Before he was able to resume his cut-off response, Valya kissed him. Hard. Unlike the previous meeting of their lips, this one was filled with passion and intention, Todd's cheeks immediately stuffed with the she-stud's thick-and-long tongue. It only took a second for him to return the gesture. Now making out fervently, Todd threw his arms over Valya's neck, holding the back of her head and caressing her silky, scarlet locks, his torso sandwiched between her humongous tits. They moaned into each other's mouths, both of them able to taste the sexual refuse leftover from earlier that day.

As spit was shared between them, Todd could feel yet another of Valya's appendages pressing into his backside. He didn't have to spare a glance to know what it was. Turned on by Todd's bodily-worship and the salacious kiss, Valya's colossus-cock was coming to life once more, erecting, growing without needing to be touched itself. The very moment that it began to rise it bucked against Todd's ass, forceful enough to nearly send him bouncing off of Valya, only her grip on his cheeks keeping in place; he wiggled himself against her awakening enormity, the urge to please her to the best of his abilities still going strong.

It only continued to expand against him, Todd able to make out much of its additional size through his jeans, its increasing girth and length both he could feel; this was due to the fact that the harder Valya's monster became, the higher it stuck straight into the air. Her goliath serpent was beginning to ruffle the bottom hem of his shirt, pushing it up his back and exposing his alabaster, soft skin, warming him with its radiated, naturally-intense heat. Todd shimmied against the incredible quantity of inches throbbing against his ass.

They didn't stop. Kissing. Grinding. Touching. Not even pausing to breathe, the pair relegating themselves to inhaling and exhaling through their colliding nostrils, tickling each other's lips. Eyes closed, going by feel alone, Valya mauling Todd's ass cheeks and humping against them, Todd playing with her hair and caressing her monstrous delts and traps. And still Valya's cock grew, needing ample time and space to reach its full size, her towering pillar of fuckmeat riding up Todd's back, extending out parallel to her own body; he eventually became imprisoned between her breasts and hardening member, like he'd been caught in the trap of an ancient ruin in an adventure movie.

Not much longer passed before Todd could feel Valya's fat tip poke at the nape of his neck, and he knew from previous experiences that it was still a ways off until it's engorgement finished. Only a few moments later it ruffled his hair, her lower head meeting his actual head - and it wouldn't stay her lower head for long! Soon after, Todd could see the shadow it cast across his and Valya's visages when it passed his hairline, peeking an eye open to observe its intimidating silhouette. He watched it grow and grow and grow, until it's reddened, swollen peak hovered above him by a good foot, at least.

Then, and only then, did Valya slip her lips away from Todd's.

"Feel that, Todd?" She asked him, saliva dripping down her chin, her green eyes staring intensely his way, "Feel how fucking big I am for you? How Goddamn horny you make me with that sexy body of yours?"

"I-I do!" Todd moaned back, his breathing ragged, "I can feel it, Valya. You're... you're so huge. I, it makes m-"

"That's right!" She boomed, smacking his ass again and again to punctuate her point, "So don't everdoubt that I like you - that I want you. Or that Kala feels the same. You're always welcome to share our bed, got it?"

"I-I got it! Thank you."

Valya stole another kiss from him.

"You're welcome, handsome. Now, it's time for you to strip for me."

She paused and bit her lower lip, remembering that the person she was with wasn't as confident as her girlfriend was.

"Is that okay?"

Todd nodded at her.

"Yeah, um, I can take my clothes off for you..."

"Good boy!"

Grabbing onto his wide hips, Valya hauled Todd off her lap like he weighed nothing more than a bag of flour, and sat him back down on the bed next to her, giving him an encouraging pat on the back before he could get settled. Previously-forgotten nervousness returning to him, Todd stood, his knees wobbling, and looked over at Valya who flashed him a toothy smile in return; but this is not where Todd's attention was drawn. His vision was fixated on the giantess of the enormously endowed woman's granite-hard appendage pointing out in front of her, which she was already stroking casually.

Frozen in place by the sight of it, Todd found he lacked the will to do anything except ogle Valya's extreme erection, the fact that had seen it in person before doing nothing to stifle his amazement. It was just so fucking monstrous! Valya's uninhibited, full-sized cock jutted out past her knees by huge margin - something it could do even flaccid - longer than even her statuesque legs were - longer than her own arms could hope to reach across the entirety of! A meter stick didn't possess enough measured-length to meet it end-to-end, Valya's member coming up closer to Todd's own, admittedly short, height than he ever would have dreamed was possible until meeting her.

Criss-crossing this utter bridge of virility were a webbing of veins that were as discernibly massive as the cock they belonged to. Many of the gnarled, root-like protrusions were even longer than Todd's own oversized member, and nearly just as fat; they made her shaft appear even bigger than it already was, the twisted, throbbing veinage only adding to her stupendous girth - a girth that was just as mind-boggling as her member's length. Valya's colossus seemed as nearly thick as Todd's waist - something he could attest to the validity of, having tested it first hand - giving the impression she had a fleshy, dark cannon sticking out from her red-furred groin, one that was topped a melon-sized glans that was somehow impossibly even wider again in its furiously aroused state.

Actively dripping dense dollops of precum onto the carpet below it, Todd's eyes were able to follow the journey they made up Valya's vascular member. Her urethra, which hung from the underside of her shaft like a second cock, visibly distended with each helping of sperm that raced up its length, swollen with seed. Todd could also hear these gouts of cum as they traveled up her tremendous tunnel, the noise the process made akin to someone trying to slurp up porridge through a straw; this paled in comparison, however, to the sound that emanated from the area between Valya's huge feet.

Fully aroused, Valya's balls had grown along with her cock, and they - along with her sagging rolls of sack skin - now touched the floor under her. They rumbled against the carpet, their brewing of baby batter audible and visible; Todd could literally see the massive orbs twitch and bloat as they churned up sperm, the excess of which was flowing out of Valya's mouth-sized piss slit. Like her shaft and the rest of Valya's body, her scrotum was frighteningly venous, the wrinkled exterior of the fleshy bag contorted by the blood-filled tubes, dotted by more fiery hairs. The whole mass of cum and meat and everything looked like it weighed a ton!

Screw the gym, Todd could just use Valya's balls to workout with!

"What's wrong, baby?" Valya gave him a knowing smile as she jerked herself off, both of her hands together falling short at encompassing her own thickness, "Something catch your eye? See something you like?"

Todd gasped, struggling to form a response.

"Could it be this?"

Valya bounced her member up and down, giggling at how closely Todd's eyes followed its movements.

'I-I-I-" Todd stuttered, his hands crossing over his groin like that might mask his crystal clear arousal, "I just can't believe how big it is!"

"But you've seen it before - I didn't think you'd be so shocked the second time around."

"I don't... I don't think I could ever get over how enormous it is, Valya! How enormous you are! It's- you're so amazing!"

"Thank you, cutie," she blew him a kiss, and leaned forward, "Kala always says the same thing."

"I bet..."

"But Todd, weren't you going to undress for me? I really want to see that nice body of yours!"

"R-Right, yeah. Um, sure. Let me just, uh..."

Closing his eyes, Todd took a deep breath and reached down to the bottom of his shirt, finding it - to no surprise - wet from grinding himself up against Valya. Trying to muster the same courage he had when he first came over, he slowly peeled his top over his torso, baring his body to Valya's concentrated gaze; when it was over his head he let it drop to floor, Valya giving him an appreciative whistle and singing his praise, letting him know how cute and soft he looked. He could hear her hands schlick faster across her pulsating pole, the sound of her pre splattering onto the floor reaching his ears.

Instead of moving onto the hardest part of the strip show, Todd took a minute to kick off his shoes - having forgotten to do it in his astonishment when he first arrived - and remove his socks, nudging them over next to his discarded shirt. Now he was standing in just his jeans, the obvious outline of his cock bulging down one of his legs, having hardened and softened again again since entering the apartment; he could feel that the denim around his knee to his ankle was soaked with his precum, his uncontrollable leakage having persisted with the length of his erections. Another deep breath later, and Todd moved his hands to the front of his pants.

Fumbling with the button and zipper on his jeans first, he snagged his fingers into the waistband of his pants. Silently urging himself to just get it over with, he yanked his bottoms down to his ankles, nearly tripping when he stepped out of them. Todd finally opened his eyes now that he was nearly fully-nude, staring down his skinny, pastel-hued chest and tiny nipples, past his flat stomach and wide hips, to the one article of clothing he was still wearing; the green coloration of his boxers was splotched all over with his pre, his cock sticking out of one of the legs. As quickly as he had his jeans, Todd slipped off his underwear, his dick springing to attention.

He looked to Valya for the approval he craved.

"Now that's what I wanted to see!" She cheered at him, rapidly nodding, her eyes devouring his pear-shaped figure, "You look just as good as I remember, baby. And I still can't get over how big your dick is - it's seriously impressive! I'm sure Kala would love a ride on it one of these days."

"Thank you, I'm uh, I'm happy that you like my body."

"I do! And I like that you're willing to show it off for me. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to do so."

"Y-You and Kala make me feel good about myself," Todd shyly admitted, blushing, one of his feet kicking against the carpet, "like no one ever has. It's still hard t-to do, er, this, but I don't want to disappoint you."

"Awww Todd, you could never disappoint me! I like you just how you are. Even if you just came over to talk and hang out, I'd be happy."

Todd couldn't help but smile at her encouragement.

"Can you do one more thing for me, cutie?"

"Yeah! Of course! What do you want me to do?"

"Will you turn around?" A mischievous, hungry grin lifted Valya's lips, "There's still one part of you I haven't seen."

That was what he'd expected to be asked. While he was confident that Valya really did like all of his figure, he knew that her favorite part of him was his ass, a feature of his he'd been self-conscious about before meeting the couple; well, he was self-conscious about every part of his body, but his butt especially drew his internal-ire. Girls always told him they were jealous of how wide his hips and how big his rear was, but that didn't mean they wanted him for that reason, not like his present company. Guys too used to make weird lewd yet homophobic comments about his appearance, likening him to a female, their hurtful words fueling his lack of confidence.

But not Valya or Kala! They liked him for who he was and how he looked, and they were never shy about expressing this, much to his enjoyment. The pair made him feel good about himself for once, despite his flaws. In their presence he didn't have to care that he had a girlish figure or feminine features, knowing that they wanted him despite - or perhaps in spite - of those qualities that he possessed, the evidence obvious enough in Valya's ravenous expression and the state of her hole-ruining member. Todd used this knowledge to act and fulfill his host's request.

Turning around, Todd presented his ass to Valya. Immediately he heard her moan at the sight of his wobbling, smooth cheeks, her double-fisting of her member growing louder. Emboldened by her lurid reaction, Todd did something he never had before - something he never thought he'd ever do - and gave his hips a swift, little wiggle, sending his pale globes clapping together wildly. He blushed out of view of Valya at the noise his rotund rear made - but that didn't stop him. Todd continued to shake his backside for the she-bull's lustful pleasure, trying to mimic what he'd seen the curvaceous women in porn did.

There was a sudden stomping and creaking of the bed, muted thuds rapidly approaching Todd. Before he could even begin to turn around, Valya had pounced on him, twirling him around so that he was facing her and lifting him off his feet; he uttered a gasp of surprise as was suddenly smushedagainst the human giantess's steely abs and pillowy breasts once more, Valya clawing at his ass, supporting his entire weight with a single hand. She raised him up to her face and kissed him once more, her other hand cupping his chin as she attacked his plush lips, a low growl emanating from her throat.

He'd really gotten her riled up, it seemed!

Once he was no longer caught off-guard by the sudden, sensuous assault on his person, Todd kissed her back and returned his fingers to her body, running them up and down her arms, tracing the veins that marbled the skin across her bowling-ball-sized biceps. He couldn't stop himself from humpingagainst her stomach, sliding his huge cock up and down her amazing physique, staining her tanned flesh with his own precum this time around; similarly, Valya's member flexed against his ass, beatingan imprint of its gargantuan shape into his obese cheeks, Todd purposefully meeting the impacts with his own shallow bounces.

Still sustaining his entire body, Valya slowly made her way back to the bed - though she didn't quite sit back down on it just yet. She continued to hold the diminutive boy and make out with him, practically sucking the air out of his lungs she kissed him so forcefully; Todd didn't mind this at all. With how aroused he was, Valya could have crushed him into a ball with any of her many muscles and he would've thanked her for doing it! He already felt like he was on the verge of cumming, his ruts against her abdomen speeding up, his moans growing more and more needy.

Apparently, Valya got the message loud and clear, and, sensing what her lover wanted from her, she did something that surprised Todd. Taking her hand off of his face, she snaked it between their intertwined forms and grabbed his cock, her meaty paw engulfing what felt like half of it all at once; Todd gasped into her mouth as she began to rapidly masturbate his huge member, gripping her shoulders with all the strength he could muster. She didn't stop jerking him off, nor did she allow him to stop kissing her - Valya was going to make him cum whether he liked it or not!

And Todd definitely liked it!

His warning of his incoming climax was cut off by Valya's tongue and wide mouth, Todd only able to utter the most muffled of cries as a shot of semen raced up his member. Valya continued to jerk him as the first blast of cum splattered against her humongous cleavage, letting out her own moan as his hot sperm plastered her tits, his heavy balls rising up her stomach. She squeezed his ass harder as he rode out his orgasm in her arms, spraying out just as much of his slimy essence as she knew he had in him, the entirety of Valya's front, from the underside of her breasts to her groin quickly covered in Todd's sticky load.

It just kept coming, Todd's bloated balls backed up from how long he'd suffered through not being able to take care of his libido; even though he'd cum a bucket load in and all over the toilet at Good Burger, it still felt like he hadn't orgasmed all day! His hold on Valya's body loosened, weakened from experiencing the height of ecstasy, his energy sapped. Luckily, Valya's own strength didn't waver for a second, and she continued to manhandle Todd until he was finished - something that took over a minute to happen! When Valya felt his consistent blasts died down to a few spurts, she finally pulled back from the kiss, grinning and eyeing Todd approvingly.

Panting, his head spinning, Todd collapsed against her, their bodies squelching together. Looking between them, he could see that his own torso was just as drenched in his cum as hers was, his front layered with semen up to his neck; it looked like they'd just had a bucket of glue spilled over them. Despite the intensity of his climax, Todd's cock didn't waver in the slightest, still sticking straight up and resting against the slab-like cushioning of Valya's eight-pack. He managed a smile back at her, his features a mask of unbridled pleasure.

Carefully, Valya lowered him onto the bed, stepping away from it as she did so that her gargantuan bitch breaker didn't impede his ability to sit. His bubbly behind bounced when it hit the sheets, Todd having to grab onto them just to not fall over right then and there; when he managed to somewhatgather his bearings, the carnal clouding in his brain dissipating, he swiped a hand across his forehead, brushing his purple bangs out of his eyes - along with a good amount of sweat. Glancing wearily up at Valya, he once more observed the semen-soaked state of her figure, impressed by how much he'd managed to unload. That had been one hell of an orgasm!

Valya seemed impressed as well.

"How was that, baby?" She asked him, gathering up some of his sperm from her breasts in her large fingers and holding it up into the air, her digits webbed with his goo, "Did you have a good orgasm? It certainly looks like you did!"

"I-It was amazing," Todd agreed, using the descriptor of being with Valya for what felt like the millionth time, still trying to catch his breath, "it always is with you. I, I never cum as hard as I do when I'm here."

"Happy to hear it!"

She took a step forward so that her cockhead was placed only inches away from his face.

"How 'bout returning the favor? I'd really appreciate it if you did!"

Todd's eyes bulged as he stared down the barrel of her howitzer. His breath caught in his throat as he contemplated her words, needing little help in understanding what she wanted - but he couldn't get over just how insane her cock was! It never ceased to send him into a state of awe, viewing her enormity, being so close to such a beast of an appendage; Todd always thought he was packing, but after meeting Valya he realized that his size was just the tip of the iceberg! If he was big - huge even - then Valya was the pinnacle of what was possible, outdoing any endowment he'd seen in porn or had even ever heard about by a ridiculous degree, no one else surely able to hold a candle to what was sticking from her groin.

Nodding absentmindedly, not even bothering to look at Valya's face, he reached out with trembling hands towards her massive member, not having to go far to make contact with it. Placing his fingers below the corona of her scarlet crown, Todd was taken aback once more at just how fucking hot it was, the temperature of her giant rod nearly akin to touching a metal pan on a stove. Not one to keep his host waiting, Todd attempted to awkwardly stroke her venous length, struggling to find the best method to perform the seemingly impossible task, the rivulets of her own she-pre running down her shaft making the task only the tiniest bit easier.

Intimately refamiliarizing himself with Valya's throbbing appendage - or at least trying to - Todd ran his hands down as much of its extensive mass as he could, scooting forward on the bed to help himself reach more of it; his cock stuck out between his thick thighs and the underside of Valya's member, nearly touching it. As he moved closer to the burning pole, his face bordering on bumping into it, her glans leaked its dense, viscous fluids onto his lap, the heat of the paste-like liquid forcing a moan from Todd's lips. Controlled by his own desire to please, Todd stoked her cock faster and faster, twisting his palms across her abominable length in an attempt to cover as much of its ludicrous circumference as possible.

Valya didn't do much else but just watch her lover stimulate her member, her hands firmly placed on her hilly hips, her emerald orbs focused on his movements; she did give small thrusts against his fingers here and there in attempt to coax out more pleasure from his actions, grunting occasionally. Todd was doing about as well as could be expected from working with such a tremendous tool, Valya comparing him to Kala in her mind. Her girlfriend definitely had more experience in getting her off, but Todd's enthusiasm was more than making up for his lack of knowledge in the sexual arts. There would be plenty of time to show him some pointers in the future, after all!

"You're doing great, cutie!" She encouraged him, wishing her arms were long enough to touch his head, "Your hands are so soft - a girl could get used to this sort of attention, ya know?"

"I'm glad, it's- I like doing this for you, Valya."

"And I like you doing it! I can't wait to have you and Kala both doing this for me!"

Cheeks burning at the idea of him and Kala pleasuring this sexual Goddess at the same time, his mind filled with lurid fantasies of what it would be like to share Valya with her girlfriend, Todd realized there was something else he could be doing for the woman who had shown him so much kindness. He looked back to her cockhead - which appeared to be nearly the same size as his own head - and swallowed involuntarily, his mouth suddenly filling with saliva. Todd knew what he had to do - no, what he'd wanted to do since he'd first laid eyes on Valya's member when Kala had sent him the video that had originally enticed him to join them.

While his hands slathered her shaft in a healthy coating of her own sperm, Todd pushed his head forward and kissed her gargantuan tip with his plump, pink lips. Valya moaned in surprise, the feminine male's actions utterly unexpected, her body tensing at the feeling of his velvety cock-pillows on her glans; it wasn't a bad tensing by any means, done instead to stop her member from lurchingand bashing Todd in the face from excitement. For his part, Todd didn't do much else but rub his mouth against Valya's drooling, fleshy helmet, steadily staining the lower half of his visage with her pearly pre - at least that's all he did at first.

As Todd grew more accustomed to the feeling of her enormity against his maw, he slowly parted his lips, allowing just the tip of Valya's tip to slide between them. He sucked on the slit of her cockhead, nursing on it like he had her nipples, her slimy excess pouring out onto his tongue, Todd already having to swallow the salty fluid just out of fear of drowning in its copiousness. Pressing himself forward, Todd inhaled more of her pulsing glans, having to stretch his mouth more and more just to try and take a small portion of her lower head; this miniscule amount was enough to force his jaw to sag towards his chin, the young man quickly reaching the limits of his face's elasticity. How in the hell did Kala blow this thing!?

Unable to take much more than half of Valya's gigantic glans, Todd did his best to pleasure the section of it he could suck, drawing more groans from the giantess standing feet away from him. He slapped his tongue against the underside of the mushroom-shaped meal, not able to do much else with his mouth-muscle other than that considering how completely flattened it was under the immense, carnal weight, his teeth pressing into its fleshy expanse. Saliva ran down his chin - as did plenty of pre - as he bobbed up and down on Valya's crown, his neck undulating as he drank down her virility, his hands still caressing her colossus. Todd was quickly running out of breath, however, finding difficulty in even inhaling through his nose, seemingly his entire airway clogged with Valya's dense paste.

He didn't let this stop him from the task at hand - hand and mouth - Todd ready to pass out if it meant making Valya happy. There was a new trouble that arose before his eyes, and that was the uncontrollable bucking that the she-stud's cock was making against him; it appeared as though Valya could no longer hold back her bodily urgings, her member acting of its own accord. Due to the fact that Valya was so strong, and Todd, by anyone's standards, was not, her appendages jerks and flexes tested his lacking-brawn, his fingers barely able to hold the rabid beast down. Hell, his entire framewas nearly lifted off the bed with each raise of her goliath!

Just when Todd thought he was finally going to be thrown off of Valya's cock, she suddenly yankedherself away from him.

"V-Valya?" Todd immediately whipped his head up to look at her, his expression one of confused distress, "Did I do something wrong? D-Did I accidentally use teeth? Did I-"

Before he could say another word, Valya lunged at him, grabbing him by the thighs and flipping over onto his hands and knees.

"Valya? Wha-"

"You didn't do anything wrong!" She growled into his ear, leaning over him, her massive tits flattened against his back, her cock nestled in between his thighs, stretching across his torso, "That was so fuckin' hot! You surprised me, Todd, in a good way. I just need- I can't fucking wait anymore!"

Todd wasn't given another moment to question her snarled compliments before she swiftly pulled away from him while remaining crouched over his pear-shaped figure. When her huge hands slappedonto his fat ass, Todd instantly knew what was in store for him; he'd really got her going now! He understood what she was like when her libido completely took her over her mental faculties, and though he yelped and moan as it occurred, there was little astonishment left in the bottom-heavy boy when he felt Valya part his jiggling cheeks so that she could stuff her face between them.

Lashing her huge tongue against his tight rim without an ounce of hesitation, soaking his tight hole in her spit. She squeezed his ass viciously, molding his pliable mounds in her fingers, surely hard enough to leave bruises when she was through with him; Todd offered no protest or resistance to this rough treatment, unashamedly loving what Valya was doing to him. His head hung against the bed, his purple locks curtaining a portion of his features, already huffing and puffing from Valya's moist ministrations. She was so damn good at this!

Well-practiced from countless hours of performing on Kala in the same manner, Valya skillfully slithered her tongue into Todd's ass, whirling it around to give his insides a similar bathing she had to his outsides. She coaxed saliva onto her lips, letting it pour over Todd's clenching asshole, her own cheeks wetted from the lurid lubricating; Valya felt Todd shiver against her as her spit dripped down onto his big balls, which were bobbing wildly under her chin. Valya slowly began creeping one hand towards her face, her other sliding down the side of one the young man's thick thighs towards his groin.

Eyes rolling around in his skull, his own tongue hanging limply from the brim of his lips, Todd struggled to maintain his grip on reality. The fog of arousal once more began to wrap around his brain, Valya's expert worship of his backside increasing every nerve-ending in his body's sensitivity; his cock - still hard - bounced up and down against his slim stomach, craving to be touched and brought to its peak once more. Unfortunately for it, Todd's hands were otherwise occupied by tearing at the sheets in front of him, his svelte, pale fingers twisting the soft material, his toes clenching around Valya's immaculate form.

But his cock wouldn't be neglected for long!

While one of Valya's meaty fingers slipped into his asshole, stretching it at the same time that her tongue was, her other hand once again clamped around Todd's cock. He moaned and tensed, his eyes bulging at her calloused touch on his venous member, his body attempting to make two conflicting actions at once; he was trying to push himself against her face and thrust into her palm simultaneously, his figure jerking awkwardly as it fought between the equally-as-powerful cravings battling within him. Valya stroked his shaft slowly, much more so than before, teasing him, her intention to make him cum on her terms.

Her finger lodged into his ass went straight for his prostate, digging into his inner-walls in search of it. Upon rediscovering his pleasure spot, Valya didn't hesitate to push on it, treating the button like it was one on a controller, mashing it like she was panic-rolling in a Spirits game. Todd's cries of ecstasy only grew louder as he was stimulated from two different spots, several spurts of pre shooting out across his chest; Valya paid close attention to the state of his member, wanting Todd to only reach a climax when she allowed it. The massive she-bull couldn't help but grin against his rear - her face completely smothered by his plush, fat mounds - as she listened to him whine.

Distracting him with her dual-stimulation, she slipped another large digit into his backdoor, using this one to carefully widen his hole. At the same time, she found herself rutting against the bed, sliding her pre-slathered cock across it and Todd's body; his spit-soaked rim clamped down on her fingers and tongue when he felt her molten-hot member caress his flesh, his arousal surging. Valya continued to prep his ass for what was jutting between her pillar-esque thighs, knowing from their previous tryst that it was going to be a tight fit no matter what she did - but that didn't mean she couldn't help the little cutie out some!

As she prodded a third finger into his asshole, Valya noticed that Todd was taking her penetration much easier than he had their first time together; she couldn't help but wonder if she was stillstretched from the fucking a few weeks earlier, or if he had had some practice alone. Or perhaps he was just more relaxed knowing what it was going to feel like this time around! Regardless of the reason, Valya was happy to see he was clearly enjoying what she was doing to him and this emboldened her to act further. After a few minutes of further gaping, a fourth of her huge digits joined the rest inside of him.

Knowing what was coming next was the hardest part in the preparation, Valya spit on her hand over and over again until it was as soaked with her saliva as Todd's ass was, increasing her stroking speed of his member too. Tucking her thumb into her palm, she - as carefully and slowly as she could - started to stuff her entire, huge fist into his hole, widening it to the same degree she had before. Once her whole hand was crammed into his tight backdoor, she twisted it around and pushed it deeper into him, her tongue now relegated to licking around his gaping rim, no room left for the thick appendage. Todd bucked harder against her.

He could feel it, and so she could she: he was about to cum! His cock lurched in her hand and his ass gripped her fist like it wanted to slice it off from her wrist, his head shooting up with an elongated howl; his balls bumped against her chin roughly as his sack tightened, all clear indicators that he couldn't hold back any longer. A strong, sudden tremble ran down his spine as his member pressed into his torso, smacking Valya's hand against his stomach - a hand that was now jerking him off as swiftly as it could. There was no stopping it anymore!

"Valya!" Todd managed to cry out, the whites of his eyes showing, his tongue flopping between his large lips, "I-It's to- I can't! I'm gonna-"

"I know, cutie!" She purred, raising her head to speak to him, continuing to rotate the half of her forearm she had punched into his ass, "Cum for me, cum hard. I want to feel you shoot your load all over my cock!"

Letting out another moan, Todd did just that. His cock gave a powerful, singular throb, his urethra dilating and filling with white cream; the very moment it was filled, the same substance immediately rocketed out of it, shooting across Todd's chest in an unbroken line. Valya squeezed his shaft, drawing out as much of his load as possible like she was unclogging a backed-up hose. Todd writhed against her, unable to do much else but ride out his climax, his asshole clenching and unclenching against her fist in time with his rapid, consecutive salvos of sperm. Splatters filled the room as his sperm covered everything in its path.

Expectedly, Todd's orgasm continued on for much longer than average - though it was nothing compared to the length of Valya's - his cock expelling the contents of his balls at a mind-numbing pace. He had, inadvertently, done what Valya requested and bathed a large amount of her shaft in his virile slime, the muscular woman moaning herself as her appendage was coated in his seed; her own precum had poured over the bed through the duration of her rimjob and fisting, creating a huge puddle that Todd was now placated atop. His blasts of sexual refuse added to its depth, some of his ribbons of pearly seed missing his body or her member, and splashing into the growing, gooey swamp.

It wasn't until Todd's torso was once more plastered in his essence - which replaced the volume of sperm from his previous orgasm - and Valya's cock was dripping with the viscous substance did his climax reach its finale. Even then his glans continued to dribble his ball brew, his leakage as voluminous as an average man's entire load, Todd still panting, his head falling against the sodden sheets once more. Valya gave his member several more strokes, making sure she got everything out of his cum factories for the time being; when she was sure he was done, she released his shaft and began the process of removing her arm from his ass.

Todd could only lay there and attempt to recover as his bowels were vacated, his now-sore cock withering a bit between his legs; he did let out an gasp he couldn't contain when Valya's hand suckedout of his asshole, feeling nearly as good as it did exiting as it did entering. The bed shifted around him as Valya got back to her feet, her cock sliding out from under him, giving a flex strong enough to nearly lift him off his bent limbs. Not sure what was going to happen next - or more accurately, howwhat he knew was coming was going to proceed - he barely reacted as Valya grabbed his hips.

Sitting herself back on the bed, Valya placed Todd on her lap in a position that had him facing away from her.

"Another good one, baby?" She asked him, using a hand to angle his head so it was turned towards her, gently craning his neck to the side, "I wasn't too hard on you, was I?"

"N-No, that was really nice Valya, thank you," he murmured, rubbing his sweat-drenched face against her cheek, "you always treat me so well."

"It's what you deserve! I just want to make you feel comfortable when you're here, with us. I know how nervous you get."

"I, I do. But your patience and understanding helps a lot."


She kissed him on his forehead, stroking the back of his matted, dyed hair.

"You know," Valya muttered after a long pause, nuzzling her face against his ear, "you felt a little looser than you did before. Did I stretch you out that much during our first time together?"

"M-Maybe..." Todd blushed, shimmying his body against Valya's, his sides once more encompassed by her grandiose bust, "but I also, um, I also bought a toy online, one for b-back there."


"Yeah... it's not as big as you or anything, of course, but I bought it j-just in case you and Kala wanted to see me again, if you guys ever texted me to come over - I wanted to be a little more, erm, prepared."

"Shit you could've just borrowed some of Kala's!"

She giggled but stopped to give Todd an affectionate peck on the cheek.

"But that's sweet, really. It's cute to know you were thinking of us the whole time. Sexy, actually. I'm so glad you're here, Todd."

"I am too. I, um, really li-" Todd cut himself before admitting his feelings, even though he'd done it at least once before today - there was something about the intimacy of the moment that made him hesitate, "Uh, does K-Kala really have a lot of toys?"

"Oh so many!" Valya laughed again, her cock coming close to slamming against Todd from her body's jouncing, "Like I said, she's between jobs right now, so she has a lot of free time when I'm not home, and sometimes she gets lonely!"

Todd chuckled.

"I get that, I'm the same way."

"Well, you don't have to be lonely anymore, cutie! Like I said, our door is pretty much always open to you. Just make sure to let us know when you want to have some fun beforehand!

"I'll do that, I'll um, I'll try to be better about staying in contact now."

"We will too."

With that, Valya extended her neck around Todd's head and kissed him. Weakly, Todd lifted an arm and swatted an errant strand of red hair from Valya's face as he met her lips, twisting his body around to meet her; one of her own strong hands clasped onto his back and held him tightly, raising him up her torso. Somewhere between the soothing tenderness of their first kiss and the passionate viciousness of their second was how Valya approached this one, slipping her tongue into Todd's mouth but not dominating the makeout session like before - though Todd would have been happy with whatever form it took!

Reaching out to caress Valya's cock walling him in from his front, Todd massaged his fingers into the muck he'd left on the giantess's shaft, rubbing it into her tough, veiny dick-flesh; Valya's member responded immediately and pulsed at his touch, a shot of precum spritzing from her tip that flew overthe both of them. Todd's huge appendage began to reawaken at the sensual connection shared between them, its pale hue turning a bright crimson from being erected so many times in such a short span of time. He heard Valya's balls rumble under him, reminding him that she still hadn't cum with him yet.

The excitement of knowing that Valya's unruly appendage was going to be turned in his direction soon made his heart pound, a renewed burst of energy shooting through his figure. In his lap-seated position, Todd was essentially already mounted on his host's appendage, his hefty sack draped over the base of her fleshy monument to potency, her obelisk hot against his swollen balls. Todd roamed his up hand and down on what had to be a small segment of her shaft, his closed eyes making him unable to see how much of it he was actually touching; considering he hadn't felt her enormous glans yet in his fingers, Todd knew he'd barely covered any of its undeniable length!

They kept kissing and kissing, lightly humping against each other, building up anticipation for what was to come, the air heavy and hot with the emotion. Valya basked in the feeling of Todd's plump cheeks bouncing against her lap, the feminine male teasing her unknowingly and slowly, breaking down her walls of restraint. Similarly, Todd's continued groping of her ludicrous fuckmeat was doing something the same thing to him, his gaped asshole twitching at the thought of Valya taking him again. This is what he'd wanted since he'd left for his house after spending the night with the couple - no, what he'd wanted since he'd woken up that very morning!

Unable to hold back his needs any longer, it was Todd who disengaged from the kiss first.

"Valya?" He spoke softly, gazing into her eyes, "I, um, I-I want to do this."

"I should hope so!" She grinned, stroking the side of his face, "But tell me, what exactly is it that you want to do?"

Todd stared back at her in alarm.

"Um, well, y-you know - you know what I want."

"Do I? I'm not sure, actually."

Valya made an exaggerated tapping of her chin with a finger, pretending as though she was deep in thought.

"So why don't you tell me, Todd? Just so I don't get confused or anything."

"I, uh, well..."


"I want you to..." He gulped, swallowing his pride, figuring if he didn't pass this little test he might not have his needs fulfilled, "Iwantyoutofuckme!"

He said the last part in a single breath, the words jumbling together.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I don't think I heard you clearly."

"...I want you to fuck me, Valya." Todd averted his gaze, tensing against Valya's muscled form, "I want to have sex with you. Um, with you on top?"


Todd nodded without looking at her.

"Good, because I want that too." Valya smiled as she watched Todd's shoulders relax, his head slowly turning back towards her, "And I'm glad you were able to tell me that - it's a good thing to explain your desires to the person you're with. I'm proud of you, baby."

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome!" Valya kissed his forehead again, sliding her hands down to his feminine hips, "And I know the perfect position to do it in!"

"What position were you thi-"

Though he should have expected it, Todd still yelped in surprise when he was suddenly heaved off of Valya's lap and into the air. Trying not to give into his instincts to flail or attempt to break loose, Todd forced himself to remain as still as possible as he was raised higher and higher until he was lifted above Valya's head, which was looking up at him with a smile. Not sure what was going on, he really couldn't do much but wait and see, his distance from Valya, the bed, and the floor growing as she extended her arms further; once he was nearly as far up as he could get, his head close to bumping into the ceiling, the hyper-endowed woman maneuvered him out a few inches forward.

Almost as swiftly as she'd raised him, Valya began to lower Todd, doing her best to get the angle she needed just right. At the same time, she flexed her cock, making absolutely sure that it was pointed straight up in the air, her eight-pack jutting from her stomach as she strained her kegels. Her breathing intensified as Todd neared her glans, his huge ass wiggling enticingly above her, Valya able to make out the twitching and yawning of his spread asshole between his fat cheeks; fuck, she just couldn't wait anymore. When Todd's backdoor finally touched down on her dripping cockhead, Valya gnashed her teeth together and groaned.

Now that he was sitting on Valya's cock, Todd understood exactly what she had in mind. This was definitely a new position for him considering he'd only ever had sex once before! The thought of being pulled up and down on the she-stud's member, used like a sex toy for her pleasure, handled in a way that meant he was helpless to resist her lust excited him, his dick painfully hard as it flopped up and down in the air, flinging precum across the room. Todd spread his legs out as much as he could, reaching down to hook his hands under his plush thighs, ready to do anything to please Valya.

"Are you, are you ready for me, Todd?" Valya asked between heavy breaths, giving him one last chance to change his mind, "I hope you don't mind the position I picked, I just couldn't help myself. I want to see that ass bounce while I fuck you!"

Todd moaned at her vulgarity.

"T-This is good, Valya. I... I want you to do whatever you want with me!"

Valya raised an eyebrow upon hearing his declaration, but smiled nonetheless.

"Mmm don't ask for something you might regret, baby!" She smirked confidently, giving a shallow, upward push of her hips to kiss her tip to Todd's hole, "But thank you, I appreciate that you trust me so much. Don't worry though, I wouldn't dream of giving a cutie like you more than you can handle. I'm gonna start now, okay?"
