TALES OF *R*NSWOMEN TOPS CH. 01 by UltimateSin

Being stuck in the office late on a Friday always sucked. While I noticed subordinates and colleagues leaving the building upon the clock hitting five o'clock, some of them stopping at the door to my office to politely wish me a good weekend, my mind was still focused on solving the last major problem of the day before I could finally escape.

It took another ninety minutes, two phone calls and more emails than I would care to count before I finally sighed, slammed the laptop shut and figured anything else could just wait until Monday. Grabbing my suit jacket, I put that on before turning off the lights and locking my office door. Walking towards the elevators, the place was practically deserted. No real surprise for a Friday evening. Everyone clock watched on a Friday, desperate for the weekend to start and two days of freedom.

The lights were turned down low as always, but as I walked towards the elevators, I noticed light from one of the cubicles. They were not the typical high walls that kept everyone isolated, so I could see a woman still typing away, the screen shining brighter than the lights now dimmed over her heads. I was surprised to see anyone else still at work.

Walking towards her, she was concentrating on whatever was on her screen, but seemed to sense my presence. Turning towards me, she almost leapt out of her seat and squealed, earning a smile from me as she immediately started to blush. Her long blonde hair had covered a pair of earphones, so she hadn't heard me approaching.

"Sorry to startle you," I stated once she'd taken them out of her ears, "But what are you still doing here?"

She didn't reply immediately, removing her narrow black framed glasses to give her blue eyes a quick rub. "There's just so much work..."

"Is it nothing that can't wait until Monday? It's Friday night..." She shrugged and seemed to almost blush again. "Come on, I won't have anyone else stuck here working on a Friday night after I leave."

Glancing at her screen, she placed her glasses back on her nose and quickly saved and closed whatever she was working on. "I guess it can wait until Monday," she offered once the screen turned black.

I stepped back as she stood up and I was momentarily surprised at how tall she was. I was around six foot myself, but glancing down towards her feet, noticing a small pair of heels, she would have been as tall as me without them. With heels, she stood taller. Admittedly, I didn't recognise her as she wasn't one of my subordinates, and though I recognised faces...

"How long have you worked here?" I asked.

"I only started a month ago," she replied, grabbing her handbag, smiling as I gestured toward the hall where the elevators were, "I'm Kelli. With an I."

"I'm Michael. Most just call me Mike."

She shook my hand, and I was surprised by the firm grip, though her hands were still wonderfully soft. Meeting my eyes, she smiled again as our hands remain clasped for a couple of seconds longer than normal. It was amusing that I had to raise my chin to meet her eyes, stepping onto the elevator and standing side by side, three sides being mirrors so we could see our reflections.

"Are you enjoying it?" I wondered, "Who's your boss?"

"I work for Amanda Reilly."

"Mandy? You've landed an excellent boss with her."

"Yeah. She's really nice. Made me feel very welcome immediately. Figured out she's demanding and wants results, but I have the support to make sure I can meet those deadlines."

"So being late in the office tonight?"

She glanced and smiled at me. "I guess I just like to be on the front foot when arriving on a Monday."

The elevator dinged as we made it to the ground floor. Walking through the darkened lobby, we both wished the pair of security guards good evening, aware they'd be stuck there until early the next morning. After walking through the glass revolving doors, we stood together for a few seconds. I didn't drive into the city, preferring to catch a train then walking home to my apartment.

Something about Kelli interested me though. Being honest, she was bloody gorgeous. And considering I was single, and had been since been splitting with my last ex-girlfriend... "Want to get a drink?"


Meeting her blue eyes again, she seemed to be rather shocked at my question. "I asked if you wanted to go get a drink?"

"You'd like to get a drink with me?"

Meeting her eyes, I felt another smile form. "Well, of course. Why wouldn't I?"

Remaining silent for a few seconds, no doubt in thought, she eventually returned my smile. "Sure. I'd love to get a drink with you, Mike."

Being the CBD, there were numerous bars and pubs dotted about, most of them full of office workers getting started on their weekends rather early. Walking by a few, you could hear the loud conversations and laughter from within, the clink of glasses and the occasional breaking of a glass hitting the floor, usually followed by a shout and more laughter.

I managed to find us a bar that was slightly quieter though we still couldn't find a seat, having to make do with standing in an area near the bar. I ordered a schooner of beer, Kelli asking for a glass of wine, something I was happy to buy for her. The bar wasn't too loud, so we were able to make some small talk, sticking to general topics.

Despite the position I held at the company, I still called the western suburbs of the city home, remaining relatively close to my parents and sister. Kelli lived further to the south-west, an area considered more deprived and rougher than many other areas of the city. We'd both attended university and finished with good degrees.

"Single?" I finally had to ask.

"I have been for a while. Just can't find the right type of guy. There are one or two ways in which I'm an acquired taste."

Ordering a second round of drinks, I pondered what she could have meant. I know many men would probably be intimidated by her height alone. Looking her over again, she certainly had a fantastic chest on her, the blouse she was wearing tight to what I assumed was a toned body. If she was wearing a bra, it was certainly lifting them. Or they were fake. Either way, there was no missing her father long legs, her skirt down to her knees, the rest of her legs in stockings.

Handing her a second glass, she took a sip of wine. I watched her eyes look me up and down in return. "How do you mean?" I wondered, curiosity getting the better of me.

Looking thoughtful, she finally smiled at me. It lit up her face, accentuating her lovely cheekbones and her rather pretty eyes. "Maybe next time, Mike. It's something I would need to share but I have to feel comfortable first." Taking another sip, she added, "Though how are you when it comes to a dominant partner, for example?"

"You mean a woman who wants to take control?"

"Something like that."

"I think a lot of men would like a woman who knows what she wants in bed. Men also want a woman who participates and doesn't just lie there. Though I guess there are many ideas as to what 'dominant' would mean." Sipping my beer, I chuckled. "Got sexual rather quickly."

"We're just talking, Mike. And I'm not blind to your immediate interest in me."

"Self-confidence is a good thing."

"Took a long time to get to this place. I might seem a little unsure to start with, as despite the confidence, I still have to be wary. I think most women are."

We finished our drinks and decided to call it a night. Walking together towards the train station, we travelled west as far as a station where she needed to change. Before leaving the seat that we were sharing, she leaned over and kissed my cheek. Leaning as close as she was, I got a good whiff of her perfume, her lips soft on my stubbled cheek.

"See you on Monday, Mike. I'll make sure I keep an eye out for you."

"I have a feeling you're going to be rather unmissable from now on, Kelli."

"Like what you see?"

"I'm usually rather guarded around colleagues, but I think I might just have to make an exception this time."

Kissing my cheek again, she got up and walked towards the doors, glancing back a final time and smiling. Arriving home half an hour or so later, I called my sister as I usually did ever Friday night, agreeing to go and visit our parents on the weekend for lunch. My sister was a couple of years older, happily married, three kids. I'm sure my parents were hoping I'd be married and starting a family, particularly as I was approaching thirty, but though I'd dated and had relationships, I was focused on making money at the same time, hoping to retire earlier than most.

When she mentioned the fact that I was calling a little later than normal, I knew I was in trouble when she immediately asked questions when replying I was out for drinks with a colleague. Thankfully, my sister didn't interfere in my love life too often. She'd set me up on a date three times with one of her friends. Only the second friend went somewhere, and it didn't last all that long. The other two, there was absolutely no chemistry, left wondering why my sister had bothered at all.

Word got to my parents, as I'd barely stepped through the front door on Sunday when my mother was inundating me with questions about my date on Friday. "It wasn't a date. I left work late on Friday night, only Kelli was still there, and I thought we'd just have a drink before going home separately."

That didn't work, of course. My sister smirked away as our mother interrogated me in regard to Kelli. When I told her that I actually didn't know all that much about her, Mum suggested that I should do just that. Get to know her better. I had to admit, our conversation had flowed rather easily. She was attractive. Intelligent. And she seemed to like me in return.

Returning to the office on Monday morning, I wasn't one of the first to arrive, many of the office staff getting in to prepare themselves for the day, some enjoying a coffee in the canteen before heading to their desks. Walking past Kelli's desk, she was already in her seat, typing away at her keyboard. Lifting her eyes for a moment, the immediate smile that formed made me stop, feeling my own smile form in return.

"Morning, Kelli."

"Morning, Mike."

"Enjoy the rest of your weekend?"

"Spend Saturday night with some girlfriends, but otherwise, nothing much. You?"

"I learned to never mention to my sister or parents that I spent any free time with a woman."

Kelli giggled at the exasperated tone in my voice. "Setting up our wedding already?"

"Something like that," I muttered, "But I did enjoy your company, even if it was only for an hour or so."

"The question is whether you'd like my company again, Mike?"

The sultry tone had my eyes widen as I saw her in a new light. She was smiling at me, but there was a look in her eyes that told me that she was quite interested in me. Maybe she'd just needed time to think. Maybe she'd mentioned me to her girlfriends. Or maybe, like me, she was a little tired of being single. Perhaps not the best of reasons to get into a relationship, but I'd felt a spark while we'd been drinking.

"Maybe we can go grab lunch and coffee during the week?"

"And perhaps something a little more substantial this weekend?" she countered.

I felt my cheeks start to grow warm at how forward she was now being. "Sure, we can talk about it during lunch."


"Sure. I usually take lunch after 12:30."

"I'll come knocking on your door to make sure you eat."

Managing to concentrate on my job was surprisingly difficult as I found myself thinking about Kelli. She hadn't been shy or nervous, but the change in demeanour so quickly did surprise me. She turned up at the door to my office not long after 12:30. Walking around my desk, she grasped my shoulder and ensured I was looking up at her.

"Lunchtime, Mike. Come on, you promised me coffee."

Standing up, I nearly bumped into her large rack as she stepped back just in time. Putting on my jacket, she then took my hand and somewhat dragged me forward through the office towards the elevators. Walking outside once we reached the lobby; she led me towards a small diner located on a side street. Taking a seat at one of the tables, a waitress approached and seemed to know Kelli rather well.

"And who is this handsome gentleman?"

"This is Mike, Simone. He's one of the top dogs at the company I've recently started working."

"I'm an operations manager," I added, glancing at Simone, "There are plenty of people I report to."

"He's being modest, Simone."

"Modest in addition to handsome. Might be onto a winner with this one, Kelli."

I felt my cheeks growing warm again. "I'll just have my usual, Simone. What would you like, Mike?"

"All day breakfast looks good. Coffee on the side."

We made more small talk as we waited for our food. The coffee was the sort you'd get in this sort of place. No soy latte's and mappa-frappa-crappacucinos. Just strong black coffee with a dash of milk, cream and a sugar or two if desired. When the food arrived, it smelled delicious, and it tasted even better. Kelli's meal looked just as good, enjoying the moans she made as she shovelled another forkful of food into her mouth.

"That was good," she said once her plate was cleared, "If you're wondering where it goes, I do go to the gym nearly every day. Can't look this good without some exercise."

Returning to the office, I did wonder if people had noticed us leave and return together. I'd never been one for office gossip though I knew how it worked. There were no rules against office romances, though I knew Human Resources would eventually involve themselves. Not getting ahead of myself here, but I had to consider such things, as although not a direct subordinate, I was still in management.

That lunchtime started something as we ended up sharing our breaks every early afternoon that week. The conversation remained light without getting too personal, learning minor things such as how big our families were, where we'd grown up and gone to school, perhaps stories about friends and adventures. We didn't talk about past loves or our love lives though we'd both been single for a while.

During our shared lunchtime on Friday, I finished my meal and gazed at her across the small table. She eventually noticed me looking, wiping her mouth with a napkin and smiling. "What's on your mind?"

"Want to do something together this weekend?"

"I can think of a few things we could do together, Mike. Depends on what your idea is."

"Dinner, drinks and, I don't know, maybe dancing or something."

"Can you dance, Mike?"

"Not really, but when you're holding a beautiful woman in your arms, it doesn't really matter."

She giggled, a sound I'd grown used to and already really liked. "Smooth, Mike. Sure, you mean Saturday night?"


"Give me your phone." Handing it over, she put her number in it then messaged herself. "There we go, now you can message me whenever you want. Surprised you didn't ask for it already."

"I'll admit, I wasn't sure what this would turn out to be."

"Mike, I'll be blunt. I'm looking to start dating again... Make of that what you want."

To my delight, she knocked on my office door a little after five o'clock that afternoon and practically ordered me to join her for a drink. We ended up in a different bar, just as busy as the first one we'd visited last week, managed to get stools at the bar. She crossed her legs as we sipped at our drinks, more small-talk, and I was treated to a great view of a toned leg, the split in her skirt riding up her thigh.

Aware we'd be enjoying each other's company the next day, we only stayed for an hour or so before walking to the nearest train station. Before she stepped off to change to her train home, she left a soft kiss on my cheek again, greeted by another fragrance, assuming she wore different perfumes.

"I'll pick you up at your place tomorrow," I told her, "Say around mid-afternoon."

"Just send me a text when I should start getting ready."

I was sitting back on the couch at home, sipping at another beer while watching a little television, when my phone buzzed. Seeing it was a message from Kelli, my eyes certainly widened as she'd sent me a selfie. It wasn't a nude, but it was certainly provocative. Bare shoulders and a plenty of cleavage, blowing me a kiss as she looked into the mirror.

That wasn't the only photo sent. The last one was later that night when I was in bed, a simple photo of her in bed. That was the only photo she added a message, stating she was naked underneath the sheets and was contemplating masturbating.

M: And what will you be thinking about while doing that?

K: Maybe this rather handsome man who works at my office. I find myself quite drawn to him.

M: Do I know him?

K: Maybe... I've warned him what I'm like. I think he's interested in me, at least.

M: If I know him, then I reckon he's very interested.

K: Good to know. Maybe if we do really like each other, we'll end up being compatible in more ways than one.

Waking up in a good mood the next morning, I focused on some chores, so I didn't have to worry about them on Sunday. Thinking about my date later that day certainly had me smiling, exchanging messages with a few friends, all of them hoping that it would go well tonight as I was the only single man left in our friend group.

Letting Kelli know I was getting ready, she replied immediately that she'd already started, a mixture of excitement and nerves as she hadn't been on a date in a few months. She did ask what to wear. I suggested a simple dress or something with a skirt. It was a warm day, and we would be walking around the city, sticking near the harbour and perhaps heading towards the eastern suburbs.

Despite where Kelli lived, her apartment building was one of the many new towers springing up across the city. Buzzing me up, the door was already open. Knocking before walking in, Kelli shouted out for me to come in, finding her waiting for me in the living room. I stopped and felt my jaw drop. The red dress she wore clung to her toned body and curves. Her shoulders were bare, so she was likely not wearing a bra. The hem of the dress only made it halfway down her thigh, and she was wearing what I assumed were thigh high stockings. She had gone with comfortable shoes, at least. Even without heels she was still as tall as me. Maybe an inch taller.

"Wow," I finally stated.

"I'm glad you approve, Mike."

Walking hand in hand to the train station, we didn't have to wait long for the next service into the city. Sitting side by side, she sat close to me, her leg rubbing against mine, ensuring she was holding my hand the entire way. Stepping off at Circular Quay, we wandered up into The Rocks, strolling around, enjoying the sunshine and warmth, thankful it wasn't too hot under the clear blue sky.

Enjoying a snack and a drink, we ended up heading towards the eastern suburbs and Bondi Beach, eventually stopping as the sun was starting to set, finding a pub that seemed rather popular. The food turned out to be excellent, and there was a friendly vibe, everyone enjoying a pleasant day and just wanting to enjoy themselves.

Returning towards the centre of the city by bus, it was the first time we broached the subject of previous relationships. She'd had a few boyfriends and even a couple of girlfriends. I noticed her watching me for a reaction. Shrugging, I told her I was open-minded about most things, and I remembered my time at university. Plenty of gays, lesbians, bisexual men and women around.

"What about trans issues?" she wondered.

The question caught me by surprise. "To be honest, I don't really give it much thought as it's never been something that's affected me. But I've always been a live and let live sort of person. Everyone has a right to be happy."

My reply seemed to be please her as she squeezed my hand and kissed my cheek again. "Knew I had a good feeling about you," she breathed into my ear, "Might have to reward you later for being a good man."

Kelli took the lead once we stepped off the bus, leading us towards Oxford Street. It was the main LGBT area of the city, though the inner-west was also known as a rather liberal, tolerant area, having change significantly after some stupid local laws had almost killed off the nightlife of the city entirely. I was a little surprised to be led by Kelli and had to ask why.

"Women sometimes feel more comfortable. I'm sure you can understand why," she said.

I did and simply walked by her side, feeling her fingers interlace with mine, glancing to see her look back at me, a smile on her face. I felt my heart beat a little faster as there was no doubting how beautiful she was. She led us towards a club, the line about two dozen deep. Thankfully, we didn't have to wait too long to get in.

"This won't put you off, will it?" she asked as the place was mostly full of gay men, though there were women around, assuming most would have been lesbians.

"Nope. We're here to have a good time. So is everyone else."

She turned me to face her and laid a kiss on me. It was our first kiss as she was certainly the aggressor, her tongue ending up in my mouth rather quickly, one of her hands ending up on my arse. Her breasts collided into my chest, which did make her stop kissing me for a moment. "Well, you're firm there," she giggled.

"Wow," I stated somewhat breathlessly.

"Wanted to do that since you stopped at my desk that night, Mike. Sometimes, just a little kindness goes a long way."

She kissed me again, moving my hands up and down her back before one ended up caressing her firm arse. She smiled while kissing me, eventually parting and heading towards the bar. We switched to spirits, a bourbon with mixer for me, a vodka and orange for her. Finishing those quickly, I found myself dragged up onto the dance floor. The music wasn't what I normally listened to, but it was easy to get into it, particularly with a beautiful woman like Kelli.

Quickly gyrating and grinding together, we could look around and see plenty of others doing the same thing. But most of my focus remained on Kelli, her eyes gazing into mine and, to be honest, I felt a little like prey in the eyes of a predator. I was left thinking she wasn't going to wait too long before we were intimate. Or she really just wanted to fuck. Either way, I probably wouldn't complain.

Moulding her body into mine, I loved the feeling of her hot breath on my neck and by my ear. "Mike, there's another reason why we're here tonight," she stated.

"What's that?"

Smiling at me, she kissed me hard again, both of her hands grabbing my arse as she almost smashed her groin against me. And that's when I felt something poking me. My eyes widened slightly as we continued to kiss, whatever was poking me getting firmer and, if I was right, larger. She finally broke the kiss and the hunger in her eyes was almost overwhelming.

Glancing down, I noticed the tent that had formed in her dress. Meeting her eyes again, there was no shame. No blush. Just that same hungry look in her eyes, with a slight curiosity.

"What do you think?" she wondered.

"Explains the trans question earlier on the bus."

"This is the part where most men will start freaking out."

Shrugging, I think I surprised her when I smiled and figured I might as well just be honest. "What do you think is one of the most popular porn categories is today?"

That made her laugh. "Ah, someone has dabbled, have they?"

Taking her hand, we walked towards the bar, ordering another drink, before heading towards a quieter area we could just sit and chat. Finding a comfortable leather couch, she curled her long legs, resting a hand on my chest, kissing me again. At least she tasted of orange rather than vodka.

"So... You like watching chicks with dicks?" she said, humour in her tone. I knew enough to know that transwomen could be called derogatory terms.

"I won't lie, I found it hot watching them fuck women at first. It's two women, just one has a big cock."

She smiled as her hand moved lower down my body, caressing my groin. "And what about a woman with a big cock with a man?" she asked, her lips close to my ear.

"I did eventually start watching those sorts of films too."

"Men fucking women? Or women fucking the men?"

"At first, it was the men doing the fucking. But after watching a couple of movies where they fucked each other, I started watching movies when the women were the only ones doing the fucking. Eventually loved watching threesomes, two women with a man."

"Ah, so one is fucking, and the other is having her big cock sucked?"

I met her eyes, and I could see the desire in them. "Yeah..."

Placing my hand at her hip, I moved it down to her thigh. She moved so her feet were now on the floor, opening her legs enough that I could run my fingers up the silk of her stockings. "Are you going to be naughty right now, Mike?" she asked.

"I had no idea you were trans, Kelli."

"And now that you know I am?"

"Will you be relieved to hear that I'm still interested in getting to know you better?"

She leaned over and kissed me hard as my hand ended up underneath her skirt, feeling the heat from her cock as I ran my fingers over the obvious tent in her panties. She moaned into my mouth as I ended up lying back slightly. Her words said very early in our friendship about being dominant were now ringing true.

"You want to see my big cock, Mike?" she asked softly, her fingers caressing my cheek as she gazed into my eyes, "Want to perhaps live out a fantasy or two?"

"I know porn isn't real, Kelli."

Her grin made me chuckle. "We can make it as real as you want. You like watching men being fucked by women with big tits and big cocks?"

"Something so hot about watching a girl just take charge and fuck."

"Most girls like me are not like that. But we're all unique. Some of us still love to use our cocks. And some of us still love to fuck men."

"Do you want to fuck me, Kelli?"

"I'm taking you back to my place tonight, Mike. You ever had a big cock inside you?" Shaking my head, she left a soft kiss on my lips. "I promise I'll be gentle before I send you to heaven."

"I have read that receiving can be even better than fucking sometimes."

She giggled, kissing me again. "Baby, I'm going to rock your world tonight and you're going to be craving my cock all the time."

"If it's that good, maybe we could have lunch in my office?"

"Or you can visit my cubicle, get under my desk, and suck me off while I'm working?"

"So... We're going to have a lot of fun?"

"Starting tonight, Mike."

Lifting herself off me, she stood up and offered her hand. Walking back into the crowd, we ordered another drink before she wanted one last dance, this time with Kelli grinding behind me, feeling her rub her cock against me, her hands running up and down my chest. "You seem comfortable with the idea already, Mike," she murmured into my ear, biting my ear lobe, "It might be different when you're naked, bent over my bed, with my hard cock between your cheeks, ready to slide inside you for the first time."

"You're a tease, Kelli!"

"I know, baby. Want to go?" Nodding, she turned me around and kissed me. "Okay. Let's go have some fun."

It was rather late, and while public transport was still available, I ordered us a taxi to take us directly to her place. We managed to behave ourselves during the ride, though she had my hand on her thigh, ensuring it was as high up her leg as possible without feeling her up too much. Arriving outside her apartment building a little later, she practically dragged me inside and into the elevator, pushing me against the side and kissing me hard during the short journey up.

As soon as we were inside her apartment, her hands were at work, getting me naked as quickly as possible. Leading me towards her bedroom, I was down to my underwear rather quickly. Finally coming to a stop, my hands found the zipper to the back of her dress, stepping back as it slowly fell to the ground.

Her breasts were large and spectacular, her areola not large and her nipples were rock hard. Her body was toned and firm, my eyes running down towards her groin. She wore a small pair of red panties, her thick and hard cock straining against the fabric. Her thigh-high stockings looked fantastic on her long legs.

"Holy shit," I muttered, "You're fucking gorgeous."

"Want to suck my cock, baby?" Meeting her eyes, I couldn't help smiling as I nodded. "On your knees then."

Getting on my knees, she stepped forward as I raised my hands to help take off her panties. Her thick cock popped free, and I was left amazed at how thick and long it was. It was certainly larger than mine, and I was left wondering if she was hung even when flaccid. Stepping out of her panties, I found myself just looking at her cock for a couple of minutes before I finally ran my fingers up and down the shaft. It felt warm to the touch. The head was quite large and already glistening with pre-cum. The shaft was thick, and I could see plenty of veins. Her balls were also big. The entire area was shaved smooth.

"Go on, baby," she whispered, "You know you want to suck it. I want to cum down your throat later. Then I'm going to spend all night fucking you. Want that, baby? This big cock buried in your arse later?"

"I'll certainly be living out a fantasy or two by doing that."

Stroking her off at first, it felt a little weird stroking another cock at first. She moaned softly as I used my other hand to gently cup her balls, gazing up to see her smiling down at me. "That's it, baby. Work the shaft but don't forget the balls."

I didn't stroke her for too long before finally lowering my mouth and licking the tip. She giggled as I wasn't being hesitant, I was just taking my time. Running my tongue up and down the shaft, it was the taste of a feminine cock. That might sound weird to most, but she was all woman except for what was between her legs. Moving down to her balls, I made her moan as I gave them attention, continuing to stroke her at the same time.

"Baby, you're turning me on even more," she moaned.

After giving her balls plenty of attention, I moved back and wrapped my lips around her cock for the first time. She moaned again as I used my tongue at the same time, remembering tips and tricks women had used when blowing me. I had no idea how long she was, but I could use my hand to stroke the rest of her cock that I couldn't swallow yet.

When her hand ended up on the back of my head, I gazed up her body and bobbed my head up and down on her cock, feeling how warm it was in my mouth, the slightly salty taste of her pre-cum, but the lust and desire in her eyes is what turned me on even more. I felt myself wanting to please her. And I always enjoyed making my partner cum.

Gagging for the first time, she pulled back and smiled at me. "We'll get you deepthroating my cock later, baby. Just focus on what feels good for now. You're going to make me cum soon." Pulling back, I stroked her off as she leaned down to kiss me. "You like sucking my big cock, baby?"

"Fuck yes."

"Good boy. Get it back in your mouth and make me cum. And you're going to swallow it all, aren't you, baby?"

"Every drop, Kelli."

Resuming my blowjob, both her hands ended up on the back of my head as she gently thrust as my head moved faster and faster. I used my tongue as best I could while sealing my lips even tighter around her shaft. She was soon moaning louder, and I knew she was going to cum soon enough. I couldn't wait to make her orgasm.

"Oh baby, I'm so close..."

I looked up to see her eyes closed, the head of her cock hitting the back of my throat, trying not to choke and gag as I knew her orgasm was imminent. Bobbing faster and faster, pulling back now and just focusing on the first couple of inches, she gazed down and I knew she was ready to fill my mouth.

"Fuck!" she cried, her fingers gripping my head as I felt that first throb. That was followed by a warm blast of cum filling my mouth for the first time. And I learned that she came hard, and the spurts were enormous, gulping down that first one only for the second to immediately spurt.

Drinking down her cum as quickly as possible, her cock throbbed again and again, her hands holding me in place as she moaned with each spurt that filled my mouth. I moaned with her as I was completely turned on by sucking her big cock and pleasing her in such a manner.

Removing her hands, I lifted my mouth from her cock, using my tongue to clean her up, before she lowered herself down and immediately kissed me, perhaps the most passionate kiss we'd shared up to that point, her thick cock continuing to poke me. "That was wonderful, baby. Are you sure you haven't sucked cock before?"

"Nope, that was the first time."

"But seen a lot of men sucking big cocks before?"

"Yeah. Even better if he's pleasing two or three at once."

Getting to our feet, she helped take off my underwear. I'd always known I was average, but to see that she was thicker and longer didn't actually make me feel any worse. I had a feeling I wouldn't be fucking her very much in the future anyway. And there was part of me that didn't care at all. That was a moment of revelation.

"On the bed, baby. Let me get a good look at that arse of yours."

Chuckling to myself, I positioned myself on my knees before leaning forward, feeling Kelli get on behind me. Glancing back, she smiled as our eyes met as she leaned forward, running her hands down my back as her cock was pressed between my cheeks. I moaned softly, earning another giggle from Kelli. "Feels good," I murmured.

"Ever played with your arse, baby?"

"A finger or two when jerking off, but never used a dildo or anything."

"So never had your arse eaten?" Shaking my head, she chuckled again. "I'm going to get you ready for me, baby. You're going to love having your arsehole licked."

Leaning back, she spread my cheeks, making note of the fact that I was relatively hairless myself. I'd never been a particularly hairy man. My chest had always been rather sparse, I kept my groin area smooth, and had never really worried about my arse. She squeezed and playfully slapped my cheeks before spreading them again and I felt her wet tongue gently playing with my rosebud.

"Holy shit," I cried softly as she immediately started to work me, "Oh my god!"

"Good, baby?"

"I had no idea."

Getting me into a better position, she really started to lick my arse as I felt another hand wrap around my cock. That made me moan as I was feeling incredibly sensitive, no doubt leaking plenty of pre-cum. When I felt her tongue work its way inside me, I moaned even louder. Fairly sure I even whimpered, the sort of sound I never thought I'd make.

When her tongue disappeared, I opened my eyes to see her leaning over the bed, opening a drawer and grabbing what I assumed was lube. I'd had anal sex with a previous girlfriend and knew what was required. Her tongue quickly returned though only for a couple of minutes before I felt the cool liquid poured onto me.

Kissing up my back, her fingers circled my arsehole, almost sensing her smile as I ever so slightly pushed back against them. "Good boy," she whispered into my ear, "First my fingers, then my big cock. Is that what you want, baby?"

"Yes, Kelli," I whispered back.

She paused a moment before adding, "I really like you already, Mike. I hope you love what we do tonight. I hope you'll want this again and again."

I tried not to clench when she worked her first finger inside me. I moaned softly again as her lips kissed my cheek, her cock positioned underneath me, resting against mine. Slowly fingering me felt rather nice, to be honest. She could feel I was comfortable and slid a second one inside me. Earned a louder moan, turning my head so I could kiss her properly.

"You want my cock, don't you, baby?"

"Soon... I like this right now."

Thrusting her fingers into me a little harder earned a few moans and a groan. When a third finger slid inside me, I started to move back against her fingers as she thrust them even faster. "Oh fuck," I groaned.

"That's it, baby. You're nearly ready for me."

"Feels so good..."

She kept fucking me with her fingers for a few more minutes, her lips against my neck, feeling her nibble into my skin as she breathed against my ear, talking dirty about all the things she'd love to do with me in the future. Sensing I was now ready for her, she sat back and removed her fingers, keeping my eyes on her as she lubed up her cock.

Getting into position, she teased me by rubbing her cock against and between my cheeks. Meeting her eyes, she smiled as I felt her press the head of her cock against me. Nodding firmly, I felt my arsehole slowly start to spread as the thick head of her lubed-up cock started to slide inside me. I thought it was going to hurt far more than I did, but that's why she'd licked and fingers me first.

Running her free hand up and down my back, she pushed my lower body a little closer to the bed as the head of her cock slid inside me. Moaning softly, she leaned forward to leave a soft kiss on my shoulder as she started to slide a little more of her cock inside me.

"Fucking hell," I moaned softly.

"You're loving it, aren't you, baby?"

"I had no idea it would feel so good."

Kelli took her time sinking her thick cock. There was a little discomfort as it was something I hadn't had before, but it was amazing how quickly it felt really good at the same time. I let her maintain control, but when I felt her body press against my butt, I knew I'd taken her entire length. "Oh fuck," I whimpered.

Yes, whimpered.

She started to slowly thrust, feeling her pull back, only the head of her cock remaining inside me, before she slid forward again, my cock throbbing as her cock seemed to be massaging my prostate. I hadn't even considered my own orgasm just yet. Sitting back, I felt her hands at my hips as she started to thrust a little faster.

"Fuck, baby. You're so tight. Been a long time since I had a nice virgin arse to fuck."

I could barely get a word out as she thrust a little quicker. The sensations flowing through my body were unlike any I'd felt before. The tingles around my arse had me thinking I was going to cum. My cock continued to throb. I was fairly sure I was absolutely leaking pre-cum. Kelli occasionally slapped one of my cheeks, which made us both chuckle. I knew the position I was in would be seen as completely submissive.

Again, I didn't really care as I was already enjoying it far too much.

"Fuck me," I moaned, "Fuck me, Kelli."

She slapped each cheek a little harder before she started to thrust a little harder. That earned a few groans from me as I reached under to finally start stroking myself. My cock felt so sensitive, Kelli leaning forward the same time. Resting on a forearm, she reached underneath and took over stroking my cock.

"Let me, baby. I want you to cum with my cock buried deep in your arse."

"Please," I whispered, "Keep fucking me, Kelli."

I was fairly sure she was still holding back, being my first time and all. It did hurt occasionally, particularly as she picked up the tempo of her thrusts. Her fingers caressed my cock, almost trying to milk me of my cum, her lips kissing all over my cheek, still breathing near my ear. "Cum for me, baby," she whispered into my ear, "Cum for Kelli. Cum for the girl who now owns your arse."

She wasn't wrong. I already knew this wasn't a one-time thing.

"Oh fuck!" I cried out, Kelli giggling as I exploded in her hand. Moaning and groaning, I couldn't remember a stronger orgasm in my life, Kelli continuing to pump me, which helped heighten my orgasm even more. "Oh fuck, Kelli. Keep fucking me."

"I will, baby. You made me cum earlier. I'm going to last a while fucking you now."

Relaxing as her hand moved away, I felt her reposition herself, the angle of her cock changing, as she seemed to mount me. Her breasts pressed into my back as she slowly started to drive her cock faster and deeper, really starting to fuck me. I was soon grunting as she fucked me hard, her moans joining int the cacophony of noise. The sound of her cock plunging into me was an even bigger turn on, my cock remaining rock hard as I was loving every second of it.

Turning my head, she kissed me hard, driving faster and faster, moaning together. We only broke the kiss when needing to take a breath before kissing again, her cock driving deeper. I was already of the mind that I would want this with her all the time. If our first time was this good, it was only going to get better in the future.

"Oh baby," she exclaimed, "Oh baby, going to fill you up soon."

"Fill my arse all the way up, Kelli!"

She giggled before kissing me again. "Good boy. Kelli will definitely enjoy filling your tight little arse, Mike."

Those last couple of minutes before orgasm was some of the best sex I'd ever enjoyed, Kelli slamming her big cock faster and harder with each passing half-minute. I was adamant that I felt her cock starting to throb as her orgasm hit, and I smiled as I felt a warm sensation start to fill me as she started to cum again.

"Oh yes, baby!" she cried, "Take my cum, Mike!"

"Fill me up, Kelli," I moaned, loving the feeling her cock throbbing, feeling each spurt of cum, "Fuck, that's so hot feeling you cum in me."

She kept pumping me long after her orgasm had passed, eventually stopping though leaving it buried inside me as I relaxed on the bed, and she pressed down onto my back. "How was that, baby?"

"Kelli, that was the best sex of my life!"

Remaining silent, she asked softly, "Really?"

"Really. I loved it, Kelli."

Feeling her pull out, I rolled onto my back as she leaned forward between my legs and kissed me. Wrapping my arms and legs around her, she smiled as her cock rested next to mine, eventually raising her head as we gazed at each other. Sitting back on her knees, I laid there as she applied more lube to her cock before she spread my legs wider, leaning forward to grab a pillow, placing that underneath my butt.

Pulling my legs back, she lined up her cock and slid it back inside me. Moaning softly, she didn't stop until she was buried once again. Leaning down to kiss me, we moaned in unison as she slowly started to thrust, releasing my legs as she held them in place with her upper arms.

"That's it, baby. Just enjoy it," she said softly, "Enjoy Kelli's big cock. You love me being inside you?"

"Fuck yes."

"I knew you would."

"Love being inside me?"

"I jerked off every night this week, thinking about doing this with you, Mike. Covered myself in so much cum each time."

"You take video and pictures?"

She smiled, kissing me again. "I'll send it all to you, but I plan on fucking you far more than needing to jerk off from now on."

"Sounds serious, Kelli."

She slammed her cock into me nice and hard, making me grunt but I smiled. "I don't just fuck any man, Mike. I only fuck those I really like."

"Well, I think you should keep fucking me then, Kelli."

That earned another kiss as she pushed my knees back further and really started to pump me again. Resting my hands on her back and upper back, I stroked her soft skin as I gazed down between us, my cock hard and leaking pre-cum again, watching as her cock worked my arse nice and hard, disappearing and reappearing.

"Love the view, baby?"

"Oh yeah. Never thought I'd see a big cock on a beautiful woman sliding inside me."

"Can't wait to cum in you again, baby."

"Fuck me for as long as you want, Kelli."

She giggled, leaning down to kiss me again. "Might have to invite you over more often."

"Or you can come to mine and fuck me in my bed too."

We both went quiet as she focused on fucking me and I just savoured the feeling of her cock plunging deep. I was tempted to stroke myself, but she must have read my mind, whispering that she wanted me to cum without touching myself, adding that we'd figure it out together so I'd cum hands-free more often than not. I loved the sound of that, my body being so turned on from her fucking me that I'd just cum.

Realising I was getting rather desperate for orgasm, she eventually relented and stroked me off, giggling as I came within a minute. My legs ended up over her shoulders as she started to fuck me harder, both of us smiling as we both wanted her to cum in me again. Leaning down to kiss me, I was amazed at how flexible I was proving to be.

"Fuck me," I whimpered, "Keep fucking me."

"I will, baby. But don't you worry your sweet little arse, we're going to be doing this a lot more in our time together. I love to fuck and you're exactly what I was looking for."

"I had no idea I was looking for a girl like you, Kelli."

"Thank you, baby. Now get ready as I really need to cum in you again."

Feeling her cock throbbing as she deposited another load had me smiling at her, gazing into her gorgeous eyes as she groaned softly, needing to kiss me hard as she pumped away until she finally had to stop and relax, releasing my legs so I could wrap those around her. She giggled, suggesting I was enjoying the feeling of her cock inside me far too much.

She wasn't wrong, to be honest.

Pulling out, she sat back on her knees again and I licked my lips as her cock was glistening with cum and lube, and I'd seen more than one video of a man happily sucking a cock that had just been inside him. She read my eyes and leaned down to kiss me. "You want to suck my cock again, don't you? And after it's just spent so long in your arse? Naughty boy."

We were in desperate need of a shower, Kelli dragging me to her modern bathroom, washing each other up and down. Kelli did warn me that I would likely wake up with a dull ache in the morning though assured her I actually felt pretty damned good considering it was my first time. Returning to her bed once we'd dried off, we changed one of the sheets as there was quite a large cum stain, before we cuddled together. To my amusement, I ended up spooning back against her.

"I'm obviously not your typical woman in my ways, Mike," she said, her hard nipples pressing into my back, feeling her rub her cock against my cheeks, "And I might just want to wake you up by sliding my cock inside you again in the morning."

"Quite the alarm."

I think we fell asleep at roughly the same time. It had been a long day and night, and I was exhausted. Waking up in the morning, I wasn't surprised that Kelli was poking me in the back. Turning around, she didn't wake up at first as I gently stroked her cock. I only knew she was awake when she giggled while I was pleasing her with my mouth, throwing the sheet back before she rolled onto her back.

Gazing up her body, she smiled as I bobbed my mouth up and down. "Someone wants a morning treat," she stated.

I got my treat rather quickly, taking the first couple of spurts in my mouth before I'm sure I surprised her by taking a couple of spurts on my face, using my mouth to then clean up her cock. Moving up to straddle her lap, I leaned down and kissed her, Kelli using a finger to clean my face and feed me her cum before she grabbed the lube and applied some to her cock then my arse.

Lifting myself up, I pressed the head of her cock against me and, though I hadn't been prepared, I managed to take the head inside me without it hurting too much, slowing sliding down the rest of her length, savouring the feeling of her big cock being back inside me.

"Love watching a man enjoy my cock so much," she said softly.

Once she was buried, I slowly rode her, my face no doubt lighting up as she felt as deep as ever inside me. Stroking myself at the same time, I erupted all over her chest within a few minutes, earning another chuckle as she suggested I must have been rather excited. Leaning forward to kiss her, I felt her hands end up on my arse as she started to fuck me while I continued to ride her big cock.

"Fuck yeah," she groaned, "Going to pound your arse then we'll have breakfast."

I definitely surprised her by eventually rolling off her and got on my knees, leaning forward. She moved ever so quickly, sliding her cock deep and mounting me, immediately fucking me nice and hard. "Think he knows what he really likes. A girl with a big cock buried in his arse," she grunted, hands on my shoulders as she fucked me hard and fast.

"Helps when the girl is also fucking hot," I groaned in reply, "And she sure knows how to fuck!"

No idea how long she fucked me until I felt her filling me up again, collapsing on my back once her cock had stopped throbbing. Lying flat on the bed, she continued to slightly move, earning soft moans from me as her cock remained hard, leaving soft little kisses on my cheeks and neck. "You hungry, baby? For something other than my cock and cum."

"Yeah, I could do with some food."

We eventually agreed to head out for breakfast, enjoying another shower together, though I ended up on my knees as I wanted her cock in my mouth again. I didn't make her cum as she wanted to be aroused through breakfast. Getting dressed, she put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, putting her hair in a ponytail, she looked fantastic. I had to wear the same clothes as the night before. We found a little place not far away that sold food all day, and there was no doubt that we shared an attraction but were both already thinking of perhaps something more than just sex.

After we ate, we walked to the nearest train station as I needed to get home. It was the first time that Kelli wasn't the happy, smiling, bubbly herself. When I hugged her, she held me ever so tightly in return. "I loved last night," she whispered, "Will you want to do it again?"

"Kelli, I'm already thinking about how often we'll be seeing other outside of work this week." Leaning back, I caressed her cheek as her bottom lip trembled. It was the first real sign of vulnerability. "Opening your heart up isn't easy for anyone," I said softly, "But I guess it's harder for a girl like you sometimes?"

"I really like you already, Mike."

"Feeling is mutual, Kelli." Taking her hand, I squeezed it. "I really want to see where this goes."

"See you at work tomorrow?"

"I'm going to call you tonight just so I can hear your voice again."

That earned me a kiss. One hell of a kiss. Passionate but her eyes now reflected another emotion that I knew I was feeling already. There were no rules about the heart and falling in love. We hugged and kissed until my train was about to arrive. I didn't check my phone on the way home, only checking it once I was inside, sitting back on my lounge.

I wasn't surprised to see a few messages already, opening a couple of pictures, her cock appearing o my screen, with a message stating on each that she was already missing me. Following that was a video of her jerking off, figuring she must have been doing it for a while, as she came rather quickly, making me smile when she moaned my name more than once.

Walking into work the next day, I wasn't one of the first to arrive. Kelli was already there, stopping by her desk. Her eyes lit up when she sensed my presence. Asking her to join me, no-one paid us much attention as we walked into my office. Closing the door, I made sure the blinds were shut but the windows provided a great view of the city.

That first kiss was something else, surprised she wasn't immediately poking me, though I'd done a little research, figuring she probably tucked herself while at work. "I'd love to bend you over this desk right now and leave a load of cum in you," she breathed into my ear.

Checking my watch, we had twenty minutes. "How about you take a seat in my chair and I suck you off?"

"Oh baby, you're so good to me already."

She wore a blouse, skirt, stockings and heels. Removing her skirt showed off where the thigh-highs ended, pulling down her panties to free her already growing cock. I played with it until it was at full length and thickness, my mouth watering at the idea of having it inside me again. "Fuck, I love your cock already," I groaned as I ran my tongue up it.

"Suck me, baby," she groaned, pulling my head down as her cock slid in my mouth, "Going to give you a nice load to enjoy rather quickly. And I think we should incorporate fucking into our lunchtime from now on."

My head was quickly bobbing up and down on her cock as she relaxed back, happy to watch me work. She undid her blouse and played with her tits as I ran my hands up and down her legs before gently playing with her balls. She loved that, moaning softly, and when her hips did start to move, I already knew she was getting close.

I savoured every spurt of cum that erupted from the head of her cock, making her smile as I made sure I gulped it all down. Once her cock stopped throbbing, I sat back as she leaned forward to kiss me. "Now that's a wonderful way to start the day, baby," she said softly.

"I could wake you like that whenever we sleep together."

She giggled, kissing me again. "We'd never get to work as I'd just want to spend the rest of the day fucking you."

"I'm owed a lot of sick days... And as I'm management, I could state you're assisting me."

Standing up, she tucked her cock away, put her skirt back on, and we shared another kiss. "Come to my office for lunch," I stated, "I'll order in some food."

"Let me know when you want me here, baby."

Somehow, I managed to concentrate on my work the entire morning, getting into the usual flow. I did find myself thinking about Kelli from time to time but only brief moments. I was busy reading over a report when there was a knock at the door, glancing up to see Kelli in the doorway. She was holding a bag of food in her hand, I guess taking care of the lunch situation.

Closing and locking the door, we ate lunch first, a light meal that wouldn't be too heavy in our stomachs. We didn't eat too quickly, though the glances we shared across the desk suggested we had other things on our mind. As soon as we finished, she walked around the desk as I stood up, our mouths colliding as she worked quickly on my belt then my trousers.

As soon as they were around my ankles, she bent me over my desk as I heard her skirt hit the floor. Grabbing her handbag, I felt the application of lube before I looked back to see her crouching down, her tongue quickly getting to work. That was followed by a couple of fingers, sitting up and leaning forward to kiss me as she didn't waste time getting me nice and ready for her.

"You ready, baby? Ready for my big cock to slide inside you? Ready for me to fuck you in your office?"

"Fuck me, Kelli."

We groaned together as she didn't take long burying her thick cock nice and deep, hands at my hips, thrusting away quickly. We had to keep the noise down but it's rather difficult keeping quiet when you're being fucked nice and hard by a beautiful woman. She leaned forward, resting a hand to either side of me, as she started to drive her cock harder and harder.

"Oh fuck yes," I whimpered, hearing her chuckle as I couldn't get enough of her, "Nail me, Kelli."

"Oh baby... You feel so good around my cock."

She fucked me for around ten minutes before pulling out, turning me around so I could sit on the desk, arse hanging off the edge as she slid inside, legs over her shoulders, slamming my arse harder and harder. When I climaxed all over my shirt, I groaned loudly, Kelli leaning forward, kissing me to keep me as quiet as possible.

"Cum in me," I moaned, "Fill me up and I'll carry around your cum the rest of the day."

"You're so sweet to me, baby."

She fucked me for as long as she could before I felt that already familiar warm sensation as she came inside me. Kissing each other again, I rested my hands on her shoulders as she continued to pump away into me. "I love your cock," I moaned, "How am I this addicted to it already?"

"Because it's attached to me, baby," she replied, continuing to drive nice and deep.

We only stopped because I looked at the time and realised the lunch break was nearly over. Pulling out, she surprised me by taking a toy out of her handbag. I recognised it immediately and smiled. "You want me to wear one for you?"

"Do you want to, baby? Keep you nice and ready for my big cock all the time."

"I'll wear it for you, Kelli."

That earned another kiss before I felt her gently slide the toy inside me. When she saw me smile, she giggled as she knew I was already enjoying it. Quickly getting dressed, we wiped down everywhere required before I walked her to the door. Sharing a last, soft kiss, there was a look in her eyes I'd already seen. I'm sure I looked at her in return the same way.

"Want to come around for dinner tomorrow night?"

"I'd love to. Should I bring a bag?"

"You'll be coming to work with me the next morning, so I'd definitely bring a bag."

We didn't fuck at lunchtime the next day, heading downstairs to the diner we were already calling our own. I wouldn't call it romantic though we leaned closer, holding each other's hand. I was still captivated by how beautiful she was. The waitress tried not to interrupt us too often though had already mentioned that we made a cute couple.

Leaving the office later that day, she enjoyed the walk from the train station to my apartment. After giving her a brief tour, I took her out to the balcony after grabbing the bottle of wine I'd had chilling in the fridge. Enjoying a make-out session, I eventually led her to the kitchen so I could finish cooking dinner I'd started preparing earlier that morning.

The moans she made while eating made me smile as she seemed to enjoy what I'd cooked, finishing up by serving a simple cheesecake, that I hadn't actually done myself. Adjourning to the living room after starting the dishwasher, we enjoyed another glass of wine before I slid onto the floor between her legs.

"You love being in that position, don't you, baby?"

"I'm more than just living out a fantasy now, Kelli. I'm infatuated with a beautiful woman."

She remained silent before whispering, "That woman is already falling in love with someone too."

Leaning down to kiss me, it quickly developed into the removing of each other's clothes as I finally got my lips around one of her hard nipples as I straddled her lap, her hands caressing my back and my arse, smiling as I felt her fingers pressing at the base of the plug I was wearing. She loved the attention to her breasts, slowing moving down her firm body, kissing over her cock and down to her balls, sucking on each of those.

"Fuck, baby."

Looking up to see her eyes were closed, I positioned her so I could also get at her arsehole. When I licked it for the first time, her eyes widened in surprise for a moment before she smiled down at me. "I just had to taste you too," I murmured.

I had her moaning rather loudly as I explored that gorgeous pink little hole, but we both knew I wanted her cock more than anything, lifting myself up and swallowing as much I could. I had her moaning even louder as I wanted her to cum quickly so she could fuck me for longer. Making her moan and almost squeal, her hand rested on the back of my head as she pumped my mouth.

Then she stood up and really took control. I'd been reading about relaxing my throat. She could feel the head of my cock almost choking me. Using the techniques I read, I watched her eyes light up as I gagged a couple of times before it finally slid into my throat.

"Yes, baby!" she cried, "You're throating me!"

Grabbing her arse, I swallowed all the way until my nose bumped into her, keeping her cock in my throat for as long as possible. Removing the entire thing, spit and drool leaking out of my mouth and off her cock, I took her cock back in my throat again and bobbed up and down, Kelli moving her hips at the same time. She wasn't quite fucking my face, but it was close enough.

She erupted quickly, pulling right back as she pumped her cock, the first couple of spurts in my mouth, the rest on my face before she slid her cock back into my mouth, moaning softly as I savoured her cock and the taste of her cum.

Dragging me to the bedroom, her big cock swinging in front of her, she pushed me onto the bed and noticed I already had everything we needed on the nightstand next to the bed. Pulling the plug out of me, I watched as she applied lube to her cock and my arse before she moved forward, feeling her cock slide inside me, both of us moaning in pleasure.

Moving my body lower so she could really fuck me straight away, I felt her lean forward, resting on her forearms, as she didn't waste time thrusting hard and fast into me. Kissing my cheek, nibbling at my ear, the sound of her skin slapping against my arse as she fucked me was music to my ears. As she drove harder and faster, I could feel the pressure building.

"Oh god," I whimpered.

"Going to cum with my big cock fucking you, baby?"

"I can feel it, Kelli... I love your cock..."

"I love you, baby."

I turned my head to see her smiling at me. "I love you too. Now fuck me harder with your magnificent cock!"

"Going to make you cum so hard you'll pass out!"

She didn't quite make me pass out. My cock erupted, coating me and the sheets in thick white cum. Moaning and whimpering only set Kelli off to fuck me even harder, grunting and groaning together as I simply savoured the feeling of her spreading my arsehole so wide, pleasure coursing through my veins. I'd fallen for her quicker than I would have imagined. But there was no rule to falling in love...

Feeling her cock throbbing as she exploded deep inside me was heaven, her hot breath and moans at my ear making me smile. "I love you, baby," she whispered once her orgasm passed, "I felt it that first night."

"So did I," I whispered back.

Pulling out of me, I turned around and took her cock in my mouth, eager to taste us together. Her fingers ran through my hair as she amazed me as always by staying rock hard. As soon as she was ready, I ended up on my side with Kelli behind me, lifting a leg as she easily slid back inside me.

For the rest of the night, we fooled around with different positions, some of them we'd seen in porn. I swallowed another load and she left two more in my arse before we finally called it a night. After a quick shower, we cuddled in bed. This time, though, I was the big spoon as she snuggled back against me.

"I'm still a woman," she whispered, "Who wants to be held by the man she loves."

"It's not too quick?"

"I'm not letting you go, Mike. You're mine, I'm yours. We love each other. That's all that matters."

I knew the future could be difficult with our relationship still being considered somewhere unusual. But as we lay together in silence that night, her warm body pressed against mine, her hands gripping tightly onto mine, almost as if I'd disappear on her, I knew that I had found the woman who made me happy. That I could possibly spend the rest of my life with.

We might be viewed as somewhat unconventional, and that was okay with me. She'd be worth it in the end.