Chapter 9 Tyrannosaurus Rex (Part 2)_1

This is the third chapter of the day, with a total of five chapters to be published. Another chapter will be updated around 5 p.m. and another one at around 8 p.m. Little Three is generous, dear readers, please show your support by casting your votes and adding this to your collection.


Seeing his target's legs close at hand, Qi Yue couldn't help but feel elated. As long as he managed to cling to her legs, even if she could shake him off, it would be a grave humiliation for such a lofty woman. Thus, he would have achieved his goal. Just when he thought he was about to succeed, Hai Ruyue instead advanced, suddenly lunging forward. Her left leg bent, and before Qi Yue could wrap his arms around her, her knee made contact with his forehead, sending a massive force through him. His head was forced back, and Hai Ruyue's left foot immediately swept upwards and hit squarely in his chest.

Qi Yue felt himself suddenly flying, performing an aerial backflip in mid-air - a feat that he was definitely incapable of doing under normal circumstances. The arms that he had stretched out to embrace her only met the empty air. The powerful impact on his forehead rendered his neck almost snapped, and the severe pain echoing in his chest nearly robbed him of breath. But this time, he wasn't just tossed onto the ground. He took off in a backflip, flying straight out and landing five or six meters away. The shock sent him rolling across the floor and a mouthful of blood gushed out, immediately staining the new outfit Master Zageru had gifted him.

A wave of blurriness engulfed his vision, and the acute pain from his chest left Qi Yue devoid of the strength to even get up. He opened his mouth wide trying to breathe, but the searing pain from his chest made him feel as if he were choking.

Hai Ruyue's icy tone echoed once again, "I've heard that you are the Mo Kirin, born with superior self-healing powers. Do you know what happened to the Kirin Bloodline inheritors in the past? They were targeted by their opponents for being too weak, often dragging down their Zodiac Guardians. Since you're Mo Kirin, let's see how well you can develop this self-healing talent of yours, so that you cause less trouble for us in the future."

A domineering force pulled Qi Yue up from the ground. Hai Ruyue's face seemed to grow larger in front of him. At this point, blood was flowing from both Qi Yue's mouth and nose. Hai Ruyue said coldly, "I don't care if you hate me. Go ahead and hate. If you manage to gain the strength to surpass me, you can also retaliate. At least then, you will have become a powerful individual. Unfortunately, you're not one yet."

Qi Yue took in deep breaths, "So, had you decided to do this from the moment you first saw me? Miss Tyrant Dragon." His voice was fragmented, but his demeanor showed no signs of surrender.

Hai Ruyue calmly replied, "If you choose to think so, I won't deny. The Kirin is the King of Zodiac, but you are not. You don't possess the abilities we recognize. In order not to be a burden for us in the future, hell-like training is necessary for you. At least, I want to turn you into a cockroach that cannot be killed." As she spoke, she lifted Qi Yue up single-handedly. The sensation of the world spinning once again rushed over Qi Yue as he was brutally thrown onto the ground.

The severe pain that followed left Qi Yue on the verge of fainting. At this moment, a chilling current poured from above him and Qi Yue's consciousness became clearer than before he entered the training room. Hai Ruyue calmly spoke, "You must deeply experience this pain so that you can better stimulate your potential."

A trace of resentment flashed in Qi Yue's eyes, "Is this what they call 'rice threshing' in the legends?"

Hai Ruyue picked Qi Yue up from the ground once again, "You can think whatever you like. I hope the pain you experience today will remind you of something. Until you become stronger than me, my commands are not to be disobeyed." Bang - once again he was thrown away. This time Hai Ruyue exerted more force, hurling Qi Yue tens of meters away. His body hit the wall heavily before slowly sliding down.

Regardless of how elastic the floor and wall mats were, such an intense impact was something Qi Yue had never experienced before. He now somewhat understood why Yan Xiaoyi harbored such hatred towards him. This type of powerless battering not only damaged his body but also his heart. It was a humiliation. The greatest insult a woman could impose on a man, naturally, was to question his potency. Now, Qi Yue was experiencing exactly that. In front of Hai Ruyue, he was like a small boat in the rage of the sea, let alone resisting, even standing up became a luxury.

The Tyrant Dragon's abuse truly began at this moment. Hai Ruyue with just one hand, picked Qi Yue up and tossed him over and over again. Apart from the one counter-attack that Qi Yue had launched on her initially, she hadn't directly attacked his body again. Qi Yue was like a huge sack in her hands, continuously tossed around. Blood had soaked through his own clothes and painted the floor and wall mats crimson.

Time seemed to stretch infinitely at that moment. Qi Yue wanted to choose unconsciousness, but Hai Ruyue resolutely did not grant him this option. Each time she threw him out, Hai Ruyue would pause before striking again. Her strength seemed endless, showing no signs of fatigue.

A faint black glow began to surface on Qi Yue's body. He was at a point where he could no longer even scream out in pain. With his consciousness still alert, he was at Hai Ruyue's mercy as she repeatedly attacked him. It was only after confronting the 'Female Tyrant' alone that Qi Yue truly began to understand why Ji Mingming and Uncle Zhou warned him - the Female Tyrant's violent outbursts were relentless.

Finally, Hai Ruyue stopped. Blood stains littered the ground, and Qi Yue's battered body lay in a corner, covered in blood. The rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was still alive.

Despite Hai Ruyue's face remaining frosty, she flipped out her communicator, "Uncle Zhou, please come to my training room." After stowing away the device, she approached Qi Yue, crouching beside him, her hands gently pressed at different places on his body. With an indifferent tone, she stated, "Today it was for one hour, the follow up will be after three days. The next session will be extended by ten minutes."

Qi Yue stared at her vacantly; his gaze unnervingly similar to hers, devoid of any emotions, remarked, "You must have enjoyed dominating the weak, don't you?"

Hai Ruyue stared into his eyes, "What do you think? Against a puny thug like you, I have at least a hundred methods. One thing is certain, you're indeed a man. At least within an hour, you didn't squeal for mercy. Otherwise, I would've despised you even more. If you're willing to surrender now, maybe I'll give you a few extra days to rest."

"Surrender? You really think I would? You can crush my body but you can never break my spirit. The sensation of loosened muscles and body after taking hits feels refreshingly good. However, I suspect holding onto those two things hanging on your chest might feel even better." Even in this circumstance, not only was there no sign of Qi Yue surrendering, but there was also a trace of mockery in his voice. Indeed he had come to a point where he didn't feel the pain anymore. Once the traumatic experiences surpassed a certain degree, his body had become numb.

"It seems I had not used enough force today." Hai Ruyue's voice could freeze the air. If not for her awareness of Qi Yue's physical condition, she might have attacked again.

Qi Yue somehow mustered a grin, but his eyes were gleaming chillingly, "I, Qi Yue, vow on my very own blood, one day I will turn Hai Ruyue into my subservient female slave."

Hai Ruyue, for the first time, felt fear. Seeing Qi Yue utter those words with a smile on his face, a cold shiver made its way up her spine. Qi Yue's voice was not assuring, due to the physical agony, his voice had become a bit wobbly. Nevertheless, Hai Ruyue strongly felt Qi Yue's words weren't empty threats.

As the door swang open, Uncle Zhou walked in and was taken aback by the sight of blood-stains all over, "Miss, could this..."

Hai Ruyue got up and headed towards the door, "It's nothing. Mr. Qi and I were practicing. You take him to his room. Don't use any medication, just provide him with food. Let him recover on his own."

Following Hai Ruyue's departure, Qi Yue's breathing became more laborious, his vacant eyes slowly shut, and his chest heaved rigorously.

Rushing to Qi Yue's side, Uncle Zhou checked his pulse while trying to clean up the mess on his body. Qi Yue has indeed lost a significant amount of blood, and his pulse felt extremely weak. Uncle Zhou let out a sigh, "Why would you bring this upon yourself?"

Qi Yue wryly smiled, "Even I myself find it puzzling. Does she have a violent inclination by nature?"

Uncle Zhou delicately lifted Qi Yue up, advising, "You need to rest properly. The Miss indeed knows her limits, she didn't damage your bones. Your internal organs have only been mildly perturbed. All things considered, it's an external wound. However, you've lost a lot of blood. Do not vex the Miss anymore in the future. She's a good person, she's always been resolute and decisive, she absolutely despises anyone who goes against her orders. Whether it's in the business world or in the home front, she is notoriously firm."

Qi Yue's eyes flickered with a frosty glint, "I have a good memory, Uncle Zhou. Thank you for your advice."

After returning to his room, Uncle Zhou helped Qi Yue change his clothes and cleaned up his blood-soaked body. Qi Yue barely had any strength left to eat and promptly fell into a deep sleep.

Standing calmly in her room, Hai Ruyue peered through her window at the expansive greenery outdoors. Her expression wasn't as frosty anymore. Raising her right hand, a faint glow pooled in her palm, after a short while, her hand was coated with a layer of fine white scales, as her fingertips sprouting solid nails, "With the appearance of the Kirin, looks like unrest is brewing in the east. Qi Yue, I don't require your understanding for my intentions. I just hope you develop your strength quickly. Even if the Four Auspicious Kirin are limiting your cultivation, at the very least, you must own a powerful body. How hard it is for the Zodiac Guardian to complete his tasks, it would be impossible to perfect without the guidance of Kirin. Master Zagru, I am sorry but I can only use my methods. Why does my 'Cloud Force' fluctuate violently every time I seize his body? After an hour, it seems like my 'Cloud Force' underwent a drastic rejection, as if all improvements over these few days had all disappeared. Could this be the effect of Kirin's propitious influence?"