"Please Carl...I need your help."

"Mom, this has to stop."

"I can't...oh, honey, I can't control it. I this how you feel? Is this how you feel all the time?"

"Why don't you go and get Becca to help you out?"

"She already did."


"Carl, I am your mother, and I'm telling you - I need you. Now."


It all started two weeks ago.

When Mom got back from the doctor, I knew from the look on her face that it was serious. For the last few days, she'd been tiptoeing around, obviously hiding something, but it wasn't until my sister got a call confirming the appointment that we realized it was something medical.

It's a rare condition, especially in the US. Hermaphroditic Nymphomis. Apparently it's hereditary, which freaked Becca out. I think maybe that's why she was so quick to agree to help Mom out.

There's no guarantee that she's going to get it, but I reckon she wanted to be as familiar with the condition as possible. Just in case.

Mom went into her room, locked the door, and didn't come out until dinner. When she finally did, her face was all red, and it was obvious that she'd been crying.


"What, honey?"

I'd never heard my mother sound so flat.

"Is it cancer?"

"No, honey. It's nothing like that."

"So what's wrong?"


Before she could finish her thought, she was crying again. Becca and I went to hug her; we were more confused than anything, to be honest. Finally, when she calmed down, she explained everything.

We stared at her, stunned. It sounded like something out of a joke. But Mom wasn't really the joking type, and so we were forced to believe that what she was saying was true.

Our 38-year old mother had grown a penis.

She didn't go into many details - none of us wanted that - but she explained that she was totally healthy, she was still a woman, and there was nothing wrong with her. She still had her vagina...she just had a penis as well.

Dinner was awkward that night. Actually, dinner was awkward for the next few nights. What do you say to your mother in response to the news that she's grown a cock?

I genuinely would have said that things couldn't get any more awkward.

I was wrong.



I blinkingly opened my eyes to find my mother standing in front of me. I reached for my glasses, confused.

The room came into view and confirmed what I'd suspected.

Mom was standing in front of me buck naked.

My eyes were uncontrollably drawn between her legs. Sure enough, she hadn't been lying. Where I'd expect to see a patch of hair (y'know, as much as you "expect" anything while glancing between your Mom's legs) there was instead a hard cock, and two balls hanging underneath.

"Mom?" I said, confused.

"Carl, I...oh, god, I'm so sorry."

"Mom, what's up?"

"It's just, it's...well, you can see."

I sat up in my bed slightly, unable to look at anything but my Mom's cock. Despite being more than twice my age, Mom still had a great body - round, firm, biteable tits, a thin waist and wide hips. She bore a striking resemblance to some of my favorite models from a magazine that Jimmy Caulton from down the road had traded me.

Except, of course, for her erection.

"What is it?"

"Carl, I'm...I'm hard."

*No shit,* I wanted to reply, but I could tell that Mom was on the verge of a panic attack as it is.

"What...what can I do for you?"

"Carl, I...I need your help."

I paused. When I spoke again, my words were slow, careful, and considered.

"With what, Mom?"

"I need help with...with this."

Mom gestured to her hardness, and I saw it twitch slightly as she did. She couldn't be...could she? No. No, that...that wasn't possible.

She couldn't be asking what I thought she was asking.

"Mom, I can't help you with that. You should see a doctor."

"No," she hissed. "I mean...I need help getting off."

She *was* asking what I'd thought she was asking.

"Mom, I...I can't. I'm your son."

A sly smile appeared on my mother's face, and she folded her arms underneath her tits, drawing my attention to the two huge orbs on the front of her chest.

"Come on, Carl. You're an eighteen year old boy - I know what you need."


"I know what it's like being a teenager. You must be so built up...maybe that's something Mommy can help with."

"Mom, what are you saying."

"I'm saying that I was a teenager once, and now I'm a...I'm a..."

Mom gulped, and the slight shine of tears appeared in her eyes.

"I'm a woman with a cock," she finally said, standing firmly as she did. It felt like she'd done something significant, something she'd been fighting against.

"I'm a woman with a cock, and so I know what it's like. It requires attention...assistance..."

My mouth went dry as I realized what she was suggesting.

"Why don't you let Mommy help with your problem, can help Mommy with hers?"

She flashed her teeth at me, licked her lips, and took one of my hands. I didn't say anything as she moved it to her right breast. I should have fought back, or told her that I couldn't, that we shouldn't...but hell, I'd never touched a boob before. It was so soft, so good to touch.

"Yessss," she hissed as my other hand moved up to grab her left boob as well. I didn't really know what I was doing; I was just grabbing and pulling and touching.

It was awesome.

"Is my little boy hard?" she asked, and I nodded, unable to speak.

"Good," she said. "Now, I'm going to help you...but you have to help me first, okay?"

I knew I should say no. I'd never had any interest in touching any cock other than my own. And she was my *mother*.

But instead, I nodded silently, allowed Mom to move my hand onto her thick cock, and started slowly stroking it.

My Mother's Cock

by Pan

Chapter 2

After Mom came, she went red at the sight of her cum dripping down my face, but she kept true to her word. She reached between my legs, and began jerking me off.

I didn't really want to think about why my Mom was so good at...doing that...but it wasn't long before I came, blasting my Mom's face with my cum. We sat there for a few minutes, coated with each other's semen, breathing heavily.

I glanced down to see that Mom was hard again, but before I could say anything, she excused herself and left me to return to sleep.

The next morning, it took me a few minutes to realize why my face was sticky and my pillow was damp. The previous night's events felt like a dream - Mom has always been such a prude; the idea of her coming into my room in the middle of the night and demanding we trade sexual favors felt like a weird dream, but the evidence was there.

Breakfast that morning was too awkward. Neither Mom nor I talked about what was causing our strained relations.

I was halfway through third period - math, with Mr. Bellucci - when I got a message to come to the school office.

Mom was there, waiting for me, fidgeting and blushing furiously. She didn't say a word until we were in the car.

"Carl," she said awkwardly, "I need your help again."


"I mean...I need your help."

Her eyes flicked down, and I knew exactly what she meant.

"Mom, I can't."

"What do you mean?"

Her voice was suddenly steely.

"I know it's wrong, right?"

Her eyes softened.

"Carl...don't be like that."

She leaned in close, so I could feel her breath against the side of my face.

"You know Mommy will help you out if you help her out...please, Carl, I need it."

"We can't," I said. "Can't you...y'know, take care of it yourself?"

"I tried," she whined. "God, I try. I just...I need more. I need you. I need your little hand, wrapped around my cock. Please, Carl, I'll...I'll do anything."

As she spoke, Mom's hand had found its way to my thigh, and was rapidly moving up.

"We can't," I repeated, but I think Mom could tell that my heart wasn't in it. I'd spent most of the morning remembering what it felt like to have Mom's soft hands jerking me off...

Stroking her cock had been weird, but it hadn't been the end of the world. It wasn't like being with a guy - I got to look at her boobs as I jerked her off. It wasn't gay.

It was a little weird that it was my Mom, but it wasn't *gay*.

"We can't..." I gasped, but Mom had found my erection, and soon she was undoing my fly, a delighted look in her eyes.

For the next few minutes I sat there with my eyes shut, as Mom jerked me off. I think she could tell I was close to cumming though, because it wasn't long before she stopped.

"My turn," she said breathily, and I reluctantly opened my eyes to find her stiff cock staring straight at me.

Just like the night before, it didn't take long before I got Mom to cum. This time I made sure not to let any of it hit me - I didn't want any of the kids from school to know why I'd been taken out.

She groaned with pleasure as hot strings of her cum flew out of her dick, landing squarely on her crisp white top.

Ten minutes later, her cum was joined by mine. The smell of it filled the car as Mom drove me back to school.


After that, I would jerk Mom off before and after school, and sometimes again right before bed. She was just insatiable, and the more we did it, the more confident she got. It was less than a week before she made me an offer I couldn't refuse, and soon I was swallowing down her hot cum exchange for her going down on me.

It's amazing how quickly you get used to stuff. I never ever would have thought that I'd give someone a blowjob, but in exchange for getting to feel Mom's lips wrapped around my cock...yeah, no regrets.

Despite the fact that I couldn't manage multiple rounds myself, Mom's needs hadn't changed. Regardless of whether or not I could get it up, she insisted that I suck her cock several times a day.

Any insecurities or nervousness Mom had once had about her condition were now completely gone. She'd come into my room any time she liked and pull my head to her hard-on without hesitation. I was starting to get more familiar with her cock than I was my own - I never thought I'd be able to put "talent at sucking cock" on my list of skills, but there I was.


She walked up to me, put her arms around me, and let me feel her hardness in between my thighs.

"Hey honey," she purred, and I shivered with pleasure.

"Hey Mom..."

"I had an idea that I thought you might like."

I was momentarily distracted by the thud of Becca falling off the couch. After her fourth or fifth orgasm in a row, her brain turns to mush.

"What's that?"

"I was you want to fuck me?"

My whole body tensed up.

"Well? I know you like fucking your sister. How about Mama? Do you want to fuck Mama?"

Mom's penis grew where her clitoris used to be - sometimes when I'm going down on her, she'll reach down and finger her pussy. I'd thought about fucking her a few times, but I wasn't really sure how it'd work.


"I know you do," she whispered seductively. "I know you want to fuck Mama.

"Well, I..."

"You can fuck Mama in the ass if you want. You can stick your hard dick deep inside her asshole."

It was hard to believe that just a month or two ago, Mom had been shy and stammering when it came to anything to do with sex. I guess she really had grown balls.

That'd be...that'd be nice."

"Okay," she said simply, and reached down to begin stroking my cock. "Mama's going to let you fuck her, on one condition."

"What's that?" I asked, already knowing what the answer would be.

"Mama's going to let you fuck her, but Mama wants to fuck you."

I licked my lips nervously. I...I couldn't. Could I?

Mom pulled my hand to her wetness, and the feeling of her slick slit told me everything I needed to know.

"Okay," I said simply, and I could feel Mom's cock twitch with joy.

"Good boy," she said, and pulled me into her room. I was unsurprised to see a bottle of lube waiting by the side of the bed. "Momma's going to make sure you have a good time."


We settled into a routine, after that. Mom started spending all her time at home naked.

I would sometimes wear a T-shirt, but never anything below the waist. For her part, Mom liked a bit of variety.

Mom insisted that the two of us share her bed every night. It became a common occurrence for me to be awoken by Mom's cock in my mouth, in my ass. Sometimes she would sleep with her cock in my ass as if plugging up all the cum she had released earlier.