Catering To Her Needs By ZART96

The muffled roar of his guts made him roll over on the piece of cardboard he was sleeping on. It was late night and Patrick had not eaten any food for almost three days. With just 8 years old, he remembered the last five like this: alone, hungry and enduring the cold every night dressed in dirty rags with holes that left parts of his body visible, including one of his buttocks.

No one cared about him at all and he had learned to look after himself by offering his body in exchange for food or old, ripped clothes. And despite living on the streets and not eating properly or having a minimum of personal care, Patrick was a cute boy, blue eyes and long black hair, pale skin although covered in dust and a little round butt not virgin anymore.

He didn't always do this, only when he really needed to. Normally the little one ate leftovers from the garbage in the party saloons, there he could not only have good food but in good quantity; although it was a sporadic source of food and not without risks, as he competed with others for the best leftovers or worse, his little ass could spend the night at the police station if he was seen rummaging through the trash.

In the midst of drowsiness and the roar of his belly begging something to eat, Patrick remembered that hours before he had seen in one of the party saloons, boxes and countless containers that only meant one thing: a big party. Of course he had forgotten, but the muffled sound of music reached his ears… maybe he could still eat something, if he gathered all his energy to get up and go to the back door.

Finally he was able to do it, and with hesitant steps the stray child walked in the direction of the hustle and bustle that his ears could hear at times. Better yet, as he got closer, he didn't see or hear potential competitors and the heavenly smell of food lifted his spirits and he walked without stopping or looking around, his eyes fixed on the overflowing garbage containers, maybe he would find something delicious at the top.

He could hardly believe his luck when he saw an entire pizza on top of dirty tuppers and leftovers stained with sauces. Patrick grabbed the pizza with both hands and took a big bite, closing his eyes and savoring the cheese-filled edge of the pizza.

It was one of those small moments of triumph in which the child thought that waiting was accompanied by a great reward, he could even bring some things to eat later if everything went well.

He hadn't eaten half of the pizza when the back door opened suddenly and a woman came out. Without saying a word she snatched the pizza from the boy, Patrick tried to escape but a hand holding his wrist prevented him to do so.

"Let me go, let me go, I didn't do anything wrong!" Patrick screamed, struggling with the stranger, who was wearing her white catering service uniform.

"Calm down, I'm not going to do anything to you, stop doing that!" the woman exclaimed as the desperate street child kicked her in an attempt to escape.

Naturally his energy didn't last much longer and Patrick staggered a little, trying one last time to get off her grasp. When he felt completely tired, he dropped to the wet floor and almost made the woman lose her balance.

"Come with me, you have no choice," she said. He reluctantly accepted that she had won and put up no resistance, in the worst scenario it would be another night locked in the police cell. She helped him up very carefully and when she opened the back door, the noise could be heard clearly and loudly.

They stepped inside the kitchen, as he had assumed, and the bustle of the cooks plus the one coming from the party room itself. Normally they made him wait in the manager's office, which was on the upper floor, just above the kitchen, but the woman did not take him to the stairs that went to the second floor... and that confused him.

"Where are you taking me to?" Patrick asked, not wanting to sound scared but his voice gave him away.

"A quiet place," she simply replied.

They walked around until they left the kitchen, the murmuring and the music almost stopped suddenly, boxes and utensils were piled up in the narrow hallway, the employee opened a door and stepped aside, Patrick crossed it unsteadily and she turned the lights on.

It was the food warehouse. Only by that time there wasn't much to keep storaged. A couple of chairs and a rectangular table were the only things there, besides the shelves for food. The boy sat with his back to the door and she took the chair in front of him, both separated by the table. She looked anxious and put her fingertips together.

Patrick looked at her in better detail, she was tall and had slightly tanned white skin. She had a piercing in her nose and her long brown hair cascaded down her back. Under the uniform he could see a pair of large, full breasts and a very nice ass, a narrow waist and shapely legs.

"I've been watching you for a while now, I'm Arabelle," she spoke. Her voice was calm and showed confidence.

"Patrick…" the boy mumbled, noticing how she looked at his torn clothes and naked spots with her honey-colored eyes.

Again they remained silent, studying each other and detailing their appearance. Arabelle looked at Patrick's pale, bare belly, then looked into his eyes.

"You know you can't keep doing that."

"That pizza was in the trash. I didn't steal it," the boy defended himself.

"You didn't pay for it either, did you?" Arabelle replied, crossing her arms below her breast and raising her ample bust.

"I'll still come back another night," Patrick assured defiantly.

"I know you will, and I will be waiting to feed you," the woman said.

As she expected, the boy looked surprised and frowned, watching her face carefully, but Arabelle didn't flinch.

"I was waiting for you tonight, too. I was the one who left that pizza in the garbage container. And I was not wrong…"

"Why?" Patrick questioned.

"I'm going to make you choose, Patrick. You can get up and leave right now, and stay hungry for God knows how long, or... you can stay and try what I have prepared just for you, you won't even be able to move because you're going to be so full. I warn you, there is no backdown or similar bullshit, what do you decide?" Arabelle detailed with all the seriousness she was capable of.

Obviously the boy didn't answer. He was hesitant. After all, it was natural to distrust this woman who had just admitted that she had set him up to keep him sitting there. However, hunger did not understand suspicions or precautions... he could not suppress the roar of his tummy screaming for food.

She, on the other hand, waited serenely. Arabelle could anticipate the response escaping from his lips and avoided rushing the street urchin or he would change his mind.

"What will you feed me?"

"Just say yes and you'll see for yourself," she simply replied.

"I'll stay then," the boy accepted the proposal.

"Mmm… you could be more polite, couldn't you?" Arabelle said with a slight smile.

Patrick looked at her and took a deep breath.

"Thank you… please feed me, I beg you," the boy answered in a different tone, complacent and flattering; the one he often used with other women to get them to buy desserts for him.

"Better. Wait a second and make yourself comfortable, sweetheart," Arabelle instructed and unbuttoning a couple of buttons on her uniform, she stood up until she reached a refrigerator.

Bringing with her a bottle of champagne and a glass, she placed it in front of the boy. The contents of the bottle were far from being champagne, it was rather a thick, grayish-white liquid, and when she opened the bottle a strange intense aroma reached the ragged boy. He had seen semen but never an amount like that, filling a bottle of magnum champagne. Arabelle whistled as the sperm slowly poured out of the bottle and filled the cup.

"Fucking shit…" the boy muttered, totally dumbfounded.

"You must be thirsty. A glass of my good and tasty collection of spunk will quench your thirst," the catering girl replied, bringing the glass to the boy's lips. Patrick tilted his head slightly and looked at her with some suspicion, his lips pursed.

"You're completely crazy if you think I'm going to take a sip of that shit. I want my pizza back," the street kid demanded.

"Let me remind you of something, sweetheart. You agreed to stay and try my special menu. Now be a good boy and drink, a drop of woman's cum is better and more nutritious than all the pizza in the world," Arabelle said, moving the glass a little closer.

"Did you say woman's cum? I thought that…"

"Shhh…don't talk. Just smell its exquisite aroma, look how thick it is, your tummy roars because of it. I bet you can feel it slowly go down your throat, reach your stomach and relieve your hunger. And this is nothing with what I have for you, that you will no longer need to crawl for leftovers..."

The soft seductive hiss of Arabelle's voice filled Patrick's head, and he looked alternately at her kneeling beside him and then at the cup full of cum, her cum; to finally observe the large bottle of champagne loaded with the strong, delicious and addictive sperm of the odd woman. He wanted to leave and not know anything about drinking semen, although his stomach growled again with greater insistence.

"I just wanted some food…" Patrick pouted.

"Here… suck a little," she whispered and her index finger dipped into the cup, coming out covered in her cum, "open your mouth, hungry boy, I've been waiting for weeks for this moment; let me be good to you," she added, her finger inches from his mouth and kissing his cheek until she reached his earlobe, which she licked and nibbled playfully.

He sighed heavily, swallowed. Arabelle's words and caresses made him shiver, the offer was tempting; no one else but them would know… and he was too tired and stressed. He remembered the countless nights when hunger did not take pity on his need. Trying just a little wouldn't make him a weird kid, or so he thought.

Arabelle grinned from ear to ear watching her little trash raider open his mouth shyly. But she didn't insert her finger into his drooling mouth.

"What's going on?" he asked anxiously.

"You have to ask for it, you need to crave it with all your might," Arabelle indicated.

"Please… feed me your cum. I'm hungry…" Patrick murmured, whose stomach was burning.

The woman brushed his lips with her finger, impregnating them with spunk. Then his tongue tasted the lady's thick nectar, his mouth filled with saliva and he desperately tried to swallow.

"Calm down… let me do it…"

Like a toothbrush, Arabelle's index finger ran over every inch of his mouth. She brushed his teeth and rubbed his tongue and cheeks with her finger, reaching past the uvula, and Patrick's eyes watered. However, there was no trace of cum left and although he could barely notice its strong and slightly sweet taste; the little boy looked directly at her with expectant eyes as he continued sucking his index finger.

"Mmm… mmm yes, suck it all the way through, suck it well, like the little cum-hungry street whore you're going to be," she murmured in a coarse tone.

She took out her finger and brought the cup back to the boy. This time Patrick drank and choked on it in the desperation of drinking, Arabelle did not pull the glass away from his lips and made him swallow the entire content of the cup. When he emptied it, he gasped and wiped away the two threads of semen escaping from the corners of his mouth, the tip of his nose stained with jizz.

"Good boy, good boy," Arabelle said, satisfied with the success of her plan.

She poured more sperm into the cup again. Patrick watched as it filled to the top and seconds later, he sipped and licked the remains of the empty glass. His tummy had stopped growling and he kept licking his lips and wiping the leftovers himself with the back of his hand.

A third cup was filled and emptied in the blink of an eye. Arabelle laughed softly, watching carefully the street boy transformed into a cum eater. Soon the glass was no longer needed and Patrick was drinking directly from the champagne bottle, it took him about ten minutes to empty the contents of the bottle but when he finished; Patrick had a dreamy look on his face, his chin was stained with spunk and his stomach was grateful for the nutritious food. He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm so full… it feels wonderful," he mumbled.

"I see you liked it, didn't you?" Arabelle inquired and the boy nodded slightly with his eyes closed. "That was just a bit of candy, so you better prepare for what's coming," Arabelle said, standing up.

Before even processing what Arabelle had said, the woman returned with her hands busy. The boy's eyes widened at what he saw before him.

That was undoubtedly a banquet fit for a king... of cum swallowing. They were several bowls of soup that, instead of having dipping sauces, were overflowing with sperm. Several packages of salty cookies to be smeared with the sticky liquid, popsicles made of jizz, milky ice cubes, lasagna covered in semen, jizzy rice pudding, two more magnum champagne bottles filled with cum, plus a water gun, but jizz filling the tank.

As a main dish, a large bowl of bread on a tray… filled with thick gooey. The street kid was left speechless and stunned by the incredible amount of spunk he had for himself.

"What the hell… I'm too full, I won't be able to…" Patrick protested in a low voice, still impressed by that whole jizzy feast.

"Bullshit. No amount is enough... you'll see..." the woman assured, grabbing the water gun loaded with semen. "Open your mouth, sweet tooth."

Obeying, Patrick felt a hot spurt hitting the back of his mouth, Arabelle shoot thick jets of cum directly down his throat. The little boy swallowed everything without complaining as with each shot, the toy's tank emptied and its contents filled the stomach of the little child. When she finished releasing all the precious load, Patrick licked the remains she pointed out around his mouth and devoured them.

"There you go, my little cum slut. Time for the big prize," dijo Arabelle.

Without wasting time, the waitress dipped the cookies into the plates full of cum and fed the boy. Patrick soon discovered that although he had claimed to be full, tasting more sperm simply whetted his appetite and he continued to eat delicious cookies covered in girl's cream non-stop.

When he finished the cookies, Arabelle made him drink all the sperm that was on the plates. The strong essence of the woman dulled the street child, he did not even flinch when she tore the rags he was wearing, leaving him naked.

"Ahh… mmm…" the infant moaned as he felt the cold of a bucket of cum being rubbed against his small nipple. Arabelle sucked and bit without any gentleness, leaving reddened skin and teeth marks, repeating with her other nipple, Patrick's skin got goosebumps.

The other buckets of semen simply melted in his hungry little mouth, resting his elbows on the table, he was left with his little ass up, the woman caressed his buttocks and rubbed a cumsicle before putting it deep inside his boypussy.

The boy did not hold back and gasped as loudly as possible. The friction was warming and melting the cumsicle in his rectum, Arabelle separated his buttcheeks, licked and pushed her tongue inside as much as she could, his heart hammered in his chest and his abdomen swollen by her jizz made him look like he was pregnant.

Naked and with a sticky brown eye, Patrick was as horny as he had ever been; others had cummed in his mouth before but this… it was simply Jizz Heaven and he was loving it.

Arabelle smiled excitedly, looking closely at the little street urchin who was now laying on the table, his belly swollen and full of her seed that it was dripping out of his belly button and asspussy.

"Shit, you cum freak… I can't believe… you made me fat with your semen!" Patrick snorted, despite that apparent complaint he did not reject a piece of lasagna covered in sperm.

"You're just babbling for no reason, you look adorable like this, drunk and completely filled with my cum."

As she got closer, she jerked her enormous prick just inches away of Patrick's face. He saw the woman's formidable shadow upon his face, and stared at it in disbelief, easily reaching ten inches long and wide as his wrist, balls that he could hardly cover with his bare tiny hands and which explained the enormous amounts of semen he had swallowed.

"Wow… you gotta be kidding…" the boy sputtered enthralled at first, "… bitch, you ain't serious," his eyes widened scandalized when his tiny hands didn't grab it properly, he never thought of wrapping his hands, it wasn't likely to happen. "Fuck off, you're not gonna put it in my tight little hole," Patrick grunted suddenly. Arabelle gently grabbed his ankles in the air and spread his legs apart.

"Oh, an ungrateful bussy, huh? I know you haven't fucked someone as big as me, but don't take me for a fool," the woman pointed out. The boy could not hide it, his little ass was gaping in anticipation to receive deep inside his intestines that monstrous shaft that had appeased his hunger with the nectar of her testicles.

Pouncing on him like a bird of prey, her slimy, swollen glans aligned itself with his hot hole, instinctively his sphincter relaxed even more to let her in. Arabelle smiled mischievously.

"Let's make a deal. I will set the timer on my phone. If I don't make you have a good anal orgasm in three minutes; I will let you return to your shelter," she began to say.

"And… what If you can do it?" the little boy murmured almost in a whisper, knowing that he was at a clear disadvantage with Arabelle and her one-eyed anaconda.

"Well, besides the heavenly orgasm you're going to enjoy… you'll be my cum swallowing slut, my fucktoy, your asspussy being dicked down and pummeled will be all you'll need from now on," Arabelle responded.

They gasped in unison when she stopped speaking. The timer started and like a knife through butter, Arabelle's ginormous schlong sank without difficulty into Patrick's little ass. As she slid inside, the boy's sphincter molded and widened to her thickness without problems, until it was completely stuffed up to her balls, more than ten inches of veiny and hard girlcock; the street boy scoffed and looked alternately at his crotch and then at the lady's beautiful and lustful face with a gesture of apparent disdain.

"Fuck you… it's not fair…" Patrick said in a broken voice.

"What's wrong, cum lover?"

"You know you're going to make me cum in the blink of an eye," he admitted, his eyes staring at hers.

"Awww you sound so cute when you say that. But you do want to cum, don't you?" she asked in a sweet voice before grabbing locks of his hair, "Nnrrgg," the boy growled, nodding. "Just what I thought, let's drill that bussy of yours."

Then Arabelle began to move with a gentle rhythm, shoving her entire cock in and out of Patrick's ass, who kept grunting and grimacing. However, the boy remained with his legs open for her and receiving her entire cock inside him. The woman grabbed his hair harder and Patrick gasped as her thrusts increased in speed and depth.

His small prostate was massaged and stimulated with each thrust, his moans were louder and more feminine; his weenie was now hard but ignored by Arabelle who was aggressively thrusting and pumping her cock in and out. Her thumb rubbed the tense skin of the perineum, the street urchin nodded and shouted obscenities that turned on his ass breaker... it was a matter of a few seconds perhaps.

"Give your ass what it wants, surrender to my cock, you little street slut," Arabelle huffed, a few beads of sweat glistening on her forehead.

"Yessss! Make me cum, fill me with your hot jizz, I love it!" Patrick shrieked, arching his back and squeezing his eyes shut.

The contractions around her shaft warned the woman that it was time. Her pelvis continuously hit the boy's rear with dull blows, Patrick began to shudder and squeeze Arabelle's cock with his little ass; who nailed her schlong deep into his intestines.

She laid on top of him, and the boy put his arms around her neck while he moaned in her ear. His vision blurred and he felt as if his heart was going to escape from his chest. His boybits pulsed uncontrollably and the contractions in his rectum were intense, he wanted to push her out of his ass but at the same time he wanted her inside him, increasing the strength of his dry anal orgasm.

His moans diminished and he finally managed to open his eyes, looking into Arabelle's. She of course had not ejaculated yet and her hole stretcher was still buried deep in his bowels, hard, hot and throbbing. She looked away for a second then grinned triumphantly at the boy.

"Mmm and we still had a minute left. Now see the whole picture: you move into my place, and you will have all the spunk and sex you have ever dreamed of. I made you cum from your ass in a couple of minutes… imagine how many anal orgasms you can have in… one hour? How many a day? Or a week?" Arabelle smirked at him and Patrick seemed thoughtful, as if doing those calculations with a fat cock shoved up his ass was the most normal thing in the world.

"Like… too many?" he responded with a doubtful and innocent tone. She laughed, kissed his lips and the tip of his nose.

"We would lose count of how many there would be. And… we can start today."

It didn't take long for Patrick to say yes, and after waiting for Arabelle to finish her shift at work, they headed back to her small apartment. His bumhole was constantly fucked in every known position and filled with thick cum, the anal orgasms were countless for the boy, who was fed daily with the sperm of his beautiful hung owner. He lived naked and a collar around his neck he wore everytime they went out for a walk.

Sometimes Patrick would make puppy eyes and begged her to be fucked hard in front of everyone, which Arabelle did; no matter curious enthusiasts or scandalized people. He never felt hungry again, he had a vicious lady who kept his stomach and asspussy full and happy.