MY MIRACLE MISTRESS ch 2 By DamienDeath20

Chapter 2: Welcome To Your New World


" was a good night than Alicia?" The female Uber driver spoke, casually glancing into the rear view mirror at the large busty woman sitting in the back.

Alicia had her arms splayed out over the heads of the seats, her eyes closed and a look of sweet relaxation on her face. "Mhmm...the night went exactly as planned Julie." Her lids remained down, letting her neck relax and loll backward to rest on the cushion behind her.

The blonde up front shook her head, "You've got to tell me how you do it. You just get one after another lining up for you and I have to sit here and suffer while I drive you around to play with all your toys."

A quiet chuckle came from Alicia, "Maybe you should join the site, you'd be surprised at how many..." Pausing in between words she opened her eyes to look down at her lap. A sly smile creeping up her features as she stared with half-lidded eyes at the poor boy desperately bobbing his head up and down as much length of her she cock as he possibly could. "...clueless lonely boys there are out there." She finished giving his puffed out cheeks a playful slap.

"This is not how I thought my night would be going." Sammy thought as he 'Gluck'ed and gagged repeatedly on the huge quantities of meat plugging his airway.

After he said the words, 'yes Mistress' to her in the Alley, Alicia's face lit up and she immediately guided him on wobbly legs to his feet and through the parking lot to her waiting car. He was still naked as she did this and he feebly tried to cover himself while they approached, Alicia called it cute considering she herself hadn't re-adorned her skirt and strolled through the area with her dick swaying proudly out in the open. Recalling the advice from his parents to never take rides from strangers, he hesitated upon being ushered into the vehicle. But one stern look from his new 'Mistress' was all it took for him to hurry inside with his tail between his legs.

He wasn't allowed to sit on the seat however, instead he was commanded that his spot was actually on his knees in front of the middle seat in the back. Right in between Alicia's legs. His tender asshole cried a bit at this kneeling position, but it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter. Plus thankfully this was a larger vehicle and had plenty of space to fit his smaller body on the floor.

Sam barely had enough time to shake his head no before the monster that had claimed his holes before was being angrily pushed and prodded back into his face. His Mistress took hold of his head with one hand and used the other to guide the tip into his unwilling mouth and then shoving him down. Thankfully since his throat had already been broken in earlier, there wasn't as much resistance this time and her cock head easily plowed through the gates to his gullet and slid down the familiar velvety wet tunnel.

Alicia then drew her legs up around the smaller body and wrapped them around the back of Sam's neck, pulling him far enough down to cause him to make a horrible retching noise while plunging her shaft deeply down his petite pipe. Her ankles stayed loosely locked behind him almost lazily, but her much larger size gave her the strength to easily hold the thrashing boy in place. His head was dipped between her large thick thighs and her familiar musky scent invaded his nostrils, he had no choice but to inhale it deeply over and over again. It felt like she was poisoning him with the taste of her dick and the smell of her hefty balls.

He continued to struggle then for a bit while Alicia told the driver, whom she was apparently also friends with, where to go, an address Samuel was entirely unfamiliar with. And what followed has been a half hour cab ride from Hell. Alicia would rock her legs back and forth for the first few minutes of the drive pulling him back and forth on her meat a few inches, using him as just a sucking sleeve for her own pleasure. Eventually, she grew tired of doing this constantly and told him to do it himself. But when he shook his head defiantly, he was met with her leaning forward in her seat and an even harder slap than before, plus having a diamond hard stick of girl meat wedged between your lips didn't exactly make being whacked in the face any more pleasant for him.

The clap rang out in the space of the car as Alicia said, "Suck your Mistress's cock like a good" The last word came out firmer than the rest, harsh, and promising pain if it wasn't obeyed. "Or you're gonna wish you'd never been born later."

Up front, he managed to hear the driver's voice go, "Ooouu, I'd listen to her buddy. Trust me, I've seen what she likes to do to disobedient little boys like you, and trust me, it ain't pretty." His eyes weakly tried to survey the car, searching for any means of escape, but he was trapped in a leg lock of oral sex. A position where Alicia could very easily crush his tiny neck between her powerful legs if need be.

So heeding the warning from her, and seeing the angry look in Alicia's eyes, Sam begrudgingly started moving his head of his own accord so her legs could remain still yet while holding him in place. "Good boy." She said slowly reclining back into a relaxed position while she watched her slave go to work. Up until now, Sam had obviously never sucked a cock before. It was all Alicia just shoving her shaft in and out of his denying lips. So now that he had to do it on his own, he was pretty awkward. Plus the fact that it's incredible length had it crammed down his neck bulging out in his throat causing him to gag and choke every step of the way didn't make it any easier. His cheeks caved in while he sucked trying to create a vacuum like seal around her flesh, her thick pulsing veins throbbed with blood, eagerly filling her member to it's fullest mast. "Get it nice and wet sweetie." Her voice softened becoming more like a caring instructor now rather than a commanding tormentor. "Use your tongue, swirl it as best you can."

That was easier said than done. The sheer girth alone filled Sam's mouth so much that it caused his jaw to uncomfortably stretch to try and take the whole thing. It felt like all it would take to unhinge his jaw was just one good thrust in the right direction. He had no idea how his ass had managed to take it earlier and not completely tear apart. Which brought his mind back during his fellatio performance, to that moment in the middle of the alleyway.

"Did I...did I really cum from having her cock in my ass?" He didn't know what to think of it, it was completely unexplainable. She was forcing him to do all of it, she took him against his will back at Bridges bar. And yet somehow he still achieved that mind numbing orgasm unlike any other he'd had before. He had masturbated countless times to porn and dirty websites. To wild fantasies of his imagination, achieving great orgasms along the way, but all of them paled in comparison to that explosion in his loins less than an hour ago. It just didn't make any sense. That also didn't explain why, in this current predicament, trapped below this giant cock toting woman, forced to suck her dick like there was no tomorrow, why his prick down beneath his kneeling legs was once again quietly pulsing excitedly.

Rock hard.

About a half an hour into this oral marathon, his mind had long since gone into auto pilot as he twisted his head and worked his neck the best he could to try and satisfy Alicia. His lips and jaw were unbearably sore, and massive quantities of drool and saliva were trailing down his chin and the underside of her shaft, dripping down onto her heavy ball sack. Every now and then earning quiet sounds of approval from her and words of encouragement while she kept her head tilted back with a content smile on her face. He meanwhile had streaks of tears rolling down his own, his constant gagging causing his eyes to water and leak out down his heavily blushing cheeks. It occurred to him now that he was not only tasting the fleshy underside of her dick, but he was also able to taste his ass on her as it rubbed along his pinned down tongue. The knowledge of this causing him to shudder a bit at the dirty and lewd nature of this taboo act.

But it was then that he heard the voice of the driver again breaking him out of his haze. "Almost there."

Alicia giggled, "That makes two of us." She said with a bite of her lower lip followed by bringing one of her hands down to take hold of Samuel's hair tightly. He blinked a few times not understanding what she meant at first but quickly coming to the realization as she suddenly leaned up and tightened the grip her legs held on him. "That's it sweetie, just a little more for momma. Come on..." She whispered down to him gripping his dark locks and helping his head along her rod. The eyes of the driver Julie up front were repeatedly blinking between the road and the rear view, seemingly debating on which site was more important to look at.

"Damn it're starting to make me horny." Another sultry giggle came from his Mistress. "I need to get a boy like that."

"Get your own." Her legs tightened again on Sam suddenly squeezing at the sides of his neck and pulling him all the way down on what remained of her unswallowed cock. A fresh wave of tears instantly spilled out as he felt the bulge in his throat sink further down while his nose touched her soft belly and his chin sank into the sack containing her testicles. Constricting his airway much like she did before in the bar restroom, Sammy started struggling again, trying to wring himself free from her powerful legs to no avail. She pushed it in further and further, stretching and stretching his jaw, the aching becoming tighter and tighter. He squeezed his eyes shut as the dull ache seemed to reach it's harshest point until just as the last inch of her girl cock managed to shove its way down and in, there was an audible 'pop' sound and a searing pain Sam had not seen coming erupted near the back of his jaw. His eyes flew open and a guttural cry of agony tried to breach out of Sam's vocal chords. His jaw had impossibly moved back, unable to take the whole sheer size of her cock anymore while staying connected. He could feel it, the sharp pulse of a dislocated jaw bone in his currently being fucked face. He brought his arms up as best as he could from beneath her thighs and desperately slapped and attempted to push his Mistress away. Unintentionally his struggling only helped to massage her aching cock even more so, bringing Alicia even closer to her boiling point. His snuffed out screams vibrated her pelvis and helped churn the cum in her baseball sized nuts, and his vigorous thrashing now allowed her to feel every inch of his gullet that she hadn't felt already as he tossed his head rebelliously from side to side. "Ohhh that's it...come on..." She brought her hand down and slapped him again, this time jostling his dislocated jaw, shooting another jolt of ripping pain through his face. "Cooome ooonn..." She said through gritted teeth, meanly yanking on his hair, tugging it back and forth as she rocked her hips in her seat fucking her boy toy's moist fuck hole. Her peak building up, she didn't get to deposit her load down his throat before. So the thought of marking his tight passage milky white with her sperm only fueled her desire to blow. "That's it...Mmm that's it!" And with a gasp she felt her tip touch cloud nine as at that moment Sam tried to gag again and the sudden spasm of his throat muscles sent Alicia over the edge. "Start chugging sweetie..."

There was a sudden heat blazing into Sam's stomach, starting as a warm bloom and quickly growing hotter and hotter as his Mistress squeezed him in place. Her cock swelled up causing his jaw to almost entirely unhinge even further from it's popped out point, twisting the nerves with even more pain and completely plugging his throat. Due to his horrified flowing of tears from before his nose had become stuffy and he couldn't suck in any air from it. All he could do was hope that her orgasm finished soon or he would not be getting any air.

She let out a low moan as her second load of the night coursed up the tube in her shaft and burst free out of the long path from balls to cock and poured out directly down into Sammy's stomach. He could literally feel the hot goo run through its passageway in her cock, down his throat and out into the esophagus. He couldn't resist at all, all he could do was swallow, swallow, swallow, swallow. swallow. Her balls pulsed under his chin, seemingly so happy to release the piping hot load they had stored inside. Judging by the sheer size of them, who knows how much she could have in there. Plenty to fill his stomach up for sure. And apparently even more so as her cum just didn't seem to stop, like her load from the alleyway, there were almost constant spurts from it that came out quick enough to form a steady pulsing stream. Quickly overflowing as it's thickness tried to ooze its way through the tiny passage into Sammy's poor little tummy. It flowed up through the tiny spaces her cock couldn't seal and eventually spilled out into his mouth filling out his scarlet red, tear streaked cheeks. But it was too much to contain, and tiny traces of milk white cum spewed out in droplets from his swollen lips. Now he received a full taste of it, it's consistency being so thick that he could practically chew it had he been able to move his mouth. It's hot, bitter, salty taste made his vision go blurry and as it continued to pile into Sam, it seeped up into his nasal cavity looking for any amount of room to continue to spread. His stuffed nose suddenly huffed out yet another spurt of girl cum as her member seemed to finally be letting out its lasts few rounds of ammunition.

It felt as if he had eaten an entire huge bowl of hot soup with the amount of liquid fire she had so generously poured into him, leaving a disturbingly pleasant warm feeling in the pit of his abdomen. Sam hadn't eaten anything in the last few hours but as of right now, he felt very full. In fact feeling down on his stomach, it felt like it was puffing out more than usual. It was then he put two and two together and realized that she had given him enough cum to bloat him, he had a cum baby bump.

Alicia's chest heaved as she breathed out a sigh of satisfaction, she wasn't sure how much cum she filled him with exactly tonight, but she guessed based on her previous loads that she had probably pumped a good two, maybe even three liters or so into this boys ass and throat so far on this first date. "He'll definitely be needing more than that before I'm done..." She thought again biting her lower lip with sick, twisted thoughts of continued violation on her mind.

Broken out of her wicked thoughts by the sound of Julie's throat clear up front. Alicia looked up to see the blonde staring back at her with an eyebrow cocked. "Finish a little early?" She remarked.

Alicia rolled her eyes, "Oh please, I've got plenty more saved up for this cutie." She playfully tapped Sams cheek with a few more light slaps, completely ignoring the fact that his eyes were beginning to roll back. Clearly on his last few seconds of consciousness from no air making it to his pained lungs. More pangs of pain surged from the contact on his throbbing jaw. "Oh quit your whining already." She said and with a rather non-gentle push, she opened her legs and slid Sam back off of her semi-rigid cock. It gave a sickening suction sound as the bulge in Samuel's neck traveled back up his throat's pipe to his mouth and slipped out with an audible 'Shluuurp' trailing a long rope of milky white girl cum along with it. Sam quickly clutched his neck and coughed up a few spews of spit and cum down onto the car floor. Guttural sputtering noises came from below the unsympathetic women, Alicia reached down into her purse on the seat beside her to produce a wrap of a few dollar bills while Sam continued to dry heave. They looked to be mostly twenties as this Uber ride was definitely a bit longer than the ride Sam took to get from his home to the bar. Alicia must've lived on the complete opposite side of town. "Your usual rate?" She said passing the cash over to Julie in the front.

She took the folded up money and briefly counted it before nodding in approval, "Yup that's it, thank you very much." After pocketing it, she looked down at the watery-eyed boy who looked quite worse for wear. His jaw hanging limply still offset from the abuse, but seeming to feel no pity towards him at all, she said, "Enjoy the rest of your evening." And with a wink, she turned back around in her seat leaving his line of sight.

"Oh we will, thanks again Julie." Suddenly Sam felt his hair being grabbed again and was met with a few more playful slaps to his face, only this time it was by her flaccid member and not her hand. "Right Sweetie?" The 'thwap' sound it made only served to empower both the feelings of pain and humiliation he felt each time it made contact. "Hmm, should probably fix this first though..." She dragged the large spongy tip along his loose lips, applying a bit of pressure onto his lower one and pushing his jaw down. Sam squinted his eyes closed again as the soreness tightened causing him to groan out loud. "Here, lemme get that for you." Before he could defend himself, Alicia maneuvered her third leg around from his mouth to beneath his injured bone, and with a quick shove upward, popped his jaw back into place.

The sound of readjusting bone was loud enough to audibly be heard by all three passengers in the car. Immediately Sam cried out "AUUughh!" His hand coming up to clasp over his, now able to be shut, mouth. Another shot of torture quickly jolted up his head and very quickly dulled down to a light aching.

"Don't want any permanent damage now do we?" Alicia said, a smirk of sadistic delight adorned her face while she watched Sam hunch over into her thigh, practically weeping against her. She petted his hair almost comfortingly while still relishing in the boy's torment.

"Ouuff." Julie said up front, still not looking back. "That sounded like an owie Alicia. It's his first night, be nice." She playfully tried to sound concerned, to which Alicia merely snickered at the suggestion.

"Please, he'll get use to it." She said before opening the door to her side and began to lead him out. Not fully jerking him along, but definitely pulling him by the hair enough as to force him to follow her out. Being lead on the floor of the car however, all he managed to do was scramble down and onto the sidewalk outside. His bare palms and knees roughly touched down onto the stone while Alicia swung the door closed behind him, the chilly early morning air felt especially cold on his completely butt naked form.

Within a moment the vehicle was driving off, its tires making tiny crushing sounds as they rode over the pebbles in the road, abandoning Samuel to be alone with his new Mistress. He looked up and around from his lower point at her feet to scan over his surroundings. The sky was black with a few freckles of starlight peeking out through the darkness, he didn't have a watch or his phone so there was no way for him to know the exact time. But based on the lengthy car ride and what time it was when last he checked, he was able to ascertain that it was now probably well past midnight. Around him was a long empty street that was still with silence, a few rather large and pretty amazingly built tall houses could be seen on each side of the road including the one directly in front of him. He did not recognize the area at all. "Where am I?" He asked shivering slightly as he rubbed his achy jaw line and a particularly cold breath of wind chilled his behind.

He was met with no answer at first as Alicia left him in that spot and stepped forward to the front door of seemingly her house, easily twice the size of Sammy's entire apartment building. It was practically like she had a house that perfectly matched her in size and glory. Two stories high, dark paint that he couldn't really make out the exact color of due to the lack of light, with a two car garage off to the side with no car parked in sight. She appeared to be unlocking the front door and before he could even get up off the ground, he heard a faint humming sound, then a long beep followed by a 'click' and she pushed her front door open, reaching inside to turn on the front room light. "Your new home sweetie."

From within the house, and electronic young male voice calmly spoke, "Welcome home Mistress, how was your evening?"

"Amazing Alex, thank you," Alicia said stepping aside and turning around to face Sam. He could now see that there was a blue key panel beside the door with a glowing fingerprint scanner on top. She gestured for him to enter.

Sam continued to shiver but now out of both cold and fear. This woman had to be crazy, she had literally fucked him raw an hour ago, kidnapped him, and now was trying to get him into her house. Also he was still naked!

Should he run? This might be his best chance to take off as she was now maybe a good twenty or so feet away, but with her being much bigger than himself, and his bare feet on the pavement, he guessed that she might be able to catch up to him very easily if he tried to get away.

Cautiously he glanced behind him towards the direction the Uber had driven in. There were no street lights beyond the end of the road and it just stretched on into ever growing blackness. With no knowledge of where he was, he'd be running off into oblivion and throwing himself to the mercy of possible wild animals and exposure. The temperature wasn't going to be getting warmer anytime soon, and he knew that there were some coyotes that roamed around his area sometimes. That is if they were even in his town anymore.

He was torn away from his single glance by a very loud, very annoyed sounding 'Ahem' ahead of him. Alicia now stood with one hand on her hip, and the other holding the front door open. Her hanging cock still somehow maintaining some solid rigidity, pulsed in the distance. Not satisfied. "" The stern tone seemed to have even more weight to it from a distance rather than when it did up close and personal. Sams ass already felt like it was in pain again just at the sound of her, he wasn't sure what to do at first, so for a moment he just sat there. Eyeing her back like a deer caught in headlights. He was lucky she was being patient with him and allowing him to come to her on his own, if she hadn't already cum twice tonight, she would've dragged him kicking and screaming inside by his hair already. Thankfully she didn't have to do that as it seemed he was forming the correct response in his head.

He didn't want to disobey her again, she had violated him enough for one evening. But when he thought about it, there weren't really many other options here. "What else can I do?" He thought feeling his heart sink in reluctance. But as he started to rise up to his feet, prepared to walk to his doom, he was interrupted by Alicia.

"Ah, ah, ah." She raised her index finger, Sam flinched at the simple movement and froze in place. She then pointed downward in front of herself, "You be a good boy now, and crawl to momma." He almost felt the urge to roll his eyes, of course she'd want him to do that. At this point, he shouldn't have even been surprised but still he felt a wave of embarrassment suddenly creep up in addition to his own shock and fear over the whole situation. This was humiliating, to be commanded in such a way to move like a dog at the feet of a freakishly large woman with an even more freakishly large dick bobbing up and down with every heart beat. But again, were there any other options? So hanging his head in defeat, he lowered himself onto all fours and began to crawl towards her at a snail's pace. He could hear a slight huff from her as she let out a satisfied chuckle, "Goooood boooy." With each movement of his limbs, he could practically feel the large amounts of baby batter she had dumped into him churning around in his stomach. On top of that, the sheer humiliation of the whole scenario was beginning to make him feel sick. Alicia tapped her thigh twice as if she was calling a puppy, "Come on sweetie, come look at your new home. Good boy!"

Suddenly a slight rumble of annoyance and frustration began to billow up in Sam's body, maybe it was from the lukewarm jizz pooled in his belly that caused the start of an angry wave of heat to reach his face. She was treating him like a newly bought pet, and somehow it was striking the nerves of his self-esteem within him, calling on them to act. Eventually, he reached the front step of her home and climbed inside, his Mistress eagerly shutting the door and hearing it lock behind them. But finding the strength to utter a sentence, Sam defiantly muttered, "...I'm not a dog..."

The air went dead silent, and the anger fueled heat that rose up to his cheeks immediately cooled as he realized that what he said was audible enough for her to hear it. Any bravery he had in the heat of the moment was gone.

"...What did you say...?" She asked, disturbingly sweetly. Similar to the way she talked when they first met in the bar.

Sam was completely paralyzed, she was already rough on him before when he hadn't pissed her off. But now it was starting to sink in just exactly what she could do to him, now that he was in her house and grasp. The gravity of the situation finally weighing on him, making him regret every decision he had made in his life that had helped him make it to this point.

"I...I-" He didn't get to finish as a sharp stinging pain suddenly clapped against his ass, spanking it veeeeeerryyy hard. The loud 'WHACK' echoed throughout the large space in the house. "AH!" Sam yelped and recoiled forward away from the smack but was very quickly met with another hit to the opposite cheek.

"You never talk back to your Mistress EVER you little slut!" She spanked him again, alternating between as cheeks. The tanned skin quickly reddening from the sudden attack as Sam sunk down low on all fours trying to hide from her blows.

He was struck a good five or six times on each buttock, panicked Sam spasmodically began shouting "I'm sorry! I'm sorry Mistress! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it I'm sorry!" Each sharp sting rocketed through his body, sending jolt after jolt of pain and...something else to every one of his nerves. After she appeared finished with her spanking, she raised up her high heel covered foot and delivered a hard push to his rear end, stinging the flesh even more so and planting him face first onto the floor prone, again the ache in his jaw rising up from the impact.

Alicia stared down at his quivering form, seeing his now rosy rear glow with her large handprint. His bare naked body laying so vulnerable on the floor before her with one of his hands gingerly reaching behind him to rub one of the tender cheeks attempting to soothe it, enticing her now already fully hard cock to jump excitedly once again. But to her surprise, she happened to take a quick look between little Sammie's legs, and right before her eyes, she saw his own boyhood, sitting there pointing towards her, hard as a rock. Maybe even a bit of precum dripping from the head.

"Hmm, looks like somebody likes to be punished." She thought with glee. The same twisted perverse thoughts singing songs of lust in her mind as she stepped over his helpless, heaving for breath body. " don't like being treated like a dog huh?" She then began rummaging around in her purse for something...special for him. "That's ok...I don't have to treat you like a dog then." From the confines of her bag, she located a small elastic bracelet that looked about the right size. "This will do juuuust fine." She thought, then squatted down above him and plopped her womanhood against his ass crack, slowly dragging it down.

Sam's eyes shot open instantly recognizing the warm rod of meat adventuring between the valley of his ass. He tried to turn his head only to see her with one hand on the small of his back, while the other was holding a small pink elastic band of some kind that she was guiding towards his hard prick. "I can just treat you like the natural little whore that you are." And this time instead of spanking his ass, her hand came down and slapped onto his vulnerable testicles.

Now being the most sensitive spot on the entire male body, the sudden gut-wrenching pain that exploded within him was awful. She hit them repeatedly causing his legs to spasm and kick out beneath her as he cried out, "AHH STOP! Please stop!" Her large hand then swept up his entire boyhood and squeezed it mercilessly. "Owwww! Please! Mistress! It hurts! Please don't!" She held him by his privates, preventing him from scrambling away from her on the hardwood floor. But his bodies natural self-preservation reaction didn't stop him from trying as his arms reached out wildly trying to find purchase on anything they could grab, finding nothing within reach.

The new intense pain from the series of blows on his balls had caused his erection to deflate and shrink in her grasp down to a softer size, not entirely, but enough to make it easier to strap the elastic band around them. She quickly went to work wrapping the pink band around his genitals with expertise, stretching it out to tie up just above the perineum, then loop back around to cover the base of his cock. Nausea began to rise up in Sammy's stomach after the amount of punishment dealt to his delicate parts.

After she finished securing her last minute chastity device on her toy, Alicia released the spasming boy from her hold with his cock and balls bound nice and tight. Leaving him a heaving mess on the floor, she leaned back with a satisfied smile. "There, this will make sure you stay a good bo-...Oh, that's right my mistake. Not a good boy..." She re-aligned the tip of her monster to present it to his entrance. "A good whore..."

"Wait! No, no no-" Just like last time, he couldn't stop her as he felt the pressure of its thick girth penetrating his anal ring. His sphincter instinctively clenching a little too late as it wormed it's way inside. "AHHHH!" He screamed feeling the familiar burning sensation rip up his spine while his entire body stiffened, going as stiff as a board on the floor.

With her signature sadist grin, Alicia sank deeper into the wailing boy. Relishing the extremely tight fit of his resisting insides, the spit he had coated her with unfortunately for him had dried some and wasn't very good lubricant for this situation. But he was being punished after all, so it was time for him to learn it was her way, or the up his ass highway.

Still squatting over him, she began to steadily rock her hips, not being gentle in any way similar to how she had taken him on the dumpster, preparing herself for a deep dive in. "We won't need lube, we don't even need foreplay. Hell, you're such a little slut I can stick it all the way in you completely dry right?"

Fearfully with fresh tears spilling out his eyes, Sam frantically shook his head. "Pleeease! I'll be good I swear, please don't put it all in please!"

"Oh I know you'll be good from now on." Suddenly he felt a massive weight pressed down onto his upper body and head. She had laid her torso over his own, practically smothering him with her breasts, but keeping her hips up just long enough to whisper in his ear. "I'll make sure of it." And with one fate-sealing shove, Alicia drove her cock balls deep into his trapped ass. It plunged far into his anus, sinking all sixteen inches into his bowels and bulging once again out in his abdomen. His eyes widened and he tried to scream but her tits snuffed out his cries. He was sure she had to have torn him, or if not just stretched him to unbearable levels as he felt ripping pain tear through his pelvis. He tried to squirm but now that she had lowered her bottom half onto him as well, he could barely move and once again he found the air torn from his lungs. His senses were going crazy, it hurt so much, a sharp searing pain cutting up his back starting from his abused pucker and surging to the top of his head.

"This can't be happening to me..." Sam thought feeling suddenly very sick again as if her cock went so deep that it punched his poor little tummy and once again churned up its contents.

Not one to waste time, Alicia started moving her hips, sawing her giant she-cock into her victim. His tight pulsing love hole unwillingly squeezing her in a death grip, such a sweet feeling to have a broken boy's ass wrapped around your girth.

"You see? Your ass is fucking peeeerfect for my cock sweetie." She said tilting her head for a moment, loving the sensations coursing through her. She could very quickly get used to this. "But oh, that's right. You want to be treated like a proper whore, not a puppy. Well here..." She said pushing up off of the floor giving him his breath back for a moment, but only to grab him from the underside of his knees and lift him up entirely off the ground, with just as much ease as she had done before. She held him with his back against her breasts, and her hands holding his legs spread wide apart allowing his tied cock to bounce with each upward shove she gave, Sam's hands reached down behind him and clutched at her shirt for both support and for something to simply grasp onto to help channel his pain. "Let me give you a tour of the house that I'll be fucking you in from now on. the foyer." She spoke in between grunts of plundering the boy's insides.

With incredible coordination, Alicia managed to continuously bounce Sam up and down on her throbbing girl cock while turning back and forth to give him a good look at his surroundings. It was a large open space with hardwood floors and a glass chandelier above that provided the light. One hallway directly in front of him leading down to what appeared to be an entrance to a kitchen at the end, a basement to the side of it and living room access to the other side. Next to that was a stairway leading up to the second floor, and directly to his left was the main living room entrance, while to the right was what appeared to be a dining room.

Practically none of this seemed to register in the poor boy's mind however as a cacophony of his cries and moans simply echoed in the vicinity of wherever his Mistress turned him. The only thing he could focus on was the feeling of her monster punching its way into his guts over and over again. His nipples were now as stiff as diamonds, unlike his semi-hard cock which swayed with the same amount of enthusiasm as the rest of his body. Blood tried desperately to force its way beyond the tight clutching elastic straining against his flesh to no avail. Like a rag doll being used to pleasure his Goddess. It actually slapped into his bloating testicles a few times almost painfully, but he was too focused on the dick rearranging his insides to really notice. His feet also rapidly bounced with their movement and his toes went stiff, he kept on clenching trying to force the invader out of his body. But she was far too deep inside, there was no way he ever could stop her.

The next several hours were like the most extensive exercise Sammy had ever experienced. Alicia slowly walked him around her entire mansion of a house, casually showing him each room while simultaneously keeping him on her cock. Pulling him back and forth on it without a moment's reprieve. Occasionally she would stop and show him a piece of furniture up close by plopping him down onto it and changing their positions. She spun him around and laid him on his back on the dining room table while she viciously pumped into him. She bent him over the kitchen counter, keeping him high enough so that he could just barely touch the ground on his tip toes while she fucked him from behind. And she practically just held him by his stomach while she took him upstairs, and yanked him down on her cock over and over again. During the first of it, there was nothing but sheer agony for him, the baseball bat size length and girth of her dick was just too much for him. Thankfully as she went on his body seemed to start adjusting to try and accommodate her huge intruder. There was still pain, but thankfully no more massive burning or tearing sensation. It jelled down to more of a dull ache and uncomfortable full feeling rather than just torture.

He had no idea how long they had been doing this, but as he saw some light begin to peak through the windows as time went on, growing brighter and brighter, he realized that she had been going at him for hours, and didn't appear to be slowing down. She would stop in every room and occasionally twirl him around to give him a good look, and if she stopped to talk about a piece of furniture or something, odds are she was going to fuck him on it.

She also cheerfully reminded him that she had cum twice today already, so cumming a third time would take a little longer. Plus she didn't want to spoil her new slut's tour now would she?

After some more time had passed, Sam was completely soaked in sweat. His hair was damp and matted to his face in loose messy strands and his mouth completely dry from excessive heavy breathing. His body was completely limp from exhaustion, his arms flopping with no strength left in them as his legs did the same. Bouncing with every one of Alicia's pelvic thrusts, her balls working to spank Sam's raw bottom while her cock did all the internal work.

With each plunge her stiff rod took into his bowels, the bump in his stomach rocketed up and down showing very clearly where her cock was inside him. It mixed up the contents in his belly so much so that it felt as if he could vomit at any second. Alicia, of course, found this only even more enticing, and at one point actually reached around to grab at the bulging flesh on his front. She squeezed her dick through his stomach and began to rub it up and down while fucking him, effectively jerking herself off while still inside.

"Oooouu, that feels good..." She gripped his belly tight, squeezing the flesh as she gyrated upward into him. The uncomfortable nature of this lewd act forced Sam to hunch over and practically retch. His guts were not meant to move that way, and yet she was making it happen. "Oh fuuuck yeah that feels reeeeally good..." Alicia closed her eyes and nodded her head back, gripping him through his belly made for a somehow even tighter channel to plunge her shaft into. Her cock was practically singing it was so good. Her thrusts got more aggressive and she gritted her teeth hard, "Fuck! Yes! You are a dog! You got that bitch? You're my slut puppy for good now understand!?" She sneered at him, "OOoh shit...I think this's gonna make me cum...oh fuck yes it is!"

Sam was on the verge of throwing up, the horrible nausea this bizarre churning caused was making his head dizzy. "Plleah...uhhhghh...dahhu..." He tried to plead, but all that came out was a blubbering mess of jumbled words as her pace became more erratic before a final hot burst erupted in his tummy.

"OOOH fffffuuuck yessss I'm cumming..." Alicia slowly said, both of them feeling her hardness throb out another whopping load into him. The bulge her cock caused was distending him enough that it looked like each spurt out of the tip almost looked like a little baby kicking right where her load shot out.

Another pint or so was blown from her endless supply ballsack hanging below him as Sam felt his belly distend even more, the heat renewing with each twitch of his Mistress's monster.

Suddenly though Sam found himself entirely lifted off of her shaft, hearing a loud 'pop' and a rough yank feeling as her thick prick wrenched itself free from his hot depths. A very thick string of cum both old, and fresh connected the slit on her head to his throbbing star, clearly, she produced massive quantities of cum out of those giant testicles. It didn't seem physically possible, but this Goddess somehow had found a way.

His ass hole gaping as she did so and her gloppy semen spilled out but she did not put him down just yet, instead she carried him to the living room while it dripped, "This is too much fun to stop now but," She yawned, "I think we can take a little break for a nap. We've been at it all day and it would do me good to take a breath don't you think Sammy?" With that she plopped herself and her limp lover onto the couch and laid the two of them out with Sam down below her waist and herself with her head on the pillow.

While Sam was thankful for a second away from the intensity of his all day anal decimation, he suddenly found himself being pulled face down into her lap, with her moist dick back into his face. Looking not as hard as it was a moment ago, but still ready for more.

" said...we-" She thumped him in his sweaty face with her body fluid covered meat cutting off his words before taking hold of his head and stuffing the tip of her dick between his lips, pressing down on the top side for it to easily slip down his gullet like before. "Glllrrr!" Was the only other thing Sam managed to get out as the taste of her meaty shaft mixed with his ass and her residual cum happily squirmed down his throat with little resistance.

Alicia simply laid back hooking one leg around the back of Sam's neck and tightened it there while she placed both her hands behind her head, "I said I could use a nap baby. I never said you were getting a break." She closed her eyelids with a smug smirk on her lips, "Now be a good boy and suck momma again." She finished off shifting her position a bit to get comfortable while the tortured soul between her legs had nowhere to go.

He did attempt to struggle for a while, only now he was beginning to realize that she liked it when he did that because his throat moved back and forth effectively massaging her veiny texture sheathed in his neck. Plus he was too tired to put up really any amount of a fight, his ass was so sore and his jaw once again was uncomfortably stretched wide open along with his throat having to open up to accept her monster size. He mumbled and moaned weakly on occasion as he watched his Mistress drift off into a relaxed doze while he had to nurse on her appendage like it was his whole purpose in life. He could literally feel the slight dripping of her cock, oozing it's precum into his passage freely and into his beyond full tummy. He wanted to vomit, to expel the constant stream of seminal fluid from entering his body, but his tunnel was blocked. He was completely and utterly trapped.

After what seemed like an hour had passed in this relaxed state of pure bliss for Alicia. Suddenly she started to feel a light pressure in her loins, a very familiar one that had her almost sigh in aggravation.

She needed to pee, after emptying her balls so many times, it was only a matter of time before her bladder needed to be emptied too. So lazily she peeked one eye open down at suffering Sammy. Red in the face, glassy eyes, tussled hair, and sweaty forehead.

She got an idea. A sick, twisted, sexy idea...

"Hi sweetie, I'm having a good are you doing?" She teased him, knowing that all she'd get as an answer was 'Mmmflmmmmm.' "That's good..." She giggled. "I've got to use the ladies room baby...only problem is I'm just sooooooo comfortable. And your throat just feels too good to move." She told him, unsure of how much he was actually processing in this choking and weakened state. "Hmmm...oh won't mind will you?" She asked quirking her eyebrow a bit before giving him a sly smirk. Again he couldn't reply, so she did for him. "That's what I relax..." She told him closing her eyes again and lazily reaching down with one hand to stroke his cheek.

Sam grew more and more confused at what she meant by telling him all this, until he felt it. A sudden warm vibration from the underside of her cock, running down his neck until it came out of the tip and began to stream down his gullet and into his body. A hot liquid started flowing directly out of her and into him, but it wasn't cum, it was too smooth and not thick enough to be cum. But it didn't take long for Sam to figure it out. What she was doing to him...she was...pissing inside of him.

"This is...this can't be...happening to me...please" Probably his last coherent thought of the night was realizing this woman was using him as a toilet and relieving herself down his throat. Alicia reached over from his cheek and pinched his nose shut reinvigorating his panicked state.

"Drink up baby...drink it all...every...last...drop..." She repeated these words over and over, making sure that before he faded away that they were the last things he heard as she continued to drain her bladder into her pet boy.

There was no fight in him now, and as the time crept by. Letting out one last weak moan sending another delightful vibration through her cock and into her balls. Sam felt his own eyes roll back, with no air left, her pinching his nose closed and exhaustion catching up to him as his vision finally went black. Unconsciousness his only escape from his new and unforgiving Mistress.

She released his nose and allowed him to breathe again, but waited long enough to make sure he was out first. Alicia wanted to be sure he would be out cold for the next few hours, she'd spent a good portion of the day plowing his brains out. But she needed a little more sleep to help recuperate for her visit tonight. So she too closed her eyes again intent on getting another few winks before going.

Afterward, she collected his unconscious form and carried him to the upstairs bathroom to help clean him up. She didn't want him to wake with dried sweat and cum mixed all over him, as funny as that may be. She did promise to clean him in the alley, and Alicia was a woman of her word. So she gently stripped herself down to nothing, finally baring her huge tits to Sam. Too bad he wasn't awake to see them and went to work on laying him in the bathtub and using a hot washcloth with some soap to scrub him clean. Albeit gently, she didn't want to risk waking him, and running a full bath might do that. Besides, she didn't want to completely wash him, so that when he awoke, she could jump on the opportunity to take a shower with him.

But once that was done, she laid him down in her large king sized bed and fumbled around her nightstand for something to make sure he wouldn't wake and try to escape. Not that he could if he tried, the house was digitally locked and he had no print on file, so even if he could get out of the bonds she'd put him in, he wasn't going anywhere.

She placed a bright red collar around his neck with a five-foot length of chain and linked it to the bolted carabiner on the headboard above her bed. She'd need to get him his own proper collar soon, and give him a cute new name. But that was a job for another day, now it was time for her to change clothes and head out.

Today was her weekly visit to go see Teddy.

Hope Hospital

Alicia slowly walked through the halls listening to the click of her heels echo on the floor. No matter how many times she showed up, she still got a little nervous about seeing him. She was dressed in a crimson red dress and matching heels, "His favorite color..." and had re-applied some fresh make up for the occasion. Giving herself bright red lips, black eyeliner, and just a hint of blush. Although she was naturally blushing anyways at the thought of him.

Julie was in the car waiting and the longer she took, the higher the bill was gonna be so it was better to make this quick. Plus with Sam asleep back at the house, she knew she was running on borrowed time anyways.

The nurse at the front desk immediately recognized Alicia as one of their regular visitors and allowed her in to see her, 'past prey.' Hope Hospital was essentially a haven for women like Alicia who had 'lost' their loved ones due to overaggressiveness on the ladies part, or through other unfortunate circumstances. But either way, this was the place where her last lovers were and every Sunday Alicia came by to see them.

She passed room after room, each of them harboring a different young man. Varying from all ages and appearances, all locked in a peaceful look of sleep. Comatose after she had gone too far with them. Some with concussions, others with broken bones, crushed windpipes, all however were victims of not being able to handle enough encounters with the Miracle Mistress.

It did make her feel bad, and she made sure to give each of them a quiet greeting and an 'I hope you get better soon' to them all. She did regret her inexperienced past before she knew how to handle with better care, she lacked the experience to hold back when it counted most. And it cost her many relationships and many little broken men in Hope.

But the thing it cost her most of all, above all the other men who gave her happiness and pleasure. Him, in room 108, the one she regretted the most.

Her Teddy.

Quietly she peeked inside the room to see him laying there. Sleeping sweetly in his bed, the same way she remembered he use to, before and after the coma. Before his back and neck were broken.

Alicia wanted to kick herself every time she thought about it. How could she have been so careless and stupid! But she was younger at the time, and a young and wild girl with a big cock is a dangerous thing. But that's what Teddy liked about her, he liked it when she was dangerous, he liked it when she was vicious and ruthless. But evidently, she was too much for him.

"Hello love." She whispered locking the door behind her, sad when he didn't reply and turning the slit sign over to 'Couples Physical Therapy In Session.' Being a hospital for these types of injuries for this specific clientele, it was always equipped for visits like Alicia's. She set her purse down on the floor and watched his motionless form. Thankfully he was no longer in all the bulky casts and equipment to help him heal, his body was broken years ago and had never fully recovered. However, he wasn't as bad as he was before and still remained in this unconscious state, not coming back to her. Possibly, never coming back to her. How many years now had it been?

"Too many..." She thought, taking ginger steps towards him. Teddy was her first, and she wanted him to be her only, but now here they were again. About to have another Sunday go at it. Only it wouldn't be nearly as fun as it use to be.

Alicia began to strip, slowly pushing the straps of her dress over her shoulders, "I miss you baby, I miss you more every day." She got the dress down past her waist and wiggled her hips to help it drop free. Exposing her naked body to the comatose boy's body, clad in nothing but the red heels. Teddy loved it when she kept them on for play time. She moved closer to the bed, her breasts jiggling slightly as she climbed up onto the soft hospital bed with him, and her cock springing up at the thought of being inside her lover again.

He had long dark hair like Sam's, and deep brown eyes which she longed to look into again but knew that she couldn't. "But I found someone else now...and I think that I can do it right this time." She pulled his blankets away, "He's cute, a little feisty. He actually talked back to me today, it was amazing. I mean his balls are so tiny who knew that they'd make up for their lack of size with a little fight. But when he does, he's soooo good at submitting. It actually reminds me of you." Her words were falling on deaf ears, but she liked to think that maybe he could hear her somehow. And she hoped he could feel her too as she lifted up his hospital gown, showing off his bare legs and soft cock. She pushed his limp thighs up to spread his legs and leaned down to tenderly kiss and lick at his ass hole. The hole she had fucked countless time and loved so much.

Her tongue lapped at his pucker repeatedly, he tasted so good. So sweet, it made her realize she actually hadn't tasted Sam's own ass yet, but that was something else she could look forward to.

After lubing him up enough, Alicia crawled up his body, kissing the naked skin where she could along the way. Treating him how you would a tender lover, until her cock made contact with his crack. Oh how she longed to feel him from the inside, every moment of every day. Looking into his sleeping face she whispered again, "I miss you so much baby. But I'm going to try and love again...and I think I can this time...No matter what though..." She leaned down and kissed his soft lips, while her tip adjusted and kissed at the wet entrance to his tunnel. "I still love you..."

She pushed inside.

He was tight...oh sooooooo tight. Alicia actually let out a hot shaky breath upon feeling his farmiliar tightness around her. It wasn't the same now since he couldn't squeeze her, clench up around her, or rock his hips against her. But it was him, and he felt so good. With tenderness and a gentleness Alicia kept hidden deep inside her dominant exterior, she quietly moaned and bucked into him missionary style. Carefully moving her hips and sawing her cock in and out of his depths. "Oooohhh baby..." Her voice was hushed, "I love it when you let me fuck you..." She spoke directly in his ear.

"I love it when you fuck me..." She could almost hear his sweet voice whispering back to her like he use to. How he would dirty talk back to her like the good boy he was. Ohhh he was so good... "Pound me hard baby...oooohhh fuck me with that big cock...plleeease...I love it, you know I do..." His arching exhilerated moans were like music to her ears, and Alicia's breath quickened along with her pace. The bed started to rock and squeek as her gentle movement got faster the deeper in memory she sank. "Give it to me sweetie..." His legs began to sway back and forth with her movement, she wished he would wrap them around her and pull her deeper.

"Ooohh Teddy..." Alicia moaned, her voice actually squeaking a little.

"Yes! Oh yes please more...give me more! I wanna be your cock slut...make me your bitch please! PLEASE MISTRESS!"

Her pelvis began to clap against the unmoving body below her, she kept her eyes shut tight. Knowing what she was doing was only a memory, but it felt so good. And she needed it. Her breathing grew heavier and heavier. "Oooooohhh...fuuuuuuuuckkk...yyyyeeeesssss..." She moaned, her cock head over heels in love with her for all of the tight holes it's been gripped by today.

"Mistress...I want your cum. Please! I've been a good boy...please can I have some cum from my mommy? Pretty please?"

"FUCK...yes you can sweetie..."

"Can it go inside Mistress? I wanna feeeeelll it all fill me up. Please?

"You're gonna make mommy cum baby...oh yes you're gonna make me cum!"

"Please cum mommy please! I want it all! Shoot your hot cum in me! Knock me up please! I deserve it, I deserve to get knocked up by a big fat girl cock!"

Her thrusts became wild, her next load building up, "FUCK!" She actually yelled, "Fuck yes take my babies Teddy!"

"Give it to me! I want everything you've got in your balls! Gimmie all that cum! I wanna be pregnant, I want your babies, I want it all, I want it! I want it now!"

Alicia couldn't contain the high pitch moan that shrieked out of her as she came. Depositing a load of pure passion into her former, still unmoving lover. Immediately she smashed her lips against his, driving her tongue into his non-responsive mouth while she pulsed her fertile seed into his belly.

After, she simply lay there. Still on top of his form, her body drawing in long gulps of air as she relished the slow waves of pleasure while coming down from her high. She kissed him again, wishing so bad that he would kiss her back. But who knows if that day would ever come. This was just a weekly visit that she needed to do. Just the same as any other girls like her did in this hospital.

She wanted to stay for a while longer and cuddle him again. But she knew that Julie still had the meter running, and she needed to get back to her house. So begrudgingly, she began to push up on her arms, ready to unsheathe herself from the still body below. Gently she kissed his forehead, "I'll see you next week baby. Hopefully, by then, Sam will be exactly what I hope he is." And with that it was time she got going, besides Alicia figured that she had one more good load left in her for tonight. And she knew exactly where to put it.

Alicia's Residence

Unfortunately for Sam, his peaceful knocked out state couldn't last forever. And after an unknown amount of time had passed again, he was ripped from his own sleeping state by a very similar sharp pain in his ass like before, along with a swift blow from an open palm to his face slapping him awake.

"Huh? Wha-" Another slap to his cheek sped the blurring of sleepiness away as he was able to focus on the dark brown eyes of his kidnapper above him, looking over her glasses with that terrifying grin. Naked in nothing except a pair of red high heels, her huge tits bouncing before his eyes.

"Welcome back baby, sleeping on the job huh?" She clicked her tongue and shook her head, "Baaaaad booooyyyyy." She sounded playful, but with a hard shove from her lower region, Sam came to the conclusion that she was not playing around.

A thick full feeling broke into his ass again, immediately diving in as deep as it could go. Sam arched his back and this time with nothing covering his mouth he screamed. Now fully awake and able to gauge that he was not on the couch anymore, it looked as if she had moved him upstairs to the master bedroom she showed him during their all day fucking session earlier. He was on his back in the large king sized bed, and Alicia was on her knees above him with his legs up over her shoulders gyrating her hips into his ass, picking up right where they left off.

Her hands went to the small of his back to hold him in this arched position, her refilled balls slapping his ass cheeks. She thought it was cute how as she watched her dick dive into his broken body, she noticed her balls were actually bigger than both his own prick and ball sack combined. And the distending caused by her dick pushing up against his belly was quite entertaining to watch. But she wasn't here to just amuse herself, after the long rough fucking she had given him all day, the Sunday visit fuck from before and now back here, she was finally close again. It was time to drop another load into this boy and make him her personal cum dump.

The bed rocked hard with their bodies movement, Sam clutched the sheets below only able to moan out now like a bitch in heat. His endorphins starting to kick in and block the pain making his mind go blank. All he was able to focus on all day was this dick plowing into him. It invaded him so many times, all he could feel was it pushing apart his anal muscles, rubbing and twisting in his belly with a delicious friction that made Alicia bite her lip, and his eyes to begin to roll back once more.

"Ahh! Aahh! Ahh! Aaahhh!" His arching moans beginning to get louder and louder, no longer able to feel any more pain, his body was defaulting to the only other feeling it could generate from having his prostate abused on such a level.


Alicia could see it in his face now, he was starting to enjoy this. It took a little longer than their romp on the dumpster, but now she could feel it in her cock. His ass was squeezing her, not in a clenched up way to try and kick her out, oh no not that at all. It was squeezing her in an attempt to suck her further in. It wanted her to go deeper. Sam wanted her to go deeper.

"That's right...that's a good boy. That's right!" She then stood up on the bed, not removing her cock or slowing down her thrusts. She lifted his lower body upward so that his ass faced the ceiling and she stood directly over him. His legs falling from her shoulders and landing by his head ankles behind his ears. From this angle she could lean over him and as she did when they first arrived here, she sank her weight down below onto the poor boy, crushing him beneath her and somehow managing to plunge her cock even deeper into him. Sam felt like the tip of her cock had literally entered his stomach, it's contents suddenly rising up and jostling around while she plowed down again. "You know...I should tell you Sam." She spoke in between hot and heavy breaths. A few strands of her own dark hair coming loose from her ponytail and swinging in front of her beautiful determined face. "You're not the first I've brought here. You're not the first cute little boy I've fucked." She picked up speed while she talked to him, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as his body flailed and bounced on the bed. "I've brought soooo many little men to my home. And fucked them over and over again." She giggled, "But none of them could handle me..." Her face suddenly shifted from sadistic delight into fake sadness, "They're all broken now...little old me was too much for them." For just a moment his eyes seemed to re-focus on her giving her what little attention he could muster. "Dozens of broken little men in coma's...all still sleeping soundly in Hope Hospital." She pouted her lips cutely, "You won't break on me will you? I can fuck you every, single, day! Right?" With those three words she gave him three particularly hard thrusts, each one caused more of a sick rising up feeling in Sam's stomach. "'re a good boy now. Of course you will, you'll let me fuck you until you lose your mind won't you baby?" She finished off with another sick giggle that grew in volume until she tilted her head back in a fit villainous laughter, then she pressed down again continuing to smother him.

Sam's eyes once more rolled back, completely gone for the moment as her thrusts seemed to be reaching a crescendo of speed and Alicia gritted her teeth. Finally feeling the fifth load from her balls beginning to boil up, ready to mix in with her first three loads and the contents of her bladder in the pit of his belly. And with how deep she was already stuffed, she was sure it would get in there immediately.

A series of guttural almost animal like moans of broken pleasure came from Sam as he was totally gone for now, her words and her cock the only thing rattling around in his melted brain as she tilted her head up and let out a low grunt of much-needed final release.

Her balls finally allowing her cum to burst free and travel the long road up her cock and shoot out its tip. Dumping into Sam's already completely full tummy, it's sheer heat and quantity filling him more than he could hold and forcing his tummy to stretch out further than it had ever before. His belly swelled up, distending outward like it had earlier. His slight cum baby bump had now become like a fully pregnant belly. It was too much and finally now with nothing plugging his throat up, Sam felt the rising of something thick and gooey in his throat. And before he knew it he could taste a salty bitter substance flowing up his throat and into his mouth. He had to turn his head to the side as he began to spit out her milky white load from before, her cum was actually going in one end, and coming out the other as he vomited out a torrent of white baby batter from his lips.

All of this was too much for him again, the crushing weight of her smothering him, feeling more of her cum being pumped into him now, it was just too much. He had no energy left in him. Then for the second time, his eyes fully rolled back into his skull, and Sam left the waking world. The last thoughts that went through his mind, were the sound of Alicia's sadist laughing, and the realization that even though his cock was still tied and he didn't get to have an orgasm. It felt like he did, the feeling was so good.

It felt like he good...

Alicia pulled her meat free from his well-used hole and stepped back on the bed, her massive load immediately spewing out when she freed her cock, the only thing holding it in. She let his body flop down out cold on the bed and almost wanted to laugh at her now appearing pregnant little lover. After filling him with maybe over two and a half gallons or so of cum, possibly even three. They were pretty good sized loads. She knew that he was most likely out for the rest of the night.

But she was okay with that as her cock was now fully satisfied and hanging limply down by her knees, spent and content for now. But looking at the clock she realized what time it was. Eleven forty P.M. on Sunday night.

"Holy crap, I got really carried away." The whole day was put into the torment of this boy, and her Hope hospital visit. She had work tomorrow, so she decided that although it would be fun to play with him some more. It was time to go to bed.

She kicked off her shoes and finally felt fully satisfied for the day, so she retrieved a towel and went to work on wiping him off and patting him dry. Also removing the rubber band chastity she had placed on him earlier. She'd get him a proper cage soon enough. Once he wasn't dirty enough to soil the sheets, she placed him beneath them right up against her own nude form. Covering his still bloated belly with the sheets, she patted his pregnant tummy and gently rubbed it like a proud mother and spooning him from behind. Alicia really hoped this one would work out not like the others. None of her other men ever talked back in the slightest to her defiantly before, and somehow this boy here had the balls to do it.

And as she settled into her own pillow, clicking the nightstand light off and cuddling up close to her date, she ever so gently whispered, "Sleep tight baby, you'll need all the rest you can get for what I have planned for you..." She quietly giggled and carefully kissed the back of his head, "Welcome to your new world..."