I like it Old Style Pt. 01 by tboa

I am a futa addict... It took a long while in high school to figure that out.

I was 18 when it clicked completely. Karen the head of our cheerleading squad had just spewed a load of cum down my throat and I had flipped up my uniform bottom so Cheryl could start fucking me in my asshole. Karen's flagging filthy dick moved out of my periphery and I saw Coach Jane standing over by the showers. She was a year away from retirement and a lean ripe 54 and 150 pounds. She had an Olympic figure and a javelin for a cock. Her white hair matched the pubes sticking out of her fly as she worked her 12 inch prick at the sight of her team working out their energy on the towel boy. As Cheryl bottomed out in me I mewled like the whore I am but my mind pictured Jane's experienced prick stretching my ass to the limit.

That was the beginning of the school year. Now post graduation on the last day of school I had to act on that desire. It was 3:30pm and most everyone was headed out the door. It had been a boring easy day for us seniors. No more work just saying goodbye. Everyone asking what I was going to do, if I was going to go to college or just join the workforce... I had no answers. My talent was being a cumslut and frankly outside of big cities I'd never make a living. I did have one goal for today. Seduce Coach Jane. 

I approached the gym where some admin staff were milling about, no one questioned me as I walked by. I entered the ladies locker rooms where Jane's office was and as soon as I entered I heard moaning. I quickly started panicking thinking I was too late but no it very quickly sounded like it was coming from a computer. It was coming from Jane's office! As I crept closer Jane was sitting with her back to the door and watching a video on her laptop, it was a miniature cumslut like me riding a buxom futa like a bucking bronco. As I moved closer I could just see over her shoulder. Jane was obvious to my presence but she was intensely watching the video while stroking her cock through her tracksuit. Her pike was rigid and tenting her pants real bad.

"Ummm Coach?" I squeaked.

"AHHH", Coach Jane yelled as she stood up slamming the laptop closed.

In the silence, she slowly turned, I have no idea what my face looked like but the now retiree went from fury to soft concern.She looked me up and down once, twice and then a third time before an awkward cough.

"Uhh yesm-m-Mike! Yeah Mike. What are you doing here?"

I collected myself and remembered why I came here, staring at the imprint of cock in her pants did help jog my memory.

"Oh, uh Ms. er Coach Jane? I was wondering if you could give me some advice?"

Jane looked down at her member and silently agreed to ignore it too.

"Sure Mike take a seat," She motioned to the chair opposite her desk.

I took a seat.

"Well Coach.. I just don't know what I'm going to do now. I can't afford college and I'm not sure what skills I can bring to the workforce here in town."

Doing my best suck up voice may have been too much but Jane looked me right in the eye and smiled. Her wrinkled face was still beautiful and her smile honestly was doing it for me. Coach looked down and after a few seconds...

"Yeah I'm kind of in a similar place... Without you kids in my life I don't have much to do... Hell I'm even moving into a retirement home soon since my pension will only cover that for the next ten years. I'm just some old thing they're throwing out."

Her eyes were becoming red.

"Noooo, Coach we still need you. Someone still needs you!"

I stood up and went over to her and kneeled at her side placing my hand on her knee... the same knee her cock was still running down her pants towards. I then took her right hand in my left.

"Coach, you are beautiful and made a terrific impression on me. "

Jane perked up and met my eyes again.

"I was all but ready to give up as graduation approached but seeing you six months ago awoke something in me. A new purpose, a new fire."

I let my hand slide over and around her leg, my pinky ever so slightly brushed the fat mushroom head of her cock. I felt its heat even there. I was fighting back the drool. Her leg was also made of steel, she had aged but her body was a specimen. Jane kept her eyes on me, they stopped being kind and seemed to morph into a predatory stare. Wordlessly she stood and looked out the only window in her office. It faced the locker room. No one there. Walking by me she locked the door and closed the blinds. I stayed kneeling, watching her with respect. My heart was beating hard and fast, I hadn't been this nervous since I took my first dicking from Momma. Coach returned to her seat but slid her tracksuit pants down and let them fall, sitting down with a plop her cock stood up at full hardness. 12 inches of boomer beef swayed in front of my face making my eyes glitter and the drool I was holding back leak from the corner of my mouth. I turned to her face for approval.

She smiled wide and said softly, "I saw that look at the beginning of the year... I did really hope you'd come see me, little Mike."

Her voice getting more serious, "For years I've held back on fucking the hot ass boys who come through this school every year!"

I was getting scared and my dick was rock hard. Her hand reached for shoulder and pushed me down prostrate in front of her winkled, thick veined, uncut cock.

"35 years I've wished to defile a pretty little cocksleeve like you and now that I'm done here you will certainly do, young man."

Coach Jane grabbed my hair handles and lifted me without a care. I opened my mouth just wide enough as she stretched my jaw over her leaking cockhead and pulled down. Her first five inches caught in my throat. I was frozen as I was still processing the situation but my slut instincts kicked in and I had lots of spit to slather on her meat before she lifted my face up and back down spearing my throat hard. My gag reflex was long gone and I was ecstatic to see her large mound of white pubes within inches of my face. I moaned in pleasure giving my new older lover quite a sensation on her shaft.

"UGH! You precious little cock sucker! Ugh take all my dick whore!"

I quickly found grip on her steel thighs and began helping her use my throat like a flesh light. The sounds of sucking and slurping filling her quiet office. She tasted of sweat and the taste of an old lady who liked to laugh. My left hand found her massive nutsack. It hung low and her hairs tickled my hand but I gleefully kneaded her swollen nuts. As her foot of cock fucked my throat I imagined the thick backed up seed that awaited either of my holes. The thought triggered another gear for me and I began moaning and whining like a little bitch. I knew how to sound like a little girl getting fucked and I knew how much she wanted to treat me like some fresh virgin whore she found. My tongue danced on her shaft as her length drilled my throat and sucked hard as she would lift my head ripping her long length from my eager maw. Soon she was enjoying it so much she let me drive and I proceeded to whip my head up and down on her shaft. Trying my best to suck as hard as I could. Her breathing was getting more haggard so I gave one last hard inhale as I pulled up. My lips popped as they slid off her tip. Jane shuddered and her cock throbbed hard as a dollop of pre oozed out of her pisshole. I gleefully licked upwards from her glans to her tip letting her pre coat my tongue in sour thick nectar.

Changing it up I slid down and started sucking her avocado size balls. Using my free hand to keep her shaft going. Jane moaned and hummed in pleasure, my little clit was leaking pre. She was grunting with each stroke and I could taste her balls roiling in preparation. I felt a tap on my shoulder and spit her cum tanks out. Returning to a kneeling position I spiked my own throat straight down to her base. Gripping her hips hard I just held all 12 inches in my throat as she shuddered and twitched and then sighed deep. Her cock bucked hard! I felt a deep warmth as her boi breaker began spewing its sludge down my throat. After two massive pulses I lifted myself up her shaft and let her fat tip rest at my throat entrance. She came for another 2 minutes letting rope after rope spray my happy mouth. Soon her seed filled my mouth too, it was thick and sour and then the taste of salt filled me with pleasure.

Swallowing most of it down I left the last few ropes lazily leak on my face, cleaning her cock of all her seed. I smiled wide and watched my Coach who molded me as a proper femme cum dump was finally satisfied...

Or so I thought.

Her eyes opened wide and stared.

"SUch a fucking hot slut... Come ere!"

She shot up and grabbed me by my armpits lifting me like a baby. I was nothing to her. I grabbed on like an Orangutan and she walked me over to the green couch in the corner of her office. There she fell down on her back and let me land on top of her. Her cock still seim hard sprung up at full mast.

"Ride me SLUT!"

I was screaming with surprise and cheer but hesitated.

"Uh coach, I need some help first."

I turned around and dropped my pants, showing her my plug.

"Ugh kids these days, fine hold still."

Coach reached up and took a firm grip. I used all my strength to stay still as she pulled firmly, It gave a bit but wasn't coming.

"Damn girl! How big is this?"

I didn't have the heart to tell her but I was relaxing my ring as much as I could and I could feel it slipping. Finally the wide base slipped past my ring and the whole plug came out. Coach was surprised by how wide I had it but let it fall.

"Now then little young thing, I want that ass wrapped around my cock NOW! ONE!"

I quickly straddled her and lined up her pike. It kissed my bud and I opened up for her overripe cock. I pushed down half way.


I lifted and pushed down again, almost all the way.


My next stroke bottomed out and I could feel her still full balls slam my ass. A small smack filled the room.


Eagerly I began bucking hard on Coach's dick. Her hands moved all over my small supple body. She ripped off my top and slid her hands up my legs to my fat soft hairless ass. I placed my hands on her shoulders as I really leaned into bending my hips so I could smash down on hers and then drag my ass as hard across her heavily veined thick cock as possible. I swear I could feel every bump tickle my ass. Jane rewarded me with moans of pleasure and a rock hard grip on my ass. I was dancing on her cock letting her stretch and shape me. Soon she had gotten her legs up and planted her feet on the arm of the coach to begin slamming up and meeting me as I drove down on her dick. My insides felt like a flutter of pleasure and violence. Her cock was brutally rearranging my colon and my ring was burning.

My hands started slipping down and I eventually was holding her stomach, I could feel her steel abs underneath and needed to see them. Finding the bottom of her track top I lifted it up exposing her ripped abs and her tiny bra. As she bucked me up and down her shaft I gleefully played with her muscles and enjoyed the sensation of her cock swirling me internally while I ran my tiny hands up and down her hard statuesque body. Mid thrust, Jane quickly reached up and unsnapped her bra. It flew off as she bucked me up again and exposed her breasts, not huge but significant. She suddenly stopped and pulled me down for a deep kiss, she tasted of cigarettes and whiskey. I cooed in comfort and pleasure. After a moment she broke the kiss and moved my face to her nipple.

"Baby gets to suck on my tits as I plow her!"

I took no issue and started licking and prodding her breast in gratitude for the proper fucking she was giving me. I felt so full as she shoved as much of her cock in me as it was possible. Her heavy balls were slamming my ass cheeks. The office had a constant rhythmic sound of PLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAPLAP. She was getting faster and more eager to fuck me just for her pleasure, that drove me over the edge and I sissygasmed hard hugging her tight as my wave of pleasure triggered my cunt to sieze up and grip her like a vice. Her full length got 4 more deep thrusts before she slammed home and started injecting her sludge like cum deep into my colon. I came again hard and sprayed her stomach with my seed. There we lay entwined and embedded. A Student and her Coach connected by a foot of dick and a gallon of cum.

It was minutes until I was able to sit up. She was still hard in me and plugging my backside. I could feel her thick wad deep in me. I wordlessly began extracting myself off her cock. As her wide cockhead reached my ring I knew there wouldn't be a mess. Her sludge was so thick I'd be shitting it out for a week. As her tip popped out there was indeed no mess, no leaks just a red swollen asshole slowly closing as it enjoyed its meal. I moved backward and sat on the couch between her legs. We were both spent. Coach looked down at me and smiled.

"What a little cumdump we made you... GODDESS! If I knew how good that ass was I'd have joined in sooner!"

My pride was showing.

"You... You little boy are something special."

My eyes were misting up.


She pulled herself back and sat up. Several pops could be heard from her back.

"Ugh stupid old body anyways you definitely have a type I see, no young slut has ever fucked me like that."

I smiled wide, my heart was flying.

"Get up and grab that card on my desk!"

I leaned over and tried to stand, it was more difficult than I expected, her dick had made it so I wouldn't be walking right for a bit. As I reached for the desk I saw a blue business card with a building on it. Picking it up I saw on the front was a massive building 10 stories tall and as wide as 5 football fields with plenty of other structures behind it. In big, easy to read font it said, "BURIED ROOT RETIREMENT COMMUNITY" and the other side just had contact info.

"Is this where you're gonna live coach?" I asked with curiosity.

"Uhh... yeah that's where i'm going to just exist until the money runs out... BUT if you want I can make sure you can get a job there, put in a good word and such!"

A job... isn't want I wanted...

"What would I do?" I asked, missing the POINT.

"Ugh not the brightest are you? A dumb cockwhore like you could make out like a bandit! Ladies my age are horny as FUCK! Hell the older we get the more we want to fuck!"

OMG! She was right, I could have a harem of ladies fucking all my holes every second of every day! Even if I had to clean or something, surely all the hot mature girlcock would make up for it!

"OMG Coach thank you!"

"Don't thank me, I just want you around to be a cumdump, you're bound to be the most interesting thing going there, if I can get a fuck on occasionally I won't get as depressed."

I stood up and jumped around the room like a hyperactive squirrel.

Coach sat fully up and put her face in her hands.

"What a dumb cockslut... STOP!"

I did.

"Let's just go our separate ways for now. I move in 3 days from now so next Monday come in and visit and we'll see what we can do OK!?"

I giggled and hugged her.

"Thanks Coach I'm gonna go tell momma and start practicing!" This is the best day ever!"

I grabbed my plug ran over the sink and cleaned it and got it right back where it belonged before taking off and leaving high school forever. My future was clear... or was it?