Isolated Ch. 02: Quarantined part 1 by ZART96

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The man's last words resounded in the ears of Aileen and Liam. The faces of mother and son met and the boy was full of uncertainty because what the news anchor had said.

"Mommy, what's going on? We're never going out again?" Liam asked, 8 years old; to his mother.

"Calm down honey. It's only temporary, but we have to stay at home for a while, until it's safe out there," Aileen replied to her son, putting her arm around him and pressing his tiny body against hers, voluptuous and attractive.

"But for how long? Will I be able to play with my friends? he replied, still hopeful.

"Not right now, but you'll be able to play video games with them from here, online," mom said, and Liam smiled.

When they stopped looking at each other, Aileen became serious and thoughtful again. It was already more than official Covid-19 was out of control and death toll was increasing daily. That was the reason of the special measures to prevent the uncontrollable spreading, although somewhat late; it would help to keep the majority and vulnerable people safe.

However, like her little boy, Aileen was concerned by the fact there was no estimated limit for confinement, hence the decree vaguely mentioned three months could be a reasonable date, until the contagion curve decay. And the other problem, what would happen to her work or how she could buy food and other things.

She sighed and got up from the couch, letting Liam watch his cartoons. The 30-year-old single mother went to the kitchen to prepare a dessert for her spoiled baby. She wasn't tall, barely around 5'07"; but she was a woman with a voluptuous frame and great curves, enhaced by her big milfy breasts; her flat abdomen and narrow waist, round rear and sensual long legs. All of her was full of curves.

Her wavy brown hair fell down her back and her green eyes were alluring. Her white pale skin was smooth and soft to the touch, her hands, delicate and soft; she had a cute, slightly rounded face, always with a smile on her red kissable lips.

Liam was still watching TV, he had mom's eyes and despite his thin body and white skin just like her; he'd inherited her butt, which was already beginning to shape as bubbly look as hers, which put the 8-year-old into trouble with the older bullies at school.

Aileen returned to the sofa half an hour later, feeding Liam some apple pie. Night came quickly and the woman took calls from her boss: her job was safe but now she would work remotely until normality returned. Good news for her, sighed in relief.

It would be the same for Liam with his classes. And the food would not be a problem either, since the company had contracted a delivery service to send the purchases from the supermarket. Everything seemed to get better despite the harsh situation...

… and so it was in the first weeks. Adjusted to their new reality, Aileen felt that she was enjoying her job much more and Liam, although separated from his friends, did not have such a bad time after all. But there was an aspect in which the sensual mother didn't feel pleased and, for a woman like her; it was very important. It was sex, as always.

Aileen was one of those women with "something extra". So it was natural to feel less satisfied than in the old normality. She used to fuck on a daily basis and cum at least twice, but now; locked in at home and without possibilities of finding a submissive ass for her enjoyment, she had to find other ways to release her loads and appease her high sexual drive.

At first, jerking off was the logical and adequate solution to her needs. She would simply lock herself in her room when she had a free moment, put on a video and put her hand to jerk off, occasionally adding caresses and pinches on her breasts; until she spurted her loads with pleasure, splashing her abdomen and tits with her own cum. Yeah, that worked for a while...

By the end of the first month of confinement, Aileen didn't seem willing to continue like this. Yes, her orgasms were just as strong and wild as Yellowstone geysers, but it wasn't enough. She wanted more. She wanted to feel the tightness and warmth of a tight round hole, as she slammed her fat shaft in and out, hearing her lover's feminine moans; filling his ass and held his waist to fuck him with powerful thrusts... flooding his insides with her thick and hot spunk... yes, that was what Aileen missed the most of the old times.

Still, she couldn't neglect her dear Liam just because of her woman urges. She helped him with his homework and played with him at night; then she spent long hours frantically masturbating in the solace of her room until her fat testicles were empty, but her lust didn't diminish at all: she needed to fuck hard and deep a tight ass.

One morning, she woke up wanting to jerk off (as usual) and looking through Liam's half-open bedroom door, she saw her little boy sleeping peacefully on his abdomen, his round little butt exposed with just his underwear on, Aileen didn't take her eyes off his little round ass and bit her lower lip.

Almost immediately she shook her head violently, embarrassed by her gesture and continued her way to the bathroom to relieve her morning wood. The following days passed as usual, attending videoconferences, then another jerk off, eating and once again locked in her room for another wank session. By night, she helped Liam with the homework and played with him.

A week after that, at dinner time, when the little one went to get a glass of water, she looked at his upturned ass again. It wasn't hard for her to remember the meetings at school complaining to Liam's teacher about the jokes he was receiving because his feminine ass. Although it took a little longer to look away, the image of those small but fleshy buttocks remained fixed on her retina.

Before going to bed, the boy ran to hug his mother and Aileen almost by inertia put her hands on her little boy's buttocks and squeezed them a little. Liam blushed and looked at his mom in surprise.

"Mommy, you touched my behind!"

"Sorry honey, I didn't notice, I was just hugging you. Besides, it wasn't a stranger who touched your buttocks," she responded hastily and ashamed of her behavior.

Then, kissing his forehead, she made him go brush his teeth and then go to bed, Aileen was left alone for a while, with no explanation for her behavior and then she went to sleep. She had been sleeping for a while, when she opened her eyes, she saw Liam was next to her, his back turned to her. She could see her son move closer, until his buttocks were just over her dick, throbbing and rock hard. Feeling his mom's womanhood against his ass, Liam moved his buttocks letting out small moans.

"Fuck me mommy..." he moaned softly.

"Liam... no..." she stammered, but embracing his body against hers.

"Love me... I'm your special boy..." the little boy gasped.


Her hot glans pointed the tight asshole and pushed in, she let out a moan...

Aileen woke up sweaty. She had heard her moan before waking up and felt confused. She couldn't believe what she had dreamed, it wasn't right, it shouldn't be happening… but, she was very excited and maybe…

"What am I thinking? It's your son, you lustful bitch!" she told herself in a barely audible voice.

Once again, the sight of that petite ass flashed through her mind and she thought in the future, Liam would become a desirable boy and mounted by a woman like her. But this was something different… it couldn't be, could it? she thought.

"No way. No way… you must control yourself Aileen. Just because your son has the best ass for a boy his age doesn't mean you can fuck the shit out of him and pump your cum in," Aileen murmured. Her cock seemed to disagree, still rock hard while remembering the interrupted fantasy.

However, the woman leaned back and put her hand on her hot schlong, beginning a soft handjob. Again, the inviting and provocative sight of Liam's ass filled her thoughts, and though Aileen tried to think of some other of her fucktoys; those soft little buttocks were showing up again, as if he was inches away.

She imagined how nice those buttocks could be, small in comparison to her fat dick and how tight his virginal hole should be. The woman gasped and increased the rhythm of her hand, her pre-cum lubricating her glans and drooling over the rest of her meat; Aileen closed her eyes and thought about what her little boy's moans would be like, sliding the head of her shaft between those asscheeks and pounding his tight sphincter.

Moaning harder, she saw herself and Liam, naked; loving each other as only a mother and son could. Her moans were high pitched and the tightness and warmth of his ass embracing her cock, her hands clung on his tiny waist while her unexpected lover bounced on top of her penis, her moans became erratic and she felt the orgasm coming…

"Oh yeah… I'm cumming, I'm cumming Liaaam!" Aileen yelled out, still jerking her cock as several spurts of cum flew in every direction.

Squeezing her nipple, she kept ejaculating until her breath calmed. Aileen opened her eyes, still catching some air; realizing what she had done: she jerked off and cummed thinking in her own son. But this time, the guilt didn't overwhelmed her in the same way.

"It would be a crime… if another woman takes your tight virgin ass that I can have for myself," she smirked, determined to take advantage of her favorable situation.

In the morning, Aileen got up and putting on her beige satin robe, went to her son's room. Liam was still sleeping, he looked tender wrapped under the sheets and mom sat next to him, running her hand over his body.

"Mmm… mommy is going to make you see stars soon," Aileen murmured to herself.

The boy smiled still asleep, a slight muffled giggle was heard. It seemed like he was dreaming something funny but it wasn't: his mother had her hand under the sheet and tucked under his underwear, caressing and squeezing his little scrotum and weenie. Aileen was breathing heavily, attentive to the gestures of her sleepy little prince and enjoying the limp and tiny sensation of his private parts in her hand.

Unconsciously the boy moved his pelvis, he still did not open his eyes but he didn't stop letting out weak moans; Aileen could feel her own blood flowing to her cock, which began to spring to live under her clothes. Daring to go a little further, the woman stopped touching her son's little things and her mischievous fingers ran down the smooth perineum until reaching and feeling the place of her desire: Liam's sphincter.

"Mmm…" Liam shuddered.

She had to contain her urge to plunge a finger into her son's ass, however; she moved her index finger around Liam's virgin hole, a hole mommy was already marking as hers.

It was then the little boy yawned a little and blinked several times. His mom looked back at him without stopping caressiny his anus.

"Good morning, champ... how did you sleep?" Aileen murmured relaxed.

"Good morning, mommy..." Liam replied confused, Aileen knew exactly why and continued playing with his ass.

"What's wrong, dear?"

"I feel something…something down there…" the boy replied, looking down at his crotch.

"No problem. It's just mom's finger, what do you feel?" asked.

Liam didn't answer right away, mommy managed to push a couple of times; avoiding digging her finger. The little boy opened his mouth and exhaled.

"Mommy... what's... what's going on?" the boy gasped, blushed.

"Just relax, honey… mommy wants to make you feel good," Aileen replied and Liam nodded, looking up to the roof.

She kept moving her finger, sometimes tickling him slightly and other times made him tremble; he was discovering new sensations clouding his mind, it definitely felt good… only a bit... weird, Liam thought. Aileen panted in unison with her little boy and leaning over him, she gave him a brief kiss on the lips, the boy gasped in surprise but he didn't see any of that as bad, a couple times he saw people kissing on TV, although nothing like what was happening with his mommy.

"You liked it?" she inquired, still inches from his face, Liam nodded. "That's what matters, honey. Mommy loves you so much…"

"I love you too, mommy."

"I know, my prince. And from today, I'm going to show you how much I love you," she said.

"How, mommy?" Liam wanted to know.

Aileen put away the sheet and her hand caressed his chin sensually.

"From now on, we are going to be like "Husband and Wife"; and we are going to love each," she answered.

"Like on TV?"

"Much better… mommy is gonna teach you everything…" Aileen moaned just inches from his mouth.

Both hearts were beating fast and the bright lustful gaze of the woman contrasted with the innocence and inexperience of the boy, who felt his tiny penis hard beneath his underwear. His mom's free hand grabbed it and he felt how she dropped it to his ankles and then saw his underwear on the other side of the room. Liam looked puzzled and it was just the beginning.

His mother got up from the bed and without taking her eyes off him, she sensuously got rid of her robe; falling to the ground and stood up naked before him. The boy's weenie pulsated a little when he saw her nude, from her juicy and big tits that fed him as a baby; looking down at her belly. Liam admired her curvy voluptuous frame until he saw mom's hand rubbing her penis.

The boy's eyes widened in shock. It was too obvious mom's penis was several times bigger and thicker than his. Veiny, carefully shaved, with a bright red glans, slightly curved to the left. Her balls hung low and the skin of her scrotum was pink. Aileen was enjoying her son's reaction.

"Mom... that thing is HUGE..." he murmured, dazzled and putting his hands on his cheeks.

"That's right, my baby. And it will be all yours…" she promised.


"Yes, like all husbands with their wives," Aileen clarified and Liam nodded less confused.

They went out to the corridor, naked. They walked slowly, Liam every once in a while turned his gaze back to his mom's huge cock and met her gaze full of lust. Then the boy would see his own penis; limp and not even remotely close to her massive size. That didn't make much sense to him.

"Mommy, why is your penis so big and mine isn't?" he asked curiously.

"Because mom is big, honey. It's normal," she replied.

"And when I grow up like you, mine will be like yours?"

"I don't think so, sweetheart. Girls' penises are bigger than boys'," she giggled.

"All the girls?" Liam replied impressed.

"Well, a great percentage," Aileen clarified the point and leaned next to him. "The important thing, my pretty boy, girls will be on top… always. It's the best for cute boys like you…" she added, kissing his lips again. Liam smiled and they resumed their walk to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, Aileen leaned; giving Liam a good sight of her ass: bubbly and round, between her thighs he could glimpse her testicles. The boy was drooling and again his weenie responded and reached its maximum, a little less than two inches.

"Time for breakfast," she exclaimed, holding up a bottle of whipped cream.

Heading to the sofa, Aileen sat down with her legs spread and Liam next to her.

"Open your mouth..." she said and he obeyed her.

Some cream spilled out and Liam tasted it, that was a good breakfast, the boy thought. His mother imitated him and they both looked at each other, laughing and having fun. Almost suddenly Aileen became more serious and put some cream on her right breast. Her son looked at her with some shyness.

"Come on, suck. Don't be embarrassed…" she instructed and Liam, albeit cautiously, grabbed mom's breast with both hands and opened his mouth.

He sucked up all the cream in a blink, licking all the remains. Aileen sighed and stroked his head, while Liam licked and sucked.

"Mmm, that's it… be a good boy for mommy…" Aileen muttered.

Squirting more cream on her breast, the boy greedily devoured it, she helped him climb on top of her and felt the warmth of his small body against hers as he sucked and sometimes used his teeth as he did so, which elicited higher-pitched moans from the horny woman, surrendered to the forbidden desire she eagerly wanted to fulfill.

Liam was pleased. He sucked on mom's tits covered in whipped cream and he enjoyed licking and savoring her tits even more, hearing the curious sounds that came out of her mouth and apparently indicating she liked it as much as he did. Her drooling cock moistened his buttocks with her precum and her hands did nothing more than caress every corner of his body and press it against hers in a show of intense filial love.

"Do you like sucking mommy's tits? Mommy's going to give you something better to suck on…" she murmured between moans, Liam sucking rough on her erect, pink nipples.

Managing to separate her little lover from her tits, Liam had traces of cream mixed with his saliva on his cheeks, just like his mom's tits. Scooping some more cream between her tits, the boy licked and kissed all the way to the top.

Finally their lips met. It was a frantic and wild kiss, Aileen made him open his mouth and shoved her tongue in, muffling a gasp of surprise from her son. She really was crazy to own him, no matter what… he was her little boy.

They separated after several minutes of kissing and entangling their tongues, exchanging saliva. Liam was speechless and Aileen, in the mood for some real action.

"Time to teach you how to please a woman..." she muttered and made him sit next to her again, while she covered her cock with whipped cream.

While she did it, the boy couldn't stop staring at his mother's dick, he hadn't seen on TV anything beyond kisses and caresses; this was something new mommy was making him discover.

Immediately after, Aileen grabbed him and made him get on top of her again, this time his mouth was inches away from her huge throbbing schlong, so his little ass was close to her face. The woman saw her baby's tight pink hole, that asshole must feel glorious, she thought.

Liam grabbed his mom's cock by the base, barely able to wrap up his small hands around and opening his mouth wide, he gulped down the cream covered glans.

"Oh fuck… what a nice little mouth you have…" Aileen gasped, squirting some cream on her son's rear.

The boy moaned with his mom's creamy ladystick filling his mouth, feeling her warm breath and her tongue in his anus. With her arms around his waist, she would bring that little ass up to her face and plunge her tongue into it, licking and devouring his sweetest hole. Liam kept moaning and gulping down her creamy meat, even though he could barely swallow half of that big monster.

Trying harder, the boy licked at the sides, his saliva mixed with the cream making an excellent lubricant. Soon, a loud groan escaped his mouth as her mother dug a finger into his ass.

"What a tight ass you have, honey... you're going to milk mommy's cock very well..." Aileen muttered excitedly.

She moved her finger in and out. Liam began to feel spasms every time she plunged deeper and dilated his little hole. His worm trapped under his body was very hard, sensitive while rubbing against his mother's abdomen. As his ass got stretched out, Aileen increased the pace of her finger and then stopped, adding a second finger and Liam panted.

Slowly, her fingers entered, stretching his love hole a little more. Adding small circular movements, the mother helped her son to get used to it and the boy was panting in a choked voice within minutes.

"Mommy... mommy..." the boy moaned.

"Yeah… my little boy… mommy is going to make you feel soooo good…" Aileen exhaled, preparing her son's ass for some real anal pounding.

After several minutes, she managed to shove a third finger in his virgin orifice; Aileen settled him back on top of her, facing each other. Mother and son looked at each other, the boy clearly liked the new "game" mom was teaching him and in his ignorance he wanted to continue receiving all the love from mommy.

The woman's rod rested between the little boy's buttocks, Aileen spread them as far as she could and her glans rubbed against the recently stretched out asshole. She smiled and he didn't care about it, placing his hands on her breasts briefly; surrounded her neck.

Aileen was ready to claim her little mouse's asshole and raising his body a little, his sphincter was aligned with her hard cock; and made pressure. Liam adopted an expression of brief uncertainty, which turned into discomfort as he felt that hard and hot rod trying to break into his behind.

"Mommy... what's going on?"

"Just look at me baby, look mommy in the eye and relax," she instructed. Liam nodded and tried to relax.

With her hands on his waist, she kept him immobile and continued poking his hole, Liam remained expecting. The tip of her glans penetrated into his ass and this time the pressure was more persistent, the boy trembled.

Mother and son moaned in unison, the child's anal ring was stretching out as the thick invader went deeper; Liam clenched his teeth as mom watched him in the agony of impalement.

Carefully, she was able to insert the entire head of her virile member; panting excited while feeling again the tightness of a round hole (and virgin) around her womanhood. The little boy gasped without making a sound and tried to get up but his mom held him down, in the process another inch of her cock went in.

"Take it out... take it out..." the boy gasped in a weak voice.

"Calm down honey. It's going to hurt a bit but if you relax and breathe... you'll see how you'll like it..." she murmured and her son shook his head.

"I can't... it's too big..." he insisted.

"Ok... let's try it again."

Slowly, she withdrew her cock out of his ass and Liam breathed in relief; but only for a moment. Picking up the bottle of cream, Aileen smeared some on her hand and lubed her piece of meat and again guided it to Liam's asshole.

This time it slid easier, although; the boy groaned again as its size remained the same.

"Fuck, Liam… my God that ass of yours feels so fucking good…" his mom moaned ecstatically.

"Aarggh… mommyyy…" the little boy yelled out as he was being impaled.

As his ass received mommy's cock inch by inch, the little boy felt indescribable burning and stinging in his anus. A pain like he'd never felt before in his early childhood, apart from an unparalleled fullness due to the great size of that cock forcing its way deep in his bowels, widening everything in its path.

Aileen was above the clouds. Liam's tightness was just what she was looking for and at least she was careful enough to not to let herself go in with a single thrust and continued plunging her cock in slowly, sometimes remaining still to get his ass used to her thick tool. Finally, she was able to shove it up the base and her boy stuck in more than 8 inches of feminine love.

"Oh yeah…fuck…you're mommy's special boy…" Aileen stammered pleased, Liam groaned again.

Despite the motherly virility sunk deep in his intestines, the child's weenie was limp and shrunken; it seemed like a pink worm. Aileen grabbed it with two fingers and shook a little, her little prince moved his hips on top of her, making her moan with lust.

Grabbed by the waist, Liam began to move up and down on her cock; moaning and eyes firmly closed. The little boy's ride became faster, managing to rose up until he took out half of his mother's cock; only to descend and shoved it up her balls. They both moaned shamelessly.

Holding him, Aileen began to move her hips and thrust her shaft into her son's rear. Liam, as time passed by and his ass got used to her cock; he moaned with delight and less discomfort, giving the right impression of being more comfortable enjoying that huge schlong opening wide his asshole.

Noticing that change, the woman dragged the thin, pale boy's torso against hers; placing her arms around his body and immediately began to thrust with more intensity. Liam moaned loudly in a feminine voice as his mom's cock rammed his rosebud in and out; her balls slapping hard against his ass.

"Yeah... your ass is mine... moan for mommy, do it, moan for mommy..." she commanded with delight in her eyes.

"Aahhh… ahhh… mommy… ahhh!!" Liam moaned uncontrollably, feeling his mom's powerful thrusts deep inside his little ass.

The small body was violently shaken by the pace of the perverted lover. She kept up a tireless and frantic pace; without giving Liam's ass a rest, regardless whether the neighbors heard the recognizable moans of pleasure and their voices... for her, it was not only satisfying her needs as a woman, also creating bounds stronger than blood with her beloved Liam; nothing but the love only mommy could provide...

With a hard push, she shoved her whole dick in and stopped her thrusts. Liam sighed breathlessly and sweated just like her, still with her cock inside; he felt slight pulsations from his sphincter, fully dilated and stretched by mommy's cock.

"I love you so much, my little prince," Aileen gasped.

"I-love you… mommy…" Liam stammered and she kissed him one more time, stroking his wet hair.

Again she resumed the fucking, at a calmer pace as they kissed passionately. After separating, Aileen started pumping harder and Liam was bawling; clinging to her neck and intoxicated by the anal stimulation that was erasing any trace of his sexual innocence.

The atmosphere in the living room was filled by the scent of sweat and sex of incestuous lovers. Aileen's stamina was put to the test by her new and unexpected conquest, as Liam kept begging for more and the repertoire of sexual positions became extensive.

After fucking him with their bodies embraced, Aileen fucked her son on all fours. Seeing her huge piece of meat lost in the middle of those little buttocks and such a tight hole made her moan with lust, while she held her little one by the waist. He arched his back and panted in ecstasy with her thrusts.

Lifting him, Liam bounced on her schlong like a doll and by that time; the tightness of his sphincter was a thing of the past. Being in that position, gave them another moment of brief pause and their tongues played once more, as they kept mumbling how much they loved each other and Aileen couldn't seem to get enough of his bussy, just as Liam was already addicted to her girlcock.

They ended up in her room, the bed creaked; mommy and her slutty boy were screaming in pleasure, Liam was riding mommy's dick in reverse cowgirl and Aileen was penetrating like the insatiable hyena she was, her balls pounding against his rear, loaded and ready to impregnate her son's ass at any moment to close the circle.

His feet could barely stay on her thighs, her vice as an alpha female gave her that extra energy she required in those final moments, the yelling and spasms of her horny boy were an anticipation of an inevitable orgasm... the first of many he would experience as a bottom boy but she wanted this to be the most special… a climax induced by her shaft.

Liam tilted his head back, eyes rolled up, redden and sweaty face. His teeth clenched in a grimace, trying to deny what his mother wanted to unleash in him, receiving thrust after thrust; squeezing the cock that was giving him so much pleasure. His insides burned, waiting the nectar only mom could provide; the tingling in his belly gradually spread to his limbs and genitals… Liam could no longer restrain his own body or senses.

Instinctively squeezing mom's cock, the boy cried out; dominated by his own climax. Aileen swelled her pace and began to do what she shyly told herself she wouldn't do: fuck the shit out of him and pump her cum into his ass. One, two, three… she lost the count of how many spurts of hot spunk she was shooting into Liam's intestines, who shuddered and his weenie pulsed as he reached his orgasm; obviously no sperm came out of his penis, in any case it was mom who filled his insides with her sticky love...

Collapsing on her abdomen, mother and son were exhausted, breathing heavily and they stayed resting like this... the social confinement would make their relationship stronger and they would share long hours of intense love... isolated.