Izzy's Average Day part 2 by MisterretsiM

Chapter Text

Not waiting for a response she might not receive, Isabella shook her head and walked away from the cum-covered male, grinning at her own erotic display. Her still-hard cock pointed forward like it was leading her around, bouncing up and down as she walked to her closet and dug through a laundry basket. Pulling out a couple body-sized towels, she used one to wipe up the sticky residue sticking to her genitalia and fingers, before returning to Doug. Throwing one of the drying implements over her shoulder, she laid the other one out over her guest's head, blanketing his countenance in its softness. With both hands, she rubbed it gently over his features, soaking up as much of her muck as she could, taking time to wipe at his ears, eyes, and nose. It didn't take long for him to join in the cleaning, his own hands using the other parts of the fabric to clean his head. 

Removing the towel and sliding it off of his features, his sight was immediately greeted by a second, mostly-fresh cloth being held out to him. Smiling gratefully up at Isabella who was looking back sheepishly, he took the gift gladly and began to work on the rest of his body, clearing off his hands first. Doug dried off the rest of himself like he'd just gotten out of a pool, patting down his soaked skin, trying to clear his figure of as much cum as he could. It took several minutes for him to finish, and even then several areas on his chest and neck were still covered in the drying, off-white gunk; but the rest of him – his limbs, face, and genitalia – were otherwise free of the virile glue. He handed the crusty towel back to Isabella who balled it up with the other and tossed it into a pile of presumably dirty clothes next to her bed. 

"Sorry about that, uh," Isabella scratched at her cheek as she spoke, having trouble looking the young man in the face, "it's um, hard to warn people about the… amount ."

"It's okay, don't worry about," Doug reassured her, now feeling someone awkward in his naked and flaccid state, still on his knees, "I should have expected it from uh, how big you are and the things I read before."

He paused and blushed, looking away from the towering futa.

"Besides…I sorta came myself."

"You did!?" Isabella was suddenly beaming back at him, her eyes lighting up.

"Uh yeah," he chuckled nervously, "when you um, covered me down there."

"That's great to hear Dougie!" She laughed, no longer feeling as bad for losing control, "But that kinda brings up another question…"

"What is it?"

"Well you see, I'm still hard," she wagged her hips back and forth, causing her giant cock to slap wetly against her thighs, "see?"

Doug could definitely see.

He wasn't sure how he had missed such a vision-obscuring sight, considering her massive dick had been hovering right in front of him the whole time! When he had been sucking it he didn't really get a chance to look at how much she had grown, too focused on doing his best to pleasure her; he'd felt it enlarge in his mouth obviously, and it felt monstrously huge between his lips, but Doug hadn't truly grasped how much Isabella's club had expanded. Now he didn't need to grasp it because now he could observe the enlargement for himself. Isabella was fucking gigantic previously, but now it had leapt from a record-setting size to something inhuman! 

While Doug's view was askew from his kneeling, front-facing position, he could easily tell that the futa's cock had gained a good half a foot in length, at least! Isabella's amazing appendage had been as long as a ruler when soft – or damn close to it – but now it could easily eclipse such an inadequate measuring instrument. The fact that it was hard and sticking straight out from her crotch made it appear even bigger, the lack of slack in it adding to its grandeur. Taking a quick glance at the door behind her, Doug could practically measure her growth by how much closer she'd gotten to it, standing much farther away from him then when they'd started – standing casually like she didn't have a hunk of meat as long as his arm attached to her body!

Not only had it lengthened but the tube of rigid flesh had noticeably widened too! Definitely as thick as his own wrist now, at the minimum, it presented an intimidating sight, and Doug quickly found himself wondering how he ever fit that beast in his mouth. Now completely uncovered, her foreskin peeled back due to the ridiculous girth her cock had attained, her glans were the same proportionally as it was before: even bigger . It had taken on a plumish shade in its aroused state, throbbing and pulsing, leaking cum through a slit that looked enlarged enough for him to stick his tongue through! The colossal circumference that ran uniformly down its unending length added to the terror the futa's effigy of sexual superiority bestowed upon his vision. 

Every other feature of her cock had been enhanced as well. The amount of veins lacing its surface had stayed the same, but they were much more prominent now, sticking out like angry red and blue growths that reverberated constantly. Her member had darkened with all the blood pumped into it, now a deeper hue of brown than her natural skin tone. Below her shaft hung the tunnel that her cum traveled through, and it had grown as well; it looked comparable in girth to his owncock, and was obviously much longer, running from the sturdy base of her appendage all the way to the humongous head. Those unreal globes she called testicles weren't immune from the amplification the rest of her package had gone through either, approaching melons in size.

There was an inch of her genitalia that wasn't astounding! Doug tried to remember the way it had looked when he first laid eyes on its magnificence, but it was getting harder and harder to picture the more its current proportions burned itself into his brain; if he thought his mind was clouded by arousal before, it didn't compare to how he was feeling now! The member in front of him was amazing in every way: huge, powerful, sexy . He found himself salivating almost as much as he had when sucking it, wiping his mouth instinctively before managing to tear his eyes from it and glancing back up at Isabella. She was just as mouth-wateringly hot - tanned, buff, busty, and if his mind hadn't been made up before on how he was going to respond, it sure as hell was now!

"I-I do," Doug gulped, trying his best to maintain eye contact, "did you, you want me to suck you again?"

"Mmm that does sound nice, but I was thinking something different this time…"

Isabella stopped and took a deep breath.

"...like sex."

"Sex…?" Her statement seemed to catch Doug off guard for some reason, like he shouldn't have expected the escalation, "You mean like, uh… you , um doing me?"

"Well, yeah. I mean if you're up for it of course! I understand if it's too much though."

That disappointed expression returned involuntary to Izzy's face, one that made Doug's heart drop.

"I t-think I am. I've just never put anything back, uh, there."

"I can help– uh help get you ready, if you want?"

"S-Sure! Whatever you think is best."

Izzy clapped her hands together.

"Okay Dougie!" That same excitement from before had returned to the futa, "Why don't you lie on the bed. Doesn't matter how - just do what feels most comfortable!"

Nodding at her, Doug grabbed the bed frame before standing up, almost falling over as he rose; he had been kneeling for so long that his legs had fallen asleep! Stabilizing himself using the bed, he gave a last, long glance at Isabella's battering ram, questioning whether this was the right choice or not. While he knew he could just leave at any time, it felt too late to pick that option, his fate decided the moment he agreed to come home with the futa. As he crawled onto the soft sheets, he tried to reassure himself that this was an opportunity that might never present itself again, and that it was something he had fantasized about since first seeing an amateur futanari porn clip on the internet. Sure, Izzy was much more hung than he'd expected, but that just added to her allure!

On his hands and knees, Doug observed the dark blue blanketing he was surrounded by, trying to decide what would work best for his first time. Doggystyle was the obvious option, but the young man kind of wanted his first time having sex to be a bit more intimate . Blushing to himself at the silent admittance, he twisted around, and lay flat on the bed, scooting himself up towards the pillows. Once he was firmly planted on the cushiony surface, he leaned forward and stared at Isabella, who was slowly fisting her cock and staring back at him, studying him - ogling his naked form without an ounce of shame. They stayed like this for a long moment until Doug realized the futa was waiting for him to give the signal that he was ready.

"Um, I think I want to do it in this position if that's okay?"

"Works for me Dougie," Isabella purred, still steadily wetting her hunk of meat with her own lubrication, "let me just grab my lu–"

Fuck .

She forgot she'd given her fucking sister her bottle of lube! Why did Tati have to bother her on today of all days!? Fucking shit. Whatever, she'd just have to do it herself! It wouldn't be quite as good as if she'd used normal lubricant, but it would have to do. Calming herself from this minor, but annoying hiccup, Izzy made a mental note to have to talk to Tatianna about interrupting her when she was 'studying' with someone. Shaking her head, she realized she'd suddenly gone quiet in the middle of talking to Doug, while also now wearing a vexed expression. Coughing, she smiled again and tried to pretend like she wasn't bothered.

"…nevermind! Sorry, I just remembered something. Just lay back and let me get you prepared!"

"Okay Isabella, I trust you."

His words made Isabella even more eager, any hesitation she still possessed at popping the young man's cherry thrown to the wind. Stepping towards the bed, the futa took her hand off her cock and grabbed Doug's thighs. Yanking him towards her, drawing a yelp of surprise from his lips, she pulled him down until his ass rested on the edge of the bed. Pushing his legs back towards his body, she watched as his cheeks spread from her manhandling, his virgin asshole coming into view; it looked pretty clean at least! Hunching over, Isabella breathed gently on Dougie's cock – which was hard once more, much to her glee – causing the young man to moan. Grinning to herself, she dipped her head below his comparatively-tiny balls, and inched her face forward until his starfish was in licking distance!

"Time to dig in!" she announced with a laugh, Doug's cheeks burning with an embarrassment she couldn't see. Knowing he wouldn't be used to the sensation, Isabella was unhurried in her movements at first, making brief licks against his backdoor, letting him understand what it would feel like. Luckily for Izzy his hole tasted as clean as it looked, having a few unfortunate experiences in the past. While she tongue-bathed his ass, she used her strong fingers to massage his thighs, trying to make him as comfortable as possible - the occasional twitch of his genitals on her forehead reassured her that she was doing a good job. The urge to fuck him had become incredibly strong within her, but she knew she could be patient for just a few minutes longer!

After he seemed to have grown accustomed to her outer oral ministrations, Isabella took the next step and slipped her mouth-muscle into his tight ring. This drew an actual, audible exclamation of pleasure from the young man, making Izzy increasingly excited for the noises he'd make when she fucked him! Swirling it around, she used her tongue to slowly stretch his rim, not going too deep yet, just wetting the entrance. More undulations of his cock and balls on her head encouraged her to go further, and she buried her face between his bubbly cheeks until her lips met his pink backdoor. Isabella did her best to salivate around the perverse snack, poking her tongue through his depths every which way until she found what she was looking for.

His prostate!

When he let out a particularly powerful moan, she knew she'd hit the right spot. Waiting a bit longer to slip in a finger, she used her pink muscle to punch at his pleasure point, gliding the tip of her tongue back and forth over it, intermittently stopping to push against the button. His whole body quivered against her visage and hands, his ass actively wiggling back and forth; Izzy could feel the sheets move under her arms as well, and it instantly filled her mind with lurid images. Dougie moaning and squealing, clenching the sheets, his cute face twisted in pleasure, beet red. She didn't need to touch her cock to keep it hard, her imagination was doing that work for her! After several minutes her face was as soaked in her own spit as Doug's backside was, and she figured this was as good a time as any to get handsy! 

Sliding a hand down the back of his thigh, she danced her fingers along one of his soft ass cheeks, trying to give him a hint of what she was about to do. Pulling her face back, she replaced its presence with her hand, circling his drenched rim with her pointer finger. Testing the waters, she prodded it several times, feeling out how elastic it was already, not quite penetrating it yet; when she felt no real resistance, she knew she was good to go. With care she pushed the tip of her finger in, and Doug immediately tightened against her digit. Letting him grip it, her mind wandered to how amazing that same clenching would feel around her shaft. Izzy couldn't wait!

"It's okay Dougie," she tried to reassure him, keeping her finger still as she did, "just relax. This will feel good, trust me."

"I-I do! I've just never had anything back there before!"

"I know cutie, that's why I'm gonna get you nice and warmed up!"

Feeling his backdoor-flexing loosen, she continued her exploration of his asshole with her digit. Sinking it deeper into his depths, she made a spiraling-motion with it, really using this opportunity to spread him out. She began to lick at the point her finger met his starfish, trying to add to his pleasure, doing what she could to make this whole thing easier for him. Repeating her actions from before, she stimulated his prostate, doing it as gently as she could, once again drawing the same, euphoric reaction from the young man; if she could bring him to another orgasm with a bit of backdoor play, it would be all the better! It didn't take much longer for Isabella to stretch him out with a second finger, adding to her first, and going for the same spot without hesitation.

Isabella kept this up until she had lodged in her other fingers, only her thumb outside of the young man's hole. She used it to rub at his ass like she was trying to comfort him, not wanting or necessarily needing to fist him to make enough room for her cock; besides, she wanted her first feel of his deepest depths to be with her cock, not her hand! Dougie had stopped fighting her attempts at stretching, and was very obviously lost in the pleasure her fingering was bringing him, his body perpetually vibrating, his ecstasy-induced outcries a constant soundtrack for Isabella's fun. The futa found herself struggling more and more with her urge to jump up and ravage him right there, her cock attempting to do all the thinking for her. It would be any moment that he'd be fully prepared for her colossal crotch cannon anyway! 

After several more twists and turns of her multiple-finger assault on his asshole, Isabella figured that he was as ready as he'd ever be! 

"Okay Dougie," she pulled her hand out and stood up, immediately jerking herself once more, her dick hard enough to bust concrete, "I think you're good to go. Still want to do this?"

"Yes!" Doug lifted his head off the sheets to look up at the futa, "If anything I want to even more now!"

"Good boy!"

Giving the blushing man a wink, Izzy turned her attention towards her elephantine cock and his reddened, slightly gaped asshole. Moving her monster closer to it, she grunted and flexed her abs, sending several ropes of hot precum shooting from her glans onto his rear. Using her purple crown, Isabella rubbed in the gooey secretions as much as she could, not quite penetrating him but still putting a bit of pressure on his backdoor. Satisfied, she spit at the meeting point, giving him a last bit of lubrication before she continued. Using one hand she grabbed his thighs, one after the other, and lifted them until his ankles were hooked on her shoulders. Leaning forward, she prodded his starfish with her cock, lining them up perfectly; then, with a grunt and a light shove, she forced her cockhead into his back entrance. 

"Oh fuck!" 

Doug half-moaned, half-screamed as he was partially penetrated. Despite her previous ministrations he was still incredibly tight, and her first attempt at entering his depths wasn't completely successful; only about two-thirds of her glans managed to enter him, the flared rim still sticking out between his cheeks. Adjusting her stance, Izzy wiggled her hips, causing her immense cockhead to prod a little deeper into Doug's hole. Her hand having never left her cock, she held it steady as she pushed forward, the young man's backdoor opening around her incredible girth slowly but surely. With a little more effort, she managed to stuff the entirety of her fist-sized, fleshy helmet into him, pulling another loud squeal from his panting mouth. 

"Fuck Dougie, you're so God damn tight!"

"A-Anyone would be tight on your cock!"

Izzy chuckled and blushed.

"Oh Dougie, you always know just what to say!"

Now that she had buried her purple crown into him, the ridge of her glans snagging on his pink rim, Izzy felt confident she wouldn't slip out. Taking her hand off her cock, she joined it with her other in holding onto Dougie's legs, moving them until her sharp, Latin features were framed by his bare feet. Biting her lip, her mouth-jewelry folding into her mouth, she took a deep breath before trudging her cock forward. Taking her time, knowing Doug would need it, Isabella moved very slowly in her traversion of his bowels, sliding a single inch in if that, leaving it there for a minute, before pulling it back out and repeating the process. By no means was this as fast or hard as she wanted to fuck the young man, but Izzy was willing to wait - his warmth and tightness was enough to hold her over for now. Virgin holes always had their own special feeling to them anyway!

Fingers raking against the blue sheets he lay on, Doug was lost in a world of pleasure. Isabella's fingering and licking had felt amazing in their own right, but her cock was on an entirely different level! He felt more full than he ever had before, and that was only growing the more of her humongous hunk of fuckmeat she pushed into him. His cock was harder than it had ever been, and he swore he would orgasm any moment from her efforts! This might have been the best decision he'd ever made – going home with Isabella – and it was only getting better. Fuck, if Doug knew how fucking good anal play felt, he would have experimented on his own ages ago! Doug groaned as another gigantic inch dipped through his depths, his cock flexing and beating against his flat stomach.

After about a third of her cock was imbedded in Dougie's tight hole, Izzy decided to start actually fucking him; not as hard as she could of course, but just enough to give him a taste of what he was in for. Rocking back and forth, the futa pumped her ramrod through him steadily, never putting any more destructive dick in but never taking it completely out either. Doug's whole body slid across the bed as she did, never leaving her grasp, extending towards the pillows before his ass came slipping back to her. Isabella couldn't help but match his moans, his asshole gripping her perverse plow perfectly, his inner walls hugging her sizable shaft like he never wanted it to leave. Her balls gurgled happily as she thrust into him rhythmically, bouncing against her thighs, expanding with the seed it eagerly brewed. 

Changing her pace slightly, Izzy began to pull out until just the tip of her tip was left gaping his rim, confident she could easily get back in without much difficulty now if it slipped out, before pumping back into him roughly, forcing another new inch into his depths. Obviously eager to hilt herself, she used this motion to introduce him to more and more of her cock to the inexperienced male; the futa's pounding was aided by the feeling of his pleasure spot rubbing against the side of her shaft, Doug moaning louder each time she scratched it with her venous pole. If he was feeling this good already, he wouldn't mind her going even deeper ! Spelunking into his caved out asshole, it took Izzy no time at all before she got more than half of her meaty rocket fucking her boytoy 

"Oh fuck yeah Dougie!" The futa cried out, teeth grit, "I could fuck you like this forever !" 

Doug couldn't reply, his pleasure reaching a crescendo.

Burying the side of his face in the bed, Doug's eyes snapped shut and his tongue lolled out of his mouth. His fingers dug into the sheets, pulling at them urgently, his whole body tense; if Izzy wasn't holding his legs, they would have kicked out wildly too! Chest heaving, every nerve from his brain down to his cock screamed, ignited by an ecstasy he'd never experienced before. Once the lit up circuits coursing through his form reached his genitals, his cock reacted accordingly - it twitched, flopped back and forth, then went even more rigid than before. Sticking straight up, his thin member pulsed, his urethra winking and firing out his seed. The several ropes that he expelled went high, almost reaching Izzy's bouncing breasts before landing on his stomach, coating it in several long, white strands. Isabella watched the whole thing with a carnal hunger in her eyes.

"Fuck Dougie, that was so fuckin' hot!"

No longer able to control herself at seeing such a raw, sexy display of unbridled lust – one she knew she was the cause of – the futa went all in. Growling, she sped up her thrusts, too intoxicated by the sight of her partner losing himself to pleasure to hold back anymore. She plowed in and out of him rapidly, the amount of cock filling his intestines increasing in quantity, precum drenching his insides. Like a futanari possessed, she put her whole body into it, stepping forward to make sure she could bury as much of her serpent into him as possible, her hold on his legs tightening. His whole being shook, his head dancing around the bed, his arms jiggling limply at his sides, not a part of him unmoving from the forceful plowing. As Izzy got closer and closer to the bed with every thrust, her bulbous balls began to slam against it, filling the room with a loud, repetitive knocking sound; a normal person might have been sent into a fit of agony at such brutal impacts on their genitalia, but Izzy wasn't a normal person, not by a longshot! 

Finally sheathing herself fully into the young man, Izzy moaned at the sensation of having her bitch breaker encompassed to the base in Dougie's tight walls; knowing more eroticism was awaiting her, she looked towards his stomach once she was hilted. Even though she had seen it many, many times before, the sight that greeted her eyes was always the one she'd replayed in her mind over and over again when she masturbated. A view that sent a throb through her lengthy bludgeon, forcing a huge belch precum out of it and into Doug's bowels. On his stomach a bulge had appeared, one in the exactshape of her colossal cock, outlining every part of it with his pale flesh. It stretched from his belly button all the way to his chest, distending his flesh, morphing into the form of her majesty. 

It was mouth watering .

Humping the young man's hole, Izzy fucked him ferociously, droplets of sweat forming across her figure, her crotch meeting his ass cheeks with a steady stream of slaps that reverberated through his body. Her eyes were fixated on the protuberance her cock made in his torso, watching as it slid back and forth through his insides, pushing his organs out of the way to make room for its enormity. Fueled by her unchecked arousal, Isabella's cock sprayed Doug's intestines with a constant supply of precum, oiling her shaft to make the penetration even easier, bathing his internal self in her essence. Like he hadn't cum twice already today, Doug's cock was once again rockhard, bouncing to and fro, the pale flesh turned pink from all the blood contained inside of it. 

"Take it Doug, take my fucking cock!"

Isabella commanded him passionately like he had much choice in the matter, a slave to her pounding, the pleasure clouding his mind overwriting any parts of his brain still thinking logically. Hips a blur, the training wheels off, Izzy fucked him harder and harder, using the entirety of her strength to stuff his hole over and over again. She grunted rapidly as she did, beads of salty liquid dripping from her visage. Her cock schlicked through his depths, her milky seed leaking from his abused rim, splashing onto her balls and the bedding under them, painting everything they touched white. Those same corpulent cum containers had begun gurgling once more, filled to the brim with a load it couldn't wait to expel, the skin of her sack stretched drum-taught around the giant globes. She barreled her beast into him without remorse, ready to get hers! 

The closer she got to her second climax, the more brutally she fucked him - however, she felt a change in position was in order to get the best out of her coming explosion. Still thrusting into him, albeit slower for a moment, she hopped up onto the bed, pushing him back towards the top of it as her knees sunk into the mattress. Taking her hands off his legs as she did, though not letting them unhook from her traps, she hunched over his splayed form, pressing her palms next to his head. Blanketing his smaller body, she resumed her fervent fucking as soon as she could, her pierced-nipples and squishy breasts flattened against his chest, her belly button jewelry scraping against his stomach, her hips still slapping loudly against his. Realizing that something had changed, Doug looked up, his face still dazed from his orgasm, his eyes lidded-over in lust. 

Seeing his sexy countenance, red and sweaty, his blonde hair wildly messed around his head, made the futa want to fill him up even more! Bending her neck, she captured his lips in hers before he had a chance to move and attacked his mouth with her tongue. Making out with the young man made her thrusts take a savage turn, her rhythm lost, her instincts taking over. The pair bounced together on the bed, Doug's body almost completely lifting from the sheets, the frame smacking into the wall behind it, adding to the severa l dents that already laced its surface. Her fat, cum-filled balls were actively smacking his ass now in this new position, beating them over and over again until circular bruises appeared on the pale flesh, a perverse cacophony created by the mix of carnal noises that filled the room.

There was no stopping at the futa at this point, a grown man not able to pull her off of the person she was so viciously pounding. They were both moaning as they entangled their tongues together, each one getting a dose of hot pleasure the other was feeling, their breath warming each other's skin. Holding herself up with one hand, Izzy snaked the other down Dougie's abdomen, groping her own cock through his skin, jacking herself off with his stomach for a moment. Her hand drifted lower down her lover's midsection, caressing his crotch before it found what it was looking for. Placing a firm grip on his cock, she started to stroke his member rapidly, his hips wiggling in response, his shaft throbbing between her strong fingers. 

Isabella loved being able to feel the affect her fucking had on others!

She was quickly reaching her limit, this new position giving her better leverage to fuck harder with, her titanic testicles pulling up against her scrotum and crotch. Putting her all into the last moments of crazed copulation, she slammed herself against Dougie, and into Dougie with as much force as she could muster, their bodies colliding powerfully with each thrust. Her fantastic fuckstick rocketed through his depths enthusiastically, never more than half of her incredible length pulling out before ramming back in and filling him with numerous inches of girthy meat. Streams of pre-seed squelched out from around her cock, covering both of their lower halves in the sticky cream. His own cock pulsed in her hand, giving her all the signs she needed to know he was getting close as well. Moving her face away from his with a gasp, she immediately buried it in his neck, biting and sucking on the flesh, latching onto whatever she could. 

Her cock went through all the same changes as before, gaining thickness and length, the bulge in Doug's stomach widening and stretching farther up his chest. Veins popping out prominently, her urethra following suit, they raked against the young man's insides, giving him a last burst of ecstasy as they touched every sensitive part within him. His hands reached out and hugged her strong, sweaty back, pulling her in closer; he would've wrapped his legs around her as well, but they were still pinned tightly under her muscled arms. Doug moaned breathily as she gave one last, powerful piston into him, sinking her massive cock down its base, their crotches kissing, precum pooling between them. Interlocked completely, they hit their apexes at the same time.

Isabella was cumming, and so was Doug! 

She wasn't able to give warning this time, her mouth filled with Dougie's neck skin, but they both could feel what was happening all the same. While Izzy's first enormous load of potent progeny raced up her cock, Doug's immediately ejected out of his. His cumshots were caught by the futa's hand, strands of watery, white seed covering her fingers and webbing between them. It was his least copious orgasm so far, but it was still larger than average for him, his balls emptied completely onto Izzy's digits. Almost like it was waiting for its turn, Isabella's initial blast of cum gushed from her gaping piss slit right on cue, the shot much larger than all three of Doug's orgasms that day combined. Detaching herself from his neck, she moaned into the sheets as she unloaded into his bowels.


Twitching one last time, she erupted into her lover. Being a futa, her climaxes were constantly copious, taking several in a row for the amount to begin to die down - and this one was no exception. All of the pre-ejaculate she unleashed previously was instantly washed away, a much thicker version taking its place. Both her own monstrous member and Doug's insides were bathed in her virile offering, the hot liquid engulfing them in an all-encompassing tidal wave. Isabella could feel her cock and cum throb through Dougie's stomach against her own, adding to the pleasure she was already feeling, the movements practically massaging her abs. Her hips bucked and jerked as she blasted into the young man, her groin mashing into his.

Her sperm gushed into Doug in an unbroken stream, one replacing the previous as soon as it ended, pausing for less than a half-second between shots. Each one lasted longer than Doug's entire orgasm, every single spew of semen enough to fill an entire coffee mug. His stomach was filled after several blasts, cum shooting back out through his intestines and spilling from his plugged – not plugged enough – asshole, coating his beat-red ass in dense glue; but Isabella wasn't even close to finished! More of her heavy ball jelly flooded his body than escaped, and Izzy could feel his midsection begin to inflate under her, a small, growing bump pressing against her stomach, just another thing that added to her ecstasy. A grunt escaped her lips with every additional pump, her body undulating against his in time with her shots.

Over and over Izzy pumped her hips into him, trying to force her cum out of bestial member as quickly as she could, her urethra almost painfully split by the huge torrents spraying from it. Lifting herself up enough that she was able to raise her head and stare at the affects she was having on the young man, she watched his body continue to distend with her swimming wigglers. Biting her lip, she admired the results of her efforts, the ballooning of Doug's stomach not stopping; if anything, the sight made her cum harder , her balls reacting to the lurid vision by increasing its progeny production. She moaned as another forceful blast erupted from her giant glans, Doug's abdomen shaking in response. He was going to look fucking pregnant by the time she was done with him!

Doug felt like he was going to explode. 

Unable to do anything but lay there and get packed to the brim with the futa's unending load, Doug did his best to maintain consciousness. Gut gurgling with potent seed, his body once again fell limp, his arms sliding off Isabella's back and onto the bed, his head sinking into the sheets; he didn't even have the energy to try and reach for his ballooning stomach to cradle the cum-baby forming inside of him. Drool leaked from the corner of his mouth, his eyes rolling around in their sockets, occasionally falling on Isabella's downturned face before looking somewhere else. Despite his weakened state, Doug felt good , his lust completely satiated, and even though it was uncomfortable, the warmth building at his core relaxed his worn being. A part of him did fear that Isabella might want to go again after this though…

Still riding out her amazing climax, Izzy continued to make shallow thrusts into Doug's abused hole, stirring up the cum she'd deposited in his depths. Her shots were coming out less powerfully now, but the ropes and dollops she released remained incredibly huge, each one making sure that there was no section of her lover's bowels that weren't imbued in her essence. Breathing growing heavy, Isabella's own vigor began to grow weary, her orgasms and sexual efforts catching up with her. After over a minute of constant gushing, her climax began to peter out, her pistoning becoming lazy. Once it felt like every ounce of cum had been wrung from her balls and her cock started to soften, she pushed herself over, landing with a bounce on her back next to Doug.

"Jesus Christ…" she muttered, throwing an arm over her face, "that was a good one!"

Her body glistened with sweat as she lay next to Doug, her chest heaving, her cock sagging between her muscular, outstretched legs. Doug was much the same, his legs finally falling after being pushed to his ears for so long, his whole body splayed out flaccidly, his eyes closed. Unlike Isabella's tanned skin, which glowed with the sheen of moisture covering it, Doug's body looked visibly tired, red in several places like his neck, dried cum drenching his thighs, ass, and stomach - his stomach which reached out towards the ceiling, making him appear, just as Izzy had thought, pregnant on the verge of giving birth. It had started to turn pink from the cum-created pressure, rounded out and hard, swaying slightly from the bubbling ball brew inflating it. The pair stayed like that silently, only their combined heavy breathing, and the sounds of sperm slopping out of the young man's gaping asshole onto more sperm breaking the quiet. 

Eventually Isabella managed to lift herself up by her elbows and look at the results of her sexual destruction, a goofy grin touching her lips. Pushing her wet hair out of her face, she glanced over at Doug, who looked like he was lost in the most blissful sleep of his life. Patting his head gently, she groaned and rolled over, opening a drawer on her nightstand. Digging through the contents, she pulled out a small, multi-color glass pipe, a lighter, and a bag filled with green, pungent smelling herbs of some kind. Turning back to her passed-out lover, she nudged him, holding the items in her hands out, waving the container of plant material back and forth over his visage. Awakening from his stupor, he groaned and groggily stared up at her smiling face. 

"Wanna smoke?"

Several days later, Izzy came home from school as usual.

Alone this time, she announced her presence as she entered the house and kicked off her shoes - oddly, her sister didn't return the greeting. Maybe she went out somewhere, though that wasn't likely. After grabbing a snack from the kitchen, Isabella wandered up to her room, texting rapidly on her phone as she did, trying to make plans for later. Entering her personal abode, she tossed the device on her bed and began to undress, dying to change into something more comfortable than the tight jeans she had on now; as she started to unbutton her pants, something on her computer desk caught her eye. Stopping what she was doing, she walked over to check out what it was, her mood dampening once she realized what was seeing.

Laying across her desk was a long mass of blue, jelly-like material that nearly reached from one end of the wooden surface to the other. It was split in half down the middle, several large rips and tears creating holes in its gelatinous form. The substance that had made up its rubbery existence looked stretched thin, like two people had pulled it apart until it lost all elasticity. The model of female genitalia that had once made up the opening of the object had been distorted, the shape no longer recognizable, a mish-mash of bumps and lumps left in its place. Despite its destroyed state, it shone like it had been cleaned recently, something that was out of place on the otherwise obliterated item. Izzy's face fumed with anger, her lips contorted into a menacing scowl.

It was her pocket pussy and it was fucking ruined!

"That fucking bitch!"