Chapter 8 Rescue (Part 2) _1

The evening's Enhancement Meeting will proceed as scheduled, and Little Three welcomes all readers of his books to participate. Today, Little Three noticed many of his readers defending him and engaging in debate with some troublemakers in the review section, making him deeply moved. Without a doubt, he will reciprocate his readers' support tomorrow. Readers, please support Little Three with votes and by adding his books to your favorites. Little Three, in turn, pledges to maintain a consistent update schedule. Additionally, Little Three will publish another chapter before tonight's Enhancement Meeting, completing today's three updates. Kindly finish reading in time to participate at the meeting.

For those who come with malice to cause trouble, Little Three's readers need not pay them any mind, much less respond with foul language. These fellows are devious, trying to provoke you into cursing before reporting you. In the face of such mean-spirited individuals, readers just need to ignore them. Don't put your VIP ID at risk of being muted. Little Three thanks you for your support. You don't need to wasting time arguing – the innocents will always be exonerated. Your support for Little Three, shown through your recommendations and favorites, is more than enough. Little Three is committed to writing in order to give back to his supporters. Petty comments will be disregarded.

Just as Qi Yue was about to retort, his gaze suddenly froze, and his face turned icy. A cold aura naturally emanated from him as he strode towards Ji Mingming. Startled by Qi Yue's intensity, she thought he was upset, only to hear Qi Yue's voice in her ear, "Leave quickly, don't worry about me. These guys are after me."

Turning back, Ji Mingming immediately understood why Qi Yue had changed his demeanor. About twenty or so young men, aged eighteen or nineteen, were heading towards them in a semi-circling maneuver, each carrying a wooden stick. Looking at their strange expressions, it was clear they were up to no good. The one leading the pack was a handsome young man, who despite the warm weather, wore a hat. His gaze bore into Qi Yue as if he was about to spit fire.

Ji Mingming was scrutinizing these people when she heard Qi Yue urgently say, "Move it! These guys are bad news. Aren't you afraid they'll rape and kill you?"

Ji Mingming laughed, "So, you have a gallant streak too. Master Zageru was right. You're not totally useless."

Qi Yue snappily retorted, "Cut the crap! You're my friend. How could I let you get hurt because of me? Move it, or it'll be too late." As he spoke, his gaze was darting around in search of any potential weapon. Regrettably, the entrance area of the complex was exceptionally clean. Not even a big stone, much less a brick, was visible. Qi Yue's Brick Breaks Martial Art was admittedly effective, but even if he had a truckload of bricks now, he'd probably still be helpless. There were more than twenty opponents at his doorstep! Plus, they certainly didn't appear to be ordinary delinquents. Their calculating glares sent chills down Qi Yue's spine.

"YanXiaoyi, how did you know I was back?" As Qi Yue spoke, he confidently strode forward, his right hand concealed behind him waving at Ji Mingming to retreat.

YanXiaoyi turned his gaze, and along with it, Qi Yue saw the familiar face of Brother Li, who he had encountered with Ji Mingming just the night before.

Brother Li cringingly admitted, "Qi Yue, it's not that I wanted such a thing to happen, but, they said if you came back and I didn't inform them, they'd break my legs. You know I've got nothing else going for me right now except for running small businesses,"

Qi Yue coldly declared, "You're no brother of mine, so spare me the excuses. When I was going through a hard time in the past, you once fed me. So as of now, we're even. YanXiaoyi, I know you've been looking for me. I'm standing here now, so do as you wish."

YanXiaoyi's gaze hardened, "Remember the words you once said to me. Today, I'll give them back to you. I don't have any demands. I only want you to realize why flowers bloom so beautifully red. Men, take him down," he thundered, brandishing his stick at Qi Yue.

Qi Yue's face paled slightly. Usually, he would have run away by now as he had mastery over evasion. However, he couldn't do so now, as he was unsure if Ji Mingming had managed to escape. He hadn't had many true friends since his birth, but surprisingly, just the day before, he befriended an absolutely stunning woman - a Contentment Level friend. Right now, as a man, he refused to retreat. After all, within him flowed the blood of the Kylin. Courage was one thing he had never lacked.

The twenty or so men advanced simultaneously. In a vast nation such as the Yan Huang Republic, twenty-something individuals were insignificant. But at this moment, in front of Qi Yue, the momentum created by these men was as massive and relentless as a tidal wave.

"Ah, Ah—" Cries of agony ensued, but they weren't from Qi Yue. For some reason, those on YanXiaoyi's side fell on their faces just as they were about to charge, tripping over the others behind them.

"Damn, is this the legendary auspicious power of omens? It's not even the New Year yet, no need to be so ceremonious," jests Qi Yue, still managing to mock the enemies before him amidst all the chaos.

Yan Xiaoyi stepped over his subordinates, brandishing his stick and charging towards Qi Yue. From his childhood to adulthood, never before had he suffered such a humiliating defeat as he did last time. His hatred for Qi Yue was deep. From Nana, he had investigated Qi Yue's background. Given his status and family connections, it wouldn't be too difficult a task to make a person like Qi Yue disappear from the face of the earth. At this moment, several vans were parked not far away. Once Qi Yue was taken down, he would immediately take his men to another location to take care of this punk who had given him a concussion.

Waiting for death was never in Qi Yue's nature. He knew he probably couldn't defeat his opponents but he had already prepared himself to fight to the death. Even if it meant taking down just one, it would be worth the fight.

Just as Qi Yue was about to rush forward and fight Yan Xiaoyi, the sound of a heavenly voice suddenly arose, "I'll take care of this. Who says it always has to be a hero saving a beauty? A beauty can also save a punk."

Qi Yue felt a great force on his shoulder, his body subconsciously stumbled back, and before he knew it, a slender silhouette had gracefully moved past him and landed in front. Yes, it was as if she was flying, in just a flash, the figure in white had reached Yan Xiaoyi.

Yan Xiaoyi's attention was initially all on Qi Yue. Suddenly seeing someone charging towards him, without a moment's hesitation, he swung his stick down. After training in martial arts for several years, his basic skills were certainly there.

With a light cracking sound, it wasn't the sound of broken bones, but Yan Xiaoyi's stick was now in two pieces. Subsequently, without even seeing what his attacker looked like, his nose made intimate contact with her elbow. A horrifying scream, unlike anything a human could make, emitted from his mouth. Yan Xiaoyi's body was sent flying backwards, collapsing onto two of his men who were beside him.

The person who had rushed past Qi Yue was none other than Ji Mingming. Her moves weren't flashy or unnecessary. Against Yan Xiaoyi, she had only made two moves. She lifted her left hand to block the stick and leaned forward, sending Yan Xiaoyi flying with a blow of her right elbow.

Next, Ji Mingming's body somehow became ethereal, diving directly into the lines of the twenty or so men. She mainly used her arms, which were like iron casts; any stick that came into contact with them broke instantly. Close quarter combat was typically dangerous, but with her lightning-fast movements, the opponents couldn't even touch a hair on her head. The constant sound of fists meeting flesh echoed, and by the time Qi Yue had come to his senses, the battle was already over.

Ji Mingming dusted her hands, returned to Qi Yue's side, and smilingly said, "Alright, we can leave now. Don't worry, I was careful when striking them, they'll just have a few broken bones."

Qi Yue looked at Ji Mingming as if she were a dinosaur, "Mingming, I was wrong, Earth may be dangerous, but as a Martian, you pose a greater danger to Earth." He was now extremely relieved. He was glad that he hadn't gone too far with the beauty before his eyes, otherwise, he might have ended up like the people sprawled on the ground. He had known Ji Mingming was skilled, but he hadn't expected that such a delicate beauty could so effortlessly take down twenty or so youths. She looked so at ease, there wasn't even a bead of sweat on her face. If she had decided to give him a taste of her skills when he teased her, then... Upon this thought, Qi Yue shuddered with fear. At the same time, he felt embarrassed. The trouble he got himself into was dealt with by a woman. He found this slightly unacceptable deep down.

"Your mouth is too much! It's my duty to protect you, didn't you forget? Kylin punk." She said the last four words so lightly that only Qi Yue could hear.

Qi Yue murmured, "Is this the effect of Ascension Decision?"

Ji Mingming said with a smile, "This is just the surface. Our true ability as Zodiac Guardians cannot be revealed in front of ordinary people."

Qi Yue's eyes were filled with fiery passion, bright and burning, "Okay, Mingming, I've decided. From today onward, I'll memorize the positions of two meridians daily. I won't slack off anymore." Driven by a man's pride, he was unwilling to be outdone by a woman.