A mysterious futanari woman who uses her job and drop dead gorgeous looks to get whatever she wants from who ever she wants. She stands at a staggering 6'6 with F cups and thighs thicker than you could believe. Her bright purple eyes perfectly match her long bright purple hair that cascades all the way down to her magnificent ass. Her real name, age, and origin is unknown.

Chapter 1- The Virgin Groom

I'm looking for the last fair of the night, it's 2am and the bars are letting out so now is the time to price gouge someone. I pull up slowly to a group of people hailing me on the sidewalk, it seems to be a group of twenty somethings that are all drunk. Against my better judgement I stop for them and let the group push a young man into my cab. One of them walks up to my window holding a money clip filled with cash.

"Dasss our boy Joshhhh... He is *hiccup* getting married in a few days!... We are so proud of our him! *Hiccup* how muchhhh?"

I grab the whole wad of cash in his hand quickly "Yea ok whatever that should be enough... Where should I take him?" I give him narrow eyes wanting a quick response.

"Oh *hiccup* I'm don't remember... Oh here just takeeee his phone he dropped it earlier... It should say in the *hiccup* gps where to go... Thank you pretty ladyyyyy" he hands me the phone and stumbles away.

Bachelor parties are the literal worst, I usually avoid them when possible. I adjust my mirror to get a good look at my passenger. Wow actually quite cute, he is about 6'1 with dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He looks a little drunk but has such a kind handsome face and slender body.

"So young man how are you doing this evening?" I tip my hat a little and stare at him through the mirror.

"Ohhhh.. Hi ma'am... Im goooood... I'm sorry I don't usually *hiccup* drink... Where are my friends?" He looks around more out of it than I thought.

"Oh don't worry baby they left you in good hands... How about you unlock this phone so I can take you home?" I hand him the phone, without a second thought he puts in his password. I quickly snatch it back from him as he smiles and leans looking out the window.

"Thank yous so muchhh ma'am... I can't wait to get home to jelly bean..." He looks longingly out the window with a smile.

"Oh boy I take it jelly bean is your bride to be?" I smile as I start driving.

"Yuppppp... She is the sweetest, prettiest, kindest girl in the world!... I *hiccup* can't believe how lucky I am...." He fades off drunkenly lost in his thoughts of her I'm sure.

I aggressively rub my pulsing girl meat as I drive, the love he has for his fiance really turns me on. I flip through his phone looking for intel but it all seems insanely vanilla, which I guess I should have expected. I look through his texts with his fiance and unintentionally moan as precum drips down my leg. The sappy love texts they have about the wedding, the future, and even having kids are to much for my dick to handle.

"Are you*hiccup* ok ma'am?" He leans forward concerned trying to hear my response.

"Oh of course young man, you are too sweet!... So tell me are you excited to get married?"

He lights up at this question "Oh yesss! I've dreamed of it since *hiccup* the day I met kassi all those years ago at sacred heart camp!" I quickly google sacred heart camp and see it's a very strict christian camp for highschoolers. I grin as I anticipate my next question.

"So have you and jelly bean ever... Made love?" I smile as I look in the mirror at his shocked eyes.

The young man instantly blushes at my question, he glances at my eyes but quickly looks away again. I stroke my hard cock in anticipation of his response. The street lights shine through the windows as I drive.

"Woah *hiccup* well the church.. I... I'm sorry... that's personal ma'am..."

He is blushing harder than I thought possible as he looks at the floor. His answer tells me everything I need to know. A little virgin has fallen into my web, I'm gonna teach him so much about himself tonight. I smirk a little as I make a fateful decision for this young man.


While I'm driving and talking I am also glancing down to make little adjustments on his phone, changing numbers, adding spyware, the usual for me. I scan through his pictures and videos looking for some nudes or something but it is all just lovey dovey pictures of him and a beautiful young redhead. I giggle as I consider how to use these later.

"Oh I'm sorry honey you are so sweet I shouldn't have asked... Here take this water I don't want you to be sick from all the drinking baby" I pass a opened bottle of water back to him, he takes it and drinks deeply without question.

God I love sweet virgin boys....

Chapter 2- The Motel

I help the young man out of the cab, even after my special water he is still a little weak in the legs. The cocktail I gave him is a combination of adderall and molly, I want him as awake, alert, and horny as possible. I grab my duffle bag from the car and lead him up the motel steps, he is still pretty out of it and hasn't realized where we are yet.

"Thank you *hiccup* for helping me walk ma'am.. you feel so nice and soft and warm..." He nuzzles a little against my side. Because I'm so much taller than him he is mostly rubbing on my side boob, though I'm sure he doesn't notice that. I pat him on the head like the good boy he is. The water must be taking effect, I can see him starting to sweat and his eyes looking more aware.

I hand him another water bottle "baby I'm worried about how drunk you are drink more water it will help" I try to sound as kind and sweet as possible, he again takes the water and drinks deeply without question.

We arrive at the red door of the room and he starts looking around confused. He takes one more swig of water and looks up at me with those big blue eyes, my dick twitches at his gaze.

"Where... Why... Where are we ma'am?" I smile down at him and give his body a little squeeze of encouragement.

"Oh baby this is just... A room I have... We are just here to wait for jelly bean! She is coming to pick you up soon, she was so happy you had fun at your big bachelor party" I grin ear to ear.

"Ohhh jeelllyyy bean I hope *hiccup* she had fun with her friends... I miss her she is soo cuteeeee... Well... Ok ma'am where too?" I pat his head again lovingly and giggle. I bet jelly bean did have fun, I'll make sure you have more fun than her though.

As we enter the fresh clean room I turn the lights on low with the dial. He walks over to the bed and plops down looking at the ceiling. I can tell by the look in his eyes his world is spinning a bit, I sit down next to him on the bed.

"So tell me young man are you feeling any better?" I smile as he peeks his eyes at me.

"Ahhh a little... I feel so warm... So hot... I'm really so bad at *hiccup* drinking.. but I had to... It's my day!" I look down at him with a concerned face. I lean over him to look in his eyes, I make sure to push my tits against him a little in the process.

"Oh boy you are sweating so much I'm seriously concerned!... You may need to take a shower just to be safe I'm worried the drinking may be overheating you!"

"A shower??... I... I.. don't know.. that seems weird.... I need my phone... Where is jelly bean?" I frown a little... Damn he wants to play hard to get? I'll remember this later young man, best believe that.

"Oh right here!" I gleefully put it in his hands, as he stares down at it I stand up "I have to use the restroom before you shower I'll only be a moment cutie." I walk to the bathroom and shut the door.

I give an evil grin as my phone buzzes In my pocket. The text reads "jelly beeeen are you close?.. I bad so much fun" I giggle to myself.

I respond quickly "Oh yes baby I'm stuck in traffic I'll be very late... Are you doing ok?"

His response takes a minute or two he must be struggling to type. "Im so drhnk kassi... I feel... Hot... Like itchy.. this pretty woman is helping me tho.. she is so nice"

Oh I'm nicer than you know "Oh no baby you need to drink water!... I heard from suzy drinking can be worse for some people!... If you get the chance please shower it's important to keep your temperature regulated... I love you I'll try to hurry."

"Ohhh jeeeez... I will honey I'm surry I'm so drunk.. I don't want to worry you.. I love you kassi... See you soon!"

I stroke my long hard dick slowly, I stare at the ceiling as I plan my next moves. He is so sweet and sincere, I can't wait to defile him. I want to give this boy the full treatment, I haven't cum in over a week I need a good release. God that first load is gonna be unbearably thick, I shutter even thinking about it. After a few more good strokes I tuck my massive dick and exit the bathroom, he is still sitting on the bed where I left him.

"Oh ma'am do you have more water?... Jelly said I should drink more" He seems to be slurring less and has so much energy. I grab another bottle from my bag and throw it to him, he takes a deep drink.

"Ok little man you ready to shower?" He nods feverishly as he drinks, I walk forward standing over him now.

"Ok baby hold on to me while I stand you up... You need to be careful!" I take his hands and put them on my F cup titties, I slowly lift him up off the bed by his shoulders. His eyes are wide with shock and embarrassment but I actually feel him squeeze my tits just the littlest bit. He quickly staggers away from me though toward the bathroom, his cheeks are red as could be.

"Oh baby do you want help in there?!?" I yell in a light concerned voice. He gets to the bathroom door and turns around looking me in the eyes.

"What?... No.... I'm fine ma'am... Besides that's.... Not ok...." He gives me the first suspicious look all night, I chuckle trying to play it off.

"Ok fine hun just don't fall... I was a nurse for years it happens all the time" I turn away pretending to text on my phone, he waits a beat, then closes the door to the bathroom without a word. God I'm going to relish breaking this cutie.

I open my duffle bag and start pulling out all the cameras, I want every angle of this room covered. I get to work quickly, it only takes a few minutes I'm very used to doing this to say the least. I set my personal hand camera on the night stand next to a bottle of lube and my little purse. I lastly attached a tiny camera to my hat, that's one of my favorite angles.

I put three little candles on the headboard and light them, I'm sure to secure them well this headboard is gonna shake alot. I turn the lights completely off to check my work. The bed is very softly lit with orange candle light, but the rest of the room with cameras is pitch black. Perfect.

On my way to the bathroom door I grab the water bottle he had and down the last half, I need to be at my best. I very quietly pick the cheap little door lock to the bathroom. I slowly open the door and steam starts rolling out, I squint my eyes and see him leaning against the wall. He is feverishly rubbing his dick in a small wobbling corkscrew rhythm, it's a strange way to do it and I take note.

Oh poor baby you can jerk that dick all you want but there is no way you will cum that easily. Between the adderall and the molly, milking out a single load will probably be a little bit of a challenge. lucky for him I am and expert, I'll take my time and do it right. I lightly set a camera on the bathroom counter, I giggle quietly to myself as I stroke my dick the same way he does.

Fuck this is gonna be a fun night... I reach over and flip off all of the bathroom lights...

Chapter 3- Pleasure in the Dark

"Woah why is it dark!?!... What is happening!?!"

I hear him rustling around with the shower curtain. I stay quite for a moment as I lurk in the darkness, I want him to panic a little. I unfortunately hear him trip, probably on the curtain, and fall back into the still running shower. Damn I didn't mean for that to happen.

"Oh baby the power went out are you ok in here?" I yell in a soft concerned voice.

"I'm.. I fell..." He seems confused and worried. I walk forward and open the curtain.

"Here baby I will help you" I feel around his body like I'm trying to help, but I'm actually just getting a good little grope in. As I raise him to his feet I "accidentally" push his face deep into my tits, he moans a little as I hold him there for a second. I finally release him and speak again.

"Oh sorry about that babe it's so dark! Here give me your hand, let's go" I reach down and grab firmly onto his pulsing 6 inch cock, he squeaks in fright at my touch.

"Ma'am! I... I.... That's not.... No I'm... Fine!" He tries to push me away a little but I don't let go of my firm grip on his dick.

"Wow young man is this because of me? (I squeeze his dick a little harder) we can't let jelly bean see you be so lewd!" I spin him around and push his face against the shower wall.

The water is falling on both of us as I cling my large body to his back. I rest my huge tits on his shoulders squeezing his head between them. He tries to push back against the wall, but I am absurdly stronger than him, I don't budge an inch.

"Stop.. why are you.. stop this right now!" He sounds a little more angry than scared. I smile to myself as he struggles against me, unintentionally rubbing his body on my hard dick. I lean down a little to whisper in his ear.

"Shhh baby I'm going to help you... What do you think jelly bean would say if she saw you hard like this in a motel room with me?... No more wedding that's for sure... Just leave it to me baby I will calm your lewd dick down and save you" I lick deep inside of his ear after I finish. His whole body shakes at the sensation. I reach down and start to fondle his balls a little, God they feel right in my hand.

"No!... You... No... She loves me! She would understand that I didn't want to do this!... Just please!... Please don't..." He has a little half sob at the end of "please don't."

I put some lube on my hand and grab his dick softly, I begin jerking him using the same technique he did when he was alone. I hear his breathing deepen even over the sound of the shower, I start fondling his balls more aggressively to really turn up the heat I whisper in his ear again.

"Oh I'm only helping you baby can't you see that?... But how about we make a deal?... You relax and let me do this with my hands until you cum, just pretend I'm jelly bean and refer to me as such... Then I will stop completely... I'll even call you an Uber and leave immediately... I promise we won't go any further than this... Sound fair?" He moans a little but doesn't respond right away. I start stroking him harder and faster, his body tries to wiggle away but there is no escape. He moans in ecstasy before he speaks.

"No!.. Ahhh... This... Is wrong!" He pushes against me but this time it's half hearted, his body knows it doesn't want this feeling to stop, now all he needs is for his brain to catch up.

I move from his balls and start rubbing up and down his ass crack instead, I keep a steady pace jerking him as well. Every time I pass his asshole I stop and rub it for a few seconds before moving on again, over and over I do this.

"Oh honey don't you want to have a wedding? Children? The love of a beautiful wife? Just relax baby I want that for you too... Now I won't ask again young man... Just relax and let me be your jelly bean for now, this will all be over soon and you will have everything you dreamed of, I promise"

I feel him stop struggling, his shoulders slouch a little as he leans forward putting his head against the wall. I continue my rhythmic assault, I use my knee to push apart his legs a little, making him take a wider stance. His whole body is shaking a bit but his moans tell me it feels good... VERY good...

I continue for a few minutes silently, stroke, stroke, stroke. He doesn't say anything either, but he is moaning quietly more and more. Fuck I love it when they start to give in, even if it's just a little. I bite his ear softly, he bucks back a little in shock but doesn't try to turn his head away.

"Oh honey tell me how it feels... Tell your beautiful fiance what you like..."

He doesn't say anything right away, I'm about to reprimand him when he finally speaks in a raspy quivering voice.

"It feels amazing jelly bean... I've... I've waited so long for this..."

Fuck that made me horny, this boy is perfect for me! I want him to feel even better though, he really deserves it. I cover my hands in lube and reach around his sides, I grab his dick firmly with both hands.

I start pumping while twisting my hands in opposite directions, I can activity feel his knees shake even harder at the change of sensation. I relentlessly pump his dick as he begins leaning back on me for support. I go like this for about 5 minutes straight while he moans and groans. I finally whisper in his ear again.

"Tell me baby... Tell me something you want... something you like... Anything for my true love" I moan into his ear just before biting it.

He takes a shivering breath before speaking in a meek tone "Well... I kind of Like... Your boobs... Jelly bean."

He sounds so ashamed of every word leaving his mouth, damn church really did a number on this one "Awe so cute, of course you do honey. Thank you for being an honest hubby, you definitely deserve a reward... I want you to start stroking your own cock like earlier ok?" I put his hands on his own dick and start to turn him around. I pull up my white tank top up as he turns around.

He gives the loudest quiver yet as I push together my massive pierced tits and slam them against his face, pinning him to the wall with them. He moans as I feel his warm tongue lick and swipe feverishly. I smile as he jerks himself while being nearly suffocated in my ample bust. Every person in the world has atleast a few kinks, and I think I've found a big one for this young man.

We stay like that for an eternity, I want him to get his fill. The sounds of the water and his gasping fill the room and echo off the walls. At one point he moans "kassi" into my tits, making my dick throb even harder in my little jean shorts. It gets me off how much he is enjoying this, I'm honestly kind of shocked he hasn't cum yet.

"Aw poor baby you still can't cum?... How about we move this to the bedroom and I can help you..."

His only response is a shuttering breath followed by one word.


Chapter 4- His First Blowjob

The second the word leaves his mouth he again latches onto my titty and begins sucking with such passion. I give a massive grin as I step to the side and let the camera get a good night vision shot of him being a senseless little pervert. My god this video will be so fun to edit later. I put my hands on his shoulders and lightly move him toward the door, he lets me guide him the whole way with no protest.

We enter the dark room, the flicker of the candles softly illuminates the white bed. I feel a shutter, we are both still wet and the air feels cool on the skin even though the room is so warm. I prop a few pillows against the headboard and sit him down in the center with his legs splayed out. He looks at me concerned now, I think being able to see is making this real to him again.

"Ma'am... We... We really shouldn't..."

The heartbreak in his eyes as he speaks gives me goosebumps, I eye his throbbing hard dick now.

"That throbbing cock disagree's with you young man..."

He looks down in shock, then back up at me in a shame as his cheeks somehow redden even further.

"Don't worry baby you will absolutely love this...And my name isn't ma'am... It's jelly bean remember?"

Everytime he says his girlfriends cheesy little nickname, from this day on, he will have to think of me. That thought brings an evil grin to my face and precum to my shorts. He starts to stammer now but I shush him with my finger on his lips. He stops and just waits patiently to speak like a good boy.

"Because you are so sweet honey I'm gonna give you the a blowjob better than you can imagine, I just want you to close those eyes and enjoy, let jelly bean spoil you... For now" I put my hand over his eyes and whisper "keep them shut" when I move my hand again I see he has listened.

I crawl on the bed in between his legs and begin my feast. I have to say he has quite a handsome, clean, strong looking cock. It's about six inches long with no foreskin, his pubes are shaved nice and tidy, and the continuous throbbing of it is actively making my mouth water. Ah! Poor little jelly bean will never be able to satisfy him with a blowjob after I do my work... NEVER!

I give a long, deep, moaning lick from balls to tip. I push very hard to maximize the feeling, his body jumps at the sensation, but he calms quickly. I look up and see he is still being a good boy with his eyes closed. I suck on the tip now doing fast circles with my tongue, I tickle his balls a little at the same time for good measure.

This move I continue aggressively, I want him to really moan for me before I move on. He is breathing harder an harder as he moans more and more. After a few minutes on the head I switch to lightly kissing up and down his shaft leaving lipstick prints each time.

"Ok *kiss* baby *kiss* tell jelly bean *kiss* how it feels *slurp!*" I suck and slurp all the way up the bottom again and begin loudly slurping on the head.

"Ahh.. ahh.. it feels... Jelly bean...I feel like I can't think right..." I take him into a fully bottomed out deep throat as he says I love you. He instinctively grabs my head in shock not fully understanding how good it could feel.

I pump up and down on his base a inch or so back and forth, my throat milking his sensitive head. I growl deep so my throat will vibrate for him, his cries tell me he very much enjoyed that. I'm already here so I decide to tongue his balls a little as I relentlessly pump on his dick. Gah! I'll never get tired of the feel of nuts dancing on my tongue, it's absolutely orgasmic!

"Jelly... Jelly... Ah! How!?!... It feels so.. amazing!" He is panting hard in a frenzy of feelings.

I use one of my free hands to start aggressively massaging his taint, the other I put under his ass to help him start pumping his hips into me a little. He is such a shy boy he wouldn't have dared fuck my face as hard as I know he wants too.

*Gluck... Gluck... Gluck... Gluck...* I keep a steady rhythm as I keep his cock nestled in my throat. I keep at this for atleast 10 minutes, he is incoherently moaning and saying "jelly bean" every so often. I don't let his dick out of my throat a single time during this.

He is pushing his ass up of his own volition now so I decide it's time. I slowly move my finger down his taint and begin massage around his asshole, gently at first but gaining strength with every few circles. He is so overstimulated he doesn't seem to notice yet.

I slowly let is dick almost completely out for the first time since I throated it, I suckle his head now as I slowly penetrate his asshole with my finger. He literally screams at the combination of sensations and I relish his passion.

"No don't don't.... Stop... That is.... Sinful.. ahh...Its wrong!" Awe poor baby thinks butt stuff is wrong, that church is seriously the worst.

I push my index finger knuckle deep as I push him back down my ungulating throat. As I look up at him I can actually see tears coming down his cheeks now, the sight puts me in overdrive! I moan and growl and gag as hard as I can to increase his pleasure. My finger wiggles aggressively feeling every crevice in his ass.

I feel his body convulse as though he is gonna cum, I quickly squeeze the base of his cock in a death grip as I eject him from my throat. I definitely can't have him fully cumming just yet. I hold him tightly as he whimpers, cries, and shakes. He is a mess of a human being and I love every second of it. His orgasm finally ramps down and I'm safe to release his slimy pulsing cock.

"Aww baby I think you are ready for something more... Let me get you some water... drink up while I get ready."

He has his arms over his eyes in shame and is nearly hyperventilating, his body is covered in sweat. I throw the water bottle on the bed, his shakey hand can barley pick it up as he opens his eyes for the first time. I unzip my duffle bag and start pulling my ropes out. I see him weakly try to drink, half of it just spills out of his mouth as he slurps. He barley even notices me loop the rope around his right ankle, followed by his left ankle.

I wrap them around the headboard posts in a special kind of knot that can tighten and pull both ropes up. I smile as he starts looking around confused, I simply take the water from him and chug the rest. I stand on the bed over him now with one foot on each side of his chest.

"It's time for the big reveal young man... it's time to see the center of your new life!" I rip my shorts a little revealing my monstrous, pulsing, dripping, angry girl meat!

Chapter 5- His First Punishment

The look in his eyes is priceless, shock, fear, confusion, It never gets old. I step a little closer so he can look closely at my cock. He is completely silent now staring directly at it, like he is to scared to speak. I giggle a little to myself.

"Do you like it young man? I can see in your eyes how hungry you are for it... Just be honest with yourself and with me, it will make you feel so much better" I slowly stroke it a little causing precum to drip out.

"I don't... It's disgusting... I'm not... Gay.." he is looking to the side now like the sight of it hurts his eyes.

"Gay?... There is nothing gay about loving my girl cock young man and its anything but disgusting... How about you apologize to my dick for such mean words with a kiss?"

He refuses to look up at me know, I see more tears welling up in his eyes "No... You you... The taste of you makes me sick!... I haven't liked any of this!... You're a freak....Your... Thing... Is ugly... It's ugly like you are!" He actually raises his voice in anger to my surprise.

I back away for a moment a little shocked at his turn to the cruel. To my surprise I actually feel a little hurt by his words, I'm as tough as they come but I'm still a human being. I quickly shake it off though, I've pushed him pretty far and I know his history with the church, this is to be expected. I take a deep breath and look down with a kind, almost sad face.

"Awe baby that hurts jelly beans feelings... I forgive you though, I know you don't mean those words... But you know what? I can't forgive you for being a selfish lover."

He looks up now with his teary eyes, he is endlessly confused.

"Because you have been so sweet up until now I'm gonna give you a second chance (I rub the side of his face gently) I didn't force you to sit on this bed young man... I took your cock all the way down my tight throat remember?... In fact I also seem to remember you grabbing my head and pumping my throat like a little animal... The least you can do is kiss my aching cock and make it feel better, isn't that fair?... So?" I push my dick inches from his face, he hesitates for a moment, then turns his head away without a word.

"Tsk Tsk... So you choose punishment then?" He doesn't move or speak choosing to give the silent treatment.

Fine, since he doesn't want to taste it, I'm gonna make it the only thing he can taste to teach him a lesson. Hell I'm gonna train his brain to get hard at even the smell of my cock! I think for a moment on how exactly to do this, I grin as it comes together in my mind. I grab some extra rope and tie his hands up to the base board, he makes no move to stop me, I assume knowing I'm stronger than him by a mile. He just keeps looking away.

I get off the bed and go to my duffle bag, I grab a strip of duck tape out and a tool I only use for special occasions. I slip my little shorts and panties off, they are both drenched in my precum. I ball up the soggy panties and slowly peel my foreskin revealing a layer of sticky smelly smegma around the head. I use the panties to scrape a large dollop of the smelly stuff off, it's sticky like glue.

I turn back to the silent young man now and grin in anticipation. I walk to the side of the bed he is facing, I need to break his silence somehow and I think I know just the trick.

"So do you think I should facetime jelly bean and show her how much fun we're having?"

He quickly opens his mouth to protest but doesn't get the chance! *gluck.... slap!* In one fluid motion I push the smegma covered panties in his mouth and slam the duck tape over his lips. The shock in his eyes is quickly followed by shaking and yelling into the tape. His brain can't handle extreme taste and is trying to escape it, but it's too late for that now.

"I'll let those marinate for awhile, learn my taste well young man and reconsider your selfishness while I continue to pleasure you"

He looks at me with pleading eyes now, already realizing his mistake. I lean down and kiss the duck tape on his mouth.

"You did this..."

I then begin taking out the center piercing on my tongue, I'm used to it so it only takes a moment. I then put in a new one that's much larger, about the size of a marble, and it's gold instead of silver. The post on it is a little wider than I like but it fits in just fine. I extend my extra long tongue to show him the new addition.

"I am gonna show you more pleasure than you ever thought possible... All while my fishy smegma melts on your selfish little tongue... Before long the line between the taste and the pleasure will blur, that is a promise sweetie."

I giggle a little as I crawl onto the bed between his legs. I place a nice adjustable cock ring at his base and secure it tight. I can't have him cumming anytime soon that would ruin the fun. He is trying to yell something through the tape but I can't understand the words. I have a feeling I know what he is on about though.

"Shhh no need to be scared it's already decided, no going back now, just accept it... I will do everything in my power to train my taste into the very core of your being... It's what you will be forced to think of when you try to get hard on your honeymoon ( I give a girlish giggle) and poor naive jelly bean won't know you aren't thinking of her!"

I start kissing the tip of his cock now as I speak "You will *kiss* be a slave *kiss* to my smegma *gluck*" I take him all the way down my throat where he belongs. I look up in anticipation at what his reaction will be.

His eyes are closed and he is shaking is head back and forth, I believe he is saying "no no no no" trying to deny the inevitable. I start doing long up and down pumps in response to this. Slowly all the way up, then slowly down, then repeat. Every 10 reps I increase my speed just the tinniest bit.

By the time we hit 100 reps he is moaning so hard I think he might break the tape. I am fucking my own face with his dick, with passion now, spit is running out my nose, but I never relent. I have both hands under his ass forcing him as deep as possible with each stroke.

After 120 reps I finally slow, then stop, settling him deep in my throat as I flex it over and over to increase his pleasure. I let his ass go as I blindly feel around for my phone, as I feel it I push the big button on the screen.

The golden ball on my tongue begins aggressively vibrating on his cock. I slowly raise my tongue up to his mushroom cap, then I push the ball directly below the head, on his frenulum. I massage it back and forth as I push down hard, he immediately gives high pitched whines as opposed to moans. I relish the new noise, I found a sweet spot.

I begin a new rhythm now, 3 pumps into my throat, then I buzz the ball on his sweet spot, then 3 more pumps. After each set I stay down and tickle his balls with the buzzing ball for good measure.

*Gluck gluck gluck... Buzzzzz.... Gluck gluck gluck.... Tickle.... Gluck gluck gluck.... Buzzzzz... Gluck gluck gluck... Tickle*

I want his brain to melt, his thoughts to only be of me and me alone. My musky taste, my sexy ass swaying, my pierced tits brushing his thighs... ME! ONLY ME!... My own dick is throbbing and pouring precum now, begging me to give it the prize it seeks. After another ten minutes I finally suck extremely hard as I pop the head from my mouth.

"*Pop* Ah so delicious... Nothing quite like the taste of virgin cock huh?"

He is breathing as hard as he can through his nose and whimpering whenever possible as I speak to him.

"Well there is one thing I can think that is better actually..."

I crawl up to him and lick his ear a little with my buzzing tongue as I whisper.

"The taste of virgin boy pussy..."

Chapter 6- His First Anal Reeming

I slowly peel my foreskin, I'm lucky there's still plenty of smegma left. I grin as scoop a hefty glob onto my finger, it's so pungent I can smell it from here. I straddle the young man and get face to face with him. I put the finger infront of his eyes.

"Look honey I told you there was more left, we need to use it wisely though... Do you know what I'm gonna do with this dab of dick cheese?" He screams for a moment into the tape, I'm sure he's trying tell me off, show what a big strong boy he is.

"It's funny had you just kissed my dick I never would have done this, you only have yourself to blame."

I hold his head against the base board firmly with one hand, he can't move an inch. I then take my sweet cream and start meticulously rubbing it inside his nose. I make sure to get a nice even coating on each side, I also rub a good amount under his nose. His eyes are closed and he his extremely still, I think he's trying to hold his breath but that won't last long.

"Oh baby this scent is your world now, just give into it" I stand up and grab my lotion bottle, I pour just a little into my hand, then I very lightly smear it onto my massive sweaty nuts. I stand over him now dangling my balls inches from his eyes.

"Jelly bean is going to wipe these sweaty dirty nuts on every inch of your face, I made sure to lotion them so my sweat can soak into your face more effectively... Isn't that great!?"

He finally releases his breath, blowing through his nose as hard as possible trying to get out the smegma to no avail. He breathes in deeply and his whole body shakes violently as my scent burns itself into his brain. I pull his hair back so he is looking up and plop my nuts dead center on his face. My balls are resting comfortably on each eye. I hold their for a moment and then begin dragging then across his face in quick swipes and long slow drags.

"You know it's been days since I've showered, I hope you appreciate how hard jelly bean works to please you" I wink at him but I doubt he can see much other than my my balls. I grab his head with both hands and start grind his face with my sack, I moan as I imagine what he must be thinking right now.

After about five minutes of feverishly assaulting his face I finally release him, I make sure to rub any stray lotion in with my fingers. He is staring at me with pleading eyes the whole time. He closes them and shutters every time he breathes in, I giggle and kiss his forehead.

"There that should do for now, now it's time to resize your boy pussy with my tongue, it's over five inches long so nowhere is safe from me... Oh and I know you will just love the feeling of my piercings!" I fully extend my ridiculously long tongue to give him a preview of what's to come, I flick the marble sized golden piercing against his taped mouth. I think this tongue is one of my greatest gifts, not only is it long but it's also gives me the sensations a pussy would. I can cum just from giving blowjobs our eating someone out, truly it's a blessing.

I pull the ropes around his ankles, they force his legs up and back toward him. His cute little asshole hole is fully unprotected now just waiting to be taken. I lay down on my stomach and get inches away from it, He has no hair and it looks so tiny and pink. I take a long lick from the bottom all the way up the crack, as I pass his asshole I hear him moan a little despite himself. I do this a few more times pushing harder and harder each time.

Fuck he feels good on my tongue, his taste is just devine, I might get addicted to this young man if I'm not careful. I switch up and start doing circles around his cute button, every 4 or 5 I burrow my tongue at the hole trying to get it to open for me.

Lick lick lick lick burrow.... Lick lick lick lick burrow...

I'm going to keep doing this until I can finally penetrate him, he's being a very stubborn boy though. Damn just how tight is his ass? I persevere and continue my assault, I always get in eventually. Finally after what feels like forever I hear him loudly exhale, his hole only relaxes for a brief moment but that's more than enough time for my tongue to force its way in.

I shutter as I feel a small orgasm rocket from my tongue to my brain. His asshole is gripping me so hard it feels like someone sucking my tongue, such a greedy little asshole. I start wiggling slowly, his high pitched moans tell me he is already enjoying the feeling. I only have a few inches in so far, my golden ball is still stuck on the outside for now unfortunately.

I moan as loud as I can, he shakes as the sound reverberates through his body. I begin flipping my tongue back toward me over and over, pushing hard on the same sensitive crevices over and over. After a few minutes of this I switch to doing large circles, I'll need more space if I'm gonna get this golden ball in. I ream his ass with force, bullying his hole open more and more.

With one hard jab I plop the ball in along with more of my thick tongue, he whimpers loudly as I continue pushing even further. The tip of my tongue quickly finds it's target... His prostate! I shutter in ecstasy as I begin tickling it with my tip. He struggles against his ropes trying desperately to escape. I push just a bit further and start lapping at it now, his cries fall on deaf ears, I've never been more focused in my life.

I grind my face as hard as I can into him and finally get the golden ball against his prostate. I push the big button on my phone and the vibrating begins yet again. He screams into his tape as the sensation rocks him. After keeping it tightly on his prostate for awhile I begin probing it into over every corner of his ass. With my dexterity and strength every fold in his ass yields to me. I tap the screen a few more times increasing force of the vibrating.

He whimpers as I feel his whole body contract and begin to shake to an absurd degree. Ah! Thank God I put that cock ring on him, he is trying to cum! I coil around his prostate and begin squeezing hard, I know it can't release but I just want to bully him. I'm sure precum is pouring from his dick like crazy right now. Then it finally happens, for the first time in his life his boy pussy orgasms. He dry orgasms for 2 minutes straight, shaking and whimpering like a little slut. His asshole is spasming the whole time causing my tongue to cum as well, my eyes literally cross as I feel the ticklish electricity light up my brain.

As his orgasm subsides I continue lapping at his asshole with my vibrating tongue, swirling, prodding, flipping. I keep at this for a steady 5 minutes post orgasm. After awhile I finally remove my tongue, he twitches when the golden ball pops out.

"Ahhhh fuck that was good baby, your tight little hole was made for me!" He is looking at the ceiling in exhausted ecstasy, I can see fresh tears on his red cheeks. He is breathing extremely hard, I giggle inside thinking of my smegma in his nose and on his tongue.

As I sit up I look down and see I have left a large puddle of precum where I was laying... Perfect! I lay back down and dip my massive dick and balls in the puddle intentionally. I then jump up quick and begin rubbing my sticky monster on his face.

"That felt so good didn't it baby? Moan once for yes or twice for no." He gives a hard scream twice into the tape. I begin pushing my foreskin covered mushroom cap onto his right eye lid, he squirms but can't stop me.

"Really no?... I could have sworn you loved it with all those lusty moans you were giving me, you sounded like a real natural born slut." I smack his face a few times with my sticky cock as he glares at me.

"Well if you say so, I guess it can't be helped... I'll just have to do it again!"

Chapter 7- His Second Anal Reeming

I reach for his discarded boxers, they are bright blue and so damn cute. I rub them on my sweaty sticky nuts with absolute glee. He gazes with scared eyes as I thoroughly coat them.

"Are you ready for my tongue to stretch you again honey?" He screams back at me through the tape as I put the boxers over his head, it's so cute that he is upset with me still. I'm honestly shocked he didn't give in after his first anal orgasm, I wonder how many it will take?

I decide to take out my golden piercing, it would get in the way of what I have next. I go to my duffle bag now, I dig and dig till I find the exact toy I need, it'll be fun to test this one on another person. I find the small orange box and grin, this seriously has to be my favorite new toy. I take my place between his legs, the ropes still holding them up and back exposing his cute little asshole. I open my box and take out a small smooth orange pill vibrator, this one has a latex ring attached to it. I attach it tightly on the bottom side of his mushroom cap, directly on the frenulum. His cock is still hard and pulsing from the last round, it twitches at my touch.

Next I get down next too his taint, I giggle as I remove the next vibrator from the box. This one looks like a nicotine patch, I peel the back side and firmly push it into place directly on his taint. He tries to wiggle a little to no avail, I rub the patch firmly to ensure it has adhered properly. I give his twitching asshole a few licks and burrow at the hole. It's still tight as ever but it should warm up to me quicker this time.

I take out two more small pill vibrators, they are about the size of a large vitamin pill. I pop them onto my mouth and put them in my cheek, I then begin my assault on his ass again. Circling the hole before beginning to burrow. Im so glad I covered his eyes, he will have no idea what is happening when I turn these baby's on.

As his hole begins to open a little I allow one of the pills out of my cheek, using my strong tongue I position it at the hole and push with all of my might.


His greedy ass takes it in happily, I giggle as I hear his moans, my tongue guides it deep into him before retreating. I position the next one at the hole and give and give another firm push.


Fuck I'm so turned on right now, the thought of what I'm about to do has my cum leaking precum like a faucet. I keep my tongue deep in his ass, I begin doing circles causing the pills to jostle around inside of him. I pull up my phone, I press select all, setting high, and push the large button. Instantly the loud sound of buzzing fills the room. These babys might be small but they are extremely powerful. His whole body violently shakes as his body tries to comprehend the new sensation.

I begin batting around the pills inside his ass, even I'm shocked at how powerful the vibrating is. I shutter as I push one against his prostate, the other one is on the underside of my tongue where I'm sensitive. I feel a small orgasm ripple through my tongue. I intended to do this methodically and slower but I lose control, I think I underestimated how much I would enjoy this.

I begin eating his ass like a ravenous animal, the buzzing is all I can hear as I begin bullying the walls and his prostate. I push extremely hard like I'm trying to smooth out the crevices. At one point the pills drift next to his prostate and I quickly wrap my tongue so the pills are wedged against it. I blindly grab my phone and up the intensity. The sensation is unforgettable, I shake this time as my tongue begins to cum again, I ungulate my tongue but don't release it a bit. I feel a river of his precum start dripping from his cock, all the way to my nose against his taint. God I hope the cock ring is strong enough to stop his jizz from erupting, that would be such a waste.

After about 15 minutes of feasting like a savage I finally feel him start to orgasm again, his asshole tightens so hard around me and the vibrators it's almost unbelievable. Even in the tight space I continue trying to move the vibrators around as he cums. I hear a high pitched whimper as his toes curl, the bed loudly creaks as he desperately struggles against the ropes. Over the next two minutes he has what must be a mind melting orgasm, his whimpers are weak and inconsistent by the end, he probably doesn't have two thoughts in his head.

I slowly retract my tongue but decide to leave the pills, I do have the kindness to turn off the vibrating for now though. I smile down at him as I take a long drink of water, I can't believe how much I like this one's ass. I give a little stretch before I decide to uncover his whimpering face. As I do I can see he is in a daze, his breathing is hard and he is pouring sweat.

"So young man I have a simple question to ask... Are you ready to be a good boy and give my cock a kiss?"

He moans a response into the tape but I already know his answer.

A resounding yes...

Chapter 8- Take Five

I grin ear to ear as I slowly remove the tape from his mouth, the second his lips are free he spits out my panties. Wow I almost forgot they were in there, I understand getting them out but he begins spitting more and that I will not have.

"Young man stop that spitting this instant! I'm being kind letting you out of the tape... but don't forget my taste and smell are your world now, you decided that yourself it can't be changed" he looks at me with pleading eyes but stops his spitting immediately.

I feel a little bad for him so I walk to my bag and get out a bottle of water, I can see from the way he is following it with his eyes he is desperately thirsty. I undo the top and take a small drink, I'm surprised he still hasn't spoken yet, most people speak right away after being untaped. He is probably still dazed from his orgasms.

I lower the bottle to just below my dick, the look on his face is priceless. I flex my dick hard causing a torrent of precum to ooze into the water bottle. The thick liquid fills the sip I took out, it floats densely on top. I make sure to rub the rim of the bottle on what's left of my smegma, I even scoop a little into the water. I close the cap and shake it thoroughly, I set it on the bed and crawl to his face to speak one on one now.

"Jelly bean is gonna release you from the ropes and let you have a little break with this water, do you promise to be a good hubby?" Still silent he nods feverishly, he looks so earnest, I think the punishment had it's intended effect.

I undo his hand first, then his ankles, he has an intense look of relief on his face. He reaches down to remove the vibrator on his dick and taint, I stop his hand just short "No touching, only jelly bean is allowed down here now" He lowers his gaze but relents without a fight. I stand and begin stretching as he reaches for his water. I give a quick glance over my shoulder as he hesitates to open it, the argument he's undoubtedly having in his head is so cute. After a few moments he opens the cap, closes his eyes in shame, and begins to chug it with vigor.

I giggle as I walk to the bathroom "take 5 cutie I want to freshen up before we begin again, be good and stay in the bed while I'm gone" I give him a playful wink. He looks a little confused but ultimately is happy to have a breather.

I close the bathroom door but I don't turn on the light. I sit on the counter as I begin feverishly texting on my phone in the dark. First things first, I activate the spyware in his phone so I can text jellybean as him. I send a string of texts pretending to be drunk but letting her know I had a good night and I'm staying with a friend so she doesn't worry. I think I'll message her again in the morning and tell her I headed to work from my friends house, she is so naive I doubt she will question it much.

Next I begin doing a deeper search of his phone, he has to have watched porn or texted another woman or something! The deeper and deeper I go the more vanilla it gets, I'm seriously in disbelief. While I'm going through stuff I'm sure to pull a few videos of him and his girlfriend being cute together, I might use them later to really get him going. Finally I close the app on the spyware satisfied enough for now.

Next I pull up my own contacts and text an old friend who I heard was in town for a few nights. She can be intense but I think she is the perfect girl to help me with this one. I send her a text that reads "Hey girl it's been too long! I've got a young man you would just adore... How about I stop by your hotel in the morning and you see for yourself?"

If I know this girl she will definitely be down, the last time I hooked her up she had one of the best nights of her life. I worry she might be a little to much for a newbie but I'll have him a little broken in by then. She immediately texts back "Yes! Yes! YES!!!"

I feverishly text "Good I'll send you a little preview video so you can start edging now, please spend some time in the sauna and let your cock soak in it's precum, this one has a thing for it and you know I love to please."

She sends me about a million hearts, I giggle as I send a short clip of him sucking on my tits in the shower. The night vision really adds a naughty feel too it. I finally turn my phone off, I want to focus for what comes next. I give myself a few minutes to stroke my dick while I contemplate exactly what I want and how I want it.

I think it's time for him to finally put his mouth pussy to work...

Chapter 9- Time to Give it a Kiss

I exit the bathroom and see the my new hubby laying down with his eyes closed. I don't think he's actually asleep, he probably is just a little overwhelmed and is trying to process his feelings. The poor baby has no idea that we are only just now getting started, he will be a different person by the time he leaves this room. I go to the thermostat first and turn it all the way up, I have a good idea for later and I want to be extra sweaty for it. I then go to my bag and take a few things out and set them on the night stand, I cover it all with a towel though, I want it to be a surprise.

As I step up onto the bed he instantly jumps up like he is frightened, I giggle a little at the look on his face.

"Ok honey it's time for your first real kiss... Are you ready to show jelly bean how much you love her?"

He looks up at me with wide eyes "yes... Ma'am... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said before... It was so mean... I didn't mean it."

Awe so cute! I'm sure he just wants me to stop with all of the smell/taste stuff, but I think a part of him actually meant that. Unfortunately I will never stop etching my taste into him, it's already been decided, nothing can change it. But I will definitely remember this later, he just earned himself quite a few points with that statement. I sit down on the bed next to him now and lightly stroke his face.

"Awe thank you honey you have no idea how much that means" I give him a light kiss on the forehead. As I pull away I notice he is glancing at my massive cock, probably anticipating what comes next.

I grab a few pillows and make myself a nice comfy seat against the headboard, I splay both of my legs out and smile.

"Now crawl up to my dick slowly and give it a nice, long, deep sniff."

He hesitates for a moment, looking in my eyes with fear, but slowly crawls around my leg and up to my dick. He looks at it with a combination of fear and curiosity. I doubt he as ever seen a dick this big, or even an uncircumcised one for that matter. He slowly pushes his face forward until he is an inch away and gives the smallest little sniff. He shutters a little, I suppress a full laugh at his reaction to all this.

"Aw baby that wasn't what I asked for... I said a long deep sniff... Please listen better honey, jelly bean really doesn't like punishing you but you already have a history with being selfish so I will have no choice... Don't you want me to feel good like you did?"

He nods feverishly, I can see the regret in his eyes already. I pat his head trying to put him at ease "Good I know you can please me if you try your hardest baby... Now I want you to push that cute little nose into my nuts and begin inhaling through the nose and exhaling out of your mouth... Make sure to do it slowly and really focus on my scent."

He winces at my words, he can obviously see how slimey and sweaty my nuts are. I'm so glad I haven't showered in so long, it makes this so much more fun. I see him close his eyes and take a deep breath before he starts moving his face down to my sweaty sack. My massive nuts are splayed out on the bed just waiting for some love. I grab my phone and flip on the vibrator app, I select all of them including the ones still in his ass. I turn the intensity to the highest setting. As his face makes contact with my sack I put a hand on his head so he won't be able to retreat.

As he begins his first inhale I push the button and the sound of vibrating fills the air. As I expected he tries to retreat in shock as he exhales, my iron grip assures he can not do that. I hit the button again and the vibrating stops.

"Shhhh calm baby... Continue your breathing... Count to 8 on the inhale then do the same on the exhale"

To my surprise he doesn't fight anymore, he actually relaxes his body and begins doing as he's told. On each inhale I turn the vibrators on, then back off during the exhale. Each time his body wiggles and shakes as he breathes in, I can't tell if it's the vibrators or my smell causing that, but I like it. By the time we get through 6 reps I can see his dick is getting extremely hard. Ah yes, such a good sign!

"Awe yes baby you are doing so good, please keep going for jelly bean!"

I let him continue for another 10 reps, on the last one I even hear him moan a little. His dick is dripping precum all over the vibrator attached to it. Its probably extremely sensitive from everything earlier, and if I had to guess its looking for any chance to cum. I definitely won't allow that yet but I'm glad to see his body starting to give into me more. I was smart to leave the cock ring on, when he finally does get to cum his brain is gonna melt.

I release his head and I'm pleased to see him continue without question. I let him go for just a few more before I put my finger under his chin and lift him out. I grab his hands and place them firmly on my cock. I guide him on how to slowly peel my foreskin revealing my swollen purple mushroom cap. His eyes light up at the sight, though he still looks scared of it.

"Now give it a little kiss right on the tip" I say in a breathy voice, I can feel my own excitement rising.

I let go of his hand and he keeps it on my cock like a good boy. He moves little bit toward it and leans in giving a cute little peck to the very tip of it. A string of precum follows him as he pulls back and shivers a little, I can't hold in my girlish giggle.

"Aw you finally got your first kiss! Such an important moment!" I smile as my phone flashes, the look on his face as he realizes I took a picture is priceless. I already have this being recorded from every angle but he doesn't know that.

"Ma'am please don't... Take pictures... I... I... I just don't want... Pictures..."

"Awe are you ashamed of your jelly bean?... Are you ashamed of her cock?" I muster a hurt/confused face. I know teasing him like this is mean but I'm actually really curious what his response will be.

"No it's not that!... I just... I'm ashamed of myself for cheating... For being... Such a lewd sinner... I'm.. I'm... Evil....God I even have a boner... I just can't let her see what I really am... I can't..."

Ok it's official I feel a little bad, not enough to stop obviously, but still. I need to help this boy with some of his issues while I train him, lucky for him I've dealt with this sort of thing many times.

"Awe honey you aren't evil, you are just a horny boy, it's natural. God made you this way for a reason! As far as the cheating goes it's your bachelor party, this day was literally created for this exact reason. You need to experience something different so when you do it with your wife you can be sure it feels right. I can tell you are going to be the most loving husband the world has ever known! Trust me you are doing jelly bean a favor by being honest with me and yourself."

His eyes get watery and he actually gives the faintest smile, jeez he really is too damn cute. I give him a playful wink as I point down at my dick again. He takes the hint and gives it another little kiss.

"Ok honey now I want you to close your eyes and picture jelly bean (he closes his eyes tight) think of the first time you had a make out session. Remember the smell of her, the taste of her, the passion of finally feeling her lips after so much waiting! Now treat my cock to exactly that! Kiss... Lick... Suck... Whatever you like! I just want to see your passion for jelly bean ok?"

He begins immediately, and with more vigor than I expected! He starts passionately kissing every part of the head, I even feel him push his tongue out a few times and tease me just a little bit. I'm pleasantly surprised how good it feels. He then gives a playful little bite before giving the first slurp on the whole head... Wow!... Its my turn to shake a little as he slurps it over and over. I don't know its because I'm so backed up or something, but this is the best blowjob I've had in recent memory!

Precum starts oozing like crazy from my tip, but he doesn't stop for a second, he actually slurps most of it up as he begins sucking on my head like it's his lovers tongue! He starts moaning so damn loudly as he really gets into it. Fuck who knew this boy would naturally enjoy blowjobs this much? I'll definitely have to take full advantage of that going forward.

"Fuck... Yes... Keeping sucking it like that honey it feels amazing... Use your tongue more... Ahh.. Yes like that!"

I moan as he begins burrowing his tongue into my dick hole so aggressively it's almost scary. Then he starts wrestling the head of my cock with his tongue, feverishly bullying my sensitive tip in an unbelievably satisfying way. At this point spit is rolling down my cock in gushes all the way down to my balls. Jesus what activated this sudden passion in him? Is it because he is imagining jelly bean or is he just trying to please me so he won't be punished again? I'm not sure, but Im gonna mold this into one fine mouth pussy.

"Ah fuck honey I might have found your calling... But I'm curious... Do you have a gag reflex?" I smile to myself as I put both of my hands on his head.

"Let's find out together!"

Chapter 9- The Prodigy

I begin impaling him on my 12 inch cock, to my surprise he makes it halfway down before bottoming out. After about 20 seconds his eyes pop open and he begins gagging aggressively and struggling against my iron grip. Damn for a newbie that was pretty good. I give a few pumps and slowly allow him to come back up. The whole way up I'm depositing a river of pre cum.

"Oh honey I know you can do better... I think I have something that will help you focus though."

I reach over to my nightstand and grab a black satin blindfold. I tie it neatly around his head and put it in a little bow. He is panting a little still but almost seems relived to be blinded. Such a good boy he is already starting to trust me.

"There that's perfect... Ok baby I want to test you a little... Depending on your performance I might give you a present... And trust me it will be something you enjoy."

He feverishly nods as if he is excited, does this boy really enjoy giving blowjobs this much? I think I may have found a pure little virgin mouth pussy that has always yearnedto be a cum dump, how lucky can one girl get?

"Now I'm going to push you down as far as you can go while pinching your nose shut... I want you to stay as long as you can take it... even if you are gagging try to stay down... When you can't take anymore tap my thigh and I will release you, ok?"

He nods his head, to my delight I can see that even though he is scared of actually doing it, he still has an edge of excitement. God I love the fresh ones! I make sure to get comfy before slowly guiding his head down. My cock is throbbing so hard it actually hurts, the only way to describe it is... Angry looking.

He takes a deep breath as I pinch his nose and spear his throat. Again he takes it six inches and only gags after about 20 second's. I'm pleased to see that even as he progressively starts to gag harder and harder he still doesn't tap. We're at one full minute now and I can see he is trying so hard, his whole body is shaking and tears are streaming down his face. At one minute and fifteen seconds he finally taps.

True to my word I release his head and nose, he withdraws gasping and sputtering fiercely. I am definitely impressed but I know for a fact he is capable of better. I need him to try and push himself more! I grab him by the hair and push is face down into my sweaty balls.

"If you are going to breath this much you need to be taking in my scent.. Jelly bean is disappointed in you... Do you really think my magnificent cock will be pleased with that half hearted effort!?!"

I can't see his eyes now but I can feel how sad they must look. I feel him begin to lap and lick at my balls with passion now and I have to say I don't hate it. He tries speaking with my sack muffling him.

"GIm.. Hhso...sorry...jelly ghbean!"

He takes one of my balls into his mouth and begins suckling it. Fuck it feels good, I think he deserves another chance. I lightly stroke his head as I raise him up and begin whispering in his ear.

"Awe baby you are sweet... I'm going to give one more chance... Please don't be a selfish boy again, I want to feel good too."

"I won't... I.. I promise" he whispers back.

I allow him a nice long deep breath before I start slowly resizing his throat, this time I think I actually get an extra 2 inches in, definitely a good start. The next 20 seconds are blissful, it gets even better as I feel the gagging begin. Spit continues oozing down my shaft and coating my balls completely. I am in a true heaven as we hit the 1 minute mark, his legs are beginning to kick and shake but he holds strong.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds I see his hand move and I'm sure he is gonna tap, instead he just grips the sheet and trudges on. We're at 2 minutes and 10 seconds now and his whole body is shaking aggressively, his death grip on the sheets holds firm. His constant gagging feels amazing on the head of my throbbing mushroom cap.

This boy is a true prodigy, how much longer could he possibly last? At 2 minutes and 30 seconds I see his shaking start to subside. As the next 30 seconds tick by he begins to completely go unconscious. I am in disbelief, the level of training normally needed to do something like this is insane! He willfully put my cocks needs completely over his own.

I let go of his nose but allow myself three blissful little pumps deeper into his throat before pulling him off of my slimey cock. He begins breathing and sputtering but I can tell he is still out like a light. Roll him onto his back and crawl on top of him in 69 position. I then sit up allowing my sack to cover his nose as I sit on his head. His mouth is left open to gasp as much as he pleases. I want my scent to be the first thing he experiences when he comes too.

As I wait the precious minutes until he comes too I contemplate what I should give him for being so good. I never in a million years imagined he would be such a natural and put forth so much effort! I need a prize worthy of him.

Maybe Ill let him fuck me in the ass? Nah not special enough for what he just did. Maybe I'll call one of my hottest girls and let him fuck their pussy? Eh he would probably just feel guilty about cheating in that way, and still it's not special enough... Hmmm come on girl think.

Then it hits me, when I asked him in the shower what he wanted, he picked my tits! Now that I think about it, it makes sense, his fiance has little B cups, it's sad really. Ok I'll look through everything in his phone and find a busty character he seems to like or atleast views regularly. I'll throw a few texts and pick up the cosplay clothes when we leave this motel. It's perfect he will get to tit fuck his dream girl!

Just as I finish the plan in my head I feel him begining to wake up. I giggle as I see him panic for a moment while huffing my ball musk. I drop down on all fours and remove the vibrator on his tip, I begin sucking his cock to comfort him. I take him balls deep and roar loudly to make my throat vibrate for him.

He moans and groans in confusion and pleasure. I take his cock out of my mouth to say only one thing "open wide" like the perfect boy he is he instantly understands and opens his mouth. I slowly enter his mouth pussy as I continue sucking his cock with passion.

We suck each other for more than 20 minutes straight. I'm sure not to fully fuck his throat yet, I want to go easy for now, there is plenty of time for that later. About half way through I begin fingering his ass a little, I'm sure to remove the pill vibrators while teasing him at the same time.


His cock pops out of my mouth as I crawl off of him. I pant for a minute to the side gaining my composure while he remains laying on the bed resting a bit. I look his beautiful pale body up and down with lust.

It's time... Time to kiss his prostate with my cock...

Chapter 10- I Love You!

"Ok now just hold your legs like this and let me take care of you some more"

He is sitting with his back against the headboard and his legs spread with his hands supporting them and helping spread him more and keeping them up. I remove the blindfold for him, I want him to see every moment of this.

I crawl between his legs and push my tongue into him with as much force as humanly possible. He gives a girlish moan as I begin to ream him once again. It feels like he has loosened up a bit, though only enough for a normal cock, not for a glorious cock of my scale. I spend a few minutes reaming him open as much as I can.

Finally I pull my tongue out and just take a moment to appreciate his tiny pink quivering asshole. He is such a perfect young man, again I ask myself how can one girl be so lucky? It's time I take the cock ring off that his kept his cum at bay all this time. He moans a little probably thinking I'm going to suck him off till he cums, but there is only one way I'm gonna let him cum...

Because he has been such a good boy I'm gonna use a bit of lube for his first time. I put some in his ass with my finger and I put a bit on my cock as well. My heart is beating out of my chest I'm so excited, I haven't felt this way in quite awhile! I crawl up to his face now as he continues to hold his legs up and apart.

"It's the moment you've waited so long for... Jelly bean is gonna take your virginity, isn't that great?"

He looks shocked "Wait you mean your going to try and put your your... Thing... Inside me!?! You you can't! It won't..."

I give a giggle interrupting him "It's not a thing its a cock, and yes baby it won't go in easy, but trust me you are gonna feel good!... Eventually..."

The look of fear in his eyes is orgasmic "No! No no no... I can't... You can't... Please jelly bean no!"

I'm kind of shocked, he had been doing so good when he sucked my cock I figured this might go smoother for him. Huh maybe he just really loves taking it in his mouth pussy and no where else, it's cute but selfish. Its also cute that he is saying no while continuing to hold his legs up to present to me.

He is stammering now, I lean down and begin to kiss him. I can tell it was a shock to him and I give him no time to think about it as my long tongue begins to explore his mouth. I shutter a little as his tongue begins wrestling mine, it feels so damn good! He begins moaning now clearly enjoying himself, now is the time while he is distracted.

I nestle the head of my cock against his asshole, he gives a whine as he realizes what's happening but continues to kiss me. All 12 inches of my cock are pulsing, I don't think it's ever been bigger! I reach one hand down and begin moving my cock up and down over his asshole and taint. At this point the precum oozing from my cock is constant, his asshole is being soaked in it.

After a minute or two I decide it's time, I put my mushroom cap against his asshole and begin to push. His whole body shakes as I begin the process of resizing him to fit me. As I figured it's not easy, his asshole is like iron, but fortunately for him my dick is a diamond.


Thats the sound of the my mushroom cap squeezing it's way into his quivering hole, his cherry is finally mine! I pull back from our kiss and look deep in his eyes, I feel breathless as I wait for what he will say. Tears well up in his eyes and he speaks in a quivering tone.

"I love you jelly bean..."

My heart pulses even harder than my cock, that was the cutest thing I have ever witnessed! I might have to marry this boy myself! I lean down and give him a true kiss, a lovers kiss, a kiss that shows how much I want him, how much I need him. He accepts it just like his ass accepted my cock, I couldn't be happier!

I begin pushing in very slowly, I can tell he is in pain but there is no way around it. I go about three inches in before I stop, I give him a few more kisses in-between his ragged breaths to encourage him.

"It hurts jelly bean... It hurts..." He whimpers.

"Shhh I know baby give me a few minutes and it will start to feel better... You have to trust your jelly bean on this" he gives the cutest little nod in the world.

I begin slowly pulling out, then slowly going back in three inches. He moans and groans but keeps his hands on his legs so I can continue. I do it slowly for about ten strokes before I begin picking up speed slightly. Fuck is he tight, even tighter than his throat was. I already feel like I could cum but I have very good control so I hold out. All the foreplay got to me more than I thought it would, just the thought of him going unconscious on my cock makes me want to cum twice over.

He closes his eyes now, which I cannot have. "Open your eyes baby, don't you want to see your jelly bean feeling good finally?"

He opens them again "sorry.. ah... Sorry jelly bean I do!"

Ah fuck it feels good, really really good! I almost can't take it I want to impregnate this greedy little hole already!

I lean down and give him a kiss "you know there is something you could do to make jelly bean cum even quicker..."

He gives a deep moan "Anything!... Ahhh... Anything! Tell me jelly bean!"

"I want to hear your wedding vows... tell jelly bean what I'm sure you've been practicing in the mirror for weeks."

He shakes his head no "No please... It's not right... I shouldn't!"

I push an extra inch or two in and keep pushing that deep from now on. His hand are gripping his legs so hard now he might leave a bruise if he isn't careful. I bend down and begin licking his ear.

"Please.... Tell jelly bean your vows, you love me don't you? You want me to cum soon right? Then tell me..."

He bites is lip hard... Then begins...

"Ahhh jelly bean since the first time we met at camp I knew this day would come, yet still, somehow, I am unprepared"

I pick up the pace more and add another inch to the stroke repetition. Im pouring sweat now both from the temperature of the room and his sweet words. fuck this whole thing is making me crazy!

He gives a girlish whine before continuing in a quivering breathless voice "I thank the Lord for the love that bound our hearts and lives together in the spiritual fellowship of.... Ahh not so deep please jelly bean... Ahh... marriage. I will love, honor, and cherish you always!.... Ah it's yes jelly bean like that... That's that's better! Ahhhh... I will love you in sickness as in health, in poverty as in wealth, in sorrow... Ohhh jelly bean it feels good... as in joy, and will be true to you by God's grace!"

As he finishes I feel my cum begin to churn, fuck it's time... It's time!

I lean down and kiss him now as I kick my thrusts into high gear "Ah fuck jelly bean is gonna cum, cum with me!"

His only response is a yelp, I have a feeling he can barely hear me he is so stimulated. As I feel my first jet of cum making its way up my cock I lean down and put my sweaty armpit of his face. I growl loudly as I speak now the words echo around the room.


My first wad of goo comes out so hard it probably feels like a punch to his stomach.

"*Splurt* Fuck *Splurt* Yes! *Splurt* Take it! *Splurt* Fuckkkkk *Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt* *Splurt*"

I look down half way through my mind blowing orgasm and see he is cumming as well, I'm so proud of him! I take some deeper strokes now stretching him as far as he can go, I only get little over half of my cock in though.

I quickly take my dick out and grab the bowl and butt plug next to me, I jerk the next shots into the bowl as I quickly plug his ass. Only the littlest bit made it out, that was to close, I want that cum to have plenty of time to soak in!

He is an incoherent mess of a man, his eyes are closed and he is breathing harder than I thought was possible. I feverishly stroking the last bits of my cum into the half filled bowl, it will come in handy soon, I need to save as much as possible. After I finish my myself I begin stroking his cock a little. He gives a high pitch little whimper as he shakes aggressively. I bully the head of his sensitive cock hard, enjoying his reaction to it. Then in an exhausted huff I drop to the bed laying next to him. The world is spinning, were both gleaming with sweat, and the pungent smell of my thick cum is heavy in the air. After a few minutes i finally pop up with more energy than ever.

"Fuck that was good young man... You were born for this that I promise you!... Phew jeez... So do you need a minute or are you ready for round 2? My dick is already getting hard again mister!"

He quivers a little in fear as I speak my next few words...

"This IS who you are..."

Chapter 11- Not a Virgin Anymore

"Yea! On all fours just like that, now bend your back a little so your butt is sticking up more... Yea! Oh that's perfect baby, give me a kiss."

I hold his face lovingly as I go in for the kiss, as my tongue wrestles his I can faintly detect the taste of my nuts. Damn, I need to do better, that's all his tongue should taste like... Well that and cum...

As we part I can see the hesitation in his face, he is probably having a little bit of post nut clarity.

"I... I don't know if I can do it again ma'am... I... I should text my girlfriend... She was trying to get here earlier but said there was traffic... She could be here any minute..."

I shake my head "You don't remember? She texted you awhile ago and said she wouldn't be coming to get you. But besides that did you really think only one time would please me?... Oh honey I'm gonna have to cum alot more before I'm fully drained... Please don't be selfish again..."

He shutters "I.. I don't remember that... But still... I..."

I pull him in for another kiss, his cute little arms are trembling as he continues to hold his slutty pose with his butt up in the air just begging to be fucked. I knew after he came he would want to stop but there is no way in hell I'm letting that happen, I've been backed up for a long time and this little bitch is gonna take responsibility for working me up like this.

"Your body is begging to take my cock again, I wish you would understand that baby... Now stick that ass up more ok? I'm gonna be gentle with you I promise..."

I'm definitely not gonna be gentle this time. He's already used his only coupon for gentle loving sex, he's no longer a virgin now, he needs to learn is place, his purpose...

I crawl behind him now, the silver butt plug is still in place holding an ungodly amount of my goo inside him. As I wiggle it a little he moans. I grin ear to ear as I begin twisting it around.

"Please... I can't..." He moans.


The butt plug comes out swiftly, a torrent of cum following it. Before to much can escape I push my bulbus head into his quivering hole. It still isn't easy but unlike last time it isn't as much of a fight. His ass twitches and convulses on my tip like a greedy sucking mouth.

"Oh God! Jelly bean!" His twitchy arms surge with new found strength, the adrenaline is giving him stability.

I grip both of his hips and pull him back, 6 of my 12 inches forces it's way inside him, I relish every inch of his bliss. Fuck yes, I want more... MORE!


His whole body shakes as I push 10 inches into him.


I smack his ass so hard it leaves a beet red imprint, I give him another inch as well.

"Ah your asshole is so tight! Fuck! You can feel my cum sloshing around in there too right!?! You love it don't you!?!"

He shakes his head no but I know the truth. I begin using my strong hands to move his hips, forcing him to bounce on my cock. His mews and moans are adorable, I force him to back into me like that for countless strokes before I suddenly let go of his hips.

It's just like I thought...

Even after I let go he continues to push back into my cock. I grab my own tits reflexively as my little fleshlight fucks me of his own volition. I pinch my pierced nipples and moan as he picks up the pace. He is relentless! Fuck I'm already close to coming!

After about ten minutes of this bliss I lean down and wrap my arms around his belly, I pull him back into a sitting position against the base board with me. His whole body shakes as all 12 inches of my cock spears its way into his guts. As he sits in my lap my mushroom cap is smashing his prostate, forcibly pushing cum out of his half limp cock.

My cock pulses... Then pulses again hard... Then erupts with such a fury it almost hurts. A pint of thick seed is forced into his body as I growl. Even in this insane moment I remember my promise to train my smell and taste into him.

I grab the hair on the back of his head and pull, his head pops straight up, he is moaning so his mouth is open. I take the bowl of cold cum from my load earlier and dump it down his gullet and up his nose. He chokes and tries to spit it out but I keep a firm grip on his hair keeping his head back. I then drop the bowl and force my hand over his mouth.

He chokes and gurgles, cum explodes from between my finger tips as he attempts to expel the foul jelly from his mouth, but any cum that does escape i just forcibly rub on his face. Finally he accepts what has to happen and begins to swallow the the impossibly thick pudding like cum as fast as he can. His ass is in a full spasm as it milks the never ending river of cum.

Finally my orgasm begins to subside, I throw him callously to the side. I grab the butt plug as fast as I can and shove it into his asshole, the torrent of cum trying to come out is absurd! I'm furious a single drop made it out but he is definitely stuffed to the brim with even more than before.

"FUCK! That was so fucking good!"

I shake my hair and crack my neck "I'm finally getting warmed up!"

He is a wreck, face down, ass up, panting like an animal. The butt plug in his ass quivering as he tries desperately to push it out.

"Ah you are so damn cute! Would you be a dear and get over here? I need you to lick my nuts as thoroughly as you can ok?... They're all sweaty, it's hard work feeding you all of this jizz, don't be a selfish cunt!"

His girlish whimpers are music to my ears...

Chapter 12- A Little Sneak Preview


Ah! I can tell that no matter how much he wants to deny it he really does love sucking my balls! I can get enough of it!

*Slurp pop!*

"Oh honey that's so good! Do you like the taste of my nuts that much?"

He's still a little teary eyed from our last little fuck session, and now is deciding to pull the quiet pouting act. He pretends like I didn't say anything as he continues his ravenous cleaning of my nut sack. If he keeps this up I'm gonna have to punish him, hell maybe that's what he actually wants.

"So what, now your not talking to me? Fine so be it, if you're not gonna use your mouth to speak then it's gonna have to be used other ways, start sucking my cock now young man."

He licks all the way up my shaft, then without hesitation takes my cock down nearly to to the base. It's a moment or two before his first gag, it feels orgasmic.

"Ah yes such a quality mouth pussy, it's only getting better too! Keep going I have some business to take care of."

I smile at him as he continues with his masterful blowjob, such a natural. I reach over and grab my phone, I have multiple texts from my friend Saanvi. I giggle, sheesh that girl is impatient as ever. Most of the texts are just her asking when we're coming over, a few are videos of her stroking her cock in the sauna, the last one a just a straight up plea for me to hurry.

I check the time, it's around 6am, I suppose we could leave in a bit. Hmmm but I kind of want to tease Saavni, get her even more worked up before we go over there. I decide to FaceTime her, the second she answers I mute her so she can't speak to me but can still hear everything. I put my finger to my lips and mime shushing her.

I can already see the desperate look in her beautiful tan face, she pans down so I can see she is still edging herself. I smile as I roll my eyes. I lean to the side and set my phone down just right so she can have a good shot of our bed. As I look down at my hubby I can see he didn't notice a thing, he was to busy worshipping my cock.

"Ok baby I want you to do what you did earlier, show me how much you love my cock again ok?"

His eyes flash with fear "I... I don't know..."

I caress his face "I know you can do it baby, come now don't be selfish..."

He gives a meek nod, I wiggle a little getting comfortable and ready. He takes a few deep breaths and dives down onto my cock, impaling all 12 inches into him. I pinch his nose shut and give a hearty moan as it begins.

30 seconds go by in a flash, his gags are picking up strength but he keeps himself down. Like last time there is no need to hold him down. Over the next minute I giggle as he nearly rips the sheets off the bed. At two minutes I can already see in his eyes he is starting to pass out. At 2 minutes 45 seconds he is fully out, for the second time tonight he has willing passed out on my cock.

*Gluck Gluck Gluck*

I smile and look at the camera as I relish in the feeling of his throat. I know Saavni is losing her mind on the other end right now. I truly hope she doesn't accidentally make herself cum, with her gift it would truly be a waste.

Finally I relent and slowly pull him up off my cock. I roll him over onto his back, and climb on top of him. I sit on his chest and push my cock down onto his face. It leaks precum continuously as I trace the lines of his face with my tip. I rub it against his nose, push it into his eyes a little, then for good measure a give him a few good smacks with it.

On the last smack he comes to, he looks around for a second bewildered before remembering what's happening.

"Open up..."

Without hesitation he does, I grin as I get into position. I have him stay laying flat on his back, I crawl up on all fours, my knees on either side of his head. then I feed my cock into his mouth and the bucking begins.

"Fuck yes! I'm gonna fuck your throat for real this time! You hear that? I'm gonna put so much of my thick jizz down your throat your gonna look pregnant!"

He gurgles and chokes in response. I grip the sheets hard as my strong legs and hips fully activate. I begin fucking his face with the same passion I would a pussy. The slap of my balls hitting his chin echo through the room. I'm fucking him so hard the bed is creaking and moving a little.

*Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!*

The sound of my balls hitting his chin are unreal, the sweet feeling of his throat has pushed me into a frenzy. After having already cum a couple of times this load wants to make me work for it, and I fucking will.


*Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!*

I've already fucked his face for an absurd amount of time, the spit and precum oozing from the mouth and nose is constant. He is probably barely holding on to his sense after a mouth assault like this, especially considering how much he enjoyed blowjobs. I can't help myself anymore... I've lost control... I want nothing more than to impregnate his stomach with as much baby batter as I can muster.

*Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!*

*Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!*

"I'm so close... So fucking close... Fuck why won't it just let go! Come on baby gag! HARDER! GAG HARDER! JELLY BEAN WANTS TO FEED YOU!"

*Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!*

I bury my self 12 inches deep and begin bucking a inch in and out, over and over. My thick jelly like cum gushes out of my cock like a tipped over gallon of 2% milk, I can audibly hear the low glucking noises deep in his body with each contraction of my pulsing cock. I growl and grip the mattress with all of my strength. Every muscle in my neck, shoulders, and arms flex along with my thighs as I force my hot jizz anywhere that can take it.

By the time I get halfway through my epic orgasm I have the sense to look down. I see bright white goo running from his nose like a faucet. I feel a deep rage and instantly reach down to pinch it closed.


My whole body is tingling as the final splurts are leeched from me by his throat. This has to be the most mind blowing orgasm of my entire year, hell maybe of the last three years. This young man's throat really is something special.

"Grahh! FUCK... Fuck baby... Oh... Fuck..."

My head is spinning as I slowly thrust the last drops in, I feel drained, exhausted, dizzy. I collapse down onto him, my cock is buried hilt deep, my entire weight keeping it there. I pant and wheeze as my dick just soaks in his spasming throat, it's a post cum massage for my tired, sensitive girl meat.

I bury my face in the bed and close my eyes. I see stars, bright colors, strange geometric shapes. I've hyperventilated myself into an endless daze. It's nice here, all I feel is the air entering and leaving my lungs and the tickle of a thousand soft feathers on my cock.

It's heaven... it's god.. It's... It's...

Oh shit...

It's probably time to give him some air.

Chapter 13- Dream

My gleaming cock slowly slithers out of his throat, I can see in his eyes he is in a daze. Long strings of sticky goo follow my cock head as it exits. I kneel down and make sure he finishes his meal, I scrap and scoop any and all cum I see on his face and on the bed into his mouth. I push his mouth shut as the considerable sized wad marinates on his tongue.

"Swallow sweetie..."

He closes his eyes as he does exactly that, he is such a good boy. When he opens his eyes again my heart swells, he has such a cute overwhelmed look on his face. His cheeks are red, his hair a mess, his nose still has a little bit of leftover cum in it, he looks perfect.

"Jelly bean loves you, do you love me to?"

He gives a faint smile "Yes jelly bean... I love you..."

I pull him in for a passionate kiss, he does his best to kiss back but I can tell he is exhausted. It's cute though, so damn cute. I push him over so he is on his belly, I'm relieved to see the silver butt plug is still in place, I was worried it might come out during my frenzy. I grin as I picture how much cum was sloshing around inside of him as I filled the other hole in equal measure.

I take a deep breath before shimmying over to my phone on the nightstand. I turn it over only to see a beautiful dark skinned girl jerking her monster cock feverishly. She stops the second she see's me and begins trying to say something, but because it's muted I can't hear it. I simply smile as I hit the end call button.

That little show is gonna send her into her own frenzy... Well good I want the best from her today. Honestly at this point I'm apprehensive to even share this little diamond, but the thought of seeing this little cutie on a spit roast is just to damn tempting to pass up. I wonder how many loads he will swallow today? How ever many it is it won't be enough to please me... Cum will be his breakfast, lunch, and dinner... Sooner or later he will grow to crave it I promise you that.

I look down at him, he just stays laying on his belly, his eyes are closed as he rests. I skim through my phone and see that his girlfriend has texted him. It's says "hey I hope you aren't to hungover today, have a good day at work honey I love you so much!" I send her a cute text back telling her how much I love her with all kinds of heart smiley faces. Sheesh what am I gonna tell her at 5pm when he still isn't home? Eh We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I hop out of bed and give an elated stretch, I feel ten pounds lighter after unloading all that cum. I bite my lip as I stare at the butt plug in his ass, I still have so much more to unload but I guess I can hold... For now. I walk to the window and peek through it, the blazing sun blinds me and I immediately close the curtain again. Damn nothing like the morning sun to harsh your buzz.

I walk to the bathroom and freshen myself up, mostly just washing my face and reapplying my makeup. I also brush out my long purple hair, it's as thick and shiney as ever, after I finish I put my signature hat back on. I smile in the mirror after I'm done, damn I'm one fine bitch.

As I come back into the room I smile at the smell, cum and sweat... As it should be. My man is just where I left him, from the way he is breathing now I think he actually feel asleep. I bite my lip again as I look at his ass, it's so beautiful, I want another go so bad. He has been so good recently though that I'm gonna let him sleep for an hour or two, he'll need the energy for later anyways.

I crawl onto the bed and lightly touch his back, I whisper quietly "Aw honey you need to move into a better position, here come on..."

His sleepy eyes only half open as I gently guide his body. I move him so he is laying on his belly in-between my splayed legs, his head using my big soft thigh as a pillow. His nose exactly where it belongs, nestled against my sweaty nuts.

I'm not sure what he will dream of, but I know it will involve the overwhelmingly thick strong scent of my girl meat.

That's all that matters...