Grandma and I spoke for a long while afterwards. I told her of my journey to being a Cock whore, my lusts and lessons. She spoke to me as an adult for the first time. We're family but now I feel we're peers and she'll be a client as of tomorrow. I took my leave later in the day, went home cleaned up and rested for my big first day.
"Wait here Mike, the director will be out soon." Carla gave me the instructions with a smile. And as I turned I think I saw a wink.
I took a seat on the same bench as yesterday. Dozens of tenants passed by the entrance and window. A vast array of ages and styles. I wondered what they desired and how I could give them what they wanted. The thought made my cock jerk.
"Mike, it's good to see you again."
I turned towards the voice of Sheila, the director of the BRRC. She had a simple red blouse and black skirt that stopped halfway down her thigh. Coming out of the skirt was a long limp phallus encased in a matching sheath. Her black pumps made her even taller and she casually leaned against the reception desk. She had somewhat let her hair down, literally. Her bun from yesterday now had a few dozen strands extracted and hanging down her face obscuring her glasses and green eyes.
I stood and walked up to her, extending my hand. She took it and lifted it, my short arm made her bend down and kiss it, her eyes locked to mine.
"Pleasure is all mine, Sheila.. Er boss?"
She smiled seductively.
"Sheila will do for now.", her voice deeper today.
Sheila still holding my hand turned and started leading me out. As we approached the door she turned back at Carla.
"Carla dear, please send out that memo to the residents immediately."
"Will do!" Carla replied excitedly.
Sheila opened the door for me and placed her hand on my back and ushered me through. She led me towards the main thoroughfare. On both sides large towers of condos rose into the air. In the center was an event space with a large fountain and amphitheater.
"Here are the west and east towers, 80% of our tenants live in these buildings. The rest in the smaller single family homes you visited yesterday."
I looked up and blushed.
"Yes I know about your Grandma, she actually called and recommended you after you left. You seem to bring pleasure to all you meet." Sheila was biting her lip as we both continued towards the center pavilion. Women started noticing that the director was walking with a new person. The looks made me feel small but I kept up a good face. I knew I was where I needed to be. Their lust felt palpable. I noticed Sheila turned to me again. Her smile was intact despite the added attention.
"These women see you for what you are Mike. I appreciate you wearing something provocative, it'll work well for you here."
I looked down at my outfit. I had chosen as much skin as possible forceasy access. I had figured Sheila would ask me to get into a uniform but that doesn't seem to be the way here.
Sheila first took me to both of the large buildings, showing me the dining areas, bingo halls, gyms, saunas, showers and swimming pools. Everywhere women waved or said hi. Their eyes always scanning my body, I liked it.
Eventually we made it to the back section of smaller single homes. Sheila said these were the oldest residents and most probably wouldn't request my services but those that did should be treated as VIPs.
"Hence me mentioning Gina Powell's recommendation. With a new AND tenured resident backing you, you had every right to the job Mike."
I thanked her for the compliment as she led me back towards the front of the community. However as we approached the central pavilion, there was a crowd gathered in front of the amphitheater. A single podium and microphone on the stage. A loud hum of murmurs and voices filled the air. I waited for Sheila to lead me around the mob but instead she walked confidently towards it. We were approaching the theater from behind the crowd.
"Excuse us!", Sheila's voice boomed but in a professional tone.
A mob of women turned and smiled and started clearing a path. Sheila stepped aside and ushered me ahead. The attention was claustrophobic. So many women, all of them well into their older years. The amount of swelling bulges I passed some women were just actively stroking themselves, some reached out and pet me like some new puppy coming to visit. After a seemingly long walk I reached the stage and Sheila guided me to the podium where she placed me next to it. Taking her place behind it she tapped the mic which was on. DURM DURM
"Ladies of the BRRC, as director of your community I strive to keep you safe, supported in all your needs and as a passion above all else... keep you relaxed. And today I can help reassure you all that you will definitely be relaxed because I wish to introduce you to our new head of recreation Mike Powell."
Sheila holds her arm out towards me, I awkwardly look out into the crowd and somehow have the dumb thought to bow. As I did it I turned bright red, but a smattering of claps broke out and then a full round.
"Mike is eager to get started and you all have a link in your emails to register for a session, but I think you would like to see what Mike is capable of as well, am I correct?" Sheila said in confidence of the answer.
More cheers and I looked her dead in the eye. Her eyebrow was raised and her mouth a perfect smug smile, turning towards me I could see she had extracted her swelling pike from its sheath. She took a few steps towards me and I instinctively stepped back. Her finger floated up and then repeatedly pointed down, she wanted me to demonstrate my skill... Well I'd be happy to. I dropped to my knees and the crowd gave a mighty cheer. Sheila sauntered up to me and let her cock pass by my face so the crowd could see its full length and girth in context with my face. She looked down at me, I was still confident.
"Well Mike, no better way to secure more work than to show them."
I took a big gulp and worked up some spit, I could see her healthy sack under her skirt and knew I should follow the number one rule. Don't forget the nuts. I took her cock head softly in my left and began stroking her under the glans. The shaft quickly flexed in approval. Next, I reached into her skirt to her extra her heavy sack and began rolling her hot and sweat slick balls in my eager hand.
"Ooooooh", the spectators sounded like a giant chorus. I could hear more murmurs, most sounded positive.
Keeping my eyes on Sheila's, I took her tip in my mouth and began frenching her pisshole with eagernous. Her slight smirk quivered as my tongue flicked into her glans. My left hand now glides up and down her shaft in smooth and steady motions. I could already taste her pre. Feeling my slut tendencies surge I began feeding more and more of her now full mast into my gullet. Every stroke I found a couple more inches to swallow down. The crowd noise was rising, just a constant buzzing in my ear. Every inch gave me another taste of her vinyl sheath and the sweat it contained. My dick was rock hard hoping for warmth it would never experience as her scent seeped into me. My nose was getting closer and closer to her crotch and the crowd was starting to moan in unison. Rising and cresting with every stroke forward.
Sheila was big but my grandma was bigger, so my throat was like silk and barely being stretched. This was it, I threw everything into my push and swallowed hard. My nose flexed as it scrunched into Sheila's expensive skirt.
"YYYEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHH", the crowd roared.
I stayed fully sheathed on her cock. It flexed several times and deposited pre deep in my gullet. Feeling the crowd's energy emboldened me and I moved my hands to behind Sheila. Just barely reaching her ample flexed butt I started slamming my face up and down on her meat stick. I couldn't look her in the eye anymore so I tried my best to look at the crowd. As my vision bounced back and forth from Sheila's tip to her base, the crowd of horny old women were enraptured. SO many bulges, some old cocks just being fisted right there in the open air.
Sheila was bucking so I recentered my focus. But the image of a garden of dicks being jerked to my work will forever be in my spank bank. Sheila's hand had found the back of my head and was tenderly guiding me on her preferred rhythm. She wanted it slower so I made sure to tighten my lips as much as possible as her cock slid out of my mouth. Extracting a fat load was something I think both of us wanted.
Sure enough in a couple of moments Sheila was hunched over my body, her cock holstered tight in my suckling throat. My tongue was flicking the top of her sack gleefully. Her hands gripped my head tight as she started very fast but short strokes. Somewhere deep down in the top of my chest I felt a massive pressure as her cock was swollen to her limit. Suddenly she lifted me clean off her cock. A line of spittle trailed still stuck to her aching member and my mouth. Holding my face up with one hand and fisting her cock with the other she shut her eyes and the first small rope stung my face. I closed my eyes and felt a quilt of cum come down on my me. As the molten baby batter hit me the crowd let loose and cheered.
"Cover that slut!"
"Yeah such a hot little piece!"
"Oh I want to feed him and then fuck him!"
I was shuddering and twitching, and it took way too long to realize I had an orgasm right there. In a minute I composed myself and stood up. I was a bit shaky so Sheila helped me. Standing freely I collected a handful of Sheila sludge from my eyes and fed it into my sore but pleased mouth. Seeing the women in the crowd made me swell with pride.I swallowed the mouthful of seed and felt Sheila's hot breath at my ear.
"Mike, I can't think of a better first impression than this. You'll go far here." She said with complete professionalism.
She stepped back behind the podium and said into the mic, "Ladies, how about a round of applause for our new recreation officer!"
The cheers re-energized and I couldn't help but curtsey. I had a facemask of cum but knew I was still the best thing here.
"So ladies, let's give him a bit of time. Please click the link that was just sent out to find an appointment with Mike. Thank you!"
Shila took my hand and led me back to her office. As we passed Carla, her admin, Sheila said to hold her calls. Carla blushed hard and smiled at me, Just as I lost sight of her I could see her laying back and starting to stroke herself.
Once inside the boss's office she let go of my hand and went to her desk. Wordlessly she reached into a drawer and pulled out a roll of paper towels. Tearing a few plys off, she threw them at me.
"Wipe up Mike.." Her words are not cold but professional in her assertiveness.
I found her couch behind me and sat with my knees together. I then cleaned my face, but snuck some tastes of her nut butter. It was salty but finished sweet, very thick. She seemed to have been a bit backed up.
"So I'm a bit backed up...", I called it.
Sheila had her computer open and turned it to me. It showed a calendar with all green spots,
"You have two appointment slots for each day Monday through Saturday. Your calendar is full for the next 4 months already."
Well that was a bit daunting. I realized I was smiling wide and reached up to feel it. It was a newer feeling for me and I didn't trust it. I looked back at Sheila, she seemed concerned. She was staring at her screen, arms crossed and her back arched. I could see her sleeved cock was twitching through the opening in her desk, her length blatantly reinflating. She silently moved away from her desk and came towards me., I had no reason to fear her but my neck hair was more erect than my clit. She reached for my face and I for some reason flinched. Sheila looked hurt but smiled.
"Mike, I'm here for you. You're the one doing the work I can't. I think you'll do great here... but frankly I'm worried you'll be a windsock by next week. "
Her eyes didn't betray this as a joke.
"Uh Ms..."
"Sheila is fine Mike." She interrupted.
"Sheila, not to brag but I've been very active and have had no complaints."
Sheila bit her bottom lip and bent over to become close to my face.
"Even so, you'll be well looked after by my medical team. Every Sunday I expect you to come for a few paid hours to get... rejuvenated."
Her breasts hung heavy in front of me. I felt about the smallest I had ever felt. Sheila's face was now a couple inches from mine. Her face was gorgeous, not old but mid forties.
"Th-thanks Sheila, Anything to help the team."
Her lips met mine, nothing torrid but a full kiss. My eyes closed instinctively. We held our connection for mere moments but as she pulled away her eyes glittered with lust.
"Mike, I know I'm your boss but I appreciated your technique out there. May I taste your other offerings?"
I smiled wide, pleasing an older woman's dick would always make me smile like that. I nodded eagerly and Sheila leaned in for another kiss but far more aggressive. She had straddled me on the couch and was unzipping her skirt. Freeing her cock it was somehow bigger than when you last saw it.
"Lube me up well Mike, I intend to have you half way down my cock in a minute."
I opened and once again swallowed a large portion of her dick. This time she gleefully humped away as I slid down the couch and her cock found new ground in my gullet. Once I felt her pubes on my nose she extracted her whole length in one long pull. The schlurp sound it made, nearly made me cum.
I could feel hot spit on my chin and Sheila's raging hard on was shiny and slick with it. Sheila dismounted and lifted my legs. She pulled my panties off and spotted my gold and pink plug.
"Always prepared I see." Sheila's words of confidence were still making me coo.
She reached between my legs and gave it a firm but controlled tug, I relaxed and felt it pop out, I never needed a giant plug to keep my lovers happy. In fact I was so pliable the smaller plugs kept me quite sensitive yet yielding to the biggest of girlcocks. The plug fell to the floor with a hard thud and Sheila stood tall over me still holding my legs. I happily crunched myself so my hips rose up as much as possible to give her access.
Sheila's cheeks were red and she looked extremely hungry for my bussy. I pulled my legs back as far as I could and she lined up her fleshy column to my entrance.
"Thank you for my signing bonus boss.", I said with a line of actual thankfulness in my voice.
Her fat cockhead nestled into my rosebud.
"Please let me know if you feel like you're being taken advantage of. I'd hate to have used my position to influence you." Her voice was as professional and calm as our first meeting.
She pressed forward and I relaxed enough to let her prick sink in, She let several inches slide in before she relaxed and cooed. Her cock flexed hard and I felt fresh precum warm inside. I let a small girlish squeal leak out and she drove home. Eight more inches slammed into my meager frame. My coo turned into a mewling groan. I love it everytime, that initial deep ache followed by warmth and a rush of purpose. My new boss just entrusted her rock hard cock to me and I was going to make sure she enjoyed every minute of it.
"Ugh boss," Sheila extracted her pike to her tip.
"Each dick I take...UGH" Sheila slammed home again, her nuts slapping my ass cheeks.
"Ma-makes me know my purpose..." Sheila was smiling as she slid out to her tip again.
"To please and care for every cock I can... UGH!" SLAP
"To milk them for every drop!" Her dick hardened inside and came out half way.
"And to leave my clients empty and happy!", Sheila hesitated.Bending down she let her arms secure herself on the back of the couch.
"And you are the perfect slut for us, Mike. Now shut up and get fucked!"
Sheila slammed in again and immediately began fucking me in a proper rhythm.
With my legs free I wrapped them around her waist and started massaging her heavy breasts still entrapped by her bra. Her dick jackhammered my ass and was sending wave after wave of pleasure through my half as big body. As Sheila found a new gear and I returned the favor and worked my kegels hard.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?", Sheila seemed surprised as her cock stayed locked in and my body lifted with hers.
"You little..." Annoyed she moved her hands down to my legs and folded them down, gripping my cheeks hard she began using her dick as a ripcord, defeating my slut muscles she started to really pile-drive me. Left to be a passive fuck toy, I let my pleasure sounds increase. Moaning in unison with every thrust.
A few minutes consistent boy fucking was interupted when the door flew open. I looked, but Sheila was focused on finding every cubic inch of my ass to fill. It was Carla, her face was flushed and I could see the massive bulge in her pantsuit.
"Sh-sheila?", her voice loud enough to hear but quite meak in tone.
"WHat?" the boss replied annoyed.
"Uh, it's time for my break and... well you two are plenty loud."
"YOU WANT IN ON THIS?" Boss finally looked her while she kept my ass bouncing from her fuck rod.
Carla just nodded excitedly. Sheila looked down and I responded with a nod.
"Fine!" Sheila extracted her pike with a loud pop.She lowered my legs for me and I immediately stretched them to get some feeling back. She unbuttoned her skirt and it fell down to the floor. I outstretched my hand for help and she took it silently. Lifting and turning me in one motion she draped me over the arm of the couch arm closest to Carla. I got my knees on the cushion and extended my arms to Carla. Hurriedly she unzipped her pants and came over. Without waiting I reached inside her pants which felt like a steam room and found her surprising fat dick running down her leg. I fished it out and guided her meat missile home. As I suckled on my new lover's sweaty dirty dick, I felt my boss' still steel hard cock finding my flower again. As I analyzed the taste of Carla, the hot cock of my boss speared me from behind. I moaned into my dinner but felt Carla pushing forward. Sheila had no care for Carla's pleasure, just hers and straddled my ass while holding my waist.
"Ungh, how is it boss?", Carla asked
"Tightened silk, our residents will love him!"
I had three quarters of Carla's dick lodged in my throat now. The words of Sheila made me swell with pride. Gripping Carla's pants I began pulling to try and get them both on rhythm to really let me bounce between these two goddess's dicks. Carla quickly found my rhythm which matched the beat of Sheila's selfish and urgent thrusts. Each dick now fucking my insides offbeat of each other back and forth. My girly moans began singing with theirs. A blissful period continued for an unknown time of every ridge and vein, making me vibrate. Every few moments Carla and Sheila would groan and flex their dicks, getting more precum inside me to further lube up their hungry girl dicks.
Suddenly Sheila's hands gripped my hair, she was grunting with every hard thrust and her balls were slapping harder and harder. I sensed her orgasm cresting so I began sucking hard on Carla and working my tongue around her cock head. Carla started loud long moans and Sheila's grunts were haggard and she began pulling me back with every thrust forward. I arched my back to enhance her angle for proper access and Shila slammed home immediately and held it there.
"aaaaaaHHHHHHHHhh FUCK!"
Her balls jerked on my cheeks as her cock flexed hard enough to crack my back. Soon, hot lady gunk was filling me. I moaned in gratitude as Carla had started gripping my head hard and keeping most of her cock embedded in my throat. My stomach gurgled as Sheila gasped with every pulse of cum filling me deep inside. Sheila's moans became more calm as she was coming down, I had an amazing feeling in my belly and felt so full. Immediately I reached for Sheila's hand on my head and guided to my belly. She had to bend over me to feel and sure enough she realized I had a belly swollen with her seed.
"Fuck Mike! Ugh I knew I was backed up but to bulge out that cute tummy of yours!?"
Sheila's cock jumped to full hardness again as she began fucking me like new. My body now swaying back and forth again, her cum sloshing inside of me lubing her cock over and over.
Poor Carla was surprised and had to move backwards to keep her balance. Her dick slipped from my lips. Luckily I was able to grab her butt quickly and slam my tasty treat back into the hilt. Carla groaned in ecstasy and shuddered. Now with Sheila's cum lubed dick fucking me again, Carla was now rocketing off down my throat. Her mews and coos timed perfectly with her balls spasming on my chin. Magma like sperm shooting down my throat. I suddenly imagined this but with grandma and coach. Instantly my cock came. I couldn't control myself as my little body was racked with pleasure and lust. I inhaled deep through my nose, then suckled as hard as I could on Carla's convulsing throat plug. Her seed had seeped upwards and her taste was magic. She must drink pineapple juice all day for cum this sweet and tasty.
"AH AH AH SHIT!", Sheila yelled from behind me.
Her second load was now filling me deep inside. I could feel her still steel cock vibrating as it belched its massive payload into me. My stomach distended further. Mydick still came but my balls were empty. Just a hard buzzing in my nether region that made my brain boil. After a few minutes of us all moaning and cooing, my co-workers' cocks deflated enough to slip out of my well violated holes. I turned and collapsed on the couch. I was limp and splayed all over the arm and cushions. I was just catching my breath when Sheila snapped a pic with her phone.
"Just updated your announcement post on our socials.... Oh wow 35 likes already!"
She walked over and showed me. There I was coated in sweat and cum leaking out of both ends. Her caption said, "After a rigorous assessment of our new recreation officer I can attest to him emptying my balls properly."
Sheila started dressing, and Carla sheepishly did the same and exited back to her desk. I'm still naked and well fucked on the couch as Sheila moves behind her desk and sits.
"I'll see you tomorrow Mike, your first appointment is at 10am so please arrive a bit early.", Sheila said with no hint of lustfulness.
I lifted my head briefly and looked at her now working at her computer.
"Sure thing... boss."