All the different friend groups quickly flocked together as the professor allowed the university students to get into their four-person groups that will complete the assignment. Nico, however, stayed in his seat, continuing to work away as if he was his own four-person group.
And in fairness, usually when it came to group assignments all throughout his life, that usually was basically the case. Nico was incredibly studious, and was often only ever sought out by his more popular counterparts, whether it was in high school or in university, when they needed a guaranteed good grade. Nico, the ever-reliable nerd, knew he would either complete the assignment all on his own, something he was perfectly happy to do, or a group of jocks would come and ride Nico's smarts to their only good grade of the year. In Nico's academic life, it was a tale as old as time.
Secretly, it also gave Nico a chance to, if only briefly, have a social life. While certainly not the most outwardly social person, the occasional group assignment was a nice refresher from his typical solitary existence.
Nico didn't have an exceptional body. In addition to being well under six feet tall, his soft, innocent face topped with silky, short, and often messy, dirty-blonde hair, he had a pear-shaped figure that left his chest and stomach flat, albeit a tiny but squishable, while his hips flared outwards, a jiggly, wide butt that descended into juicy thighs and stretched any pair of boxers he wore.
That didn't mean, though, that the rare occasion of a beautiful woman talking to him didn't give Nico an instant case of butterflies and turn him bashful and sheepish. And that day, when three of them engaged with him, Nico actually blushed.
"Hey! Nico, right?" A bubbly female voice said from beside him.
Nico's head quickly turned and sitting in the seat beside him was Elizabeth, another member of the class. Elizabeth was a tiny bit shorter than Nico, but her boisterous and friendly demeanour made her anything but diminutive, and her long blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, slight hourglass figure, B-cup tits, and the bubbliest of bubble butts could pitch any tent.
"Oh, umm, hi, yes, I'm Nico," he said, with all the tact and suave of a drunk beagle lightly bumping into walls.
"We need a fourth for this assignment. Wanna join us?"
Elizabeth gestured behind her to point out the rest of her group. Standing a few rows back in the classroom were Ashlyn and Jasmine, Elizabeth's friends. The three were a dream team. No matter where they went, every guy and a fair amount of girls couldn't help but drool over at least one of them. Between the three of them, they had it all.
Ashlyn wasn't as bubbly or boisterous as Elizabeth, instead being a bit more of a reserved, convincing, natural leader of the trio. Even though she didn't need speak loudly or intensely, she had natural charisma radiating from her piercing light brown eyes. At six feet tall, she was easily the tallest in the group, and was at least a head taller than Nico. Ashlyn could wear a custom designer dress and expertly-done makeup, or sweats and a tank top, and either way, look like she stepped out of everyone's dream, regardless if her light brown hair was worn down past her shoulders or in a bun. With a medium skin tone, slim-yet-slightly-squishable rectangular torso, D-cup breasts, incredibly fit, thick thighs, and an absolute shelf of an ass. No matter what she did, she was naturally seductive at every moment.
Jasmine, meanwhile, was just downright cool as hell. A badass with a great ass, Ashlyn had referred to her many times in the past, and while it was true she had a curvy donk of a booty you could lay your head on at night, her strong-willed yet big-hearted personality endeared her to anyone she met. That isn't to discount how hot Jasmine was, though, because she was a smokeshow. An athletic, curvy body coated in chocolate-coloured skin, blessed with E-cup tits and long, curly black hair. Although not as tall as Ashlyn, she was still an inch or two taller than Nico.
And speaking of Nico, it took him all of about half a second to begin an endearing if bumbling acceptance of the offer, which Elizabeth responded to with a quick, bubbly hug and giving Nico the address to their dorm, where she said they would meet up later this afternoon to start working on the assignment.
As Elizabeth walked away to join her friends and leave the room, the trio flashed smiles at Nico, whose heart was beating a bit harder in his chest.
'Wow,' Nico thought to himself, 'None of the jocks I've ever partnered up with were that pretty.'
With a couple hours to kill before going to the dorm, Nico had time for the initial surprise of three incredibly hot university girls asking him to partner with them for an assignment to wear off. This was just going to be another in a long line of solo projects done by Nico masquerading as group projects, only this time, the annoying jocks are replaced by three absolutely stunning females.
As it got to the time the three girls were expecting Nico to arrive, he checked in at the dorm's front desk and made his way up to their room, knocking on the door and being met by Ashlyn. "Hey Nico," she said with a slight smile in the corner of her mouth. "Come on in."
Ashlyn's body was hugged tight dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt as she walked with Nico, who was wearing an oversized grey hoodies and black sweat pants, through the dorm's kitchen and living room and towards the largest of the three bedrooms.
"Your dorm is really nice," Nico said, trying to make conversation and not be the most socially awkward person to ever existent.
"Thanks, it's pretty sweet," replied Ashlyn as they entered the room where Elizabeth, in tight, bright powder blue leggings and a black lace-trimmed crop top that cut off just above her belly button, sat chatting with Jasmine, who sat in a white tank top and red with white-trim dolphin shorts.
"Hey Nico, good to see you," Jasmine said with a friendly smile.
"Heeeey Nico," Elizabeth said in her always-bubbly tone.
"Hi everyone," Nico replied, admittedly feeling a bit out of place, a lone nerd amongst three of the universities hottest hotties.
The four made small talk for several minutes, although at times, Jasmine and Ashlyn happily flashed knowing smiles at each other when Elizabeth took over the conversation, until Ashlyn finally piped up again and swiftly got them all back on track.
"Shall we get started on the assignment?"
Everyone nodded in agreement, but while the other three all dispersed to retrieve their bags containing their laptops and notebooks, Nico, already holding his, sat down at the desk in the largest bedroom and began working away. By the time the three women returned less than a minute later, Nico had headphones on, listening to music with his face deep in the beginnings of his typical one-person group assignment. After all, this was typically the point when the jocks would leave to do whatever they did, and he would be left to take care of the schoolwork. This time, though, the three university girls returned, with Jasmine, wearing an amused smirk, sitting back down on the bed while Ashlyn and Elizabeth stood looking in Nico's direction. Soon enough, he realized they had returned, and quickly pulled off his headphones.
"Wow, we leave to go get out things and we come back you're tuning us out with headphones," Ashlyn said with a sarcastic grin, Jasmine chuckling as she brings her laptop to life. "I mean, I know Elizabeth goes on and on, but I didn't think we were that irritating."
"Hey!" Elizabeth quipped back as Jasmine chuckled, the three of them always happy to poke fun at one another.
Nico instantly felt embarrassed and apologetic. "Oh my gosh, no, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant to do, or look like, or make you think that I thought," he began rambling nervously. "I... I'm just used to, you know, doing all the work on group projects while the more popular ones go out and do whatever."
Ashlyn, Elizabeth, and Jasmine all looked at each other with confused looks on their face, before Elizabeth spoke up. "Wait, Nico, you thought when I asked you to work with us, that we were going to make you do all the work and we were just going to leave you all by yourself?"
"Well, I mean... Kinda... That's just... How I've always done group assignments. When the jocks needed a good grade, they'd get the nerd to do it for them."
"Do we look like jocks to you, Nico?" Ashlyn asked rhetorically.
"Our dicks are way bigger than theirs," Jasmine joked.
"Nico, we are all in advanced classes in high-level university programs with top-of-our-class GPAs," Elizabeth said. "You think we can't handle a group assignment?"
Nico's face had turned a bright red, blushing as he realized he'd inadvertently insulted the three. "N-no, it's not that," he said, beginning to have a somewhat pleading tone. "I just... It was force of habit. I'm a nerd, so people usually just use me for my brain."
Nico's worries were quickly allayed by Ashlyn, who walked over and actually rubbed his cheek, "Nico, it's alright, don't worry. We understand. We've all been pursued for nothing but our looks or our brains, but just so you know, we asked you to do this assignment with us because you seemed really friendly. A nerd, yes, but a friendly nerd. We're not making you do this assignment all on your own. We genuinely wanted to see if you fit as part of our friend group. We're not those asshole jocks."
"Wow... I... I wasn't expecting that," Nico admitted.
Ashlyn chuckled sweetly at him as she stood up and tussled his hair. "You're cute, Nico."
Nico's mouth briefly fell open hearing that compliment coming from such a gorgeous person like Ashlyn, but he was shook back to reality by Jasmine's bold directness slammed into him like a freight train.
"Nico, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Jasmine asked.
After a brief, nervous pause, Nico instinctively responded with a slight stutter, "N-no, I don't mind."
"So jocks always make you do group assignments for them, but I'm just curious... What do you get out of that? Did they become your friends?"
"Of course not," Nico responded, "Jocks don't hang out with nerds like me who actually know what syllables are."
The three girls laughed at his joke, before Jasmine continued. "So they paid you to do their work for them?"
"Actually, no, I don't think any of them ever paid me."
"So you're a guy who is into futas, then," Ashlyn said matter-of-factly.
Nico's face turned blank, a deer-in-the-headlights, clueless expression on his adorable face. "I'm a what into who?" Nico asked innocently.
Ashlyn, Elizabeth, and Jasmine all turned to each other with increasingly widening smiles and eyes. "Wow... How can someone so smart be so dumb at the same time?" Jasmine asked with a chuckle.
"Jas, be nice!" Elizabeth responded, defending Nico.
"Look Nico," Ashlyn began, "From what you just said, and the overall vibe you give off, we think you seem to be really interested by the futas."
"Oh my gosh, guys," Elizabeth said with an excited look on her face. "What if we help Nico see if he's into shemales?"
"Oh, hell yes!" Jasmine exclaimed.
With an ultra-seductive grin, Ashlyn turned to Nico. "Girls, it's really up to him. Nico, what do you think? We genuinely would be happy to help you explore this side of you."
Nico paused for a moment. He felt like he had entered some dream he never knew he had. He felt scared, but so excited. He knew it may be making him feel super nervous right now, but if he didn't do it, he'd regret it forever.
"I say," Nico began as he took a deep breath, "Where do we start?"
Armed with very feminine-smelling soaps, Nico had gone to have a shower like the three girls had instructed, and he made sure to wash his entire body, especially his ass crack and his crotch, which he felt getting more excited with every passing second as he contemplated what was happening.
Once he finished showering and dried off, he stood looking at himself in the mirror. Even though he felt so scared and nervous, like he was dangling off the edge of a cliff, he saw his entire body with tiny goosebumps, and he saw himself differently then he ever had. He felt a sense that this was meant to be. He smelled the sweet fragrances filling the bathroom that were coming from his own body. He saw his smooth skin as clay to be molded, a canvas to be painted on.
Then, the door swung open and Elizabeth pulled him out into the hallway, totally nude.
"Elizabeth! I'm not even wearing underwear!" Nico gasped bashfully.
"Relex, silly, we're going to see you naked anyway since we're trying on a bunch of clothes."
No sooner did she finish speaking was Nico pulled back into the bedroom, where Ashlyn and Jasmine waited.
"Ladies, I present to you, a deliciously-smelling Nico!" Elizabeth exclaimed jokingly, before whispering in his ear, "Turn around."
Nico did as he was told, and was surprised by what he heard.
"Daaaayum, Nico, you got a phatty on you!" Jasmine exlaimed.
"Jasmine's right, Nico," Ashlyn added, "Your ass is truly incredible."
"I know, right?" Elizabeth said, "How did a boy gets a dumptruck like this naturally?"
Nico shivered at each comment. He'd always known is ass was bigger than most guys, and he'd been hit on before about it, but it never made him feel the way the three girls' genuinely enthusiastic and supportive vibes did. They actually made him feel... Sexy.
Elizabeth smiled at him, still kneeling behind him. Rather than standing back up after putting him in the first two pairs, she stayed at eye level with his ass, he hands rubbing up the side of his legs. "And an absolutely beautiful one at that," Elizabeth said before planting soft, loving kisses all over his exposed ass.
"Group hug!" shouted Elizabeth as bubbly as ever, as Ashlyn and Jasmine joined her in embracing Nico. They hugged tightly and lovingly, for what felt like hours, and as Nico nuzzled himself into all three of them, his eyes fluttered open as his mind felt at peace.
That's when he saw it. Or, rather, them.
In the front of Ashlyn's jeans. In the front of Jasmine's black and white dolphin shorts. In the front of Elizabeth's bright powder blue leggings. Bulges, where Nico had just assumed he would have found vaginas.
"Umm... W-what are those?" Nico asked from inside the hug.
The four separated enough to see what Nico was referring to, and they all looked at each other, smiled, and chuckled as they saw him looking to their groins.
"Nico, remember when we told you that we thought you may be a guy who is into futas?" Elizabeth asked sweetly, rubbing his arm supportively.
Nico nodded, "Yeah..."
"Well, it's time for you to learn what the sentence meant."
Jasmine took Nico's hand and placed it on the front of her shorts. His eyes started to widen, everything Nico had always thought was being shattered in front of him.
"W-wait... You mean... My hand is on... That bulge is... You all have..." Nico stammered, in total shock.
"We are girls with cocks," Ashlyn said with a nod. "All three of us are futas."
Nico's eyes darted between all three of them, totally in shock. His wish for so long had been to meet a girl who was a girl in every way except for what was between her legs, and now, evidently, probably the three hottest girls he's ever been around all appear to have cocks.
"I know you're shocked, Nico," Elizabeth said, once again giving him a comforting embrace. "Like we said, none of will do anything to hurt you, or anything you don't want us to do."
Nico nodded at Elizabeth and leaned into her hug, but his eyes kept falling back down to their bulges.
"Elizabeth is right," said Ashlyn, gently using her index finger to turn Nico's head to look at her. "Nothing will happen that you don't want... But you did say you had always wanted to be with a girl who had a cock. Well, there are three right in front of you, and if you want to experiment, we will take good care of you. You don't have to, Nico, and you can stop at any time, and just like with your other experiments, no one will ever find out. But if you want to try, we can help you."
Nico was floored. He wasn't upset or angry whatsoever, just totally shocked. He never thought anything like this was possible.
"I know it's a lot to take in, Nico," Ashlyn said. "Why don't you go to the bathroom, take a minute to collect yourself, and think for a minute?"
Nico nodded, and Elizabeth gently took his hand and walked with him to the bathroom. Nico began walking inside but Elizabeth stopped him, holding his hand and whispering in his ear, "Whatever you decide, we are completely happy with. We're all so, so, so happy we could help you discover your affinity for futas." Elizabeth gave him a quick peck on the cheek before letting him go.
Once in the bathroom, Nico splashed some cold water in his face, trying to wake himself up from whatever bizarre lucid dream he'd wandered into. But no such awakening came. He was awake, this was all happening, and he had been presented with an opportunity he'd dreamt of for as long as he could remember. He was scared, but not of Ashlyn, Jasmine, or Elizabeth. He was nervous, but not because of what they might do to him. Nico was realizing that something he thought couldn't happen, actually could. Something he thought was a bizarre, impossible set of conflicting attractions and desires, was now standing right before him, willing to go as far as he was willing to be taken.
He was a man, who wanted to be with futas. And here he was, standing in front of a trio of futas. And as the shock of it all dissipated, so did the fear and the angst. Well, mostly. As a virgin, there was still a bit of fear of the unknown. But in his mind, this is precisely what had always made sense to him as what he desired and who he was. And here it was, waiting for him on the other side of a bathroom door.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
"Nico, are you alright in there?" Asked the warm, sweet voice of Elizabeth.
He dried his face of the cold water and took a deep breath, before opening the door.
"Elizabeth, I'm really nervous... And I'm scared... But I want to at least try this with you three so badly."
Elizabeth smiled and, in a burst of excitement, leaned in and planted a deep kiss on Nico's lips, which he eager matched. When their kiss broke, Nico was trembling with nerves and excitement even more.
"Remember, at any moment, just say the word and it'll all stop and it'll be as if it never happened, okay?" Elizabeth said. Nico nodded in understanding the two's fingers interlocked. They walked hand in hand back to the bedroom where Ashlyn and Jasmine stood waiting. "Girls, I believe Nico has something to say."
Nico stepped slowly towards the two women taller than him, his whole body trembling, the only piece of clothing on his body being the underwear being devoured by his wide, jiggly ass. "I... I want this," he whimpered softly.
Jasmine and Ashlyn smiled as him, each of them running a hand up and down his sides, gently squishing his skin along his tummy and hips. Meanwhile, his hands fell onto each of their bulges, gently rubbing them as Ashlyn and Jasmine each let one of their hands slide onto one of Nico's ass cheeks. Ashlyn then leaned down and gently but sensually began kissing Nico, who happily returned the favor. The two women continued to squeeze and playfully jiggle his phat ass cheeks in their hands while Ashlyn and Nico kissed. After a minute or so, Ashlyn pulled back, and before Nico could ask why, the answer was provided in the form of Jasmine getting a deep, tongue-tied kiss of her own.
Nico couldn't believe how absolutely perfect this felt. Two unbelievably beautiful university girls with cocks were making out with him and had their hands all over his plump booty. How could this moment get any better?
That's when he felt the tiny string that had disappeared between his ass cheeks get fished out and pushed to the side of his thigh. While Ashlyn and Jasmine continued to squeeze his ass cheeks over and over, they also began spreading his cheeks. And suddenly, he felt Elizabeth's tongue, with a big glob of saliva to spread, run all the way up his ass crack, and soon thereafter, gently begin lapping up his clean smooth anus, her tongue slowly pushing forward to begin rimming him.
"Oooooh m-my g-god!" Nico exclaimed as his kiss with Jasmine broke. He turned his head to the full-body mirror and saw himself, two gorgeous futas with their hands all over his ass, and another gorgeous futa with her face in between it.
"Nico, how do you like having your butt squeezed like this?" Ashlyn asked as she reapplied another fulsome but loving squeeze.
"It feels soooo good! I... I love how you both squeeze my butt," Nico moaned.
"And how do you like this, baby," asked Jasmine, before letting go of Nico's ass cheek, only to return it with a gentle smack, repeating the motion as she spanks him two more times.
Each spank brought a sharp, moan from his mouth. "Ugh! Ugh! Ooh f-fuck! I... I love being spanked by you," Nico answered.
Ashlyn smiled and tucked some of Nico's hair behind his ear. "And what about what Elizabeth is doing? Do you like having your big ass eaten out?"
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love it so much!" Nico replied.
Ashlyn smiled, beginning to guide him. "Wanna know how you can show Elizabeth how much you like it? Lean forward a tiny bit, use me and Jasmine for support, and shake your ass in Elizabeth's face."
More moans came out of Nico as he did what was instructed, leaning forward ever so slightly, an arm wrapped around Ashlyn and Jasmine, as he gently begins to wiggle his hips side to side, his phat booty cheeks shaking back in Elizabeth's face, rewarded with Elizabeth giving repeated playful spanks on Nico's wobbling ass cheeks.
"You're doing it, Nico. You're shaking your ass in Elizabeth's face," Ashlyn said, helping it all sink it to Nico's mind.
"My god, Nico, that ass of yours is too perfect," Jasmine commented as she watched him shake his butt in the mirror. "That phat booty of yours was made to twerk."
Nico continued shaking his ass as Elizabeth eagerly rimmed his anus and spanked his cheeks playfully. Then, he got another instant jolt throughout his body.
"This boy needs some dick," Jasmine commented.
"How about it, Nico?" Ashlyn asked. "Do you want to see and touch your first futa cocks?"
All Nico could do was nod eagerly, his moans derailing any words he would try to say. He watched as both Ashlyn and Jasmine reached down and removed their tops, their D-cup and E-cup tits falling out before they both take off their jeans and shorts. Ashlyn, wearing a black lace thong, and Jasmine in a red lace thong, both have their massive shafts wholly uncontained by their paints. Ashlyn's member stand fully erect at 8 inches, while Jasmine goes up to 9 inches. As he gazes in amazement at the two huge cocks, he begins noticing a different sensation behind him. The rimjob has been replaced... by Elizabeth gently grinding her 7-inch futa dick between Nico's doughy cakes, her cute perky C-cup tits pressing against Nico's back, wearing just her light pink cotton thong.
"I... I can't believe this is happening," Nico says, beginning to ramble. "I can't believe how big all of you are. I can't believe the hottest girls I've ever seen have huge dicks, and I'm a boy who gets to touch them -- mmph!"
Nico is cut off by his head being turned to meet Elizabeth's, who places a deep, loving kiss on his lips once again and begins to make out with him.
"Wow," Jasmine joked to Ashlyn. "I don't think anyone has ever rambled so much, that Elizabeth shut them up."
The two laughed with each other before taking one of Nico's hands and wrapping it around their cocks, guiding him to begin stroking them.
As Ashlyn and Jasmine begin to moan with Nico quickly grasping the handjob motion, the tallest futa looks deep into his eyes. "Mmm what are you thinking right now, Nico?" Ashlyn asked.
Before Nico could think about the question, his mouth blurted out a response. "I wanna make all three of your cum."
All three of them smile at him and in that moment, Elizabeth stops hot-dogging her cock between Nico's cheeks, while Nico's hands are removed from Ashlyn and Jasmine dicks. "I can guarantee you, you are going to do just that. Would you like to suck on all three of our cocks, baby?" asked Ashlyn.
"Oh my god, yes," replied an eager Nico, who obediently dropped down to his knees. The three futas formed a circle around him and began lovingly slapping his face with their cocks.
"Open your mouth, Nico," Ashlyn instructed. "Elizabeth will go first, and she is going to help you get rid of any gag reflex."
Elizabeth's 7-inch dick laid onto Nico's tongue and gently, she began rocking back and forth as she quickly got Nico to pick up the simpler details of a quality blowjob. Nico kept his lips tight but inviting, his own subtle head motions becoming in rhythm with Elizabeth's rocking back and forth, and eventually, Elizabeth place a hand on the back of Nico's head, gently pushing him to take more into his throat. And each time, Nico gets a little bit more in, until he's able to take the whole thing with only the audible sound of choking on a huge cock but without any actual resistance. Elizabeth continued to rock her hips back and forth and stretch Nico's throat, moaning and grunting as she does.
After five minutes of sucking Elizabeth, she pulled her cock from Nico's mouth and this time, it was Ashlyn's turn, who smiled down at Nico. "You did that so well, Nico. You even kept eye contact with us the whole time, and you took that dick down your throat so well. Now, with mine, I want to see you use your tongue and you saliva. Make it nice, wet, and messy."
With a couple breaths of air, Nico suddenly felt Ashlyn's 8-inch cock slide onto his tongue and into his mouth, and just as he was told, he began to move his head back and forth, a slight flick in his head motion as he began to audibly slurp on her cock. His tongue slithered over and around her shaft like a snake and pools of saliva began bathing her cock.
"Mmmmph fuck yes, baby boi. Slobber on that big futa cock!" Ashlyn groaned as Elizabeth and Jasmine stroke slowly over Nico's face.
Nico's mouth was absolutely flooded with saliva mixed with precum, a massive pool in his mouth that he was using to messily coat Ashlyn's cock for another five minutes, until it was time for Jasmine to get hers.
As Ashlyn pulls out of Nico's mouth, he expects to hear Jasmine describe what she wants from him, which will also give the drooling boy a chance to catch his breath. However, Jasmine gets right to the point.
"I want that mouth on this big futa cock."
And that's exactly what Jasmine got. In a single fluid motion, she slid her cock smoothly down his throat, gripping Nico's hair tightly and starting to gently but intensely facefuck him. Her cock seldom pulled very far out of his mouth, opting for quick and deep thrusts inside Nico's throat, which made his eyes water as he submissively took the pounding to his throat. "Glugh! Glugh! Glugh!" is all Nico is able to say, as for another five minutes, at every moment, Nico has at least 6 inches of Jasmine's 9-inch shaft in his throat.
When Jasmine finally pulls out, long saliva strings connect her cock to Nico's mouth, and which Jasmine uses her cock to rub all over his face.
Elizabeth and Ashlyn reach down and take one of Nico's hands, pulling him to his feet and instantly, Ashlyn kisses his lips sensually and sloppily, soon being replaced by Elizabeth doing the same and then Jasmine following, all three futas groping the boy.
"Well, Nico, there's only one place left for you to go today," Ashlyn says. "And that is, you get up on your hands and knees on that bed, and one by one, you take our dicks in your phat ass. Remember, you can say no, and we won't tell anyone any of this happened, but if you agree, there will be some expectations. One, you will become each of our boyfriend, and you will live and sleep here with us. Two, when you're at home, you are not allowed to wear clothes. You may continue wearing clothes in public. Three, you will drain each of our balls, whenever we want. And four, you will never cum without telling at least one of us, and you will only be allowed to cum when and how we say you can. Do you understand?"
Nico was so overwhelmed by all the information, but the bits and pieces he was retaining actually felt so right for him. He wanted to be a submissive boy for these futas.
"There will be some great perks for you too, Nico," Elizabeth added. "We will on take you on dates and treat you like the sweet, adorable, boy that you've always wanted to be."
Nico simply couldn't resist his new lease on life.
"Oh, I almost forgot, rule number five. You will call each of us 'Mommy'. So, what's your choice, Nico?"
Still catching his breath from the three big cocks in his mouth, Nico gulps and breathes heavily. He flashes a cute smile up at them, before walking in between them, climbing onto the bed and getting on all fours, looking back at them and wiggling his hips. "Please just use lots of lube, Mommies."
The three futas smile at each other. The deal is done, and for Nico, there's no going back to the way his life had been. He's officially a slut, and not only that, he's a slut, who serves three smoking hot futas. Not a dream come true, because he could have never dreamed of something this good.
Elizabeth steps forward and line up behind Nico, holding a bottle of lube and dousing her cock in it, as well as Nico's ass, rubbing it in by gently sliding two lubed fingers into his ass. Elizabeth gently pushes her cockhead against Nico's hole and the generous amount of lube allows it to slide in smoothly, with a slight pop as Nico's cherry is popped.
"Ooooh m-my g-god!" Nico moans. "I... I actually have a cock in my ass! I can't believe this is really happening!"
Ashlyn and Jasmine stand opposite Elizabeth, who slowly begins to rock her hips back and forth, letting half of her shaft slowly begin working Nico's ass open.
"Tell your Mommies how much you like having a big dick in your ass," Jasmine says.
"Ooooh g-god, Mommies, I love having a big futa dick in my ass soooo much," moans Nico. "It feels soooo good, I can't believe how good it feels!"
Elizabeth's own bubble butt pops and bounces as she flicks and snaps her hips, gently sliding her cock a bit deeper inside of him.
Ashlyn smiles and reaches down, feeling the front of Nico's thong, which by now, from all the leaking precum, has become soaked. "Wow, looks like someone really does love this. Do you want your Mommies to make you cum without you even touching your cock?"
"You want these big dicks to fuck you so good, you squirt hands-free?" Jasmine adds.
"Mmmphh fuck, he's so tight!" Elizabeth grunts. "What about it Nico? Wanna cum like a bitch?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes! I want to squirt like a bitch!" Nico moans sharply as Elizabeth's thrusts get a little deeper and a little faster. For several minutes, Nico moans girlishly as Elizabeth steadily yet lovingly slides her cock in and out of his ass. Finally, Elizabeth slowly pulls out, leaving Nico's still super-tight hole gaped momentarily before Ashlyn steps over and takes the lube, drenching her 8 inches and slowly sliding every last inch into Nico's ass. His eyes widen as he feels a slightly bigger cock push all the way into him and rest there for a moment.
"Hooooly s-shit, Mommy! How can a dick be this big!" Nico squeals.
Elizabeth smiles as she catches her breath and bends forward to look Nico in the eye. "You're doing so incredibly well, baby boy. I've never seen such a cute, perfect boy. Wanna know how you get to make your Mommies cum?"
Nico nodded as he panted and whimpered, still feeling Ashlyn's resting deep inside him.
"Ashlyn is going to cum in your throat, and you're going to swallow her big, hot load. Jasmine is going to dump all of her virile sperm into your perfect phat dumpy. And I am going to coat this adorable face with a sticky, warm load, that you will wear for the rest of the day. Are you excited, baby boy?"
"I've never been more excited for anything, Mommy," Nico replies. "I want to gulp down all of Ashlyn's cum. I want my ass to be filled up by Jasmine. And I want my face to be a cummy mess from you, Mommy."
Elizabeth smiles before kissing Nico deeply for a few seconds. "Good boi. Now, ask Mommy Ashlyn nicely to spank and fuck your phat booty."
"Mommy, I wanna be spanked and fucked by you sooooo badly!" Nico moans. "Your dick is so big, I need it to fuck my ass, and I love being spanked! I love having you make my big ass cheeks jiggle!"
Right on cue, Ashlyn smiles as she gives Nico a firm spank and each ass cheek, before slowly starting to move her cock almost all the way out of his hole. With just the tip left inside, she quickly slams it back into Nico.
"Oooooh f-fuck, Mommy!" Nico squeals, moaning again when he receives another spank on the ass.
Ashlyn begins steady thrusting like Elizabeth had been doing, her hands constantly squeezing and smacking Nico's ass cheeks. "Fuuuck Nico, you've truly got yourself one hell of an ass here. Let Mommy hear how good of a slut you're going to be for all of us."
"Oooh fuck Mommy! Uuuugh f-fuuuuuck! I promise I will be a good boy slut you, Mommies! I will do everything you want and need me to! I just love you and your cocks soooo much! Please let me be your boyslut!"
More grunts and moans came from Nico as he continued getting pounded, his own boiclitty throbbing leaking precum. Eventually, Ashlyn slowly pulls out of Nico's ass, making way for Jasmine.
As Jasmine gets behind Nico, she grips his hair and pulls him backwards, arching back and growling in his ear, "You're a boyslut, Nico. Say it."
"I'm a boyslut, Mommy!" moans Nico.
"You want these big futa cocks to clap your cheeks and make you squirt like a whore, don't you."
"Yes Mommy, I want all of your big futa cocks to clap my cheeks and make me squirt like a whore!"
"Do you want Mommy to put her big cock in your phat boy ass?"
"Yes Mommy, I want your big cock in my phat boy ass!"
Jasmine delivers a quick, sharp, hard spank. "Louder!"
"I WANT YOUR BIG COCK IN MY PHAT boy ASS, MOMMY!" Nico screams out, possibly loud enough for others in the hallway outside the dorm room to hear.
Without another work, Nico squeals and moans as Jasmine slides her cock into his ass, and immediately begins thrusting steadily. She tightly grips his wide hips as she thrusts at a similar pace that Elizabeth had. She steadily continues thrusting this way for several minutes, occasionally delivering spanks to Nico's ass but mainly gripping his hips.
Nico suddenly get a hard spank as Jasmine leans forward to grunt in his ear. "Say your name and what a slut for futa dick you are."
"I'm Nico and I'm a massive slut for futa cock," Nico moans eagerly.
"Louder!" Jasmine barks.
Elizabeth and Ashlyn smile down at Nico, slapping his face with their throbbing cocks. "I think it's about time you came," Ashlyn says smirking, nodding at Jasmine who begins pounding Nico's ass harder and harder, faster and faster, gripping his hips as the bed shakes and Nico's moans get louder.
"Ooooh fuck fuck fuck," Nico squeals loudly. "Hoooly f-fuck I'm gonna cummmmm!"
"Squirt like a real bitch!" Jasmine says, spanking Nico hard. "Let everyone hear you have your first slutgasm."
"OOOOOH FUCK MOMMY! I'M SQUIRTING!" Nico screams out as his dick, bouncing in the air began squirting boy cum all over the bed and the panties.
"Let the whole world hear who you are," Jasmine orders with another spank.
"I'M NICO AND I'M A MASSIVE boy SLUT WHO CUMS FROM TAKING BIG FUTA COCK IN MY ASS!" Nico screams, his body shaking violently in the most intense orgasm of his life. However, while his body is wracked with exhaustion, his Mommies are far from done.
Ashlyn reaches down and gently but firmly grips his hair. "Open up!" She says before sliding her cock into Nico's mouth. Nico instinctively begins slurping on her cock like he had been before, the room filled with a mix of sounds, alternating between Nico's slurps and slobbering and the clapping of his cheeks by Jasmine's hard and fast thrusts.
For several more minutes, Nico messily slurps and slobbers on Ashlyn's cock, until finally, she grips his hair and buries her cock deep in his throat, letting loose a small ocean of warm, thick, futa cum, which Nico happily and dutifully swallows.
Meanwhile, his loud screaming moans have turned into soft whimpers as his body is worn out, his ass cheeks continuing to be clapped hard and fast, but Nico relishes being pounded hard by Jasmine.
Then, one sharp spank as Jasmine starts thrusting harder and grunting gives Nico one more energy boost.
"Uuuuugh fuuuuck, baby boy! Scream for Mommy to fill this phat ass with cum!"
Just moments later, Jasmine's loud clapping of Nico's cheeks suddenly stops as she buries her cock in his boipussy, unloading what feels like gallons of warm cum into his boipussy
As soon as Jasmine finishes cumming and slowly pulls out, Ashlyn is there to immediately replace her cock with a pink jewelled butt plug. "Now get on your knees, baby. You've still got one last load."
Nico crawls onto his knees as Elizabeth hovers over him. As Nico pants to catch his breath, his mouth hangs open and his tongue hangs out, while he has to plant his hands on the floor in front of him, making him look especially thirsty for cum as he looks up as Elizabeth, who is making out with Jasmine while being stroked by Ashlyn. With all the blowjob, ass-fucking, and stroking Elizabeth had done, she only needs a minute or so before she sprays Nico's face with a thick load of cum, which quickly sticks to and coats his face.
The three futas catch their breath and gently help Nico to his feet, all three of them surrounding their new boyfriend, their hands groping his tummy, hips, ass, and thighs.
"You did such an amazing job, baby boy," Elizabeth says to Nico. "We're so pleased with how well you did.
"I've never fucked a better partner," Jasmine says with a loving kiss.
"You were born to be an amazing slut for futas and their big cocks."
Nico smiled up at them, silently thinking to himself, 'Indeed I was.'
The four laid on the bed and cuddled while watching TV for hours, until all falling asleep wrapped in each other's arms. Not the group assignment they had all planned for that day, but the one they all loved the most.
Around the edges of the dark drawn curtains of the bedroom were thin bright lines trying to break into the room from the rising morning sun illuminating the sky. Many had begun or would soon begin making the trip from their home to their work or school. But, as the clock approached 8:30 a.m., Nico's eyes fluttered open and he found himself in the warm confines of the large bed he had fallen asleep in the night before, with the three smoking hot women who turned out to be big-cocked futas, laying in bed around him.
On his face were many of the dried remnants of the facial he'd received last night, with a butt plug continuing to keep his smooth asshole stretched slightly.
But beyond all of that were the mess of arms from Ashlyn, Jasmine, and Elizabeth, all reached over to cuddle one another, creating a tangled web of cozy embraces that Nico was in the middle of. He certainly was in no rush to break off the cuddling he found himself in.
Nico tightly cuddled into the women, his back feeling the heavy E-cup breasts of Jasmine pressed against it, while Elizabeth was the big spoon to Jasmine. As Nico laid on his side, in front of him was Ashlyn, who had her arms wrapped comfortable around Nico's waist.
After about 10 minutes of Nico silently enjoying the cuddles of the three sleeping futas, Ashlyn began to stir, her sultry eyes slowly batting open and her sleepy, tired face slowly turning into a sly grin as she sees her and her friends' prize lovingly cuddled amongst them.
"Comfy?" Ashlyn asked softly.
Nico gave a smile and a nod, "Very."
Ashlyn leaned forward and pressed her soft, puffy lips against Nico's, the smaller boy leaning and arching slightly while on his side as he gently returned the kiss, after a minute or so, Nico's leg instinctively slid up and wrapped around Ashlyn waist as he whimpered softly into her slow, sensual kiss, Ashlyn's hand sliding gently up and down the back of his naked thigh, Nico's body naked.
"Starting the fun without us?" Jasmine's voice suddenly asked in a groggy voice, just waking up to see the make-out session as her hands started tracing up and down Nico's sides. As he broke the kiss with Ashlyn to turn his head and look over his shoulder, he saw Elizabeth slowly rise up from behind her with a yawn.
"What's going on?" Elizabeth asked through her yawn, rubbing her eyes to see Nico's lips now locked with Jasmine, his head head turned and his lips gently slammed into by Jasmine.
"Hey! I want to make out with Nico, too," Elizabeth said.
"Don't worry," Ashlyn said back. "You're going to have all day. Nico doesn't have class today, and both Jasmine and I have full schedules. So, today is your day with Nico."
While Elizabeth accepted that offer happily, Jasmine momentarily broke her kiss to chime in, "I think I might just skip class today." As soon as she finished speaking, her lips went right back onto Nico's.
Ashlyn could tell the sarcasm in Jasmine's voice, but responded assertively anyway. "Come on, Jas, you and I have to leave in an hour, and we both have to shower and get dressed."
"You go shower first, I'll stay here and make out with pretty boy, here," Jasmine replied.
Ashlyn rolled her eyes and chuckled as she walked towards the bedroom door, "Just save some for Elizabeth. It is her day, after all."
That was the second time Ashlyn had mentioned something about it being "Elizabeth's day" with Nico, and while he understood the notion that she had the day off while the other two were busy, Nico did wonder what exactly it implied.
"Mmmph, what does it mean that it's 'Elizabeth's day' with me?" Nico asked the two futas left in the room.
"Well Nico, each of us decided yesterday that, if you agreed to become a boy under our guidance, we'd each have a day that we could spend with you however we want. We might take you on a date, we might go somewhere with you, or we might just stay home and fuck you all day. But each of us get a day to enjoy you, all to ourselves, and of course, in between that, we'll all enjoy each other's company as a group."
Nico felt another wave of shock wash over his body at what was being described, but he also felt a tremendous amount of excitement.
"Gotta be honest, Elizabeth," Jasmine interjected. "My morning wood is fucking crazy today, I think I need to bust a nut in Nico before he's all yours."
Elizabeth sighed, "Uuugh, fine, but do it in his mouth. I don't want you fucking an orgasm out of him and ruining my plans."
With that, Elizabeth got up off the bed and began to get changed, before going out to the kitchen to start her day.
"You heard the lady," Jasmine said as she slowly sat up on the edge of the bed, before rising all the way to her feet. "Are you ready for some breakfast, pretty boy?"
Jasmine's cock stood straight out, a full 9 inches that throbbed like it somehow wanted to grow even bigger. Jasmine knew it probably wouldn't take her long to cum given how stiff she was this morning, but she was certainly going to have a massive release.
"Get over here," Jasmine said, standing at the edge of the bed.
Nico obediently did just that, crawling on the bed until his face was just inches away from Jasmine's cock, his body laying flat on his stomach, his mouth opening as his eyes looked upwards at Jasmine.
"Good boy," Jasmine said, petting his hair before gripping onto it a bit more firmly as her dick slides onto Nico's tongue. With how stiff she felt, it took Jasmine just seconds before she began to lightly grunt as she slowly but deeply slid her cock in and out of Nico's mouth, pushing it all the way into his throat before bringing it almost all the way out of his mouth and continuing to repeat her steady hip motions.
"Fuck yes, pretty boy," Jasmine grunted as she gripped Nico's hair a bit tighter, forcing her cock fully down his throat in constant steady thrusts. "Gag on that dick!"
Nico didn't have much choice there. The huge cock that he was drooling all over filled every inch of his mouth and much of his throat, forcing him to breathe through his nose. Jasmine then leaned forward, her cock sliding into Nico's throat but this time, staying there, as he felt her stronger hand begin groping his butt.
"Fuuuuck, you got yourself a nice ass here white boy," Jasmine grunted, her hand squeezing and jiggling his ass cheeks, before spanking each one several times. "God damn PAWG boy, over here!"
After finishing her grope session of his ass, Jasmine leaned back up and refocused on his mouth. She began thrusting her hips harder and faster, really beginning to face-fuck Nico.
"Glugh! Glugh! Glugh!" Nico grunts, unable to make any other noise but the gagging, gargling sounds imposed on his throat by the huge cock sliding in and out of it.
"Aaargh, fuck, pretty boy!" Jasmine exclaimed, slamming her cock in his throat and holding his head in position for several moments. "Roll over."
Jasmine pulled Nico off her cock and he gasped for hair, streams of saliva messily hanging off his chin as he did as she said, flipping over and laying on his back, his head just at the edge of the bed. Quickly, Jasmine plunged her cock back into this throat, his face getting slapped by her heavy balls as, for several minutes, she roughly fucked his throat.
Suddenly, Jasmine reached down and began teasingly rubbing her hands right beside his much dick, make sure never to touch his package. "How does it feel knowing this thing is only ever going to cum from taking a big dick in your ass?"
"Glugh! Glugh! Glugh!" Nico responded.
"That's what I thought," Jasmine laughed as she grunted while continuing to pound his throat. "Fuuuuuck pretty boy!" Jasmine groaned a minute later, before slamming her cock into his throat one final time and emptying a huge thick load of cum into his throat.
Once she finished cumming, Jasmine pulled her cock from Nico's mouth and slapped his cute face a few times before pulling on some panties, getting dressed, and leaving the room. Nico barely had time to swallow the load and start to catch his breath before a freshly-showered Elizabeth had returned and tossed his clothes from the day before at him.
"Hurry up and get dressed, Nico!" Elizabeth said as she pulled on some tight black leggings that barely fit around her incredibly bubbly bubble butt.
Once Nico was dressed, including with his buttplug put back in his ass, and cleaned up, he followed Elizabeth out of the dorm and into the parking lot, getting in her car and beginning the drive.
Nico's fully-stiff 4.5-inch cock leaking a bit of precum into the front of his shorts.
"Looks like someone is a bit turned on by all that," Elizabeth said with a smirk, before gently running her hand over his bulge. "Do you want Mommy to do something about this?"
Nico nodded his head before Elizabeth could even finish the question, a needy, whimper falling out of his mouth.
"Turn around," Elizabeth said.
Nico's brow contorted slightly, having thought he was about to receive a handjob or, even better, a blowjob. "B-But.... I thought.... You were going to..." Nico began stammering, unable to finish his sentence but its clear what he thought was going to happen by his thirsty eyes glancing down to his bulge.
Elizabeth let out a snort as she began to laugh, "Oh my god, Nico. You thought I was actually going to touch your cock?" For around 30 seconds, all Elizabeth could do was laugh, until finally, through teary eyes, she finally could speak again, "Oh my god, no. Nico, your cock is never going to get touched. From now on, with us, you only cum one way, and that's with a big cock fucking you into a slutgasm."
Nico's eyes widened as his brain tried to put the pieces together. "But... If I only get to cum by getting fucked... And you said you'd do something about my hard-on right now... That means..."
Elizabeth smiled as she reached down and began tugging down her tight black leggings, cutting Nico off. "Like I said, turn around."
Slowly, Nico turned himself, coming face-to-face with his own image in the mirror, realizing the new life he had entered into, his frame blocking out the view of Elizabeth except for one of her legs on either side of him.
With Elizabeth's hard, thick 7-inch cock now exposed, her hands reached up and yanked down the back of Nico's jean shorts. She then took Nico's hands and placed them on each of her knees, before gently removing his buttplug.
"Okay Nico," Elizabeth began, staring into his back as she sat on the bench. "Squat down and ride this cock."
Nico knew it was his only option for release, and so, with his hands gripping Elizabeth's knees for support, he lowered himself down with Elizabeth guiding her cock into position. Nico gasped as he felt the tip of her cock push against his hole before slowly slide inside.
"Mmmph!" Nico whimpered, very slowly starting to move a few inches up and down, biting his lower lip trying not to moan as Elizabeth's hands steadied Nico by holding the sides of his tummy.
"That's it, Nico. Ride Mommy's big cock to make yourself squirt. Watch that pretty little boy in the mirror act like a slut for this big dick."
Nico's face blushed brighter as he had no other alternative but to watch himself having to hold in super girly moans as he began to pick up the pace of his riding. He clearly knew his only way of cumming was to get it fucked out of him, and he clearly needed it badly.
And strangely, what only added to his horny energy was the embarrassment of watching himself ride a big futa cock. He had no choice but to watch his cock, hanging out of his shorts, slapping against his smooth juicy thighs, his denim booty shorts wrapped around his lower thighs.
Nico's pace became steady, his hips sliding up and down as his tight boypussy clenched Elizabeth's cock. Nico managed to keep himself from emitting any sounds that could potentially be heard from outside the room, able to limit himself to soft, faint whimpers. That was, until, a sudden and unexpected spank on his right ass cheek.
"Uuugh!" Nico moaned, instantly blushing hard and biting his lower lip, trying to pull the moan back into his mouth, becoming terrified someone may have heard.
Elizabeth, meanwhile, only laughed, in between grunts as her cock was ridden excitedly.
"Look at the pretty little cockslut go," Elizabeth said with a laugh. "Look at yourself in the mirror, Nico. Look at your cock bouncing all over the place. Look at how horny your face looks. Look at how eager those hips are to ride a big cock. Look at yourself and tell yourself what you are."
Nico almost felt like he was hallucinating, watching himself riding Elizabeth's cock, embarrassment pulsating through his body as he realized he wasn't going to be able to stop the words from falling out of his mouth, but now, not only was he going to hear himself say these words, but he was actually going to say it while staring himself in the eyes.
"I'm a phat booty boy who is a slut for big cocks," Nico whimpered.
For several minutes, Nico continued to ride Elizabeth's shaft, entering a hypnotic state where all he could think about was the cock in his ass and how horny it made him, the occasional spank on his ass making him blush as it sends an involuntary moan out of his mouth.
Finally, however, Nico's body began to shake amidst his steady riding. "Ooooh f-fuck, Mommy, I'm g-gonna squirt!" Nico moaned.
As soon as the words left his mouth, Nico felt like he was caught in a tornado. In reality, Elizabeth had calmly pushed Nico off of her dick, stood up, and pressed his chest against the wall while pulling his hips out, but in the cock-induced haze Nico was in, even that made his head spin.
Elizabeth reached down and pulled up the front of Nico's denim micro shorts, while leaving the back pulled down. Suddenly, Elizabeth rammed her cock back into Nico's ass and instantly began thrusting steadily.
"Go on, Nico. Squirt in your shorts."
As she spanked and fucked Nico against the wall, Nico could do nothing but shake and tremble as his cock exploded. His boy cum flowed like a little firehose into the front of his shorts, the pale blue front becoming soaked with a sticky, blatantly obvious, dark wet patch, with his excess boy juices running down his legs.
As the fog slowly cleared from his orgasm, Nico came back to reality and realized he was still getting pounded from behind by Elizabeth, whose grunts and groans were growing in intensity, and whose thrusts had become quicker and deeper. That was, until, Nico got spun around, the big cock pulled from his ass, and himself pushed down to his knees.
Elizabeth's head fell back as she jerked her cock just two or three times before beginning to shoot out sticky, warm ropes of cum all over Nico's face.
Nico smiled and panted softly, feeling the thick cum instantly sticking to his face, coating him in a shiny, glistening layer of cum. There he was, on his knees, catching his breath from his slutgasm with a face covered in cum, and the front of his jean shorts soaked.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
Nico's body immediately froze as someone was now at the door of the fitting room. His mind raced with questions, 'Who was that?' 'Had they heard what was going on?' 'Were they going to get in trouble?'
Elizabeth reached down and pulled Nico up to his feet, his cheeks blushing bright red as panic and embarrassment ran through his body when he heard Elizabeth calmly say, as she re-dressed herself, "Come in," as she unlocked the door momentarily.
Nico's eyes were full of panic, his face riddled with humiliation, as another gorgeous woman with nerdy yet cute glasses and short, messy, purple-dyed hair entered the room carrying a Katie's-branded bag and a portable scanner.
"W-what's going on?" Nico exclaimed nervously, desperately trying to cover himself up.
"Oh don't worry, Nico," Elizabeth said. "This is Victoria, she's a friend of mine who works here. While you were having your little joyride, I texted her to come and bring a scanner to ring up all your new stuff."
Nico's face was equal parts calamitous shock and intense humiliation. Amidst all the fucking, he'd forgotten the clothes weren't actually his yet, as nothing had been paid for.
And now, here he was, his face covered in cum, his ass still slightly gaped from the fucking he'd taken, and the front of his yet-to-be-purchased shorts soaked with his own boy squirt, in front of this gorgeous olive-toned Italian girl.
Nico stood back, looking down at the floor, trying not to cry from embarrassment, as it felt like Victoria took hours to scan all of the items. Finally though, all were scanned and put in the bag... Except for three things.
"Okay Nico, turn around."
Nico's ass was still hanging out of his jean shorts, which he's forgotten to pull back up in all of his flustered embarrassment.
"W-What? Why?" Nico asked nervously.
"Because Victoria has to scan what you're wearing," Elizabeth answered with a matter-of-fact shrug.
Another wave of embarrassment hit Nico. Somehow, this never occurred to him either.
"We do need to scan those. The store definitely won't take them back given the.... Mess you made of them," Victoria confirmed, gesturing to the soaked front of the shorts.
Nico felt like he was going to burst into flames and tears with how hot his skin burned from embarrassment. Slowly, he turned around, and felt the white t shirt get scanned, before the tag on the underwear and the shorts also got rung up by Victoria.
"By the way, Victoria, while you're down there, can you put this back in Nico?"
Nico was confused for a moment, before suddenly feeling the buttplug get slid back into his hole.
"Okay, you're all set," Victoria said. "Do you want to put those in the bag as well?"
Victoria was referring to the clothes Nico was wearing, and while Nico began to confirm, Elizabeth cut him off with different ideas.
"No, that's okay. Nico will wear those out of the store. He wants everyone in the mall to see his face covered in cum and his shorts soaked by his own orgasm."
Every word seemed to pierce Nico like a knife, seemingly no end to the humiliation.
"Fair enough," Victoria said, before smiling as her eyes wandered up and down Nico's body. "Hey, by the way, Nico. You've got a great ass. Elizabeth, if I see Nico dressed all slutty on campus and I need to bust a nut, do you mind if I use Nico?"
Elizabeth shrugged, "Not at all!" Nico blushed, meanwhile, hearing his holes being so willingly shared by one of his Mommies.
Victoria smiled, reached down, and spanked Nico's ass, causing him to moan softly as she walked out of the fitting room.
"Pull up your shorts, Nico."
Nervously, he did as Elizabeth said, pulling up the back of his skimpy booty shorts as the two walked out of the room and out of the store, back into the bustling corridor of the mall, Nico's face covered in cum, the front of his shorts so obviously soaked in the front, and streams of his slutgasm visibly running down his legs. And while it may not have been as blatant as the other evidence of what just happened, Nico's eyes and bright blushing cheeks showed the ultra-humiliated feelings that were making tears well behind his eyes.
He walked silently alongside Elizabeth, trying to hide his face and his entire body but having nowhere to go. That was, until, Elizabeth suddenly stopped walking, feeling the hand interlocked with hers trembling.
"Embarrassed, Nico?"
Nico sheepishly nodded his head.
Elizabeth rubbed his arms gently. "Nico, I know you may feel humiliated, but look down."
As he did, he saw something unexpected. After all that has happened, and with the embarrassment pulsing through his body and nearly making him collapse... He was rock hard, and as horny as ever.
"Nico, I know you may feel like I humiliated you today," Elizabeth began, lovingly rubbing and squeezing his arms. "But look how horny you are, even after cumming as hard as you just did. Take a deep breath and feel how horny you are. Look around, everyone who passes you is checking you out. There are guys walking with their girlfriends who are blatantly turning their heads to check you out. There are people watching every step you take to see your big butt in those tiny little shorts. You're the hottest thing in this mall. There are more people checking out your ass then are checking out mine."
Nico was shocked, not only by the realization of how horny he felt, but as they continued walking, the realization that she was right. He felt people walk by him and wink. He caught people watching him walk just to see his half-exposed phat booty wobble with every stride.
'Hmm... I guess I could get used to this,' Nico thought silently.