Isolated Ch. 01: Keeping You Warm by ZART96

Work Text:

Karine rushed upstairs. The boss had called her to discuss an important situation and the woman couldn't figure out what would it be. The blonde breathed deeply before knocking the door and she could hear a voice from inside telling her to come in.

Behind the desk, a bald man in his 50s or so. The woman sat down in the empty chair, waiting for her boss to speak.


"I came as soon as I could. I was analyzing some data in the lab," Karine said.

"Alright. I've had to make some decisions in the last few hours, you know, because of the lack of financial support from government," her boss stated.

"I get it. How bad is it?


Her boss waited a few seconds to respond.


"I'm afraid there won't be enough staff at South Base 1 throughout winter season. And we won't be able to do most of the planned studies."


Karine's heart beat faster, indignant. All her effort and hard work, screwed by greedy bureaucrats.


"But couldn't we just... I don't know, hire third parties for assistance or..." the young woman began to say but her boss interrupted her.

"We barely have money to send one or two members of the Institute. I doubt anyone wants to go to the South Pole in the hardest months for little pay," the man explained. Karine crossed her arms, defeated.


Suggesting several options, all were rejected by her boss as impossibles. Not only was she irritated by the lack of resources, but now her anger was also burning thanks to the useless boss she had. Sunken in the chair, Karine remembered something her boss said.


"You said the pay won't be good."

"That's right, Karine. What do you have in mind?" he asked.

"I could go," she said seriously.

"Alone!? No way, Young. I won't let you spend so much time alone locked in a base," the man commented, intransigent.

"I could go with someone else, anyone…"


The man couldn't contain his laughter when he heard her.


"And who, besides yourself, would go to the South Pole for six months, just for $200? Only if you're up for it or want to visit Antarctica trying to see a penguin," Karine's boss muttered ironically.


Karine snorted in frustration but suddenly, her expression changed. Perhaps, there was someone who would like to visit the continent to see a penguin... and she knew that perfect person. The woman placed a hand on her crotch.


"Is there something wrong, Young?" inquired her boss, noticing the disjointed look of his employee.

"I think I know the right person," she assured happily.

"Perfect, just let me know if that person says yes. You may go," the man said.


Leaving the office, the young woman took her car keys and went home. Along the way, the 28-year-old blonde girl couldn't hide a lustful smile, she was facing the opportunity of her life.

Colin was sitting on the floor in front of the TV. He was watching some cartoons without blinking, the 7-year-old boy was wearing chequered shirt and shorts, white skin, short black hair and a bit curly, his honey eyes were fixed on the screen when he heard the doorbell ring.

Over his shoulder he noticed his nanny, Mrs. Pine; she was sleeping, so the little boy stood up to open the door. Standing on the other side of the threshold, his neighbor, Miss Young.


"Hello Colin, how's doing the cutest boy in the house?" Karine greeted sweetly. Colin blushed and smiled.

"Hello, Miss Young. Mommy is still working," the boy said, thinking the neighbor was coming to see his mommy.

"Call me Karine, dear. And I didn't come to see your mommy, I want to tell you something you surely gonna say yes" Karine commented and the boy raised an eyebrow and looked curiously.


Half an hour later, Helen came home carrying shopping bags. Walking in, she found Colin watching TV and Mrs. Pine on the sofa. Seeing his mother, the boy got up and ran to hug her.


"Mommy, mommy, I want to go to the South Pole, say I can go, can I, can I, please?" Colin exclaimed to his mom's disbelief.

"To the South Pole!? Oh Colin, that's impossible. And it's too cold to live there," Helen replied, thinking her son had seen something on TV.

"Karine is going to travel to the South Pole, I could go and see penguins," Colin said excitedly.


Helen leaned down her baby's height.


"Miss Young? I told you never call adults by their names, honey. And how do you know the neighbor is going to travel?" Helen replied softly.

"She told me. So can I go? Please…" the boy begged.

"Honey, that can't be done, and you can't travel without my supervision," his mother commented.


But Colin did not stop asking and begging for permission to go, that he would behave himself and their neighbor would take care of him; so he could get to see penguins. Helen ended up agreeing to visit their neighbor to discuss the issue and make sure she had invited her son or not to the alleged trip.

Mother and son were greeted by the young woman, who wore a loose-fitting tank top and jean shorts. She had no bra, as she leaned down to greet Colin, she gave him a little glimpse of her large breasts. Helen greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

Once inside the house, she told her about what Colin had said and Karine prepared herself to convince her neighbor.


"Yes, it's true. Colin must have heard me talking on the phone and I asked him if he liked penguins," Karine told Helen, as they watched the boy playing with mom's phone.

"I assumed it was something like that. I was worried a bit, you know; children and their indiscretions," Helen commented.

"I know it darling. But seriously, I would have no problem taking Colin with me. He is an adorable child and would make me company, and don't worry; I would take good care of him…"

"Are you serious?" Helen said surprised.


Karine laughed but nodded.


"Why not? I mean, I know six months are long and all, but you'll see how short they are," she assured with a wide grin.

"I'm not too sure…he might get sick or give you problems at work," Helen muttered, unwilling to let go her baby for so long.

"Of course not. It'll be just us at the base, it's a very safe place and he won't catch a cold with me," Karine promised.


Helen was still reticent and the woman was already running out of arguments to convince her to let the boy go with her.


"You would make him very happy. Just look at his face when he talks about the penguins. I promise he's gonna be fine, warm and very, very busy," she joked empathically and they both laughed, though Helen was unaware of the true meaning of her words.

"Well... I guess it's no problem... however..."

"Colin! Mommy wants to tell you something!" Karine called him out and the boy hurried.


Emotion was reflected in his gaze when he found out from his mom he would go with Karine to the South Pole. While Helen explained he should behave and be polite, the young neighbor discreetly bit her lip as she looked at the child, wondering what they wouldn't do alone for six months.

Her boss didn't say much when she told him her "nephew" would be her companion on the trip. A month later, Helen said goodbye to her little boy at the National Guard airfield, Karine assured her everything would be fine and they would talk everyday.

As they flew away in the helicopter, mother and son continued saying goodbye by waving their hands. Karine smiled happily putting her arm around the boy, after the airfield was out of sight; Colin looked up and Karine responded with a big smile.


"I already want to be there and see penguins, Karine…!" Colin said.

"Yes, you're going to see more than penguins," Karine replied with an excited gaze. Colin smiled, having no idea of her intentions.


After a long trip with stops to refuel or switch helicopters, they began to fly at a lower altitude as temperature dropped. They landed in a small coastal town, where they were provided with a snow truck. Before leaving, the little one was able to watch and take some photos with a small group of penguins. Karine and Colin continued alone the long way to the base, where they would be isolated from the world for the next six months.

After a few hours, Karin sighted the base as the sunlight began to decline. The real cold hit them when they left the vehicle, as wind blew faster; the woman urged the child to wait inside while she took out of the truck everything they had brought with them.

It was a small and simple building, about 50 square meters; so there was no room for luxury. A bathroom, some chairs, tables and several filing cabinets were the most striking stuff inside, painted in opaque green. Of course, no TV, just a computer in a corner; in addition to Karine's laptop, four sleeping bags and their respective mattresses so they wouldn't be in contact with the cold floor.


"Fuck, this is getting more and more depressing," Karine huffed, busy with the thermostat.

"Oops! You said a bad word," Colin said shyly but still smiling.

"Fuck it, cutie. We are alone, right? Mommy is far away. It will be one of our secrets, here you can do and say whatever you want, deal?" she proposed.


Colin gave her five, laughing. By setting the temperature to zero degrees, they were able to take off the jackets and be more comfortable. Karine was already anxious to "keep him warm" and adjusted the instruments so she would have unlimited time with her little prey.

While the boy was sitting at the table, playing with the mobile; she "prepared his dinner" locked in the bathroom. Almost 20 minutes later, Karine came out; she was snorting and breathing heavily, holding a glass half full of a thick liquid, with a milky look. The woman put the glass on the table with a thud that lured the boy's attention.


"Is it milk?" Colin asked.

"Yep. Natural. But this one is more nutritious, delicious and creamy. Drink it while it's hot," Karine said, standing next to him.


Colin put down the phone and picked up the glass. She was right, the glass was still warm despite the temperature and he brought it to his lips. Soon a musky smell reached him and the boy looked at the glass doubtfully.


"What kind of milk is it?" he inquired.

"A very special one. Better than any other kind, don't let it cold," she replied, stroking his hair.


Trusting her words, the boy touched the glass with his lips and took in a small sip. Karine smiled mischievously as Colin tasted her gooey. The syrupy liquid had to be a very different kind of milk, the boy thought: its taste was strong, barely sweet, thicker than he had expected. He drank a second time, more; it took him a bit to swallow and he felt a tingle when the "milk" reached his stomach.

The boy drank the entire load after a few minutes, to Karine's satisfaction. With her index finger she cleaned the remains around his mouth and waving it in circles, Colin opened and sucked on her finger. Cleaning what was left in the glass, the woman offered the boy her finger again, covered entirely in spunk. He opened his mouth again and sucked the leftovers, Karine pushed her index finger in and out, while moaning softly.


"That's right… all of it. Suck every last drop, mmm…" she moaned, kneel alongside.


Colin closed his eyes and continued sucking on Karine's finger, sank deep into his throat. Finally she pulled it out and grinned at the boy.


"Yummy, right?" she asked and the boy nodded, looking at her. "I'm glad you loved it, Colin. It will be the main thing on your menu… maybe the only thing, what do you think?" Karine added.

"Just milk?" Colin questioned in surprise.

"Yes, a full liquid diet. At least for now, then I could give you… I don't know, something hotter and harder," she promised in a seductive voice.


"Absolutely, honey. You and I are gonna have a good time here, with no one watching or interrupting us. Doing lots of wild stuff," the woman teased him.

"Like playing?" he suggested.

"Exactly! Let's play now," Karine said brightly.


She searched something in her bag and put it on the table. A bottle of vodka and some poker cards. Colin gasped at the sight of those things.


"We are going to play "Hi-Lo". If my card is lower than yours, I'll drink from the bottle, and if your card is lower, you'll drink," she explained.

"Mom says I'm not supposed to drink adult stuff," Colin said automatically.

"But mom isn't here, silly, is she?" Karine replied touching the tip of his nose, the boy shook his head laughing. "Then neither she nor anyone else will know, remember what I told you, here you can do and say whatever you want, okay?"

"Ok that's fine. I'll beat you then," Colin replied confidently.

"Oh, I bet you will…" Karine murmured emphatically, adjusting the crotch of her pants a little.


She only needed Colin to lose a couple of times to continue with her plan. The boy rubbed his hands together, eager to play and Karine shuffled the cards, giving half of them to the little boy. The woman turned over her first card, 9 of clubs.


"Your turn..." she muttered and Colin turned his card over.


It was a queen of spades. The boy celebrated euphoric, and Karine faked her disappointment well. Colin urged her to drink, bragging about her defeat and his future victory.


"Okay, okay. You just got lucky," she winked an eye, taking in a small sip from the bottle.


It was time for the second round. The woman turned over her card, revealing a 5 of hearts. Colin chuckled before turning his.


"Come on, it's okay," she said calmly.


Her smile widened when she saw Colin's card: 3 of diamonds. The little boy lamented for his loss and Karine grabbed the bottle, smiling playfully.


"Now it's your turn, Colin. Drink," Karine murmured and put the bottle against his lips.


Karine made him drink more than she did, leaving the liquor a little below the neck of the bottle. Colin coughed several times due to the strong vodka and Karine laughed, knowing she would soon have him docile and receptive.

Karine lost the next couple rounds. That lifted Colin's spirits, however; he was already feeling a little groggy after the first drink. And again, the boy lost again. The woman saw the perfect moment.


"Time to drink, dear. Long and deep," she said, holding up the bottle.

"You'll see… I'll beat you," Colin murmured before pressing his lips against the bottle.


Karine made him drink for several seconds until the little boy spat out part of the drink. The content had decreased at least half an inch, and Colin was flushed by alcohol.


"I'll winn, you'll see..." the boy laughed, dizzy.

"Yes, you already won. Another sip to celebrate," she said, holding the bottle closer.


He drank again, giggling afterwards. Karine smiled and put the bottle aside, she reached up Colin's arms and removed the wool sweater without opposition. They looked at each other for a moment before they chuckled again. The boy was completely drunk.


"Come on, I want to play. I win…hic," Colin hiccupped incoherently and laughed again.

"You've won, and it's time to go to sleep."

"But I don't sleep… I want play…" the boy protested.


Lust in her eyes, Karine leaned her head.


"We can play inside one of the sleeping bags. But first… clothes off," she said.


Obediently, Colin tried to remove his last shirt but his movements weren't coordinated. "Let me do it for you," she murmured and removed the shirt, exposing his slim torso. Colin trembled a bit from the cold but didn't say anything, while Karine caressed his skin with her nails; the boy sighed peacefully.

Helping him to stand up, the woman unbuttoned his pants and finally lowered his underwear of animal drawings; revealing his little bird. Between the cold and the alcohol, a tiny piece of only 2 cm could barely be seen, his little scrotum still did not hang between his legs; instead it rested under his penis like any other child his age. Karine bit her lip and tickled the sleeping birdie, Colin laughed again.

The woman stood up, and began to undress. First she got rid of her wool sweater, then her boots, to continue with her second shirt, her black bra soon fell to the floor, freeing her generous breasts with the size of small melons. Finally, she took off her pants and panties, revealing a half-erect dick and two big balls.

Colin was speechless, he had never seen a naked woman, although he was still dizzy, he was looking at every inch of her anatomy. Her silhouette was curvaceous, firm and exercised. Her tits were large but not so much, the nipples were slightly pink and the areolas just covered them. The belly was flat and with a piercing in the navel, a little below; her pubic area had a few hairs and a small tattoo he couldn't notice, her waist was narrow and the hips wide; with a firm and round ass. Legs, long all the way down and toned; her cock was growing and acquiring hardness and thickness. At least 20 cm and 4 cm in girth... Colin had never seen another penis than his own, or in its splendor and he was unaware of the reasons why she got hard or the fact that his neighbor Karine, who had invited him to see penguins, now was naked in front of him and with a terrible erection.


"Come, let's warm up…" Karine said and pointed the sleeping bag she left open.


Still shivering, Colin laid down inside the comfortable, warm sack. Karine laid behind his back and with a quick move, zipped up; both now trapped inside. The woman pressed her body firmly against the boy's back, her throbbing cock drooling Colin's lower back.


"Fuck, I want you so bad," Karine murmured excitedly.


Despite the size difference, she snuggled up behind him, Colin was too dizzy to think clearly and notice what was happening. The woman licked his ear and embraced his torso, panting in his ear, horny.


"Ahh… what y-does you…?" the boy stammered, drunk.

"I'm playing with you…it's called sex. I'm going to fuck you, deep, hard and rough, day and night…you can make all the fuss you want, no one else will hear us," she gasped.

"I won... I beat you..." Colin stammered with narrowed eyes, unaware of what Karine was saying.


Rubbing her hot, wet glans into his tight little hole, Karine began to poke his sphincter; Colin's eyes widened and he gasped quietly. Feeling the heat and tightness of the virgin hole made the woman hornier, she began some serious pushing and after a few seconds; her glans won and slowly entered his virgin asshole.


"Ahh… w-what's wrong…" Colin mumbled.

"I am giving you your prize… a very big and hard one," Karine replied.

"Yes... I want a prize... give me prize..." the child stammered.


Karine pressed harder but the boy's moans made her stop. Opening the sack and spitting into her hand, the horny woman lubed up the boy's asshole; who sighed with a shudder, indicating that touch was welcome. Again, she tried to slide her cock inside and despite some resistance to impalement, his anus began to let in the large intruder.


"Aahh... mmm..." the boy moaned in a low, effeminate voice.


The tip of her cock remained inside, stretching Colin's asshole, his eyes widening and panting sensually; trying to look over his shoulder at Karine's lustful face, she was aroused by the warmth and tightness of the boy's virgin hole. Her hand ran through the little boy's body, her erratic breath could be felt on the back of his neck and the woman's hand reached his tiny weenie and balls, playing and squeezing his thingies.

The boy didn't understand what was happening, drunk as he was; but Karine's patience and sensuality made him surrender to her sex cravings. She pushed in another inch of her cock, eliciting moans from both of them; Karine couldn't wait the moment to pound his ass with reckless abandon. But she had all the time in the world to go step by step, awake his inner sluttiness and let Colin himself discover the true pleasure he could experience as her bottom boy.

The woman took out a bit of her girlmeat just to sink it a little more, almost half of her cock was buried in the boy's ass; who was fighting on resisting the anal invader or letting it in. It was a hard, stabbing pain, but not so much to feel it was excruciating… bearable (and he was quite right), it felt as if what Karine was doing splitted him in two.


"Fuck… just relax and let me in," she murmured sensually in his ear. The little boy gasped and breathed easier, willing to obey her in everything.


All happened within seconds. Karine noticed her cock went deep inside Colin's bottom, just after he gave up his anal resistance, sticking her pelvis against the little boy's buttocks. The two let out moans and screams, Karine's expression was of pure lust and satisfaction, her schlong stacked in his rectum.


"Shit! I'm full…Karine…full!" Colin moaned, it was his first bad word and of course; his first cock.

"Yes my boy… I am filling you with my cock, do you like it?"


Closing his eyes, Colin nodded, looking innocent, his face tense.

Like an octopus, Karine took over her tiny prey, tangling her legs through his, her arms hugging his thin torso, pressing her tits on his back. Closing the sleeping bag again, they were trapped in their love nest.

Slowly she began to move, a couple inches of her cock coming in and out. Colin arched back his neck, meeting her ecstatic gaze; the boy felt the opposite when going to the bathroom, as if his number two was stretching his little pink hole over and over again without leaving his body.


"I want…w-want…oohhh shit," the boy mumbled in a choked voice.

"Oh little whore…we'll fuck all night long…" Karine muttered muffledly. Colin felt everything was darkening, but he could still feel those sensations in his body as he lost the sense of reality...


Colin opened his eyes lazily, the boy didn't know what time it was exactly but he could notice several things when he woke up. First, a headache he had never felt, what he could see in the room seemed to move from one side to the other. He felt thirst and dryness in his mouth, a subproduct of the alcohol he had drunk, but he did not know it, the next thing the boy felt was a burning sensation and pulsating "back there".

Instinctively, he put a hand in his anus. The boy touched something wet and sticky emanating from his hole, open and sensitive to any touch of his fingers. Colin saw a bit of liquid, whitish and thick, on his little fingers. He smelled and tasted it with the tip of his tongue, its taste was slightly sweet and he couldn't explain how it was coming out of "that place".

He tried to turn around, but his ass avoided it, feeling burn and discomfort in that area again; so he chose to stay on his right side as he had woken up. Karine wasn't there with him and his guts rumbled, it had to be very late and skipped breakfast.


"Good morning, my little prince. I was already thinking of coming to wake you up," he heard Karine's voice, standing behind him.

"What time is it?" he asked, stunned.

"10 o'clock. Come on, I've got your breakfast ready," she told him with a happy tone.


Opening the sleeping bag, the cold penetrated and made Colin's body shake, he realized that he was naked. He didn't remember taking his clothes off the night before.


"Karine... my clothes... where are they?"

"They're on the other sack," Karine pointed out.

"I feel very strange..." the boy admitted.

"How do you feel exactly?" she inquired with a mischievous smile.

"I feel weird…my head hurts, my ass feels weird and something sticky comes out of it. And I don't remember anything from last night, like taking off my clothes," the little boy summarized with an innocent tone.


Karine's smile widened, caressing his cheek tenderly.


"You don't remember!?" she exclaimed pretending surprise, Colin nodded. "We played all night, you drank some vodka and then you took off your clothes and told me to sleep together. I gave you all my warmth…" Karine answered with a mischievous voice.

"Really?" Colin questioned doubtfully.

"Yep. Now get up or breakfast is gonna get colder," she said.


Colin tried to get up on his feet, his ass prevented him from moving comfortably and he complained. The woman helped him up carefully and when doing so, he discovered other dry white spots all over his body. Also, a large wet spot inside the bag, right where he was laid; some of the liquid that came out of his ass was still there, fresh.


"I want to go to the bathroom, number two," Colin said, feeling urge.

"Don't worry, I'll take you there," she murmured and led him there.


The toilet was cold to the touch and sitting there, the boy was feeling shyness with Karine around.


"Do your thing, like I'm not here," Karine said, and Colin nodded confidently.


Some farts were heard, while a viscous drip fell into the toilet. Karine giggled and the boy blushed, he tried to push again with same results: more sticky farts and soft splashes in the water, no matter how hard he tried it was just farts and viscous noises, as if his stomach wasn't right even though he didn't feel discomfort, stomachache or bad smell. Colin spent some minutes this way, pushing and expelling everything out of his ass. When he finished doing his business, the little boy told Karine, who knelt in front of him, smiling.


"I don't know how, I think I have diarrhea," Colin apologized.

"Alright, let's see how it was..." she murmured, making him stand up a little to see the toilet, but she smirked. "Well, you don't have diarrhea," Karine announced happily.

"No?" the boy replied, confused, looking at the water in the toilet to check. "Oh my God! It's all white!" the child exclaimed, impressed.


Instead of "little logs," as he called them, the water was white. A viscous and abundant substance filled the toilet, it was so thick he couldn't see the bottom of the toilet. Colin looked at the woman with no words to say, embarrassed and lost.


"It's the milk you drank last night, silly! There's nothing to worry about," she replied in a relaxed tone.

"Really? When mommy gives me a glass of milk, I don't make milk when I go to the bathroom," Colin replied with a sincere look, Karine enjoyed his confusion a lot.

"But…" she began to say with a seductive tone as if she were revealing a secret, grabbing his hands, "… this milk is 'special', as well as tasty, I already told you yesterday. Didn't you like it when you pushed it out?"

"Yes… it felt… good. But it's the first time that… you know, this happens."

"What, shitting milk?" Karine asked with a playful look and Colin couldn't contain laughter. "Don't worry, Colin, you can drink and shit milk every day; as long as it remains our secret… no one else should know about this," she said.

"Not even mommy?" he asked.

"Especially mommy… now, let me clean you and dress you up for breakfast," Karine indicated and the boy nodded.


A few minutes later, Colin was sitting at the table, Karine next to him and on the table; a glass filled to the top with "special milk". As main dish, rice with an instantly recognizable "sauce", more special milk. The boy was surprised by the amount of it.


"Wow… this is a lot of milk," the boy said, stunned.

"I know, sweetie. But a little or a lot is never enough! And for you, all the loads you want."

"Could I repeat?" he commented.

"Of course, you will always repeat. Two, three times, as many as you want… I'll milk all the loads you want to drink," Karine said and Colin looked at her.

"Do you have cows here!?"


The woman laughed, holding the spoon full of spunky rice.


"Of course not! Now, time to eat…" she insisted, bringing the food close to the child's lips.


He opened his mouth as wide as he could and began to chew. His tongue was stimulated by the jizzy rice, Colin savored and felt its texture; thinking it was the first time eating something delicious and not only that, his stomach seemed to be grateful for receiving such food and increased the desire to eat and drink more. Karine smiled, seeing the boy swallowed everything and brought another portion of the exotic food to his mouth.


"Open wide… that's right, baby… mmm," she murmured as she watched the boy engulf more rice.


Then she held the glass before him and Colin drank some thick sperm. Licking his lips after, the little boy continued eating his special breakfast under the attentive and pleased gaze of the adult next to him.

When finished, Colin sighed satisfied; his stomach full of rice and cum. Karine put her hand on her crotch, biting her lips when she saw Colin's gaze… he really liked her cum.


"Mmm... the milk was delicious, Karine..." he murmured distractedly.

"You know what they say, once you try cum, you're addicted to it," she assured happily.

"Cum? What's that?"

"It's what you've been drinking since yesterday, honey. My sperm, cum, spunk, jizz, milk…it's the same thing," Karine said smuttily.


Colin had a smiling look, unaware of the true meaning of her words. The woman put a finger on her lips, being alone was the best; she thought: since there was no need to hide how slutty and horny she was.


"Last night you loved how I filled your ass with my hot cum, your moans are…heavenly," Karine said mischievously.

"And how you do that? And where does that milk comes from? Colin asked curiously.

"Mmm… you want to fuck again, huh? Well, I think I could fill you with more jizz and then call your mom," she said to herself aloud.


Without giving him time to react, Karine undressed him again and carried him to the sleeping bags. The boy shivered from the cold but it would diminish when he saw how she got rid of her clothes, leaving herself naked in front of him.

Colin was speechless, mesmerized by Karine's slender, sinful silhouette. Her tits were medium sized and the nipples erected because the cold, her stomach was flat and exercised. When he saw her waist, Colin's eyes almost popped out when he saw a tattoo on her pelvis, "Anal Driller" and an arrow pointing down to a huge 20 cm dick; hard and veiny despite the cold and without a single pubic hair around, a pair of egg-sized testicles hung heavily below. Colin pointed her anaconda, shocked.


"You have a peepee… so big," Colin said, surprised to see a cock of that size for the first time.

"Yeah, and all the cum you're gonna swallow comes from here," Karine commented playfully and touched her balls with one hand, "it comes right from here."


The little boy approached her with a curious look, Karine pulled her hand away and the boy used both hands to feel and caress her fat testicles and shake Karine's hot throbbing dick a little, admiring the hot glans and its shape. The woman groaned a little.


"So how does your milk comes out?" Colin inquired.

"There are several ways. The best, the one we did last night…" she purred, getting more and more excited.

"I don't remember well..." he excused himself, looking up.

"No problem, we can repeat it… maybe we can do it every day."

"Is it possible to do that?" Colin replied in astonishment.

"In fact, the more, the merrier. Here…" she muttered, making him get down on all fours on the sleeping bag.


A few seconds later, the boy felt a cold liquid on his ass and he gasped. Karine poured lube on his rear and then rubbed her cock between his buttocks. Although he tried to turn his head to see what she was doing, Karine forced him to look straight ahead.

The woman's oily glans pressed and tried to enter the boy's ass, who gasped and bit his lips.


"It's pretty easy to get the cum out, first; you have to stimulate and get a hardon. Your ass makes me rock hard, this is the first step," Karine murmured with lewdness.


Rubbing her cock between his buttcheeks, the horny woman moaned. Colin did it too, becoming more submissive to the perverted woman.


"Second step: the cock must find a hole, to spurt all the load. Here's it, we have a hole…"


As she said it, her glans had already managed to penetrate the boy's asshole, Colin closed his eyes, grabbing with both hands the sleeping bag.


"And final step... shove it up the balls, fuck and pound until the cum comes out..." she stammered and with a single thrust, she plunged her oiled cock inside Colin's rectum, who let out a loud moan that only Karine would hear. Climbing onto his buttocks and burying the little boy's face against the sleeping bag, the woman groaned in ecstasy as she felt the tight hole around her womanhood again.


"Time to drill that little ass of yours again... bite the bag if you want, scream or moan like a whore, it really turns me on and makes me fuck you harder," the woman recommended and began to move her hips in a strong, deep pumping.


"Aahh… whoooaaahh… Karine! My ass!" Colin shouted while feeling her hard pace.

"Fuck… just moan like this, lil bitch. Take it all," Karine exhaled, clinging her hands on his waist.


With each thrust, she pushed him more against the sleeping bag. His ass was up, receiving the magnificent fuckpole of his neighbor, her flexed legs tensed as she descended on the little one. Unlike the first-time assfucking, this time she thrusted him easier since Colin's sphincter didn't tighten again completely... and probably it wouldn't for a long time.

The boy did not stop moaning, he felt again how his rectum was filled with girl's meat, hard and hot. The pain and itching he had since he woke up increased; the glans of the lady at times seemed to reach the bottom of his intestines, at the same time her balls loaded with thick cum slapped his rear hard and deafly.

His weenie and nuts shrank a little more, if that was possible; partly due to the coldness and also the harsh and deep sounding from her dick. Without realizing it, his moans were already less uncomfortable and the boy was trying to separate his legs a little more for greater comfort.

Karine did realize it and started a faster and stronger pace. With long, hard thrusts, she almost pulled out her cock to plunge it back to the base; she moaned hoarsely to maintain such pace but she seemed tireless and unwilling to finish so quick and flood the boy's guts with her load.


"Oh shit Colin...your ass is made for my dick!" she screamed excitedly as she continued fucking Colin, he groaned and clinged to the sleeping bag.


Leaning a little more on him, she placed her hands in front of Colin to continue with a less frantic but deeper pace. The viscous sounds that her shaft made when going in and out could be clearly heard along with their moans.

After several minutes of fucking non-stop, Karine took out her cock and looked at the little boy's asshole, stretched, gaping and redden. Colin was trying to catch his breath after the vigorous thrusting and looking out of the corner of his eye, he met the woman's wicked gaze... he liked how they were playing so far.


"Did…milk come out?" the boy snorted.

"Calm down, you little ravenous slut. Soon it will come out and you will be able to shit it as you wish... meanwhile... we can continue milking it... what do you think?"

"How long?" he asked.

"We have time to find out..." she laughed and her glans covered in pre-cum and lubricant poked his hole again.


She put it in and out several times, Colin groaning softly as Karine did it. The boy was very pleased despite her rudeness, once again she shoved her schlong without any problems; up the balls.

Suddenly, he felt how she lifted him up and, still impaled on her cock; he ended with his legs up in an acrobatic pose and held in place by her arms. His back, resting against the woman's flat stomach, his head resting between her breasts. Looking straight ahead, his weenie and little nuts were limp, with no other stimulation than a real dick hitting and opening his asshole, like any slutboy.


"Here we go, time to get you pregnant…" Karine murmured.


Slowly, the boy began to move up and down on that cock. Colin gasped and breathed hard, trying to deny a spasm coming from his ass and running through his small body. Karine chuckled, realizing what he was experiencing; a strong dry anal orgasm. The boy closed his eyes and contorted his gestures as he felt the most pleasant sensation of his life.


"Ooohhh shit… it feeeelss sooooo good, Karine… shit, shit…!!" Colin howled with delight.

"Go on, don't hold back, bitch. Cum from your ass like a bottom slut," Karine ordered as he continued riding her.


Colin continued trembling and shuddering. His thingies were pulsing non-stop, indicative of the strong climax overwhelming him. Light beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and slowly, the intensity of the orgasm lessened, being replaced by waves of warmth and satisfaction. Karine kept panting and he bounced on her dick, while moving his head between her breasts, given up to an unknown pleasure forbidden to him.

Adding movement from her hips, the lady began to fuck the boy on her own. The curved cock did wonders when going in and out of Colin's asshole, who bit his lips and moaned incessantly. He didn't wonder how long would take Karine to shoot her milk, neither he thought about his mommy; who was waiting for his call. He wanted to continue with her peepee inside his body, discover new sensations and remember the old ones.

Both lovers moaned loudly again as Karine swelled the pace of her thrusts. It didn't take long for the boy to have another dry orgasm; more intense than the previous one and the woman made him turn around on her cock, face to face and see his gestures of pleasure as she slammed his butt.

With a relentless, vehement rhythm, Karine fucked the little boy like a cheap whore. Her balls were slapping his buttocks harder and she had her hands on his ass; Colin wrapped his arms around her neck, shouting unintelligibly along with her as they both shuddered in ecstasy, climaxing at the same time.

An uncontrollable torrent exploded in the boy's ass, who felt copious and hot jets of spunk flooding his insides. Karine rolled her eyes, burying her throbbing cock as deep as she could; her fat testicles tensed, spurting shot after shot of her precious, excessive load.

As seconds passed by, the woman grunted and gasped; still ejaculating in Colin's asshole. The boy stopped shaking as his orgasm diminished and he could feel his belly and insides burning as well as saturated with bulky loads of female jizz. With one last moan, Karine stopped cumming and managed to laid down onto the sleeping bag, her cock still inside Colin's anus.

In spite of this, some of her cum began to leak out; sliding to her crotch and then on the bag. Karine smiled and looked at Colin, exhausted from feeling all her womanhood… at least not while drunk.


"Mmm… this is what I call filling the tank…" she muttered with an exhausted grin, satisfied it was only the beginning…


Two hours later.


"… and remember dear, be a good boy and do everything Karine says, okay? I love you," Helen's voice came from the other side of the screen.

"Yes mommy, I love you too," Colin replied in caring voice.


The little one stood up from the chair carefully and Karine sat down.


"Don't worry darling, we'll be fine. Tomorrow we'll call at this same time, ok?" Karine commented and Helen said goodbye to her.


She found Colin sitting on the toilet. The woman looked at the little boy with a tender gaze.


"Very well done, Colin. Mommy doesn't suspect anything," she informed him.

"I pushed all your milk out, now I'm hungry," the little one sighed a bit worried.

"No worries sweetie, your favorite meal is ready and waiting."


The boy licked his lips and rubbed his tummy. His stomach roared in hunger for the hot, thick jizz of hers.


"And... if you don't leave anything... before we go to sleep, I'll fill your ass again, ok?" Karine promised and Colin nodded happily. "Time to clean up, get on all fours," she commanded.


While her tongue licked lewdly every inch of his asshole, Colin sighed very horny; completely surrendered to that luscious woman, her cock and her tasty spunk... six months they were about to spend... isolated.