TALES OF *R*NSWOMEN TOPS CH. 02 by UltimateSin

When I'd hit eighteen, I'd started heading out with some friends for a night out, enjoying a drink or two and maybe a dance. I found regular pubs rather intimidating as there were plenty of men out there who had too much to drink and would become overly aggressive. As I didn't have many male friends, I would be taken out by my other friends, and though most of them were straight, they sometimes preferred to go to gay bars so they could enjoy a night of peace, enjoying a drink and a dance without being hit on and groped all night.

"Heading out tonight?" my sister asked as I put on a shirt. Glancing at her in the doorway, she smiled at me. She was my older sister, the two others being younger. She still lived at home as Mum wasn't in any rush to kick us out of home.

"Going out with the girls as usual."

She walked in and took over buttoning up my shirt. She was a couple of inches taller, meeting her brown eyes and she smiled at me. "You'll find someone, Stevie. I promise there's a girl out there who is going to love you for you." I scoffed but otherwise remained silent as she finished buttoning up my shirt before hugging me tightly. "Mum would say the same thing," she added.

"You realise I'm twenty and still not even been kissed?"

"I can kiss you if you want."

"I'm not having my first kiss being my sister, no matter how much I love her."

She hugged me tighter. "I love you too, Stevie," she whispered, "We all love you. I hope you know that."

"I know, Amy. And thanks. I know you're trying to help me."

Grabbing what I needed for the night, I walked out into the living room where my younger sisters were getting ready to go out as well. Eighteen-year-old twins, and while I might be their brother, I knew both of them were drop dead gorgeous brunette bombshells. Both were wearing little black dresses, stockings and heels that meant they were easily towering over me.

That didn't stop them both hugging me tightly, kissing my cheek. "Very handsome, big brother," Jane stated.

"Going to break hearts tonight, big brother?" Jessica wondered. I scoffed again, both of them tightening the hug.

"Want to feel up our butts before we go?" Jane asked.

"Imagine having two girls at once as a first time, Stevie," Jessica added.

"Okay, that's all three of you now offering something rather rude."

"You don't want to hear what Mum was saying earlier," Amy joked, "Figuring she might as well just throw you on the bed and ravish you. It might make you feel better."

"Not sure she'd enjoy what I have to offer."

Jane and Jessica both leaned back, looking serious. "It's not how big it is, Stevie. It's how you use it," Jane said, "Find the right position and you'll make her cum."

"And if that doesn't work, make sure your oral game is on point. Make a woman cum when eating her pussy? She'll love you forever."

"Cock size isn't everything, sweetie," Amy added, cuddling me from behind, her head resting on my shoulder, "We haven't seen you nude in a long time, but the most important thing is that you're a very sweet young man."

"We're ready if you are," Jane said, nodding that I was okay too. Amy dropped the girls off at a friend's place first, as they'd get a taxi into the city. No idea where they were going. As for me, Amy drove me to one of my friend's places, pulling up outside by the kerb.

"Have a nice night, sweetie."

"What are you doing tonight?"

Leaning over to kiss my cheek, she whispered, "I'm going to spend the night in bed being very naughty with myself."

"How are you single, Amy?" I wondered.

"I thought I had the right man. Remember Nick?" Nodding, she sighed. "We only broke up a couple of months ago. I'm not ready to start dating again. He broke my heart, Stevie." Taking my hand, she squeezed it. "If any of our teasing gets to be too much..."

I managed a smile, which made her smile in return. "I don't mind. It's a little weird, but I don't mind."

"We just want our brother to be happy and smiling too." Leaning over to hug me, she kissed my cheek again. "There's a girl or woman out there for you, Stevie. I promise. But whatever happens, I love you so much too."

"I love you, Amy."

"And you should. All little brothers should love their older sisters."

"Thanks for making me feel better."

"Have fun tonight, sweetie."

Amy waited until I was inside before she took off. I was greeted with a hug from all my friends, amused that I was the only male present. They all knew that I actually wasn't gay though I was considered harmless and not a prospective romantic partner. I guess what my sister mentioned about me just being nice helped.

We enjoyed a few drinks at the house first before we agreed to head into the city. There were enough of us that we needed two taxis to take us, sitting in the middle of one with a friend to either side. All of them were dolled up and beautiful. I didn't allow myself to feel any romantic feelings for any of them, mostly because they were good friends, and I didn't want to ruin any of the friendships I'd formed.

Stopping at a friendly pub first, the sort that had a rainbow flag outside that kept certain clientele away, the girls were all having a great time. The drinks flowed, selfies and photos were taken, and I found myself drawn into half a dozen conversations at the same time. It was times like that where I forgot about my own problems as I would find myself laughing and smiling, and all the girls were affectionate with me. I know they saw me as a brother more than anything, part of me long accepting the reality and just enjoying the attention when I had it.

Heading towards the club a couple of hours later, it was one we were regular visitors. The men on the door were large and intimidating, but they were friendly towards me considering I was surrounded by women. Gathering together once we were all inside, the first stop was the bathroom for all the girls, no doubt wanting to pee, and I knew more than one would remove their panties.

I'd seen them enjoy each other on the dance floor more than once. None of them called themselves bisexual, but on a night out, I'd seen them finger each other to orgasm on the dance floor more than once, and I knew that they would happily head home together and spend the night licking and fucking each other. Girls could do that and not be judged. Imagine a pair of guys going home to suck and fuck each other? There's definitely a double standard somewhere.

Most of the girls hit the dancefloor. Sometimes they'd drag me up, but they knew I preferred to sit by the bar, perhaps talk to other people. Some gay men would hit on me as I knew they viewed me as a 'twink', having learned some of the lingo over the years. Most were polite enough to take 'no' as an answer, but one or two would claim they could 'turn me', whatever that meant. I never mentioned I was a virgin as I figured that would just make it worse.

Sipping at my rather fruity cocktail, ensuring I didn't drink it too fast as I didn't want to get drunk, I glanced around to see plenty of people chatting, some hooking up, but everyone was there to have a good time.

"Is this seat taken?" The question took me by surprise, swinging around to see a gorgeous woman standing next to the stool to my right. Before I could open my mouth, she smiled down at me. "My feet are killing me."

Clearing my throat, I gestured to the empty stool. "It's free," I managed to reply.

Earning another warm smile, she slid onto the stool as I turned away though glanced at her to get a quick understanding. She was definitely tall. Had a large chest. Very long legs that were bare and looked very smooth, the hem of her skirt barely covering even a quarter of her thigh. The top she wore clung to her curves. Her arms were bare of clothing, one arm covered in what looked like a tattoo sleeve down to her elbow. She had another small tattoo on her right wrist that I couldn't quite make out.

She was an absolute goddess. And if I judged correctly, she was definitely older than I was. Her brunette hair hung down to her shoulders. When she glanced my way, her blue eyes sparkled, her lips bright red with lipstick, her cheeks coloured slightly from either dancing or a little foundation.

Glancing me up and down, the smile broadened. "Well, aren't you a real cutie. What's your name?"

I would have normally groaned at being called cutie, but I managed to hold it back. "I'm Steven. Or Steve. Or Stevie."

She chuckled as I stumbled over a few short words, offering her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Stevie," she stated as she took my hand, amused hers was larger than mine, and her grip was quite firm, "I'm Chanelle."

"Nice to meet you."

"Are you here alone?"

"No, I'm here with a bunch of friends. They're all out on the dancefloor right now."

"You don't want to dance with them?"

"I'm not much of a dancer, and they're all just friends. I don't mind sitting here as people are sometimes friendly enough to join me. Just like you."

"I'm here with a couple of girlfriends but I saw this cute young man at the bar all alone and just had to come over and say hello. So you're here with some girlfriends. Are you single?" Shrugging but also nodding, she rested a hand on my thigh, which near enough made me jump off the stool. "None of your girlfriends are interested?"

"They prefer tall, dark, handsome with a big cock. You know the sort of thing you usually see on online dating sites nowadays." Shrugging again, I added, "It's okay as, despite looking at me more as a brother than anything, I've had some genuine friends since primary school. What about you?"

"Free and single, which is why I'm out with my girlfriends tonight. Spend a night drinking, dancing and, if we're all lucky, end the night fucking." I almost spat my drink out, managing to swallow it though I started to cough. Chanelle giggled as she moved her hand to my back, rubbing it gently. "Sorry, sweetie. I was just being honest."

"No, it's okay. Trust me, I hear a lot of sex talk around all my friends. Heard enough stories of girls being fucked by big cocks. Threesomes. Orgies. Gangbangs. Girls happy to swallow and take facials. Girls who love anal."

"And they forget you're also a man?"

Shrugging, I sipped at my glass again. "I'm used to it. They don't mean it maliciously. Hell, I probably learn things from hearing all their stories."

Turning slightly towards her, she did the same and I offered to buy her a drink. "How old are you, sweetie?"


"Oh dear! You're so young. And are you working or a student?"

"I'm doing a dual major at university."

She gently squeezed my thigh. "Then let me buy you a drink, sweetie. It's the modern age and women can buy men a drink if they want." She glanced at my glass and smiled. "And I like what you're drinking."

"It's sweet and tasty. I don't care what people think."

She stood up to get the attention, leaning forward slightly so I got a good look at her firm arse and those incredibly long legs. She must have been six foot, and with her heels, she must have been taller than most men. Even her arms looked rather strong, and her shoulders were broader than I'd seen on most women.

Sitting back down, she could see I'd been checking her out as she shuffled her stool a little closer, her hand back on my thigh, now caressing it. "So you're twenty, a student... Still live at home?"

"Yeah," I replied, a little embarrassed, "Three sisters and my mother."

"Nothing wrong with that. Are you interested in how old I am, cutie?"

"I've been told to never ask a woman her age."

"I'm thirty-six." I met her eyes as she smiled at me. "Would that be a problem for you?"

"We're just talking, Chanelle. I can talk to anyone."

Her fingers caressed my thigh as she moved her stool closer, feeling my eyes widen when I felt one of her feet start to move up and down my right leg. "Well, we're just talking for the moment, Stevie. Maybe you'd like to dance with me later?"

"Um, sure."

Sipping at our drinks, we continued to make small talk, most people ignoring us though who I assumed were her friends met my eyes occasionally, smiling back at me. There were three of them and they were all tall, gorgeous women as well. Chanelle noticed where I was looking and leaned closer to me. "I won't let them get your claws into you, cutie," she whispered, "They'd chew you up and spit you out."

"And you?"

Her fingers continued to caress my thigh as her eyes met mine. "I'm just wondering where the night will take us, Stevie."

Realising I was hesitating, she gently took my wrist and placed my hand on her thigh. Noticing as I was shaking with nerves, her other hand caressed my cheek before she leaned down and left a very soft kiss on my lips. "Nervous?" Managing to nod, she then asked softly, "Virgin?"

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Like how smooth my skin is, cutie?" Smiling and nodding, I ran my fingers down to her knee then back up to her skirt. "My legs are always nice and smooth. Got to look after your skin. Your hands are incredibly soft. Look after yourself?"

"I'm not exactly equipped for manual labour."

Finishing her drink, she dropped her feet to the ground and stood up, offering her hand. Without a word, she gently pulled me towards the dancefloor. I noticed a few of my friends paired up, grinding against each other. I knew where the night was going to end for most of them. I heard the stories during the week. But I noticed a few eyes glance my way as I stepped into the crowd with Chanelle, who turned towards me, and I finally realised how much taller than me she was.

To her credit, she kicked off her heels, so she wasn't so much taller than I was. Hooking her arms around the back of my neck, she pulled me tight to her body, my head resting in the valley between her big breasts. "That's it, cutie. Just sway to the music," she said, one of her hands stroking my back, and it didn't take long until one of her hands reached my arse, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Pulling me tighter to her body, I inhaled her fragrance and smiled. She was beautiful and she smelled delightful. Then I felt my cock start to get hard and I tried to pull back. "Don't worry, cutie. If you get hard, I'll take it as a compliment..."

"I'm not that big," I muttered.

Lifting my chin with a finger, she smiled before leaving another soft kiss on my lips. "I don't care, cutie. All I know is that I want to share this dance with you right now. So you're cute little butt is staying here with me. Got it?"


"Good boy. Now put your head back between my tits and just enjoy the moment."

I did just that, closing my eyes and enjoying how her hands moved over my body. I had my hands on her back, eventually finding the courage to move one down to her arse. It was firm but more than enough to give a good squeeze. It made her chuckle, feeling a hand move to the back of my head to stroke my hair. We actually danced through a couple of numbers before she spun me around so I was resting back against her. Feeling her hands move over my chest did make me feel a little awkward.

Eventually returning to our stools, I could see some of the girls looking at me. Though there was surprise, nearly all of them smiled when they met my eyes. Sitting down again, she ordered another drink for each of us, my hand ending up on her thigh again as she turned rubbed my lower leg and moved her hand up towards my groin. I could feel my cock was still rock hard.

Then she ran her fingers over the small tent in my trousers and I nearly climaxed. Noticing me shudder, she leaned down to kiss my cheek first. "Nearly cum?" Managing to nod, she kissed my cheek again. "Are you attracted to me, Stevie?"

"God yes."

"Want to come home with me?"

I didn't know how to answer that. I would have thought it was all some sort of joke, but when I met her eyes, I knew she was being completely serious with me. "You want me to go home with you?"

"Definitely, cutie. And I'd like to take you right now. Go say goodbye to your friends, I'll do the same with mine, and then I'll take you home to my place."

I could barely stand as I was so full of nerves, managing to find most of the girls, letting them know I was going home with Chanelle. To say they were excited for me wouldn't be an understatement. "She's gorgeous," one of them stated.

"And she looks mature. No-one better to learn from," another friend added.

"Just make sure you enjoy yourself but remember, make her cum!" another suggested.

I knew I was blushing as I returned to Chanelle, who was busy saying goodbye to her friends. She quickly introduced me, finding myself hugged by a trio of tall, buxom women, each getting a good grip of my arse at the same time, calling me cute and other pet names which didn't bother me at all. In fact, it made me feel rather good.

Taking my hand, Chanelle practically dragged me outside, flagging down a passing taxi. Getting in the back, she directed the driver to an address in the inner west. We behaved while we were driven to her place, slightly surprised that it turned out to be a little terraced place. After paying the driver, she led me towards the front door.

That's when she kissed me properly for the first time, finding my back pressed against the door as she slid her tongue into my mouth, whimpering as she was taller and stronger than me. I have no idea how long that first kiss lasted, but when she finally pulled back, there was a look in her eyes that made me gulp.

"Let's head inside and make ourselves comfortable, Stevie. I'm sure you've realised you're spending the night with me."


While not exactly modern from the outside, as the inner west of the city was mostly terraced housing that was at least a hundred years old, the inside was modern though still maintaining a warmth with nods to the age of the place. Leading me towards the living room, she asked me to sit down while she would fix us drinks.

Returning a couple of minutes later with a glass each, I took a sip and coughed as it was a little strong. "Not getting you drunk, cutie. It's just something to help you relax," she assured me.

We took a few sips before I turned towards her, looking up and down her body. Placing a finger under my chin, she stroked my cheek and leaned down to leave a soft kiss on my lips. "Never done anything like this before," I admitted.

"It's okay, cutie. I'll take the lead. Would you like that?" Nodding, we took another sip before standing up as she wanted to see me naked. I was shaking as she helped off my shirt first. I was rather slim though hated the word scrawny. I just didn't have much muscular definition though looked after myself through diet and a little exercise. Next were my shoes, kicking those off, using a toe to get rid of my socks.

When my trousers hit the floor, pooling around the ankles, I could feel my entire body shake as I stood in front of Chanelle in just my underwear. I was hard but the tent wasn't exactly large. When Chanelle cuddled me to her body, I nearly started to cry as it was a hug of reassurance. "You're beautiful," she whispered, her fingers caressing my back, "A beautiful boy. Nothing to be ashamed of, Stevie."

Letting me go, she crouched down in front of me before resting on her knees, leaning up to kiss me again as her fingers hooked into my underwear, feeling them lower first around my butt before she ensured my cock sprang free, making sure I stepped out of them before she placed them next to us. When I felt her fingers wrap around my cock, I nearly climaxed again.

"I know it's small," I whispered, "Like the rest of me."

"So you learn how to please a woman in other ways, Stevie." Meeting her eyes, she smiled as I felt relief that she wasn't disappointed. "When I say that your cock is cute, I mean it's cute just like the rest of you."

"Thanks," I said softly, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

"Want to see me, cutie?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly. It made her laugh as she stood up in front of me. Taking off her heels again, she still towered over me. Removing her blouse first, the bra she wore was sheer, seeing her hard pink nipples behind the black fabric. Smiling as she could see where I was looking, I followed her hands down her toned body towards the top of her skirt, the zipper at the side, moving that down and lowering it to the ground.

Standing before me in just her underwear, my cock was throbbing with excitement, Chanelle stepping towards me again, my cock pressing against her. It felt so tiny against her, but I was actually naked with another woman. I was going to savour the experience for as long as possible. Taking my hands, she moved them, so I was holding a breast in each hand. I had no real idea about breast size, and I was left wondering if they were fake. They were certainly big. Very big.

"Clasp is between the cups," she whispered, "If you'd like to see my tits."

"I'd love to."

"Then undo the clasp, sweetie. I want you to see my tits too."

My hands were shaking. I was about to see a pair of breasts for the first time. Undoing the clasp, the cup moved away from each breast. I smiled at seeing her whole breast, an areola the size of a twenty-cent piece, and her nipples were hard, pointing out. Shaking the bra from her shoulders, she was now standing before me in just her panties.

"Get on your knees and take off my panties, sweetie," she told me. It sounded like an order and there was a part of me that didn't mind. I was young and inexperienced. She was an older woman who'd already said she'd take the lead.

Falling to my knees, my hands were still shaking as I rested them against her lower legs, looking up to see her smiling down at me. Running my hands up her thighs, loving how soft and smooth her skin was, I eventually made it to the fabric of her panties. "That's it, cutie," she whispered, "Take them off for me."

Lowering them down, I took my time as I reached her knees, then her calves before she lifted one foot and then the other so she was now as naked as I was. Sitting back on my knees, she leaned down to leave a soft kiss on my lips. "I have a surprise for you, cutie. Want to see it?"


She stood up and spread her legs slightly, and that's when an enormous, flaccid cock appeared from between her legs. I'm fairly sure I whispered 'Holy shit' at seeing such a massive cock. Meeting her eyes, she was still smiling as she offered her hand, helping me to my feet. Her hands caressed my body as she pulled me close, feeling her cock getting harder as it started to poke me.

"Do you like my big cock, cutie?"

"I've... Well, I've seen things before."


"A little bit. Like most young men, I was curious."

Taking my hand, she led me back to the couch, sitting down first, her cock now completely hard, resting against her belly. It dwarfed my cock considerably... And it simply made her even more beautiful in my eyes. Resting a knee to either side of her body, I sat on her lap as she pulled me forward to kiss me again, her tongue quickly ending up in my mouth. Having never been kissed in such a manner, it was all very exciting, particularly when my cock rubbed against hers.

"I don't usually do that," she admitted, "But I had a feeling you wouldn't mind."

"You're beautiful, Chanelle..."

"And you're a complete sweetheart. Want to suck my tits?" I felt myself blushing as I nodded. Her fingers ran through my hair as she added, "Want to suck Mummy's big tits?"

I groaned as that just added another level. And though I'd never fantasised about my mother or sisters, I was aware that many women called their lovers 'daddy'. She was an older woman. Wanting to be called 'Mummy' was just another turn on.

Kissing again, she made me moan and whimper as her hands grabbed my arse. I was left thinking that she really wanted to fuck me. I would have to tell her that the idea only scared me because she was so big. I had a feeling she wanted to fuck me, and it wouldn't be the other way around. When I finally wrapped my lips around one of her nipples, she moaned softly as she continued to run fingers through my hair.

"That's it, cutie. Suck Mummy's tits. I bet you'd love to taste Mummy's milk, wouldn't you?" I met her eyes and groaned, loving the feeling of her nipple in my mouth. Her other hand continued to stroke my back and my butt, making me shudder as she occasionally ran fingers over my arsehole.

Moving to her other nipple, I suckled at that as she moaned again. My cock was now throbbing from the excitement, and I wondered if I was going to cum just from sucking her breasts. As I sucked her nipples, my other hand moved down between our bodies. "That's it, cutie," she whispered, "You can feel Mummy's cock if you want to."

Gently grasping another cock than my own for the first time, she moaned again as I doubled down on sucking her nipple as I ran my fingers up and down her cock, feeling slickness at the top of her cock. "Pre-cum, sweetie," she explained, "I cum a lot when I'm excited. My panties you took off will be stained from how excited I was tonight."

Taking my mouth from her nipple, I kissed her again as she pulled me close. "What do you want me to do next, Mummy?"

Her eyes lit up as she stroked my cheek with the back of her hand. "Want to taste my big cock, cutie? Maybe get down on your knees between my legs."

I surprised myself at how eagerly I nodded, sliding off her lap and kneeling between her legs. She spread her legs a little wider as I got a good look at how large and heavy her balls also were. I could barely wrap my fingers around the base of her cock, lifting it up and placing it against my cheek. "I've got a real big one, cutie," she said with humour, "I really want to see your pretty little mouth wrapped around it."

"I'll try."

"Get it nice and wet first. Lick it up and down. Get a taste of my pre-cum too. You'll love the taste of my cum."

Doing as she told me, I was surprised that I didn't feel weird that I was licking her cock. It was darker than her skin colour, quite a few veins, and as thick as my wrist, or that's how I judged it. The head was even darker, and I was wondering if she was desperate to cum. My cock was still hard, but I had calmed down a little bit.

Running my tongue up and down made her moan softly. I smiled at the sheer fact I was pleasing her. Once her cock was glistening from all my spit and saliva, I lifted myself up slightly and, with only a little hesitation, wrapped my lips around the head, feeling a small flow of pre-cum from her cock. I swallowed that down, actually liking the slightly salty taste, as I lowered my lips down as far as I could without making myself choke and gag.

"That's it, cutie," Chanelle moaned, her fingers gripping my hair, "Suck Mummy's big cock. You're going to make me cum so fast!"

I knew that eye contact was important, ensuring I was gazing up her body as I slowly bobbed my head up and down her cock. She smiled continuously, her fingers either running through my hair, down my face, or up my arm as I used one hand to stroke the large section of cock I simply couldn't get in my mouth.

Sealing my lips tighter, she moaned again as I moved faster, bobbing quicker while I used both hands to work the rest of her shaft. When her hips started to move, and her hand firmed up on the back of my head, I knew I was doing something right. "Oh Stevie... I can't believe this is your first time..."

"Watched more porn than I'd care to admit."

Chuckling, I met her eyes as she watched me suck her big cock like my life depended on it. The thought that I would make her cum thrilled me. "You loved watching women with big cocks fuck cute boys like you, didn't you?"

Smiling, it wasn't something I wouldn't normally admit to. I had always hoped my family didn't know my porn habits. I never saw much straight porn with men resembling someone like me. I knew what twinks were in gay porn. Shame I wasn't interested in men. But I'd seen plenty of transgender porn. Many sites still called them shemales or trannies, aware they were outdated or derogatory terms nowadays. Ladyboys generally referred to Asian transwomen, who were also sexy as hell.

Bobbing faster and faster, I could sense she was getting close, despite having never made a woman cum before. Her hips moved faster, and I knew she was close. Polite enough to warn me, I moved my mouth back so only the head of her cock was in my mouth as I used both hands to stroke her faster and faster.

"Oh fuck!" she exclaimed, feeling her fingers grip my hair even tighter, "Oh fuck, Stevie. Get ready, cutie. Gonna cum!"

That first spurt of hot, thick cum exploded into my mouth. I loved the feeling straight away, and I swallowed her gift immediately. More heavy spurts filled my mouth, doing my best to swallow as much as I could, but Chanelle had warned me that she came hard and heavy, and she hadn't lied. Cum eventually dribbled down my chin as I pulled back, the last couple of spurts hitting my mouth and chin.

As her climax faded, I used my tongue to clean up her cock, then a finger to clean my chin. Sitting on her knees before her, she took a moment to catch her breath before leaning forward and kissing me hard, her tongue exploring my mouth once again. While still kissing, she helped me up to sit on her lap, shuddering as her fingers wrapped around my cock again.

"Want to keep going, cutie?" she asked.

"Do you want to fuck me, Chanelle?"

Her face softened before she kissed me again, holding me tight to her body as she sat up. "I want to take you to my bedroom and spend the night with you, Stevie. And I'm hoping it's the first of many nights, if you want."

"Mummy will look after me?"

Her eyes lit up before she kissed me again. "Mummy will look after you, cutie."

Standing up, I wasn't surprised that she could easily carry me to her bedroom, turning on the light and smiling as her room was tastefully decorated, a real feminine touch. Placing me down on the edge of the bed, I wrapped my hand around her cock again, making her chuckle. Gently pushing me back, I shuffled back as she joined me on the bed, crawling towards me.

I felt tiny underneath her, left mesmerised by her big cock swinging as she reached over to her nightstand. She pulled out some lube, then offered a condom. Shaking my head, she smiled before kissing me again. "I want to feel you cum in me the first time," I admitted.

"And you still haven't cum, cutie. I promise you're going to have the best orgasm of your life while I'm inside you."

"Just be gentle," I whispered.

"I'll make sure you're ready for me."

Gesturing with a finger, I turned around to rest on my knees, leaning back as I was pressed back against Chanelle. Gently pushing me forward, I grabbed a pillow and relaxed as I felt her rub her cock between my cheeks, though that disappeared and I felt her hot breath, making me shudder.

"Well, that is just a delicious looking rosebud, cutie," she said, "So pink and virginal."

"Because it is, Chanelle!" I replied, chuckling to myself.

Groaning when I felt her tongue run over my arsehole, I gripped the sheets as Chanelle just seemed to dive in. Within a couple of minutes, I was moaning and whimpering, and the idea of her sliding her massive cock inside me only turned me on even more. Feeling her tongue disappear had me groan with disappointment as I'd enjoyed it far more than I ever thought possible.

"Ever fingered your arse, Stevie?" Shaking my head, one of her hands continued to stroke me as I glanced back to see her stroking herself. "Just try and stay relaxed. Okay?"

"Okay," I replied softly.

Feeling her pour some lube onto me, I giggled as she rubbed it against my arsehole. When her tongue returned, I moaned loudly which made her giggle. "I always used flavoured lube. I'm hoping you'll eat my arse sometime soon. It's something I love my partners to do."

"I'll do anything you want, Chanelle."

Her fingers eventually prodded me, and I couldn't help moving away at first. Gripping my hip firmly to keep me in place, she ran her fingers over my rosebud, letting me get used to the feeling, before she gently pressed a finger against me. Feeling it slowly slide inside me actually felt pretty good. Slowly thrusting into me, she gave me time to get used to it.

"That's pretty good," I finally said.

"Want another one?"

I probably surprised her with my eager nod. "Please," I whispered.

Adding a second finger felt even better, keeping my eye on Chanelle as she leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek, driving her fingers a little deeper. When I moaned loudly, she giggled before kissing my again. Asking if I wanted a third, I met her eyes and almost begged for it. Taking a third caught my breath as I felt completely stretched out though aware her big cock would feel even bigger.

"Good boy," she cooed, "Mummy will look after you."

She gently fingered me for a few more minutes before she decided I was ready for her. Removing her fingers, she picked me up, making me nearly squeal before resting me on my back, spreading my legs as she placed a pillow under my butt. Watching her lube up her cock filled me with even more excitement. It perhaps wasn't the way I imagined losing my virginity, but now that I was in the moment, I couldn't think of a better way.

Watching her lube up was exciting, knowing she would be inside me within a couple of minutes. Once she looked ready, she spread my legs wide and lifted my arse slightly. Feeling her cock press against me, she leaned forward and kissed me softly.

"Ready for Mummy's big cock, cutie?"

"Yes, Mummy. I can't wait to feel you inside me."

"I'm going to make you cum quite quickly, cutie."


She kept kissing me as I felt her press her thick cock against me. When she ever so slowly started to slide inside me, feeling my arsehole get wider and wider to accept her, I dug my fingers into her back as I won't lie. It still hurt a little bit. She realised and broke the kiss, stroking my cheek. "It's okay, cutie," she whispered, "I won't hurt you too much."

"Slow... Just let me get used to it."

"I will but you're so deliciously tight, cutie."

When the head of her cock popped inside me, I could stop the moan that escaped me, squeezing her cock a few times as I got used to having something so large inside me. Giving me time to get used to it, she started to slide more of her length into me, wondering where it could go considering I was small compared to her, and her cock was simply enormous.

We groaned together as she continued to slide her length inside me, Chanelle the first to smile when her entire length had disappeared inside me. Keeping my legs back, she ever so slowly pulled back and slid forward, making love to me as our mouths met, moaning together as she slowly picked up the tempo of her thrusts.

"Fuck," I whimpered, "Holy shit..."

"You okay, cutie?"

"Fuck me, Mummy!"

She laughed, kissing me again. "I'll change the angle slightly and you're going to cum so hard, cutie. You ready?"

"God yes. I really want to cum with your cock inside me, Mummy."

Lifting herself up slightly, my legs ended up wrapping around her upper arms, as she started to fuck me a little faster. I'd never felt it before but knew she was now hitting my prostate. It felt fantastic, moaning with every thrust, her eyes watching mine as I knew I was on the verge of orgasm. She leaned down to kiss me, holding her tight as I felt my cock just erupt. Squeezing her cock with my arsehole, she kept thrusting as the orgasm tore through my body. I whimpered and moaned as I felt my cock throbbing away, spurt after spurt of cum covering me.

"Mummy..." I whimpered.

"I promised I'd look after you, cutie. Mummy made you cum hard."

"Oh my god... It feels so good, Mummy."

She kept thrusting into me. Fuck, it just got better and better. Now that I'd orgasmed, I could just focus on the feeling of her thick cock sliding inside me. I looked down between our bodies to see it disappear and reappear. Moving my eyes back to hers, she smiled as my legs moved from her upper arms to her shoulders.

Lifting my arse even more, she started to drive into me faster though, while there was a dull ache, it wasn't as painful as some of the stories I'd read about men being fucked for the first time. Chanelle had applied plenty of lube and had taken time to look after me.

"Love your tight little arse, cutie," she groaned, "And I'm about to fill you up with loads of hot cum."

"Fill me up, Mummy."

She did just that within a couple of minutes, feeling her thick cock throbbing away in my tight arse, a new warm sensation as she continued to thrust as I was sure I felt every spurt of her big cock. When she eventually stopped thrusting, she gazed into my eyes before kissing me softly, releasing my legs so I could wrap them around her waist, my fingers digging into her back as she continued to gently thrust into me.

"Is it always this good?" I wondered.

"It gets so much better once you'll be capable of really being fucked hard."

Feeling her pull out had me groaning with disappointment as I'd already grown to enjoy feeling her inside me. Lying down next to me, I turned onto my side and cuddled into her, making her chuckle as I latched onto one of her breasts again while my other hand started to stroke her still thick, hard cock.

"I think someone wants more of Mummy's milk," she said, giggling away.

Rolling up onto her lap, I moved her cock, so it was resting between my cheeks as I resumed basically nursing on her nipples. She seemed to love it, earning a series of soft moans, though she eventually had me sit up so she could apply more lube to her cock.

"Want to ride me, cutie?"


Once she was lubed up again, I slowly lowered myself down her cock. It felt as fantastic as the first time she'd slide inside me, bottoming out rather quickly. I wasn't really sure how to start, Chanelle helping me out by grabbing my hips as bouncing me up and down. The sounds that escaped me made her chuckle as I knew I was already addicted to being her bottom.

I loved lifting myself up so only the head of her cock was inside me before sliding down. She seemed to love it too, and when I felt her fingers wrap around my small cock, I knew I was probably going to erupt all over her. Instructing me to ride her faster, she would match stroking me with the speed of my own movements.

"Oh fuck!" I cried out as I was soon riding her faster, sweat dripping down my back and chest as it was quite the workout.

"Keep going, cutie. I want to see you cum with my cock buried in you again."

"Definitely going to cum," I moaned, almost fucking her hand that could easily wrap around my shaft, "Your cock feels way too good, Mummy."

Stroking me faster and faster, I eventually erupted all over her chest, making her cry out and laugh as it splattered all over her tits. Releasing my cock as it continued to flop about, she pulled me down as her hands ended up on my arse, starting to pump up into me harder and faster.

"Fuck me, Mummy," I moaned, barely able to relax on my hands.

She barely said a word, grunting as she was soon fucking me harder and harder, surprised at how quickly I could handle taking her big cock as hard as I was. Leaning down to kiss her, that's when she struck, rolling me over onto my back again, pushing my knees back so they were almost level with my head as she focused on just fucking me hard and fast.

It hurt. I won't lie. It did hurt. But the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure I was feeling. I had no attraction to men, but as she fucked me, I could certainly understand why a lot of gay men enjoyed being fucked.

She finally came inside me again and that wiped me out. She'd fucked me for at least fifteen minutes. Just solid pumping me. Little surprise my cock had ended up hard again, though once she'd filled me up with another load, she pulled out and cuddled me tight, suggesting we'd had enough for the time being.

Leaving me to relax, she disappeared for a few minutes returning and helping me to the bathroom to find she'd run us a bath. She got in first before I joined her, leaning back against her firm body, head between her breasts again. We relaxed and talked about our lives, and though there was an age gap, we did share some things in common.

Returning to bed a little later, I was exhausted, and quickly found myself spooned back against Chanelle, her thick though now flaccid cock pressed into my back. Feeling her squeezing me, I chuckled as it was nice to spend the night with a woman for the first time.

Waking up in the morning, I turned around to find her already awake. Wrapping my hand as best as I could around her cock, she kissed me softly. "Do you want more of some Mummy's milk this morning? A thick, delicious treat for breakfast?"

"Yes please!"

Lying back, I positioned myself between her legs and slowly stroked and sucked her big cock. I absolutely loved it already, savouring the feeling of it in my mouth, the taste of her pre-cum, and the noises she made simply turned me on even more. She grabbed my head but didn't try to fuck my face, letting me maintain control. She only gave me simple instructions, such as fondling her balls, and she even asked me to play with her arsehole.

After she came, just about managing to swallow most of her incredibly thick, delicious cum, she dragged me up to straddle her lap, sitting up and kissing me while holding me tight in her arms. Leaning back once we needed to take a breath, the look in her eyes made me smile.

"So that was pretty good?"

"It was wonderful, cutie. And if you want to do that again and again, I certainly won't complain."

Showering together was fun as she towered over me, her thick cock remaining half-hard, and I couldn't stop giggling as it swung around. I got dressed after showering, Chanelle throwing on a silk robe, as she led me out to the kitchen, watching as she quickly prepared some bacon and eggs, enjoying more than one glass of juice.

Returning to the lounge, I ended up straddling her lap again, enjoying a long make-out session. We ended up just cuddling before she whispered that it was probably a good time for me to go home, otherwise we'd end up fucking all day and into the night again, and she did have work on Monday.

Quickly throwing on some clothes, she drove me home, pulling up outside our house. Sharing one last kiss, we swapped numbers and I had to ask when I'd see her again. Knowing I attended a university campus in the city, she provided me the address of where she worked. Realising we would actually be close to each other, we agreed to meet up for lunch during the week.

Walking inside, my family was waiting for me. I had barely closed the door when I was inundated with questions. Ignoring them as I wandered to my bedroom, I heard footsteps following me, only turning to face the inquisition once I was sat on the edge of my bed.

"I met someone last night," I admitted, "A woman. An older woman."

"How old?" Amy asked.

"Older than me. That's all you need to know."

"Get laid?" Jane asked bluntly.

"You have this look that you definitely had sex last night," Jessica added.

I avoided the question. "Anyway, she does work close to campus, so we've agreed to meet up during the week."

Mum walked into my bedroom behind my sisters. "Think she'll want to join us for dinner one night?"

Groaning, the four of them did laugh. "How about we wait to see if anything comes of this?"

"She's an older woman?"

"Yes, Mum."

"How much older?"

I heard the concern in her tone. "She's younger than you, if that's what you're worried about."

"All I worry about is that you're safe and you won't be getting a girl pregnant."

I almost laughed as that definitely wasn't going to be an issue. Assuring them all that I'd simply enjoyed a good night with a new friend, and that I was willing to see where things led, they thankfully left me alone, Amy giving me a tight hug and teasing me again. "Did you get laid, Stevie?" she whispered.

"I really like her already, Amy."

"As Mum said, just be careful and don't rush it. You're still young."

"I know. But thanks."

Meeting up with Chanelle a couple of times during the week proved to be a good thing as we spent our lunch hour just talking, really getting to know each other. At the end of lunch on Thursday, she asked if I wanted to visit her place again on Friday night and stay all through until Sunday. I told her that I'd love to visit her again, of course.

"What should I bring?" I asked.

"We'll go out on Saturday night again. Otherwise, I plan on keeping you naked the rest of the time."

She wasn't lying. I finished mid-afternoon on Friday and headed straight home to pack a small bag. Chanelle collected me on the way home, stopping on the way to her place to pick up some food. We ate quickly as there was only one thing on both our minds, Chanelle practically tearing my clothes off before she ended up naked, sitting on my knees between her legs as her cock ended up in my mouth again.

"Missed this," she moaned softly.

"I've daydreamed about sucking your cock again all week, Mummy."

She laughed at the fact I remembered our kinky little word play. Taking more of her cock than before, I still couldn't deepthroat her, but she loved the mixture of my mouth and hand anyway, one hand also fondling her balls at the same time. It didn't take her long to erupt, gulping down her delicious cum. She moaned a few times as she came before chuckling again, suggesting I was turning into a little cum slut.

She wasn't wrong.

I ended up on her lap, rubbing myself against her cock as she had plenty of lube around to get me ready. Moaning loudly as she slid her cock inside me, I bounced up and down on her cock until I erupted all over her body. Smiling at me as I cuddled her, she amazed me again by standing up and easily carrying me to her bedroom, lying me back on the edge of her bed as she started to really fuck me hard.

That was just the start as, after she filled my arse the first time, I ended up on my knees, head buried in a pillow, as she spent what felt like an hour fucking me harder and harder. I loved every single second, begging her to just keep fucking me, amazed at how fantastic having her thick cock slamming me actually felt. Sure, I'd feel a little tender in the morning, but in the moment, it was nothing short of wonderful.

Waking up in her arms the next morning, I was spooned back against her, knowing she was awake when I felt a pair of lubed up fingers slide inside me.

"Fuck yes," I moaned.

"Want my cock inside you before breakfast?"

"How about during breakfast, Mummy?"

Moaning as she slid inside me, lifting my leg as she gently thrust as deep as possible inside me. She fucked me nice and slow that morning, allowing me to savour every inch of her magnificent cock being buried inside me. I whimpered as she continued to hold me tight, soft kisses on my neck and check. It made me smile when she whispered almost loving words into my ear.

I climaxed all over her sheets and that set off her orgasm, filling my arse yet again with another enormous load. Feeling her pull out, I turned around and snuggled into her, feeling her arms wrap around me.

"You're far too cute, Stevie," she whispered.

"I can't believe I met a woman like you."

"A beautiful woman with a massive cock?"

"That's just a bonus!"

We ate breakfast together side by side on the couch before I cuddled into her as we watched some television, content to relax in near silence, only talking when something was on our mind. I eventually ended up with my lips around her cock again, giving her one hell of a slow, sloppy blowjob. I brought her to the edge more than once before she finally stood up with me on my knees on the ground, watching as she stroked her cock until she just erupted all over my face.

"Totally fucking hot," I moaned as I felt my face dripping with her hot cum.

After lunch, we ended up back in her bedroom as I rode her cock again before we made love, me on my back with my legs wrapped around her as she gently thrust into me. As we gazed into each other's eyes, I felt my heart beating faster, and it wasn't through the exertions of lovemaking. When she caressed my cheek and left a soft kiss on my lips, I convinced myself she was starting to feel the same sort of things I was.

Filling me up yet again, amazed at how often she could cum, we agreed to relax and get ready a little later before heading out. And from what she told me, I'd be meeting her friends. We did shower together, and I ended up sucking her cock yet again, though not until orgasm, I just wanted her cock in my mouth, and she let me have my fun. We ended up on her bed, straddling her lap, suckling at her breasts, something she seemed to love just as much as me sucking her cock.

"What do you think?" she asked, walking out to where I was sitting in her living room, dressed in an incredibly short black dress, laughing as she lifted the hem to show her black panties, and she must have tucked as there was no bulge visible.

"You're beautiful, Chanelle."

Standing up, she walked towards me, leaning down to kiss me. "Thank you, cutie. I want to look good for you. Turn you on so you beg for my cock later."

"Chanelle, I'd like to beg for it now."

Caressing my cheek, she pulled me in for a tight hug. "You don't need to beg, cutie. My cock will be buried in your arse later tonight."

"Good because I'm already feeling rather empty."

Meeting her friends at a pub near the club, they were three tall, beautiful women, not surprised to learn they were also packing some serious heat underneath their dresses. Chanelle was all over me, her hands never leaving my body. Whispering into my ear some very suggestive ideas, she kissed my cheek and turned to her friends. "He's cute, isn't he?"

"Very cute. But how much does he love your cock?" Crystal wondered.

I almost choked on my drink as Chanelle giggled. "I think it's safe to say that he loves it. Don't you, cutie?"

"Think he'd be interested in more big cocks in his life?" Vanessa asked.

"I'm not going to share him, girls," Chanelle replied, pausing a few seconds before adding, "Well, not this quickly anyway."

"I can imagine spitroasting him already," Taylor said, giving me a look that suggested she was undressing me in her mind, "One in his tight little arse, another in his mouth, and he has two hands to stroke us off."

"Fuck, that's pretty hot," Crystal added.

"Find your own cute little thing for the time being," Chanelle retorted, wrapping her arms around me, "This one is all mine for now."

"Do you like her big cock, Stevie?" Crystal asked.

"Honestly?" Glancing around the table, I smiled before adding, "It's the best thing ever. I had no idea I'd ever enjoy being fucked so much. I find myself just wanting to get onto my knees and worship her."

Kissing my cheek, she hugged me tightly. "I love it when you're on your knees, cutie."

"I love being on my knees for you, Chanelle."

The next kiss she laid on my lips almost made me whimper. Smiling as she took my hand, she held it the rest of the time at the pub and all the way until we were inside the nearby club. Entering with four beautiful women with me had many looking in my direction. As soon as we bought drinks, I was dragged up onto the dance floor, centre of attention of four beautiful women. Of course, I ended up moulded back against Chanelle, feeling her hard cock pressing against me. Her three friends then did the same thing and there was no missing that they were just as endowed as she was.

"Would you like my friends to fuck you too?" Chanelle breathed into my ear.

"I don't know..."

"They're all big girls, just like me. And I know you'd just love to suck them until they came down your throat before they slammed their big cocks nice and deep in your arse."

"Are you trying to turn me on?"

"Of course, cutie, because I'm going to pound you senseless when we get home."

She wasn't lying. We arrived home after midnight, both of us buzzing from a night of drinking and dancing. We were naked by the time we hit the bedroom. Chanelle was eager to fuck me, as lube was rather quickly applied to my arse and her cock, on my knees bent over the bed as she carefully eased her length inside me.

"Fuck yes," I whimpered.

Feeling her hot breath by my ear, we groaned together as I felt her bury her entire length. "That's it, cutie. Mummy has her cock where you want it again."

"Fuck me, Mummy. Fill me up then we'll go to sleep."

"I'm going to fill your arse, then you can suck my cock later. I want to see you swallow my load before we sleep."

"Okay, Mummy."

Chanelle pounded me hard, there's no other way to describe it. And I absolutely loved it. Guess you can get used to having a big cock slamming your arse. Feeling her hand on the back of my head, forcing it into the mattress, the speed and power of her fucking me made me orgasm rather easily. Squeezing her cock at the same time urged her on to fuck me harder.

It was the best feeling in the world. Before meeting her, I'd never given receiving could have been as pleasurable as it was. I almost blurted out that I loved her. I knew I was falling for her.

Feeling her cock throbbing as she filled me up, she made me chuckle as she pulled out and spun me around, sliding back inside me but only so I could cuddle her. "Mummy make you feel good?" she whispered.

"She did. But I still have to suck Mummy's big cock too."

After doing that, swallowing down another enormous load, I lay between her legs and just played with her cock. She watched me with some amusement, but I also noticed the other look in her eyes. I knew we were falling for each other, but though we seemed to get on fabulously inside and outside of the bedroom, I did worry about our age difference.

Spending most of the next day just lounging about, occasionally making love, she eventually drove me home, parking up outside our house again. Sharing a very long kiss, we pulled apart and gazed at each other in silence for a few seconds.

"I want to keep seeing you, Chanelle," I whispered.

"You will, cutie. But you're worried?"

"Only a smidgen."

Caressing my cheek, she kissed me again. "I'm not worried about a thing. All I know is that I'm currently very friendly with a beautiful young man. And I want to see where this goes."

"Me too." Pausing, I added, "My family might want to meet you one day."

"Well, tell them as much about me as you feel comfortable, and we'll see what happens."

Opening the door, I was ready to get out before I turned back and met her eyes. "I love you, Chanelle."

I found myself wrapped up in her arms immediately. "I love you too, Stevie."

"I'll see you on Tuesday for lunch."

"Meet me at my office. You can have lunch under my desk. Mummy will give you a special treat."

"I'd love that!"

Sharing one last kiss, I finally stepped out of her car. Closing the door, I watched as she pulled away, doing a u-turn before she returned, stopping next to me so I could give her one last kiss. Whispering our words of love to each other again, she pulled away, watching her go until she disappeared around the corner.

Sighing contentedly, I turned and walked inside, ready to be interrogated by my family once again.