The English Professor by ShemaleCumDump

As I sat in yet another dull English class I asked myself again, seriously, why do I need to read Chaucer? Is that necessary for anything I will do in my life? And as much as I try to convince myself the answer to those questions are yes, I still can't get interested in what he talked about in 1400 ad.

However, there were two things jiggling at the front of the classroom that I was very interested in. Those would be the breasts of my incredibly hot English professor, Evelyn Brown. Now before you get creeped out (or excited if that does it for you), this isn't one of those milf stories. Technically calling her a professor is incorrect. She attends college as a graduate student and teaches as part of the program, but I still call her a professor out of habit.

Evelyn was 25 I think, 5 years older than me at least. She was tall for a girl, about 5'8", which was great for me because I was really tall for a guy, about 6'4". Plus, she had legs that went on forever. Her course had started in the winter so unfortunately, I had to wait until it warmed up before she started wearing skirts and low-cut shirts, but it was completely worth it.

Evelyn had larger butt than was usual for someone her weight, but the way it wiggled as she walked around the class just set me on fire regardless. She had long, dark red hair that went around her lower back if she wore it down, though she rarely did in class, usually preferring to put it in a bun or ponytail. Finally, we come to the center of my attention today, her breasts. Wearing a low V-neck shirt her chest was open for my eyes to marvel at, especially when she would lean in to help, and my eyes were certainly marveling.

Unfortunately, as I said before, the whole class was not quite as captivating as the woman standing at the front talking about God knows what that Chaucer said, so I admit that I was probably staring a little more than was safe at this point.

"Michael," she said. My eyes flicked up and saw her own looking straight at me. Clearly I had a dear-in-the-head-lights look on my face because she repeated. "I asked what you thought the reason was for Chaucer including the Pardoner in his tales?"

I stared dumbfounded at her. All I could manage to squeak out was "It was very interesting." Needless to say everyone started laughing, including Evelyn surprisingly.

"I'll let that go this time. But next time try to dig a little deeper than just how interesting the story is," she said with some annoyance in her voice walking away. Instantly that little voice went off in my head. No not the little one that calls you an idiot for getting caught, the voice that says "I'll dig in as deeply as you want as long as you buy dinner first". Yeah, that voice. Cliché? Perhaps, but I couldn't help myself when it came to Evelyn, the thoughts never stopped.

"Now remember," she went on," your rough drafts need to be finished by Saturday. Also remember that I require a one-on-one meeting sometime before then to discuss what your paper will be about and how it's coming along, so make your appointments." Everyone packed up as time ran out and started leaving. I decided to talk to Evelyn instead.

"I'm sorry about the lack of attention in class today professor. My mind was...somewhere else." She laughed that kind of laugh that says "yeah that was pretty obvious" and rolled her eyes a little bit.

"Oh, it's alright. You seemed to be plenty focused, just perhaps not on what I was saying. Just don't let it happen too often, alright? Now how is your paper coming along?" I think my silence said more than intended. "Really? That rough?" she said, her eyebrows rising.

"Yeah unfortunately. I just can't find anything to write about in these stories. They all seem so distant when I read them. That conference should probably come sooner rather than later for me," I said hopefully, trying to get as much time with her as possible.

"O yes of course, I'm free later today. Say, 3:00 you swing by my office and we'll talk. You really are a bright student Michael, I'm sure we can get you worked out in no time."

"Sounds perfect," I said happily. I turned to go and saw that everyone had left, grabbed my bag and started walking towards the door.

"Remember Michael," she said behind me, "you may find Chaucer a bit out of date, but if you don't pay more attention I might just have to start wearing higher cut shirts and we both know you don't want that." I stopped dead in my tracks, unable to turn around and face her. What do I do?! I panicked...

"I'll see you later then," I said and walked out of the room as quickly as possible.


3:00. I had to face her. Even though I felt more embarrassed to see her than I could remember ever feeling before, it had to happen. She was a professor. Just that.

I walked up to the little office on the third floor and there sat Evelyn, still wearing that sexy skirt and the revealing shirt that had caused me all these problems but with her back towards me now since she was at her desk. I knocked lightly on the door and she spun around to see who was there. I smiled. Or at least I tried to smile. From the look Evelyn gave me, I'm not totally sure what exactly my face looked like, but it was entertaining to say the least because she stifled a laugh.

"Afternoon Michael, come on in and sit down." I did of course. I heard someone talking from her laptop as I walked in, a British sounding man with a chorus of laughs in the background. Her laptop was facing the door and I glanced down at the screen, looked back up and then did a double take. Very confused for a moment I finally figured out what was playing on the screen was a man in woman's clothing doing a comedy show. Again, I heard Evelyn laugh and I immediately looked up and berated myself for looking like such an idiot in front of her. My face must have looked ridiculous while I tried to figure that out.

"That surprised by the comedian?" She half-laughed, half spoke.

"O yeah kinda. I just heard the guy's voice and then when I looked down and saw the dress I had a moment..." I stood very embarrassed in front of her.

"O yeah? A little unexpected to be sure, mixing the genders like that. He's quite hilarious though. A student mentioned him to me at my last meeting and I thought I'd look him up until you got here so I haven't heard the whole stand-up act. Want to finish it with me before we start?" She asked genuinely.

"Uh...yeah I guess," I answered a little slow from being caught off guard.

"You sound so excited, never mind I'll just finish it later then." She said turning towards her laptop.

"Shit!" I thought to myself. "I'm such an idiot I had a chance to actually hang out with Evelyn and yet again I screwed up! Why can't I act normal around her?? Salvage this! I've got to salvage this."

"No, it's not that at all professor," I said trying to sound calm. "You just caught me really off guard with the whole thing I never thought you'd actually want to watch something like that. I'd love to watch it with you, really I would." I smiled hoping I didn't look as desperate as I felt. She raised an eyebrow at me.

"You know I AM fun. I'm not that much older than you for your information." She said curtly.

"God damn it! Again I can't say things right. Is she just trying to pick at what I say to make me embarrassed?"

"That's not what I meant at all professor!" I blurted out. "I'm sure you're fun! I just meant I never thought you would want to watch it with someone like me considering you're just" I stumbled. I know what I was about to say but I stopped myself and in panic I couldn't think of anything else to say besides "old" and "sexy". I had walked myself into this I had no choice but to either call her old or admit I thought she was beautiful. My mind wasn't working properly to come up with a third solution.

"I'm so what?" She asked giving me a very inquisitive look.

"Shit! Old or sexy? Old or sexy? I have to say something I can't just stand here in front of her!"

"You're just sexy," I finally blurted out. I stared at the ground in embarrassment. After a moment of silence Evelyn responded as calmly as though I had just said I thought her outfit was nice.

"Well thank you Michael, now come on sit down and we can watch this."

My head snapped up in surprise and I just kind of stood there. But she motioned me over and I came and sat down while Evelyn turned the video back on. The comedian came back to like and continued his monologue.

"What's up with that? My confession didn't even seem to phase her. You'd think she'd get upset or awkward or something.

And then a very sad realization hit me.

"She probably doesn't even care. She's gorgeous I bet I'm not the first student to say something like that to her. I'm probably not even the first student to say that to her this semester! That was her way of quietly putting me back in my place as a student. She might as well have said 'Well thank you Michael, but there's obviously no chance of THAT ever happening so I'm just going to pretend you never said that.' *Sigh* she's right.

I sat and sulked while watching this comedian. I had to admit, he was funny and some of his jokes even made me laugh a little despite my recent rejection. I would occasionally laugh and glance over at Evelyn hoping she thought the same things were funny, trying to save a little face. She watched the comedian half interested and laughed here and there, but surprisingly she seemed rather distracted suddenly.

After about 10 minutes I had calmed down and let go of that silly thought about Evelyn, watching the comedian up on stage I actually got a little lost in the show. I watched him so close that I didn't notice Evelyn rolling over and sitting right next to me... Her smell, that tipped me off first. I took a deep breath and suddenly caught the scent of flowery perfume and hair conditioner. My head shot over and saw her not watching the video, but watching me. Her eyes were searching my face, looking for something. She just stared at me for about 15 seconds and I had to fight with every muscle in my body to not look down her shirt. I stared back at her big brown eyes watching them search.

Suddenly, she leaned forward and her mouth found mine, locking together alone in her office. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and I could feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head as I gave into her control. Her hand ran through my hair and she moved in so close I could just barely feel the hint of her clothes hitting mine.

Just as suddenly, she pulled back. Sitting up straight in her chair, she looked like a totally different person; scared, ashamed.

I couldn't even formulate a thought...I was so confused by the speed of what just happened that I sat in the same position that she had kissed me, my mouth hanging open. Finally my senses jolted back to me and I sat back too, staring at her.

"I'm sorry," she said. "That wasn't supposed to happen. I shouldn't have done that too you..." Her voice trailed off as she sat there staring down.

"Are you kidding me?!" I practically yelled. "I've been wanting to do that for weeks!" She smiled weakly, almost like she was forcing it out.

"I know you have. And I don't regret kissing you, I just regret that you feel this way for someone like me. I feel like I've abused my power over you by tempting you without being honest."

"No no no no no. You haven't done anything like that! I completely wanted this" I said truthfully. "Besides what do you mean someone like you? A teacher? Because you aren't that much older than me you just said that yourself."

"No I don't mean a teacher...." she said quietly again.

"Well then...what?" I said and moved a little closer. She looked up at me and gave me that same searching look.

"I just wish that I hadn't been lying to you all this time..." Now it was my turn to search her face. Lying? What could she possibly have been lying to me about? We've barely had a personal conversation for more than 5 minutes.

"Professor...Evelyn...?" I said her name hesitantly. It felt weird, yet slightly arousing, to call her professor after that kiss. "What are you talking about? How have you been lying?"

As if defeated, she sighed, stood up and closed the door. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard a zipper being undone and her skirt falling to the floor. All thoughts of trying to figure out what she had been lying about flew from my mind.

'Could this really be happening?' I thought to myself. 'I don't know if I'll actually know what do to right now.'

I watched as Evelyn turned around and I saw something...astonishing. I followed her smooth legs with my eyes and eventually rested them on the cock in between her legs. Wait, what?! A cock?! The shock must have shown on my face because the fear and shame showed on hers again. But regardless of shock, it couldn't be denied that it was there.

Hanging in between those long legs I had fantasized about so much was something I had never thought to find there. A long, thick, veiny cock. Now I'm actually pretty well hung. On a good day, I've measured in right at 5.5 inches when I'm hard (come on, we've all measured). But even on my best day this limp dick hanging between Evelyn's legs put my hard dick to shame in every way. Behind it hung two egg sized testicles and a big bush of dark red pubic hair. She looked as though she were about to cry.

"This is what I meant by 'someone like me'. I'm a futanari," she said with her head still down. There was a long pause where I simply stared at her dick and she stared at the floor.

"Yes, I can see that quite clearly now," I responded.

She waited there for a few seconds then finally squeaked out "You can leave whenever you want..."

I sat in a situation I had never believed would happen. My English teacher had just kissed me, then immediately revealed she had a dick far bigger than mine. All the while the video of the cross-dressing comedian played in the background with sounds of laughter filling the room. I sat there staring at Evelyn's veiny cock and could only feel one thing; horny. The sight of that cock hanging between Evelyn's long sexy legs...set me on fire. I made many quick decisions sitting there, the most important decision being there was no way in hell I was leaving this room.

Let me explain, the reason this situation was something I never believed was in no way because I didn't want it. I remember being in high school when a few friends of mine jokingly tricked me into looking at a webpage that was full of "chicks with dicks". They had some weird name on that site and in good fun everyone laughed and they made jokes and then moved on. Nobody suspected a thing.

But when I got home that night I immediately went back to that site. They were perfection. I had never seen anything so sexy and they called to a primal desire inside me. From that point on I lived a double life of sorts. Because you see I determined pretty quickly I wasn't gay altogether. I loved girls. I loved their butts and their boobs and their pretty faces and the way they walked. I loved almost everything about them, except that I wished they packed a cock inside their pants.

I had a few girlfriends throughout the years leading up to this, but we had never had sex, just fooled around. No matter who it was, no matter what girl I thought about while I jerked off, they always had a cock. I loved the way girls looked, I would stare at sexy girls on my campus as they walked around in their yoga pants and tank tops as much as any other guy. But for some reason more than anything in the world I wanted every girl I saw to knock me over, shove their cock in my mouth and throat fuck me until their hot cum pumped into my stomach. I wanted them to use my body and dump their cum into me over and over again until my stomach was full of their seed. It was my deepest desire. And those fantasies had very often included my sexy professor the last few months...but I had resigned myself to this never happening.

Evelyn obviously didn't and couldn't have known any of this as she stood there in front of me ashamed and afraid of what her cock meant to me. She had no idea that the look of shock on my face was only a matter of surprise, not disgust. She had no way of knowing that I had been wishing, longing for someone exactly like her to come along and steal my heart and my virginity. She had no clue that I thought she was the most perfect and magnificent specimen of human sexuality that could ever exist. With her long red hair, beautiful feminine face, soft white skin, long legs and curvy hips, big bubble butt and bouncing breasts and of course with her thick, long dong hanging in between her legs; she was perfection and she validated my existence.

I stood and walked over to the laptop. With a few short clicks the laptop went quiet and the comedian on the screen lost his British accent, along with all sound completely. I then walked over to my professor standing there next to the doorway and lifted her eyes to mine. She stared at me in confusion and without saying a word I leaned in and kissed her for the second time.

The entire situation was the opposite of our first kiss. I felt Evelyn's body start to relax and felt her lean back into the kiss. I pressed my body against hers and pushed her back up against the door, feeling her breasts and her cock pressing up against me. She braced herself against the door and I placed my hands on her hips and pulled them towards me even harder. For the next few minutes our bodies were wrapped around each other as we desperately kissed one another.

All the while I could feel Evelyn's massive cock growing in between us. The pressure it was pushing up against me with was increasing slowly and finally I couldn't take it any longer.

I broke off the kiss and fell to my knees in front of her. When I looked up at her face I saw the ravenous desires of pent up sexual needs grip her.

When I saw that face I looked back down at the semi-hard cock now hanging in front of my face. I smiled at the thought going through my head and decided I would tease her. I continued to lower my head all the way to her knees and started kissing my way up her inner thighs. As I got higher I stopped a few seconds at every spot to suck on her beautiful legs and could feel her tingle a little bit each time. To my great happiness I looked up to see the once soft cock now quickly hardening above my head and beyond that I saw the face of my professor, her eyes closed in silent pleasure and her mouth half open breathing deeply.

I pretended like I hadn't noticed anything and closed my eyes again. By now my head was stuck firmly in between her legs and her testicles rested on my cheek, the hair tickling my skin. But again just to tease her I paid them no attention and continued sucking on her thigh right underneath her cock. I heard a rustling and out of curiosity opened up my eyes only to see Evelyn's amazing breasts fall out of her shirt as she slid it over her head.

'I knew she wasn't wearing a bra' I thought to myself triumphantly.

She looked down at me, kneeling in between her legs.

"How long are you going to tease me?" she said with a sly smile on her face. "As good as that feels you know it isn't what I want."

I kept sucking for a few seconds then backed away. I had to shift backwards a little to make sure I was far enough away from her monster cock, which I might add had now grown to be at least an amazing 12 inches long. I smiled at my work on her legs and looked up at her with the best angel smile I could muster.

"Me a tease? What are you talking about Professor?" I returned her sly smile. She put her hands on her now naked hips and looked at me with fake anger. Seeing her there, this absolute goddess, completely naked with that cock standing at attention and her hands on those sexy curved hips, I nearly came from the sight alone. She was breathtaking."Like hell you don't," she said. "Just look what you've done to my little friend."

"Your friend isn't little by any stretch of the imagination Evelyn, it has to be nearly 12 inches long!" I interjected. A smile crept onto her face.

"Well that isn't entirely true. It's 12 and ¾ inches to be precise." She said playfully.

"Proving my point! You have a foot-long shlong standing at attention," I said.

"Very good alliteration, but the fact of the matter still remains that you've gotten my foot-long shlong all excited and ready to play. How are you going to deal with this situation?" She asked sarcastically.

"Hmmm." My hand slid in between her legs where my mouth had been and started working its way up. "How could I ever fix such a BIG problem?" She giggled and smiled as I stressed big. My hand had now reached right where my mouth had stopped. "I mean there are many things that I MIGHT do, but what would work best?" I decided to stop teasing so much and flipped my hand over, cupping her testicles. The contact lit up her face with pleasure and as I began squeezing and fondling her balls she started that heavy breathing again.

"Well you can do whatever you want as far as I'm concerned," she said in gasps through her breathing. That sent chills down my spine and I decided to stop teasing her completely. I wrapped my hand around her hard cock and started gently rubbing up and down her shaft. At first I didn't say anything while I jerked her off, instead I really looked at and inspected the big piece of meat I had in my grasp. It sized up right under 13 inches and thick too. Not too thick though, proportional to its length, probably about 3 inches in diameter at the widest spot in the middle. That is, of course, except for the head. The head was dark pink and just deliciously huge. Her cock head looked firm but turned out to be soft and smooth when I touched it. The whole cock tilted upward slightly, just enough to counteract gravity and make it look proud and powerful. There were thick veins at various places on her cock to carry the large amount of blood it took to keep it hard and these veins served only to make her cock look more powerful. Again, I noticed the trimmed, yet full, dark red bush of pubes surrounding her testicles like it was a guardian. That was fine with me because what those big balls held inside was indeed a treasure.

She didn't complain that I stopped talking for a bit, content to feeling my hand slide up and down her hot organ for the moment. Finally, I dropped all pretenses and leaned in, about an inch from her cock.

"Well I guess there might have been something I had in mind to help us both out. After all I'm awful hungry all of a sudden. And you seem to have some delicious meat, that is if you don't feel you're abusing your power over me," I winked at her. I was so close that the breath of my words fell on her cock, hot and sensual. She looked down to see what I suspect she had wanted the whole time. I was on my knees before her, slowly massaging her cock and now I had closed my eyes and left my mouth open and ready for her entry.

"Well, if I wasn't abusing my power when I kissed you, I absolutely will be when I stick this cock in your mouth and make you blow me," I laughed but didn't open my eyes.

"Be gentle with me, you'll be my first. Also, you said "when", not "if" this time," I said teasingly. I then felt her hand land on top of my head and slide to the back.

"Oh, it's not a question of 'if' anymore," she said. At the same time I felt a push on my head as I went forward. I opened my mouth as wide as possible and felt the words "O thank God" fall in a whisper out of my mouth just before Evelyn's cock filled my mouth completely. She kept pushing and I relished the taste of her cock on my tongue mixed with the pre-cum oozing out of her already. I closed my mouth tightly around her meat, not willing to ever let it go. Finally, her cock reached the back of my throat and began its slide out. When the head reached the front of my mouth again my tongue made circles around the rim and then licked and probed energetically at the hole on the end of her dick.

I felt her surge forward again and wondered how much of her cock I was really taking into my mouth. I had never blown anyone before so I couldn't imagine it was much, but it felt amazing. Everytime it slid down into my mouth I felt my body shiver in pleasure and delight. I had not been lying to myself all these years. This was indeed exactly what I always wanted and kneeling in front of this goddess sucking on her cock felt as natural as eating or breathing to me. I again fondled her testicles as she swayed her hips, pushing her massive cock into my willing mouth again and again. I opened my eyes and saw that I was taking about 4 inches of her cock every time she pushed forward. I wasn't completely happy with this. While this was my first time and 4 inches wasn't bad I suppose, I had to make sure that Evelyn fell in love with me as I had fallen in love with her and in order to ensure this I had to do better.

I chanced to look up and saw why Evelyn wasn't moaning while she fucked my mouth. While one hand was grasped, now very firmly, onto the back of my head forcing me forward in time with her hips, the other hand had grabbed one of her breasts and brought the big pink tit to her mouth. Her own mouth was greedily sucking on her tit while mine was greedily sucking on her cock.

'Well,' I thought,' if she is going to use her other hand, I might as well use mine.' So, I reached up with my right hand and grabbed a hold of her other tit, massaging it along with her balls. Whenever I would pinch her nipple I squeezed her balls as well. At this she could not control herself and let out small gasps and moans of pleasure. I think the nipple and testicle play sent her over the edge. By now her rhythmic fucking of my mouth had started to produce quite a bit of salty pre-cum and her cock was a stiff as a board.

"Michael," she said from above me breathlessly. "I can't stop here. I need my cock in your throat. I know this is your first time and I'm sorry, but I've wanted to stuff my cock down your throat from the first moment I saw you. Now that I'm so close to it, now that you're actually on your knees in front of me, I just can't help myself!!" She laughed to herself a bit crazily, lost completely in the lust she was feeling.

I couldn't have been happier. For you see when I said "be gentle with me" I was merely being coy, playfully teasing her or so I thought. But with that I had given Evelyn the idea that I was unsure of myself and wanted her to take it easy on me which couldn't have been farther from the truth. I had been waiting for this for years wishing every girl would be the girl, wishing in fact that Evelyn herself would be the girl, that would finally ram her cock balls deep into me. To hear her say that she was finally going to fulfill my wish made my heart skip.

Luckily, I had, in my endless desire for this event to occur, researched techniques for deep throating without gagging. I knew that if you clenched your fist with your thumb underneath your fingers that your gag reflex would practically disappear. I had only practiced this so far, but I was extremely excited to try it using the real thing!

She let go of her tit and placed her second hand on top of my head and really started to lay into me. There was no movement by my head anymore, only the increasing intensity of her hips. She pressed her cock back against the opening of my throat and kept applying more pressure. All at once I swallowed and her cock slipped in sliding down a few inches. My throat felt like it might rip apart but my gag reflex was indeed gone. Her body shook in ripples of pleasure feeling how tight my throat was squeezing her cock and she let out a deep sigh of relief to finally have her cock in my throat. She pulled back out to the opening of my throat and started working her way down...6 inches...7 inches...every thrust sent more and more of her cock down my throat...8 inches...9 inches...slowly working her cock farther and farther down my throat...11 inches...12 inches...finally my nose hit her crotch and she gave one last thrust to drive every centimeter of her cock into my throat.

"Holy shit I can't tell you how amazing it feels to have you skewered on my cock. The thought of doing this has gotten me off more times than I can count, and now the act of doing it is sending me so far over the edge. I'm so sorry, but I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum down your amazing throat and finally fill you with me seeeeeed." Everything must have hit Evelyn all at once. With her cock balls deep in my throat I felt Evelyn seize and her dick spasm as a burst of cum shot out into me. I could feel it hitting deep down in my throat and I started to immediately swallow so that I wouldn't choke. A quiet orgasm swept through her and she squeezed my head involuntarily as shot after shot of her cum went almost straight into my stomach.

"Ahhhhhhhhh...," she sighed long and low with a deep satisfaction. "I've waited for so long to unload my cum into your stomach and I couldn't be happier right now." She stood shacking for a moment above me. Catching her breath, I felt her start pulling out from my throat. I felt my lips sliding over the long veins of her cock as she was pulling out. Eventually her head popped out and with that she fell to the floor leaning up against her desk.

I sat near her and kept scanning her body up and down. I was still in honest disbelief that she was real.

"So much for taking it easy on me," I giggled and gave her a quick glance. I could instantly see that was not the best thing to say. Her face immediately switched from calm contentment to intense worry and her eyes went wide.

"Oh my goodness, I'm s-so sorry Michael! I can't believe I forced that on you after you told me that." Still shaken from her recent orgasm her words came in between breaths. I myself was gasping for air and smiling from ear to ear. When I finally caught my breath Evelyn was still rambling so I cut her off.

"Evelyn, what are you possibly apologizing for?" I said as I caught her wrist.

"It's just...well...I know I get really caught up in the moment. I just can't believe I took advantage of your first time like that. You asked me to be gentle with you and then I..." I burst out laughing at this and her face was filled with confusion.

"Evelyn I was KIDDING!" I stressed. "I was trying to be playful." I kept laughing. "But you are such a good person for actually being concerned about that."

"Wait, that wasn't your first time?" She asked.

"That depends on what you mean. Was that my first time sucking a cock? Yes, it was. Was that my first time thinking about it? Or my first time thinking about someone like you? Absolutely not. The truth is ever since I was in high school I have been obsessed with shemales. It's true! Secretly I've wanted to be with a shemale ever since I first saw one. For years I've imagined all the girls in my life as having cocks waiting for me inside their pants.

"You, Evelyn Brown, are the most spectacular person I have ever laid eyes on. You're perfection." She blushed a little at this, but I could see her demeanor changing and her face looking less upset so I continued. "You are so incredibly beautiful and then on top of that you have this massive dick in between your legs? It's too good to be true! The truth is I've masturbated to the thought of you exactly as you are now more times than I can count. I've wished against all odds that you would take me one day and reveal you had a dick before ramming it into my mouth and feeding me your cum. I am so happy you did that, it was exactly what I've always wanted!" I took in a huge deep breath at the end of my rant and looked back at Evelyn. Now smiling she met my eyes with no shame whatsoever.

"I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that Michael. So, you really enjoyed that?" She asked beaming.

"More than I ever thought possible, which is saying something because I've fantasized about it for years. The only thing I even remotely regret is that I didn't get to actually taste your cum this first time," I smiled back.

"That's just wonderful because you were amazing. It was everything I thought it would be," she said and leaned in to give me a long kiss. I fell into her kiss and lost myself again. I pressed in on top of her and felt her breasts push against my chest.

"So where did all that come from?" I asked half laughing now kneeling on all fours in front of her as she still leaned against her desk. "One second you're forcing your cock down my throat and the next you're apologizing for it? I don't feel like people who would do one would do the other." We were talking about 5 inches from each other's faces and I could look into her eyes and watch in detail as her mouth moved.

" see I've kind of got a split personality. Normally I try to be very nice. People tell me I'm fun and sarcastic and relatively a nice person. But I've got a dark side...I just can't help being so dirty. I think about sex practically non-stop. And when I think about sex I just want to...well..." she trailed off and looked away.

"You want to what Evelyn? Please, you can tell me." She still looked very reluctant.

"I just don't want to freak you out. I mean you've already been so much more accepting of who I am than I could have imagined," she said.

I took a deep breath and sat back on my butt again. I had never been this open and honest about my sexuality before and it was terrifying. This must have been exactly what Evelyn was feeling too. I decided that I had never sucked a dick before either, but I deeply enjoyed that so why not keep the new experiences going?

"How about if I tell you my secret," I said.

"You mean having wild fantasies about shemales for years wasn't your secret?" Evelyn said in response.

"Ok, well my other secret. Would that make you feel better?" I asked. She nodded her head in agreement so I continued. "My personality has change to it also. Usually I'm very outgoing and confident, loud and fun, but it's different when it comes to sex. When it involves sex I just want to be bossed around by the other person, you know? I feel like after wanting to suck a dick for so long I got so frustrated that eventually I just wanted someone to grab me and fuck my throat brutally. It changed me. All my fantasies involve being dominated, sometimes almost raped, because I am so desperate to experience girlcock."

She stared in disbelief. "You can't be serious."

"O but I am. My secret, Evelyn, is that I'm a whore. I love being controlled and dominated, being told what to do. Being pushed around and taken roughly, unexpectedly," I said honestly.

"This is just too good to be true. Michael, what I was going to say is when I think about sex I just want to own somebody," said Evelyn biting her lip. "I want someone that just hungers for me and will take my cock anytime, anywhere, no questions asked. I'm not very confident normally, but with sex I feel so in control and confident. I want someone that I can stick my cock in their mouth as they're passed out asleep, and they'll wake up smiling and sucking like a good little whore."

"Michael," she said to me, "are you that person?"

She looked straight at my eyes as she said this looking for any kind of response. Did we really just find each other? I leaned in to kiss her in response but surprisingly she caught my chest and stopped me. I opened my eyes and looked at her in confusion only to see a wicked smile on her face.

"Ah, ah, ah," she said playfully. "That's not where I want your mouth." She pointed down towards her cock with that same smile still on her face.

"O god yes..." I said falling to my knees. "Please use me. I want you so badly Evelyn." As I landed on my knees I saw that her cock had already gotten hard. "Well then, already hard I see. That excited?"

"You have no idea. But I'm not already hard, I'm still hard," she laughed. "For this cock it takes more than just once to calm her down."

"As many as you need," I said.

"Good," she replied. She grabbed the chair behind her and spun it around sitting down in front of me. Her hand fell back on top of my head and she lined up her cock with my mouth. She pushed me forward and I lovingly embraced her cock head, relishing the taste. She let go of my head and I looked up at her.

"I want to see you skewer yourself whore, all the way down to the base. Push my cock down that throat until you choke yourself, and then keep pushing," she said from above me. My eyes rolled back into my head at the verbal abuse. I was in heaven.

I began my appointed task with vigor. I pushed forward to swallow more of her cock, my head bobbing up and down on her meat with growing speed. After a few minutes I was able to take 6 inches before hitting the opening to my throat.

"This is it,' I thought. 'I've got to fit the next 6 inches into my throat.'

I pushed forward hard and tried to open up my throat at the same time...PUSH!

I felt inch after inch of cock sliding down my throat. It felt endless and my brain was telling me to stop, pull out before you choke! This was completely different from Evelyn fucking my throat. Doing it to myself was much more difficult. I felt my throat surge and spasm around her dick and pulled back off, gasping for air. I took one deep breath before I heard...

"I said to KEEP PUSHING!!" and I felt Evelyn grab my head and force it back down.

I felt her cock ram back into my mouth with such force it immediately pushed into my throat. She let go of my head and I stayed there for a moment trying to collect myself and catch my breath. Slowly I reached up and grabbed the sides of the chair Evelyn was sitting on. I used the chair to leverage myself and push all the way back down. Further. I could feel the veins passing my lips. Further. I didn't know when this monstrous cock would end. FURTHER. Finally I felt my nose press up against her pubes and my lips pressed into her skin. I had reached the base.

"Oooooo yes good boy Michael," Evelyn cooed from above me. "That feels...absolutely...amazing." I could hear her breath starting to get ragged as she lost herself in the feeling of my throat around her cock.

I started working my head up and down slowly so my throat would become accustomed to her immense size. It was slow going at first, but you could tell Evelyn was loving this. Her hands rested on my shoulders and would tense up now and then when I did something pleasurable. That was the only encouragement I needed.

"Michael I need you to do something," she said breathlessly. I moaned and nodded slightly in response. "I need you to back up, ok? Don't stand up and don't you dare let my cock leave your mouth, just back up."

'There is absolutely no way I'm letting your cock leave my mouth until you fill up your little cum dump,' I thought. I did as I was told of course and started backing up on my knees. I had no idea why I was, but at this point I would do anything she commanded. She rose from her chair and walked forward with me still sucking her off. She kept holding onto my head to ensure I didn't let her cock go and after a few feet I could feel that I had hit the wall, literally. I noticed that she had backed me into the corner of her office and let go of my head. Instead Evelyn placed both hands on the walls to hold herself up and forced (I use forced here loosely because as I said, I was hers to command) my head back into the corner, holding it there.

When my head was in position I felt her give a great lunge and plowed her delicious cock into my throat faster than I thought possible. Inch after inch disappeared into my mouth and slid over my tongue and down my throat. Over and over she plowed it down and eventually my throat loosened and granted her cock full access. I could now feel her meat deep inside me and her pubic hairs up underneath my nose. Whenever she pushed in, I would get a nose full of that big bush and breathe it in deeply.My own desires were running out of control and I decided to give my hands something to do while my mouth was so well entertained. I slid them up over her plump ass and reached once again for the start of all this lust, her breasts. My fingers found her hard nipples and began massaging and pinching them. We sat there in this time of intense lust and moaned together. Well I sat there, and she stood over top of me holding all the power, all the strength in this situation. Each time Evelyn thrust her cock a little bit harder and each time she would increase her speed. With sweat glistening over her body Evelyn rammed her cock deep into my happy throat, and she began to talk to me.

"Michael I want you to take everything I give. Can you do that? Can I do that? Can I fill you up with my cum? I want you to swallow everything I pour into you." I moaned in ecstasy at the thought of drinking her cum. I wanted so much to be her cum dumpster. She smiled at this and raised her head toward the ceiling. She bent lower and began thrusting her hips as fast as she could. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her inside my mouth and thought about the glorious reward I would get sliding down my throat very soon.

"Michael it's going to happen very soon. I need to feel you swallow down my cum into your stomach. I need my cum inside you!" She moaned the last part as she ravenously fucked my mouth, her hips working furiously now.

I continued massaging her tits and finally I felt it. Her hips buckled forward and stayed locked there, her cock stuck down inside my throat and my head plastered against her crotch. Then I felt the warm stream of cum shooting out of her magnificent cock again as Evelyn was hit with another massive orgasm. I began to swallow it down as fast as possible like the good little cum-dump I wanted her to think of me as. The orgasm made her body shiver and shake as she unloaded stream after stream of cum into my throat and felt it contract to send the cum down in my stomach each time.

After about three loads into my mouth she backed out quickly. I could feel the big veins sliding over my lips and her huge head, lost inside my mouth for nearly twenty minutes, pop out covered in cum. But she wasn't done yet. She grabbed her cock and aimed it straight at my face.

"Quickly," she gasped,"close your mouth. I want to spread my seed all over your face." I clamped it shut tightly, closed my eyes and felt her unload more hot cum onto my face. Two more streams covered my face in her juice. Finally with one last buckle she dropped to her knees in front of me, exhausted. She grabbed my head and started licking her own cum off my face. When she had gotten it all our lips locked again and she poured her cum and her tongue into my mouth. I swallowed the last bit of cum Evelyn gave me and we sat there kissing on the floor. For how long we kissed I don't know.

Evelyn backed away for a moment and I realized that my hands were still grasping firmly both her breasts. She didn't seem to mind, but I removed them anyway so I could see them. I, for the first time, took a good look at the breasts that had led to so much happiness.

'They're big' was my fist thought. I know simple, right? But that's the first thing came to mind. They were at least DD-cups with big pink nipples, soft and delicate.

'I bet they're delicious' was my second thought. But I had no time to find out. Evelyn caught her breath and stood up. Her now semi-erect cock was floating in front of my face tantalizing me and she had the look of delight that someone has when they know they have all the power. I was fairly confident now that Evelyn viewed me exactly as I wanted to her too; a willing cum-dump. If I wasn't sure before, I was sure after what she said next.

"Be a dear and clean all the cum off my cock Michael," she said in her best teacher voice. I laughed and leaned forward, licking from shaft to tip to get all the cum off.

"Yes ma'am. If you couldn't guess, this was the best conference I've ever had," I said teasingly.

"O it won't be the best you've had for long. You better get used to the floor because there's no way I'm giving up my little cum-dump now," she smiled down at me as I licked her cock and petted my head. I laughed back and kept licking. "O my you just look so vulnerable down there."

"Well there's definitely nowhere else I'd rather be than on my knees in front of you, meat in mouth," I said and pointed a finger from her cock into my mouth.

"O sweety," she laughed," you're gonna be in more positions than you can count. You need a lot of work with your paper. We'll have to schedule conferences as much as possible." I smiled back up at her and stood up, her cock clean as a whistle.

"Conferences sound good to me, although this one didn't help me get ideas for writing my paper," I said sarcastically.

"Michael, as long as I'm fucking you, you've got an A in this class." She gave me a big seductive grin.

"Are you blackmailing me Evelyn?"

"Now that's not at all what I'm saying," her grin grew wider. She guided my hand to her cock and I felt it stiffening again. "What I'm saying is you better get back down there before my cock gets too cold out in this open air. It needs a nice warm throat to sleep in and it likes yours so very much." I smiled widely back at her. She placed her hand back on my head and gently pushed me down to the floor in front of her massive, delicious cock. She looked at it and saw it wasn't fully erect yet.

"Hmmm," she thought out loud. "I think you better get my big balls inside that mouth of yours to stiffen up our friend here. What do you think?" In response I rolled my head back and opened my mouth again. Evelyn grinned with fiendish delight at my obedience and walked over top of me, letting her balls fall into my mouth. I closed tight around them and my tongue went to work on her sweet and salty balls.

As I kneeled there underneath my English professor with her balls secured firmly in my mouth and my tongue fondling them in ways a hand never could, I thought that although this was the last thing I thought would happen in this meeting, it was by far also the best. I smiled and continued my work on my incredibly sexy English professor's testicles.

Ahhhh Evelyn...