Gaming Friends by Jack_King_Goff

People have said that online friends are real friends, but Andrew had yet to prove that for himself. Everyone he met online enjoyed playing with him, but never wanted to meet him or just talk in a chat without a game.

Andrew was fresh out of high school and was struggling to find a way to make it through life. He was taking some time off from school and was working some dead-end, part-time jobs. During most of his day, he spent his time playing video games online. All of his friends from high school were too busy with college or work to ever play with him anymore. However, he met someone new online while playing the new Battlefield game.

Her name was Sierra and she was amazing. She would always carry his team and outperform Andrew every time. Soon, they started to play more games together. Sierra was super good at every game they played together and smoked him every time they competed. Apparently, she was fresh out of college and was taking time off from work. She spent her time working out. They played together almost everyday and they would talk for hours on end. Sierra was very matter-of-fact and told things the way they were. If she said to get on, Andrew got on. If she said they were switching games? They switched games. Andrew loved her dominance and her attitude. She was perfect according to Andrew. She was super funny and bubbly, and shared similar music and movie tastes to Andrew. The only thing that he didn't like about her was her nickname for him. She would constantly call him "Andi baby" and it used to really infuriate him. He was gotten more used to it, but still didn't like it.

Sierra was the closest thing Andrew had ever had to a girlfriend. In high school, Andrew wasn't exactly the "coolest" kid. He didn't play any sports and do any extracurricular outside of school. Most girls didn't even know he existed, and if they did, they completely ignored him. Andrew didn't stand out at all. He was only 5'6 and barely 150 lbs. soaking wet. He had a fairly feminine face and smooth skin that would make some women jealous. Not only his face, but he had wide hips and big, fat ass to boot. No matter how baggy the clothes he would wear, everyone could see his ass jiggling as he walked. There were a few times that a big, buff football player would mistake him for a girl and slap his ass. It was incredibly embarrassing for him every day. He just wished a woman would accept him for who he was. Just one woman.

He had a group of friends that were similar to him, unfortunately, they were all much smarter than him. They all got into nice colleges and kind of left him alone. After graduating, they all went their separate ways and promised to talk constantly. That promise lasted a whole week.

Andrew had just woken up on a lazy Tuesday afternoon and, like usual, had no plans for the day. He got onto his game and started mindlessly playing while eating his microwaved breakfast. After a few hours of playing, he got a party invite from Sierra. It got his so excited and he immediately accepted.

"Hey there, loser." Sierra said jokingly. "You ready for me to finally carry you? I bet you haven't even won a match yet."

"I haven't really been playing that hard. I'm just chilling and listening to music right now."

"Sure." Andrew could hear her eyes roll. "Alright, I just sent you an invite to my lobby."

The two of them played together for awhile without talking anymore than is necessary for the game. After they won a round, Sierra left really quickly to use the bathroom. During this time, Andrew reflected on how lucky he was to have met her. She is so kind to him and feels like one of his best friends. He always wanted to ask her out or to meet in person, but he knew she would be disappointed with his looks. He was too short and shy, and unfortunately those weren't his least favorite attributes. His penis was way too small to please any woman. He knew if any woman saw it, they would laugh uncontrollably.

Sierra came back and interrupted Andrew's self-loathing session. "Hey Andi baby, why haven't you ever ask to meet in person? I don't even know what you look like."

"Uhhh... um..." Andrew started to sweat as he stuttered and stammered.

"Could she read my mind? Why is she bringing this up now?" He was thinking to himself is a panic.

"How about you send me a pic of you? I want to see if you're my type." She said. "I'm just kidding. But I do want to know what you look like."

"Re-really? Are y-you sure?" Andrew was still nervous about the whole thing.

"Well, yeah." She sounded confident and confused as to why he was so nervous about it. "I mean, we've been playing together for a good long while now. And I have no idea what you look like."

Andrew took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Oh, ok." He stood up and pulled out his phone as he stood in front of his wall mirror. He was wearing the clothes he slept in, which as a tight fitting shirt and short shorts. He took the picture and sent it to Sierra. "I, uh... just sent you a picture of me."

"Oh... my... god." Sierra was at a loss of words.

Andrew took an embarrassing sigh and was disappointed. He knew she was going to make fun of him and laugh in his face. The only friend he had left was about to humiliate him.

"You are exactly my type! We have to meet up!" She sounded so excited.

Andrew's ears perked up and he was pleasantly surprised. "Re-really? I've never heard someone react that way once the saw me."

"Well, you've never met a girl like me. Tomorrow come to my house at noon. I really want to play with you." She sounded so happy and excited. This made Andrew so relieved and full of joy.

"Can you send me your address?"

"Sure thing, Andi."

Andrew's phone pinged twice with two messages from Sierra. One was her address in a small city, about an hour and a half away, called Futradon. The second was a picture of her face. All Andrew could say was, "Wow..."

"So, what do you think?" Sierra said confidently.

"You are smoking hot." Andrew couldn't take his eyes off the picture. She was tanned caramel skin and gorgeous hazel eyes. Beautiful, long eyelashes and big, juicy, luscious lips with a light maroon color. She was a small nose piercing and two similar earrings. All that, plus thick, curly, fluffy brunette hair and went down to her shoulders. She was perfect, and not to mention that she was also a gamer and apparently he was her type. Andrew had fallen in love. "I don't mean to sound weird or creepy, but wow. You look really good."

"Awww, you're too kind." She said with a grin. "Well, I've got to be going to the gym, but I'll see you tomorrow."

"I can't wait." Andrew was so excited he couldn't think straight.

"I know you can't." She giggled. "See you tomorrow, Andi baby." She kissed into the mic and logged off.

Andrew looked down and noticed he was rock hard. His small dick was at an erect 3" and about to cum. The fact that a simple image of her made him this horny was concerning. Especially because he was about to meet her in person tomorrow. To take his mind off of it, he went back to playing video games.

That night, Andrew struggled to sleep. He kept thinking about Sierra and how their meeting would go. "How is she going to act in person? Did she really mean 'I'm her type', or was she just messing with me?" He tried to get as much sleep as possible before the big day.

He woke up at around 8 and immediately ate breakfast. After his shower, he got dressed and looked at the time. It wasn't even 10 o'clock yet. However, he was so excited and anxious, Andrew left the house knowing he might get there early.

After the painfully long drive, he finally got to her neighborhood. He noticed two women out and about. They were both very tall and pretty. They were like supermodels and strutted down the sidewalk like it was a runway. He eventually pulled up to the house on the corner and parked his car on the street. With one final deep breath, he got out of his car and headed up to the front door. The walk couldn't have been more than twenty feet, but felt like ten miles. He got up to the dark brown wooden door and knocked a couple times. After tapping his toes for a few minutes and looking at his watch, which read 11:36, he knocked again. Still, there was no answer. Andrew checked the text to make sure he got the right address, which he did.

Right before he could knock for a third time, the door swung open and Andrew looked up at the giant woman before him. She was in her mid twenties and easily 6'9 and very fit. She was wearing a black headband and a black/gray sports bra. The bra did a very poor job at hiding her massive tits. They were practically popping out. Sierra was wearing tight fitting gray leggings with black stripes. She was hiding one leg behind the door, but Andrew could see her glorious ass and muscular legs. She was sweating as the muscles were rippling. Beads of sweat rolled through her large cleavage and down her washboard abs. Andrew caught himself being hypnotized and gawking at her goddess-level stature and beauty.

"Oh my goodness, Andi, you're here so early!" She seemed excited and her bubbly personality wasn't just an online facade. "Sorry if you were waiting long. I was just finishing up my workout. I wasn't expecting you until noon."

"Sorry, I, uhh, just got a little impatient I guess." Andrew gave a nervous chuckle and smiled up at her glowing face.

"I don't mind at all, I'm glad you made it. I've been waiting to meet you for so long. I thought you were ask me to meet you a while ago, but you never did." She put her hands on her hips while still partially hiding behind the door.

"Sorry, I just didn't want to come off as weird or anything."

"Oh, it's fine Andi baby. When I saw your picture, I knew immediately that you were perfect. I had to fu... face you in person." A sly little smile grew on Sierra's face. "You've always been so quiet, I love quiet guys."

Andrew got as red as a tomato and took a nervous gulp. No woman had ever been this excited to see him. Especially a woman this gorgeous.

"Well, come in I'll show you the kitchen while I get a drink. Later I'll show you to my bedroom. I can play something while we're in there."

Somehow Andrew became even redder and looked as if he was going to burst. "Ok." He squeaked out very meekly.

Sierra lead him towards the kitchen while walking behind him the whole time. As the entered the room, Andrew looked up and around at the modern looking design in the kitchen. It was a small room with a lot of windows to let in the natural sunlight. Sierra was reaching into the fridge and grabbed a protein shake for herself.

She pulled the drink away from her mouth and licked the excess slowly from her lips. "Would you like something to drink? I have this special 'protein' shake that is supposed to really good. All the reviewer guys said that is was additive. Do you want some?" She pulled out some odd looking white liquid in a large cup.

"S-sure, I guess." Andrew didn't want to be rude. Also, he was kind of enticed by the whole "special" and the "addictive reviews" aspect.

"Here you go." She handed him the glass and leaned over the kitchen island. "Drink it all. I don't like to waste food, and it won't keep for much longer."

The smell was musky and pungent. Andrew didn't want to insult her in her own home, so he took a deep breath and slowly brought the cup to his mouth. The initial taste was very salty and quite unpleasant. Unfortunately, he knew he was going to have to drink the whole thing. So, he did what he had to do and raised the bottom to the sky and tried to end the entire process sooner rather than later. The whole drink lasted only about ten seconds or so, but it felt like forever. Weirdly enough, by the end of the drink, Andrew felt himself wanting more. It no longer tasted bad, and was actually really good. He put the cup down on the counter. With his fingers, he scooped around the sides of the cup and licked off the excess liquid.

After the cup was practically cleaned, Andrew smacked his lips and looked up at Sierra. "What was that? It was the best thing I've ever tasted."

"I knew you would love it." She had a sexy and comfortable smile on her face. "It's something that I make."

"You made that? How? Can you make more? Do you have any more? I really want some more." Andrew was very eager for another taste of whatever that was.

"I'm sure we'll have time to make some more for you. And I'll show you exactly how it's made. I'll give you a first-hand experience." She was trying hard to hold back some laughter. "I'll even let you taste it straight from the source."

"That sounds wonderful. Can we do that now."

"Whoa there, calm down now sweetie. No need to rush. We have plenty of time together. First, let's go play in my room."

His was stunned as his face went red again. This would be Andrew's first time in a woman's bedroom, and she was so confident and comfortable with it. His breathing heavier and he began to sweat. He didn't want to ruin this chance with this woman. She was perfect and possibly his only chance to get a girlfriend.

As they entered the bedroom, Sierra took a step back and said, "Take a look around, I'm going to go to the restroom real quick."

"Ok." Andrew took the time and looked around the medium sized room. She had a nice gaming setup on the opposite end of her bed. Her console was nice and clean and looked almost brand new compared to his. She had a good amount of albums hanging on the walls. A lot of them Andrew had listened to and enjoyed himself. She had a closest full of clothes and dresser with some knickknacks on top. All-in-all, the room was nice and quaint. Andrew went over to inspect the gaming setup and noticed something. There was only one controller. She kept saying that they were going to "play together", yet only one of them could ply at a time. Which wasn't the end of the world, it was just odd.

Sierra reentered the room and silently locked the door behind her. She walked up to Andrew by her gaming chair. "So Andi, you ready to play together?"

"Yeah, but how are we going to do that? There's only one controller." Andrew was fairly confused.

"Well, it pretty simple," Sierra walked over and booted up the game. "I'm going to play and you're going to help out by... uh, let say 'giving me support'. How does that sound?" She rolled the gaming chair out of the way.

"Um, ok. What do you want me to do?"

"Just lay on the ground right here and you'll figure out the rest."

Andrew was completely puzzled by her commands. However, he did as she asked and laid down on his back with his feet facing the bed. "Ok, now what?"

"This." Sierra had taken her pants off and just sat down right on Andrew's face with her bare ass. Her ample asscheeks smushed his face and made it impossible for him to breathe.

The surprise was crazy, it was almost too much to comprehend. Andrew squirmed and wriggled underneath her heavy body. He raised his arms and tried to push Sierra off. The massive, muscular woman however, pinned both of his wrists to the ground and wiggled her butt. She was trying to push herself further down onto her chair's face.

"Just sit still and learn to enjoy it." Sierra was letting out some light moans.

Andrew could feel all of her sweat covering his face. Drops of the musty liquid were falling onto his chin and forehead. After she fully took her leggings and panties off, Andrew felt something heavy swing down and hit the top of his head. With his face currently covered with voluptuous ass cheeks, he was unable to see what was hitting his head.

Sierra started playing a round of her game while rocking her hips on his face. "Stick your tongue out and really get up in there. If you eat my ass well, I'll let you breathe in a little bit."

Andrew's tongue slowly left the safety of his own mouth. He felt around the outside of her hole with the tip of his tongue. The taste was unique, but not overly unpleasant. It was an odd musky flavor, but he had tasted worse things in his life. As he went to stick his tongue into her asshole, it was like something had clicked in his head. He just wanted more of the taste, the sensation, he wanted more of her. Soon after, he began tongue-fucking her asshole and French-kissing it. He was moaning as he ate her delectable ass.

"Ohhh yeah, keep going baby. Fuck yeah! Right there, Andi baby! You love this sweaty ass, don't you? You filthy slut!" Sierra was struggling to focus on her game as Andrew made out with her asshole.

After about a minute of tongue-fucking and face-sitting, eventually Sierra leaned forward and allowed for Andrew to catch his breath. Andrew's face stayed attached to her ass however. He no longer cared to air, and just wanted to taste her ass.

Andrew licked and slurped up the sweat around his mouth and face. "More!" Only one word exited his mouth during the break.

"Well, aren't you an addicted, little boy?" She giggled and looked down at him. "I mean, since you asked so nicely." And she sat back down on her new seat.

This went on for a while, until her round ended. Eventually, Sierra stood up and pulled the chair over and sat down. Andrew was still on the ground, writhing in pleasure. The euphoric taste still lingering on his tongue. The smell of her sweaty ass was singed into his memory, and he loved it.

"Get up." Sierra spun her chair to face him and commanded him to rise to his knees.

"What the..." Andrew's eyes went wide as he gazed upon on of the largest cocks he'd ever seen.

"Like what you see?" She raised one eyebrow and smirked down at the small man covered in her ass sweat. She smacked the heavy cock on her defined abs. It was easily 11 inches and about the same girth as his forearm. A bunch of thick veins traveled up and down the massive shaft.

"How did you... What is... Wh-what?" Andrew is still in a bit of a haze from being sat on. He was unable to form full sentences.

"You got me all worked up. So, get under my desk and get ready to suck me off."

"B-but... uh, I've... I've never sucked dick before. I'm not into dicks."

"Dude..." She looked down at Andrew with her hands on her hips. "You just made love with my asshole for like, 25 minutes. Comparatively speaking, sucking my cock isn't much different."

In his current mental state, the logic made perfect sense. He crawled on all fours towards her desk. He got under to face her and she pulled up to trap him between her thick legs. He was face to "face" with her massive member. As he looked at the dick slit, a bead of precum dribbled out. He hesitantly put his lips around the head of her enormous cock. The salty precum landed on his tongue and sent a shock straight to his brain. It tasted identical to the drink he had earlier in the kitchen. (He still didn't make the connection that the drink was just Sierra's cum.)

"There you go. Swirl your tongue around the tip." She put her hand on his head for encouragement. "God... you were made for taking futa-cock!"

Andrew moaned as he bobbed his head up and down on her shaft. He was using his tongue to trace the veins on her member. Weirdly enough, he felt proud of himself for making her feel good. The sounds of her moans and feeling her harden in his mouth, made him truly happy.

"Alright... you keep going down there, Andi baby. I'm gonna play a round. I don't want you to stop until I tell you to."

As Sierra grabbed her controller and started her game, Andrew grabbed the base of her cock and began to stroke. His hands were used to reach the part of her cock he couldn't get to with his mouth. He would gag as the tip touched the back of his throat.

"Oh, fuck... your pillowy lips are perfect for sucking cock!" Sierra was struggling to focus on her game. "I'm already close! Get ready down there."

Andrew felt her balls retract upwards as her cock shuttered. He knew she was about to let loose with her semen. And if the size of her cock and ball were any indication of her sexual prowess, then her load would be massive. With a final twitch of the cock, her load shot out with a violent eruption. The white, hot semen shot down his throat and filled with mouth. Once his cheeks were full, her cum oozed out of his mouth and down his chin. The cock popped out and was still unloading her jizz. Andrew's face was beginning to be covered in her sperm. The thick, muscular legs on either side of Andrew began to shake. Sierra was moaning as she trembled from the immense pleasure. Andrew swallowed as much of the cum as he could. The taste was fantastic and familiar. He could stop himself from drinking it all. Before he knew it, all of the cum in his mouth was slurped down. 

"Goddamnit! That was the best nut I've ever had in my whole fucking life." Sierra was in bliss as she tried to regain composure.

Once the haze had passed, Andrew looked down and realized his clothes were caked. Semen covered his shirts and even dropped down to his pants. Worry started to spread as he wondered what he was going to do. How was he supposed to leave and go out in public with cum all over his clothes. Not only his clothes, but his face and hair were also covered. Thinking quickly, he began to lick all of the cum off of his face. He brushed it out of his hair and tried his best to clean his shirt. He managed to get to big globs out, but there was a stain left.

"Finally, my games over." Sierra rolled her chair back and allowed Andrew to crawl out. "Oh, shit. Sorry about your clothes, Andi baby. I'll wash them for you later."

She grabbed onto his shirt and yanked it over his head. With his shirt off and flung onto her bedroom floor, she quickly began to unbuckle his jeans. Once his jeans were at his knees, she pushed him onto his back. The giant woman tore off his shoes and pants. He was just in his underwear and sock and felt the cold air hit his skin. A shiver went down his spine. She silently gestured for him to get up and take his underwear off. His hands trembled as he slowly lowered his boxer briefs. Once the head of his penis was showing, her face lit up.

"Oh my god! Look at it!" She looked at his fully-erect, 2 inch penis. "It's the same size as my pinky! I didn't realize a cock could be so small! It's adorable." She planted a quick kiss on the tip of his dick and he shuddered from touch. "Oh my god, you're about to explode! I bet you would squirt like a girl with this itty-bitty clitty. Wanna find out?"

Andrew was still in a daze and couldn't fully comprehend what was happening. His mind and body were malleable as she bent him over the bed. Sierra nudges his legs wider and caresses his smooth bare ass. Shivers run up his spine as her fingers slowly move towards his tight hole.

All of the sudden a light clicks on in Andrew's head and he jolts up. "Whoa! I don't think I can do this." He flips over to his back and slides away from the woman towering over him. He starts to sweat and looks around nervously as he mutters and mumbles. "Thanks for the offer and everything, but I don't think I'm ready for that." He pointed down to her massive cock as it twitched with excitement.

Sierra crawled onto the bed seductively, and whispered directly into his ear. "Don't worry, baby. I'll make it fit."

She was so hot and she sounded so sexy, precum started to ooze out of Andrew's penis. He couldn't deny that she was turning him on. However, he couldn't help worrying about the size of her cock. It rubbed and poked against his legs and bottom.

"It's not that I don't want to do this," Andrew was trying to find a way to no be impaled with her meaty cock. "But didn't you just cum? Don't you want to take a break?"

"Futanari aren't like you boys. We can cum up to ten times before needing a break." She lined her cock up with his virgin hole.

"Could I suck you off again? I'll do that all night for you."

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for the offer, baby. But, I need to feel your ass around me. I need to be deep inside you."

"Oh... uh, ok" Andrew began to shake as the pressure on his asshole gradually grew.

"Take a deep breath for me, baby." Sierra took an exaggerated breath to help Andi breathe. "Plus, thanks for flipping onto your back. I want to look into your eyes when I make you cum like girl."

Andrew let out a meek little squeak and his hole was trying to prevent her monster cock from entering. Unfortunately, she was relentless and continued to push into him. His pretty pink pucker was slowly stretching as the very first inch of her cock poked its way into his body. A warm drop of precum dipped inside his virgin asshole. All of the sudden, Sierra took a final firm thrust forward. With an audible "POP" she finally entered Andrew and made him scream.

With her thick tip snug inside his extremely tight hole, Sierra leaned in and pinched his erect nipples. "You're officially mine" she stated plainly.

As she started to rock her hips back and forth with gradual increases of intensity, Andrew began to see stars. His mouth went agape as a tingling sensation started to form in his ass and around his genitals.

"Wuh, wwooo... hhuhhh, nghh, ughhh..." Drool was dribbling down his cheek are mumbles escaped his mouth.

Sierra reached over to her bedside table and grabbed a bottle of lube. She poured the warm liquid on her cock and Andrew's asshole. The liquid allowed for more of her juicy cock to slide deeper into Andrew's limp body. Sierra was more than halfway in and she could tell that he was still fighting her a bit.

"Relax for me, baby." She stroked his hair and leaned in to whisper into his ear. "Trust me, you'll love it."

Through the confusing haze in Andrew's mind, he managed to listen to her words and tried easing into the sensation. As her cock was almost all the way in, he could feel himself to cumming. But, as soon as he got close to climaxing, Sierra stopped moving her hips and grasped hard onto his balls.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Andrew was so confused as to what she was doing now.

"Oh no, Andi. You don't get to cum that easy." She had a devilish look on her beautiful face. "You have to beg me to let you cum."

Andrew was so close and he was incredibly frustrated. "Please let me cum." He said plainly as quickly as he could.

"Not like that, Andi baby." Her grip on his balls tightened. "You have to mean it. Beg your mistress to fuck the cum out of you."

A tear trickled down his face as he practically screamed, "Please mistress, let me cum! Fuck me so hard make my cum like a girl! Pound my tight little boi pussy until I squirt all over!"

"Good boy." She kissed his forehead and let go of his balls.

She leaned back before driving her hips into Andrew at full force. A long jiggled was sent up his pillowy ass as her muscular thighs slapped against him. With a second hard drive deep into his freshly stretched asshole, the urge to cum was imminent.

Andrew's mind went blank in a blissful haze as his body squirted a watery load all over his chest and stomach. "I'm cumming, mommy!"

Sierra giggled as she was making Andi look like a fountain. His cum was shooting upwards with each thrust. Her cock was growing with excitement and an eagerness to fill up her new plaything. Her engorged balls retracted as she prepared to explode.

"Are you ready for me to breed you, Andi baby?" She asked and looked at his blissfully blank expression and smiled. "Good. Get ready for it."

She huffed and panted as her pounding sped up and became more animalistic. Sweat pouring down her face and rippling down her washboard abs. In that moment, she was glistening with beauty. Sierra was the absolute picture of perfection, and she knew it. She took as deep of a breath as she could and got ready to unleash the floodgates.

All of the sudden, Sierra moaned and she began to cum. Andi was hit with a warm sensation in his stomach. Her balls were unloading gallons worth of jizz deep inside her new cumdump. She wrapped up the cum covered, limp-bodied boy in her ripped arms. Her cock was still deep inside and continuing to cum. Andi's stomach began to slowly bulge with semen. After minutes of filling him up, Sierra rolled off her plaything. All of the sudden, the cute, little boy in her bed looked to be 9 months pregnant. A slow river of cum was dribbling out of his asshole.

Sierra laid while panted in a sweaty mess on her bed. After taking a moment to breathe and reflect on the best sex she had had in a while, she got up. She went and through in a load of laundry and got a quick drink. Finally, she went to the bathroom before reentering her bedroom. She looked down at the boy on her bed like you would a sleeping puppy. Sierra was happy to have met him and she hoped to keep him.

Crawling into bed next to her exhausted and sleeping plaything, Sierra gently whispered into his ear. "You are perfect for me. You're gonna be with me for a very long time." She snuggled up next to him and started to go to sleep.

Andi couldn't do anything but smile as he basked the moment. As he started to doze off, he could help but remember how good it felt to be fucked by her. Afterwards, he thought to himself, "Online friends are real friends."