Gwen drifted back into consciousness, doing that little stretching thing where you tense your body without even moving and for a moment wondered why she was feeling so happy. Oh yes, Jeff. She rolled over with a still half sleeping smile to see... that he wasn't there.
She looked around the room, none of his clothes were there, she quickly scanned the dresser for a note, a phone number, something, anything. OK so there was nothing there either but maybe he's got up and he's sitting on the sofa.
She jumped out of bed, slipped on her dressing gown and walked briskly to the living room, consciously resisting the urge to run and looking for any sign of him. He wasn't there, no clothes, no notes, no Jeff. One last place he could be. Fearing the worst she looked to the bathroom to see it was open and empty. The story of her life.
Gwen walked into the hall and slumped her shoulder against the wall as she stared forlornly at the front door. It wouldn't be the first time that someone had decided to sneak away during the night after having their fun with her and she doubted it would be the last. It happened despite her usual insistence on several dates before she would even consider bringing someone home. It had always hurt but for some reason this time it felt so much worse. It wasn't just that she'd been hoping there was a real connection, it was that she'd been absolutely certain there was. She didn't even do one night stands, there was something about him, he was different, he was special, he was... Gone.
She looked mournfully down to the floor. Huh, that's odd. He left his shoes behind.
"Do you want a coffee?"
"What the fuck!" She spun round, "Jeff, wha-what are you still doing here?"
"I... I'm an early riser and I thought I'd get myself a drink. I umm... Sorry? Did you want me to go?"
"NO! I mean no I... I'm glad you're still here. I just thought you'd left."
"Why would I just leave? I'd never just walk out in the morning without talking to you or saying goodbye. And besides, I really like the view here," he smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye.
It took her a few seconds to cotton onto his meaning, "Oh shit," and quickly closed her robe as a red hue spread across her cheeks. "Sorry, I didn't mean to flash you," she giggled shyly.
"Oh you don't have to apologise to me for that. You know I wasn't lying last night when I said you were beautiful." He was rewarded by a bashful smile. "Listen Gwen, about last night, about us, do you think..."
Buzz-Buzz, Buzz-Buzz, The moment was broken by his ringing phone and they waited for it to stop.
"Sorry. I think that was Rita. Last night I received a load of missed calls from her and she wants to check if I'm OK after all that's happened. I did try to return her call earlier but it seems she's just woken up. So um," he scratched his neck, "yeah so what I was going to say earlier was..."
Buzz-Buzz, Buzz-Buzz.
They both giggled nervously at the interruption again.
"I..." Buzz-Buzz, "I'll tell you when it stops." Buzz-Buzz.
"Aww, they're worried about you, it's sweet," Gwen smiled. "Pick it up and tell them you're OK and then we'll talk. Don't worry I'll stay quiet so I don't embarrass you."
Jeff shot her a quick look, frowning slightly at her choice of words as he picked up the phone and put it on speaker so they could both hear. 'So I don't embarrass you?' Why would she say that?
Gwen walked into the kitchen to pour herself a coffee as he followed.
"Hi Rita, how was the concert?"
"It was great. Fantastic, we're so glad we finally got to see them but what about you? How are you doing after all the crap that went down? And I hope you looked after that girl as well cause what that bitch did to her was just plain nasty."
"Yeah I'm doing great, better than great actually," he smiled at Gwen, "and that redhead Gwen. She's an absolutely amazing woman, we talked all night and got on really, really well. Are we still meeting up today? She hasn't been here too long and doesn't have many friends in the area so I'd love to bring her down and introduce her to a few people. Honestly you're gonna love her, she can brighten up any room."
"Yeah? It sounds like you really liked her. Jeff... are you... interested in her?"
He maintained eye contact with Gwen as he answered.
"Like I said, she's an absolutely amazing woman, definite girlfriend material. I'd love to know if she'd go out with me."
"YES! of course I will!" Gwen shouted excitedly before clamping her hand over her mouth.
The phone went quiet for a second.
"Was that her? Is she there now?" Rita asked tentatively, "She is, isn't she," you could hear the smile in her voice, "you spent the night together. Hey Dave, they spent the night together," she called off someone else in the room, Dave presumably. "Dave gives you a thumbs up and says well done. We're both pleased for you."
"Well if you, Dave and Gwen all agree then I guess it's official. I have a new girlfriend." He grinned as Gwen walked over and wrapped her arms round him. "Look Rita I'm gonna have to go, I need to umm..." Gwen gave him a big audible kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah I know what you two lovebirds need to go and do... Oh hang on a sec David's asking me something else... Yeah they're off to have sex... Well I don't know... I can't ask him that, you ask him... ugh fine. Dave wants to know if you're the top or bottom?"
"Yeah, this conversation is over."
"Aww don't be like that," she chuckled, "we'll still love you whichever one you choose. OK then you two go and have some fun." They could almost hear her winking down the phone. "Oh and Gwen, I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better, I can already tell you'll be a massive improvement on his last girlfriend. And you will be gentle with my boy now won't you?"
"I'm looking forward to getting to know you too Rita. And don't worry about Jeff, I'm always good to my boys," she ruffled his hair. "See you later, byeee."
"Ha, Jeff I love her already. You be good to her. See you soon guys. Bye."
Jeff shut off the phone, dropped it down on the table and exhaled hard. "Well that phone call ended as excruciatingly as I expected."
"Thank you." She said, kissing him again and smiling contentedly
"What for?"
"For everything. For coming after me last night, for not being ashamed of me. For welcoming me into your life, your circle of friends, your ass."
"Umm well, if you're going to be my girlfriend then I don't think it would be possible to keep you out of any of those things. Especially the last one."
"Hmm well in that case your friends seem to be expecting us to have some fun and I'd hate to let them down."
He moved his hands to her shoulders and dipped them under her robe, poised to slip it from her body when she stopped him, quickly moving to take hold of his wrists. Her eyes flashed with a sudden anxiety before she turned her head slightly away. He could tell it was her body issues coming back again. Gently Jeff took her cheek and brought her face back to his, giving her a single kiss.
"You've no need to be shy Gwen, I've already seen you naked and I love your body. You're my girlfriend now so please don't hide yourself away." She smiled, finally allowing him to brush the kimono from her arms and letting the silken fabric glide down, caressing skin before pooling at her feet. "Beautiful," he gave her another short soft kiss. "Now turn around, give me a little spin."
With a coy smile she stepped back and slowly turned around, pausing and looking over her shoulder at him before giving him a wink and turning to face him again. "Ta-dar! Well what do you think, do you still like me?" She stepped forward, her confidence restored and stroked his cock through his pants. "Mmmm you do still like me. This little fellow certainly does." A look flashed through his eyes. Crap, I forgot, he's probably still a bit sensitive about that. "Ooo yes it's growing, It's certainly not a little fella anymore. Let's get you naked."
She pulled his top off and quickly undid his belt to push everything down to the floor at once. He stepped out of his clothes and kicked them away.
"Mmm much better," she said, "socks too and then it's your turn to spin around for me." Despite having already slept together this was the first time either of them had really had time to examine each other. Despite their own personnel hangups they both clearly liked what they saw in their new partner. "Mmm nice smooth chest, neatly trimmed around your cock and balls and you have a very nice bum too. It's a little hairy though. Will you wax that crack for me?"
"Really? You'd like that?"
"I'd love it. I'd find it really sexy. If you wax it nice and smooth then I'd find it hard to resist running my tongue up and down between those cheeks, licking that tight little bud of yours and shoving my cock deep inside you." She smiled as she saw him shudder at the imagery. "So..." she asked sweetly and certain of the answer. "Are you going to wax for me?"
"Well if you put it like that how can I refuse. But first I want to get a better look at your beautiful bottom. So be a good girl, turn around and bend over the table for me."
A look of concern spread across her, she much preferred to be the bender than the bendee, but she fought back her trepidation and as sexily as she could turned and stretched down, exposing herself to him. He ran his hand over her, gently groping her soft plump orbs.
"I love your bum Gwen. There's something about a nice big round bottom that just makes me want to..." 'Slap!'
"Ow! Hey, no fair," she giggled, trying to get up but his hand moved up over her back and he gently but firmly pressed down. She sank back down onto the table and folded her arms in front of her, resting her chin on her hands and pretending to sulk. Her eyes went wide as she felt him place his cock in her butt crack and push it up and down. "Hey Jeff umm... You know I'm a top right?" She said, getting up and quickly turning around.
"Oh, well yeah but... So you'll never go the other way?"
She bit her lip, his look of disappointment pulling at her heartstrings.
"Welllllll I don't normally, but then again I'd never normally sleep with someone I'd just met either." She took hold of his cock and rubbed it up and down a few times, while considering her next step. "And there's something about you I just find very hard to say no to." She looked into his eyes for a little longer. Fuck it. Nodding to herself she reached over and grabbed the olive oil. "Extra virgin, unlike me," she grinned, "Now let's get this big bad boy of yours all lubed up and deep inside me."
She poured a generous amount on her hand and spread it along his length before turning round and getting back into position. She was nervous but there was a shiver of excitement that came with it. She was going to do something she rarely did, she was going to give herself up for her new man. She startled as she felt something touching her and giggled as she worked out it was his lips. He had kissed her bottom, his warm lips and soft tongue tickling and stimulating her ample cheeks and she wiggled her bum invitingly as they were withdrawn.
Gwen gasped as he poured a little more oil into her crack and chuckled when he cursed as it dribbled all over the floor. Something touched her, circling her hole and teasing her opening before sliding in. Just a finger and even that felt huge. He probed her, working it deeper and deeper, swiftly up to the third knuckle before adding a second. Again he kissed her bottom before asking if she was alright. She just murmured a quick, "mhmm," and arched her back to allow him easier access.
"OK I think you're ready, I'll be gentle." One last time he kissed her butt cheek before standing and lining himself up. "Let me know if it hurts."
He pressed forward and she slowly parted as they both gritted their teeth, the pressure increasing until with a groan he popped inside and her tight near virgin ass closed around his helmet.
"Oh fuck," she cried out, "Oh wow I'd forgotten how big a cock feels. Oh fuck. Just err... hold it for a second yeah." Gwen gave herself a moment to adjust before tentatively rocking herself back and forth. Warming herself up and checking if she was ready for more. "Mmm, it's starting to feel good now, like welcoming home an old friend. OK Jeff I'm ready, just well... you know."
Jeff took her love handles and started to push himself in and out, slowly getting deeper each time.
"Yes that's it Jeff, stick that lovely big fat cock inside me, nice and deep. Oooh yeah that's it you're stretching me out so nicely." She looked behind her, biting her tongue and rolling her eyes in exaggerated pleasure. "Oh that's so good, I can feel every inch as it slips into my ass."
Jeff pushed on, enjoying her warmth and tightness as her arse practically sucked him in. He bent down to kiss her back and ran one of his hands up to her shoulder, pulling her towards him and pumping in and out.
"Oh fuck, you're so tight Gwen. I don't think I'm gonna last too long."
"Good, I'm desperate to feel you cum in me, pump me Jeff, pump me hard."
She started bucking backward into him, timing her movements to his and moaning wildly as he went deep inside her. Jeff glided his hand over her large soft posterior, squeezing and groping the smooth creamy orbs. He had an urge to spank her. He pulled his hand back but hesitated, arm held aloft as he debated whether to go through with it or not. The age old question. To spank or not to spank. Would she be aroused or angry?
She looked back and grinned, "Oooo are you going to spank me Jeff? Go ahead. Spank me." 'Smack!' "Oh yes! Now fuck me harder! I really want you to give it to me"
He increased his pace, driving into her and bouncing off of her soft, cushioned rear as each contact sent a clapping sound echoing around the room. Gwen pushed up onto her elbows making space for him to grab hold of her breasts and he instantly took advantage. She moaned as he rubbed and tweaked her nipples and ground herself backwards onto him, enjoying the feel of him twitching and flexing inside her.
As Gwen oo'd and ah'd with each thrust she decided that Tiffany simply didn't know what she was talking about. Jeff certainly knew what he was doing. Maybe if Tiff had spent more time letting him into her ass and less time being an ass they'd still be together. Gwen grinned, her loss is my gain she thought and squeezed down on him, tightening herself up and determined to wring out all the pleasure she could.
Jeff started to feel that familiar tingling in his loins as the cum began to churn in his balls and switched to longer slower strokes. It was too soon. He needed to hold back. Make sure she came first. It worked for a little while but the tight walls of her tunnel were milking him remorselessly and the impending surge became inevitable.
"I'm so close, Gwen," he groaned. "Are you going to cum too? Are you going to cum with me?"
"Oh yesss it feels so good, cum for me Jeff, fill me up, cum in my ass oh yesssss!"
He gripped her hips and pressed himself into her, allowing Gwen to feel his balls contracting rhythmically against her skin as he released his load, cumming hard and rolling his head back as he flooded her descending colon.
"Oh yess, oh yess, yess," he cried out as he tensed and exploded into her.
He held himself deep and pulsated within her before finally laying down on her back. Jeff kissed her shoulder as she put her arm behind her to grip his neck to pull him into her, holding onto her man and smiling contentedly as he slowly recovered.
"Oh wow. Thanks Gwen, that was amazing. I really needed that."
"Mmm, you were wonderful too," she cooed.
He reached down to her cock to find her semi-hard and dry.
"You didn't cum?"
"Yeah, sorry sweetie," she turned to give him a peck on the lips. "You were really good but I never cum during anal. Well... not when I'm the one being bent over anyway. I still enjoyed it though, it still felt wonderful to have your big thick cock in my ass, getting you off, servicing my sexy new boyfriend." She smiled, pulling him in and kissed him hard to show how much she appreciated him.
"I came when you fucked me," he replied semi reproachfully after she pulled back, a hint of sulkiness in his voice as he continued to hug her from behind.
"Mmm yes you did. All over my tits. I'll never forget that." She smiled at him over her shoulder and kissed him again. "You came sooo hard when I railed that sweet little ass of yours baby. But everyone's different and you have a very nice and sensitive bottom. I'm not lying to you though. I really did enjoy having you inside me. It's like... do you enjoy going down on a girl?"
"Well yeah. I like to make a girl feel good," he nodded.
"Yeah I thought you would. You're a giver when it comes to sex, it's a great quality to have and I'm no different. There are times I can be a bit selfish but I love the thrill of getting someone off, of getting them to wail with pleasure and scream out my name. Blow jobs are a case in point. I love giving blow jobs. Looking up at a man as his eyes roll back into his head, the feeling as his legs begin to shake and he goes weak at the knees, the rush I get when his thick creamy load slides down my throat. Mmm, wow, so fucking hot. But would you cum giving me a blowjob?"
"N-No." he said. Maybe he thought. An image flashed through his mind of him on his knees while Gwen held tightly onto his head. A look of pure bliss on her face as her cock pulsed and pumped her hot viscous girlcum into his hungry willing mouth and he greedily swallowed it all down. In his mind the 'maybe' was swiftly upgraded to a 'probably'.
He slowly stroked her cock. His own had softened but not fully deflated and was coming back to life again as he started to slide it in and out of her warm slick hole as she gently moaned. He would have kept going but it felt wrong. He'd already cum. Gwen still needed to get off too and although he had no doubt she had enjoyed it this wouldn't quite do it for her.
"Let's swap places. You need to cum too."
"Are you sure? You don't need to," she said trying to contain the excitement in her voice.
"Yes, I want to do this Gwen, I really wan... Mmpphh!"
Before he could even finish she stood back up, turning as he slipped out of her and cut him off with a quick hard kiss. She swiftly stepped aside and shoved him down over the table. Dropping her thick rod between his cheeks Gwen gripped his waist, hotdogging him a few times before reaching out to take the olive oil and drizzling it both onto her dick and into his crack. She thrust back and forth for a while, enjoying the heat and angling herself to nudge gently against his hole on every pass. Every time it pushed slightly into his anus, stretching and lightly opening him up before she let it pop free to continue its journey.
She finally pulled back to get him ready, quickly slipping in first one and then two fingers before twisting and thrusting them into him. The lewd sucking and squelching noises drifting across the kitchen. She didn't give him long, she was on fire, burning with a desperate need to claim her new boyfriend's ass.
"And you're definitely sure about this? You've just cum so I don't mind if you don't want to go again so soon," Gwen offered while lining herself up and starting to push.
"Yeah, just keep going I waaaaooooohhhsshhhhiiitttttt!" He cried as the slick head suddenly breached his ring and popped inside.
"Oh fuck yeah!" She cried out, "Oh it feels so good to finally be back inside you. I can't even begin to tell you how much my dick's been missing this tight little hole of yours." She bit her lip and ran her hands down his back feeling how tense he was. "Oh shit, sorry. You said you wanted me and I was just so horny I couldn't wait. Was I a little too fast?"
"That ugh, that depends." He rasped. "When you say were you a little too fast, are you trying to tell me you've already cum? Because if so then yeah, that was a little too fast for me. If you meant the entry, then yeah a bit but it feels amazing and I couldn't wait either."
He felt her leaning down, her lips on his skin as she lightly kissed his neck while her hands caressed him. The head of her cock twitched and pulsed within him, moving ever so slightly forwards and backwards. He pressed his stomach down onto the table and gripped the edges as he slowly began moving back and forth. Moaning softly as he did and only taking around a 1/4 of an inch in and out.
Gwen stood back up, sliding her hands down his body. Watching him rock himself on her and awaiting the inevitable. Waiting for him to give himself to her. Waiting for him to ask her to fuck him.
"Gwen I'm ready so umm, can you work some more into me?"
"Are you sure baby?" She teased. "Are you sure you want this big fat cock deep inside of you?"
"Yesss. Please Gwen."
"And you'll give yourself to me? Let me take you anyway I want?"
"Oh fuck yes, take me Gwen, use me, fill me, please."
"Whatever you say sweetheart."
Gwen's hands trembled with anticipation as she changed her grip, moving her left hand to his shoulder and her right to his hip. The first time they had sex he had rode her and the second he had taken her so both times he was in charge, in control. This was different. She had him bent over and spread wide open, arching his back and mewing like a little kitten. Her cock was already inside him, ready and waiting to breed him. This time she was in full control and that was the way she wanted it. It was time for his new top to give him a proper fucking.
She began pushing into him, determined to sink herself balls deep in one long slow steady drive and watched him shudder beneath her. "There you go baby," she grunted, "you can always rely on me to give you what you need." She bit her lip as inch after tortuous inch slid in, slow, steady and relentless as his eyes rolled and his whole body shook. "Almost there sweetie, almost there, annnnd... we're... allllll the way in," she groaned and threw her head back as her balls finally made contact with him. "Oh yesss, there we go."
She bent down and lightly bit his shoulder while she ground herself into him, rotating her hips to make sure he felt her full length.
"Mmm you like that baby?" She whispered into her ear. "You've got my full dick inside that tight little ass of yours now." She pushed again, forcing an extra couple of millimetres in to emphasise the point. "Oh and that question you asked earlier, about whether I'd already blown my load. Well you don't have to worry that pretty little head of yours about that, honey. Because when I do cum, I'm gonna cum so hard and so deep you'll be able to taste it"
She licked the side of his face all the way up to his ear before standing back up, giving him a quick spank and gripping him tightly.
"It's time for your new woman to properly break you in, baby."
She slowly withdrew until the ridge of her head just began to stretch his hole before pushing all the way back in. Long slow deliberate strokes to open him up and get him used to her girth. Nice and easy, the calm before the storm. Every time she pulled out Jeff seemed to be fighting against her, his tight tunnel gripping onto her and seemingly reluctant to let her leave but when she reversed course it seemed to almost suck her back in.
She grinned as she heard him starting to moan and began increasing the tempo. He'd already cum so she allowed herself to be a little selfish, concentrating purely on her own wants and needs. The clapping sound as her hips meet his firm round bottom began to ring out around the kitchen, accompanied by the slow sucking sound of his well oiled ass fighting to keep her in each time she withdrew. She ground herself into him as she bottomed out and became lost in the sensations as she built a steady rhythm.
"Oh fuck!" He cried out, breaking her from her reverie. "Fuck that feels so good."
Gwen snapped back to reality with a sudden concern but her face quickly broke into a smile. She had been so lost in her own desires that for a moment she thought she might have actually been hurting him. But no. He fucking well loved it and it was time to make him love it even more.
She bit her lip and changed her angle to drive down into his prostate rubbing along it and making him shudder. Her eyelids fluttered as she felt him tremble all around her length, massaging her dick with the spasming muscles of his tunnel.
"Oh fuck Gwen keep doing that, oh shit, we only did this yesterday now could... how could I have forgotten... how good it feels to have you inside me."
"Yeah you like that baby? You like it when I fuck you nice and slow." She pushed in deep and he moaned in appreciation. "Yeah you do. You want it so badly and I want to give to you just as much. Do you like it when I press here?"
She moved up onto her toes and pushed her cock directly down onto his prostate making him writhe underneath her, his own toes curling up as the waves spread through him and a few more drops of his pre-cum fell to the floor.
"Yeah you love it Jeff. It's so much better this way isn't it baby."
Again she forced herself into his prostate.
"Ohhh yesss, fuck me Gwen, don't ever stop."
A massive toothy grin split her face as she thrust into him. She had no intention of ever stopping. She would be pounding this tight little butt of his forever if she had her way. Gwen pulled him into a standing position, leaning him forwards to support himself with his hands as she pumped in and out with renewed vigour. It gave her a far better angle to get him going and his tightly flexing hole was clamping down on her more and more as she milked him. It dribbled down to form a long viscous strand that spun back and forth as she worked him harder. She leant down onto him, her breasts pressing into his back as she angled his head towards her.
"Kiss me." She demanded, pressing her lips to his and slipping her tongue into his mouth as his hand moved to cup her neck and hold her in place.
As they moaned into the kiss she reached between his legs for his cock and as soon as she made contact it twitched and flexed wildly, pulling up and away from her fingers. Fuck he's ready to blow again she thought and quickly withdrew her hand. Smiling into the kiss she began attacking him with far greater passion. Hands free. She was going to make him cum without anything touching his dick to reinforce in his mind just how good it felt to be dominated by a sweet, kind and well hung t-girl.
Knowing what she was doing to him was making her harder than ever and she felt the tingling in her balls as her own army of little swimmers mustered for their assault on his back gates. She was close but wanted him to cum first, she wanted to feel him clamp down on her, to feel Jeff milk her as she was milking him.
"I'm almost there baby," she cooed, breaking the kiss and standing back up. "Are you close too? Are you going to cum for me baby."
"Ugh, ugh, ugh," he grunted in response.
His mind was swimming. Unable to form rational thoughts let alone talk as his cock bounced and dripped with every drive of her cock. His prostate was under constant pressure and the feeling was permeating his entire body, shaking him to the core. It was coming, the wave was cresting, a tsunami was about to hit.
"Oh fuck Gwen I love you," he cried out as the wave finally broke and his cock began to flow. "Ugh, ugh oooooooh fuck, yesssssss oooooooh yessssss."
It was longer and deeper than anything he had experienced before as the cum didn't so much explode out of his dick as ooze and dribble. Every time she drove into him more and more cum poured out of him, forced out of his cock by Gwen's thick hard rod squashing into a magic place he hadn't even known existed.
"Ooooooooh," he groaned, collapsing back down onto the table, unable to fathom how he had been cumming for so long. "Ooooooh god."
Gwen was clenching her teeth, trembling and fighting back her own orgasm as he gripped onto her like a vice. His tight loving tunnel was contracted rhythmically all along her cock and sending ripples of pleasure pulsing outwards to travel through her entire body. Finally she stopped fighting and just let it go. Succumbing to her own need for release.
"Oh yessss," she shouted, "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yesssss. Ugggghhhhhhh."
She drove herself as deep as possible and held herself there, her balls contracting as she blasted her load deep inside him. Her legs shook and buckled beneath her as she held on tight, relying on him to hold her up and keep her from collapsing.
"Oh-oh-oh, oh wow, oh my god, oh wow." She repeated over and over again as shot after shot entered his bowels. "Oh wow."
She half fell half laid down upon him, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. Panting and clinging on as the last of her seed seeped into her man.
They stayed like that for several minutes, smiling and recovering, unable to move and simply enjoying the contact and closeness. As time passed and her energy started to return Gwen began planting small kisses on his back. She gave him one last big squeeze and stood, stretching and giggling as she slipped out of him and a little stream of cum dribbled out to join the messy pool of oils and bodily fluids already on the floor.
"Oops, that's going to take a lot of cleaning up," she giggled, "but totally worth it. Here use this to umm, well you know." She tore off some kitchen roll and pressed it into his crack to plug the leak.
"Oh, umm yeah, OK thanks," he mumbled, standing back up and holding it in place.
He turned around looking a little embarrassed but she just beamed back and threw her arms around him. Kissing him on the lips and holding him tight. After briefly considering his options he clenched his butt cheeks to hold the kitchen roll in place and cuddled her back. One hand quickly running down to fondle and hold her bum as she chuckled at his newly acquired tissue paper tail. Her own little sex bunny.
"So... You love me do you?" She lightly taunted and giggled as she felt him stiffen in her arms.
"Umm well Gwen... You see I..."
"Oh don't worry I'm only teasing," she said, pulling back to look into his eyes. "I know it was only said in the heat of the moment. And damn was there some heat in that moment." She grinned with smouldering eyes. "That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy hearing it though."
"Ah well, about that Gwen, I..." she raised an eyebrow and smiled, waiting for him to finish the sentence. Shit! How do I finish that sentence? "I really, really like you Gwen but umm..." Crap! He still didn't know how to finish it.
"But you need more time to see how this develops and get to know me better?" She said, taking pity on him and completing it for him. "That it's not love yet but you know there's something real and special between us? Something waiting to grow?" She moved to whisper into his ear. "And when I say something real and special between us waiting to grow. You know I'm not just talking about my cock, right?" she smirked.
"Ha, Yes exactly," he chuckled, grateful for her intervention and moved to rest his forehead against hers. "Thanks Gwen you're amazing. Things like that Gwen, that's why I... I really like you." Shit, he thought I was about to say 'love you' again.
"Anytime Jeff, anytime."
As he pulled back she studied his eyes closely. There was one more thing she really needed to know and she couldn't wait anymore, the suspense killing her. She took a deep breath and began the conversation that could very well make or break their burgeoning relationship.
"So... you looked like you really enjoyed that Jeff and you seemed to enjoy it both ways. In fact if anything it looked like you came harder the second time around. Are you going to be OK with us having sex like that? With me topping you?"
"Umm well yeah of course. I didn't know if I'd like it but it actually felt really good and I'd definitely do it again so I guess I'm... flexible? Is that the term?"
"You could also use verse or switch but yeah, flexible definitely covers it. Personally I'm a bit more narrow in that I very much prefer being the main top but for you I'd be prepared to change that. I'd be prepared to meet you in the middle. So if we are going to be together would you want to keep it more even? A bit more 50/50?"
"Well yes and no, umm... Oh crap." He said going red.
"Hey," she rubbed his arm and gave him a gentle and inquisitive look. "Say what you need to say. It's far better we talk about this now so we know what we're looking for here. I guarantee whatever you say will remain between us."
Her calm exterior was in stark contrast to the raging storm inside her. She could be wrong but she was convinced he'd enjoyed it much more and cum far harder when she was taking him. The same short sentence was on repeat in her mind, echoing around and around in her head.
-'Please say you want me to be the main top, Please say you want me to be the main top, Please say you want me to be the main top.'-
For him she would be prepared to switch it up a bit, she'd flex. Gwen would put out however and whenever he wanted and she knew she'd enjoy it simply because she would be making him happy but... if he did want to take the more submissive role... She crossed her fingers.
"Well I'd still want to be able to take you whenever I wanted to Gwen but umm... Ah this is difficult for a guy to say... OK, so when I was inside you it felt really good. You're so warm and tight and I got to rub my hands all over your body as I eased myself in and out and... oh, well you know what it's like."
"Mhmm," she nodded along. She wanted to tell him she knew exactly what it was like to be buried balls deep in his nice warm willing hole. How incredible it felt when she sank all the way into him and flooded her trembling lover with blast after blast of her hot thick creamy load. How good it made her feel when he clenched around her throbbing cock, cried out his undying love and came uncontrollably all over the floor just from having her dick lodged inside him. But she didn't want to interrupt him. She was far too eager to see where this was heading. Her fingers were still crossed.
"But..." He gulped, crap was he really going to say this. "There's this pressure to perform, to make sure you enjoy it, to hold back and delay things as much as possible. When you took me I could relinquish that control, just allow you to use and guide me. Now don't get me wrong I was still doing everything possible to make you feel good too but I felt like I could just let myself go more and enjoy the moment. The feeling of you sliding into me, hearing you moan, knowing how much you wanted me, knowing I was going to bring you to the edge and make you cum deep inside me. It's..." He took a deep breath. "I think I prefer being on the receiving end."
"Oh yes, yes, yessss, I knew it, I knew it." She squealed, hugging him tightly and bouncing up and down a few times before kissing him long and hard. "Oh yesss, I knew it and I'm gonna be fucking you morning noon and night baby. I'm gonna mould your tight little ass to my dick, fuck you until it fits like a glove and you're gonna love me for it. I can always tell Jeff and we're just made for each other. I knew it. I just knew it."
She pulled back beaming excitedly before seeing his worried expression.
"Really? You could really tell?"
"Oh! Err, sorry I meant I could tell from your reactions. From when we had sex. Not just from looking at you. You don't have an 'I like to take it up the butt' face or anything like that!"
"Oh gee thanks," he chuckled, starting to relax again. "My world has pretty much been turned upside down over the last couple of days and I've learned a whole lot of things about myself that I didn't know before... But it's good to know I don't have an 'I like it up the butt' face."
They chuckled and held onto each other for a while longer before they broke apart. Gwen began moving around the kitchen with an extra spring in her step, humming as she happily pulled pots and pans from the cupboard. She was now more certain about him than ever before. She was going to be able to have the type of relationship she'd always wanted with the type of guy she'd always wanted. She'd struck gold. Looking over he still looked a little uncertain about everything.
"Hey, whatever happens in the bedroom you know that when we go out you'll still be my man, right?"
"Yeah I know. Thanks Gwen I needed that."
"Sure thing. Now sit yourself down at the table and I'll get my wonderful little bottom boyfriend some breakfast." He gave her a mock glare. "Hey we're alone and we just had sex so the bedroom rule still counts here," she giggled.
They made small talk as she cooked and laid the table. As they finished eating Gwen brought up their unexpected matchmaker for the first time since the bar last night.
"So," Gwen mumbled, covering her mouth and swallowing her final mouthful of toast before continuing, "do you think you'll miss Tiffany at all?"
"Wow Tiffany, that seems like a lifetime ago, I haven't even thought about her since we began talking last night."
"Aww you're so sweet, same here. So is there anything you'll miss about her?"
"Well she was actually quite a lot of fun when she wasn't being totally psychotic, always keeping me on my toes. In some ways I'll actually miss some of the mind games she played, the mental sparring. Not the full on head fucks she used to pull to try to bend me to her will but the more gentle playful fun ones. We'd spin tall tales and make up silly stories and see how long we could make each other believe it, that sort of thing."
"Well it sounds like you might have a bit of a thing for bad girls, interesting, and yes I know exactly what you mean."
She paused in thought for a while as she finished her drink. Studying him intently and he could almost see the cogs turning in her mind before she spoke again.
"You know me and Tiff are actually very similar. We're both tops in our own way, we both love being in control and I learned quite a lot from her, it was almost like I was her apprentice. I'm kind of surprised you didn't realise that earlier but I suppose Tiffany always did say you were a little on the slow side.
"She did? But... I thought you said you didn't know about me."
"Oh, did I?" She answered innocently while flashing a disconcerting smile at him, suddenly showing an unnaturally large number of teeth and looking at him like a shark looks at a tasty snack. There was a strange glint in Gwen's eye that he hadn't seen before. Mischievous but something else too. Something darker?
"Jeff, make me another coffee!"
He continued looking at her. That was new. That was a demand not a request and she had a slightly odd look on her face, something halfway between playful and smirking. What was she up to? He considered calling her out on it, telling her to say please or get it herself but decided to play along for now and see where this was going. She had just made him breakfast so he didn't want to come across as churlish and he was probably over analysing.
He begrudgingly got up and poured her a coffee, turning round to find her unexpectedly standing right in front of him. He jumped slightly as her eyes bored into his and a sinister smile played on her lips. Damn she could be stealthy when she wanted to be. If her plan was to creep him out and make him feel uneasy then she was definitely succeeding.
"You know... I'll have to thank Tiffany next time I see her for finding me such a nice and malleable guy, such an adventurous and generous lover in bed, so open to suggestions. Someone so ready and willing to service me. She even took the time to make you all neat and tidy downstairs before driving you into my arms."
"Umm yeah right. Well I suppose in a way we do. It might have been unintentional but she did push us together," he replied with a touch of uncertainty in his voice.
"Unintentional? What makes you think any of this was unintentional darling? What makes you think this wasn't all planned from the start?"
She smiled and stepped confidently towards him, backing him up to the kitchen wall with a cold hard look on her face.
"It was a setup Jeff. Tiff knew you were planning to leave her and she brought me in because she knew you wouldn't be able to resist playing the hero for me, for the poor little damsel in distress." She pulled an exaggerated sad face and mimed wiping a tear from her cheek before continuing with a cruel smile.
"She also knew you had this submissive side to you and wouldn't be able to resist sinking to your knees for a big beautiful trans goddess like me. Ugh, you don't know how good it feels to finally be able to drop that nauseating pathetic good girl act and reveal my true self. Everything we did last night and this morning. Every moan, every admission, every time you begged me to fuck you harder while riding my big fat cock. It was all recorded Jeff. We own you now and we've agreed on a 50/50 partnership." An evil grin split her face.
"You're kidding right?"
"Aww you look so surprised! You're still going to work as normal but from now on me and Tiffany will control your bank account and split everything you earn between us. You'll take her to all those god awful parties she wants to go to and wait on her like a queen but all the rest of the time you'll be my slave. Tied up and fucked. Worshipping my cock. You're my bitch now Jeff and I Own You!"
She looked stern and powerful but... he wasn't buying it. He cocked his head and studied her features. The slight flickering at the corners of her mouth, the not so well hidden mirth in her eyes as she struggled to keep a straight face. Oh nice try Gwen, well played. He broke into a broad smile.
"OK, fair enough. I'll just go and grab the ropes and my bank cards then."
She managed to hold her harsh gaze for a few more seconds before it crumbled and she burst into laughter, "Yeah alright you got me, I had you going there for a moment though didn't I?"
"Just for a moment or two," he laughed back, shaking his head, "not for too long, well played though. You're actually a damn fine actress. I'll have to watch out for that." Gwen grinned and performed a little curtsy. "So out of interest, if I had bought your story how long would you have kept that up for?"
"Well firstly, can I just say amateur dramatics is a bit of a passion of mine so thank you for the compliment on my skills. But as for what I'd have done if you'd actually believed me... Hmm, full access to your bank account and you as my obedient little sex slave at home, all tied up in my bed, ready to service me and fulfilling my every sordid and twisted desire." She leaned in and whispered into his ear. "And I have so many of those." She pulled back and winked. "Hmm let me think." She bit her lip and cocked her head to the side in contemplation. "A couple years, maybe ten, maybe longer." She shrugged. "Who knows."
"So... until my looks fail me and until both my bank and your balls run dry. Is that what you're saying?
"Yeah that sounds about right," she grinned back.
"Oh you're mean."
"Ha I know." She laughed before a little flash of worry passed through her eyes. "That wasn't too much was it? You did say you liked those sort of games and I wanted to show you my fun, slightly twisted side because that's a big part of me too."
"No I kind of asked for that didn't I. And like I said earlier I like a bold girl with a little bit of devil in her. It keeps me interested, keeps the relationship fun."
The relief was evident in her face.
"Well I couldn't have you thinking I was always going to be a good girl now could I." She ran her hand down his chest to grip his cock, stroking him while looking back into his eyes with a mischievous grin. "Because sometimes I'll want to be a bad girl and judging by how hard you are at the thought of what a bad girl like me might do to you... Well, I think that will make it fun for both of us."
"Well if you're such a bad girl then maybe I should bend you over my knee right now and give you a little spanking."
"Ooooo really? Well you could..." she said coyly, "or maybe I could make it up to you another way."
Gwen sank to her knees and engulfed his cock, putting her hands on his bottom and pulling him into her and she sucked hard and looked up into his eyes.
"Oh wow, Oh OK you're totally forgiven," he moaned, resting his hands on the back of her head.
She moaned as she lapped around his glans, alternating between bobbing up and down on the first few inches and just sucking and licking around the head.
She pulled off for a second, "I can be a bad girl but I also know how to treat a man and I just can't get enough of this beautiful big fat cock of yours." winked and slid it back into her mouth.
Gwen made a big show of groaning in ecstasy as she sucked on him, making it seem like it was the best thing she had ever tasted before suddenly plunging down. Nearly effortlessly taking him deep in her throat and making his toes curl. She held him at the base while she looked up at him, convulsing along the full length of his member as he held onto the countertop for support.
"Oh, shit that feels... Oh my god... No one's... Ever..."
She pulled off for air and brought one of her hands up to stroke him.
"Never been deep throated before huh?" She grinned, "a lot of firsts for you this weekend my love," and dove back down.
"Oh shit, you'll ha... have to teach me how to do that. Oooh wow, I... I want to make you feel like this toooo."
She moved off again, working him hard with her hand, "I was always going to teach you how to deep throat baby. You're my boyfriend now and us girls always have to train up their men, teach them how to please their women. Now feed me that yummy cum!" She demanded, taking him back inside her mouth and upping her pace, determined to quickly bring him to the edge.
He gripped the counter so hard his knuckles turned white as he experienced the kind of knee trembling blowjob Gwen was so keen to bring him. Her tight wet larynx massaged him as she hummed to increase the sensations, her hand playing gently with his balls to tempt out any remaining sperm. Unable to stop himself Jeff moved to gripped her head and pushed in and out of her mouth. Timing himself to her rhythm as he disappeared down her well trained and velvety throat.
"Oh yes, I... I don't think there's much left in there for you Gwen but... Ughh... here it comes... ugh, oh shit, oh yesss, oh yesssss." he groaned as she quickly gulped down the last of his seed from his now completely spent balls.
"Oh wow, oh Fuck Gwen, Oh wow that was awesome. You're absolutely incredible."
She rose back to her feet and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him as he sagged against the wall with weak legs. Initially he simply allowed her tongue to explore his mouth, too blissed out to actively kiss her back. As he slowly recovered and came down from his post orgasm high he put his arms around her to properly return her kiss.
"Well I guess I now owe you one," he said, reaching down to stroke her cock. "So maybe I should pay you back. Start that training you were talking about."
Gwen glanced at the clock. "Hmm, as tempting as that is, we need to be getting ready if we're going to meet up with your friends on time and I'm really looking forward to our first double date," she said, ending the sentence with a palpable excitement as she bounced up and down. "Although..." she added with a mischievous smile, "once we get there if you want to suck me off in the toilets or pop down under the table to give me a little bit of head while I chat to your friends..." she shrugged, "I won't complain."
"Uh-huh," he said sceptically, "and weren't you all concerned about people knowing your secret yesterday? That seems a rather big shift in attitude doesn't it?"
"Well they both know about me anyway so maybe Dave can keep watch and Rita can join you under the table and observe, give you a few tips," she winked.
"Ha, well I'm guessing Rita's first 'tip' would be to never duck under a table and suck someone off in public." Although, he conceded in his own mind, knowing Rita maybe not.
"Aww you're just no fun are you," she giggled before giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Go on, you go and have a shower. I'll go second." Gwen gave him another quick kiss and gave his bottom a quick swat as he walked past her.
She'd been joking about him going under the table for her but dragging him off to the bathrooms at some point and unloading into that talented little mouth of his... Mmm that sounded pretty sweet and like he said he did kind of owe her one.
Sighing contentedly she watched his bum wobble away. His cock, balls and butt were all a little sore from overuse and were giving him an adorable little bow legged cowboy walk. She'd probably have to give everything below his belt a sabbatical for the rest of the weekend so he could recover.
As he rounded the corner she leaned back against the counter, shaking her head and marvelling at her change of fortune. He was everything she was looking for in a man, her perfect partner and despite knowing him for less than twenty four hours something was telling her that he was the one, that this time it would last forever.
She heard the shower start up and glanced at the clock again, there certainly wasn't time to do anything if they were going to get there on schedule. She stared at the clock a little longer. She was really looking forward to their first time out as a couple and really didn't want to be late. A few more seconds ticked away.
"Oh what the hell?"
She smiled and headed off to join him in the shower.