TARA part 1 By Clarara

Life had started to lose a bit of lustre for me recently. The excitement of my early twenties had been slowly winding down, and becoming the sensible adult I was meant to be was the main focus of things. I had been working in the same job for a few years now, steadily getting promoted up the chain, more responsibilities, more corporate bullshit, more headaches, not much more money.

As soon as it was economically viable, I had moved out of my parents' house and gotten my own place. It was nice, spacious, and had two bedrooms. I had looked around for ages before getting it and had only gotten the apartment after a great deal of signing paperwork and gathering various character references and guarantors. The apartment was therefore slightly beyond my means, necessitating a strong work ethic and the ability to hold down a weekend job for extra cash.

I found I preferred my weekend job to my daily grind. I would sit in a carpark and hand out tickets to people as they drove in and charge them as they drove out. It was one of those jobs where you could easily be replaced by an automated kiosk if the owners of the site could be bothered with the installation costs. The view from the kiosk window was nice as it was near the sea and overlooked a stretch of beach. It was a baking hot summers day as I stared at my own reflection in the window of a nearby parked car.

I was up and outside the kiosk, stretching my legs during a slow period. I looked at myself and inspected my face. My youth was just on the downhill stretch now and I could see a grown man looking back at me. I had fairly short cropped, no nonsense brown hair that curled a bit at the front, a square face, and large jaw, covered with scratchy stubble. I had broad shoulders and a slight gut, something which I had been working on with little success. My habit of eating my feelings having made diet and exercise less effective.

I looked back at my memories of my teenage years, when I had no responsibilities and had been thin and confident, and I wondered what had happened, how in the span of just a few years I had let myself settle into this mediocre life. Just then a car pulled up and I walked back over to the booth to hand the driver a ticket. Inside the car was a young couple who's beaming smiles and beach attire only made me feel worse. That night I went home and drank a few beers and ate a tub of ice cream.


5:45 AM. My alarm goes off. Another day of corporate responsibility. I got up, brushed my teeth, and got ready for work. I walked out of my apartment, locked the door and headed to the bus stop. I still didn't have a car, affordability and lack of spare time to do lessons had converged to mean I still spent twenty minutes a day sat in a stuffy overpriced cattle trailer, surrounded by school kids and alcoholics. Luckily, I had headphones in and was able to stare out the window at green fields and listen to an audiobook, letting my own problems melt away as I imagined the adventures of Frodo and Sam, taking a magical ring to Mordor.

My stop was coming up, so I hit the buzzer and stepped down off the bus. Immediately my body went rigid as I felt the cold water of a puddle immerse my foot. I swore under my breath and squelched off to work. I opened up, got in and sat down at my desk, quietly taking my shoes off and kicking them closer to the space heater to hopefully dry by the end of the day.

The sun was just creeping in over the horizon into my office window as I booted up my pc, casting a deep orange glow over the room. My pc booted up with a low hum and a synthetic chime and I pulled up my emails to start off the day. Waiting for Outlook to load I inspected the glossy spots on the space bar and other keys where my fingers had worn them smooth. "Christ." I muttered as I saw my email notifications start to rattle in. looking at my itinerary, I saw that corporate had sent down a resumé for a new office assistant. Finally, we were getting a bit of help.

Our last OA had quit months ago after she had found a rich man on Bumble who had moved her to his house on the continent to replace his ex-wife. A shame really, as her flowery perfume and tight pencil skirts did brighten my day when she walked by. I inspected the employment portal and was surprised to find that corporate had scheduled an interview for later that afternoon. As if I wasn't busy enough already.

I raced through as much data entry that I could before lunch, and then went down to the office kitchen to get a sandwich and some chewing gum from the vending machine. I didn't put my shoes on and was conscious of the fact that if people saw me walking around in my socks, they might think I had gone a bit mad, however, no one saw me and I got back to my office without incident, noticing the way the carpet felt against my feet as I walked and felt the impact of my weight on the balls of my feet. It was a weird but somehow pleasant feeling that reminded me of when I was younger and would go round to a middle-class family's house and have to take my shoes off.

After lunch I spent a couple more hours putting out minor fires of office admin, and responding to various emails, before I got a buzz through on my office phone. "Miss Greene is here for her interview." Came the monotone voice of the receptionist. "Send her in." I replied. A minute or so later I heard the sound of footsteps approaching my door, followed by a knock. "Come in." My door opened and the receptionist walked in, followed by a young woman.

Immediately I was stunned by her beauty, so much so that as she smiled at me, I felt my face flush red and I quickly smiled politely and looked back to my computer monitor, trying to regain control over the blood vessels in my face. I could feel the sweat start to break out on my palms as she extended a pristinely manicured hand out to me, I quickly shook it, hoping my sweat glands hadn't dampened my hand noticeably yet. "Good afternoon, Miss. Greene." I said as she sat down in the chair opposite my desk. "Oh please, call me Tara."

Her skin was deeply tanned, almost caramel, her hair fell in loose black curls to her mid back and was swept to one side and tucked behind her right ear, which was pierced with a small green gem. This matched her eyes which glittered like emeralds. And popped against the dark black of her generous eyelashes.

Looking more closely at her face I could see subtle freckles peppered across the bridge of her nose, which was small and perfect, upturned in a really cute way. Her lips were full and deeply red. They flared out in a cupid's bow and disappeared in dimples. She had a slight overbite that was barely noticeable but added to her cuteness, making her front incisors appear slightly bigger. Her chin was small but sharp, and her athletic jawline led down to a long and elegant neck.

She was wearing a smart grey suit jacket and a baby blue blouse buttoned up fairly high, and a tight pencil skirt which looked like it might have come from the same shop that the previous office assistant got her clothes from. Her figure was athletic but curvy, she had well-muscled legs which gave the impression that she was a runner or perhaps did a lot of cycling.

Her breasts weren't large but were a nice shape from what I could tell and were probably a D cup. She looked to be slightly older than me, perhaps coming up to 30, but her skin was immaculate, showing nothing of her age except subtle laugh lines by her eyes. She looked like the sort of businesswoman you might see in one of those weird stock photo libraries, but friendlier. The only thing breaking the illusion somewhat was the lace choker around her neck. It was small and formed of four interlocking threads and had the appearance of something you'd expect a gothic teen to wear.

The door shutting behind the receptionist snapped me back to reality. Tara was sitting across from me smiling and fiddling with her watch nervously as I composed myself. The smell of her perfume had made its way over to me and pushed into my mind with a delicate floral scent.

"So, I see here you have 6 years total experience in office administration and data entry, why then have you applied for the job of office assistant?" Tara looked down at her lap and then back up at me and smiled again. "Well, I suppose I really engage with the ethos of this company and wanted to get in on the ground floor in any way I could and use my skills in order to prove my value and help to make the office run as smoothly and efficiently as I can." She said, a small grin forming at the corner of her mouth as she finished the sentence, as if she knew something I didn't.

"So, you're interested in the internal pro...progression programme? Where do you see yourself in the future?" I said, stammering over my words and avoiding eye contact as much as possible, feeling the blood start to leave my brain and gather in my crotch. Tara smiled broadly again and replied, "In that chair you're sitting in, once you've found a better position of course." She winked. I went red again, although this time it felt as if I was going crimson, there was a pressure building in my head that didn't make sense.

I leant over and opened a window; I needed some fresh air. Cool air rushed in, and I felt my faculties return somewhat. "Well... well... internal progression is supported at the company, and I appreciate your candour." I mumbled out as I scrolled through her cover letter. I got to the bottom of it, reading about her hobbies, ah, cycling, I knew it, and my mouse flicked down to the bottom of the employment portal and hit the accept applicant button before I could even think what my hand was doing, we were only minutes into the interview and on some strange impulse I had clicked a button which rationally shouldn't have been clicked for at least the next few hours.

I went red again as my eyes went wide with shock. "Is everything ok?" Tara asked, as I again tried to regain composure. "Yes, everything is fine, I was just looking at an urgent email, apologies, let us continue with the interview..." A phone buzzed in Tara's jacket pocket, and she looked at me. "You don't mind if I check that, do you? I'm expecting a message from my vet about my cat, he's having an operation today." Again, before I could think logically, I nodded my head and told her it was fine, only after she had her hand in her pocket did it occur to me that it could have been an automated email telling her that she had been accepted for the job.

And of course, that's exactly what it was. Tara looked up from her phone and placed it back in her pocket. "Am I really that impressive?" she asked and winked at me again. I didn't know what to do so simply replied "Congratulations." And was about to stand up to shake her hand when I noticed the excruciatingly hard erection tenting the front of my pants. I instead shot out my arm whilst sitting down and Tara stood, looking down at me for the first time.

She smiled a wide and victorious smile and shook my hand with a vice-like grip. "See you tomorrow, Boss." She said as she turned and walked out of the room, giving me the first glimpse of a large and perfectly round butt that I couldn't help but imagine burying my face in. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. I grabbed my water and drank like a crazed marathon runner, trying to cool myself down. How in the hell was I going to get any work done if she was around. Tomorrow I would have to keep my door closed and try not to think about the new hire who would undoubtedly be sitting only a few feet down the hall from my office.

That night it took me a while to get to sleep, but eventually I drifted off. I woke the next morning feeling nervous about the coming day, knowing that I would likely have to face the woman who had embarrassed me so easily.

As I got into work and sat behind my desk I looked out the window. It was a grey start to the day and black clouds in the distance warned of coming rain. I booted up my pc again and started getting ready for the day. Tara would be arriving in a couple of hours and I wanted to have a good portion of my daily tasks done by then.

After an hour or so of typing away I wasn't where I would have liked to be in terms of progress. Thoughts of the mysterious and confident young women from yesterday kept invading my mind. My focus kept drifting and I found myself staring out of the window.

I got up and went to the kitchen to get myself a coffee. As I was walking back I looked out of a large window in the corridor that overlooked the car park. Far below me, just pulling up into the car park was a very nice, low grey saloon car, possibly a jaguar or a BMW but it was too far away to make it out. I didn't recognise the car so stopped and watched as it parked.

The driver side door opened and out of the car emerged Tara, dressed in a long cream coloured woollen coat and leather boots with fairly high wedge heels. Her hair fluttered in the wind and she started walking towards the entrance quickly. She looked up and her eyes locked on me. She smiled that same strange amused smile and waved at me, I froze a little before raising my coffee mug in an awkward act of acknowledgement. Jesus, I thought, she's going to think I'm obsessed with her. As if accepting her application 5 minutes into the interview wasn't bad enough, now I'd been caught staring at her from a window. I rushed back to the office and sat down. I replied to a few emails and tried to put thoughts of Tara out of my head.

*knock* *knock*

I looked up, there was someone at my office door. How odd, I wasn't expecting a meeting and the receptionist hadn't called up. It must be my boss I thought, as I called "come in." Opening the door, there she stood, again. It was Tara. She had removed her coat and was standing in the doorway holding a small gift box.

Today she was wearing a mustard coloured jacket with shoulder pads, a lacey blouse with a high collar, and pin striped trousers. She looked like she had just stepped out of a magazine. "Hi there Boss, I just wanted to come and give you these, I realised I maybe left things a bit awkwardly yesterday and I wanted to apologise." I blinked, not really sure how to take this change in attitude. "Not at all, you don't have to apologise, you had a great Résumé and to be honest you were more than qualified for the position. I apologise for hitting accept so quickly and making the interview awkward myself. I don't quite know what happened. Perhaps I was just excited to see a new face around here." I trailed off, realising I was rambling.

Tara smiled as I took the box from her and looked her in the eye. I could smell her perfume again and it was once again burrowing its way into my mind. With her heels on she was at least as tall as me, maybe a fraction taller, she must have been at least 5 foot 10 when in bare feet. Tall enough to be a model.

"I made those myself by the way, I'm a bit of a chocolatier in my spare time, and that's one of my secret recipes. You're not allergic to nuts are you?" she said, pouting slightly at the thought. "no, no I'm not. Thank you for the chocolates, that's incredibly kind." I smiled at her and went back to sit behind my desk. She stayed standing in the doorway. I looked up at her quizzically as she walked forwards and the door closed behind her." Well, aren't you going to try one?" she said, the strange smile she had earlier creeping back onto her face. It was unnerving in a way but her glittering white teeth, coupled with the thoughtful gift made it difficult not to be charmed.

"Oh, OK, yes of course I'll try one, thank you." I said as I fumbled with the lid. I opened the box and the smell of rich milk chocolates hit my nostrils, the smell was paired with something else that I couldn't quite place, but it was fragrant and sweet smelling and complimented the chocolate well.

I picked one of the chocolates up and bit into it, it was hollow and seemed to have some sort of filling. It was like a sort of French custard or white chocolate ganache, but had some sort of salt or savoury taste mixed in with it. The sweet yet savoury taste was confusing at first, but the flavours complimented each other well and I ended up really enjoying the taste.

I smiled and looked up at Tara ``oh wow, that's really good, what's that filling? Is it some sort of cream cheese frosting or something?" Tara blushed a little and grinned. "yeah sort of, it's a secret recipe so I can't really tell you but I'm really glad you like the taste.'' She moved away from the desk and made a reach for the door. "well enjoy, see you around boss." She said as she walked out the door. "oh please, call me...." I started, but the door had already closed behind her beautiful round butt.

I looked down at the chocolates and wondered where the nuts she mentioned were, they certainly didn't taste like peanuts or anything. Maybe it was something in the filling. I went back to work, picking at a chocolate from time to time, and before long the box was empty. I huffed. I was really enjoying them. I would have to ask Tara to make me some more at some point, but I didn't want to seem greedy, and for heaven's sake I didn't need to eat any more chocolate. I got my head down and got back to work. I had a busy day ahead of me and I needed to focus.

As lunchtime rolled around I felt my stomach start to rumble so I headed down to the office kitchen again and stared blankly at one of the vending machines. None of the food looked good today. There were little sandwiches in cardboard triangles, various chocolate bars, and multiple bags of crisps in various flavours.

I lent against the glass and sighed, wondering what to get. I put a couple of coins in the slot and started punching in the code for an orange juice and a bag of prawn cocktail crisps. The items clunked out with a loud thud and I stooped to retrieve them from the machine. At this point I heard the click clack of a pair of heels coming down the hall, and I turned to see Tara just opening the door to the kitchen.

She noticed me and did a little wave. I politely waved back. I still couldn't get over how beautiful she was so I looked down at my shoes. "How did you like the chocolates?" She asked as she approached the fridge and retrieved a tub with her name marked on the lid. "oh they were amazing. I'm sorry to say I ate them all already." I smiled and did an awkward little laugh.

Tara's eyes widened and a proud smile spread across her face. "oh that's excellent, I had a feeling you'd like my special filling. I can tell these things sometimes." she said cryptically. "I've got some more of the filling in a tub in this fridge if you want some." she said and smiled, motioning to the fridge. That struck me as odd, why would she bring extra filling for chocolates into work with her? Unfortunately, as much as it struck me as odd, I did feel terribly hungry, and I felt as if that filling would hit the spot.

"oh, yes please, only a spoonful though, trying to watch my weight." I said nervously. She beamed and opened the fridge, fetching a fairly large plastic tub filled with what looked like white chocolate mousse. I started salivating, and some drool fell from the corner of my mouth. Embarrassed and hoping Tara hadn't noticed I wiped my chin with my sleeve. She sat down at a small round table opposite the fridge and I followed suit, sitting opposite her. She brandished a teaspoon and offered it to me. I took it, excited to taste some of Tara's lovely cooking once again.

She opened the lid of the tub and immediately the smell of it hit my nostrils, I almost fainted, it was so heavenly. It was like a mixture of every smell you'd ever want to smell, like sweet vanilla and honey, like candy floss and flowers, like an expensive steak dinner, like freshly baked bread. It was such a strange but wonderful mix of sweet and savoury smells and I couldn't help but let out an audible "ahhh" in pleasure. "now, This batch is a little less diluted than the chocolate filling, I think I added more cream to that batch." Tara said with excitement in her eyes.

I looked at her for a moment before plunging the teaspoon into the creamy substance. It was thick, like custard, and clung to the bottom of the spoon as I lifted it away from the tub. It glistened slightly in the light as I inspected it. I couldn't wait any longer and put the spoon in my mouth. The flavour hit me like a truck. It was definitely stronger this time around and the savoury flavours were more noticeable. As it melted on my tongue I felt a tingling at the back of my throat. I felt a little light headed as I swallowed. Across from me Tara was watching me intently. Without any conscious thought from my brain, my spoon went back into the tub.

It was already in my mouth before I'd even registered that I'd taken a second spoonful. "oh my gosh, sorry, I totally wasn't thinking. I've contaminated it now." I said, Red-faced at my lack of self control. "don't be silly, boss, have as much as you like." she said as she leaned forward, propping her head on her hands, elbows either side of the tub. At this point I noticed her shirt had unbuttoned since this morning and her cleavage was on show. I stole a quick glance and then grabbed another spoonful of the creamy substance.

I noticed her chest was as tanned as her face and equally had a sprinkling of freckles across it. Her delicate collarbones and elegant neck made my head swim for a moment. I looked back to her eyes and saw a contented smile had settled on her face, I smiled back as I spooned another mouthful of the cream. I must have had 6 or 7 spoonfuls by now but still wanted more. It was at this point that Tara produced a large serving spoon from her pocket and handed it to me.

"Go ahead, really dig in." I hesitated before grabbing the much larger spoon and plunging it into the tub. The spoon barely fit in my mouth. It was almost too wide, but It helped me get more of the delicious cream in my mouth. "mmmmh, good boy." Tara purred as I grabbed the tub with both hands and started slurping up the cream like I was starving to death. A vague notion of the weirdness of her comment and the situation in general flashed through my mind, but I was overcome with hunger so the notion quickly left and I returned to the tub.

Eventually it was empty and I was licking the bottom, trying to get every last spec of cream I could. Soon the tub looked clean and I looked up to see Tara staring at me with a look of satisfaction and pride. As the situation started to come back to me and I realised what I'd just done I started to go bright red "I'm so sorry, that was so weird." I stuttered looking down at the empty tub again. "don't be sorry. I really enjoyed watching that. And I'm so glad you liked it so much."

She reached out and touched my hand, her manicured fingers circled the back of my wrist. She then interlaced her fingers with mine and squeezed lightly. I looked up at her as she leaned in next to my head and whispered in my ear." why don't you come over later and you can have some more, as much as you can swallow." she pulled back slightly but kept her face right in front of mine. I could smell her perfume strongly and it made my heart flutter. She exhaled from her mouth slowly as I was breathing in, her breath also smelt sweet and her lips glistened slightly.

There was an electric energy building between us and I parted my lips slightly as well. She breathed out slowly again and her warm breath flowed across my lips and into my mouth. She leaned in further, slowly getting closer until our lips were almost brushing against each other. The anticipation was so intense that I started to shake slightly in my seat. She held me there, on the edge of the kiss for what felt like an eternity.

"Hmmm" she moaned before pulling away, leaving me feeling empty and lost. "We'll pick this up tonight." she said before getting up from the table and walking out of the kitchen.

I sat there for a while, Completely stunned, not knowing what to do with myself. *bzzz* *bzzz* I looked down at my phone and saw a text message from a number I didn't recognise. It was simply an address with a winky face emoji. I got up and walked back to my office, trying my best to get my erection to go down and not get seen by anyone.

I sat down at my desk and unlocked my phone. I opened the message again and saved the contact as 'Tara' before replying 'what time?'. The message was sent and marked as read almost immediately, soon enough three little dots started dancing at the bottom of the screen. *bzz* *bzz* 'as soon as you finish work. Don't eat again until then.'

It seemed as if Tara had plans to cook dinner. She clearly liked her cooking and baking if the chocolates and cream were anything to go by. I wondered what she'd be making. It had been so long since I'd been on a date that I started to feel really nervous. Was it even a date? I didn't know, all I knew was that I was going round to an attractive woman's house for dinner. Still, the thoughts of what might happen later tonight filled my thoughts and I got little done for the rest of the work day.

Time seemed to move at a glacial pace but soon the clock struck 4 and I was ready to go. I shut off my computer and raced out of the building, hoping to catch the next bus into town. I power walked across the carpark and up onto the narrow path along the side of the road. I sped along for a few hundred yards before I saw the bus pulling up ahead of me. At this point I started running, knowing if I was lucky and fast enough I could catch it.

I ran as fast as I could and got within touching distance of the back of the bus before I saw the doors close and the bus pulled away. "Fuck fuck fuck!" I grumbled, knowing that the next bus would be 20 minutes from now at the earliest. I really didn't want to wait that long so I started pacing in front of the stop before deciding that I would walk to the next stop. That way at least I'd be doing something that felt productive, rather than just waiting.

I started walking along the path again and was maybe another 100 yards from the next bus stop when I saw a familiar grey jaguar pulling up alongside me. I looked over as the window rolled down. Inside, there she was, Tara, looking as perfect as she did at lunch. "Going anywhere nice?" she asked and laughed. I laughed back nervously as she leaned over and opened the passenger side door. "Get in," she said with an easy smile. I did as instructed and sat down in the seat.

The car was nice, the interior was all light tan leather and smelled like jasmine and lavender. Tara was wearing her long cream coat again and little rain droplets were still trapped in the fabric. "Nice car" I said, looking around. It was an automatic and had a wooden dashboard. "thanks." she replied with a chuckle. I buckled my seat belt and we drove off.

We pulled onto a dual lane road and Tara took one hand off the wheel and laid it on her lap. I noticed and looked down as I saw it lift and land on my knee. She looked over at me, seeing my nervous expression before smirking in that strange way she had earlier. I smiled back, with that her hand slowly slid up my thigh, her fingers squeezing slightly every so often.

Soon her hand was at the top of my thigh and her fingers were right next to my crotch. The excitement was killing me as she slowly stroked my upper thigh. She moved her hand slightly, a couple of her fingers grazed against my crotch, then, more deliberately, Tara's hand moved over my crotch, and stroked over my trousers softly. Immediately my crotch bulged as I got excited. I heard Tara purrr quietly in the seat next to me whilst continuing to rub gently. Just then we pulled up in a driveway and Tara parked before lightly tapping my growing bulge. "Down boy, let's get inside and get you fed." she said before unbuckling her seat belt.

I unbuckled and got out of the car. I was standing on a tarmac drive, in a neatly kept front garden. I looked up at a large house which looked to have been built around the 80s, as it was fairly modern looking, but wasn't a new build. It was 2 stories and whitewashed, with large windows. The front door was large and glossy black with a big chrome knocker and matching letterbox slot. It looked like it must have been worth quite a lot. I started to wonder how Tara could afford such nice things.

I followed as she walked to the door and got her keys from her coat pocket. Opening the door she turned to me and with a grin said "Abandon hope all ye who enter here." with that she ushered me in. Hesitantly I walked forward into the foyer, Tara slapped me lightly on the bum as I passed. I didn't know why but I really enjoyed the feeling. The door closed behind her with a loud thunk and she returned the keys to her jacket pocket.

Looking about me I saw a large hallway with a staircase on the left hand side, leading up and away from view. To my immediate right there was a doorway leading to a home office, and in front of me I could see a doorway which led through to the back of the house. There was also a doorway under the stairs and another to the immediate left of the staircase but these were both closed. Tara took her coat off and her shoes and padded barefoot into the kitchen. I did the same, following along behind her nervously.

She went to a cabinet and fetched two wine glasses, before walking to a wine rack and pulling out a fancy looking bottle of red. "Are you a fan of châteauneuf du pape?" Tara asked with her back to me as she uncorked the bottle. Not having the slightest clue what she meant I replied with a positive sounding "mmmhmm" not wanting to seem stupid in front of a woman that clearly outclassed me.

She walked over and handed me a glass. I smelled it quickly before taking a sip. It tasted like wine, so nice enough, but I was generally more of a rum guy. "This is a beautiful home. Is it just you living here?" I asked. "Yes, I've been very fortunate, and yes, I live on my own, you won't have to worry about anyone interrupting us this evening." she winked. My face started to flush again and I felt my palms start to sweat. I was so nervous.

Weirdly she was still a fraction taller than me even though neither of us were wearing shoes. Maybe my shoes were thicker on the bottom than I had thought. She looked over the top of her wineglass at me as she sipped it. Her eyes looked like those of a lioness about to pounce. Something about that look made me feel uncontrollably turned on.

"take a seat in the conservatory, I'll get dinner on the go." she said pointing behind me. "OK, thanks." I stuttered before turning and walking into a large white tiled room with a glass ceiling and two glass walls looking out onto a beautiful garden. Much of it was covered in white gravel, bordered with large slates which sectioned off areas planted with ornamental grasses and ferns. In the centre of the garden was a large water feature, complete with a small pond.

Further back I could just make out a seating area with a firepit that looked to be covered by a large umbrella. Inside the conservatory was a large corner sofa and a sturdy looking mahogany table with 4 Chairs set around it. I wandered over to the sofa and sat myself down. I sipped my wine and stared out of the window at the beautiful garden. A chaffinch was sitting on the top of the water feature now and had a worm in its beak. I was suddenly hit by a happy and contented feeling, I hoped that I would have more chances to look out of this window.

I could hear sizzling coming from the kitchen and could smell something meaty being fried. My mouth started watering and my stomach started to rumble. I was really hungry. Soon enough Tara came through carrying two plates and the bottle of wine. She set them down at the table and went back to the kitchen. She returned with a candle, a box of matches, and a large jug.

"Come and sit down boy." Tara said in a flirty way. I smiled and walked over to the table. I took a seat and looked at my plate. Tara had prepared a large steak with baby potatoes and a selection of steamed veg. It looked gorgeous, but smelt even better. She took the matches and lit the candle before sitting down in the chair opposite me and topping up our glasses.

"if you'd like sauce there's some in the jug." Tara pointed. The jug in question was ceramic and very large. It looked too big for sauce and looked more like the size you'd use to keep ice water in at a nice restaurant. I grabbed the jug and nearly had to use both hands to lift it, it was that heavy. But I managed to move it over my plate. I poured some of the sauce over my steak and veg and set the jug back down.

Immediately a familiar smell started to waft up from my plate. It was the same smell from the cream Tara had given me at lunch. That intoxicating sweet and savoury scent drove my hunger overboard and I started cutting through my steak like a madman. I mopped up as much sauce as I could with the piece of steak on my fork before popping it in my mouth. My mouth exploded with flavour, the taste more intense and savoury than at lunch. The flavour mixed with the steak and melted my mind with deliciousness. I moaned audibly as I stuffed another piece of steak into my mouth.

Tara sat reclined in her chair, watching me intently as I ate. She swirled her wine in one hand and idly picked off neat pieces of her steak and chewed on them thoughtfully. "you've got quite the appetite haven't you boy?" she said with an amused grin. I nodded whilst chewing, I swallowed "this has to be the best steak I've ever had, and that sauce is incredible." I said, taking a moment to sip on my wine and let the flavours run over my tongue. "It reminds me of the chocolates, but it's a lot more savoury." I said before tucking into another slice of steak.

"what a good palate you have. Yes, it's a modified blue cheese sauce with some of my own secret ingredients added. The concentration is a lot higher in this though. Now that I know you like it, I felt you deserved something with a bit more kick." she said before returning to her meal. Eventually I finished my plate and looked over to see Tara had done the same. She was staring at me with a sharp intensity that was somewhat unnerving.

I finished my glass of wine as she stood up from the table, eyes still locked on mine. She walked over to the jug and picked it up. Silently and gracefully she approached me. "have some more sauce." she said as she poured the thick white sauce into my empty wine glass. I was shocked at first and thought she might have been playing with me, she noticed my hesitation and moved the glass towards my hand. I picked it up.

"Drink" Tara ordered in a playful but firm purr. I put the glass to my lips and drank. The smell and the taste quickly overwhelmed my mind and silenced any thoughts about the strangeness of the situation. Before long I had drained the glass of the sauce. And sat feeling slightly glazed over. Tara picked up the jug and poured another glass.

"Drink" came the command again. And again I obeyed. Quickly quaffing and draining a second glass of the thick substance. Surely this was the end of this surreal experience, she wouldn't expect me to have a third glass. And in a way I was right, as this time she simply handed me the jug, still almost full and very heavy, containing what must have been almost 2 litres of sauce by this point.

I looked up at Tara pleadingly, a small part of my brain still aware of the degrading display this must have been. She smiled gently and stroked my cheek with the back of her manicured hand. "Drink" Came the order once again. I nodded weakly and brought the rim of the jug to my lips.

I started chugging, feeling the thick creamy substance slide down my throat and fill my stomach. I felt myself start to bloat as my belly filled like a water balloon. Tara smiled evilly as she watched me. She started to run her fingers through my hair as I chugged, I could feel her sharp nails sliding along my scalp as her hand moved to cup the back of my neck, as if she was nursing a baby. "mmmmh, such a good boy, drink it all up. Don't waste a drop now." she purred in my ear. I turned the jug fully upside down and drained the remainder of the sauce. I swallowed, feeling painfully full now.

I burped despite myself and Tara let out a little giggle at my bemused and embarrassed expression. "Good boy, now why don't you head to the shower in the guest bathroom and freshen yourself up. I'll leave fresh clothes on the bed for you when you are finished. I'll be showering in the master suite. Should you finish before me, you can wait for me on my bed."

I stood up and she led me upstairs and into a door on the right. It was a nicely adorned room of a reasonable size, with a queen size bed on one side, and a vanity unit on the other. At the back of the room was a door which Tara opened, which led through to a small, yet very nice ensuite. "I'll leave you to freshen up." she said before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

This was seriously weird. I had never been invited into such a beautiful woman's home before, let alone made to drink cheese sauce like it was a competitive eating event. I glanced at myself in the mirror, noticing my stomach was visibly distended. Something looked off about the reflection, my face looked smoother, I didn't remember shaving this morning, but I must have, I thought. I stripped off and got into the shower, letting the hot water wash away the stresses of the day and the confusion of the past few hours.

As I scrubbed at my arms and legs I noticed something odd, body hair was coming out, I was shedding like crazy. Oh god, I must have accidentally picked up some hair removal cream rather than soap. I looked at the bottle. It appeared to be normal shower gel. It was expensive stuff with moisturiser in it. I continued washing, and soon enough all of my body hair had come out. I was left smooth as a newborn.

This was very odd. Perhaps some sort of allergic reaction to the dinner. I'd have to call the doctors in the morning and get an appointment about this. I finished up in the shower, feeling my stomach going down as I digested the sauce. I felt a little more comfortable now.

I got out of the shower and towelled off. I stared at myself in the mirror, thinking how odd I looked without any body hair. I looked more feminine somehow, my figure seemed to have thinned around my waist a little, and my butt looked to have gotten bigger and more shapely. It's just the wine playing tricks I thought, as I rolled some deodorant under my newly bare armpits and padded into the bedroom.

On the bed as promised was a neatly folded pile of clothes. I picked up the first item and inspected it. This must have been a joke. It was a pink crop top with the words "princess" emblazoned across the front in bright white letters. Also it would never fit as it was a size small. I looked around the room for the clothes I had arrived in, but they were nowhere to be found.

I picked up the top and grumbled before seeing if it would even fit me. I hadn't had sex in a while and thought to myself that for a chance at a woman as gorgeous as Tara, it was worth indulging her stranger tendencies. To my surprise, the top slipped on without a struggle, and as it grazed my nipples I felt an electric sensation of arousal overtake me for a moment, and felt my nipples and my penis start to harden.

I walked back to the pile of clothes and picked up the next item. It was a pair of matching short shorts with the word juicy on the butt. I slipped them on before turning back to the bed and noticing something else lying on the sheets. It was a small, oddly shaped chrome object. I quickly recognised that it was a butt plug. Surely Tara didn't expect me to put that in? Then I noticed the bottle of lube on the bed and the little design on the bottom of the plug. It read "Tara's slut" reading it sent an odd shiver through me, and I felt myself growing harder at the thought of being degraded in such a way.

I walked over to the bottle of lube and squirted some onto my fingers, before rubbing it over the plug, and spreading my butt cheeks. I slowly pushed the plug into my ass, feeling the cold metal sliding inside. Suddenly my ass pulled it in and I gasped in pleasure as the toy thudded against my prostate. A little spurt of clear precum launched from my cock and hit the bed. I pulled my shorts back up and tried to stuff my painfully hard cock into them.

I left the guest suite nervously and passed along the landing to the door across from me. I could hear the sound of a shower coming from behind it so I assumed that it must be Tara's room. I opened the door and walked in.

The room was large and well maintained. Most everything in the room was white, but showed no staining. It was pristine, like how you'd imagine a bedroom in heaven to look. Little fairy lights hung from the ceiling above the bed, and a large vanity to the left was also strung with lights.

On the desk of the vanity were various metallic implements that looked like something from a dentist's office. I had absolutely no idea what they could be for, so I wandered over to the bed and went to sit down.

Attached to each corner of the bed was a white leather cuff on a chain, and in the middle of the bed there was a note. On thick paper, in beautiful calligraphy, was the phrase 'good boys tie themselves up...'. I stared dumbfounded, wondering how I'd gotten into this situation, thinking I must have hit my head earlier and been hallucinating on the canteen floor. I pinched myself on the arm like they do in movies, only to come to the realisation that I was definitely awake. I put the note down at the foot of the bed and got onto the mattress.

Starting with my feet I pulled the straps around my ankles, noticing how delicate my feet and hands looked now. What was going on? Never mind, I could talk to my doctor about it tomorrow assuming I could get an appointment. Next I strapped my right hand in and tightened the cuff around my wrist, feeling the supple leather against my skin, being thankful that it was comfortable, and not hard metal like proper handcuffs.

Next I put my left hand into the left hand cuff and rolled onto my side as much as I could to bring it close enough to my mouth that I could pull the cuff tight with my teeth. Satisfied that I had secured myself as desired I wriggled up the bed and lay propped up slightly on the pillows, looking out of the window over the trees and far off clouds.

I heard the shower turn off and Tara called out "I hope you're ready for me, boy." as she said this I heard the door handle beginning to turn and looked over to see the door slowly swinging open. Steam rolled out and standing tall and glistening, towelling off her hair, was the beautiful figure of Tara. Another towel was wrapped around her torso, but the shape of her breasts and hips were obvious.

She had a beautiful, toned and curvy physique, with nicely muscled arms for a woman, you could tell she worked out, but they weren't so muscly as to make her look unfeminine. The towel draped to just below her knees, and I could see her legs were equally tanned and toned, she looked as though she'd been carved from rock, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

She padded to the foot of the bed and knelt down. I craned my neck to see what she was doing before I heard a mechanical clicking noise and noticed my cuffs pulling away from me on all sides. she was cranking up the chains, this bed must have been purpose built. That was a bit worrying. I began to wonder just how kinky Tara was.

She stood up and inspected me like a hungry predator. "Those clothes look great on you, you're really filling them out nicely. Oh but look, you've made a mess of your shorts. Tut tut." she said as she pointed to the wet patch that my precum had made on the shorts. My cock was achingly hard and tenting against the fabric." what a naughty boy making such a mess.

Tara looked down at me and loomed hungrily. How had I ended up here, strapped to a bed in a strange but beautiful woman's house. I liked dominant women, but this was a bit excessive even for my tastes.

"Are you ready to worship your goddess? Are you ready to be a goooood boy for mommy?" I felt my cock straining against the material as Tara bit her lip and straddled my chest, she moved her Hand to remove the towel that was still wrapped around her and waited for me to respond.

"Yes Tara, whatever you want" a hand whipped out and slapped me hard in the face "YOU WILL CALL ME GODDESS, or Mommy, you stupid whore slut."

she ordered, anger flashing across her face once again. "Yes goddess, I'm sorry goddess, I'll be a good boy, I promise." Tara smiled as she started to loosen the towel "That's better" slowly and methodically she revealed her form.

First came her beautiful, perfect breasts, like two incredible spheres, so perky and round it seemed unreal, capped with richly pigmented nipples, large and erect, with delicate areola surrounding them, they looked so good I wanted nothing more than to put them in my mouth.

The towel dropped further, revealing a smooth, tanned stomach with a subtle indication of a six pack, centred with a nice neat belly button and dusted with freckles. Her caramel tanned skin looked so enticing. I wanted to run my tongue over every inch of her skin.

Then the towel dropped away completely, my eyes drifted down before settling on something unexpected. There was something hanging from Tara's crotch and resting on my stomach. My brain hadn't caught up yet and I just stared confused for a moment before I started to understand what was in front of me.

What I was looking at was a cock, a huge, veiny, flaccid cock. Tara had a cock... TARA HAD A COCK!!! My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped as the reality sunk in. "She's beautiful isn't she?" Tara said looking down at her cock lovingly. I nodded, still totally dumbfounded at what was in front of me. It hung down from her and snaked onto my stomach like a huge trunk. It must have been as thick as my wrist and at least 10 inches long. Thick veins crisscrossed the surface, and a pendulous ballsack hung from behind. Each nut must have been as big as my fist and the skin that encased them was soft and smooth looking.

"Are you ready for dessert?" Tara asked with an evil smile. "Ye yes g goddess" I managed to stammer out. She grinned like a cat that got the cream and moved forward towards my face a little. Her cock dragged against my newly smooth chest and I could feel the weight of the thing as it started to twitch lightly against my skin.

It was warm and terrifying. Tara stuck one of her fingers in my mouth and I sucked it obediently. Her cock started to engorge as it lurched and bucked slightly against my chest. Suddenly she plunged her fingers into the back of my throat and I coughed, expecting to gag from the intrusion any second, but nothing happened. For some strange reason, my usually quite delicate gag reflex didn't react. Tara grinned even wider and chuckled to herself. "Good, we're making progress. You're going to make a great sissy slut."

At this point she removed her fingers from her mouth and started stroking her monstrous cock. As she pulled on the skin, the head of her cock was revealed, it was a deep red colour like the colour of red wine and looked shiny and smooth, similar to a candy apple.

Her cock slowly and menacingly started to stiffen, growing thicker and longer until it was looming inches from my face. It must have been at least 12 inches long at this point and it wasn't even full hard. The veins along its surface were becoming more defined as blood rushed in to fill the form. Her foreskin started to pull back more, revealing more of the huge head. The head itself was thicker than the shaft, meaning thicker than my wrist by a couple of inches, it looked like it would barely fit in my mouth, let alone anywhere else.

At this point the smell hit me, it was familiar, strong, sweet and savoury and absolutely delicious. It reminded me of the cream Tara had given me at work, and more recently of the cheese sauce I'd had at dinner. But this was far stronger, far more pure. My mouth started to water and an incredible hunger filled my mind as I started pulling against the restraints, trying to get a taste of the delicious shemeat dangling tantalisingly out of reach.

"Ah ah aah, good boys have manners. What do you say?" Tara said teasingly as she pulled her throbbing cock out of reach of my tongue. Driven mad with hunger I begged "Please Goddess, please. I need to taste you, I'm so hungry, just let me suck your beautiful cock!" Tara looked at me amused. "no I don't think so, good sissies work the balls first." with that she shuffled forward and then sat down on my face, smothering me with her massive nutsack.

Immediately intense pleasure filled my mind as the smell of her cum tanks overwhelmed my mind. My hips bucked as my plugged and caged cock tried and failed to cum, somehow though I orgasmed just from the smell. It was a horrifically unsatisfying orgasm though, and simply left me hornier and more desperate for Tara's thick cock.

I started sucking on Tara's right nut, it was massive and I tried in vain to get the whole thing in my mouth. The taste of her sweaty salty skin was incredible. I started to suck and lick every inch of her sack as she purred happily above me, running her fingers through my hair. "Good boy, time for you to get what you've wanted for so long." she said as she shifted back slightly, letting my tongue start to explore her thick shaft.

It was warm and hard against my lips and I could feel every one of her heart beats as her cock lurched and throbbed against my face. I was in heaven as I felt her heavy ball sack flop down and rest on my neck, her heavy balls churning up audibly, preparing my meal for later. I moved slowly up her shaft, the taste I had come to cherish getting stronger the closer I got to the magnificent head of her beautiful cock.

"you're such a good boy, I can't wait to fill up your tight little throat, you slutty bitch." Tara purred as she rolled her hips slightly, letting my tongue glide up and down on the underside of her shaft. She reached back and started playing with my nipple as she lifted her cock and let it fall heavily against my face, the weight of it made my body shiver in fear and anticipation. The pleasure coming from my sensitive nipples mingled with the sensation of Tara's throbbing cock sliding over my face.

I grew impatient "Please, please let me suck you!" I cried. Tara frowned and leant back to slap me on the balls. "Naughty whore slut, don't speak unless spoken to, you're so pathetic, you little cock drunk whore, begging to suck my cock, tell me how much you need it." she said as she slapped my balls a couple more times for good measure.

Ignoring the pain, my brain too clouded with desire to care, I pleaded "Please Goddess, I need your thick cock in my mouth, I need to taste you" I said, tears of frustration welling up in my eyes. I continued running my tongue up and down her shaft, which was now soaked in my spit. I could see that Tara's cock was now fully erect, the head had completely emerged from the foreskin and the veins were throbbing aggressively, I could even see a tiny amount of precum starting to emerge from the tip. She was enjoying playing with me, making me desperate.

"OK you sissy slut, suck my fat cock like a good boy." with that she moved back a bit more, and the full 14 inches of the arm thick bitchbreaker came into view. I shivered in anticipation as she guided the head towards my open mouth. I stuck my tongue forward needily as she entered my mouth, I probed and searched for her dick slit to find the sweet precum I had been craving.

The moment my tongue touched her cock head I came again, hips bucking against the injustice of another blocked orgasm. "hmmm" I heard Tara moan as she pushed into my mouth. My tongue still extended, I probed her dick slit, and found that with a little pressure I could push my tongue inside to gather more of the sweet precum straight from the source.

The taste of the pure substance I had been craving since that first chocolate was an almost religious experience, it tasted do incredibly good that I couldn't really process what was happening on my tongue. All I knew was that I needed more.

"oooh, yeah, tongue fuck mommy's big cock, you fucking pervert." Tara purred as she rocked her hips, fucking herself on my tongue. She reached up and grabbed her own tits, playing with the nipples as she rolled gently back and forth. "you're a natural little slutty whore aren't you, slut?" she said. I nodded, keeping my tongue firmly wedged inside her dickslit the entire time.

"Enough playing, time for you to really suck my cock." Tara said as she pushed her cock head into my mouth fully, it was like she'd popped a whole tangerine in my mouth, I felt my cheeks bulge out slightly and my lips start to feel stretched as her thick veiny cock slowly sank deeper into my mouth, I pulled my tongue from her slit and started snaking it back and forth along the underside of her throbbing head as she pushed past my uvula and into the back of my throat. I looked up at Tara to see she had her head thrown back and was playing with both nipples as she slowly leant forwards.

As Tara's massive shemeat started to work its way into my oesophagus I started to wonder why I wasn't gagging, why I wasn't feeling much pain from the intense stretching that my poor throat was going through. If anything, the sensation was pleasurable, like using a cotton bud in your ear but more sexually skewed.

Her cock was halfway down my throat now and I could feel my own dick straining in its cage even harder than before. Tara purred once again "Ohh, your throat is so tight and hot, fuck I'm gonna use this all the time, your little mouth is gonna be my permanent cock sock. I'm about to push all the way to the base, get ready to feel my cock head in your stomach." as she said this she grabbed my head and pushed her hips forward, forcing her cock further down my hungry gullet.

I felt a spasm of pleasure ripple through my body as Tara's huge cock impacted upon the sensitive ring of muscle connecting my throat to my stomach. It held firm as the weight of Tara's cock smacked into it, every time it impacted a huge wave of intense sexual pleasure travelled down my body. I watched as Tara smirked and pulled back further, readying herself for a more aggressive attack on my throat. "Fuck, you're tight, but don't worry, I'll break you eventually." she said as she started properly fucking my face.

My mind melted as I watched 8 or 9 inches pull out of my throat before slamming back in as fast as a pro boxer could throw a punch. Slam, slam slam, I felt my stomach start to give as Tara continued to pound my throat like a pneumatic hammer. I felt like I might pass out from the sheer pleasure as explosion after explosion of pure bliss scattered my psyche to the wind. My mind had gone, and been replaced by pure sexual energy.

Slam slam slam slam, POP, my stomach gave in and allowed Tara entry. Immediately I came again, so hard this time I was sure my dick was about to break out of the pants. I could feel my balls get heavier and heavier with each denied orgasm. Tara moaned loudly as she slammed her hips against my face, she was hilted completely in my mouth now, every one of her 14 inches of throbbing cock buried deep within my throat. Pop, as her cock head moved back out from my stomach, she pulled almost all the way out, and then slam, pop, she hilted herself again in my throat.

"FUUUCK, I think I'm getting close." Tara moaned as she continued to pop in and out of my stomach, every time she did so my body was racked with another denied orgasm. At this point my eyes were rolling in the back of my head, my brain had turned to mush, all there was in my life was pleasure and Tara's massive cock.

SLAM, SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAMSLAMSLAMSLAM!!!! Tara's pistoned her hips and fucked my face so fast it was a blur, I could feel her cock getting even harder, even thicker as her juicy balls churned and slammed into my chin, preparing to unload their creamy payload directly into my stomach.

The bed started to creek as Tara grabbed the headboard with one hand, her other hand twisted into my hair, forcefully pulling me up and down her massive fuck pole. At this rate I was definitely going to pass out, I needed her to cum soon. I had an idea and started moaning and humming as she pistoned into me ever faster, her cock as hard as steel now and bulging my throat so wide I looked like I'd swallowed a rugby ball.

"FUUUUCK! I'M GOING TO CUUUMMM, I'M GOING TO FUCKING FILL YOUR THROAT WITH MY FUCKING CUUUMMM!! GET READY, I'M GONNA FUCKING CUUUMMM!!!" Tara's hips were moving at lightning speed now, every thrust smacking into me with such force I felt like my skull might crack open.

Pleasure was all I knew, I had been continuously orgasming for 30 seconds or so at this point, and I felt like I was in another world. Tara's speed ramped up yet again and I felt her cock spasm violently in my throat

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!" She screamed as she started to cum. Huge thick torrents of steaming hot spunk started shooting from her glorious cock and flew down my throat at incredible speeds and under intense pressure. My stomach filled almost instantly as Tara's balls clenched hard, releasing a flood of the incredible liquid with each thrust of her hips.

My stomach started to distend as I felt myself filling like a water balloon. Tara continued to pump her hips into my throat, the pace of her thrusts starting to slow slightly as her cock pulsed like a fleshy shotgun, blasting my insides with boiling hot cum. With all this sensation I came so hard that a tiny bit of my own cum leaked from the pants.

Tara's cock continued to pump litres and litres of cum directly into my stomach as she let out a low moan of satisfaction. Finally her hips stopped moving and she simply held my head, nose pressed firm against her pubic bone, as her cock continued to spurt like a hose. My stomach was so full at this point I must have looked pregnant, and yet Tara kept pumping more and more cum into my poor little throat.

Finally after about 5 minutes I could feel the throbbing of her cock starting to slow down, my stomach now looking like I was heavily pregnant with triplets as finally her cum torrent slowed to a halt. Tara looked down at me with a blissful expression on her face, her eyes sparkled as she said "Good boy, taking all of mommy's load and not spilling a drop. I'm going to pull out soon, and when I do I want you to make sure you got everything out for me ok slut?"

I nodded as her huge cock started to slide free from my throat. Soon only the head of Tara's cock was in my mouth. I sucked hard on it and flicked my tongue across her dick slit as I felt a particularly thick and salty string of cum ooze out. I sucked a bit more checking for any remaining cum, before swallowing it down to join the rest of her delicious baby batter which was now safely stored away in my tummy.

Pop! and out came her cock, it looked redder than before and flopped slimily onto my chest like a giant eel. "you're such a good boy." Tara purred as she watched me greedily slurping down the final mouthful. "I think it's time for your reward, for being such a good boy, just the best little futa cock sucker a girl could ask for." with that she got off the bed and hit a switch on the wall. I heard a mechanical noise and the chains on my arms and legs started to move.

The arm chains moved down and the leg chains moved up, pulling my arms and legs together. Luckily I was flexible enough to bend my knees round and get my legs under me as the chains continued to migrate. I was now knelt on the bed, with Tara standing beside me. Looked down at my distended stomach and marvelling at how so much cum could have flown out of such a tight and beautiful body like Tara's. nervously I watched the chains for my arms pull away from me. Knowing I was about to overbalance and fall forward, I decided to go with it. Placing my elbows in front of my face and remaining knelt, face down, ass up, with my cum filled belly sloshing around in the middle.

Tara reached forwards with a soft silk rope and tied my knees and wrists together. She did this with practised swiftness. I was now locked in place, the shiny butt plug I had put in earlier on full display. The words 'Tara's slut' were now self-evident. "mmmf, such a good boy for your Goddess." Tara groaned as she reached out and pulled gently on the butt plug.

A shiver of sexual bliss shot through me as she toyed with my sensitive virgin hole. My poor balls were now swollen to the size of plums as another little denied orgasm engorged them with more pent up cum.

Tara slowly pulled the plug out of my greedy hole, and I let it go with a loud popping sound. "mmmf" Tara moaned as she ran her finger along the rim of my asshole. I watched in shock and Terror as her huge thick cock started to pulse and shift. It was getting hard again, slowly but surely it was rising like some huge leviathan waking after a long slumber.

It had been mere minutes since she'd finished cumming, how was it possible that she was getting hard again? I watched as Tara's cock fully hardened, it throbbed and twitched aggressively bouncing mere inches from my face. Tara got onto the bed, kneeling, and got into position behind me. I could feel her huge hot cock head pressing against my needy hole. I wanted her to take me, to destroy me, to treat me like the slutty cock whore I truly was.

"Ready for round 2 slut?"


I felt her looming behind me like a huge jaguar about to attack. My cock twitched and churned with anticipation. My little virgin hole puckered and winked, knowing things were about to change forever.

Tara slowly lowered the tip of her cock and lined it up against the cleft of my newly plump arse. "I'm going to completely destroy your tight little hole, you fucking dirty whore!" Tara groaned as she started rubbing her massive shaft against my needy hole.

The sensation of her wet slimy cock rubbing against me sent shivers down my spine. I felt her hand cup my balls as she rolled them round in her palm.

"sooo needy, look how much cum you've produced, just getting your throat fucked, you really are a total slut aren't you? Fucking pathetic." Tara purred as she squeezed my swollen ball sack, before slapping them firmly. I winced and flinched a little from the pain, but I was starting to enjoy the degradation even when pain was involved.

"You need to be punished" Tara said as she brought the apple sized head of her massive cock in line with my tiny little entrance. "Ooh baby, it's gonna be fun making this fit!" She laughed.

I tensed and bit my lip as I felt Tara's huge fuck stick start to press into me. I felt a burning sensation, which was a mix of pleasure and pain, as my little hole started to give in to the assault.

"That's it slut, give in for goddess, let me into your pretty little pussy." She continued to press forward, her tip must have been almost half way in now, her thick cock bending and bunching up behind like a crumpled can from the force being exerted onto it.

"Just a little bit more now, there's a good little girl." Tara purred in my ear once more. She continued to force her massive cock head against my needy virgin hole.


"MMMHHHMMM!" I screamed, mouth closed to try to suppress the noise which escaped me. Tara's cock head was now inside my hole. The pain and pleasure which washed over me was so intense I felt myself almost cum again.

"Fuck" came Tara's response to the sudden infiltration. "Your little hole is so tight and so warm. It's a shame really that you're such a naughty little whore, moaning so loudly without permission. Did I give you permission to scream slut? I don't think I did. I was going to be gentle, but with an attitude like that I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

I looked back at Tara with pleading, fearful eyes, 'don't do it' I silently begged. She chuckled as she met my gaze and placed her hands on my hips.


Her whole length rocketed into me at supersonic speeds, her hips slamming into my ass, her huge balls smacking into mine as she hilted inside of me.

It took everything in my power not to scream again, the pain was like nothing I'd ever experienced. It felt as if someone had just shoved a fire extinguisher up my butt.

"mmmmh, good boy, much better, taking mommies big fat cock like a good little boy." Tara said as her cock twitched inside me like some giant pulsating monster.

She slowly started to slide her length out of my greedy hole again as I felt my body fighting to keep her inside, clearly already accepting this new invader. "oh fuck, you don't want to let me go do you? That's so fucking hot, so fucking dirty." Tara groaned.

She had almost pulled out her entire cock at this point, leaving just the head firmly held inside me, before once again pushing forwards, though this time much more slowly.

I got to feel as Tara's incredible fuck pole slowly stretched my tight little passage, feeling every inch of it descend deeper into me.

A jolt of pleasure like lightning sent me squirming and my toes curling as she grazed my prostate, my g spot. If not for the plug I'm sure I would have dribbled a huge glob of precum straight onto the bed sheets. "oooh, do you like when my cock hits your prostate, slut? Tara asked. I nodded "yes, goddess." I replied in a breathy moan as I felt Tara's huge length continue to delve deeper inside of me.

"I'm going to pound your little g spot into paste, you fucking futabitch." Tara said.

Her hips planted against mine and she started to pull back again, this time at about twice the pace.

She continued to pick up the pace and rub my cage as she started to slowly fuck my hole. The pleasure was beginning to build as the pain died away. I could get used to this.

I suddenly started to feel a deep sense of fulfilment welling up within me and I started to cry. It just felt so right having my hole filled with gorgeous she cock that I was overwhelmed with joy.

"Why are you crying you little bitch? Does my big cock hurt that much?" Tara asked as she started slamming into my backside harder, grabbing my hips with both hands and pistoning into me with an inhuman strength.

"No goddess, it's not that, I'm just so happy, your cock inside me, I feel like I'm finally where I want to be, thank you goddess, thank you so much."

Tara's thrusts slowed slightly as she processed what I had just said. "oh, oh ummm, well yeah, you're welcome. And uh yeah, this is what you were made for." Tara said, some uncertainty in her voice for the first time since I had met her.

With that she bent forward and kissed me on the cheek. "you're a good boy." she whispered as her cock slid in and out of me slowly. I smiled, "Thank you goddess."

I said as I started to get a handle on my emotions.

"Now Why don't you teach me a lesson and really fuck me?" I said with a smirk, knowing this would drive Tara wild. I shivered as I felt her cock pulse angrily inside me.

'oh you're gonna regret that." Tara said with a chuckle as she pulled me upwards, wrapping her arm around my throat and rubbing my cum filled stomach with her free hand.


She started aggressively fucking my hole as I moaned like a whore, my cock straining and desperately trying to leak through the pants, my balls filling with more and more precum as I melted into Tara's unrelenting assault.

Although my stomach was bloated by the gallons of cum that Tara had pumped into my throat earlier, I could still see the faint shape of the tip of her cock, poking out of my abdomen every time she fully hilted inside of me.

Her cock was so big that I was sure if there were two of her, one in each of my holes, they'd likely meet in the middle. Of course, I wasn't sure if that was even physically possible, but it turned me on thinking about it.


Tara's unstoppable pistoning hips continued to pulverise my prostate. So many pleasure signals were shooting around my body that I felt as if I were on fire.

Tara's arm was still firmly around my throat, but her other was aggressively squeezing my swollen balls. The intense pain this caused was the only thing keeping me fully conscious, as I could feel the hypnotic impacts slowly melting my mind.

"Your tight little hole feels so good, I'm going to breed you every single day." said Tara while biting my ear and breathing heavily, her hot breath smelt of cinnamon and made me desperately want to turn and kiss her.

Her strong bicep was still locked around my throat though, hampering my movement and slowly lowering my blood oxygen levels. I felt myself getting woozy and my eyes fluttering.


I was awake, Tara had slapped me and pushed me onto all fours as she continued to pound my tight little hole.

Both of her hands were on my shoulders as she pulled me onto her cock at increasingly furious speeds. Her cock was oozing precum and it was starting to drip between my legs.

Her hands grabbed the sides of my head like a basketball and her fingers slipped within my mouth.

"suck my fingers you fucking whore, while I pulverise your insides." Tara groaned and started slamming more slowly but more forcefully, threatening to shatter my pelvis with every thrust.

Each thrust grazed my prostate and I could feel an intense pressure building there. Something was about to happen.


"This is what good little boys like you need, you need to be used like the whore you are." Tara cried as she started to quicken the pace once again.

I could feel myself starting to tense up as something huge built within me my toes started to curl and my vision started to blur slightly. "oh fuck" I whispered around Tara's fingers as I continued to suck them.

I could hear Tara's huge balls starting to churn thick cum and felt her cock stiffen and thicken slightly as she started to get close.

The thought that I was about to be claimed completely by this goddess sent me over the edge and I could feel an insane orgasm start to build deep within my hole.

"Oh baby, I can feel your little hole tightening up even more. Are you trying to milk my fat cock or are you about to have your first proper anal futagasm?"

In response I started to let out a long high pitched moan, wanting nothing more than to experience true bliss. It was coming, my first anal orgasm was coming. As Tara's massive shemeat pistoned in and out of my tight little virgin hole, bashing into my prostate like a battering ram I was seconds away from experiencing true ecstasy

"Fuck, fuck, FUUUUUUCK!" I screamed as the biggest wave of pleasure I'd ever felt shook through my body.


A surge of pain as Tara assaulted my swollen ball sack and brought my orgasm crashing to a halt. Fuck it was so infuriating. I looked back at her with fire in my eyes. She looked at me amused.

"Good boys don't cum" she said as she squeezed my now intensely swollen balls.

"Now, it's my turn." Tara purred as she started to ramp up her hip thrusts once again.

I felt so frustrated that she had ruined my orgasm. Even plugged up, she couldn't let me enjoy the full sensation, but something about the way she had taken that away from me made me love her and want to please her even more. I clenched around her, tightening up as much as I could.

Even though I was denied mine, I wanted her to have the best possible orgasm. I started pushing my hips back into each of her thrusts with as much force as I could muster.

"oh that's a good girl, fuck yourself onto mommy's big cock, that's right you little slut, milk my fat nuts, I'm gonna fucking fill your tight little hole with so much fucking cum!"

She was pistoning into me so fast now that it felt like an electric power hammer was invading my hole.


Tara's cock started spasming as it swelled to the thickness of my thigh within my hole. I heard a loud vulgar squelching sound as her balls clenched aggressively, and fired their first volley of hot steamy cum into my butt.

It felt as thick as molasses and as hot as coffee as it filled up my tiny little hole.

"OH TAKE IT, TAKE IT ALL YOU FUCKING SLUT!!" Tara screamed as the wet pumping sounds continued to emanate from her massive cum tanks.

I could feel my lower intestines filling as my body started to swell with Tara's cum once again. My stomach sagged beneath me and started to bulge out to the sides as it pressed against the mattress. I looked like I had swallowed a beach ball and it didn't look like Tara was anywhere near finished.

Her thick veiny cock continued to pulse aggressively as she dug her nails into my scalp and lightly wiggled her hips into me.

"You look pregnant, you little slut, if you're lucky, you soon will be." Tara whispered into my ear as she pulled me against her and fucked her cum deeper into my hole.

As I continued to swell I could feel her huge balls beginning to slow down, each spurt of hot cum splattering my insides was at least half a litre still, but it was beginning to lessen.

"all this cum is going to make you a perfect little whore for me to breed, I hope you realise that." Tara breathed as she played with her nipples, revelling in her drawn out orgasm.

"yes mistress" I replied, not really knowing exactly what she meant. But I could feel that I was on a path now, and that soon my life would be unrecognisable from just this morning.

Finally, with one last squelching sound, Tara's balls had emptied and she started to pull her thick cock out of my tight little cumslut hole. As she pulled out she ran her hand along her shaft, ringing out her cum into me.

With a loud pop her massive cock came free, my hole stretched and winking, cum oozing from it like an overstuffed donut.

Tara quickly planted the butt plug from earlier back into me, sealing in all of her steaming hot baby batter.

She wasn't quite quick enough and a little got on her hand. She tutted "clean up your mess." Tara said sharply as she roughly shoved her fingers into my mouth.

I sucked greedily at the delicious cum that clung to her perfectly manicured hands.

Tara undid the restraints around my wrists and ankles as I sat there panting, feeling the weight of my engorged stomach. I was so full, and so warm.

Tara rolled me over and sat down on the bed beside me.

"clean my cock, slut." she said.

I didn't have to be told twice and got to work slurping at the thin coating of delicious spunk. My mind went blank as the delicious sweet, salty taste of her cum filled my mind once again. Soon her cock was spotlessly clean and I lay with my head in Tara's lap, slowly nursing at her dick slit as it leaked a slow trickle of precum into my mouth.

Tara picked up her phone from the bedside cabinet and flicked across the touchscreen. Soon she brought the phone to her ear and waited as it rang.

"Hey there girl, long time no see, how've you been?... Yeah, that's great. You know, I've just gotten myself a new slut and I could use a hand breaking him in, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow and work your magic? Yes really lol... sure, he's pretty tough, I give you full permission... Yeah 11 works. We could have lunch and then get to stretching his holes. Sounds great. See you tomorrow. Bye"

I looked up at Tara, worried as she put her phone down and turned on the TV.

She saw me looking at her and stroked my head as I suckled from the tip of her flaccid cock.

"you're going to have so much fun tomorrow, I've invited my friend Emma over to come play with us. She's really kinky, you're gonna love it." she said with a smile and then ruffled my hair.

I was a little worried, as her fingers ran slowly across my scalp, wondering what Tara considered kinky, but soon shrugged and let the soothing feeling of having Tara's cock in my mouth send me off to sleep.

What would tomorrow bring?