My Futanari Lover! Chapter 3 By DarkLady (Ry2_Sinheart)

Chapter 3: My Futanari Wife, Pandora

Finally home after a long day of work …!

Pandora tiredly stepped into her house. She got off work early since it was the day before the weekends, and that meant she was going to fully enjoy her free time. Mnnnguh, time to relax and enjoy the weekend

As she walked to the living room, a pleasant aroma traveled through the air and tingled her nostrils. Something smells really good… chocolate? She quietly peeked into the kitchen.

"Do you think mom will love this, dad?"

"Oh, I bet she will, baby. Your mom will be thrilled."

Pandora blinked in surprise. They appeared to be baking a cake for her. Am I… seeing something I'm not supposed to? Judging from the way they were talking, it looked like it was meant to be a surprise for her.

"Ah, dad… I ruined the frosting!"

"Oh, that's fine! Let's re-do it together."

AhPandora's heart swelled up with an indescribable amount of joy, seeing her husband and son bake a cake for her. A cake for me… what's the occasion? She wanted to run up to them and wrap them in a tight embrace. Ngh, hold yourself back, Pandora! After a long day, she'd especially love to have her husband's attention. Maybe she should pretend to not notice them?

"All right, I think it's done!"

"Let's hide it, dad! Before mom comes home!"

Guh…! Pandora had to cover her mouth from giggling. They're just so adorable. She walked back to the door and cleared her throat. Let's start over!

"I'm home!" she exaggerated her shout, her voice loud enough to reach the kitchen. Sounds of rustling and hurried whispers left the kitchen.

"Mom's here!"

"Don't worry, I'll keep her distracted."

Little did they know, Pandora could fully hear their whispers. Distract me, eh? I'd like to see that…

"H-Hey, Pandora!" her husband popped her head through the kitchen door. "You're home earlier than I thought!"

"Work finished early today," she folded her arms. "We were told to take the day off and rest."



"Oh, how nice!" he smiled, still standing in place.

Pandora spread her arms wide, motioning for him to come over. "Can I have a welcome home hug?"

"Of course," he stepped out of the kitchen and walked to her. He wrapped his arms around his wife, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "Welcome home, Pandora."

"I'm home, Valtyle…" she curled her arms around his back, snuggling her head into his chest. His warmth enveloped her entire being, one that she found comfort and safety in.

"You've been working hard this past week," he stroked the back of her head affectionately. "You haven't been getting enough sleep, have you?"

"Yeah… I can't manage my sleeping schedule well," she nuzzled against him. "Been getting bags under my eyes…"

"You've been pushing yourself lately," he planted a little kiss on her forehead. "Please rest, dear… don't cast aside your health."

"I know, I know," she tightened her arms around him, enjoying the moment. "I'll make sure to use the weekend to unwind."

"You better," he smiled softly. "I want you to stay in bed and watch your favorite TV shows."

"I won't be able to look after Nanashi," she sighed. "I can't ask you to look after him all the time…"

"Have you forgotten, dear?" he chuckled. "Nanashi will be having a sleepover during the weekends."

"Oh, right…" she let out an awkward laugh. He was quite excited about it. "Didn't realize it was today…"

Nanashi will be having a sleepover. That would mean me and Valtyle have the entire house to ourselves. That thought reinvigorated her entire body, blowing away all of her exhaustion.

"His friend will come over soon to pick him up," he continued. "You can rest easy."

"… That does sound lovely," she nodded. "But I was thinking of something else…"

"Oh, yeah?" he asked, to which she slid her hands dangerously close to his pants. "P-Pandora?!"

"I was thinking we could… spend time together," she breathed against his bare neck, taking in his fresh scent. "It's been a while since we've gotten… intimate."

"Pandora… not he-mnngh?!"

She sealed his lips with a kiss, muffling his voice. Her hand moved further to palm over his crotch.

"Since we have the entire weekend to ourselves…" she licked her lips seductively. "I would love to be spoiled by you, Valtyle…"

"T-Take it easy…" he gently pushed her hand away. "W-We shouldn't…"

"We can make out a little here…" Getting aroused, she pressed her hips against him, pushing him against a table.

Valtyle could feel an intense hardness pressing against his thighs. A sensation he was all too familiar with. I can feel her through the skirt…!

"You can say no, baby," she purred into his ear, sensually tracing a finger around his chest. "Though your body's awfully honest," she could feel his hardness pressing against her stomach, further exciting her.

"Mnngh…" his voice got caught in his throat. Right now, if he were to say no… she'd probably move into the kitchen, which was the last thing he needed. I have a duty to my son!

And Pandora was well aware of that. She knew he wouldn't be able to say no because he had to keep her 'distracted'. For some reason, these past few weeks, Valtyle had been… rejecting her sexual advances, which left her frustrated for his attention. Out of spite, she also chose not to pleasure herself… which she had come to regret.

"Tell me, Valtyle…" she curled her arms around his head. "Why haven't you been giving me attention lately?"

"W-Whatever do you mean, Pandora?" he chuckled nervously. "I would never–…"

"You know what I mean," she buried her head in the crook of his neck. "You've barely touched me when we're in the bedroom. You sleep like a dead log every time."

"W-What are you talking about?" he avoided her gaze. "I've just been enjoying sleep recently, that's all."

"Just like the way you're avoiding my eyes, you're also avoiding all my advances," her hand slipped under his shirt, feeling his muscular flesh. "Why is that?"

"T-That's not… mnngh?!"

Pandora could feel his rock-hard erection through his pants pressing against her growing bulge. Just being able to feel his erection was enough to make her cock and pussy gush out with desires. Precum and pussy juices stained her skirt. She was feeling really pent up.

"Fuck, I only teased you a bit and you're already this hard for me?" she licked her lips, rubbing her thighs together. "You're not planning on denying your body what it wants, are you?"

"Pandora, please…!" he groaned, trying to ignore his animalistic desires to take her then and there.

"Oh, we're fucking right here." She began fumbling with the buttons on her shirt, trying to remove it, her mind already lost to arousal. She had been denied intimacy with her husband for weeks. Pandora was hardly in the right state of mind.

 "Just hold on!" Valtyle grabbed her wrists before the situation could escalate further.

"No, I will not hold on!" she cried out. "Unless you can provide me with an explanation why you've been distant with me the past few weeks, I will not–"


"Ah." The couple froze, their heads turning to the door.

"It must be Nanashi's friend!" Valtyle subtly distanced himself away from his wife. Saved by the bell! "C-Could you get the door? I'll get Nanashi ready ASAP!"

Valtyle went to Nanashi's room to get him ready while Pandora was left standing there alone in the kitchen with her clothes in a messy state.

Oh, I'll take what's mine in the bedroom, dearest husband of mine… Having calmed down, Pandora adjusted her clothing to a more appropriate state. She tied her jacket around her skirt to conceal her… arousal. She walked to the door and opened it. I wonder who it is.

"Hello, Miss Pandora!" a cheerful voice greeted.

"Hello there, Acer! It's good to see you!" Pandora crouched down to the little boy. "Are you looking for Nanashi?"

"Yeah!" Acer nodded. "We'll be having a sleepover at my house!"

"That's lovely!" she smiled sweetly. "Nanashi is still getting ready. Please come inside!"

"It's okay!" he shook his head. "I can wait here!"

"Acer!" Their son Nanashi popped his head through the door. "You're here!"

"Of course!" Acer grinned. "We can't forget about our sleepover!"

"Wait, I'll be ready in a minute!" Nanashi rushed back to his room.

"Thank you so much for spending time with our son, Acer." Pandora smiled warmly.

"Hehe, it's nothing, Miss Pandora!" Acer scratched the back of his head. "Nanashi's my best friend!"

Many months ago, Nanashi enrolled in elementary school. He was an awfully quiet person, so he didn't interact much with his environment. His classmate, Acer, found him rather interesting for some reason, and wanted to befriend him. Nanashi found him annoying, but over time, he warmed up to Acer and his antics. Over the months, they've grown to be quite close.

"Sorry for the wait, Acer!" Nanashi stood in the doorway with his belongings. A backpack and a handbag containing all his essentials, such as toys, of course.

"Do you have your phone with you, Nanashi?" Valtyle asked, zipping up his bags.

"I got it here!" Nanashi whipped his minimalistic phone out of his pocket.

"If you need to call us, you know what to do." He patted his son's head, ruffling his hair.

"Make sure you behave yourself in front of your friend's parents, okay?" Pandora wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

"Okay, okay, mom! Stop hugging me!" Nanashi struggled out of her bear hug. He stepped outside and walked to Acer.

"Have a lovely sleepover, you two!" Pandora and Valtyle waved at them with warm smiles.

"Bye, mom! Bye, dad!" Nanashi waved back as he and Acer walked away, disappearing into the neighborhood.

"… I'm glad Nanashi's made a friend," Pandora sighed, leaning against the door. "I've been worried about how he's been doing in school."

"He tells me a lot about Acer," Valtyle patted her shoulder. "He's a good kid. He's slowly breaking out of his own shell."

"I see…" she nodded her head timidly. "I've been so busy with work I barely have time to spend with him."

"Nanashi has so many stories to tell you, don't worry," he gently pulled his wife into the house and closed the door. "Right now, you have the weekends to rest."

"… Sounds lovely." she snuggled into her husband's embrace. Due to her work, Pandora hasn't been able to spend much time with her family. She was grateful to have such a patient and understanding husband and son. Better make full use of my weekend

"Can we cuddle in bed, darling?" Pandora asked, nuzzling their cheeks together. "I just want to stay in bed and rest for today... with you by my side."

"… Of course," Valtyle hesitated for a moment. "Sounds lovely."

"I'll take a bath first," she giggled. "I need to get out of these clothes first."

"Go ahead," he smiled, pulling his arms away. "I'll finish my business in the kitchen."

Valtyle left for the kitchen. Pandora took a towel and went to the bathroom.

Her plan for the weekend was to rest in bed and cuddle with her husband. It was a good time to relieve a lot of her stress and get some much-needed attention from her darling. A wonderful and relaxing plan, right?


Wrong. That was not her plan at all.


After finishing her bath, Pandora walked to their bedroom, only wearing a towel that was wrapped around her body.

What shall I wear today …?

Pandora sorted through the clothes in her wardrobe. Ah, this is perfect! She snatched a white sweater and stood in front of the mirror.

She dropped her towel to the floor and quickly put on just the sweater. The hem reached just above her thighs. It was loose enough that it hugged her body and accentuated her various curves, especially her breasts. Valtyle will love this!

Wild fantasies rushed through her mind, the things Valtyle would do to her. Her body grew aroused at the thought, causing a tent to pitch on her sweater.

Ah, I'm already getting excited… Pandora clapped her cheeks multiple times to clear her mind. Next, is the lights!

She grabbed the remote and configured the settings so the lights in the room become a warm, orange hue. Lookin' good! Next is the bed!

She dashed to the bed and switched out some of the pillows with ones that had romantic designs. Each of the pillows had a YES plastered on both sides. Not a single NO was in sight.

He can't  miss my hints!

"Done with your bath, Pandora?" Valtyle opened the door and entered the room.

"V-Valtyle!" Pandora spun in place, surprised. He's already here?! She was hoping to create a more romantic atmosphere before he arrived!

"Fancy lighting you've set up," he chuckled as he sat on the bed. The sweet scent of her hair traveled by his nostrils. Strawberries

Pandora quickly dived under the blanket. "Oh, you know… I figured I could make our cuddling time… romantic."

"I like the sound of that," he gave a bright smile. A smile that caused her heart to skip a beat.

"Aren't you going to get in with me?" Pandora held the blanket up in an inviting manner.

Valtyle got under the blanket and laid down beside her. She snuggled towards him and rested her head in the crook of his shoulder.

"There, there…" he caressed her hair lovingly. She's been working hard… dark bags were visible under her eyes.

Pandora placed her hand over his chest, feeling his heart thump against it. A rhythm soothing to her senses. I could fall asleep if I'm not careful… being with him was so warm and comfy.

"I wonder if Nanashi likes Acer…"

"Mhmm?" Pandora raised her head to him. "Of course he does. They're best friends."

"Oh, I was just wondering," he put his arm behind his head. "It's just… Nanashi talks so fondly of him, and he's his only friend."

"You're wondering if Nanashi likes likes Acer?"

"Yeah, basically," he nodded. "From what he's told me, he doesn't engage well with the girls in his class."

"Mhmm, I guess we'll find out later, darling," she giggled. "It's a bit too soon to assume until he tells us, don't you think?"

"Haha, you might be right about that."

"But if that is the case," she stroked her chin in deep thought, "I don't think Acer would like like him."

"Why do you say that?"

"Call it a woman's intuition," she softly head-butted his cheek.

"Haha, is that so?" he nuzzled their foreheads together.

"Mhmm…" Pandora let out a yawn, snuggling closer to her husband.

"Sleep the day away, baby," he whispered, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'll be right beside you till you wake up."

Pandora loved the sound of falling asleep and waking up in his arms. Tempting. She'd love nothing more than to be spoiled by him like this… except this was not how she wanted to be spoiled.

There was a pressing matter she had to attend to.

"Valtyle, I need to ask you something."

"What is–…"

Speaking of pressing matters, something was indeed pressing against his thigh. Something painfully hard and pulsing.

"P-Pandora, are you not wearing any–…"

"You would love for me to sleep the day away, wouldn't you?" she palmed the bulge in his pants. "Hoping I'd forget about confronting you."

Uh oh. Valtyle chuckled awkwardly. "No, no… of course n–"

"You haven't been honest with me," she quickly straddled him, locking him in place. "Unlike your body…"

"W-What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," Pandora traced a finger from his neck down to his pants. "You're quite hard and you're not going to ask me to take care of it?"

"I-I couldn't possibly bother you with this…" he scratched his cheek.

"I'm in the mood," she motioned to the growing bulge on her sweater. "So it's not a bother at all."


"Don't mhmm me!" She grabbed his collar, frustrated. "I'm horny! You're horny! What's the next logical step that two people, who are very much in love with each other, do?"

"… Sleep?" he averted his eyes. Sleep the horny away…?

"No, we fuck!" she huffed, lifting her sweater. "So let's–…"

"No, no!" he quickly grabbed her wrists. "Please keep your sweater on!"

"Why?!" she gazed into his eyes.

"B-Because…" he averted his eyes, unsure of the answer.

He's clearly avoiding me! Pandora couldn't fathom any reason for the way he'd been acting these past few weeks. It'd always end with her dropping the matter and going on with her business. He would push away her advances and he wouldn't even lay a finger on her. In all their years of being together, he had never acted this way.

Unless he

"Am I… not attractive to you anymore?" she asked, tears welling in her eyes. "Is that what this is about?"

"H-Huh?!" his eyes widened at her question.

"You don't even want to touch me… to look at me," her hands trembled with fear.

"No, that's not–…"

"Are you… not able to accept me as a futanari?" she forced the question out of her throat, a question that has always dreaded her mind. "Do you find me repulsive?"

"…" he raised himself.

"I'm sorry…" a few tears escaped her eyes, streaming down her cheek. Insecurities settled into her heart. "I'm so sorry. I don't know why I'm–…"

"Don't be sorry," he wrapped his arms around her delicate frame, pulling her into his embrace. "You have nothing to apologize for."


"I love you, Pandora." He whispered, stroking the back of her hair. "I wouldn't even think of marrying you and having kids if I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Mhmm…" she wrapped his arms around his back, desiring his warmth and reassurance.

"Please don't ever feel bad about who you are, darling…" he brushed her hair over her ear. "I love all of you, okay?"

"Then why…?" she rubbed some of her tears away. "Why aren't you…"

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way," he caressed her cheek. "You're not wrong. I may have been… distant with you these past few weeks."

Pandora's eyes widened in surprise. He's… admitting it? She didn't expect him to agree with her. So he really was keeping his distance

"If I were more honest with myself and gave in to my desires, I would absolutely pin you down to the bed for the entire day and…" his voice trailed off, blushing. W-What am I saying…?

"O-Oh…" She blinked. Pin me down for the entire day that thought traveled straight to between her legs and made her throb.

"But I'm… trying to hold myself back."

"Why…?" she cupped his cheek. "Is… something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong," he shook his head. "It's just, uh… a really dumb reason."

"Tell me."

"W-Well…" Valtyle sighed, contemplating to himself. "… Promise me you won't be mad?"

"It depends on your reason…?" Pandora blinked. What kind of reason is this? Why would I be mad?

"Fair enough," he took a deep breath. "Pandora, do you know what month it is now?"

"It's November," she said dryly. "What about it?"

"Right, that's the reason."

"… Because it's November?"


Pandora tilted her head at a curious angle. What's our relationship have to do with November? A month? Am I missing something?

"I don't… understand, Valtyle."

"Er…" he scratched his cheek awkwardly. "Okay, so…"

Pandora noticed he appeared… nervous, as if he was hesitant to tell her. I hope it's nothing too bad… was it a personal thing? Was November a special month for him?

"There is this… interesting internet challenge I've recently learnt about," he organized the words in his mind. "It's called No Nut November."

"No Nut… November?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "It's a challenge that involves… abstaining from masturbation and orgasms in November."


"So, uh… I thought I'd join in the trend for fun and see whether I can last the entire month without… you know."

"You've been avoiding all my advances and not touching me because of… a trend?"

"… Yes."

"…" Pandora's eyes widened to impossible standards, flabbergasted. All this time she expected something serious was going on with him, but this? This?!

"Maybe we could make a compromise," he smiled wryly. "I could help you relieve–"

"What the fuck, Valtyle?!" Pandora pushed him down onto his back. "You've been acting this way towards me all because of a stupid challenge you read on the internet?!"

"B-Basically…." He gulped. I should have told her sooner, huh?

"Do you know how sexually frustrated I am right now?!" she gripped his collar. "Not being able to feel your touch, not being able to feel your lips on mine, not being able to feel you deep inside me…"

"L-Listen, Pandora…" he held her wrists. "I'm sexually frustrated myself but–…"

"Just because of some dumb internet challenge…!" she pouted, crossing her arms. "You'd neglect your wife's sexual needs because of that?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he raised his palms at his sides. "Let me make it up to you. I'll do anything."

"Then whip that dick out right now."

"… except that."

"You said anything!"

"I'm halfway through the month, Pandora," he tried to reason on very thin ice that might as well be nonexistent. "It's, uh… a bit of a waste if I fail the challenge right now."

"Still on with the challenge?!" Pandora pressed her palm against his rock-hard bulge. "I'm taking what's mine."

"W-Wait, wait, please!" Valtyle cried out. "Anything but–"

In an instant, Pandora tied both his hands to the headboard using multiple ribbons.

"Eh?!" he looked at his hands. When did she tie my hands?! I only blinked once! He attempted to break free of the ties, but he couldn't even budge an inch to save his life.

"Valtyle…" Pandora leaned into his neck, licking his supple flesh. "Oh, it's been too long..."

"P-Pandora, please!"

"I don't care about your stupid challenge," her hands crawled down to his bulge. "I'll make you fail it."

She pulled down his pants, letting his underwear into her view. She teased the tip of his clothed cock. His cock immediately oozed precum, staining her finger.

"Wow, you're already leaking precum…" she licked her lips. "And I haven't even touched you down there yet…"

"Stop, Pandora…!" he groaned, pleasure already surging through his body. Abstaining from his sexual urges for weeks heightened his sensitivity to ridiculous levels. "I'm already going to…!"

"So soon?" She breathed into his ear, tickling his senses. "Then let it all out for me," she palmed his bulge, rubbing her hand up and down.

"P-Pandora!" Already reaching his orgasm, Valtyle shifted his hips away, but she dragged him back to her.

"Oh, you don't want to cum?" she circled the tip of his bulge with a finger, keeping him on the edge.

"Mnngh…" he remained silent, unsure if her question deserved a reply. I'm in dangerous territory now…

"Fine," she pouted. "I won't make you cum."

"… Really?" his eyes widened in surprise. That's very suspicious…

"Since you don't want to cum that badly…" she pulled her sweater over her bulge, revealing her lively erection, dripping with precum. "I'll have you help me instead."

"O-Oh…" he blinked. That's not so bad… "Would you like me to–mmngh?!"

Pandora pressed her cock against his arousal. He could feel her hardening against him.

"H-Hey, Pandora…" he groaned. Just the little rubs were enough to push him towards the edge.

"…" she ignored him and continued rubbing her cock over his, pouting while she did so.

"If you keep this up, I'll…!" he drew in a sharp breath as he nearly reached his climax. I thought she wasn't going to make me–…

"Heh." Pandora stopped rubbing their cocks together.

"Mnngh…?" he exhaled deeply, slowly moving away from the edge. She… stopped?

Pandora pressed her cock against his bulge once more, grinding her hips into his.

"Hnngh…!" Valtyle bit his lip to restrain his moans. The friction against her rough, thick flesh pushed him towards the edge again. I'm going to…!

"Hmmm…" Pandora stopped moving, positioning her hips directly above his bulge.

"H-Hey, Pandora…" he sighed, his cock leaving the edge once more. More precum leaked into his boxers. "What are you–hahn?!"

Holding his knees as support, Pandora grinded her pussy lips against his boxers, her arousal gushing onto his bulge. "Mnngh, this feels good…"

"Oh, god…!" he drew his head back from the sloppy sensation of her pussy overwhelming his erection. His cock throbbed against her wet entrance, needing to break out of its confinements. No, control yourself, Valtyle!

"So hard for me, Valtyle…" she continued grinding her hips, her pussy tracing every inch of his clothed length, staining it with even more lewd juices.

"Mnngh…!" he groaned in pleasure. The way she guided her hips, it was as if she was stroking his bulge with her pussy. Wet pleasures building in his cock, it took practically no time for him to reach the edge again. Mnggh, going to…!

"Hmph." And she stopped moving again, her pussy soaking his boxers with her hot juices.

"P-Pandora…?" the pleasures in his cock died down once more. Being edged again and again was admittedly frustrating him, his cock aching for release.

"What?" she crossed her arms, pushing her breasts up.

"What are you… doing exactly?" he dared to ask.

"Still haven't figured it out?" Cupping his cheek, she leaned closer to his face while one hand moved to his bulge.

"Mnngh…!" he grunted, trying not to give in to his wife's advances. T-Too close

"Do you realize how wet your wife's pussy is?" she breathed against his neck as she squeezed his throbbing bulge, bringing him to the edge again. "Do you realize how hard your wife's cock is?"

Along with her soft hand, her words tingled through his cock, making it ooze more precum. Hurghh, so close…!

"Nope." Pandora quickly pulled her hand away, letting his aching bulge free of all pleasures.

"Mnngh… why are you doing this, Pandora?" he groaned in slight frustration.

"Why?" she licked her lips seductively, a sight that made his cock throb. "It's very simple."

Shifting her leg onto him, her plump thigh grazed against his bulge, pushing him to the edge again.

"You didn't want to cum," she traced his chin with a finger, her simple touch igniting his senses. "So I'm not letting you cum. You wouldn't want to fail your challenge, would you?"

Oh no a horrified expression grew on Valtyle's face as realization hit him like a truck.

"That's right, my dear husband," she kissed his cheek, finding his scared expression a damn turn-on. "I'm going to tease you over and over and over… until you lose your fucking mind."

"H-Hey…" shivers traveled up his spine, but he couldn't tell if it was because of fear or arousal.

Or both.

"Fine, you won't cum." Her fingers crawled down to his stomach, each finger lightly brushing against his skin, teasing his senses. "I won't allow you to cum."

"L-Let's think this calmly, Pandora…!" his wrists struggled to break free out of its ties. Her voice was doing wonders to his senses.

"You had plenty of time to think calmly." A low growl escaped her throat, rumbling through his nerves. "You just used the wrong head to think."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Too late to apologize, my darling husband," she stroked his cheek and planted a tender kiss. "I'm going to have lots of funwith you."

Valtyle could do nothing but just stay there. Helpless. He could feel the raw sexual rage radiating from her wife's predatoryeyes. And this is when Pandora's box is opened…!

Pandora crawled onto his body, placing her hands on his shoulders. Her hands traced down to his waist, her fingers dancing around his muscular flesh. She dove her lips into his supple neck, nibbling on his delectable skin to mark her territory.

As her hips slid down, her cock grinded against his stomach till his bulge. She kissed his chest and stuck her tongue out, leaving a trail of lewd saliva and sweet kisses, each kiss more passionate than the last.

"Ah, God…" Valtyle groaned. Her touches ignited waves of pleasure after pleasure into his skin, searing into his nerves. His arousal broke through the roof. He wasn't sure if he could even hold himself back from failing.

Sliding further downwards, her face rested on his bulge. She nuzzled into his boxers, feeling his intense erection. Her hands clenched on the hem of his boxers. "Oooh, I've been waiting for this for so long… ~"

"Is it too late to change your mind…?" Valtyle asked though he figured it was a stupid question at this point. I have nothing left to lose now. "I just–mnngh…?!"

"Oh, baby…" Pandora rubbed her cheek against his bulge, its scent tingling through her nostrils, making her mind fuzzy. She pulled his boxers down. His cock bounced into view and slapped her cheek, already dripping with precum.

"Fuck…!" Hearts appeared in her eyes. The scent radiating off him was intoxicating to her senses. All rational thinking shut down. All she could think of was him. "Such a manly scent!"

"Mnnngh…" Her hot and rapid breaths tickled his cock, making it pulse with need. He felt he could already blow his load on her face.

"You're going to deny me this cock which bred my pussy?" Pandora wrapped her slender fingers around his thick cock. His cock twitched within her grip. "Aren't you, you fucking stud?!"

She stuck her tongue out, needing to taste his member, ready to swallow it into her throat. Valtyle craned his neck. Just seeing her velvety tongue and the lewd insides of her mouth forced him to the edge. His cock swelled against her lips.

"Hey, I can't have you cumming in my mouth," Pandora fondled his ball sack, feeling it just nearly bursting with virile seed. "All your sweet baby batter needs to go deep inside me."

"P-Pandora, please…!" Clenching his fists, Valtyle's wrists struggled to break the ties apart. I really can't hold it in for much longer!

"God, when I imagine you ramming your cock deep inside my pussy and breaking my womb, knocking me up…" she quickly straddled him and grinded her pussy against his cock. "Fuck, I can't hold myself back any longer!"

Pandora raised her hips and impaled herself on his cock. His cock speared straight into her cervix. She gritted her teeth as a mind-numbing orgasm rocked her entire being, her body quivering in ecstasy. Her pussy clamped down, squirting its translucent juices all over him. She almost collapsed on him from the pleasures rocking her womb. Her cock almost reached its climax, just dripping with an endless stream of precum.

"Fuuuuuck…!" Pandora moaned her sexual frustrations out. She could finally feel him deep inside her after so long! Her legs were paralyzed with pleasure. She would ride him silly after recovering. Her womb pounded for his cock.

"Mnggh…!" Valtyle's mind almost exploded into white after feeling her lewd flesh swallow him whole to the base. Her pussy always felt amazing, but after three weeks of avoiding her sexual advances, she now felt otherworldly. Hotter and tighterthan ever.

"Are you going to cum already, darling?" Licking her lips, she cupped both his cheeks, her womb hungry for his essence. "My–…"


A rush of lightning adrenaline surged around his right arm, allowing him to use inhuman strength. His wrists broke free of the ties with a thunderous snap! He grabbed her shoulders and forced her down to the bed, effectively reversing their positions and taking his cock out. She was below him now.

"V-Valtyle?" Pandora's eyes widened, surprised he broke free and turned their positions around.

"Mnngh…" Valtyle pinned her arms down at her sides. His cock hovered over her dripping pussy, mere inches away from touching.

"So you want to pin me down and fuck me instead?" Pandora smacked her lips at the idea. "You know I love it when you're in charge…"

"God, I can't do this, Pandora." He took a deep breath to calm himself. And yet, seeing her in this lewd, compromising position; hearing her seductive voice... his wall of resistance was slowly crumbling to the ground, piece by piece.

"Still lying to yourself?" Pandora wrapped her legs around his back, pulling him close. "You can't deny what your body needs."

"Mngah…" As his hips met hers, his cock rubbed against her pussy lips. The little rubs shocked his nerves, pushing his animalistic instincts to the surface.

Pandora could see it in his eyes. His willpower to hold himself weakened more and more. She knew he wanted to unleash his sexual frustrations on her. She was more than happy to welcome it.


To be her husband's little cockslut.


I can't… give in to her now! Not like this! His pride wouldn't allow him to fail the challenge but having felt the luscious sensation of her pussy after weeks ate away at his resistance to take her then and there. His cock throbbed, just barely holding on to the edge.

"Hey, babe," Pandora gazed at him with half-lidded eyes. "Do you still remember what I want for the upcoming New Year?"

Valtyle batted his eyelids, loosening his grip on her wrists. That's an odd question to be asking, given the current situation.

"You promised you'd give me a baby girl, didn't you?" She curled her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "We'd give Nanashi a little sister…"

"I… did promise that, yes," he nodded. Pandora had always wanted two children—a son and a daughter. "Why are you bringing this up now?"

Caressing his cheek, she leaned into his ear and whispered…

"… I'm really fertile right now."

Fertile. The magic word pierced straight through his eardrums, shattering all shackles of resistance holding him back. Right now, right this second, her womb was waiting, pounding, ready for him to claim it.


To breed her.


"Damn it…!" Valtyle grabbed her waist, aligning his hips with hers. "I don't care anymore!"

"D-Darling?" Pandora called out in concern. "What's wro–MNGAANH?!"

Valtyle gave into his primal desires and slammed his cock deep into her pussy, bruising her cervix. Another mind-numbing orgasm ripped through her body as she threw her head back, her tongue hanging out. Her cock sprayed out a tremendousvolume of hot cum, pulsating as it shot thick load after load. Her legs trembled intensely as they locked around him, holding on for dear life.

"Oooh, baby…" Pandora ran her hands over his ears. "Are you going to fuck me for real now? Give me what I need?"

Valtyle despised her words, truly. He gave in to the pleasures of her tight pussy. He didn't reach his climax yet, so there was a chance to back out. But he didn't care anymore. He was going to give her a fucking so good she won't be able to walk for a week.

"This is all your fault, you know that?!" Pinning her waist down, he began slamming into her like a piston, his cock thrusting in and out of her pussy, each thrust bruising her cervix harder than the last. I can't hold myself back any longer!

"F-Fuuck, that's right!" She tightened her legs around him and curled her fingers around his neck. "This is…–mnngh–my fault! You have to punish me!"

He didn't care anymore about the challenge. All he wanted was to unleash his unbridled sexual frustrations. And he'd make his wife accept all of it. He'd use her pussy for his own pleasures.

Valtyle lifted her legs and pushed them back into her head. This allowed him to get on top and bury his cock deeper into her lewdest depths. Her pussy greedily swallowed his cock whole. God, she's hot and tight!

"Yes, darling!" Pandora mewled in pleasure. Every time his cock slammed into her pussy, precum drizzled out of her cock. Despite having orgasmed, her cock throbbed with a lusty vigor, throbbing for her darling husband. "Fuck your little cockslutof a wife! Teach her not to anger her husband!"

Her words were hypnotizing, driving his primal instincts. He pounded into her pussy, their thighs clapping into each other rapidly. His cock swelled, a pleasurable sensation surging through it. Mngah, getting close…!

"Give it to me, darling!" Anticipating his cock's climax, her womb began pounding with impatience, her pussy walls clenching down on his cock. "Let it–…"


Valtyle's cock slipped out of her, rubbing against her pussy lips instead. He restrained himself from finishing inside her.

"V-Valtyle?!" Pandora felt a loss of warmth inside her. Emptiness surged through her womb, making it crave his cock.

"Mngaah…" He sighed, holding back his orgasm. She's enjoying my demise. He wouldn't give her what she needed. At least, not yet. I'm going to cum soon if I'm not careful…

"Do it inside!" She tried to raise her hips, but he had her legs pinned by her head.

"… And why would I do that?" His gaze darkened over her. "I think I'll do it all over your face, instead."

"N-No!" Her eyes shot open. All that sweet baby batter would go to waste! She absolutely hated that!

"God, you have such a sexy face, Pandora…" Valtyle grinded his cock on her pussy, keeping himself at the edge. "I could really cum just by looking at you."

"W-Wait!" she whined, latching her hands onto his wrists. "I don't want it on my face!"

"That's what you get for wanting me to fail, my dear…" he leaned into her face, his pupils diminishing into predatory dots. "You can forget about your new year's present."

"Wait, please!" Anxiousness pooled through her chest. Her pussy throbbed with frustration.

"Mnngh, can't hold back any longer…" He shifted his hips forward, aligning them towards her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please, I'll do anything!"

"… Anything, huh?" He smacked his lips and cupped her cheek gently. "You'd do anything just to satisfy your selfish desires?"

Valtyle's demeanor took a sudden turn. He wanted to tease her and leave her frustrated, just as she did with him. He'd give her what she needed, but he wanted her to beg for it. And it absolutely turned Pandora on whenever Valtyle took charge. Her cock grew harder and her pussy leaked even more arousal.

"Yes, I'll do anything!" She cried out, too aroused to think straight. "Please, I need you inside me!"

"God, didn't realize I had such a slutty wife." He pulled her up to her knees and turned her around. One hand curled around her shoulder while the other held her waist.

"Oooh…!" Pandora instinctively grinded her ass against his cock, feeling it throbbing between her thick mounds.

"Getting impatient, are we?" Valtyle slipped his cock between her luscious thighs, rubbing below her wetness. "You'll do anything for me, won't you?"

"Mnngh…!" She rubbed her legs together, feeling his intense hardness. More lewd juices streamed down her thighs.

"Answer me." Valtyle wrapped his fingers around her cock and gave it a firm squeeze.

"F-Fuuuck, yes, I will!" She whined, her womb aching for his warmth. "Please, I need your cock inside my pussy!"

"You want it that badly, huh?" He blew hot air into her ear and stroked her cock. "Want me to fill you and knock you up?"

His words traveled straight between her legs, making her needy. She couldn't wait another second. He wouldn't make her wait another second.

"Fuck a baby into me, Valtyle!" She moaned loudly. "Breed m–MNGAAAHN?!"

Valtyle forced his cock deep into her pussy, stretching out her inner walls, sending her into a world of pleasure. Her legs quivered from the pleasures surging through her nerves. She couldn't keep herself up, but he held her steady in place.

He slammed his hips into her ass repeatedly, ravaging her pussy relentlessly. Oh, he hated the fact he would fail the challenge. He was going to channel all his anger into destroying her womb. Pandora only grew hornier. If she pressed his buttons long enough to rile him up, she'd receive her favorite kind of loving.


A loving that involved angry, raw, unprotected, breeding sex.


"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" He felt her cock grow harder, throbbing intensely between his fingers. His hand stroked her cock in rhythm with his pussy-pounding.

Pandora loved absolutely nothing more than being ravaged from behind, being in his control¸ being dominated by him. He was her stud, she was his breeding slut.

"B-Breed me, darling!" Pandora wrapped an arm around his head, her pussy hungry for his seed. "Get me pregnant!"

Valtyle groaned. His body was giving in to his instincts, screaming to breed his wife. And he'd happily oblige. A boilingsensation surged from the base of his cock. It swelled up, reaching the edge of no return. His entire body tensed up, ready to release all his desires.

Her womb could feel the impending climax. Her pussy coiled tightly around his cock, ready to submit to his desires, ready to be fertilized with his virile cum.

His cock smashed against her cervix and unleashed. White hot cum exploded into her insides, filling up her entire womb, claiming her fertility. But he wasn't done yet. He grabbed her hips and locked them down, forcing himself deeper. Virile load after load kept filling her up to the brim. With nowhere else to flow, it overflowed out of her pussy and cascaded down her legs.

"BREEEED ME…! ♡~" Her eyes rolling back, Pandora wailed in utter ecstasy. Feeling his hot warmth impregnating her pussy sent her into a pleasurable overdrive. Her pulsating cock sprayed a thicker, bigger load than her last orgasm. Dazed by pleasures, she could only see a blinding white. It was too intense. Receiving his desires after three weeks felt like a burst of virile seed breaching her womb. So pleasurable that it felt painful.

The orgasmic high subsiding, her legs trembled and lost the energy to stand. Almost losing consciousness, Pandora fell forward, but not before Valtyle caught her in his arms. Feeling weakness pooled through his legs, he couldn't keep himself up, either. He gently laid her down before dropping beside her.

"Ah, God…" Valtyle slowly pulled himself out, and white juices spilled out of her pussy. I… failed the challenge, didn't I? He thought he could resist his wife's advances, but he was sadly mistaken. In hindsight, Pandora had him wrapped around her dainty little finger. Ah, damn… can't win against my wife.

Pandora was breathing heavily, trying to regain her senses. It took a good few moments to calm down from the ridiculous orgasmic high.

"Pandora…" He turned to her and brushed her hair over her face. "How are you feeling…?"

"… That was amazing, darling," Pandora whispered, holding his hand, which was on her cheek. "I can still feel you inside me."

"I see…" his face flushed deeply, having realized what he had done to his wife. "I'm, uh… sorry."

"Sorry?" she raised her brows. "What's wrong, darling?"

"I… may have gone overboard," he avoided her gaze, tenderly stroking her cheek. "I said some… mean things in the heat of the moment."

"That's okay, Valtyle," she smiled, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "I love it when you're mad at me. I find that really hot."

He blinked. "That doesn't sound healthy." A concerned smile adorned his lips.

"Of course, that's not what I meant," she giggled. "It's only when you're making me feel good."

"… Right," he figured that was the case. I'll… try to hold myself back next time.

"I feel… complete now," Pandora rubbed her stomach, feeling his warmth inside her. "Do you think we'll get a daughter this time?"

"… I sure hope so," he chuckled. The reality of his actions was beginning to set in. He didn't expect to fail his challenge by potentially getting his wife pregnant.

"If we don't, that simply means my darling husband just has to keep satisfying his wife's baby fever again.." she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Oh, dear. Being a futanari, Pandora had a ridiculously high sex drive. These sexy moments took a lot out of him. She could go for multiple rounds, nearly every day. Her sex drive only rose higher during her pregnancy. And Valtyle certainly had to keep his pregnant wife satisfied. Guess I'll have to train my stamina again.

"Oh, and Pandora?" He pushed himself up and leaned on his side. "I'm sorry… about pushing you away these past three weeks whenever you wanted to get… intimate."

"… I felt neglected," she pouted.

"That is my fault. I should have… communicated to you about this," he scratched his cheek. "But I guess you wouldn't have allowed me, eh?"

"Of course!" She puffed her cheeks out. "I can't go a day without your attention and feeling you close to me. Besides, it's a dumb internet challenge. Stupid, I may add, Preposterous, I shall say."

"You're exaggerating," he cracked a smile.

"That's what you signed up for when you married me." Pandora giggled. She inched closer to him and cupped his cheek.

"Oh, I know that all too well," Valtyle smiled. He found his wife so endearing. Since their marriage, there hasn't been a single, uneventful day. After their son was born, it filled his life with many more joyful moments. A fulfilling life with my family.

"By the way…" Pandora tilted her head. "What do you want me to do?"


"I did say I'd do anything for you," she added. "I'm not going to forget my words."

Right, she did say that. He stroked his chin. That slipped my mind. I thought that was just in the heat of the moment. His mind pondered it for a moment. Well, considering it's the weekend…

"Why don't we relax during the weekends?" He asked. "Take things easy for two days."

"Aren't we already going to do that?" Pandora asked back, a bit confused.

"Well, I mean…" he smiled wryly. "Let's… keep our hands to ourselves, shall we?"

She pushed herself up into a sitting position. "… Are you suggesting that–…"

"L-Look, we do it nearly every day!" He quickly added. "We should take a break from that, y'know?"

"Hmmm." Pandora crossed her arms. "Okay."

"Ah, I figured you'd say no to–… huh?"

"I also feel… we might be doing it too often." Pandora blushed, looking to the side.

Valtyle blinked in surprise. So, she's self-aware. He expected she'd be heavily against it, considering her clingy nature and sex drive.

"All right," he stood away from the bed. "Want to join the bath with me?"

"You know I'd love that." Pandora grinned, getting off the bed. The moment she stood up, her legs quivered. "O-Oh…"

"You okay?" Valtyle held her arm.

"I might not be able to walk properly for a while because of you," she gave a seductive smile.

"Sorry," he chuckled.

And so, the married couple washed themselves up and cleaned the bedroom.




A brand, new morning. Valtyle was in the kitchen making some tea. He brought the cup to his lips. Mhmm, it smells really good

Today, he planned to kick back and relax. Normally, he'd be in the backyard spending time with Nanashi. I hope he's having fun with Acer. He was starting to feel somewhat homesick for his son. Ah well, he needs the time with his beloved friend.

And then, there was his lovely wife. On the days he wakes up early, Pandora would usually drag him back to the bedroom for some loving. Luckily, she wouldn't do anything to him for the weekend, so that gave him peace of mind. She's probably still sleeping.

Unsuspectingly, two slender hands wrapped around his chest, hugging him close. Valtyle looked over his shoulder.

"Hey, Pandora," he smiled, caressing her hand. "Good morning."

"Valtyle, darling…" She nuzzled into his back, desiring his warmth. "Morning."

"How are you feeling?" He took a sip of his tea.

"I'm horny."

"… I see."

"Can we have a quick make-out session?"

"… No."



"Pretty please?"

"Didn't we just agree to relax during the weekends?"

"I'm sorry," she softly headbutted him. "I thought I could bear it for two days. It sounded so easy in my mind."

"I figured as much."

"So… can we?"

Valtyle sighed, ruffling his hair. He turned around and cupped her cheek. The things I do for my adorable wife.

"… You're lucky I'm helplessly in love with you."