NICHOLE ch 1 by SluttyMatthew

Hello all. My name is Matthew and this is another story about me and my best friend Latisha. The events of this story occurred last night in mid-November 2022. If you have read the other previous four stories, you would know about me and my friend Latisha and my experience in discovering that I seem to like giving blowjobs. Well at least I liked sucking one cock. The other blowjobs I had given were bad experiences and I was not especially thrilled at trying to suck yet another cock. But my friend Latisha had promised that she would get me to spend some time with her only shemale friend Nichole. I had forgotten about this pretty much until the other night when Latisha told me that Nichole was willing to meet me. Not only was she willing to meet me but she was looking forward to it. Latisha told me that she had told Nichole all about me over lunch and Nichole had ended lunch by inviting us both to her place for drinks on Saturday.

I asked Latisha, "When you say you told Nichole all about me did you tell her ALL about me if you know what I mean?" Latisha responded, "Matthew, if you mean to ask if I told her that you have recently discovered that you like to suck cock and want to suck some more shemale cock then yes! I did tell her that. She is actually intrigued, Matty. I do not know if she will allow you to suck her cock but she does want us to come over so she can meet you."

"Oh crap Latisha," I moaned, "She will probably be aggressive like Dani and Vanessa were (two other shemale friends of Latisha's which I did not like much when I met them). I probably will not like her." I was already considering not going at all.

"Matt, you are wrong about Nichole. She is sweet, personable, cute as a button, and fairly well-endowed for her small stature," remarked Latisha. Here is a picture. I looked at the picture Latisha showed me. The girl in the picture really was cute! The girl in the image on Latisha's cell was a blonde with long wavy hair parted in the middle. She wore a tight, knit shirt that dipped in the front in a 'U' shape in a dangerous fashion exposing much of her very perky tits that were held tightly within the white shirt. She had a nice, full smile made by her full, red lips. She also had a cute little nose and deep brown eyes. She was very attractive and much more feminine than Dani and Vanessa had appeared to me. I told Latisha, "She is way cute!"

"She sure is," said Latisha, "She is a petite little thing. Even smaller than me! Want to see her cock?" When Latisha said this she smiled that wicked smile she reserves just for sexual thoughts. I smiled at her and said, "Sure, I guess."

Latisha messed with her phone then brought up another pic and showed me stating, "She may be shorter than me and super-skinny but she has a cock that is as thick as her forearm!" Then she showed me the image on her cell.

There was another pic of Nichole sitting on a table dressed in only a red lace garter and matching red lace bra. Her skin was very white in striking contrast and her fingernail polish was also a matching red. Her blonde hair hung down freely in curls all the way to her breasts. Her deep brown eyes sparkled and her mouth was opened in a half semicircle exposing a huge smile. I could see a small tattoo of what seemed like a strawberry on her pelvis just above her right thigh. And in her hand she held her hard, long cock which WAS as thick as her forearm seemed to be!

"Wow," I exclaimed.

"I know, right," said Latisha reading my vision as my eyes settled on the big cock. "She may be little but she is well endowed for her size! Her cock is 8 inches long. Nice huh?"

"Yes it is," I responded and said nothing else even though I was getting hot just watching the pic of her hard cock. I had only just found out that I like sucking cock but I already know that I have a penchant for big cocks and Nichole was a very nice size!

"Here is one more," said Latisha as she took her cell back then thrust it back into my face when she pulled up yet another pic. This pic was taken of Nichole wearing the same red garter and bra as the other pic but this time she was sitting on a gray couch and the pic was taken from the side. I could see now that Nichole was quite the skinny thing. Her tits seemed really big when viewed from the side where I could see how thin she was. And she was holding her cock again. Now I could tell that her cock had a slight upward curve to it and was thicker than I realized. I liked it a lot. I already wanted to blow her.

"Trust me Matty, when we visit Nichole, if she does allow you to give her a blowjob, you will like it a lot! I sure did when I blew her," Latisha said happily. "Want to go?"

"Yes, I do Latisha. If she is as sweet as you say," I responded.

"Great, be at my house at 6 pm tomorrow, '' said Latisha, "and Matt, whether you want to or not, you should be prepared to suck her cock. I know her and I am sure she will like you. She knows what you want and is very likely to induce you to suck her cock later on that night. Be ready. She will go slow and even teach you a little bit. You will enjoy it, I promise!"

"Okay," I said with a smile. For the first time I was enthusiastic about Nichole!

Latisha and I were both in a good mood as we drove to Nichole's apartment the next evening. We were joking and making small talk. I was mentally prepared to give Nichole a blowjob but I did not have high hopes as I remembered my experiences with Dani and with Vanessa. Oh crap! What if Nichole wanted to fuck me! I did not want that at all so I brought it up to Latisha who assured me that I need not worry about that at all. So I went back to being relaxed.

It took quite a while to reach Nichole's place as she lived far away from the city. When we got there we went right up to her door and rang the doorbell. Nichole opened the door and ushered us inside in a cheery fashion as if she were inviting us into a party rather than drinks amongst three people. Latisha and I were dressed in casual/formal clothes one would wear out to a very nice restaurant for drinks. But not Nichole. She really was shorter than Latisha. And smaller in stature as she was quite thin. I could not help but wonder if the size of her cock in the pictures I saw was actually exaggerated due to her small stature. She had on pink terry cloth shorts and a very small white tight-fitting top that looked more like a bra than a shirt. She had ear buds in her ears that ended inside the back pocket of her pink shorts (where I guess her cell phone was). She had no makeup on. And her skin had a tone displaying a slight tan she had not had in the pictures I was shown the day before. And she was completely barefoot. She acted totally casual and seemed quite happy with being that way. I was actually quite pleased by this and relaxed immediately.

Upon meeting me Nichole held out her hand for me to shake and stated, "So you must be Matthew. Latisha has told me many wonderful things about you!" I shook her hand and blushed but said, "Very nice to finally meet you Nichole." Nichole then turned to Latisha and said, "You are right! He IS handsome!" I blushed more.

Nichole ushered us into the living room and directed us to sit pointing to a chair for Latisha while she sat opposite her on the couch. "Sit next to me Matt," she suggested firmly while she patted the couch cushion directly to her left. So I walked around the couch and sat right next to Nichole, also facing Latisha. Then Nichole rose and offered to get us drinks. When we all had our drinks, Nichole took her seat next to me again and the three of us began to chat about this and that.

It was not long before we were all very relaxed and talking easily. I felt as if Nichole and I had known one another for years rather than for only minutes. There was no mention of sex or blowjobs or anything even remotely on any related topic and I completely forgot about the possibility of my giving her a blowjob and got lost in the conversation I was enjoying. Time went by without us noticing as we drank more alcohol. I was completely enjoying myself when, all of a sudden and with little warning, Nichole changed the topic of conversation by saying aloud, "Matt, I hear that you also met some of Latisha's other friends?"

I had been so engrossed in our prior conversation that her query went right over my head and I missed the point totally despite answering, "Well, I did meet her friends Dani and Vanessa a while back. They were okay." Nichole took a more direct approach with her next question. She asked me, "Yes I heard. And if I understand correctly, the experience you had when meeting them was not quite what you expected?" And as Nichole very slowly and thoughtfully phrased her question, she turned to look at me and gently grasped my right hand with her left hand and lifted my hand up and over her shorts until she gently let my hand rest right in the middle of soft pink shorts. When I felt the slight bulge beneath the surface of the terry cloth of her shorts I knew exactly what she was getting at now.

I slowly answered her, "Yes Nichole... meeting Dani and Vanessa was not what I would call an ideal experience." Nichole still held my hand right in the middle of her soft shorts right over what I was sure was a bulge. Her left hand still held onto my right hand and pressed it firmly yet gently against her pelvis and simultaneously moved her hand just a little bit back and forth in a slow fashion that moved my hand parallel with her legs. As she continued to help my hand move back and forth she asked me, "Tell me about it Matthew." And she looked right at me as if Latisha was not even in the room anymore.

I felt a little helpless for some reason so I looked to Latisha for help or guidance. But Latisha was looking at Nichole's hand guiding my hand back and forth in the middle of what I was now certain was a growing bulge below that soft fabric of her shorts. And she had the biggest smile on her face! Latisha was enjoying the site of what was happening to my innocent hand. It took her many seconds to even realize I was looking to her for guidance. But even when she did look my way and saw my troubled glance she just shrugged her shoulders slightly then made that 'suck cock' motion by putting her thumb and forefinger together in a circle, holding the circle in front of her open mouth, and making a back and forth motion while sticking out her tongue. So I looked back at Nichole and said, "Tell you about it, huh? Do you want to know... uh... everything?" Nichole broke her look and looked down at her hand holding mine and moving back and forth. She let my hand go and continued to watch to make sure that I was going to continue the stroking motions all on my own then looked back at me again and said, "Yes Matt, tell me everything. I want to hear e-ver-y-thing!" She emphasized every syllable of the last word in her answer."

I said nothing for several seconds. All that was heard was the very slight sound of Nichole's terry cloth shorts as I continued to stroke back and forth on the ever hardening bulge directly beneath. I was having a little trouble keeping my composure as I could feel Nichole's cock growing inside her shorts. Her cock was getting longer, thicker, and harder. I was no longer rubbing my fingers on her cock but I was now stroking my fingers around her cock (since it was getting harder and thicker). The change I knew was happening to her cock by the feeling alone gave me an incredible desire to look at her hardening cock directly to see for myself how big it had gotten. I could even feel my own cock getting hard. Still I managed to start telling her the story as best as I could without throwing in too much detail while continuing to stroke Nichole's hardening cock through the fabric of her shorts.

While continuously stroking the fabric of Nichole's shorts, I had just finished the part of my story relating to Dani (with the details of the blowjob and all) and was at the part where Latisha and I were leaving the bar with the intention to return later that night when Nichole's cock had swollen to a length where her cock must have poked out past the top of her skimpy shorts. I was still fully stroking her hardening cock with long strokes when my bare hand ran over the top of her shorts and touched along the exposed cockhead of her now long, very hard dick! Surprised, I let out a quick, "Oh!" and moved backwards a little and stopped stroking her cock altogether. I stopped telling the story as well and felt foolish. Without missing a beat Nichole, while still watching me said, "Don't stop," then took my hand in hers and, once again, guided my hand until I was stroking her hard cock fully along the length she had grown to... from the bottom of her shorts all the way over the top and along the bare skin of her exposed still hardening cock. She whispered to me, "Keep doing that." Then she paused a little to ensure I would continue stroking and said, "Go on with your story."

So, I kept stroking what was becoming a pretty hard pretty big cock as Nichole had instructed while I finished the story. I had ended the story by complaining that there were many aspects of both of the blowjobs that I did not like. And I specifically mentioned that one of those things was that I had been disappointed that Vanessa's cock was smaller than I would have liked and I wished that one of my first blowjob experiences would have been with a cock at least as big as mine was. I was still stroking Nichole's cock even though I had finished the story. Nichole, still looking directly at me said, "Matt, tell me what else you specifically did not like about your experience with Dani and Vanessa?" And as she said this, she took her left hand and grabbed my right arm around the wrist and removed my hand from her cock completely. I could not help myself by now and turned my gaze to her hard cock to see what was happening. Very quickly and agilely, Nichole took her shorts in her right hand at the opening of her left leg near her balls, then stretched the opening wide open. She dropped the grip on my wrist with her left hand and grabbed ahold of her hard cock and shifted her cock fully out of the stretched leg hole then released the fabric of her stretched out shorts so her right hand was free once again and her hard cock, held in her left hand was fully sticking out of the left hole of her shorts along with her left leg. She let her hard cock go completely free then grabbed my right hand once again with her left hand and guided it to her hard, fully exposed cock until she had my fingers and palm wrapped around her hard dick. Then she reinstituted the stroking motion until I was stroking her bare hard cock up and down and up and down over and over again.

Her cock was beautiful. It was fully hard now and thicker than I would have ever thought. There was this beautiful curve in her cock that seemed so natural. She was so hard that the veins in her cock were bulging somewhat. She was certainly 8 inches long. Not since seeing Benny's cock did I ever feel like this about a cock before. I watched it sliding between my fingers as my hand slid up and down the thickness of her shaft. If only I could put my lips...

"Matt? Matthew???" I suddenly heard Nichole saying, "Are you okay?"

"Uh yeah," I said still staring at her amazing cock that I wanted to suck so badly. I could already imagine it in my mouth... the feeling my lips would make as her hard cock would first pass between them. The feeling of my jaw being slowly forced open wider as the thickness of her cock increased the deeper it passed into my mouth.

I suddenly realized I was fully daydreaming about Nichole's cock and was no longer talking and had not answered her question. In fact I had stopped stroking her cock! As I looked Nichole up and down quickly I realized that Nichole was holding her big, hard cock in her own hand now. Almost as if she were offering all 8 inches of that hard, curved, fat, thick cock for me to take. Her head was leaning a little and there was a large smile on her face as if to say, "I know what you want to do Matthew... Here...Take it... You know you want it." And right at that very moment, I wanted to suck that cock more than I wanted anything in the whole world!"

Nichole restating, "Matthew?? You were telling us specifically what you did not like about your experience," brought me back to reality and I slowly regained my composure, began to tell Nichole some of the other things about the blowjobs I gave Dani and Vanessa that I did not like (such as their aggression and foul language) as I began to start stroking Nichole cock once again.

All of this time Latisha had not said a single word but apparently she was listening and watching because when I finished listing my complaints from the prior weekend she said only one word, "Matty," and paused for several seconds watching my hand stroking Nichole's 8 inch cock. I noticed that she had one of her hands beneath her skirt.

Finally Latisha stated, "I did not realize that you were that unhappy with everything that happened the other weekend. I am sorry." And she said nothing for a little as she silently watched me stroking Nichole's cock. Suddenly Latisha cheered up and said simply, "But it seems like you are enjoying Nichole's hard cock right?" Latisha smiled and so did Nichole but I was too embarrassed to answer so when I said nothing Latisha leaned closer and said, "I'll bet you want to suck that big cock don't you Matty?" I felt guilty but under Latisha's scrutiny I still kept silent.

Nichole leaned into me and whispered, "It is okay Matt." Then she kissed me on the lips, letting her lips rest on my lips for several soft, wonderful seconds before ending the kiss by moving her head back only a few inches and saying in a whisper once again, "it's okay Matt if you want to suck my cock. I will let you," and she moved in and kissed me once again for several lingering seconds. When she removed her lips a second time she whispered, "I will be gentle Matt and we can go slowly. If you want to suck my cock just tell me. Do you want to suck my cock? Do you want me to show you how to be a better cocksucker?"

That proposition I was unable to refuse. Just being called a cocksucker by this new shemale who had such a big, hard cock only inches away from me who knew exactly what I wanted to do with it was making me even harder! I mean I could NOT have been able to say, "NO," even if I wanted to!! "Yes I do," I whispered back to her face which was only inches away. "Good boy," she whispered and quickly kissed me then took both of my hands in hers and guided me to a standing position in front of her as she sat on the couch only to guide me back down onto my knees to kneel in front of her as she quickly shed her pink shorts and spread her legs wide in a 90 degree angle.

As I sat there on my knees with my hands under Nichole's legs shaking with the urge to put my lips around that wonderful 8 inch cock that was waiting for me just inches away, all I could think about was how much desire I had to show Nichole that I was a GOOD cocksucker. I looked up at Nichole's face smiling gently down at me. Latisha pulled her chair as close as she could get then put her hand back under her skirt once again and watched urgently.

Nichole started with her instruction by saying, "Matthew, if you want to be a better cocksucker, listen to what I tell you, be patient, and enjoy yourself, okay?" "Yes," I said quickly. I was nearly shaking. I wanted to put that cock in my mouth so badly!

"Matthew...SLOWLY and GENTLY... start kissing my cock up and down while you listen carefully to what I am about to tell you. And when I finish, do what I told you to do," said Nichole as she held her fully hard cock in one hand directly in front of my face for me to place my lips on. I placed my lips on her cock and kissed her head. Then I kissed the side. Then I kissed under her shaft. Then Nichole said, "Eyes up here Matt... always make eye contact as often as you are able." So I looked at her eyes... her face... her lips as I kissed her cock. She was so beautiful. It was all I could do to resist taking several inches of her cock into my mouth all at once. Latisha took her hand out from under her skirt and thrust it against my dress slacks and grabbed my hard cock, smiled and said, "I knew it cocksucker!" Then she turned to Nichole and told her, "Teach him everything you can, Baby! Turn him into the best cocksucker he can possibly be! He wants it more than you do!" Then she put her hand back under her skirt as she struggled with the buttons on her blouse.

I had no time to think about anything Latisha said. At that very moment I wanted nothing more than to be the cocksucker with Nichole's dick in his mouth so when Nichole said, "Matthew... listen," I listened!

"Today Matthew, I want you to remember something. Remember that a blowjob is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't hurry. Take it slow. Focus on the journey. Enjoy every second and forget about the destination. So today, forget about making me cum. Don't even try to make me cum. Relax and just do whatever you like to do to a cock without stressing out. And when you feel like stopping, just say so and we will stop."

I must have looked confused because I just stared at her until she said, "Go ahead. Suck my cock. Kiss my cock. Lick my cock. Rub my hard cock against your cheeks. Whatever you like to do." So I started slowly sucking her thick cock 5 inches into my mouth in and out slowly. And it felt so awesome! Simply incredible.

Then Nichole said, "Swallow my cock." I was still working the first 5 inches in and out of my mouth and was not sure what I should do. Nichole's breathing was already somewhat labored which was hot! Then I felt Nichole place her hand on the back of my head as she forced me a little deeper saying, "That's the way, Baby. That's it... yes." I kept sucking 6 inches deep... just into my throat while Nichole's breathing became noticeably more labored! It was very sexy hearing her breathing so heavily! She was literally panting while holding her left hand on the back of my head pushing me deeper on the down strokes. She also wrapped her right hand around her big cock and stroked her cock around the last two inches where I was not sucking into my mouth.

All of this time Latisha was working her pussy wildly as she was totally turned on watching me suck Nichole's 8 inch cock. Latisha was wide-eyed and focused only on me as I bobbed up and down 5 or 6 inches deep on Nichole's hard cock. It felt wonderful to me. Especially as Nichole was now breathing very heavily, "uhhh... uhhhhh... uhhh... uhhh...mmmm."

I could sense some urgency as she was forcing me down on her cock faster and more forcefully as she continued to breathe deeply, "uhhh... uhhh... uhhhh....oh..." She was now rocking her hips back and forth to meet my lips as I went down on her cock.

All of a sudden Nichole took her left hand off of the back of my head and breathed to me in a very husky, labored voice, "Uh, wait! Get back and open your mouth! I'm gonna cum!" I was uncertain what exactly I was supposed to do but I knew what I SHOULD do! Nichole was pumping her hard cock furiously with such an urgency that her mouth was wide open. I sat up a little, turned around 180 degrees, bent my head backwards and laid my head on the edge of the couch between Nichole's legs (so her big, hard cock was directly above my face) and opened my mouth wide!

Nichole, still stroking her hard cock and breathing hard, positioned herself in a half-standing position so her huge cock pointed right at my face as she continued to pump it. She commanded, "Open," then began to cum! She was pumping her cock right above my head and must have been squeezing her cock a little as her cum did not shoot out far but shot out just enough to land on my face. One, two, three, four, five... six shots of cum... then she squeezed out a last load of cum! I could feel the hot cum in my mouth and on my cheeks and lips and nose and chin. I felt like such a slut! I was so hot that I did not even realize that my mouth was still open after Nichole finished cumming and sat back on the couch.

Still having my head tilted back on the couch with cum in my mouth and on my face I could see Nichole smiling at me when she said, "Sucking cock turns you on doesn't it Matt... look at how hard your cock is!" That is when I realized that I was stroking my hard cock!

I could not have been any more embarrassed, cum on my face and in my mouth and my hard cock in my hand. So I was thankful when Latisha (who had since cum violently) stated that she would be back and got up to go to the bathroom. I took my hand off of my hard cock, sat back on the couch and tried to clean some of the cum off of my face with my fingers.

As Latisha was still in the bathroom leaving me and Nichole alone in the living room Nichole took the opportunity to ask me a question, "Matt, you really like sucking my cock don't you?"

"Oh yes Nichole. You have no idea," I told her way too eagerly which resulted in me blushing even further.

"You are pretty good at it Matt. Just like Latisha said you were," said Nichole. "Would you like to suck my cock some more another day Matt," she asked in a hushed voice.

"Oh yes I would," I answered very excitedly.

"Put this in your pocket," said Nichole as she slipped me a small piece of paper and said, "That is my cell number. I am not seeing anyone right now and I am so horny these days. When you get home, out of view from Latisha, sent a text to this number and tell me who you are so I have your number. I need a blow-buddy Matt and I am hoping it will be you. I will make a deal with you. When I am horny I will text you and tell you to come on over to my place and you will suck my cock. In return I will continue to teach you how to be a better cocksucker. In no time, after several visits, you will have learned so much from me that you will have attained incredible cocksucking skills, I promise, okay?"

"Oh yes," I was absolutely thrilled hearing this proposition!

"But there are conditions, Matt," said Nichole quickly, "one, you can never tell Latisha about our arrangement. Two, you can never call or text me unless I call or text you first. Three, you are never to come over to my place unless I tell you to come over. Four, when I text you and tell you that I am horny and want you to come over to suck my cock, regardless of the time or day, you come over immediately. Five, whatever I teach you to do as I teach you to be a better cocksucker, you do it without question. Six, you are MY cocksucker and no one else's. In return I will be your blow buddy, teach you to be an incredibly skilled cocksucker, and not have sex with anyone else so you can safely swallow my cum loads, agreed?"

"Agreed," I enthusiastically agreed!

"Here is to being blow buddies," said Nichole as we clinked our drinks in a toast.

"What are we toasting," asked Latisha as she walked out of the bathroom?

"Toasting an enjoyable evening is all," lied Nichole.

Latisha and I had a very happy ride home and I gushed about how I liked Nichole a LOT! Latisha warned me that Nichole led a very busy life and she had no idea if and when we could see her again. I asked Latisha, "why is she so busy," as I tightly held the little paper in my hand within my pocket.

"She just is, remarked Latisha, "I don't know that much about her. But one thing I do know is that she has A LOT of shemale friends and acquaintances. If you are friends with Nichole it is likely that it will not be long before you end up meeting her shemale friends too!"

Just thinking about that made me hot! As soon as I got back to my house I texted my cell number to the number on the slip of paper telling Nichole who I was. Five minutes later I got a text back that said, "Hello Blow buddy! Thank you for the number. Remember, the next text you get from me you make sure you come over my place when I tell you to! I cannot wait to train you to be a better cocksucker!"

I cannot wait either!

NOTE: When I started writing the first story ("Coerced - The Pledge"), I did so because I was still angry with my friend Latisha for tricking me into sucking a guy's cock. She said that writing the story out and publishing it would make me feel better (even if the story was true). And it did. But not for the reason I thought. The guy who helped Latisha trick me into sucking his cock has a wonderful cock. So wonderful that, later that same day when I had been tricked, when I saw the guy and his cock fully hard, I still can't believe it but I gave him a blowjob of my own free will. And I liked it and I was ashamed of that. Telling the story by writing about it somehow made me release that shame and feel better. I never thought I would write another story again. I thought that was the end of the whole experience.

But the knowledge that I liked giving a blowjob stuck with me after that and troubled me enough for my friend (yes she IS a friend) to trick me into sucking the same guy's cock once again until I admitted that I DID like the experience of sucking a dick. I never thought I would say that but the truth is I DID like sucking cock (At least I liked sucking this one guys' magnificent near 9 inch cock). So I wrote a second story (see "The Dildo Party") about the events of that night as a way of purging my shame that I was a guy who liked sucking another guy's cock. Still I agreed to try sucking cock once more by blowing Latisha's shemale friends Dani and Vanessa (I did NOT want to suck a man's cock ever again even if I liked sucking the first guy's cock). The experience was not good for me. Worse still I kept thinking about sucking the first guy's cock I sucked and how marvelous it was so I wrote one more story about my shemale experience ("My Visit to the Clown Zoo Nightclub") and intended to write no more. Latisha and I had a very odd experience which I also had to write about (see the story "The Unexpected Visit from Benny"). Once again I had no intention of writing any more Literotica contributions. I figured I had enough problems (I liked sucking cock but only when I sucked a specific person's cock who happened to be a man I could not stop thinking about). Latisha had offered to introduce me to her friend Nichole and if that did not work out for me I was done sucking cock altogether and was certain that is what would happen.

But I was wrong. For the first time, I was in complete control of giving a blowjob. Nichole is so sweet and so nice and so understanding and her cock is beautiful. I loved sucking her cock and I am thrilled that I will have the opportunity to suck her cock again (even if I must do so at her bidding).

Up until the writing of this story, I always thought that the current story I was writing about the recent events of my life would be the last story I would be writing. I kept thinking, "Why do I like sucking cock?" I thought, "Why am I sucking cock anyway?" I was certain that I would be writing no more stories as the days of my experimenting with sucking cock were near an end.

But things have completely changed with my meeting Nichole. I love sucking her cock and can't wait until I suck her cock again. And I will suck her cock as many times as she wants me to. And to be honest, the desire and attraction I feel for Nichole is so strong that I look forward to being trained to be more proficient at sucking cock. I have to face it... when it comes to Nichole - I AM a cocksucker!

And for once, I WANT to tell you readers what is happening to me. I can't believe how easily I have decided that sucking cock (even though I am a man) is something I want to do more of (as long as it is with Nichole). Maybe all men would find out that they like sucking cock if they tried it with the right person. I liked the feeling of sucking Benny's big cock but the realization of actually blowing a man never sat right with me. But sucking Nichole's cock is natural and almost beautiful. I can't wait for that first text to come. And after I suck her cock again I will write about it!


Hello all. My name is Matthew and this is another true story about me and a shemale friend of my best friend Latisha named Nichole. The events of this story occurred last night in late December 2022. If you have read the other previous stories, you would know about me and my friend Latisha and my experience in discovering that I seemed to like giving blowjobs. Well at least I liked sucking one cock. The other blowjobs I had given were bad experiences and I was not especially thrilled at trying to suck yet another cock. But my friend Latisha had promised that she would get me to spend some time with her only shemale friend Nichole. I did meet Nichole (see the story "Nichole") and we got along so well that Nichole secretly gave me her number and promised to teach me to be a better cocksucker. Finally I got a text from Nichole telling me that I should, "be ready to suck cock and she would text me soon." I got her text last weekend and this is when I met Nichole again.

The text told me simply to be at her house that night at 7 pm and be ready to suck her cock. I was thrilled so at 7 pm sharp I was knocking on her door! I still cannot believe that I am THRILLED to suck someone's cock! I am literally going over to another person's house in the hopes I am going to suck a cock and swallow some cum! ME! A grown man!

Anyhow, I was a little surprised as this time Nichole was dressed as if she were ready to go out. She had a tight blue short dress on, a shiny necklace around her neck, a white jacket around her dress, black stockings, and shiny black pumps on. Her hair was all done in beautiful blonde curls. Still she said hello in a cheery voice and said, "So Matthew... let's make you into a great cocksucker, yes?" I immediately agreed with her.

She poured me a glass of scotch and explained that I should do exactly what she told me to do as she unexpectedly had to leave in a short time so we had no time to waste. So when she told me to, "Drink," I swallowed the scotch in one gulp. Then she ordered me to get completely naked (which I did). Then she poured me another glass of scotch and, once again, ordered me to drink it. After I swallowed the second scotch the effects of the alcohol were just beginning to wash over me.

She lifted her skirt exposing some soft blue panties and ordered me to kiss her already hardening cock. I kissed her cock on the left and on the right of her shaft. "Take that fucking cock between your teeth," ordered Nichole. So I playfully bit her shaft through the cotton panties. I was about to tell her something and just barely got out, "So, Nichole..." but she interrupted me and ordered, "I want you to shut the fuck up and suck my cock," as she pulled down her panties exposing her hard cock right in front of my face. I gladly opened my mouth and put my lips around her cock so her cock was maybe three inches in my mouth but Nichole immediately wrapped both hands around the back of my head and pulled my head forcibly into her body so I swallowed all of cock. Then she worked my head back and forth and back and forth and her cock hardened more and more until she was fully hard and she was eight inches long and nicely thick. She pulled her cock out of my mouth, let me breathe and said, you need to gain some stamina and learn how to hold my cock deep in your throat for an extended period of time. Then she pulled my head hard into her body until all 8 inches were in my throat and my lips were against her pubic area and held my head there hard and said, "Take it!" I tried to handle it but after a second of this constant holding her dick 8 inches in my throat I gagged out sound which only came out as:


Nichole, pulled all the way out, let me breath then forced her cock all the way in and held it there for 5 seconds as I gagged again then pulled out all just one inch then pushed all the way in then in and out and in and out the last inch of her cock then finally pulled all the way out and let me breathe deeply. When I caught my breath I started to suck her cock in and out (grateful that I was not choking on all 8 inches again) as Nichole said, "Mmmm that's the way I like it Matthew."

"Looks like you are ready for me," Nichole said as her cock went in and out of my throat and asked, "You like sucking cock?" "Mmm-hummm," I mumbled with her cock in my throat. I was really enjoying Nichole's cock right then when she asked, "So, how's that feel?" Before I could answer she started to forcibly make me take all 8 inches of her cock in and out of my mouth then asked, "Are you having fun?" Her cock was going so deep in my throat I could not answer. My throat was making a

{ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...}

sound every time Nichole stroked into my mouth and she said, "You love it!"

{ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...}

"Now SUCK!"

Nichole pushed her cock all 8 inches into my throat and held it there again and said, "Show me what you are worth," and held her cock all the way in for 5... 6... 7 seconds then pulled out as I gasped for breath!

As I still gasped for breath Nichole said to me, "Don't disappoint me cocksucker. I know you are good and can get better! Show me you want to be better at sucking cock and I will give you a big load of cum tonight!" I was a little intimidated but I wanted her cum so badly!

Right then she moved to the couch, pulled her panties all the way off, and lay down on her back while spreading her legs and asking me, "Kiss me." I moved to her and sat on the couch between her legs and began to kiss on and around her pelvis as she moaned softly. Then she asked me, "Matthew, are you a good cocksucker?" I answered, "Yes, I am." Nichole said, "Then show me."

She grabbed the back of my head with both hands and pushed her cock between my lips then forced my head all the way down on her cock. 8 inches does not sound like a lot but when you are a guy, have only given 6 blowjobs in your whole life (and all relatively recently), and have little experience at deepthroating, then an 8 inch cock 5 1/2 inches in your mouth and 2 1/2 additional inches into your throat... it is NOT EASY!!! I was trying to handle it. Really! But it was hard! When all 8 inches were in my mouth and throat she held my head motionless with her hands and started vigorously rocking her hips up and down so the last 3 inches of her cock worked in and out of my mouth (and throat) quickly. In this fashion I never had any less than 5 inches of Nichole's cock in my mouth and at most, all 8 inches. She was working my throat this way fairly quickly. She would go in and out this way about 8 repetitions and always finish by forcing her hips fully up and holding them there for 8 seconds with all 8 inches of cock buried in my throat. Finally she would let me fully gasp for breath. And gasp I did! Then, after I recovered my breath she would start over again. Nichole was loving it and would moan, "Oh yes! Suck that cock," as I was taking her big dick in and out. I was struggling. I would make the same 

{ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...} {ulck...}

sound as she worked her cock in and out of my throat and when she got to the part where she held all 8 inches in me for 8 straight seconds it caused my mouth to generate too much saliva to contain and it would drip all over the couch!

After Nichole had performed this series of steps maybe five times over, I was beginning to get dizzy and wonder what and why I was doing this when Nichole let me up and stopped forcing me and let me simply suck her cock. As she moaned softly, since there was no pressure on me to 'perform', I enjoyed giving her a blowjob right then.

After five minutes or so Nichole ordered me to get on my hands and knees facing the couch. So I did. Nichole caressed me a little and told me I was doing well so far. Then, without warning, took one of her fingers (which was warm and wet), worked it into my asshole and worked her finger around inside me. I was VERY surprised and it felt strange but not horrible and I dared not say anything as Nichole played with me. Nichole asked me, "Matthew, you like my cock don't you?" Still with her finger squirming inside me I answered, "Yes Nichole... I love your cock." "You are a pretty good cocksucker Matthew and will soon get much better. I think I am going to teach you how to take my big cock in this tight asshole! You are going to love it," she said as she worked her finger as deep as it would go. "And you know what else, Matthew? I think I will introduce you to some of my shemale friends too! If you like my cock then you will like my friends' cocks too! Now get up here!"

Nichole pulled her finger out of my ass and guided me to lay down on the couch the long way as she sat on the armrest nearest my head. She slid a pillow under my head then forced her hard cock back into my mouth again. I was still in shock about her announcing that she planned on fucking me (something I had NEVER done and had no desire to do) as well as introducing me to her shemale friends but her cock sliding in and out of my mouth felt good. I kept sucking her cock as she kept encouraging me by saying, "Good job. Keep sucking Baby," when her cell phone buzzed.

Nichole did not miss a beat. She picked up her cell and looked at it as I kept sucking her cock in my upside down position. When she set her phone back down she said to me, "So it looks like we have about three more minutes Matthew. Let's see if you want some cum bad enough to make me blow my load in three minutes!"

I DID want her cum! BAD! I started sucking her cock deep and quicker. Only a minute later she pulled her cock out of my mouth and said, "I am going to cover your face with a huge load of cum," and began stroking her cock fast!

I bent my head back and opened my mouth wide!

In only seconds, Nichole moaned, "Uhhh... uhhhh... uhhhhh.... Uhhhh... uh, here it cums!"

Nichole started to cum and moaned, "Uhhh," every time she shot a load of cum and because she was looking up at the ceiling when she was cumming, she shot the first three loads on my chest and shoulder. I was PISSED! But the next three shots landed on my lips, in my mouth, and on my right cheek!

"There you go Matthew... now swallow it," she said looking down at me with my still open mouth.

And I eagerly swallowed what cum landed in my mouth without a second's hesitation. In fact I greedily swallowed what landed in my mouth! Then I used my finger to scrape some of the cum I could see on my nose and lips so I could suck that off of my finger and swallow that too! It had a nice taste, a little salty, thick and gooey and sticky. I loved the feeling of it sliding down my throat! Swallowing what little of Nichole's cum right then convinced me right then that I wanted to swallow more!

When Nichole finished and composed herself for a minute, she immediately said, "Matthew, I am sorry and I do not mean to be rude but I must leave immediately." She was gathering her purse and fixing her makeup as she dressed and spoke to me so I got dressed as well. She went on quite sincerely, "Matthew, you really are an enthusiastic cocksucker but you really need to improve your deepthroat skills."

My heart sank. I felt I had failed somehow even though I really tried and felt Nichole was a little rough. But my attitude brightened when she said, "Matthew, how would you like to swallow more cum on your next visit?" I responded by telling her, "I would like that very much," but said nothing else as I felt she was about to explain it to me. And she did!

"Matthew, next time I text you to come over, I am going to have one of my friends Kali over at the same time. She is... uh... like me and we know each other well! Her cock is nice and about the same size as mine. She is cute and nice. You will like her. You will be here a little longer next time because Kali and I will be giving you deepthroat training. By the time you leave next time you will be MUCH better at deepthroating cock. And if I had to guess, you will be swallowing several loads of cum too! Four loads maybe??? Maybe even more... it depends on how long it takes you to learn! Have you ever had a cock so deep in your throat that when it cums you can't even swallow... the cum is just shot right down your throat??"

"Uh, no, I guess not, "I said quietly.

"Well you will learn to do that too Matt! Practice on a dildo if you can!! You will need any help you can get, "she smiled. "Now we have to go!"

We both left in separate directions with only 'goodbye's to say. I did not know what to think really but as I drove home, aside from many questions I began to form, the one thing I knew for certain was that I was getting more and more excited over the whole prospect! I was going to be 'trained' to deepthroat. I was going to give not one but attractive shemales each a blowjob! Wait! Four loads of cum... maybe more! I am going to be there long enough to give at LEAST FOUR blowjobs!! And I am excited about this!!! A cock so deep in my throat the cum is shot directly down my throat!?!?! Why is this exciting to me!!! I vowed to be ready and do the best I could do to learn to deepthroat!

You should have seen the look on Latisha's face when I asked her, "Hey Tish (I am the only one who can get away with calling her that)... we have not used your strap-on dildos in a while... Are you interested in trying to show me how to deepthroat with that long dildo of yours?"

She may have been surprised but she jumped at the opportunity to work one of her dildos down my throat as I knelt before her on my knees and took it deep!!!

Practice makes perfect right?


It finally happened!

I heard from Nichole again. I got a text from her that read as follows:

Hello Blow Buddy! Time for the deepthroat training I promised. Be at my house tomorrow at 6 pm sharp. Don't eat anything after breakfast. Drink some water if you like. Get good sleep. You will need it! You will be sucking a lot of cock and meeting my girlfriend Kali! You will be at my house for several hours but when you leave you will have learned to deepthroat, I promise!

Immediately after I got another text from Nichole that read:

Here is a picture of Kali. You will like her.

The attached picture was a pic of Kali (I guessed). It was an image of a tan girl standing making a serious face in a pastel, pink dress with very long brownish-red hair. She was cute. But not beautiful.

Right then I got a third text from Nichole with another attached pic of Kali. The text read only:

Here is another picture. I told you that you will like her!!

The attached image was the same girl sitting on a couch this time with the same serious look on her face. The picture was a little out of focus. And the girl was wearing only a black lace bra and panties. And in her left hand she was holding a fully hard cock of significant length! I was excited already!

Hello all. My name is Matthew and this is another account of me and a shemale friend of my best friend Latisha named Nichole. The events of this story occurred in mid-January 2023. If you have read the other previous stories ('Nichole' & 'Seeing Nichole Again'), you would know about me and my friend Latisha and my experience in discovering that I seemed to like giving blowjobs and how I became Nichole's 'blow buddy'. This is the account of what happened when I went to see Nichole the third time and how I got introduced to her friend Kali and was trained to deepthroat.

I did exactly what Nichole said to do and was at her house at 6 pm sharp. Nichole answered the door in her usual bubbly self. She had a cute hot pink top on and pink shorts and a sweet smile. She invited me in and pointed to a woman sitting on the couch and said,

"Matthew, this is Kali! She is going to help me tonight!"

The girl Nichole pointed to WAS the girl in the cell pictures. She had see-through panties on, and what seemed like a black latex bikini top on. And she still seemed serious but said, "Hello Matt! It is nice to meet you!"

I felt it was pretty formal but was too excited to bother when Nichole said, "Matt, can we jump right in? If we are going to train you to deepthroat we had better get started!"

"Right now," I queried?

"Yes, take your clothes off and meet us in the bedroom!"

I could not believe this was happening. And so quickly!!!

I tore off my clothes and by the time I made my way into Nichole's bedroom my cock was hard!

Nichole saw my hard cock and took it as a sign to slow down and motioned for me to come closer. She kissed me slowly on the lips as her hands made their way to my chest. She caressed my neck and chest as I took her hips in my hands. I kissed her neck. I kissed her shoulders. And I kissed her beautiful tits. Then I kissed her lips again! As Nichole moved her hands to my head I kissed her tits some more. And I caressed her beautiful breasts with my hands.

Nichole turned around and put her hands on the wall and pulled her shorts up around her nice ass so I started kissing her ass as well. I kept kissing and biting her ass until Nichole abruptly turned back around and pulled her shirt down and exposed her naked tits to me. I kissed and sucked her beautiful breasts until Nichole pulled my head up to her face and we kissed.

That is when I felt the growth in her shorts. Nichole, immediately aware of my sensing her growing cock, pushed me firmly down onto the bed then mounted me so she straddled my own hardening cock! Then she began to rub her pelvis back and forth and back and forth on my cock so her cock got hard as my cock got grew!

And suddenly, in one swift move, Nichole tumbled backwards so she was on her back on the bed and tore her shorts right off so her big 8 inch cock flopped right out! My lips were around her dick in a heartbeat!

I was sucking her cock in and out for the first 4 inches quite joyously for about 20 seconds when Nichole said, "Matt, I am not going to help yet but I want you to suck it as deep as you can... into your throat if you can." And she spread her legs wide to give me better access. I held her hard 8 inch cock with my right hand at the base in an effort to give me control then tried to go as deep as I could every time I went down on her. I tried and could get 6 inches of her cock in my mouth (which was just enough to open up my throat and enter a little) but I did not seem to do any better after that. I stopped and rested a little and tried again but with no improvement. So I stopped again.

I had completely forgotten about Kali until right then. She was sitting in a chair only two feet from the bed reclined comfortably. Her see-through panties were gone (but she still had the latex top on). Her legs were spread wide and she was working her hard dick in and out of one of those fake plastic pussies which she held in her left hand! Her cock was fully hard and as long as Nichole's!

Nichole brought my attention back to the task at hand by stating, "Matt, let me help now. I am going to force you a little and you may gag but try your best to take it."

Before I could say anything Nichole forced my head over her cock and slipped my lips around her dick. Then she held my head on each side firmly with her hands and pushed slowly but firmly so my head was forced down onto her cock. And she established a constant rhythm regardless of what I did. She pushed my head down then back up slowly five times in a row then gave me a rest and let me breathe. Then she did it again.

Up and down 5 times and rest.

Up and down 5 times and rest.

Up and down 5 times and rest.

Up and down 5 times and rest.

She never went faster or slower. She never went more than 5 times (nor any less). And she always let me rest for several seconds before repeating.

But what she did do was increase the pressure with which she pushed down on my head so that I could not help but be pushed deeper and deeper on her cock! I KNEW this was happening because I could feel her cock sliding deeper and deeper into my throat and expanding my throat from within.

I was still having trouble and gagged more than I wanted to but Nichole kept going and would say, "C'mon Matt... take it! Deeper Baby."

I really was so distracted and so overworked that before I knew it Nichole said, "Here it comes Matt!"

She pulled her cock out of my mouth, turned my head sideways, held the head of her cock barely into my mouth and shot her cum over and over again into my mouth as she groaned passionately!

When she finished she commanded, "Swallow," and I swallowed all of the cum I had retained in my mouth (which was almost all!).

As I finished swallowing Nichole smiled and said, "Good isn't it?"

"Good?" I exclaimed.

"Yes! The cum! You swallowed it all!"

"Yes, it was good," I told her. I HAD swallowed it all! And it was good! Really good!

"Good I am glad," said Nichole. "Let's see if Kali can help you deepthroat even better."

Nichole stood up and Kali did too. Standing there with her hard cock looking at me... It was the first time I saw her smile! And I got a very good look at Kali's hard dick! She seemed to be as long as Nichole was now (8 inches roughly) but Kali's cock was shaped differently. It started thinner and grew thicker as you moved down her shaft. And it had a curve to it! It curved to one side a little!

Kali jumped on the bed and shuffled her butt all the way against the wall so she was sitting on the bed with her back against the wall. She took her top off and flung it on the floor. Then she bent her left leg at an angle to fully expose her pubic area and grabbed her cock and started stroking it to maintain her full length and, looking at me said,

"Come on Baby... Let's teach you how to swallow!"

I hesitated a little, but then jumped on the bed myself and crawled up to where Kali waited and put my mouth around her almost fully-hard dick and started to suck. I was sucking 3 to 4 inches of her cock in and out of my mouth getting used to her shape when she put her hand on my head and pushed! She pushed me down almost right away hard enough to swallow 6 inches of her cock and then all at once pushed harder still and held me firmly there with 6 inches of her cock forcefully stuck in my mouth!

And she held me like that until I gagged hard:


Such an awful sound. Then she let me up so I could breathe.

When she told me to, "Start sucking," I began again and tried to go deep. She let me suck cock all by myself for a while then all of a sudden she grabbed my head again and forced me down deep, held me there for a long second, let me up, said, "Deeper," then pushed me down hard again until I was gagging.

Kali repeated this exercise with me several times and got me to take 7 inches of her cock every time.

I lost count of how many times we did this when Kali said, "Roll over Matt."

I did what she said and rolled over onto my back. She aligned me perpendicular to the bed so my head was nearly at the side of the edge of the bed. Then she straddled my face with a leg on either side of my head and simply slipped her long cock into my mouth. And with the strength of her hips (which was much more forceful than her hands) she forced her cock into my throat, in and out, in and out, and she pushed with her hips while saying, "Take it Matt! Suck that cock! Deeper! Deeper!! Take it all!!"

Kali was holding my hands down with her own hands so the force of her hips rocking her cock into my throat could not be stopped! She would pause momentarily to let me breathe and gasp but then she started again! She had all 8 inches of her cock in and out of my throat when she groaned, pulled her cock fully out of my mouth, stroked it several times, and then shot cumload after cumload mostly into my mouth but partially on my face and nose!

As I gasped and swallowed, Kali rolled off of me and said to Nichole, "He is getting there Nick! Did you see?"

I heard Nichole say, "Yes! You were all the way in!" But I was still recovering as they happily compared notes.

After I recovered to a normal state, Nichole and Kali surprised me by having a conversation with me about what we had just done. They asked a lot of questions. How I felt. What could I do differently? Did I like it? Did I think I was improving? Did I want to continue? Did I like to swallow cum? Would I be okay if I swallowed more? I was pleased because they said I was doing okay so far and was showing improvement and should stay with it for a little longer.

After roughly a 30 minute break Nichole announced that she was ready to 'train' me some more. Then she detailed the training she would give me,

"Matt, This time I am going to be more forceful with you. Essentially I am going to put myself in the same sitting position that Kali was in last time. I want you to put your left arm around my back and hold onto my ass cheek. I am going to let you start off by sucking my cock any way you like for about 30 seconds to warm up but then I am going to ask you if you are ready. Shake your head when you are. Then I am going to force you up and down on my cock deeper and deeper until you are swallowing every last inch. If you need me to stop for a little, squeeze my ass to let me know and I will stop and give you a break. We will repeat this over and over until you are taking all of my cock every single time in and out and in and out. When I am ready to cum I will tell you I am about to cum, will pull my cock fully out of your mouth, stroke it until I am just about to cum, then I will pump my cock all the way in and out of your throat until I cum. I will cum deep in your throat and since this is the first time you will handle cum in your throat you are likely to gag. But it is okay. You just need to get used to it, Okay?

I told her I was okay as we took up our positions.

I did exactly what Nichole said to do and when I was ready and had a handful of her nice ass cheek, I took one last look at her wonderful cock then swallowed six inches right off and started bobbing up and down. Just when I was getting really into it Nichole said,

"Ready, Matthew?"

"Hmmm, hmmm,"I sounded with her cock still in my throat.

"Okay, Baby... let's get you to deepthroat!" And then she started to push my head up and down harder and harder. I tried to take as much of it as I could but STILL could not take all 8 inches of Nichole's cock without gagging or choking which caused me to squeeze her butt to be granted relief!

Although Nichole was very good at granting me relief when I squeezed her butt cheek, when it was time to suck her cock again, she was relentless! She pushed me deep. She forced me! Still, at best I could only get 7 inches into my throat before I would choke or gag and resist. But as much as I requested relief and gagged as Nichole pushed, she did not stop and told me, "We are not stopping until you take it all Matthew."

We got into a rhythm where Nichole would force me to go down 7 inches and up again 6 times over before I would need breath or gag and need to squeeze her ass for relief. But after a while, when I was not immediately able to go any deeper on Nichole's cock, I seemed to be more comfortable and I struggled less so I went 7 inches down then up 7 times once. Then I did it 8 times! Nichole noticed that I was increasing in repetitions so she asked, "Matt, can you do it nine times in a row?"

I caught my breath then went back to sucking her cock and bounced up and down 7 inches on her cock 8 times again before stopping. As I caught my breath Nichole said, "Try to do 9 one more time Matt."

Just as I put my lips around Nichole's cock intending to successfully do 9 repetitions this time, Nichole grabbed my head TIGHT, then rocked her hips so hard and fast towards my face that all 8 inches of her cock filled my throat and her pubic area smacked my face. I did not gag but her cock sliding into my throat made an


sound. Nichole quickly pulled her cock out of my throat, waited a split second, and then repeated her hip thrust sending all 8 inches of her cock into my throat again. Now that Nichole had made me swallow all of her cock she did not stop. She would force her cock all the way into my throat 2 or 3 times, then stop for a little to let me recover. And after a little it got easier and she increased her repetitions:













Then all of a sudden Nichole said, "I'm gonna cum, Matt!"

She slid her cock out of my mouth, stroked her dick furiously, then slammed it full length all the way into my throat and held it there and groaned,

"Uhh," and pushed her cock even harder into my throat!



Having Nichole's thick, 8 inch cock 5 inches into my mouth and 3 additional inches deeper into my throat was... incredible. And the feeling of having my throat stretched out from the inside as Nichole's dick passed into it was strange but wonderful. But the feeling of Nichole shooting several loads of cum so deep into my throat that there was no need to swallow was the strangest of all! I could feel her cock swell inside me right before and the warmth of her cum shooting inside me right into my stomach! But I was not accustomed to it and it shocked me and I involuntarily choked on her cock and burped up some of her cum so very ungracefully. But I did swallow most of it (I had no choice).

After Nichole finished shooting all of her hot semen deep into my throat and pulled her cock out of my mouth, I choked on her cum but she still seemed pleased.

"See Matt, you did it... you deepthroated all eight inches of my cock!"

I did not say anything and just continued to breathe shallow breaths but inside I was very proud of myself!

It seemed to me that Kali, who had watched the whole experience, was now quite excited. She asked me, "Matt, are you okay if we do one more blowjob. Just so you get as much training as you can get?"

I still felt I could use a little bit of a break but I was so proud of what Nichole said that I wanted to try to see if I could do even better. So I told Kali, "Sure Kali, let's try one more time!"

Kali said, "Okay Matt, but now that I saw what you did with Nichole, you are going to deepthroat me as well. Are you ready?"

"I am!"

Kali, once again, got into her sitting position against the wall sitting on the bed as I began to suck her cock deep. Soon, Kali was forcing my head onto her cock again slowly but firmly. She would push me deep down, then back up, then stop for a second. Then push me down, then back up, then rest. Within only one minute, going slowly, Kali was pushing me all 8 inches down onto her cock and back up. She made me suck her cock slowly all 8 inches just once at a time this way for over a minute when she announced,

"You are ready Matt. Flip on your back."

I did what she said.

"Now slide over here... yes like that. Come closer and let your head hang over the side. Good."

I was now laying perpendicular on the bed on my back with my head hanging over the side of the bed at a 90 degree angle. Kali got off of the bed and stood in front of my head at the side of the bed. She bent her knees a little and knelt over me so her hands were supporting her body as she leaned over me on the bed. Her cock dangled right in front of my face when she said, "Open."

I opened my mouth as she held her hard dick with her hand and slid it 3 inches into my open mouth. As I closed my lips around her dick Kali began to swirl her hips in a circular fashion causing her dick to swirl in my mouth. I liked this so I grabbed her ass cheeks with my hands.

As Kali was doing this, Nichole approached behind us with her cell phone and started recording us (I guess she was taking a movie). Kali stopped the circular motion and slowly worked her cock into my throat and out. Then once again but deeper. It was only a matter of seconds when she was sliding all 8 inches of her hard cock into my upside down body! She began to go quicker and with a little more force until my throat started making that constant deepthroat sound:

{gluk}... {gluk}...{gluk}...

And the longer Kali worked every inch of her cock in my throat, the more number of repetitions she would do:

{gluk}... {gluk}...{gluk}...


{gluk}...{gluk}...{gluk}... {gluk}...{gluk}...


{gluk}... {gluk}...{gluk}...{gluk}...{gluk}...{gluk}...{gluk}...

And when she realized that I had finally become acclimated to deepthroating a real, hard, thick, long cock Kali began pretty much fucking my throat with all 8 inches of her cock! I felt like a slut but it felt really good! I wanted her cum so badly!

And of course Kali grabbed me and forced her cock all the way in my throat and moaned, "Take it Matt! Swallow that cum!!!! Take it!!!!!! OhhHH!HHHH!!!"

I knew what to expect this time and did my best to expel the air which Kali's cum was pushing out but I was running out of air and choked as I pushed Kali away! So she shot her last load of cum right on my face!


The whole experience was incredible. Kali, Nichole, and I talked about it some more afterwards and even watched the video that Nichole had shot. I could not believe that I was watching myself taking that big cock so deep in my throat! Not only that... I had given not one but FOUR blowjobs to TWO different shemales. I had swallowed FOUR loads of cum! And I had learned to deepthroat! And to read the accounting of all of this, it may seem like I struggled with this, but when all was said and done, I just wanted to suck cock that much more and swallow cum that much more. And actually, I wanted to deepthroat more too!!

When I confessed this to Nichole she asked if I enjoyed blowing two shemales one after the other. When I told her I loved it she told me that she has many shemale friends.

"Matthew, I think you could still use more practice sucking cock... how would you like to practice sucking cock next time with me, Kali, and a third girl, my friend Mye? Instead of taking turns with us you can blow all three of us at the same time!" Nichole whipped out her cell phone and showed me a picture, "This is Mye."

The image was of an extraordinarily beautiful woman with a nice cock. I quickly agreed even though I was unsure of what she meant by 'blow all three at the same time'.

"Great Matthew, we'll see how much cum you can actually swallow! I will text you when I get a hold of Mye and we are ready." Then she kissed me and led me out the door.

As I made my way home I thought,

"I can't wait to suck three cocks at the same time! I wonder how much cum I will swallow this time?"

As you can imagine I can not wait!!