TALES OF *R*NSWOMEN TOPS CH. 06 by UltimateSin

Sitting at the table across from my two sisters, I was doing my best not to scowl but our lives had changed in the past few months, and I didn't like it. My father was at the head of the table, spooning cereal into his mouth while checking his phone for messages. My two sisters were chewing on toast or fruit, their noses buried in their phones too.

No idea what my mother was doing as she was now on the other side of the country with her affair partner. She'd been cheating on our father, my oldest sister the one to discover what was going on. The marriage of my parents collapsed rather quickly as she immediately told our father what was going on. Our mother didn't deny it. In fact, I remember the satisfied smirk on her face when she sat us down and told us the truth.

It meant we'd had to move as she'd timed it well. I had been eighteen for a couple of months, so she wouldn't be on the hook for any child support, and when it came to divorce, she wanted her share of the house. Dad didn't want to remain in the house either, considering his now ex-wife had fucked numerous men in the marital bed.

I understood why we'd had to move, but leaving behind all my friends, and having to start at a new school for my last year just plain sucked. My oldest sister was still studying, so simply transferred to the nearest university, while my other sister had found a new job that actually paid better than the job she'd left behind. As for my father, the company he worked for had offices everywhere, and after hearing what happened, they moved him to a new office and gave him a promotion.

Lowering his phone, he finally glanced in my direction, and I must have still been scowling. I was old enough to understand, but it still sucked. "I know you're not particularly looking forward to a new school, Steven..."

"It's already been discussed, Dad. I don't like it but there's not a lot I can do about it. Anyway, I don't blame you for any of this. I blame Mum."

"I'm glad you don't blame me, son."

Glancing at my sisters, I returned my eyes to him. "No-one at this table is to blame, Dad. Katie did the right thing in telling you what was going on."

Katie smiled at me. "Thank you, Stevie. I've always worried that you..."

"You did nothing wrong. The only one at fault is our mother. Quite frankly, I don't even really want to think about her, but it's difficult not to considering we're in our current situation. As for your original statement, Dad, I'm not particularly looking forward to starting at a new school, but things could be a lot worse for all of us."

Arriving at school in my own car was a bonus, Dad having bought it for me after moving to the new city, having spent a couple of weeks driving around, learning the important streets and the best route to and from school. Parking up in the car park, there were curious glances in my direction as I was definitely a new face. Walking into the administration part of the building, I was expected, so after filling in a bit of paperwork, I was handed my timetable of classes and what else to expect.

As it was the first day of the new school year, there'd be an assembly where all the students would congregate, the principal would give a speech, before we'd head off to the first class of the year. Each class had me introduced to a teacher, and I did end up chatting to a couple of guys who were rather friendly and ended up spending lunchtime being introduced to plenty of people. Everyone was very welcoming.

The day flew by, and my last class was English. It was at the beginning of the lesson that I was introduced to Miss Rodriguez. It was easy to figure out she was of Latin extraction, though whether that was Latin Europe or Latin America, I didn't quote know. Though friendly when I arrived, it was easy to figure out that she was respected but she didn't tolerate disrespect or dissent in her classes. Just during that first lesson, two of my classmates were warned about their behaviour in such a manner that neither made a peep.

Asked to stay at the end of the lesson, I wasn't worried as there was no rush to get home. Waiting until the room was empty, the click of her heels echoed in the silence as she walked to the door to shut it. Turning around, she pointed to an empty chair, sitting down without needing to be told. Standing in front of me, I had to arch my neck as she was tall even without her heels.

Her long dark hair hung down to her shoulders. Her eyes were a deep brown, almost a window to her soul. Her lips were full, and she wore glossy lipstick. Her blouse was tight to her body, and she had a big pair of tits. I'd heard talk during lunchtime that she wasn't the only teacher that many of the students fantasised about.

"How have you enjoyed your first day?" she asked, the question catching me by surprise.

"Better than I thought it would go. Everyone's been friendly, at least."

"Can I ask a few personal questions?"

Shrugging, I replied, "Sure."

Wheeling her chair around her desk, she sat in front of me, crossing her legs to show off the tops of her thigh-highs as her skirt rode up. The top couple of buttons of her blouse were also undone to show off a little bit of cleavage. "How tall are you, Steven?"

"Um, last time I was measured, I was around five-six."

"You keep fit?"

"Yeah. Soccer during the winter, tennis in the summer."

"Have a girlfriend?"

"Um... No."

The questions were a surprise but, considering she was hot, I didn't mind. "Virgin?" Okay, that was a question I didn't expect. Feeling my cheeks grow warm, she chuckled to herself. "I guess that's my answer. Nothing wrong with being a virgin, Steven."

"I just didn't expect a teacher to show an interest."

"It's your first day and I like to know my students. I won't be the only one with an interest in you."


"Just meant by the fact you're a new face and we're all going to want to get to know you."

"What about you, Miss?"

Wheeling her chair a little closer, she smiled as one of her heels hit the floor and I felt her foot stroking my shin. "What about me, he asks? Well, I take my job very seriously, as I'm sure you've already realised. I won't tolerate any student fooling around in my class. You're here to learn and I make sure none of my students fail. I have various methods to deal with students who might need my help or inspiration. I particularly enjoy private tutoring of one or two students, taking them under my wing." She smiled as her foot continued to stroke me. "I believe you might need some of it as you might need help catching up on some topics. I've read over your previous record, and you were focusing on different things at your old school. I won't be the only teacher to suggest this."

"If you're offering to help me, Miss, I won't knock that back. I can't afford to fail anything this year as I need top marks to get into the course I want at university."

"We can discuss it further during this week." Removing her foot, she smiled as she stood up, sliding her foot back into her heeled shoe. "Can I see your timetable?"

Handing her the paper copy, it was amusing to see her eyes light up before she looked at me and smiled. "Well, you're going to have a fantastic year, Steven. Miss Anderson is a delight, and you'll love her history teacher. And Miss Bailey as your PE teacher... There's a reason every young man wants to be in her class."

"Any other teachers I should know about?"

She leaned back in her chair, stroking her chin. "Hmmm. Miss Chen is a language teacher. Everyone adores her. And Miss Nguyen teaches cooking and home economics. You might not be in either of their classes but they're great teachers to know."

"Thank you, Miss."

"You're welcome, Steven." Getting to my feet, she escorted me to the door, feeling her hand on my lower back. Before she opened it, she turned towards me. "How open minded are you, Steven?"

"How do you mean, Miss?"

"I mean in general, but say... We live in an open-minded and tolerant society. Say a new girl started this week and you found out she was born a male..."

"You mean she was trans?" Smiling and nodding, I shrugged. "It wouldn't bother me."

"Good to know, Steven. Good to know." Opening the door, she rested her hand on my shoulder. "Have a lovely afternoon and I'll see you tomorrow."

Arriving home first as expected, I knew we wouldn't see our father until much later that evening, so it was just my sisters and myself for dinner. They asked about my day, and I was ready to tell them about my last conversation with Miss Rodriguez, but then thought better of it. If she wanted to take a personal interest in me then it could only be a good thing.

She was right about Miss Anderson, though. Last lesson of the day again, I found myself being held back for a second day in a row as she asked the same questions as Miss Rodriguez the previous day, though she asked a couple of more questions about my opinion on transgirls and if I'd be attracted to them. I was almost left thinking they knew about my browser history, as like any young man, I'd been curious about certain things.

I met Miss Bailey for the first time on Wednesday, thankfully the class taking place prior to lunch. Like Miss Rodriguez and Miss Anderson, she was a tall and incredibly beautiful woman and, in her tight-fitting clothing, had a body that nearly any woman would have killed for. No wonder every red-blooded male wanted to be in her class.

By Friday, I'd met all my teachers and had even taken the advice about meeting with Miss Chen and Miss Nguyen, who were a pair of absolutely delightful women and seemed to love the fact I wanted to meet them despite neither of them teaching any of my classes. Miss Rodriguez seemed to bookend my weeks by taking my final classes on Monday and also on Friday.

Asking me to stay back again at the end of the lesson, she had me sit in front of her desk as she perched herself on the edge, and I could barely tear my eyes away from her long legs. Or her cleavage. Or her incredibly pretty face. "How have you found your first week?"

"Rather enjoyable, Miss."

"Are you still interested in some private tutoring with me?"

"As long as it isn't..."

"It won't be a problem, Steven. And it won't just be with me. Miss Anderson has suggested she would also like to help. And Miss Bailey is a good friend, so she'll probably join us too. This weekend might be a little too early, but how about we start at the end of next week? You can come around on Saturday morning and we can spend all day ensuring you're all caught up as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Miss. I appreciate the fact you're all willing to help."

"It won't just be working. I have a pool if you'd like to join us for a swim. And we'll happily provide lunch too."

Her eyes sparkled when I smiled at her. "I can only say thank you again, Miss."

"You're very welcome." Placing her feet down, she gestured for me to follow her to the door. Before opening it, she turned back to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Make sure you mention this to your father. We don't want any secrets."

"I'll tell him though I'm sure my sisters will insinuate certain things. Hell, most of my new friends will probably be suggestive."

Running her fingers up and down my arm, she leaned in slightly closer. "And is that such a bad thing, Stevie? The new student in school attracting more than one teacher to him? You would be considered an instant legend. The sort of student they'd still be talking about in twenty years."

"Now you're just teasing me, Miss."

"While I am, we all agree that you're rather cute, Steven." I felt my cheeks grow warm, but I didn't expect her fingers to gently caress me at the same time. "You're a delightful young man, Steven. I'm glad you're in my class."

"I'm glad you're my teacher, Miss."

She took a deep breath and stepped back to open the door. "Have a lovely weekend, Steven."

"I will, Miss. You have a great weekend too."

I didn't actually tell anyone about what I would be doing the next weekend. I'd wait until next Friday. Instead, my sisters did show some interest in how my first week had progressed, pleased to hear that I wasn't an outcast and that I'd already made some friends. My father arrived home at a reasonable time, and we shared a beer together as we ate some take-out. He was doing his best to support his kids, but with the hours he was working, even I knew he was burning the candle at both ends.

The next week was much the same as the first, though I wasn't asked to stay back. Instead, I may not have had much experience with the opposite sex, but I was left convinced by the end of the week that Miss Rodriguez and Miss Anderson were, quite frankly, flirting with me and seemed to be interested. I had no real idea why though I did enjoy the attention.

"Come around about 10am tomorrow, Steven," Miss Rodriguez told me at the end of our final lesson on Friday.

"Yes, Miss."

"Although I guess you will need my address. Hand me your phone and I'll put all my details in there. You'll be the only student to have my phone number. I trust you won't be too inappropriate with it."

"I'll be good, Miss."

Telling my sisters and eventually my father about what I'd be doing the next day, I was surprised that none of them made any real jokes. In fact, my oldest sister suggested it was rather sweet that my teachers were taking such an interest in trying to help me catch up, while my other sister admitted to being a little jealous that none of her teachers had ever shown such an interest in her studies.

I was up early and that's when I was teased as showered and shaved, my sisters asking if I was going to study or if I was going out on a date. I showered every morning, though I guess I didn't want to make a bad impression. I wore my school uniform five days a week and wasn't going to just show up in a pair of grubby shorts and t-shirt.

Arriving outside a rather gorgeous house in a suburb not far from where I lived, I felt some butterflies as I approached the front door. Miss Rodriguez opened the door seconds after I'd pressed the doorbell, greeting me with a warm smile before leaning down to kiss my cheek. Feeling myself blush, she took my hand and led me inside, Miss Anderson rising from her position on the couch to kiss my cheek too. Miss Rodriguez and Anderson wore gorgeous sundresses, showing off toned legs and tanned, toned arms. Miss Bailey wore a tank top with a very tight and small pair of shorts.

"Want a drink before we start, Stevie?"

"I'll have another wine, Josie," Miss Anderson replied, wiggling her empty glass in her direction.


Miss Bailey sculled whatever was in her glass. "I won't say no, though is this a study session or something else?" Her words were for Miss Rodriguez, but her eyes were only looking at me.

"Behave, Courtney. At least for now... Stevie, drink?"

"Um, as I'm here to study..."

Miss Rodriguez caressed my cheek. "That's true, sweetie... I mean Stevie, but you should also relax too. Have a sweet tooth? I don't have beer but there's wine and plenty of liquor to make cocktails."

"Okay, I'll have something."

"Good boy. Now keep Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey company while I make us some drinks."

Finding myself between the two statuesque beauties, even when sat down, I felt a little intimidated with all the skin and cleavage on display. Both turned slightly in my direction, smiling at me as we made small talk. I was still quite new to them, so they asked general questions about my life. I was actually rather forward in asking one or two personal questions in return, surprised to learn their first names, as I knew most teachers preferred students not to know.

Miss Rodriguez returned with a tray of drinks, sitting between me and Miss Anderson, surprised when she immediately rested a soft hand on my thigh. "Thank you for coming today, sweetie..."

There was no correction to my name this time, simply meeting her eyes and smiling. "Well, I'll accept any offer to help as I know I'm behind regarding certain things."

"Finish your drink, then we'll head into my office to study. If you'd like, we'll have some lunch then spend a couple of hours by the pool this afternoon. Could you handle seeing three of your teachers in bikinis or two-piece swimsuits?"

"I don't think that will be a problem, Miss."

"Good boy. Now, that's for later. Follow me to my office."

Standing up, I followed her down a hallway, passing by what looked like a guest room, the bathroom and what must have been her bedroom further on. Her office was already set up for us to sit side by side at her desk, dropping my bag and taking out my laptop. Sitting next to her, she rolled her chair as close as possible, her legs and arms often bumping into mine as we worked through a few things I needed to catch up on. Miss Anderson joined us an hour later to offer her assistance, rather turned on when I found myself pressed between the pair of them.

A couple of hours flew by. Miss Rodriguez eventually cleared her throat and locked her screen. "Time for another drink, lunch, then we should head outside to relax. We don't have to do everything today, Stevie. Moving school at this time isn't the best thing but we'll get you caught up as soon as we can."

"If you don't come here, you can always come to mine for more one-to-one tutoring," Miss Anderson added, resting her hand on my thigh, meeting her eyes, "I love helping those students who prove as dedicated to learning as I am to teaching."

"Thank you, Miss."

"Want to come and join your three teachers in relaxing, sweetie?" Miss Rodriguez asked.


"Let Courtney know we'll be out in a couple of minutes, Natasha."

Miss Anderson returned a grin before she left, closing the door behind her. Getting to my feet, Miss Rodriguez did the same, though she almost made me help when gently grasping my wrist and pulling me closer to her. "Do you think I'm attractive, sweetie?" she asked softly.


"We're outside of class, sweetie. Call me Josie. And the question remains."

"I think you're beautiful, Miss."

"Good answer. And Natasha?" Nodding, she added, "And Miss Bailey?"

"You're all beautiful, Miss."

Caressing my cheek made me blush, her soft fingers running from next to my ear towards my chin, grasping it and moving my head, lifting it so my eyes could meet hers. She returned an utterly gorgeous smile. "You're going to love what you see by the pool a little later, sweetie," she added, "All your teenage dreams might just come true." Gulping, she smiled before leaning down to kiss my cheek, her hot breath in my ear making me shudder. "Even better news is that our school would have no problem. You're eighteen and an adult. And if you wanted to fool around with three of your very fit teachers..."

In a daze, she took my hand and led me towards the kitchen, where Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey were preparing food and drinks. Noticing the look on my face, Miss Anderson turned her eyes to Miss Rodriguez. "What did you tell him, Josie?"

"Just that he's going to have a lot of fun with us, Tash."

"So we're sharing him?" Courtney wondered, the question having me looking between all three of them.

"We're not going to just leap into everything straight away and scare the poor boy. We'll ease him in slowly, but the idea would eventually be for the three of us, plus Becca and Emily to also have fun with him. And if he's really interested, all five of us could be with him at once."

"Can't remember the last time I was in a gangbang," Miss Anderson stated wistfully.

I nearly spat my drink out, coughing a few times as Miss Rodriguez gently patted my back. "Sorry, sweetie. The sex talk started far earlier than anticipated."

"I'm going to put my bikini on," Miss Bailey stated, "Want a free show, Stevie?"

"Stop teasing," Miss Rodriguez warned, "Tash, you go get changed as well. I'll change after you two."

We heard the pair giggling away as they were getting changed in the guest room. Returning in a pair of bikinis, well with bikini tops as they had a sarong each around their waist. Miss Rodriguez took my hand, leading me towards the office, where I collected my bag. Stopping outside the guest bedroom, she gripped my hand tighter and slowly led me towards her bedroom. Shutting the door, she turned and pressed me back against the door.

"You're going to learn a few things in the next few minutes, sweetie," she whispered, her hand moving to caress my cheek again, "Please don't hate me for it."

"I could never hate you, Josie..."

"Thank you, sweetie. Mind getting changed together?"

"No. But I am... You know..."

"Sweetie, if you weren't hard, I'd be disappointed."

I blushed but also giggled as she turned and walked away towards one of the chest of drawers, watching as she searched and eventually found one hell of a tiny bikini. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she undid a couple of buttons of her sundress, letting that fall down her body to pool around her ankles. My cheeks grew warm as she wasn't wearing a bra and it was obvious her breasts were fake.

She turned around when lowering her panties, getting a fantastic view of her arse, watching her slowly turn around, her eyes only searching for my face as I looked her up and down. Gazing down at her hands, she slowly moved them away to reveal... a long, thick and half-hard cock.

"Please don't be afraid, sweetie..."

"That's so hot," I murmured.

I think my immediate response caught her by surprise. "You mean that, sweetie?"

Somehow, I managed to move closer towards her as she turned her body, watching her cock throbbing as it quickly got harder and harder, her chest rising and falling rapidly from her obvious excitement. "I mean, I had no idea, Josie, but I'll admit I often fantasise about beautiful women having either a pussy or a cock. I'm a very open-minded young man, or so I like to think."

Smiling at me, she started to put on her bikini as I undressed. Dropping my shorts and underwear, she stopped me once I was naked. I was rock hard as she pressed her body into mine, feeling her soft hands run up and down my back. "You're absolutely adorable, Stevie," she whispered, "And you have a very cute cock. Does it worry you I'm so much bigger?"

"No, Miss," I whispered, "It actually turns me on even more."

"Ah... So you like women with big fat cocks?"

"My fantasy was always a tall, strong woman who would be the aggressor, take the lead and, if she was interested, she could just... um...."

"Pound you into the mattress every night?"

"I know it might seem gay to so many people, but you're a woman, Miss..."

She hugged me tightly. "Thank you for saying that, sweetie," she whispered, "I had a good feeling about you, the moment you walked into my classroom the first time."

Sliding on my swimming shorts, we grabbed some towels on the way before stopping in the kitchen to grab drinks and a platter of snacks, heading outside to where Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey were already lying back on a sunlounge. Their skin was already glistening, so I assumed they'd already applied cream and maybe suntan oil.

"Lie down, sweetie," Miss Rodriguez told me, "I'll put some cream on your back, so you don't burn."

Lying on my front, she sat just below my arse. Knowing she had a cock, I giggled when the cold cream landed on my back before she started to rub it in. Feeling her shuffle slightly, there was no missing when her thick cock pressed between my cheeks, unable to stop the light moan that escaped me, but when I pushed back against her, her fingers dug into my shoulders a little harder.

"Roll over, sweetie," she whispered.

Lifting herself back, I smiled at the enormous tent that was already in her bikini bottoms. "He knows?" Miss Anderson asked.

"He does and he doesn't care, Tash," Miss Rodriguez replied, smiling at me. Leaning forward, she applied more cream before starting to rub it in, "And he's got a lovely little hard on while his teacher looks after him."

Gazing into my eyes, the smile didn't leave her face as I felt her almost rubbing her cock against mine. "Can I touch it, Miss?" I whispered, glancing down to see the thick head and an inch or two poking out from the top.

"I'd love you to touch me, sweetie," she whispered back.

Reaching down underneath her, I gently ran my thumb over the head of her cock, causing her to hiss as it was already slick her pre-cum, before I reached down further and gently grasped a couple of inches in my fingers. "Fuck it," she muttered, undoing the ties of her bikini top, freeing her breasts again.

"I guess we're not wasting time now?" Miss Anderson asked.

"Show him, girls. He won't mind." Then she leaned down and kissed me. I whimpered immediately as I gripped her cock tighter, earning a soft moan as her tongue slid into my mouth rather quickly. I moaned softly as I stroked her cock a few times, earning a soft moan from her in return. Breaking the kiss, she sat up and I moved with her, not wanting to release her cock. Smiling at me, she undid the ties of her bikini bottoms to free her cock completely.

"Did you bring lube out?" she asked.

"Of course we did," Miss Bailey replied, "Is he ready for this, Josie?"

"Sweetie," Miss Rodriguez said softly, again caressing my cheek, "Look at my two colleagues."

Having been so focused on Miss Rodriguez, I turned to see the other two teachers were now sitting side by side next to the sunlounge I was on. Both were naked, a pair of nice fake breasts on each chest and a big, thick cock between their legs. I couldn't help smiling as Miss Rodriguez giggled. "His cock just got a little bit harder, girls," she said, "Sweetie... Would you like to pleasure the three of us? We know you've never been with anyone. We'd love to be your teachers in more ways than one."

"You would?"

"We think you're absolutely adorable, Stevie," Miss Anderson replied, "Yes, you're new so I guess that also helps, but we usually take one young man under our wing each year. Unfortunately, we haven't found a young man who wants to stay with us after the year together..."

"The three of you want me?" I had to ask.

"Us three plus Miss Chen and Miss Nguyen. They're just like us and we know they both really like you too," Miss Bailey replied, "They would have come this weekend but thought we shouldn't overwhelm you too soon."

"What would you like to do, sweetie?" Miss Rodriguez asked.

"I'd love to suck your cock, Miss."

She leaned down and kissed me again, pulling me tight to her body. Moving down to her breasts, I had to give them some attention, making her moan rather quickly after I'd latched on and started to suck, my hand moving its way between her legs to slowly stroke her cock. While I was busy with her, I sensed a presence behind me and the feeling of a thick cock pressing against my lower back.

"Suck her tits, sweetie," Miss Anderson whispered into my ear, "Then get ready to suck her big cock. Will you swallow her thick, delicious cum?" Nodding as I suckled, I sensed her smiling. "Good boy. And we cum a lot, sweetie. We'll fill your mouth first, and when we make love..."

"Thank you for saying we'll make love to him, Tash," Miss Rodriguez moaned.

"We want him to enjoy this, Josie. We're always gentle when breaking them in. Once he's used to us..."

Moving from breast to breast, her fingers ran through my hair, showering me with compliments, before she lifted my head away to kiss me again. Quickly repositioning, she sat back after ensuring she was sat up, spreading her legs so I could kneel between them, gently grasping the base of her thick cock, her large balls hanging between them. Glancing back, Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey were behind me, their hands immediately caressing my arse. I was smooth all over my body and I think they were enjoying that aspect.

As I ran my tongue up and down her thick shaft, I felt a wet tongue run along each of my cheeks and I was left thinking I was going to have my arse eaten for the first time. Focusing on Miss Rodriguez, her fingers continued to caress the back of my head as I ran my tongue around the thick head of her cock, tasting her pre-cum, which continued to flow.

"That's it, sweetie," she whispered, "Time to swallow some of it. Girls, don't distract him too much. He'll suck you off afterwards, won't you, sweetie?"

"Only after I make you cum first, Miss."

"We're definitely keeping him," Miss Bailey said with a giggle.

Swallowing as much of her cock as possible, Miss Rodriguez released a moan of appreciation, only stopping when it hit the back of my throat. Hands continued to caress my body, feeling a cock being pressed between my cheeks to tease me, as my head bobbed up and down on her cock. Her fingers gently grabbed my hair as her hips started to move at the same time.

"I really want to lick his arse," Miss Anderson stated softly, "He's got a deliciously pink rosebud here, Josie."

"After he's blown you both, then we'll get him ready for us to make love to him." Gazing up into her eyes, she smiled down at me, "You like the sound of that, sweetie? The three of us taking turns inside you?"

Releasing her cock, I stroked it as I leaned up to kiss her. "Want me to stay the night?"

"Tash and Courtney were going to sleep in the guest room. You're staying in my bed tonight."

"I really want to make you cum, Miss."

"Then get those beautiful soft lips around my cock. I'm going to fill your mouth."

Smiling as I wrapped my lips around her cock, Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey moved so they were in my field of vision, sitting down and stroking their cocks at the same time. Bobbing faster and faster, I sealed my lips tightly and listened to how Miss Rodriguez was reacting but also what she told me to do.

Her hips moved again and when her hand was starting to keep me in place, I sensed she was probably getting close. "Fuck," she moaned.

"As soon as he's done, I need him to suck me too," Miss Anderson moaned.

"Maybe he can do us both together?" Miss Bailey wondered.

I was far too focused on Miss Rodriguez, watching her face, feeling her thick, hot cock in my mouth, throbbing with excitement. She moaned a couple more times, her fingers gripping my hair even tighter, and I knew she was now on the verge. Thankfully, she was polite enough to first warn me, then suggest the best way for me to take her cum, moving my lips back to just hold the head of her cock, using my tongue on the sensitive underside, using my hands to stroke the rest of her shaft and balls.

It all worked a charm as she exploded within a couple of minutes, thick, hot cum flooding my mouth. I savoured the taste before swallowing down each mouthful. I'm fairly sure I swallowed down at least half a dozen spurts before she simply dribbled the rest as I used my tongue to clean up her cock. Moving up and down her shaft, she lifted me up to kiss me, wrapping her arms around my body and pulling me tight.

"Thank you, baby. Thank you," she whispered, her hands moving down to my arse, feeling her tickle my rosebud.

"That was so hot, Miss."

"I'm glad you liked it, sweetie."

"I loved it. I've always wondered what it would be like to share something like this with a woman."

"He's dangerous, Josie," Miss Anderson said, "He's going to be far too sweet."

Moving off the sunlounge onto the ground, Miss Anderson offered her hand and led me over to the lawn, getting onto my knees and Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey offered their cocks for me to pleasure. I knew enough to suck on one and stroke the other, though Miss Rodriguez followed, suggesting they lie down so I could focus on them as she got me ready.

Feeling Miss Rodriguez start to lick my arse felt weird at first, but I loved having two cocks to pleasure at the same time. "Do you need to cum, sweetie?" she did ask me.

"I'll cum when we make love, Miss."

I eventually focused on Miss Anderson to make her cum as Miss Rodriguez enjoyed licking my arse, then applied lube. That caused me to stop and glance back, watching her smile as she told me what she was going to do. I managed to stay relaxed as a finger slid inside me, head bobbing up and down faster and faster on Miss Anderson's cock as Miss Rodriguez gently pumped her finger into me.

Miss Anderson was excited and came in my mouth within a few minutes, sitting up to share our first proper kiss, her hand gently stroking my cheek and the smile that formed on her face made her look very pretty. Moving over to Miss Bailey, I remained sitting on my knees as Miss Rodriguez wrapped an arm around my chest with two fingers now in my arse.

"Like it, baby?" Nodding as Miss Bailey held my head in place and gently thrust into my mouth, "Or do you love it?"

"He's loving it," Miss Anderson replied for me, "His little cock is so hard and dripping pre-cum."

"You need a big throbbing cock inside you, don't you, sweetie?" Miss Rodriguez breathed into my ear, "You want me first, then Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey to fill you up too? Maybe we'll invite Miss Chen and Miss Nguyen next weekend, the five of us just taking turns..."

Moaning around Miss Bailey's cock, I whimpered as I felt a third finger slide inside me, Miss Anderson moving closer and slowly stroking my cock at the same time. I moaned a couple of times as I didn't want to cum then and there. "Fuck, he's pretty good already," Miss Bailey groaned.

"I was turned on from watching him suck Josie for so long," Miss Anderson added, "Then again, her affection for him is already obvious."

"I'm taking him inside once you cum, Courtney," Miss Rodriguez told Miss Bailey, "We're making love on my comfortable bed."

Miss Bailey came a few minutes later, having got used to taking a thick cock in my mouth, having swallowed more of hers than the first two. Not quite into my throat but I had a feeling this was just the beginning on my education. After swallowing all her cum, Miss Rodriguez removed her fingers and stood up, offering her hand to help me up. Leaning down to kiss me, she smiled and whispered that she loved the taste of cum in my mouth. Cuddling her, I sighed as she wrapped her arms around me, with Miss Anderson hugging me from behind, feeling a pair of her fingers slide inside me.

"Fuck, he's tight," she whispered.

"We'll just be gentle, Tash," Miss Rodriguez whispered in reply.

"I really want to slide my cock inside him now."

"After Miss Rodriguez," I said softly.

"Of course, sweetie," Miss Anderson assured me, though her fingers continued to gently fuck me, "Do you like my fingers though?"

"I love them. Does Miss Bailey want a turn?"

She did, feeling Miss Anderson remove her fingers, Miss Bailey pressing into me as she slid two fingers inside me. Complimenting me on how tight I was, she gently stroked my cock at the same time as I leaned up to kiss Miss Rodriguez again.

"It's time," she finally announced, Miss Bailey removing her fingers as I was led back inside, not stopping until we arrived at the master bedroom. Letting me go, Miss Rodriguez told me to get on the bed and lie down, Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey getting on the bed with me, lying to either side, as Miss Rodriguez walked around to the foot of the bed, lubing up her cock as she smiled at me.

Getting me into position on my back, lifting my arse with a cushion, she spread my legs as her glistening cock swung, leaning forward and kissing me as I felt the head press against me. Whimpering into her mouth as she pressed forward, I groaned as the thick head of her cock slowly, ever so slowly, slid inside me. Resting my hands on her back, my fingers dug into her as she slowly slid more of her cock inside me.

"You're doing so well, sweetie," she whispered, kissing each of my cheeks, "Is it hurting?"

"No," I whimpered, "It feels so good, Miss."

"I'm glad, sweetie. Want some more of my big cock?"

"I want it all, Miss. This is what I fantasised about." Glancing left and right, I blushed, "Being in a room with beautiful women who had a big surprise for me between their legs."

Kissing me again, she kept pushing, feeling my arse slowly but surely accepting more and more of her cock until her balls gently tapped against me, looking down to see her entire length had disappeared. She smiled at me, kissing me again, before she slowly started to fuck me. Gripping her back, I held on and just savoured the feeling of her thick cock sliding in and out of me.

Glancing left and right, Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey stroked themselves to keep their cocks hard but kissed my cheek and whispered that I looked happier than anyone they'd been with before. Returning my attention to Miss Rodriguez, I moaned as she sank her cock a little harder and deeper, my fingers digging into her back again.

"Not hurting you, sweetie?"

"Keep going," I whimpered, "It feels so good, Miss Rodriguez."

"I do love the fact he keeps calling us by our names," Miss Bailey said, kissing my cheek, "I think we should keep that going."

"I'll call you whatever you want when you're inside me, Miss Bailey."

Miss Rodriguez moved my legs so they were now over her shoulders, starting to thrust faster and faster. When her fingers wrapped around my cock at the same time, I nearly exploded immediately, Miss Rodriguez smiling at the series of moans and whimpers that escaped me. Thrusting even faster, her hand pumped my cock, and I knew I was going to cum.

I barely had time to warn her before the first spurt erupted from my cock. "That's it, sweetie," Miss Rodriguez said softly, leaning down to kiss me again, "Cum with my big cock inside you."

"Please don't stop," I whimpered.

"We won't stop until you've had enough, sweetie. I promise."

Now that I'd cum, I could just concentre on Miss Rodriguez and her big cock inside me. She released my legs slightly, moving to spread them wider, which changed the angle of her fucking me. Meeting my eyes, I knew what she needed, gritting my teeth as she started to pump me faster and faster. Whispering for her to fuck me, she smiled and stroked my cheek as her other hand ended up on my arse as she was getting ready to cum.

When her cock started to throb and those first couple of spurts filled me up, I felt that warm sensation I'd often heard about when someone cums inside you. Her cock throbbed and throbbed, and she must have cum even harder, and even more, than when I'd blown her earlier. She kept thrusting until she needed to stop, leaving her cock buried deep as we shared a very soft kiss.

"We're definitely doing that again, Miss!" I stated enthusiastically.

"Later tonight when we're alone in bed... We'll make love until you can't keep going."

"And you can keep going, Miss?"

"The three of us can stay hard long after we've cum. And we all cum a lot each time."

Pulling out left me feeling empty and sad, though Miss Anderson moved quickly to sit between my legs, her cock lubed up and ready. She tapped my butt and made a gesture, rolling over and looking back over my shoulder as she pressed her cock against me. Miss Rodriguez sat in front of me, her cock still hard, glistening with cum and lube. I knew about arse to mouth, but I didn't think they'd expect that of me yet.

Miss Anderson ran a hand up my back to my shoulder and rather easily slid her big cock inside me, all three women of similar size. Far longer than mine and as thick as the largest cocks I'd seen in videos I'd watched in private. She buried her cock rather quickly that earned quite a grunt from me, but I assured her it didn't hurt.

"Take it easy, Tash," Miss Rodriguez warned her, "We don't want to hurt him. Remember?"

"I won't hurt him, but I just wanted to bury my cock inside him."

"It's okay," I assured them both, taking a deep breath, "She feels just as wonderful as you felt, Miss."

Miss Anderson didn't waste any time thrusting into me, her skin slapping against my arse as she figured out a tempo that suited us both rather quickly. With a hand on my shoulder and another at my hip, she was burying her cock nice and deep with every thrust, my cock already hard again. I moaned and groaned my way through it, either resting my head on the lap of Miss Rodriguez or glancing back to watch Miss Anderson thrust into me. Miss Bailey eventually sat up on her knees next to us and I could use my hand to stroke her off too.

"Fuck, he's so tight," Miss Anderson groaned, "How did you last so long, Josie?"

"Kissing him all the time distracted me."

Miss Anderson pulled me back, so my back rested against her chest, feeling her hard nipples against me, as she turned my head to kiss her. "You're so fucking cute, Stevie," she whispered, her smile ensuring she looked so beautiful, even when fucking me, "We've been waiting for someone like you."

"I've been waiting to meet girls like you."

Kissing me again, she gently pushed me forward and moved to mount me, her head on my shoulder as she started to drive her cock into me. I whispered that it did hurt a little bit but that I could handle it as it felt so good when driving her cock deep. She kissed my cheek and assured me she was going to cum quickly. "Can't wait until you fill me up too, Miss," I told her.

Hearing her groan as she unloaded in my arse after barely another couple of minutes was a major turn on. Leaving her cock buried for a couple of minutes, I was eventually pulled back again to rest against her body, her hands running up and down, whispering about how soft my skin felt. Then she hugged me as Miss Rodriguez sat up and hugged me as well.

"Her cock is still inside me," I told Miss Rodriguez, which made both of them laugh.

"Just because we want to fuck you doesn't mean we won't want cuddles too, sweetie."

Miss Anderson pulled her cock out of me as I relaxed down on the bed next to Miss Rodriguez, lying on my back again as Miss Bailey positioned herself between my legs. "Need a break, sweetie?" she asked.

"No, Miss. I'm ready for your big cock too. How do you want me?"

"We're making love, sweetie. Exactly how you are is just the way I want you."

Moaning as she easily slid her cock inside me, giggling as she joked about all the cum currently inside me, my legs ended up hooked around her elbows as she didn't have to take too long building a good rhythm that felt wonderful for us both. Miss Anderson and Miss Rodriguez cuddled into either side of me, kissing my cheeks and neck as Miss Bailey occasionally kissed me but liked resting her forehead against mine as she fucked me faster and faster.

"Do you love being fucked, sweetie?" she asked.

"I'm living my dream right now, Miss," I replied.

"And there are two more teachers who'd love to join us."

"And we can get some other friends involved," Miss Anderson added, "If that idea doesn't scare you, sweetie."

"Girls like you?"

"There are more girls like us than you probably realise," Miss Rodriguez replied, "Beautiful women with big cocks who love to fuck cute young men, just like you."

Miss Bailey really started to fuck me faster and faster, both of us moaning as her kisses increased in passion and intensity. I moved my hips in time with her thrusts, soft hands of Miss Anderson and Miss Rodriguez caressing my body at the same time, both reaching down to gently stroke my cock occasionally.

"Don't want to cum too quickly," Miss Bailey finally grunted.

"We'll get plenty of time with him this year, Courtney," Miss Anderson said, chuckling to herself, "And his arse is so lovely and tight, it's little wonder I didn't last too long."

"We're really going to share him?" Miss Bailey asked, glancing at Miss Rodriguez.

"I promise that we'll have times with him together, and there'll be times when he's at one of our places to make love alone. And it's also up to him too."

"I hope you share me as I really like you three already."

"There we go, Courtney. Steven wants us to share him too."

Miss Bailey took a few more minutes before she needed to cum inside me. Once her cum had joined the others, she pulled out and I turned to Miss Rodriguez, admitting I would need a break now. I'd been a virgin, just been fucked three times, and I needed a good break. The three all hugged me together, thanking me for allowing the three of them to all have their chance so quickly.

Miss Rodriguez led me to her ensuite bathroom as the other two disappeared to the guest room. We had a quick shower, Miss Rodriguez carefully washing me up and down, her eyes constantly gazing into mine. "Miss?"

"Yes, sweetie?"

"I... I, um..."

She stopped washing me and kissed me softly. "Those feelings are natural after your first time, sweetie. The first time I made love with a boy, not long after I turned eighteen, I thought I felt that way."

"Did you?"

"I did but his feelings were not returned. Unfortunately, he was one of the many men who couldn't handle being fucked by a woman. It's why I'm careful now and, well, I usually look for younger men."

"How old are you, Miss?"

She smiled as she resumed washing me up and down. "I know you're eighteen, sweetie. Rest assured that none of us are more than ten years older than you."

"I wouldn't have said any of you were older than twenty-five."

"And you're just trying to prove how big a sweetheart you really are."

"Just being honest, Miss. Like me admitting that I've absolutely loved today, and I'll want to keep doing this with you..."

She kissed me softly before we cuddled again. "We're going to have a wonderful year together, sweetie. I promise."

We ordered in dinner a little later, the four of us putting on some clothes for when the delivery was made. Gathering in the living room to eat, we polished off everything before following that up with another couple of glasses of cocktails. As the three women sat together on the couch, sipping at their drinks, I took pleasure in working them with my mouth and hands.

"Make the two of them cum," Miss Rodriguez told me, "We'll fool around in bed when it's time to go."

Miss Bailey was happy I focused on her first, head bobbing up and down on her lap, though I kept working Miss Anderson with my hand at the same time, before she told me to just focus on Miss Bailey. After earning quite a load of cum from her, she relaxed back and smiled as I moved across to give Miss Anderson more attention.

"Want to ride me, sweetie?" she asked after a few minutes.

Glancing at Miss Rodriguez, she chuckled at me. "Sweetie, you don't need permission from me to do anything. If you want to ride her big cock, go for it."

Stripping off, she lubed herself up as Miss Rodriguez did help me get ready before I positioned myself on Miss Anderson's lap, grabbing the base of her cock and prodding the head against me. Taking a deep breath, she replaced my hand as I ever so slowly started to slide it inside me, kissing her hard as I felt her thick cock spread me wide.

Took a couple of minutes before she was buried all the way inside me, but once we were both comfortable, I had my hands on her shoulders and was happily bouncing away, with her hands on my hips as she thrust up into me at the same time. It felt wonderful as I made out with her at the same time, and as I rode her faster and faster, I was caught by surprise when I erupted all over her chest.

"That's it, baby. Cover me in your spunk!" she cried out.

"Holy shit!" I groaned as I hadn't even realised that I was close to orgasm.

To my surprise, she easily picked me up and we switched position with me resting back on the couch, my legs once again spread wide as she really upped the tempo of fucking me, driving her cock deeper and deeper with every thrust. Her blue eyes were alive with the lust and desire she felt for me, her dark hair plastered to her forehead, her body glistening with sweat as it was still rather warm that evening.

"Going to cum in me again?" I teased.

"I'm going to cum on your face when I'm ready."

"Courtney..." Miss Rodriguez warned.

"I'm not going to fuck his face or anything. I'm just going to jerk off onto his cute little face. Would you like that, sweetie?"

"I'd like to try, Miss."

"Good boy. Now I'm going to fuck you nice and hard for the next couple of minutes. When I'm ready to cum, you'll get on your knees and get ready for an explosion."

Waiting on my knees when she was close to orgasm, I watched her stroke herself faster and faster, opening my mouth and closing my eyes when she was ready to erupt. Feeling her warm cum land all over my face made me giggle, and I probably caught her by surprise when I didn't hesitate in sucking her cock to clean up her cum when she'd stopped spurting on me.

"Good boy," she whispered, leaning down to kiss me, feeling a cloth help to clean up my face rather quickly, "Did you like that, sweetie?"

"Yeah, I've always wondered what it would be like."

"We're going to have a lot of fun together, Stevie. And when we're alone, we can really experiment, but we'll never do anything you don't want. I promise."

It had been a long day and it was amusing that Miss Bailey and Miss Anderson were feeling the pace, admitting they hadn't cum so often in a day in quite a while. The four of us eventually parted for the evening, the other two heading for the guest room to share a bed while Miss Rodriguez took me by the hand to her bedroom.

Shutting the door, we came together and kissed as I helped her disrobe so she was naked. Lying back on the bed, we lubed her cock together before I straddled her body and slid down her cock, leaning forward so I could kiss her.

"Ride me, sweetie. I've dreamed about you just riding my big cock for hours. We'll go to sleep after I've cum in you."

Though I loved riding her, I already preferred being on my back with Miss Rodriguez above me, her gorgeous eyes gazing down into mine, her beautiful body completely dominating mine, her big cock sliding in and out of me. My legs were spread wide to start before I had them wrapped around me. Miss Rodriguez was taking it nice and slow before I was basically begging her to fuck me. She still worried about hurting me, assuring her I was a big boy and I could handle it, but I really wanted her to cum in me before we went to sleep.

When she did finally cum inside me, the kiss we shared during her orgasm was the most intense of the day and night so far. Finally coming up for air, the look in her eyes no doubt matched how I was looking at her.

"We have to be careful, Stevie," she whispered, "But I can see how you feel about me already."

"And you feel the same, Miss."

"I've been hurt before but I'm feeling ready to open my heart, maybe take a chance, even with someone so young..."

She was still hard, and after stroking her back to life, I wanted her to take me from behind and properly fuck me for the first time. Resting on my hands and knees, I glanced back and smiled, wiggling my arse, as one of her hands ended up on my hip as she easily slid her cock back inside me.

"Fuck me, Miss," I moaned, "Fuck me hard."

"Are you sure, sweetie?"

"It hurt a little bit before, but the joy and pleasure far outweighed any lingering pain. And I want you to really enjoy yourself this time. Pound away, and when you need to, just mount and fuck me."

She had to almost carry me to the bathroom an hour or so later as my legs were like jelly but nothing could wipe the smile off my face. Holding me up as we showered, I could see her concern so hugged her tightly and whispered how much I cared for her already. I knew it was quick, but I added that she was my first so would always be special to me.

But I also wouldn't deny that I'd been attracted to her from the first moment I'd walked into her classroom. I might have been living out a fantasy, but I also knew how I felt.

Holding me in her arms after we'd dried off, she held me tight, and I think we both fell asleep rather quickly. I know I pretty much passed out as I was exhausted, and happy to admit I was feeling rather sore. Incredibly happy but a little sore.

Miss Rodriguez woke up before me, waking up to find me almost suckling at one of her breasts before I leaned back and smiled at her. "No sex today," she told me, "You need time to recover after we fucked you all afternoon and evening." She paused a moment, biting her bottom lip. "Did you enjoy it?" she asked softly, "No regrets in the morning?"

I replied by cuddling her and I think that was the real answer she wanted, feeling her squeeze me tightly in return.

Getting up to join Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey for breakfast, the three women wore gorgeous silk robes, that showed off plenty of cleavage and their long legs, giggling as hard cocks couldn't help themselves from making the occasional appearance. After we ate, Miss Rodriguez pulled me into her office so we could study for a couple of hours before lunch.

I didn't want to overstay my welcome, and I thought my sisters would at least be wondering where I was, so I told my three teachers that I'd head off home. Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey would head home at the same time, and I was a little disappointed having driven over the previous day, as I would have liked her to drive me home so we could have a few more minutes together.

After Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey drove off, Miss Rodriguez escorted me outside to my car. The last kiss we shared was one of lovers and people who already had a lot of affection for each other. Arriving home a little later, my father was home and barely asked where I'd been. My sisters showed a little more interest, and I think figured out pretty quickly that I'd been with a woman.

My oldest sister hugged me. "We're happy for you, Stevie," she said softly, "I hope we get to meet her one day."

Returning to school on Monday was a little weird as I had to behave normally. Miss Rodriguez also acted like nothing happened between us over the weekend, as did Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey. It was difficult for me, particularly with Miss Rodriguez, as my attraction to her was undeniable, and in those brief moments our eyes met, I knew she was feeling the same way.

By Wednesday, it was too much, and she called me to her office at the end of the day. Asking me to follow her to her house, as soon as we were inside, we were all over each other, and within ten minutes, we were naked on her bed, her cock buried inside me once again. I stayed as long as I could, making love as often as we could manage.

"Tash and Courtney will be a little jealous," she whispered after depositing her third load inside me.

"Miss... Out of everyone..."

"I know how you feel, Stevie. I don't want this to just be about sex, but it's difficult with you being my student, even if you are eighteen."

"How does this work, Miss? I love the sex already, but I want much more than that too."

"We'll figure it out, Stevie. The only question is... I can share you with others, but can you handle that?"

"Our first time was three of you with me and I loved it, Miss. If that's how we agree to go forward."

"Tash absolutely adores you, Stevie. I can't take you away from her. Courtney is a little bit more private. Then there are the other two teachers."

"Sounds like the world is my oyster."

"We're going to look after you in more ways than one, Stevie. That is something I can guarantee."

"So will I come around this weekend?"

"Make sure you bring a bag. And I'll be inviting Miss Chen and Miss Nguyen this time. Can you handle five of us?"

"I'll give it my best shot, Miss."

"Just what I wanted to hear." She hugged me tightly, feeling her cock press into my stomach as I rested my head against my chest. "There's only one other thing I'd love to hear sometime soon."

"Hearing that from me wouldn't scare you?"

"It wouldn't because I know how you feel already."

Walking me outside with the clocks close to midnight, we shared one last passionate kiss before I slid behind the wheel of my car. Opening my window, she leaned in and gave me one last kiss, her fingers sliding down my cheek.

"We're going to have a wonderful year together, Stevie."

"More than a year, Miss. I won't promise anything just yet, but I certainly don't want this to stop."

"You should go before I drag you back inside and just keep you to myself all the time."

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Miss."

"Drive safely, Stevie."

Miss Anderson and Miss Bailey knew what happened and were not upset when I spoke to them the next day, admitting that they knew how I felt about Miss Rodriguez, but hoped we'd still have fun. I assured them that nothing was going to change too quickly, that we were having fun, and we would keep having fun for the time being.

"And this weekend is going to be even better," I added.

"Five girls. One man. Things dreams are made of?" Miss Anderson wondered.

"Fantasy becomes reality."

It was just the start of what would turn into a life changing year.