A Sister's Need by Fun_Bandicoot

My name is Alex, and my stepsister Serena is a Futa. Futas are common in my region. Usually she would lock the bathroom door when she would take a shower, but when we were 16, she forgot. Just once. I walked in while she was drying off and was shocked to see that she had a huge cock. Like, as big soft as mine is hard.

I got used to it though, and we started being comfortable around each other. She would even get naked sometimes and I wouldn't mind. I started getting dreams of her and her naked form, with her incredibly large cock, looming over me and slowly getting hard. After that point I would fantasize about her constantly. So much so that I had to hide my hard-on multiple times a day around her.

I was a little sad and a little relieved when we finished highschool and we were going to go our separate ways to go to college, because she didn't apply for the same college that I applied to. A little sad because I wouldn't get to see her and her beautiful body (especially her monster cock <3), but a little relieved at not having to resist my urges. Although our parents were related, I still found it unethical to think about having sex with my stepsister.

And then like a moth with a light, she ended up going to the same college after one year away. She said she didn't feel at home over there and that she wanted to be closer to me. At this point I was anxious but excited, contrarily to when she left. And turns out she went into the same program as me. So I had a lot of classes with her. It was nice to finally have someone that I could properly communicate with during our projects. As time went on, we started getting closer to each other. We were inseparable as siblings.

In our last year of college, development in the technology sector sky-rocketed. We conquered space and society came up with contraptions that can make you cross any distance in a split second, with the help of teleporters! Portals were a thing now, and everybody took advantage of it right away. Companies started to make small portals. About the width of a wine bottle. Others kept expanding on the idea of being able to change the size of the portal. And although the portals were considered a novelty item, a large portion of people get to use them. And guess who decided to buy a pair? My stepsister.

Which brings me to the most important day of all… The first day my stepsister decided to use my throat as a cock sock:

On this particular day I notice my stepsister wearing a nice black crop top coupled with a nice pink skirt.

S - "So imagine what was going through my head when he said that he was just looking for a fling!"

B - "You're going to find someone that eventually appreciates you for who you are, Sis. You just have to wait"

S - "You know… Sometimes I feel like you're the only one that's ever going to get me…"

As the sound of the bell rings, she and I decide to get up from the eating table and walk towards our next class for the day. Quantum Physics with Ms. Steadfield, a 3 hour long class.

We slowly make our way to the seats that we picked at the beginning of the semester. Coincidentally, it's in the back of the class, a little separated from the rest of the seats.

Serena - "We should get a little closer to the front of the class next time. I'm starting to doze off in this class"

Alex - "But I like the back of the class, Ms. Steadfield doesn't ask us a lot of questions when we're this far away…"

Serena - "I know, but sometimes we have to learn the material that we're paying for"

Alex - "You mean what our parents are paying for"

Serena - "That's true, you got me there"

The first half hour of the class goes by like normal. The teacher reviews the material that we learned from the last class and starts the introduction for the new material. At around a third of the way through the period, I notice my stepsister starting to fidget a little in her seat. Another 30 minutes pass and it gets worse. She starts vibrating her leg really quickly. 30 minutes once again and she started holding her groin. There is 1 hour left of class.

Ms. Steadfield - "... and the next part that i will be writing down on the board will be very important for the quiz next week so pay attention …"

I looked at my stepsister as she was starting to move even more. For a second I thought I could see a bit of pain in her eyes. Then she looks over to me and silently whispers to me.

Serena - "Bro I need your help! It's an emergency!"

Alex - "What is it?"

Serena - "I have to go to the bathroom!"

Alex - "Then go to the bathroom instead of telling me"

Serena - "Did you not just hear what Ms. Steadfield said? What she's writing now is important for the test next week"

Alex - "I'm writing down notes anyways, so just go!"

Serena - "You write like shit! I won't be able to copy your notes because of your bad handwriting!"

Alex - "Well what do you want me to do about it?"

My stepsister takes a moment to reflect and comes up with an idea… And a mischievous smile.

Serena - "Do you still have the reusable mask that you used during covid?"

Alex - "Yeah… What for?"

Serena - "just take out your mask while I get something in my bag"

As I look through my bag to find my black mask, I see my stepsister searching in her backpack as well for something. As soon as she pulls it out, I start to recognize what it is.

Alex - "Sis, is that a portal set? How did you even come up with the money to get that?"

Serena - "That doesn't matter right now. Put it on the inside of your mask and click the button on the side once you put the mask on your face"

Alex - "Okay but you have to tell me how you got it after class"

Serena - "Just do it fuck! I'm running out of time here!"

Without hesitation, I put on my mask and press the button on the side of it. It takes a second to boot up but once it's done, it starts forming on my lips. As soon as this happens, I realize that I can't speak anymore, no sound is going through. So, I look over to my stepsister to try to figure out what her plan is, and that's when I start puzzling it together.

I don't have time to react before she turns on hers, lifts up her skirt, and shoves the portal onto her soft dick.

My eyes shoot wide open as soon as I feel something hit the back of my throat. My stepsister is too focused between her legs to see me struggle to get her attention. But she is not done. There is still a good 5 inches left to go.

What I failed to mention at the beginning of this story is that her soft cook looked to be about double the size as mine when it's hard. So I have a 5 inch poker while she has a 10 inch destroyer. And she is not even hard!

I'm having trouble focusing as a start to gag on her soft member. And then I see her face.

Serena - "I don't want you spilling a drop so open your throat up for me bro"

With nothing else that I can do, I start to relax my throat.

Serena - "Thanks"

Then as I focus on her hands more, she starts sliding me down to the base of her cock. 1 inch passes and it pushes into my throat. Then with all her strength, she brings the ring down to the base.

A gag a little as I bring my hand up to my neck. I can feel a bulge starting to form as the rest of the cock goes another 4 inches down my throat.

Serena - "Make sure you swallow everything. I don't want it to leak out onto the table"

With those final words, she closes her eyes, tilts her head back, and takes the biggest sigh of her life.

Meanwhile I start feeling a warm stream build up in my esophagus that doesn't stop. With no other option, I am forced to swallow my stepsister's waste as she moans from the contraction of my muscles. This attracts the teacher's attention.

Ms. Steadfield - "Are you two okay back there?"

Everybody is looking at us now. Catching my stepsister off guard, her cock twitches a little as I continue gulping down my stepsister's piss.

Serena - "We're okay Ms. Steadfield! Just a little tired is all"


Ms. Steadfield - "Why does your stepbrother have his mask on?"


Serena - "He was feeling a little sick this morning…"


Serena - "...So he decided to protect us, from whatever he caught"


Ms. Steadfield - "Alright… now as i was saying…"

Everybody's eyes diverted back to the front of the class as I am still chugging my stepsister's urine. Then my stepsister looks at me once again.

Serena - "Whew! That was a close one!"


Serena - "Just keep on drinking. I'm almost done emptying my bladder anyways"

Sweet words coming from a really bad situation.


As the stream starts to die down, I start to feel hopeful of what comes next. She will take the portal off of her cock and I will be able to take off mine. Except that's not what happens.

Serena - "You make such a good urinal bro! I really needed that. Now on to part 2…"

She looks at me with a super wide grin. I start to feel her cock getting harder inside my throat. The bulge in my neck is getting bigger from her cock and it starts slowly creeping its way down to my stomach.

Serena - "Feeling my cock being squeezed inside of your throat is starting to make my cock hard… would you mind if I used your throat to jerk myself off?"

I plead to her and shake my head as I try to remove the mask from my face, but it's futile. The portal ring feels like it's superglued to my lips.

Serena - "Thanks bro! You're so awesome! I promise I'll try to make it quick…"

She then starts moving her ring up towards the tip of her dick while I feel every inch escaping my throat. And then in one fell swoop brings it all the way back down to the base. I gag a lot as I feel it get to the entrance of my stomach.

The next release is not so soft. She brings it all the way to her tip and then smashes it back down towards her. At this point i start getting used to the barrage of cock filling my throat that I start to gag less.

Serena - "Fuck you feel so good! I should have introduced you to my dick sooner if I knew you would fit well as my cock sock. But right now I want you to be my cock sleeve instead so I'm going to pick up the pace a little"

The next thrust was twice as fast and the sudden increase in speed makes me gag a little more, all the while feeling all the piss that she dumped inside of me move in my stomach.

Serena - "You know, ever since you walked in on me drying myself off at home after the shower. I've been getting naughty thoughts. Fantasies and sorts. Defiling your virgin mouth. I didn't think it would have happened like this… with me using you as my piss receptacle… but I think that's a better outcome now. Whenever i have to go and pee in the middle of class, I'll just ask you to take the portal ring and put it on your mouth again, and then piss down your throat!"

The pace is getting twice as fast now as she doesn't give me the time to react.

Serena - "And i don't suppose you would be opposed to that either cause of the obvious boner you're getting from all of this"

I look down to see my cock at full mast as she uses my throat like a sex toy. Then the next moment she starts panting heavily.

Serena - "I'm going to cum soon. So make sure to take all of it like you did with my piss"

The pace increases until it's the fastest she could do, feeling like my neck is about to break from the intrusion of her huge cock. She pants heavily, and then grunts. I start to feel a thick substance race down into my stomach mixing with the piss from just before. It continues for a while as she convulses.

Serena - "Fuckkkk yesssssss! Oh my goddddd!"

Her jizz doesn't stop coming out of her dick as I start to feel my stomach grow in size.

Serena - "Fuck look at your stomach!"

I look at my stomach to see it expanding outwards towards the desk, almost reaching it.

Serena - "Guess I really filled you with my piss and cum, huh?"

With that being said, her spurts start to die until they stop.

Serena - "I think I really needed the cum. Thanks once again bro"

As her penis starts to gradually decrease in size, I feel another gush of warm liquid start to build up in my throat again.

Serena - "By the way… I always have the urge to pee after I cum gallons like that. So expect me to do that everytime from now on"

She sighs once again and slumps in her chair.


I grab a pen and a piece of paper from the desk, and write something on it. I then pass it to my stepsister.


'Can you please take out your cock from my throat now?'

My stepsister giggles.


S - "No silly! I've gotten too accustomed to your throat, it would be a shame to pull it out now"

As the rest of the period goes on, she keeps her soft cock inside of my throat for her pleasure. At the end of the lecture, she adds something to her ring. A strap of sorts. She attaches each end around her waist.

Serena - "There. Now I'll be able to keep my dick inside of you aaaaalllll daaaaayyyyy looooonnngggg"

And that's how my stepsister decided to use my throat as a cock sock. From then on, she would ask me constantly if I could keep her cock warm during class. She wouldn't ask me anything else though after. Just started using me whenever she felt like it, and it would mostly be during class. She would pump one out really quickly and then keep the ring at the base of her cock, then start relieving herself without even telling me. I was forced to drink her rancid piss at least 4 times a day…

But every single time she did, I would be as hard as a rock. At least this way I could enjoy every inch of her cock at the same time as being her cum and piss receptacle. 


 My stepsister is a Futa, and I'm her personal Cock Sock. The First time that it happened was a shock, since she didn't give me time to get used to her girth. When she shoved her cock inside of my throat to piss, I would always get immediately hard. She would use me at school and sometimes even at home.

The next part of this story is her trying new things out with me, trying to push my limits. Of course, I never complain. I had no gag reflex anymore because of my new role as her cock sock. We were relaxing at home watching a movie with our parents when she started whispering to me:

Serena - "Hey bro, can you do me a favor?"

Alex - "Yeah what's up?"

Serena - "I have to go to the bathroom again"

Alex - "Do you have your portal on your cock already?"

Serena - "Yuppp!"

Alex - "Okay I'll go and get mine then"

I get up from the couch, as my parents look over to me.

Mom - "Where are you going sweety?"

Alex - "I'm going to go and get my mask. I've been coughing at school again and I don't want you guys to get sick because of me"

Mom - "Okay… do you want us to stop the movie while you go and get it?"

Serena - "No, it's fine. I'll be quick anyways"

Mom - "Alrighty then"

I walk up the stairs and open the door to my room. Closing it once I enter. At the corner of my eye, I see my stepsister's 10 inch soft penis resting on my bed. I walk towards it and I take it into my hands. While I look for my mask inside of my bag, I start to lick her shaft to lube it up a bit. Now that I found my mask, I place it on the back of the portal ring, line up the tip of her cock with my lips. I open my mouth, and bring the portal ring towards my face, feeling every inch of her member enter my mouth and throat. I finish up by looping the mask over my ears and proceed to go back downstairs to go and sit on the couch.

Serena - "Thanks bro, you're a lifesaver!"

Without a moment to wait, I feel a warm gush of urine traveling down my esophagus.


Mom - "Honey, did you hear that?"

Dad - "Hear what?"


Mom - "That! That noise! I've been hearing it more for the past month or so now, and I can't quite find where its coming from!"


Dad - "I really don't know what you are talking about, I can't hear anything except for the movie"

As I keep swallowing my stepsister's piss, I hear her start to giggle a little about this situation. Thankfully our mother doesn't realize that she is giggling.


The movie continues as her stream starts to die down. She sighs a little and we continue watching the movie, keeping her cock warming until it finishes.

After the movie, we say goodnight to our parents and she stops by my room before going to bed.

Serena - "Hey bro, could you do me a favor and keep my dick in your throat for tonight? I might have to go again while I'm sleeping"

Without any other way of agreeing, I give her a big thumbs up.

Serena - "I couldn't have asked for a better Brother. Goodnight!"

She leaves my room. I lie on my bed waiting as I fall into a slumber.


I awake in the middle of the night to my stepsister's piss once again gushing out of her cock as I start to swallow. I look over to my clock next to the side of the bed and I notice that it's three in the morning. I get curious and I decide to get up from my bed as I swallow another load of my stepsister's piss. I walk out of my room to go to my stepsister's. I open her door as I take another gulp, and sure enough she is still sleeping. Her snores are very loud and her stream doesn't seem to slow down. With nothing else to do, I go back to my room scrolling through my phone as I wait for her to empty her bladder. After a while it ceases and I start to fall back asleep. My last thoughts are how she is still able to use me as her personal urinal even when she is sleeping.


I wake up from my alarm and close it. As I wait for my eyes to open, I feel my stepsister's cock start to grow inside of my throat. It must be my stepsister's morning wood that I'm feeling. Her cock keeps growing until I feel her tip at the end of my esophagus. Without Warning, her cock slides all the way out of my throat and is thrust back in. I bring my hand up to my neck and feel a large bulge. My stepsister starts picking up the pace since we are going to be late soon. It doesn't take her long to cum into my stomach.

Now that her morning cum is deposited in me, I start to pull off the portal from my face, bringing her softening cock along with it. When the tip of her cock is resting on my tongue, something comes out of it. Once again she is pissing, but not inside my throat this time. Before this morning, I had never actually tasted her piss. All of it would just be directly deposited inside my throat, bypassing all of my taste buds. but now that the tip was in my mouth, i could taste her salty rancid piss, especially since it is the first piss of the day so its especially disgusting. I start to cough and gag at the taste of it. But i have no choice but to start swallowing if i don't want to pick up a mess.


I have a lot of trouble but I succeed in my first swallow of her piss. Her stream doesn't stop so I have to continue swallowing.


After swallowing her foul tasting piss for what feels like forever, her stream starts to die down. I'm so exhausted from swallowing her piss that I don't notice my stepsister coming into my room.

Serena - "How did my piss taste this morning alex?"

I slowly pull her cock out to make sure that I don't spill a drop of her piss.

Alex - "It tasted like ass! Why does it taste so bad?"

Serena - "Beats me. But I'm not done with you yet"

Alex - "What are you do….."

She grabs the back of my portal ring and pushes her cock back into my throat.

Serena - "Keep it in your throat until I tell you to take it out"

With that being said, Serena leaves my room and goes down the stairs. I get dressed, make my way to the kitchen. Serena grabs a toast that my mother prepared and we start heading for the door.

Mom - "Alex aren't you going to grab one of the toasts?"

Serena - "He doesn't need one, he's already full"

Mom - "But what did he eat?!"

Serena - "Bye Mom! We have to go, otherwise we are going to be late for class!"

I wave my mother goodbye as we bolt out the door to go to our local teleporter. All the while keeping my stepsister's cock inside my throat nice and snug. 


 So turns out my Futa stepsister can use me as a cock sock in more ways than one.

Today Serena was wearing a pink top and a white skirt to school. We were on our way to class one day during the week, walking in the halls of the university. Her cock hilted inside my throat:

Serena - "Get ready bro, i have to take a piss again…"

Immediately after saying it, she sighs heavily and starts urinating in my mouth once again.


Serena - "So apparently Mrs. Steadfield is allowing us to work on our homework or study for the test next week."


Serena - "She said she wasn't feeling well today and left us an email saying she wasn't going to be present to perform a lecture."


Serena - "I wanted to try something out in class with you, if you are up for it. Give me a thumbs up if you'd want to try it"

As I swallow another load of my stepsister's piss, I pull out my phone and text her.

Alex - 'What did you have in mind?'

Gulp. She gets the notification as I feel the stream starting to die down inside of my esophagus.

Serena - "If I told you, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it bro."

With one last swallow. The stream ends and her dick starts to get hard from my muscles contracting on her cock.

Serena - "I'm not going to use you just yet so bear with me. Are you in or not?"

I can feel my throat bulge, and her cock growing towards the entrance of my stomach as I give her the two biggest thumbs up of my life.

Serena - "Thanks bro, you're the best! Nice boner by the way!"

I stare down at my crotch to find a tent in my shorts. My stepsister giggles as I try to conceal it.

A couple minutes later we get to the entrance of our class, go inside and nobody is there.

My stepsister and I always like to arrive early so that we can prepare all our notes before class. We are usually there 15 minutes before class, while everybody else usually shows up 5 minutes before or 5 minutes after class starts. As we waited, more people started showing up, with the intent to study or do their homework as well. My stepsister taps my shoulder and whispers:

Serena - "Didn't think there would be this many people showing up to class today. It still won't change the plan that I have for you though. Are you ready?"

I nod in excited anticipation as I feel her cock throb inside my throat. A few moments later I start to feel her retract her monstrous dick slowly from my throat, to make sure that there isn't too much noise. The tip of her cock leaves my throat as I taste her piss from before class resting on her slit. Rancid as always. I lick it all off as she pulls the tip of her cock out of my mouth and out of her portal. She turns hers off, which then turns mine off immediately at the same time and says:

Serena - "Give me your portal. Make sure not to make any sound whatsoever. Otherwise you'll attract a lot of attention."

Alex - "Okay"

I pull my mask off from my face and give her my portal.

Once she has my portal in her hand, she slides it behind my back and into my shorts. I start to question what her motives are as her middle finger traces down my buttcrack.

Slowly, her finger making her way to my asshole.

Alex - "What are you doing?"

Serena - "Shut up and stay quiet!"

Her hand quickly leaves my shorts, as she brings it to her mouth. Licking and sucking it, and then sliding it back down to the entrance of my hole. The tip of her finger enters my hole as I groan a little. She starts probing her finger further into my anus, hilting it to the bottom of her finger.

Serena - "You're really tight bro, but I think I can manage. Are you still a virgin?"

Alex - "Sis, the only cock I've touched is yours!"

Serena - "So that's a yes then… Well anyways, I'm too horny to stop now so you're going to have to deal with it."

Before I could answer her, she pushes the portal to my puckered asshole and turns it on. Her portal turns on at the same time as mine. Even if I were to try and take off my portal, the only person that could turn it off now is my stepsister. I look over to my stepsister's groin, and notice that she has her portal to the tip of her cock.

I feel the tip of her cock rest on my asshole. The warmth of her cock touching it. And then she pulls her portal towards her. My asshole resists the temptation to open up, especially since her cock is so thick. Luckily there is a little bit of precum lubing me up.

Serena - "Relax your ass Alex. It's the only way you'll enjoy this."

Alex - "Well it's kinda hard to relax when your coke can thick cock is trying to push its way in!"

Serena - "Stop complaining and be quieter for fuck's sake! Do you want your classmates to know that Alex is his stepsister's bitch? Whisper if you are going to speak and open up for me, cock sock!"

She pushes harder and harder until my ass finally gives in…

Serena - "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkk! You're so tight!"

The tip of her cock enters my anus and stretches it to the point of excruciating pain.

I hold my mouth closed to avoid causing attention. Her cock is slowly releasing more precum, lubing it up some more.

Serena - "Whew, the hard part is over. I'm going to start pushing further now…"

Her hands are still on her portal. She pulls slowly as there is less resistance now. All the while her precum lubing up more of my anus. 3 inches are now inside of me as I can feel my anus stretching to accommodate for her girth. At this point there is another 12 inches to go before she is fully hilted inside.

Serena - "Fuck your ass was made for my cock. You truly are the perfect cock sleeve aren't you! (giggle). But we are not done yet, I want my balls to touch my portal."

Slowly bringing her portal closer, a couple more inches make their way inside of me as the tip of her cock touches the entrance to my colon.

My stepsister decides to push even harder as if a little annoyed its taking so long. There is still another 10 inches to go.

Serena - "You're probably not going to like this next part so I'll make it quick. 3… 2… 1…"

Serena pushes as hard as she can, driving her cock in and barreling down the rest of my colon as my body reshapes to take her large appendage. I can feel her tip touching my diaphragm and finally hilting onto her cock.

Serena - "Ooooooouuuuuuhhhhh… How is your boypussy this large?!"

Alex - "It's not! It hurts so much that I can feel your cock touching my diaphragm!"

Serena - "Is that what that is?! Damn bro, I'm pretty deep in there aren't I? You're making too much noise though, so I need to shut you up…"

She looks over to her bag to find a pair of panties. She grabs my covid mask after.

Serena - "I went to the gym before class so sorry if they smell a little musky."

She then proceeds to stuff her panties into my mouth and forces me to put on my mask.

Serena - "There we gooooo. Now just try to relax and let me use your body."

My stepsister grabs her portal and starts to bring it to the tip of her cock. Feeling her cock go down my colon until only her tip is left inside my anus. I put my hand on my stomach while she thrusts her portal back down. I can feel her girth going back up to reach my diaphragm.

Without saying anything, she increases her pace, thrusting in and out of me, everytime feeling my stomach bulge as she exits and enters my body again. All the while feeling her cock poke at my diaphragm.

Serena - "Fuuckkkk you're so tight, I don't think I'm going to last long like this. Get ready to take my load!"

With another few thrusts she starts to groan as I can feel a jet of cum hit my diaphragm and fill my colon. Pumping more of her cum, it lasts a good 3 minutes. My stomach looks like it's 7 months pregnant now and I can feel some of the cum leaking out of my ass. I have no choice but to squeeze and avoid making a mess on the chair.

Serena - "That was fucking amazing Alex. It's so fun having a stepbrother that was made for my cock. I wonder if mom's cock would fit inside of you…"

One of my eyebrows raises as I start to wonder in confusion of what my stepsister just said. Serena looks at me…

Serena - "Wait, you didn't know that mom had a cock too? Well sorry to break it to you bro, but she has a bigger cock than me. I'm not quite sure how much though…"

My eyes stare wide at her as my mind starts to realize why. Mom and Dad said that they were cousins, so it makes sense that they would be okay with us doing this type of thing. That means we come from a line of incest.

I pull out my phone from my pocket, struggling to get it as my stepsister's cock was still hilted inside of me, slowly reducing in size and softening. She is louching over onto her chair, when I send her another message.

Alex - 'When did you learn that mom had a cock?'

Serena - "I've known since I was four. How do you think I can conceal my cock so well everywhere? Well… when it's not inside of you of course. I learned the tricks from mom."

As her cock continues to soften, I start to feel a warm sensation coming from the tip of her cock. She was peeing inside of my colon. Her stream hitting my diaphragm at a constant rate. And as expected, she sighs heavily without saying a word. Relieving herself inside of me and using my body as her personal urinal. Her cock keeps getting softer, while I squeeze my anus to not let any of her fluids leave.

Serena - "Mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh, a great cum and an even better piss…"

Her stream seems endless as her waste starts making its way up my intestines with the rest of her cum. I start worrying as my stomach starts blooming with heat. Her cum and piss made its way to my stomach before her piss started to die down. As the stream ends I can feel her juices making its way up my esophagus and reaching my mouth. I have no choice but to take out my stepsister's panties to make space for her fluids. All the while my stepsister relaxed in her seat, laid back.

With one last patter of her piss slit, she finishes, and I am forced to swallow what pee and cum came up from my throat. With an exhausted sigh, i look over to my stepsister and say:

Alex - "Serena, I just had to swallow your piss…"

Serena - "What do you mean by swallowing? I relieved myself in your ass!"

Alex - "Cause your piss made its way through my body. It was so weird."

Serena - "Oh shit! It did feel like a pretty long piss didn't it? That's Hilarious!"

She starts to laugh and stops herself abruptly to not make any noise.

Alex - "As soon as you pull out, your juices are going to come out of me. I don't want to make a mess…"

Serena - "That gives me an idea… We'll have to be quick about it though. Pass me your mask"

I take my mask from the table and hand it to her. She places it on her portal, and starts unsheathing my cock from my stomach.

Serena - "Bring your face closer bro"

I lean over to her side as I feel her exit my stomach. Her cock making its way to the entrance of my anus. Without hesitation, Serena slides her portal off of her cock, turns it around, and loops the mask over my ears. The portal instantly attaches to my lips and forms a perfect seal. One second later I can feel a liquid try and make its way into my mouth. My stepsister has managed to make me drink her cum and piss from my ass.

Serena - "There… At least now you won't make a mess. It just sucks that I won't be able to keep you on my cock until we get you emptied."

I pull out my phone once more:

Alex - 'How are you going to hide it?'

Serena - "Hide what?"

I can feel more of her cum and piss oozing its way into my mouth.

Alex - 'Your cock'

Serena - "I'm not going to tell you that, that's a secret between me and Mom. If you want to know, ask her yourself and maybe she'll tell you."

As soon as she finishes her sentence, one of our classmates comes over to our corner of the room.

Classmate - "Sorry to bother you guys, but would you happen to know how to solve Question #4 of the assignment? All of us are having trouble figuring it out."

Serena - "Yeah we both solved it. What's your name by the way?"

Jane - "My name is Jane. What about you?"

Serena - "I'm Serena, and this is my stepbrother Alex"

As she points and looks at me, giving me a big grin. I wave to Jane and she waves back.

Jane - "So would you guys want to join us? You could help us figure out how to solve it. I'll Introduce you to my friends at the same time!"

Serena - "Sure! Let's go and see them, Alex."

I give her a thumbs up as we get up from our seats. We make our way to the front of the class where there are more students. As we go towards Jane's friends, I keep sucking semen and urine from my own asshole.
