Eve's Tower by EvesTower

I winced as I stepped into the shower, twinges throughout in my body reminding me again of what had transpired barely an hour past. The hot water slid over my skin, sending chills racing up my spine as my knees continued to shake slightly. I moaned gutturally as my aching cock bounced in time with my still racing heart. The shower curtain hissed open then closed again as my wife slid into the space behind me.

"Oh my" she whispered hungrily, as she took in the sight before her "what have you gotten yourself into this time?"

I was a hot wreck. One hand braced on the wall, knees shaking, cock straining, a thin but steady drip of pearly fluid down the inside of my leg.

She pressed herself against my back, on hand idly coming to wrest on my hardness, the other cupping my ass momentarily before pulling me open slightly so that a probing finger could slide into my used hole, pulling it open and causing the trickle to become a hot river.

"So, tell me about it."


The bell above the door tinkled quietly as I pushed my way into the shop. I had gotten off work early, and lacking and immediate obligations had decided to give into my curiosity and see the new store that had just opened near the house.

It was a low dark house, almost fanciful in some of its decoration. Silhouettes of moons and stars cut from faded metal hung on the side, the low roof with its wide shingles and slight sag, the low darkly shaded porch and plentiful foliage gave the whole thing an air of quiet mystery that might befit a funky hipster resale shop or tea parlor. The sign on the front read "Eve's Tower: Fantasy's Found."

Those who had visited had reported that it was a sex toy shop unlike anything they ever seen. Owned and operated entirely by women, boasting a wonderful selection of bespoke and unique toys, laid out in a way that made it feel more like a cozy and inviting old bookstore (a marked departure from the usual sterile or industrial layout of most shops like that), the whole thing had a delightful yet naughty charm to it.

We had been looking for some new toys for a little while, having exhausted the meager selection at the adult video store across town and unwilling to take a chance on anything ordered online, and this shop seemed like the answer to my prayers.

You see, I like anal. Quite a lot. I had begun my exploration young, and it had blossomed into a full blown fetish sometime during college. Years of practice had left me able to take a considerable amount with relative ease, and a love of getting bent over the bed and railed by my wife, sporting the largest strap on we could get. I would cum over and over as she'd grind into me, her dominant side coming out, pulling my hair, growling lewd insinuations into my ear. It was our growing boredom with our meager selection that lead me onto the porch of Eve's Tower.

A perky short red head looked up from the book she was reading at the counter as I came in

"Welcome to Eve's Tower" she said happily "can I help you find anything specific?"

"Just browsing." came the automatic reply, maybe a little too quickly.

"Alrighty, I'm Tabitha, just let me know if you need anything." She was a small framed young woman, short cropped hair bouncing just above her shoulders, a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, cute by any standard.

I nodded, and prepared to hunch down and not look too interested (as one is wont to do in most sex shops, trying to act disinterested in the wares so not to attract attention), but quickly found myself fascinated and almost giddy at what I had discovered. The inviting atmosphere drew me in, dark wooden shelves, seemingly scattered throughout the space displayed toys of almost every size, material, color, and configuration. Soft rugs under my feet and the low warm lighting gave the feeling of have stumbled across something wonderfully old and inviting.

I was standing, staring, in something like childlike glee, at a display of thick turgid protuberances, imagining sliding down on one when Tabitha's voice surprised me from behind.

"If you're interested, you can try out anything you'd like." she said. It was at this moment it hit me, nothing was in a box! Every toy was on proud display, standing or laying on the shelves.

"We like to encourage a 'try it before you buy it' policy here," she continued as she stepped up beside me, her voice just as perky as it had been "don't worry everything is clean and new, people always end up buying."

I was a stunned and a little embarrassed, a quick rush of heat to my face at the prospect of standing next to a virtual stranger who had just suggested something very intimate.

"No, I mean, it's for, I'm looking for..." I half stammered out before she stopped me with a quick friendly laugh and a wave of her hand.

"Don't worry, we're very open and quite discreet, no need for shame in here, if you see something you like I'd be happy to set up a room for you."

I was floored at the implications of what she had just suggested, but also suddenly and incredibly aroused by the prospect. However, her infectious openness and perk had cleared my head of any sense of guilt or shame.

I pointed to a thick violet cock laying on the shelf, its pronounced ridges and bulbous head calling to me with promises of delicious stretching and deep filling.

"Excellent!" she said cheerfully, then "Follow me." as she turned and made her way towards a door in the back that I had not noticed before.

I followed, the weight of the toy wonderfully heavy in my hand, and quickly found myself in a dim hallway that curved off in each direction, the angle suggesting part of a circular passage. Along the inside wall were doors every few feet, a soft sultry music filtered down and a smell of spice and incense hung faintly in the background. She opened one of the doors, then stepped back, "Just come out when you're ready, there's washrooms just over there if you need them."

I entered a small room, sconces on the walls and soft dark fabric just added to the sense that I had stumbled back in time. Inside was a dark plush armchair, and a low shelf along the back wall that was filled with bottles of various size and color. I turned to ask Tabitha if there was anything else I needed to do first, but she was already gone. I pulled the door closed.

On closer inspection I discovered that the shelf held a variety of lubricants and gels, small hand written labels extolling the "warming rush", "slick stickiness", or "relaxing thickness" of its contents. My mind still reeling at the implications of all of this, but too far gone to stop now I selected a squeeze bottle with a thick bluish liquid in it and, setting the bottle and toy on the small table next to the chair, shucked off my clothing.

Settling down on the chair, I lifted the toy, and dispensed a healthy glob of lube onto its thick purple tip. Scooting forward slightly, and laying back in the chair I raised my legs, positioned the toy at my entrance, and gave a slight push. Exquisite, almost painful, bliss exploded through me. I loved few things more than that first hard stretch as the ring of flesh opens to an invading hardness. It's the sort of hurt that makes my toes curl and my eyes roll back. Second only to the deep ache brought on by a foot long toy buried all the way, mashing my prostate flat, but that was soon to come.

My cock, which had been stiff since I entered the room, twitched hard and a large drop of clear pre bubbled up and started to roll down my length. Scooping it up with my fingers I sucked it down greedily (I had also developed quite a taste for my own pre, the sweet flavor coupled with the naughtiness of it was something I longed for at times). Gently wrapping my hand around my length I gripped it, without moving, and started to bear down with the toy, sliding it deeper into me. I pushed it in with short thrusts, already moaning lowly as it sank in inch by inch. It dragged wonderfully across my prostate, each ridge sending a small jolt up through my core, the lube doing a perfect job of easing its entrance.

Just when I thought I couldn't take any more I hit bottom, the round base of the toy bumping up against me. I realized that I was practically laying in the chair, head thrown back, eyes closed, mouth open, panting steadily. Rolling to one side I lay forward in the chair, one hand firmly gripping my cock, not stroking but gently kneading the hard flesh, a near constant stream of clear nectar hanging from the tip.

Knees on the floor, rump in the air, I started the slow pull out, dragging the thick ridges across my eager prostate. The removal was almost better, each bulge in the shape scraping hard against my swollen gland, sending a small surge of fluid from my straining erection. I cupped the head of my cock, letting my palm fill with seed before smearing it across my tongue. Reaching full extension I paused for a moment, then forcefully pounded the full length of the toy into me. In and out, I began pistoning the toy, lost in the luxurious churning happening in my gut. I panted and groaned as the sharp pleasure of the steady assault on my prostate mixed with the spreading warmth of being repeatedly stretched and filled.

A sudden muffled clatter from somewhere behind me caused me to freeze mid stroke. Turning, as best I could, I became aware of a small opening in the wall of the room. About waist high, square, set in the plush walls so that the fabric wrapped the edges, a faint light visible on the other side. I stared for a moment, waiting, part terrified at the idea of being seen, part aroused.

There was a long moment, then the unmistakable perky voice of Tabitha came through the hole,

"I'm so sorry dear, I got a little caught up watching, bumped the table over here."

"Do you always watch your customers try out the toys?" I replied, mind racing to make sense of situation. She sounded far too calm and genuinely apologetic as to indicate that she felt she had done anything truly wrong.

"Oh of course!" came the reply "We want to make sure that our clients are fully enjoying themselves, and remember, we're the image of discretion." Somehow, I truly believed her.

A sudden thought struck me. "What do you mean 'carried away'?"

A faint giggle, and then her voice, suddenly sultry and inviting "why don't you see for yourself?"

Still on my knees I shuffled over to the hole and peeked through.

There sat Tabitha, or should I say sprawled, across the arm chair in the adjacent room, as she had fallen apparently. One arm thrown back over her head, one draped across the arm of the chair, legs splayed. But what my eyes immediately went to was the thick, turgid, gorgeous cock straining up from between her legs. I had no words, simply stared in wonderment.

"You like what you see?" she asked, that same sultry voice, after I had simply sat dumbstruck for several long seconds.

"Uhhh" was the best I could manage.

"You put on quite a show." she said, rising now from the chair, and striding toward the hole, her generous endowment looming larger and she approached "I enjoy watching a fellow appreciator of all the pleasures" came an almost purr, with honeyed emphasis on "all".

By now she was practically standing at the wall, the glistening tip of her bobbing just beyond the portal that I was still kneeling at.

"Ever had the real thing?"

"No." Came my too quick and eager reply. It was painfully clear to me what was about to happen, I was about to experience my first flesh and blood dick, attached to a perky helpful shop girl, without the homosexual aspect I'd never quite found myself able to overcome when contemplating such a thing.

"Don't worry. It ain't gonna bite." the soft voice drifted through from the other side of the wall, the cock swelling slightly as a single pearl of liquid formed at the tip.

My heart was racing, chest pounding, breath deep as I contemplated the prospect for a moment, then that clear drop at the end began to slide down, threatening to fall. Almost without thinking I leaned forward and caught it on my tongue, before closing my lips around the dark head. The taste was perfect, slightly sweet but with a dark spice to it, and the feeling of real flesh against my mouth sent a thrill through me. Then, abandoning the last traces of doubt, I leaned forward, taking her length in my mouth.

There came a long satisfied sigh as I slid forward, teeth scraping lightly on flesh, my tongue taking in every bump and ridge as it filled my mouth, almost to straining. Reaching my limit I began the slow retreat sucking in my cheeks and rolling my head as I went, I didn't want to miss out on a single moment of that heavenly flavor. Reaching the head I began circling it with my tongue, one hand coming up to stroke the now slick surface. Simultaneously, I bore down on the thickness lodged in my ass, and began rocking, groaning as the fullness of it bore down on my swollen prostate, the tip tickling deep inside me.

Suddenly, I froze in motion, the full weight of what was happening exploding in my brain. Here I was, in the back room of an unknown place, the thickest dildo I'd ever taken stretching my twitching asshole, a stranger's thick and delicious cock brushing against the back of my throat, a hard on that was threatening to launch itself from my body...and all I wanted was more.

The cock surged in my hands as I sucked down on the head, the tip of my tongue teasing the slit that was rapidly filling my mouth with that wonderful precum. I swallowed, reveling in the warmth sliding down my throat, and began to suck in earnest, hand working to stroke the base of the shaft. The groans on the other side quickly became grunts and cries as the cock pulsed and surged, her thrusts become short and quick, she was close. Abruptly, the cock went ridged her hips tensing and lifting, her voice catching in her throat in what I knew was the beginnings of a powerful climax. Dark sweet saltiness exploded across my tongue, her glans pulsing, each swelling of the organ adding to the sudden lake of cum in my mouth. I swallowed quickly, drinking it down, diving forward to take as much of her in as I could, the tip filling the back of my throat as she spurted again and again. Then, just as suddenly she pulled back, the cock retreating.

She stepped out of view, although I could still hear her ragged breath recovering from the recent activity. A moment later the door to my room swung open and she stood there framed by the soft light and dark wallpaper behind her. Quickly, she stepped into the room, shutting the door behind her and stepped toward me.

"I don't always do this," he voice was suddenly a little shy, but with an undercurrent of need "but I can't help but feel that there might be more that we could share?" Her voice drifting up in a gentle suggestive question.

I didn't hesitate.

Practically diving forward I grabbed her hips and ran my tongue up the length of her still hard shaft, reveling in the dark sweetness of the remaining cum that clung to her length. She gasped, caught off guard for a moment, then almost tenderly twined her fingers through my hair, sensing my need to indulge and gently pushed forward. The soft flesh sliding across my tongue, the ridged firmness just beyond the yielding skin scraping lighting across my teeth, my lips feeling each line and ridge as she slid deeper into my mouth was heavenly. A long low sigh escaped her lips, only driving me further to satisfy and be satisfied in my desire. The pleasant push of her crown against the back of my throat sent a deep shudder through me, knees quaking, my own erection twitched wildly. I could feel wetness oozing steadily from my tip.

Her fingers tightened in my hair and she began a slow withdrawal as I sucked down on her, cheeks folding in to caress the ridge of her tip. I tightened my lips so that she finally popped free with an audible noise, eliciting a need gasp from her. Looking up I found her staring down at me, a fire burned in her eyes, a deep smoldering yearning. Taking me by the shoulders she brought me to my feet, and steadily walked by back, never breaking my look, until I felt the fabric of the chair in the room brush the back of my calves. Wordlessly, gently, she half pushed, half lowered me back till I was sitting. She finally gazed down, taking in my straining cock liberally coated in my own excitement and the hard rubber still protruding from me. Wordlessly, she grasped the end of the dildo and gave it a gently push.

I think I might have gone cross eyed. My head snapped back, I cut loose with a fully voiced cry of surprise and pleasure as I was suddenly filled again, the thickness dragging my sensitive ring. She held it for a moment, fully inserted, then a building sense of emptiness as she drew it from me. It slid free, my hole twitching at the sudden lack. She turned slightly to place it on the low table nearby, then returning her gaze to mine she said simply, "May I?"

I was struck for a moment by the sincerity and gentleness of this request, knowing full well what she meant, I nodded mutely.

On her knees now she bent slightly and took my ankles in her hands, lifting them to her shoulders. I was practically laying now, my breath short and shallow, heart pounding, as this divine creature looked down on me laying open before her, in every sense. Gently she pressed forward toward what I had been craving since my first glimpse of her laying across the chair. I felt a sort of tactile tunnel vision close in as the flesh of her crown made contact with tender flesh of my ring. Everything shrank to that. Her tip nestled in, gently spreading my opening, already hot and ready from its earlier use. The sensation of hot skin on my most private flesh caused me to twitch, a slight clench that only served to heighten the feeling as I tightened around the slight intrusion. Pressure, a deep primal feeling, built as she bore down slightly, I spread for her. Suddenly, gloriously, she was in, my taught hole grasping down on the spongy hotness nestled just inside me. I consciously squeezed, clamping down on her, bucking my hips forward, causing her to slide still further.

I am well used to the sensations that come with this, but the objects have always been that. Unyielding, cold, objects. Here I was with a warm, supple, twitching reality suddenly filling me, sliding in, scraping and dragging at wonton flesh. Like a swimmer coming to the surface I became aware of a voice, my voice, pleading religiously over and over. She was grinning down at me, a joyous look on her face at my ecstatic pleadings.

I caught my breath, locked eyes with her "More."

And more she gave.

She plunged forward, into me, seating herself fully in before drawing back and falling into a rhythm of steady long thrusts that left her tip barely seated in me, then fully sheathed in my spasming depths.

I was thrashing now, lost in the full body glow of it all, head whipping, hands grasping at the arms of the chair, moaning forcefully each time she hilted herself. Her rhythm increased and my moans became cries, desperate needy calls as she filled me over and over. My insides were rolling, powerful spasms sending pre practically shooting from me, deep gut level clenches stronger than any orgasm I had known, like I was trying to simultaneously expel her and drag her still deeper.

Her own cries were deep grunts, in time with her thrusts, growing in register as she inevitably neared her own release. Wrapping my legs around her waist I pulled her in, bucking against her, grinding down on her shaft. My hands flew across my body, rubbing, pinching, tweaking, with minds of their own. I felt as if I was racing toward an orgasm that raced just ahead of me, but I didn't want to catch it. I wanted to live in this moment forever, however the peaking sounds coming from her, the sudden erratic thrusting and then ridged stance, the sudden swelling of her length spreading me still further, and the heat, oh god the heat flooding into me, the warm surge in my belly as she came hard, sent me inevitably over the edge. 

Everything exploded, my twitching cock spraying its load across my chest and face was merely an afterthought to the tidal wave of electricity racing through me. Every nerve burned, every inch of skin was on fire, my head thrown back into the softness of the chair, face sideways as I screamed my climax into the arm, back locked tight, I was practically levitating as my legs went ridged around her, pulling her in tight. Her length, still bucking, hit some deep trigger in me, sending me higher still, a second plateau even as the first tore through me.

She didn't stop her thrusting, short stabs, as much as my death grip would allow, firing again and again deep into me.

The noise and the light behind my eyes subsided, finally, my body dropped limp back onto the chair. Everything was twitching.

"Wow." came her low breathless voice once she had regained her composue "You're something else."

"You're," I said between ragged breaths "one to talk."

She giggled at that, still lodged inside me, then gestured professionally to the purple shaft that had borne mute witness to my deflowering.

"So, you'll be taking this home with you today?" 


Everything exploded, my twitching cock spraying its load across my chest and face was merely an afterthought to the tidal wave of electricity racing through me. Every nerve burned, every inch of skin was on fire, my head thrown back into the softness of the chair, face sideways as I screamed my climax into the arm, back locked tight, I was practically levitating as my legs went ridged around her, pulling her in tight. Her length, still bucking, hit some deep trigger in me, sending me higher still, a second plateau even as the first tore through me.

She didn't stop her thrusting, short stabs, as much as my death grip would allow, firing again and again deep into me.

The noise and the light behind my eyes subsided, finally, my body dropped limp back onto the chair. Everything was twitching.

"Wow." came her low breathless voice once she had regained her composue "You're something else."

"You're," I said between ragged breaths "one to talk."

She giggled at that, still lodged inside me, then gestured professionally to the purple shaft that had borne mute witness to my deflowering.

"So, you'll be taking this home with you today?"

 I bit the pillow hard as the pressure built, moaning through clenched teeth. A deep all-consuming swell that started in my stomach and branched out through every extremity. My body rocked steadily as the pace increased, the heavy sliding sensation as I was churned to my core by her thrusts. The thick appendage in my ass pulled and pushed at the tender ring of my opening, her grunts matching time with the motion. The dark flavor of the afternoon's business still lingered at the back of my tongue, and my panting brought sweet remembrance to mind, even as the gentle pressure in my gut bore witness to my deeds.

She had been insatiable when I got home, practically throwing herself on my, tongue searching my mouth to share in the savory leavings. She made me tell and retell, as she took my straining cock in her mouth, moaning lewdly at each detail. I counted my lucky stars to have been blessed with such a woman, even as she bent me over and slid the recently purchased purple cock into my still eager hole. Then rode me hard till I came, crying out with her own satisfaction as we collapsed together in a tangle on the bed.

"Tell me again," She whispered...


The bell once again jingled its merry greeting as I slid through the door of Eve's Tower, the site of my recent awakening. Again, I was struck by the homey closeness of the place. The dark accents, the deep rugs, the faint aroma of incense and something sweet all lending themselves to the feeling of warm invitation.

At first glance I couldn't make out any people immediately in sight, so I wandered deeper amongst the shelves, glancing at the wares in all their sexual glory, a little relieved (but secretly disappointed) that Tabitha had not been readily at hand.

I wasn't entirely sure what I had expected to accomplish in returning. My first visit had resulted in an encounter I hadn't at all been prepared for, but one that had opened a world of possibilities to me. My wife, quite contrary to my expectations, had been almost ecstatic to learn of what had transpired, and our lovemaking had achieved new heights of passion as a result. It was as if she had discovered a new toy, and was thrilled that I had indulged in a long held fantasy of mine without showing the slightest sign of jealousy or reserve. It was she that had slyly suggested that a return visit for another toy might be in order, and I couldn't help but wonder if who was truly the beneficiary of all this.

Suddenly, rounding a corner of shelving I almost tripped over a woman kneeling in the aisle, head lowered to the task of carefully stacking small flat jars of a thick bluish liquid in a display, taking them from a box on the floor in front of her.

She yelped, almost falling forward, as I flailed to catch myself, several of the jars scattering before her.

"I'm so sorry," I stuttered, even as I struggled to keep myself from falling across her, my hands finding purchase on the shelves on either side.

Pulling myself upright I extended a hand down to her. She laughed good naturedly, and a taking my proffered grasp brought herself up facing me.

"No worries!" she answered almost sweetly, "I didn't hear you come in, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, sorry about the jars"

Again she laughed. "They're fine," she stooped to gather the escaped items and dropping them in the box she straightened again. "What brings you in today?"

"I, uh," I hesitated, sudden heat flushing my cheeks, "I was in the other day and was very pleased with my, uh, purchase, and wanted to come back and see if there was anything I missed." The words tumbled out of me, quick and embarrassed. "Tabitha was, ah, very helpful" I added, and immediately kicked myself mentally as I'm sure my voice betrayed me.

For an instant a knowing look flitted across her face, and I felt my cheeks redouble in flush as I knew instantly she had heard of my...transaction. Quickly though, she was once again her sweet helpful self, "I'm glad you were pleased," she said. I couldn't help but catch the double implication. "Tabitha's out today, but I'm Bridgette and would be happy to assist you in any way possible, what were you looking for today?"

I was momentarily crestfallen at Tabitha's absence, but tried my best not to let it show. "Not really sure, just thought I'd browse."

"Of course! Just let me know if you need anything," And picking up the box she disappeared among the rows. I heard a door open and close, and I was alone again.

I breathed a ragged sigh. I had been practically holding my breath for the last minute, trying desperately not to let my need and disappointment at Tabitha's absence show. I had been hungry for another taste of the pleasures she had given me, and now it seemed I would have to wait and return again.

Resigned, I started to slowly make my way out, glancing half-heartedly at the items around me, when my foot nudged a forgotten jar that had rolled under the lip of the shelf. I reached down to pick it up, and was about to place it with the others when I caught sight of the labeling.

Seemingly hand printed on simple paper it read,

"Waymaker - Relaxing elixir for those who seeker deeper meetings"

My mind turned at this, the possibilities churning through me, as I tried to imagine its effects. I cracked the lid and sniffed, a minty aroma, with hints of clove.

"It's a new product, just got it in!" I practically jumped out of my skin at Bridgette's voice just behind me suddenly. Did everyone who worked here have the ability to seemingly teleport!?

Turning I found her standing expectantly, that same disarmingly sweet look on her face.

"What," I found myself stammering again at the surprise and sudden re-embarrassment, "what does it do exactly?"

"Well, those that have tried it have reported significant relaxing effects. Many use it as an oil for massage, does wonders for the back, or so I'm told. Although, it has many applications." Again the knowing look crept into her eyes. "You're welcome to try some out if you'd like?"

"I, um, that's very generous, but I don't know..." I trailed off, trying to seem suddenly interested in the label again, mainly to avoid her gaze that seemed to promise more. I wondered, momentarily, what the employee handbook article was that seemed to require brazen seduction on the part of the employees.

"Don't worry," she said in a suddenly silky tone. "Tabitha told me all about you, we don't keep secrets here, but they stay well kept beyond these walls."

She turned and started toward the front of the shop saying, "I think I've got a couple of samples behind the counter."

I followed automatically, thoughts spinning. What did she have planned? Tabitha was one thing, but was I really about to do something with...to...whatever...a woman? Wasn't this cheating? We made our way to the counter and I stood dumbly, jar still clasped in front of me. She stepped around the counter, and bent out of sight for a moment. It was a deep wooden affair, darkly stained with gold trim swirling across the front. Heavy fabric draped down in the center giving it a slightly theatrical air.

She straightened again, a smaller vial with identical contents in grasp. Seeing me still standing mutely she smiled, "Come on around, I don't bite."

Extending her hand in a beckoning wave she guided me around till I was standing awkwardly before her, tucked into the nook between the counter and the curtained windows behind it.

"Now then, it takes a minute to set in, so go ahead." She said as she unscrewed the cap. "Make sure you swallow for the full effect."

I was confused suddenly. I was to drink it? Here I had been picturing her demonstrating it herself, a rush of images of her spreading before me, or maybe with an impossibly large toy, or myself with a toy, but drink it?

"Go on, it's quite tasty"

I titled the bottle to my lips, and taking another glance at her noted the look of anticipation creeping into her eyes.

I drank and the cool tingle of mint spread across my tongue as the thick liquid filled my mouth. I moved it slowly around, suddenly relishing the texture before gulping down a healthy amount.

"Tasty indeed." I stated as matter of factly as I could, holding up the empty vial as if appraising a craft beer, trying not to betray how much I had enjoyed it. Already I was aware of a pleasant warmth spreading down my throat, as if my muscles were sighing open. "So, should I..." I started to say, but suddenly she was much nearer, her hands closing gently but insistently on my shoulders.

"Here's fine," She purred, voice practically dripping, "The store's always empty around this time." And with that I felt myself being guided down and back, knees wobbling slightly at the sudden movement until I was sitting on the chair that had been previously tucked under the lip of the counter.

I looked up, again confused, but the confusion was wiped instantly from my mind as she stepped forward, straddling my legs, and lifted the hem of her skirt.

There before me was another beautiful girl cock, half hidden beneath the shadow of the fabric.

"What, I, you too!?" Was the best I could manage and this sudden revelation.

"Oh yes, honey," she purred again, her voice betraying her rising lust. "Everyone here at Eve's Tower."

"Everyone!?" I choked, a mixture of shock and ecstasy at this revelation. My hands, of their own volition had risen to meet this new wonder, even as my mind worked over time to take in the implications of what I had just learned. "How many more?" I felt foolish, here I was, my hands exploring another smooth warm shaft of womanly extravagance, and all I could voice was questions.

"Seven of us that run the place, and another twenty or so in the community." Came the reply, laced with slight amusement at my wonder. "Now, any more questions, or are you going to see just what that stuff does?"

I needed no further encouragement and leaned forward, under the enveloping scrim of her skirt which she still had suspended, to run my tongue across the head of her steadily hardening shaft even as my hands sought to grasp and stroke her increasing length.

Where Tabitha had been long and firm with a slight upward curve and a deliciously tapered head Bridgette was thick, swelling slightly in the middle, with a heavy crown. I luxuriated in the feeling of the bulbous head lying heavy on my lips, as my dancing tongue sought out the bounds of its ridge. Lifting it slightly I practically rubbed it across my cheek, breathing a slight moan as I explored the thick veins and valleys of her supple flesh. The skin moved subtly across the straining tissue beneath, she had quickly reached full hardness at my ministrations, and felt delicious beneath my grip.

She sighed, a long low contented sound that deepened as I bathed her length and gently wrapped and twisted my fingers around this throbbing mass before me. A long lick up the turgid swell beneath, briefly tongue cupping the slight cleft at the base of the head and sucking down with my lips on her now dripping slit yielded a warm gush and another sigh. I was struck again by the difference. Instead of Tabitha's dark spice, here I found almost honeyed sweetness, shot through with a slight tang, like salted caramel. Eager for more I bore down and slid her deeper into my mouth, teeth scraping lightly on her ridge even as I sharpened my tongue and probed her succulent opening.

I felt hands gently settle on my head, and spared a look upwards to find her leaning slightly back, eyes closed, a look of bliss spread across her face even as she began to thrust softly forward, a gentle rocking motion that caused her to slide deeper still.

I wondered at the apparent changes wrought by the elixir. I had experimented in the past on my own with toys, testing my limits as I'm wont to do, but had never managed to get further than the back of my tongue before the range of motion of my jaw and inevitable reflex had forced me to stop. Ultimately, I had written it off as something I'd never be capable of, a fun fantasy, but not much more.

But here, in the quiet closeness of the shop, Bridgette's soft but insistent breathing -- half sigh half moan, the hot weight of her cock filling my mouth, the her sweet excitement seeping steadily out across my dancing tongue I found no such hesitation, no resistance as I took her deeper still.

Placing my hands on her hips I drew her forward insistently, stretching my jaw wide, flatting my tongue against the bottom of her shaft, bearing down on the now slick thick rod. My toes curled as her fleshy crown scraped inward, ever deeper, my body easing the way impossibly. Reaching what I thought was my limit I started to pull back, relishing the slide of her thick flesh in my mouth.

She spoke, in a suddenly reassuring tone, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." With that she pulled me forward gently, pushing in, dragging across my tongue, teeth scraping lightly at her ridges. Then suddenly, without warning or strain her length crested the back of my tongue, slid firmly against the back of my throat and plunged down. My moans that I had been only half aware of were cut short as I was abruptly filled in a way I had never felt before, my aching erection lurched hard as my nose met the slight tickle of carefully groomed hair at the base of her cock, and my eyes rolled back.

Her fingers that had been gently guiding me went instantly rigid and she grabbed my hair, almost doubling over at the sensation of my throat hungrily closing around her. I froze, reveling in the wave of pleasure this brought to both of us, her cock pulsing, sending a fresh surge of pre that I felt as a warm wave traveling directly into my core, like hot chocolate on a cold day. I regained focus for a moment to find her staring down at me, passion and need burning in her eyes. Almost as if on cue she pushed back gently with her hands as I retreated slowly. I felt her crown slip out of my throat, the bulge of my neck relaxing as her girth left it, leaving me feeling suddenly empty. Spit slicked skin slid across hungry lips with a lascivious shlick as I sucked down on her length even as it withdrew. My tongue fought to wrap itself around her rod, teeth dragging at her skin, but finally she popped free with a wet smack and I inhaled lustily, savoring the rush of flavors she had left.

"It seems the effects have set in properly." She said with a slight smirk, "Want to see just how much?"

As a reply I tightened my grip on her soft hips and opened my mouth wide, nodding slightly, never breaking her gaze.

"Just tell me if you want to st..." Her words were cut short by a squeal of pleasure as I pulled her in hard and buried her length in my throat completely. Pleasure exploded through me again, not physical per se, this was no fiery jolt of carnal sensation, although the wet bulge in my pants would say otherwise, this was a deep spiritual satisfaction as my mouth was filled with steaming flesh, cheeks puffed by thick member, throat bugling as that glorious crown plunged deep. I twisted my head, her length sliding in new and exciting ways in me. Lost in the whirlwind of it I began plunging back and forth on her succulent cock as she too took up a steady pace of thrusts, her hands still firmly intertwined in my scalp.

My hands began flying across her lower body, grasping at her wet length each time she withdrew, kneading her skin. Instinctively, I slid a hand down between her legs to fondle what I was sure was there, only to discover, much to my amazement, a seemingly perfect set of wet lips. In my passion with Tabitha I had neither noticed nor cared what extra appendages she had below, but now found myself confronted with a new and more wonderful reality. Bridgette bucked and moaned at the sensation but didn't stop her thrusting, and emboldened I slipped a finger gently in, testing her depths. Her body tensed as I twisted my probing digit, sliding it back in the come-hither gesture, rewarded with the feeling of what could only have been her equivalent of a prostate under my finger. (I would late come to find that women of her type had a unique organ that not only gave rise to their prodigious output, but had all the pleasure qualities of the female g-spot.)

Her moans and grunts became full throated cries as I simultaneously swallowed her repeatedly, and adding a second finger, began milking her in earnest. She was practically fucking my face now, hilting herself with my nose pressed flat against her stomach, before withdrawing almost fully so that my lips were locked tight around the hard tip of her crown, and then thrusting forward again bulging my neck obscenely.

I was in heaven, her taste, her smell, the rapid rush of sensation of being filled and voided. Her cock was dripping now, my saliva flying off as she sawed into me, running down my chin, splashing across her thighs. The sound, that lewd choking slush of wet flesh plundering needy maw, filled the air.

Abruptly her cries rose in pitch, I felt her body tensing more and more, her dripping sex clenched tight around my frenzied fingers, the mound under then suddenly swelling, her cock suddenly steel hard in my mouth, her fingers clenching tight on my head. She buried herself completely and exploded.

A tidal wave of hot stickiness poured into me as her pulsing member bucked and swelled, spreading my jaw, my throat, mashing my tongue flat. I didn't need to swallow as she dumped her load directly into me. She came and came. I could feel myself growing full as she cried out her ecstasy. Pulling back, I dragged the still spraying member out till it burst across my tongue, shot after shot of liquid delight filling my mouth as I gulped hungrily. She was shaking, still deep in the throes of her orgasm, knees threatening to buckle. Still she came. How long had it been? Seconds? Minutes? I didn't care. The sweet nectar of her cock was flowing past my lips now as she bucked wildly. Thick strings of it hanging from my chin, and still she came, and still I drank.

Finally, she sagged, a long ragged sigh of satisfaction leaving her. Filled to bursting with her cum I licked hungrily at her length, savoring every drop of stickiness I could find. I wrapped my hand around her twitching length and drawing it backwards was rewarded with a final spurt and pleasured jerk as I closed it around her sensitive tip, one last dollop of pearly liquid that I let fall on my outstretched tongue.

"Holy shit. I just...you...holy shit." She said shakily, still holding my head, but now looking down at me with a mix of wonder and lust. "That was incredible."

I did not reply immediately, only swallowed the last of her sweetness and hummed contentedly.

"Holy shit, Indeed." I lurched at the sound of another voice behind me.

Turning wildly, shock and embarrassment rushing across my face I found myself looking up into the face of another woman, leaned across the counter. It was instantly clear that she had been watching the for a while, and had been enjoying what she saw. It was also instantly clear that she must be one of the others that Bridgette had spoken of, for she was slowly stroking a stiff cock that jutted proudly from jeans that were splayed open, nestled around her thick hips.

"You must be the one Tabitha told us about." She said with a knowing but friendly smirk, "I didn't believe her myself, but here you are." She had a slight drawl to her voice, smooth and soft.

"He's something else, Angela." Bridgette said, finally catching her breath and finally letting her fingers slip from my hair.

"Looks like you enjoyed yourself." Angela motioned with her chin, and looking down I was greeted by the sight of my crotch, cloth stained and straining, "Or were you not quite done yet?"

I stammered, looking back and forth quickly between the divine figures standing over me, still fixed to the chair.


 "I know just what you need." She said, sliding around the counter, coming to a stop next to Bridgette.

I was eye level with her cock now, every bit the equal of Tabitha's thick length.

Angela took my hands and bringing me to standing she deftly released my pants and let them drop to the floor in a puddle around my ankles, then hooking her thumbs in the band of my boxers slid them down over my hard shaft, the sudden cool air kissing it sending a wave goosebumps up my extremities. My cock bobbed rhythmically in time with my still hammering heart.

Reaching behind me she retrieved the discarded vial from the counter, and then sat on the now empty chair and, spreading her legs, poured the remainder of the liquid down across her shaft, then reached up to beckon me over. "Come on Sugar, show me what you're made of."

Bridgette stepped behind me, her full bosom pressing into my back, her still sopping hardness nestled into lower back leaving a smear of our congress. Gently she guided me forward, stepping over my forgotten clothing as I straddled the seated newcomer.

I lowered myself, without hesitation, until the moist crown of her cock nuzzled itself against my opening, spreading my cheeks gently. I groaned, a sudden wonton groan of satisfaction, needing this. Placing my hands on her shoulders I settled, twisting slightly. The motion caused her to slip in, just a bit, opening me and sending a jolt of carnal pleasure up through my chest, my already heightened state thrilling at the new feeling. She purred appreciatively, and leaned back as I rocked slightly. Bridgette leaned over me, hugging me from behind, her breasts pressing into the back of my head as I felt myself spread easily for this new cock. Down I bore, the familiar sensation of filling and stretching sending jolts of electricity through me. She slid in easily, no doubt aided by the elixir, until I came to rest on her lap, reveling in the hot twitch of her deep inside me.

"God, I needed that," I gasped, and began grinding against her, each movement causing her to twist and stretch me in wonderful ways. I bounced slightly, the pull and slide of her rod on my opening mixing with the deep wonderful ache of her length filling me.

Behind me, Bridgette continued to nuzzle and caress me, sliding down till she was kneeling. Her hands settled on my hips and I felt her tip nuzzle up against my already stretched opening.

"Want to really put this stuff to the test?" She whispered suggestively. I nodded automatically, lost in the thrill of the moment.

She slowed my movements for a moment, then pushed in, pressing up against the hard flesh already filling me and my straining ring. Slowly, incredibly, mind blowingly, I opened for her. A stretch like I had never felt rang through me, setting every nerve alight. Just on the verge of pain, but deep and satisfying, she filled me. Angela moaned at the added sensation, another cock sliding against hers, wrapped in hot hungry flesh. Steadily Bridgette speared me with gentle, insistent thrusts, every push gaping me ever wider, till I felt her hips push against mine, fully hilted.

I was impossibly full of thick wet twitching woman.

We froze that way for a moment, a trio of breathless panting and moans.

I was surrounded, bundled in warm bodies, laying on pillowy breasts, wrapped in gentle arms, filled beyond reason with hot straining hardness. Every nerve was singing.

As one we began to move. Angela under me gently rocking her hips, grinding her length against my prostate. Bridgette thrusting slowly. I for my part, as enveloped as I was, trying to force them deeper still.

Our pace increased until I was practically bouncing on their dual shafts, hot bolts of pleasure burning through me.

Faster we moved, until I felt I was a shining ball of ecstasy, a white hot volcano of sensation that peaked in explosive force.

My whole body locked up, hands clenched knuckle white on the back of the chair, face buried in the neck and hair of the woman under me as I came for what felt like forever, super novas of light and feeling detonating behind my eyes, finally resolving

I collapsed, panting hard, heart hammering.

We lay there for a long moment, breathing together, as I became aware that one or both of them had likewise achieved their pleasure, a veritable river of warm wetness oozing from my now gaping hole. I loved it.

"Tabitha wasn't kidding," Angela said finally, half laughing. "You're incredible."

"You know," She said, arching her brows thoughtfully "We're having a little get together this weekend, you might enjoy it." 

She stood over me, arms akimbo, with a knowing smirk working itself across her face.

Sprawled facedown across our bed I could barely move.

I could feel myself leaking, a warm river pooling in my upturned thighs.

Every shuddering breath brought the taste of the evening's activity to my lips.

I had barely made it in from the car, the driver's seat no doubt ruined.

She crawled on top of me, her warm skin a pleasant contrast to the cool cum caking every inch of me.

Rubbing herself against my wife nibbled at my ear before whispering "Keep coming back like this, and I just might have to go and see what all the fuss is about for myself."


It was late afternoon when I arrived at the address that Angela had given me, neatly written on a small piece of letter head even has her twitching member nuzzled itself inside me after our encounter behind the counter.

"Eight o'clock, sharp." Had been her cheeky missive, as she gave my freshly used rump a love tap and slid her dripping length from me.

The house was on the outskirts of town, but impressive by any standard. A low wide place, a dark mix of stone and wood that spoke of taste and secrecy.

Nestled back amongst trees it had been barely visible from the road, but a mailbox emblazoned with the same stars and shapes as were found on the exterior of Eve's Tower told me I had found the place.

Mounting the steps I found my way across the deep porch before lifting the knocker on the thick wooden door.

Before I could strike, the knocker was pulled from my grasp as the door slid open, Tabitha standing in the opening.

"You made it!" she exclaimed joyfully. I'll admit, my heart leapt at the sight of her again. In spite of everything that had transpired since our first encounter, it was her I had hoped to see again most.

"Come on," She said quickly ushering me inside she closed the door behind us, "Everyone is waiting." Taking my hand lead me through the foyer towards a hallway at the far end.

I craned my neck in wonder at the place. It seemed larger on the inside. We padded across lush carpets and dark stained hard wood floors, on every wall hung art that was sumptuous as it was exotic. Figures teemed in the images. Philosophers draped in robes debated, warriors stalked the jungles, nymph like figures paraded through sun dappled woods; all of them female.

Entering the hallway I was once again struck by the same dark aroma that permeated Eve's Tower.

She guided me gently towards the second door on our right, already half open, and we entered what appeared to be a washroom of sorts. Brown marble, slightly rough, covered almost every surface, a large tub (almost a small pool by its size) sat against the back wall, a set of ornate sinks with brass fittings lined the wall with a large mirror above them.

"So," she said, breaking the silence and turning to face me, "Did they tell you what to expect tonight?"

I shook my head "Nothing, just that I would enjoy it."

A mischievous smile crossed her face as she reached forward to begin unbuttoning my shirt, "And I'm sure you will, now let's get you out of those clothes and cleaned up."

I stood for a moment gazing at her then, almost too hastily, began unbuttoning my pants, a sudden rush of excitement at being bare in front of her rising inside me.

She giggled at my eagerness, sliding my now open shirt off my shoulders before folding it deftly and setting it aside. "You should know that this is a very special night," She said, "A ceremony, a welcoming of sorts. We don't often get the pleasure of adding a new...member to our ranks," a wry look played across her face at the word, "And you will help us in doing that." She guided me back and down to a seat and knelt to remove my shoes. "This is a rare occasion, and we are as honored to have you participate as you should be honored to be the one to act as vessel."

My mind whirled at her words, trying to grasp meaning in them but failing. I lifted my hips obligingly as she slid my pants, boxers and all down. The sudden rush of cool air made my skin prickle, and I flushed slightly at my sudden nakedness before her (not that we hadn't been far more open with each other before, but suddenly I felt timid as she was still clothed and I was not.) Neatly stacking my things she offered a hand and taking it I stood before her.

"There are a few things we must do to prepare you fully." She said, rummaging through a small leather bag on the counter before lifting a jar with a familiar green liquid inside of it, Waymaker. My heart jumped at the memory of its effects and their results, and at what its presence portended. Suddenly, she was quite close, her chest pressed against mine, the bottle held up between up as she lifted the cork. "From what I've heard you're familiar with the effects of this?" This time the mischievous smile was replaced with a raised eyebrow and a look that was a bit more suggestive.

Nodding, I took the bottle and brought it to my lips. I shivered slightly as the cool minty liquid ran across my tongue. Images flitted again through my mind of the last time I had tried Waymaker and I felt a rush of heat to my groin and my face as I felt myself hardened slightly.

Tabitha giggled, a sweet appreciative sound, obviously familiar with what had happened behind the counter that day. "Now, don't drink all of it." She said, lifting a hand to stop me from finishing off the whole bottle, "We're going to need the rest."

I panted slightly, humming my approval as I felt the warmth begin to spread down my throat.

She placed a hand on my chest and guided me back again to the chair. I started to sit, looking up at her expectantly for instruction, but she gave a slight shake of her head and smirked. Taking my shoulder she turned me gently till I was facing the chair then pressed between my shoulder blades. Obligingly, I bent at the waist till I was gripping the chair, my heart pounding as I felt my cheeks part slightly before her.

"Full preparation is the order for tonight," She said. I turned my head to see, and found her drawing off the remaining portion of the fluid into a large plastic syringe, holding it up and eyeing it like a doctor preparing a shot. "That should do it." She placed the now empty bottle aside and brought one soft hand down to grip my left cheek. I stiffened slightly at the sensation, her warm skin pressing softly into my flesh as she gripped me and pulled gently to one side, exposing me fully. She leaned forward, her breath hot on my ear. "Now relax." And I felt the cool tip press into me slightly.

My toes curled at the intrusion. I hadn't known what to expect tonight, but all day my body had been singing at the unknown promises and, although this wasn't exactly what I'd had in mind, I couldn't help but moan slightly. A rise in pressure at my entrance as she bore down on the handle and a cool spreading feeling as the contents emptied into me.

The tip withdrew and she stood and busied herself replacing the items in the bag and closing it. I stood too, my breath suddenly slightly ragged as my heart thumped hard in my chest, my erection straining.

"So, what exactly is this? This thing tonight? What did you mean by...vessel?" I said to her, wanting to know, desperately fighting the desire to pounce her and bury her gorgeous girlcock as deep inside of me as I could.

"Don't worry," Came the reply, her back still to me as she finished tidying up, "It's a ceremony we hold, to welcome a new Eve into our flock, you have made quite an impression on us, and we couldn't think of anyone better suited to help with the...ritual."

"Ritual?" I replied, still confused.

She turned, finally finished, and took in my state of baffled arousal. She was holding a thin robe now, a simple white garment, which she proffered with both hands. "Like I said, there's nothing to worry about, you will enjoy this night as much as we all will."

I realized suddenly, that it was almost identical to what she was wearing, albeit cut for a man's frame. Taking it I slid an arm in one sleeve, but didn't break my gaze from her.

"I was hoping-I mean-what I wanted to say," I found myself stammering as I slid on the other arm, "That day in the shop, the first day I mean, when we...I just..."

She seemed to realize what I was getting at and smiled sweetly, "You mean our first time? Oh, it was something special alright, I couldn't stop thinking about it myself, I'm glad you came back." She stepped close to me again, taking the sash she deftly knotted it, closing the front of the robe, but doing little to hide my stiffness that now tented its front. "Now, we mustn't keep the others waiting."

Without another word she took my hand and led me back out into the hall and deeper into the house.

We wound our way through dark passages for a minute or so (just how big was this place?) before coming to a particularly ornate wooden door at the end of a passage. She stopped and turned to me, reaching up to straighten by robe she said, "Alright, this is it, you ready?"

I nodded mutely, trying to calm my giddy nerves.

"Just relax," She said reassuringly, giving my hand a squeeze. I realized I was trembling in anticipation, not shaking per se, but vibrating with excitement. "You're going to enjoy this."

She turned and pushed open the door. It swung open silently onto a set of dark stairs that led down and to the left. We descended, cool stone on my feet, and I became aware of the quiet murmur of voices below us. At the bottom she paused again before a curtained opening hung with a rich dark velvet and turned, casting a final look as if to say "here we go" before she drew back the fabric and we stepped through.

Before me was a large room, round from what I could tell, a chaos of rich carpets covered the floor and heavy furniture of all sorts formed a wide circle around the perimeter. Settees, couches, piles of cushions, low sectionals; all upholstered in the same dark fabric we had just passed through. The only light in the room shown down from a single unseen source above, a soft warm yellow that illuminated a wide ottoman of sorts in the open space in the middle of the room and cast it's light out so that the surrounding ring half emerged from the darkness beyond. But, the thing that took my breath away was the two dozen women seated, laying, and lounging across every surface.

They were an exquisite array of feminine beauty. Every shape and body type, skin tones that ran the gamut from alabaster white to the darkest of mahogany. Hair of shimmering gold, fiery red, deep black, rich brown, and shining silver. Every one dressed in some version of the white robe I wore.

They had been in various states of quiet conversation as we entered, some leaning across arms of sofas to converse, several laying across the laps of their companions, two on a wide bean bag type were deeply entwined in each other's arms and I swore one had her hand under the robe of the other moving gently along some unseen path, but they all straightened and a hush fell as we stepped into the circle.

We stood for a moment, the center of attention before Tabitha spoke.

"Ladies, I thank you for your patience, it has been some time since we last had the pleasure of such a meeting, and it is with great joy that I present to you tonight's vessel." With that she half turned and nudged me forward with a gentle touch to my back. There was an approving murmur from the group, which sent a wave of relief through me and I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. I smiled as warmly as I could manage.

"He has graciously agreed to serve tonight," She continued, "And I'm sure you're all as...anxious...as I am to proceed." This caused a smattering of light laughter. "Bring her in!" Tabitha called toward the darkness on the far side of the circle.

The was a thunk of wood and metal, the sound of a door being unlatched, and a square of dim light opened just beyond the circle. Three figures were momentarily framed in it before the light closed off again with a soft thud. A moment later Angela and Bridgette, resplendent in the same white robes stepped forward into the light, flanking a woman between them. She was slightly shorter than them, with dark skin and flowing black hair that spilled around her shoulders. Her features were regal and exotic, speaking of oriental origin, India perhaps. She moved somewhat cautiously between them, but held her head high with poise. I could see nervousness and excitement in her dark gleaming eyes.

They approached the far side of the ottoman and stopped. Tabitha approached it as well and I followed till we were standing across from each other.

Tabitha spoke first, her tone solemn.

"We are here as vessel, to welcome the new Eve into our fold, and initiate her."

Angela replied. "We are here as Eve, to greet the vessel and join the fold."

I smirked inwardly at the pomp of this exchange, and by the twinkle in the eyes of the others I could see that they too were bemused, but committed to the pomp.

Suddenly, from all around us a wash of female voices spoke. "We are here to bear witness and welcome."

"Present the vessel." Bridgette spoke now.

Tabitha stepped before me wordlessly, she deftly loosened the knot at my waist, and then slid the robe from my shoulders till it fell and pooled around my feet.

And there I was, bare before twenty eight pairs of eyes. In the back of my mind I knew I should feel shame, but instead I felt only a flood of calm warmth spread across me. Again a low murmur of approval sounded around us, further emboldening me.

Tabitha turned, "Present the Eve"

The ladies likewise loosened the woman's robe and let it drop.

The breath caught in my throat.

She was stunning.

Soft and smooth, plump breasts that hung slightly surmounted with dark nipples that strained out eagerly, a luscious curve to her hips that resolved into smooth supple legs, proud shoulders. But most eye catching was the olive brown length, nestled between her thighs, capped with a small neatly trimmed triangle of dark hair.

Suddenly, clarity exploded through my brain. The full implications of what I was here for pounded through me. This was the newest Eve, the latest to gain the gift of the Tower, and I was to be her first. My heart that had quieted a little surged back into full force. My mouth watered at the prospect of tasting that olive brown skin. My skin prickled at the prospect of her touch.

"Shall we?" Tabitha's voice snapped me from my wonton reverie, and nodding she and the others turned and retreated to a previously unoccupied couch.

Now it was just us.

We stared for a moment, unsure what to do next, but then my instincts took over and I crawled forward onto the ottoman until I was kneeling before her. She didn't take her eyes off of me as I approached, until I had made my way across its expanse and was directly before her.

We locked eyes for a moment.

I wanted to speak, but nothing seemed right, so instead I merely offered my hand to her. She took it demurely, and I slid back till we were both kneeling on the soft cushion. There was a long moment as we took each other in, my breath was fast and hot, intense pressure of anticipation filled my head then building to an almost unbearable note.

Then, almost in that same instant we reached for each other.

The keening note of expectation inside me exploded as I touched her for the first time.

The warmth of her skin, the soft smoothness as I ran a hand down one arm while the other encircled her waist. I traced her sides, her neck, her collarbone, and her hips. Everything I could reach, as she did the same.

We explored each other with the timid passion of lovers meeting for the first time.

She massaged my upper arms, teased finger tips across my stomach, and danced across my back.

It was like we were reading each other with touch, human braille of arousal.

Our bodies leaned in till we were pressed together, her warm breath on my neck, nuzzling me, and still we sought every inch.

I could feel her stiffening against me as the first soft moan of pleasure slipped out to match my own sighs.

Pulling back slightly, I ran a hand down her chest, briefly tracing the curve of her full bosom, circling on of the full nipples. Her moan caught as I gently grazed its tip, and she arched back lifting her chest invitingly.

Obliging, I lowered my head and caught the engorged teat in my lips, flicking a tongue across its surface.

She bucked again at the sensation, and I redoubled my efforts, encircling the other breast with my hand and pinching gently at its hardened bud.

A fully voiced cry of approval from her and a half thrust of her hips rewarded my actions.

She began rocking gently, rolling her hips, and I felt her tip brush mine, by now straining a full force.

Without breaking my oral ministrations I let my free hand drop down, trailing fingers across her stomach till I felt the tickle of soft short hairs at the base of her length, and finally the smooth turgidity of her length.

I groaned as my hand closed around the base of her cock, and she likewise stiffened and gasped. For a moment I just held her, my tongue still busy lavishing her breast, feeling the pulsing heat in my grasp.

Slowly I gripped and twisted my hand, relishing in the feeling of my fingers grazing over ridges and veins, my thumb running down the smooth top as I drew back towards her tip. She twisted, her head buried in my shoulder and neck now as she panted as the sensation.

I smiled at this, taking joy in the pleasure I was giving her. Breaking my lip's contact with a final toothy nip at the dark bud of her bosom, I shifted back slightly so that I could finally look down at the matter at hand.

It was a thick, dark member, the olive skin shining slightly in the warm light streaming down from above. I brought my other hand down and with finger and thumb teased the bulbous head with a soft stroking pinch. This caused her head to snap back with a gasp, and she half fell back, catching herself with her arms so that she was leaning away from me, still kneeling.

Taking advantage of the movement, and desperate to up the ante, I coaxed her back further still with a gentle hand on her stomach, till at last she was laying fully, her hardness jutting up.

I shuffled for a second till I was kneeling comfortably between her legs, and finally, inexorably, brought my mouth down upon it.

Since the moment the robe had dropped from her body I'd had no other goal in mind than tasting the sweet flesh, and now I was here, my own erection bobbing in time with my racing heart at the prospect.

Gently, sweetly, I kissed the head.

She drew a shuddering breath.

Again I kissed, another jolt.

Pulling back to gauge her state I spied a clear pearl of excitement forming.

I let my lips part and moved further down, till my teeth caught the proud ridge of the crown, and with a guttural moan of satisfaction I closed them around the hot flesh and licked.

It tasted of spice and honey, dark chai and sweetness.

God I loved it.

A dam broke inside of me and pure uncontrollable desire burst through me like a wave.

I practically dove forward, the effects of the Waymaker in full effect by now, and gulped half her length into my needy throat.

My hands flew across her lower body, kneading, stroking, squeezing everything they could reach.

She practically screamed with delight and lust, head slamming back into the soft cushion below, her whole body arcing up to meet me.

I pushed further, desperate to hilt her as my tongue slid feverishly across the thick ridge on the bottom.

Her crown slid heavily against the entrance of my throat, then in and down with barely a pause, cutting short my sustained groan of satisfaction.

 Almost there, I leaned forward and bore down, simultaneously gripping her hips and pulling back, and was rewarded with the soft kiss of hair on my nose, and a lascivious fullness in my throat.

We froze like that for a moment, our bodies rigid with pleasure. I half heard an appreciate gasp and quick rush of low exclamations from the darkness around us.

She was shaking, her legs lock stiff beside me gripping me, one hand on my forearm gripping tight, the other clasped hard to one heaving breast. Her head back and to the side, eyes squeezed tight. A look of almost pained pleasure etched across her face.

I couldn't help but half smirk around the thick flesh spreading my lips, the feeling of satisfaction at bringing her this pleasure.

Slowly I turned my head, feeling her length twist against my tongue, drag at my cheeks. I worked my throat as best I could, massaging her crown, and began to withdraw slowly.

I twisted back and forth as I went, licking as I did, lightly scraping my teeth against the smooth wet skin till I was back at the head, just the crown trapped by tooth and lips. My eyes never leaving her face.

I held there, still, till her eyes fluttered open and she half turned her head to look at me.

It was a look of wonderment and need. A grateful pleading for more.

I was only too happy to oblige.

I closed my eyes, determined to enjoy this as much as she, and slid forward again, taking her full length in one motion, then withdrawing.

I fell into an eager rhythm, devouring her length then pulling back till she was barely free before plunging down again.

She cried out each time, her hips bucking to meet me. Her hands came up to my head and fingers twined themselves in my hair. Not gripping, but resting firmly, feeling my motion.

The sensation was exquisite.

My throat filled and spread, heavy with girl cock, then empty for a moment only to be filled again as I bobbed steadily on her hot flesh.

Her cries of pleasure were peaking now, short sharp keening gasps that rose in pitch. I knew she was close, but apparently she wasn't ready to be done. Suddenly, she surged up, hands on my shoulders pushing me back and off of her. Her throbbing member slid from my throat with a wet sucking sound. For one incredible moment a glistening rainbow of spit and pre arced between us for a moment before falling wetly across her legs.

In one smooth motion she pushed forward, hungry and insistent, rolling me back and diving forward herself till she had me on my back, her hips settling heavy on mine, my legs splayed out.

There was a brief pause as we stared at each other, panting heavily with lust and need. My ears momentarily empty of the sounds of my oral ministrations, I became acutely aware of the sounds of the room around us.

Moans, grunts, sucking, fucking, cries, gasp surrounded us.

In the half-darkness at the edge of our pool of light I could see bodies writhing everywhere. Apparently, our performance had caused quite a stir in our audience. It was glorious.

Here one woman on a couch, being deepthroated by a kneeling woman, while a third eagerly filled her ass with heavy thrusts.

There Tabitha lay across a settee her head hanging off the side, a woman bouncing wildly on her girlcock as Angela fed her inch after inch of throbbing erection.

Several engaged in a mutual handjobs as they moaned, sipped wine, and watched us.

My attention was abruptly brought back to the matter at hand by a voice above me.

"I'm Anaya," She said gazing down at me, "What's your name?"

I told her and she smiled.

"A pleasure." She said, then laughed suddenly. I couldn't help but chuckle at the entendre.

She smiled again.

"Thank you," She said suddenly sweet, "for being my first."

I felt myself blush at this.

"You're very welcome," I said, "Now, it seems everyone else is enjoying themselves thoroughly, where were we?" I ground my hips against her suggestively, our shared erections sliding against each other.

She bit her lip and the smile became a look of need. Good.

I lifted my hips further and she arched slightly till her tip slipped down, leaving a wet trail across my thigh, and nestled itself hotly between my cheeks and against my opening. I gasped slightly at the sensation, the coming act.

She looked into my eyes, as if seeking approval, and I nodded, and to show my willingness I lifted my legs and wrapped them around her waist.

She pushed, I pulled.

The Waymaker did the rest.

In one smooth motion she entered me, almost fully.

A supernova went off inside my head.

She stretched me and filled me completely.

She moaned, a long, surprised, satisfied moan as her eyes rolled back.

Stillness, for a moment, as we both luxuriated in the sensation. For her new and incredible, for me satisfying and needed.

Then she started to move.

Short slow thrusts, testing the waters.

I was in heaven.

The turgid member in me slide and pushed deliciously. Stretching my opening, dragging and the sensitive skin of my ring, her thick length spreading my walls, her hot crown plumbing my depths.

Her pace increased as she became comfortable, pulling half her length from me then plunging back in forcefully.

Faster still, till she was practically exiting me completely, a feeling of sudden emptiness violently replaced with girth and hot flesh.

I was practically sobbing with pleasure, as was she.

We clung to each other as she rutted into me. My hands were wild, clutching her shoulders, kneading her swinging breasts and pinching at her straining nipples, grabbing her ass to force her deeper still. My body was singing with sensation. Heat radiated from my core, electricity danced across my skin, a buzzing sensation filled me at the thrill of it.

I matched her thrusts with my hips, our skin slapping together loudly as we fucked ourselves into ecstasy. Till at last she stiffened, a ragged howl of delight tearing itself from her throat as she hilted herself completely. Her shaft swelled in me, spreading me further still, a searing bolt of pleasure that ground hard against my deepest reaches. Her body went ridged as she climaxed, spilling her essence deep inside me with short hard thrusts.

Finally, spent, she collapsed on top of me breathing heavily, even as she twitched out the last of her orgasm.

A cheer went up around us, part exultation and part climax. Apparently, our audience had taken note of the culmination of our passion and approved.

I was awash with sensation.

Her pulsing rod still sheathed in me and the seeping warmth of her seed sent fresh shivers down my spine. The weight of her on me, her skin slick with perspiration sliding against mine. The smell of her hair and raw sex filling my nose.

I held her as she came down from her high.

She nuzzled into my neck and kissed it, once, tenderly.

"Thank you," She whispered hoarsely.

"Oh, the pleasure was all mine."

Finally she lifted herself, propping on her arms and blinked heavily. She focused on the dimness around us, suddenly aware of the wash of sounds filling the air.

"Oh my," She gasped at the sight

The women were approaching now, having untangled, slid free, released, and detached from each other and were now descending on us.

Twenty odd glistening shafts of female flesh bobbed in the dim light, breasts of all size swung, wild hair streamed as they walked, crawled and bounded forward.

On every face a look of joy, lust, and welcome.

We were suddenly smothered in hands, gently lifting her, stroking me, pulling us upright.

"Welcome sister." Two dozen panting mouths whispered. "Welcome vessel."

Our congress had been a prelude, the real party began in earnest.

Anaya's length was pulled from me with a wet pop and instantly set upon by three hungry mouths and six eager hands, even as another kissed her deeply before offering her own straining erection which Anaya practically dove upon, closing her lips around the shaft with a satisfied groan. Yet another slide under her, and deftly slipped her length in one motion into her dripping sex. Anaya's scream of pleasure was only slightly muffled by the throbbing girlcock that was busy seeking the depths of her throat.

I only had a moment to take in this stunning display before I found myself being lifted and slid back and hands grasped and flew across my body.

I found myself at the edge of the ottoman surrounded by a host of eager women.

Several hands at once stroked eagerly at my raging stiffness, still slick with the juices of their last activity. Two shafts with heavy beads of pre hanging off them bobbed in front of my face and I reached out to grasp them and bring them to my open mouth. I hungrily sucked at their wet offerings before sliding one in to the root, relishing the stretch as it slid into my throat. I stroked steadily at the other for a moment before sliding the first free with a throaty squelch that sent a line of heavy drool down my chin. Then I swallowed the other. Back and forth I went, taking them completely in turn as they tossed their heads with pleasure of moaned with approval, their hands twining themselves in my hair and urging me on.

I felt a body slide behind mine, two arms coming around to hug me close before her fingers found my nipples and tweaked them.

"I knew you'd like this." Tabitha breathed into my ear.

I could only groan my answer.

She giggled, then grabbed my hips and lifted me till she was under me, her thick wet shaft poised at my leaking hole.

Angela was suddenly between my legs, and she deftly slid forward, hand guiding her ample girlcock forward till it kissed against Tabitha's crown and my entrance.

They both pushed.

I spread for them easily, my hungry ring giving way with little effort as a double helping of female cock filled me to capacity.

Granted, I had experienced this before, and the Waymaker did its work handily, but the combined sensation of having myself stretched and filled beyond reason while hands worked my own length and two heavy cocks took turns filling my throat sent my mind into whiteout.

Pure, unadulterated ecstasy replaced every thought in my head as I went limp.

At some point I started coming, but it was a mere point in a constellation of sensations.

And they came too, god how they came.

A choir of lust mad angels giving voice to their joy as they spilled their seed across me, in me, over me.

Then darkness.