Over an Ex and Under a T-Girl Part 1 by TGPstories

"So... When's your harpy getting here then?"

"Ah she's not that bad really," Jeff replied unconvincingly. She was and she was getting progressively worse.

"She's just using you Jeff. If you didn't work in advertising and take her out to fancy parties to hobnob with celebrities she wouldn't give you the time of day. Do you even like her?"

"Yeah I kinda like her, she's... OK," he lied.

"No she's not. And as soon as she meets someone better she'll be off like a shot... Oh, shit... I mean... umm when she meets someone she thinks is better. Not that err, she can find someone better than you."

"Ha! Yeah, yeah don't worry I know what you meant. And yes I'm pretty sure she's been looking around too. To be honest I really hope she finds someone soon and just naffs off and leaves me alone."

"So why haven't you left her already?"

"Well she looks amazing so it's pretty good to have her hanging off my arm at all those events." Even that was a bit of a lie. While it was good to walk in with a stunning woman she did tend to flirt a bit too much with other people and sometimes it became a little embarrassing, especially when she was drinking.

"Plus everytime I'm planning to finish it with her we somehow end up in bed. You can't just dump someone straight after having sex you know, it's just wrong," he said, finally admitting the truth. "So then I have to leave it a few more days, and then we argue, and then we go to bed, and then I have to leave it a few more days. Do you see my problem?"

"Yeah. You're an idiot. Just man up and finish it already, even if it is just after sex. Just pat her nicely and say there you go sweetie, I've left you a nice little creamy going away present. Now fuck off and don't come back."

"Ha yeah right, like you'd ever do that," Jeff said laughing. "Seriously though the sex isn't even that good anymore. She doesn't even look that interested half the time and sometimes we're just going through the motions. I'm half expecting to catch her scrolling through her phone mid coitus one of these days," he chuckled before turning a little more serious. "I think she might actually be seeing someone else behind my back."

"Then you should be looking around for someone else too you dumbass."

"Nah can't do it. I know what you're saying but that's not me. It's not right and... Oh hey Tiffany, good to see you."

"Hi Jeff," she kissed him on the cheek with a faked warmth, "David." She said with an unfaked coldness.

She sat down and ignored them both, glued to her phone and lost in one of her frequent moods. Jeff shook his head and sighed, he could ask her what was wrong but that would risk her telling him and then he would have to pretend to listen and care.

Tiffany could be really witty, fun and charming when she wanted to be but there was a dark and manipulative side to her personality that was becoming more and more obvious as time went on. To his shame he had put up with her antics for almost four months now. Her killer body and sexual availability keeping him by her side, between her thighs and under her thumb. Admittedly it was nice to walk down the street with a girl who could turn most people's heads but the trade off had stopped being worth it a long time ago.

Right! All he had to do was avoid sleeping with her for a couple more nights and wait for their next fight so he could walk away as the good guy. He knew he wouldn't have to wait long but the opportunity was about to come up a lot sooner than he thought.

"Hey guys did you miss me?" Rita called out as she walked over to give David a kiss on the lips. "Sorry I'm late, woman's prerogative, come on Dave we need to leave now or we'll miss the concert."

"Yeah we need to be leaving too," Tiffany said, finally putting down her phone, "Jeff's taking me to the Ivy today. It's expensive but he loves to treat me and it's really no less than I deserve and... Oh Shit!"

They looked in the direction Tiffany was staring and saw a redhead approaching them with wide open arms and a warm, infectious, heartfelt smile that Jeff couldn't help but return. She was curvaceous and carried it well. On first impression she seemed like a really nice friendly girl. Bubbly and cute. Just watching her walk in was enough for him to instantly know they'd get on like a house on fire.

"Tiffany! How are you? I saw you from outside and I'm so excited to finally get to meet some of your friends. I'm Gwen by the way and I don't know how much she's said about me, nothing bad I hope, but me and Tiff are... well kinda going out now I suppose." She gushed. "Early days but she's been so sweet."

"Shushhh. Not here, not now Gwen! You're embarrassing me!" She hissed.

"What do you mean?" she said with a hurt expression. "You said you'd told your friends about me. That you'd introduce me to them. You promised Tiffy."

"Yeah! Well I didn't, did I! I actually have a boyfriend Gwen and even if I didn't, do you really think I could have all my friends thinking I was going out with someone like you?" She seethed.

"What!" Gwen's face dropped and she took a couple of backward steps as she saw the dark side of Tiffany coming through for the first time.

Jeff jumped to his feet, he had no idea who this woman was but he couldn't just sit there and watch her be abused like that.

"Fucking hell Tiffany, why do you have to be such a bitch! What the hell has she done to deserve that!"

"Oh shut the fuck up Jeff, we can talk about this later after we've eaten. Now let's just go. I've got all dressed up for tonight and I don't want this evening ruined."

"Unbelievable. There won't be a later Tiffany, that's it, we're done, we're over."

"What do you mean we're over? We're not over, we have plans. The award ceremony is next week and I've been looking forward to it for months."

"Wow! You're seriously delusional aren't you? I'm not taking you anywhere. I don't know how or why I've put up with you for so long but you're dumped Tiff, do you need me to draw you a fucking diagram or something, should I take an ad out in the local paper. You. Are. Dumped."

"What!" Shouted back a furious Tiffany. "You're actually dumping me! You," she gestured dismissively at Jeff with a look of incredulity, "dumping me!"

She shook her head, genuinely struggling to comprehend what was happening. Him dumping her! No one fucking well dumps her she was gorgeous and he was... Argh! How fucking dare he! How the hell could he humiliate her in public like this. Her shock quickly turned to anger.

"Fuck you Jeff. I've been slumming it with you! Do you think you'll ever get with someone as hot as me again? You," she said jabbing at him with her finger, "were single for well over a year before I took pity on you."

"Gwen has a big, thick, fat, shecock. Maybe you should let her fuck you too. She's a top and prefers men anyway it's just that she can't get one. You'd be perfect for her though. You're a big enough pussy to simply bend over and take it like a good little bitch. The only thing you've got going for you is a nice arse so you might as well get it filled. Go for it honey bunny."

"Tiffany!" Gwen shrieked, finally breaking out of her shock. She shook her head and quickly dropped to a tone not much higher than a loud whisper, designed to reach the ears of Tiffany only but easily overheard by the three friends. "How could you? And how dare you tell people my secret!" She seethed. "I'm the only one who can decide who does and doesn't know that. I've told you how sensitive I am about it! I trusted you for fucks sake. How could you betray me like that?" ... "I thought you cared." She sniffed sadly.

"Oh fuck off Gwen," she replied at the top of her voice. "I'd tell you to grow a pair but you already have. And why the hell are you acting like this? Like you're the one who's being wronged here. I'm the one who has just been outed as going out with a fat fucking bitch! How do you think that makes me look?"

"I... I..." Gwen turned and stumbled back out into the night, leaving the silenced bar with it's staring denizens behind and fleeing into the darkness.

"Oh you're leaving... Shame! And what's that I can hear in the distance? Is it the sound of cakes crying in terror at your approach?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Jeff screamed at Tiffany and set off after the poor girl.

"Oh yeah that's right Jeff. You just chase after the girl with the big cock rather than stay here with your hot girlfriend... Arsehole... You don't even know her... She's such a needy fucking nightmare... You come back right now do you hear me..." You could hear a pin drop. "Well you just fuck off too then... You know I'm totally out of your league you loser. You'll never get another girl like me... Fuck!"

She stood quietly for a few more moments in the silenced bar before sighing and continuing in a much lower tone.

"Why does no one ever ever think about me? Why does no one ever take my feelings into account," she sulked.

"Hey Tiffany."

"Ugh, and what do you want Rita?" She said, turning to face her with obvious disdain.

The last thing Tiffany remembered before waking up on the floor was a fist barreling towards her face.


"Gwen! Gwen! Wait up."

She stopped in the road and wiped away a tear with her sleeve, sighing and slumping her shoulders before turning to face the guy from the pub. She thought his name might have been Jedd or Jeb or something. Once the shouting started she kind of got lost in the unravelling nightmare and all she wanted to do was get home, curl up into a ball and cry.

Gwen knew he'd been on her side at one point but now he knew her secret he'd have put up the barriers, he wouldn't see her for who she really was, he'd just see her as Tiffany saw her. Just as some fat tranny to be mocked and pushed around. That's what they would all see from now on. What was he going to do? Apologise to her or shout at her for sleeping with his girlfriend? Whatever he did she'd just accept it and move on. She felt broken.

Jeff walked up to Gwen and wrapped his arms around her as she froze. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. No one should have to face that," he said, rubbing her back.

As he hugged her tighter her paralysis broke and she threw her arms around him, sobbing onto his shoulder and suddenly totally dependent on the comfort of a stranger, clinging to him like driftwood in a tempestuous sea. They stood in the middle of the road, simply holding onto each other and with neither willing to let go. Gwen slowly relaxed into the hug until the sound of new voices caused her to freeze once more as she desperately tried to work out whether they were friends or foes.

"Hey it's Gwen right?" Rita asked with concern. "Are you OK sweetheart?"

"Yes, yes... I'll be fine... Kind of used to it now," she gave a half smile.

"Well you shouldn't have to get used to crap like that." Rita shook her head and turned to Jeff. "You're going to look after her for a bit right? Make sure she's OK? We really have to be going but we'll ditch the concert if you need us to stay with you, it's no biggie."

She paused for a moment and remembered all the shit Tiffany had thrown Jeff's way. Damn she hadn't even asked about him. He was usually big enough and strong enough to hold his own but that was pretty rough on him too.

"And how are you holding up Jeff? Gwen got it far worse than you but she wasn't the only one to cop some flack in there."

"Yeah you don't have to worry about me Rita. Me and my mirco-penis are doing just fine," he smirked back. "And yes I'll make sure Gwen is OK, you two head off and have some fun."

There was a fair amount of bravado in that statement and although he was hiding it pretty well inside he was in some turmoil. Did she really cheat on him because he had a small dick and was crap in bed? He'd measured it before and it was just shy of six inches so not too bad at all. Just under five and a half was supposed to be the average but what about girth? Was it too thin? He wasn't about to ask David to whip it out to do a comparison and he knew comparing it to Gwen's would be a mistake. It would be a damn sight harder to ask her as well but he did find himself a little curious.

For some reason he found himself really wanting to see her penis and he started to actively scan his body for any feeling of her pressed up against him. Disappointingly, he couldn't feel it against his leg. Damn, why the hell is that disappointing? Well it's only natural isn't it, he told himself, to want to check out the competition, nothing more than that. He shook himself out of it.

David was, unusually for him, the only one who didn't have sex related anatomy on his mind, he was much more concerned with Rita right now. "Are you sure you don't want to get some ice on that hand?" After a quizzical look from the others he added proudly. "It's a bit swollen. Rita punched Tiffany out."

This earned her a high five from Jeff and she winced in pain at the contact but it was totally worth it.

Gwen settled down as they said their goodbyes to the couple and she allowed Jeff to convince her to go for a drink with him. The reluctance was pretty much faked and short lived. She had only recently moved to the city, had few friends here and really didn't want to be alone right now. She was glad to have someone to talk to and doubly so as he knew her secret and had accepted her. Maybe something good might come out of this horrible night after all.


After a brief argument at the bar about who got to buy the first round a smiling Jeff brought the drinks back to the booth. It was so refreshing to have had an argument with a girl that didn't involve irrational demands.

It also meant he'd got to watch her walk back to the table. She had a truly exceptional bottom, big but round and firm with a fantastic wobble as she walked. On his own walk back he was able to check out her front properly for the first time. Gwen had nice big boobs that were at least an F cup and suited her larger than average frame. She had long wavy red hair, green eyes that sparked when she talked and of course that wonderful warm smile. She really was a wonderful mixture of sexy and cute.

Jeff shuddered himself back to reality. She had a penis, an apparently huge and dominating top's penis if his lying cheating ex could be believed, so why was he looking at her as a possible future love interest. There was definitely something that drew him to her but it was far too early to know what it was, just a feeling, something intangible. Such a shame about the dick, otherwise who knows what could have been.

He sat down, sliding over her drink and raised a toast. "To crazy ex-girlfriends."

"To crazy ex's." She replied, raising her own glass and once again treating him to one of her dazzling smiles. "Oh, and I'd never have gone out with her if I thought she already had a boyfriend."

"Yeah you did look a bit shocked at that. And I'd have never gone out with her if I'd known how much of a psycho she was but that's life." He shook his head. "In the beginning she was actually quite nice and... well you should know. She's always been a bit Jekyll and Hyde and had her bad moments but tonight was something else. I seriously can't believe she did that though. I genuinely think she might be a sociopath."

"Ugh I don't even want to talk about her anymore. Let's change the subject err, kittens and puppies, let's talk about them instead."

"Ha, you're so girly aren't you, I love you already," he laughed, causing her to blush and she shyly brushed her hair out from her eyes before tucking it behind her ear.

Damn she's cute, he thought again, before wondering what her cock would look like, how big it would be, how heavy. What would it feel like if he held it in his hand with its supposed extra length, girth and weight. He'd probably have to give it a little stroke to find out, to get a proper feel.

Still blushing she glanced away to hide the colour spreading across her features and he stole a quick glance down, trying to catch a peak of the bulge hidden away in the panties beneath her simple yet elegant skirt. Gwen's penis was tucked and hidden away so he wasn't not able to see anything and he couldn't stop the flash of disappointment showing in his face.

Crap! Why am I so desperate to see it? Double crap I'm sitting here imagining giving her a handjob! Oh treble crap. He'd been staring at her lap too long and when he looked up she had noticed him. He could easily guess at what she was thinking.

And what he guessed was wrong. What she was thinking was far worse.

He's looking at my tummy, my big fat tummy, she thought with a little sniff. For a moment I thought he might actually be interested in me but that bitch Tiffany was right. No one wants a girl like me.

"I have a cat!" Jeff suddenly blurted out to hide the embarrassment of being caught. "So kittens, cats, same thing right?"

"Yeah?" She breathed deeply and forced a smile onto her face. "What's its name then? Tell me all about your cat," she asked as they finally pushed the awkward moment behind them and fell into casual conversation.

They talked for hours, the conversation flowing easily as if they had known each other for years. Much of it was banal at the beginning, work, tv, music and cats obviously, but towards the end it became deeper and she told him her full story. How she transitioned and moved away to get a fresh start. How she met Tiffany through a friend of her sisters and how she had eventually told her about her extra appendage as she was desperate for a confidant in the new city. Tiffany being Tiffany had insisted Gwen show it to her and on discovering how well endowed she was had, quite literally, jumped on the opportunity.

Despite her initial thoughts about Jeff having zero interest in her the pair found themselves flirting with each other ever more openly and the time swiftly flowed by. Both of them were unsure of why they were coming on so strongly and so out of character, both unsure about how far they would even be able to take this. It could all be just a reaction to the earlier drama, a need for validation and approval, a way to show the world that Tiffany was wrong about them and that they were desirable, that they were indeed wanted and coveted by another.

But of course there was also a more tantalising possibility that there really was a deep connection between them. They just seemed compatible, they clicked.

Gwen wanted someone to love and she ultimately wanted to express that love by spreading their legs wide and sliding herself deep inside them. She wanted to make her lover moan her name and cling to her as she filled them with her throbbing womanhood and hot creamy girl goo. She couldn't help wondering if Jeff would be open to the idea of accepting the alternative role in the bedroom. To allow himself to be penetrated by a kind and loving but sexually dominant partner. To be filled and fucked. Loved and taken.

Jeff was deeply concerned to find himself thinking along similar lines. Maybe what he really needed was a big, beautiful, fun, sexy and well hung redhead to satisfy him instead. He found himself wanting to explore the possibilities with her. Shit! He really wanted this. He really wanted Gwen.

As their interest became more brazen he looked at her more openly, god her tits were amazing, how he longed to hold them in his hands, to squeeze and fondle them. He could just make out the outline of her nipples. The hard suckable nubs showing through her top and bra, calling to his lips and tongue.

Gwen smiled as she saw him staring at her bust. She knew she had a cute face and a nice smile but her biggest assets were an absolutely gorgeous rack and a fantastic ass. Those were her money makers, those are what drew in the boy's stares. She couldn't wait for Jeff to bury his face in them. If he wanted to of course. Unlike him she still had no idea if he would ever consent to the kind of relationship she desired.

Jeff's eyes wandered down her body to her lap hoping to get a glimpse of her cock, an outline, anything to help him draw a picture of it in his head and Gwen's smile faded. Fuck he's looking at my belly again, the one part of my body that I hate the most. She was unable to stop herself voicing her anxiety and instantly regretted it.

"You're looking at my tummy again aren't you. Look I'm sorry it's... umm." Oh fuck why did I say that! And what was I going to say anyway? I'm sorry it's there! Idiot. Way to blow it Gwen. Good job girl, well done. Five fucking stars... Fuck!

Jeff looked up. He'd been caught trying to sneak a look at her cock again but... hang on, what did she just say? After a moment of relief at her not realising he was just being a pervert he saw the sadness in her eyes. She was vulnerable right now and he had to make her feel better.

"No! Seriously I wasn't looking at your tummy I was looking at..." Shit, what could he say now! No, I was trying to see your cock! He couldn't say that either but she was clearly incredibly sensitive about her looks especially after what that bitch Tiffany had said. He needed to make her feel better about herself, let her know how attractive she was. Think...

"Well OK I was looking at your tummy, but I was trying to work out why you don't like it. I think you've got a lovely, cute little tummy and... well... can I see it?"

"What! No!" She crossed her arms over her stomach and looked flustered.

"Just trust me on this one. Please?"

"I umm, I don't know, it's..." He gave her puppy dog eyes and she glanced around nervously to see if anyone was watching. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

She hesitated before slowly and reluctantly pulling up her top to expose her midriff to him. Of all the parts of her he could ask to see why the hell was he asking to see her stomach.

"Well... what do you think?"

"I think it's beautiful like the rest of you. Can I... touch it?"

What the fuck! She looked nervous before giving a reluctant nod. Jeff tentatively reached out and ran his hand over her belly as she looked on intently, ready to pull her top back down to cover herself the moment he recoiled from her. He slowly ran his hand over it, it wasn't as big as she was making out, maybe like a three or four month baby bump, he wasn't the best at judging those things."Mmm it feels really nice. Smooth, soft and warm. Like I said, beautiful. I'd love to wake up cuddling up to a lovely little tummy like this, any man would."

"Really? You don't think I'm just fat."

"No, I'd say you were a bit chubby here and there maybe, but you carry it well. I wouldn't say fat."

"Chubby is just a polite way of saying fat." She added sulkily but with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth suggesting she was pleased with how this exchange was going.

"Or... another way of saying cuddly, curvy, voluptuous, beautiful and full bodied."

He continued to caress her stomach, boldly dipping the tip of his finger below the waistline of her skirt to brush across the very top of her panties. He watched her face, her mouth slightly open and her eyes willing him on as his hand made a second pass, this time dipping his little finger just inside the waistband of her underwear to feel the lightly trimmed hair below.

"And would it matter either way Gwen? I think you look amazing just the way you are."

He moved his hand from her stomach, gliding it to her side as the other hand moved to her back, rising slowly to gently turn her head towards him.

"Can I kiss you," he asked quietly.

She didn't answer but licked her lips and made no effort to pull away. He took that as a yes and slowly pulled her in for a kiss. Tender, soft and chaste. Him with his eyes wide open, watching all the way in for any sign that it might be unwanted. Gwen with her eyes closed and lips slightly parted, leaning in to welcoming their first kiss.

"Mmmm," she purred as he pulled away again, a huge grin returning to her face and sighing contentedly as her confidence came flowing back. "You really know how to make a girl feel special don't you. And I think you might be someone pretty special too but... I didn't know if you'd be interested in a woman like me."

What am I doing? He thought. OK this might be my last chance to turn her down gently. Come on man, come to your senses because this isn't going to work. You're straight and she has a penis. Just tell her that although you find her really attractive, that although you think she's bubbly, fun, quirky, sweet, playful, intelligent and... umm... Aww she's got the cute sexy smile again... OK what was I planning to say... Oh yeah. Just tell her that although you find yourself getting lost in those big beautiful green eyes of hers, with their devilish, mischievous twinkle... that despite the fact that you feel drawn to that sweet kind smile and those plush kissable lips, that, umm... Oh no I think she's expecting me to say something back. What do I say?

He smiled and gave up. "I didn't think I'd be interested in a girl like you either but everything about you is..." He shrugged. "You're an amazing woman Gwen, how could I not be interested." He saw her eyes light up at his words. "But what about you? You were dating Tiffany so do you prefer girls?"

"Well I may have been going out with Tiffy but I generally prefer to date someone with a little more cock." She tittered.

"Yeah, well apparently she did too." He shot back half joking and half insecure.

She giggled, "Aww don't worry, I'm sure you have a lovely little cock." Oops, wrong wording. "I mean a nice cute cock." Damn it, try again. "I mean a nice 'big' cock. And even if it isn't, I wouldn't mind." She reached out to stroke him through his jeans, smiling as he groaned and opened his legs wider to give her better access. "Mmm you certainly don't seem to have anything to be ashamed of down here, although if you want to show it to me I'll give you an honest opinion," she winked.

"Yeah! Well I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Fuck! Did I really just say that?

"Oh wow really?" A broad smile split her face. "Do you really mean that?" Was this actually going to happen?

I really don't know, he thought. "Yes," he said with certainty, "your place or mine?" His penis brain had apparently taken full control of his vocal cords while his rational brain could only scream 'What the fuck are you doing!' into the ether and beg him to slow down and consider this more carefully. Begging him take time to think things through before he crossed that invisible line that could never be uncrossed.

Yes, this is actually going to happen! Gwen thought excitedly. She quickly brushed down her clothing, smoothing out her top with trembling hands and practically jumped to her feet.

"Well come on then," she said with the excitement clear in her voice, "my place is just around the corner." She pulled him up from his seat and ran her hand down his chest. "We can go there and umm, get to know each other better, see what we both have to offer if you know what I mean." She bit her lip, internally debating whether to say what she wanted to say before deciding to just go for it.

Leaning in she whispered into his ear. "And you know the unspoken rule about dick size don't you? That the person with the biggest cock does the fucking."


"Well..." she asked with a trembling voice, "do you agree with that rule baby?"

"Ye-yes," he stammered.

"Oh wow, Oh yes. Oh you won't regret this. You're going to love having me deep inside you, I can just tell," she squealed excitedly, wrapping her arms around him and leaning in to give him a full, long and deep kiss. Her tongue easing it's way between his lips to dominate and claim ownership of his mouth, leaving him weak at the knees. He squeaked adorably as one of her hands slid down to squeeze and grope his firm virgin bottom. "Mmm," she said, pulling back with a dreamy smile. "You're such a good kisser, I can't wait to get you back to my place and put those sweet lips of yours to work somewhere else." Her eyes sparkled and she gave him another wink. "Come on let's get you home."

"Okay... Ahh," he chirped as she gave his bottom a quick little swat, grinning at him as he walked past her.


What the hell have I signed up for? He thought as he walked down the road arm in arm with Gwen. Tiffany was right about her, she's a total top and I think I've just agreed to... bottom for her. Oh fuck, oh fuckety fuckty fuck. Jeff didn't know whether he was more scared or exhilarated by this new confidence she'd found and the sudden dominance that came with it. One thing was clear to him though. There was no way he was going to back out of this now. For better or worse he was fully committed.

Gwen was equally surprised by her boldness. She had always been a top but a shy and timid top, almost like she was embarrassed for having such urges, for wanting to be the one doing the fucking. It could have been the crazy way the day had played out that had caused this seismic shift but she thought it was him. For some reason Jeff was pressing all her buttons and bringing this barely controllable passion out of her. Everything about him was adding up to a burning desire to take him to her bed and make him hers. She may have only met him this evening but no one had ever made her feel this way before, made her want them so badly.

They both walked on burning with anticipation.


"Well we're here. Are you ready to come inside? Or... ready to let me cum inside you?" She asked provocatively and biting her lip before giggling nervously. Shit, I really shouldn't have said that. I want to be sexy and fun but... fuck I'm such a horny mess tight now, I'm no good at this sort of thing and need to get a grip before I scare him away.

"Yes I'm ready for... umm yeah I'm ready," he gulped. 'I think,' he added in his head. "Shall we go inside?"

She opened the door and he stepped into the lioness's den. Not knowing for sure why he was doing this but knowing with absolute certainty that if he turned away now he would always wonder what might have been.

Once inside they shut the door and faced each other, each pressed up against opposite walls, panting and waiting for the other one to make the first move. Moving slowly in to meet in the middle they both turned their heads the same way, bumping noses and giggling nervously before trying again. This time their lips met and parted as they slowly explored each other's mouths, neither rushing as they gently caressed their partners bodies.

They broke apart after several minutes. Smiling shyly at each other, more relaxed and at ease.

"Come on in, kick your shoes off and I'll show you around my place. There's not much to see really." He followed her around the small apartment, "There's the kitchen, this here is the living room, obviously, and through that door there," she said, fixing him with a steely gaze, "is my bedroom."

As she gave him her bedroom eyes she noticed a look of terror passing through his own. OK it was clearly too soon for that, he wasn't ready and she needed to slow things down again, give him more time. She knew something would happen between them, all the chemistry was there but she had to be careful not to scare him away, she had to pace this right.

"Or we could sit here," She said, plonking herself down on the sofa and patting the seat next to her. "First things first. I've got to do something because you've been making me feel really uncomfortable all evening."

"What? I have? Sorry Gwen I didn't know." He replied, panicking slightly as he sat down.

"Relax silly, it's nothing you've done wrong, you've been making me uncomfortable because I'm all tucked and taped. Just give me a minute to..." Staring into his eyes and biting her lip she moved her hand up under her skirt and into her panties before releasing herself and letting out a long exaggerated sigh of relief, "uhh ooooh yeah, that feels sooooo much better," she groaned. She continued to stare into him, keeping his gaze locked on hers as she settled back down onto the sofa, spreading her legs slightly and carefully withdrawing her hand. "It's been struggling to get hard all night."

She smiled at Jeff and tormented him by maintaining eye contact. Knowing he was desperate to look down but unwilling to let her see him do it. His eyes started flickering, the lure of her crotch becoming almost unbearable.

"Go on then, have a look," she giggled.

His eyes shot to her lap and his mouth hung open as he saw the bulge through the material of her clothing. She looked huge, far bigger than him. No wonder she was a top.

"You... You didn't take it out."

"Of course not sweetie, where would be the fun in that? If you want it you'll have to go in and get it," she teased before turning more serious. "But Jeff, I honestly don't want to rush you or pressure you into doing anything you're uncomfortable with. You just have to let me know if I'm moving too fast for you or if you need a timeout, OK? I'm guessing this is all new to you so if you'd rather just sit here for a while and talk then that's perfectly fine. Or maybe we could make out a little more, I'd definitely like that, Or..."

She stopped talking and held her breath as he tentatively put his hand on her leg, slowly running it up past her knee and under her skirt. It continued across her inner thigh to grip her through her panties, wrapping around to touch someone else's dick for the first time. He traced the outline a few times with his fingers, gliding them up from her balls to her tip before allowing them to drift back down again as he assessed her length. "Oh wow," he mumbled as he cautiously reached inside to take it in his hand, gripping and slowly massaging it to it's full size. He finally looked back up into her wide open sparkling eyes.

"...or you could just stroke it like you're doing now," she whispered breathlessly.

"And what would you like me to do?"

"Oh I think you already know what I'd like you to do honey."

He moved in to give her a quick peck on the lips before pulling back and saying, "I want to do those things too." They smiled at each other and kissed again, longer and deeper as he gently worked her shaft.

"You like how that feels baby," she panted, breaking the kiss.

"Uh-huh. It doesn't feel hugely longer than mine but it definitely feels a lot thicker," he said with a touch of awe in his voice.

"Yeah I'm a girthy gal," she giggled, "and it's eight inches if you're wondering. Is this the first time you've touched someone else's cock?" She asked gently.


"Well... in that case would you like to go down and have a closer look?" She asked tentatively.

She moved her knees apart and with a glance told him where she wanted him to be, biting her lip as she waited for his reaction. She was still determined not to push him too hard or too fast but was desperate to see him on his knees. She needed this so badly. The hand holding her cock paused for a moment before it resumed its movements, he gave her one more sensual kiss, nodded and slid off the sofa to sink down between her legs. She giggled as he tried to take a furtive look up her skirt as he settled on the floor before glancing back up at her again, as if asking one last time for permission. He's so sweet and innocent, she thought, almost begging to be corrupted by a naughty little angel like me. She gave him the go ahead with a quick nod.

Running his hand up her leg, past her knees and across her broad meaty thighs he slowly hitched her skirt up to her waist, finally exposing her large cock. "Oh wow," he mumbled as he took in the sight before him, making sure to commit it to memory, "It's incredible!" He looked back up at her. "You have a beautiful cock Gwen."

"Mmm she likes you too, would you like to give her a little kiss."

She held her breath as he gulped and summoned up the courage to lean forward and kiss the tip. It twitched as his lips touched it and he drew back startled, causing her to chuckle lightly as he glanced up with a sheepish smile.

"No need to be scared honey, she's just excited to see you, come on now, open up so you two can make friends."

He leaned back down with an open mouth, extending his tongue like a red carpet to welcome in his new best friend as he closed his lips around it.

"Oh yesss that feels wonderful, mmm yeah she 'definitely' likes you baby. 'Oooo yes, just like that." She spread her legs wider and moved her hand to the back of his head, lightly petting him as he worked away. "Mmm I love what you did with your tongue just now, can you do that a bit more sweetie? Uh-huh, that's right just lap around the head a bit more and then tickle the slit. Oooo that's so nice. Now see if you can take in a little more baby. Yeah that's it, now you're getting nice and deep, ooooo gooood boy," she cooed encouragingly. He moaned loudly and started working himself up and down her member with far greater enthusiasm.

"Oh that's so good," she panted, "mmm yeah you really love that I don't you," she rested both hands on his head and started making slow shallow thrusts into his mouth, working in harmony with him. "Mmm you're doing really well for your first time, far better than most and far better than I expected, you're a natural baby, ooooh yesss."

Jeff paused for a second as the reality of that statement suddenly hit home. He was a natural. A natural cocksucker! He was actually sucking her cock. He'd got so caught up in the moment with this sexy, playful redhead that when she had directed him onto his knees he hadn't even thought about it. He'd just sunk to his knees in front of this beautiful woman, exposing her thick throbbing needy shecock and taking it into his mouth. Working it with his tongue, revelling in that first taste of sweet salty precum, swallowing it down and lapping at the slit for more. He moaned around her girth as another delicious little spurt was released and greedily sucked it down. Oh fuck her cock felt and tasted so good.

He looked up into her smiling green eyes as she gently slid herself in and out of his mouth, biting her lip with a look of sheer bliss and realised that he'd resumed sucking pretty much instantly. He mentally shrugged, whatever issues he might have to deal with could wait. All that mattered right now was pleasing Gwen, getting to see her face as she released, seeing the 'O' on her lips as she passed the point of no return and pumped her seed deep inside him. He'd do anything to make her cum and he wanted her to know it.Jeff reached down to caress and softly fondle her balls through the thin material of her lacy underwear, marvelling at their size before pulling the waistband down and popping them over the top. He continued to feel her smooth heavy balls but wanted more, he wanted to lick them, suck them, push his nose into them and breathe them in.

He pulled off her cock head and kissed and licked his way down her shaft. He stared at her large nutsack before running his tongue over it and looking up into her adoring eyes. Wasting no more time he gave her a cheeky wink and drew one of them into his mouth, gently sucking on it and causing her to moan.

He let the first one pop free, "You've got lovely big balls Gwen, I can only imagine how much cum you've got stored up for me," and sucked in the other one.

"Oh wow, you really do want my cum don't you baby. Mmm, such an eager and horny little boy. I know you'll love it and I'll happily give it to you. So... where do you want it, where you want my cum?"

He let her spit shined ball slip back through his lips "I want you to cum in my ass Gwen, I want you inside me, I want you to fuck me and fill me up." Shit! Did I really just say that!

"Yeah!" She said excitedly, "you really want me to fuck you?"

"Yes," OK I did just say that!

She stood and quickly shimmying out of her skirt and knickers. "Bedroom! Now!"

She pulled him up and they kissed hard, the taste of her own cock on his lips driving her wild. She stopped to take hold of his t-shirt and pull it off over his head.

"I can't be the only one getting naked can I?" She grinned.

He moved to take her top off next and she stopped him briefly before relaxing and letting him remove it, finally allowing him to see her near naked body. Gwen giggled as he moved on to try to release her mighty bosom, watching him struggle with the clasp before reaching back and doing it for him. She held her unclasped bra against her chest, feigning coyness for a moment as his desperate eyes darted back and forth. Enjoying the tease she slowly drew it away, one arm covering her chest with the other holding her bra at arms length out to her side. She winked at him before dropping it to the floor and exposing herself at the same time.

"Like what you see?"

"Oh hubba hubba hubba," was his only response before reaching over and gently squeezing and running his hands over them in wonder as she giggled. "Mmm, these are magnificent," he said, leaning in to take a nipple into his mouth and slowly, gently sucking on it.

"Hmm that's it baby, suck on momma's big fat tits," she moaned, cradling his head with one hand as she reached between them and undid his belt with the other. Gwen ran her hand behind him and down into his underwear to cup and squeeze his smooth bottom before pushing everything down to pool at his feet. She pulled him close, rubbing and grinding into him, their excitement building as they felt their partners hard cock brushing against their own.

Jeff gently gripped the nipple with his teeth and lightly pulled as his tongue lapped around it. Smiling up at her, his other hand cupped her left breast, feeling the weight and gently massaging it before rubbing over her hard nipple with his thumb. Swapping over occasionally, lost in his own world until Gwen suddenly pushed him up and away. For a split second he thought he might have done something wrong but she stared back with lust filled eyes and with a voice that made him weak at the knees simply said.

"Go and get on the bed, hands and knees, now!" Before turning him around and pushing him playfully into her bedroom.

Kicking free of the last of his clothing he pulled his socks off and assumed the position. He waited in nervous anticipation as he heard her moving about and opening draws somewhere behind him. The seconds felt like minutes and he gasped as she finally returned and he felt her hand touching and caressing his bottom.

"Mmm," she purred as she gently grazed the fingers of one hand over his rear, squeezing and massaging while her other hand ran up over his back. "You really do have a beautiful butt."

She leaned down to kiss it and smiled as he mewed lightly when her lips made contact with his rear cheek. "Beautiful," she uttered again as she continued to caress him while standing back up.

He froze as he felt her large heavy cock being slapped into his crack a few times before she took hold of his hips and pushed up and down. Her rock solid member moving between his cheeks in a daunting preview of what was to come. She felt so big, how would he ever take all that? She pulled back and he heard a cap popping and twitched in surprise as he felt a cool liquid dripping and running down to his hole. He remained stock still, frozen in place as he waited for her next move, would it be her cock or her finger? It had to be a finger next. She would need to prepare him right? Get him loosened up a bit first?

He sighed with relief as he felt her hands return to him, her finger tips running over him in ever decreasing circles until they finally found their way to his inner circle, teasing around the edge of his hole. She giggled lightly as he whimpered at her touch, arching his back to allow her better access and she wondered if he could be any more perfect for her. Smiling, she continued to torment his ring, waiting for the anxiety to turn to hunger and only when she sensed his desperation did she finally, slowly, push her way in.

"Oh yess," he moaned. Unable to stop himself crying out as he was penetrated for the first time and shocking himself with how much he wanted it.

"Mmm you like that baby?" She cooed happily, delighted by his reactions, "mmm you're so warm and tight and eager." She kissed and licked his bottom as he slowly started rocking back and forth on her digit. "If you're enjoying this you're gonna love what comes later. Now... let's add another finger and then see if I can find your prostate."

Gwen pulled out until just the tip of her finger remained inside him and he held still as a second, pre lubed finger wiggled its way in to join its friend. He groaned as she pushed them back in, shaking slightly as he stretched around them.

"Ooooh good boy, you're taking them so well," she murmured sweetly before kissing him again. "Nice an d deep," she twisted them around as he oo'd and ah'd before her. "That's it baby, you carry on rocking back and forth, that's what I like to see. You're letting me know how much you like it. Now where is..." She moved her fingers downwards, searching for the tell tale bump and monitoring him closely.

"Oooo, oh wow, oh shit what the hell, Ugh, why does that feel so good?"

"I just found your prosss-state," she crooned in a sing-song voice as he moaned and writhed at her ministrations. "Mmm you really are quite sensitive aren't you." She said moving away to saw in and out of him a few more times before returning to tap away remorselessly on his p-spot. "And you really like it when I touch you just here don't you."

"Yessssss," he moaned back.

"Yeah I know you do," she said as she began pulling her fingers in and out again, "and it'll feel so much better when you have my big fat cock inside you. Can you imagine what my thick, girthy dick will feel like rubbing back and forth over this little spot," she said, returning to press it once again. "How it will feel when I cum inside you and you feel my hard rod pulsing away deep within. How do you think that will feel, sweetie? Are you looking forward to it as much as I am?"

"Yesss," he groaned, "I want you inside me Gwen, I want you inside me right now."

"Mmm that's what I like to hear. I love to hear my man begging for me to take him and you beg so, so nicely. Such sweet desperation in your voice," she cooed, giving his bottom a little squeeze and biting her lip. "But you're not quite ready for me yet my darling and I need to make sure you are because I don't want to hurt you. I need to make sure you feel good. I want you to love it so much that you'll always be coming back for more."

She squeezed a little more lube onto his rose bud with her free hand.

"OK, I'm going to add a third finger now honey, once you can take all three easily you'll be ready to take on my big girl."

Her third finger slipped in remarkably well, the scissoring of her first two having opened him up and the slow pace having allowed his ring to relax. Gwen struggled to maintain her composure as she felt her dick twitching excitedly between her legs, anxious to claim this tight virgin hole in front of her. Despite her calm exterior she ached to slide herself into him, to fuck him, to breed him and didn't know how much longer she could wait.

"D-did Tiffany insist you get yourself tested when you started dating," she stammered, the tension in her loins now reflected in her voice, "she made me do it and I came back all clear."

"Uh-huh," he uttered, struggling to speak as she probed him deeper. "Same thing... All... ugh... All clear."

"Mhmm that's good." She slipped in her little finger and slowly twisted them round as his head sank to the mattress. Oh wow, she thought, four fingers, he's ready. "And are you worried about me getting you pregnant?"

"Huh? Umm no I... oh shit... I'm not... ugh... I'm not ovulating tonight."

"Oh gooood. So can I take you without a condom then? Can I bury myself deep inside you and fill you to the brim with my hot sticky cum?"

"Oh yes please, I... I definitely want that too."

"OK you're ready," she growled, slowly removing her fingers. "Move further onto the bed!" She demanded, punctuating the statement by giving his bottom a light slap.

He crawled forward and his anxiety levels increased as he felt her moving up behind him, the extra weight as she climbed onto the mattress making it creak ominously in his mind. He heard the squelching sound of her lubing up her cock. For now he was safe, while he could hear that sound she wouldn't be pushing it into him. The sudden silence when she stopped almost overwhelmed him, again he felt the bed moving as she got into position. He gasped as he felt her hand on his hip. His lip trembled as a large blunt object slid up and down his crack searching for his entrance before finally nudging against his still slightly open and well prepared hole. This was it. He would never be the same after this.

"OK, are you ready for me baby?"


"Then push out for me baby, push out as I push in."

Gwen began to push against him, his sphincter slowly opening up and stretching as the very tip of her cock moved into the warm, tight space beyond. Her girth was far greater than the width of her fingers and he began to shake long before the widest part of her was even close to slipping in. She paused, pulled back slightly and then pressed on as he braced for her. She bit her lip as she watched the head burrow it's way into him, almost there, almost...

"No!" He cried moving forward and she almost slapped his bum in frustration as he moved away from her. "Sorry Gwen, It's just umm... Well you're not going to just shove it right in there are you? You'll go slow right?"

"Yeah. Slow. Real slow. Now come back here." She panted, impatiently taking his hips and moving him back into position.

"OK," he tentatively replied, in her excitement she hadn't been massively reassuring on the whole 'going slow' aspect of this but he certainly wanted it to happen and he did trust her. Which was just as well considering what she was about to do to him. He breathed deeply and allowed her to manoeuvre him back into place as he arched his back. He was ready. He'd be brave. No more doubts. It was time to give himself to this amazing woman.

"Hmm, now where we're we," she cooed. Gwen held onto him more firmly this time as she pressed on once again, constantly fighting to maintain her control and composure, determined to give him the best experience she possibly could. He felt incredible as he opened up to her, stretching until just the ridge was still outside, a little further and she would finally claim him. She shuddered in anticipation, One more push... Almost there...

"Awww Jeff!" She whined as he suddenly pulled away for a second time. For a moment she couldn't help thrusting forwards and trying hard to bury herself inside him but he was far too quick for her. As he knelt, head down and arse up, she couldn't resist giving him a quick light spank for denying her.

"Sorry, sorry," he said, turning around, "I'm just really nervous. I do want it, it's just that I..." He sighed, "Sorry, let's try that again."

Gwen giggled and leaned in to rest her forehead against his. "It's OK, it's OK, I totally understand and I'm also sorry for getting a bit frustrated there," she kissed him. "OK jump up and we'll do something else."

His face fell. "What! Oh no, no, no, please, I still want this!"

"Oh this is still happening baby," she grinned, "we're just changing positions." She laid down on the bed and patted the mattress either side of her. "Climb on babe, knees either side. From this position you can have full control. I can even hold onto the headboard so it'll seem like you have me all tied up and helpless." Her mischievous eyes sparkled in the lamp light.

Jeff slowly crawled on top of her, kissing and licking his way up over her stomach and across her breasts to linger briefly on her nipples before finishing off with a long sensual kiss. Sitting back up he took hold of her hard cock, feeling it's power and warmth as he brought it to his entrance. He looked deep into her eyes, smiled and slowly sank down.

Gwen watched enraptured as he lowered himself onto her, his mouth slightly open and his eyelids fluttering. She felt an intense pressure building and building, the warmth and pressure slowly spreading outwards from the tip of her glans until with a loud moan he finally gave way and she delightfully popped inside. Her own eyes rolled, temporarily lost in the sensation but she swiftly refocused on him. She had expected him to pause and adjust to her but he kept on involuntarily sliding down her mighty pole, whimpering and moaning as more and more of her inches claimed him. His shaking legs suddenly unable to support him.

"Oooooooh, oh fuuuuuuuuuck, oh shiiiiit, ugggghh." His head rolled as his hips finally came to rest on hers and he felt the full length twitching deep inside him. He sat resting his hands on her tits, wide eyed and panting.

"Oh fuck yeah," she cried. "I can't believe you just took my entire cock in your arse you like that." She resisted the urge to start thrusting up into him. "You're a fucking star baby. Mmm I can feel you flexing and contracting around my girth. Oh your arse is fucking divine. How do you feel? Are you OK?" She asked, gently stroking his side to comfort him.

"Ugh, I'm, I'm sooo full," he groaned as Gwen smiled back up at him. "I just couldn't stop myself sliding down onto you. Oh fuck you feel so big. Just... just give me a minute" He breathed deeply and waited until he felt himself relax, Gwen's careful preparations helping him adjust to her size. He rotated his hips experimentally causing them both to moan. "Mmm, you feel incredible. I... I think I'm ready to continue."

He bent down to kiss her as he began rocking back and forth, her hands sweeping over his body and squeezing and lightly groping his ass as he started to get into a rhythm. Gwen began taking a more active role, thrusting up to meet his movements. Only allowing an inch or two to leave before slipping fully back inside him and grinding her hips as deep as possible.

Despite being well prepared the first time he descended onto her cock, her large size had caused him some pain and discomfort along with the pleasure. With each drive into him that discomfort was fading further and further into the background and the sensations of her thickness sawing in and out of him took over. He sat back up and held onto her chest as she began to press against his prostate causing intense waves to ripple out through his body.

"Oh fuck that feels so good Gwen, I've never felt anything like this before."

"Yeah? You like that big fat cock inside your arse, baby? Cause it certainly likes being in you. Show me how much you like it." She slapped both his butt cheeks. "Ride me harder, bounce on my big hard dick. Make me cum."

He rose and fell to the occasion, bouncing higher and moaning her name as his own stiff dick slapped up and down on her stomach. She gripped his hips to help steady him as he worked his way into a frenzy, his tight innards massaging her length as she bit her lip, desperately trying not to cum, desperate to make it last. She looked into his face and noticed how close he was and changed tactics. New plan. Don't hold back. Make him blow.

"Are you gonna cum for me baby," she cooed, "I can see you're close and I want you to cum all over me, I want you to cover my tits with your hot sticky load. Can you do that for me, can you cum all over my tits?"

He shivered and began to move his hand to stroke himself to completion but she quickly grabbed his wrist and held it aside.

"Uh-uh my lover, I want you to cum just from having my cock inside you, just from me taking you and the thought of blowing your spunk all over these puppies." She moved her hands to her breasts and shook them before grabbing both his hips.

She carefully probed away inside him, closely observed his reactions until she saw the one she wanted. Just here? She stabbed away with her cock and the eye roll confirmed it. 'Found youuuu' she sang in her mind and with a wild devilish smile she upped her pace, striking directly up into his p-spot with every thrust.

"Oh fuck, oh wow, oh wow, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum, you're gonna make me cum Gwen, I'm gonna cuuuuuummmmmm."

His twitching dick finally exploded, spraying wildly as it bounced up and down between them. He drenched her tits with his salty load but some ended up in her hair, on him and one strand landed across her eye forcing her to finish as a cyclops.

"Oh Yesss," she cried as he clamped down on her and she fired deep into him, her large balls contracting hard as she filled him with her seed. "Oh yesss, I'm cumming inside you baby, this ass belongs to me now, take it baby, take it allllll."

Jeff felt the contractions in his balls as he unloaded onto Gwen slowly winding down only to suddenly shift backwards and increase again sending a whole new wave of pleasure and sensation through him. In his orgasm-addled mind it took him a few moments to realise why the shift had taken place. That the pulses he now felt were Gwen's hot cum being pumped deep into his body and her hard cock spasming against his prostate. That realisation alone was enough to give him aftershocks. His spent penis came instantly back to life and found another couple of spurts to add to the mass on his new lover's chest.

He closed his eyes and leaned forward, bracing himself with his hands outstretched to the sides of her head. Breathing deeply and letting his body recover. When he finally had the strength to open his eyes he saw Gwen smiling back up at him, radiant in the warm afterglow of her climax.

"That was sooo sooo good," she sighed contentedly. "I think I need a taste." She ran her fingers through her cleavage and scooped up a large dollop of his seed and sucked it into her mouth while looking directly at him. "Mmmm yummy, You try." She smiled and again ran her fingers between her milky orbs only this time she brought them up to his face instead. He sat back up hesitating. "Open up. Come on, be a good boy."

He looked at her, trying to work out if she was serious and she grinned back manically. Did she really want him to do this? He really did want to make her happy and he also wanted to show her how adventurous he could be in the bedroom. Would it be so bad?Her eyes lit up as he slowly opened his mouth and leant forward, his lips just moving to close around her fingers to suck off the cum when she quickly pulled them away.

"Huh?" A flash of disappointment on his face. Shit! Why the hell am I disappointed, he thought.

"Oh wow you were really going to do it?" Gwen giggled delightedly. "Oh that is so hot! Have you ever tasted cum before Jeff?"


"Well in that case you'll have to wait. The first cum you ever taste should be mine. This cum," she wiggled her fingers, "belongs to me." She winked and sucked them clean with a massively exaggerated, "Mmmmm", before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in for a hug. "You were wonderful." She told him and they shared one last lingering kiss.

Relaxed, sated and tired they cleaned themselves up using wipes from her side drawer and cuddled up to each other on the bed. As the stresses, strains and releases of the day began to weigh heavily on their eyelids Jeff asked if she could roll onto her side so he could cuddle her and she happily agreed. Wrapped in their warm duvet she drifted to sleep as he nuzzled against her, planting soft kisses on her neck and shoulder as his hands gently roamed and explored her body, eventually caressing her soft belly before coming to rest upon it.

Hmm, she thought happily just before losing consciousness, he really does like my tummy...