Chapter 1 Brick Breaks Martial Art (Part 2)_1

At 12:05 tonight, the VIP meeting will be held here in the Chinese zodiac. Everyone is welcome to attend. Also, there will be three updates today. The next chapter will be updated around five in the afternoon, and the third chapter will be published around midnight. Since there are three updates, Little Three votes for himself, hehe. Please cast your recommendation tickets for the zodiac and your monthly tickets for Ice and Fire to circle back next month. Finally, don't forget to bookmark this book. Little Three will definitely try his best to write.


The Capital City is located in the north of the Yan Huang Republic. In May, the north was already warm. When night fell, the Capital City became even more dazzling. Neon lights flickered ceaselessly on the streets, and some nocturnal professions had just begun their workday.

At half-past nine, Qi Yue, who had boarded T27, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was nervous before getting on the train, fearing that if his escape was unsuccessful and he was caught, it would be the end of him.

After boarding the train, Qi Yue felt relatively relaxed. For him, Tibet was just a name he had heard of, a mysterious place, and he knew of a mysterious site there called the Potala Palace.

Qi Yue had originally wanted to buy a hard seat ticket, but he found out that the T27 train to Tibet doesn't sell seat tickets. After asking in detail, he learnt that since Tibet is situated on a plateau, it's easy to suffer from altitude sickness. To ensure a smooth journey there and reduce unexpected incidents, all the trains only have berths, divided into hard and soft. After hesitating for a while, Qi Yue still opted for a hard berth ticket, which cost more than eight hundred Yanhuang dollars. Before reaching the train station, he withdrew all of the twenty thousand dollars from the card given to him by the field mouse. To him, this was indeed the largest amount of money he had ever possessed.

Upon entering the carriage, Qi Yue's tension from the assault dissipated instantly. The carriage was decorated warmly with a yellow hue. Thick carpets were laid and stepping on it felt soft. Overhead, the lighting decor seemed to be of energy-saving light bombs, very bright. However, he was unaware of the luxurious level of such trains as, after all, this was his first time on a train and his first time leaving the Capital City.

He briefly flipped through a train manual. According to the manual, the T27 train would run for forty-eight hours before reaching Tibet. For this journey across the snow-covered highlands, Qi Yue had high expectations, the simplest being that he hoped to encounter some sort of sexy adventure on the train. After all, he had watched plenty of erotic films and was quite excited at such prospects that could occur on the train.

The hard sleeper car had four people in each compartment. Because Qi Yue was worried about being caught, he was the first one to board and find his seat. As he observed the fascinating things on the train, he hoped that his compartment-mates would be a few beauties. Even one would be enough to avoid loneliness on this forty-eight-hour journey.

As more people started filling up the train, it became noisier, and with his excitement and anticipation rising, Qi Yue could no longer focus on the magazine in his hand. From his bunk, he was eagerly scanning the train for females who might catch his interest.

Qi Yue's gaze was intense and wide. Any woman who was somewhat good-looking and not too old would be scoped out by him from bottom to top. Indeed, from bottom to top. This was already Qi Yue's habit, as an admitted, experienced lecher, he felt you had to judge women by their figure. How could a good figure not be exhilarating? A beautiful face was important, but the figure was clearly more significant.

As Qi Yue greedily swallowed his saliva, he also received many glaring eyes. However, a lewd gaze hardly constitutes as criminal evidence. Despite receiving countless glares, Qi Yue still tirelessly scoped out every possible woman.

Just then, a white figure caught Qi Yue's attention. She was a breath-taking, beautiful girl. She wore a pair of white brand-name sports shoes, with her long and smooth legs bare - only up to her knees though. The area that Qi Yue desired was well hidden by a white miniskirt. She paired it with a white blouse. The girl's pure white attire not only attracted Qi Yue's attention but others' as well. After all, she appeared to be only seventeen or eighteen, and not only did she have a great figure, she also had a beautiful face, just like an angel, with an innocent and young beauty.

"Damn, a devilish figure with an angel's face. I wouldn't mind losing ten years of my life if she's in my compartment! No, maybe lose one year would be better. Perhaps, in ten years I could enjoy more beautiful girls." While Qi Yue was thinking about this, he continued to stare at the young girl. Soon, the girl started walking toward him.

Qi Yue's heart started to beat faster, and he took in a deep breath, fearing that his saliva might dribble out. What excited him more was that this girl in the white dress seemed to be alone, with no companions with her.

The girl in white finally came to the door of Qi Yue's compartment. Her steps paused momentarily, her gaze meeting with Qi Yue's. Although he usually had no self-control, when Qi Yue saw the innocence in the girl's eyes, he couldn't help but shudder a little and instinctively said in his usual tone: "Beautiful lady, are you in this compartment too?"

The girl in white looked at Qi Yue's blatant gaze, seeming a bit curious. After smiling softly, she gave Qi Yue a nod and said: "Hello sir, your eyes seem unwell, I have some eye drops if you need them."

If it's painful for a self-proclaimed handsome man to be dumped by the woman he adores, then Qi Yue was experiencing double the pain. After all, being outright rejected before even reaching the door in preparation for an intimate relationship was far more painful than being abandoned after a lingering affair. Upon hearing the word 'uncle', Qi Yue's jaw nearly dropped.

"I, my eyes are fine, do I look that old?" As he spoke, Qi Yue jumped off his own bed, subconsciously touched his face, indeed, he hadn't taken a shower for at least a week, and shaving, for someone as lazy as him, was an enormous task if he managed to do it once while bathing. Added to this, his faded jeans gave him an air of world-weariness. Running his fingers through his hair, he presented his face to the girl in the white dress.

The girl in the white dress blushed slightly, looking at Qi Yue who was half a head taller than her, she said shyly: "I'm sorry, I couldn't see clearly from below, but, if you keep staring with your eyes wide open like that, they could easily dry up. I am a medical student."

A mastermind, absolutely a mastermind, she was able to resist the gaze of a lecher. Qi Yue was amused. Meeting such an innocent young girl, he would be at a loss if he didn't go for her.

"Huh, are you experiencing altitude sickness? It can't be! We haven't even left the Capital City yet." The girl in the white dress looked at Qi Yue in surprise.

"What? Me? No! I can't have altitude sickness, I'm very healthy." Saying so, Qi Yue hurriedly flexed his arm towards the girl in white, although there were obviously no visible muscles.

The girl in white giggled covering her mouth, "Then why are you drooling? Oh, and if it's not too much trouble, could you, the muscular uncle, no, brother, help me put the luggage up there? I don't have enough strength."

Only then did Qi Yue realize that his drool had already dripped without him noticing. He agreed hurriedly, quickly helping the girl in white to put the luggage on the rack.

The girl in white adjusted her clothes carefully, then climbed onto the upper bunk. She and Qi Yue shared the same arrangement, making him even more excited. At eye-level, he was able to see all parts of the girl's body, albeit through her clothes. Gazing at the meter-wide gap between the two beds, Qi Yue couldn't help but sigh inside: "So close yet so far! How perfect would it be if this were a double bed?"

Swallowing down his own spit, reminiscing of the fleeting glimpse he got, Qi Yue quickly touched his nose, afraid of embarrassing himself again.

The girl in white rested on her blanket, looking curiously at the distracted Qi Yue, she promptly asked, "My name is Shui Yue, what's yours?"

Qi Yue snapped out of his thoughts, hurriedly climbing back onto his bed, attempting to appear as casual as possible, he said "My name is Qi Yue, we are meant to be, as we both have the character 'Yue' in our names."

Shui Yue smiled gently, ""What are you going to Lhasa for? Sightseeing? Let me guess your profession. Judging from your appearance, I think you're following the current trend of decadent dressing, so I guess, you must be an artist."

"Uh, yes, yes, I am an artist." When hearing the word 'artist', Qi Yue's mouth opened wide enough to swallow an egg. However, his roguish nature allowed him to react quickly, continuing the conversation. After all, wandering the society for years, he didn't gain any skills but his skin was definitely getting thicker.

Shui Yue seemed a little excited, "Really?! I'm so accurate. So, what kind of artistic work are you involved in? Could you tell me? I didn't expect to meet an artist on my trip to Tibet! It truly is an honour."


Everyone, guess what kind of artistic work Qi Yue will say he does. Guess dirty. The answer is revealed in the next chapter, the bookmark link is below for anyone who hasn't bookmarked it yet, just click it casually.