MY MIRACLE MISTRESS ch 4 By DamienDeath20


There was nothing like a full long nine-hour rest after a night of great sex. It was one of the best feelings in the world in Alicia's opinion. However, it was currently being robbed of her by the sound of her cell phone ringing on the nightstand next to her head. "Ugghh..." She groaned, barely opening her eyes and lazily slinging her arm to her side trying to feel for the device. Eventually finding it and scooping it up to peer at the screen, it read 'Monica.' Her thumb hit the green telephone button and she held the cell to her ear, "Hmmello?"

"Alicia! Finally! I've been trying to reach you all weekend bitch! Where the Hell have you been?"

She rubbed her eyes, "Oh hi Monica...Mmmm...been busy."

"Busy doing what!?"

Alicia lazily looked over at the smaller lump in the bed, sleeping peacefully beside her. "Stuff." She smirked.

There was an audible groan from the other end of the line, "Ugh, well while your ass was busy with so much 'stuff', I've been doing my best to get a hold of you to tell you that you've got the meeting with Miss Madison!"

That got Alicia's attention, she blinked a few times and sat up in bed, a bit more awake now. "I do?"

"Yes! She wants to have a final meeting with you next Friday. And she's gonna look over and test out the final products you've designed for herself before she finalizes and signs the contract ya dope!"

She put her hand to her forehead, processing what she had just heard. Miss Madison was the current owner of the website Miracle Mistress Meetups, and Alicia had been trying to get her products to pique her interest for months now. Since the site was a place for big beautiful cock toting women to find pretty little boys to make into their slaves, Alicia put a lot of time and effort into making various products to get further 'use' out of their boy slaves.

She had unofficially dubbed her designs, F.U.T.A. Gear. Short for, Fucking Unbelievably Tight Asses gear.

Alicia brushed some of her bed head locks away from her face and said, "That's...amazing." She finally caught the attention of a higher up! Internally she was squealing and jumping up and down like and excited teenager. But outwardly, she was just breathing heavily, looking down at the quickly rising womanhood between her legs that clearly was getting excited too. "Um, okay I'll have to make a few final adjustments to my current set. Umm...are you doing anything tomorrow Monica?" She flung the covers off of her bed and swung her naked legs over the edge to stand up.

"Huh? No, why?"

With her morning wood standing rigid out in front of her, gently bouncing with each step, she rounded the bed to the other side that Sam was still unconscious on. "Because I've been needing another Mistress's opinion on some of my gear. They haven't been tested by anyone else but me and if I'm taking this to the head honcho I want a second opinion first." She approached Sam, asleep on his side, lying close to the edge of the bed. He was knocked out hard after her little breath play session with him last night. "Besides, the 'stuff' that I've been doing which has kept me occupied, is actually my new boy toy. Or well, for this instance he's my merchandise mannequin."

There was a light laugh over the phone, "Oh? I should've known a man-dog would be the only thing to keep you away from your phone."

"Oh you don't know the half of it Monica." Alicia took her sixteen-inch hot rod of meat, and whapped it against Sam's cheek several times to wake him up. "Trust me bitch, this little puppy has been the best fucking cock sleeve I've had in..." She paused briefly, then continued whapping him. "If we can meet up tomorrow after I've had the time to make some more adjustments, you can try out some of the gear for yourself?"

Sam's brown eyes fluttered open, he too feeling the benefits of a full night's sleep. Definitely much needed after the treatment he had been getting. He still felt sore, both in his jaw and anal areas, but the rest of his body felt like it had undergone a much needed rejuvenation period, and he hoped it would be enough to carry on.

At least that's what he hoped as he felt a warm tapping accompanied by a musky smell rousing him.

"Really?" Monica said, now her interest was piqued as well. "Is this gonna cost me anything?"

Alicia shook her head, "Nope! Just your service with helping me test out the merchandise." As she saw Sam coming to consciousness, she took that as her opening to grab a handful of his hair and plunge her cock into his still half-asleep face, facing little to no resistance at all as he was still suffering the effects of morning tiredness.

He managed a light mumble as he felt her girth probe into his mouth, but that was all. "Oh for fuck's sake..." Was his first coherent thought of the morning.

"Mmm...Plus I just came up with a new item recently that I want to finish, so I'll need to work on that today, otherwise I'd ask you to come here tonight." She basically took total control over Sam's head, steadily thrusting her hips forward and back in and out of his mouth. An early helping of morning drool helping lube the way.

"Well, if he's as good as you boast that he is, I'll meet you tomorrow. Where?"

"My office, up above mmf...Bridge's bar. I'll ooouu, hey now sweetie...we can meet there around noon and get everything...tested." Alicia made a mental note of how Sam seemed to respond to her cock with muscle memory when he was half asleep. His mouth instinctually clamped down on her dick and sucked, almost as good as he did when he did it fully conscious! His tongue also almost lazily lathered her up as best as it could, swirling around the tip until she pushed her rod in too deep for it to be able to do so. Her hips pumped harder into his face, Sam's half-lidded eyes watched Alicia's soft tummy getting closer and closer to his eyes and her balls drawing in closer as well with each deeper thrust. His throat stretching and bulging to make room for his Mistress's dick.

"Alicia are you...are you fucki-"

"See you tomorrow bye Monica!" Alicia ended the call quickly and tossed the phone onto the mattress so she could grab Sam's head with two hands. "Nnff...yeah bitch, good morning to you too." She chuckled as Sam's only response was a throaty gag. Her balls were now fully hitting his face and slapping him in a much similar manner that her cock head did a few moments ago. As he was still fading in and out of the waking world, his gag reflex didn't seem to wake up with him, therefore Alicia had free reign on his petite passageway down his gullet. "Ugghh...yeah...fuck hmm...maybe I could design an item geared towards taking care of morning wood. Do you think that sounds like a good idea cumguzzler?" She asked cutely tilting her head down at him.

"Gggckgullrckk." Sam's eyes rolled up. Her blocking his airway again with him barely even awake to begin with was enough to be sending him back to the dream world.

Alicia laughed, "Good answer bitch, heehee! Ready to earn your name?" She asked, hitching her leg up onto the side of the bed to better thrust down into his mouth. "Mmmmmmm...fuuck! Get ready to guuuzzlllleee..." She sang to him, humping down into his face as Sam faded away. Eyes lolled back and body motionless, body shaking like a puppet from the force of her. "Aaah...aah! ....aaaaaaaaahhhhhh..." Alicia's voice started to arch with a few heavy breaths, and then halted for a moment, followed by a nice long breath of satisfaction as her balls tensed and flexed pumping out their first load of the day. Her cock swelling up and sealing his tunnel completely while pouring her thick morning seed into his belly. She giggled again as her dick twitched happily, "Ooohh...such a sleepy boy you are!" She grinned sadistically and patted his cheek, still stuffed with her climaxing cock. "You just go back to sleeeep'll need it. You've got a big couple of days ahead of you."

She extracted her dick, watching the bulge in his neck move along with it until only the head was left inside. Then she squeezed the base of her cock with her hand and slowly worked it up the length in a milking manner in order to squeeze out any more drops into his mouth.

After she was satisfied with the amount she had deposited into him, she pulled her semi-flaccid cock out fully and patted it gently against his face, as if it was congratulating him for a job well done. His body was almost hanging off the side of the bed as she pulled her meat out, practically travelling along with it as it left him.

When she was free of his tight gullet though, she walked away from his sleeping body with a content smirk. Her satiated dick was now hanging low down by her thighs and swaying as she stepped butt naked out of the bedroom. Ready to head down stairs for some breakfast.

Sam's body slowly was pulled by the force of gravity due to him laying over the side of the mattress and eventually plopped down onto the carpet.

Alicia hummed a little tune as she went to work in her large kitchen, remembering fondly about how she christened the area with Sam back on his first night home with her. As she rummaged through the fridge for her eggs, she actually found herself having a thoughtful moment about the future with Sam.

He had been very resistant to her advances a great many times. Only breaking when at the height of their coitus, while she didn't really mind about that because play time was always more fun when her boy's struggle, it did still worry her a little.

She walked from the refrigerator over to the side counter, egg carton and a carton of orange juice in her hands. She was pretty sure that Sam was compatible with the lifestyle she wanted for them, just the thought of another relationship failure always unsettled her. Harkening back to her previous mistakes always made her want to be extra careful.

On one hand she wanted to brutalize him, treat him like a dog, shove him down on her cock whenever she wanted regardless of how much he cried for mercy. Just the thought of being so aggressive to him in the bedroom was enough to get her horny. But then on the other hand, she was still a woman who liked to cuddle with her man. To be tender, touchy feely and smother him with kisses and loving care.

It was a task to find a perfect line between the two options in order to mold him into her perfect prey. If he could handle her at her meanest, then it would make it all the more sweet at her nicest. That's why she hit him with a lot of torment when they first met, get the worst out of the way at the beginning to see if he could take it in the long run. And since he was still breathing upstairs, and not screaming kicking and trying to escape every waking moment. It seemed like things could actually work out.

Some might call this kidnapping, rape, crazy, blah, blah, blah, this was how she and other women like her worked. It was just their basic function to NEED to satisfy their urges in this way. And many of them have lived happily ever after!

"Things will work out...I know they will..." She thought quietly, no longer humming but continuing to make her breakfast.

Sam wasn't sure how long he had been out again, but he was able to discern that he wasn't on the bed anymore. He was instead on a very fluffy white carpet which, surprisingly was still pretty comfortable.

"Uuugnnn..." He groaned, shifting his jaw around. A little sore but not unbearably so, he also tasted a familiar salty thick substance in his mouth which he swallowed instinctively. It took only a moment for him to realize that he gulped down leftover baby batter from his kidnapping tormentor. He almost wanted to roll his eyes but it was becoming the norm at this point, he rolled over onto his side, facing away from the bed and curled up slightly. The last few days had been Hell and Heaven.

Alicia was rough, she fucked him hard and she was unbearably big in the genital department. She had also brought him here against his will and didn't seem to be planning on letting him go anytime soon. People might start getting worried, he'd been gone for days and hadn't left any indication of where he was going to be the night that he went on their first date.

Surely his mom and dad would-

"No they wouldn't..." Sam's head immediately slapped down that life line and he found himself curling inward a little bit more. "They stopped giving a shit the moment she was born." He remembered solemnly.

Sam had a little sister who, for all intents and purposes was the gold child of the family. Smarter than him, more successful than him, and more loved than him. His fists clenched, he knew that parents always silently picked favorites out of their children. Though few would ever admit to actually doing that. Excluding his folks of course, they very openly preferred his sister to him. If you asked him why, he couldn't really give you an answer. She showed up when he was five years old and from that day on, it was almost like he was just...there. Not really something important, just another body in the house that they acknowledged every now and then.

He guessed it really never settled in that they stopped caring about him until he had to spend the last Christmas on his own.

Unfortunately, that realization is really what got him into this mess in the first place.

Loneliness. He turned to online dating when he just felt too lonely, he wanted someone, anyone to care about him. And this is what he got.

This reminiscing seemed to really come at the worst time, he'd been raped, held against his will, and now he was stuck pondering why mommy and daddy didn't love him. Why he was trapped in this situation and no one was going to come looking for him.

His professor maybe, but only because he'd been absent from classes for a few days in a row. But he doubted that it would really cause a stir.

Basically, if two words could describe Samuels existence, they would be: Nobody cares.

He kept laying there, awake, bedroom door open but didn't bother to go for it. He wouldn't get far if she was still in the house. Even if he made it to the door it's locked with that weird DNA scanner or whatever. So he just laid there, unmoving. Waiting for whatever was going to happen next.

Closing his eyes again, he felt a single cool tear slowly streaming down his right cheek.

"Hey." Alicia's voice came from the doorway causing Sam to sit up. Only far enough though to see over his shoulder at her.

She stood there with a large bottle in one hand and a plastic purple tray in the other. However, what was normally her natural predatory gaze looking down at him was this time, different. She had her head tilted ever so slightly to the side and she looked at him inquisitively rather than as a piece of meat for her to devour.

Sam sniffled softly, "What?" His voice came out small, with the slightest quiver to it. Almost like a mixture of sadness and annoyance. Upon spotting her he was sure she was just going to pounce and rape him again, so he was already reinforcing his mental fortitude for the incoming onslaught.

It didn't come however as Alicia's eyes almost nervously glanced between Sam and the tray in her hand. "I um...brought you breakfast." She said lowering the tray slightly so that he could see its contents. On it there was a plate of two sunny side up eggs, a piece of toast glistening with butter melted into the bread, and beside that a glass of orange juice. In addition, there were two blue pills on the plate that Sam didn't recognize, possibly some liquid gel pain relievers? "You didn't eat yesterday so I thought you might be hungry, and instead of just feeding you my own personal mix I decided some real food would do you good." She approached him and set the tray down on the bed above his side. Then sat down next to it, "I already ate downstairs so this is for you."

Food hadn't even crossed Sam's mind since he had been here, of course she had poured enough jizz down his throat so that he knew he wouldn't be starving. But at the early morning breakfast scent, his stomach did actually rumble. Not like how it use too though, almost like it had contents in his stomach to feed on, but it wasn't exactly satiating it. He could recall having this feeling before, a few years ago he had gone on a liquid diet for a small period of time. It was very similar to that.

He sat up off of the floor and onto his knees so he was eye level with the tray, then back up at Alicia. Still naked as he was, watching him expectantly. "...What do I have to do for it?" He asked.

Alicia blinked, "N-nothing? I just wanted you to eat something." She said, almost feeling bad that he was suspicious out of this gesture.

"And what are those?" He pointed at the pills.

"Oh! Those aren't for you, I didn't have enough hands to carry everything separately and I wanted to show you them." She picked up the tablets, "These don't have a clinical name yet but they're basically Viagra if it was supercharged."

"Of course it is."

She went on almost looking excited to explain them, "They're pretty new but man do they work. This dark blue one can make a girls cock hard for up to six hours, and this clear blue one helps produce semen much faster than normal. Almost three times the speed of average, basically a speed loader for your balls!" She had a smile on her face like a giddy girl showing off her favorite dolls. This was definitely odd and had Sam raising an eyebrow at her enthusiasm. In a quick flick of her wrist, she tossed both the pills up into her mouth and cracked open the bottle of water to take a long swig. "Haaah...Those should kick in, in a little bit." She looked down and could clearly see the apprehension in Sam's face, "Hey, I told you before we're gonna have a long day, I'm working from home remember?" Sam shook his head, "Oh right, you were kind of...not awake..." She blushed.

Sam sighed, he still hadn't made a move for the food yet and now was debating even more so of whether or not he should. She apparently just doped up on some type of penis pill, which explained her unstoppable libido. But it also loaded her ball sack with enough protein shake mix to feed a small country. So he wasn't sure if he should even bother eating anything if he was going to be filled with that stuff later.

"But you don't know when you might get the chance to actually eat real food again." He thought weighing his options. What choice did he really have? He didn't want to make her angry and possibly make things worse for him.

His shoulders sagged slightly and he shuffled over to the tray on his knees and was thankful to see a fork and a knife. The worry that she would continue the puppy play from before immediately went away. He picked up the utensils and quickly began to dig into the breakfast meal laid before him.

He didn't tell her thank you, but she let it slide for right now. He was still new and he had a long day ahead of him, so better to take it easy on him for now.

"Okay, sweetie I know this isn't the life that you probably dreamed about having, but you're mine now." She said as he ate, trying not to make eye contact with her. "I'm gonna take care of you, I promise you that, but in return, I want you to be nice to me too." She said. "And we can have a lot of fun together, I promise you you'll enjoy it. If you just work with me a bit and try to adjust to this lifestyle, soon you'll forget that you even had a boring old 'normal' life before."

Sam then risked a quick glance up at her as he bit into the buttery toast hungrily. He had to admit, if anyone in the world was going to kidnap him and make him their sex slave, he didn't exactly get the worst possible option.

Alicia was beautiful, Hell, that was one of the reasons he liked her on Miracle Mistress Meetups in the first place. This early in the morning she didn't have her glasses on showing her brown orbs more clearly, and her hair hung down out of its typical ponytail, cascading around her shoulders.

Her body as well was curvaceous and plump. A soft belly with softer tits that were huge and could smother someone to death with them. And if they did, their victim would die with a smile on their face. The only wild card of course was the cock, a big sixteen-inch cock no less. At first it was a problem, but now as Sam looked over her and down at it, resting comfortably against her thigh, he wasn't really repulsed or too afraid of it anymore. He'd had sex with her numerous times now, and he was still alive. Even had several great orgasms along the way, although at the thought of that he was reminded that she put him in chastity.

Again though, it wasn't the worst feeling. It was actually kind of sexy.

How she was so dominant and kinky in the bedroom, it was absolutely crazy. But it could be worse.

He continued nibbling on the food and quietly replied, "What do I have to do?"

Alicia this time instead of being put off by those words was happier to hear them. That he was open to being more accepting of their coupling excited her. "Well, you finish up eating and then we have some work to do." She said shifting on her bed and parting her legs a little allowing her monster to flop down from its position against her thigh. "You see, I can already feel those pills working their magic in me." Just as she said that, Sam could see her dangling cock pulse once...twice...three times and with each jump it hung down limp a little less. Slowly beginning to rise up to point toward the ceiling. "I have some products that my business partner is going to test out with me tomorrow and I need a model...or well...more like a test bunny for them. Aaaaand..." She playfully wiggled her hips allowing her cock to start swinging back and forth as it lifted up almost hypnotically at Sam. "I was hoping yoooou'd be up for the position baby. All of the positions actually." She giggled, "Do you think you can do this for me? Maybe just give this life a chance? You'll love it I promise." She said batting her eyelashes down at him.

Sam almost felt his heart flutter as she did that, God she really was beautiful. And her using the sweet playful voice always seemed to get a reaction out of his loins despite being in the chastity device. Both cock and breasts swayed lightly as she moved her body drawing his attention to both areas of her body like a moth to a flame.

His breakfast was only half eaten and juice only half drunk but now he could feel his own arousal beginning to take over the desire for food. His own prick started to twitch as the thought of being taken by her again, "What is wrong with me?" He thought, shocked that he was hoping to be raped once more.

But if he likes it...can he really keep calling it rape?

He swallowed a lump in his throat and tried to meet her eyes, "...O...okay..."

Alicia did insist that he finish eating the meal she prepared, and he did, albeit not very focused on it. Most of his attention was on his 'Mistress', as the minutes flew by, she kept commenting on how the pills were affecting her. Not taking the stereotypical thirty minutes or so before a medication was able to take effect. Only about five or ten minutes actually passed by the time her longsword was drawn out and proud. Standing fully erect and awaiting a place to sheathe itself.

It even seemed like her balls plumped up a bit more as well, as if they were swelling already producing gallons more of her cum and were just ready to blow.

Shakily Sam finished up his food, feeling his own penis already starting to strain from within his chastity. Then Alicia quickly removed the tray with the empty plate and glass from the bed and set it down on the nightstand before scooping up Sam by his arms and laying him back down on the mattress.

The two of them spent the next several minutes wrapped up in each other's bodies as Alicia smashed her lips to his and forced her tongue into his submitting mouth. She held him down firmly, but not too hard, making sure he would receive her but not so much so as to physically be restraining him as she had to previously.

Sam was this time trying to actively participate in the kissing, swiping at her tongue as she did his, devolving into a make out session that truly took his breath away.

She was an intense lover, if experience hadn't already showed it enough. And it took a lot of will power for Alicia not to just spread his legs and fuck him missionary style like the bitch he was right there. She couldn't afford to waste too much time, they had work to do.

Eventually she broke off from their kiss and pulled him up, leading him by his hand up off the bed and guiding him out of the room. Surprisingly, she didn't make him crawl about, she just interlaced their fingers together and told him to follow her.

And so the much smaller boy did.

They went across the hall from the master bedroom and entered what looked like a guest room of similar size only plainly decorated and without the same colored sheets on the bed.

Also this room contained an array of several BDSM style items laid out and organized against the far wall beneath the window. Perhaps this was a test room she prepared? Or a modeling room?

This is where she said they would most likely be spending a good portion of their time today, and she grabbed the first one to try out.

"Okay, now this is probably going to be a favorite of secretaries out there who work crappy desk jobs." She sat down on a cushioned wooden chair in the far corner beside the closet and showed the product to Sam. "I call it the Cock Holster, and this is what we'll start with today."

The piece looked very similar to something he'd seen on kink websites. It held the appearance of a domination mask but the eye holes were open for sight. Both for the girl and the boy in this situation, because every cock toting woman loves to look into her man's eyes while he's servicing her. But also there were two semi-noticeable tubes that seemed to be inserted into the nostril area for breathing. Being that the mouth area was open, except that it was held open that way with two soft rubber hooks that worked to keep whoever was wearing it from closing their mouth. Sam assumed the mouth wouldn't be able to be used for breathing.

There were also several straps dangling from it that looked similar to a harness. Alicia quickly explained and went through the motions about how she was to take the belts and loop them around her legs and buckle them in the back. While his head was already inserted into the mask of course. And then he would be strapped in place there so that she could fuck his face with just a simple motion of her legs.

"I take it back, I am having second thoughts." Sam whined internally.

"But that's not all either!" Alicia chirped excitedly and reached over to the pile of gear and grabbed a small handle. "This piece can clip onto the back of the head, you know just in case we wanna get a little rough." She winked at him.

Sam sighed, "I'm...pretty sure that's an inevitability." He half joked, half complained.

Alicia rolled her eyes, "Oh don't be a baby, you gotta try it before you knock it." She said holding the mask up and spreading her legs a bit allowing her balls to droop over the edge of the chair and her cock to twitch in his direction. "C'moooon, we've gotta start somewhere." She gently swayed her hips like she did before, quickly catching on that he seemed easily hypnotized by her massive meats' movement. "And hurry, my balls are already starting to ache." She gave him a pouty lip.

He almost actually wanted to laugh, the fact that she had any right to complain despite everything she put him through. But again, Sam just sighed. He agreed, at least that he would try it, despite the taboo nature of the predicament. So with wobbly legs, and heavy lead filled arms, he reached out and took the leather material into his hands.

It took some odd finagling to get it on right, and Alicia was eager to help him in doing so. But after a few adjustments particularly in the mouth area where his jaw was set with the hooks. The tubes for his nostrils were also a little awkward at first but it eventually fit just right. As she specified it would, it held his mouth open but thankfully the mask mostly covered all the intricacies that kept it in place. Otherwise it would probably look a little silly, thankfully though, it just looked like he was wearing a black mask hovering close to her pelvis.

The fun part followed next, Alicia took hold of her long staff, and carefully fed it into his wide-open cavern. She met no resistance as she felt the temperature change from the cool air of the guest room into his warm moist mouth. His lips gently touched along her girth as the Holster was designed for his jaw not to close but to still have enough mouth control to apply pleasant suction to the dick inserted. A girl throat fucking her prey is nice and all but if there's no sucking involved it's not as good. Alicia kept that in mind during her initial design and was pleased to feel it was the right choice.

Sam wasn't uncomfortable from the design as she pulled him in towards her cock. It was just her size again that set him off. "Could anyone ever actually get use to such a big dick?" He wondered. He tried to relax as her meaty texture slid along his tongue and went further and further back into his gullet, seeking entry into his neck. He gagged on reflex, but instead of Alicia just shoving it further in, this time she was patient. She patted the outside of the mask as if she was stroking his hair and whispered calm reassurances to him.

"Relax baby, you can do it. Just swallow when I press forward, and I'll slip riiight in." Her other hand went to massage the outside of his covered jawline, trying to coax him into a more willing state for her blowjob.

She never would've been this patient in her younger days, but thankfully past experiences encouraged her to work with her boy in order to get what she wanted.

And soon, what he wanted too.

He took a few slow breaths through his nose and did his best to relax his throat. He knew he could take her, it was just the initial break in that was the toughest part. The feeling of throwing up but having it forced back down by her tip wasn't exactly the most pleasant thing. So he wanted to avoid that if possible. Sam calmed his nerves and willingly allowed her to pull him in deeper, doing as she commanded and swallowing the second he felt her tip touch the back of his throat.

The contracting muscles quickly engulfed the appendage and pulled it into him, bulging out his throat pipe immediately as she sank beyond the halfway point and went in an extra few inches.

"Perfect!" Alicia chirped excitedly, "Great job baby, now let's tie you in." She said quickly taking the belts in her hands and looping them around the her legs to set the harness in place while he went to work on trying to suck. Sam did feel a small swell in his pride at being able to suck a cock this big. He had watched porn stars that were unable to deep throat as successfully as himself. So hearing her praise him as she did was almost enough to make him want to quietly laugh against her throbbing knob. The couple were then tied into place as she strapped him in between her legs and then leaned back, reclining in the chair to relax and showcase how it worked. "Okay, now here's how the magic happens baby." She brought her arms up behind her head and interlocked her fingers to lay back on them. "All you have to do, is suck, I take care of the rest."

She then slowly spread her legs on the floor apart, opening them wide and stretching the straps out around her hips so that the holster was tugged in closer to the base of her shaft. Sam braced himself for the remaining inches of her monster to sink in deep down his throat as she did this. The bulge pushing down visually and giving Alicia quite the view.

After he went balls deep on her cock, she moved her legs again this time closing them, relaxing the tension in the straps and pushing Sam backward on it. Again the bulge moved up, closer to beneath his chin showing off where her tip was located inside. Fuck, it was so hot to watch.

Her legs continued to move in this butterfly pattern, which kept Sam's body moving in a bobbing motion while he nursed on her stiff rod. She was right, he didn't have to put any effort into the job, part of blowjob. Alicia's device accommodated all the possible setbacks one might have from conventional blowjobs. All Sam needed to do was keep sucking and deal with some minor throat soreness and jaw fatigue.

"Honestly..." Sam thought as his tongue strongly massaged her thickness and slathered it up with his spit. "This is better than having it forced in upside down." The memory of their first night together flashing back to him, when she fucked his face in the standing sixty nine pose.

He almost shivered at the thought, but...not from fear or disgust...

From something else...

Eventually she wanted to test out the handle too, staring down at those big brown eyes of his while his sweet tight throat milked her shaft was incredible. But it was also a bit of a tease, as the Viagra pills she had taken were compelling her to blow her load now! But with the smooth methodical motion she was doing in the holster she wasn't achieving it quick enough. So she snapped the handle into place on the back of his head, and used it like a true fuck doll. Jerking his skull back and forth on her meat, no longer needing to open and close her legs as she was forcing him onto it with raw power and desire now.

Sam made throaty glucking sounds and drool slobbered down the front of his body. Quickly his mouth was being turned into a lube factory that her she cock was slick with and made it even easier to slide him on and off it with.

"Ugggghhh fuuuck..." Alicia groaned, now leaning forward and on the edge of her seat as she skull fucked her boy toy. Her feet pointed on tip toes digging into the carpet and her other hand braced on the chair, hips gyrating to help shove in everything she had. " gonna be a best, haah...seller with...secretaries and- ouuuf...desk job girls. Nnnnf..." She chewed her lower lip and grabbed one of her hefty tits, the pleasure pulsing through her aching ball sack. Sam kept his hands on his legs and kneeled silently before her allowing himself to be used the way she wanted. His throat was getting more and more accustomed to taking her cock and he was able to breathe, albeit erratically on every outward pull. It wasn't really that uncomfortable anymore, it seemed to be perfectly designed by a remarkable craftsman. Or woman in this case, and he was able to suck her dick hard, ready to drain her dry. Plus...Alicia's head tossing back in the throes of passion was...really sexy... "...and...girls can keep their boy pets under their one will know right baby?" She finished with a sultry laugh and another toss backward of her head before she let out a low labored groan. "Uuuuuhhhhooohh,,,,yeeeeeaaaah..."

Sam just closed his eyes and again relaxed. Feeling the heat hit the inside of his gullet and the big balls against his chin twitching. And like a good boy...

He swallowed every last drop.

"Mmmm...gllp...mmmm..." Quietly he mewled, nursing on the thick protein shake she mixed up for him in her testicles. He could practically feel it's gooey, creamy texture glooping down into his belly, feeding him slow.

"Aaaahhh..." Alicia sighed, "Mmm fuck baby. That's why I'm glad I named you cumguzzler!" She laughed patting his cheek, and again when she saw through the two holes that Sam rolled his eyes. "Alright! Well let's get you out of this and try the next one!"

The day progressed on after that with the pair trying out several Futa Gear items on poor little Cumguzzler. And while they were designed to be both safe and sexy for him, the day didn't go without a few rough spots here and there.

One of the items was an anal bead butt plug with a tail attachment, but it wasn't standard size that you could fine in a simple sex toy shop. The smallest among them were about the size of golf balls, the bigger ones were like tennis and soft balls. Alicia knew nearly all girls with cocks were almost never smaller than around thirteen inches or so thanks to genetics and such. So that was the smallest available tail for him to try out.

This was hard for him, because a cock was consistent in its shape, Sam had never taken a trail of anal beads up his ass before. And Alicia was about as gentle with him as you could imagine.

She lubed him up with a tiny bottle of clear liquid she kept ready, and inserted them slowly, one at a time until all ten of the golf ball sized spheres were plugged into his rear. Quietly he groaned and whimpered as she did this feeling the slight discomfort from his first experience with this time of toy.

But that was around the time she apparently got too horny to continue being gentle. Evidently, the Viagra pills made her even more excitable, and much quicker as it had been about five minutes since he sucked her off through the mask, and he could already feel her diamond hard pole tapping the side of his thigh while she kneeled behind him and yanked the beaded tail out in one swift pull.

Sam was sure his scream probably was heard all the way down the street from the sharp pain that bolted up his spine from the sudden ripping out of his guts. But she didn't stop there, she pushed the toy back in all the way and jerked it out again like before. Rubbing his back almost comfortingly, but he was seeing the rough side of her again. Giving him a harder treatment due to her arousal.

His fingers clutched the floor and his teeth bit down onto the carpet trying to use it as a way to manage the harsh sensations the balls gave him as each one stretched his anal ring wide, popping free one after the other in quick pulls. Only to be shoved back in by his suddenly sadistic Mistress.

"I can do this...I can do this..." He thought, his toes curling and feet bucking upward from his doggy style, all fours position. His body rocked with the strength she violated him with.

The larger sizes weren't any better, and he received no warning or extra lube when they came along. Alicia just ripped the first tail free, snatched the next size up, and jammed it into her poor Cumguzzler's booty.

The girly squeals and screams that came from him were uncontrollable, he did his best to try and hang tough. But after she sat directly behind him, and gripped the toy by the tail, one arm wrapping around his lower body to hold him in place. He started to cry.

She worked the larger beads in and out of him rapidly, almost like she was jerking a cock in his ass, brutally fucking up the small hole and stretching far beyond what circumference it was used to. She did notice the tears spilling from his eyes, but she knew he could handle it. He wasn't flailing wildly or begging for mercy, he was taking what his Mistress gave him like a good boy. And this is how she knew this could work with him, he was doing so good and she was feeling so proud.

The veins bulged on her cock with how hard she was getting; the total annihilation of his love hole was nearly making her cum without even touching it. Occasionally she bucked her hips so he could feel it, or she would lean over to bite down on his thigh hard, earning her another high pitch scream that delighted her ears.

But she didn't fuck him yet, and after making sure that another size up fit just right, she decided he had been good enough to earn a break. And judging by the puffy red eyes, streaming trails of tears and the swollen star between his soft cheeks, he looked like he needed it.

Now this was where Sam started to feel like he was dealing with a split personality person. She had just tormented him hard with that tail toy. But immediately after that, she flipped on her caring switch again and was tender with him. She picked him up off the floor and set him on the bed back in her master room. Gave him a few gentle kisses, commenting on how he was doing such a great job, and even got him some water to drink. Which he was thankful for and quickly downed the entire glass, he had been panting so hard against the carpet that he dried out his mouth pretty badly. It disturbed him how she could just flip at the drop of a hat, and it was also a terrifying aspect of her.

At any moment, if something set her off, she could go from this sweet, beautiful, passionate, loving, woman, to demon of anal destruction just like that. He definitely preferred the nicer side of her, but if he was going to make it through this, he knew he had to deal with her evil side too. Alicia gave him a few minutes to rest in bed after that while she went into the other room to prepare what was next.

And what that turned out to be was actually an item he had sort of experienced firsthand a previous day. Alicia had refined the details and structure of her 'Man Sponge', the idea originating from her shower with Sam from one of their first nights together.

It was almost like a special suit that he was fitted for, she apparently had been putting it together ever since the idea hatched in her noggin. She used a memory foam bath rug for the material and soft cotton like fabric to wrap along the elbows and knees, so that it can be held at both ends and used to dry off that way. On the back she sewed in a strap for hanging in the center, so that it can be hung both with or without a person in it.

This was like the more refined version of a prior item she made for a friend once before. But that one was a little more rugged and not as professional. And it lacked the cotton ropes with buttons to connect through loops, keeping it tight and in place. Though she knew due to the fact that the user enjoyed having it so much regardless, as to have her pet boy in it at nearly all times, meant that it was quite the item.

Apparently being able to lounge about with a soft body and bath towel wrapped around you was something greatly appreciated by girls like her.

The Man Sponge suit was much easier on Sam, all he really had to do was step into it and model it a bit for Alicia. When she was sure everything fit him good and he could put it on and take it off easily on his own, they were good to continue.

That was another thing she needed to be mindful about, when it came to her F.U.T.A. gear, all the pet boys needed to be able to both don and doff the various pieces on their own. If their Mistress has to put in on for them, the idea had to be scrapped. All boys needed to be able to put on the gear themselves or it was a waste of an item.

Which speaking of the boys fitting themselves into the product, this brought her to the next piece of gear on the list, her most popularly requested item, and her most tricky as well.

The Man Purse.

"Well...that's something from the dark reaches of the internet..." Sam thought when he first got a look at what it was.

The Man Purse was basically a latex black leather suit, a skin-tight bodysuit actually that was built to be collapsible and fit into an outer shell with two straps on it to fold up into a larger than average carrying bag. So Alicia could carry him about like a purse. "There way that I'll fit in that." Sam said pointing at the fetish gear.

Alicia giggled, "Oh honey, that's what I thought when I first set eyes on that tight asshole you've got. But that didn't turn out to be true now did it?"

Sam did end up fitting in the purse. It took some effort and a little extra flexibility on his part, but eventually, the man purse seemed to be another perfect addition to the set. She also kindly showed him how the purse had two slots cut open in it. One in the front, and one in the back, 'for using your boy toy on the go!' As Alicia pitched it.

And of course, those holes were also tested out.

The pair ended the day after trying out all the various gear pieces and blowing a few good loads into Sam as well. Some using the Cock Holster, some using the Man Purse, and some with just good old-fashioned sex. Those Viagra pills made her get hard again extremely quickly, and the quantity of her ball batter had increased substantially, along with its thickness and viscosity. Over time Sam started to get a little bit more adjusted to the constant railing, not enough so that it didn't hurt or cause him initial pain yet. But his body seemed to be molding to her, and it was becoming less difficult to take her all the time.

Alicia fell asleep peacefully that evening with her happy cock buried up inside Sam's bowels, while Sam more or less passed out again from being so tired. He hoped his body would toughen up soon in order to keep up with her insatiable sexual appetite. It would probably take a while, given that her monster jammed all the way inside him in bed was still very uncomfortable. But since he still managed to fall asleep with it in there, he didn't think it would be impossible. And during sex, although he couldn't cum because of the chastity device, her brutal beating of his prostate did instill a type of euphoric sensation in his stomach. It was strange, like he was having some type of anal orgasm. But he wasn't sure about anything just yet.

The following morning came and it was a big day for Alicia, she woke up Sam the moment that she did and seemed giddy like a school girl.

This would be Alicia's big break if she pulled it off, so she wanted to be up and ready to go for her meeting with Monica. The two of them took a shower together and Alicia surprisingly didn't use him as the sponge again, this time she thoroughly worked on just cleaning him and herself up, making sure they both looked presentable and fresh for today.

She also explained that if this meeting went well with her partner then she would feel confident enough to take her line of sex toys and wearable gear to the big head honcho of the company. Sam listened intently as she soaped him up nicely, almost massaging him and working out some of the soreness. She wanted him to be on his best behavior and to do his best to impress Monica as well.

"Even if that means doing some dirty things for us okay baby?" She warned him ahead of time.

The two dried off and ate some breakfast.

And by breakfast, Alicia meant she ate breakfast while she fed him her sixteen-inch sausage for his meal. Casually humming as her pet knelt under the table feeding off of the milky seed, she poured into him from up above. She was exceedingly happy he was becoming more open to being a cock sleeve for her.

But after they had their 'meals' Alicia went back upstairs to her gear room to retrieve the man purse again. Since Sam wasn't allowed to wear any form of clothes ever again, outside of what she allowed of course, she needed to make sure she could get him back to her office without drawing concerned eyes from any possibly bystanders.

This was also an excellent way to test out the portability of the man purse while it was actually filled with a pet man too!

She took a minute after bringing it downstairs to warn him once more that during this meeting, she and her partner might have a little fun with him. Being their test bunny was probably going to lead to some product testing in the deepest of ways. But again, she told him that while she may be a rough lover, she has his best interests at heart, and she won't push him beyond what she knows he's capable of handling.

Sam wasn't sure whether that was supposed to be comforting or frightening, but regardless, he agreed to it.

He had seen one of her friends before, Julie, up close and personal. And she was pretty smoking hot, even the big cock she carried around was pretty arousing. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad?


Speaking of Julie, Alicia made a quick call to her for a ride to Bridge's Bar and fitted the suit to Samuel again. The black leather was a nice skin-tight fit that hugged his slight curves tightly and even showed the tiny bulge where his constricted cock was. Once he was inside, she laid him down prone, and folded his legs up and brought his arms behind his back almost like she was hogtying him.

" little cum slut hogtied..." She smirked at the raunchy image of a future play session running through her head before she brought up the flaps around the sides of his body. Folding it over and concealing him neatly inside the large purse.

Easily, she lifted him up, his skinny body practically weightless over her arm, and tugged the strap up over her shoulder, then went outside to wait for Julie.

The interior of the purse was insulated to keep Sam, or any other naked boy toy in the circumstance warm. And the leather suit made for comfortable padding that wouldn't chafe after prolonged wear. So although this was an awkward situation and position for him, Sam felt like as long as he just needed to lie inside this literal human container, he'd be A okay.

Of course it was becoming more and more obvious that things would never be easy for him though as he felt the rear hole over by his vulnerable and exposed ass get unzipped.

Julie drove up to Alicia's house, catching sight of the taller woman with several bags of luggage which she quickly ran around the side of her car with and loaded them into the trunk. All except a single black purse which she held rather tightly to her pelvic area.

"Um...Alicia?" She asked as the girl in question sat down in the back seat, moving the purse rather aggressively up and down on her crotch. Due to the positioning though, Julie couldn't see exactly what she was doing. It looked like this was the man purse BDSM gear she talked about on more than one occasion. But if that was true, then that meant her recent prey was inside it, and she was fucking him through the bag. Or...was she making him suck her? She couldn't tell which side was the ass and which was the head. "What um...what are you...?"

An open mouth smile was on Alicia's face as she felt Sam's anal muscles clutching her through the 'glory hole' style design of the bag. "Nothing Julie, let's go!"

Alicia's Office, Above Bridge's Bar

"Take your sweet time why don't you?" Monica called out as Alicia finally entered her office. "Only ten minutes late, you better not try to pull this with the head honchos or your ass is grass girl!"

Alicia stumbled through her own office door rather clumsily, as she was carrying a large degree of items with her and Julie had other clients to attend to, so she couldn't assist her in bringing everything up. "I know I know!"

Monica had been impatiently tapping her foot inside the room, already butt naked and frustratingly impatient waiting for her business partner to arrive. Her platinum blonde hair cascaded down over her shoulders with a slight waviness to it. She was just a bit shorter than Alicia without her heels on at 6'8, but her chest was far bustier than the already voluptuous other woman. "You promised to let me test some merchandise and yet here I am, ten minutes past noon, S.V. pills taken and balls fully loaded, not yet drained!" She complained gesturing to her own womanhood standing proudly between her thick thighs.

Sam couldn't see, but he could hear the muffled conversation being held and rolled his eyes in the purse. Monica's cock was fully hardened at fifteen inches and was uncircumcised, this was going to be Sam's first uncut cock ever.

"Yeah well I took them on the way over too, trust me I'm ready to unload as well." Hastily she threw many of the items to the floor, planning to use them for later review. And set aside Sam to be unzipped. "Okay so, this is my Cumguzzler." She patted the side of the purse, "He'll be our test bunny for today."

The blonde looked over the large black bag for a second and seemed to get impressed, "Really? He's in there? You managed to actually pull it off, and put a fucking person in a purse?"

She nodded proudly standing up straight and raising her high heel clad foot up to step on the top of Sam's current home, as if she had conquered an impossible feat. "Yup! It also comes in red and white for those who like variety to their boy carrying cases!"

The pair of women shared a laugh at that and Alicia eagerly began to get undressed as well while Monica looked over several of the items she brought in addition to the man purse. Sam had to listen to these two crazy women talk about the many ways the gear could be used for sexual torture. Teasing and torment of many future boy toys to come, and it frightened him to a certain degree. But also, the thought of him being used in the scenarios described, began to make his already used asshole twitch.

"I think I'm losing my mind..." He thought grimly, "Either that or I just discovered I'm into some freaky shit."

"Yes! It comes with optional ceiling straps too!" Suddenly Sam's bag was lifted up again, unzipped at the top, but he was not unfolded. He was merely being transported to another part of the room. Alicia's voice continued, "As you can see, I've preemptively installed some here to show how they work. He could hear some clicking along with the stretching of leather before some tension was released and he felt himself still being held up off the ground but no longer being held. He dangled casually in the air suspended by something. "He can be hung face up or face down, but either way is good fooorrrr..." He heard more unzipping in front and back of him, "This!" Suddenly a huge thick cock, with foreskin covering most of its bulbous pink tip punched into the hole by his face and pierced into his lips.

A second one invaded behind him again, similarly to as it had this morning, only earlier it was just one cock that was entering his body. Not one from both ends.

"GGKKCUURGGLMM!!" Sam flat out screamed against the meat in his mouth, as it felt like both women's dicks drove inside deep enough to meet in the middle.

There was some sadistic laughing that could be heard from both girls, it just looked like the two of them were fucking a leather bag from their perspective. One that screamed bloody murder as they invaded it with their she cocks. Quite the funny sight.

"Ahaha! Alicia, you weren't kidding, he is tight!" Monica chuckled gripping the added-on side belly straps for added leverage while Alicia simply held the bag.

She bit her lip and nodded, "Told ya it'd be worth it, now c'mon and fuck him up! We've got a lot of testing to do and he can take it."

Again, Monica giggled sinisterly, "Oh fuck yeah I will."

Both women laughed once more and began to spit roast little Sam, trapped inside his suit of cock torment. Their thick meaty shafts stretching him wide open and ruining any possibility of his insides being normal again.

And the possibility of any fragment of his life being normal again.