Chapter 8: Rescue (Part 1)_1

A regular refinement session will be held at 12:05 tonight, everyone is welcome to attend. Also, don't forget to vote and bookmark this book. Thank you, my friends.

Qi Yue laughed mischievously, "Isn't this also a way to apply it? What's stopping me? If I use it more, maybe the power will get even stronger."

Ji Mingming responded, "You're right. Abilities need to be used often to become more proficient, and the process of exhaustion and recovery of the Cloud Energy is a way of cultivation. But our primary cultivation practice is through meditation. During meditation, you need to command your Cloud Energy with your mind, help the abilities in your bloodline to merge with the nature's spiritual energy, and then have it absorbed by your body. We call each such cycle a 'Cloud Cycle,' or 'Small Cloud Cycle.' Forty-nine such cycles make up a 'Large Cloud Cycle.' Generally, during cultivation, we practice at least one Large Cloud Cycle, marking one phase of cultivation. The method of cultivation varies among individuals. You are a Kirin. Due to the Kirin Bloodline, many of your meridians are different from the average person. We call these the 'Eight Extraordinary Meridians.' Cloud Energy operates within these meridians, and the places where this energy is stored are the 'Sea of Qi' in your lower abdomen and the 'Spirit Platform acupoint' on your back." As she said this, she approached Qi Yue, pointed at his lower abdomen, then gently tapped him on the back.

Qi Yue immediately felt two warm currents at the spots where Ji Mingming had patted, he quickly memorized these two locations. As of now, he was in the exciting phase of desiring power and was very focused on any potentially beneficial information.

"Remember these two points. During the cultivation process, the Spirit Platform is the starting point, and the Sea of Qi is the endpoint. These are the two most important points. The path of our Cloud Energy along the Eight Extraordinary Meridians is different from what the average person understands. From her bag, Ming Ming took out a map, raised it up, and suddenly, various complex meridians, eight altogether, appeared in front of Qi Yue.

After seeing the dense array of acupoints and their names, Qi Yue felt overwhelmed. "Uh, Teacher Ji, I'm a bit confused. Can we talk about this tomorrow? Doesn't this seem like a little too much? Isn't there a simpler way to cultivate?"

Ji Mingming consequently replied, "Of course not. You must understand that these points matter a great deal during the cultivation process. The slightest mistake could cause unimaginable, substantial harm. So, the first thing you need to do is to remember these points firmly. You must remember not only their names but also their locations. The recognition of acupoints needs to be accurate. Only then can we begin the next step of cultivation. If the locations of the acupoints are not remembered distinctly, you won't be able to cultivate because the mnemonic phrases of Rise Kylin rely on acupoints. For instance, if I say 'Drum the Sea of Qi lightly, absorb through the Spirit Platform, channel through the pass,' would you understand?"

Qi Yue bitterly smiled, "So the cultivation is this complicated! I wonder if it's worth it if I was doing all this just to pick up girls.".

Ji Mingming's eyes widened, "What did you say? Are you cultivating just to...?"

Seeing Ming Ming's angry expression, Qi Yue quickly corrected himself, "No, no, of course not. I'm doing it for the great cause of protecting the East." Despite saying this, he thought to himself, and also for the amalgamation of all the beautiful women across all cities, even the entire world.

Ji Mingming snorted, "The Eight Extraordinary Meridians combine to form more than a hundred acupoints. I don't demand much from you, just memorize the acupoints of one meridian a day. however, when you learn the next meridian, you must not forget today's. Now I'll start instructing your cultivation. Learn every single acupoint's name and location on this meridian. Today we will start with the Yin Qiao Meridian. If you fail to memorize it, well, do not expect to sleep tonight."

Before Qi Yue could complain, Ji Mingming had already pointed to his chest. Like a blooming orchid, her hands moved swiftly, pointing at points on his front and back. Immediately, clusters of warm current appeared at the places she had pointed.

Ji Mingming explained, "You should feel heat in the places I just pointed. These are the acupoints you need to remember today. Since they are on your body, you should start memorizing them. I'm going to take a nap, and will quiz you when I wake up." With specific locations pointed out, the task of memorizing one meridian did not seem difficult. Of course, that was just her opinion.

The night ended quickly; the anticipated romance did not occur. However, the next morning, Qi Yue had large dark circles under his eyes. At the beginning of memorizing the acupoints, he was somewhat casual. As Ji Mingming sat in meditation, he would doze off while studying. However, Ji Mingming only slept for half an hour before waking up to check his progress. Qi Yue was not able to remember a single acupoint. It's no surprise that, with his poor memory and under the threat of Ji Mingming, he spent the entire night memorizing the acupoints of the Yin Qiao Meridian. If someone kept poking various spots on their body and loudly stating a name each time, it would be quite easy for anyone to remember, right?

Rubbing the tender parts of his body, Qi Yue felt as if he was falling apart. "Mingming, I've already gotten through it, may I have a sleep now? I... I just can't go on anymore."

With a smile, Ji Mingming said, "How could it be? You're a Mo Kirin known for his strong restoration power. Staying awake for a night is nothing to you. It must be daylight outside. It's time to leave here. Let's go."

With widened eyes, Qi Yue said, "What? We're leaving now? Good heavens, spare me, please. I... I need sleep!"

"Why not! You can sleep," Ji Mingming said, clapping her hands. "However, my hands often itch. If I accidently hit your Yin Qiao Meridian a few more times while you're sleeping, don't blame me."

"I... I surrender. Okay, let's go then, but you must let me sleep as soon as we find a place to stay."

With a laugh, Ji Mingming picked up her luggage and said, "Alright, let's get going. I'm not heartless. I just can't stand being in this place a minute longer. What's that smell all around here! And you keep smoking, you're going to kill yourself."

With a rueful smile, Qi Yue got up, tidied up his belongings, but he didn't have much to carry. He had wanted to bring a few magazines and some old clothes, but once Ji Mingming caught a whiff of the smell on his clothes, she made him abandon them. As for what to wear in the future, Ji Mingming said she would buy him new clothes as compensation for him leaving his old ones behind. Only then did he feel relieved and follow her out of the basement.

When she emerged into the sunshine, Ji Mingming put down her luggage, did some simple stretches, breathed in the fresh air, and instantly felt much better. Her lightweight exercise frightened Qi Yue. Seeing a beautiful woman suddenly raise her leg above her head and touch her toes to her shoulder would certainly scare anyone. Ji Mingming was as flexible as if she had no bones in her body. What she considered a small range of motion struck Qi Yue as being more exaggerated than a circus performer.

"I... I don't know you. Earth is dangerous. Better go back to Mars," said Qi Yue, immediately running off by himself.

Ji Mingming turned her head and gave him a look of amusement. "What's the big deal? You thought being a Zodiac Guardian would be easy? Don't worry, you'll have to work out often in the future. You're always smoking; you're in worse shape than people your age."

Qi Yue snorted, "Who says? Most guys my age can't even beat me in a fight."

Ji Mingming stuck out her tongue, "Stop disgusting me. Being able to fight isn't a big deal."