Time Slips By

I tried to avoid seeing Angel around campus; however that turned out to be more difficult than initially meeting her. Now she seemed to be everywhere. I bumped into her at the science building, the business and education building and even the library. In trying to find someplace Angel wasn't, I found out that there are some pretty hot chicks in the library. Unfortunately, none of them would give me the time of day.

Angel's new guy was this tall, dark, handsome dude. He had jet black hair, blue eyes and chiseled features that should have put him in the movies, not some small town Ohio college. Every time I saw them together, Angel was always hugging on him and rubbing his 3% body fat covered muscles. She would hang on him and have these moon eyes for him, but he acted a little bit oblivious to her. It seemed out of character from what I knew of her, but there was no denying how hot a couple they made and I hated every minute of it.

Every time I saw them, I began stewing in my own jealousy juices. It was pathetic.

I tried to date some other girls. I went out with this freshman named Amy. Very cute little thing. Curvy. Big blue eyes. Super plush lips. The kind of girl that can kiss you and make things stand which have no feet. The kissing was great, but there wasn't much fire in her after things got rolling. I didn't get the feeling that she really wanted me. Not like Angel had. We dated a couple of weeks and I thought it might work out. Then one day she said,

"I think we should break up. You're just not into me."

"What? Why? I'm totally into you!"

"Oh really? How long have we been dating?"

"A couple of weeks, give or take a few days. Why?"

"We've been dating for over two weeks and you haven't tried to get in my pants. Not once. You haven't even felt me up!"

"I'm trying to be a gentleman!"

"Ha! Liar! Tom, from what I heard about you before I asked you out, you thought being a gentleman meant waiting 'til the end of the first date to have sex."

Damn. Be careful what you say when you're out drinking. Even to a girl who is just a friend. They all talk to each other.

"You're not denying it."

I shrugged my shoulders and that was when Angel walked into the cafeteria. My eyes were instantly drawn to her, a movement that was not lost on Amy.

"You haven't gotten over her yet."

It was a statement, and a true one at that. My insides were all soft and watery just looking at her.

"Look at me, Thomas."

I had to tear my eyes away from Angel.

"I'm sorry this didn't work out. I was kind of hoping for the sex fiend that everyone said you were. I'm sorry I'm not what you're looking for. See you 'round." Amy gathered her things and left me alone at the table.

I stalked Angel through the line with my eyes as she selected her food. When she turned around to find a place to sit, she saw me sitting alone at my table. She gave me a huge smile and a little wave. I waved back. A deer caught in the impossible brightness of that smile. That was when Mr. Hunky came up to her; and taking her by the elbow, steered her away toward a quiet corner of the room.

My heart sank as the hope that she might sit with me dissipated like a dream in the morning sunlight. Suddenly I was furious with myself for caring at all.

Hell! I broke up with her! What the fuck is my problem!

I scooted my chair back so hard it flipped over with a bang. I grabbed it off the floor and roughly shoved it back against the table and stalked out of the room amid wondering stares. I was so pissed I didn't notice someone had followed me out.

It was chilly outside and late fall flurries were swirling about and diving into my eyes. I shoved my hands deep in the pockets and hunched into my jacket as I headed for my dorm room. Lost in my own private misery I was totally caught by surprise when someone slipped up beside me and looped their arm through mine.

"What the heck?" I yelped and I started to pull away.

"I know what you need."

It was Mandy.

She held tightly onto my arm and led me to her dorm. I could feel her shaking, but I chalked it up to the cold temps.

"What do you want, Mandy?"

She only shook her head and with her hood pulled up I couldn't see much of her face. She was acting strange, but then didn't all women sometimes. When we got to her room, she took out her key to let us in. Her hands were shaking so badly that it took her a couple of tries to get it in the lock.

"If you were a guy," I attempted to lighten things up, "I'd say you needed a little hair around that hole to hit it."

Her only response was a sigh as she opened the door. After it swung in, she grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. She unzipped her hoodie and dropped it to the floor revealing that she was wearing nothing but a bra and blue jeans. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her blue eyes were dilated. She was breathing hard, like she was very excited and her hands were shaking. The hoodie had barely hit the floor when she pushed me against the closed door and kissed me rough and hard. It was a kiss of pure, undiluted lust and she was a woman drowning in a sea of it. Her tongue was in my mouth for a second and then she was biting my lip so hard it felt like she was going to draw blood. I put my hands on her rib cage just below the black lacy bra and shoved her back away from me. Her body was noticeably hot to the touch.

"Mandy! What the hell! That fucking hurt!"

She looked at me, her eyes aflame. She started back for my mouth and I held her off, my hands still on her ribs.

"What are you doing? Why are you doing this? It's been over a year!"

"Thomas," she reached out and caressed my cheek, "it's you...and only you. You're the only one that I know who will do this for me. I've got to have it...have you."

Her fingers slipped to the back of my neck, her nails dug in and she pulled our mouths together for another kiss. She didn't hurt me this time, but she's still rough and insistent. She sucked on my lips as if she was trying to suck cold honey off of them. Her intensity was more than I could withstand. I didn't know what was going on, but being a guy I sure as hell wasn't going to pass it up. I tried to kiss her back, but she was all over my mouth and neck. She franticly began to tug at my jacket zipper. I had to stop her, so I could do it. As soon as I had it down she was pulling it off of me and in one yank she shredded every button off the front of my shirt and sent it to join the jacket.

What the hell was going on? She had never been this hot for me when we were dating.

She had me down to my pants and started to tug at the belt and button. I had to force her hands away so I could undo them, but as soon as I was finished she was yanking them down. My cock snaps out like it's made of spring steel. She grabbed it and pulled me toward her and into another flaming kiss.

As she kissed me I stepped out of my pants and slipped off my shoes. All I was wearing at that point were my white sports socks. She gave my aching cock another squeeze and it almost buckled my knees. She pulled my face to her cleavage. They radiated heat almost as if they had been just pulled from a clothes dryer. Mandy has nice boobs. Not super huge, but round and firm. Just perfect for her athletic frame. I kissed and licked her cleavage as I fumbled for her bra clasp.

"No. Leave it. I want to keep it on."

Her voice was breathy...and rough...and I left it on. She took my hand and put it on her crotch. There was something hard running down the inside of her leg. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed it when she took her hoodie off. Long and hard under my hand, I felt along it for a second to be sure. Yep, she was wearing the strap-on. Either that, or she'd grown a cock and as much as that thought intrigued me, I was betting on the first option. Her voice was husky with excitement.

"Rub it."

I slid my hand along the length of it and she moaned so intently that it was almost enough to convince me she actually felt it.

"That's it Tommy...rub it, caress it. 'Cause I'm going to fuck you with it. I've been dreaming about fucking you again. I tried to forget about it. You know, be a normal girl. But I can't. I even tried to get one of my other boyfriends to let me do it to him," her voice was wavering and she sounded a little crazy, "but he turned me down flat. I just kept coming back to you. And coming and coming and today I knew I couldn't wait any longer. Get on your knees and take it out."

Maybe I should have said no. Maybe I should have walked out the door. Maybe I should have slapped her or doused her with cold water to bring her to her senses. But I didn't. What I did was sink to my knees and unzip her jeans.

"Just take it out. I want to keep the jeans on, too."

It took some pulling and tugging, but it finally popped out. It was warm from being inside her pants with her hot body and if I sort of kept it in the edge of my vision, it looked real. Like she had a cock of her own sticking out of the front of her jeans. Her hands found my head and she stepped closer to me. Without telling me to, I opened up and took as much of it into my mouth as I could. She sucked in a breath, again almost as if she could feel it.

"Ohmygod! I've been dreaming of this for so, so long! And to finally see you taking me...on your knees...just like this! Oh Tommy! Suck on me!"

I did as I was told. The view up along Mandy's lithe torso was something to behold. Her breasts heaved in her bra and her stomach tightened and released as she made little pushes with her hips. Thrusting at my mouth as I sucked on 'her'. I slid my hands up along her thighs and onto her undulating hips while she scrutinized my every move, hungry for the graphic stimulation. I knew this was going to be a very visual thing for her so I played to my audience. I made it clear that what I was doing was the only thing that existed in my world. I groaned and moaned as I sucked and licked...and she loved it. The more I got into it, the more it turned her on and she was already shaking with lust.

She suddenly let go of my head and pulled back. A string of saliva trailed along with her for a second and then broke to dangle from the tip of her penis.

"It's time Tommy." Her hands rested on her hips as she said, "I want to fuck you. I don't want to come in your mouth. I want to come while I'm buried in your ass. Bend over the end of my bed. We'll start in that position. I want to burn the image of me penetrating you into my brain, forever. Once that's done, I'll get to a few other positions."

I crawled across the few feet that separated me from the bed and climbed up into position. I felt pretty vulnerable, but I was also hugely turned on. It had been a while since I had been with Angel and during that time I realized that I dig the idea of a dominant woman having her way with me. Something Amy would never have done.

Mandy stepped up behind me and caressed my ass cheeks. Her hands felt so warm on my cool, exposed skin.

"You have a nice ass, Tommy. I can't wait to feel my hips slapping against it while I pump it."

I heard the snick of a flip cap and a second later a thick liquid dribbled into my ass crack. The liquid began to run down to my taint area, but Mandy's deft fingers caught it and rubbed it back up all over and around my hole. She ran her fingertip over the well lubricated crinkles of my willing hole several times before she pushed it into me. She was breathing hard as she slowly pushed and pulled her finger in and out of my ass. She pushed it all the way in.

"Squeeze it."

I did and it drew a moan from her. I released it and squeezed it several more times before she pulled it out. She replaced it with the tip of her penis and pushed at my opening.

"Oh my...this looks so hot. I love how the tip of my cock nestles into you. How your skin stretches as it pushes inside."

She grabbed my hip with her left hand and pulled me back as she pushed forward. I could feel the tip spreading me open.

"Open wide now...that's it...the head's almost in." Her running monologue, in that lust filled husky voice, was incendiary; almost enough to melt me into the bed. I tried to push back onto her, but she pulled away from me and wouldn't allow it.

"Not yet my eager little boy! You'll get all of my cock soon enough. Right now I'm enjoying this delightful penetration show, but I won't lie, it's driving me crazy and making me want to pound that pretty butt of yours soooo hard!" She pushed forward and I felt my insides begin to fill. "I like to watch the shaft roll some of your skin inward as I push in..." she pulled back to the head, "...and when I pull back your skin follows. It's like you don't want to let me go."

She was mesmerized by what she was doing to me and I could feel her hand trembling on my hip as she pushed in again. Slowly. Deeper this time.

"Oh Tommy, I'm not waiting any longer."

She pushed into me fully and I felt my insides adjust to accommodate her. She moaned when her hips pressed into the cheeks of my ass.

"I'm finally where I've longed to be. Back inside you, the only guy I've ever met who was willing to do this. You were my best boyfriend ever, Tommy. If for no other reason than the sex."

Her other hand gripped me and she began to thrust. I glimpsed her lube bottle bouncing on the bed beside me as she caused me to rock up on my toes with each thrust. I groaned as she had her way with me. Pounding into as if she was going to drive me across the bed, through the headboard and wall into the next room. We sounded like rutting animals as we gasped and growled, moaned and groaned, panted and sighed.

I couldn't tell you how long she fucked me over the end of her bed, but I can tell you that everything else in the world ceased to exist. It was all about her and her body; and the exquisite pleasure she was drawing from me and giving to me. I did all that I could to lift her to greater heights.

She pushed me fully onto the bed to kneel on all fours as she squatted over my ass like a porn star. Grinding it out against my ass, moments later she arched her back and let out a groan that I knew would be heard outside her room as she came. The waves of her orgasm reverberated along the length of her body. When she finally shuddered and shivered to a stop she collapsed along my back. The sweat and heat from her radiated into me and I could feel her heart pounding.

"Mandy, I..."

"No," her soft hand covered my mouth, "...don't talk. Just stay still."

And again I complied.

Her hips began to move, but instead of moving the cock inside me it was more about grinding her clit on the end pressed against her. Soon after, she was fucking me again. I could feel her muscles in her stomach moving as she hunched forward and relaxed. After she was warmed up, Mandy raised up off my back and cool air replaced her hot body. She stood up and losing her made me both cold and empty, but not for long.

"On your back Tommy. It's time for some proper fucking. I'm going to make the kind of love to you that's so damn hot we're both going to catch fire!"

When I rolled onto my back and looked up at her I could see that fire burning in her eyes. She reached behind her back and a second later her bra disappeared over the edge of the bed. Pink nipples stood out hard and eager from perfectly sized breasts. Mandy stepped back onto the floor as she tugged at the button on her pants and wriggled out of her jeans. She kept the panties on to camouflage the harness and it worked. It looked simply like her cock was sticking out the side of them.

I drank in Mandy's body and even though we had dated last year I was seeing her for the first time through the lens of my new sexual perspective. My eyes followed the curve of her waist where it flared out into her hip and down to legs that were long and toned. She was so beautiful. Her dark mahogany hair flowed around creamy shoulders, high cheek bones supported blue eyes that flashed lightning bolts of lust. She pounced on the foot of the bed and crawled up between my spread legs making me feel as much her prey as her lover. Breasts swayed and her cock bounced as she moved into position above me. Her hand found the back of my head and pulled me up into a kiss that was hot and hungry. As she kissed me, Mandy lowered down enough to lightly touch her nipples to my chest and then moved them in circles tantalizing me. My dick was already aching and this torture set up a tingling that ran the length of my frame. Mandy spread her knees to let her harnessed cock rub along mine. It was still slippery and the sensation of it rubbing against me added a whole new level to what I was already feeling.

Mandy kissed and abused me like that for several minutes. She could tell that I was riding up on a swell of pleasure and the more I moaned and squirmed beneath her the more she loved it. She wanted to control my pleasure, even relished in it.

"I know you like this. You're reacting just like I would if the roles were reversed. Moaning like a slut and rubbing against me. It's fun to be in control. To drive you crazy and make you want nothing in the world more than to have me inside you."

All I could do was groan in agreement. She had me right where she wanted and I was ecstatic to be there. She let my head settle back to the bed and those incredible eyes were only inches from mine.

"I think it's time to make your wish come true."

She grabbed her pillow and sat up. I raised my butt up off the bed and she put it under me. Mandy gripped her strap-on with a purpose and placed the tip against me. As she leaned back over me I pulled my knees up near my ribs. Her face came up close. Her hand slipped behind my neck and held me as she took another kiss. I was completely hers. Swallowed up by her fantasy.

At that moment Mandy was my entire focus. She pulled back from the kiss, her face close enough to for me to feel her breath, with her eyes locked on mine she entered me. It was slow and steady, yet purposeful. She entered me as a dominant lover. Someone who is completely comfortable with and knows that she is wanted there. Oh how right she was.

"Here. Right here. This is where I'm supposed to be, Tommy. I was meant to be inside you."

With every ounce of my being I agreed and let my lips and hands tell her so. What was happening felt so right, so perfect, that I couldn't imagine anything else.

Mandy began to thrust. Slow and steady. Keeping perfect eye contact. My hands 'saw' the rest of her. Like a blind man I used them to see her muscles moving under her skin as she thrust. Her body moving under my hands sent pictures back to my brain. Things like the way her back arched as she thrust forward and the way her ass cheeks tightened intoxicated me. My hands were all over her, sliding from her shoulder blades to her butt and down the back of her thighs, then back up along the sides of her torso. I cupped her swinging breasts then pulled back and teased her nipples by letting them rub around in the palms of my hands as they moved with her thrusts. Cupping them again I pulled my hands down, letting my fingers flow like water to her nipples where I gripped them with the tips just enough to pull on them. I knew she liked this and sure enough her eyes closed for a moment as a moan escaped her and she thrust harder.

With each thrust her belly rubbed against my aching cock; sending shivers throughout my body as the heat of her love making radiated from inside my ass. The urgency of her thrusts began to increase as I squeezed her entire breasts in my hands. Not hard, but firmly enough to send the message that I was with her and wanted to please her. I loved the eye contact and it was setting me on fire, but I didn't know how much longer I could last and I desperately wanted us to come together.

I knew the one thing that would push her right up to the edge, if not over it entirely. I crunched down strained with my mouth for one of her breasts. Mandy knew what I wanted and arched her back to give me easier access to those lovely pink nipples. I opened my mouth as wide as possible and sucked a third of her right breast into my hot wet mouth. She gasped and her whole body jerked with a spasm. I sucked her like that for a few seconds then pulled back and pursed my lips around the nipple to flick it with the tip of my tongue as fast as I could. She had once told me that when I did that it was just like an electric charge, slightly painful and deeply pleasurable at the same time and that it made her clit throb. She was holding onto me tightly and pounding into me with a thrust/grind tempo that told me the magic was going happen any second. Mandy pulled her breast from my mouth and replaced it with her tongue. Seconds later we were both moaning and groaning our ecstasy into each other's mouths. She push all the way inside me and ground against me as she finished and I squirted a huge load between us.

After the release we each laid there panting into the other's ear. The tension and urgency slowly dissipating between us. I could feel her body relaxing as mine came down from its hormone high. Her body was still warm, but not radiating the kind of unnatural heat it had been when we had started.

"I've got to get some sleep. Stay with me."

She slid out of and off of me then snuggled up under my arm with her head on my shoulder. She reached behind her and pulled the bedspread up over us; wrapping us in a warm, dark cocoon. Within a minute she was breathing the soft steady sighs of sleep. I watched her sleep for a while then closed my eyes and joined her.

Now What?

When I woke up it was dark out, but a night light plugged into the wall cast enough light for me to see Mandy's eyes were open. A sparkling trail from the corners told me that she was crying.

"Mandy, what's wrong?"

She shook her head.

"Come on, Mandy. After what we've just experienced. You can tell me anything."

She looked at me with a haunted look in her eyes then turned her face into my shoulder and began to cry in earnest. I could feel her tears dripping onto my bare skin and then a soft sob escaped her. I rolled toward her and pulled her tightly against me. Then held her until the sobs subsided.

"What is wrong?"

There was only silence and then she let out a huge sigh with a little hic. As if she was gathering her courage.

"I hate what I just did to you."

"What!?" I said a little too loudly

"I didn't stutter, Tommy. You heard me."

"Of course I did! But I was hoping I was wrong!"

"Don't be angry." She pleaded, "I'm upset with me, not you. were perfect..." she said in a whisper.

" seemed liked you loved it." I said, lost in the memory for a second. "Did I miss something? What was different?" She seemed hesitant to answer.

"I took something called Ecstasy."

"What!?! You don't do drugs! I could only rarely get you to have a drink. How in the hell did you wind up on Ecstasy?"

Mandy pulled back and looked at me; her eyes bloodshot from crying.

"It was Roger's idea."


"Yes. Roger." She looked away from me; not wanting to meet my gaze, "My boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Oh holy crap."

I flopped onto my back and stared at the dark celling. Don't jump to conclusions here. I wasn't too torn up about her cheating on Roger with me, after all that was his problem. Unless he was some kind of psycho, then things could get complicated, but the sudden realization that she wasn't actually available and her wanting me like that was all drug-induced; it crushed me.

"I should get going."

"Don't!" Mandy rolled back and grabbed onto me like I was the only log in sight as she fought a rushing river of emotions. "Pleeeeease don't! I don't want you to leave yet! I need...I need know...explain."

"What's to explain, Mandy? You have a boyfriend named Roger and you only wanted me because you were in a drug-induced haze. Seems simple enough to me." I tried to extract myself from her grip, but I soon realized that I was going to have to hurt her to do it; so I laid still. "Fine. Explain. Then let me go."

"I don't want you to leave thinking that the Ecstasy was the only reason I wanted you."

"Alright. Then what was it?"

"It's..." She looked at me, unsure of how to start. "...embarrassing."

"After what we just did? Really?"

"I know it shouldn't be, but it is." She looked down for a second then back into my eyes. She took a couple of deep breaths. "Right after that first time you let know...peg you...I was hooked. I couldn't think of anything else. You seemed like you had an okay time, but I wasn't sure it had been good enough to suggest we do it again. But more than that, I was scared of doing it again. I was afraid you'd think I was some kind of deviant and deep down I was afraid I might get too hooked to give it up. So after a couple of weeks of complete torture, which by the way you seemed to be oblivious to, I broke up with you."

I took a breath to make a comment, but she said,

"Let me finish. Since we broke up I've tried to put this out of my mind and be...well, you know, normal. Just like all the other girls out there want to spread their legs for some guy. I dated several other guys and two of them broke it off with me because they felt like I didn't like them. One even accused me of thinking of someone else while we were having sex, when actually I was thinking of pounding his cute little butt with my strap-on just to get off. I'm a wreck, Tommy. I'm some monster of a girlfriend that has to dominate her guy in the bedroom most of the time to get off... and nobody wants that."

Mandy sniffed and I thought she was going to break down crying again, but she pulled it together and carried on.

"That brings me to earlier today. Roger really likes me and he says everything is great. Except the sex. He told me that I'm just not into him, which isn't true, but I can't make him understand. I like sex with him and he's a good lover, it's just that for me it would be perfect if he'd let me do him. I just sort of suggested it once and he about flipped his shit. Stormed around the room going on about how he's not like 'that' and he's too much of a man's man to even think about it. He said he really loves me, but he would never let me do that to him."

She got quiet, but I didn't break the silence. I didn't think she was finished and she wasn't.

"He was supposed to come see me this morning before class. We were going to spend some time together and I wanted it to be special so I went to the second floor last night to hunt down Julie and get something from her things along. She was shocked, but sold me the Ecstasy and told me when to take it. I set my alarm this morning to be sure I took it in time for Roger to get here. He called me five minutes before he was supposed to arrive asking for a raincheck because he overslept and had to go to class. By that time I was flying high and almost rubbed my phone against me while he was on the other end to get off. I figured if I ate some food it might make the effects wear off sooner so I drug open a drawer to get some clothes and there was my strap-on. In a daze I pulled it out and put it on. I might have admired it for a few minutes before I tucked it into my pants and with only my bra on grabbed my hoodie and headed for the cafeteria. When I got there I went through the line. I was shaking as I got my food and I don't even remember what it was now. I looked around and tried to hide in a dark corner to eat and that's when I saw your girlfriend get up from the table and storm out. With the Ecstasy racing around in my system and jacking me through the roof, I became desperate to have you again. So when you got up to leave I followed you out. You know how that ended."

"Yea, with some of the most incredible sex of my life." I said quietly.

"Don't say that! I can't be like this! I need to be normal! Being like this is tearing apart every relationship I've had! I've got to find some way to quit thinking about this, then... maybe it will just go away."

I rolled over on top of her and bent down to kiss her. Her cock was trapped between us and I rubbed up and down along it with my own as I kissed her. At first she was hesitant, then she kissed me like she was going to devour me. My hands were on her breasts as I slid forward and then reached back for her penis. Just as I gripped it and started to put it in place she broke the kiss and shoved against my shoulders.

"Stop, Tommy! Please, don't do this to me. I love Roger and don't want to lose him and if I let you go any further I won't be able to stop."

It was a plea I couldn't ignore as the tears welled up in her eyes. So I stopped and climbed off the bed. I went around and gathered up my clothes to get dressed. It didn't take long and I was standing there looking at Mandy's covered form in the fetal position. I thought she might have fallen asleep so I headed toward the door. As I gripped the handle her voice came from under the covers.

"Tommy, when I heard that you only dated Angel for a day I thought you weren't interested in this type of stuff. But a couple of days ago, I bumped into her on the way to class and I asked her about you. She got this look in her eye and told me you were a good boyfriend one of the best she'd had. That you two had really clicked, but in the end there were some things you weren't willing to do. Of course I assumed that you wouldn't let her screw you with her cock."

Mandy heard me suck in my breath. She pealed the covers back from her face and looked at me before she continued.

"Yea, I know all about Angel. We went to high school together our senior year; and while we weren't best friends, we were still...close. A couple years ago, we were at a club down on Lincoln Street and she was pretty lit. We ended up dancing together; like drunk girls sometimes do. Halfway through dancing close to a slow song, there was something big pressing against my thigh. She was pretty damn horny that night; and still is as far as I know. I'm sure by now you've figured out that I was the one that suggested she hook up with you, because I thought you two might make a good fit. So what happened?"

Today was certainly a day of revelations. Mandy knew Angel back in high school? And they were...close. How close?!

My mind was swirling like fog when a sudden wind kicks up. Mandy's voice pulled me back to the moment.

"Tommy? Are you going to answer me?"

"Sure. I guess. You two were...close?"

"That's not an answer. That's a question."

How damn close is...close!?! Arrrrguh!

"We were getting along fine. I even spent the night. But she wanted me to do some things that I thought were a little over the top. I gave it a try and hated it. I gave her the ultimatum of me walking or not doing what I didn't like. She let me walk."

"I kinda got that part. What I want to know is; what was the deal breaker?"

"Angel was treating me more like a slave than a boyfriend and on top of all that she wanted me to clean her room. Clean her room! Hell, I don't even clean my own that often! Oh yeah, and she picked up some new boy to fuck with the day after we fucked."

Mandy smirked at me from her bed and it was so cute that I couldn't resist heading back toward her.

"No," the smile disappeared, "Don't."

"But Mandy, I think we..."

"NO! I don't want to hear it. I love Roger." But she sounded more like she was trying to convince herself. "We had our chance and I need to let you go. I need to let all of this go."

She made a couple of quick movements under the covers then pulled the strap-on out and tossed it toward me.

"Here! Take this damn thing with you. I don't want it anymore! Maybe you can find some nice girl that will use it on you." It hit the floor and bounced to a stop at my feet in a sad forsaken little pile. "Thanks for today. It was...great, but it has to end here. Goodbye, Thomas." With that she rolled over and pulled the covers over her head.

I stood there; mired in the mud of indecision. Part of me wanted to rip the covers off of her and grab her up and shake some sense into her. Convince her that we were meant for each other and there was nothing wrong with her. That she was made for me, I was the yin to her yang, and...the sheath to her sword. I reached down and picked up her sword. My guts filled with cold water as I realized that this was the only part of Mandy I was ever going to have. I started out the door, but at the last minute couldn't bring myself to take that piece of her with me. It would only remind me of what I had lost. I hung it on the door handle and stepped into the hallway and out of her life.

Alone Again

I don't know exactly how much time passed after the 'Mandy encounter', but I do know that it stunk. It suddenly seemed as if there were only two girls on campus that turned me on and I couldn't have either one of them. I became withdrawn and even my roommate started to avoid me. I didn't go out except to go to class or to the cafeteria to eat.

Winter turned into spring and on that first warm day in April, when the temps soared into the 70s, everyone went out on the green and soaked up the sunshine. Everyone, except me. I was still moping around being a grouch and had effectively become invisible. I even took the long way to the back stairs of the science building just to avoid people. I definitely did not want to bump into Mandy or Angel and was doing everything in my power to make sure I didn't. One more quarter and I would graduate and be free of this place. And free of my past girlfriend ghosts. The only good thing that came out of all that misery was that I used my studies as an escape and my grades were high enough I was poised to make Dean's List for the first time ever.

That same warm day when everyone was doing their best lizard on a rock impersonation, I was recovering from a long night of drinking. Bleary-eyed, with my head hurting, I was on my way to chemistry lab and as I entered that isolated back stairwell to head up to the third floor I realized that someone was sitting on the steps crying. Even my tortured brain recognized Angel in a second and that recognition made my insides churn. When she looked up at the noise of the door opening I could see her cheek was turning black and blue and there was a hint of blood in one nostril. Her eyes were red and puffy and there was a little snot running from her nose... yet she was still beautiful.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks and a sob escaped her. In less than a second she was in my arms and sobbing on my shoulder. Big gasping sobs that shattered my heart and then melted the pieces.

"Oh, Thomas, Thomas... I'm so sorry. So sorry, Thomas"

I moved her back to the stairs and we sat on the steps as I held her.

With my arm around her, we were alone in the stairwell and after a while Angel was simply sitting beside me with her head on my shoulder. She finally released a heavy sigh and said,

"I guess it's pretty obvious," she paused for a moment, "Antonio and I have broken up."

"Oh? Is that what it means when you're sitting in a stairwell crying with a black eye?" I felt her twinge against my shoulder and I felt bad for saying it. "Sorry. I guess that was kinda mean."

"No," Angel sighed, "Just accurate. I knew we weren't compatible, but he was so...perfect."

"Perfect? Seriously? How could you even..."

"Not as a person. I'm talking about his body. He was the marble statue of a Greek god come to life in my arms."

I pulled my arm from around her and that forced her to sit up. I think she realized that she had hurt my feelings.

"I'm sorry Thomas. I shouldn't have said that to you. If it's any consolation every time we did anything sexual I wished he was more like you. With you, the sex was incredible, with him...not so much. He was mostly focused on his pleasure and mine rarely hit his radar screen. If his body hadn't been so darn perfect we might not have made it past the first couple of days."

"So, did he let you...?"

"No," she looked at me and shook her head, "he was adamantly against that."

"So you let him..."

"A couple times. But he wanted it more and more, but I didn't enjoy it much. That's what caused the breakup. We got into a big fight and it ended up with me saying something I shouldn't have and him punching me in the face. I guess that should be expected when two dominant people both want the same thing."

"Did you two fight a lot?"

"No. Actually we got along pretty good other than sex. We had a great time hanging out and generally spending time together, but if things progressed beyond a little rubbing and kissing...well, that's when the wheels would fall off."

"What did you say to him that made him so mad?"

"Let's just say that I might have called his manhood into question."

"Yep. That would do it."

"You're telling me. At any rate, it looks like I'm back on the market. Ha." She went quiet for a couple of minutes then bit her bottom lip and asked, "So what's been going on with you? I haven't seen you since that day in the cafeteria."

"I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders and looked away, "I guess I've just been busy with my studies."

"You know, I was just about to sit down with you that day... before Antonio steered me away. You looked so lost and lonely, it was breaking my heart. But Antonio would never have sat with you. He was way too threaten by your ghost."

"How in the world would a guy that looks like him feel threatened by a guy like me?"

"Well...I might have mentioned how well you and I clicked when it came to sex. I thought it might make him try a little harder. Unfortunately, no such luck. If anything he became even worse."

"You told him about us?! That was crazy!"

"I know that now, but at the seemed like it might help." She continued in a softer tone, "You know, I've also been wanting to apologize for how we broke up. I must have seemed like a callous bitch. Hell, I was a callous bitch."

She turned fully toward me, reached out and took my hands and looked into my eyes.

"From the bottom of my heart Thomas, I want to apologize for how I treated you. Not just when we broke up, but also for the whole making you clean my room and everything else, too. I was way too over the top on that power trip."

By the time she finished I could see tears in her eyes.

"Think you can ever forgive me?"

Bruise or no bruise she was too beautiful and vulnerable for any remnant of anger I might have felt toward her to remain and it misted away like frost in the early morning sunshine.

"Yes, Angel. I can forgive you. I do forgive you."

"Thank you, Thomas." Angel's arms were suddenly around my neck, squeezing me tightly to her as she whispered fiercely, "Thank you...thank you." She pulled back and wiped a couple of tears away. "I figured that you would hate me forever after how things ended with us."

I looked away, unable to meet her gaze and the truth dawned on her.

"You did hate me."

"Hate is pretty strong." I said as I turned back to her. "But it's safe to say that I sure as hell didn't like you much."

"I can understand that."

We sat in silence for a bit. Each of us lost in our own thoughts I suppose. I had no idea what she was thinking, but I was painfully aware of the heat of her body alongside mine and I was flashing back to how it had felt to have her naked skin rubbing against me. How she had smelled. How her hands had gripped me and pulled on me. How she had kissed me. I remembered the lust. My encounter with Mandy seemed like another lifetime and other than my own hand, the romance department was lights out and empty these days. I knew I wanted this girl beside me, but how would she react to me trying to hook up with her hours after her ex-boyfriend had just blacked her eye? I needed to be subtle.

"How's the eye?"

"Tender," she touched it gingerly with the tips of her fingers, "but not too bad. I guess it could have been worse."

"Worse! The bastard! I should go kick his ass for hitting you."

"Thank you, but no. You shouldn't. I goaded him into this and he was horrified after he did it, but I was so pissed I didn't give him a chance to apologize. When I told him to leave, he did."

"What did you say to him?"

"I said with his tiny little dick it was no wonder he had such an inferiority complex."

"Wow. You actually said that to him?"

"And then I asked him what everyone on campus would think if they knew I had a bigger dick than he did. Yea, that's the one that got me punched."

I shook my head in disbelief. With a guy like Antonio, she might have actually gotten off easy after saying that to him. Some of those Latin guys can be pretty hot headed.

"Well, even with the bruise, I still think you're beautiful."

"Awww, that is so sweet."

Suddenly I could feel the sexual tension building between us. Some kind of invisible string drawing me to her and as I started to lean closer to her she reached her hand up to my cheek, her fingers curled around the back of my head and she drew me into a kiss. She was tentative at first, but when I eagerly kissed her back, things escalated quickly. Soon our kissing was almost out of control as we panted and slurped, tongues writhing in each other's mouths. Her hand found its way to my crotch where she gripped my rock hard cock and pulled a groan from me.

Suddenly all I could think about was how badly I wanted her inside me. Needed her inside me. And yet a little part of me was desperately wishing this was Mandy. I pushed that thought down, burying it deep and tried to focus on Angel. After all, if you can't love the one you want, love the one you're with. At that moment she moved my hand to her cock. It was straining against the fabric of her nylon shorts leaving little doubt of its intentions. I wrapped my hand around it and began to stroke her through the shorts. She moaned and pulled back from the kiss, her forehead was pressed against mine.

"I want you so bad right now Thomas." She whispered fiercely, her eyes locked on mine. "I need what we had, that total immersion in each other! I want to be in someone who wants me there. Please Thomas! Please, please, please let me have you! I want to make love to you the way I should have when we were together. Let me love you Thomas. Can't you feel how much I want you?!"

She flexed her muscles and caused her cock to swell beneath my hand. She squeezed mine again and an electric jolt shot throughout my body.

"You want me too, I can feel it. Take it out Thomas! I'm going to go crazy if I don't have you right now!" She wasn't whispering anymore. She was talking low and urgent. "Please Thomas! It's been so long since I've really got what I needed. All those nights jerking off because I couldn't get my hot boyfriend to let me fuck him."

We were in the center of a maelstrom of lust as our emotions and hormones raged all around us. I knew I shouldn't do this, but I desperately needed something only she or Mandy could give me; and Mandy wasn't an option.

My hand found its way up the inside of her thigh and pulled her free of the cotton and nylon confinement.

"Oh God! Finally!"

Without hesitation she pushed my face into her lap and my open mouth was filled with her straining hard-on. A long, smooth leg filled one side of my vision and the other side was filled with her black shorts and the pink of her tee shirt. I was drooling like a starving man as I slurped her in and the saliva ran down over her and onto my hand around the base. I was surprised anew at her size and struggled to accommodate her. An "MMMMMMMMMM" drifted up from the depths of her causing my deep-seated need to please her to kick into overdrive. I started to suck on her as if this might be the last time ever. Giving it all that I had, I sucked and slurped and stroked her in a way that left no doubt in her mind I was all in. Her hand was on my back and I could feel her twitching as she gasped and groaned in pleasure under my relentless mouth.

This went on for a while and when I showed no signs of stopping she finally pulled me up.

"I want to be in you. You have to stop and let me inside you, Thomas."

When I sat up it was like waking. My head was groggy and it took a few seconds before my brain kicked in gear and I realized that we were still in the stairwell.

"Wait! Shouldn't we go back to your room? I don't want us to get caught."

Angel stood up and pulled me off the steps and into another kiss. I could feel our hard cocks bumping together. She stopped and glanced at the door. It was getting late in the day so it was unlikely that anyone needed to go up to the labs. She bit her lower lip which I find sexy as hell.

"I don't want to wait. I need it now and I'm afraid if we stop it won't happen."

"No! I want to do this! I won't..."

She leaned in and covered my lips with a kiss and when she pulled back there was a pleading look in her eyes.

"Please. I'm so horny and turned on right now. I know it won't take long. And then we can go to my room and I'll do whatever you want." She looked at me through her lashes and added, "For as long as you want."

Her hands had my belt undone and were working on the button of my jeans as she talked. Now it was my turn to glance at the door. I half expected it to open and reveal us standing there with her dick hanging out, but it didn't happen.

"Come on Thomas! Let me do it! We're both so excited we're about to burst!"

Angel pushed my pants off my hips and my cock popped out to bob in agreement. She didn't really wait for me to agree, but then I guess if I wasn't trying to run away at that point in her mind, it was agreement enough. She turned me to the wall and took my ass cheeks in each of her hands. Spreading them, she spit into my ass crack and aimed her cock with her hips... and pressed the tip into me... then spit again and shuffled her feet closer to mine and entered me fully.

"Oh my. Oh God, this feels good!"

She stayed fully pressed into me. Her hands went over my hips and slipped up under my shirt to find my nipples.

"Oh how I've missed this! I need it so bad and going without it has been so hard." Her mouth is by my ear as she says, "Squeeze me." And when I do she groans and bites my earlobe. "Again!"

I comply and pull another moan from her and this time she plants and open mouth kiss in the crook of my neck, her tongue is alive against my skin as she sucks hard. Goose bumps explode all over my body. I squeeze her again and this time she begins to thrust.

Angel is fully clothed in her black gym shorts and tight pink tee shirt. Other than my pants being around my knees to allow her access, I'm still mostly dressed. I'm leaning against the rough bricks of the stairwell with my head against my arms as she is pressing herself along my back and humping me with deep, full strokes. Her hands are tweaking my nipples and I know I'm going to come any second.

I'm in heaven.

The thought of someone happening upon us has been completely driven from my mind by Angel's thrusts. Right now I wouldn't care if the whole damn school toured through this forgotten stairwell for a look. Suddenly I feel her hand slip around and grip my aching cock. Something Angel had never done to me before. She strokes me about three times and with a huge groan I explode on the brick wall.

"UUUUUUGH! Oh, Angel! Ugh...Ugh. Angel..."

"Oh God Yes! MMMMMMMM...ughmmm...ughmmmm...Thomas...finally cumming!"

As she was talking and moaning I could feel her bury herself fully into me, our orgasms overlapping. Mine finishing up as her orgasm was starting. I felt her twitch inside me a few times as the last little spurts of hot, thick cum left her body. Fully sated for the first time in months, she leaned heavily against me as we stayed coupled together. Her mouth is close by my ear and she gives it a little nibble as she hugs me. I turn my head and I'm rewarded with her tongue in my mouth as she kisses me slow and soft.

"Oh Thomas," Angel sighs. "I shouldn't have done that to you."

"You didn't do anything to me that I didn't want."

"I know you wanted me, too, but...I've...I've got a confession to make. I knew you came this way to your lab. I was hoping to intercept you here. Mandy told me that she thinks you've still got a crush on me and after the fight with Antonio...well, I guess I needed something...more...and so I came here hoping to run into you."

I pull away from her and turn to face her. I started to get a little pissed.

"So you came here to lay in wait for me and like some dumb fly I flew right into your web!"

Now I'm heading towards more than a little pissed, but Angel hugs me. Holding me close to that incredible body. In my ear she says,

"No! It wasn't like that! I swear! I didn't know you would want me to do that and I didn't plan on it! I won't deny that a little part of me might have been hoping for it, but if you had brushed past me I wouldn't have done anything. Well, I would have cried harder. What I was really looking for was for someone who might understand me, to hold me and comfort me. And I have been wanting to apologize for how I treated you last fall. That was all. Please, please believe me!"

That anger that was so quickly building moments ago dissipated. I put my arms around her and held her close to me. My mind was a swirl with questions and I had no idea what to say.

"Do you believe me?"

Do I? Or am I just being played? Does it really matter?

"Sure, I believe you Angel."

At that moment the door to the third floor hall way opened and people rushed down the stairs. We took one look at each other and quickly pulled ourselves together just as they rounded the last turn to come down the final flight of steps. Three guys were in the lead with a couple of girls following along behind. Angel and I were trying to look inconspicuous, not that it was working. The last girl noticed the smell of cum and the spots on the wall and as she went by she gave me a smile and a wink. I watched her nice college girl butt go out the exit and as I did a realization dawned on me. Odds were, no matter how cute she was, she and I would most likely be a sexual miss-match. When I looked back at Angel she had an odd look on her face.



I sighed. I hate this game and all girls seem to play it.

"Seriously, what?"

"It's just that you looked sad. I would have thought having a pretty redhead wink at you would have made you happy."

"There was a time when it would have."

"But not anymore?"

"Nope. Between you and Mandy you've ruined me for most of the other girls I'm ever likely to meet."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Angel leaned in a gave me a peck on the cheek, "Wanna come back to my room? We can just hang out. We don't have to do any more sex stuff...that is...unless you want to." Her tongue pulled my earlobe into her mouth and a shiver ran down my spine as she sucked on it. "What'd ya say stud? Walk a girl to her room? I promise to give you a good tip. And if you want, a healthy dose of shaft to follow it up."

Again with the earlobe. How's a guy supposed to resist that? Without saying a word I stepped up beside her and offered her my arm. Slipping hers through mine we left the stairwell and headed for her room.

The Promise of a Good Tip Goes to Hell

She swung open the door to her room and there sat Antonio with a big bunch of red roses.

"What're you doing here?"

"What's he doing here?" Antonio stood and started toward the door.

Is this really happening?

"He's been consoling me. And after this," Angel pointed to her eye, "what the fuck is it to you?!"

"It's a lot to me! You're still my girl!"

The look on Angel's face matched mine; completely flabbergasted.

"Still your girl? You hit me! How can you possibly think I'm still your girl?!"

She was yelling at him, but something in her voice made a cold spot begin to grow in my stomach. She was going to go back to him. I had to do something or I was going to be in the same boat with Angel that I was with Mandy.

"C'mon Angel, we can go to my room while he clears out." I take her arm and try to pull her away, but Antonio interrupts.

"NO! Angel, please, just stay and talk to me. Don't let my outburst destroy our relationship. Let me make it up to you. Please!"

She wants to stay. She is going to give him a second chance.

"Angel! This guy hit you! I would never hit you. Please don't stay here with him! Come with me."

"I swear Angel, I will never harm you again. I am so ashamed that I ever laid a hand upon such a beautiful woman."

That comment pulled Angel into room and left me standing in the doorway. I spat at her back.

"Fine! Next time he hits you, and he will, don't come to me! Because I won't give a fuck!"

Before I could storm off, Angel turned back to me. She reached out and caressed my cheek with a faraway look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Thomas. I don't mean to hurt you and I do appreciate all the comfort you've given me...that we've given to each other, but that doesn't mean that we're dating again. It's just...that I still have feelings for Antonio. I'm not sure we'll get back together, but I do want to hear him out."

"But Angel..."

"No. Not right now." She seemed lost in thought as she responded. As if she was planning as she was talking. "Besides, I don't think it's really me you want. I think you're in love with Mandy. Why don't you go find her? I think she might like to hear from you."

"No, she doesn't! She's in love with Roger! You're in love with...with...him!" I pointed at Antonio "And that leaves me with no one!"

I walked away and even though Angel was calling after me to wait, I ignored her.

I didn't even try the elevator, instead I ran headlong down the stairs. I burst outside into the gathering gloom at top speed. Running, but not knowing where. My mind seethed with anger, hurt and frustration. I was lost and no one in the whole wide world gave a flying fuck about me. Hot tears streamed down my face and I knew in my heart that I was destined to be alone. I couldn't face going back to my room and at the last minute I detoured toward the clock tower. I took the steps two at a time as I headed for the observation deck that overlooked the common. When I reached it I screamed at the top of my lungs.


I paced back and forth, lost in the feeling that there would never be any happiness again in my life. That I was doomed to be a lonely miserable guy who would never be able to find a girl to make me as happy It was true. Angel was right. I liked her, but I was in love with Mandy. I slumped on the floor with my back to the handrail. Curled into a ball I began to sob into my knees. How was I going to live without Mandy? How could I go on? A cool breeze from the expanse at my back chilled me. I stood up and looked over the rail. I knew that down there in the gloom was a concrete apron that surrounded the clock tower and that a fall from this height would be my escape. Somewhere deep inside of me, a dark voice bubbled up.

Go ahead. It would serve them right. After all, they used you and kicked you to the curb. Let your death be on their heads. Let them carry the burden of knowing they caused it.

A scene of Mandy and Angel dressed in black and racked with grief at my grave blossomed in my mind. They were holding each other as they wailed and no one else was around.

Do it. Be free from this aguish and make them suffer for how they treated you.

The vision cleared as I looked out into the blackness. I climbed over the railing. Faintly behind me, my subconscious heard feet on the stairs, but they didn't reach me in that dark place. I held on for a few seconds, then let go of the railing and began to fall forward into the nothingness.


Suddenly there were arms around me, pulling me back against the rail. At first they clutched me tightly enough to finish the job without the fall; and then they held me as if to never let me go.

Harsh breathing in my ear finally brought me out of the black trance that gripped me. I gasped with the sudden realization of what I'd almost done and started to shake violently. The arms held me and then helped me scramble back to safety behind the rail.

"Are you fucking NUTS?!" Mandy asked as my shaky legs dumped me on the floor.

She followed me down and clutched me to her, holding me as I shivered. The warmth of her body slowly dissipated the cold darkness that had engulfed me; like the rising sun banishes the night.

"What were you thinking?"

I could feel the tears of her emotional stress dripping onto my head.

How could I have thought to punish her with my death? What a bastard.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. "I was so sad and angry, so lost and forgotten. I just wanted to stop feeling like that."

"Why didn't you come to me?" The compassion in her voice surprised my broken heart.

"Because of Roger."

"Oh Tommy. I broke it off with Roger not long after I was with you. I've been hoping to run into you, but you were nowhere to be found."

"What?! You broke it off with Roger? Why didn't you just come to my room?"

"It seems silly now, but...I wanted to... surprise you."

"Surprise me?"

"Yea." Something was up. It sounded like she was embarrassed, but in the darkness it was hard to tell. I prodded her a little more. "I don't understand."

Without saying a word Mandy took my hand and moved it to her crotch. Suddenly everything became clear.

"I've been wearing it hopping to surprise you and by doing that I almost let you...die." She whispered the last and I felt the tears on my head again. I sat up beside her and it was my turn to hold her.

"Please don't say that! You saved me Mandy. You saved my life. If you'd been a half a second later it would have been over. How can I ever thank you for that?"

Mandy was quiet.

Finally her face turned to me and lips that I'd thought were forever lost pressed against mine. It was the soft kiss of a lover relieved to have their love in their arms. I took her head in my hands and kissed her entire face, slowly, lingering with each kiss to taste her. The salt of the tears, the slight bite of her perfume or her sweet bare skin.

Mandy got up off of the cold concrete and pulled me off the floor and into her arms. She kissed me, but it was not one of those shaky post traumatic kisses. This one as filled with desperation. Not the mindless kind that had filled her when she was in the grips of the Ecstasy, but the white hot intensity of not letting the moment slip away. She broke the kiss and without a word pulled me toward the steps.

Minutes later we were in her room. Making out like mad and undressing each other. This day was turning out to be a roller coaster ride of emotions.

I was unhappy and hung over... concerned for an ex... back in lust with that ex and... soaring up to the heights as she made love to me... dashed on the rocks of despair as she let me go... almost killed myself and... was saved by the woman I love... who I thought I had lost... forever!

Holy crap! My life is becoming a fucking soap opera!

It dawned on me that I might be headed for another crash. I pulled back from Mandy and the confusion in her eyes spoke volumes, but I forged ahead in an attempt to possibly spare my heart a crash I couldn't bear.


"I think we need to talk."

"Fuck now." She grabbed me and pulled me back into another kiss. Saying into my lips, "Talk later."

"I don't want to stop, but there are some things I need to know."

She crossed her arms under her naked breasts and even though I was the one who wanted to talk, it was pretty distracting. I needed to cut to the chase. Throw it all out there and let it fall where it may.

"I love you Mandy."

At first she didn't say anything and I began to think I'd screwed up. My eyes left my feet and crossed over her breasts on the way to her face. Tears were shining in her eyes.

"You're not saying that because of what just happened?"

I shook my head.

"Good!" She sprung into my arms and kissed me all over my face as she said, "I love you..." Between each kiss.

"Really?! You do?!"

"Yes," Mandy nodded enthusiastically, "I've known for a while because I couldn't quit thinking about you after our last time together. I finally got disentangled from Roger and then I couldn't find you until tonight. I even asked Angel if she had seen you. Which of course she hadn't either. You were doing a good job of avoiding us."

"Did you tell Angel..." I thought about what had happened earlier in the stairwell. " loved me?"

"No. Maybe I should have, but no. I think she still kind of likes you, too."

"I don't know about that. I think she still likes Antonio even though he blacked her eye earlier today."

"He did what?!" She yelled.

I took a few minutes to explain what had happened earlier. Everything. How she waited for me in the stairwell, the sex, the fight in the doorway, all of it. No reason to be coy about it now. When I was finished Mandy wasn't as upset, but then she suddenly got a little smirk on her face. She grabbed up a sweatshirt and pulled it over her head.

"C'mon, we're going over to her room." She took my hand and pulled me toward the door.

"Wait!" I started to resist, "I don't think this is a good idea. They may be having makeup sex or something!"

"Oh," Mandy turned back to me and her eyes crinkled in amusement as she flashed me a mouth of perfect white teeth. "I can guarantee they're having sex, but I doubt it's the makeup kind."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You'll find out when we get there."

She started to pull me toward the door again, but stopped so fast I bumped into her. She turned back, grabbed my head in both hands and kissed me.

"No more trysts with Angel. You're mine now."

Heaven on Campus

Mandy didn't even knock on the door when we got to Angel's room. She let us in with a key she had ready in her hand.

"Angel?" We could hear some grunting and splashing coming from the bathroom. "Is everything alright?"

Angel's head popped out of the bathroom door. Her face was flushed, but she was wearing a huge grin.

"Hi Mandy! Everything's great! Come look!"

I heard a groan from the bathroom as Mandy went to look. I followed. Angel was completely naked and her cock was buried in Antonio' muscular ass. He was bent forward at the waist; holding on to the bathroom sink I had once worked so hard to clean.

"Antonio and I have come to an understanding. Haven't we sweetie." She pulled him into a standing position.

In the mirror I could see Antonio's face. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be pretty miserable and looked like he wanted to crawl under a rock.

"Look Sweetie, Mandy and Thomas have stopped by to check on us! I'm sure you're happy they got to see you finally giving a girl like me what she really needs."

When his eyes opened and he saw me there, they flashed with anger. Angel saw it too and slapped him hard on the ass.

"We discussed that as well. You know the agreement. Stick to it, or else."

He closed his eyes and went back to his misery.

"Thomas, I think it would be best if you avoided Antonio. Even though I've tried to explain this has nothing to do with our past; he still thinks it does." Angel turned to Mandy. "I'm glad to see that you two are back together. I was going to give you a call to tell you Thomas might stop by, but things got busy here and I didn't get a chance."

"It's story how we found each other. If you have time, stop by later and we'll tell it to you."

Angel ran her hands over Antonio's incredibly ripped torso, obviously relishing in how good he felt.

"Antonio agreed that I could fuck him till I went limp." She looked dead at me and gave a wink. "I've only cum once, so it might be awhile before I can stop by."

A very tiny little part of me felt sorry for Antonio, after all Angel could be quite the machine. I was getting uncomfortable about this whole scene and decided that it would be best if I waited in the hallway. A couple of minutes later Mandy joined me and took my hand.

"I want to go back to my room. Angel has everything under control and besides, you and I have some unfinished business to tend to." She pulled my hand over and pressed it against the always stiff strap-on in her jeans. Between that and her saying it out loud a shiver of anticipation through me.

Soon we were back in her bed. She was eager and aggressive. Kissing me hard, running her hands over me and grinding her hard-on against me. She worked her way up on top of me as we kissed and her cock worked down between my legs. As she slowly pumped the crack she kissed around my face then down onto my chest.

"I can't believe that I almost lost you tonight." Her arms slipped under mine and up over my shoulders to hold me close. "I'm so sorry that I didn't see the truth that day. I should have never let you walk out the door."

She continued pumping her cock between my legs as she kissed me.

"I'm never going to let you go, Tommy. From now on, you're mine. I will be your best damn girlfriend ever! So damn good that you'll never even be able to imagine being with another girl."

She kissed me. Fiercely. And I kissed her back just as hard.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Oh Tommy, I'm so happy right now! I could just burst!"

"Well if you're going to do that, could you do it while you're loving me? Mandy, I've been so miserable without you." I pushed her hair back from her face and kissed her. "Please make love to me. I want you so much."

Mandy squirmed her legs between mine; which I eagerly spread for her. She hooked her arms behind my knees and pushed them to my chest. Just as she was beginning to push her way into me, there was a knock at the door.

"Don't answer it. I don't want to wait any longer. I want to be yours Mandy."

The look on her face said she agreed. Her hips moved forward and as the tip opened me, a little mmm slipped out of my mouth. My eyelids drooped, but I kept eye contact. She began to push deeper and the knock sounded again.

"Mandy? Thomas? Are you guys in there?"

"It's Angel! What's she doing here so soon? I better let her in."

"No Mandy! Please, I don't want to sto..." But it was too late she was already heading toward the door.

You're not going to be my best damn girlfriend ever like this.

Mandy opened the door and there was a frustrated Angel in a sweatshirt and jeans.

As she passed Mandy to enter the room, Angel seemed oblivious to the fact that Mandy was only wearing the strap-on. She came over and sat on the bed beside me. There were tears in her eyes.

"What happened? Did he hit you again?" I asked.

Angel shook her head and leaned down to gather me into a hug. She held me as her tears dripped onto my shoulder for the second time today. Mandy slid back under the covers and pressed her body against me.

We stayed like that for a while before Angel spoke again.

"Oh Thomas, I'm so sorry that I hurt you again! I never dreamed I was..." She trailed off for a second. "I would have died of a broken heart if Mandy hadn't saved you tonight. Earlier, before you left my place, Mandy told me about what happened. I couldn't get it out of my head so I let Antonio go and came over here."

Angel held tight for a while and then from behind me I heard Mandy.

"Come to bed Angel."

Yep, best damn girlfriend...EVER!