Taylor moaned into his pillow as his lubed dildo pumped in and out of his clenched rosebud. His hand work furiously as he fucked himself to completion with his favorite sex toy as he stroked his hairless penis with the other. He was alone in his room, on his bed, feeding his desires for pleasure only his dildo could give him.

"Fuck meeee..." Taylor groaned.

He raised his hand from his cock and smacked his juicy bubble butt, sending ripples through his ass as he continued to ream his tight hole. His hand returned to his cock as he continued to stroke himself, enjoying the sensations of anal masturbation. To Taylor there was nothing better than masturbating with his ass.

He turned his head to stare at his laptop watching intently as young blonde took an absurdly large cock up her ass. The blonde's face displayed pure ecstasy and she received her anal pounding and Taylor's face was no different. The feeling of his dildo exploring the nether regions of his bum hole made Taylor's mind go numb, he was truly an anal whore.

He closed his eyes, imagining that the plastic dildo that was currently turning his ass inside out was attached to a beautiful woman with a strap on, or a shemale with a giant cock, the only two types women that could satisfy his needs. He loved the idea of a buxom girl shoving his face into the bed as she railed his ass.

The image proved too great for Taylor has he edged closer and closer to his glorious climax. He felt the rush of climax move from his butthole through to his cock. His balls were churning with cum, craving a release. He assumed his favorite position and quickly flipped his body so that he was pumping his cock right into his face.

"AHHHHHH..." Taylor stuck out his tongue as he was about to receive his own juicy load from his shaft. The feeling of his butt being penetrated proved too great as he finally reached his orgasm. His cum shot out of his cock, drenching his face and tongue, as he tried to catch as much as possible of the delicious liquid in his mouth, all the while he was still pumping his ass with his dildo. To a normal bystander watching they may have been freaked out by the dirty acts performed by this boy, but Taylor didn't care, he was in paradise.

Taylor's orgasm began to subside as the last drops of cum left his cock and dropped into his gaping mouth. He closed his eyes and swallowed, tasting his delicious cum. He made sure to eat healthy foods, and a lot of pineapple, giving his cum a sweet flavor. Taylor moved his hand up to his face and began scooping the left over cum from his face into his mouth. He really was a sexual deviant.

Taylor sighed as he began to uncoil himself from his dirty yoga position. He slowly withdrew the 8 inch dildo from his greedy ass, that didn't want to let go, making a deliciously naughty sound. There was a popping sound as the dildo finally left his now empty butt and he could feel the emptiness being replaced with cool air. His ass would be gaping for the next hour.

He closed his laptop got up and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. Unfortunately, he still lived with his mum but Taylor was fortunate enough to have an en suite in his room, so he didn't have to put any clothes on between going between his bedroom and the bathroom. He stepped on the cool tiles and flicked the lights on in the bathroom.

He stared at himself in the mirror, he was a hot mess. His medium length blonde hair was all disheveled with his big blue eyes still adjusting to the lights of the bathroom. His olive colored skin, created by the Californian sun, glistened with sweat as he began to inspect himself. Taylor was unlike normal boys his age, he had quite feminine features. He wasn't very tall or muscular. In fact, Taylor was around 5 foot 8 inches and had hardly any visible muscle to see. His tanned body was naturally hairless, which is how he liked it. He would have chosen to get laser if he noticed a hair below his eyebrows.

Although he wasn't muscular, he wasn't skinny either and he wouldn't classify himself as overweight. His upper body was quite lean but as traveled further down his hips flared out creating what can only be described as a massive bubble butt. Taylor was delighted with his glorious booty. He loved the way it swayed when he walked, he loved the way people stared at its enormous size, believing his ass should belong to a South American woman and not a Californian boy. It was his proudest asset. (pardon the pun). Nestled in between his glorious cheeks was his juicy asshole he had trained into an asspussy. In front of his bubble butt, Taylor also possessed a sizeable 6 inch cock, it wasn't very thick but his balls were able to produce copious amounts of cum, which he enjoying devouring daily.

He looked at his face, noticing a glob of cum still clinging to his cheek. He quickly swiped the cum into his mouth, savoring the remnants of a pleasure filled evening. Taylor loved cum, but his real addiction was anal.

His fascination with penetrating his asshole began when he was younger. Back then it seemed like an accident, but one night he had been curious and ended up curled in a heap on the shower floor, stroking his cock with his rosebud clenched around a toothbrush. From there his anal escapades only increased with Taylor finding new and bigger objects to give him the pleasure he desired. He truly loved anal, he would even brag (to himself) that he went from being able to fit one sharpie to ten in his butt. His ultimate goal was to cum purely from anal stimulation, which was a euphoria he had yet to achieve. Taylor wasn't ashamed of his dirty desires but still did everything on his own, he was inherently a shy person and wasn't sure people would understand his freaky side.

He turned to the side staring down at his enormous butt giving it another quick slap, watching it wiggle and giggling to himself. He continued to turn around until his back was facing the mirror, he bent over and spread his enormous globes to reveal his source of pleasure, his beautiful pink rosebud. His asshole had yet to recover from its pounding and was still gaping slightly, glistening with ass juice and the lube he had applied an hour ago. He loved the way it winked at him, begging to be filled. He couldn't help himself and he began rubbing his dirty button, slowly inserting a couple of fingers back into his soft butt.

Taylor moaned, enjoying the sensation of his fingers exploring his insides, but he suddenly snapped out of it and stood up straight. He had to restrain himself, otherwise he would stay up another hour fucking his ass, when he had to get up early tomorrow and it was already 2am.

Taylor sighed, cleaned himself up and retreated back to his room. He quickly packed up the mess he had made, placing his anal toys and lube back in his bedside table before settling in to sleep. Taylor closed his eyes trying to get some sleep, little did he know that tomorrow he would meet the person of his dreams.



Meanwhile, down the end of the street from Taylor's house, a buxom woman lay on her couch naked and frustrated. Bianca didn't know if she was mad or sad, as her date had just stormed out of her apartment leaving her with a steely erection. To be honest her date hadn't stormed out, he had fled in fear after witnessing the biggest cock. Her date had tried to suggest he had somewhere else to be, but Bianca wasn't falling for it, she knew her huge member had scared him off.

Bianca stood up from the couch, her giant erection jutting out in front of her, bobbing up and down from the sudden movement. She picked up her clothes and walked to her bedroom, sadness starting to overrule her anger as she would be spending the night alone, again.

"That's the last time I use Tinder again," she thought to herself as she jumped into bed. She opened her phone and brought up her Tinder app and began looking through her profile. Her first photo depicted a long red headed woman with fair skin and freckles on her cheeks and a warm inviting smile. Her face had a calming nature to it. Bianca swiped across bringing up her second photo which was a lot more revealing.

The next photo depicted a stunning 6 foot tall red head, who was at the beach wearing a tight red one piece. The photo displayed her curvy body and voluptuous breasts poking out of the top of her bathers. She had an hourglass figure and curves in all the right places, with long legs. The red bathers complemented her milky white skin as she looked like a swimsuit model. Her friends had told her this photo would bring in every guy, which truthfully it had, just no one that was right for her.

"This is the fifth date and nothing has gone right, I might as well give up, no one wants to be with me and this freak cock."

She looked down to see her cock, still hard as a rock, protruding from her body. In truth Bianca liked her dick. It was a glorious 11 inch rod, the shaft the same color as her milky skin with a bulbous pink head that always looked like it was glistening with pre cum. Her cock was uncut, not that anyone could ever tell because if Bianca's dick was out, it was generally erect.

Beyond its length it was also thick. Bianca had often tried to compare her penis to objects in her everyday life to determine its width, finally deciding that her cock was just a tiny bit smaller then a Coca-Cola can in girth. She could barely fit her fist around her enormous thickness. Beneath her slab of dick meat nestled two, shaved, tennis sized balls that produced a godly amount of cum every time she ejaculated. Sitting above her cock was a tuft of red pubic hair, the same color as her hair and was the only hair on her body, she liked everything else clean shaven. Her cock was truly one of a kind and would put any porn stars to shame, which is why she liked it so much.

Bianca signed resigning to the fact that she was not getting any sleep whilst she was in this state and hoping that one ejaculation would be able to satisfy her tonight. She rolled over to upon her dresser to grab her trusty lube she always had lying in her room, in case for emergencies. She squirted a dollop of lube into her hand and onto her flared penis helmet and began to slowly stroke her magnificent cock.

As Bianca stroked her cock her mind began to wonder, as she thought about her date tonight and how she had hoped he would be the one stroking her dick, not herself. Her date wasn't anything special, he was shorter than her with a lean muscular physique. She didn't like overly muscular men. She wanted a boy who was shorter than her and would appreciate her for the goddess she was, was that so much to ask.

Bianca was very picky with the boys she chose to go on dates with. After having Tinder for 2 weeks she had only chosen to match with 5 guys, all had matched her back. She had a specific type, it just so happens that most straight timid boys were not into beautiful women with something extra, or in Bianca's case A LOT extra.

Bianca's hand began to speed up as the pleasure of stroking her monster was building. She thought back to her date getting up and storming off in his underwear, with his juicy butt running away from her. The things she would do just to put the tip of her gigantic cock in that ass...

Sounds of masturbating began to fill the room as her climax was nearing and she continued to stroke her cock with more and more vigour. She began using two hands, which still was not enough to cover her entire cock meat, as she began to pant like a bitch in heat. Her balls churned as she could feel the cum boiling up through her shaft.

"FUUUUCCCKKK..." Bianca reached her orgasm as she began to hose herself down with cum from her flared cockhead. Each stroke produced more and more ropes of cum splashing on her face and all over her 34DD boobs. She continued to stroke as her orgasm began to subside, her cock still yielding cum but instead of shooting out it was leaking out of her mammoth penis.

Bianca looked down at herself, cursing under her breath, she was going to have a shower, she knew she should have cum into her towel that presides next her bed, she had just decided to enjoy herself and now had to pay for the consequences. She got up from her bed, cum leaking off her as she walked to the bathroom. "Why wouldn't anyone want to be with someone like this," She wondered to herself as she stared at a cum drenched version of herself in the mirror. She laughed, "I guess there isn't a pervert out there for everything." She stepped into the shower and began to wash herself and prepare for bed. Little did she know she would find her perfect boy the next day.


The sunshine pierced through the blinds of Taylor's room causing him to stir as he awoke from his slumber. He yawned as he began to regain his senses, as a new day had dawned. He picked up his phone and noticed that it was already 8:30am. He promised himself he would be exercising this morning.

Although much of Taylor's bubbly butt was genetics, he still tried to enhance his ass by exercising regularly, specifically targeting his legs and butt whilst doing so. Today was a cardio day so he would just be running around the block, nothing to intensive. He rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom to start the day.

Taylor quickly peed before he decided to inspect his asshole again. Similar to last night he turned his back to the mirror and bent over, spreading his magnificent ass, revealing his delicious butthole, usually hiding behind mountains of ass meat. Unlike last night his pink star had stopped gaping and looked as tight as it ever had been. He giggled to himself as he started flexing his butt, making his brown eye wink at him. "God, I wish I could just spend the day fucking my ass," he thought as he let go of his cheeks and they crashed together, hiding his delicious button from view.

Taylor proceeded to get changed for his run. He loved to wear leggings because of the way they showed off his perfect bubble butt. He pulled out a pair of grey leggings, which at first glance no one would believe that would actually be able to fit around Taylor's juicy booty. However, after a solid minute of jumping and stretching, he had successfully got his leggings on. They were tight but did the job, it looked like his butt was eating the fabric. He gave his butt a light slap again, enjoying the feeling of his ass jiggling, he really was obsessed with sex.

Taylor finished getting changed and left the house, he passed his mother on the way out, as she was cooking in the kitchen.

"Mom! I'm just going for a run...I'll be back soon..."

"Ok sweetie...see you later."

Taylor would often question whether his mother found it odd that he was so feminine and enjoyed taking care of his body, but he would always brush off these thoughts, assuming his mother just loved him for him, or was just clueless. Either way his situation was perfect, as it meant he could get up to mischief without any questions.

"Bye Mom!" And with that, Taylor left to enjoy his early morning jog.


"EEee EEee EEee." Bianca's alarm suddenly woke her from her dreams. She turned over to see her phone display that it was 8:30am and it was time for her to start a new day. She stretched out in the bed, upset that her alarm had woken her from the dream she was having. In her dream she had been on a date with another boy, except this time he had reacted the complete opposite to all her other encounters. The boy had worshiped her upon finding out about her big secret and she was about to finally experience his delightful ass before her alarm had rudely awoken her.

She looked down noticing that her cock had not forgotten about her wet dream that she had just experienced and was poking up against the sheets, literally pitching a tent. "Nothing like morning wood in the morning," she thought as she ripped off the blanket and proceeded to the bathroom.

It was Saturday, meaning Bianca had some errands to run, but before all of that she had to go for her morning jog around the block. Although Bianca's body was not petite, it was firm, and she enjoyed the feeling of exercising and keeping her body in shape. Plus, she enjoyed targeting certain areas of her body to further enhance her hourglass figure. But first, she would have to complete a workout for her throbbing cock. She began to stroke her cock standing up in the bathroom whilst looking at herself in the mirror. It was crazy, who couldn't love such a busty red head which such an amazing cock.

Nevertheless, Bianca continued to pump her meat edging closer to satisfaction, although this time she wasn't going to get carried away and made sure she pointed her cock into the sink in front of her, to avoid making a mess again. Due to her wet dream Bianca was already worked up, so it did not take long for her to reach her climax. Bianca grunted and came into the sink in front of her, painting the inside of the basin with her delicious cum. The obscene amount of cum she produced was ridiculous as it would have looked like she was peeing, rather than spraying her jizz.

Bianca finished up and began getting ready for her morning workout. She wore a pink sports bra with a black tank top. She always wore a tank top on her work outs but the bottoms varied depending on what she was feeling on the day. Obviously her monster cock may get in the way, depending on what clothing she wears and although she liked her cock, she wasn't into displaying it for the whole world to see. So she had two options, she could wear loose fitting shorts with tight underwear and tuck her cock in the waistband, or she could wear her leggings in which she had to tuck her penis backwards and nestle it in her butt cheeks. To make it more secure, Bianca would often stuff her cock into her ass, one of the perks of having an 11 inch cock. Doing so made sure her cock wouldn't be exposed when was going for a run.

Bianca decided to go with the grey leggings that displayed her long legs and shapely ass. She took her, now flaccid, penis and tucked it underneath her so it was snuggled in between her ass cheeks. She grunted as she proceeded to pop the head of her cock into her asshole. She had grown accustom to performing this maneuver and her ass was used to accommodating her thick cock.

Bianca finished getting changed and walked out of the house, with her cock shoved up her ass. "If only people knew how dirty I was," she giggled to herself, as she began to jog along the pavement.


Ten minutes into her jog and Bianca was starting to build up a sweat. It was a mildly warm day in Southern California and the sun was not making it easier. As it was a Saturday morning, the streets were very quiet, with many people choosing to stay in bed. Bianca lived in a neighborhood area with trees lining the pavements and residential houses covering a majority of the land. It was nice and quiet with not a lot of action, which was sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Bianca turned the corner and noticed another runner in the distance. She was 200 yards away but, she could see that the runner was wearing the same colored pants as she was. She started to speed up, she wanted to get a better look at this person to see who wore the leggings better.

She closed the gap with the runner in front of her and the closer she got the more amazed she became. The person in front of her had the biggest juiciest ass she had ever seen. Every time the runner's foot would hit the ground, the vibrations would run up through their leg and into her butt, making it bounce up and down. Bianca was memorized. She thought she had a fairly plump booty but this was nothing compared to the Kimmy K look alike in front of her.

Bianca followed behind the glorious ass, making sure she didn't get too close for the runner to notice her, perving on such a magnificent asset. Soon Bianca had an idea to cross the road opposite the runner and run parallel so she could get a better view of this person. As she pulled up level with the runner she turned and was astonished. "That Bubble Butt belongs to a BOY!" she screamed internally.

Upon finding out this revelation her dick instantly reacted, as she felt a jolt in her cock. Luckily her cock was still plugged in her ass, otherwise she would have been pitching a rather large tent. She turned and looked at the boy again, shocked that he could have such an enormous derriere. Her mouth began to water as she watched him bouncing up and down, his ass hugging the grey leggings he was wearing. "Surely he knows everyone is looking at him," She thought as she continued to gawk at this sexy boy.

Suddenly, Bianca lost her footing and she tripped falling on to the nature strip next to the road, in what would have looked like a comical fall, she had been starring at the boy for too long and didn't notice a change in the footpath. She let out a yell as she fell, alerting the boy to her presence. The boy turned around and saw Bianca lying on the ground in a heap, he reacted instantly coming over to check on her.

"Are you OK Miss?" He had genuine concern in his voice.

Bianca looked up and saw the boy standing over her, his gigantic ass eclipsing the sun from her view. 'My god it might even be bigger than I first thought.'

"I'm OK, just tripped over my stupid feet, no need to worry about me."

The boy smiled down at her. "You need to watch where you are going," He extended a hand to help her up.

"Thanks, I can be such a clutz sometimes..." Bianca took the boy's hand as he lifted her up.

"Anytime Miss..." he began before he stopped, as he was staring at Bianca's crotch, wide eyed. In the midst of falling, and getting an erection from staring at the boy's booty, Bianca's cock must have come free from the confines of her ass and was now creating an obscene bulge in the front of her leggings.

The boy blushed and looked away "Um ma'am, I think you might have a problem."

Bianca looked down and noticed her enormous cock. "Oh shit, I'm sorry you are not meant to see that." She began trying to stuff her cock back into a position that was less obvious, but nothing was working, especially with the eye candy standing right in front of her.

"Shit, Shit, Shit...I'm really sorry...It's just I was running ...and I got distracted ...and fell and now this stupid thing want go down..." She was becoming flustered with the predicament she had found herself in.

Taylor just watched as the women tried to conceal her cock. He looked her up and down as it started to dawn on him this was basically all of his fantasies in one, standing right in front of him. She was beautiful. Her long red hair, her amazing body and that dick. He had only had a glimpse of the bulge on the woman but it looked big, very big. Taylor started to get flustered as well, this woman was incredible.

Bianca was still fiddling with her cock, clearly flustered now by the turn of events, her eyes on the verge of tears at this point. Next thing she knew a hand was resting on her crotch, where her hands had been busy rummaging around, trying to settle down her python.

"Need a hand?" Bianca looked up to see the boy standing in front of her, with the faintest smile. She wasn't sure if the boy was super confident or shy but she was speechless by the situation. Eventually she found her voice trying to stammer a reply.

"Wha...What are you talking about?" She asked stupidly, both of them knew exactly what they were talking about, she just could not believe it.

The boy inched closer, staring directly into Bianca's eyes as his hand remained on her crotch. "It seems like you have a problem, and I am offering to help you fix that problem." Bianca could not believe her luck, here this angel of a boy, who had completely enthralled her during her run, is now offering to help silence her monster, rather than run in fear. The boy's hand started moving lightly over the fabric of her leggings.

"Are you sure... I mean... Are you sure you know what you want?" Bianca was perplexed, never in a million years did she think she would meet someone like this, and not the sexiest piece of ass she had ever seen.

The boy continued to stare into her eyes unwavering, he continued to inch closer, his hand still resting on her crotch, until they were face to face. To Bianca's surprise he moved in and planted his lips on hers. Her eyes closed and her mouth opened, accepting the kiss from a total stranger. Their tongues intertwined as they passionately explored each other's mouths. The french kissing became more and more intense as both parties began to release their sexual tension with one another.

Bianca finally pulled back from the kiss, looking at the cute innocent boy standing in front of her. His big doughy eyes looked up at her, wondering why she had pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I'm so horny, my place is just around the corner and if this continues for any longer I will get in trouble for exposing myself in public." Bianca giggled as she brought up the notion of exposing herself in public, she had basically just done that to the boy in front of her.

"Would you like to come back to my place?" She asked, hope in her voice.

The boy nodded "I would love to." The response set off fireworks in Bianca's head, she could not believe her luck. While Taylor had the exact same response inside his head.

"I'm sorry, I don't even know your name yet?"

"It's Taylor, what about you?"

"Bianca, now Taylor you don't mind that I have a cock do you?" This was the final barrier for Bianca, most guys claimed not to mind, but until you actually asked, you could never be certain.

Taylor shook his head "Not at all, I have been salivating ever since I saw the bulge in your leggings."

"Wow... you are a kinky boy aren't you?" Bianca smiled back, practically jumping out of her skin, she wanted to swoop up this boy, carry him back to her place and have her way with him.

"You could say that," Taylor winked at Bianca "Normally I am quite reserved but something about you has got me so hot and bothered."

Bianca grabbed Taylor's hand and started walking/jogging/running back to her place. She didn't care about the massive bulge protruding from the front of her leggings, there was no one around and she just wanted to get home to plunder this boy's ass. The two giggled as they basically ran back to Bianca's place, both starting to get overwhelmed with excitement, as their dreams were coming true.


As soon as the door closed to Bianca's apartment the pair were all over each other, their hands exploring each other bodies as their tongues explored each other's mouths. Taylor was slightly shorter then Bianca, as he stood up on his tippy toes, sucking on her tongue. His hands exploring her body, getting a feel of Bianca's breasts and ass. Bianca's hands hadn't moved from Taylor's ass. She had been constantly kneading his ass meat like dough, enthralled by the boy's glorious booty.

"Shit, this fucking ass is amazing... how does a cute boy like you have such a beautiful butt?" Taylor giggled, he loved being complimented on his booty, let alone from the goddess standing in front of him. "You don't think it is too big?" he teased back, looking down at Bianca's hands groping his ass.

"Oh my god!... not at all, it is the most wonderful thing in the world."

"I'm not sure about that," Taylor replied in between long deep kisses. "I think this cock monster may give my booty a run for its money for the greatest thing in the world."

Taylor's hands began to roam further down finally settling on the steely rod in the confines of Bianca's leggings. He finally got to experience how big her cock actually was... and it was BIG. His hand barely fit around the outline of Bianca's cock, and his eyes were wide, he could not believe such a cock could exist, let alone on this beautiful woman.

"Do you like cock Taylor?" Bianca said, looking down at her prize, practically drooling at the mouth. "I've never experienced...a real-life cock..." Taylor was overly excited and couldn't believe his luck in the position he found himself in.

"I'll be sure to make sure you experience everything there is to know about cocks, and how to give and receive pleasure from them..." Little did Bianca know that Taylor was an anal whore, who could not wait to try and stuff her enormous cock in his ass. Although even Bianca's penis may prove a challenge for his asspussy, he had never taken something as big and thick as Bianca's 11 inch cock.

Taylor couldn't wait any longer, he hooked his fingers around the waistband of Bianca's leggings and pulled down. "Ohh someone is a bit keen..." Bianca was loving the attention she was receiving, this was all she had ever wanted, in the form of the sexiest boy she had ever seen.

Taylor didn't say anything, he was too focused on removing Bianca's leggings, which was proving quite difficult due to the giant cock getting in the way. Finally, Taylor navigated his way around Bianca's dick and pulled her leggings down to reveal her cock in all its glory.

Taylor sucked in air as he finally witnessed Bianca's giant cock in the flesh. Jutting out in front of her, the cock was enormous, fully erect and was staring right at Taylor with a drop of pre cum sitting on the end of her cock head. Taylor couldn't believe the amount of cock meat in front of him. Her shaft was the same beautiful milky colour of her skin with her bulbous head a delicious pink colour. Taylor licked his lips as his started to feel very thirsty, he could not wait to suck down her creamy jizz, directly from the source.

Finally, Bianca's voice stirred Taylor from his trance. "You know its rude to stare..." Bianca cheekily winked at Taylor, while she brought her hand up to her cock and waved it in his face. "Why don't you come and show me how amazing you find this cock..."

Taylor didn't need more encouragement, he edged closer until his face was directly in front of her cock and stuck out his tongue, licking the underside of her glorious shaft.

"Yeeesssssss," Bianca hissed, feeling his warm tongue on her cock. "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this." She closed her eyes, leaning against the wall behind her, finally enjoying someone worshiping her cock.

Taylor continued to lick the shaft of her cock, trying to coat every glorious inch of it with his saliva. He really had his work cut out for him with this giant sausage. He finally reached the head of her cock and began sucking on the giant mushroom head, barely being able to fit his jaw around her cock.

"Omg... Taylor... you are amazing... I've never had anyone suck my cock before."

Taylor looked up at Bianca, her cock popping out of his mouth. "No one has ever sucked this beautiful cock before... That is a joke." He couldn't believe this woman, and her penis, were not praised every day. He returned to suckling on the tip of her cock, enjoying the taste of her pre cum, which had not stopped leaking at of her dick.

"Use your hands baby... stroke my shaft."

At this stage, Taylor's hands had just been hanging limply by his side, purely using his mouth to pleasure the giant cock in front of him, but he didn't need any encouragement to begin stroking her cock. He brought up both his petite hands and began stroking the enormous monster, rubbing in the saliva he had previously left on her penis.

"MMMmmmmm, yes... That feels incredible," Bianca was finally enjoying the sensations of someone else playing with her cock and she was loving it. His little hands worked expertly up and down her shaft as he continued to suck on her head. But she needed more. She placed the hands on the back of Taylor's head, trying to force her cock further into his mouth and down his throat.

Taylor noticed Bianca's advances and tried to accommodate her cock penetrating his mouth. His jaw stretched as her cock slowly entered deeper and deeper into his warm mouth. However, all good things must come to an end, and although Taylor wanted to take her entire cock down his throat, his wind pipe was now being blocked by her enormous shaft and he was running out of oxygen.

"Fuck yes, that feels so good, I can't believe how talented you are," Bianca was squirming under the pleasure Taylor was inflicting on her, not realizing the boy was running out of air. Finally, Taylor had to yank himself of her cock as he didn't want to pass out. Ropes of saliva connected between his mouth and chin and Bianca's dick after his obscene deep throat attempt.

"I'm... I'm sorry... I couldn't... breath," Taylor spluttered trying to regain his breath. He looked down and was slightly dishearten to see he had only taken a third of Bianca's cock. He couldn't believe there was two thirds of untouched cock meat he had yet to pleasure.

"Oh my god, you don't have to be," But before Bianca could finish her sentence, Taylor was back to sucking her cockhead, catching her off guard. "Fuucckkk... you really are a little pervert aren't you," She said looking down at her new boy toy.

Taylor started sucking on her cock with more force trying to suck out her delicious cum, that he so desired. He brought up his hands to her steely shaft and began stroking her cock feverishly. "Baby... if you keep that up... I'm going to cum..." She said breathlessly, struggling to comprehend the amazing sensation of the blowjob she was receiving.

Taylor just continued to suck, wanting to taste her delicious load. By the amounts of pre cum she had produced, Taylor knew that she would produce massive amounts of creamy cum for him. And he was not wrong.

"Taylor, I'm gonna cum...Taylor...Fuck... I'm... I'm Cumming Taylor... FUCCCCKKKKK."

Bianca's legs began to shake as her orgasm finally hit her. Her cock began spewing forth hot ropes of cum into Taylor's mouth, while he greedily tried to swallow and keep up with the unfathomable amounts of cum. Taylor couldn't believe how lucky he was, her cock was creating so much delicious cream, he just continued to drink down like a milkshake. He loved the delicious sweet tangy texture of her cum, it was making him unbelievably horny.

Meanwhile, Bianca was losing her footing, she couldn't believe how nice it felt having Taylor suck her cum out of her giant dick. Eventually the orgasm began to lessen and she was able to start thinking clearly again. Taylor sucked the last few drops of cum from her cock before releasing her cock head with a pop and smiling up at Bianca.

"How was that?" He asked, knowing full well he had just taken her to heaven and back. Bianca didn't say anything... choosing to pick Taylor up off the floor and crash her lips against his. She could taste the remnants of cum on his tongue, as they fell deeper into each other's embrace. She had never been happier... but Taylor was not finished. The blowjob he just given had sparked an inner desire, deep within Taylor, his asshole began to twitch, it needed to be filled with the delicious cock he had just serviced.

Taylor pulled away from Bianca. "It's my turn now... I need to be satisfied," He was flustered, he couldn't believe how horny swallowing her cum had made him. "Oh my god... of coarse...where are my manners... I should be returning the favor," Bianca slowly began to lower her knees but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

Taylor was looking down at her, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Where is your bedroom?" In all the commotion, the couple had failed to move from the front entrance of the apartment, they had been to engrossed in each other's sexual bodies.

"It's just down the hall... why?"

"I want you to wait here for a minute and come join me in the bedroom... I will have a surprise for you," Taylor winked and with that he walked away from Bianca down the hall. Bianca just stared, as the blowjob had almost made her forget about the huge ass that was attached to the boy. She watched as he swayed his hips down the hallway, showing off every curve of his bubble butt. She couldn't take his eyes off him... the way those leggings clung to beautiful cheeks made her mouth water...and with that he reached the bedroom and entered, leaving Bianca standing naked at her front door, with another painful erection having watched the most perfect ass walk away from her.


The next minute felt like the longest minute of Bianca's life. She stood in her doorway, still half dazed from the incredible blowjob, she had just received from an incredibly sexy boy. She was slowly stroking her cock, which was now covered in cum and saliva from the recent sexual escapades. She was counting to 60, trying her hardest to give Taylor the full minute he had asked for.

'58...59...60!' "Finally a minute," She practically ran to her bedroom excited to see what Taylor had in store for her. The buxom dickgirl ran through her house, her boobs and giant cock bouncing in time with every step she took. She finally reached the door and opened it to see the sexiest sight she could have ever imagined.

Perched on top of the bed, Taylor was face down and ass up. He was completely naked and emulated every fantasy Bianca ever had about deflowering a cute boy toy. Taylor's ass was facing the door to the bedroom. He looked over his shoulder as he heard the door open and smiled and gently stared shaking his juicy booty. "What took you so long... I have been waiting patiently for you to come and stretch my bootyhole." He smacked his fat ass causing it to ripple. He then placed both his hands on his cheeks and began to pry apart his delicious butt to reveal the treasure hidden behind them, exposing his dirty pink star.

Bianca was stunned by the sight in front of her. Her eyes were starting directly at Taylor's brown eye. Taylor loved the way his booty had enthralled Bianca as she stood speechless. He started flexing his butthole, making it wink at Bianca, his perverted actions were making Bianca head spin. Her cock had never been this hard, it was almost painful with blood coursing through her shaft.

"Well... are you just gonna stand there?... My butt is hungry... It wants to taste your fat sausage you have there."

That finally snapped Bianca out of her trance, she pounced on the gorgeous femboy. She walked up above Taylor and smacked his fat ass, causing Taylor to let out a little moan as he continued to spread his bubble butt. Bianca placed her bulging cockhead against his rosebud, making them kiss as she spread her pre cum over his love button. But Bianca was not going to just shove her cock in balls deep straight away, this perverted boy wanted to have fun and she was going to give it to him.

She knelt down, her face centimeters away from his juicy asshole, as her mouth began to salivate. Without warning Bianca shoved her face in his ass, placing her warm tongue directly on his hole. Taylor moaned, as he felt Bianca tongue begin to work his asshole, licking every crevice as she explored his nether regions. Bianca brought her hand up and began fondling Taylor balls, as she continued to 'clean' his dirty hole with her tongue.

"That feels sooooo goood..." Taylor loved the feeling of receiving his first ever rimjob. Her warm tongue was teasing the outside of his hole, causing his ass to feel hungrier and hungrier. He needed something up his ass. Bianca, who was loving eating this pretty boy's asspussy, straightened her tongue and pushed her head further into his heavenly booty, causing her tongue to penetrate Taylor's rosebud. Taylor gasped, feeling Bianca's tongue beginning to explore his insides. The act of penetrating Taylor's asshole had given him such a jolt of pleasure, that he let go of his enormous cheeks causing them to crash back together, with Bianca's head firmly stuck in between them.

Taylor's bubbly cheeks had fully enveloped Bianca's head, she couldn't hear Taylor's moans any more and she couldn't see anything. All she could sense was her hot tongue exploring the glorious booty, that was presented before her. She continued to greedily lap up Taylor bunghole, but soon began to realize that Taylor's ass had cut off any circulation of oxygen.

Bianca pulled her face out of Taylor butt, gasping for air and hearing a disappointed sigh from him as she had stopped french kissing his star. "Why did you stop... That felt amazing...I want more." Taylor whined while wiggling his juicy butt.

Bianca laughed as she stood up, "Baby we haven't even begun the main event... isn't that what you really want?" She said as she slapped his ass. Taylor hissed through his teeth

"Please... Fuck me!"

"What was that," Bianca slapped Taylor ass again, loving the way it jiggled with every slap.

"PLEASE...Take that fat gigantic cock...and shove it all the way inside me...I need to feel your meat rod in me stretching my dirty hole!" He was practically begging at this point.

Bianca giggled as she walked over to her bed side table, to retrieve the bottle of lube she had used last night to masturbate.

"Do we need lube?... to be honest with the bath you just gave my ass and the anal juices I produce you might not need it." Taylor was becoming desperate, he needed to be fucked, badly.

"Oh honey, the way I am going to fuck you, we are going to need lube... maybe after this tiny hole has gotten used to my cock we can go raw," She winked walking back over to the femboy, still displaying his ass in the air.

Bianca squirted lube over her cock and proceeded to squirt a tiny bit on Taylor's waiting asshole. The cool sensation of the lube made him shiver, or maybe he was shivering in anticipation to be finally penetrated by Bianca's anaconda.

Bianca lined up her cock returning to having her bulbous head kiss his pink rosebud. "Now I'm going to take it slow...I don't want to break you..." She trailed off, enjoying the sensation of rubbing her cock against his warm hole.

But Taylor couldn't wait that long, he needed her full 11 inches deep in his ass, and he needed it now. "It's ok... I masturbate with my ass every day... I can take it!"

And with that Taylor reached behind him, holding Bianca's cock in place and pushed back with his plush ass, his greedy bum swallowing Bianca's cock.

"FUUUUUUCCCCKKK!" Bianca moaned as she got her first taste of the most exquisite asshole. The tip of her cock had popped into Taylor warm insides, feeling the velvet texture of his ass hugging her cock. If this is what she had been waiting for... it had been worth the wait, her cock had never felt so hot, snuggled in her lover's soft booty, she was in heaven.

Meanwhile, Taylor had also reached a new level of euphoria. Bianca's thick cock had spread his asshole to its limits, but it felt amazing at the same time. He could feel her cock pulsing with the beat of her heart, as it lay nuzzled in the warm folds of his butt. However, his greedy butt wanted more. Taylor started to flex his hole, trying to suck Bianca's cock deeper into his ass.

"I'm going to shove it all the way in now baby...are you ready?" Bianca was trying to be polite, but no matter what answer she received, she was going to spear this cute boy's butt with her mighty dick.

"Please shove your cock in as deep as you can...make me your bitch!" Taylor moaned.

That was all the encouragement Bianca needed. She began to push her hips forward, watching as her cock was being swallowed up by Taylor's bubble butt. Every inch Taylor received felt like a foot, as he continued to receive more and more of Bianca's dick. She just stared in disbelief as she continued to feed her cock into the boy's butt.

"Fuck, you must masturbate with your ass often...it is slipping right in," Bianca commented as her dick was nearly completely in his tight hole.

"I DOOO... but I have never had something as big as that monster you carry around."

Taylor's heart was beginning to race. His own cock was hard as a rock as he continued to receive Bianca's penis, he had never felt this good ever, this was way better than his dildo, which he treasured dearly.

Bianca finally bottomed out in Taylor's ass. Her balls came to rest against his as they paused for a moment. "I think your ass was made for my cock," Bianca said as she flexed her dick inside Taylor's ass, causing him to let out a low groan. Taylor's head was down in the sheets as he whispered something inaudible.

Bianca leaned forward. "Sorry sweetie, did you say something?"

"Please, you said you would fuck me, please do it," Taylor was shaking with excitement and ecstasy, he had truly become a little bitch for Bianca's cock.

"If that's want you want..." Bianca didn't waste another second, she withdrew her thick shaft up to her engorged head and slammed her rod back into Taylor, as she began to properly fuck him. Bianca's long thrusts explored every inch of Taylor's insides, as she began to properly pound him. Her hips smacked into his bubbly cheeks causing a slapping sound every time they connected. Taylor was loving life. The feeling of a hot, enormous cock penetrating his tight hole was exactly what he had always wanted and was living up to his expectations.

Bianca continued to fuck Taylor in doggy position, both loving the sensations each other's body was giving them. They both couldn't believe that their fantasies were coming true. As Bianca picked up the pace, Taylor was able to match her powerful thrusts, pushing his plush booty back into Bianca, his greedy ass wanting to suck on her beautiful cock. Both bodies started to glisten with sweat as the sounds of sex and moaning filled the room.

"You like my fat cock, penetrating your asshole, don't you?" Bianca hissed as she continued to pound the boy into oblivion, smacking his now pink booty.

"Please...You love the feeling of my ASSPUSSY...sucking on that...FAT COCK" Taylor responded , in between moans as he felt her shaft stretching his hole beyond its limits.

Bianca was a little taken aback, she didn't expect such a cute little boy to have so much 'spunk' in him. But his dirty talk only spurned her on as she continued to rail the boy's butt ,loving every sensation, feeling her large balls smack into Taylor's ball sack.

Taylor was feeling too much pleasure as he started stroking his hard cock. He was approaching his orgasm and needed to release his cum. Bianca slapped his hand away from his cock as she continued to mount him. "You cum with you ass, or you don't cum at all," Bianca said firmly as she started to pound him with all her might.

"Yeesssss...please fuck meeeee...I want to cum with my assssssss..." Taylor's mind was turning to mush, all he wanted was Bianca fat cock to continue to pound him so he could finally reach the final threshold and have a anal orgasm.

Bianca started fucking Taylor as hard and as fast as she could. She looked like a bunny rabbit, humping vigorously, as she reamed his, now not so tight, butthole, her cock stroking Taylor's engorged prostate. She was getting close, but was determined to give Taylor what he wanted. "Cum for me...Cum with that glorious ass of yours...Cuuuuuummmmm you filthy bitch!"

Taylor yelled as his ass finally gave in and the wave of his orgasm washed over him. At the same time Bianca bottomed out in Taylor screaming as she started injecting large amounts of semen deep into the boys rectum. They came together, each enjoying the sensations of the others orgasm. Bianca could feel the walls of Taylor's butt contracting giving her even more pleasure, while Taylor could feel Bianca emptying her seed inside him, making him even hotter.

The two came, for what felt like an eternity, before it finally ended and Bianca fell on top of Taylor as his knees gave way. The two were panting, drenched in sweat, as they enjoyed the afterglow of the best fuck of their lives. Bianca didn't want to move, her cock was still nestled in Taylor's warm ass, cum slowly leaking out around her cock and onto the sheets. Taylor didn't want Bianca to leave, he loved the feeling of fullness her cock gave him as he laid in a puddle of his own juices.

It was Taylor who finally broke the silence...

"I'm so happy you followed me on your run today," He spoke softly, still coming back down from their wild fucking session.

Bianca gasped, she had been caught "You knew I was perving on you?"

"Yeah you were following me for 5 minutes, right behind... your eyes never left my booty," he said as he wiggled his butt, her cock still sheathed in his asshole.

"I'm surprised, you didn't fall over sooner, you never took your eyes off me," He giggled.

"Well I am so happy I fell and you came to help me, otherwise I would have never met my perfect match," She leaned over kissing Taylor on the lips. The two lay with each other enjoying the embrace of a match made in heaven.