Josh is Dating a Hypersexual Futa by Dongstar

There was no doubt about it. Josh's dick had grown again.

The same jockstrap that had fit him snugly last week was now uncomfortably tight. The problem wasn't really so much his dick as his balls. They'd gotten so fat they wouldn't fit in the pouch anymore, and when he tried to stuff everything in by force, it pinched painfully.

He turned to the girl next to him. Beth Templeton.

"What do you want, perv?" snapped Beth.

Josh ignored the insult. He was used to it by now. He'd been changing with the futas in the girls' locker room since sophomore year, ever since his dick had cracked the twelve inch mark. It was an imperfect solution to a problem nobody wanted to deal with. The guys were all scared of him, changing with the girls was obviously out of the question, so the school had swept the problem under the rug by making Josh change with the other mutants after the girls had finished.

"Do you know anyone who can lend me a jock strap?" asked Josh. "This one doesn't fit anymore."

Beth's lip curled with disgust as she took in the sight of Josh's monster wang poorly stuffed into a Jock two sizes too small.

"Didn't you borrow that one from Katie last week?" asked Beth.

"Yeah but it doesn't fit anymore. I think it must have shrunk in the wash." The lie was so pathetic he didn't know why he'd bothered with it.

"It didn't shrink in the wash, your dumb dick just got bigger again," said Beth.

'Well, do you know anyone with a bigger dick than Katie?" asked Josh, desperately.

"Nobody at this school has a bigger dick than Katie," answered Beth. "Nobody but you."

She slammed her locker shut and hurried away to join the rest of the girls with dicks heading out onto the field for Phys Ed.

Josh sighed and tried to arrange his cock and balls as best he could before pulling up his shorts and limping out onto the field. Maybe he could borrow one of Carla's.

Just the thought of wearing one of Carla's athletic supporters really drove home the reality of how big his dick had gotten. Was he really so far gone already? How big was it going to get anyway?

Most teenaged boys would probably think a massive, ever-growing dick and balls the size of oranges was a dream come true. Josh certainly used to think so. He was the fucking god of the locker room in freshman year. No other dude had a dick as big as his. Only the futas were bigger, and not even most of them. Beth, for instance, didn't seem to be packing all that much. Katie's was, of course, enormous. Completely soft, her dick was the size of a beer bottle. He'd never seen it hard but he'd heard it was sixteen inches long.

But Josh's dick was even bigger. The damn thing just kept growing… and growing… and GROWING. After he'd passed about twelve inches, people stopped being impressed and started being grossed out. The guys hated him, the girls were terrified of him. The futas used to get along with him until the school put him in their changing room, then they started treating him like a perv, as if he'd asked for permission to change with them just so he could leer at their tits.

And, sure he leered a bit, but it's not like he wanted to! As if those hypocrites didn't sneak envious glances at his meat pole when they thought he wasn't looking.

By the end of PE, Josh was in so much agony he couldn't walk. His balls felt like they'd been crushed in a juicer. He just lay there on the bleachers with an ice pack on his groin until the pain subsided enough for him to limp back to the locker room and get changed.

"Hey Josh, I hear you're gonna be carrying your nuts around in a wheelbarrow pretty soon!" teased Nathan Benner when he spotted Josh trying to sneak out of the locker room.

He tried to ignore it, but the insult stung especially hard considering Josh had just been visualizing the same thing. Nathan was the ringleader for most of the hate Josh got from the other guys and he'd been making Josh's school life a living hell all year.

He'd had enough. Josh whirled on him.

"I hear your girlfriend carries your balls around in her purse!" retorted Josh.

Nathan's face flashed with anger, but he quickly unruffled himself.

"Hey, at least I have a girlfriend, freak," jeered Nathan.

"I've got a girlfriend!"

He regretted the words before they'd even finished flying out of his mouth.

Nathan laughed. A small crowd had gathered and they all laughed, too.

"Please!" Nathan guffawed. "A girl wouldn't touch your ten foot pole with a ten foot pole!"

 There was no turning back now. The cat was out of the bag. Might as well go whole hog. 

"She's a futa, actually."

Nathan and the crowd exploded with laughter.

"A futa? Which one?" he turned and spotted Beth near the back of the crowd. "Is it you, Beth? You slurping Josh's sausage? Your pussy must look like a fucking train tunnel by now."

Beth looked mortified. She shot Josh a look of absolute hatred and disgust.

"Ew no!" she yelled.

"So who's he dating, then?" asked Nathan.

"Nobody. He's a fucking liar," answered Beth, shooting Josh another look of disgust.

Josh felt his face getting hot.

"S-she doesn't go to this school," said Josh, defensively.

Christ, that sounded pathetic. Even he didn't believe himself.

"I suppose she lives in Canada, huh?" Nathan laughed.

"No she lives in Parksville, actually," said Josh.

Parksville was the next town over. It was almost as fake-sounding as having a girlfriend from Canada.

"Lemme guess, she's also a famous supermodel and we'll never get to see her because she wants to keep your relationship a secret?" Triumph was growing on Nathan's face.

"No, she's a fitness trainer," said Josh. He knew he was about to do something stupid and couldn't stop himself. "And I can call her right now if you don't believe me."

Josh's heart was pounding. This was a huge gamble. He couldn't remember Carla's work schedule. If she was in the middle of a training session, or if she was… otherwise occupied (which was pretty likely) she wouldn't pick up and he'd look even more like a liar.

Nathan's look of triumph faltered a bit. The crowd was laughing again but the laughter sounded less sure.

"You're seriously trying to tell us that you've got a super hot futa fitness trainer on speed dial?"

"I didn't say she was super hot." Josh felt a sudden surge of confidence. "But she is."

The crowd scoffed at this, Nathan let out a bray of laughter.

"And yeah, I'll call her right now." Josh pulled out his cell phone.

Nathan jumped back as if Josh had just pulled a live snake out of his pocket. The crowd murmured uncertainly. What was this dude doing?

Josh hit the button marked Carla on his phone's speed dial and put the phone to his ear.

"Nah, man, nah! You put that shit on speakerphone!" insisted Nathan, trying to snatch the phone away from Josh's ear. "You're probably calling your own voicemail or some shit."

Josh took the phone away from his ear and pressed the speaker icon. The ringback tone was clearly audible. Everyone in the hall leaned in close to listen.

Sweat beaded on Josh's forehead as the ringback tone played again. Why wasn't she picking up?

The phone clicked and Josh yelled out "Hey, Carla, uh—"

"The voice mail box of CARLITA DELION, is full, if you'd like to leave a message…"

Josh felt his stomach drop out onto the floor as Nathan and the crowd howled with laughter. His hand was shaking so bad his thumb kept missing the end call button. Finally the call mercifully ended.

"Holy shit that was epic, tell me someone got that shit on their phone!" laughed Nathan.

One of Nathan's buddies held out his phone to show the footage he'd gotten of Josh getting completely humiliated.

Just as the jeering crowd began to disperse, Josh's phone started to buzz.

It was Carla.

"H-hey, Carla," said Josh, trying to keep his voice steady.

Nathan and the others stopped laughing. Their eyes had all gone as wide as dinner plates. Josh put the call on speakerphone.

"Hey super stud." Carla's voice was deep and rich like chocolate milk. "Sorry I didn't pick up. I was playing with my pussy and daydreaming about that fat god cock of yours and my hands were absolutely soaked."

Josh's face went beet red. He felt his anaconda stiffen against the inside of his thigh.

"No fucking way!" exclaimed Nathan. "You just called a phone sex line or something. No way any girl Jills off thinking of you, dweeb!"

"Who's that?" asked Carla.

"That's Nathan. You're on speakerphone, Carla," said Josh. His hands were still shaking, but the confidence was coming back to his voice at least.

"Who's Nathan?" asked Carla.

"Nathan Benner. Uh… He's a guy from school. I'm at school right now," answered Josh.

"Lemme guess, Nathan doesn't think I'm real," said Carla.

"Y-yeah pretty much," answered Josh. "He was giving me shit for not having a girlfriend and—"

"So you were bragging about me?" Was that a note of accusation in her voice?

"Sorry I—"

"That's so fucking hot!" Carla growled. "If I were there I'd let you fuck me with your god cock right in front of everyone. If the girls at your school knew how it felt to get their guts rearranged by that beast, they'd be on their knees begging for your dick!"

A few of the girls made gagging sounds.

"Um…" Josh looked around awkwardly at the looks of disgust and envy on every face around him.

"I'm still having aftershocks from the absolute dicking down you gave me this weekend," Carla continued, panting heavily into the receiver. "Fuck I'm creaming my panties right now just thinking about it!"

"Uh um…" Josh's face was so hot it almost hurt. He could feel his boner creeping down his leg past his knee. He couldn't believe Carla was saying these things, but he wasn't sure he wanted her to stop. "Anyway, I was just calling so you could say hi so the guys would believe me."

"Well just calling me won't prove anything. Why don't I just drive over there? Then your little friends can see me in person," Carla suggested.

Josh's head almost exploded from shock.

"N-no! You don't have to—"

"I just gotta get cleaned up. See you in an hour, babe!" Carla hung up before Josh could beg her not to come.

Everyone was staring at Josh, open mouthed and speechless.

Josh's heart was pounding. His super stacked futa girlfriend was really coming and everyone would see her.

What had he done?


Chapter Text

It seemed like the whole school had turned up to see Josh the three-legged freak get picked up by the mysterious "Carla." Even a few teachers were hanging around pretending to have some business out on the school's front steps.

"He just called a phone sex line or something," said Beth. "There's no way she's real. Nobody's coming."

No matter how many times everyone agreed that nobody was coming, nobody moved an inch.

The minutes ticked by at a glacial pace. Josh shivered in the cold air as he sat on the chilly sidewalk, the strap of his heavy backpack dug into his shoulder. His monster cock throbbed painfully hard in his jeans. The promised hour had come and gone. People were starting to get impatient.

"She's not showing up."

"I knew she wasn't real."

What was taking her so long?

Knowing Carla, she'd probably gotten distracted by some chick walking by and totally lost track of time fucking the girl's brains out.

The buses came and went. The crowd finally started to dissipate, but Nathan and Beth stood resolute, along with a handful of other students who didn't have anywhere else to be. Carla was almost an hour and a half late.

There was a roar of an engine and Josh spotted a gray pickup absolutely obliterating the school zone speed limit as it tore into the parking circle. It squealed around the bend at breakneck speed. The huge pickup almost plowed into the students gathered on the sidewalk, overcorrected and jumped the curb up onto the grassy median directly across from where Josh was standing.

The door on the driver's side opened and the top of a black-haired head appeared beyond the roof of the massive truck. As she walked out from behind the cab, every jaw dropped.

Only Carla's upper body was visible above the truck bed. Her tits appeared first, a pair of massive, gravity-defying knockers more than twice the size of Josh's head, barely contained by a double layer of sports-bras and a stretched-out Hyper Mentors t-shirt. Carla's face came into view a few moments later.

"Holy shit!" Nathan's friend had his phone out and was trying to zoom in on Carla's tits.

The woman really was a stunner. Anyone who could tear their eyes away from Carla's massive mams long enough to look at her face would have been amazed by how smoking hot she was. Hispanic bombshell meets valley girl bimbo. There was a dash of Black and Southeast Asian in her mixture too, giving her an all over smooth light brown skin tone. She had plush, full, dick-suckin' lips, and large, liquid brown eyes with long lashes. Her jaw was powerful and her chin was strong. She had thick, dark eyebrows beneath a high forehead (Josh sometimes teased her that it was a 'fivehead'). She boasted a long, lustrous mane of black hair that she wore in a thick braid that ran all the way down to the top of her bubble butt.

The crowd gasped when Carla stepped out fully from behind the truck bed. Her legs were long and powerful. Tight, teal-colored yoga pants showed off bulging calves overlaid with a generous layer of fat. She had thick thighs and a jiggling ass so large the sides of her buttcheeks could be seen from the front.

She was mountainously tall. Six foot ten. Her limbs were long and muscular and her trim waist boasted a bulging six pack. Finally, of course, her piece de resistance: the monster schlong stuffed into the oversized pouch of her yoga pants. It looked like she was trying to smuggle an eggplant and a pair of cantaloupes. The fat package bounced hypnotically from thigh to thigh with each step.

"Hey babe." Carla winked at Josh. 

She pulled her chewing gum out of her mouth and tucked it behind her ear as she strode toward him. Her large, gold hoop earrings bounced in sync with her mammoth jugs in time with each stride of her long, powerful legs. She came to a halt with her melons just inches from Josh's face and grabbed him by the front of his shirt to pull him off the ground into a long, deep, passionate kiss.

Beth gasped in shock and disgust before hurrying away.

Josh's sneakers dangled above the pavement as he felt her pillowy lips pressed against his. She sucked his face with the force of a shop vac. Her large, muscular tongue forced his lips apart and plunged so far down his throat that he momentarily gagged. Her huge tits squished against his chest as she pulled him closer.

She dropped him back down to the ground, their lips separating with a wet, sloppy pop, and bent over to run her fingers through his hair and kiss the sides and back of his neck.

When Josh just stood there, paralyzed by shock, Carla grabbed his wrists and yanked them around to place them firmly on her plump asscheeks. He plunged his fingertips into the pliant surface. Despite their size, her cheeks were impressively firm and smooth. Her thighs and butt were so thick that he could barely encircle the whole thing in a bear hug. 

Josh squeezed and massaged Carla's caboose while she nibbled his ears and nuzzled his neck, panting like an animal.

The makeout session lasted for an awkwardly long time for everyone watching. A few of the girls in the audience had become visibly wet, panting and moaning as they watched Carla's every move with increasingly desperate hunger. Finally Carla detached her face from Josh's and wiped the saliva off her lips.

"Sorry I'm late, babe," said Carla, looking around at the shocked faces of everyone who'd come in the hopes of witnessing Josh's humiliation.. "I was fucking Nathan's mom."

Nathan snapped out of his stunned paralysis.

"Woah! What'd you say about my mom, bitch?" yelled Nathan.

"I said I fucked her, pindick," snarled Carla, stepping up to him. She was taller than Nathan by over a foot and her tits were right in his face. "I fucked her brains out right in front of your dad while he jacked off to the sight of my superior cock."

"Bullshit!" cried Nathan.

Carla pulled her phone out of her cleavage and brought up a video. Loud moaning and screams of pleasure blared from the speakers.

"Oh, oh fuck! You're so big!" moaned a woman's voice. "Oh fuck me. Fuck meeeeeeeee! Ahhhhhhhh!" 

Nathan's face went pale.

Carla showed the screen to Nathan. His eyes widened in shock and alarm. A few other people gathered around and gasped or laughed.

"Mom?" Nathan whimpered

"This is what a real dick feels like, bitch," grunted Carla's voice from offscreen.

The video was a POV shot looking down over a huge pair of bouncing, brown tits onto Nathan's mom laying on her back screaming as she got her brains fucked out by what looked like a fleshy, veiny baseball bat. The bulge of Carla's bitch breaker extended practically up to the woman's fat, bouncing tits.

"Holy shit, dude, your mom's pussy is gonna be wrecked! " exclaimed Nathan's buddy. He kept his phone up, recording every second of Nathan's devastating humiliation.

The view on Carla's phone spun to point back at her face. She winked at the camera and bit her lip in concentration as she pounded Nathan's mom like a jackhammer.

The view spun again to point at Nathan's dad, watching in awe as he jerked off his tiny pecker to the sight of his wife getting completely demolished by a cock twelve times the size of his.

The view shifted back to Nathan's mom. Her eyes were crossed and she had a stupid look on her face. It really was like Carla had fucked the woman's brain clean out. Carla grunted from behind the camera and Nathan's mom began to howl again as her belly bulged, rising slowly at first, then inflating like a balloon until the woman looked nine months pregnant. Carla withdrew her still spurting cock, zooming in the camera to capture every girthy inch as it slid out of Nathan's mom's ruined snatch. Every inch that appeared seemed like it must be the last one, but more and more cock kept sliding out for an impossibly long time. Finally Nathan's mom's pussy lips stretched extra wide, like she was trying to give birth to a football. There was a slick POP! and an explosion of spunk, and Carla's impossibly broad and flared mushroom emerged from Nathan's mom's hole.

Nathan was sobbing at the sight of his mom's pussy gaping like a train tunnel, but the video wasn't over yet. Carla took her cock and beat out a torrent of fat ropes that completely smothered Nathan's mom in thick baby batter. Hot, white jizz slathered his mom's tits and soaked the bed, collecting in steaming pools in the folds of the sheets. It splattered the headboard and strung long, viscous ropes across the furniture.

Once Nathan's mom had been so thoroughly buried under Carla's thick seed so as to be barely recognizable as a human being, the view spun back to Carla. She winked again and blew a kiss at the camera and the video ended.

Nathan dropped to his knees, his jaw still hanging open in shock.

"M-mom…" he whimpered.

"Your mom said next time I come over, I should bring Josh along," said Carla. "Now that I've got her loosened up for him."

She turned to her boyfriend.

"Come on, stud, let's roll."


Chapter Text

Josh followed Carla back to the truck and they peeled out, leaving Nathan sobbing by the curb. While the rest of the crowd watched them go in stunned silence.

"How did you find Nathan's mom?" asked Josh, still in awe of the murder he'd just witnessed.

"Oh I friended Nathan on FacePlace," said Carla. "He'd listed his mom as one of his friends. She was so hot I couldn't resist. The dumb bimbo had posted her address on her page for anyone to see. People really need to be more careful about cybersecurity."

Josh didn't need to ask how Carla had convinced Nathan's mom to fuck her. Carla traveled in a cloud of musk so thick with pheromones that any woman downwind of her practically dropped her panties at the first whiff. They'd only been on a handful of dates so far, but on more than one occasion Josh had witnessed spontaneous, hands-free orgasms by girls who'd spent too long in Carla's proximity. It made eating in sit-down restaurants pretty awkward because by the end of the meal every woman in the room was moaning and shuddering like they had self-vibrating pussies.

Nathan's mom probably started unbuttoning her blouse the moment she'd opened the door.

"So now that I've got you, wanna hang out?" asked Carla.

"At your place? Sure!" said Josh, his cock strained like a rabid mongoose against the confines of his jeans.

Carla laughed. "Oh you're that eager to see Raquel again huh?"


Damn. Caught.

Carla's younger sister Raquel was possibly the only woman in the world Josh could think of who was nearly as hot as Carla.

Raquel was a freshman at the local community college and she lived with Carla to save on rent. Like her sister, she was a futanari and, like her sister, Raquel was overdeveloped in every way. Raquel never worked out and gorged herself nonstop on junk food, so her boobs, ass and thighs were even bigger than Carla's, and she wasn't quite as tall—nearly the same height as Josh actually—which made her ginormous ass and tits look even bigger than they actually were. Plus being nearly the same age as Josh meant they related more easily. If anything, Raquel was even more of a nerd than he was. Raquel took classes remotely and almost never left the apartment. Other than class, she mostly just played videogames all day.

Josh just about came his pants at the thought of using Raquel's ass as a beanbag chair.

Even more than wanting to sink down into a fat girl's ass, Josh was thinking about Raquel's console collection. Raquel had almost every gen of every console, including the new Playstation and Josh wanted more than anything to get his hands on some exclusive titles.

"You know she's got the hots for you," said Carla. "She keeps asking when I'm gonna have you over again. She heard how you rocked my world last weekend. I was cumming for hours! Seriously, I can't believe that was your first time."

Josh blushed. He'd actually just lost his virginity just three days ago to Carla. In the first round it had only taken him like ten seconds to cum. He'd blasted a quart of nut milk right across Carla's fat tits. Instead of laughing at him, Carla had just stared in awe at the size of his load and begged him for more. After that they fucked all night with Carla screaming his name the whole time.

"You have a gift for real," said Carla. She looked hungrily down at Josh's bulge, biting her lip with temptation. "I guess you can come over, but only if you promise to stay the night."

"It's a school night," said Josh. "I'll have to ask my mom."

Carla scoffed. "Christ, you really know how to make me feel like I'm robbing the cradle. I still can't believe it's legal for us to be dating."

"Speaking of us dating…" Josh began. He paused, trying to find the right words.

"Yeah?" Carla raised an eyebrow.

Josh looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry I told everyone. I know I was supposed to keep it a secret."

Carla laughed. "It's no biggie, it was bound to come out sooner or later. Honestly I'm surprised you were able to keep a babe like me a secret this long!"

"Yeah but won't you get in trouble?" asked Josh, casting a meaningful glance at the severely stretched Hyper Mentors t-shirt barely holding back Carla's tits. "You told me mentors aren't allowed to date their mentees."

Carla shrugged. 

"If they find out, maybe," she said. "But the worst thing they can do is kick me out, right?"

"Right…" said Josh, not entirely convinced.

Carla leaned over and kissed Josh on the cheek. "It's sweet you're worried about me, but I can take care of myself, alright? If they kick me out they kick me out. It's not gonna break us up."

Josh blushed."Lemme uh… lemme call my mom and ask her if I can stay over at your place tonight."

He dialed his mom and waited for her to pick up.


"Hey, mom—"

"Hi missus Sullivan!" Carla yelled into Josh's ear.

"Is that Carla?" asked Josh's mom.

"I'm kidnapping your son for the night," Carla yelled before Josh had a chance to answer. "I'll drop him off at school tomorrow."

"Oh ok… Does he have a change of clothes and a toothbrush?" asked Josh's mom.

"Don't worry I'll make sure he gets hooked up," said Carla.

"Oh my God." Josh laughed.

"Don't let him stay up too late," said Josh's mom.

"Bye, mom!" Josh hung up.

Carla couldn't stop laughing for five whole minutes.

They hung a left and pulled into the parking lot of the Galactic Gym.

"Why are we here?" asked Josh. "I thought we were going to your place?"

"I've got work, stud." Carla dismounted from the cab and fished a gym bag out of the truck bed. "I'm supposed to teach an aerobics class today and I'm already five minutes late. It's just an hour and then after we'll head to my place, okay?"

"Ugh, fine." Josh supposed he could wait a little longer for another peek at Raquel. 

Besides, he wasn't going to miss Carla getting all hot and sweaty with a bunch of hot babes in aerobics gear…

"Here." Carla tossed Josh a pair of workout shorts and a tank top. "You'll need these."

"What? Why?" Josh objected, holding up the shorts to inspect them. They looked about his size.

"You're not gonna do an aerobics class in jeans, silly," Carla called over her shoulder as she strode toward the gym.

Josh had to jog to keep up.

"I-I'm not—but I can't!—"

Carla whirled on him. Her tits swung around like a pair of wrecking balls, Josh had to jerk his head back to avoid getting it knocked clean off by Carla's gigantic jugs.

"What, did you think you were just gonna sit in the back and jack off to all the girls' asses while I did all the work?" she asked.

Josh tried to come up with an answer that didn't involve admitting that was exactly what he'd thought.

She put her hands on his shoulders and leaned forward to look him in the eyes. Her large, brown irises glinted with gold in the cold sunlight.

"Besides, don't you want to get all hot and sweaty with me? It'll be a great warmup for tonight," she purred, reaching down with one hand to stroke the length of his python as it bulged down the inside of his pantleg toward his calf.

"B-but my dick won't even fit into these shorts!" he objected.

She grabbed the back of his head with both hands and lunged forward to lock her plush lips over his mouth in another tonsil-melting kiss. Josh felt like she was trying to suck his entire soul out. His eyes rolled back and he felt a sudden heat rise in his loins as his overstuffed balls clenched up.


Something hot and warm and slimy gushed down the left leg of his pants, soaking his sock and filling his shoe before overflowing onto the pavement in a steaming pile of thick boy batter.

She pressed her tits harder against his chest and grabbed his ass to pull him in closer as she continued throatfucking him with her tongue.


Another load quickly followed the first. His pantleg was gushing cum like a slushie machine and a dark, slick stain ran all the way from his ankle to just below his knee.


His balls ached as they squeezed out every last cup of pent-up seed into his pantleg.

Pop! Their lips parted and Carla wiped away the rope of saliva that dangled between his mouth and her chin. She looked hungrily down at the spreading puddle of steaming spunk that had washed over both their feet.

"There," she said, smirking as she wiped away the rope of saliva that linked his lips to her chin. "Now you have to change your pants."

Josh just stood there, rubber-legged from the completely balls-draining load he'd just blasted down his leg onto the sidewalk. The wet leg of his jeans clung to his calf, already growing cold in the chilly air.

"Well?" She wiggled her huge butt as she held the door open for him. "You coming or what?"

Josh followed his girlfriend's fat ass into the gym, his left shoe squelching on every other step.

"Men's locker rooms are over there." Carla pointed toward a sign on the wall beyond a maze of workout machines. "I'll be in Room Three. Try not to destroy too many egos while you get changed, stud."

She slapped him on the butt and bounced away, drawing every eye in the room as she passed.

Josh hurried to take advantage of Carla distracting everyone as he squelched wetly toward the men's locker room.

He found a deserted corner of the changing room and looked around cautiously before unzipping his pants and letting them drop to the floor. His slimy, cum-dripping cock dangled like a length of anchor chain from the left leg of his boxers all the way down to his knees. It wasn't fully soft yet, but it's not like it would get much smaller. The front of his boxers bulged with the effort of keeping his fat ballsack contained. Even fully drained, the heavy orbs were as big as baseballs.

It took quite a bit of effort to stuff everything into the elastic shorts Carla had provided, and his whole package bulged obscenely. Still, the pouch in front was actually stretchy enough to accommodate his junk without pinching. Carla must have bought them from the same website where she bought her own clothes. He wondered when she'd done it. He hadn't yet had a chance to tell her about needing a new jockstrap and couldn't remember mentioning if he'd borrowed one from Katie.

The tank top fit him like a tent. It must have belonged to Carla. The neckhole gaped open almost all the way down to the bottom of his ribcage. At least he could pull the hem down to cover his bulge, though the bottom of his balls were still partly visible.

He kept his eyes down as he navigated his way through the maze of machines. Even holding the bottom of his shirt down he was sure everyone could tell he was hiding a monster schlong. How did Carla walk around like this every day? Her nutsack was practically the size of a basketball.

Josh caught the telltale scent of Carla's musk halfway down the hall. Even if she hadn't told him which room she was in, he would have been able to guess by the sounds of women grunting and moaning. It sounded like an orgy.

Josh stopped short in the doorway, his eyes bulging at the scene before his eyes. "Jesus Christ!"


It practically was an orgy!

Two dozen women in spandex workout tights writhed on the ground, panting like wild animals in heat. Every pussy in the room was completely soaked. They ground their hips against the floor, the walls, and each other, or shamelessly rubbed their swollen labia through their tights. The air of the room was thick and humid with the smell of sweating bodies.

Only Carla seemed to be in control of herself.

"Keep it up, ladies! Two more lunges! Let's go! Count them out!" she called. She kept her fists on her hips as she stretched out her long, powerful legs in deep lunges.

" Uhhhhn! Aahhhhh! " the writhing women moaned. A few of them made half-assed attempts to follow Carla's lead but most of them were content to pleasure themselves to the sight of Carla's bouncing bulge. Several of them had their tits out, tweaking their pert, pink nipples with one hand while flicking their bean with the other. A thirtysomething black woman with tits nearly as big as Carla's had one boob out of her leotard and was slurping rapturously from the nipple. She must have been a recent mother because there was a river of milk gushing down her chin and soaking her tights.

The women in Carla's class must go to other aerobics lessons because most of them looked pretty fit, and even the chubby ones had a great shape. Josh spent a long minute surveying the sea of bobbing asses and bouncing tits before Carla snapped him back to reality.

"Don't just stand in the doorway!" she yelled. "Get in here!"

Josh found a place in the back of the room and began following Carla's routine. It was hard to do aerobics with one hand pulling down the hem of his tank top. Carla saw what he was trying to do and started leading the class in exercises that took two hands.

"Hands in the air and bounce!" called Carla, putting her arms up and jumping up and down.

Josh was skeptical that this was even a real exercise, but he was too hypnotized by the sight of Carla's boobs and bulge bouncing up and down to care.

"You, in the back!" Carla yelled at Josh. "You're not bouncing!"

Nobody else was bouncing, either, but Josh wasn't going to argue. He put his hands in the air and jumped up and down. His hefty package bounced up and down with him, clapping loudly against his thighs on each downbeat.

Carla watched Josh's bulge hungrily as she continued to jump. The crotch of her tights grew transparent from the strain of holding back Carla's growing erection, and the sound of her package slapping her thighs got louder. Her pussy was getting wet as well, from the look of the dark stain spreading down the inside of her thighs.

"Ok, on your backs!" yelled Carla, dropping down onto her well-cushioned ass. She lay on her back with her legs splayed out, treating Josh to a full view of her absolutely soaking cameltoe. Carla's labia were massively swollen and the bulge of her pussy was visible through her tights. The sight of it reminded him of the marathon sex session from the previous weekend and his dick swelled. The fabric of his shorts stretched loudly as his cock stiffened. He hurriedly lay down on his back so that he could stare up at the ceiling instead of his girlfriend's soaking pussy.

By the end of the hour, Josh was nearly as sweaty as the women who'd spent the entire session masturbating on the floor. The air in the room was so humid it was actually cloudy, and Carla's musk so thick it stung Josh's nose with each breath.

The session was barely over for two seconds before Carla was completely mobbed by women begging for "personal" training sessions.

"There's a sign up sheet for personal lessons at the front desk," said Carla as she tried to fight her way through the knot of women.

"No! I need you tonight!"

"Please! I'll pay double!"

"Sorry, ladies, but I've got a hot date tonight." Carla threw a wink at Josh. "You coming, stud?"

Josh wove his way through the maze of writhing, begging women. One girl threw her huge ass up and ground against his bulge, smearing his shorts with a copious layer of slick cunt honey. The woman moaned ecstatically and came so hard Josh actually felt her pussy quiver through her tights. Carla had to bite her knuckle to stifle a laugh as Josh awkwardly tried to extricate himself from the sex-crazed bimbo.

He did his best to dodge the groping hands of the other women between him and the door, but even so he had his cock and balls squeezed and pinched half a dozen times before reaching the safety of Carla's side.

"Hands off, girls, this meat's all mine!" laughed Carla. She grabbed Josh by the ass and steered him out of the workout room.

Josh once again felt the probing gaze of every eye in the gym as Carla hurried him through the weight room toward the exit.

"Sh-shouldn't we shower and change?" he asked as they speedwalked past the locker rooms.

"Not unless you want all those cock-zombies to catch up to me…" answered Carla. She suddenly looked wistful.

"I-I guess not," answered Josh.

Carla's balls pressed hot against Josh's arm. He felt the huge orbs swell slightly and heard the fabric stretch. At least one part of his girlfriend was disappointed by his answer.

"Then we'd better get moving," said Carla.

There was a crash behind them. Josh looked back over his shoulder and saw one of the women from Carla's aerobics class stumbling into a rack of dumbbells. Her eyes were glassy and her jaw slack. She spotted Carla and stretched out a well-toned arm, pointing. She let out a long, low moan.

Within seconds, half a dozen other horny women were stumbling out into the weightroom. There were exclamations of surprise and alarm as the half-naked, shambling, sweaty crowd pushed its way through the other gym patrons toward Josh and Carla.

Carla's grip tightened on Josh's ass and she pushed him faster.

"Don't look back, just keep going," she whispered.

Josh practically had to jog to keep up with Carla's strides.

Soon they were out in the open air. The cold turned the sweat coating his body to a layer of ice in an instant. She practically tossed him up into the passenger seat of her truck and jogged to the other side. He sighed with gratitude when Carla got the engine running and the heat came on. The first few cock zombies were just bursting out the door as Carla threw the truck in reverse and peeled out of the parking lot.

Josh twisted in his seat to watch the cock zombies through the rear window of the truck.

"Are they gonna be okay?" he asked. He'd never seen such a strong reaction to Carla's musk before.

"Oh yeah," said Carla. "They'll be back to normal after a few minutes of fresh air. I keep telling the gym they need to give me a bigger room with better ventilation so my customers aren't hotboxing my musk for an hour, but eh…"

She gave her well-muscled shoulders a shrug.

"So we heading back to your place?" asked Josh.

Carla scoffed.

"Can't I have you to myself for a few minutes before taking you back to get eyefucked by my sister?" she asked. "We should at least grab a bite to eat."

"Where can we go? We can't go out to a restaurant like this." Josh snapped the waistband of his sweaty, pussy-smelling spandex shorts.

"Not a nice restaurant," Carla conceded.

Ten minutes later Josh and Carla were standing in front of the counter at LardBurger. Josh blushed and yanked the hem of his tank top down as far as it would go while Carla studied the menu and tapped her chin. This time it wasn't just Josh's imagination that everyone was staring. A sweaty, seven foot tall amazon with tits twice as big as her head, a chair-crushing ass and a bulge that threatened to tear out of her tights any second was hard to miss.

Parents covered their childrens' eyes and scurried out of the restaurant. Women blushed and tried to ignore the rising heat in their loins while men and futas looked on with obvious envy at Carla's massive endowment.

On the plus side, nobody even seemed to notice Josh.

Nobody but Carla, anyway. While everyone was looking at her, she was looking back at him.

Fuck, what a beefcake. she thought. Her eyes were drawn down to the bulge of his cock pressing through the fabric of his tank top as he struggled to keep his dick hidden. As if a slab of primo man meat like that wasn't obvious from a mile away.

The customer ahead of her finished and Carla stepped up to the counter. She was tall enough that her fat, sweaty package rested on the countertop. Her bulge was so large it practically filled the whole counter space. The girl working the register stared down at the steaming, pulsing beast with a look of stunned awe.

Carla looked down at the nametag perched on top of the girl's modest bust.

"Millie," Carla read aloud off the tag.

The sound of her name seemed to send a thrill of pleasure rushing up Millie's body. She gasped and let out a little squeak. Her cheeks turned bright red.

"Alright, Millie, let me get…" Carla examined the menu once more. "Six Double Lardo Meals—mega sized—four large fries, two large curly fries, two chicken sandwiches, and a jumbo chocolate milkshake."

She turned to Josh.

"What are you having?"

Josh stammered for a moment. He had been so busy trying to be invisible he hadn't even thought about what he wanted.

"This hunk will have the same," said Carla after Josh didn't answer for five seconds.

"N-no, wait! I can't eat all that!" objected Josh. "Just a Lardo Burger with cheese and a small fries!"

Millie looked up at Carla as if waiting for her approval.

Carla shrugged. "Give the man what he wants."

The trembling girl rung up their order and Carla led Josh to a nearby booth to wait. The booths were definitely not designed for someone of Carla's dimensions. Her thighs were so thick they took up the entire space between the cushion and the bottom of the table. Her legs were so long Josh, sitting opposite, had to sit with one of her knees between his legs. He was sure if she flexed her quads, the table would break free from its bolts and fly up to embed itself in the ceiling. God forbid she get an erection.

Carla leaned over the table. Her monster melons took up most of the space between them and covered half his placemat. Lardo the Burger Monster looked overjoyed to be crushed by her tits. Josh cast a nervous glance around the restaurant.

"You look worried, babe," she said, her big, amber-brown eyes looked into his green ones. "What's wrong?

She reached across the table and placed her hands over his, squeezing his palms gently.

Josh stared down at the stretched-out Hyper Mentors logo covering his girlfriend's gigantic tits.

"Are you sure you should be wearing that?" asked Josh. "We're out in public."

Carla looked down at her shirt.

"You think I should take it off?"

Josh's face flushed. "N-now?"

"Yeah, we don't want to get in trouble, right?" Carla was already reaching down to peel off the sweaty t-shirt.

"Wait! No! Everyone's looking!" Josh tried to stop her, but too late. The t-shirt was off and Carla had about a foot and a half of sweaty cleavage on display, barely restrained by a pair of overworked sports bras.

Josh's jaw dropped and he stared, bug-eyed at the bounty of tits before him.

Carla pouted mischievously. "Oh now I see what you were really after," she purred. "You were just scheming to get a look at my tiddies."

She grabbed him roughly by the back of the head and slammed his face down into her tits.

"Here, get a closer look!" she laughed.

"Mmmf mmmrfff!" Josh struggled to breathe as Carla's huge, sweaty tits engulfed his entire head. He flailed his arms and kicked his legs. He could hear Carla's muffled laughter through the boob earmuffs.

Millie looked up from sniffing the sweat stain left behind by Carla's thirty-pound balls. "God I wish that were me," she sighed.

Josh gasped when Carla finally let him up for air.

"You almost killed me!" he wheezed.

"Maybe, but what a way to go, amiright?" said Carla.

Josh opened his mouth to object, but just then the counter called out their order.

The table groaned dangerously as Carla extricated herself from its vice-like grip. Her dick bulge sprang back into shape the moment it was free.

When Carla picked up the trays with her order, she noticed something pink and frilly peeking out from underneath one of the bags.

A completely soaked pair of pink panties. Carla could smell the tangy scent of pussy juice mingling with the odor of the burgers and fries.

Carla looked over at the cashier.

"I-I'm about to go on my break," said Millie. "I'll be out back."

Carla raised an eyebrow and tucked the pink panties down the front of her tights before bringing the trays back to Josh.

"We should eat outside," she told him.

"Outside? But it's freezing!" he objected.

"So you'll get to ogle my nipples poking through my bra while we eat." Carla jiggled her huge tits back and forth provocatively. "Let's go."

Carla led them out to one of the picnic tables set aside for outdoor dining. They had the place all to themselves. Nobody else was crazy enough to eat outside. The sun was setting and it was getting colder by the minute. Carla plopped her wide butt down on the bench and tore into her food. Josh watched in amazement as Carla devoured a Double Lard Burger in just three bites and unwrapped a second, hoovering down the entire thing in under a minute.

"Jesus, you're halfway done and I haven't even unwrapped my burger!" exclaimed Josh.

Carla sucked grease off her fingers and reached out with her other hand to grab her jumbo shake. As she was sipping it, she spotted Millie, the cute cashier, walking out of the door. She caught Carla's eye for a moment, then hurried around the corner of the building out of sight. Carla kept her eyes locked on the girl's ass. Millie's tits might have been pretty small, but her butt was huge. The girl was a total pear. The monstrously hung futa felt her balls swelling in anticipation.

She wrapped her lips around the straw of her jumbo shake and sucked down the entire thing in a single, prolonged slurp.

BRAAAAP! Carla let out a spectacular belch and stood up from her seat.

"Where are you going?" asked Josh.

"To go bang that cute cashier," answered Carla. She grabbed a fistful of fries for the road. "Wanna come with?" she asked, spewing fry crumbs.

"No thanks," said Josh, brushing fry crumbs off his tank top. 

"You sure? This girl's a total squealer. I can tell," said Carla. "You'll have her toes curling in ten seconds."

Josh felt his dick throb. The cashier was pretty hot, and his super hot futa girlfriend was totally giving him the go ahead… but banging a chick behind a restaurant? What if he got caught? What if he got in trouble?

He wasn't so worried for Carla. Everything just seemed to work out for her. People worshiped her giant dick, everyone loved having her around. Josh on the other hand… He was sure the moment he whipped his dick out, the girl would start screaming and call the cops.

Best not to risk it.

"You go have fun," said Josh. "But if you're not back in five minutes, I'm eating one of your burgers."

Carla shrugged and patted him on the cheek. "If you get bored with waiting, you're always welcome to join in. Just don't wait too long or she'll be totally wrecked." She gave him a greasy kiss and disappeared behind the restaurant. Her huge, jiggling butt was the last part of her to disappear.


Millie already had her pants around her knees and two fingers in her gushing cooch when Carla came sauntering around the corner. The bottom-heavy cashier gave a slight squeak of surprise, but her shock soon turned to excitement. The pace of her strokes intensified. Her panting breaths turned to steam in the cold air and she moaned with the approach of climax.

Steam puffed from Carla's nostrils as she felt her bull-shaming balls pulse with pent-up desire. The over productive orbs had been churning out sperm by the gallon all afternoon. Normally, Carla would have relieved the pressure by now, either by jerking off or dumping a few loads into a willing womb. But she hadn't busted a nut since Nathan's mom and now she had a huge backlog stored up.

"I hope you know what you're in for," said Carla. "I've got so much cum built up, my balls feel like they're going to explode!"

Carla's massive nutsack bounced off her tremendous thighs with each step. Musky steam billowed off her cock and balls in dense clouds. Millie trembled with anticipation as she watched the towering futa draw close.

Carla wrapped her arm around Millie's shoulder and pushed the girl down to a kneeling position so that her round face was level with the futa's steaming sack.

Millie grabbed Carla's balls with both hands and buried her face between them, sniffing deeply. She rubbed her cheeks and forehead all over the moist spandex until her face was shiny with Carla's sweat.

"Oh God, oh fuck yes!" moaned Millie. She sniffed deeply again and then let out a moan as a sudden climax shook her body.

Carla ran her fingers through the girl's hair, panting up at the sky with her eyes closed while the chubby cashier worshiped her monster balls. Stimulated by Millie's adoring touch, Carla's cum factories rumbled and churned. Her tights creaked and stretched as the tumnescent orbs swelled in Millie's hands.

Ri-i-i-i-p! Pop! Holes appeared at weak points in the elastic material, widening slowly as Carla's balls continued to expand. Finally her nutsack reached critical mass and the entire thing burst free of its confines, huge and hairy and heavy! Millie squealed as the full weight of Carla's balls suddenly clobbered her face.

Flop! Carla's mostly soft cock thudded onto the top of Millie's head. Millie could feel the weight of it on her neck and down her back. Hot, slick pre poured down her back into her buttcrack.

Millie turned her face upwards in awe. Her whole body was trembling. Carla's thick, veiny cock was nearly as wide as her entire face! She reached up with both hands and reverently began to stroke the beast. She opened her mouth wide and ran her tongue up the length of the urethral bulge. It was so thick! So salty! She gulped down the cocktail of sweat and concentrated pheromones that had been brewing in Carla's shorts. Each stroke of her tongue fanned the fire in her loins. Her belly felt like a blast furnace of passion. Carla's cock grew stiff in her hands, thickening and swelling with each passing second. She finally reached the tip, still hooded by a voluminous foreskin. She gripped Carla's hood with both hands and stretched it wide, exposing the fist-sized purple mushroom within. She kissed the gaping cumslit and began guzzling its potent nectar.

Carla threw back her head and panted into the night air, struggling to contain herself. She was so backed up she felt like she could blow any second.

Splurtch! Carla's dick belched out a load of precum that smacked Millie in the face and drenched her entire head and shoulders as if someone had just dumped a bucket of slime over her. The sheer size of the surge caught Millie by surprise and the poor girl gasped and sputtered. She was still recovering when Carla's next load of pre caught her full in the chest and sent her sprawling.

Carla felt a little sorry for Millie, but since the girl was already mostly drenched…

She decided to stop holding back and just hose Millie down with the rest of the buildup. She gripped her hose with both hands, took aim and—

Spluuuuuuuuurrrrrrtch! Splooooooooooooooooooooort!

Millie held up her hands to try and block the powerful, nearly continuous stream of thick goop blasting out of Carla's cum cannon, but there was just so much! Her feet slipped in the goop and she went sprawling face first into the slime. Carla just laughed and aimed the stream at the poor girl's big butt.

Finally the backlog of precum petered out into a few stringy ropes that spurted halfheartedly onto the pavement between them. Carla squeezed out the last of it in one huge, heavy glob that splattered loudly onto the ground in front of her.

"Y-you came already?" stammered Millie as she wiped goop from her eyes.

"No, sweetie," said Carla, her eyes glinting. "That was all just precum. These girls—" she grabbed her heavy ballsack and shook it at Millie. "—they've been brewing up baby batter all afternoon. When I blow my load, it'll make the puddle you're sitting in look like a soda spill."

"H-holy!" Millie stammered.

Carla licked her lips and cast her eyes down to Millie's precum-soaked snatch. "Now that you're good and lubricated, let's get down to the real fun…"

She flexed her cock and the behemoth snapped to full attention, unfurling its last, hidden inches in a sudden surge of growth. Her flaring cockhead erupted from the hood of her foreskin and reached for the sky. Her foreskin gradually pulled taut as her dick stretched to its full, awesome size.

"I-it's like a baseball bat!" squeaked Millie as she watched Carla's cock continue to swell. "How's that thing gonna fit inside me?"

"Oh it'll make room," said Carla, looking fondly down at her dark brown behemoth bitch breaker. She gave the beast a few strokes as if she were petting a favorite horse. "Your snatch is gonna be pretty cored out by the end, though."

Millie's eyes rolled back in her head and she came right on the spot. Carla grabbed the girl under the arms and lifted her into the air so that the cashier's dripping snatch was positioned directly over the futa's bulbous, purple mushroom. Carla's cock was like an arm with a closed fist ready to punch Millie between her thick thighs.

Smooch! The smooth, slime-slick helmet of Carla's cock kissed Millie's rubbery, swollen lower lips, pushing them apart.

The big-bottomed cashier bit her lip, savoring the delectable pain of being stretched wide open by the hood of Carla's queen cobra.

"S-so big!" she whimpered. "It feels even bigger than it looks!"

The lips of her snatch stretched wider and wider as the head of Carla's cock pushed its way further inside. Mingled precum and cunt honey gushed in streams down the thick, veiny shaft to pool in the cleavage of Carla's fat, low-hanging balls.

Millie let out a scream, curling her chubby toes as Carla finally forced the freakishly flared ridge of her mushroom through the tight portal.

From there, Carla lowered the girl down her pole. The bulge of her cockhead was visible like the head of an alien trying to punch its way out of the cashier's paunchy belly.

She slid down, down, down, squealing and squirming with each new inch, spreading her legs wider until the rolls of her paunch made contact with Carla's six pack and she could wrap her thighs around the futa's waist. The bulge of Carla's cockhead rested between the girl's modest tits, large enough to actually force them apart.

Carla let go of the girl's arms and stood there for a moment. Millie gasped in awe when she realized Carla was holding her up by the rigidity of her mighty member alone.

Carla grabbed double fistfuls of Millie's muffin top and started thrusting.

The futa had been right, Millie was a squealer. The girl let out a piercing scream of delight and terror as Carla jackhammered her guts.

Slap slap slap slapslapslapslapSLAPSLAPSLAP! Carla's balls spanked Millie's ass on the apex of each thrust, clapping her cheeks with enough force to turn them red.

"Fuck! You're fucking my womb!" cried Millie.

Carla blew steam from her nostrils, huffing like a rutting bull. Her eyes were wild and cords of muscle stood out on her neck. She wasn't going to last long, not in a pussy this tight, not with so much spunk built up.

She'd been thrusting for maybe thirty seconds before her balls began to climb, tightening up beneath her shaft in anticipation of launching their payload. Millie was howling at the top of her lungs, toes curled, fists clenched full of Carla's bra.

"Let's go let's go let's go!" Carla puffed through gritted teeth. She could feel the fire rising in her belly. Felt her balls unleash their load. Her shaft bulged and a blast of jizz so forceful it actually dented Millie's guts from the inside came exploding from the gaping mouth of her hoselike cumslit.

A torrent of thick, steaming girlchowder came blasting out of Millie's cunt, drenching Carla's abs and thighs. It gushed out in waves, forming itself into layers and rolls as it piled on the ground. Within seconds, Carla was standing in a pile of baby batter—and it really did look like batter—up to the tops of her sneakers.

As much girl goop as was blasting out of Millie's gooch, even more was building up in her womb, which had already expanded to the size of a beach ball. Stretch marks appeared on her belly as her skin creaked like a balloon. Her bellybutton popped out with an audible pop! And still her belly grew. The gravid bulge squished up against the bottoms of Carla's tits, lifting them up into her chin.

"I-I can feel your sperm inside me!" screamed Millie. "I can feel your cum in my ovaries!"

Carla threw back her head and roared. Her balls clenched tighter. Millie let out another scream of incoherent syllables as orgasm short-circuited her brain.

The weight of Millie's bloated body finally got to be too great even for Carla's mighty erection. The chubby, cum-stuffed cashier slowly began to slide off Carla's cock. Buckets' worth of fragrant, steamy spunk gushed out of the girl's gash as Carla's mushroom squeegeed the walls of Millie's snatch.

PLOP! Millie fell ass first into the quivering pile of baby batter that spread out in all directions from Carla's feet.

SPLOOOOOOORT! Her gaped pussy blasted high pressure jizz all over Carla's calves. She squirmed and moaned beneath the weight of her cum inflated womb.

Carla's cock sprang back up and smacked her between the tits, splattering her entire face and chest with a pie-sized clump of her own baby batter. She grunted as she sent a rope of jizz as thick as a beercan flying up into the air. The arc cleared the lip of the roof and came down directly onto the intake fan for the LardBurger ventilation system.

"Oh yeah!" Carla moaned. She jerked her cock into the air, pumping out gout after gout of thick, steamy girlchowder.

The heavy ropes made sounds like thunder as they crashed against the sheet metal. The whirling fans flung jizz in all directions, but couldn't block the copious amounts of fragrant baby batter gushing into the air vents.

The pungent stink of Carla's cum couldn't overpower the smell of hot grease and grilled meat, but having Carla's pheromones pumped directly into the kitchen began to have immediate effect on the girls working in the back.

"Janet get your hand out of your pants!" snapped Tammy, the day manager. "Do you have any idea how unhygienic that is?"

"S-sorry!" Janet blushed a deep red. "I'm just so— ah —hot all of a sudden. Isn't anyone else feeling hot?"

There was a murmur of assent from several of the other girls, many of whom were tugging at their collars or fanning themselves. Amy and Lannie were both looking distinctly flushed, while Latisha was shamelessly grinding her cooch against the counter of her workstation. The front of her apron was visibly damp.

Tammy tugged at her collar. Now that Janet mentioned it, she was feeling a bit warm, especially in her pants.

"I'm sorry b-but I really need to take my break," pleaded Janet.

"You can't take your break until Millie comes back from hers," said Tammy. "You know the rules."

"Then get Millie's fat ass back in here!" snapped Janet.

"Language!" scolded Tammy.

She shuddered as she suddenly felt a wave of head boil up from her loins. Her nipples popped hard against the fabric of her polo shirt.

"B-but you're right, her break is over. I'll go see where she went," said Tammy.

She pressed the button on her headset and called for Millie, only to discover a second later that Millie had left her headset on a nearby counter.

"Urghhhh!" Tammy growled and stomped out of the restaurant.

When she stepped outside, Josh recognized the hot and bothered look on her face right away.

"Here we go," said Josh, rolling his eyes. 

He unwrapped one of Carla's burgers as he watched Tammy pick up on the sounds of moaning and splattering coming from behind the restaurant. He scoffed as the girl hurried off to her unwitting doom.

Tammy rounded the corner at a run.

"Millie! Your five minute break is over! Get your ass—"

Startled, Carla whirled to see who was shouting. Her cock swung around like the barrel of a tank.

SPLAT! Tammy got a facefull of Carla's ultra-potent baby batter.

"Sorry!" Carla tried to clench her kegel muscles, but her cum cannon was already firing again.

SPLOOOOOOORT! A rope of thick spunk the texture of tapioca pudding smacked Tammy with enough force to make her stumble backward, drenching her entire torso in slimy sludge.

"Wh-what—what the fuck!" cried Tammy, sputtering and gasping as she scraped a finger-thick layer of steamy gunk out of her eyes.

"Sorry, sorry! Once this thing gets going it's impossible to stop." Carla rushed over to scrape as much of her spooge off Tammy's shoulders and chest as she could. She pulled her boner back and tucked it under her armpit so it wouldn't slap Tammy in the face while she was trying to clean her off.

"You've got some nice tits," said Carla, taking a moment to fondle Tammy's produce. "They're really firm. I bet your nipples point straight up in the air."

Tammy let out a shuddering breath and leaned in to Carla's groping. "That feels so good!"

Carla reached out with her other hand so she could run both thumbs over Tammy's rock-hard nipples. The sensitive nubbins really did point up into the air. Her cock fell free, landing with a heavy plap across Tammy's right shoulder.

"H-holy shit, is that your cock?" Tammy exclaimed, her eyes bulging at the sight of the monstrous python pressing against her cheek.

Carla chuckled. "Do you like her?"

Tammy reached up with trembling hands to caress the throbbing, cum-slick shaft.

"I-It's so warm…"

"Kiss her," said Carla.

Tammy closed her eyes and planted a wet smooch on the side of Carla's dick. A thrill of pleasure shot through her body and she gasped with delight. She kissed Carla's shaft again and again, moaning. She rubbed her face against the warm surface, sniffing deeply of its powerful scent as she continued to kiss up and down its girthy length. When she reached the tip, she clamped her mouth around it, trying to take in as much of the bulbous, rubbery head as she could. It was like trying to wrap her lips around an entire grapefruit.

"Soooo big!" she moaned.

She plunged her tongue into the gaping cumslit.

"Oh fuck, you're straight up making out with my dick!" moaned Carla.

Carla's urethra was wide enough for Tammy to stick her whole tongue inside and swirl it around.

"Oh shit, oh fuck!" Carla was panting, her huge tits heaved and she started rubbing her left nipple with one hand while she massaged her massive balls with the other.

The weighty orbs swelled in Carla's hand, excited by her touch. They churned and throbbed, burgeoning with thick, potent seed.

The slurping and smacking sounds Tammy was making on Carla's cockhead were obscenely loud. Loud enough that Josh could hear them all the way at the picnic table where he was sitting.

"My girlfriend is such a fucking super stud," thought Josh. 

He absentmindedly began to stroke his dick through his shorts as he listened to the loud moans and slurping coming from around the corner. The cold air had shrunk his cock down to its smallest size, scrunched up until it was barely longer than the palm of his hand. He actually had to shift it a little to tuck it down his left leg because it had actually pulled all the way back to the middle. His balls were fully withdrawn, the two baseball-sized orbs hugged tight to the base of his shaft.

Despite the cold air, Josh's member responded quickly to his touch. The fat, pink snake slithered down the inside of his left leg, hot against the cool skin of his thigh. He stopped stroking himself when he realized the tip had begun poking out the leg of his shorts, but it was too late, the beast had awoken. He hunched over the table and closed his knees together, trying to will his erection back down, but he felt the hot spear push its way out of his shorts and past his knees into the open air. He looked around self-consciously, but there was no one else around. He supposed if someone did come by, they'd be so distracted by the moaning and screaming coming from behind the restaurant they wouldn't even notice him.

He kept his head down and dug into Carla's burger.

Meanwhile, Carla was balls deep in Tammy's burger. Her fur burger, that is. Tammy's pert ass smacked Carla's abs while Carla drilled her face down in the air, suspended only by the strength of Carla's boner. Carla had her hands wrapped around Tammy's slim ankles and was using her grip to control the depth of her thrusts.

"You're stretching me out!" cried Tammy. Her pussy quivered as she squirted again. She'd never come so hard or so many times in her life! "Oh God! Oh fuck!" Her legs spasmed as she came again.

"I'm about to fill your womb," grunted Carla. "I hope you're ready for triplets!"

"Fuck me!" screamed Tammy. "Pump me full of your futa babies!"

Carla roared as her mighty nutsack tightened beneath her shaft. A bulge traveled up her cock as her urethra widened to the size of a beer can to pass the torrent of cum blasting up from below. Her first shot lasted a full forty seconds of continuous gushing. Her balls were really fired up and her second shot lasted even longer. Fem-mayo sprayed in a cone all around the edges of Tammy's stretched cunt, plastering Carla's abs, balls, and thighs. Tammy screamed with mingled delight and pain as she felt her womb stretching to accommodate the impossibly massive load. Her belly swelled, swinging lower and more bulbous with each passing second. All the while Carla kept thrusting, pumping further gallons of baby batter into her bloated fucktoy.

Tammy's bloated belly grew until it slapped against Carla's knees with each thrust. Her belly button popped into an outie. She looked like she was pregnant with a baby hippo.

" Unfff! " grunted Carla. "You're already completely full and my balls aren't even half drained!"

She pumped out a few more gallons, then let Tammy slide off her cock onto the ground. Tammy lay sprawled across her hugely swollen belly like an exhausted yoga student resting on her ball.

Carla's balls both rumbled in protest. They needed relief! The prodigious orbs were already swelling, brewing up gallons of new sperm to replace what Carla had just pumped out. If she waited too long, they'd be completely full again!

Carla spotted Tammy's radio headset lying in the puddle of girl goop. She scooped it up and wiped off the microphone.

She put on her best impression of a PA system. "Attention all team members, anyone interested in getting their guts rearranged by a hung, horny futa, report to the back of the restaurant immediately."

Carla barely had time to turn around before half a dozen girls came charging around the corner. She broke into a broad grin and stood with her hands on her hips, her cock standing huge and proud, dripping with virility. Behind her, the ruined figures of Tammy and Millie moaned and quivered with aftergasms. Carla's muscular arms were sheened with sweat. Steam rose in thick curls above her head, glowing in the light of the streetlamps. Even in the open air the power of her musk was inescapable.

The girls dropped to their knees and began the fervent worship of Carla's cock.


Josh finally got tired of waiting and went to look for his girlfriend. He found Carla waist deep in horny women. She'd turned three more girls into human cum-blimps. They lay, bloated and twitching atop impossibly inflated bellies while geysers of cum spewed from their gaped holes. A busty Black girl was currently slurping the futa's shaft while the other two girls took a testicle each, slobbering and licking the melon-sized orbs all over.

"Seriously, Carla? I thought you said five minutes!" exclaimed Josh.

"Hey, stud!" Carla broke into a wide grin upon seeing her mega-hung boyfriend. Her cock bulged and blasted a fat load down Latisha's throat. The busty girl gagged and coughed, but latched back onto Carla's dick as soon as she'd cleared the spooge out of her airway.

"You've been back here almost an hour. Your food is ice cold," said Josh, trying not to stare too hard at the writhing, moaning girls littered all around his girlfriend. He felt his cock stiffening against his will. His balls churned with excitement and he felt the elastic of his shorts stretching as his orbs bulged with excited sperm.

"Yeah but these girls are hot!" said Carla. "You wanna join in? These girls really know how to handle meat!"

Josh looked hungrily at the four-woman orgy taking place before his eyes. His cock gave a huge stretch and he felt the cold air on the tip of his schlong. The girls' eyes nearly popped out of their heads when they saw the huge log Josh was packing, and their eyes got even wider as Josh's beast continued to grow.

"Look at you!" Carla grinned as her eyes followed Josh's swelling member down, down, down, down to his calves. She felt her clit getting hard at the sight of how thick and juicy her boyfriend's cock was getting. It was fatter than a soda can!

This time Latisha was ready when Carla's cock dumped another monster load of mayo down the girl's eager throat. She made obscene guzzling sounds as she sucked down rope after rope of Carla's seed, her belly actually expanding right before Josh's eyes.

"Ugh!" Carla grunted as she placed both hands on the top of Latisha's head and pushed the girl farther onto her inhuman rod. She licked her lips as she admired Josh's python. "You make me so fucking horny, baby! I just wanna—"

Her balls clenched up and her cock swelled. Latisha's eyes and cheeks bulged as a sudden torrent of hot, thick girlchowder came gushing down her esophagus. Her belly blew up like a balloon. Within seconds the brown sphere had filled her lap, spilling over the sides of her thighs and pushing her tits up to her chin.

Just when Latisha couldn't take any more, Carla pulled her cock out of the girl's mouth and hosed her down with a continuous, inches-wide stream of steamy spooge. Hot jizz coated Latisha's entire front half, leaving her bloated belly frosted like a jelly doughnut.

Josh could only stand and watch in awe at his girlfriend's inhuman output. His cock throbbed, achingly hard. Would he ever cum like that? Did he want to?

His cock strained, lifting the leg of his shorts as it fought to rise to full mast. The elastic was tight, but his boner was slowly winning. His balls groaned as if they wanted to brew up a load to match Carla's.

Just then a harsh wind ruffled Josh's hair and blew under his bare arms. He remembered how cold he was and hugged himself.

"Carla come on, it's freezing!" he whined.

"You'd warm up pretty quick if you joined us," said Carla.

It was true, Josh felt as though he were standing just outside the door to a sauna. Clouds of steam rose up from the cum swamp Carla had made of the back of the restaurant, swirling in the chill night air.

"C-come on, Carla," said Josh, teeth chattering a little. "Can't we just go?"

Carla looked down at the girls writhing around her legs, kissing and sucking on her huge, heavy, hairy sack.

"You don't expect me to leave them here like this, do you?" she asked. "These girls are desperate for a dicking. It wouldn't be fair!"

"You said it would only be five minutes!" snapped Josh.

" You said that," Carla snapped back. "I said I was going to have some fun. I'm not done having fun yet."

"Carla!" There was an edge of anger in Josh's voice.

"You know, if you're in such a hurry it would go a lot faster if you fucked one of them," suggested Carla, patting the head of the girl currently worshipping her left nut. "We could take one each. The thought of watching that beast of yours splitting open one of these girls makes me so fucking hot!"

Carla's incredible fuckmeat unleashed a long, powerful rope to emphasize her feelings. It arced over Latisha's shoulder and splashed loudly against the back wall of the restaurant.

Josh was tempted, but no… no way!

"No way!" he yelled.

Carla pouted, looking petulant. "You know, Josh, you're hot as fuck but you can be such a pussy sometimes."

Josh gasped, stammering at a loss for words, then turned around and stomped off.

"Shit." Carla rolled her eyes.

Josh threw himself back down at the picnic table, tucking his monster cock as much as possible between his legs. He thought about leaving, but he didn't have a ride. He just had to sit there and wait until Carla was finished.

He sat there, shivering and listening to the echoing screams of delight coming from around the corner. Carla occasionally cried out when she let loose a particularly powerful nut. The cum swamp she'd created was starting to spread around the corner, running downhill in a steamy, creamy river to slurp slowly down a nearby storm drain.

It was full dark by the time Carla reappeared. Her entire front was slathered in slowly congealing seed. Her dick was still mostly hard. She'd tucked it up between her melon-dwarfing tits so that the huge, purple head just poked out from the top of her cleavage.

He turned away from her as she approached, determined to sulk.

She sat down beside him, the picnic bench groaned under the bulk of her fat ass.

"Sorry I called you a pussy," said Carla. "I wasn't thinking straight."

"Whatever," said Josh. "Are we going now, or do you have more bimbos to fuck?"

"There's always more bimbos to fuck," said Carla. "But I thought we should head back to my place."

She paused and watched his expression. He was still scowling.

"Unless you'd rather I just take you home?" she suggested.

Josh seriously considered this.

"Raquel will be disappointed of course but if that's what you want…" said Carla, nonchalantly.

Damn. Josh sighed and rolled his eyes like he was doing Carla a huge favor.

"Fine, lets go to your place," he said.

Carla enveloped Josh in a massive, squishy, slimy hug and they hurried back to her truck, leaving a mountain of cum-stuffed human blimps behind the restaurant for the LardBurger night shift to discover.
