Izzy's Average Day by MisterretsiM

"And if you look at the beginning of the next paragraph in your textbooks, you'll see that Descartes' most famous philosophy, Cogito, ergo sum, or 'I think, therefore I am' has many…"

Isabella's brown eyes were essentially glazed over as she stared at her desk, not even looking at the spot in her textbook she was directed to. The professor's words went in one heavily-pierced ear and out the other, nothing she'd spoken about for the past half an hour registering in her brain. It was all 'Descartes said this' and 'Descartes did this' over and over again, as it had been for the past several classes - several classes of unadulterated, pure boredom . She had thought that maybe picking an Introduction to Philosophy class this semester would finally be what grabbed her attention, but she couldn't have been more wrong; it was all dead white men arguing about things that didn't matter! It couldn't have been more dull.

The worst part of it all was that Isabella couldn't even browse her phone to help this wasted hour go by! The professor expressly forbade it, claiming it was a distraction to her and the other students, and they were here to learn and not text their friends, like they weren't the ones paying her salary! Well, Isabella wasn't, her parents were, but the point still stood. Ugh, if they hadn't insisted she go to a community college first to save money, she could be living it up at a State University, not a care in the world. But noooo, it was either get a job or take classes locally, otherwise they'd cut her off! It's not like they would kick her out or anything, but they claimed they'd stop paying her credit card bill and take away her allowance. How fuckin' annoying.

So Isabella had gone with what she figured would be the less irritating option - or so she thought.

Maybe working would have been better than this - at least then she'd have her own money. Community college had turned out to be just like highschool: boring. None of the subjects that she was taught in her decade plus of public school ever grabbed interest, each topic as uninteresting as the last; math, english, science - it didn't matter, they were all a snooze fest! Isabella knew that her parents hoped that having access to a broader set of courses would help her find her passion, and admittedly so did she, but in the end it didn't help. After almost a year and a half, she was still without desire to learn about much of anything. All Isabella really wanted to do was get high, hang with friends, and fuck! Well, mostly. 

Yawning, Isabella leaned back in her chair, trying to keep herself awake for the second half of the lecture. Stretching her arms towards the ceiling, her black t-shirt lifting over her tanned, toned stomach; the logo emblazoned across its front, a sloppily written band name surrounded by skeletal imagery, contorted around her large breasts, the barbells on her pierced nipples poking through the thin fabric. Relaxing her body, she reached down and scratched at her other attention grabber that was currently bulging her tight jeans down one of her thighs, falling a couple inches short of her knee; she raked her nails across the denim-jailed protuberance like it was the most casual act in the world, like she wasn't doing something obscene by any normal person's standards.

There was another thing her parents always chastised her over. 

Yeah she was a futanari. but that didn't mean she had to hide it! Whenever she was in public they wanted her to present herself like she wasn't one, encouraging her to wear more modest bottoms that covered her extra appendage. Isabella never understood why it was such a big deal; sure it made her unique, but was that something to be ashamed of? It was a part of her that almost only ever seemed to benefit her, not the other way around! They couldn't even really use the excuse of being embarrassed to have a futanari daughter considering who her family was. Whatever.

Besides if the guys that walked around campus could have their dickprints visible through their pants, why couldn't she? Men scratched and adjusted their junk constantly! Just because she was blessed , as her parents always told her, with more between the legs than any male out there, didn't mean a different set of rules applied to her, especially as an adult. They probably just didn't want her to get into fights over it - not that any limpdicks had ever tried before. What were they going to do anyway, make fun of her for having a huge dick? The thought made her smirk. If anything, having such an obvious, big package resting against her leg brought her admirers and not haters!

Speaking of which…

Brushing a strand of silky, brown hair away from her face, Isabella cut off her current train of thought and focused her attention on those around her. She had been absentmindedly rubbing the bulge at her crotch, her legs spread as wide as they could be, practically half of her body out of her desk like it was trying to escape this monotonous prison. This had the effect of drawing the attention of several of the other bored students around her, all of whom looked her way, some taking a quick curious glance, while others stared for what could be considered an inappropriate amount of time, their eyes glued to any of the sexually enticing aspects she possessed. Isabella welcomed the ogling, using it as a chance to scope out a potential new hookup, someone she could take home once she was done here.

Doing her own ocular roaming, Isabella scanned the onlookers who hadn't noticed her noticing them. She could tell from no small amount of practice who was peering at her with interest and who was just looking because they were bored or had an objective curiosity about futa; most of the people currently paying attention to her and not the professor fell into the latter group, but there was one individual in particular that she could instinctively tell wanted her bad . A young guy about her age was gawking at her open-mouthed, his cheeks flush, his hands folded in his lap like he was trying to hide something - and he hadn't even discerned that she had caught him yet! The more Isabella studied him, the more she liked what she saw.

He was a cutie for sure, but not in the way regular women would be attracted to. Slender, short, kind of mousey - traits people usually looked for in a girl and not a grown man. But Isabella liked her partners, male or female, to be smaller than she was, which wasn't hard considering her height and build. She could tell that, even though he was sitting down, that his ass was nice and bubbly, the legs of jeans slim at his calves but suddenly ballooning in width about halfway up his thighs. The rest of his body wasn't hard on the eyes either, and he had a cute, gentle face that was partially-framed by straight blonde hair that ended right below his ears; in summation, exactly her type! Smiling at this sudden, possible change in direction of what was an otherwise boring day, Isabella began her best attempts at seduction.

Her hand was already on her cock which got the first step out of the way. Instead of gently patting and touching it, however, she grabbed it roughly like she was planning on tearing it out of her jeans, flattening the denim around it, accentuating its girth. Then, she rolled her fingers along it, moving towards the tip by her knees where her flared glans could be seen prominently, back down to the base, showing that it was all connected. Isabella did this several times, pausing in between casual strokes to grab at her crotch, lifting her hidden, huge orbs into view, letting them press into the fabric of her pants the same as her dick. She repeated this manhandling of her genitalia over and over again, thoughts of the lesson she was being taught absent from her brain, her entire focus on the young man she wanted to take home with her.

Her plan was going perfectly.

The young man's eyes were bulging out of his sockets, so wide open that they looked like they might fall out at the slightest provocation. His body was completely turned in his chair, studying Isabella like she was the one teaching the class. Every sign from before that he was aroused by the sight of her was enhanced, his face completely scarlet, his breathing heavy, his hands actively fiddling against the crotch of his jeans - Isabella had him hook, line, and sinker! She waited patiently for him to realize she was watching his ogling, the smile on her face growing longer and longer; she couldn't wait to see his reaction when he found he had been caught being a pervert!

It didn't take much longer for him to catch on as it turned out, his eyes eventually wandering up the rest of her alluring physique and ending on her face. He stared into her smirking features, stunned, before coughing and turning back in his seat quickly, his head drooping towards his desk. Isabella could see him start to shake, his expression one of bewilderment, like he couldn't believe he'd been caught being such an obvious pervert. She continued to stare at him for a few minutes longer, waiting to see if he'd look over again; when he stayed completely still, too petrified by embarrassment to move, she turned her body to face the professor again - though she still wasn't paying attention. The minutes went by slowly, the young futa practically counting each second, her focus on the clock at the front of the room and not the old woman below it.

After several eternities, the professor dismissed the class.

Grabbing her textbook – the only thing she'd brought with her – Isabella waited to see what her ashamed admirer was going to do next. She watched as he put his school supplies into a backpack and shouldered it, stood up hastily and then made a beeline towards the door, his eyes darting back and forth rapidly through the entire process. Once she was out of his line of sight she bolted up herself and power walked towards him. Keeping pace behind the young man, she watched his ass jiggle back and forth in his jeans, providing her enticing imagery to ogle while she waited for the perfect moment to put the rest of her plan back into action; as soon as they were out in the open, the sun shining high in the sky above them, she made her move, having hyped herself up enough during the casual stalking, shaking off any hesitation holding her back. In the middle of one of the walkways that bisected two fields of grass littered with chatting students, Isabella hopped forward and slung her free-arm over his shoulder, causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Hey cutie," she greeted him cheerily, pulling his head closer to her bouncing breasts, "what's your name?"

The young man looked up at her face in awe.

"Oh uh, hey," he stammered, not sure what was going on, "I'm uh, my name is Doug."

"Doug! Cute name for a cute guy! I'm Isabella - nice to meet you."

"Uh thanks? And, um yeah, nice to meet you too…"

"So Doug," she started walking them towards the parking lot, having previously stopped him in his tracks with her sudden introduction, "what are you up to? Got any more classes left today?"

"Uh, um, no I don't. I-I was actually about to go home!"

"What a coincidence! I was too! And man let me tell you, I couldn't be happier about it, that class is such a fuckin' bore ."

Doug chuckled, visibly lightening up at her comment.

"Yeah it is! Mrs. Colletti isn't really a good teacher."

"Mhm, and it's so easy to get distracted," Isabella tried not to let her voice take on too strongly of a teasing tone, "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh um, yeah," that same blush from before returned to his cheeks, "it's not really an interesting class.

"That's for sure!" the futa laughed loudly, flexing her bare bicep against Doug's neck, "So Doug. I'm not doing anything right now, and you aren't doing anything right now, and since we're friends now, wanna hang out?"

"Hang out?" surprise was very visible on his face, but a good kind of surprise accentuated with a wide smile, "Um sure? Did you wanna grab a bite to eat or something?"

"Hmmm nah, not really hungry. I was thinking we could go back to my place and chill. My parents won't be home till later, so we'd have the whole house to ourselves!"

"Your house…?" Doug seemed a bit confused by her proposition, being invited so casually like that from such a beauty the last thing he'd expected when he'd woken up in the morning, "Um yeah. T-That's cool. Yeah I'd be uh, down."

"Yeah? Nice. We can take my car!"

Isabella led the young man through the campus, still keeping her arm around his neck. They made small take as they went, looking like a normal pair of friends or a couple to any potentially curious onlookers who didn't understand what was really going; Isabella didn't consider Doug prey really, but she loved the thrill of finding a new partner, the hunt, a reason she wasn't in a committed relationship in the first place - and if all it led to was making a friend, she couldn't really complain about that either. She did wonder if the person she was hugging towards her chest knew of her impure intentions, but whether he did or not wasn't much of a concern to her in the long run - he would have fun in the end, after all. After walking for several minutes, they reached the parking lot, and Isabella guided him further through rows of vehicles until she found her own.

"Here she is!" Isabella announced, detaching from Doug and walking around the almost 20 year old car towards the driver side door, "Kind of a piece of shit but she gets the job done."

"It's nice," Doug complimented, eyeing the black, compact-class vehicle as he waited for her to unlock the doors, "I always have to borrow my parents when I want to go out."

"Oh yeah? How were you gonna get home?"

"I walk usually - I live pretty close."

"Cool." Isabella clicked the button on her keyfob, the car beeping in response. Hopping in her choice of transportation, she fell into the seat and tossed her textbook into the backseat that was messily covered in papers, wrappers, and other miscellaneous dreck. Doug waited a moment out of politeness before getting in himself, setting his backpack on his lap. After putting the key in the ignition, the youthful futa fiddled with the dashboard, turning on the sound system and pumping cold air through the interior. Sitting back in her seat, she let the car cool down first while muted punk music emanated quietly from the speakers; Doug fastened his seatbelt and waited quietly, feeling out of place in a person who was virtually a stranger's car.

"God damn it's always so fuckin' hot here, ya know?"

Doug couldn't help but admire Isabella's body as she fanned herself and pulled at her loose shirt. She might've been the most fit woman – or futanari, he guessed – that he had ever seen. Her tan skin shone in the light piercing through the windshield, the attractive layer of muscle she possessed accentuated by the glow. He had felt her strong bicep on his neck when they walked, and in class he got a quick glimpse of the toned stomach hidden under her top, confirming the strength he'd been gawking at. Despite having a more muscular physique, her breasts were quite large, and Doug found himself wondering if she had gone braless with the way the huge mounds jostled against the dark fabric. Isabella had sharp features as well, thin lips and a pointed nose, along with a pair of seductive eyes that were half-lidded in her relaxed state. God she was hot !

"Oh yeah, uh," Doug finally replied, realizing he'd hadn't said anything for more than a minute, "it feels like the sun never goes down!"

"Exactly, its practically torture!" Isabella laughed and put her hands on the steering wheel, "Alright lets get the fuck outta here!"

The car screeched from its spot as the futa threw it into the reverse, Doug's body jerking from the hasty exit. Tossing the stick into drive, she drove just as quickly out of the parking lot, seemingly giving little care for the speed limit laws. Pulling into the street, the small vehicle swerved as it turned, and the young man instinctively gripped the handle on the passenger's door, holding on for dear life; Isabella drove like a madwoman! Once she entered the main streets, however, her driving skills took a turn for the better, showing she was capable of obeying the laws of the road, though she did continue to throw caution to the wind as she zig-zagged through the traffic. Neither said anything for several minutes, only the growl of the engine and the low-volume, raucous music filling the car. It was only once the ride had begun to go smoothly that Doug finally managed to muster the courage to ask the question that had been racing through his brain since he'd first seen Isabella at the start of the semester. 

"Uh, Isabella? Can I ask you a question?"

"Be my guest."

She side-eyed him as she stared at her, his head taking a momentary turn to look at her crotch before he spoke again.

"Uh, are you… I mean, well, are you a futanari?"

"I am!" she laughed, having been expecting this exact line of inquiry, "Why, is that a problem?"

"No! No, um, not at all. I've just never met one before - at least I don't think I have!"

"I have heard we're pretty rare, though I've never really thought so."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Well you see, everyone in my family is a futa."

She wasn't lying.

The most unique thing about Isabella, even rarer than being a futanari – a sex that made up not even a single percentage of the world population – was that her whole family was comprised of them. At least her immediate family was, she wasn't sure about the rest. Her younger sister, who had just recently graduated highschool, and both of her moms, as they preferred to be called, were all, as far as Isabella knew, fellow futa. This was incredibly uncommon due to the fact that the 'Futanari Gene' as scientists called it, didn't seem to be passed down through bloodlines but was more akin to a random mutation that could strike anyone during conception. Isabella was more informed than most about this subject considering that all her life doctors and foundations had paid her family considerable amounts of money in order to study them clinically. 

As far back as she could remember, maybe even before she was born, she had been in and out of labs and hospitals for tests - with her parents consent, of course. Usually a couple times a year – although that had increased for a time after her sister was born – the whole family would go and have their blood taken, get physicals, etcetera etcetera… and then leave with a generous check in her moms' hands. From what they were told, futanari births were a one-in-a-million occurrence, if that, and having two kids born to futa parents was virtually unheard of, even one futa child not being guaranteed even remotely; as far as Isabel knew, they might have been the only family like this in the world! 

"Wait, your whole family?" Doug sounded genuinely flabbergasted, like she had just revealed the existence of extraterrestrials to him, "I didn't know that was even possible!"

"Mhm, both my moms and sister are. Not sure about any of the extended fam though."

Yet still her parents insisted on acting like they weren't.

She always just chalked it up to their age, being from a time where futanari weren't considered their own independent sex, when people like them were looked at like sideshow freaks . They always dressed conservatively to cover up their extra parts and encouraged their daughters to do the same; while her sister took after them in that regard, Isabella didn't. It was the 21st century, who cared if she had a penis!? As soon as she was old enough to buy her own clothes she started wearing tighter, more revealing outfits, no longer confining herself to dresses and long skirts. This led to her often getting in trouble at school for what the administration called 'inappropriate dress' and being sent home on several occasions for refusing to change. Just because you could see the clear outline of her dick through her pants didn't mean it was obscene!

So it made sense that most people didn't realize that there were at least four futanari that lived in town. Isabella wasn't sure if any others lived around here and in her experience there wasn't any that were as 'out' as she was. She assumed none of her parents' or sister's friends knew what they really were, whereas even strangers could clearly tell her actual sex, case in point the guy sitting next to her; there were probably people who thought she was just some weird fetishist packing her pants with a large toy, but she was always up from disapproving this assumption! Isabella didn't care what society in general seemed to think of her sex: being a futa was fucking cool and she was happy to be one!

"Woah that's pretty cool! Is it weird? I mean, to have no, uh… non futanari in your family?"

"Not really. I guess it's just normal for me! It would be weirder to me to just have like, a regular dad or brother or something."

They both chuckled, though Doug hadn't taken his eyes off her the entire time. 

"Well I think it's cool. I've uh, I've always found futanari to be pretty interesting.

"Oh?" Isabella tried to suppress her knowing-grin, pursing her lips for a moment to calm herself, her lip ring pressing against her teeth, "What's so interesting about us?"

"Uh well you know…" he paused and thought for a moment, trying to choose his words carefully, "You're like… a woman, but with something extra . That's like a pretty wild thing I guess? You don't really see it in mammals I think, though I know some fish and stuff can change their sex."

"Damn really? I didn't know that. You seem pretty smart Doug, it's cute."

Doug blushed again.

"I'm planning on studying biology or animal science or something when I transfer to a University. I've always thought that stuff was cool."

"Nice nice. Well maybe when we get to my house, I can give you a 'hands on' lesson about futanari."

Isabella turned and winked at her passenger, the corner of her lip curling. She watched as long as she could as all the color drained from his face, his mouth falling open; even if he had maybe wished something like that might happen when they got to her house, he never would have expected it in a million years! It was obvious from his stupefied expression that this was the case, and he continued to gape at her. Acting like she hadn't just stunned the young man into silence, the futa turned her head back towards the road, the half-smile still plastered on her countenance. The pair stayed like this for the rest of the drive, neither saying anything more until Isabella pulled into her neighborhood. 

"Here we are," she announced, her words drawing the young man's attention away from her, "mi casa!"

Doug shook his head and looked towards where the futa was motioning. It was a large house that was almost picturesque . Two stories, a neatly manicured lawn and colorful flower bed at its front, the white paint covering the exterior neither worn nor chipped - it was like something out of a homeowner's magazine! Perfectly normal and unassuming, something that Doug found surprising for some reason; he didn't know why, but he expected a family of futanari might live somewhere different? It was a dumb assumption, he realized, considering they were basically normal people besides their rarity. He continued to study the nice home as Isabella pulled up to the empty driveway, the car jerking as she parked it from her once-again speedy way of driving. 

He once again waited for the futa to give instruction. 

"Alright let's go!" 

Not bothering to grab any of her class materials, Isabella killed the engine and slid out of the car, slamming the door loudly. Unsure if he wasn't even going to need it, still not one-hundred percent sure on what this hang out was going to consist of, Doug grabbed his backpack anyway, and followed suit. Isabella was kind enough to wait for him before meandering up to the front door. Reaching the entrance, the futa slipped a hand into her pocket and for a moment Doug wondered if she was going to pull her dick out here and now; but to his momentary disappointment, it was just a set of keys. Unlocking and entering her abode, Isabella led her guest into the entrance, kicking the door close behind her.

"Yo!" she yelled into the house, announcing her presence as she tossed a wallet and her keys onto a little table by the door, "Anyone home!?"

Standing awkwardly next to her, Doug continued to observe the normal house. It was just as nice inside as it was outside. Decorative paintings and family pictures lined the walls, a long, black runner rug adding color to the tiled floor of the entrance. The walls were white, clean, and inviting. Everything was well taken care of and orderly, and the young man felt more at ease because of it. There was a rack of shoes next to Isabella and himself that she had kicked off her boots towards, not placing them carefully like the rest of the pairs. Doug did the same, though he lined up his own a bit more neatly, not wanting to appear rude in his host's home. Sniffing the air, he was hit by that familiar unfamiliar smell of being in someone else's house, like the things they used to clean it were from a different planet. Before they had a chance to make it further into the residence, the slapping of bare feet on tile approached them.

Bounding around the corner was a girl who looked younger than Doug or Isabella - who he guessed was close in age to himself. She was shorter than he was, which made her much shorter than the tall futa next to him, who towered over him by what looked like half a foot. Her dirty-blonde hair was pulled back into a simple bun, revealing all of her youthful features to the pair. Rounded cheeks, a small button nose, and large brown eyes partially obscured behind thick, rounded glasses looked excitedly back at them, her plump pink lips opened to speak. A long, green dress adorned her body, somewhat oversized for her diminutive stature, hiding any figure she might have had; only her thin, pale arms and bare feet topped with pink-painted toes were visibly around the dark fabric. Doug harbored a guess that this was Isabella's sister she had mentioned before.

"Hey Izzy, you're home! Did you want t–" the young woman, or, futa, as Doug had been told, stopped speaking once she saw her sister was with someone, "Oh, you brought a friend over! Um, hi."

"Uh hey." Doug replied awkwardly, having assumed the house would be empty.

"Doug, this is my sister, Tatiana," Isabella motioned with a hand back and forth between them, "Tati, this is my new friend Doug."

"It's nice to meet you!" she squeaked out, her voice naturally high-pitched. 


"Uh did you guys want to go watch TV or play some games or something? Mom and mom won't be home till later."

"Nah but thanks for the offer. Doug and I are gonna do some uh, studying in my room."

Doug scratched the back of his head uncomfortably, the tall futa's implication clear. 

"Oh, um, okay. Well if you change your mind…"

"Ha, don't wait up sis," Isabella reached out and patted her sister on the shoulder, "we're gonna be pretty busy. Isn't that right Doug?"


He felt like a fish out of water.

"Alright let's go! Catch ya later Tati."

Grabbing Doug by one of his slender arms, Izzy pulled him away from her sibling, leading him through the house; not expecting this, he almost tripped on his sock-clad feet, giving Tatiana an awkward grin as he was yanked by her. She stared at the pair from behind her large spectacles with an emotion he couldn't place, her hands clasped behind her back, her expression downturned. After they had made it to the stairs he was let go of, and he quickly followed behind the futa who took the steps two at a time. He barely had a chance to look around the rest of the home, only catching quick glimpses of things here and there. In no time at all they were at her bedroom door, which had her name etched onto it in a blood-splatter style, and she shuffled him inside. The door slammed shut as soon as they were in.

"Ah nothing like your own bed!" Isabella exclaimed as she fell back onto it, stretching her limbs across the murky blue sheets. Doug couldn't help but admire her beautiful form once more as she practically presented herself to him. The bulge of her genitalia was incredibly prominent in her jeans, the fabric stretched in her splayed state - it was like he could see every inch of it! It looks so long, so thick, so big in her pants that Doug almost wondered if it was some kind of optical illusion. He could see that her belly button was pierced, a small cross lying against her flat stomach, and as her shirt lifted up her torso, the young man was almost positive he caught a glimpse of her large chest; she was like the epitome of sexuality to him, and he had to wipe at his mouth to make sure he wasn't drooling!

"You should relax a little Dougie," she tested the nickname casually, sitting up as she did, "take off your backpack, sit down, chill."

"Oh yeah, uh thanks." He murmured, sliding his backpack off and tossing it next to the door. Not sure if the comment was an invitation to sit next to her on the bed or not, Doug took the cautious route and pulled out a chair near him, sitting down at her desk and computer. As he swiveled around to face her, he studied the rest of the large room, finding that the decor matched her personality. Lots of posters of bands he'd never heard of and movies of the horror variety lined the walls, her computer case covered in the same kind of stickers. A guitar was propped up on a stand next to the bed, adjacent to a large vanity that was littered with darker-toned makeup and jewelry. Another door was closed to what he assumed was a bathroom or walk-in closet, more provocative art plastered across it. Clothes and papers were strewn across the carpeted floor.

It was a pretty cool room!

A scent caught his nose again, this one distinctly different from from the rest of the house's, an almost sterile odor permeating his sinuses. It was more familiar than the unfamiliar smell before, but one he couldn't quite place; though for some reason, it made his cheeks feel hot and Doug found himself sniffing the air several times like a dog looking for food. He gave the room another once over, seeing if Isabella would give any indication as to what the source of the odor was, but she was busy taking selfies on her phone, still laid out on her bed. Shaking his head, he waited for a few more minutes, admiring Isabella's body the whole time, before asking an entirely different question that had been on his mind.

"Uh so, that was your sister?" Doug asked, using normal small talk to try and break the silence.

"Oh yeah that was Tati. Graduated highschool last semester. The 'rents gave her a year off before she has to go to school cause she got good grades." Isabella tossed her phone onto a cluttered nightstand and sat up, "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you had mentioned her before but you guys don't really look alike."

"Ha! Everyone says that. We both look exactly like one of our moms, with not much crossover. One mom is Mexican, one is white. You can guess who takes after who!"

"That's cool," Doug chuckled, "I just thought maybe she was adopted or something."

"Nope. There's a few things that don't line up perfectly in the, identicalness or whatever, but we're definitely sisters." 

"Yeah? Cool cool."

An awkward silence overtook the room, the kind that formed between people who really didn't have that much in common. 

Now was the time for Izzy to seal the deal. If she wanted this whole thing to work she couldn't scare off Doug by taking an aggressive approach in private; even though he was clearly into her, she could tell from her first look at him that he was just a shy virgin. A real sweet guy who usually wasn't given the time of day by women. She would need to play it cool, try and be as seductive as she could be. Though she had some decent practice at this kind of thing, she still reminded herself that he wanted her, something that gave her a nice boost of confidence to help her move forward with her plans. Besides, if this went well there would definitely be more trysts between them in the future! 

"So Dougie," Isabella leaned forward, smiling after her internal pep-talk, her arms resting on her thick thighs, "want do you want to do now?"

"Oh um, I don't know." Doug scratched his head again, "Whatever you want to I guess?"

She smiled.

"I like that answer! Why don't you come sit next to me?"

Izzy scooted to the side and patted the now-vacant spot.

"Oh, yeah sure."

Getting up, he walked slowly towards her, hands stiff at his sides. He sat down on the bed gently, keeping some distance between them, still unsure of what was going on. Smiling at her, he looked around, trying to appear casual and relaxed. Swiftly, Isabella reached out and grabbed him by the waist, pulling him towards her until their legs were touching, his shoulder nuzzled into her breasts. Doug's body went rigid and Izzy giggled as she watched it happen - clearly she was right, this guy didn't get much attention like this! Rubbing her hand up and down his side, she tried to do her best to help him relax, turning to face him as she did. 

"You okay? You seem a bit uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable!? No! Not at all," the young man spoke a bit too quickly, trying to meet her gaze while he spoke, "just uh, you know. Well, I don't know."

"You're cute, I like that."

Doug blushed and smiled, looking down at his lap.

"Well then let me ask you a question Doug," Isabella started, using her free hand to brush some strands of hair off of his forehead, "have you ever kissed someone like me?"

"S-Someone like you?" he asked, his eyes wide and focused on her again, "What, um, do you mean?"

"You know, a futanari. Have you ever kissed one before?"

"Uh, n-no I haven't. You're the first one I've ever met."

"Mmm you mentioned that before didn't you?"

"I-I think so."

"Well," Isabella grabbed his chin in her hand and lifted his face towards her, their visages hovering only inches away from each other, "would you like to?"




Taking that as all the invitation she needed, the futanari leaned her head down and took the young man's lips in her own. He moaned immediately as they touched, his eyes closing. Isabella took the lead, guiding him with her mouth as they kissed, dominating it in a way, her mouth the one that closed over his; her lip ring mashed into his face, providing a cold sensation that contrasted interestingly against their warm embrace. One of his hands eventually found her face, cupping her cheek and brushing her brown hair away, happily feeling her soft skin between his fingers. Before long Izzy had slipped her tongue into his mouth, and began coaxing his into hers in an attempt to draw some confidence from her guest. They made out like this for a good awhile, Doug just happy to be there, Izzy confident in her knowledge that she could take her time and that no one would be interrupting them.

Removing her hand from his ribs, she snaked it under his shirt to feel him up. She glided her fingers along his stomach, enjoying the soft, flatness of his body, before rising further. Circling his chest as she explored his abdomen, she quickly found one of his nipples; they were small, as far as she could tell, but more importantly they were hard . Using this knowledge to her advantage, Izzy started to tweak them, gently pushing and pulling the tiny nubs between her thumb and forefinger. Doug moaned louder at these ministrations, so Isabella amped it up a notch and twisted them back and forth, not going too far in her teasing. Repeating this with his other nipple, she mentally noted that he wasn't doing the same to her, too shy to do what he wanted.

Izzy would just have to help him along!

"Mmm that was nice." Isabella pulled away from Doug whose pleasure-twisted face lingered, suspended in the air for several seconds before he came to his senses, "Has anyone ever told you you were a good kisser?"

"N-No they haven't," Doug's face was beet red and he was audibly panting, "but you're really good at, um, it too."

"Thanks Dougie!" she winked at him again, "Now…"

She leaned back a little, squared her shoulders, and pushed her chest out.

"...is there anything else you've wanted to do with someone like me?"

"I uh, I, I…" the flustered young man began to babble, unsure of how to process having such a delectable looking sight presented to him in such a casual manner.

"Here, let me help you."

Reaching out, Izzy removed one of his hands that had been resting in his lap, and brought it to her chest; when she did, she felt something stiff and hard poke her wrist, the exact thing she was hoping to feel. Bringing his appendage towards her still-clothed breasts, she placed it on one of the large mammaries and used his fingers to squeeze down on it - Doug's suspicions had been right, she wasn't wearing a bra. Taking her hand off of his, Izzy let her future lover play with her tits as much as he wanted, his other hand quickly joining the first. While his groping was clumsy and amateurish, it almost always felt good to be touched so intimately. She let him have his fun for a few more minutes before moving on to the next part of her plan.

"I think it would feel even better if I wasn't wearing this shirt, so why don't I fix that?"

Doug's eyes lit up like diamonds under light and he quickly removed his hands from Isabella's chest. Giving a little giggle at his cute reaction, the tanned futa snagged her fingers into the bottom of her shirt and very slowly lifted it up over her head. She made sure to tease Doug a little further by rolling the hem of her top around right before they crested her breasts. When she did reveal herself to him, she wished she could see through her shirt so that she could watch his expression; it would undoubtedly be amazing . Not bothering to keep up the seductive teasing now that she was exposed, Izzy quickly removed the article of the clothing, tossing it onto the floor next to her. A warm sensation on her tits let her know she didn't need to take the reins again!

They might've been the most perfect pair of breasts that Doug had ever seen, in person or on the internet. He cupped both of them simultaneously, lifting them slightly – not that they needed the support – raising her hard brown nipples, both of which were pierced with black metal barbells, towards the ceiling. His little hands weren't enough to completely encompass one of the amazing mounds together, each one coming out to several handfuls. Doug found himself mesmerized by her tits, everything from the way they sat high on her chest, to the lighter-brown areolas that covered almost exactly half of their smooth skin They were firm, they were perky, and they were huge - all things that made them look out of place on Izzy's otherwise fit body. He might've been in love!

"Play with them all you want Dougie," she commanded as though he needed any direction, "they're all yours ."

The husky, breathy tone in which she spoke was almost enough to make Doug cum in his pants. He massaged her tits eagerly, kneading the supple flesh gently, forming the fatty hills around his fingers. As he mauled her breasts, Izzy let herself moan several times, encouraging him, letting him know he was doing just fine, the intensity of the aroused utterances increasing as he began to play with her already incredibly sensitive nipples; half the reason she got them pierced was for that reason alone! It was clear to her that he was infatuated with her chest pillows, and she was more than happy to let him have his fill. The temptation to push forward with this little amorous meeting was strong, but Izzy resisted, wanting him to be completely hers first.

Though he seemed content to manhandle her tits for the rest of his life, Isabella knew there was something else he wanted to do - that everyone , guy or girl, craved when they saw her bare chest. Placing a hand softly on the back of his head, Izzy guided it toward her torso, aiming for one area in particular; as soon as his mouth was in range of one her metallised nipples, he latched onto it like a newborn, pulling the brown nub between his lips. Doug sucked fervently like the nectar to eternal life was contained in her bosom, switching back and forth rapidly between her tits, his mouth never empty for more than a second. Isabella really wanted to just whip her cock out right then and there, but she waited - the time for that was coming up very soon. Ignoring the tightening in her jeans, she let her new boytoy have his fill.

It was only once her tits were liberally coated in Doug's spit that she moved his head off of them.

"Mmm that was great Dougie, you really know how to work that mouth." Her compliment came out in a low purr and she stroked his cheek as she spoke, "But I want to see you now. Mind getting undressed for me?"

Doug was caught off-guard by the request but he was quick to comply.

"Of course! Whatever you want! Um, how do you want me to do it?"

"Oh I love it when you let me take charge! Why don't you stand in the middle room so I can watch?"

"Uh sure, that sounds good."

Taking one last, longing look at Izzy's shining tits, Doug stood up and did as he was told. Moving to the center of the room right in front of the bed, he looked to the futa for reassurance. Placing a hand on her crotch, she massaged the obscene lump and nodded at him, smiling the whole time, her eyes running up and down his body. Gulping, Doug grabbed his shirt by the neckline and pulled it off, not really sure how to be 'sexy' about the whole thing. His pale, thin abdomen came into view, his small pink nipples still hard from Isabella's previous, arousing play. Attempting to do something that she would find hot, he puffed out his chest and put his hands on his hips, flexing what little muscle he had.

"Oooh yeah I like what I'm seeing!" Izzy wolf-whistled after her compliment, making sure she sounded earnest, "Now keep going."

Emboldened by her words, Doug bent down and removed his socks, a smile on his face. Tossing the white tubes of fabric into the same spot he left his shirt, he stood back up straight and grabbed his belt. Trying to be more seductive, the young man unbuckled it slowly, putting a slightly off-rhythm sway in his hips; Isabella stifled a giggle as she watched him. She really did appreciate the effort! Dropping his belt, he went to work on the button and zipper of his jeans next, still attempting to put some allure into his movements. With a deep breath Doug lowered his jeans, sliding them slowly – as much for his benefit as Isabella's – down his legs until they were bunched at his ankles. Resisting the urge to cover his crotch, he let the futa observe him in nothing but his boxers. 

"Did I cause that?" Izzy asked as she pointed towards the tent in his white underwear, knowing full well what the answer was, "Cause if so that makes me really happy."

"Uh yeah you did," he blushed and looked away from her, "you're just so sexy."

"Awww thank you Dougie! Why don't you finish up so we can get to the real fun?"


Closing his eyes, Doug took off his boxers in the same way he did his jeans, kicking the entire crumpled pile of bottom-wear to the side. Isabella whistled again. He really was her type! A light smattering of blonde, curly pubic hair covered his groin, providing a cute trail to his package. His dick was pretty average for a man, pale like the rest of him, the head a bright pink from arousal. It stuck out straight from his crotch, throbbing occasionally, a small bead of precum sitting at the tip. While it was a little on the thin side, Isabella thought it was a good size, a nice handful she could grab onto during sex. Below it his balls were pulled tight against his groin, average like his dick, a few willowy strands of hair sticking out of the wrinkled sack. After her appraisal was finished, Izzy hopped to her feet and marched towards him.

Without a word she pulled him into a kiss, one hand on his back, the other on his dick. It fit in her hand as nicely as she expected, and she stroked it slowly, not wanting the young man to bust too quickly. His moans returned and he unconsciously pressed his body into hers, grinding the tip of his member against her thigh. Sliding her hand down his back, Izzy traced his spine as she moved her fingers south, after something located much lower . To her delight, his ass felt as fat as it had looked in his jeans, and she gave it a firm squeeze, causing Doug to jump a little - but he didn't move away. They continued to grope and kiss each other, until Isabella just couldn't take it anymore! 

Now it was time to get serious. 

"Mmm Dougie I think it's my turn to get naked, don't you?"

He nodded back at her so fiercely it looked like he was having a seizure.

"I have an idea though - why don't you get down on your knees first. I think it'll make it more fun, ya know?"

Unlike a lot of her previous statements, Doug understood immediately. Detaching from each other, Izzy backed up towards the door while he stayed where he was. Crossing her arms, she watched him expectantly, her tongue gliding across her lips. Crouching down first, Doug put his knuckles on the floor to steady himself, his knees touching the carpet right after. He stared at her nervously as he kneeled, knowing what was coming even if a part of him was nervous about it. Eager herself, Izzy dropped the 'cool' act and bounded towards him, almost slipping on the boxers he'd discarded previously. Trying to not let that kill her momentum, she spread her legs and started to unbuckle her own belt, the studs that laced the black leather scratching against the loops of her pants as she pulled it off. Chucking it in a random direction, she started to unzip her jeans, her fingers fumbling, shaking with excitement. She was almost the–

Knock knock.

Isabella's head whipped around at lightning speed, Doug peering curiously from around her leg, the same question racing through both of their minds: were her parents home early!?

"Izzy? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Nope, it was just her sister. 

"I'm kinda in the middle of something Tati!" Izzy yelled back, her eyes rolling and expression darkening, "Can't it wait!?"

"It'll be quick I promise!"

Sighing, Izzy turned back to Doug.

"Fuck! Don't move, I'll be right back."

He nodded at her.

"Fine, I'm coming!" Bolting towards the door, Isabella grabbed a random shirt on the ground and threw it on, not caring that it was inside out and backwards. She gave a last, pointed look at Doug, who was covering up his shame with his hands, his eyes wide. Sighing, she opened the door only as much as she needed to, slipping out of it without giving her sister a peak at what was happening on the other side. Slamming it shut, she looked at her sister with no small amount of annoyance on her face, her arms folded impatiently. 

"Kinda busy, uh, studying right now Tati! What do you need?"

"Sorry! It's just that I um, well, I need, um…" 

"Come on, spit it out!"

"Erm, do you have, well you see, uhhh…"

Isabella turned her head and gave her sister an obviously annoyed stare, waiting for her to quit mumbling and say whatever she was going to ask her.

"...I want to borrow a sex toy I guess?"

"...a sex toy?" Isabella looked at her goody-two-shoes sister like she had just sprouted a second head, "What–Why do you need one? And what makes you think I'd even have one?"

"Come on Izzy I've seen them in your room before! You know, one of those ones that you use on your um… thingie. I want to try using one, I um, never have before and I just thought…"

"My what now?"

"Penis! Your penis. I know you have one for it! Please can I borrow one?"

"Seriously? Why don't you just buy your own?"

"I don't know where I would and I don't want to order one online in case mom and mom see! Please? I won't ask again!"

Isabella rubbed her temple and sighed.

"Fine fine, I'll do it if it'll get you out my hair! I'm gonna have to show you where to get your own later, I don't want to have to share this shit with you all the time."

"Oh thank you Izzy you're the best!" Tatiana was practically bouncing up and down she was so thrilled, her face one of glee and admiration, "I promise once I get my own I won't bug you anymore."

"Sure you won't…" Izzy shook her head, knowing the truth, "Wait here, I'll be right back."

Taking the same cautious approach as to not reveal what she was up to to her sister, she slithered back into her bedroom.

"Almost done!" she huffed at Doug, who was still sitting obediently where she'd left him. She tried not to let the anxiousness of having her perfect plans interrupted show on her face, her gaze steely as she stomped towards her closet. Throwing the door open, she beelined for a certain box in the corner of the walk-in, ripping the lid off as soon as she got to it. Rummaging through the contents with as much haste as she could muster, several dildos, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a vibrator were relinquished to the floor as she searched fervently; the box wasn't particularly spacious but it still felt like it took an hour to find what she was looking for. Clutching the two items to her chest, she half-ran back to the door, disappearing behind the wooden barrier.

Doug's eyes went wide and his heart beat like a drum in his chest from what he thought he saw her holding. 

"Here you go!" Isabella thrust the lewd objects in her hand towards her sister, almost knocking her over from the force, "Just what you asked for!"

The most noticeable of the two was a huge pocket pussy. Made of a blue, gel-like material, it jiggled wildly as Tatiana held it, extending out of her hand and slinking towards the floor. As wide as her arm and more than half a long, it was an absurd looking self-pleasuring device, more akin to some kind of pool toy than something that was supposed to help produce orgasms. The top of it was formed into the shape of a pussy, one that gaped from obvious use, revealing the similarly-stretched interior. It would have been comically oversized for anyone that wasn't a futanari.

The other item was a large bottle of lube.

"You're gonna need that too."

Tatiana held the pocket pussy out and waved it back and forth, staring at it curiously, her face contorted by confusion.

"Something wrong?" Izzy sneered at her clearly inexperienced sister, "Need me to tell you how it works? It's clean if that's what you're wondering - I haven't used it in a few weeks."

"Uh no, I can figure it out." Tati looked back up at her sister and gave her a toothy smile, "I appreciate it Izzy. Thank you!"

"Yeah yeah." The taller of the pair turned around and opened the door to her room again, "Sorry if it's too big for you!"

She didn't wait for a response to her snarky comment before reentering her domain. Leaning against the door, Izzy took a deep breath and scratched her neck. Remembering she had company waiting for her, she jolted to attention and looked at Doug; he was there, still sitting patiently, though she could see his erection had wavered a good amount, as had hers. Damn it, fucking Tati! Adjusting her stance to appear as confidently as she had before, the futa waltzed over to him, trying to hype herself up after that embarrassing display. As soon as she got in front of the nude male, a humiliating realization hit her: she was still wearing a dirty shirt about as incorrectly as she could! Tearing it from her torso, she bundled it up and threw it towards her closet, before looking down at Doug and giving him a sheepish grin.

"Sorry about that. Siblings are such a pain!"

"Um, it's ok," he tried to reassure her, his eyes falling to her bare-again tits, "did you still want to keep going?"

"I do! Now where were we?"

Winking at him, Izzy reached down to her groin, her fingers grabbing for the tab on her zipper - one that she quickly discovered wasn't there. To her horror she had been walking around that whole time with her fly down! Trying not to let the panic at such a realization show on her face and play it cool, she quickly unsnapped the button above it, her pants coming open. Grabbing the waist of her jeans, she stared into Doug's eyes as she shimmied them down her hips and ass, taking care not to let the rough fabric rub against her cock too much; she noted happily that she could see her nudity was arousing Doug once more, his cock rising between his legs. It was a nice confidence boost for sure! Once the front of her black underwear came into view, she paused, letting the anticipation build, wanting Doug to crave what she had to offer. 

"Ready Dougie?"

"Y-Yes! I'm, um, ready."

"Are you suuure?" she couldn't help but tease him, using this momentary pause to reignite her faith in her abilities, "I don't want to move too fast for you or anything!"

"Please Isabella, I want to see it!"

Smiling down at him, knowing he was eating out of the palm of her hands, Isabella continued to pull down her pants. A few strands of pubic hair poked out of the sides of her panties, brown like the long locks on her head, but her groin was otherwise flat and smooth. After a little over an inch of her alluring, covered crotch had been revealed, a large distension appeared in the dark material. It took up almost all the space at the front of her underwear, pushing the fabric outward, only just hiding its true form. As her jeans fell lower, the illusion that her undergarment created was shattered, revealing the glory that Doug had been silently begging to witness. 

Sliding out of the side of the thin cloth was Izzy's massive shaft. As tanned as the rest of her magnificent figure, it snaked down the side of her thigh, hiding itself in her jeans, only a few inches of thick, meaty shaft exposed; that was enough, however, for Doug's mouth to drop open in astonishment. Between the amount still struggling against its fabric prison and the section weighing heavily out in the open atop her thigh, it was obvious the futa possessed much more manhood than he did, and the bulge still reaching out towards her kneecap only hammered this point home. Once her pants were peeled down past her crotch a new confounding sight seared itself into the naked man's brain.

Hanging ponderously out of each side of the string-portion at the bottom of her underwear were Isabella's fat cumtanks. Like a thong between a pair of fat ass cheeks they were split down the middle by the thin material, the corpulent orbs separated by the flimsy fabric. Each one was the size of a baseball, completely round and equal in their enormity. Izzy's sack looked just as ridiculously large, the extra skin sagging between her legs. Doug was perplexed at how she wore such tight jeans and walked around normally with all that between her legs; hell, it was a wonder she wore underwear at allconsidering a pair of boxers wouldn't have been able to contain what she had to offer! 

Losing patience after holding back for so long, Izzy quickly shuffled her pants the rest of the way down her thighs, hooking the folded-over waistband under her knees. The rest of her flaccid meat was revealed, drawing further gawking and wide-eyed gaping from Doug, somehow looking even bigger now that nothing was covering it. Drooping almost a foot away from her groin, it bounded back and forth in the air now that it was free of confinement. Nearly as thick as her wrist – the same thickness Doug had seen at its base – it was topped by a muted purple head that was sleeved by wrinkly foreskin. While relatively smooth, at least in its soft state, the flabbergasted young man could still see a few purple veins pulse gently across the center of her shaft.

She was bigger than any pornstar he'd ever seen, and she wasn't even hard!

"Well what do you think Dougie?" Isabella wagged her hips back and forth, sending her cock slapping against her thighs, "Not too big is it?"

"Oh my God… Uh…" Doug was at a loss for words, having assumed the bulge he had eyed before only appeared that huge, "I just… I'd heard that futanari were bigger than average, but I never expected it to be by so much!"

Isabella couldn't help but frown for a moment - the reveal was always the ultimate make or break in these situations.

"If it's too much we can stop."

Doug looked up at her disappointed face, a different kind of surprise plastered across his visage.

"No! No, I want to keep going. It's just more than I expected, but uh I–I don't want to stop."

"Are you sure?" While Izzy had more successes than failures, the failures still stung, "You don't– you really don't have to if you don't want to…"

"I do. I really do."

"I knew I liked you for a reason!" Isabella pepped up and gave him a genuinely happy smile, "Alright!"

Trying not to trip on her own feet, she stepped out of her jeans and kicked them away, bending over to take off her black socks next; as she did, her cock swung low, almost tapping against her own ankles, drawing more impressed stares from Doug. Standing back up straight, she grabbed the sides of her panties, pulled them away from her body, letting her genitalia hang more freely, and then let them drop. Doug's vision was drawn to the falling underwear, leaving him wide open for what would happen next. From the forceful freedom, Isabella's cock snagged on the fabric for a moment before flopping out wildly, the tip of it smacking her guest right on the bridge of his nose. Recoiling from the sudden, surprising and powerful impact, he flailed backward, his back shaking the bed frame from the collision. 

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry Doug, are you okay!?"

He rubbed his nose for a moment before bursting out into laughter. 

"I–I'm okay," he continued to chuckle, "just don't think I ever expected to get cockslapped like that!"

Izzy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that, I didn't realize I was so close!"

"To be fair, you would have to be on the other side of the room for me to not get hit!"

Now they both laughed.

"Well…" the futa grabbed her cock and held it out, the end drooping off her fingers, "do you wanna, um, touch it?"

This was always the hardest part. It wasn't her hookup knowing she was a futanari. It wasn't bringing them home. It wasn't the seduction. It was trying to be sexy with this big ol' log! Acting like a normal girl was easier – that was for sure – leading the way and having someone play with her more feminine attributes; but once her dick was out, especially when she was taking things slower for their benefit, she struggled to move things along. Because really, how was she supposed to be nice and gentle with this dick!? Luckily little Dougie here seemed pretty amicable to her motions, making the whole thing go easier than it could have gone.

"Yeah." Was all he replied, extending a hand. Cautiously, he let his fingers graze against her glans, immediately amazed at the intense heat that radiated off of it. The tips of his fingers wandered further down her shaft until they came in contact with Isabella's not-fully-closed fist, her cock too girthy for her own fingers to wrap around completely; once their hands touched, Izzy began to loosen her grip, letting Doug's take its place. Swallowing loudly, the nude man took the fat hunk of meat in his palm, impressed with its weight - it didn't feel like he was holding a cock, the whole thing more like some kind of small, hairless animal. His fingers closed around it, causing Izzy to moan at the sensation of someone else touching her dick.

Emboldened by the audibly-made-known fact that his grip was bringing her pleasure, Doug began to make slow strokes along her fat rod. Her foreskin pulled back as his hand touched her brown landing strip, revealing her cockhead in its entirety; the whole thing was mushroom-shaped, the ridge of it flaring out wider than the rest of her shaft. It was amazing that there was an even bigger part of her cock! Not used to handling something so fucking enormous, Doug's massaging of her massive meat stick was awkward and unrefined, constantly on the verge of losing his grip. It didn't seem to matter though, Isabella bucking her hips and moaning all the same. A large – at least compared to what Doug could produce – dollop of precum formed at piss slit as well.

Realizing this whole thing could be made easier by using both hands, something Izzy's cock had ample room for, Doug added his other to the first, double-fisting the futa's monstrosity. Having two hands on her member seemed to do the trick, and Doug could feel the telltale signs that the bludgeon between his fingers was getting hard. It seemed to lurch every time he made a full cycle up and down her pole, the entire intimidating beast hardening against his skin. Her self-lubrication amped up in turn, the young man's hands down to his wrists quickly becoming greased in her essence; his own cock was solid as a rock, and he wasn't sure if he'd ever been so fucking aroused in his entire life!

"Oh fuck Dougie your hands are so soft!" Izzy mewled, her head tossed back, eyes closed, "You must have done this before!"

"O-Only to myself," he panted in return, feeling just as much pleasure despite not being touched, "but I'm glad I'm doing well!"

"So good!" 

The pair continued on like this, both content with how things were going. Several more veins appeared across Izzy's cock the more erect she grew, pumping the blood into her monster that it needed in order to awaken. From around his arms Doug could see the futa's bulbous balls jostle together, moving like they had a mind of their own; he could only imaginehow much cum those things made! More and more inches of fattening shaft began to stick out from the end of his fists the longer he stroked, half-sagging, half-sticking straight up, bouncing up and down in its semi-hard state. His movements started to slow down, the strain from making such an unnatural – unnatural for him – motion catching up with his unfit form. Isabella noticed this right away. 

"What's wrong? Are you getting tired Dougie?"

"No, I'm, uh I'm fine," his breathing had grown heavy as his strength flagged, "it's just a lot of, um, dick to stroke!"

"Hmmm well if you want," Izzy hesitated for a moment, still not wanting to be too forceful, but ultimately unable to hold back her eagerness, "you could always suck it to give your arms a break!"

"S–Suck it…?"

His eyes went wide and focused back on the futa's throbbing glans.

"Mhm, just take it in your mouth. You never know, you might like it! I know I will."

Doug looked up at her, staring into her heavily-lidded eyes, then gulped and nodded. Shuffling forward on his knees, he brought his head up to just an inch away from the pulsing cockhead leaking in front of him and stuck out his tongue; before he did, however, a scent hit his nose. Nostrils flaring, it took him a moment to realize why it was such a recognizable smell: it was the same one that permeated throughout Isabella's room! It was the smell of dick . Dick, balls, cum - it was all that penetrated his olfactory senses since he entered the futa's sanctuary! No wonder he'd been so turned on since he got here. Isabella possessed an odor that stained everything she was near, including Doug, one that had made his head cloudy with arousal. 

And it just made him want to suck her dick even more

Taking a lengthy inhale of her intoxicating, natural fragrance, Doug extended his tongue as far as he could and took a testing-lick of the futa's royal crown; the entire majestic scepter vibrated in his hand, the Queen above him moaning even louder . Lapping at it, Dougie scooped up the precum dripping from her urethra, the rest of the long, fat tube expanding in his palm. Her ball juice tasted how he expected – salty – but also more potent, more thick, more overwhelming compared to the few times he had tasted his own. Moaning at the flavor, the young man couldn't stop himself from diving forward and taking her entire cockhead in his mouth, his lips stretched around its incredible girth, his tongue swishing back and forth across the tip.

"Oooh just like that Dougie!" Izzy gave an involuntary thrust, sinking another inch between her lover's lips, "Your mouth is so warm!"

His mouth was so warm!? Isabella's cock felt like he just swallowed a spoonful of freshly cooked soup he'd forgotten to blow on! His entire face heated up from the intense temperature emanating off of her member, and it caused him to pause his oral ministrations for a moment. Having never given a blowjob before, Doug considered his options. He imagined that it wouldn't feel good to have teeth digging into his own dick, so he did his best to keep his jaw spread as far as it would go, Isabella's giant girth not making this attempt an easy one! Trying to picture what he'd seen in pornos before, he bobbed his head shallowly back and forth, not letting her glans out of his grasp but not taking her shaft too deeply either. Keeping his hands on her awesome appendage to keep it steady, Doug did his best to swallow her growing sausage. 

Isabella thought things were going swimmingly! Doug had been more receptive to her advances than she had hoped, never wavering in his desire to please her. Even though his inexperience was clear as a cloudless, Summer day, he was still putting his all into everything he did, and Izzy couldn't be happier about it. She also couldn't resist putting a hand on his head, not being forceful or anything, but just holding it and running his blonde locks through her fingers; the effect of her touch, however, seemed to be the same as if she had started pushing his head down. He started bobbing on her cock with a little more urgency, taking more of her spongy glans and still-hardening cock deeper into his mouth to soak with saliva.

Having not orgasmed once today, combined with the slower-form of seduction she had chosen, had Isabella's toes curling into the carpet with pent up arousal. Her cock was only moments away from reaching its full, amazing size, and she knew her orgasm wouldn't be far behind after she achieved the apex of her growth. Unable to peel her eyes away from little Dougie's face, she was enraptured by the sight of his lips so damn stretched around her girl meat, small gags and gurgling coming from his throat everytime her cockhead beat against the entrance to his throat; she wanted to face fuck him so badly! As if reading her mind, her balls gave a strong bounce against her thighs, having gone woefully neglected since they'd been freed of their clothed jail. 

Instead of playing with them herself, Izzy decided Doug's hands would feel better on her churning seed brewers. Keeping her hand entwined in his shaggy hair to let him know not to stop his blowjob, the futa used her free mitt to gently remove one of his hands from her shaft, where it had been making smaller, but still lengthy strokes. She smiled at him as he looked up at her in confusion, and then lowered his hand down her to rotund testicles. Watching as he closed his eyes and moaned around her hunk of cock log, it was apparent he got her message and began to caress her hangers, using the tips of his fingers to push and press into them, taking obvious care not to handle them too roughly. Isabella's choice already seemed like the right one - her pleasure increased instantly !

"Oh yeah just like that Dougie," she encouraged him, knowing that everyone needs support when doing something new, especially shy little virgins, "you're making me feel so good!"

Not able to reply with his mouth stuffed more than it ever had been, Doug figured the best way to reply would be to continue doing what he had been. What weighed heavily on his mind, however, was that Isabella's balls were fucking huge! He had seen them when she undressed, of course, but feeling them was an entirely different experience. Each one was the size of a large apple, and he swore he could feel them grow as he played with them. Just as hot to the touch as her cock was, Doug felt like he could perceive, through the tough, wrinkled flesh, that her titanic testicles were actively churning up more cum, a slight vibration rumbling their being. Everything he was finding out about futanari was mind blowing - Isabella had said she'd give him a hands-on lesson after all! 

Something else started to happen to him he hadn't expected - his mouth was getting tired! Just like his arms when he was jerking off, his lips and jaw were becoming sore from the active sucking and back and forth motions he was constantly making. It had turned into a struggle to bat his tongue against her shaft and fleshy helmet as well, her massive meat keeping the pink muscle flattened. On top of all of those issues, her cockhead slammed into his throat every time he bobbed too deeply, forcing small retches out of his gullet; Doug wasn't opposed to trying to deepthroat Izzy's dick, but he was very afraid he might throw up on her if he did, something he definitely didn't want to happen!

The last thing he wanted to do was ruin what was his first sexual encounter with, well, anyone!

Like she had felt all the way down to her toes before, Izzy knew she was quickly approaching her orgasm - her first one, at least! She really wanted Doug to throat her, and she had accidentally thrust into his mouth strongly enough to nudge her glans into the beginning of his gullet a few times, giving her the slightest hint at how good it would feel if he did. Her grip on his hair tightened the closer she got to her finale, the muscles in her arm bulging, veins popping out across her tanned flesh; her other was clenched at her side, the last bastion of resistance she could muster in order to not just grab Dougie's head and plow into him. Restraint was fucking hard! 

This wasn't aided by the fact that Dougie looked so damn hot with her cock in his mouth! His chin and the area around his lips glistened with his own saliva, bubbles of spit dripping onto his legs and the carpet below. He was fucking slobbering on her meat, her shaft sheening in the same liquid, rivulets of it running down her length and coating her balls. Isabella had seen him swallow constantly, gulping down each milky rope of precum she'd shot into his orifice. It was fucking sexy - hewas fucking sexy! God she couldn't wait to plow his ass… if he let her, of course. 

Despite his previous concerns, Doug decided to throw caution to the wind and go for it. Pulling his head back until just the tip of the tip of the futa's cockhead was half-covered by his lips, drool pooling around their meeting point, Doug took a deep breath through his nose, once again inebriating himself on her powerful scent. With his lungs full of oxygen and brain dimmed by images of massive futanari cock, the young man thrust his head forward. Scrunching his eyes shut as he did, he opened his throat the best he could like he was taking a shot of liquor, and did his best to not vomit on the bulky, oral intruder. Her thick shaft rocketed through his mouth before sliding into his throat, pushing his uvula to the side to make the extra space it very much needed. Whole body shaking, Doug held his face as still as he could, tears welling in the corner of his closed-sockets, his neck undulating over and over again to try and swallow or regurgitate Isabella's enormity. 


Isabella howled into the air as her meat was finally throated, her head flying back, her chest heaving, causing her huge tits to jiggle. He actually did it! Foot bouncing in place, she couldn't help but hold him where he was, not wanting to let this feeling escape her, relishing his devotion. What little prudence she had been able to display was all but thrown out the window, her hips jerking towards the young man's face; her cock prodded further into his neck, creating a bell-shaped distension at the bottom of it near his chest. The rest of her body quaked with ecstasy in response, shaking Doug's body from the force of it. Isabella knew what was about to happen to her even if he didn't. 

"Fuck Dougie, I-I'm gonna cum!" Isabella squealed in warning, biting her lower lip. Doug's eyes had already been bulging from the more extensive-than-expected penetration of his oral faculties, but now they were like a Tarsier's in size. His oxygen supply was meeting its end as the massive blockage plugged his airways, suffocation coming in the form of a huge cock. His grip on her balls and dick tightened like the only thing he could do was hold on for dear life, the idea of trying to get her to stop not even crossing the blonde's mind. He'd accepted his fate, as preposterous as it was! As his cheeks started to turn red then blue, tears running down his face and slobber down his chin, the barrier between him and life slid back slowly, giving him another chance at existence. 

Pulling out her spit-shined cock until just her throbbing glans ballooned the young man's lips, Isabella mewled as cum raced up her shaft. A touch of scarlet colored her cheeks and the muscles across her body flexed and pulsed with strain, her abs popping out, her biceps bulging. Extra-size, both length and girth, shot through her massive member, stretching Doug's jaw and sending another inch of fat meat onto his tongue, her urethra widening to make room for her copious progeny. Her bulbous cum factories jumped to the bulk of softballs, escaping Doug's fingers to trudge towards her groin. Isabella let out another loud moan as the first blast of milky cock cream exited her yawning slit. 

"Oh God!" The futa howled, "Here it comes Dougie!"

Unprepared for the minor, but no less intense transformation Izzy's cock had gone through, Doug was caught equally as surprised as her load entered his body. The first shot alone was practically a mouthful, his cheeks inflating like a certain Disney's character while eating porridge, a single spray of the thick dreck flying from the corner of his lips. Trying to swallow the dense glue, his throat working overtime to get the insane amounts of potent goo down, the next incredible stream that came only seconds after the initial injection had ended was too much for him to handle. A rivulet of cum shot from each of his nostrils, and, pushed back from the force of the liquid explosion, the rest of the semen-squirted from his now cock-free lips, splattering onto his crotch. How could anyone cum so damn much!?

"Fucking take it slut!" 

All bets were off now, Isabella's dominant side coming out. Her hands went to her cock hastily, wrapping around her engorged member to start stroking it rapidly. Shot after shot erupted from her urethra, alternating multiple-second long streams and extensive ropes that were a foot long each, each aimed at the same place: Doug. Targeting his visage as he coughed and attempted to choke down the cascade of warm frosting already filling his mouth, she covered his face and hair. She bleached his already-blonde locks white until a helmet of goop had formed around his skull; he was drenched from his neck to his ears next, masking his adorable features in her essence. Pores clogged, eyes glued shut, nostrils crammed with cream - every opening on his countenance was filled and stuffed with her virile baby batter.

Pushing her cock down – an arduous task considering its steely-hardness – she targeted his naked form next. Like a star in a pornographic video or magazine, she plastered his chest, criss-crossing his flat, pale flesh with her seed, hiding his nipples completely under her sexual refuse. Cum ran down his torso, thick futa-made rivers lining his abdomen down to his crotch. The one futa-bukkake continued, giving him a freshly-made shirt of pearlescent sperm that engulfed him shoulder to crotch; she even sprayed down his genitalia, covering his average manhood in its entirety. Isabella's orgasm lasted a minute, at least, and every ounce, every rope, every drop of it fell onto Doug's being until more cum showed on his person than skin!

Holy fucking shit !

Doug couldn't fucking believe it - couldn't believe how much semen Isabella produced! He had done a fair amount of research on futanari in the past, but just like witnessing the extent of Izzy's endowment, he was in no way prepared for the amount of cum she blasted onto him. Fucking soaked is what he was! It didn't feel like there was an inch of him that wasn'tbathed in her gooey nectar, like he had taken a shower of pure sperm! With his eyes and ears immersed in the stupendous syrup, his senses were completely overrun by the futa's wiggling egg-seekers; touch, taste, smell - all of it was conquered by Isabella's liquid onslaught. The whole event was as overwhelming as it was arousing, and the effects of her drenching caught up to him as soon as her climax ended.

A muffled groan escaped his lips, along with several strands of cum, as his own orgasm racked his body. He hadn't touched his cock since he'd started touching hers , but that didn't stop him from being on edge the entire time. His dick had been almost painfully erect, sticking straight up out of his groin like a little flagpole, precum running down his shaft, and once some of Isabella's load had landed on it it pushed him over the edge. Her hot, creamy seed was all the stimulation he'd needed to cum, a throb pulsing through his member before he exploded. It was barely noticeable under her sexual storm, but several ropes of ejaculate still shot from his tip, landing back in the swamp of sperm covering his crotch, mixing in with her powerful offering. Doug couldn't help but squeal and wiggle his hips as he climaxed, his hands clenching and unclenching in front of him.

While little Dougie cried out and shook from his orgasm, Isabella panted through the remnants of her own aftermath. Her cock continued to spit up dollops and stands of cum that pooled between her feet, some of the dregs landing on Doug's bent knees. Holding her stomach, Isabella exhaled loudly, her eyes rolling around in her head; her cumshots were always so damn tiring! Chuckling to herself as she regained her senses, Izzy looked down at the mess she'd made - and the person she'd made it on. Damn, she'd really done a number on him! He was fucking covered and quivering, her cum forming a puddle that outlined his kneeling legs. Semen still leaked from his lips, his breathing heavy from the liquid obstruction – and possibly something else – his entire face plastered. She hoped her orgasm was as good for him as it was for her! 

 If anything he was even hotter to her now that he was drenched head to toe in her seed! 

"Uh, stay right there Dougie," Isabella told him through exhausted breaths, though she wasn't sure if he could hear her, "I'll grab you a towel… or two ."
