the gym with Kala and I. Neither of us would mind, and we could definitely show you the ropes and how everything works!"

"Really?" Todd finally returned his gaze to Valya, "But, well, I don't want to get in your guys' way or anything. I don't think I could keep up with you two."

"Oh stop that!" Valya admonished him, scowling, "You wouldn't be in the way! We'd be more than happy to help you! Everyone starts from somewhere, you know."


"Sure! And besides, if you start doing squats with Kala, that ass of yours would get even nicer!"

Valya giggled but couldn't stop herself from licking her lips, her mind clearly imagining one thing in particular.

"But really, you're always welcome to join us. I'll give you our schedule too, if you want, so you can figure out a time that works for you. You and I probably work similar hours, so I bet you'd be able to go with us."

"I... I think I'd like that." Todd relented, the idea of spending even more time with the lovely ladies sending his heart thumping in his chest, "Though, I'd need to buy some workout clothes first. I don't think I own anything appropriate for the gym."

"You could always wear a pair of Kala's spats!" Valya shot back with a wink, which sent a shiver down the feminine boy's spine, "But we can also help you find an outfit, if you wanted."

"That would be great!"

He smiled up at the hyper-hung woman.

"Well, Todd, since you've been admiring me this whole time, would you like a closer look at my body?"

"A-A closer look?"

"Sure!" Valya purred back at him, leaning back to present herself to her guest, "Get as close as you want - do whatever you want. I'm all yours, cutie."

Todd gaped at her for a long minute, the meaning behind her offer slowly registering in his brain. Nodding at Valya, he swallowed loudly before going along with what he wanted, his eyes wide. Carefully, Todd crawled towards her, having to balance himself on one of her gigantic, slick thighs, his fingers shaking and unsteady against her ridiculous bulk, snaking his head out towards her abs; Valya cooed appreciatively as he finally touched her, her hand on his back sliding up to his hair, caressing his soft, purple locks. Cautiously, Todd stuck out his tongue and made a single lick across Valya's eight-pack.

The taste that greeted his tongue was strong but not unpleasant, much like Valya herself was. He could make out all of the different fluids saturating Valya's body - cum, sweat, and what he assumedwas Kala's liquid arousal, having never ever had a chance to experience it himself. Todd moaned quietly at the flavor, his cock reawakening in his jeans, the intense flavor enough to reignite his lust; emboldened by his libido, he lavished several more licks across Valya's abs, tracing their shape with the tip of his pink mouth muscle. Lapping at the virile Goddess before him's stomach, he drank down the remnants of her previous love-making with Kala, filling his cheeks and throat with the dense essence over and over again.

Taking a hand off Valya's chair-sized thigh, Todd instead used it to grope at her musculature, roaming his fingers over her amazing brawn that should have made him feel emasculated but just turned him on even more instead. After cleaning her abdomen, spit shining it to the best of his abilities, he made his way towards her gigantic breasts, burying his head in her countenance-consuming cleavage, slurping up the leftover sexual gunk with the same fervor he did her stomach. His entire face was warmed by her moist canyon, sweat already beginning to form on his brow; he cupped her massive mounds as he orally-worshiped them, relishing in the feeling of how small his mitts were compared to any part of her.

Valya was obviously enjoying his ministrations as he performed them.

"Mmm, just like that, baby," she muttered under her breath, placing her free hand on his lap, "you're doing so well. Just keep going, keep cleaning me with your tongue. Show me how much you appreciate my body!"

Groaning at her encouraging words, Todd picked up his pace, sucking one of her fat nipples between his lips. As he nursed on the swollen nub, he observed more of Valya's incredible physique from out of the corner of her eyes, catching glances of her awesome arms and hilly shoulders mostly - though that was still enough to keep his mind spinning! He couldn't help but wonder how other people looked at Valya while she was at the gym working out, no doubt putting everyone around her to shame. Did they ogle her with the same lust he did? Did they look upon her in envy as she walked in with Kala - her girlfriend equally as hot as she was, in her own way - on her arm? Or did they glare at her, and think of her as some kind of freak of nature?

He certainly hoped it wasn't the latter, but Todd wasn't naive enough to discount the possibility. If hewent with them to the gym, he was sure he'd be overshadowed by the gorgeous pair, and people would probably gaze at him perplexed, wondering how he got so lucky to have captured their affections - something he still wondered himself, even as he continued to pleasure Valya. The thought made him want to workout out with them more - if that was possible - the idea of just being in public with the two where others could see them sending shockwaves of excitement through his brain.

Switching nipples, Todd attacked the other hard nub, biting down on it, drawing an appreciative gruntfrom Valya. His hands roamed across her sides, feeling up her muscled ribcage, amazed at the discovery that his fingers were unable to even make a dent in her concrete-comparable flesh. Once he was finished lapping up all the lurid muck across her lightly-hued areola, he lathered up the rest of her busty acreage, crawling onto her to get at the top of the jiggling mounds until he was basically straddling the massive woman. Legs spread as far as they could just to mount her enormity, his jean-clad, fat ass sitting right above her flaccid member, Todd couldn't help but grind his groin against her abs.

Valya palmed Todd's backside with both hands, nearly completely encompassing his rotund cheeks in her lengthy fingers, squeezing them roughly enough to draw a squeal from the feminine male's lips - lips that were currently attached to Valya's neck. She played with his rear, bouncing the denim-covered globes in her wide palms, pulling Todd in closer to her; this just made him suck harder at the skin below her chin, though he was careful to not leave any lasting marks. Feeling the same, intense lust that Todd did, Valya began to pump her hips upward against him, jiggling him up and down on her lap.

And that wasn't the only thing Todd was jiggling against either!

"Fuck you get me so hot!" Valya snarled, lifting Todd by his ass so that he was face to face with her, "I'm so glad you decided to come over today! I've missed this fat ass!"

"I'm glad I came over to-"

Todd suddenly yelped as Valya planted a brutal slap against his cheeks.