A week later...
"Uh Hello?"
"Yes, this is the Buried Root Retirement Community. How may I direct your call?"
"Uh Coach Jane?"
"Hmmm No one here by the name Coach..."
"Oh no sorry, I uh... She just moved in a few days ago? She's my friend Jane."
I really am a fuck up from every direction other than being a hot piece of Cock sucking ass, can't even talk on the phone right.
"We have a Jane Schloztki, moved in 3 days ago, I'll transfer you to her unit one moment please."
Light jazz started playing. Goddess this was nerve racking, It's not like Coach and I had a friendship before last week, why would she even bother to help me. Though the memory of her cock slamming into me over and over did seem to make some sense as to why.
"Hello? WHO IS THIS!?"
I choked.
"I uh... um. Coach, er Jane."
"Mike is that you?"
"Uh yeah YES! Coach, how are you?"
I am fucking pitiful.
"I'm just Jane now Mike, anyways I said come in, not to just call me!"
"Yeah... sorry about that, I just wanted to make sure you... well, remembered."
"Of course I did! I'm no wishy washy fool teenager like YOU!"
Her words cut but I've been called worse and by women who do actually like me.
"Anyways come in, I spoke with the director and they said they'll happily talk to you about a job. Come by today even! Seriously get in here you'll love it!"
It still seemed too good to be true but after trolling for hot old ladies online and coming up short I think this was the best option for me.
"Ok, hopefully see you soon Coach!"
"Ugh stop calling me COA- nevermind, see you later!"
My head was spinning but I knew I wanted to make a good first impression. I had a very professional looking suit my mom had gotten for me. It was profesh style. The pants really showed off my behind. I headed down the stairs.
"Mike?!" My mom's voice rang from the kitchen.
"Yes Momma?" I answered as I entered the same room.
There, mom was in her house dress, an apron and the same style high heels I had on. She was kneading some dough on the counter. She looked behind her shoulder at me.
"Oh my honey what's the occasion?"
I stood proud and spun showing how good my ass looked.
"I have a job interview!" I yelled like a proud little kid.
"Oh goodness! That's terrific dear! Come here."
She spun around and extended her arms but kept her hands away so as to not get flour on me. I embraced her while avoiding the flour. She was very fit for a single mother doing everything for me. When she deflowered me, which is always a mother's right to do, she went slow and made it a tender memory for me. And as I blossomed into the cocked up whore I am today she supported me the whole way. I love her so much.
"What job are you interviewing for dear?" She said as I broke our sweet embrace.
"Uh not entirely sure but it's at the Buried Root Retirement Community."
"Honey, you should know the job you're interviewing for, it's very important so you seem knowledgeable... Oh wait, that's where your grandmother lives! Gosh she hasn't seen you since you were on this tall!"
Mom moved her hand down to her mid thigh in reference, she continued.
"You remember my mother Gina right?"
I flashed to a single memory of a woman laughing as I danced.
"Yeah I think I remember her enjoying me dance or something."
Mother clapped and a small cloud of flour erupted. She quickly swatted it away from me to protect my suit.
Cough Cough "Yes! Grandma Gina, you should visit her after your interview! Or even better list her as a reference!"
That was actually a great idea, I hugged Mom again.
"Thanks Mom I have to get going love ya!"
I turned and headed out the door.
"Love you too sweetie!"
I hopped in my compact coupe and drove the 6 miles to the old folks home, er Retirement Community. I should probably be sure and not mess that up. As I pulled into the parking lot the place looked quite nice. Curvy lines on the main building and a bunch of smaller standalone buildings behind it.
After parking I entered through the auto sliding doors and saw a very nice clean lobby. Didn't look like a medical building like I feared. Just warm colors and plenty of social spots.
"Can I help you ma'am?" A redhead receptionist not too much older than me inquired.
I walked up and said, "Yes, I'm here to see the director. I have an interview."
She looked down at her computer and slightly nodded, "Ok take a seat she'll be right out."
I sat at a nearby padded bench and tried to look as professional as I imagined I should. It was about 15 minutes until a tall brunette walked up to me. As my eyes traveled up her statue like stature my jaw seemingly dropped without my knowledge. She was stunning and in a red dress that covered up most things but her bulge was quite defined in her skirt. She had thick rimmed glasses and a tight bun like mine. As I finally looked her in the eye she gave a small smirk.
"You must be the candidate, come with me."
With that she turned and started walking away. I quickly and clumsily followed. She led me into a nearby office that was well outfitted and cozy, lots of brochures and sales signs around. This lady was the closer for getting people to live here. She went behind her desk and took a seat.
"Please shut the door young man."
I stopped mid stride and did so and then took a seat. She sat up tall and towered over me. Her flawless skin made me jealous. She looked down for a second and then looked up and her eyes locked to mine.
"I'm Sheila, director of this community. I understand you wish to work here... Why?"
"Oh well... what did Coach, I mean Jane, tell you?
AGAIN, I am a fucking mess...
But she didn't betray any cynicism or pity.
"Our new resident Jane told me... that on the worst day of her life a young whore fucked another ten years into her. Is she correct?"
I was dumbfounded,
"I er Y-YES I had sex with Jane and yeah despite my experience I think she was the best lay I've ever had. But... I don't understand-"
"Oh I think you do little Mr...."
I took a beat too long until I realized,
"Mike, Mike Powell"
She smiled at me, still unyielding in her intention.
"Ms. Powell, I will be frank. You are not the first cock whore or slut we've had to try and sneak in here because they like lady dick. However, Jane's recommendation comes at a good time because my head of recreation has recently left us. Would you be interested?"
I had almost no clue about what was happening but still nodded.
"Yes, very much so. What would I be doing?"
Sheila giggled.
"Oh... my you are very... eager I see. Well on paper you'd be keeping abreast of our residents' needs and wants and report back to me on anything related to our facilities that need addressing. So if someone says they wish the pool had more floaties you'd tell me and I'd order them. If I need to know what everyone's food preference is for our bi weekly dinner you'd assist me with that."
I nodded excitedly to each point but remembered her first one.
"Ok so what would I be doing not on paper?"
She swallowed and took a moment.
"Satisfy as much girlcock as you can. I won't lie these girls are raging horndogs, any men here are spoken for and honestly windsocks where it matters. The more sated these ladies are the longer they live and pay us to keep them here. Does that sound like a fit for you?"
I felt like punching myself in the face if I somehow screwed this up.
"I would be thrilled to take the position!", I felt my smile touching both my ears.
Sheila stood and extended her hand, "Welcome to the team"
I gleefully popped up and shook her hand. She released her grip and motioned towards the door. We both exited and she guided me to the receptionist.
"Carla, this is Mike, she's our new Head of Recreation."
Carla spun and looked me over, she had a wry smile as she stood and came forward to shake my hand. I eagerly accepted.
"Hi Mike, pleasure to meet you and I hope you'll be a good fit."
She turned to Sheila, "When does he start?"
"Tomorrow at 9am, please make sure he has a uniform and a badge for tomorrow." Sheila continued at me, "Mike, I expect to hear good things. I'll give you the tour tomorrow. Good Day."
"Thank you Sheila, I really appreciate the opportunity!"
With that Sheila left and Carla went back to her desk. Remembering Mom's words I asked,
"Oh hey Carla, My Grandma lives here, can I visit her?"
Carla curiously turns, "Sure, what's her name?"
"Gina Powell"
As I walked the compound, I knew tomorrow would be an exciting day. It was literally 5:1 on women to men and while I'm a bit loose on my standards my cock was plenty hard on most of the journey to the back portion of the community. Lots of titters and "pspspspsh" sounds from onlookers. I made sure my ass swayed as to entice them. Grandma lived in a standalone building which was part of the older section of the community.
As I reached house 442 as Carla instructed I saw a house that looked a lot like the others. Single story, one garage, beige house paint with a white door. Only a few things stood out. A pink flamingo in the yard and a knitted blanket in the front window that had a message sewn into it, "Only ring the bell if you have ass or grass."
I felt well prepared so I approached and rang the bell. It was a good minute of waiting so I rang again. Immediately I heard someone yell behind the door. It flew open, "WHAT!?"
In the door, was a woman who looked a lot like mom. She had white hair cascading down past her shoulders. A bright pink moomoo that barely covered the edge of her nipples and blue crocs that clashed so so well with the ensemble. She had no bra to support her large breasts. I didn't know what to do so I just waved. She stood there agape for a second. Her beauty showing plenty of wrinkles and with no makeup still had a gorgeous face. She looked me up and down and licked her lips.
"You here to sell me something hotstuff?" She said with suspicion.
I looked down and realized my outfit did represent some need of her money.
"Uh..Uh NO Grandma Gina it's me! Mike! Your grandson!
She looked me up and down again, standing up taller she reached down and scratched her crotch which highlighted her definitely substantial package lightly gloved by the moomoo.
"I have a grandson named Michael... OH I See! OH Mike! COME ON IN!"
I'd like to say I walked in easily but that's selling short of the old lady grabbing my shoulders and nearly chucking me into her home. Inside I saw a nice well kept house. Living room, kitchen, etc. A strong slap on my ass got my attention. I spun and saw Gina smiling. I know I was surprised but I betrayed my interest quickly and winked.
"Grandma, it's been too long."
She grabbed me in a big hug, her body warmth was intense and her chest was smothering me. Something was starting to rub against my body.
"Too too long my little M-Mike. " She whispered in my ear.
She broke the hug but kept her flabby arms on my shoulders.
"Mike is a nice name dear, did you pick it?" She asked as she led me to the couch.
"Let me take that for you." She helped me out of my suit jacket and threw it over the couch arm.
We both sat down, she nestled in close keeping her arm over me. I could smell her musk. She also smelled of gin and chocolate. With all her weight on me I had to lay back on the couch, her sweaty pits soaking through the back of my shirt, I felt quite comfortable though. More memories of her kindness and generosity were flooding in. She looked down at me nestled like a little cherub peaking over her chest.
"Now Mike, tell me what have I missed out on? Your mother has given me vague details over the years but you've definitely changed since I last saw you."
I turned into her embrace and let my right hand lay on her belly. I told her about my journey to discovering how much of a slut I was and how it made me buzz with electricity when I knew I was making some woman even slightly happier. She told me that was natural and that she was proud of me for discovering it all by myself.
"Which is why I'm here Grandma, I'm going to start working here tomorrow." I said expectantly.
Grandma pulled back to look me over again. Her face was hard to read but maybe surprise was the closest approximation. Then a wide smile erupted and she gave me a bigger hug.
"Oh darling, that's great news! But why here? What's your job?"
"I realized a year ago, I prefer older women and my Coach who also moved here convinced me to apply here. Long story short, they just hired me as the Head of Recreation." I said into her hefty chest.
Gina pulled me out of her bosom and looked concerned.
"Now Mike, you know what that entails right?", her worry was blatant.
"Well yeah, I'm here to keep as many of the women here entertained, in any way. But Grandma you should know I can handle my-"
"Mike my dear these women are voracious and you're so young... oh dear, oh dear."
She held her chin pondering what she thought of as my predicament.
"I admit before I recognized you I had some very aggressive thoughts..." She continued wondering aloud.
I wasn't sure what to do. I was fully confident and happy when I arrived here but now I was questioning myself for the first time... NO Grandma doesn't know what I've become. I reached out and took her hands in mine.
"Grandma... I need to show you."
I helped her up and led her down the hall until I spotted her bedroom, leading her in. I sat her on her bed.
"Be right back." I said as confidently as possible.
I headed to her small bathroom and shut the door. Acting quickly I undressed. Laying my remaining suit pants and dress shirt over the shower curtain rod I then removed my underwear and plug, leaving me naked. I turned the water on and let it get warm so I could get my hair wet and slick it all the way back. Quickly getting back into my sandals I turned towards the door so I could see myself in the long mirror. My legs were smooth and the lines were to die for and my ass was popping. I was ready.
I came back into Gina's room, She looked me up and down. I could feel her lust and eyes gliding over my body. I made sure to bend a knee so my ass stuck out a bit.
"My little Mike... what a beautiful young man you've become." Her voice deep and lustful.
I leaned against the door frame and lifted my leg up and caressed myself from my knee to my ankle.
"My o My Grandma, what big eyes you have." I said slowly as I took a step towards her.
Grandma Gina giggled and bounced on the bed, her round body was adorable.
"The better to see you with my dear." Her voice bubbly and playful.
"Oh and what large... breasts you havvvve." I slurred and slicked my voice at her.
"The better to feed you my darling." Her voice now a bit more serious.
I had reached her bed and stood before her, she was still eye to eye with me even sitting. I slowly placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her. She didn't hesitate and rammed her tongue into my mouth exploring my softer smaller opening. She tasted of butterscotch. I let her tongue probe and doMikete my mouth. She had full control if she wanted but I'd try and control my landing. After a moment I broke the kiss and looked down. Her cock was tenting her moomoo. She was 14 inches and her cockhead was already soaking through the material.
"OH My Grandma, what a giant cock you havvvve."
Gina pushed my shoulders down and I crumpled to my knees prostrate between my Mother's Mother's legs. She slowly pulled the moomoo up until it slid up and over her towering tip. I was drooling. Swollen balls hung low beneath her cock. She was cut, several prominent veins slithered all around it. A massive mound of white pubes at her base with a smattering sprinkled on her sack.
"Why Mike, the better to love you with."
I moved forward and bent down to take her massive orbs in my mouth. Jumbo egg sized, they were hot and salty from sweat. Her musk was pungent here deep beneath her belly; between her massive strong legs. As I suckled at Grandma's gonads I let my hands slip up her legs and towards her shaft, I wrapped one around her base and my fingers couldn't touch. I let that one glide upwards and had my other hand follow on the other side. Gina's coos let me know her pleasure. Her cock was hot to the touch and rock hard. Her veins and bumps danced along my finger tips. I then began double fisting her length in smooth but firm strokes. Her grunts amplified.
"Oh, OH! Oh Mike, that's so lovely!"
Her approval made my tummy quiver. I let her nut pop out of my mouth as I began running my tongue up and down her shaft letting my hands coat her with my spit. Our love making was becoming more audible. The squelching of my hand on her cock, her coos and grunts as I worked her member as my life's work.
I started lapping at her piss hole collecting the precum and stagnant piss on my tongue. Flicking her glans brought a proper shudder to my dear old grandma. She had started stroking my wet hair and lightly playing with my ear. I enjoyed the feeling and locked eyes with her as I stretched my lips over her fat tip. My spit shining made taking her into my throat a breeze. 7 inches in one go and then another and another. She leaned forward since her hardness made getting her rigid shape down my throat much more difficult. Properly angled I was now self fucking my face on her cock. Her body hunched over gripping my head like a vice. Feeling her penis ravage my throat made me so unbelievably hard in my cage. But with no where to grow that pleasure just leaked everywhere else in my body. I could feel every ridge and bump of her cock on my lips and tongue. I was near orgasm already just letting her gorgeous dick ravish me.
After several minutes she pulled me off. I sat on my ankles panting, my tongue lolling out of my wide open mouth. I glanced down at the mountain of cock I just had in me and it was dripping in spit and precum. I looked up at her face and she wasn't Grandma anymore, she was a predator. He reached forward and grabbed my arm, I was flung up on the bed. Landing on my side I quickly got on my knees and presented my ass for inspection. Wordlessly Gina ran her finger over my rosebud. A thick loogie dropped on my bud and her finger began pressing in to test my limit. I cooed and relaxed as her finger slid in.
"A proper cockslut with a hole this tight?" She bemused.
I looked behind and smiled at her complement, there she was standing by the side of the bed, her cock afloat over me. She was hungry... IT WAS HUNGRY.
"Ready yourself boy, I'm backed up and ready to gank that pretty ass of yours."
"I'm ready Grandma, give me your best."
I must have sounded too confident because My ass cracked with a slap of her right hand. I screamed in pain but my libido was turned up by it.
"Don't get fresh Mike! Now relax so Nana's dick can really play!"
I swayed my hips as her cock lined up, she placed her tip on my bud and I shoved myself backwards. The meaty cockhead popped in. In unison we moaned in utter delight.
"Ugh Mike, I apologize your ass is exquisite! Ugh fuck take that dick!"
She shoved hard and threw that pipe half way in.
"AGH ugh, thank you Nana, more please."
She ripped her dick out to the tip and shoved hard again, her hip slammed into mine causing her balls to whip up and slap mine. My little cock throbbed in my cage and my ass gripped my welcome intruder hard. Grandma was fully sheathed in me. She soon pulled back and began a proper rhythm of fucking her slut grandson. Adjusting the height of my hips, she now had a proper angle to shunt her giant dick into me over and over. I focused on meeting her mid thrust as her hands danced on my ass and back, her cock was stretching me.
"Ugh thank you grandma, thank you grandma, thank you grandma," I continued to repeat it like a mantra with every rigid thrust of her womanhood.
I could feel everythrob of her pecker as it deposited more and more precum to lube my ass. It was minutes in when she started putting more of her weight on me, I couldn't handle it and my knees started sliding off the bed between her legs. I was on my stomach soon and her arms came down next to my head as she now bounced all of her weight up and down on my backside. Her cock piledriving my insides. My legs slipped down so I was flat on my stomach and my hips only barely on the edge of the bed. Gina continued her anal assault as I mewled and screamed like a little bitch enjoying the thorough fucking.
"Oh yes Grandma I can feel it! I can feel your load coming! Your close aren't YOU!"
"Ugh, yes little one, gonna pack you full of my baby batter! Ugh fuck!"
She didn't stop fucking me but her cock began rocketing off inside me.
Her backed up thick cum was now spraying my insides in fat wide ropes. My dick was spitting my own load in the air as my ass started convulsing around the inhuman dick in my ass. She was still fucking me with full length strokes, each rope let her sink further and further into me injecting more cum into my eager ass. And in a moment of pure bliss she collapsed on top of me. Her cock twitching inside as some of her sludge leaked onto the bed, Her arms enveloped me as she rolled to the side, I rolled with ending up on my side with most of her cock still embedded deep in me. I felt her panting breath on my neck and reached back to caress her cheek. We laid spooning on the bed for a while, her cock still relatively hard and packing my ass tight.
"I'm really glad to see you young one." Gina murmured
I felt whole with that statement. I also felt whole with her so deeply implanted in me. But I wanted more. I pulled away letting her pop out of me and turned towards her curling my finger. Her face a mask of bewilderment. Sliding up the bed to the top I spread my legs wide and reached own to my ass. It was gaping wide and my rim was encrusted with her cum. I stuck two fingers in easily and scooped some of her gunk out. It was a bit yellow and chunky. I could see her eyes wide and watching as I tilted my hand and let her fertile seed slide into my open mouth. It was so thick I could chew it, the taste was so sour and salty but exactly the flavor I'd come to love. After swallowing it all I reached down for a second and a third soon I couldn't get any more out.
"A true cumslut..." Gina said incredulously.
She stood up and flung off the sweaty moomoo. Her pike was hard and renewed as she climbed back on the bed towards me. I couldn't help but sway my hips in anticipation, she was really worked up now.
"I want more Nana, I need more of you."
Gina crawled on top of me, her frame made the bed creak. Letting her wet cum caked cock nestle between us, she laid on top and came down for a full throat tongue kiss. I let my legs rest on her heavy thighs as the massive amount of juices slid and grinded on our bellies. I could feel her hairy balls tickling my hole as the make out session continued. The heat from her body was making us both sweat together and the room was getting hot and ripe. After a few minutes she stopped her affectionate kissing and sat up, her rigid cock swaying over me, A literal goddess in my eyes. Her skin and body showed a life well lived and a cock so dominating I needed more and more of it.
"I want you Grandma, I need you to keep fucking me."
"Such a sweet little thing..." She smiled and pinched my cheeks hard.
"Just want to fill you all up with my love!"
Lifting her hips she lined up her cock with my gaping welcoming entrance. I pulled my legs back for the best angle as she let the tip enter slow and then in one instant dropped her length into me. I gasped in shock and felt my lungs empty of air. Gina fell forward and began jackhammering her cock into me. Just bouncing all her weight up and down to get her cock as deep inside as possible. In moments the PLAPLAPLAP sound I loved so much filled the room. I could hear the sound but inside I felt the raw feeling of her cock roiling through me. My ring was vibrating at a frequency so mindbreaking that it felt like non-stop orgasm. I had my legs folded back like a lawn chair and my arms wrapped around hers and just let her fuck me to dust.
"Grand.... MA.... YOU"RE.... FUCKING.... ME... SO... GOOD! PLEASE... DON'T... STOP....! NOT... UNTIL...UGH YOU... BUST... YOUR.... LAST... NUT!" I uttered after every full bodied heavy fat fucking thrust she gave me.
Between my juices and her precum, the wet schlock like sounds and splashes of fuck juices was building up. As her tits started sliding up with her rocking I grabbed one and began suckling. Her cock rehardened, her bucking started getting rougher. She stood up on her knees and used my hips as a hand hold for support and to start using me as a fleshlight. Pushing me away as she pulled out to her tip then pulling me down as she smashed forwards. My little prostate was annihilated and I was cumming out my cock. My ass started milking her cock again and within seconds she slammed home with all her might.
"KYAH! AH! AH" I screamed, the pleasure was so definitive.
"UGH!", Her cock buzzed and made an audible hiss, my guts gurgled from a massive deep deposit of cum.
"UGGGGGHHHH", The last jet intensified, I felt bloated and hot inside.
"AHAHHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHH", Something gave way and her cock spasmed hard, a river of cum was flowing, her balls were draining everything she had!
My stomach gurgled nonstop and I could feel it swelling. I reached for her hands and pulled them towards me. She bent down embracing me. Her sweat coating me all over. She cradled my head and ass in her hands as her cock spewed more and more of her love into me.
"I love you Grandma, I hope I made you happy."
She tumbled over to my side and her cock popped out sending several wads of cum everywhere including my belly. WIthout a word from her I slowly slid over and began licking up every bit of her juices and cum off her body and then cleaned her flagging dick with my mouth.
"You're a nice boy, Mike. I'm glad you'll be our whore." She said softly as I suckled at her cum soaked cock.
I stopped, "Whore?", What did she mean?
"Oh Mike, Head of Recreation? H O R? HOR?", waiting for me to get it.
"Ohhhh-mmmmggh:" I was interrupted as she shoved her cock head back in my mouth.
"You're our whore now Mike, Every lady will get to request you and then use you for their lust. You finally made it dear."
My heart was as full as my throat and I really did feel like I was set for life... but was I?