FUTA UNIVERSITY BOY-TOY part 1 By oskarwild

The intercom on Jane Johnson's desk buzzed to life.

"Yes, Mary," Jane said.

"There's a Ms. Winter here to see you ma'am." Mary replied.

"By all means, send her right in." Jane said happily.

The door to the principal's office was opened by Mary and in marched one of the most striking women Jane had ever known. Harriet Winter was in her early forties, but still had the figure of a twenty-something woman with proud 34 c-cup breasts and slim waist and legs that seemed to go on forever.

"Harriet! So good to see you again!" Jane said excitedly as she rushed to embrace her old college chum. "It's been much too long since we last met."

"Wonderful to see you, too, Jane. And it has been far too long. But you know, I've been really busy working for our old alma mater, FU-CT." Harriet responded as she warmly returned Jane's embrace.

"That will be all, Mary." Jane dismissed her admin. "So how are things at the old school?" Jane asked as she motioned Harriet to a seat in front of her desk.

"Things have been going really well. We're up to an enrollment of fifty whores now and the program to go co-ed is going even better than originally planned. We have fifteen boys enrolled and all of them are returning for the next semester. I'm out on a scouting and recruiting mission to hopefully get us ten more in the freshman class. I figured since I was visiting some of the larger high schools in the area that I'd stop in and say, 'Hi,' to one of my besties."

"I'm so glad you did." Jane responded. "It's been far too long since we've seen each other. I assume you've been hitting up all the boys' high schools in the area?"

"Of course. But I've also been scouting the co-ed highs. You never know when you're going to come across the right type of boy hidden in one of those institutions."

"True, very true." Jane mused. "You know, I may actually have a hidden gem right here at Southern High for you."

"Really!" Harriet replied lifting an eyebrow expressing interest. "Tell me about him."

"All right. His name is Christopher Morgan. He's just turned eighteen and is in this year's graduating class. He's a slight, slender lad; about five foot five, maybe a hundred -- hundred and ten pounds. I've seen him in the showers and he has very little hair on his body; and it's blond, so you hardly notice it. He's got a cute undersized little uncut penis, maybe five inches erect? And he's got the cutest little butt you've ever laid eyes on."

"Sounds delicious; and academically?" Harriet queried.

"Academically, he wants to go to college, but he doesn't have the grades. I've helped him apply to three stretch colleges, three 'maybe I can get in here' type colleges, and five sure-thing institutions. But the poor dear has been rejected by all of them. He's a very timid lad and not at all assertive. He's pretty much resigned himself to trying for community college as a spring-board to a four year institution."

"He does sound intriguing." Harriet mused. "Can you set up a meeting with him?"

"Of course, darling. Let me have Mary find out where he is right now and summon him to the office."

It turned out that Christopher was just starting his fifth period gym class when Mary summoned him. He asked if he could go change into his regular clothes, but Mary told him to just report as he was to the principal's office. Principal Johnson ushered him into her office and introduced him to Harriet, a recruiter from an East-coast university. Harriet smiled approvingly at the young boy standing before her. He looked very cute in his short gym shorts and wife-beater styled shirt. Harriet approvingly noted his thin arms and legs that lacked the muscle definition of more athletically gifted teen boys. The office was very cool and Harriet noted his perky little nipples straining against the satin-like fabric of the gym shirt. And Jane had not exaggerated when she described his cute, fuckable, little ass.

"Christopher, this is my good friend, Harriet Winter, who happens to be a representative of FU-CT college. She is scouting talent to join their freshman class and I suggested she talk to you. So, I'll leave you two to chat. Harriet, we can catch up when you're finished with Christopher." And, with that, Jane left the room and closed the office door behind her.

"Well, Christopher," Harriet smiled. "Jane tells me that you'd like to continue your education, but finding the right college has been somewhat of a challenge for you." Harriet motioned for him to sit in the chair opposite her.

"Yes, Ms. Winter. I've been rejected by all of the colleges I've applied to."

"Every college is looking for different qualities in incoming students. Let me tell you a little bit about FU of Connecticut. Perhaps you'll find it a good fit for you. Why the wry smile, Christopher?"

"CT, stands for Connecticut." Christopher exclaimed.

"What did you think it stood for?"

"I don't know. It's just that FUCT -- when you say it phonetically it sounds kind of dirty." Christopher responded bashfully.

"I see." Harriet laughed. "And you were worried that you were going to get fucked?" She said playfully.

"Oh no, Ms. Winter! I didn't mean to imply. . ."

Harriet cut him off with a raised hand and a smile.

"It's all right, Christopher. No offense taken. Of course, you'll find that you probably will get fucked at least once or twice in your lifetime. Life has a way of doing that to us."

"Thanks for understanding, Ms. Winter. I'd love to learn about FU."

"FU is a small school in rural Connecticut. It was originally founded as a private school for very special whores and has operated that way for most of its history. Enrollment has been kept very low due to the nature of the student body and our methods of instruction. The school remained whores-only until a couple of years ago. We determined that converting to a co-ed institution would help our whores develop the social skills they will need to succeed in the world and also give them an avenue to blow off a little steam, so to speak. We would like to enroll another ten boys in this year's freshman class, which is why I'm searching for the right type of boys that fit our profile. From everything that I've seen of you, I think you may be just perfect for our program."

"Wow! I never thought that I'd be recruited by an exclusive college like FU." Christopher said. "Why do you think I'd be a good choice? If you don't mind me asking.

"Of course not, Christopher. Your academic record, your social skills, and your general physical make-up fit our profile to a tee."

"What did you mean when you said your whores are "special, Ms. Winter?"

"To answer that question, I think we should set-up a trip for you to visit the campus. You can tour our facilities and meet some of the whores to form your own opinion."

"I don't have a lot of money to take a trip out East, Ms. Winter."

"Money is not an object, Christopher. FU-CT will pick up all the expenses of the trip. All you need do is come and check us out to see if our little college is a good fit for you. Shall I set up the trip for you?"

"Yes, please, Ms. Winter. I'm excited by the opportunity."

"I'll get right on it." Harriet smiled. "And do you mind if I call you 'Chris'? Christopher is a such a long name."

"No problem, Ms. Winter. 'Chris' it is."

Harriet stood and ushered Chris out of the office and stepped aside as Jane came back in.

"So? How did it go?" Jane asked.

"Swimmingly!" Harriet beamed. "He's just as you described. Not overly bright. Courteous and obedient with a touch of submission in his nature. Cute little ass just ripe to be fucked. I think he would make an excellent boy-toy for the whores of FUCT. I'm bringing him out for a visit next week."

"That sounds delicious." Jane cooed as she felt the large appendage between her legs begin to harden at the image of Christopher's ass being taken by some lucky, young futa at FUCT.

"I only wish that I could be the one to pop his cherry." Harriet sighed as she petted the hardening cock beginning to tent her skirt.

The Visit

When Harriet Winter told him that FUCT was in rural Connecticut, she wasn't kidding. It took Chris the better part of the day just to travel there. First a flight into NYC, followed by a limo ride into the rural area of Connecticut. Harriet met him in the center of the small town nearest the campus and they had dinner at a cozy little restaurant and then drove to campus in Harriet's sporty, little car. Chris dozed off on the ride and Harriet awakened him on arrival at the campus. It was already dark outside, so Harriet ushered him straight into a room in the campus guest house.

"You have a big day ahead of you, Chris." Harriet smiled. Get a good night's rest and I'll fetch you in the morning."

"Thanks, Ms. Winter; for everything."

"No problem, sweetie. Now get some rest." Harriet replied and gave Chris a playful little smack on his ass before turning and leaving the room.

Sweetie! Now that was unexpected, Chris thought to himself as he began to disrobe.

Harriet picked him up in the morning, as promised. After a large breakfast in the guest house, they toured the campus. For only housing fifty whores and fifteen boys, the campus was larger than Chris expected. There were four large buildings dedicated to academics, plus an admin building, a library, five dorms and the guest house Chris had spent the night in. The dorms were large and featured spacious rooms that were more like luxury suites than typical college rooms.

The fall semester had not yet started, but there were a number of students taking advantage of summer classes. When Ms. Winter had described the whores as being 'special', Chris had not expected all of them to be ravishing beauties. The first thing he noticed was that they were all tall. Like six feet or above. They definitely dwarfed his meager five-five height. They all looked very athletic and very feminine with well developed breasts that were generally not huge but nicely proportioned to each whore's shape and size. The whores he saw were wearing shorts, real short shorts, or short skirts showing off legs that seemed to go on forever. Chris only saw two boys in the tour of the campus. Both of them were about Chris's size and both of them were holding the hand of a tall beauty who seemed to have them confidently in tow.

On the way back to the guest house, Chris saw one more boy. He was with another Amazonian blond beauty and they were reading something on a campus bulletin board. As they read, the blond was idly caressing the boy's ass; squeezing his ass-cheeks and occasionally running her hand between his legs to tease his cock. Even from a distance, Chris could see the wet stain spreading across the crotch of the boy's khaki shorts and the slight quiver of the boy's knees. Chris could feel his own little cock awaken at the sight. Chris stopped and was mesmerized as the whore possessively wrapped both arms around the boy with one hand snaking inside his shirt and massaging his chest while the other hand manipulated the boy's cock. The boy moaned loudly enough for Chris to hear him and he ground his ass against the whore's torso. The boy shuddered and cried out as an orgasm violently shook his body.

"Aren't they just a beautiful couple?" Ms. Winter said and put her hands on Chris's shoulders. "Notice the way the boy surrenders to his whore and lets her control him and play with his body. That's the ideal relationship. But come. We must get you back to the administration building." Ms. Winter instructed as her hand drifted down Chris's back and gently squeezed an ass-cheek of the startled boy.

Ms. Winter led him back into the admin building and ushered him into a small, window-less room with one chair and one opaque glass wall. She guided him to stand in front of the glass wall.

"So, how have you liked the tour so far, Chris?"

"This place is really something, Ms. Winter. I-I could really see myself fitting in here."

"Before we decide whether you fit or not, Chris, you need to be fully aware of the 'special nature' of our whores. Two of our whores are on the other side of that glass wall, Chris. I'm going to clear the glass so you can see them. They won't be able to see you; it's one-way vision glass. But they know that you are here, looking at them. After you see them and I explain what you're seeing, we'll discuss whether or not this is the right place for you. Agreed?"

"Yes, of course, Ms. Winter."

Harriet flipped a switch on the wall and the gas in the glass wall began to dissipate, revealing the naked back-sides of two beautiful young whores. Chris could feel his cock begin to harden again as he drank in the site of their two lovely, well-formed asses. One whore had long, flowing auburn hair reaching down almost to her ass-cheeks. The other was a red-head with a short bob hairstyle. Both whores stood with their arms over their heads and then, as if on cue, began to slowly turn to face the glass wall. They were both very pretty. Chris was struck not only by their facial beauty but also by their pert, perfectly sized tits, nipples proudly erect. But their most prominent frontal feature was the huge cock hanging between each whore's legs above two balls that were probably twice the size of Chris's puny little pair. The redhead's cock was easily nine inches soft and the brunette's cock was slightly longer. And they were both much thicker than Chris's puny little pole. As he stared at the whores in shocked disbelief, he felt Harriet move behind him and place her hands on his shoulders.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Harriet breathed into his ear.

"Oh yes," Chris sighed deeply as Harriet wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Have you ever seen such beautiful cocks attached to the body of a goddess before?"

"N-no." Chris stammered as Harriet moved her hand between his legs and began to pet his hardening member.

"They know you are here, in this room, watching." Harriet whispered as she continued to stroke him.

As if on cue, the two beauties behind the wall began to stroke and fondle their growing pieces of meat. The lascivious looks on their faces as they pointed their throbbing members at Chris was driving him mad.

"They want you, baby. The whores of FUCT want you." Harriet whispered as she licked the inside of his ear and sped up the attack on Chris's throbbing cock. "They want you to join us. They want to use you and make you feel wonderful. They want you to be just like the boy you saw outside."

Chris felt his knees going weak and he slumped against Harriet as she rubbed and squeezed his aching member. She moved one hand up to his chest and began to tease and pinch his right nipple. Chris groaned and his knees went weak as he began to cum in his pants as he watched the two young goddesses cum and spurt their copious loads onto the glass in front of him.

"Oh, pleeeeease!" Chris cried out as load after load of cum erupted from his shaking, throbbing prick.

"Yes, baby. Cum! Cum for mommy! Shoot it all out of that pathetic, little prick!"

"Oooooooooooh!" Chris cried and with one last gasp, slumped helplessly against Ms. Winter.

The gas filled the viewing window again and the whores disappeared from sight as Harriet half-dragged Chris to the chair and helped him sit. She towered over him with a victorious smile on her face.

"Well, Chris?" Harriet asked.

"The whores, the whores at FU," Chris stammered. "Are they all like that?"

"Yes, Chris. The whores are what is technically know as 'futanari.' They were born that way. They were born all whore with one exception. Instead of female genitalia, they were born with male genitalia. But the rest of them is all whore. About ninety-nine percent of them crave sex with males. Why wouldn't they? whores want boys, not other whores. We do have our lesbians and some whores will pleasure each other in the absence of boys. But generally, this is a heterosexual environment. Or perhaps 'futa-sexual' would be a more accurate descriptor. Before we were co-ed, the whores had no real outlet for their sexual urgings. It's why we recruit select boys now; to give the whores that outlet. The futas find boys who are smaller and submissive to be most attractive. Boys they can dominate and control easily. Boys they can fuck to their hearts' content. Bottom line -- they need somebody to fuck and we give them boys to fuck."

"But how can they fu -fuck a boy?" Chris wondered incredulously as his cock began to harden at what Ms. Winter was relating.

Harriet noticed and lascivious smile crept across her face as she moved her hand back between Chris's legs and began to fondle him again.

"Not that hard to comprehend, sweetie. A futa has a cock. A boy has a hole to put the cock into. And then they can fuck like rabbits." Harriet chuckled as she squeezed and stroked the boy's hardening little prick.

"Wha -what hole?" Chris gasped as Harriet spread the wetness from his first orgasm over the crotch of his pants.

"Your ass-hole, baby, your ass-hole."

"And if I came to school here, would I be expected to. . . to let a futa fuck me in the ass?"

"Most definitely, sweet thing."

"I don't know. . ." Chris wavered.

"Let's face facts, honey." Harriet responded rather harshly. "You're not much of a man. You're short and skinny and timid, just the kind of boy who should be dominated and controlled. Futas love vulnerable young boys like you that they can have their way with and make submit to their needs and urges. In the outside world you're basically a loser. Here you're a hot commodity. Join us and you'll have at least four years of wonderful, glorious sex as the plaything of some of the world's most beautiful whores. And, as icing on the cake, you'll march out of here with a diploma from a four-year accredited university."

"So, F U C T, really does mean fucked." Chris said as he felt his cum rising.

"Yes, baby. The question is will you be FUCT?" Harriet whispered in his ear, then rolling her tongue into his ear while her hand cupped his pulsating cock while another load of cum erupted into his pants thoroughly soaking him.


Chris spent the next few weeks getting over the shock of FUCT and wrestling with his decision to either go or not. The thought of sacrificing his virginity to a bevy of beautiful whores with dicks that put the average guy to shame had to be weighed against the sad fact that Harriet Winters was right. Outside of FUCT, he was a nobody. Inside, he would be a hot commodity and get a diploma in the end to boot. Of course, he would have to take a lot in his "end" to get there. He finally made up his mind to enroll. He figured if he hated it after a semester, he would just drop out.

Chris was one of ten boys who had matriculated for the fall semester. Orientation was in the main admin building led by Ms. Rectrix, a tall, imposing, authoritative woman who commanded your attention and compliance. On top of all that, she was a ravishing, blond beauty who wore tight pants, impossibly high heels, and a white dress shirt partially unbuttoned to expose her fulsome breasts. You could tell when she was aroused by the bulge in her pants that grew and seemed to hang down to her knee. Ms. Rectrix walked them through the completion of their paperwork and assigned them temporary rooms in the guest house along with required reading of material about the college. Throughout all of her instruction she walked around the room frequently touching the boys backs and shoulders and occasionally ruffling their hair. At the end of the first day, she instructed the boys not to leave the guest house and wander around the campus.

Ms. Rectix led them back to the guest house at a leisurely pace to allow them to take in the sights, so to speak. There were a lot more people around, especially in the Common. Rectrix allowed them to gawk and drink in the scenes taking place in the Common. They saw a couple sitting on one of the park benches. The boy was sitting astride the whore's lap. She had her tongue buried in the boy's mouth and one hand holding the boy's head in place and the other down the boy's shorts. It appeared that she had a finger buried in the boy's ass-hole. He was moaning loudly as the whore frenched him and finger-fucked him. Another couple was laying on a blanket. The boy was on his back and the whore was on top of him; kissing his neck and dry-humping him. Yet another couple was sitting under a tree. The whore leaned her back against the tree and the boy lay perpendicular to her with his head in her lap. His shorts were un-buttoned and un-zipped. The whore's hand was down his shorts, idly teasing and massaging the boy's cock while she read her book. There were a few other couples dotted around the Common, necking and fondling; the whores seemed to be doing the bulk of the fondling. Ms. Rectrix made sure to allow the boys to drink in these sights and get a feel for what was inevitably in store for them.

Day two was more classroom orientation and discussion of that evening's orientation mixer with the faculty and some of the whores. Ms. Rectrix told them they would be required to wear a freshman orientation uniform to the mixer and that it was not optional. Anyone who refused would be turned out. She told them the purpose of the mixer was to get everyone feeling comfortable in their new environment and give the boys a chance to meet some of the whores they would be attending school with. Then she sent them to their rooms to shower and prepare for the evening's festivities.

Ms. Rectrix came to his room to fetch him around six-thirty. She looked him over approvingly and smoothed his hair into place and gave his crotch a glancing feel. He joined the other boys and was relieved to find that they all had very similar uniforms to his own; so at least he would not stick out like a sore thumb. Rectrix marched them over to the admin building and led them into a large, paneled, room with an hors d'oeuvre table and a bar for liquid refreshments. The faculty was already assembled at the far side of the room and locked in conversation. And there were whores in the room. Tall, beautiful, sexy futa whores.

"The boys have arrived, whores." Ms. Rectrix announced cheerfully. "Get acquainted and make them feel welcome at Futa U."

That was all the encouragement the whores needed to move in and mingle. Each boy found himself beset upon by two or three lovely futas. Two of them approached Chris with big, welcoming smiles. One was a statuesque redhead dressed in a long, slinky black dress that tightly hugged her figure and was slit from the floor up to her hip, exposing a smooth, sexy leg. The other was the only Scandinavian whore that Chris had seen at the campus thus far. She was absolutely stunning. She was not as tall as the others; but her five-eleven height still dwarfed Chris. Her features were so finely proportioned to her height that she looked almost petite. Her long, shining black hair framed a delicate face. Almond shaped eyes with dark brown irises gave her a soft, exotic appearance. She wore a really short, flared red skirt that barely covered her shapely ass and a black, satin top that was tied under her breasts and unbuttoned enough to show a generous amount of cleavage. Her gaze seemed to devour Chris's body. It was the Scandinavian whore who spoke first.

"Hi, cutie. I'm Ava. What's your name."

"It's, um, Christopher." Chris stammered.

"Chrissie!" Ava exclaimed in delight. "That really suits you, honey."

"Actually, no one calls me 'Chrissie.' They call me 'Christopher' or 'Chris.' He responded shyly.

"Well, I think you're a perfect Chrissie, so I'll call you that and it'll be our little thing."

"Janet, Chrissie has nothing to drink. Be a dear and get him a nice glass of punch." Ava asked her redheaded friend who smiled and walked to the bar to comply. She returned shortly with a tall glass of fruity punch with a long straw and a little paper umbrella stuck in a piece of pineapple floating at the top of the drink. Then Janet walked off and left them alone.

"So, you and Janet are part of the welcoming committee?" Chris asked.

"Not exactly." Ava replied. "Janet is sort of my wing-man tonight. I'm the one who is actually here doing the shopping."

"Shopping? Shopping for what, Ava?"

"Well, for a boy-toy of course, silly. Janet already has hers that she took during summer school; but I need one. And I don't need much time to make up my mind. If I see what I like, I hone in fast and just take it. When I saw you, I knew you were the one and baby, you're going to love being my boy-toy."

"Is that what all the other whores are doing too?'

"Of course, silly. But they have trouble making up their minds whenever they shop; which is why you see them flitting from boy to boy and testing the waters. Not like me, I know what I want and I take it." Ava said huskily as she put her hand on Chris's arm and rubbed it up and down.

"They didn't tell us anything about this at orientation." Chris responded.

"It's simple, Chrissie. This mixer is basically a meat market and you and your little boyfriends are the meat. The whores are here to examine the merchandise and determine whether or not they'd like to latch on to a boy before he's cut into the general campus herd. So we smile and seduce and test the meat for tenderness before making our purchase." Ava smiled mischievously while putting her hand on the back of Chris's leg, just under his ass-cheek. Chris didn't think you could fit anything up his tight short-shorts, but Ava managed to snake her hand under the fabric and squeeze his satin covered cheek. 

"Can. . . can the boys pick their whorefriends?" Chris asked.

"Don't be silly, sweetie. Of course not. We choose our boys and make them ours." Ava smiled as she moved her hand between his legs and squeezed and stroked his hardening cock. "And I choose you to be my fuckable, little plaything, baby-boy. But they're going to start the auction. I'll take you home when that part is done."

And Ava gave his throbbing, little prick one more squeeze and then moved off. Ms. Rectrix went to the center of the room and arranged the whores on the right side of the room and the boys on the left. The faculty was already seated in the front of the room at a long table as Ms. Rectrix began her presentation.

"I want to welcome all of you to freshman orientation night. We've come to the part of the evening to conduct the boy-toy auction. I believe a word of explanation is appropriate to let the boys know what is happening and to educate any of you freshman whores who didn't read your orientation packets." This engendered some giggling on the part of a few of the whores.

"As you know from your recruitment, boys, you are here at 'Futa University of Connecticut' primarily to service the needs of our very special futa whores. The whores who attended this evening's festivities are considering owning their very own boy-toy to begin the school year. They have been examining and assessing you to determine if any of you fit their criteria. Now they will have an opportunity to bid on you."

The boys begin to self-consciously fidget and look at each other. Ms. Rectrix continued.

"We will begin with a silent auction. Each whore who wishes to bid will place their bid in the envelopes we have provided. The three highest bids will have the opportunity to select a boy from the assembled freshman. That boy becomes theirs to use as they will. They may and should register them and mark them as their sole property to let the other whores on campus know that they are owned and off-limits. After the first three boys are thus selected, we will put each of the remaining boys up individually for open bidding. Each boy will then become the property of the highest bidder. Any boys that are not bid on will become part of the campus stable of boy-toys to be used by any futa wherever and whenever they desire. If a futa tires of her owned boy-toy or becomes bored with it, she can cut the boy back into the campus herd for use by the community. She does forfeit her purchase price and cannot bid on another boy until the next semester's orientation. So, if we're all clear on the game rules, let's begin."

"Uh, Ms. Rectrix," a boy named Tommie interrupted timidly.

Rectrix cut him off. "I don't think you understand, boy. You have no rights and no say in these proceedings. Only faculty and futas may ask questions. Let's begin. whores who wish to bid now, place your bids and seal your envelopes and we will collect them."

About half of the whores submitted silent bids. Rectrix retrieved the envelopes and brought them to the faculty table to be arranged in order of highest to lowest. After a few minutes, the FUCT principal handed the three top bids to Rectrix who smiled lasciviously and turned to the assembly.

"The highest bidder is . . . . Ava Park!" Rectrix exclaimed. "Ava, you may claim your property.

"I want Chrissie!" Ava growled hungrily. She strode determinedly across the hall and grabbed Chris by the hand. "Come on, bitch! You're mine now!" She shouted triumphantly as she dragged the stunned boy out the door. 

Fucking In the Dorm

Ava led him quickly down the steps of the admin building and around the corner to head to the dorms. But before they got more than ten paces, she roughly shoved Chris up against the admin building wall. Pinning his hands over his head, she shoved her knee between his legs so he couldn't help but rub against her leg. Ava's mouth roughly covered his and her tongue probed inside, seeking his own tongue. Ava's tongue massaged his roughly and insistently while her leg teased slowly against his crotch. Ava could feel his prick grow and harden against her leg. She removed her tongue from the imprisoned boy's mouth and licked up the side of his face to his ear.

"You're mine now, Chrissie!" Ava breathed into his ear. "I own you. I'm going to break you and train you. I'm going to make you my bitch! My obedient little, cock-sucking, begging-to-be-fucked bitch! When I'm through with you, you'll be begging me to use you and fuck you. You're my present to me! Time to take you home and unwrap my present!"

Chris moaned as Ava replaced her leg with her hand on his crotch. She squeezed and fondled his hard, little prick till she could feel the pre-cum staining his shorts. Chris was all weak-kneed from the sudden assault. But there was no respite.

"Let's hurry, slut! Time to take you while you're ripe and ready." Ava laughed and grabbing Chris by the hand, practically dragged him to her dorm.

Ava led him into the building elevator and pressed "3." Before the elevator doors had even closed she wrapped her arms around Chris's waist and pulled him against her. Chris could feel her hard cock throbbing in the crack of his ass as Ava nuzzled his neck and unzipped his short-shorts.

"Oh, Chrissie! You wore satin panties for me, you little slut." Ava cried in delight as she slid her hand in Chris's shorts and fondled his wet, throbbing cock.

Chris moaned as Ava withdrew her hand from his shorts and moved both her hands under his shirt massaging his chest and pinching his nipples.

"Do you like that, little slut?" Ava whispered in his ear as Chris moaned some more and wriggled his ass against Ava's hard-on.

The elevator reached three and Ava took him by the hand again and dragged him into her suite. Before he had a chance to do or say anything, Ava yanked his short-shorts down to his ankles and tore the shirt over his head. Ava's mouth covered his once more as her hands cupped his ass-cheeks. Ava kneaded and massaged his ass as her demanding tongue played in its new home. Then Ava moved away and looked with unbridled lust at the panting boy standing before her.

"Kick your shoes off, bitch. And get rid of those shorts." Ava ordered.

Chris did as he was told. He flinched as Ava moved toward him aggressively.

"Are you afraid of me, Chrissie?" Ava taunted as she stripped his satin panties off and coaxed him to step out of them. "You should be because I'm stronger than you and my lust is endless."

Then Ava backed him against the wall again and pinned his hands over his head with one of her hands. She grabbed Chris's prick with her other hand and stroked it and fondled his balls causing the boy to moan even louder.

"Have you ever fucked a whore, Chrissie?" Ava whispered in his ear.

"N-no, Ava."

"You will address me as Mistress Ava from now on, slut!

"Oh no, Mistress! Never!"

"Oooh, that's good, Chrissie. I love virgin meat." Ava purred. "But when I'm done with you tonight, you won't be a virgin anymore. I will fuck all of the would-be manhood out of you and you will be my bitch. My slutty, fucked silly, little bitch."

Ava moved away and observed her prey. Chris stood panting and shivering against the wall. His little cock was leaking pre-cum and doing little push-ups in the air. The look in his eyes was a confused look of lust combined with the frantic fear of a trapped animal.

"Get on the bed, bitch!" Ava commanded. "Lay on your back and spread your legs for me!"

"Yes Mistress." Chris answered as he stumbled to the bed and climbed onto it. He flopped onto his back and spread his legs for Ava.

"Good boy!" Ava exclaimed as she quickly pulled her blouse off and stripped her skirt off too. She wore no panties, so her cock immediately sprang into view, all eleven thick inches of it. It throbbed. Pre-cum leaked from the tip. And her whole cock seemed to be coated in some type of slippery substance that glittered in the low light of the bedroom.

"Time to fuck my boy-toy!" Ava exclaimed. She slowly and menacingly crawled onto the bed towards Chris with a wanton smile on her lips and an animal shine in her eyes.

"Lift your ass, baby." Ava commanded. Chris complied and Ava slipped a large pillow under him raising his ass to a more easily fuckable position.

"Let's see how tight your hole is, slut." Ava said as she knelt before him and clutched her hard, pulsating cock with one hand and scooped up some of the slippery liquid coating on to her fingers.

Ava rubbed her moist index finger over Chris's ass-crack and gently massaged his little rosebud.

"Mmmmm, you're nice and small, sweetie. Let's see how tight you are." Ava said as she pushed her finger past his rosebud and into his tight little ass.

"Oooooh, fuck!" Chris moaned as Ava slowly moved her finger in and out of his ass.

"We're not fucking yet," Ava giggled. "But you like my finger in your ass, don't you little whore?"

"Ooooh, yes!" Chris moaned in reply.

"Let's see how you like two fingers." Ava said as she slipped her fuck-finger into him next to her index finger.

"Oh, my god!" Chris exclaimed as he squirmed as Ava vigorously finger-fucked him.

"Do you want more, baby?' Ava asked coquettishly.

"Oh, yes, more." Chris moaned.

"Say 'please' like a good little boy." Ava demanded.


"Say 'please, Mistress!'" Ava instructed.

"Please, Mistress!"

"Good boy! Now we'll do three fingers to stretch you out. Do you want that, bitch?"

"Y-yes, Mistress. Please."

Ava smiled triumphantly as she slipped a third finger into him and vigorously finger-fucked his tight little hole. Chris moaned and squirmed beneath her. He was experiencing feelings that were new and hot and a little terrifying.

"Enough foreplay, bitch." Ava said as she withdrew her fingers. "Now I'm going to fuck you senseless, boy!"

Ava moved to position her cock between the boy's legs. As she grabbed Chris by the hips, he protested.

"Your cock is so big, Mistress! Will it hurt me?"

"You bet your ass it will hurt. It will hurt when I pop your cherry and it will hurt when I slide in. But then you'll get used to it. And when I really fuck you, you'll experience ecstasy like never before. So hold on tight, boy, as I take your hole!"

With that said, Ava rubbed the head of her moist cock around Chris's rosebud. And then, with a not so gentle push, she shoved the head of her throbbing rod into the helpless boy.

"Oh nooooo!" Chris screamed in pain. "It's too big. Please take it out, Mistress, please!"

"Not on your life, slut. Your hole is my cock's new home. Just try and relax and breathe for a moment while you get used to it."

"Oooooh," Chris moaned and tried to stop his trembling. When he seemed to settle down a bit, Ava smiled down at him.

"Now I'm going in, baby. Just relax and breathe."

"Nooo!" Chris begged as Ava slowly pushed about half way into him. "Please no more", Chris begged as tears formed in his eyes and began to slip down his cheeks.

"That's it, slut. Beg for me. Soon you'll be begging me to fuck you!"

Ava slowly pushed the rest of her pulsating member into Chris and stopped as her balls settled against the shaking boy's ass. Chris simply moaned softly as he began to get used to having his hole filled with whore-cock. Chris felt another new sensation as Ava wriggled her ass causing her cock to move inside him.

"Oh, what?" Chris moaned as Ava's cockhead found his prostate and slowly massaged it.

"Does that feel good, little slut?" Ava taunted.

"Yes, Mistress. I never. . .Oooooh" Chris moaned.

"Hang on, bitch! Now we fuck for real!" Ava slowly withdrew her pulsating prick until just the head was left in the boy's hole. Then she slowly slid all the way back in. Slowly out, slowly in. Faster out, Faster in. Finally Ava fucked him with wild, almost uncontrollable abandon.

"Aaaaargh!" Chris moaned like a little animal; like a little she-bitch in heat.

"That's it! Moan for me you little cock hole!" Ava cried. "Feel me fuck the sluttiness into you! Feel me transform your hole into a little cock hole."

"Aaaaargh! Pleeeeease!" Chris begged as the mixture of pain and pleasure emanating from his new bussy drove him into complete incoherence.

Ava smiled as she felt Chris's cock harden and spring to attention. She could see it pulsating against his stomach as she continued to fuck him with wild abandon.

Your cock seems to love this, slut." Ava rubbed her hand across Chris's cock and balls and it did little pushups against her palm. Chris was now mewling like a little animal. He was totally incoherent and lost in pleasure and pain. No. The pain was gone, or he was no longer aware of it. All he was experiencing was the pleasure of being fucked.

"You're my little bitch now! Do you want to be my bitch?!" Ava demanded.

"Yes! Yes! Please! Please make me your bitch!" Chris moaned in submission.

Ava increased her pace even more, now wildly fucking the writhing mass of flesh beneath her.

"I'm going to cum in you now, bitch! When I do, you won't be a young man anymore! You'll be my little whore! Do you want to be my little whore, bitch?"

"Oooooh!" Chris moaned. "Yes, Mistress. Make me your little whore."

"Then beg me to fuck you! Beg for it! Beg for it!"

"Oooooh! Oooooh! Please Mistress! Fuck me! Please fuck me!" Chris begged as he felt Ava's cock stop deep in his pussy.

"Aaaaaah!" Ava let out an animal scream as her orgasm began to course through her. Chris could feel her first load spurting into his male pussy and filling him up. Ava switched to slow, calculated motions to milk all the cum out of her overloaded balls. Chris felt a second, even larger load filling his insides. Then a third. A fourth!

"Oooooh! Yes, Mistress!" Chris screamed as his new little clitty began spurting skinny ropes of sperm onto his stomach and chest. His last eruption coated his face with his own love juice.

"Oh, yes. Good whore. Good whore." Ava whispered as she slumped, sated, against her new boy-toy. She slowly pulled out of him and coaxed him onto his side with his ass against her.

"Ooooh, god!" Chris moaned as Ava sled her still hardened cock inside of him again.

"Shhh! Relax, baby whore. This is just to keep you open for awhile. To get you used to the new state of things in your life." Jen said has she gently stroked Chris's body.

"You're still hard." Chris exclaimed. "How can you still be hard? My cock is already going flaccid!"

"It's one of the benefits of being a futa." Ava answered as she slowly licked his neck. "Regular males generally get aroused fast, shoot their loads quick, and then can't function again for ten to sixty minutes depending on the guy. Females take longer to warm up. But once they get going, they can have multiple orgasms and still be ready for more. Futas have the best of both worlds. We heat up fast. We fuck furiously. And we can fuck again and again for as long as we want."

" You are so lucky to be mine, baby, cause I am an insatiable futa. " Ava whispered in his ear and then gently bit his earlobe and ran her tongue inside of his ear. Chris could feel her cock began to stir and throb inside of him.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Chris pleaded.

"Mmmm,, More!" Ava purred in his ear as she began moving her hips in a gentle teasing motion. Then, without warning, she picked up the tempo and began wildly fucking Chris's hole again. She slurped her tongue over his neck and bit and licked and bit and licked while her fingers pinched his nipples.

"Oooooh! Yesssss! More! Please moooore!" Chris moaned and begged as Ava wildly fucked him.

"Take my load, bitch! You're mine! Mine! Mine!" Ava shouted as another orgasm swept through her. Her cock erupted with another massive load of cum. Followed by another. And another. And yet another. It was too much for the boy's already full hole. Ava's cum leaked out of his hole onto his ass-cheeks and onto the bed. Ava was like a wild animal. As she fucked him she scooped up loads of her leaked cum and smeared it all over the boy's face, forcing a massive quantity into his mouth.

"That's it! Eat my cum, bitch! Eat it all! Swallow my jizz!. Aaaaargh!" Ava growled like a little animal and then tensed up as a final load erupted from her dominating member. Sated, she slid out of the boy and spooned him, tightly wrapping her arms around him and drawing him into her.

"Mine." Ava whispered as she held her new boy-toy tightly against her. "Mine."

Completely sated, Chris drifted off to sleep in Ava's embrace. Ava let him rest for about thirty minutes until she began to crave more sex with her new boy-toy. She began to kiss and nip at his neck and ears as her hands roamed over the lad's body, teasing and probing and exploring every inch.

"Ooooh," Chris moaned as Ava's attentions coaxed him back to consciousness. He could feel her big cock growing and hardening in his ass-crack, oozing it's natural lubricant. "Are you going to fuck me again?' Chris asked apprehensively.

"Not exactly, baby. You're going to go for a little ride." Ava smiled mischievously.

Ava got up from the bed and took Chris by the hand, pulling him after her towards an armless chair in the bedroom. Ava sat down in the chair and gave Chris a devilish smile.

"I want you to sit on my lap, slut." Ava ordered. "Impale yourself on my pole and ride me till we cum."

Chris looked in dismay at Ava's large, throbbing piece of meat, erect and pointing up towards the ceiling. Chris wondered how he had ever taken Ava's cock inside him without her splitting him in two.

"C'mon, bitch! Climb on! Time for you to do some work." Ava lifted him off the floor and positioned him facing her on her lap just above her pulsating monster organ. Chris desperately held on to Ava's shoulders as he felt his rosebud contact Ava's wet whore-cock.

"Lower yourself, slut!" Ava commanded.

Chris began to lower himself, as ordered. "Oooooh, my god!" Chris cried out as the head of Ava's cock invaded his ass, yet again. It went in easier this time, but it still filled him with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Chris closed his eyes and continued his descent onto Ava's love stick until he was totally impaled.

"Ummmmm, that's it, bitch. Now fuck yourself on my cock!"

Ava's hands firmly guided him up towards the tip of Ava's joy stick. Then slowly, back down. Then up again picking up the pace. Then down until he developed a constant rhythm. Chris closed his eyes in ecstasy as he rode Ava's slick, throbbing organ. Ava heightened his ecstasy by playing with the young boy's body.

"That's it, little bitch." She whispered in his ear, biting his earlobe and then plunging her tongue inside of it. Ava licked and nipped his neck as she began to massage his flat chest and rub and pinch his nipples.

"Aaaaaah! Please! More!" Chris cried out as Ava's mouth moved to his left nipple and she began to lick and suck and bite on the now erect little nub.

Chris was now wildly fucking himself on Ava's cock without any need of guidance from her hands which now rested on his waist.

"Do you want to be my bitch, Chrissie?!" Ava demanded.

"Ooooph, yes! Make me your bitch! Please take me!" Chris moaned.

"Do you want to be my boy-toy? My property?'Ava demanded as she slapped the boy hard on his ass.

"Oh, yes! Please! Make me your boy-toy!" Chris pleaded.

"What are you!" Ava demanded as she slapped his ass hard again.

"I'm your bitch!" Chris cried in answer.

"What else are you?" Slap!

"I'm your boy-toy!"

"Who owns you?" Slap!

"Mistress Ava owns me." Chris sobbed as he wildly rode Ava's pulsating meat. Lust and need totally overtook him. He began to shake uncontrollably and mutter incoherent animal sounds. His own puny, little penis had become hard and throbbing with need. Without he or Ava ever touching it, his prick began to shoot its load all over Ava's stomach and tits.

"Ooooh, yes, baby. You were made for this. You were made to be fucked by a futa. You shot your load from your pathetic, little clitty without me even touching it. You are a bitch made to be fucked. And filled!" Ava groaned as she stiffened and then began to shoot a huge load of cum into Chris's pliant hole. Her load was too much for the boy to contain and her spunk leaked out of his ass onto the chair and floor. Ava came again. And again. And again. Chris hung on for dear life, shuddering and mumbling incoherently. Ava held him tight as her orgasm subsided and they stayed like that, clinging to each other while Chris's shudders slowed and then finally stopped.

"Good whore!" Ava whispered. "Good, little Chrissie." And she lifted the inert boy off of her still hard cock.

"That was almost enough, baby." Ava said with that devilish little smile on her face again.

"Almost?" Chris responded in disbelief.

"Kneel down, baby." Ava instructed, lifting him off of her lap and guiding him to the floor.

Her slick cock was resting on Chris's cheek.

"Suck it, sweetie. Take it in your mouth and drain it." And Ava positioned Chris's mouth at the tip of her rod. Chris opened his mouth slowly, but Ava was in a hurry. She eased her cock right into Chris's mouth and down his throat slowly, but steadily until her balls were resting on the boy's chin. He began to gag on the pulsating invader.

"Breathe through your nose, bitch." Ava ordered as she began to slowly fuck Chris's mouth and throat. Ava increased her tempo as Chris became more used to having this large appendage inside his mouth and throat.

"Oh yes, use your tongue, slut!" Ava said contentedly as she grabbed the back of Chris's head and pistoned her love-stick into the boy.

Chris couldn't imagine how Ava was able to produce yet more cum after fucking him. But she did. She tensed up and began to pour copious amounts of her love fluid down his throat. He swallowed as much as he could, but he couldn't keep up with the volume of love juice and it seeped out of his mouth onto his chest and torso. Ava yanked her hose out of his mouth and began to spray cum all over his face until it was completely coated and she was completely drained.

"Good whore!" Ava affirmed. "But you can't go to bed like that, you greedy little slut." Ava laughed and helped him up but Chris was too wobbly to stand; so Ava picked him up and threw him over her shoulder and carried him into the en suite. Ava cleaned him off with a wash cloth, dried him with a towel and then took his hand again and led him back to bed. As they lay facing each other, Ava petted Chris's hair and smiled. "We need to get some sleep now, baby whore. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Now nurse on Mistress' tit and sleep." Ava positioned her tit at Chris's lips and the boy took her hard, erect nipple into his mouth and began to suckle like a baby. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep with Ava's tit still in his mouth. And he dreamt. He dreamt of being fucked and filled with Ava's spunk.

Owned and Registered

The next day began with what Chris figured he was destined to experience as long as he was with Ava. Correction, owned by Ava. As he gradually awoke from a deep slumber, he realized that Ava already had her cock in his hole and was slowly and rhythmically fucking him. This morning, she came quickly and then bounded out of bed and picked Chris up in her arms carrying him to the bathroom like a little baby. They showered together and then went back to the bedroom and dressed.

Ava wore a yellow sun dress that displayed her ample cleavage. The dress was just long enough to cover her now flaccid whore-cock, but still displayed a generous amount of her smooth, bronzed legs. Ava dressed Chris in the outfit he had worn last night, except for the panties. Then she took him by the hand and led him out of the dorm and into the common.

Chris was greeted by a sight in the common that made a huge impression. One of the other freshman boys was running naked and crying across the common, fleeing two gorgeous futa whores who were in hot pursuit. The boy couldn't outrun them and one of the whores tackled him to the ground and coaxed him to his knees and into a doggy position. The whore who had tackled him wasted no time raising her skirt and plunging her twelve inch cock into his ass. The boy screamed until he was silenced by the other whore plunging her huge cock into his mouth and down his throat. Ava let Chris take in the scene.

"He wasn't taken in the auction." Ava told Chris. "He's herd now and any whore can use him anytime and he doesn't have any say in the matter. He's just a piece of meat that can be sampled by any whore at her whim. And from the looks of it, this probably isn't the first time he's been sampled."

Then Ava led him to the admin building. It was hard for Chris to keep up. His short legs couldn't match Ava's long stride and Chris felt sure that they presented a comic sight with Ava practically dragging him across the common.

Ava led him to the registrar's office where, Ms. Buxton, the registrar was preparing for one of her more active days of the year.

"Oh, good. We're first." Ava exclaimed with delight as they approached the registrar's desk.

"And what can I do for you this fine morning, Ava?' Buxton asked Ava, knowing what her answer was going to be.

"I've come to register my boy-toy." Ava responded proudly. "He's mine!"

"Well there are some formalities before he officially belongs to you." Buxton said.

"First of all, how did you acquire him?

"I bought him in the auction last night." Ava answered. "I was the high bidder!"

"Congratulations, Ava." Buxton smiled and then turned to Chris.

"Ava is asking me to register you as her totally owned personal property, boy. You will become her boy-toy sex slave. But we all know that slavery is illegal in this country, so we will legalize and seal your arrangement with a personal service contract."

As Buxton was talking, Ava placed her hand on Chris's ass and began to squeeze and knead his cheeks. Occasionally her hand would drift between his legs to tease his hardening little prick.

"The only right you have under this contract, Buxton continued, is the right to terminate. And only at the end of the semester. The contract must be renewed by both of you at the beginning of each new semester. Ava, on the other hand has the right to terminate the contract at any time. If she does terminate, she forfeits the money she bid to acquire you. You become part of FUCT's herd and are fair game for any whore or whores to do anything they want with you. As often as they want. Do you understand this, boy?"

Chris contemplated his options. Option one was to be owned by this beautiful, over-sexed, Scandinavian goddess who seemed to have an insatiable sexual appetite. Option two was to become part of the herd and subject himself to the treatment he had just witnessed with the two futas and the boy in the common. "I understand." Chris responded meekly.

Buxton turned to Ava. "Do you understand, Ms. Park?"

"I understand. He's mine!"

"You are eager," Ms. Buxton chuckled. "What will you name your boy, Ava?"

"His name is 'Chris." Ava spelled it out for her.

"I love it!" Buxton exclaimed and then turned to Chris. "This is the last free decision you will be allowed to make while at this university." Buxton said. "You must either become 'Chris', the totally owned boy-toy of Ava; or you must become herd. If you choose to be owned by Ava, you will belong to her to use as she wishes. She is free to fuck you, and milk you, and feed you her cock whenever and wherever she pleases. And you must obey. If you don't, she is free to punish you anyway that she chooses, short of permanently maiming or murdering you. Which do you choose, boy, Ava or the herd?"

"I choose Ava." Chris acquiesced.

"Then sign your indenture here." Buxton pointed to a line on the register. "Sign 'Chris Park'. That is you new name."

Chris bent over and signed 'Chris Park' in the register. While he did Ava was massaging and squeezing his little cock. It took all the self-control he had left to sign legibly.

"Good, boy." Buxton complimented. "Now, Ava, sign here to take formal possession of your property."

Ava eagerly grabbed the pen and signed her name with a flourish.

"Give me your left hand, Chris." Buxton commanded. She placed a numbered metallic bracelet on Chris's wrist and gave a chained pendant with the same number on it to Ava. "This is the formal sign of your ownership of this slut." Buxton said turning to Ava. "But I would suggest you buy him more elaborate identifying jewelry that expresses your personality. You can get it at Brown's Jewelry in town. Enjoy your bitch, Ava. He belongs to you now."

Ava took him by the hand and led him out of the admin building.

"Now I can kiss my boy-bride!" Ava happily exclaimed. Even though the common was filling with students, Ava didn't care who watched. She wanted the world to know that Chris was hers! She grabbed Chris's wrists and pinned his arms behind him and then bent him over and invaded his mouth with her tongue while her free hand began to stroke ad fondle and manipulate his little rock-hard prick. It didn't take long for Chris to lose control and shoot his load staining the front of his short-shorts. Jim spread his cum all over the crotch and front of his shorts with the palm of her hand so that everyone would know that Ava had made him cum in his pants. As his orgasm was spent, Ava took him by the hand again.

"C'mon, little whore. You're all mine now!"

Shopping and Grooming

Time to go buy you some appropriate clothes. Now we shop, then we fuck!"

Ava led him into the student parking lot to her little, red sports car. She roughly turned him around and pushed him against the passenger door. Plunging her tongue into his mouth she hungrily devoured Chris's little dart of a tongue. Chris moaned with pleasure as Ava ground her crotch against his. Then, as abruptly as Ava had attacked him, she broke the kiss and opened the passenger door.

"Get in the car, slut." She ordered and Chris complied. "Pull your short-shorts down around your ankles." Chris quickly obeyed. As soon as Ava had pulled out of the lot and started towards town, she wrapped her right hand around Chris's little tool and began to play. She pulled his foreskin down and rubbed her thumb over his piss-slit. She squeezed and jacked. Chris came twice on the way into town.

Their first stop was Brown's Jewelry store. Ms. Brown, a graduate of FUCT was excited about outfitting Chris with the proper insignia of his owned condition. Ava viewed the many choices that Brown displayed and settled on a set that included a bracelet for Chris that said 'Chris, Property of Ava' with a matching ankle bracelet that said 'Ava's slut and a matching collar for Chris's neck that said 'I Belong to Ava", and a matching pendant on a chain for Ava that said 'Chris is My Bitch!"

While Brown took the jewelry to her engraver in the back, Ava led Chris to another store labeled 'FUCT Apparel.'

"I need clothes for my new boy-toy," Ava informed the cute whore behind the counter.

"He's really cute," the sales-whore complimented Ava. "Is he a good fuck?"

"He's got the right equipment," Ava answered. "His pussy is nice and tight and his clitty is small and cute," Ava continued as she squeezed Chris's ass cheeks, then ran her hand between his legs, massaging his awakening little love stick. Chris moaned with delight and slumped back against Ava. "And he's all mine!" Ava exclaimed as she licked his neck and teased is ear with her tongue.

"Oooh, nice." The sales-whore replied. "How do you want to dress your slut?"

Now began the process of selecting clothes for Chris. They started with underwear. Ava had him try on various different styles and she settled on satin panties in varying colors: pink, powder blue, white, black and purple. Chris's titties weren't developed enough to fill even a training bra, so Ava decided on lacy camisoles in colors the matched the panties. Ava also ordered monograms for all the panties: "slut" for the front and "whore" for the backside. Ava was really partial to how Chris looked in ankle socks. She ordered white ankle socks with colored, decorative fringe on top to match the rest of the undies ensemble.

Since the weather was about to change to the chill of autumn, Ava only ordered a couple pair of short-shorts for Chris; one white and one light khaki. Those colors would display Chris's cum stains whenever Ava decided to make her boy-toy cum. For tops, Ava bought midriff t-shirts monogrammed with "Ava's Slut" or "Ava's Bitch" or "Property of Ava." For fall and winter apparel, Ava went for a whoreie look. Tights in different colors to keep Chris's legs warm; short skirts that barely covered Chris's ass in assorted colors. Blouses monogrammed the same as the t-shirts; short fur-lined and trimmed boots and a fur-lined winter coat. To top it all off, Ava bought some cute, furry, pink ear muffs to keep Chris warm.

While the apparel store was monogramming Chris's new clothes, Ava led him to a cozy little café for lunch. Ava ordered for herself and for Chris. It was becoming obvious to Chris that free choice was no longer available to him; Ava was in total control.

"I'm betting that you have some questions that you would like answered, little one?" Ava asked as the waiter cleared their table.

"Can . . . can I ask questions?" Chrise responded tentatively.

"Of course, baby. Ask away."

"Okay. Last night, when I saw your cock for the first time, it was all slick. Did you put lube on it before you came to the mixer knowing that you would . . . buy a boy?"

"No, baby. "Ava explained. "A male of the species needs lube to fuck. If he fucks a whore, her vagina provides the lube he needs. If he fucks an ass, he needs manufactured lube; unless he doesn't care about causing the object of his lust extreme pain. A futa's cock produces its own lube. Glands along a futa cock excrete a natural lube that is better than a woman's vaginal secretions or anything you can buy in a store. And a futa cock continues producing lube as long as the futa is aroused. Futa lube also has a very slight numbing effect. I guess nature figured that boy-toys like you would need a little numbing to accept a big cock like mine."

"I see." Chris said.

"What else, sweetie? What other questions do you have?"

"Well, when I get-off, my cock goes limp pretty quick. Last night, you seemed to stay continually hard; even after you came in me. Is it always like that?"

"Yes, honey. I can maintain a hard-on for hours and hours. I can fuck you into as senseless a state as I desire. I can make you a writhing, moaning, little mass of flesh anytime I want. And, frequently, I will."

"What's going to happen to me at the end of the semester?" Chris asked with a tremble in his voice.

"That depends on you, baby." Ava answered. "If you please me and you submit properly, I'll probably keep you. If you don't submit to me totally, I'll cast you into next semester's auction and you'll either be bought by another futa or cut loose into the herd."

"Okay. What about my academics? I haven't received a class schedule yet. And how am I supposed to act if we are in different classes at a particular time?" Chris wondered.

"Don't be silly, baby. You don't have a class schedule of your own. You come to my classes with me. If you want to pass exams, you'll pay attention and study hard. I expect you to. That way we can help each other through the academic side of things." Ava explained. "If you don't, I may have to cut you loose for a better boy-toy."

"I see." Chris answered quietly.

"So, pop quiz." Ava said perkily. "Who do you belong to?"

"I belong to Mistress Ava." Chris answered.

"Good whore! Now let's pick up your things and hurry back to campus. I'm getting horny and need to fuck you soon."

Back at the Dorm

The ride back to the campus was similar to the ride into town. Chris rode with his shorts down to his ankles and Ava played with his little prick all the way back. This time Chris came three times before Ava pulled into the parking slot. Chris carried all of his new clothes up to Ava's room and deposited it all on the floor at Ava's instructions.

"I need you to strip now, bitch." Ava commanded.

As Chris began to remove his clothes, Ava asked him: "Do you know much about the animal kingdom, slut?"

"A little, I guess." Chris answered.

"Do you know how an animal marks her territory or her property?"

"I . . . I'm not sure what you mean." Chris responded.

"If you bring a dog into a new yard, what's the first thing the dog does, Chris?"

"I . . .I don't know."

"The dog sniffs around the whole yard for the scent of other animals. Then she pisses at multiple spots to mark the yard as her territory; to warn other animals that this is her property, not theirs. Are we part of the animal kingdom, bitch?"

"I guess so." Chris answered tentatively.

"And are you property, slut?" Ava demanded.

"Yes, Mistress Ava."

"Whose property are you, slut?"

"I'm your property, Mistress Ava." Chris said with eyes downcast.

"You're damn right." Ava said. "Come with me, bitch! I'm going to mark you as mine!"

Ava took the naked Chris by the hand and led him into the bathroom. She opened the door to the shower.

"Kneel down facing me, slut!" Chris commanded, pointing to the floor of the shower.

Eyes downcast, Chris obeyed. Ava dropped her skirt and panties and kicked them away. She grabbed her majestic cock and pointed it directly at Chris. A long, hard stream of piss began shooting from the slit, thoroughly hosing Chris down.

"Open your mouth, slut!" Ava commanded.

Reluctantly, Chris complied only to get a steady stream of Ava's piss filling his mouth.

"That's it! Swallow it all, you little whore!" Ava cried triumphantly. "You're mine to do with as I please; to use and even humiliate whenever the mood strikes me! You're mine, bitch! All mine!"

Ava finally emptied all of her bladder on her little boy-toy.

"Take a shower and clean yourself up." Ava commanded. "And there's a toothbrush and mouthwash for you to clean your upper fuck-hole. When you're done, come into the bedroom so we can have some fun. And don't take too long, slut, or I'll have to really punish you."

Ava left the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Crying with shame, Chris turned on the water in the shower.