AND THEY WERE CLASSMATES By livelustlovelaugh

On the surface, James and Nat may have just been a really sweet, kind couple giggling with each other everywhere and having fun together doing ordinary, sometimes fancy couple things together. But James and Nat know what and who they are anything but ordinary, and they tease each other and appreciate each other for it.

James met Nat in a computer lab when both of them were assigned to the same group, solving difficult problem sets for a very difficult class, a few weeks after James had closed off a relationship chapter with another girl because she is moving away for medical school.

James had a crush on Nat soon after meeting her. She is a down-to-earth and a very gorgeous woman. Initially, Nat was shy and James thought Nat was trying to keep him at a distance by not being extremely open. However, as James and Nat knew each other more, a warm friendship quickly bloomed between James and Nat as the hours turned into deep conversations about each other's hopes and dreams.

Natalie is tall, blonde, energetic, intelligent and conscientious. James thought someone as beautiful as Nat would probably have dozens of men chasing after her every day. But he quickly found out the next time that they worked on the p-sets together that it wasn't the case when they visited each other's apartments and made each other tea and other midnight snacks. She was lonely and spent a lot more time with a few good friends and was often in her apartment alone working on homework and then playing music or creating artistic crafts by herself.

Right before a quarter of the semester is done and James will be rotated to new assigned class assignment partners, James knows that it is his shot to make - and he will miss it if he doesn't try. James combed his blooming jet-black hair, giving him a charismatic, handsome appearance, dressed very well, and asked Nat out on a date. She instantly greeted him with a big smile on her face - it is the first time that she has been asked out by a guy in a very long time. There were truly a lot of guys who thought she was too tall and didn't have the confidence or the desire to ask her out.

The first date was filled with many witty, flirty jokes and stories that they shared with each other, and it quickly evolved into playful footsies and bumps when they knew they wanted each other's touch. James couldn't resist Nat's bright emerald gaze illuminating from her big eyes. His heart melted from Nat's radiant smile beaming onto him. He has fallen deeply for Nat's cheerful personality.

When James took a step forward in his handsome shirt and dress shirt and pants, Nat extended her long arms out and hugged him tightly in her bosom. Nat's melon-sized breasts are so big that James thought he was going to suffocate in them! After that Nat invited James back to her apartment, and James had his hottest love making session he has ever had!

Weeks, then months, then semesters flew by in hot, passionate sex. James and Natalie are now inseparable. Hooking up in the engineering lab was a lot of fun, especially given how naughty it felt. James is definitely an attentive lover, paying attention to Nat's needs although he is not afraid to fuck hard and rough when she is in that mood.

James noticed that Nat was becoming more and more confident around him, compared to the first times when they were in the engineering lab together. As Nat's confidence ballooned, she unleashed her love to be in control. She loves pushing James with his back onto his bed, lowering herself on James's cock, and start riding him passionately while laying her body completely on top of him and smothering him with every inch of her beauty.

Both James and Nat felt more alive than they had ever been during the lust-filled action scenes. Now they kissed each other everywhere they went. They loved becoming active together and feeling each other, discovering each other in novel dimensions that they never have thought of doing. What was once (somewhat) vanilla sex had evolved to many different fantasies being played out.

James always felt that Nat was such a catch, that he was super lucky to fall in love with Nat. Even though James knows he is a capable, caring and grateful man, someone that sweet, loving women would find suitable, he has never known such intense love built on such a strong friendship. Even when relationships get a little hard - all couples have disagreements after all - Nat and James always had the best of intentions for each other and both of them knew it.

The quality of the relationship made James wonder if people around him have gotten jealous. When fellow engineering classmates saw James and Nat walking together through campus with their hands around each other, James would often get mean jokes about being pegged directed to him afterwards. James thought they were merely jealous that he had the courage to ask Nat out and had fallen in love with someone as beautiful as Nat is. Initially James was averse to getting pegged, but eventually had gotten curious to this idea.

A few days ago, James brought up the idea of Nat pegging James after James popped her anal cherry a while ago. "Alright, those mean kids out there make one too many jokes. I wanna try it, because it sounds like a lot of fun and they will be the ones missing out." James brings up the idea after kissing Natalie gently.

"Yeah, let me have a chance to fuck you, that's called equality! It's only fair that you can fuck my ass if I can fuck your ass! Hahaha!" Nat jokes while gently slapping his ass. She obviously was too into the idea to not let her giggles interrupt her sentence. "Alright, my love, let's do that, that sounds really fun!" James reacted positively to the flirtatious, humorous response.

When fucking with a regular strap-on seemed a lot of fun, Nat went a step further. "Can I breed you with a squirting strap-on? I want to fill you up with cum, like you do with me when you fuck me good! I wanna see your ass overflowing with my cum at the end of the night!" Nat sweetly suggested to James. James felt that Nat was planning something, planning a surprise, but he knows whatever surprise that Nat is leading James down to is going to be a very beautiful one.

Surely enough, the next day Nat fucked his ass with a squirting strap-on cock. James had many powerful orgasms from the fucking, and by the end of the night his cum spilled everywhere on the bed. James loved having his body soaked in Nat's cum juices and the facsimile spunk which felt real and gave him a cute, sticky feeling on the bed. Nat seemed to let out her wildest, most unrestrained desires, her powerful energy screwing James and making him into her moaning submissive lover.

If Nat had fucked him any longer or harder, James would be walking funny and mean engineering students will wonder if he had been pegged a little too much last night, especially if he walks on the campus with his tall girlfriend. It was easily one of the hottest and sexiest fucking sessions James ever has had in his life. Pegging was already awesome, a squirting dildo took it onto the next level.

James himself was surprised by how naughty and how hot it felt, which probably also made it possible for him to experience plenty of powerful orgasms. A curiosity grows in his mind about what it would be like to be fucked by a real cock - but he knows that Nat doesn't have one and he doesn't find the idea of being fucked by guys actually appealing, so that thought quickly withered.

One day, as James visits Nat in her apartment. Nat felt nervous, and James noticed she was a little shaky. James, as in his reassuring, comforting manner, asked, "is there something up?" before kissing Nat on the forehead.

Nat answered. "Remember when... I pegged you with a squirting strap-on two days ago? Well, if you don't mind, I have... a cock down there, and I can activate it anytime I want by rubbing the collarbones." James immediately remembers the feeling of being pegged. It was mind-blowing, with lots of kissing, licking, and of course, intense orgasms. Still, the discovery was surprising, and James needed time to process his feelings.

James answered. "Nat, I can accept you the way you are. You're the most amazing girl I've ever met in my life. I'll need time to process that, though. I'll be back in a little." James then kissed Nat on her lips before walking out onto the balcony to breathe and think.

Whenever challenges like this come along, James always reminds himself why he asked Nat out and started dating her. Nat's heart is a pot of gold, and her having a giant cock between her legs is not going to change that at all. He loves her way too much for that to change.

Nat breathed out a big sigh of relief. In the past, when she told potential gents about her cock, it never went well. Those gents couldn't comprehend and reacted in defensive, fearful manners. Some even just ran away screaming and begging for their lives. Nat couldn't understand why those gents were horrified - it seemed like they had fundamental insecurities about the prospect of being fucked, or didn't want to believe they are dating a futa. But James reacted differently. He was surprised, definitely, but he doesn't let the negative reactions wash over him. He saw it as an opportunity to expand his and Nat's palette of intimate fun. Nat knows at this moment, they can always trust each other.

In the world that James and Nat lived in, being pegged by women was still taboo, almost a topic that will get someone laughed at as weak or unmanly. Many guys thought dating futa, who are generally taller and more athletic, would be weird. When James started dating Nat, some very mean jealous engineering classmates would make fun that he wouldn't be the one doing the fucking and getting pegged in the relationship - especially as he had recently dated another tall, athletic beauty.

In high school James would not have been able to handle those sneering comments and would engage in the argument. However, in college, James developed his strong sense of confidence and made plenty of great friends. James, who already has had plenty of experience being the nerdy and slightly awkward Asian guy, eventually stopped caring about those haters and knew he had nothing to lose to date Nat. Whenever he heard a snarky comment he lifted Nat up, and gave a kiss with her in his arms. He was surrounded by good caring friends anyways that were supportive of who he is, and he went fully into the relationship with strong confidence to be a caring, loving boyfriend.

Nat cried of happiness. "I was really worried that you wouldn't accept me. I want someone who I will fall in deep love with to really accept who I am and my many ways of loving. With you, I feel like myself and I feel whole." James gave Nat another kiss, before collapsing on the couch to process his emotions.

Still, James felt a little bit unsure. He really hopes that he can continue his amazing sex life that he has when he fucks Natalie. He hopes Natalie will still enjoy him fucking her brains out and having warm quickies in different places around the world. He loves the wetness and the tightness of his beloved and still wants to touch and play with her pussy with his affection.

A few minutes later, James's surprise and shock had morphed into curiosity. What was sucking cock like? What will it be like when she fucks him? James and Nat had played with pegging dildoes before, now James feels excited that he might get the real deal.

James extended his hand, and Nat took his hand and sat down with him on the couch. "How did you feel when I suggested to you that I enjoy pegging?"

"Well, I was about to ask you the same thing by then! I was so excited, I was almost embarrassed by the excitement and had to tone it down a little bit. I thought you're going to be the guy who will accept me for who I am after all!" Nat responds. "I was still a little nervous about this fact, because I really don't know what you would have thought of me after telling you of what I have down there."

"Will you still enjoy me fucking you till you faint from pleasure, as we cum again and again together?" James asks again.

"Of course! My pussy will be yours truly. I know how much you love sticking in there, and I'll always love you inside me. I just hope you would enjoy having me inside of you too, at least occasionally. If you're worried about me degrading you when I fuck you, I absolutely won't do that, unless you're into it." Nat answers with a little chuckle.

"Knowing that there will be ladies and futa out there that will definitely satisfy you well, how come you fell in love with me?" James pondered.

"Well, I love you because you are a kind man, James. If you're worried about how our the sex life has been, don't worry at all! I love every color of your palette of tricks with me. I love it when you're tender, when you just give me belly butterflies with your words and your touch. I love it when you're strong and passionate with me, making me giggle and moan. I love it when you surprise me with cute little notes and little things, making me feel like the special girlfriend that I am so grateful to be." Nat answered. Already this interaction has gone better than what she has been originally expecting. She is fine that James got a little nervous when he learned about Nat's lovestick. She is glad that James didn't react negatively in horror. She knows James enough that his initial apprehension will fade away.

"Aww, that means a lot, thank you for telling me that you enjoy having me making love to you! Does this mean that I'll get your boner on my ass when you spoon me?" James asked.

"If you're fine with that, then I'd be happy to poke on your ass, lube you up with the slippery lube you fuck my ass with, and give you a comfortable, fantastic time!" Nat enthusiastically answers.

James stands back up after lying on the couch. Nat got up as well. "Nat, I am curious. Whenever we played with dildoes, I felt fantastic, and I think you felt great about that too. Now, I am curious what your cock is." Nat is surprised by James's suddenly more enthusiastic reaction to Nat. She nudges over and gives him a tight hug. Nat felt James's boner bumping right on her crotch (Nat's quite tall at six foot four, after all). Nat's anxiousness has turned into excitement. James will be the first and only guy she pleasures with her cock, although Nat has fucked many girls with her cock before.

Nat looked James in the eyes, still tightly embracing him. She answered. "I feel your soldier on me. I know your mind is ready for it, you'll feel my erection deep in your belly in fifteen seconds. Prepare your body. " Nat gave him the biggest smile she ever had in her life. She rubs her collarbones, and a futa cock is poking on his belly after a few seconds. It poked him right in the sensitive belly button, and James was so delighted that he nearly came in his pants right there. The sensation was intense enough that James involuntarily let out an "Auh!"

Nat took James's hand, and they walked to the bedroom. Nat was giggling. James had never seen her giggle so much before. It felt as if they had relived the moment when they just met each other. James then whispered. "I want to dive into you, I can't wait to see you naked." Nat gasped, smiling, and instantly kissed James passionately. She took off James's sweater and pulled down his running pants while James undid her top, untied her mesmerizing purple sports bra, and latched onto nipples, sucking them gently. James wanted to save the best, her cock, for last. Nat pulled down his briefs and took off his shirt. James is now naked, with a rock hard cock dangling between his legs.

James dirtily pokes Natalie. "Who can not be mesmerized by your smooth, sexy figure, bundled tightly with the revealing leggings! Oh god, you are so, so hot." James finally took off the leggings. It already has a giant wet spot. It definitely seemed bigger than every wet spot he had ever seen on Natalie, and James has seen Nat soak her leggings while aroused plenty of times before. He took the leggings off, and the cock jumped out of her panties. Even the hard cock had a feminine shape to it, with a slight up curve, which is great for giving lovers multiple orgasms.

James remarks. "Oh my. You have a big beautiful white cock right there. I... feel a little humbled, I'll have to learn something from you!" Natalie sweetly replies. "Don't worry, my love, you already did much more than I expected you to today. Now, I would like to make love to you, just like all of the fantastic ways you soaked me in love and pleasure." Every worry Nat has has faded right away, letting her amazing confidence shine through her heart. She laid on her back, face up in the air, and her rocket pointed right at the sky, ready to go to the Sun.

The cock was at least twice as long as his six inches. James kissed Nat again, rubbing his hands over her fit, pretty figure. Nat's boobs look quite delicious when she lays down, just like giant cupcakes hanging in the air. Nat smiled again, and sweetly whispered. "Why don't you give the cock a lick, and tell me how you like it?" James smiled back, shuffled around the bed, and looked at her pointy cock.

Instead of face-diving straight into her cock, he extended his tongue out and went for the pussy. The pussy lips were swollen, and they looked beautiful like a flower. The pussy juice tasted clear and lightly sweet. Once in a while, James would use his tongue and lick up the pussy and then up Nat's shaft, instead of his classic circular twirls on the vulva combined with the gentle in-and-out motion that drove every woman he fucked wild as his partners wriggled in pleasurable sensations.

Nat soon orgasmed. Her cock erupted, with spurts all the way up to the ceiling, and landing everywhere on the bed. Those thick globs of cum erupted like a volcano from her throbbing cock as she blushed harder than she had ever before in her life. Her face, her boobs, and James's back were all covered in cum. James was bewildered. "How did you... cum this much? You covered both of us, thank god I didn't take it in my mouth the first time, otherwise I would've definitely drowned!"

Nat responded cockily, playfully taunting James. "Yeah, lover boy, you're gonna learn to take it all eventually! I have more if you like. I can keep my cock hard, pumping with cum, and you're going to take a lot of cum in your holes tonight." James's cock throbbed at this taunt, he was so turned on by Nat's confident, seductive charm. James licked the cum-covered shaft. Nat's cum felt sweeter, milkier and thicker than her already savory pussy juice. He was a little surprised since he expected it to be salty, as the description that he hears about.

James finally opened his mouth. "Don't be too greedy." Nat tells him, in her ultra-sweet voice. "You'll need practice to get acquainted with this size." He took four inches in before he gagged and had to scale back a couple of inches for air. "Breathe deeply and gently, relax, enjoy it".

Even as James gagged on the cock, he knew that Nat's real cock with flesh and skin tasted and felt better than any strap-on that had been inside of him. Nat's cock just felt... alive, attached to someone that he loves dearly, and will be thoroughly pleasured when he works his skills he practiced through every intimate, sexual moment leading up to it. That cock is an instantly addictive pleasure stick.

James relaxed his jaws and throat as he tried to breathe slowly through his nose, and he felt Nat's cock can slide in more smoothly. Nat's cock and precum is delicious, James decided. He bobbed his head back up, formed a kissing circle with his lips, and gently sucked on it. A couple seconds later, his head slid back down, and he took seven inches this time. Using his tongue, he worked Nat's sensitive shaft. Nat had to keep herself from wriggling too much from pleasure so that she doesn't batter his throat too badly. While Nat definitely has had better experiences with more experienced women and futa, James is already doing well for his first time taking cock in his lips. The sounds of James giving head, sloppily moaning on her cock, eventually became too much, and she put a big load into James's throat. James felt it as a deep act of love as she poured love juices right down into his belly.

James felt the cum bubbling up in his throat, and he felt that he was close to choking. It became too much, so James raised his head and let the cum splatter the room again. The orgasm was even bigger than the first time. James's eyes widened in amazement when he realized it was Nat's distinctive cum that was striking his mouth. It was super intimate, messy, and absolutely hot. He had just made Nat cum by licking her pretty cock.

Before James could really revel at how amazing this love-making act was, Nat summoned him again. Nat gently whispered. "Kiss me, my love, put some of the hot, sloppy seeds back into my mouth." James obliged. It was a very warm kiss, and their eyes locked together, conveying expressions of playfulness, excitement and wonder. Nat whispered. "You did your best. I loved it." Nat's loving encouragement made him want to explore further and Nat's cum pooled up into deep happiness inside his body. The mix of encouragement and light taunting is one of the favorite things about this wonderful relationship.

"Lay on your belly, with your cock on the pillow." Nat instructed. "I want to fuck your brains out." Nat admired his ass, now high up in the air in full view, and gave it a squeeze. The ass is up high, in full exhibition, waiting for Nat to own like a trophy. There was a lot of her cum on his back from her cumming as he worked that cock earlier, and it was enough for her to lap some off his back, and lube up his ass with the cum. Initially, James felt a little numb like he did two days ago when Nat fingered him before pegging his ass. Then, it became more sensitive, as feelings of pain stopped registering completely. His ass was twitching as Nat teased his butt by sliding her cum-glistened cock up and down, not yet in and out, of his hole. It felt strong, massive and heavy, making James think how nature has learned to engineer such a wonder.

Nat finally slid in. Initially, James held his breath, in astonishment that there is now a cock inside of him, that he is the one getting fucked. A living, tender piece of flesh, carrying immense energy, is sliding into him. Nat's head popped in and James began to lose himself in the pleasure as those thick inches slowly slid into the slippery, curious hole. Nat's pleasure cockhead is now fully inside him, stroking in and out and making the hottest, raunchiest love he has ever been made to - and popping the real cock anal cherry for James.

It just felt too good to believe it's real, that he is getting fucked so good. There is no way that he can ever be pleased again with a woman fucking him with a dildo. Nat's cock is way too good, and he will be perpetually addicted to her cock unless Nat introduces him to her futa friends to have fun altogether.

Nat, who is very much in tune with his body, advised. "Breathe in and out, don't worry, I'll be nice." Nat was slow and careful this time, and let her cock stop entering deeper every couple of minutes. A few minutes later, James has taken Nat balls-deep. Nat put the pillow under his ass to allow for the best angle, for the most powerful, sensual and intimate fucking possible.

"Your exposed virgin ass is so big, so round, and so bubbly, it feels so good around my cock. I hope you love it when I clap on your cute ass cheeks." Natalie dirtily whispered to James.

Nat stopped and let James's ass really register her big cock. The initial confusion from the entry slowly subsided. He felt full, as now every inch of his ass is taken by Nat. When the cock registered, James gasped. "Oh my! That's really you right, Nat?" Nat giggled, and replied graciously. "It's me, my love. You fucked me well, I want to return the favor."

For James, even though Nat's stirring of his ass already feels great with a strapon, Nat's cock fucking his ass was so much better. Pleasure started ringing in his ass as Nat's wiggles rubbed his sensitive prostate. Nat skipped the hazy initial minutes of pegging, jumping immediately into mega pleasure. "Oh my, your big fat cock is so good!" Something just feels way too hot as a beautiful part of Nat is right inside him, stirring his insides, and directly touching his sensitive points. "Fuck! You're gonna make me cum so hard!" James screamed.

She slowly slid in and out, as she was very ready to fuck him just as skillfully as he fucks her. Nat, in tune with James's body, found his prostate with her sensitive cock and aimed at grazing it as she enjoyed eliciting moans of pleasure from James. "Your ass is so tight, I love it around my cock! Squeeze me when you cum!"

James started blinking excessively until he just couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. In his mind, James visualized a cloud of pleasure just raining cum, flooding the earth and filling him up. "Awwwwhhh! I'm gonna cum!" James vocalized the crazy lust in the air.

His body began to heat up. His moans became longer and more protracted as his bodily motion and reflexes were giving into Nat's drumming of pleasure as Nat jiggled and clapped James's ass with her cock and her hips. The feeling of being fucked, taken, and filled has brewed a hazy cloud of pleasure in his mind, and the cloud is thickening, about to rain down and crash into waves of euphoria inside his body. "That cock is so big! I'm so full! It's too good!" James continues to utter barely complete phrases in response to the passionate sex.

Almost without him realizing it, as his mind kept registering the pleasure of being fucked so fully, he came and shot the biggest load he had ever shot in his life. Cum spilled out of his cock, right onto the pillow, and totally out of his control. The thought of losing his ass virginity to such a wondrous and beautiful cock of his girlfriend's made his spill even bigger and thicker. The entire pillow was now coated with a thick layer of cum, nearly gluing him right onto the pillow fabric. Nat, feeling how good James took the cock and the excitement of truly fucking his love deep inside him for the first time, came inside him.

Her thick layer of gloppy cum inside of him was the mark that she made that she had fully possessed him. James, feeling how good it felt having his ass virginity taken away and the wetness of having his ass fucked by his girlfriend, orgasmed again. He orgasmed as his butt registered his girlfriend's sexy cock right after coming down from the sexual high, sending him into the stratosphere again. This orgasm came from deep inside his ass, between his hips, before lighting up the prostate and sending his cock twiddling with a bucket load of cum again. It was a full body orgasm as it came from deep inside his core and spread elsewhere. Now he was surprised again.

"Did I just cum two times in a row? How was that possible?" James asked in confusion. Natalie looked at James's ass with a very strong sense of pride and accomplishment, as if she had finished an artful masterpiece.

"You did." Natalie giggled as she answered. "Your ass, just like my pussy and my cock, doesn't have a refractory period when you cum. I am in control and I can make your naughty ass cum as many times as you and I like. Are you ready for me to fuck you harder and faster?"

"Do it. You're a goddess, now subdue me with pleasure and make me spill my own cum everywhere just like I made you squirt when I fucked you." James answered with a smile.

Natalie reached back, grabbing her sports bra. "Before the neighbors call the cops on us and expose every little secret about me and you," Nat uttered, "I'll have to stuff you because I know you will make lots of noises and I'll have to muffle that. I'll let you scream as much as you want when we get our own place."

"From experience?" James pondered.

"Every girl I've fucked in the ass, including futas, can't control the noises. I don't want you to have to hold it down from your mind, I want you to express it, but I'll diffract it with the sports bra right on your face. That way, only you and I hear it. Plus, since you saw me so many times nearly naked with only that sports bra on, you'll be reminded of my fitness and the power with that smell. You shall see my power that I can fuck you with from behind when you see this sports bra. I'm going to fuck you a lot harder this time, and you already came that much when I was gently fucking you." Nat explained.

"Let me feel how you're going to fuck me before you decide whether to suppress my voices." James responded. Natalie aligned her body so her big breasts pointed to James's back, causing James to giggle in awe of the intense pleasure. Then she lifted her own butt up and gave a couple quick thrusts down, and James couldn't help but scream in the intensity of the pleasure from both the speed and the strength Natalie is fucking James. "You heard yourself now? Now be my good lover and enjoy the smell on your favorite bra that you can't take your eyes off when you see me with it." Natalie then wrapped the sports bra around his face, making sure his lips rested on it.

Before James can say anything, Natalie pulled out three quarters of the way before pushing her cock all the way back in again. James has lost his ability to form words. He can only now moan into the muffling sports bra. "Auh, aah, aww, ehh!" His noises circled right back up into his ears. His pleasure is now like a soup inside the pressure cooker body. Nat now slammed in and out, targeting his prostate to give it a vigorous kick every single time. There is only one path for the pleasure pressure to shoot out of him: his cock. And he is shooting a lot of cum out through his cock as Nat's cock tapped the back of his cock.

"That's a tight nice ass! This is so tight, you're milking me! Fuck, I love this tightness, it's so good when you cum on my cock! Oh my, your ass is so pretty!" Nat chanted sweet, slightly objectifying words right into his ears. James wanted it.

Orgasms kept hitting him, each one more intense than the previous one, and the intervals between them kept getting shorter. His orgasms now started coming in somewhat unpredictable waves, and his cock is now cumming incessantly while he is moaning continuously. Nat kissed him right in the back of his neck, gently licking it. The prostate orgasms made him shoot like a geyser, and his virility has never been higher, ironically from the first time he was being fucked instead of doing the fucking.

Getting futa-fucked combined the lust and passion that came from ogling and diving into a beautiful woman with the pleasurable submissive feeling of constricting around a cock. It was a real cock with naked flesh that he was constricting around, and a real cock pressing into him that was going to explode inside of him and shoot messy orgasmic liquids that would drip out of him. It makes James so excited that his ass is delivering pleasure to a cock attached to a beautiful woman. The world of strong prostate orgasms is wrapped into a beautiful woman's body that he lusts over delivering it, making him cum hands-free orgasms that he is not in control of and makes his totally naked, visible cock shoot massive ropes of cum away onto the bed.

The continuous orgasms let James catch up to Nat in the total amount of cum spurted. A thick layer of cum has now flooded the blankets, and when Nat fucks with her knees on the bed, her entire calf is glistened with white creamy cum James had spilled everywhere.

Meanwhile, Nat had achieved a first for herself - fucking a man with her cock. In the past only women and other futas had known about this little secret. It was really exciting, and Nat was right in the flow zone as she perfectly worked her cock right inside his ass, with all of her focus looking at his big, naked, squishy ass. Nat let a remark slip. "You love your ass jiggling and bouncing on my cock, huh? You like it this way, taking it up deep right inside you, hmm?" James felt immersed in dirty fucking, with Nat above him fucking him in prone bone as his cum layered between him and the bed. He came immediately from the remark, rolling his eyes backward. Nat, feeling the tightening of James's ass, couldn't take it anymore. She came in James's ass one more time, and the torrent of cum was as strong as the Niagara falls. She pulled out, and sprayed James again. James is now totally covered in cum, and he loved the delicious feeling of dirty, sexual fluids coating all over him.

"That was the most amazing night ever" James answered after regaining his senses after being fucked so well. "I'm hooked. We have to do it a lot more. You should have told me a lot earlier, honey! I'll always remember this."

Nat leaned down and kissed James again. "Definitely. I can't wait for you to make my cock spill juices from you in my ass and give me crazy butt orgasms. I wanna ride you with your cock in my ass and make me cum hard on your face with it. I know you'll get really good at it. I can't believe I am this lucky, to find someone like you who loves this. I love you so much."

James's heart is on fire. Nat not only has a unique, amazing body, she also has a mesmerizing personality that perfectly blends her kind, sweet, gentle nature with her playful, flirtatious and seductive power. Her cum juices have now really soaked right into his mind.

How am I even this lucky! James thought and smiled upon this feeling. James knows he is compatible with Nat both intellectually and sexually. She is beautiful, tall, and strong, helping him realize his dirty potential. And now James and Nat have a supernova sex life?

I want to marry her. She's the best. Ever. James is now certainly sure he wants to marry Nat. Nat's playful touching and giggling is way too hot for him to ever let go. There is nothing like a couple playfully making love to each other. His heart lights up again in blissful warmth from feeling the tingling love.

The next morning, James gathered his clothes after being the little spoon, thankfully after Nat has deactivated her cock back to a clit so he doesn't get poked in his sleep (it will be nice, another time). Before he got out of the door, onto a lecture for a graduate course, he looked back at Nat.

"I love you so much. Are you ready to move in together?" James asked. He knows that this will be the biggest next step before he proposes to her.

"Well, we fuck enough to call it us 'moving in together'", Nat giggles as she commented, "so sure, and well, welcome home?". Nat steps forward and picks James up for a kiss. James was laughing as well with her on this joke.

"You're so wonderful. I can't put into words how much I love you. Your smile is my sunshine." James looks at her with a smile, with excitement and deep optimism.


Well, graduate school is a long, drawn-out undertaking. Nothing will really change it. I am sure my lovely girlfriend Natalie would also agree with it. There are so many ways to describe it. Emotional would certainly be it. Those hours upon hours spent in the research lab can either lead to something transformational or nowhere. I just hope that my ambition is going somewhere.

The biggest thing that keeps me going, fulfilled with purpose is falling in love with Nat. She is a very strong source of support, both intellectually and emotionally. It is hard for me to put into words how much I love being around her. I know that when it is not wintertime we would sneak out into some secluded spot on the campus and mess around with each other, and hopefully none of it is recorded on camera or nobody discovers us.

Well, even if somebody found us being too playful with each other, at least humanity will look back and remember my playful, fun side when I am famous, then Nat and I can chuckle about it into eternity.

I am very grateful that Natalie has always been there for me. Tomorrow, I am going to depart for a research conference thousands of miles away, and I am going to miss her deeply. Even short periods of time makes me really miss her. I guess it's a human reaction, and a testament to the strength of the love between us.

As I walked down the dimly-lit street in the snow, every part of my body was cold, shivering. I longed for warmth - and not just from anything or anyone. I wanted Nat in my arms. I want to hug her tightly, lay inside her lovely bosom, and taste her lovely lips instead of this chilly cold winter air. The snow is certainly very beautiful, but there is nothing that would compare to when I am getting creamed in hersnow.

Thankfully the apartment that we share and fuck just about everyday in is only twenty minutes by foot away. In my memories I thought of those summer days when we had lunch together after quickly biking back to the apartment. We often would have a quickie that ends up being me spraying my seeds inside of her heavenly nest while she sprays her seeds from her cock on my face. Of course, the consequences for defacing me is that she'll have to lick it up so that fellow graduate students would not see the results of a dirty lady vandalizing my face with white cream.

With every step I take on the snowy sidewalks, my body feels colder and colder and the deeper the sense of longing I have for Nat grows. Oh gosh, I love every moment when we make each other laugh, get giddy or blush. She is always so adorable when she smiles at me, maybe when we are doing something nice to each other. I love softly pinching her cheeks with my hands, there are few words to put into how nice this mischievous feeling is!

With my mind wandering on how wonderful Nat is I nearly slipped on the slick ice covering the ground. Even during winter, when we walked back to the apartment together during the early evenings, when I didn't have overtimes like this one because of prepping for the research conference, there was something very magical about Nat. Her warmth melted the thick us below our feet so it was safe for both of us to walk on. I longed even more to be in her arms now. Thankfully, there are now less than two hundred steps to the door before I am in her warmth again.

I took long, fast strides up the steps, as those stairs are thankfully not covered by the slippery snow and ice. Maybe Nat's magical warmth also cleared it and gave life to the cold, dark stairwell. I can sense it. My heart is fluttering again as I am reaching the apartment and ringing the doorbell. I am excited to see her again, like I do every night.

She opens the door. Her smile is as lovely as ever. This lovely smile is something that will never get old. It will always be something that I hold a very deep appreciation for, because I know that it will always reflect her heart of gold.

I breathed out the cold air in my lungs, replaced it with a warm smile in my excitement to let Nat fall into my arms again.

"James! You must have had a long and tiring day, c'mon in!" Nat welcomes me in. I can see Nat is in her shorts, with her beautifully shaped legs standing tall and upright. I honestly would kiss and lick them forever, they are just such beauties that I couldn't even believe they could exist.

Finally, that long, puffy winter coat can come off onto the coat hanger. That thing made me hot and sweaty, and if I would rather be hot and sweaty when one of us bends over the other and starts making fast, passionate love, culminating in a messy orgasm when we make a big mess of ourselves - and the floor, of course.

Nat reappears from the kitchen, holding two cups of tea on a tray, and then sets it down on the table. "One for you, and one for me!" She softly tells me. Nat and I sat down on the couch together, ready to enjoy a warm cup of tea after a long day with both of us at the labs.

"Aww, thank you, you're always so sweet and gracious." I had to tell her that with a big smile. Her kindness is such a delight. It is one of the things that will always keep me madly in love with her.

I leaned in for a kiss on her cheeks when she set down the teacup after drinking some of it. I am feeling a little witty, somewhat humorous, and definitely a lot of horny once again. "The tea is fragrant, but you're always going to be my favorite cup of tea." I grinned as I flirted with my lovely honey. I giggled a little too.

"Nice pickup line, hahaha!" She is laughing alongside me. I can see the lovely mischievousness on her face as she winks at me. Nat gently put a hand out, and placed it on my lap. I can feel some "tension" brewing between the two of us. She knows as much as I do of what is up. We're totally just two good graduate students, not getting a little excited. Nat totally isn't too excited to come up with a pickup line to prick back at me.

That tea gesture was very nice of Nat. I wanted to return the favor in some way, so I am going to make some snacks. Of course, this is before I have my ultimate snacc - Nat, of course.

"I'll have to make both of us some snacks, I'll be back in a few after I put the little Chinese pumpkin pies into the oven." I told Nat.

Well, yikes, looks like she has found her words to taunt back at me, slapping me with another pickup line.

"Sure, those snacks you make might be very delicious, but who's the ultimate snacc?" She is now looking at me lustily. I definitely can't hide the fact that I love looking at her blushing and giggling.

Her blush is getting redder and she stops uttering words for a solid while. During these ten, fifteen seconds that must have passed her blushing was only getting redder and the tension in the room was getting more and more intense. "You, my very dear." Nat was laughing sweetly again. I can't help and laugh too, I want to make love to her or be made love to a little too badly.

I can't help but to look down to where her pussy is. Nat has rubbed her collarbones. Her cock is now growing, poking a tent pole in her shorts. She is stretching the shorts a good bit, and I know it is going to pop out of those shorts anytime soon.

She noticed me staring at her erection and laughed devilishly. "Why are you looking down there, my lovely boyfriend? Don't you love how it looks in my shorts? Wouldn't you like it even more when it pops out of those girly shorts?"

I'll have to admit that I liked looking at it. Her big cock is awesome and pretty to look at even in those shorts. It would be fantastic and super hot to look at once the shorts are gone.

"Oh yes, I do like what I am looking at. While those pumpkin pies are still in the oven, I wanna get down together with you to something hot and dirty!" I looked at her lustily as I responded.

"That's what I wanna hear. I'm gonna put a bun in this oven!" She puts a hand onto my abs, with her eyes full of lust and mischief. I don't want to admit how hot these words are and how cute her humorous flirting is, but I do enjoy them. I'm giggling, maybe a little too much. What a seductress she is! Her voice is too heavenly, and her personality is way too sweet for me. I feel like I am going to melt in her warmth, let alone her touch!

I am conjuring images and memories of me on the bed, laying flat with belly down onto the bed, and Nat inserting her massive lady-cock into me, fucking so many orgasms into me and make me her writhing, moaning mess as she holds me on my hips and pounds with her cock super deep into my ass, making each inch of my ass scream and pulse with pleasure from her cock.

She is irresistible. I am going to tell her that, like I praise her for the wonderful lady she is, multiple times every night.

"You really are irresistible. Nothing beats my face and my body buried inside your legs and betweenyour legs. It's the perfect way for my mind to get away from everything else." I am smiling uncontrollably. The warm fire is burning so brightly in my heart.

Of course, like a hungry animal, I swiped down her shorts in a fraction of a second. Her cock is still growing. That huge cock is already both longer and thicker than my cock will ever be at seven inches right now, and it is only halfway there. I can see the hunger too, I can see the throbbing and within that the desire to fuck me senseless spray jets of cum inside of me and on my body. When it is fully erect, those sixteen inches of total beauty, thicker than my wrist, will churn my addiction for her sexiness once again.

I have to tease her too, that is part of what gets both of us going and ready to jump on each other like hungry animals. I like the uncertainty, the dynamic fun of teasing and getting teased in bed.

"Wow, you're naughty, no panties huh?" I gently taunted her, making a very half-assed attempt to get her to be the good cute and sweet girl that she always displays when we are out together.

"Who needs panties when you can have a big, fat cock ready to fuck the cum out of your very dear?" Nat flirtily responds. Oh gosh, I can't say I don't love what she is about to do.

At this moment, I just want to start kissing it, suck it hard with the precum dripping out of her. I want her cum to spray the back of my throat and swallow every drop of her virile, pearly yogurt for dinner. I am very sure that this virile cum is going to make me stronger or smarter - and has gotten me through the long days of graduate school - with the plenty of protein there is inside it.

I am getting way too hungry. I am now on my knees, smiling at her cock. I made my kissing circular lips, as vain as I sometimes can be. I kissed it with my lips, started blowing and sucking on it, and fed a couple of inches of that goodie right into my mouth.

My cock is rock hard right now, I have no way to put into words how exciting this sexed-up room is. The idea of her having a sexy part of her body inside of me, for her pleasure or for both of our pleasure, is such an incredibly carnal and erotic feeling that makes my heart giggle.

Nat interrupted me, even though I just don't want it to ever stop. I want her cock to fill up my mind with her flesh and her cum and make me fall forever into the bliss of servicing her and letting her take pleasure in fucking me. Of course, I know she was considerate, even though I had a hard time stopping myself feeding myself more of her cock and looking back up at her eyes.

"It will be more comfortable inside the bedroom. I want to make this a great experience for you, since tomorrow is your big day going to the conference and we won't get to fuck each other for days afterwards." Nat suggested. Yup. What a considerate woman she is!

Anticipation filled my heart. I want that cock back into my throat. Now. I want to suck on it, lick it, kiss it, hold it, and deepthroat it. I want to listen to her noises as I controlled the pleasure with my lips and made her the giddy girl she is.

My cock is so hard that it felt even a little bit awkward to walk around. As I walked in front of Nat, reaching my right hand back to hold her right hand, I wiggled my ass and dirtily asked her.

"Don't you want to put your long, throbbing schlong right in there? How do you like every inch of my ass tugging and clinging onto your cock tightly?" I was so giddy at this point, I feel I am melting into her. I thought I am going to cream my ass so hard like her pussy does when she gets ready for me to fuck her hard and deep.

Nat caught up to me just before we went into the bedroom. She whispered. "You dirty little..." before she trailed off, letting me fill in the final dirty word myself. At this point, I am a verifiable hoe. My thotty ass can't wait to be filled by her hard ultra-long cock, making it jiggle every time she inserts herself fully inside of me.

She put her left hand onto my left hip. I know exactly what is about to happen. I fell into her embrace and she lifted me up. I am in her taller figure, she is carrying me and looking into me as if I had melted into her touch. And I have.

A rebellious, dominant part of me desires to wiggle behind her after she drops me onto the bed, bend her down, making her squeal and impale her now definitely wet, dripping pussy and make her spray and cum uncontrollably from her throbbing cock everywhere on the bed and even the walls beyond the bed. Still, I am not going to turn down an opportunity to service her and make her feel like the luckiest girl in the entire world.

This rebellious part of me gave me another idea. I am going to be nice and slow with her, I am going to tease her with my touch a lot, and I am going to have a lot of fun messing around with her. I am going to make it an unpredictable scene, make her guess what I am doing to her. She is going to love it way too much. She will be so excited that she'll come uncontrollably hard when she is finally somewhere inside me and then we can melt together into each other lovingly.

I bent my head down as she laid on her back onto the bed. I kissed it gently, circled my tongue around her sensitive head. I know this fired up her arousal. But I didn't go any further. I pulled back my lips and looked at her with a grin.

"Grrr..." Natalie objects. I can't help but laugh as she is slowly handing over her seductive charm back over to me. She stares at me with a demanding face, getting a little pouty, before relaxing back to her wonderful gentle smile that she always carries around me in no time.

With that wonderful gentle smile I can be firmly assured that she is enjoying this seductive chase of us messing around and being a little too playful with each other. Maybe this unpredictability and playfulness is part of why she likes me this much and fell in love with me.

I laid on my belly flat on the bed. I was initially diving my head for her cock, but then shifted my head aside and breathed slowly on her thighs. I was cooing her thighs with my lips slowly and gently. Then, I started kissing and licking her thighs super aggressively. I know this is going to tickle her, make her laugh like a hot mess. Of course, she was ticklish, and I just have to have some fun with her. I had to explore every part of being in love with such a beautiful woman that inspires me to do fun, crazy little things with her.

"James, stop, haha, that tickles so much!" Nat protested.

I continued tickling with my lips up her beautiful curves. I dodged her cock to show her how much I enjoy messing around with her, and I kissed and licked her thighs up to her belly and her belly button. She lifted my head up, hoping that I would stop tickling her. Of course, I am going to be the annoying little guy like Jerry and not stop.

She stared at me mischievously again, and pointed right at her cock. "I need a release, you little dirty hoe!" She was laughing a little bit as she gave this command to me.

Well, that can come later, I decided. I was still a little too mischievous and not ready to take orders just yet. My response was tickling Nat's belly and breasts with my hands. I know this is definitely going to set her off to a maniac-laughing session. Predictably, Nat was laughing super hard, she was pretty much screaming with her laughing.

I was enjoying messing around with her for a good few seconds before she realized I am ticklish as well, probably even more ticklish than she is. She started tickling me hard, as she got up, fell forward, and pressed back down on me with her cock pricking on my belly. I guess she found the secret to stop tickling me.

I was able to resist sensory overload for thirty seconds, but, still, I am overloaded quicker than she is even though I was tickling at her sensitive erogenous spots to make her laugh harder. She didn't even need to tickle me in specific places! We definitely made a lot of noises that I am sure that the neighbors have already written us up for noise complaints. I couldn't take it anymore, so in this endorphin-flooded feeling I took my hands off of tickling her belly and tucked her head in, resting my right hand on her wonderful golden-blonde hair for a super passionate kiss.

"You're ready now, hmm?" Nat got her sweetest voice now with this request. Of course, I wasn't going to turn her down if she asked any other way.

Still, I couldn't help but to feel accomplished at getting her on her best behavior. That's more like it, I thought. Now Nat has to be a little nicer to him in asking for fucking!

I am very much in the mood to suck her off now. I am going to wholeheartedly suck Nat's cock, and run my tongue against her long, beautiful shaft so that she is breathing and moaning in pleasure. My mouth is going to be a vacuum sucking in her cum and giving her orgasmic pleasure.

I pushed Nat over back so her cock was pointing back up at the sky. I slowly opened my mouth, and I started sucking her gently once again. Her cock is so good with the giant dabble of precum that I had just tasted. The precum was cool and sweet as usual, as I always like it.

I can't help but to become sloppy and start drooling all over her cock. I think Nat enjoys her cock being coated with a sheath of my saliva, and of course she has to taunt me about it.

"You're loving it, aren't you my cute lovely guy. I like how wet and warm your mouth is." Nat gently whispers, poking me a bit. I feel like such a slut for her cum. I want her to spray right into me filling my tummy with those seeds.

I can tell she is enjoying it a lot. I keep hearing Nat's guttural moans as my tongue tries to work her cock around. It definitely is not easy, especially given that Nat's cock is probably bigger than every guy's tool in the world by nature that Nat is a futa. Still, I am trying hard, and with each session I am getting more and more skilled at sucking her off and wrapping my tongue around her cock to please as much of it as possible.

Part of me wants something to also fill me up on the other end while I am giving pleasure to two futas at once. I wanted to be taunted for being how naughty I am as I suck in and take in the cum of when while another, moaning on the two cocks sandwiching me and taking my slutty body. Then I am certainly sure I will drown in the sexy juices of hot futas. This is one of the hottest fantasies I have conjured whenever I suck her off. Nat probably knows I enjoy this, for she has told me stories about fucking ladies and fucking futa.

I wrapped my hands around her torso as I sank my throat down her cock. I can barely breath and I think that's part of making it so hot that I have to struggle a little bit. I know fully well the immense power of her cock, as an imposing piece of flesh. She has this magical ability for her to deliver crazily hot sensations that churn right into my heart. My cock is super duper hard, and I am aching to have a strong orgasm.

It definitely took me a good amount of time impaling myself on her, but before long my nose was resting against Nat's wonderfully fit, chiseled abs. I am feeling every bit of her sexy, lithe, beautiful curves with my arms and how much he always loves hugging them, staring at them and definitely drooling over them.

No matter how much I suck or take her cock, I am always going to find it an imposing piece of flesh. I can't do anything but to moan on her as I suck her off - she has taken my ability to form words, and I can barely form my thoughts and ideas to further tease and pleasure her. It definitely is one of the hottest things she can ever do to me, making me moan and be a slut for girlcock!

Even though I know Nat enjoys being sucked off a lot, and this is already enough for her to get to a strong, deep orgasm, I want to see Nat make a huge mess of herself and tease her for it. With my left hand, I started rubbing her pussy and she is squirming and moaning as well - from the combination of pleasure. I know she is getting more and more aroused. For a minute I just teased her pussy lips with my left hand, before I dived in with a couple of fingers and found her G-spot. This cute tried to shift her body back and squirm away from my fingers, but instead I held her in my arms very tightly and continued finger fucking her.

I can't describe how wet her pussy is. It seems like she is dripping so much on my hands and on the beds. If my mouth wasn't filled up with her cock I would have tasted her sweet sweet pussy nectar with my lips and done it in front of her face to show how much I love her pussy.

I can feel the energy down in her crotch start to boil up. It's going to be a big one, and those moans are definitely not small. She is holding down my head, to wrestle back her dominance. "Suck me, please me! Fuuuck, your hands are sooooo good!" Nat commanded loudly. I have no choice but to suck her and service her cock, which I am noticing is very, very close. I want her to fill me up, and then pull it out of me to spray it all over the bed, making the bed a lovely, lively place with her highly potent seeds.

In the chase of pleasure it seems as if I had forgotten about all of my troubles in life. Everything seems to be about the rosy love between Nat and I.

Her pussy caved in first. I felt a gush on my forearm, and my left hand had been drenched more than I can ever think of in my life. Her pussy wrapped super tightly on my hand, with much more force than when I am playing firework piano pieces on the fortissimo dynamic. It was wonderful to see how much pleasure she is getting. I love her so much. Her pleasure is my pleasure.

With that pussy rub her cock fired off as a fire hose as well! She is spurting the back of my throat with her pearly honey that I can never get enough of. She always produces so much of it, and I love the lovely lightly sweet feeling of it! I always felt it was giving me more life, more energy, and more power to make back the sweet love to her.

I know that pussy rubbing always would make her cum quite a bit more, so eventually there was so much of it that I couldn't take it and I had to let go of her cock from my mouth to not suffocate myself. She was looking at me, still moaning and smiling as her cock continued to erupt all over the room. I am pretty sure that we had made so much noise that our neighbors can hear it, and my fellow graduate students are going to be asking me how wild my sex life is once I am back from the conference.

There was so much cum on the bed. The look on her face was golden! She had such a big smile, it lit up the room in the cold of the winter. She was giggling at the mess that is on my body, I was so so so creamed by her giant fuckstick!

I know she would either get super dominant and go on the rough mode, or be the sweetest lady in the entire world after blowing her. Turns out, tonight she is going to be both.

"My naughty man, that is wonderful! Look at the mess that's all over your body! Gosh, I love creaming you! I can't wait to marry you and make you my hoe-hubby!" Natalie taunted me.

Wow, I am looking forward to being called her hoe-hubby! Oh yeah, I am a hoe for her cock. I love her inside of me so much. I love being teased, sometimes gently, sometimes not very gently by the cutest girl I've ever met. I definitely never expected to have someone this much fun from taking a difficult engineering class with her in undergrad!

I took her hand, got her up on her knees on the cum-soaked bed. She pulled me in and I kissed her as deeply as I could, and I gave some of that sweet, lively cum back to her from my mouth. My cock is so hard right now that I bet I can hammer diamonds with it.

Of course, I am definitely not without mischief. Right after pulling back from the long kiss, I grabbed her arms and then surprised her with a shove onto the cummy bed. There was so much cum that the bed is literally a slip 'n slide.

"What a dirty man you are! Hahaha! Not bad for a cute sweaty nerd going to be all professional and fancy tomorrow!" Nat was giggling as we got down, hot and heavy, wrestling each other on the slippery bed.

"Oh yeah, you little pretty fucker? I thought you were too pretty to be such a big nerd when I met you!" I just had to taunt her back. Both of us were laughing too hard to care. She grinned a little bit too hard on the word "little" because I'm the shorter one in the relationship!

I was able to pin down Nat for thirty seconds on the slippery bed while my arms held her down. But eventually her strong legs were wriggled free, and she used her ultimate weapon: the leg and arm wrap. She kissed me so hard that I can barely breathe, and I can sense both mischief and lust that was in her. It was probably the hottest and most spontaneous kiss up to that point I've had in my life.

She really is full of mischief. Right after breaking the kiss, she thrusted her hips and flipped me over. My back is now to the cum-laden bed. She let her tummy rub my super-aroused cock, and I came right then and there on her. Both of us are now covered in white pearly honey.

It was not a small load, even if it is very puny compared to what she had just done to the entire room. Oh gosh, I know she is going to rib me even more with carnal banter that she comes up so easily and so wittily from the back of her mind.

"Wow, you aren't even inside of me and you came so hard all over me? You need to be punished! I'm gonna stick this rod deep inside of you, and you're going to love it. Get ready to scream as much as you cum. Your throat might get a little sore. Thankfully, you aren't presenting tomorrow." She got into her commandeering mode.

"Alright, fine, you sexy beast! Go ahead and try fucking me!" I was laughing and smiling like a fool looking at her. She is beautiful and devilishly mesmerizing.

"Flip over your ass. Your tight ass is going to wrap and cum on my cock. Or else I am going to make you." Natalie ordered me. I am feeling a little tricky, even though I am so hungry for her cock right now.

"Hmm, this depends on whether I am feeling good. I'm feeling a little rebellious right now." I looked at her cute, blushy face and I laughed. She knows I want her cock and was just being a funny little thot.

She got off of me, in good humor, with a sly smile. I am on my back firmly on the bed, looking at her belly and breasts laden with my cum, with my little soldier pointing at the ceiling which is also dripping with her hot spurts of warm cum.

She knows that she could force my body with her arms just like this to flip me over, so she went on the charm offensive.

She did what I did to her before I sucked her cock: tickling me with kissing and licking. I was already ticklish myself, but she went directly to my neck and immediately I was squirming and wriggling. She was definitely considerate enough to not make me land on my cock pointed down on the bed, I have to give credit to her for that. My ass is now up, pointed towards her hips, ready for her cock to enter deep me for a deep, passionate session of fucking.

I want it so much. She is so pretty and sexy and I want to feel every inch of her body laid on top of me while I relax and savor the sensations. I want to lose control of my pleasure underneath her giant cock and let her pump her cock right deep into my ass.

She slowly put her hands on my ass, giving it a gentle squeeze, and then onto my sensitive hips. I really am going to melt in her arms. She bent down and delicately kissed my back and my neck! I can't describe how much I love her combination of strong and lusty with gentle and sweet. I felt my entire body relax - needing that cock inside of me.

Just as I thought she was going to enter me she stopped for a second. She went out of the room, then put her shorts right into my face. That smell was a strong, lovely trigger and I thought my star had just opened itself wide for her cock to start pounding me.

"Don't want those grad student neighbors to start calling the police on us!" She smiled and spoke.

She dripped down the lube right on her enormous cock, then I felt the wet, slippery lube on my hole as well. She is going to fuck me so good. I can hear the stroking that she is doing to herself.

I wiggled my ass, making it jiggle with the wiggle to arouse her hunger even further. She eased her cock right down into my ass. This is paradise. One, two, three, four inches... every time she inserted it I thought it would never end. She is so big and I am filled up so well. I am gonna be such a cummy mess, shooting so much cum and having multiple orgasms just like a girl.

I can't form my words, it is too good moaning on her sexy shorts that greeted me and lighted my lust at the door...

Her cock is big. There was so much sensation as she touched every inch of my insides with that big long fuckstick. The sensations of pleasure are absolutely electric, conducted from her heart right through her hot rod inside of me as it burrows towards my heart. She has me totally pinned down on her long rod, with her weight focusing on my prostate to pound as much pleasure as possible into it. I can tell she is smiling senselessly, enjoying the power she has over me. She knows I love it too much as well.

Somehow it just feels very, very natural for us to be engaged in this fucking. Her confidence is radiant and powerful. I know she wants to pleasure me as well. I can tell she is giggling and indulging in the moaning and groaning noises that I couldn't help but make.

"What a warm, tight ass you have there, my man. I love being inside of you so much." She softly rests hands on my back around chest level, giving it a gentle push onto the bed. "I want to touch your heart."

Each inch that she was inside of me she felt closer and sweeter. Eventually, she was balls deep, and I felt her thighs clapping on mine and her hips striking sweetly on my butt cheeks. She was grunting, making sexy noises as well. She shifted her angle slightly downward, which grazed my prostate. I am seeing stars, and my vision is becoming blurrier and blurrier from the fucking.

"Tell me you love my cock!" Natalie taunts me. "Feels good to have a big cock filling you up right?"

I want to say yes, but I can't while moaning into her shorts on my face. My lovely, sweet girlfriend is now screwing me hard, and I love every second of it. It is absolutely the best feeling ever.

"Well, if you can't say it, I'm going to fuck you harder! I sure love being inside your ass, your ass squeezes my cock so well, as if it was designed for me to turn you into my little lovely moaning hoe of a boyfriend."

She bends forward, so her boobs are on my back and she is licking and kissing my back. My orgasm is bubbling. There is just so much pleasure being enveloped by her heavenly body with her chiseled abs tapping my back while her hips thrust into me.

For some reason, I have never felt sexier and more confident sexually in my life. Here I am, being fucked by a beautiful woman that cares so deeply about me with her funny little jokes and loving me in a million ways. I am not even touching my cock, as much as I wanted to.

The orgasms that I long awaited for hit me. It hit me so hard that I was knocked out of my senses, as I wrapped my ass around her cock and pumped load after load of cum onto the bed. I am a shaking, quivering mess, and I am feeling my body violently shaking and my ass channel writhing around her massive schlong. The pit of my stomach is tingling with the pleasure from her cock pressed deep inside of me.

For maybe thirty seconds to a minute I was just screaming into her sexy shorts that are over my face. She was still thrusting me hard, filling the room with a lot of wet, obscene clapping noises as she savored my bubble butt. The pleasure was becoming louder and louder and I eventually crumbled from the intensity of the sensations and fainted. Fuck, that was so good.

I was out for at least a couple minutes from the pleasure, slumping over in the bed with her shorts on my face, and breathing heavily. She knows that I just needed a break to recover from the overwhelming pleasure, a break to breathe after getting pretty much asphyxiated from the flood of pleasure.

Natalie was breathing on my back, slowly kissing and touching my body. The soft sensations felt soothing and comfortable, and I can say she has melted every part of me into her, especially my heart. She is way too lovely for me to handle! Literally, she swept me off my feet.

My feet were tingling and the orgasm was so powerful that my feet rose up off the bed as my body curled from the massive wave of euphoria. While I was out she came inside of me with the orgasm. I can feel my ass has become sloppier with wet cum inside of me. I feel really great about syncing our orgasm together.

Still, she is fully hard inside of me! I know she wants to continue to fuck me into oblivion with multiple orgasms. She gathered her sweetest voice and whispered to me. "Look at you, enjoying my big cock deep inside you. Your ass is so good it made me cum inside you too. Ready for me to fuck more orgasms into you? I love really wet holes, and I know you're really wet right now!"

I am way too giddy. I was so giddy that I forgot to pull her shorts off of my face before answering her. I was mumbling before she took it off of my face. "Ready for round two?" She then asked me.

"Every inch of you is so damn sexy, make me your little thot. Have fun, I love you." I answered her.

"I love you too! Enjoy me. Don't get mad at me if I enjoy fucking you a little too much." She responded again, and both of us were chuckling. "I'm going to curl up and snuggle you good, make you my burrito of a boyfriend."

Pleasure came in waves as she practiced her masterful, confident thrusts deep inside of me. Her cock drummed my prostate in every pleasurable way possible, alternating unpredictably between head-on flicking to gentle rubbing. All of it got my body heated up even more under her sexy figure. I am leaking precum hard.

Soon I had my second orgasm. It was long and intense, although not fainting like the first one. Then my third, fourth... I began to lose count of my orgasms. One began right after the last one subsided. As soon as the endorphins are slowly receding from my brain another she would fuck another fireball of euphoria right up to my brain, with her flirty teasing and the obscene clapping noises making it explode.

Somewhere in the deep throes of orgasmic pleasure I felt she shot another load of cum deep into my ass. She always becomes super affectionate after having a big orgasm from her dick. She enjoyed it so much that she was shaking and squirting on my thighs!

My ass is so sloppy that there is barely any friction, with her cum making my channel writhe tightly but very comfortably and flexibly along her massive length. The sensation is just the smooth, velvety feeling of her slithering in and out for me, even though she picked up her pace even more as she is excited to fuck a wet, dripping, slippery hole with her cum dripping down on the bed.

Her pace was picking up, and I can see a giant wave of euphoria arriving. It is going to make me shake and shudder and scream like a giant slut on her cock.

It was so intense that my vision was blurry as I saw multiple copies of everything. Practically, it felt as if my brain just rang of pleasure as she cock was the hammer to the bell. Pleasure shook all over my body, and I was certain that she was going to spill a giant load all over me. I shot so much cum that a lake formed beneath me, and I shot my load all across the room. My cock was twitching forward from the thrusting and the cum covered a wide area, now dripping down from the walls.

When I returned from the skies, she is still there in my ass and perfectly hard.

"I wanna fuck you while looking at your handsome face. I want you to come all over yourself, again and again. I know you love seeing yourself cum uncontrollably from my cock that much." She lyrically verbalized her desires.

She withdrew her cock from my ass, and then I flipped myself over. My still rock hard cock throbbed and twitched from seeing the waterfall of cum that was flowing out of me and her completely glistened, potent electric rod. I wanted it back inside of me, badly.

And she knew it. She wanted to cum more into me as well, and she was hungry to start fucking me again. When she entered my thighs again the moment her cockhead flickered my prostate I was cumming all over my belly and my chest again.

I squeezed some cum onto her cock as my ass channel closed with the orgasm. Being the bad boy hoe, I flicked up some of that cum that I had just spurted and licked it with my tongue. Just like that, I ate my cum like licking chicken fingers. She is giggling so hard, and relished in my dirty act. She saw the orgasm as an invitation to start fucking me harder, to pound and play with my ass like a musical instrument.

She pinned deeper into me, face to face, and I was looking at her smiling a few inches away, when she lifted her body back up, draping her fashionable blonde hair down her shoulders, and let me touch her large breasts before she dived for an ultra-aggressive kiss. I took her in my arms as she cupped my face. Her face is a radiant sun pressed against my face.

I am cumming so hard. I probably painted all over her boobs and her belly, and if her boobs weren't that big I would have shot some behind my head. She kept thrusting, not losing momentum since she is close as well. I felt her belly pressing onto mine, thought of how naughty this is again, and came hard again. This time, it was enough to make her cum inside me as well. I didn't want to break the kiss, but my stomach was swelling and at first it was still jiggly enough to hold the kiss but then it was too much.

She pulled out of me, I came again, this time without shooting all over myself as I saw the deluge of cum flowing out of my ass like a waterfall. Nat has fucked me so well, taken it with so much pleasure to cum hard inside of me and make my ass wetter than her wet nice pussy.

I smiled like a fool. I want to kiss her so much. She knew it, bent down with her matching gorgeous smile. We kissed. After kissing her thousands of times those red plump lips still feel as electric as the first time.

I saw her cock retracting back, and I spooned her tonight because she wants me to get a good night's rest instead of her getting too hot and bothered to fuck me in the ass again with the wet cum bumping against her crouch if she was the big spoon.

The next morning, I woke up, took her hand and we went into the shower. Together.

"Bend down, you've been too naughty and too kinky fucking me last night." I commanded her.

As much as she is the taller and sometimes the more commanding one in the relationship, she is also the sweeter one with a few more soft spots that I can target with. This one was one of them.

"Spread your pussy, be my good lady." I ordered her. She obliged, and I instantly felt my cock getting covered in the blissful, wonderful wet warmth of her dripping pussy.

The shower muffle her hot moans and I fucked her voraciously because I wasn't concerned with neighbors hearing us as well. She came in no time, and I did as well from how fast and passionate it is and how wet and loving it felt. She probably squirted on me too, but I couldn't tell because of the shower water.

Once we're done, it was time for me to get dressed, to meet up with my lab and my adviser to get breakfast before going to the airport.

"Today's your big day! Aren't you excited to go abroad for something this big, this exciting? There, let me put the tie on for you, show the world what a smart, kind man you are, that I am so proud to make you my future husband! I love you, James!"

"Aww, thank you, I love you so much, thanks for being the most special person in my world."

I gave her a long, warm hug. She's too sweet, and I can't let go of her without making fun of her and her making fun of me in return.

"Don't you fly out all the way to London cuz you miss my ass or my cock a little too much!" I laughed as I taunted her. She giggled, and I can see she was instantaneously going to hit me back with something witty and spontaneous.

"Not if you skirt your flight because you're missing me already! And I know you will miss me once you're at the airport!" We giggled, looked at each other with a grin, and I took my suitcase and walked in the cold morning to my advisor's office.