MY MIRACLE MISTRESS ch 3 By DamienDeath20

Sam felt absolutely wrecked.

"Mmm...uuhhh..." He groaned softly, shifting around a bit on the comfortable bed. He actually believed for a moment in this half-conscious state, that he was awakening from a rather intense wet dream. "Dear Lord...what did I do last night?"

He felt a slight pull down near his pelvis but was too groggy at first to really pay attention. It wasn't until he felt a light pinch right on his genitals when he tried to roll over did he get jolted awake.

"Theeere we go...nice and snug." He heard an all too familiar terrifying voice from down near his pelvis.

Alicia had stirred awake long before her new pet had blinked his pretty brown eyes open. She took a few moments to admire her adorable new slut, her little cumguzzler.

"Hmm...cumguzzler. I like the sound of that. Sounds much better than just boring old Samuel." She thought with an evil grin. Her new pet needed a new name after all. She made a mental note of that as she went over in her head everything else she would need to do for him. He needed a collar, a leash, a bowl, some food. Quite a list of things she'd need to get him in order to provide for her puppy. However, as she thought about Sam all decked out in the appropriate 'attire' for his new life with her. Alicia felt her massive member down below already throbbing at the images. Just another day with morning wood, only now, she had a hole to remedy this problem. "But first..." She thought and carefully began to slide out of the bed.

Still stark naked, she crept over to a nearby drawer in her dresser and fished out a little present for him. And here she was now, carefully strapping it down and over his little manhood.

He wouldn't be needing it anymore anyway.

The strong bright red rubber material stretched over both his penis and balls and fit over them like a glove. She inserted the tiny hose into his urethra and snapped it all in place, his first chastity cage.

She figured that was what woke him up as the very tight accessory squeezed his lower regions like a cock-ring. Keeping him from being able to get an erection, only unlike many other cages and chastity devices, this one didn't come with a key. This was designed by Alicia herself, and only she knew how to take it off.

"Wha-?" Sam hazily rolled to his side, his blurry vision quickly coming to clear as he finally saw the giant woman fiddling with his junk below him.

And all the memories of the previous night came flooding back.

"Oh! Rise and shine sleepy head." Alicia greeted him sitting up away from his now contained genitals. "Hope you got a good rest, cause I've got a lot to do today, which means you do too." She said with a wink.

Sam quickly propped himself up onto his elbows and looked down at his Mistress. She pulled back away from his pelvis and sat up on her knees. Her raging sixteen-inch morning wood, erect and ready for another go at her cock sleeve. However Sammy's attention was more focused on the odd rubber covering that had been placed over his penis and ball sack.

"What...what is this? What did you do?" His hands reached down and tried to pull at the material enveloping him. But it was futile as he only ended up pinching his own flesh a few times, his prick was practically vacuum sealed. "Ow! Take it off, please take it off!"

Alicia just smirked and shook her head, clicking her tongue also. "No no no nooo...sweetie this is a part of you now silly boy. You better get used to it." Her eyes glanced between her girl meat and back up to Sam, "Speaking of things that are a part of you now...I've got a certain part that needs to go in you now."

Quickly he caught onto what she was hinting at and looked at her anus destroying sword with fear in his eyes. "A...again? But...I-"

"Ah, ah!" Alicia stopped him from protesting by reaching over and snatching his ankle, then tugging on his much smaller body so he would be within closer grasp. "The only butts that'll be used around here baby boy, is your sweet, tight one."

Sam brought his hands up in a vain attempt to protect himself, "Wait, wait, wait! I...I need..." His eyes frantically scanned around, trying to form some type of excuse to prolong his next fated anal rape. Eventually they fell upon the entrance to her full bathroom off to the side. "I need to use the bathroom!"

That gave Alicia pause, in this moment she realized that yesterday, she had fucked him almost the entire day. He hadn't been fed anything aside from a few helpings of her jizz, and a big drink from her bladder while she napped.

Which since it was morning again she knew she would most likely have another drink ready for him soon.

But also he hadn't had the chance to use the restroom either. Yes, he was her pet puppy now, and she could use him however she wanted whether he liked it or not, but also she needed to take care of him. He had needs just like she did, so instead of messing up again she would make sure she satisfied them.

"Okay baby." She leaned back and stepped off the end of the bed much to Sam's surprise. "I need to take a shower anyway, so c'mon, up." She curled her finger towards him commanding him to follow her to the bathroom and started in that direction. Sam however remained stunned that, that had worked and simply watched her large naked form move across the room. Was this an opening for him to use? Could he make a break for the door now and get outside? It was daytime now, maybe he cou- "C'mon boy!" He felt a hard jerk from his neck and he stumbled down the side of the bed and fell clumsily onto the soft carpet. Apparently when he wasn't looking, Alicia had picked up the leash she used to clip his red collar to the bed, and was now dragging him along the floor by it. "C'mon! Let's take a shower sweetie."

She did actually allow him to use the toilet while she started the shower thankfully. But other than that, there was no slowing her down when she was lusting for her new puppy's booty.

Sam's ass was stretched wider than a soda can when she penetrated him. His cheek slapped against the wet shower wall, it's cool tiled pattern was quite the contrast to the searing hot temperature of the water.

"Agh! Mistreblmm-!" His voice was muffled out as Alicia's body crushed against him, she ground up into his back. Pressing her massive tool in deep, up to the ball sack.

Her signature grin plastered her face, "Shhh baby, just relax, let me soap you up." The boy's body was lifted completely up off of the shower floor due to her much taller height, and his feet dangled helplessly while she reached over to grab up the bottle of body wash.

The shower was designed for Alicia's size, so there was more than enough room for the two of them. Hell the tub could fit four people of normal size, or one Alicia and one Sam. She just felt like being a little cruel and hoarding him into the wall, both for her own enjoyment and to actually wash the both of them.

After all their rigorous activities, they did need a good scrubbing.

The fresh scented soap drizzled out of the bottle and down between Alicia's hefty tits. Instead of using her hands she opted to use her chest to lather Sammy up. So the liquid quickly ran down both bodies fronts and smooshed between them. A generous amount was poured from the bottle before she closed the cap and placed it back on the shelf.

"She's gotta be kidding." Sam thought as he felt her dick pull out nearly dragging his bowels out with it. Then it stuffed itself back in up his guts, rubbing the two huge soft mounds of her bust all over the front of his body. Bubbles forming and slicking up the young practically rag doll state of a man.

Her flesh rubbed along his, effectively soaping up her own body too. She braced both her hands on the wall behind him for better leverage. His legs splayed apart and kept that way by her hips as she humped him.

"Here we go baby...get you all nice and clean..." Sam's face was almost buried between her breasts.

"Mmmm! Blmmbmm..." More mumbles came from between her chest valley.

It was at this moment as Sam was covered in suds, an idea popped into Alicia's head. Sam was soaking up the matter from the soap a decent amount, and as she slowly started fucking him she realized that his tiny body was effectively scrubbing her own front up and down with each move. "Hmmm...I wonder..." Alicia contemplated quietly, slowing her humping down a bit and focusing more on lathering up the small toy in her arms. "You know what baby? I think I just found another use for you!"

And of course, before Sam could choke out any words, his head was plunged between his Mistress's soft tits roughly. Then his body was pulled up and down against her skin at a rapid pace, rubbing his soap covered flesh all over.

Futilely he tried to moan out no, but it was if the cock in his ass punched out his voice box with how quickly and deep she drove it in. She was no longer rocking her pelvis to fuck him, she instead elected to simply use his body like a sponge and scrub herself all over while he limply hung on her rod. All Sam could see was her smooth skin being soaped up and washed away by his own face, and all he could hear was the rushing water from the shower, and an occasional giggle from his tormentor.

"Wow baby, look at you go! You're cleaning me up real good!" She encouraged him eventually even removing him from her long member. His anus gaping for a second from the sudden relief, but his body wasn't completely done yet. Her large hands flipped his form around to begin scrubbing in areas aside from her chest. Again, Sam was a rag doll as he was pushed under her sides, swung around to her back, under her arm pits, even down to between her ass crack. His suds working their magic and bathing Alicia like the most expensive scrubbing sponge. She spent a particular amount of time rubbing him between her legs, using his face and chest to clean the ball sack and pussy there. Seeming to get off on the friction he unwillingly generated.

Poor Samuel couldn't breathe from the droplets of water splashing off her body and rushing into his eyes, nose, and mouth. His vision blurred several times as his lungs began to burn, he never knew how much he should've appreciated oxygen until it was robbed from him by this sadistic BBW.

Thankfully after she had rubbed his face off on her feet for several minutes she pulled him back away from her body allowing him to gasp for breath. "Bah!...Aah...haahhh..." He panted, currently being held by his ankles upside down before Alicia.

"Aaaaalmost done sweetie, just one more spot to clean." Weakly Sam moaned out in sadness knowing his ordeal was not over. Only instead of being pressed to her form again, he felt her let go of one of his legs allowing it to hang while her hand retrieved the body wash again. Instead of spreading more on him however, she placed the nozzle directly against his loosened-up butt hole and squirted the wash directly inside of him. "Can't forget to clean my cock baby."

Just like that she spun him back around so he was face up and impaled him on her sixteen-inch sword. Holding him by his hips, she drove it belly deep into him.

"AGH-gaahghhh!" Sam blurted, eyes rolling back. The liquid soap definitely helped lube up his rectum a bit, but not enough. The tearing sensation still ripped through his twitching body as she fucked him again.

It was bad enough with her bouncing him up and down on her, but what made it worse, was when she let go of his hips and instead opted to support him by grabbing his caged cock instead.

A stomach-turning tension pulled at Sam and his scream didn't manage to make it out of his lungs. His body fell bending over backwards, his weight now only supported by his stretched boyhood and the girl meat jammed up his rear.

His pain only seemed to delight Alicia even more as a large open mouth smile spread across her face and more evil laughter came between her own grunts and moans of pleasure.

Sam's legs were spread eagle occasionally his feet bumping into the wet ceramic walls and his arms hung below his head as she flailed him. Eventually his eyes fully rolled back into his skull as Sam passed out from the pain. This didn't stop Alicia though, it only stirred her up more as her thrusts became more and more erratic, reaching an eventual fever pitch as she bucked into the unconscious boy. Her grip on his balls tightening, squeezing them in their tight cage until they were a bright pink.

Her head tilted back and she grit her teeth, a deep groan roaring from her chest when her first load of the day burst from the floodgates within her testicles.

Sam's ass couldn't tighten up and milk her as she blew her wad, but his muscles still unconsciously twitched while her thick seed spilled into his belly. And although it wasn't as good as when his body squeezed her, it still felt very nice.

It took about a minute for her to feel her climax slow from spewing ropes to a lighter drizzle, and eventually drips. And her balls felt sated and drained for now, thought she was sure they would refill again soon. Until then though, they were done here. So with a satisfied sigh, Alicia released Sam's small sad excuse for a cock, and let him slump off of her softening penis until he fell to the floor with a dull thump.

She turned off the shower and collected her toy, pulling back the curtain and stepping out of the tub to dry off. "Mmmm, you and me are gonna shower together more often my little man sponge." She giggled at the thought of it and grabbed her fluffy hung up towel nearby on the wall rack. One arm cradled his body in a semi-bear hug, while the other worked on drying the two of them off. Alicia hummed a quiet tune as she did this taking care to get her pet and herself completely dry before tossing the towel into the hamper and exiting the steamy bathroom. " sponge...I gotta write that down." She said hauling Samuel up over her shoulder and proceeding downstairs.

It was getting to be that time of the day when Julie would show up soon to take her to work. So she needed to get ready. And Sam being passed out would definitely make this process go much smoother. She let him sleep in her bed for his first night here but he was going to have to get use to his own bedroom sooner or later.

She unlocked the door to the basement, both dead bolt, key, and chain, and proceeded down the stairs. It was about ten stone steps down into a large mostly empty space, not including a single light bulb in the center of the ceiling which Alicia switched on, a small iron dog cage up against the far wall with a black dog collar hanging from it. Just big enough to fit a man if he was on all fours. How she liked all her men to be.

A play mat on the floor and a fridge with a counter to her left. No doors aside from the entrance, and no windows.

"I hope you like your new room slut boy." She teased him not caring that he couldn't hear her and gave his bare behind a good slap as she crossed the room to the cage. Her semi-soft girl cock bouncing every step of the way.

Carefully though, she placed him on the mat, then turned to undo the thumbprint padlock hooked into the latch of his new home. It came undone with a quiet click and she pulled the gate open, then reached inside to retrieve his collar. The one she put around his neck last night was just temporary and so was this one, she would get him his own proper one eventually.

The red collar was removed and this new black leather one slid into place with a 'snick' sound. Then while still sleeping like an adorable little puppy, she slid him into the cage and relocked the door shut.

"Ooohh he's so cute when he's sleeping!" She mused over him, now locked securely in his cage. "But okay, no time to wait around, I've gotta get ready for work." Quickly she practically skipped across the floor to the fridge in the corner and opened it up, retrieving a standard grey bowl and plastic baggy with a sticky note attached to it, dated about three weeks before. Thick viscous white fluid filled it, along with numerous other bags and bottles were stocked in the fridge. All of them with their own date, ranging from days, to weeks, to months old. "Just in case my puppy gets hungry while I'm gone." She unwrapped the tie at the top of the bag and poured its gloopy contents into the bowl. It slimily oozed into it taking several seconds just to fill it to the brim.

She then discarded the bag into a bin beneath the counter, and slipped the bowl of her special cum meal through the meal slot in the bars, only big enough to fit a flat bowl like this.

Then, feeling content and believing to have covered all bases, Alicia blew a quick kiss to Sam and said, "See you after work sweetie." Then spun on her heel to ascend the stone steps, clicking off the light and closing the door behind her.

Alicia's Office: Above Bridge's Bar

"Okay this thing is both a blessing and a damn curse." Alicia scowled down at her now rigid girl cock that kept thumping up against the wood on the underside of her desk. "C'mon, I'm trying to work here!" She almost yelled at it as if it would actually speak back.

This had been going on since she left home this morning. Thoughts of Sam's sweet asshole clutching her thick meat were bombarding her mind endlessly, she couldn't stop thinking about him. And it was distracting her immensely.

She told Julie about how much fun she had with him on the drive over, and was very happy to see Julie get rather flustered at the dirty images she filled her mind with. She could tell how horny retelling the events of her deprived acts with Sam made her. But the poor thing had no man of her own to help satisfy that girls needy dick. That should be against the law, no girl cock should go neglected in this world. Each needed a perfect tight boy booty, or throat to stuff itself into and satisfy its needs.

So after they had arrived at Bridge's Alicia asked if Julie would like some help finding a man. Julie at first politely declined, not wanting to seem desperate, but being the intuitive individual Alicia was, she could see right through that boy hungry girls' eyes. She wanted to fuck. And Alicia insisted on helping her. So, they made a date for after work to make Julie her own My Miracle Mistress profile, and catch her some prey of her own.

The only problem with this plan was that she was getting SO FUCKING IMPATIENT.

Normally Alicia could invest herself in her work and the hours would fly by with no problem. But now with her hot piece of ass waiting for her at home, the day just dragged on and was bogging her down unbearably.

She ran her fingers through her dark long locks and released a frustrated breath. "Focus Momma, just get this done." She leaned forward, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose to stare more intently at the screen in front of her. She was attempting to finalize several of the works of her new line of, what she deemed, 'Futa Gear.' Her crown jewel in the business of big girls with big cocks. This was either going to make, or break Alicia in the long run, so she had to be precise.

And after some time mulling it over in her head, she was able to draft up a design for a new product, the Man Sponge. But thinking about that and its uses only served to bring her back to her memories of the shower early this morning. Sam's poor weak little cries of agony and ecstasy on the end of her member.

The images flooded her mind without her being able to stop them, Sam facing the shower wall, both hands up against it, one leg bent slightly forward, his beautiful booty getting soaked by the hot water running down it. And his brown eyes peaking shyly over his shoulder at her. Waiting for her to take him.

'I...I'm ready for you...Mistress...'

"Come On..." Alicia's head hit the desk, one leg bouncing at a high rate as her nerves were set on edge. "Focus!" She lifted her head up again and tried to resume typing. She didn't want to ignore the images, it would be so easy to just lean back and rub one out now so she could get back to focusing on her job. But she didn't want to waste any of her seed, it was all for her pet boy, so she was trying her best to resist the urge to jerk off. But the urge was quickly growing.

His torso leans forward and he presses his cheek to the shower wall, both hands come around his back to grip his pliable tan butt cheeks and spread them apart, showing his hungry rosebud. 'Give me your cock...please? Mistress...'

Her big girl below twitched in the restricting confines of her pants. There was so much she had in store for him that she just couldn't stop thinking about, she needed to get him several items to ensure his new role as her puppy. She already had a good name in mind for him, and in time he would grow to accept it. He would grow to love her cock, to beg for her...

"Okay! Okay! Come on, Alicia!" She shook her head, "Just get this done then you can go to the store, and get him his leash, his bowl, his...cuffs...tails...plugs and...fuuuck..." Her fists balled up.

'Please...feed me Mistress...feed my butt your cock...please...Mommy...'

"Fuck it!" Alicia threw up her hands and angrily searched through the purse at her side for her phone. She fumbled with it as she found the device and quickly dialed up Julie's number.

It rang only once before the familiar soft voiced girl answered, "Hey Alicia, what's up?"

"Come back to Bridge's now babe, I'm leaving work early, I can't stand to wait any longer." She said hastily saving her tabs and files to close them out.

"Already? But...You've only been there for-"

Alicia cut her off, "I know, I know! There's an extra fifty bucks in it for you if you come get me and take me to the store now."

There was a pause, "...For real?"

And Alicia honored that promise. There was a reason Julie was Alicia's personal Uber driver, she was quick, efficient, and cute. Plus the two were good friends so they both essentially helped one another out.

Julie arrived about ten minutes after the call and picked Alicia up, taking her to the local Pet Smart store nearby. Of course Julie inquired about why the sudden rush of everything, and Alicia answered in the most direct way she could.

The moment she got in the car, Alicia unzipped her pants and flashed her throbbing dick at her wide-eyed driver. "This is why." Was all she said.

And that was more than enough for Julie.

The two big women now strolled through the pet store, Alicia pushing a cart and scanning every shelf looking for the perfect match for her boy pup.

" you think he'll like this one? Or maybe this one, it's a little sluttier but he's a slut so I think we can have fun with that." Alicia held two collars' up for comparison to her friend who was still a bit baffled by the whole circumstance.

"I didn't know you cared about what you're pet prefers." Julie stated honestly, "You seemed very unconcerned with how he felt the other night."

Alicia rolled her eyes, "Oh everybody needs to have it rough on their first night. It gets the worst of it out of the way so they know it can only get better from there for them as long as they're good...hmmm...and I think let's go with sluttier." She said dropping the black diamond encrusted leather collar into her cart. "I'm gonna have his new name embroidered onto his collar for him as soon as I can. Cumguzzler sounds good don't you think?"

Julie nodded, "Mhmm, sounds hot. Lucky you."

"Oh stop, you're gonna be getting a bitch of your own too as long as you follow my instructions on the site. The taller Mistress said walking further down the aisle, catching the eye of a very intimidated looking man and woman as they rounded the corner.

Julie suddenly looked a bit sheepish, "Do you think I'll make a good Mistress?"

"Well first off, you need to not doubt yourself because a lack of confidence is not something a Mistress has. But to answer your question, yes I do. You're hot, I mean look at you!" She gestured to the curvy body of her friend, Julie's dirty blonde hair was tied into a high ponytail and her eyes were crystal blue. She wasn't as busty as Alicia but her booty was bigger, she had hips that could kill and an ass to match. "You're sexy and I've seen that bulge in your skirt missy, that cock is something not to be ashamed of."

A blush crept up Julie's cheeks, "If you say so Alicia."

The pair continued browsing a bit more, selecting a few more items along the way that may come in handy for Alicia's puppy. But the real fun was ordering his doggy bowl, she didn't want him to have to eat out of that crappy cheap one she left him this morning, so she bought an expensive stainless steel one, with a gold placard, and his name engraved on it. Only the best for her boy.

It took all of Julie's willpower not to laugh at the expression the cashier gave her when Alicia administered the order. He gave her the look of an insane person, Alicia just winked.

After that was taken care of, they stopped by the grocery store to pick up some food for Sam as well. As much as she would like for him to have only a diet of her cum, she had to give him something special every now and again. Just in case she gets called away on business or if he's extra good, so he can have more than just her jizz.

She bought him some crackers, cheese, some cheerios, and a selection of fruits. Apples, strawberries, bananas, blueberries, etc. Along with a carton of orange juice.

The entire time Julie stayed and shopped with her, listening as Alicia weaved the tale of her and Sam's first 'romantic' evening together. She took care not to skip out on any of the graphic details.

She spoke about how his ass hugged her like it never wanted to let go, and his belly bloated so big cause it held all of her cum inside like such a greedy little slut would.

Both women were at full mast while discussing this, and Julie was becoming more and more intrigued about joining the website the further into detail they went. Thankfully, Julie counted the erotic story as payment for the time in the stores. Not charging Alicia any extra, a gesture that she promised she would repay her younger friend for.

The entire shopping trip took a little over an hour but it eventually was completed and Alicia requested they drive home. And a wave of excitement and anticipation whooshed through the girls. It made driving a little hard for Julie, but she managed to make it from the store to Alicia's home without any accidents thankfully.

Alicia practically threw the door open after they parked and rushed to her front door, Julie wasn't far behind. Her home system greeted her again with a 'Welcome Home Mistress' as she flew through the door, bags of supplies wrapped around her arms.

Julie stepped inside behind her and shut the door while Alicia brought her bags to the kitchen. "Go ahead and sit down in the living room babe. I'll get my laptop, you get comfortable. I need to get out of these fucking pants!" Alicia said not unpacking the groceries and took off upstairs.

"Okay." Julie laughed at her eagerness. It was unusual seeing the dominant Alicia being so rushed and desperate to get her pole wet. But not bad at all, it was nice for a change to see her tough to crack demeanor weaken just a tad.

So she abided by the other woman's suggestion and entered the lavish living room to the side of the entrance and took a seat on her cream colored couch while Alicia went to go change.

While she did so Alicia couldn't help but wonder if Sam was awake yet. How compliant he would be if he was, and if he would be able to handle what Alicia had cooked up for tonight.

She stripped out of her button up blouse and dress pants tossing them away forgotten, and went to her walk-in closet to grab some comfy attire.

A plain white, wife beater tank top that tightly clung to her voluptuous chest, leaving little to the imagination, and a pair of purple knee-high socks. No underwear or pants, her monster had been practically choked to death all day. And Julie had seen all she had to offer before so who cares?

Besides, it feels good to let it hang out and enjoy the comfort of her home breeze.

She also snatched up her home laptop and a special pair of leather bloomers.

After changing, Alicia descended her stairs again and Julie was met with the sight of the half-naked dick girl entering the living room and tossing some leather bottoms onto the reclining chair in the corner.

"Oh wow, you meant comfortable." Julie said looking the bare bottomed woman up and down.

"Yes I did, so come on girl. Let it out!" She encouraged setting the laptop down in front of her. "I'll be right back." Then turning away from her she headed towards the basement entrance at the base of the stairs.

Julie snickered a bit before eagerly starting to strip down as well. She removed her t-shirt, shoes and skirt quickly followed by her bra letting her smaller than Alicia's but still perky tits out for the world to bask in. The only thing she kept on was her blue thong, her own monster cock was tucked upward barely contained within the garment. It was slowly pulsing with blood, eagerly ready to harden to its full strength of fourteen inches.

She had to stand in order to strip so instead of sitting back down on the couch, Julie bent over the table and leaned towards the laptop to begin creating a page for herself on My Miracle Mistress. "I hope this works." She said with a sigh.

As this happened though Alicia unlocked her basement door to Cumguzzler's room and flicked the light on.

Sam winced at the sudden bright light as he felt himself coming to consciousness.

"I'm home sweetie! And I brought you presents!"

The disturbingly sweet voice of his captor rang out in the room as Sam tried to sit up only to feel an incredibly dull ache in his sore ass.

"Uuuuhh..." He groaned and tried to rub his eyes.

"Aww you slept the whole time? You didn't even touch your food?" Alicia frowned seeing the still full bowl of her now surely room temperature cum bowl beside him. "Hmm, oh well I guess you needed the sleep, no problem baby. We can always feed you later."

Sam slowly attempted to push himself up on his arms, his entire body moved sluggishly, exhausted after being abused so much after just two days. "Wh...where am...I..?" He lowly groaned again, slowly waking up.

"You're home baby! Remember? This is your room, and look at what I got you!" Alicia crouched beside his cage, her cock tapping the floor as she moved. "I got you a brand-new bowl, a pretty collar, some toys, and a fluffy tail! Ohhhh you're gonna be such a cute puppy!"

She baby talked him, adding further to the humiliation as Sam realized he was still naked, still collared, and still had a chastity cage around his penis and testes.

Sam finally focused on the items she laid out before him, there were a few different colored tail butt plugs, an expensive looking bowl, several collars and leashes, and a few brightly colored chew and squeaky toys.

"Oh geez." He thought, feeling the urge to facepalm but was a little too tired to muster up the enthusiasm to.

"But come on rise and shine! We'll play with these later, right now I want to introduce you to someone!" Alicia said making quick work of the lock on his cage.

That was the moment Sam actually realized he was being kept in a cage in what looked like the stereotypical kidnappers' dungeon.

"How could my life have gotten so bad over the course of one date?"

Alicia very enthusiastically clipped on one of the new leashes she had bought to his dog collar and began to lead him out of his cage. "C'mon boy!" She whistled, "C'mon Cumguzzler, let's go see Julie!" He almost shook his head at the name she called him, but then again compared to everything else he's been called by her. Slut, whore, bitch, it should've been expected. "Stay on your hands and knees." She commanded pointing to the ground as she stepped back a bit, pulling on his collar. The urge to defy her was there, he hadn't completely given up yet, there was still part of him that wanted to just tell her to fuck off, but he was too weak right now to do so. His limbs felt like they were made of jelly and his butt felt even worse. So he just hung his head in shame and crawled out of the cage like a good dog. "Good boy!"

Slowly the two ascended the basement steps and arrived back in the front room. Lead by Alicia Sam ended up crawling to the living room where his eyes met the glorious booty of Julie bending over the coffee table, looking into the computer.

"Wh...whoa..." Sam thought feeling his jaw drop.

Her ass was like a huge heart, she was a big woman, not as big as Alicia but her body seemed to be pear shaped. And the glorious butt above those thick thighs was something from Sam's most erotic fantasies. He was one hundred percent an ass man and the sight of that butt poorly hidden within that thong was enough to make him forget his situation even if but for a moment.

"I think I've got a good amount of details here, is this good?" She said before looking over her shoulder having heard the footsteps of the pair coming back upstairs, her eyes quickly found Sam on his hands and knees beside his Mistress. "Oh, why hello there cutie. We meet again." She said giving him a flirty smile.

Sam was too enamored with her ass however to reply. Instead Alicia said, "I'll take a look and see what you're missing. But in the meantime, don't be rude Cumguzzler, say hello back." She told Sam tugging his leash playfully. No words came from him though, his eyes just bounced back and forth between her ass and her eyes. Julie had such an angel face and her rear made Sam's constricted cock twitch, trying to harden in its tight trap. Even when she stood up and turned around allowing her girthy cock to flop out of its minimal housing in her thong, he wasn't afraid. A little intimidated by its size of course, but still eyeing her.

Even eyeing her cock...

But noticing his silence, Alicia glanced down and noticed Sam ogling her friend before her and quickly caught on. "Oh? What is it slut? You like her ass better than mine?" She yanked his collar harder snapping him out of his obvious staring.

"Wha-! Huh? I..." He stammered only to be suddenly met with a hard slap to the face.

"Hmph! I spend all day buying you all new things and come home to you eye fucking Julie?" Alicia said angrily, Julie actually almost laughed at this display. She was always proud of her ass but to see it actually distract one of Alicia's boy toys was quite the ego booster.

Sam clutched his reddened cheek, "No! No, no, no I didn't mean to Mistress, I'm sorry!"

Alicia scoffed, "Fine I see how it is, you like asses huh?" She then dragged him by his leash over to the recliner where she threw the bloomers and picked them up. "I'll give you an ass then. I was hoping to have this be more fun for you but, you just love to set me off don't you slut?" She told him as she slipped both legs through each sleeve.

That's when Julie realized what she was going to do, "Is that the Butt Wrap piece of your gear?" She asked as Alicia had tugged it up her legs fully.


Sam's leash was tugged on again only this time Alicia tugged it between her legs, bringing him face to face with her ass. "Wait, Mistress! I'm sorry, I-"

"Oh shut up you bad boy." He was pulled again right up against the crack of her ass.

What appeared to be a simple wrinkle in the leather fabric was in fact a small slit intentionally added in order to insert a small human head. Alicia's Butt Wrap was designed for brutal facesitting, and now that she saw Sam seemed to like booty's, she was going to give it to him.

A strap of leather looped around her behind, and around the back of his head and was secured via a loop and button strap on the opposite hip. Leaving Sam's noggin trapped between her cheeks, with his mouth pressed directly against her own asshole. And another larger slit in the front to provide access to her cock and cunt.

"MMMMMMM! MMMFMMM!" His cries were muffled as he struggled with renewed vigor against leather. Her cheeks enveloped him, his face grew very hot immediately and all he could taste or smell was Alicia's ass.

He felt her bring her leg up backwards and give him a quick kick to his stomach, "Just eat my ass slut. After you've been in there for a few hours, maybe you'll learn not to be such a bad boy and look at other girls over me."

"Aww now I kind of feel bad." Julie said watching as Sam struggled.

Alicia waved it off and started walking to the kitchen, dragging the defiant boy behind her. "He deserves it, when you get your own you'll need to learn to punish them accordingly, that way it makes rewards much sweeter when they get them." She spoke while she dragged him like he was nothing, and not a care in the world.

Again Julie sighed, "Okay...well I finished my page."

Alicia began putting the bought groceries away in their various cupboards and storage. "Go ahead, read it back to me."

Sam had a very difficult time as this happened, each movement of his body wedged his face up against her star, every time he opened his mouth or tried to make a sound, his lips and tongue touched it, unwillingly eating her ass while his body got the workout of trying to keep up with his moving Mistress.

The conversation they had was muffled to him, but he couldn't really care less about what was happening out there anyways. It was extremely hot inside the Butt Wrap, and he was already sweating profusely. Each step she took caused her cheeks to jiggle and squish his head repeatedly.

"You've gotta be a little more flirty." Alicia said approaching the couch and spinning around to sit beside Julie, now also sitting and having discarded her thong. Watching Alicia just dominate Sam so powerfully gave her the biggest boner. Especially when she sat down on the couch completely sitting on his face. He was forced to plant his butt on the floor and arch his back so he was looking straight up with the back of his head on the couch cushion.

"MMMBHMM! PLBBMM!" Oxygen again became impossible to attain as Alicia's massive weight squashed down on Sam's face, his mouth practically being forced to French kiss her star.

Alicia bit her lip, "Nnf...You want to make...mmm..them come to you remember?"

Julie nodded but kept casting sidelong glances over at Alicia. Whose own cockhead began leaking clear fluid. Feeling Sam squirm in between her ass cheeks sent tingles up her spine, and precum out her cock. "R-right."

The two went back and forth for a bit as Sam was fighting for dear life, sucking on his Mistress's ass hole like his life depended on it. Which, it did. If he was doing a good job, Alicia would sit up for just a moment to allow him to catch his breath then sit back down. But only, if he ate her ass nice and deep.

He stuck his tongue into her entrance, pushing beyond her anal ring and wriggling it inside, tasting her depths fully.

A long stream of precum spilled out of Alicia's monster and ran down over her balls until it dripped onto Sam's bare chest. Even running down onto his nipple. Julie too was getting unbearably horny watching this display, as they completed her profile and quickly a suitable male for Julie's prey popped up on screen.

Alicia stood up and bent forward leaning onto the table, giving him his routine breath of air after two minutes without it. She braced her hands on the coffee table and bounced her behind a bit making her ass clap against Sam's head. "Deep breath baby, if you don't do good you don't get to breeeeathe." She sang as she quite literally started twerking on Sam's face.

"Okay fuck Alicia, can I try that please? I'm really fucking horny." Julie asked earning a laugh from Alicia.

"Fucking finally! I thought you'd never ask, you gotta buck up and be more assertive babe if you wanna be a Mistress." She said as she undid the loop holding Sam in place and snapped it free. Sam quickly fell back, flushed sweaty face gasping as a rush of cool air hit his cherry red cheeks. "Don't take a breath yet Cumguzzler, you're going back in, but this time with the ass that got you into this mess." She pointed to Julie who was already slipping on the Butt Wrap, giving Sam a quick wink as it slid up her wide hips.

"Oh God I'm gonna die."

"Mmmmmm...fuck Alicia this is amazing." Julie bounced her own ass cheeks as Sam's wrapped head disappeared in between them. She twerked, crushing his skull with her big booty over and over knocking Sam senseless.

Meanwhile Alicia watched, sitting on the couch with her legs splayed apart, slowly stroking up and down her long dick. "It's amazing to watch to baby."

Sam was passed back and forth between them, each taking turns with the Wrap. Even at one point having a slight contest to see which of them could twerk better. Sam was afraid they were going to break his neck. Thankfully it didn't happen, but what he did receive instead was a much slower and torturous treatment.

As the smothering went on, the girls began to take longer face sitting increments, teasing him by saying they weren't getting up, or they were too comfy to move while they sat on his face, forcing him to hold his breath even longer. Each time he would be brought closer and closer to the brink of passing out, and then air would fill his lungs again, along with the taste of their asses.

His chest burned constantly and his arms went completely slack and limp as Alicia now currently sat on him, "Three minutes I've been sitting here...hmmm do I want to let you breathe?" Her muffled candy sweet tone was fuzzed out by his consciousness slipping away. "Nooo...I don't think I want you to breathe. You were bad...and now you're gonna be punished." He felt her shift a little and press her weight down intentionally harder. "Time for you to go to sleep bitch..."

Julie watched with pure lust and arousal on her face as Alicia suffocated the defenseless boy beneath her. "Oh fuck this is hot..." Her hand reached up to toy with her breast while the other massaged her own big ballsack.

Alicia wiggled her hips as she heard one last pitiful moan come from Sam's occupied mouth, "'s okay go to sleep...go ahead...just faaaade away..." Her tone went low and soft, seeming to lull Sam into a state of completely out cold. And his body went limp.

She held him there for a few seconds longer, before lifting herself off of him allowing his lungs to recollect the musky air within the Wrap. Julie had started fully jerking off as this happened, and was relieved to see his chest rise and fall with air again.

Alicia certainly was kinky, but she was thankful to know she wasn't that cruel.

Not like some other Mistress's out there.

Now it was Alicia's turn to bite her lip, the experience of depriving her boy of air for so long, to take his life and hold it in her hands, completely at her mercy got her rock hard and dripping wet.

She glanced over at Julie and saw that she was unashamedly masturbating while staring at Alicia.

She grinned and spread her legs a bit and trailed her hand down her tummy to cradle her balls and lift them up showing off her dripping pussy, "You wanna use that nice big cock of yours?"

Julie lit up, "Fuck yes I do."

She practically dove on top of Alicia and the two mashed their lips together hungrily. Lashing tongues and grabby hands traveled each other's bodies while Alicia grabbed hold of Julie's dick and quickly guided it to her own tight entrance. On cue the younger Futa slammed away pummeling into Alicia's precious core.

The pair let out an in-unison cry of pure bliss.

"Ooooohhh fuck!" Alicia moaned, "Maybe I should use this pussy more often."

"Maybe you should...nnf...let me use this pussy more often." Julie countered earning a smile from the Mistress and the two quickly started rutting into one another like in heat animals.

Sam's unconscious body remained motionless beneath them as their bodies rocked, Julie's testicles came down to slap onto his chest with the force of her thrusts.

Alicia held her hands beneath the underside of her knees to give her friend full access to plundering her cunt.

A symphony of womanly cries, and wet sounds of sweaty flesh slapping together echoed in Alicia's home. The two leaned close together and shared multiple kisses, only breaking off as Julie tugged up on Alicia's tank top to remove it so their tits could rub against each other.

This felt even better for Alicia because her cock was big enough to nestle between both her large breasts and Julie's smaller ones, giving herself quite the titfuck while getting fucked.

"Fuck, yes! Uuuhh! Fuck me, Mmm!" Alicia encouraged Julie, this was both because she anted her to take charge. Becoming a Mistress was a power role, and she needed to be able to take the lead, so in a way she was training her. And they both were just horny, so this was a good way to relieve some tension. Julie tilted her head back and thrust her hips hard, shoving every inch of her girl cock as deep as she could get it into her friend. Her eyes were closed as a look of concentration and pleasure took over. "I...I want you to fuck me doggy...I want it...I want it doggy baby..." Alicia moaned out, her own face seemed...submissive. Something you definitely didn't see often.

Julie nodded and slowed her thrusts eventually pulling out, heaving for breath. Alicia went to get up and felt Sam's limp form being dragged behind her. "Shit, what about him?" She asked between breaths.

Rolling her eyes, Alicia undid the straps on the Butt Wrap and quickly pushed both Sam and herself out of them. He fell prone to the floor and Alicia threw the bloomers across the room now only in her stockings. Her gaze then fell to his defenseless ass before her.

She smirked, "Here, you fuck me I fuck him." She said already positioning herself on all fours over him.

Julie too grinned and prepared to mount Alicia from behind. "Mother fuck this is so fucking hot. I'm gonna get my prey...and I'm gonna fuck them up, nice and hard."

Alicia took her cock in one hand and used her influx of precum to lube up Sam's tight pucker, "Mhmm? Are you gonna make them your bitch?" She asked as she pressed her cock head down, piercing into his unmoving body and feeling his heat wrap around her.

"Yes, just like I'm gonna make you my bitch!" Julie grabbed Alicia's ass and speared her pussy hard, shoving her down onto Sam and sheathing her meat entirely.

"OOH FUCK!" She cried out and Julie quickly wasted no time and started hammering. "Yes! Oh, yes make me your bitch baby!" Julie's hard shoves caused Alicia's hips to dip down effectively fucking Sam as well in this double doggy style.

She felt Julie's hands press down on her lower back as her pelvis smacked her ass and her balls slapped her own, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" The younger Futa moaned out, relishing the wet heat of Alicia's love hole. It had been a while since Julie had fucked anyone, and she was long overdue for a good orgasm. "Fuuuuck yeah..." She gritted her teeth, "I'm gonna fill you up baby...Uuuhhnn yeah..."

Alicia's hands dug into the carpet, as she gyrated her body back to both meet with Julie's thrusts and to plunge her own cock in and out of Sam's booty. "Uuuhh yes, please Mistress...ooohh do it..."

Julie leaned down right beside Alicia's ear, "Fucking tell me that you want it..."

"OOOOHHH I want it Mistress, gimmie your cum! I want it, come on! Fuck me!" Alicia started submissively but as she felt her own orgasm building up she bucked harder into Julie, more rough and letting her own claws come out a bit. "Fucking shoot your load into my tight cunt! Gimmie that fucking cum!"

Again Julie's head tilted back and she let out a loud groan as her body tensed up and she felt her first climax inside a pussy for months release from her built up balls. "UUUGGGHHHH YEEEAAH! Mmmmmm!" Her groan turned into a low growl as Alicia too buried her head into Sam's shoulder and bit down hard.

Her balls tightened up and she spewed her own load of cream into his bowels while she felt Julie's own seed jet out her cock pipe and into her womb.

Being filled and filling another had to be one of the greatest pleasures in the world, there was nothing like it.

As they both reached their climax, Julie collapsed on top of Alicia, and the pair steadily maneuvered a bit to share another kiss, slower and more passionate, as Sam still lay unconscious beneath them.

After some time had passed with the two of them tenderly making out atop their unconscious third body, they eventually decided it was time for them to get cleaned up and finish up what they came to do.

Julie's page was complete, and some prey was spotted, the rest was really up to her but Alicia did what she could and after tonight, she felt Julie definitely had it in her to be a good Mistress to a weak submissive little boy out there.

She thanked Alicia for the wonderful time and advice, then left the Mistress and her pet to their own devices.

Sam regained consciousness some time later in the day, the ever-present soreness in his posterior still aching even more so than before. But he at least wasn't in the cage again. Instead, he was actually upstairs in Alicia's room.

While she was in the bathroom drawing out a nice hot bath for the two of them.

She was naked and already ready to jump in the tub but of course she wouldn't get in without him.

Alicia was purely insatiable. Sam could barely remember the extent of everything she was doing to him, how was it even possible to still be hard and want to have sex so many times?

But then again, how was a woman like her existing even possible?

There were a lot of questions and no answers in sight, accept the answer to the question of whether or not she was done with him for today.

She wasn't.

She dragged Sam's barely conscious and weak body into the soothing piping hot bath water, surprisingly it did help relieve his aching muscles for a while. Nearly lulling him back into an out cold state, but he couldn't willingly fall asleep while sitting in the lap of his rapist. At any moment she could grab him and tear him in half with that gargantuan dick of hers.

It wasn't his ass that was in danger this time though, his mouth had been used excessively on her asshole, but hadn't once touched her dick. And that had to be fixed, so after spending a few minutes just soaking quietly in the nice hot water. Alicia started petting Sam's still disheveled hair from being trapped in the leather wrap for so long.

She whispered, "Okay sweetie, it's time for you to service your Mistress again." Sam knew it was coming but that didn't make his whimper any less desperate. "Ssshhh nooo, no, no, no..." She cruelly shushed him, "Remember this is what you have to do now. You have to be good, otherwise you get punished. Bad boys don't receive any treats now do they? You just be good and I promise Cumguzzler, I'll give you all the treats you could ever want." She repeatedly patted his head and tenderly whispered these words to him. The gesture nearly made Sam cry, not because she was being nicer but because he was trapped here, with an insane woman who was raping him regularly.

"I've got to find a way out of here" He thought but instead of being defiant, he chose to play along for now, hoping that the lighter treatment might help him get his strength back quicker so he might have a better chance to escape.

"Good boy." Alicia said and planted a small kiss on his cheek, "Now...take a deep breath." And her hand slowly pushed him beneath the surface of the water. Carefully she guided his head to the tip of her cock, and carefully fed it into his mouth. Sam this time did not resist her, and instead did his best to suck on what he could of her meat before she deepthroated him. "There you go...good boy..." She said again and leaned back in the tub, closing her eyes and relaxing as Sam did his work like a good slut puppy.

He serviced her meat as best he could under water in her spacey tub. His arms were still tired but he was able to bob his head up and down enough to capture at least several inches of her dick in between his lips without dislocating his jaw.

He hoped that doing this would be enough to satisfy her and keep him from being raped again.

But there was no way he could make her cum in the short time that he could hold his breath, so he gave her a few good deep sucks on the tip, some lower harder ones, then planned on retracting back to the surface to take a breath.

Only to have one of her legs wrap around the back of his neck and tighten it there, pulling him deeper down onto her and preventing him from getting any air.

"Should've known..."

Several bubbles broke the surface of the water in the tub and the water began to shake and ripple as Sam felt the shaft of girl meat plunge down his neck while she held him under water.

Alicia kept her head tilted up and her eyes closed, she smiled.

His thrashing felt good, his desperate sputters around her girth sent sweet vibrations into her sack, and just the thought that once again. She held his life in her hands, and was slowly taking it away. It turned her on a ridiculous amount, so much so that she rocked her hips against his squirming form. She chewed on her lower lip, relishing in it, especially as his struggles became weaker, and weaker, and weaker until the bubbles stopped coming up.

"Oooouuu yeah..." Alicia quietly mumbled as the tingle ran up her spine and the coil that held her cum back tightened. "Fucking drown for me baby...Mmmm...yeah...drink my cum...drink it like it's the last drink you'll have slut..." Her sadistic laugh quietly came out as she felt her load slowly almost, tormenting with its slow build, pour freely from her cock pipe and down his throat. Pumping a steady stream into his gullet and giving him his meal that he missed earlier.

She enjoyed the sensation for nearly a full minute, not caring about Sam's well being. She wanted to make sure he got his fill of course. Then finally pulled him up and off of her dick and lifted him out of the water, lying his lifeless body over the side of the tub.

The second his stomach hit the rim, Sam spat out a mixture of cum and tub water and retched up everything obstructing his airway, allowing him to breath again.

Alicia smiled and pushed him by his butt out of the tub, dropping him like a ragdoll onto the floor, then reclined back once again satisfied.

She toyed with her now softening cock idlily, and continued to bask in the pleasant warmth of the water.

"Hmm...I think I have a death threat fetish..."