There are times in a young man's life when it is so full of fun and sex that it's a wonder they survive. College is one of those times for many young men and it certainly was for me. I attended a small private collage in southwestern Ohio at a time when the world seemed to be totally focused on it's self. Yea, it was the late 80's and the me decade was in full swing. I can't say that I immersed myself in the culture of the times, but just like walking across a muddy field you can't help but get some on you.

I was in and out of several relationships with girls of many different types but couldn't seem to find that one woman who rocked my world. Well, at least not for more that a few months. The fall of my senior year there was a new girl on campus, a cute tall blonde with a bright smile, blue eyes, and a figure that drew my eyes to her whenever she was in sight. I was in between girl friends and thought that I should go and introduce myself the first chance I got.

I saw her on and off for the next couple of weeks and never could get a chance to talk to her. She was always across the green or I was running late for class. It was starting to seem like I was just not supposed to meet her. Then one day I was down on my knees getting my mail out of my mailbox in the student union when this nicely shaped pair of long legs stopped beside me. I looked over at them and then allowed my eyes to roam up along the shapely body to pretty face of the owner. It was the new girl and she was getting her mail out of one of the top mailboxes. I finished grabbing my mail, the usual credit card offers and a note from home, then turned to face my new neighbor. She was wearing a short denim mini skirt and a tee shirt with some band on it I hadn't heard of yet. Her blonde hair was teased up pretty big and her makeup looked great.

"Hi, I'm Thomas." I said as I stood up and extended a hand. I knew she was tall from seeing her across the green with other students, but I had no idea how tall she really was until I was standing beside her. I'm just a tick over 5'9" and my eyes were level with the bottom of her chin.

She flashed me a brilliant smile and said, "I know. You've been looking at me so much lately I started asking around about you." My face turned bright red at being truly busted. I sheepishly replied,

"Guilty on all counts."

"You know you have a bit of a rep for being a womanizer," She stated flatly. "But I think you just haven't found the right girl yet so I was wondering if you'd like to be my boyfriend." I was struck speechless. My mouth wouldn't seem to work at all so she filled the silence with, "I'm sure I'd be your best damn girlfriend ever!"

I looked at this beautiful girl and couldn't believe what I was hearing. Not only was she interested in having me be her boyfriend, but she was basically telling me she'd be the best one ever! Finally my brain slipped into gear and I blurted out,

"Are you kidding? I'd love to be your boyfriend!

"That's really cool!" she exclaimed. "Why don't you pick up a bottle of white wine and come by my room in Jacobs Hall. Then we can get to know one another a little better." She said with obvious meaning. "It's room 426, at the end of the hall. My roommate transferred to another school so we'll have the room to ourselves." This beautiful girl leaned down and gave me quick kiss on the lips then said, "I've got to get to my Business Admin class, so come by around 6:00 and bring some snacks with the wine." She turned to leave, stopped, then turned back and gave me another quick kiss. "By the way, my name's Angel." She said quickly, then turned and walked away.

I watched her go. Her nice round ass swaying back and forth while her long blonde hair bounced with each sexy step, she looked like a runway model on a catwalk. I couldn't believe my incredible luck. As those long legs went through the glass doors of the Student Union and out into the warm fall sunshine I tried to imagine how they'd feel wrapped around me later that night. Oh boy, but how far off the mark was my imagination.

A Long Afternoon

I floated my way down to the local alcohol purveyor in a happy daze of sexual anticipation. I stressed over the wines to the point where the sales lady finally came over to me to make suggestions. I was holding a $4.99 bottle of chardonnay in my hand when she asked me if she could help. I delicately told her that a beautiful girl had invited me to her room to "get to know one another". With a knowing smile the woman took the bottle from my hand and picked up one from the shelf above it. Without saying a word she showed me the alcohol content of each bottle. As a college student there's one thing I've definitely learned, alcohol content is everything. I splurged and bought the $9.99 bottle, some cheese and crackers, and one of those roses that stores carry wrapped in plastic. I was now loaded for bear!

On leaving the store I looked at my watch. It was 1:48. Only four hours and twelve minutes to go. Shit.

I got back to my room and unloaded enough beer out of the frig to put the wine in to start it chilling. The lady at the store told me it needed to be chilled. Not wanting the beer to sit around and get warm I popped the top on one and looked at my desk clock. 2:10. Three hours and fifty minutes to go. Damn.

I had another beer and turned on the tube. I knew I should work on my physics project, but I also knew there was no way I'd be able to concentrate on it with Angel's long legs still emblazoned on my eyes. The clock said 2:37. Three hours and twenty three minutes left to go. Fuck!

It seemed that time just refused to move at any normal rate for me. As it got closer to the anointed time, (Imagine a choir singing 'Halleluiah!!!') the damn clock seemed to be coming to a complete stand still! Just when I was starting to think I was trapped in some rip in time my stoner roommate came be bopping into the room. I'm in a pretty pissy mood by this time so I deliver the crushing line,

"If you keep blowing of your psych class there's no way in hell you'll pass it, even if you are some kind of psychology 'prodigy'." With some small distain in his voice he replied,

"Dude, I'll have you know that I haven't missed a class in three weeks. I'm like totally stoked about studying old Siggy. That Dude was one seriously messed up old man." In a conspirators voice he continued, "I think he had a thing for his mom and that just ain't right dude!" I looked back at the clock and asked,

"Did you get out early? It's only a quarter after five."

"Dude it's almost six, your battery must be going in that clock, I told you to get one of the plug in..." Stoner boy didn't get a chance to finish because I was franticly grabbing my stuff and sprinting from the room. Thankfully our campus wasn't very large and as I went blazing past the clock tower on the commons it showed that I had four minutes to make it to her room. I put on an extra burst of speed.

Getting Acquainted


I'd run track in high school, but that was a long time ago and there was no trace of that conditioning left in my body. When the elevator got to the fourth floor I was still breathing pretty damn hard. I took a right off of the elevator and jogged to the end of the hall to stand panting in front of my new girlfriend's door. I knocked at the door and heard her call,

"Just a second." I listened as she moved around in her room for a moment then the door opened and there stood Angel. She had on a pair of jeans that had so many holes in them they were more like shorts and those long legs were so sexy showing all tanned and smooth through the holes. She had on a skin tight wife-beater muscle shirt and you could easily see her lacy white bra through the shirt. She smiled a big smile and said,

"You're breathing pretty hard Thomas, you must be very excited to see me again." All I could do was nod. She was a vision of college girl sexuality. "We can't get to know one another very well here in the door way, well...I guess we could, but the RA might get a little excited about it, so why don't you come inside."

Angel stepped aside as I walked into a room where my views on life and sexuality were about to change drastically. I looked around the room and it appeared to be decorated the same as any other young college woman's. About the room were scattered the usual books and papers, pictures filled with smiling and laughing people. On the floor there was a big soft rug with pillows strewn over it and it was there that Angel plopped down indicating with a hand that I join her.

Without a word she took the bottle of wine and expertly opened it with a corkscrew she had ready. Grabbing a couple of wine glasses she filled each one about half full, re-corked the bottle, then turned to one side and slid it into her frig. I was a little nervous so I took a big swallow of wine hoping that it would quickly take the edge off my nerves. Usually I'm very comfortable around girls, but for some reason I didn't feel that way with Angel.

She sipped her wine then said,

"So tell me about yourself."

"Like what? What do you want to know?"

"Everything. What type of music you like, movies you like, foods you like, sexual positions you enjoy. Just everything."

"Well...I like rock music, action adventure movies, seafood, and pretty much any position you're willing to try."

"Good, you're open minded. I like that in a boyfriend."

"So...what about you? What do you like?"

"I like lots of different types of music, rock to reggae, jazz to blues. Action adventure movies are good but I must confess that I like chick flicks." she said with a laugh. "Seafood is yummy, but nothing beats a nice thick steak cooked medium-rare. I love sex and all positions, especially the ones where I'm dominant. I must warn you that when it comes to sex I'm a pretty take charge kind of girlfriend and when I want to have sex I don't easily take no for an answer. So if you don't like to have sex too often you might want to think again about being my boyfriend."

"If you're trying to scare me away I don't think threatening to have too much sex with me is the right way to go about it."

Angel smiled a knowing little smile and said, "Oh, I have no intention of scaring you away. I just want you to know what you're getting into and give you a fair chance to back out gracefully. I've talked with some of your ex-girlfriends and while I didn't get any specifics, they all indicated that you like sex a lot and some even alluded that you could be a little kinky." I blushed and tossed back the rest of my wine. You let a girl use a strap-on on you one time and they think you're kinky. Hell it was her idea! 'I just want to know what it's like for a guy.' Mandy pleaded. Later I found out she'd made a bet with a girl friend of hers that she could get me to do anything. The girl friend asked her if she could get me to let her bone me with a strap-on, to which Mandy said, 'No problem.' I guess Mandy was right. Angel refilled my glass as I said a bit defensively,

"Well, I guess it depends on what you'd call kinky. I would prefer to just consider myself open minded, as you pointed out earlier." Angel chuckled as she handed back my full glass and said,

"I'm not judging. I'm actually hoping you're very open minded and very willing. Those are two qualities that are an absolute must to be my boyfriend." I took another long draw on my wine glass as I digested her words. Here was a girl that professed that she loved sex to the point of not taking no for an answer and telling me if I thought I couldn't keep up I'd best move on. How could I turn down a challenge like that? I tossed back the rest of my wine, sat the glass out of the way and leaned over and kissed Angel hungrily. Not only did she respond in kind, but the next thing I knew my mouth was full of her tongue. My cock instantly stiffened in my pants.

We continued kissing as I slid my hand up and down along her ribs. She sat her glass down on the floor then grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast. It was firm and round with a hard nipple poking into the palm of my hand. I squeezed and rubbed her breast, pinching the nipple occasionally as she moaned into my mouth and tried to stick her tongue down my throat. She was on fire! Her hands were all over me, groping and rubbing me roughly, gripping me so tightly that I thought I might actually have some bruises. Then Angel really surprised me, she shoved her hand down the back of my pants and started rubbing my ass. She squeezed my ass cheeks for a few minutes then slid her hand between my cheeks and stuck her finger as far as she could into my asshole. I grunted into her mouth and tired to struggle a little, but she didn't slow down a bit and if anything became even more excited. As she eagerly fucked my ass with her finger she continued rubbing her body against me and thrusting her tongue into my mouth. Angel was very turned on and so super horny she was almost out of control. With her finger deep in my ass I thought, 'Damn, I think I'm being raped by this girl!' But I didn't struggle too much.

Finally she pulled her finger out of me and broke the kiss. She said in a husky, lust filled voice,

"Take your clothes off!" I hesitated for a second, unsure of what I was getting into, but as I watched her pull her shirt over her head revealing her round bra clad boobs it got me started on my own shirt. She asked,

"Bra or no bra? Do you have a preference?" I kinda like it when the girl keeps her bra on. I think it's sexy. I said,

"On" She smiled and said,

"Good choice!" Angel undid her pants and started to shimmy out of them as I was doing the same for mine. She kept her panties on too, but I was buck naked and my cock was sticking straight up from my crotch. She kicked her pants off and pounced on top me. I thought, 'This is incredible! I've never been with a girl this hot before! She's as horny as I am. Maybe even hornier!' Angel's tongue was back in my mouth and her long body was pressed against mine. She was grinding her firm tits against my chest as she thrust around in my mouth with her tongue. After a couple of minutes she broke the kiss and breathlessly said,

"Wrap you legs around me." I was so entranced with how excited she was that I didn't even hesitate. I spread my legs then hooked them around her hips and squeezed her tightly. Angel's mouth was back over mine and her tongue was working in and out between my pursed lips as she dry humped my ass. My head was spinning from the wine and it seemed to me that I could almost feel something hard through her panties. A few seconds later she stopped humping to reach down to her panties and tug at them. The whole time she continued to kiss me and rub against me. A second later my asshole was being forced open as she pushed something big and slippery inside me. I groaned in pain as my ass was forced to stretch farther and farther to accommodate what Angel was pushing into me. In the back of my mind I thought, 'I guess she got more out of Mandy than that I was just a little kinky!'

Finally my ass was stretched open far enough and I could feel the shaft of her strap-on begin to slide into me. It hurt like hell, but my groans were muffled by Angel's mouth and her own moans of pleasure.

She stopped pushing that hard cock into me and pulled her mouth from mine. We were both breathing hard, her from excitement and me from pain. Her face was close to mine as she said with a smile,

"My, My, but aren't you a tight one! It's going to be a lot of fun getting you stretched out so that I can easily slip into you when ever I want." I was just getting ready to reply when she started pushing again. I groaned loudly as my new girlfriend forced more of her cock into me. She stopped again and said,

"I just love entering a new boyfriend for the first time, it gets me so turned on I just want to...well..." Angel pushed hard, forcing the rest of her cock into me. I cried out again loudly as she groaned in ecstasy.

"Oh. My. God! It feels so good to finally be up to my balls in a nice tight butt! I haven't had a boyfriend for almost five months and the lack of sex has been driving me crazy!" Angel pulled back and pushed herself deep into me causing me to cry out again.

"Yea baby! I want to hear you moaning and groaning with my big girl cock buried in you! I think it's sexy as hell when my boyfriend is vocal while we're having sex! It turns me on and makes me want to screw him that much harder to make him moan even louder!" With that she pulled back and thrust hard into me. I groaned loudly and finally blurted out,

"Angel you're hurting me! You're too big, please stop!" A strained look came over Angel's face and she started grinding her cock hard against me as she squeezed me tightly against her body. She covered my mouth with hers and thrust her tongue as deep into my mouth as it would go. With a huge groan Angel exploded in my ass. Not once, but five hard shots of cum each with its own thrust and groan. She pulled her mouth off of mine and panted hard in my ear as she tried to catch her breath.

I was lying beneath her thinking, 'I just got the hell fucked out of me by my girlfriend and her cock is still inside me. If I'm truthful with myself she pretty much just raped me too.' But along with feeling her still hard cock in my ass I could also feel her round firm bra clad boobs pressed against my chest and her shapely butt under my heels. This was the same hot girl I'd been mooning over for the last few weeks. The only problem was instead of me on top of her with her legs wrapped around me, she had her cock buried in me and my legs were wrapped around her. Ok, so that's a pretty big problem.

Angel rose up so she could look in my face. She wore a lover's smile as she said,

"That was great! I haven't cum that hard in months! It's so good to have a boyfriend again!" She kissed me on the lips gently then continued, "I'm sorry if I was a little rough on you, it's just that I was so horny I could hardly wait. I wanted to jump on you the moment I opened the door to let you in! When Mandy told me you let her use a strap-on dildo on you, I knew you were the right guy for me." She started making short little thrusts with her still hard cock as she said, "This is much better than any old strap-on. Besides I'm probably bigger than the strap-on she used anyway, and bigger is better!" Angel's face grew serious as she kissed me again and said, "You're mine now. We're boyfriend and girlfriend, a couple. I can't wait to go to dances, parties, movies, picnics, study together, all those things you get to do when you're a couple!" Angel put on a sly smile and said sexily, "And don't forget about all of that sex! We're going to make love all the time! I'm going to be your best damn girlfriend ever!"

Angel sat up off of me and slipped her hands behind my knees. She pushed them up against my chest and started to slowly thrust into my ass. I watched her breasts move and sway with her thrusts. I was trying to come to grips with the fact that I was watching my hot new girlfriend's boobs bounce and sway as she fucked me with her cock. Angel reached down and took my hands and placed them on her breasts as she said,

"I want you to play with my breasts while I'm making love to you. It's very important that you do everything you can to pleasure me while we're making love. The more pleasure I feel, the more intense I'll be for you." I squeezed her boobs, playing with them and caressing them. I pinched her nipples and she moaned as she tilted her head back. The more attention I showed her breasts the more her thrusting increased and the more I began to get turned on by her being turned on. I thought, 'What the hell! She's still a hot looking girl and no one would ever know she's got a cock. She sure surprised me with it and she seems to really like me so I should just give in and be the best boyfriend I can be.'

Angel put her hands on my chest and pinched my nipples hard. It was like an electrical shock went through my body. It hurt but felt good, kind of like having her cock in my ass hurt but felt good. She rubbed my chest then tilted her head back and moaned. My cock was still rock hard so I took her hand and placed it on my cock. She stroked it a few times then went back to rubbing my chest and pinching my nipples. I liked that but wanted her to play with my dick, so I put her hand back on it. Again she gave it a couple of strokes then started rubbing my legs as I kept playing with her tits. I wanted to cum pretty badly so I took one of my hands off her breast and started playing with my cock myself.

Angel pulled her head up and looked at me. She grabbed my hand and put it back on her tit, then said, "My body is what you need to concentrate on. I don't want you jacking off, I want you have to have your orgasms because I'm making love to you. Otherwise we're not really connected to each other's emotions. Just wait and let it build up until you cum from having my dick inside you, then all the other sensations that come with making love to your girlfriend will push you over the edge. I promise it will be a great orgasm, the best you've ever had!" She went back to making love to me and leaned up over me so her boobs were in my face. "Kiss them. Lick them. Suck on my nipples. Focus your attention on my body and your pleasure will come with mine. Keep thinking about me being your girlfriend with my big cock deep in your ass making you feel so wanted. That I'm lusting for you and that I can't get enough of you! You'll get to the point where you'll love having my dick in your ass. I think you already know that I'm going to do this to you whenever I want, wherever I want, and as long as I want. You've never had a girlfriend like me before, because I'm going to be so totally into you." Angel was pumping my ass hard as I sucked on her nipples and the steady flow of intent from her mouth mesmerized me. I was turned on by what was happening. I did want to pleasure her and make her feel good. More than that, I wanted to drive her wild! I wanted to feel her big cock pumping my tight ass and I loved the things she was saying to me. She really wanted me, wanted to be inside me, wanted to have her way with me, what more could a boyfriend ask for?

"When I get horny at parties I'll take you by the hand, pull you into the bathroom and bend you over the sink. Then I'll pull up my short skirt and make you watch in the mirror as your hot looking girlfriend feeds her big cock into your ass. I'll make love to you so hard and fast they'll hear you moaning over the music, begging me to fuck you harder." Angel was thrusting hard and fast, banging the hell out of me, and I could tell that her words were turning her on as much as they were me. With my face buried in one of her tits she exploded into my ass for a second time and true to her word as she came I came too.

Moaning into her tit I had the hugest orgasm ever squirt from my dick all over our bellies. I was thrashing and convulsing as the orgasm ripped though me. I could feel my sphincter spasm around her cock with each spurt of cum that left me. I collapsed back onto the pillows gasping for breath as Angel smiled down at me and said,

"See. I told you so. Your orgasms will be much more intense if you wait." She allowed me to catch my breath for a minute then pulled out of me and rolled me over onto my stomach. She grabbed my hips and pulled me up on my hands and knees as she said, "Come on! I want to do it doggie style now. There's just something about doing it doggie style that says 'I'm in charge!' Angel's hands never left my hips as her hard cock easily found its way back into my ass. Her thrusts started out slow and steady. I could intimately feel the shaft of her penis as it slid in and out of my now more accommodating rectum. I couldn't help moaning with pleasure at feeling her back inside me. She spread my ass cheeks wide and pushed forward burying her thick cock to the very base in me. I grunted in new pain as she filled me completely. Now she was deeper inside me than she had been all evening. Angel leaned up along my back. I could feel her tight stomach muscles and her breasts against my back. She let out a little moan of pleasure and said in my ear,

"I bet you've never had a girlfriend that could do this before." Keeping her hips tight against my ass cheeks she worked them in a little circle and I could feel her hard cock moving my insides around. "I'm sure Mandy couldn't do any of this and your ass is way too nice and tight for you to have been with another girl like me, so I'd say that makes me your best damn girlfriend ever. What do you say?" I shook my head yes. "No, I want to hear you say it. Tell me I'm your best damn girlfriend ever." Her cock was so deep inside me it was almost hard for me to talk, but I gasped out,

"You're the best!" She gave me a hard little bite on the ear that made me yelp.

"I want you to say it all." My ear was smarting from the bite and her fence post of a cock was stretching my insides. 'Ok.' I said to myself, 'She's going to be a little high maintenance in the ego department.' I gathered up as much breath as I could muster and went for it.

"Oh Angel! I've never been with any girl that could compare to you! Your cock is so big and hard, long and thick, I just can't get enough of it!" I pushed back against her and said, "You're the best damn girlfriend I've ever had!" Angel moaned loudly as I said it and started humping my ass feverishly.

"More!" She commanded. Angel was still laying along my back as she humped me.

"Angel please fuck me harder. I want to know what it's like to have my girlfriend pounding me with her big cock! I'm a dirty boy that's all yours to fuck and use as much as you want. I'll do what ever you say Angel, I just want you to keep thrusting your hard dick into me, making love to me. Angel you're so awesome! You're the best damn girlfriend in the world!" With that last Angel let out a groan and came in me for the third time.

She collapsed, putting her full weight on my back which caused me to fall forward onto the pillow covered floor, her cock still lodged in my ass. Angel lay on me panting and I thought to myself, 'It must be over now. She's cum in me three times so she'll probably go limp now.' We lay there with our bodies pressed together and I waited for Angel's cock to start going limp. It didn't happen.

After about ten minutes Angel started to move her hips and her still hard cock began to work my asshole again. I was just getting ready to ask her if her cock could go limp at all when she said,

"I'm so glad to hear that you can't get enough of me. I'm not sure why, but I seem to be able to have as many orgasms as I want. As long as my penis is stimulated it stays mostly hard. I asked a doctor about it once and she said to just be thankful and enjoy it. So I do. Not only do I have a perpetually hard cock, but when it's limp it only takes a few seconds for it to be completely hard. I can be rock hard within five seconds after I pull up my skirt and yank my panties out of the way or unbutton my jeans and push them down. That's pretty cool, don't you think?" Angel had slipped into a steady rhythm of pumping my ass as she talked to me about her amazing penis. The realization was now clear about what I had gotten myself into. I wasn't just a boyfriend, I was the new fuck toy. Angel had every intention of having her cock inside me as much as possible. I said,

"Yea babe, that's incredible. I had no idea your cock was so talented." She kissed me on the cheek and said excitedly,

"I just knew you were the one! I'm going to make you so happy!" She pushed her cock deep into me and continued, "I can do this for hours! You'll walk around campus with a perpetual sex grin on your face the rest of the year!" I thought, 'I'll be walking because I won't be able to sit down!' then said,

"Angel you're so beautiful, I can't believe that you chose me to be your boyfriend. I'm the luckiest guy on campus. Hell, on the whole planet!"

"Awww...that's so sweet!" She kissed me on the cheek then rolled us both on to our sides. She grabbed my leg and pulled it up so she could get better penetration, then continued fucking me in the spoons position.

I can't tell you how many different positions we tried that night or how many times my beautiful new girlfriend Angel came in my ass. She did me against the wall, both with me facing the wall and with my back against it. She lay down on her bed so I could get up on top and ride her, again both forwards and backwards. She sat on the edge of her bed and had me sit on her cock then sat on a chair and had me straddle her. Because she'd pumped so much into me her cum was dripping out of my ass and off her balls there was no where else for it to go. At one point I told her I needed to pee and thought she'd let me go long enough to do that, but since we were back to doggie style she stood up with her cock still in my ass and we worked our way laughing into her bathroom. I was standing over the toilet while Angel held my hips and continued to work her cock in and out of my ass. I stood there for a long time as she humped me and just when I was starting to think I wouldn't be able to pee while she was inside me it finally started to flow. Angel stopped with her cock deep inside me and held still so I wouldn't splash piss all over. Her chin was on my shoulder and half way through she reached around and held my limp penis as I finished up. I asked her if she needed to go but she just shook her head no and we started to make our way back out into the room. Finally about dawn we fell asleep together on her bed. And I do mean together, she was spooned up behind me with her cock still buried in my ass.

The Next Morning

I was dreaming that I was taking a nap in a small rowboat and the waves on the lake were rocking me gently to sleep. I was lying on my side and could feel the warm sunshine on my back, but I couldn't seem to fall asleep because one of the oars kept poking me in the butt. Then all at once the oar went deep in my ass and I came wide awake! Angel let out a little moan and said,

"You're a pretty heavy sleeper. I went into the bathroom, peed, washed up a bit, came back to bed and you didn't wake up until I started to push my way back into your tight little butt! That's pretty amazing! I must have really worn you out last night." She had her arm across my belly as she pulled me tightly against her and finished pushing her cock the rest of the way into me. Angel held me to her and very gently and lovingly made short little strokes with her penis in my ass. As I lay there and felt her body pressed against my back I reveled in the feeling of being wanted so much by another human being. It felt good and I had to admit that the feeling was accentuated by the hard penis she had pushed deep inside of me. Nothing screams desire like a ridged cock! All you have to do is look at one and there is no doubting that the person attached to it is excited. Of course Angel's hard nipples pressed against my back also said she was turned on, but nothing like her hard cock did.

I was still a little sleepy when I looked over at the clock sitting on Angel's desk. It was 8:47 in the morning, my new girlfriend was having sex with me and I was loving every minute of it. All was right with the world. Until I realized that I had class in 13 minutes half way across campus.

"Oh shit!" I yelped as I started to get up out of bed, "I've got class in ten minutes!" Angel's arm tightened around my midsection and she wouldn't let me get up. "I've got to go Angel! If I'm late to this class again Professor Henderson said he was going to give me an F on the next quiz!" I had pulled partly off of her cock and she answered me by pulling me back against her, then pushing back into me. She said,

"I'm not going to let you go until I've had my morning orgasm. So if you want to make it to class you better do whatever you can to make me cum as fast as possible."

"But Angel," I protested as I struggled to get up again, "I'm going to be late!"

"I don't care. I have an orgasm every morning and now that you're my boyfriend I expect you to be the one to give it to me." With that she began to pump my ass. Angel was gripping me tightly and I knew there was no way I was going to get up unless she let me. My mind was racing, trying to think of what could make her cum faster, when I remembered that last night she really seemed to like it when I talked dirty to her so I said,

"OOOO Angel, that's it baby, fill my ass with your big cock. I want you to fuck me hard and cum deep in my ass. I want to be not only your boyfriend, but also your little fuck toy." Angel moaned a little and started to hump me faster. I continued, "Your cock is so big and hard, it fills me up so completely that when you're not inside me I feel empty inside and all I can think about is having you back inside me." Angel pulled back enough to roll me over onto my back with her cock still inside me. She lay down on me in the missionary position, her face was close to mine as I said, "You're the hottest girl I've ever been with and I can't get enough of you!" I emphasized this last statement by gripping her with my legs humping back at her even harder than she was thrusting into me. I reached up and grabbed her face in my hands, pulling her mouth down to mine, I opened my mouth and her tongue filled it. Angel went wild. We pounded the hell out of each other and suddenly we were both exploding. Her deep in my ass and me all over our stomachs.

I kissed her on the mouth as we caught our breath and said, "I don't want to go, but I have to get to class. I will miss you every second while I'm away from you." Angel looked at me and reluctantly got up off of me. As she pulled her penis from my ass I really did feel empty inside. It was probably because she'd been inside me now for almost 12 hours solid, but it also could have been because we'd made a deeper connection...naw, my money was on the length of time she'd had her length in me.

I was rushing around the room grabbing my clothes and dragging them on as Angel sat there and watched me. Her long blonde hair was messed up a little, but she still looked like a naked goddess as she sprawled across her bed. One of her legs was spread off to one side and her other was mostly straight, her nipples were hard and her rock hard cock was standing straight up from her crotch. She was such a temping sight that I suddenly found I couldn't leave. I stood there half dressed, star struck at what a beauty she was. As the seconds ticked by a small smile spread across her face and she said,

"Shouldn't you be going? I wouldn't want you to be late."

That was when my body betrayed my mind. Of its own volition my body stumbled to the side of the bed and dropped to its knees. At the same time as I was stumbling toward her she slipped over to sit on the side of the bed so that when I hit my knees her cock was there waiting for my mouth. Like a starving man eating a corndog I devoured her rigid penis, sucking and slobbering all over it as if it contained the very essence of what was keeping me alive. Angel's cock hit the back of my throat, making me gag hard, but I held on and kept sucking. I know this sounds gross, but even though it had just been lodged in my ass it didn't taste too bad. I looked up across her flat stomach, past her round breasts into her hungry eyes. I sucked, swallowed, teased, and licked her big member with total abandon. I did everything that I'd ever enjoyed a girl to doing to me and she seemed to love it.

Time had no meaning for me as I lost myself in her eyes and swallowed her amazing penis. I couldn't deep throat her, but I was pretty sure that with a little practice over time I would learn to take every long thick inch of her womanhood down my throat. I reached up and played with Angel's boobs, squeezing them and pinching the nipples. After a couple of minutes of playing with her boobs, Angel's hands came up and gripped my head as her hips started to thrust her cock into my mouth. Within a few seconds her big cock erupted in my mouth, making me gag then gulp hard to keep up with her explosions. I sucked her until I couldn't taste anymore of her cum. When I looked up at her she was smiling that million dollar smile as she said,

"I love watching you swallow my cock, then drink my cum! You look so cute and subservient with your mouth stretched around my penis. It's so cool to look down between my breasts and see my cock disappearing into your mouth! I wish you could see this view...wait, I know just what to do." Angel reached over to her chest of drawers next to the bed and pulled out a Polaroid camera. She flipped up the flash and snapped a picture of me on my knees with her cock in my mouth. The camera spit out the picture which she set on top of the dresser along with the camera. "In three minutes you'll be able to see the view I see when you're blowing me. It's really cool!"

Angel's cock was still hard and still in my mouth three minutes later when she picked up the picture from the dresser and showed it to me. There I was, big as life, with a breast on either side of my face and her cock disappearing into my mouth. I had to admit it was one erotic view.

My hands were back on Angel's breasts and she was nearing orgasm again. This time instead of filling my mouth she grabbed the hair on my head with one hand and pulled my mouth off of her cock. She grabbed her cock with the free hand and stroking it quickly, pumped her third orgasm of the morning all over my face.

I sat there between her legs with her cum all over my face, in my hair and one shot even hit me in the eye. She was laughing and giggling as I stumbled to the bathroom to wipe my face off.

After I washed my face I returned to the main room to find Angel in a bra and panties, (though the panties barely covered her still partially hard cock) looking in a drawer full of shirts. She chooses one and pulls it over her head in an easy graceful motion. She swept up the holey jeans from the floor and stepped into them, just before she buttoned them she adjusted her now limp penis and when she did button the jeans her crotch looked like any other girls that might have a very thick bush of pubic hair. Angel grabbed up a brush and quickly brushed out what few tangles were in her hair. As she was brushing she asked me,

"So, do you have another class today?"

"Naw, this is one of my light days. I purposely try to give myself one easy day each semester so I can have a little down time or extra studying time."

"What is it today? Down time or studying time?"

"After last night and this morning, it's down time baby!"

Angel smiled at me in the mirror and said, "Some stud you are, can't even go all night! But wait, since I was the one fucking you with my dick I guess that makes me the stud!"

Angel stepped up to me and walked her fingers up my chest as she continued, "And that's just the way I like it!" She planted a big kiss on my lips and then pushed her tongue deeply into my mouth as she pulled me tightly against her wonderful body. I started to suck on her tongue and instantly felt her begin to harden. She pulled back and said, "Oh no you don't! There'll be plenty of time for that after my classes today." She looked around her suite then looked back at me and said, "My room is a total mess and I've got classes for the next couple of hours. When I get back I expect you to have it all cleaned up, including the bathroom. I want it all shine like brand spankin new! And speaking of spankings, that's exactly what I'll give you if you don't have everything perfect!" She gave me a big swat on the ass along with a quick kiss on the lips then turned to head out the door.

I was standing there in shock! I mean hell, I don't even clean my own room! I finally sputtered out, "Are you serious?"

Angel stood in the open doorway with the light from the hall backlighting her perfect figure. She turned back to me and the look on her face was all business as she said, "Completely." Then she flashed me another one of those megawatt smiles. "The cleaning stuff is under the bathroom sink. You better get started if you're going to have everything done when I get back." The door closed and she was gone.

A Spanking?

A spanking? She couldn't be serious. Could she? I thought back to how easily she'd positioned me the night before and I had to admit to myself that she probably was as strong as me. If she decided to spank me I wasn't sure that I'd be able to stop her. I walked over to the stereo and put some tunes on, then started to straighten up the main room. I made the bed then picked up all the pillows and positioned them on the bed. There were clothes everywhere. She had a dirty clothes basket but didn't seem to use it. I wasn't sure what was dirty or clean so I just threw all of them in the basket. Made sense to me.

Once the main room was clean I moved to the bathroom. I looked around the bathroom and had to admit that it didn't look dirty to me in the least. But I wanted her to think I'd cleaned it so I opened the door under the sink and pulled out some cleaner along with a hand full of paper towels. I squirted some of the cleaner on the sink and commode then wiped it up with the towels. A look at the clock told me I still had a little over an hour to snooze.

I laid down on her bed and was out cold in a matter of minutes.

A Spanking!

"Hey! Wake up!"

I swam my way up to the surface of consciousness and slowly opened my eyes. When I did I saw an Angel, unfortunately for me it looked like an avenging Angel, because the look on her face was darned unhappy.

"I see you don't take direction very well or you secretly want the ass whipping I'm about to give you. I told you I wanted the place in perfect order and you gave it a lick and a promise at best! I won't stand for that attitude in any part of my life, whether it's cleaning or love making. Every other new boyfriend has had to learn this the hard way and I guess you are too!"

Angel quick as a whip snatched me up by the front of my shirt and before I could come fully awake she had my pants down around my ankles. I started to struggle, trying to pull away from her, but she was even stronger than she looked. She quickly folded me over her lap. I squirmed and struggled but to no avail. She had me right where she wanted me.

"I'd like to tell you that this is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you, but we both know that would be a bunch of bullshit." Angel reached over on her nightstand and picked up the hairbrush she's used earlier.

THWACK...THAWCK...THAWCK! I let out a howl with each strike of the brush and the strokes just kept coming. I looked over my shoulder at Angel in the hopes that she'd stop sooner, but the look in her eyes said that there was no hope for that. Angel's boobs were bouncing and she was grunting with each of her hits. She kept smacking my ass over and over as her breathing continued to get heavier. I looked over my shoulder again and saw that her nipples were hard. A few seconds later I felt something hard pushing up from her crotch into my stomach. Angel said,

"I hope you're learning your lesson! I won't tolerate you not doing what I tell you to do! You're my boyfriend and I expect you to act like it!" Angel was getting really excited. It was obvious that giving me a spanking was one hell of a power trip for her. Just when I thought that my ass couldn't take any more she roughly shoved me off of her lap onto the floor at her feet. She reached between her legs and tore the crotch off to one side on her jeans freeing her cock the rest of the way. Angel dropped down onto the floor straddling me and rolled me onto my stomach. She spread my ass cheeks and began to force her un-lubricated cock into my tightly clenched asshole. My pants were still around my ankles so I couldn't spread my legs to help accommodate her but that wasn't about to slow her down. With a mighty shove Angel drove her dry, throbbing, penis deep into me. I screamed into the floor.

She grabbed my wrists and pushed my hands above my head as she laid along my body. I could feel her breasts pressing against my shoulders and her hip bones against my ass cheeks. Then the pumping began.

Angel started to move her hips and saw her cock in and out of my dry rectum. With each thrust the friction made it feel like she'd soon have a nice fire started in my aching ass. Thankfully after a few minutes my body started to produce enough liquid to lube things up and the fire pain subsided a little, but the rest of the pounding pain just kept building.

Angel pounded me so hard that there were tears running down my cheeks as I whimpered in submission beneath her. Finally after what seemed like hours Angel let go of my hands and lifted up off of me, pulling her cock from my ass. She rolled me over onto my back and walked on her knees up to straddle my chest. She grabbed my hair and pulled my head up to push her cock into my mouth. I struggled for a few seconds, but it was useless. She easily forced my mouth open and filled it with her big penis. I could taste my ass, but thankfully there didn't seem to be any chunks on it. She was close to an orgasm so after a few furtive thrusts she popped her swollen cock back out of my mouth and pumped it with her free hand. Looking at the end of her cock that close to my face was like looking down the barrel of a gun. Then with a big groan her gun exploded in my face. Big globs of her cum went in my eyes, mouth and even up my nose. She came way more and a lot harder than when I'd given her head earlier that morning.

Angel dropped my head with a thunk onto the floor and stood up. She stood over me still fully clothed with her cock still standing straight out from the ripped crotch of her jeans. I could only lay there as my ass ached horribly and her cum cooled on my face. Angel put her hands on her hips, and as she looked down at me she said,

"I hope you learned your lesson. I think your ass will need a little time to recuperate from your punishment, so I'm going to go hangout with my friend Shelby, then we're going down to Lincoln Street for some dancing and drinks. When I get back this place better be clean. Do I make myself clear?" I wiped a tear and some cum from my cheek and nodded. "Is there anything you want to say to me?"

"I'm sorry Angel. You're my best girlfriend ever and I'm sorry I disappointed you."

Angel smiled, and all the anger disappeared from her face. "'re a quick learner, I'll say that for you."

Angel changed into a jean mini skirt and a white button up sleeveless shirt with a pair of pink pumps. She looked like she could be in the ZZ Top video for the song Legs. Without a word or a look she left the room. I sat up on the floor and tried to gather up my thoughts and get a grip on myself. I asked myself, 'What the hell have I gotten myself into? When she asked me to be her boyfriend I had a much different expectation about the relationship. I have to admit that her take charge attitude is very refreshing and actually one hell of a turn-on, but is it getting out of hand? Hell I can live with being pussy whipped, well I guess in this case it would be 'pole' pussy whipped, but I hadn't planed on being her friggin' maid!'

I levered my aching ass up off of the floor and gingerly walked into the bathroom to take a piss. I dropped my pants and sat down to pee. As I started to piss it dawned on me that she already had me squatting to pee. 'Oh hell, what next, a French maid's outfit?' I heaved a heavy sigh, finished peeing and reached down to shake the piss drip off the end when I noticed that my penis was different. It usually just kind of hung there when it was limp, but now it was short and firm. I'd never had anything the size of Angel's cock in my ass before so I didn't know if it was due to that or my body was changing for some other reason.

I was getting tired of this soul searching and decided that I was going to have to just make a decision between staying with Angel and bolting out the door. I didn't mind being bossed around a little bit and I liked the idea of lots of sex, even if it meant being the one on the bottom, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to be the slave it seemed like she was expecting me to become.

I looked around her suite and decided that I'd clean again and this time I'd do the best job ever. I put clothes away, swept, straightened up and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed the bathroom until my fingers were starting to cramp. I spent hours cleaning and when I was finally finished I grabbed my stuff and headed for my own dorm room not quite sure if I'd be coming back.

To Boyfriend or not to Boyfriend?

The next morning I was slumping across campus to my first class, Physics. (A word to the wise, try to avoid Physics first thing in the morning unless you're a morning person. I'm not, and it sucked.) When a hand grips my shoulder firmly and spins me around. The next thing I know Angel's mouth is covering mine and she's checking out the health of my tonsils with her tongue. There are the usual cat calls and other rude remarks, but Angel ignores them all. When she finally breaks the kiss some smart ass calls,

"Hey, me next!" I smiled ruefully and retorted only for Angel's ears,

"Hell, he couldn't handle you!" I get a big grin from Angel as we continue on toward my class.

"I missed you last night when I got home."

"I wasn't in a very good mood after all the cleaning and thought it would be best if I went back to my place."

"My room looks awesome!" she said and hugged my shoulders with one arm. "No one has ever done that good of a job cleaning for me before."

"Yea...well...thanks, but I think we need to talk about that whole cleaning thing."

"I thought we might."

"Angel I think you are beautiful, incredible, and exotic beyond anything I've ever imagined. And I want to be your boyfriend, but I don't think I can handle being your slave."

"Are you saying you don't want to be my boyfriend anymore?" she asked with just the slightest sound of disbelief in her voice. I stopped walking and looked down at my feet for a few seconds as I gathered up my courage. Angel was so beautiful and I really liked her personality, well most of it anyway, this was going to be really tough. I looked up into her eyes.

"If being your boyfriend means I have to be your slave, then I guess that's exactly what I'm saying." I don't know what I expected her to do. Cry, curse, call me names, I guess none of those would have surprised me. But when she started laughing, that was the one thing I wasn't prepared for, and it really pissed me off. She must have realized I was getting mad because she hugged me and said,

"Oh honey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that you looked so darn serious as you said that, that I couldn't help but chuckle." As she held me against her incredible body my anger melted away like chocolate in a warm mouth and more than that, my resolve was also melting away. 'How can I give up a body like this? Surely I could do a little cleaning to get to spend more time having this body pressed against me and one special part of it deep inside me?'

"Well I'm glad you were honest with me about how you feel about being treating like a slave. It's important for a couple to communicate." As she said this I felt my heart soar, rising above some imaginary mountain range into the blue sky. She was going to change how she acted to keep me as her boyfriend! With the next sentence my heart crashed into the side of those mountains and burst into flames. "But your choice has actually made things easier for me now. I met someone at the bar last night and I spent a little quality time inside him. I was planning on keeping you and having two boyfriends at once, but this is probably for the best. The last time I did that the guys kept getting more and more jealous of each other. We did things even I had only dreamed about and there was one really bad scene in public that almost got us thrown in jail, but as they tired to one up each other it was a lot of fun for me!" Angel released me from her hug and I felt as though I might cry, but I held it together as she asked, "You're sure about this? You don't want to be my boyfriend anymore right?" I glumly nodded, my pride not allowing me to recant. "Well, it was fun while it lasted." Angel said with a heavy sigh. She then leaned forward and with her hand on my shoulder, gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"If you change your mind, don't be shy about it. I'd take you back again in a second! Even if I had to spank you each and every time you cleaned my room to get you to clean it right, it would still be worth it."

Angel slowly let her hand slide down my arm, and then with another bright smile she turned and sexily walked away into the early morning sunshine. As I watched her go, one solitary tear slid down my cheek and I knew in my heart she was my 'best damn girlfriend ever.'