The Futa Café by ImTooHorny

Work Text:


Jimmy was leaving his university for the day when he came across a new building called The Futa Café. It seemed like a laid-back café with a more welcoming vibe than Starbucks and enticed Jimmy to walk inside. Jimmy had frequently passed by the building when it was under construction for the six months leading up to today and he was often imagining what they would be building on this street.

The inside of the café was well light with warm lighting and decorated with a pink and white colour palette. Everything in the café seemed to be designed with comfort in mind rather than cost-effectiveness and it gave the room a welcoming feeling. The only thing that stood out in the café was the lack of equipment on the counters by the workers, all that was preventing the counters from being barren was stacks of cups for the drinks they offered. Jimmy stepped up to the counter looking to order and stood there confused at the lack of a menu. 

"Did you forget to hang up your menu?" Jimmy asked the cute barista working there. She was dressed in a white floral sundress with a pink apron over the top and a pink visor advertising the café's natural cream. The apron hung over her well-above-average breasts like a mini curtain and the nametag reading "Olivia" held on for dear life. Her visor kept her long blond hair out of her sparkling green eyes.

"No silly, we only serve milkshakes so the menu would just be a waste of space," the flirty barista said eyeing Jimmy up. He was a couple of inches taller than her but skinner which she seemed to like. "Who do you want to make your milkshake? It's only me and Scarlett working right now," she asked.

Jimmy didn't get why you got the option to choose who makes it and just told her that he didn't care. While waiting for his milkshake Jimmy turned to watch cars pass by and looked for a spot to sit. He picked out a small empty table in the corner and looked back when the barista told him it was ready. Bringing the cup from below the counter she handed it over. The milkshake was overflowing to the point of having the creamy liquid run down the sides of the cup in thick streaks.

"Sorry, I guess it must've been a while since I last made one" she playfully said while licking off the excess cream that coated her hand.

Getting flustered from the interaction, Jimmy quickly walked toward his table. His first sip of the milkshake was mind-blowing. The drink was another level of creamy that coated his mouth with its overwhelming flavour. Jimmy thought he had drank good milkshakes before but this was better by miles. Every sip felt intoxicating and the moment he swallowed he desperately drank more so his mouth could be constantly filled. Even the smell that wafted from the cup made his mind feel hazy, but most of all the milkshake was warm. In his intoxicated state, Jimmy didn't even notice the warmth, in the cup or in his pants, or the barista that was watching intently as his bulge grew from the drink.



Jimmy spent the last few hours of his day at university thinking about The Futa Café and their milkshake. The high that the drink gave him wasn't comparable to anything he had ever felt and the addiction that came with it meant that the moment his classes ended he was on his way to the café. 

As Jimmy ordered a milkshake from the same barista as yesterday he asked her "I've never drank anything like your milkshake, what the hell do you put in there?"

"Oh thank you cutie, it's just our all-natural in-house cream, and I've always been told my cream is better than the other baristas" she gleefully said. 

Jimmy didn't hear the last part of what she said, he was too focused on wondering how the hell this little café managed to fit a cow in the back and began looking around the café for signs of hay. 

Pulling another overflowing creamy cup from below the counter she said "There's your milkshake, I think I always overfill them because you're here, sorry."

Jimmy thought the milkshake tasted even better than the day before. As he gulped it down the euphoric smell rose to his nose and clouded his thoughts. Just a few sips in, he was painfully hard and too high to see the barista watching intently from behind the counter. The milkshake filled him with a needy lust that removed all his inhibitions about touching himself in public. The drink had filled him with too much lust to be contained and he brought one hand down to his crotch. Inhaling the scent of the drink as his hand touched his bulge made him climax in front of the barista smiling as she saw his body shake from the orgasm. Uncaring for the load in his pants, Jimmy finished the remaining cream and in the high from it he left the café before any hint of shame could creep in.



Jimmy found himself once more out front of The Futa Café eager for another milkshake after his university lectures. Like always he orders another milkshake and sits down to drink it and bask in the mindblowing high it gives him. He can't hold himself back and eagerly goes through the entire creamy cup until he feels almost paralyzed from arousal. Desperate to relieve himself he quickly walks into the restroom clearly baring a raging hard-on that Olivia never takes her eyes off of. Locking himself in a stall, all he sees is the cute barista in his mind as he deals with his arousal.

Feeling more composed, Jimmy comes out of the bathroom and sees Olivia at his table. Her back is turned to him and the front of her apron and dress are rolled up. He sees her leg twitch before she rolls her clothes back down and turns around coming face to face with Jimmy. She gives him a little peck on the cheek and stands to the side to reveal his cup so full of fresh cream that it has overflowed and pooled in large puddles on the table.

"I decided to give you a free refill for the show you've given me the last two days, I hope you don't mind cutie" she softly said in a flirtatious tone.

The creamy intoxicating smell filled his nostrils before he could think of a response and all he cared about now was filling up on that wondrous cream. He drank large mouthfuls of the cream and was too high to notice the barista grab his ass before walking off. The drink made him cum for a second time as he finished it and he stumbled out the door high as a kite.



Jimmy had become so addicted to the café's milkshakes but he didn't care, all he wanted was the magical feeling of the high it gave him. When Jimmy entered The Futa Café he saw Olivia's face light up for a second before looking down. Jimmy, as oblivious as he was, still noticed Olivia looking sad and he asked her what was wrong.

"I haven't been able to make a milkshake all day and Scarlett's shift hasn't started yet, so I can't get you one, I'm sorry"

"Is there anything I can do to help? I can't go much longer without a milkshake, it's all that has been on my mind today."

"Here come behind the counter and I'll let you try for some cream since you're cute," the barista told him. Jimmy went behind the counter desperate for another milkshake and she pushed him between herself and the counter.

"On your knees," she said in a commanding voice. Jimmy quickly obeyed, willing to do anything to get high again. She rolled the front of her dress up and out came a half-hard cock dripping precum from the thick foreskin that covered the head. She had neatly trimmed blond pubic hair in the shape of a heart and two heavy, aching, and hairless balls. Jimmy almost recoiled from surprise but the counter blocked his head from moving away from her thick and imposing cock. 

Any hesitation Jimmy had was quickly washed away when the smell of her penis hit his nose. It smelt exactly like the milkshakes he had become addicted to, and he loved it, just smelling her beautiful girlcock made him desperate to taste it. With an eager tongue, he licked the tip of her penis to taste her precum, the taste was nearly identical to the milkshakes he had enjoyed but it lacked the weight that their cream typically carried. Jimmy wasn't satisfied with just precum and he rolled back her foreskin and began to suck on the tip of her cock.

The bell on the front entrance ringed and a customer walked in, Jimmy tried to pull the thick penis out of his mouth but was stopped when Olivia took a step forward and buried her entire length in his mouth. Jimmy was pinned between the counter and her pubic mound with the futa's half-hard cock slowly hardening and growing further down his throat, and he absolutely loved it. 

The woman who entered began to talk with Olivia about what the café offered as Jimmy's throat was now completely stretched and filled by the barista's large cock. The dick down his throat restricted his breathing and the few shallow breaths he could get in were full of the futa's strong scent. Luckily for Jimmy, the woman left without ordering, allowing Olivia to step back and pull her hard, 9-inch dick from his throat so he could breathe freely. Olivia started to rub her spit-covered shaft along his face and Jimmy began eagerly licking her balls.

Olivia quickly got bored of Jimmy playing with her balls so she slipped her dick back down his throat and started the thrust rapidly. Her precum had already started to give him a high and it made him obsess over her cock, desperate to taste her cum. Jimmy did everything he could to milk the energetic futa, not caring in the slightest for the pain in his throat or his trouble breathing. Every thrust slapped her balls against his chin, a sensation Jimmy absolutely loved, the feeling of the throat fucking he was getting had given him an erection so hard it was painful in the tight confines of his pants. He freed his cock before putting his hand to work on the barista's balls, trying to coax the cum out so she could fill his belly. 

Olivia's thrusts start to get erratic and she focuses more on trying to get her dick as far down the guy's throat as possible. With a few more thrusts she grabs the back of Jimmy's head and pushes it into her crotch as hard as she can before she starts to cum down his throat. Jimmy's breathing is completely cut off as the futa empties her backed-up balls directly into his stomach. Her cum leaves him in a haze as she slowly pulls her long cock from his throat. Olivia tries but fails to get the attention of Jimmy who is still on the floor relishing in the feeling of a belly full of intoxicating cum.

Looking at Jimmy in his cum drunk state makes Olivia's cock start to reharden. Jimmy's mouth hangs open still dripping cum and Olivia decides to make use of it since she doubts Jimmy would mind. Olivia doesn't bother slowing down as she thrusts through her second orgasm and continues to use Jimmy's throat until long after the sun has gone down.