Chapter 2 Perfect Tattoo (Part 2)_1

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Shui Yue let out a sigh of relief. After all, she had never meant to harm Qi Yue. The previous situation was simply too peculiar, affecting her instinct to protect herself. She had not intended to use the Overlapping Hand of Light attack. Seeing that Qi Yue's body was no longer in danger, she felt somewhat lost, unsure of how to face him now. Collecting herself, she felt a soft sensation on her hand where Qi Yue had grabbed her before, causing her cheek to blush.

She carefully put away the silver needles in her hand, let out a sigh, and rose from the bedside with a faint bitter smile on her face. Her heart was in turmoil, stirred by this man who left a deep impression on her the first time they met. Shui Yue came to realize that regardless of what might happen between her and Qi Yue in the future, this man's silhouette had already etched itself deeply into her heart. Shaking her head slightly, she was embarrassed by the thought that he had touched her there. Although it wasn't intentional, it's still more than enough to blush over.

If Shui Yue were the one treating Qi Yue, she would be able to tell when he would regain consciousness. But given the peculiar situation, she wasn't sure. While she was figuring out how to explain to the train attendant, a soft moan emitted from Qi Yue's mouth, and his body moved a little.

When Qi Yue made this movement, Shui Yue was shocked. At the moment, Qi Yue was still half-naked. With her face turned red, Shui Yue quickly helped Qi Yue sit up and put on his clothes. It was a huge burden for any regular girl to bear Qi Yue's weight, but it was not an issue for her. Yet, when the blue shirt soaked in heavy sweat was finally on, she had broken out into a fine sweat, intensifying her anxiety.

Qi Yue's experience was unusual. After being hit by Shui Yue's palm, he didn't feel any pain, just a rush of heat spreading from his shoulder to his brain, and then dizziness, which made him faint. In his unconscious state, he dreamt once again. However, this time he was not flying, and he did not see golden buildings. Instead, he was in a massive furnace.

Everything around him was fiery red, with scorching flames attacking his body from every corner. Heat was all Qi Yue could feel. Every wave of attack brought him agony that came from deep within his soul. Qi Yue wanted to scream, but he couldn't, and he was unable to escape from this pain either.

Just when Qi Yue was about to break down, a cool sensation radiated from his heart, spreading like ripples to every corner of his body. Wherever this coolness went, he could immediately feel that lethal heat receding quickly. Or more accurately, it seemed to be merging with his body, as the coolness and the heat were nullifying each other. This neutralization brought about an unusual and wonderful feeling. The torturous sensation was not only subsiding, but the cool ripples even brought a sense of comfort as if he was relishing it. If Qi Yue were conscious at this moment, he might have moaned from the bliss during the torment.

When all pain had subsided, and he was enveloped in a sensation of comfort, everything seemed to return to normal. The illusion in front of his eyes disappeared, and his subconscious awakened. He was once again aware of his surroundings.

Slowly opening his eyes, the sunlight beaming in from the train window did not cause any irritation to Qi Yue. Instead, it seemed gentler, and the warmth it brought was indescribable. Everything around him seemed more natural.

Looking at Shui Yue standing by the bed, Qi Yue was a bit confused, "What happened to me? Why did I faint suddenly?"

With a blush on her pretty face, Shui Yue murmured, "I'm not sure... Maybe because your body hasn't recovered yet, and you're also being affected by the altitude sickness."

Qi Yue scratched his head, "Is that so? You seemed to have hit me with your palm, then everything went blank. Why has my body become so weak? Maybe, I really should start working out." Saying this, he slowly sat up from the bed and moved his body. Suddenly, he found his body feeling much lighter than before. Whether it was lifting an arm or any minor movement of the body, everything felt incredibly natural and easy, a harmonious sensation he never felt before.

Shui Yue also had a special feeling. The Qi Yue before her eyes seemed to have undergone some minor changes. Although his face was still covered with the shadow of stubble, and he still looked dissolute, his eyes seemed brighter than before, even his unremarkable features appeared more harmonious. Recalling the strange tattoo that had appeared and disappeared, Shui Yue could sense an added layer of mystery to this self-proclaimed body artist.

"Well, since you are OK now, I should head back," Shui Yue nodded at Qi Yue and composed herself, turning to leave. Naturally, she wouldn't ask Qi Yue about the tattoo; she didn't want this somewhat mysterious guy to know that she had undressed him.

Qi Yue suddenly called out: "Wait, let's go back together. I'm fine anyway." Saying this, he too got up from the bed, his right hand reaching to touch the spot on his back that felt a bit soft. A burst of pleasure swept through Qi Yue. He thought to himself that he wouldn't be washing his hands anytime soon. Turns out I do have a talent for being a little naughty, managing to hit the bullseye even without intending to do so.

When they both entered their own compartment, Qi Yue was instantly stunned by what was outside the window.

It was not something happening inside the train, but the scenery outside. Through the window, he saw a snow-covered mountain that stretched high into the clouds. The sky was in a color he'd never seen before, a brilliant and unblemished sapphire blue. Although Qi Yue had expected Tibet to be beautiful, he had never realized that a place could be this stunning. He had seen many clouds, but none could compare with those here.

Below the snow mountain lay a flat prairie where yaks were grazing on the grass. The grand snow mountain, the deep blue sky, the perfect clouds, and the vibrant prairie gave the impression of a surreal painting, even when observed first hand.

Qi Yue's heart was filled with awe. If he had a camera, any picture taken here would resemble a beautifully printed postcard, regardless of camera quality.

"My father said these yaks are incredible. They're used to surviving in high altitude, low oxygen areas, but once the altitude exceeds 5000 meters, they won't take a step further no matter how hard you herd them," Shui Yue said, her eyes filled with a dreamy beauty as she admired the stunning landscape. She was just as astonished as Qi Yue.

"It's hard to imagine that if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe all this is real. Look at that sky, it's as pure as a virgin. And unlike a virgin, its purity seems eternal," said Qi Yue, which instantly earned him an eye roll from Shui Yue and a weird glance from the guy in the lower bunk.

Qi Yue, without an iota of embarrassment continued, "Don't forget, I work in the field of body art, so naturally I have my own way of appreciating things."

Shui Yue turned her head helplessly and continued to enjoy the scenery outside the window. The beauty of the place was something one could appreciate for a lifetime without getting tired of.